ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

President's report from John McPhee

President's report year to 1/11/2013

It is my pleasure to present the annual report of ANZROC for 2013

The year has been an eventful and pleasurable year with interesting guest speakers plus suburban and country social meetings providing a variety of venues, thus enabling members who cannot participate at city venues to enjoy fellowship in a local setting.

Meeting highlights for the year have been.

Excellent guest speakers on diverse subjects,

Lt.Col Terry Beaton retired Army, talking on “Hellfire Pass”

Majs Brendan and Sandra Nottle, from the Salvation Army

Sue Hendy CEO, Victorian Council of the Aging.

Professor Emeritus Dr Robert Gribben, speaking on “the changing trends in Christianity in 2013”

Other highlights

  • Our Christmas Lunch,  where  we welcomed Deputy CEO Graham Hodges and 6 other senior executives of the Bank
  • An outstanding birthday celebration for Charles Rennie on reaching 100 years and where we were joined by John Morschel chairman of the Bank plus 4 senior Bank executives plus 3 representatives from Banks Rowing Club.
  • Out of city meetings in Ringwood, Clayton, East Malvern, Moonee Valley and Sunbury.
  • 2 Golf events at Traralgon, and Eastern Golf Club and our
  • Annual Mansfield visit


During the past 12 months we fare-welled 18 of our members, but  we are  pleased to welcome 35 new members into ANZROC Victoria.

The increase in membership applications has occurred as a result of work done by our current and past secretaries in finding a way around privacy difficulties that inhibited the Bank from passing on information about retiring officers


Guest Speakers.

Again a great job by Gary Mason in seeking out quality speakers, with interesting subjects. Also to Kevin for the Anzac speaker.


Joan Nathan and her team have worked quietly and effectively behind the scene throughout the year, and Kathy and team in handling the birthday cards.

External Venues.

David Knuckey and Noel Beanland have put in a lot of time and effort researching and checking out various venues to ensure quality of meals, suitable transport and venue space.

Web Site

Thanks to Eamon and his team for the great results that have been achieved along with update of material to the site.

The back office

George, Con, Col, John D, John V, Debbie, and Noelene, each have made a valuable contribution to the processes of the club

Treasurer, Secretary Newsletter editor

What a team. The job is done before the question is asked

And our Auditor has done his bit also.

Non Committee Members

This year, following many years of golf outings having been arranged by John Brown and David Woods the organization of our April outing and the up coming November visit to Rosebud have been arranged by non committee members John Inglis and Alan Lauder and their teams . Thank you for taking on this task and freeing up the committee members to concentrate on other activities.


Finally to Neville, we say thank you for the leadership and work put into the Charles Rennie event and follow up, which without a doubt, has been the stand-out event of the year.

For me, it has been a great honour and pleasure to serve, and I thank all the committee members for their contribution.

On my and your behalf, I invite you to show our appreciation and thanks to the committee, for the achievements and results attained.