ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Contributions to web site welcomed


Members that may have old photos of staff or events at ANZ branches particularly where you have the names of those in the photo can have the photos loaded onto our website for the interest of all members. You can post these photos to Ron Adams at PO Box 579, Malvern 3144 or email scanned photos direct to Eamon Veaney at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will load the photos onto our site.

Lunch at ANZHQ 833 June 2011

We had a full complement of 80 for lunch at the ANZ HQ in Docklands. A bit of a logistic nightmare getting everyone seated and fed before the first group of 40 went on a tour of the building at 12 30 but with some lateral thinking we got all the food out in time. We saw the great staff facilites on the Upper Ground floor such as Airline type lounge for international travellers and the wellbeing centre with massage/pilates and other relaxing therapies for the staff. We were then taken to the third floor to see the open plan offices and lounge areas which again show some great working facilities for the Bank staff. We then went back to the conference suites for a few drinks which was a good end to an entertaining lunch.

Nostalgia- 1995 ANZ Country Heads

The Country Heads of the ANZ International Network came together in Melbourne in 1995 for a conference and this photo is a lasting record of the attendees. After a couple of recent retirements it is believed that not one of those present still works at ANZ.

pictured are from front to back

Albert Burgio,David Murray(dec),Alan Cooper(dec),Bob de Courtney,Ray Nicholson,Alister Maitland,Achut Bommakanti,Adnan(GM Jordon),Peter Wilson

Holger von Paucker,Mark Coombes,John Leggett(dec),Maurice Lemoine,Bob Jones,David Smith,Arie Veenman,Roy Gibbs,David Valentine,Arun Nangia,John Woodhouse,John Clarke,Ian Murray, Iain McDougall,Robin Bradshaw

Mike Frowen,Justin Breheny,Rick Martin,Eduardo Klurfan,Frank Gamble,Barry McCance,Peter Smith,Dan Kirtley,Dave Richardson,John Curry,Nani Javeri,David Newell, Lance Cooke(dec),Eamon Veaney,Dick Speer,Rollo Prendergast

Denis Armstrong,Fereydun Beyhnam(dec),Roger Nickolds,David Morgan,Gerald Howard,Peter Meers,Ken Girvan,Tim Fraser-Smith(dec),John Winders, Azhar Hamid

Interesting to see the gender imbalance in this photo, sign of the times ?


Maroondah lunch March 17 2011




101 ANZROC Members and partners attended a most enjoyable St Patrick’s Day Luncheon at the Maroondah Club on 17 March. This event is fast becoming a tradition and members and partners relished the opportunity to catch up with workmates and their partners from years gone by

The combination of members and partners created a great party atmosphere and the green serviettes and green attire worn by many in attendance, added to the Irish theme. The Club generously donated bottles of wine to the members to supplement the ROC wine contribution of $200

President Neville Pearson in green Guinness Irish hat warmly welcomed everyone and advised that apologies had been received from:

Graeme Ainscough, , John and Pat Bloom ,Geoff Burton, Geoff Christensen, Col and Ethel Edwards, Lawrie Foord, Norris Gale(in Cambodia),, Ray Gill, Frank and Joan Hatfield ,Keith Higgs, Bruce and Audrey Kells, Geoff Meggs, Joan Nathan, Leigh and Pat O’Neill, Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, Eamon Veaney, Bill Walker, Julie Wilkins,

Neville thanked Lyn and Les Stevens for the work they put into organizing the event with the Maroondah club and for our Social Subcommittee member David Knuckey and wife Glen for their help and support.  Special mention was also made of the support the Maroondah Club management and staff had given and for the catering staff in particular, who were so obliging and professional in ensuring the occasion was such a success

With the formal part of the luncheon over, our resident Leprechaun (Kevin Mitchell) entertained the assembly with a wide rendition of Irish stories (all true I am told) much to the merriment of all in attendance. When yours truly departed from the club, several of our members were endeavoring to empty the pokies, with some success I hope

Members not seen for a while included Wendy Bradley, Roger Brown, Jock Buntain, John Flyger, Barbara Gardiner, David Gibb, John Goodwin, Hedley Ham, Jack Helisma, Doug Imrie, Colin McNamara, Roy Peake, Tom Portelli, John Sanderson, Allen Thorp, David Schunke, Evon Whalen, Glenda White, Roy Willoughby