ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)


Charles Rennie Acknowledgement

On behalf of the Retired Officers Club of Victoria, executive and members, we record with thanks the long and valued association of Charles Rennie, both as a banker and as an active member of ANZ Retired Officers Clubs.

Charles during his banking career was a very strong supporter of bank social clubs, plus the various retired officers clubs, within Australia and overseas.

His support as a senior executive of the Bank, ensured that we had strong and financially viable clubs, and on retirement, as a member, he enjoyed active participation and fellowship throughout his many years of retirement.

John Mc Phee President

ANZ Retired Officers Club of Victoria

anzroc anzac lunch 2014

Anzroc anzac lunch at 100 Queen Street with Brig Geoffrey John CHRISTOPHERSON, AM KSJ (rtd)

anzroc website reaches 70,000 hits

The anzroc website has just reached a new milestone of 70,000 hits since launch in 2010

1964 ANZ Seconds Football team photo


Photo of ANZ Seconds Football Team circa 1964 provided by John Simson
Back Row - Davy Griffin, Alan Lawrence, Bob Andrews, Les Addison, Glen Rowan, Eric Black, John (Pincus) Penhale, --------, Paul Schaeche, Roy Peake ---------

Middle Row - --------, Frank (Nobby) O'Brien, John Simson, Geoff Wridgway, Graeme (Tim) Holt, John Parkes,

Front Row - -----, Charlie Evans, Ian Hancorne, Archie Ellis, Bob (Dinger) Bell, Murray Knight, ---------


anzroc website now linked to Facebook

A Facebook link has been added to the right hand side of the anzroc website home page. This will take you directly to the Facebook page of ANZ Retired Officers' Club where there is a gallery of photos. If you are a Facebook user you can tag names on the photos and add new photos which would be of interest to members of anzroc. Give it a try so that we can reach 100 'Likes' .