ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Photos from Anzroc Anzac lunch April 2016

A good turnout of 50+ members heard Ftl Lt Aaron Swallow give an entertaining presentation on the modern RAAF. Aaron was a most impressive speaker. Kevin Mitchell introduced the formal proceedings and Brian Christensen recited the Ode of Remembrance.



Bank Photo from 1961 sent in by Terry Boocock

Terry Boocock joined ANZ Bank at 154 Moorabool Street Geelong in 1961
He recalls the first day at ANZ in Feb 1961, just two weeks before his
17th birthday, at the branch which was soon to undergo substantial
renovations.Upon the completion of the renovations, the Geelong Advertiser
photographer called and took a photo . Terry has enclosed a copy of the
photo which included a number of staff posing as customers and showing off
the new open plan style of banking. The photograph includes auditor, T.D.
A ’Hearn, Terry with a then thick head of hair posing as the Assistant
Accountant (G.D Lee) and in the Accountant’s office, Lance Illingworth and
ANZROC Honorary Member Bob Kirkland.