ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

ANZROC now on Facebook

The ANZROC website has been active now for over 3 years and we have tried to keep information up to date with newsletters current and archived, articles on club activities / events , obituaries and a growing gallery of photographs.


This month our ANZROC member Elina Law has set up a page on Facebook called ANZ Retired Officers' Club which will be open for anyone to 'Like'.


Over the next few weeks Eamon and Elina are looking at putting a 'like' button on our ANZROC web site which will connect directly to the Facebook page and allow our members to interact with each other if they so choose.


The intent would be for any members to post information that could be of interest to others in our community on the Facebook site including old photos/ memorabilia related to ANZ. Eamon has got the ball rolling by extracting some albums from our photo gallery which have already attracted a number of comments.


In the 2 weeks since it was created we have 55 page likes and in the past week 1500 people have seen the posts, 300 people engaged, 172 likes, 26 comments, 3000 post clicks. Interestingly many of the connections are from friends of friends, family etc. Whilst the majority of members may not be on Facebook it is likely that your family and many friends are and they may be interested in seeing the gallery of pictures which have been loaded. Also, any of you who are on Facebook should be able to add pictures; articles etc. and tag the existing photos.



Feedback to Eamon is welcomed as we make every effort to provide value for money for your membership and he can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.