The ANZ Bank (and all its incarnations) was such an important part of my Dad’s life that I wanted to let you know of Dad’s passing. Neville James Elvish started at the Wodonga branch as a junior messenger in 1950/51 at the age of 15 ½ years. In 1958, Dad was transferred to the Swan Street Richmond (Victoria) branch where Mum (Sheril Joy Elvish) was working. They married on 28 November 1959, and have been together ever since. In Dad’s younger years he coached the ANZ Bank football team, which was another outlet for his competitive spirit. Near the end of his career, Dad was fortunate to be able to have a leadership role and introduce computer technology into branches facilitating electronic processing and allowing central real time records of bank transactions, as well as the introduction of ATMs. At the time, very few people really appreciated the significance of this work, and how it would change our lives. As we now know, it was the initial foundations for our now digital lives. Acronyms like EFTPOS were second nature to me as we regularly discussed the various challenges and opportunities of electronic banking during my childhood.
The video below was co-produced by Dad and profiles the work in his last few years at the bank.
Dad is survived by his wife Sheril Elvish, children Jan Elvish, Craig Elvish and Brett Elvish, and grandchildren, Daniel Foote, Laura Foote, Adam Elvish, Tarryn Elvish, Kaelah Elvish and Panadda Jurai.
Brett Elvish