ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

John Flyger R.I.P. Funeral Details

Barry King has advised that our Respected Honorary Member John Flyger passed away this morning aged 82 - a well regarded former officer who will be missed by those who knew him.

A Service to Celebrate the Life of Mr. John Walter Flyger was held in the Cirrus Chapel, Bunurong Memorial Park, 790 Frankston-Dandenong Road, Dandenong South on MONDAY (Nov. 20, 2017) commencing at 10.30 a. m.

John and Jan Brown attended John Flyger's funeral service at Bunerong Memorial Park.
It was a well conducted and attended service with tributes from John's 
son, Andrew, and daughter, Michelle as well as the Celebrant. A 
comprehensive screening of photos provided an insight into John's many 
and varied interests and his close family relationships.
ANZROC members attending were Ian Cowley, Brian and Julie Day, Barry 
King, Dick and Joan Sanders and Geoff Stillman, along with Margaret 
Forrest, Julie O'Regan, and Pat Sharman.
A copy of the front of the Order of Service is attached.