The Country Heads of the ANZ International Network came together in Melbourne in 1995 for a conference and this photo is a lasting record of the attendees. After a couple of recent retirements it is believed that not one of those present still works at ANZ.
pictured are from front to back
Albert Burgio,David Murray(dec),Alan Cooper(dec),Bob de Courtney,Ray Nicholson,Alister Maitland,Achut Bommakanti,Adnan(GM Jordon),Peter Wilson
Holger von Paucker,Mark Coombes,John Leggett(dec),Maurice Lemoine,Bob Jones,David Smith,Arie Veenman,Roy Gibbs,David Valentine,Arun Nangia,John Woodhouse,John Clarke,Ian Murray, Iain McDougall,Robin Bradshaw
Mike Frowen,Justin Breheny,Rick Martin,Eduardo Klurfan,Frank Gamble,Barry McCance,Peter Smith,Dan Kirtley,Dave Richardson,John Curry,Nani Javeri,David Newell, Lance Cooke(dec),Eamon Veaney,Dick Speer,Rollo Prendergast
Denis Armstrong,Fereydun Beyhnam(dec),Roger Nickolds,David Morgan,Gerald Howard,Peter Meers,Ken Girvan,Tim Fraser-Smith(dec),John Winders, Azhar Hamid
Interesting to see the gender imbalance in this photo, sign of the times ?