ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Tribute to the late Derek Gall from Colleague Patrick Mulholland

From: Patrick Mulholland [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 2:06 PM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hi. I stumbled across your site when I was searching for a friend of mine who worked with me at ANZ. The references in your site to Derek Gall (who passed away recently) caught my eye.

My name is Patrick Mulholland. I joined ANZ in 1980 and worked in the Toowoomba Area branch as an Advances Officer until early 1982. At that time, I moved to Melbourne where I met Derek Gall. These are a few notes about Derek’s life after ANZ if anyone is interested.

I worked with Derek Gall at ANZ for 11 years. I first met Derek when I was coding transactions in the Fortronic F65 Branch terminals as part of the “IMPACT 80s” project. Derek and I locked horns many times at ANZ in the following years, however we became very good friends, working across Asia together on a number of assignments for the subsequent 26 years. I am now attempting an early retirement in Hervey Bay (“early onset Parkinsons Disease” slowed me down).

I have great memories of times shared with Derek (especially in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia).

We both decided on basing in Thailand in 1995 shortly after a mutual mate (Alec Barnett), who was also ex-ANZ, died on his way to work in Jakarta in January of that year. Derek initially settled on the island of Phuket (and later in a quiet village named “Phrao” north of Chaing Mai), while I chose to live aboard my old boat in Phuket as my base.

We shared an interest in sailing. Derek often came out for extended trips with us (lasting a few weeks each). We sailed many hundreds of miles together to the Andamans, the Surins, the Similans, numerous islands around Langkawi and many others. He gave me a new nickname “Capt Pat” (which stuck like glue) while for a bit of fun, he became known everywhere on Phuket as interchangeably as either “Deck Hand Derek” or to his close friends as the “Old Bastard”.

He was a true Scott. His handshake was worth more than any contract. He played hard. He looked after his mates. I highly valued his bravery, integrity, sense of humour, general attitude to life and unfailing generosity. He proved to be a highly trustworthy friend on many occasions. I will miss our endless friendly debates over G&Ts sailing wherever we were heading at the time …… Many treasured memories! It was always far more pleasant when on the same debating team however. He did not take prisoners. He fought a tough battle with bone cancer towards the end.   Farewell Derek!!

Patrick Mulholland

David Penhall R.I.P. funeral details

Our Treasurer Glyn Parry Jones has just advised us that his good friend and our ANZROC member  David Penhall aged 68 years passed away on 21st May 2018.

David and Jill were holidaying in Tasmania three weeks ago when David had a heart attack. David had a stent inserted in Launceston and was fit enough to fly back to Melbourne about 10 days ago. The decision was taken to insert a defibrillator/pacemaker last Tuesday, but sadly the operation did not go as had been envisaged. 

Our condolences are extended to David's family.

The Funeral will be as below

Wednesday 30 May at 10am at W D Rose Funerals, 139 Marriage Road, Brighton East.


Lunch at William Angliss

61 Members and family came to our first lunch at the William Angliss Restaurant. We welcomed Anita Siassos and Arun Nangia to their  first ANZROC meeting and our youngest Member Elina Law, who manages our Website plus baby Gary. We stood to remember our departed Honorary Members Dave Brookman and Don Ranyard who sadly passed away during the month.

The venue provided tremendous food and service at a very reasonable price and we will consider returning there next year. Our special guest Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army gave us an update on the work the SA are doing to help the homeless in Victoria. He also provided an entertaining account of his epic walk to Canberra earlier this year. Ron Adams presented over $2000 to Brendan from the Members present at the lunch.

We also celebrated Ron's 80 th birthday with a tasty black forest cake to finish off proceedings.

Well done Joan Nathan and Noel Beanland for finding the venue and organising the lunch.


Photos have been posted to our Website and Facebook page.







Don Ranyard R.I.P. Funeral details

From Ron Adams


I have just been advised by Des Kidd that sadly our Respected Honorary Member Don Ranyard passed away on 28/4/2018 aged 87 years


For 15 years of the 18 years I have been involved on the committee Don attended most lunches when ANZROC met in the city and in later years came to the lunches with wife Dorothy but has been unable to attend meetings for some time....he was also a regular correspondent for the newsletter


Don’s funeral service will be held at Manningham Uniting Church ,20 Westfield Drive, Doncaster on Friday 4th May at 10am

Torquay Golf Day plus photos

Golf Day at Torquay

We had a great turn out of members and partners for our golf day at the RACV resort in Torquay. We were very lucky with the weather, blue skies and no strong winds, and the course was in excellent condition, leading to some very good scores. Pam Hocking with 38 held off Sandy Bourke with 36 for the Ladies Comp. Pam’s win follows her win in Mansfield earlier in the year - this has been referred to the handicapper. Des Shady was the unlucky runner- up with 41 points to Con La Fauci with 43 in the Men's comp. Con has now won the past two ANZROC Golf Days.
Nearest the Pin winners were Bob Challis, Kathy Shady, Con La Fauci and Ron Adams.
Most of the golfers and their partners were able to stay on for a very enjoyable meal in the evening.
The feedback has been very positive and we’ve started making enquiries about a return visit to Torquay next year, on Thursday, March 21st. This is just a little earlier to take advantage of daylight saving. Pencil this in your diaries and at the same time set aside Friday, September 21st2018for our next event at Cheltenham. Check the newsletter and website for more details.

Thanks to Glyn Parry-Jones and Aldo Faella for the excellent organisation.