ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Anzroc March 2019 Lunch at Dava Hotel Mount Martha

Great to see 49 Members and Partners turn up for our first lunch at the Dava Hotel Mount Martha including a number whom we haven't seen for a while.

Excellent value food, 3 courses for $25.

Thanks to Noel, David and Joan for organising.

Vale Harry Loucas Respected Member of Anzroc Victoria


Jason Loucas ,Harry’s son advised us of Harry’s passing on 10/3/2019 aged 74


Harry's Funeral will be on Friday 15th March at 10am

Panagia Kamariani

135 Arthurs Seat Road

Red Hill



Harry was a regular attendee at the ANZROC lunches for many years including our lunch in Chinatown last October. Harry and his family were highly regarded in  Melbourne’s Greek Community and he will be missed.


Our condolences are extended to Harry's family.

Congratulations to Stan Middleton OAM




Anzroc MEMBER Stan Middleton emailed


“On Australia Day this year I was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM). This was for services and support I give my fellow Vietnam Veterans & families. Also, my involvement in a number of charities and organisations in relation to Vietnam. This includes raising substantial funds for our Vietnamese Employees who were at our Australian Base in Vung Tau during the war that did not escape Vietnam when the Communists took over, being on the committee of Water Safety Vietnam, supporting and raising funds for a disabled children’s centre run by a Australian/Vietnamese War Adoptee in Vietnam amongst other things.


I have just finished 8 weeks of radiation (had my cancerous prostate removed in 2016). They thought they got it all, but my PSA levels have started to rise when it shouldn’t. Hopefully the radiation will kill off the activity! Have been given the all clear to travel to Vietnam on 26 March! When I return in early May, I will find out how successful the treatment has been! I have organised tours to Vietnam for Veterans and families (non-profit) in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and now 2019. This one is for 5 weeks and includes 5 days in Cambodia. 39 on tour although some not doing the full tour. 23 are coming again from previous tours & some doing a third!”


On behalf of all ANZROC members the Committee congratulates Stan on his great and well-earned achievement and wish him well with the ongoing work with Vietnam Veterans and their families and the charitable work he continues to do to help the Vietnamese people.


Well done Stan Middleton OAM.

Please click on the photo below to see the full image



Anzroc golf day on November 22 2019 for your diary






Following on from our earlier enjoyable visits to Cheltenham, the next ANZROC Golf Day is to be held at Cheltenham Golf Club on Friday, 22nd November 2019, teeing off at 8.30am.

This is a Men’s and Ladies Stableford Competition for ANZROC members and their partners.

Visit for details on course layout, dress regulations, directions etc.

A delicious lunch is included.

Players without a current Golf Australia handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day.

Any Ex-ANZers who aren’t (yet) members of ANZROC are also welcome.


Get your entries in NOW.

Entry Fee - $55 per person for 18 holes (members of Cheltenham Golf Club $25) or $40 for 9 holes. This covers Green Fees, prizes and lunch. Drinks will be available at normal Club bar prices.

Lunch Only - $20 per person.

Electric Golf Cart - $35 for 18 holes, $25 for 9 holes, payable at the Pro Shop on the day.

Bookings for carts early via Ken Pattison would be an advantage so carts can be prepared.

Hit-off will be from 8.30am on a number of tees close to the car park and Clubhouse.

Those playing 18 holes should arrive no later than 8am to get their card and draw. Those playing 9 holes should arrive no later than 10am.

ENTRIES CLOSE on Friday 15th November (unless places are filled earlier) so that numbers can be finalised with the Club.

Email the ENTRY DETAILS (below) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or mail the ENTRY DETAILS to: Ken Pattison, PO Box 2910, Cheltenham, 3192.

Make electronic payment direct to: ANZROC, BSB 013-350, Account No 3064 51947 – ensuring

your name is included in the payment information – or mail a cheque payable to ANZROC with your ENTRY DETAILS

ENQUIRIES to Ken Pattison on 0414 679 627. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



FRIDAY, 22nd November 2019 AT CHELTENHAM GOLF CLUB, VICTOR AVE, CHELTENHAM. ENTRY DETAILS (by email or mail with direct credit or cheque)

Your Contact details:

Name.......................................................Email...................................................Phone...................... Players -

Name.......................................9 or 18 holes...............Hcp.......... Name.......................................9 or 18 holes...............Hcp.......... Meal only (non-playing partners) ............

$........... $........... $.......... Total$____

Vale John Hicks Respected Honorary Member of ANZROC Victoria

Message received from John Hicks regarding his father John who was 91 years old

 I am just writing to let you know that my father passed away 
 peacefully on the 22/2/19.

 Dad enjoyed getting the newsletters and other information from the club.

 I believe Dad joined E S and A in 1944 and retired in 83. He made 
 great friends in his time at the ANZ and fondly recalled his working days.

Our condolences are extended to John's family