On behalf of our committee and all our members I welcome you here today to our 37th Annual General Meeting. I would particularly like to thank our members for their strong support in attending meetings and functions organised throughout the year. Of course these functions could not be run without such a hard working and willing committee behind our club. Their reward being in the enjoyment and benefits our members receive through their efforts
As at 30/9/2011 our membership was 981 compared with 1,002 last year. Sixteen new members joined during the year and it is pleasing that within these numbers is a mixture of female and male members, many whom have recently retired from the ANZ.
The membership application form which is forwarded to recently retired members has been significantly enhanced and hopefully, will influence more members joining. Thanks John Brown for this design
Financial Statements for the year to 30/9/11 are tabled showing funds on hand of $19,942.68. This is a decrease of $2,300.23 on the position last year of $22,242.91. Areas of concern are the increase in costs of approx $1,400 in the production of our printed Newsletter (members who have internet facilities can assist in curtailing this cost by ensuring that their email address is provided to the secretary). Costs of running 100 Queen Street meetings has increased considerably. This cost has been defrayed somewhat through the introduction of some Country/Suburban meetings.
Our Treasurer John Brown is to be commended on the production of the treasurer’s reports and cash flow analysis/recommendations. Thanks also to our Honorary Auditor Alan Forrest
We also gratefully acknowledge the support of ANZ Shared Services in providing financial assistance to the ROC which defrays the level of membership fees and subsidises functions, including our Christmas Luncheon.
This support by the Bank recognises the long service of retirees and their role in the Bank’s history, which we believe is returned by our members continuing client loyalty to the Bank and our promotion of the ANZ Brand. We encourage this continuing support
It is with great sadness that 22 members passed away throughout the year and our love and best wishes are with the surviving members of their families and friends. They were remembered with a moments silence during our monthly meetings. I would like to thank John Duke who continues to ensure deceased members notices are inserted in the daily Herald Sun newspaper.
Daytime meetings continue to be well attended and greatly enjoyed . Security issues have curtailed our evening meetings. We are considering trialing a suburban evening meeting at a future date.
We acknowledge and greatly appreciate the Bank’s provision of meeting facilities for many of these functions.
We have once again had some excellent speakers over the past year thanks mainly to Gary Mason – thank you Gary. The ROC ANZAC remembrance luncheon is a most important day on our calendar – thanks to Kevin Mitchell who makes this a very special occasion.
The suburban/country luncheon concept, which also welcomes ANZROC partners as well as members of the ANZ Ladies Club, has been particularly successful. The St Patrick’s luncheon in March topped 100 attendees and approx 60 members and partners enjoyed the September Geelong train trip/luncheon .Both these events were a great success and our thanks go to David and Glenda Knuckey, Kevin Mitchell and Lyn and Les Stevens for organising these respective events.
We were so pleased that Mike Smith CEO and other Executive again attended the luncheon and to George Lawson for his lively and entertaining toast to the Bank..
This function continues to provide a wonderful opportunity for members to come from far and wide and catch up with old acquaintances, as well as receive a most entertaining and informative update as to how our bank, which has been such an integral part of our lives, is progressing into the future
I am sorry to announce that John Vanselow has, after so many years of dedicated service, decided to retire from the committee of our club. John, I cannot finds words that adequately express the committee and members gratitude for the wonderful enjoyment you have given to so many people throughout your banking career and in retired life to our ANZROC members.
I know I speak for all our members in saying that you and Lois are “true legends” and we are eternally grateful for your contributions over so many years. We wish you many, many more years enjoying the fruits of your labour and to you receiving your birthday card on time from the capable hands of Kathy Trace, ably assisted by Joan Nathan
ANZ Shared Services supports the distribution of our newsletter. Postage and stationery costs are avoided where internet transmission is available, so please let Ron Adams know if you are able to use this medium. I know that the comprehensive newsletter is much appreciated by members in hearing about what’s going on and assisting maintain and renewing friendships. Our thanks to Secretary Ron Adams for presenting the newsletter and the incredible volume of work Ron processes on behalf of our club. Thanks also go to Debbie Jerkovic of Wirth Words for maintaining the membership register and formatting the newsletter.
What a terrific initiative this has been and the usage is slowly but surely increasing. For those members who do not have a computer facility, I encourage you to ask your grandchildren to help you visit and enjoy this wonderful innovation and trip down memory lane looking at the multitude (and growing) selection of photos and article etc recorded on this site.
Thank you Eamon for your dedication to this project and the many hours of development work undertaken
The Welfare Sub-Committee comprising Gary Mason, Eamon Veaney and John Stevens have continued to meet with Christopher Woods, our responsible contact with the Bank. The objective of these meetings is to maintain close contact with the Bank and seek to strengthen the relationship between the Bank and ANZ ROC membership.
During the year discussions continued on participation in the NIB/ANZ Staff Medical Benefits Scheme, improved access to ANZ Staff Club, and the ANZ Retired Officer’s Privilege Pack. These members are also contact points to address any member welfare concerns.
Our thanks go to Christopher for his enthusiastic support in pursuing issues on our behalf.
During the year the Club organised golf outings at Traralgon and Spring Valley and a trip to the Alzburg Inn at Mansfield.
Thanks to John Brown for organising the golf days and to Kevin Mitchell for organising the Mansfield outing.
Your Committee continues to seek ideas to improve the welfare of members and to promote engagement between members and welcomes members input.
It has been a pleasure serving our members as President during the past year and in particular the committee who are such a supportive and capable group, without whom we could not provide the range of benefits and functions we all enjoy so much throughout the year.
To all members and their families and friends I wish you a healthy and wonderful Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you at the Christmas luncheon and at our meetings/functions in 2011.
Neville Pearson President