ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

John 'Bluey' Duguid funeral

We regret to advise that John 'Bluey' Duguid passed away peacefully in hospital on Wednesday 20 November.

A celebration of John's life was held at St Dominic's Catholic Church, 816 Riversdale Rd, Camberwell on Tuesday November 26 2013 at 2.00pm. the church was packed with family and friends and was standing room only.

The stories of John's life were related to the congregation in Eulogies by Andrew Duguid, on behalf of the family, David Hills a friend from school days, Wayne Hiah who spoke of John's tremendous commitment to the Chinese heritage of his family and finally George Lawson who passed on many stories regarding Bluey's time at ANZ and subsequent golf activities in his inimitable style. The overwhelming message was of a much loved person taken too soon who had a long lasting effect on all that knew him. Each Eulogy was appreciated with applause from the congregation.

Symbols of John's life were placed on the altar by his family, Photo of Charlie the wonder dog, golf club, box of chocolates, much loved hat and racing guide.

The hymn's Amazing Grace and The Lord's my Shepherd were sung and as a final tribute Alistair Urquhart played the bagpipes for John.

Amongst the congregation were John's golf partners from Latrobe, Richard Harding, John Crough, George Lawson, Peter Treleven. Also many close friends and  Anzroc colleagues inc John Ries, John Winders, Des Shady, John Phelan, Henry Carr, Brian Christensen, John Brown, John McPhee, Neville Pearson, Denis Grehan, Bevyn Ranford, Bob Challis, George Cooper, John Duke, Bruce Maisey, Gerry and Fay McPherson, John Stevens, John Inglis, Eamon Veaney, Terry Brennan and many others.

John will never be forgotten by all those who met him.



Another update from Neville Pearson


A contingent of around 800 plus friends of Bluey’s  filled the magnificent  St Dominic’s Church in  Camberwell to farewell a true ‘Icon’ of the ANZ Bank in   John Ranald Macdonald Duguid style. Bluey would no doubt have rounded the numbers off as in excess of 1000 and that could well be so

It would certainly be simpler to list the few ANZROC members who were unable to attend than to list the attendees

The celebration of Bluey’s life was beautifully portrayed through Eulogies from Andrew Duguid, David Hills, Wayne Hiah and George Lawson who succeeded in stirring the foundations of this beautiful church and had the priest ducking for cover on occasions

John Ries read a General Intercession and there was no shortage of family and friends who spoke so beautifully about a “ rough cut diamond” who had a heart of gold and a great mate to so many

Our thoughts and  prayers are with Jenny and the family at this time of grief

PS: The “iron man” award must go to “Chrisso” who was in attendance after discharging himself from Epworth Hospital only one day after Pace Maker implant surgery to attend. Rumour has it he will be back playing Amateur Footy next year!!