ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

Report and photos from Ballarat Luncheon



A big thanks to the 61 members and partners who travelled to Ballarat for a wonderful day of feasting and catching up at the splendid George Hotel  in Lydiard Street Ballarat. The coolness of the weather  was more than compensated by the warmth of the staff, the company and excellent lunch and wines provided.

The Melbourne entourage travelled on the  “V”Line 10.07am from Southern Cross Station and enjoyed the beautiful country side to Ballarat arriving at 11.37am

It was most pleasing that twelve of our country members and partners joined in the festivities, namely: John and Nanette Calnin, Leigh Davis, Dennis Gerdtz, Peter Harney, Arnold Masters and Jan Masters, Barry and Shirley Reid, Noel Robertson, Roly and Joan Webster
The train travelers departed Ballarat at 3.08pm arriving Melbourne around 5.00pm

Apologies from:  Wendy Black, John Brown, Cedric Cocksedge, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Ray Gill, Erica Hayden, John Hawkins, Ron Horne, Doug Imrie, Graeme King, Con LaFauci, Joan Nathan, Geoff Perdriau, Peter Saville, John Stevens, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Roger Watkins, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Schunke, Herman Bettonvil, Alan Pearce, Peter Marriott

The attendees stood as a mark of respect in remembrance of Max Davis, Hugh Miles and Peter Oxley, our former colleagues, who sadly passed away since our August Meeting

Special thanks to David and Glen Knuckey and Noel Beanland for a fantastic job of researching and finding this great location and making sure the whole day went off without a hitch

REMINDER THAT OUR “11TH OCTOBER MEETING” IS TO BE HELD AT THE  “WALTZING MATILDA HOTEL, CNR SPRINGVALE AND HEATHERTON ROADS   SPRINGVALE SOUTH. Please contact David Knuckey on email:  “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ” , phone: 9551 0414 or P.O. Box: 242 Dingley 3172
Partners are invited to this luncheon and will be very welcome