"Geoff Harkin emailed a Greeting from India. It is a long time since Geoff has written but he was offered by a friend Darren Hempel, to re-join the Bank back in Oct 2013 for a temporary role for 11 months to cover for a lady on maternity leave, to work in the Residential Valuations team of Mortgage Operations. The young lady he was covering decided not to return, so Geoff ended up being made permanent. This has bought his service for the bank to 40 years in total When Geoff returned to work, not in his wildest dreams would have he thought he would be offered an opportunity to experience working offshore. He is currently over in Bangalore for a couple of months doing in some project work with a group of fabulous young ANZ staff who are delightful to work with. They are so welcoming, bright and enthusiastic to learn. Geoff sent a photo of him with some of the team in Bangalore having a well-earned drink after work. He says it is pretty easy to work out which one he is in the photo. the young one (at heart) on the left."