ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


ANZ Staff Club - Special promotion for ANZ Retired Officers' to join

My name is Carmel Helmore and I work for ANZ Staff Club Australia.
I have had a few enquiries from Retired officers for more information and how to join the ANZ Staff Club. Being a member of theANZ Retired Officers Club they qualify to join ANZ Staff Club and receive all the discounted benefits and services we offer. The annual membership fee is $24.50
I have attached a flyer with details of what we offer and how to join.
We are having a membership promotion till 15th March 2018 for anyone who wishes to join will go in the draw to win a $50 wish gift card.
Would it possible to advise your members either by newsletter, email or hand this flyer at your next get together
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your assistance
Carmel Helmore
ANZ Staff Club Australia
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone 08 70889190

Photos from ANZROC Lunch February 2018 - Terry Earle

Terry Earle worked for ANZ from 1964-92 and was on active Service in Vietnam from 1966-68. He worked in DP, Cards the UK and HR before fulfilling a desire to move into the Art world by establishing Without Pier Gallery in Sandringham in 1995. It relocated to Cheltenham in 2006 and specialises in Australian Aboriginal Art. The Gallery is now ranked in the top 20 galleries in Melbourne and has established an enviable reputation in its field. We had a record attendance for a Queen Street meeting of 75 Members, Family and Friends. Terry gave an excellent presentation describing in detail the magnificent artworks he brought in from his gallery as well as the background of the artists.

Anzroc lunch March 8th 2018 at Steeples Mornington

Our March luncheon, for members and partners, will be held at Steeples, Cnr Racecourse and Mornington - Tyabb Rds in Mornington. We’re hoping that this will be attractive to the many members enjoying their retirement on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula and that this luncheon becomes a regular regional event.
We’ll have a choice of 6 seniors’ main courses plus a vegetarian option and dessert. The cost will be $20 and will be collected at the door. 
We will have our own comfortable function room which will be closed off from the rest of the venue. It holds up to 70 people.
There is plenty of parking at Steeples. For those local members who would like a lift to the venue or who can give a lift to others, please provide your details to Joan Nathan (see below) and we’ll try to coordinate this.
Mornington is not well served by public transport. Steeples has a courtesy bus which holds 11 passengers and they have kindly agreed to meet members at Frankston station. There is a train that is scheduled to arrive at 11.37 which is a good time and the bus will return to Frankston at around 2pm. There can only be one trip each way so get your name in quickly.
If you would like to attend the luncheon please provide the following information to Joan Nathan by 1st March.
I would like attend the luncheon.
Members Name       ……………………………………………
Partners Name         ……………………………………………
If possible I would like to get a lift to the venue.   (*)     Yes/No.   If Yes, phone number      .……………………
I can provide a lift to others going to the luncheon. (*)Yes/No.If Yes, phone number      .……………………
I’ll be on the 11.37 train to Frankston and would like to use the courtesy bus.Yes/No.
This information can be emailed to JOAN NATHAN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429
Should you wish to telephone, please call Joan on 9740 8001.
(*) For those who want or can provide a lift, we’ll be in touch to try to make arrangements.

Arthur Sheers RIP

We received this message from Robert Sheers, son of our Honorary member Arthur Sheers advising of the passing of his father aged  89 years  on 26th January 2018....
Robert said the notice was in the Herald Sun on Monday and advised that the funeral is to be held at 1.30pm on Wednesday 31stJanuary 2018 at Uniting Church, 185 Wickham Road, Moorabbin
Vale Arthur...
Arthur Sheers
My name is Robert Sheers , and I am the son of Arthur 
Sheers, a retired manager of the ANZ Bank.

It is with sad regret that I have to inform you that Arthur Albert 

Sheers passed away on the 26th January 2018.

His health had deteriorated over the last few years but the last few 

months has been hard to watch. It with sadness and relief that he 

finally passed peacefully on Friday night.

He is survived by his wife Marjorie, and daughters Judith and Karen, 8 

grand children and 12 great grand children.

Yours Robert Sheers , proud son of Arthur's.

Robert Sheers