ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


History of ANZ Bank Social Golf Club

Thanks to Peter Harvey



Inaugural meeting held at 351 Collins Street Melbourne on 7th May 1962.

This resulted from social gatherings after work by bank officers from the country and interstate being unable to join metropolitan golf clubs due to membership restrictions. Many of them only social golfers. The club became affiliated with ANZ Bank Staff Club and the first office bearers were:

President – Alan Etherton

Vice President – Les Jackson

Secretary/Treasurer – Tom Dunn

Committee – Graham Hulm, Alf Sadler, Brian Day, Gary Stocks.

The first Annual Meeting was held at the Staff Club Rooms on 17 May 1963 and the following were elected:

President – Alan Etherton

Vice President – Les Jackson

Secretary - Tom Dunn

Treasurer - Alan Pickering

Club Captain – Peter Harvey

Committee - Dave Isaacson, Ian Fraser, Gary Stocks, Brian Day, Graham Hulm, Alf Sadler.

Subscriptions were fixed at $1 (10/-)

The first Club Championships were held on a handicap basic with:

A Grade - Brian Murdoch, winner; Arnold Masters, runner up

B Grade - Eric Southwood, winner; Graham Hulm, runner up

In 1965 these changed to match play finals after qualifications.

Over ensuing years the committee were active in arranging monthly outings on courses around Melbourne to cater for mainly capacity fields of 50 players. Golf was followed by BBQ's nearby.

Some of the regular courses played in the 1960's were:

Ivanhoe, Kilmore, Sorrento, Portsea, Flinders, Warragul, Rosebud, Mornington, Sandringham, Queenscliff, Rosanna, Amstel, Lonsdale, Clifton Springs,Beaconsfield, Drouin

Green Fees were around $1.20 - $1.50 and on one occasion at Ballarat $3.00 covered golf and a 3 course luncheon.

In this period (mid 1960) social golf handicaps ranged between 4 and 30.

Some lower ones being; Peter Harvey 4, Brian Murdoch 11, Ian Cowley 11,Gordon Paulett 12, Brian Day 15, Jock Buntain 15, Arnold Masters 15, David Woods 16, John Vanselow 21.

Those on longer handicaps and regular club supporters who enjoyed their golf included:

Geoff Stevens, Eric Black, Bob Whitelaw, Ken Fildes, Laurie Holland, Ian Walton.

Inter-Bank Competition from 1967.

On the 22 August 1967 an Inaugural General Meeting was held at the Commonwealth Bank,367 Collins Street Melbourne to form an Inter-Bank Golf Association for mid-week golf competition between the 9 existing Banks. ANZ became part of this association for the half yearly competitions to be held on top Melbourne courses. Peter Harvey was the ANZ representative. The first competition( for 8 selected players with the best 5 scores to count for each of a scratch and handicap event) was held at Keysborough Golf Club on 5th October 1967 and was won by the Commonwealth Bank (Scratch Event) and Commercial Bank of Australia (Handicap Event). John Jenkinson won the C Grade Handicap for ANZ.

ANZ representatives were: Peter Harvey,Barry Squire, Brian Murdoch, Jock Buntain, David Patterson, Jack Stark, Phil Mylecharane,John Jenkinson.

In addition to this mid-week competition ANZ had previously arranged an annual Melbourne Cup day outing in 1965 for its members at Warragul Golf Club, and it was agreed to continue this day for Inter-Bank team competition, playing for the ANZ Bank Perpetual Trophy.

Also ANZ had an annual Show Day fourball event for its members, organised at Southern Golf Club as part of a Charity Open day. A capacity of 60 members always attended .

Therefore, the Social Golf committee were very active in providing golf for its members in mid 1960, with the establishment of the abovementioned facilities, in addition to its regular monthly outings.

ANZ successes in the mid-week Inter-Bank competition were as follows:

Keysborough Oct 1967. - John Jenkinson – C Grade handicap

Woodlands Apr 1969 - Teams Handicap Event

- Peter Harvey – individual Scratch

Kingston Heath Apr 1971 - Teams Handicap Event: David Barr, Jock Buntain, Peter Clark, Peter

Harvey, Ian Ince, Ray Jubb, Rod Morrow, Brian Murdoch

- David Barr – B Grade handicap

Keysborough Oct 1971 - ANZ became the 1st Bank to hold both the Inter-Bank Scratch and

Handicap Trophies.

Teams members: Laurie Bain, Peter Black, Peter Clark,

Justin Clezy, Noel Gibson, Peter Harvey, Rod Morrow, Brian Reiter.

- Laurie Bain -A Grade handicap

Spring Valley Oct 1972 - Teams Handicap Event: John Aughey, David Barr, Robert Bruce, Jock

Buntain, Peter Clark, Ian Cowley, Peter Harvey, Noel Impey

Keysborough Oct 1973 - ANZ again won both Inter-Bank Teams Trophies.

Team members: Dick Barry, Rob Bruce, Peter Clark, Ian Cowley, Vic

Crane, Peter Harvey, Noel Impey, John Jenkinson

Warragul Inter-Bank competition. ANZ fielded stronger teams ,probably due to it having commenced the Melbourne Cup holiday event before the entry of the other banks and their golfers had formed a liking for the outing. Over the years they had stalwarts who attended most outings, thus formed the basis for much of the representation.

In 1971, the year following merger with the E.S.&.A Bank , ANZ defended their Inter- Bank Trophy. (Teams of 8 selected players with the best 5 handicap scores counting for the trophy).

Team members: Laurie Bain, David Barr, Peter Clark, John Graham, Peter Harvey, Wilf Hargreaves, Brian Murdoch, David Patterson.

Office Bearers in 1971 following the Banks' merger were:

President Peter Harvey

Vice Presidents John Flyger, Noel Impey, Ian Ince

Secretary David Barr

Treasurer Norm Gaskin

Captain Brian Murdoch

Vice Captain Peter Clark

Committee Greg Hall, George Lawson, Ron Bracken, Trevor Dusting, Andrew Kelsey,

Bob Burgess, Brian Henderson, Bob Evans, Doug Carroll, David Woods.

Championships: - Peter Harvey - Club

- Graeme Croxford – Handicap

The Club had a membership of 78


The Club increased its membership to 106

Monthly outings were held at: Clifton Springs, Rosebud, Lonsdale, Portsea, Churchill Park, Midlands, Southern, Sorrento, Portsea, Sandringham, Portsea.

Respective winners being: David Barr, David Patterson, John Graham, Peter Clark, Graeme Croxford, Noel Impey, Noel Impey, Ian Ince, John Phelan, Ian Cowley, David Woods

Club Champion was Peter Clark. Handicap Champion – Noel Impey

Inter-bank. Peter Harvey who was the ANZ President was also elected President of the Inter-Bank Association.

TWELTH Annual ANZ General Meeting. 15th March 1974 at Staff Amenities Centre

Office Bearers:

President Ian Cowley

Vice Presidents David Woods, Arthur Sheers

Secretary Dick Barry

Treasurer David Patterson

Captain Robert Bruce

Committee Eddie Hassett, Alan Pickering, George Lawson, Neil Skinner, Norm Gaskin

At this meeting the Club's first life membership was bestowed upon Peter Harvey in recognition of the outstanding service he had rendered since the Clubs' inauguration.

The annual subscription remained at $1

Arranged outings for 1974 were: Whittlesea, Leongatha, Clifton Springs, Portsea, Midlands (Ballarat), Southern (Show Day), Sorrento, Warragul (Cup Day), Portsea.

For consideration for selection in the next Inter-Bank competition at Spring Valley in April, financial members had to have played in at least three ANZ Golf Club outings during the previous year.

Anzroc October lunch Photos

Over 50 Members attended to hear Peter Bearsley give a most informative talk on his career in ANZ and his subsequent work as President of Rotary Melbourne.

Anzroc Christmas Function Thursday December 11 at ANZ Pavilion



The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Mike Smith CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Dan Kirtley. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

The committee has again agreed to keep the cost to members of the function at $30.00. Refunds will not be paid unless the Secretary or Treasurer receive notice no later than 4 December 2014 as we are required to advise the caterers final numbers on that date.

Cut off date for acceptances this year will be Friday 28th November 2014.

This year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.

If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.

The programme is similar to last year:

Admittance for pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am

Admittance to function room from 12.15pm

Luncheon commences at 12.30pm


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Peter Pritchard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary 19 Albert Street East Malvern 3145. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $30.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Peter Pritchard 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145 by 28/11/2014


Anzroc Membership Subscriptions due


Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2014/2015 are now due and payments can be sent by cheque to our Treasurer John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

or members can make payments electronically to ANZROC account through your internet banking facilities. Details of the ANZROC account are set out in the renewal form and please ensure that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note: – you do not need to pay any subscription

As a matter of interest the number of members using the internet for newsletters has risen to around 800 and if you have access to email let us know and we will be able to send future communications electronically that will reach you within 7 days of our meetings.




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )

Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00 and should reach John Brown prior to 31st October 2013


……………………………………………………………… $…………..

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………

Anzroc website reaches 80,000 'hits' milestone after 4 years