ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

ANZROC Webinar Conversation With ANZ CIO Gerard Florian


ANZROC committee members joined a webinar with ANZ CIO Gerard Florian to discuss the Purpose and Changes occurring within the ANZ in the 21st century.

Gerard’s focus was on the Changing Role of ANZ Banking in the Community and the support that technology will play in that business strategy.

Points raised in the webinar discussions were:

· Review of cultural and technological changes

· Shift to more agile approach to business

· Dealing with the impact of COVID-19

Protecting the Bank – health of staff, customers safety, and Bank risk/liquidity

Handling working from home by majority of staff

Adapting essential services in house

Upgrading capacity of systems to meet customers banking needs

· Using experience of retired officers who have dealt with previous financial collapses


Members can access the webinar on the following link: 


ANZROC VIC - Webinar Conversation with Gerard Florian - ANZ Bank CIO


Committee members found the webinar to be very topical and the relevance of Retired Officers today with their experience and cultural background was gratifying to hear. We felt that members would find the Q&A discussion stimulating.

Gerard said he would be delighted to present an update at one of our meetings in the future when we are out of this pandemic.