ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

Anzroc Ballarat Lunch September 2017 Photos

A most enjoyable lunch at the George Hotel Ballarat attended by 50 Members and Partners. Glad to see Peter Harney there to fly the flag for Ballarat but wonder where all the other 'local anzroc members' were. Clive and Faye Hewitt drove up from Warnambool. Carl and Jenny Garley as well as Glyn and Janet Parry-Jones took the opportunity to park their caravans at nearby Creswick and spend a few days in the Region. Jim and Tina Karabatsos along with Anne and I spent the Weds night at the RACV Goldfields Resort at Creswick and caught up with the Caravanners for dinner that evening. Aldo and Karen Faella and Nunzio and Rosa Liberatore were also taking the opportunity to spend the Thursday night in Ballarat. 

Thanks to Joan and Con for working with V/Line to get most of our Members up on the train to Ballarat and to Noel for finding the venue.

It was a good time to be visiting Ballarat as the International Foto Biennale was showing throughout the City with some very interesting Photos.


A selection of photos from the lunch can be accessed via the link below.