ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Ed Tanner inc funeral arrangements

We regret to advise that Ed Tanner passed away in hospital on 6 Dec 2012 aged 77 after complications following a back operation . Our condolences to Elaine, Greg and the family.

A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Ed  was held on FRIDAY Dec 14 at 11am at Croydon Uniting Church. A large group of family, friends and ANZ colleagues attended, Ed's 5 sons Ross, Craig, Paul, Greg and Andrew did the readings and paid tribute to their Dad. Those in attendance included Bob Wheeler, Pat Munday, Neil Pickering, Neil McMillan, Eamon Veaney, Des Shady, Peter Kariotis, John Winders, Warren Taylor and Henry Carr.

Ed was originally from Queensland and played an important role in International Division Melbourne  for many years.

Below are photos taken by Dick Milnthorpe in the UK in 2011

Below, a tribute from Greg Watson who worked with Ed for many years


“I was saddened to hear of Ed’s passing. I clearly recall my time working with Ed and his dry, irreverent sense of humour. He was a high achiever, although modest about his many achievements. However, he could also be quite forthright when the occasion demanded. I learnt a lot from Ed. Evelyn and I extend our sincere condolences to Ed’s family and friends.
Greg Watson”

and from Louis Hebrard
Thanks for sharing this sad news Eamon. I last chatted with him not that long ago at a nursery where he was buying some plants. I will always remember him as a gentle but stern character with a great intellect and who had no time for nonsense.
anecdote from Richard Ham
I remember years ago Ed was appointed Assistant Manager - Technical in the old International Department. Ed was amused by this because there was no Manager so, he asked John Holberton ... assistant to whom?

from Dick Milnthorpe
I had known Ed since 1969, but we became close friends in 1976 during the setting up of the NY Branch. Ed was an expert on Bills and Credits and was instrumental in the design of the subsequently installed system for NY and LA branches and later in Melbourne. He was also closely involved in the installation of the SWIFT system in Australia and NZ, and the integration of the International Division systems to SWIFT which enabled the Bank to extend its services to foreign banks. Ed was a "Banana Bender" and proud of it. He and Elaine loved touring the Outback and travelled all around Australia as well as overseas. His health was never robust and he had always suffered from Arthritis, and had many other health problems as he grew older. He died in hospital after having had an operation on his back.
One last memory of Ed was that when he was over here some years ago we visited Oxford and Eton. Thereafter he used to tell people that he and I went to Eton and Oxford together !! "Not a lot of people know that"!
He was a great Aussie who had a wonderfully laconic sense of humour and will be sadly missed by all his friends.

Traralgon golf day results and photo gallery

A small but select Group of golfers and supporters turned up for the latest golf day at Traralgon. 20 men and 3 ladies competed for the president's trophy. A number of partners chose the other option of shopping, massages and cinema instead.

Once again the weather was kind to us , not too hot and dry (apart from the unbelievable stupidity of the ground staff who chose to time the sprinklers to come on as we approached the greens).

The overall winner with 41 points off a 22 handicap was Barry King with Des Shady as runner-up

The Ladies competition was very close with Joyce Challis scoring 35 points from Kathy Shady and Sandy Bourke.

Nearest the pin awards were won by John Inglis, Barry King , Dal Crocker and Joyce Challis

The event was again superbly organised by John Brown who announced that he would be stepping down from the role as the anzroc Treasurer position is taking up more of his time than anticipated.

John has requested that if anyone is prepared to take on the role to please contact him, it is not an onerous job and it was pointed out that it does not need to be a member of the anzroc committee.

There was some discussion that the next November golf day may be held at Rosebud Country Club this will be confirmed in due course

Below is a series of photos taken on the day


Mansfield trip February 2013



The get together is open to all members/ partners and singles and for full details you can contact Kevin Mitchell on 98076201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ANZ Retired Officers Club Getaway

Venue: Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield

2 Nights Mon 25 Feb & Tue 26 Feb 2013

(Open to members/ partners and singles).


Accommodation cost for 2 nights & Dinner


Standard Motel 3 Stars, self contained with kitchenette.

Cost: $150.00 P/P Twin Share includes Buffet Dinner


Delux Apartment 4 Stars, 2 bedrooms, living room, full kitchen & spa bath

Cost: $ 125.00, P/P Quad Share includes Buffet Dinner

Resort Facilities: Swimming Pool / Sauna / Spa / Tennis Courts / Function Room/Volleyball / Games Room / Table Tennis / Dining Room / BBQ


Golf Course and Pokies Venue 2 km.

Other attractions within easy driving distance. Information available.


Day 1.  Mon  25 Feb. Arrive any time after midday.

Explore Alzburg Resort and Mansfield Township at your leisure.

Social Golf, Tennis or relax around the pool.

6.30pm. BBQ Dinner,  BYO food & drink.


Day 2. Tue 26 FebEarly Morning Golf Competition.

Non Golfers Social Walk, Tennis or other passive activities,                                                                 or maybe just relax around the pool.

6.15 pm: BYO Pre Dinner drinks and nibbles around pool.

7.00 for 7.30pm: 2 Course, Pizza & Pasta Dinner & Dessert

Resort Dining Room .

Bar facilities available at your own expense.  “Music for Dancing”.

Day 3 Wed 27 Feb Check out of unit by 11.00am, but continue to enjoy the facilities at the Alzburg for as long as you like.

Please Note: Booking arrangements, you are requested to pay your accommodation and  Dinner in full by Cheque payable to

Alzburg Resort, or by Credit Card.

Name: ________________________-------/------/------/------ exp ---/---


ANZROC Mansfield Booking Form for 2013


Phone No:___________________ Email:_____________________


Accommodation (please circle) Motel /Apartment.

If sharing an apartment please indicate who with……………………………


Golf  Competition: Name _______________________H’cap_____



Attached booking cheque for $                payable to Alzburg Resort

Please forward this booking form together with full payment by

25 Jan 2013 to Kevin Mitchell Unit 2/29 McLochlan St

Mount Waverley 3149

Phone Kevin on 9807-6201 if you require further information.

Note: there is extra cost involved for Sole Share

President's 38th Annual Report





I am lost for words what can I say

My reign as President ends today

In relinquishing this most honoured throne

My final address will be partly in poem

Now for those who think this is out of line

I trust my apology will be considered fine

Firstly congratulations to John McPhee

Who has taken over the Presidency

On committee John has been a long term resident

And I know he will be a hard working President

Our membership numbers are nine seventy nine

An easy number with which to rhyme

We are delighted to see our lady members increase

A trend we are hoping in the future won’t cease

Birthday card’s to our members are a most welcome treat

When John Vanselow retired Kathy Trace took over this feat

Competent, compassionate and also always on time

Thank you Kathy I always look forward to mine

Peter Pritchard took over the secretary’s role

Like a duck to water he is in full control

The budget was balanced by Treasurer John De F Brown

May be in line for the position in old Canberra Town

We thank Alan Forrest our Auditor supreme

Has checked all our records and pronounced squeaky clean

Functions and outings take a huge time to plan

And this year we have found David Knuckey our man

With wife Glen by his side and Noel Beanland as well

Without exception this year all events went real swell

Gary Mason fulfills one of our most difficult positions

Finding guest speakers from bankers to nutrition’s

The ANZROC website continues to grow

Thanks Eamon and Elina for making it go

Joan Nathan, Gary and Eamon as the Committee for Welfare

Assist to resolve issues for our members with care

Thanks Kevin Mitchell who has been here for years

Master of humour, speeches and of course pouring beers

George Cooper collects at our meetings in true Scottish tradition

Your efforts are shown n our financial position

Col Edwards, John Duke, Con La Fauci, John Stevens

And Debbie who records our members joining and leaving

For Ron Adams I struggled, there are no words that suffice

Fantastic, magnificent, and whilst they are nice

In frustration I decided to go back to the start

And look for a phrase from the bottom of my heart

Ron for all you’ve done thanks, from our members one and all

Who I now ask to stand and applaud, a man who really stands tall



On behalf of our committee and all our members, I convey a very warm welcome and thank you for your attendance here today at our 38th Annual General Meeting.


I particularly thank all our members for their support in attending meetings and functions organised by our hard working committee throughout the year.


I look back on the past two years as President of this wonderful club and it is with a touch of sadness that I present my final President’s Report and complete the two year reign the position embodies .


It has been a period of change, brought on somewhat through matters outside our control and also the desire to broaden our scope to provide a greater presence to our country members as well as the introduction of Member and partner functions.


Of course these functions could not be run without such a hard working and willing committee behind our club. Their only reward being in the enjoyment and benefits our members receive through their efforts


As at 30/9/2012 our membership was 979 compared with 981 last year.  It is most pleasing that 39 new members have joined since last year and we are delighted to welcome you to our midst.

Sadly however, on the other side of the ledger 30 serving members passed away during the year.

It is particularly pleasing that among our new members there is a strong representation of  lady members who have  joined during the year and we sincerely welcome you all and hope this trend will continue



It is with great sadness that 30 members passed away throughout the year and our thoughts and prayers are with the surviving members of their families and friends. They were respectfully remembered with a moments silence during our monthly meetings and representation at funeral services wherever possible. I would like to thank John Duke who continues to ensure deceased members notices are inserted in the daily Herald Sun newspaper.



Financial Statements for the year to 30/9/12 are tabled showing funds on hand of $22,903.63.  This is an excellent turnaround from funds on hand last year of $19,942.68.

Our Treasurer John Brown is to be thanked and commended on the production of the comprehensive treasurer’s reports, cash flow analysis and most particularly his input into our austerity measures to balance our budget.

Thanks also to our Honorary Auditor Alan Forrest and also our lovable Scot George Cooper for lightening our wallets in the collection of our meeting subsidies


We gratefully acknowledge the support of ANZ Global Services and Operations in providing financial assistance to the ROC which defrays the level of membership fees and subsidises functions, including our Christmas Luncheon.

This support by the Bank recognises the past service of retirees and their role in building a foundation which has assisted the ANZ Bank to become so respected on the world financial stage. We believe this support is returned by our members continuing client loyalty to the Bank and our promotion of the ANZ Brand. We encourage this continuing support


Attendance at our meetings this year has been somewhat inconsistent with numbers of members at our 100 Queen Street functions in particular being down


We would greatly appreciate feedback from members relative to the format and location of our meetings as the committee is desirous of presenting an agenda that caters to the vast majority of our member’s wishes


We acknowledge and appreciate the Bank’s provision of meeting facilities for many of these functions.


We have had some excellent speakers over the past year and thanks to Gary Mason for his continuing efforts to unearth speakers of interest for the enjoyment of our members. If members have ideas/contacts with a background/story that would be of interest to our members then please put these suggestions forward to Gary or our committee


The ROC ANZAC Remembrance Luncheon is a most important day on our calendar and thanks once more to Kevin Mitchell who makes this a very special occasion.


The suburban/country luncheon concept, which welcomes ANZROC partners as well as members of the ANZ Ladies Club, has once more been very successful.

The St Patrick’s luncheon in March whilst still well attended was down on numbers from last year

The Greensborough RSL luncheon was also very successful and I am sure that everyone who attended will be eager for us to retain this location also for a future luncheon


The Ballarat Train trip and luncheon was a tremendous day and I am sure the train/lunch concept will remain on the “to do list” for some time.


The Waltzing Matilda luncheon, whilst small on numbers attending, was thoroughly enjoyable with the private function room, food quality and cost being excellent


All these functions take a considerable amount of time and effort to organize and on behalf of all our members, thanks to David and Glenda Knuckey, Kevin Mitchell and Lyn and Les Stevens for organising these respective events.


We were pleased that Mike Smith CEO and other ANZ Executive again attended the luncheon and to Wendy Black for her Toast to The Bank. Mike Smith responded with an enlightening and entertaining insight as to the organizations excellent performance and solidarity at a time when so much of the world’s financial structure was in turmoil


Wendy in proposing the toast to ANZ gave members present a thumbnail sketch of her lifetime in ANZ from childhood as the daughter of a Bank of Australasia Manager growing up in country Victoria through her years in ANZ beginning as a junior officer and rising to Executive Assistant to a number of senior executives in ANZ several of whom were in the audience. Wendy spoke fondly of her marriage to Eric Black who at the time was an Executive in the bank.. Undoubtedly the many anecdotes about her life spent in the banking community were from the heart and members were reminded of their time in the Bank working with colleagues who have become lifelong friends. The toast was acknowledged with enthusiasm.

(Sadly Eric passed away recently and our prayers and thoughts are with Wendy at this sad time)

This function continues to provide a wonderful opportunity for members to come from far and wide and catch up with old acquaintances.


Kathy Trace, ably backed up by Joan Nathan continue the fine tradition set by John Vanselow in achieving an amazing  percentage of cards homing to our members on their actual birthday’s through rain, hail or shine.  We also greatly appreciate our member’s responses which are incorporated into the monthly ANZROC Newsletter and prove so popular with our readers


ANZ Shared Services supports the distribution of our newsletter. Postage and stationery costs are avoided where internet transmission is available, so please let Ron Adams know if you are able to use this medium. I know that the comprehensive ANZROC newsletter is much appreciated by members in hearing about what’s going on and helping to maintain and renew friendships. Our thanks to Ron Adams for presenting the newsletter and the incredible volume of work Ron processes on behalf of our club.  Thanks also go to Debbie Jerkovic of Wirth Words for maintaining the membership register and formatting the newsletter.


The position of Secretary and Newsletter production was split at our previous AGM with Peter Pritchard elected Secretary attending to all the Club Secretarial issues and Ron Adams continuing in the role as Newsletter Editor.

How fortunate our club is to have two such likeable, competent and efficient administrators in these roles and I am personally indebted to Peter and Ron for their help and support throughout my term as President



What a terrific initiative this has been and the usage is slowly but surely increasing. For those members who do not have a computer facility, I encourage you to ask your grandchildren to help you visit and enjoy this wonderful innovation and trip down memory lane looking at the multitude (and growing) selection of photos and information recorded on this site.

Thank you Eamon once more for your time and the dedication you give to this project. We are also appreciative of the many hours of development work undertaken by yourself as well as  the technical assistance, trouble shooting  and support graciously provided by Elina Law.


The Welfare Sub-Committee currently comprises Gary Mason, Eamon Veaney and Joan Nathan

This important initiative is still in the formative stage and is an area of interest I wish to assist with following my term as President. The subcommittee has also assisted the club executive in issues re the Privilege (discount) Package, visitation/communication with our ‘not so well’ members etc



The ANZROC executive has continued to liaise with ANZ Shared Services through Roger Munday and Parik Dhody, our responsible contacts with the Bank. The objective of these meetings is to maintain close contact with the Bank and seek to strengthen the relationship between the Bank and ANZ ROC membership.

These members are also our contact points to address any member Welfare/Privilege Package concerns.

We sincerely thank Roger and Parik for their ongoing support


During the year the Club also organized:

  • Golf and luncheon function at Latrobe Golf course
  • Annual overnight golf /dinner outing at Traralgon
  • Annual Golf/holiday trip to Alzburg Inn at Mansfield.

These events were all well attended and most enjoyable.  Thanks to John Brown, David Woods, Kevin Mitchell and Eamon Veaney for organising these great outings


Your Committee continues to seek ideas to improve the welfare of members and to promote engagement between members and we particularly welcome members input.


It has been a pleasure serving our members as President during the past two years and in particular the committee who have been such a supportive and capable group, without whom we could not provide the range of benefits and functions we all enjoy so much throughout the year.


To all our members, families and friends I wish you a healthy and wonderful Christmas and   New Year and a year to follow full of good health and happiness


Neville Pearson                                                                                                                                                              President