ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)
For all of you who have worked in London you might be interested in the latest news from over there, just click on the link below. London Pensioner's Newsletter
From Mike Cuneen Anzroc NSW
Attached is a photo of the attendees at an ES&A Managers Course held I am told at Ormond College Melbourne in mid to late 1960’s.I need help please with the date of the Course.
With assistance from Gary Mason and others I have been able to identify quite a few of the men in the photo......
But now I have come to a halt and still need assistance please in identifying the remaining 13 men in the photo.
Could I please ask your assistance in hopefully trying to identify the unnamed 13 men who may have come to the Course from your State.....
Any assistance you are able to give me would be much appreciated.
Over the next two weeks a reminder email or letter will be sent to those members who are in arrears for the year to 30 September 2015. There are 180 members with subs unpaid but some within that number are members in arrears for 2 years who were contacted several times last year with no success and we will have no alternative but to cancel their membership if not paid up by 30/4/2015. A quick response will be appreciated.
Contact John Brown, Hon Treasurer for all enquiries regarding subscriptions - EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 03 9802 1810, mobile 0425827540.