Thank you for the honour of being nominated as President. I will endeavour to serve members with all my capacity.
I would like to acknowledge the committee who have agreed to stand and I know they will contribute to the ongoing success of ANZROC Victoria. In particular I would like to welcome our new committee members. Ken Crawford (he is an apology today), Wolf Damschitz (our new secretary), Don Jeffery and Glyn Parry-Jones.
I would also like to record appreciation to a number of our committee members.
* John McPhee our retiring President, who has served for 10 years on the committee. In recognition, John has been awarded Life Membership for his contribution.
* I would also like to mention John Duke, who is retiring from the committee after 20 years of service including as President from 1999-2000.
* Finally, I would like to mention Col Edwards, who is also retiring from the committee after 22 years of service including as President from 1997-1998.
* John and Col are an apology today, but we will make a formal presentation at a meeting in early 2015.
I would like to conclude by saying that our challenge going forward is to continue to ensure that ANZROC meets the needs of our 966 Victorian members.
Our regular newsletters, birthday cards, welfare activities, guest speakers, our meetings at Queen St, suburban and country and Christmas Luncheon are all important.
However we also need to consider other opportunities outside the normal meeting schedules which may be of interest to groups of members.
I welcome feedback and suggestions. You can contact me by phone or email.
ANZROC is only as successful as the contributions and participation that we all can make. No matter how big or small your support will make a difference.