ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


New Generic Email Addresses for Anzroc Roles

We have established some generic email addresses for the key anzroc position holders in order to simplify the way in which Members can contact us.

The addresses are as follows :

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These mailboxes will be regularly checked by the relative office bearer and will have the benefit of separating anzroc related messages from  personal emails. It will also allow for others to cover key positions in case of vacation, illness etc.

Presentation of French Legion Medal of Honour to Gerry McPherson

I have asked Fay to send this to you, together with some photos of the
Presentation of my Medal at the Shrine last Thursday, which meant we
couldn't join you at the Meeting. There were seven other recipients besides
myself, and the Medals were presented by Senator Marc Daunis of the French
Senate, on behalf of the French Ambassador.



Nan Peterkin R.I.P. Funeral

A very moving service was held today for Nan at St Joseph's Church in Port Melbourne. Words of Remembrance by son-in-law Matthew highlighted the many places Nan and Ian lived in during their extensive time working at ANZ and Grindlays. Nan's varied charity works in Colombo, Dhaka, Jersey ,Kinshasa and  Melbourne at St Vinnie's  left a tremendous legacy. She will be missed by all.

Many Ex-ANZ and ANZ Ladies Club colleagues attended inc. Flav& Barbara Belli, John & Julia Winders,Dorothy &  John Duke, David & Emma Smith, David Valentine, Alister & Margaret Maitland, Don & Angela Mercer, Don & Christine Jeffrey, Steve & Sue Cowell, Ray & Jenny Pietsch, Jill Witney, Bernice Mitchell, Eamon Veaney, Lyn and Colin Geldart .

All at anzroc pass on our condolences to Ian and his family