ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Mike O'Neill R.I.P. Tribute from Saul Eslake

Jenette Pickering advised that Michael John (Mike) O'Neill passed away in
Perth on 24/10/2015 at the age of 69 years. Ray Galliott from ANZROC WA
where Mike was a member said that Mike who was GM ANZ WA from 1996 to 2002
passed away from a suspected heart attack . President Peter Pritchard said
he knew Mike from ANZ Corporate days and he was a fine banker. Mike spent
time in Melbourne and would be remembered by many of our ANZROC members.


I was saddened to read in the latest newsletter of the passing of Mike O'Neill at the age of just 69.

I got to know Mike well on my regular visits to WA and his trips east (which often co-incided with West Coast Eagles vs Essendon games). Mike was a committed Essendon supporter (as, in the absence of a truly national competition, ie one with every State in it, I have also been). 

One of Mike's initiatives was the annual 'Football and Economics' breakfast which he hosted in February each year, featuring talks by whoever was the coach of the Eagles, and me as ANZ's Chief Economist.  It began in 2000 with fewer than 100 people in one of the corporate dining rooms at Subiaco, moved to Burswood as the numbers grew and by the time that the Eagles played in consecutive grand finals in 2005-06 with John Worsfold as coach had to be held at the Perth Entertainment Centre. It was a fabulous advertisement for ANZ. 

Mike was also very well connected with the Perth business community and in State political circles and would always set up a lunch with influential 'movers and shakers' whenever I was there.

A very sad loss.

Hope all's well with you. 


Saul Eslake

Message from Dick Milnthorpe

Dick Milnthorpe emailed to thank anzroc for remembering his birthday; they seem to come around more quickly these days. Dick sent a photo enjoying the sun in London with a G&T in hand and sends his greetings to his many old friends in Oz - it's a hard life but someone has to do it.