FEARNLEY J.J. (JOHN) 81 YEARS 4/06/2022
Helen Fearnley advised that husband John had suffered from serious illnesses for the past 4 years but was a fighter and will be missed by the family.
Helen said that she was the daughter of John Hobbs, a Senior Executive in Staff Department at the time of merger of ANZ and ES&A when she and John married. She was transferred to ES&A and John to ANZ, and they were happily married for 52 years. The marriage featured in the local press with headlines along the lines of “Happy Merger, Happy Family”.
David Jones and Bruce Mathrick texted to say that their old Treasury chum John Fearnley passed away on 4/06/2022.” A quiet man of integrity who you could rely on and trust in the support roles he held.”
LANCASTER S.A. (STAN) 87 YEARS `28/05/2022
Dierdre, widow of Stan has prepared a brief article on Stan’s ANZ career and his interests which follows …..
“Stan Lancaster was born on 26/8/1934 – died 28/5/2022
He commenced his working life with the E.S. & A. Bank (January 1951 in Ballarat) which was in due course taken over by the ANZ Bank.
He was admitted to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court on 1/10/1979 after studying part time while working in the bank. This involved early morning and late-night lectures outside of 9.00-5.00 working hours whilst he was also raising a young family.
When he turned 18, he had to register for National Service and served in the Navy, part of that time was on HMAS WAGGA, a mine sweeper. He always said he mainly learned how to polish brass.
His final position at the ANZ Bank was as Chief Legal Officer with quite a few solicitors working within his department.
He finally retired from the Bank in 1992 and enjoyed fly fishing and golf at Eastern Golf Club. Stan was a life member of The Victorian Fly Fishers’ Association. He enjoyed many adventures, travelling both overseas and within Australia, throughout his retirement.
Stan is survived by his wife of 62 years, Deirdre Lancaster, 2 daughters, 7 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.”
MAUNDER D. L. (DAVID} 93 YEARS 12/11/2020
Widow Janet advised us of David’s passing 18 months ago.
On behalf of ANZROC members our condolences are extended to the families and friends of John, Stan and David.
Eamon Veaney emailed “Robin Peatfield had a great send off at Wildgrain restaurant in Mornington on Tuesday June 7 attended by a large contingent of family and friends. Moving eulogies from wife Sue, son Phil and daughter Jenny provided a wealth of interesting insights / stories about Robins life.
Attendees from ANZ included David Butcher, Dick Chegwin, John Ries, Peter and Helen
Vale Robin.”
We have been advised of the passing of Madge Latham. She passed peacefully surrounded by family on 25 April 2022
Madge’s husband ANZROC member Terry died in October 2005.
From the tribute in The Age newspaper, I quote “A passionate life, full of faith, friendship, volunteering, travel and her Essendon “Bombers”. Barbara will be dearly missed by many. Forever in our Hearts.”
For many years Barbara was a regular attendee to our ANZROC lunches and a valued correspondent contributing to our newsletter.
Eamon Veaney emailed “Barbara Bruce had a heartwarming funeral service at St Leonard's Uniting Church at Brighton with an excellent turn out of family and friends. Barbara had planned the whole service in a meticulous manner including detailed notes on her life which formed the basis of her eulogy. We learned of her early family and school life and her long-standing association with the church including her time in the choir. She retired from a 40-year career with ES&A and ANZ in 1990 when she was PA to GM International, John Holberton. She then returned part-time for another 5 years working in International.
Barbara then spent time as a volunteer with the MCG / MCC for a number of years and was an Essendon Bombers supporter for over 70 years. Their theme song was played as she departed the church.
Her good friends Maria Natoli and Jill Paterson also attended the funeral. Vale Barb.”
Graham Holt emailed “I had the pleasure of working with Barbara in International Division in the 1970’s. In more recent years Carole and I often caught up with her on the train home from an Essendon match. After a win the discussion was always on how good we were, however in more recent years we talked about the days in International and Barbara had a million stories to tell about her regular trips to England. Memories of Barbara always are accompanied with a smile.”
Kate Freer from National Sports Museum Volunteers emailed “We recently received the very sad news that one of our retired volunteers, Barbara Bruce, died at the age of 91 on 13th April, after declining health in recent weeks.
Barbara was in the inaugural group of National Sports Museum Volunteers who started in 2008 and was a regular in the Tuesday team. Barbara was an MCC Member and also volunteered in the MCC Museum for several years until she retired in 2019.
In her working career, Barb worked at the ANZ Bank for many years, and was an excellent typist. Barb also volunteered at the Commonwealth Games in 2006, she was very well travelled and a keen Bombers supporter.
Everyone who knew Barb would agree that she was a very kind, gentle and intelligent person, and a pleasure to spend time with. “
Sue Peatfield phoned to advise of the passing of husband Robin aged 77 years on 14/05/2022 after struggling with a severe chest infection. Robin was well known to many ANZ’ers spending time in London and Melbourne where I used to often see him at the ANZ functions. Robin and Sue left the bank and moved to South Gippsland to become dairy farmers until they returned to Mount Martha to be with family. Robin had a quick mind and a dry wit. He will be missed.
Membership Officer Reny Frighetto emailed “Very sad news. Robin was a delight to be around, and his humour was very catchy.”
David Jones emailed “He was a character Eamon. Robin left ANZ to become a dairy farmer which he doubled with being a lecturer at one of the Gippsland educational institutions. Bob Bennett coaxed him back to ANZ in the early 80s and he took over from Ron Cashin as senior manager running the Queens Road training centre. He also got the top job as the head of global HR along the way.”
Eamon Veaney emailed “I first met Robin in London when I joined the Bank in 1967 working in Cashbook. Robin was on a graduate transfer from Australia at the time from recollection. Our paths crossed years later when he was appointed to a Senior role in London in the 1980's. More recently Robin attended our ANZROC lunches in Geelong and Mount Martha. He will be missed.” https://www.anzroc.com.au/roc-notice-board/1028-vale-robin-peatfield-respected-member-of-anzroc-victoria-aged-77-on-14-5-2022
STEWART J.W. (JACK) 86 YEARS 19/03/2022
Andree Stewart-Speed, daughter of our Honorary Member Jack Stewart emailed “I am very sad to advise that my dear father Jack passed away peacefully at home on 19 March 2022 aged 86 years.
He loved his career at ANZ which spanned 39 years starting out at the age of 16 he loved work and made many friends. We had a great photo of the Staff at the 350 Collins Street Stock Exchange branch at the service.
He also had a great time as relieving officer in country Victoria for a period and often helped out when needed for other duties.
It was funny to hear some of the things he did such as
· putting on the footy boots for Katamatite when they were a player short
· serving behind the bar at a pub where he was staying when the barman called in sick
· playing the drums one night when the band member couldn’t make it
He was a great sportsman playing, cricket, football, and athletics and was a life member at Mulgrave Football Club.
Jack also did his National service in the Australian Navy at age 18 for 6 months.
He enjoyed reading the newsletters and seeing familiar names. On a personal note, for me, I worked at ANZ for 12 years and I also fondly remember some of the names I read in the newsletters.
Phil Dunstan was my first manager and I fondly remember Paul McKernan, Roy Sloggett, Dieter Telburn, and Stephen Green.”
Our condolences are extended to the families and friends of Barbara, Robin and Jack.
Ian Fieggen emailed “The funeral went well, and I was pleased to have spoken with four of Dad's old work colleagues who attended. My memory is blurred due to the events and emotions of the day – but I seem to recall that three were fellow programmers while one was from the communications dept?
For some time, I've been considering doing something worthwhile with Dad's early ANZ computing memorabilia. I'll probably add a section to my own website covering this chapter in Dad's life.”
Peter Harney emailed “I was shocked at hearing of the loss of Rob so suddenly after a short illness. Our banking careers almost mirrored each other. Rob was in Horsham in the early 70's, then we met up in Stawell followed by transfers moving Rob and Cheryl to Wodonga and we were sent to Wangaratta. Further transfers came up with the Turnbull's to Kyabram and us to Shepparton. We then went our separate ways for a number of year until we finally came together again in Ballarat. Rob remained in the financial field after we both resigned in 1993. I went carpet cleaning. He was a great bloke and will be missed by many of his old banking mates. “
FIEGGEN C.W.(CHRIS) 90 YEARS 21/03/2022
Ian Fieggen emailed: Just a quick word to say that my father, Chris Fieggen, passed away peacefully this morning aged 90 years. Chris was one of the founder members of ANZ IT/DP department in the 1960's and was well respected by all.
Ian McCormick emailed: Chris died at his nursing facility on the outskirts of Geelong in the early hours of 21st March.
He joined the Armstrong Siddeley Car Club in August 1966 (the Vic Branch's 5th meeting when I was still at school) and remained a member until his Sapphire Limousine and Saloon were sold.
His youngest child, daughter Jenny Marshall in Adelaide took over the Limo and it is now beautifully restored, being now dark blue over light (bluish) grey.
Louis Hebrard emailed “Yes, very sad. Chris had been unwell for quite some time. I have fond recollections of Chris in my early days as "second generation" computer programmer in 1969. He was so welcoming and helpful. A straight talker with a great sense of humour. A dedicated and proud family man. We shared a love of good cars, and I appreciated his passion for his two Armstrong Siddeleys. Vale Chris.”
Son Peter contacted Reny Frighetto to advise of his father, Keith’s passing on 30/01/2022.
TURNBULL ROB 73 YEARS 05/04/2022
Widow Cheryl advised that Rob passed away suddenly on 5/04/2022.
Our condolences are extended to the Families and friends of our passed members Chris, Keith and Rob.
Bob Lamb emailed “Some weeks ago Ray Allsop and I attended the funeral of Trevor Cookson.
Trevor was the son of Bill Cookson, the legendary secretary of The Essendon Football Club.
Trevor was a handy all-rounder sportsman and later-on coached the Bank`s Football Side.
Not many weeks later, Ray also passed away.
Last week my wife ANNE (nee LAWLESS) and I attended the funeral of Frank Donovan at Kilmore.
ANNE knew Frank from his visit to Horsham in 1951 and I knew him as Area Manager/Moonee Ponds.”
Bob Grant emailed “I was sad to learn of Frank Donovan’s passing on the 6thMarch.
I was Manager Operations when Frank was Area Manager, Moonee Ponds.
He was a thorough gentleman and a great boss.
He married late in life to Mary, and I know that they had a least one child, a son.
He loved the farm at Kilmore, and it is good to know that he had such a long and fruitful life.
Lindsay Baglin was the Lending Manager at Moonee Ponds Area in Frank’s time, and it is good to see his name appearing in the March Birthday list. Have a good one Lindsay.
Sorry to hear of the recent passing of Trevor Cookson, who was an Accountant at one of the branches in the Moonie Ponds Area during my time there, and Bob Stamps who I knew through cricket.
As others have said Bob was a very good bowler and a champion guy. It was always great to be in his company.”
Frank Valastro emailed “I read in the last newsletter of the passing of Frank Donovan at the age of 99 years. I remember Frank fondly as my mentor when he was Area manager at Moonee Ponds Area. I was his Senior Advance Officer at the time and Frank taught me many tricks of the trade in gaining good business opportunities, many of which I used when I went on to become a manager in my own right. Vale Frank Donovan. “
Gordon Christensen emailed “Sad to read that my old mate Erwin Jones had passed away.
Erwin and I sat together for our last two years at Foster High School 1951/52.
We both started work with the bank in early 1953, Erwin at Welshpool and me at Foster branches.
We have kept in touch over the years, and we had spoken about arranging to meet up during last year, but because of our ages and health it unfortunately did not happen.
ALLSOP R.J. (RAY) 86 YEARS 04/02/2022
Ann Allsop emailed “It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that my beautiful husband of 61 years died on the 4th of February and his funeral was on the 9th. As you can imagine our family are very sad but grateful for the life of Ray and the love he has always shown us. “
Ann mentioned later that Ray played around 230 games of football for the old ES&A team and often with his great mate and colleague. the late Trevor Cookson. Ann said that the Allsop and Cookson families were very close friends and socialised together often. Many members would remember Ray.
COOKSON T.W. (Trevor) 90 years 14/12/2021
We received advice from Shirley Cookson of the passing of her husband and our ANZROC Honorary member T.W. (Trevor) Cookson aged 90 (almost 91) on 14/12/2021
“I wish to advise that my darling husband, Trevor Cookson, of nearly 67 years passed away peacefully last Tuesday 14th December at 3.40.p.m. in his home. surrounded by his family and ‘round the clock’ beautiful care which had been ongoing for some months. He would have been 91 today, the 17th.He met every challenge happily and without complaint. Trevor's devotion, love and care for his family was unwavering.”
Lindsay Baglin was saddened to hear of Trevor’s passing as he worked with Trevor and found him to be a good friend and colleague. Lindsay said the Trevor was a very good cricketer playing for the Essendon District team. RIP Trevor.
FLORENT S.J. P (SERGE) 82 YEARS 7/02/2022
Serge McIntyre phoned to advise the passing of his brother-in-law Serge Florent, Honorary ANZROC member, aged 82 years on 7/02/2022 in Morningside QLD after battling cancer. Serge McIntyre said that they left Mauritius for Australia together. and both joined ANZ. Serge Florent worked in Nominees and then into branches. retiring as Senior Lender at Springvale Area Branch.
LAMONT IAN 101 years 21/12/2021
We have been advised of the passing of our Honorary Member Ian Lamont who passed away on 21/12/2021 aged 101 years.
Ian Lamont enlisted in the Australian Army in August 1941 and at date of discharge on 3/02/1943 his rank was Trooper, HQ2 ARMOURED Brigade. During these two years he had married Joan (now deceased) and on the 4/02/1943 he enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force discharging in December 1945 with the rank of Leading Aircraftman, Headquarters North Command.
Ian would have had many stories to tell.
TAYLOR J.C. (John) 85 years 28/01/2022
We received advice from Sharyn Taylor daughter in law of our ANZROC Honorary member J.C. (John) Taylor of his passing aged 85 years on 28/01/2022.
On behalf of members, we extended condolences to the families and friends of Ray, Trevor, Serge, Ian and John.
Maria Natoli emailed “Dorothy Bailey's family has asked me to let ANZROC members know that Dorothy Bailey passed away at home on Saturday, 8 January after a battle with cancer. Dorothy never really recovered from the shock of Will passing away so quickly and unexpectedly. As per Dorothy's wishes, a private family funeral will be held in a small chapel on Monday, 17 January.
Dorothy and I regularly kept in touch. She told me that when Will passed, she was overwhelmed with the number of letters, cards, messages, and flowers she received from Will's bank friends. Many times, she tried to respond, but the task was too daunting and upsetting for her. I know that Dorothy was very grateful for the thoughtfulness that she and her family received at that time.”
Ray Galliott, Secretary of ANZROC WA advised of the passing of Bill Gregory on 8th January in Victoria after a long battle against cancer. Bill attended an ANZROC luncheon when he last visited Perth and Ray spoke with him late last year and they shared a few laughs.
John Brown advised that Bill worked in IT at EMANZA in the early computer years, John thought he originally came from Perth. His name comes up a few times in the Jeff Pitt IT history articles in our ANZROC Vic archives.
Jeff Pitt emailed “Bill was a very knowledgeable contributor to the series of stories I compiled on the History of ANZ Computers, and then the various "EMANZA" State Data Centres. From his background in WA, and then postings in Branch Liaison in both Melb and Sydney he had a vast knowledge of the people and events which shaped that part of ANZ as it is today. I knew him from many contacts on project implementations thru the 1970's and later. He was a much-respected manager of teams and of people generally. His approach was always professional and cooperative, and he had the full confidence of his leaders.
Eamon Veaney advised Bill wrote a history of ANZ EDP for us in 2020 and the link is: https://www.anzroc.com.au/images/stories/pdf/billgregorymemoir.pdf
Bill was not an ANZROC Vic Member but was well known during his time at Emanza to many in Victoria. He had also contributed the amazingly detailed article to our IT stories, and he must have had a photographic memory.
Our condolences are extended to the Bailey and Gregory families.
STAMPS R. J. (Bob) 71 years 6/12/2021
Gary Mason emailed “Sad to learn of Bob Stamps' passing. He was a good person to be around.”
Kevin Mitchell (Life member, Past President and long-term committee member of ANZROC) phoning from Tasmania said how sorry he was to read of Bob’s passing. Bob had given great support to the ANZ Staff Club when Kevin was involved. Bob was always a reliable and hardworking colleague and always friendly with staff club members and committee. Will be missed. RIP Bob.
Stamps R.J. (Bob) 71 years 6/12/2021
John Inglis emailed “Bob enjoyed many years of service with the ANZ, where he was also a staff club committeeman. He was a very good sportsman playing cricket for the MCC in one of their sides. After his time in the Bank, he worked in local government until his retirement. He also spent over 30 years as Greensborough RSL's Social Club president. His service to the RSL was recognised with a Hall of Fame award from ANZAC house, being one of very few non-service personnel to be honoured in that way. Vale Bob.”
Alan Lauder emailed” In the late 60’s I was a shift supervisor at the Emanza Centre in South Yarra, Bob was one of my assistants. He was a most likeable fellow, full of fun and well-liked by all of us on the floor, especially all of the ladies on the machines. Sorry to hear that he has passed away, especially at such a young age in these times.”
Ken Parry emailed “Very sad day for all that knew him. Fantastic man was Bob, excellent sportsman and I had many an enjoyable day on the park playing cricket with him. Great competitor and teammate. Condolences to the family.”
CAMPBELL M.G. (Mal) 78 years 2/10/2021
Serge McIntyre advised that Mal, a colleague and ANZROC member passed away after a short illness. Serge said that Mal and he regularly attended the ANZROC Christmas luncheon where they enjoyed catching up with colleagues and friends.
Ken Pattinson emailed “Sad to see two really nice Members pass away. Mal Campbell was a very good friend of mine, in his position as an ESANDA Investment Manager he arranged for Cheltenham Golf Club to become an agent for ESANDA Debenture Investments with excellent results for both parties. Many other Clubs also became agents. Mal would regularly pay the Golf Club a visit on a Friday always coinciding with the then famous Friday BBQ. Many ANZ and ESANDA staff members would also attend the BBQ. This was very convenient for Mal as he would not only have an Agent’s
visit, but he also caught up with Various ANZ Staff from Cheltenham Area Centre and surrounding Branch staff.
Part of the entry for the BBQ was a small fee to cover the food but it was also for a small raffle e.g., Bottle of wine, Frozen Chook, or a couple of pots, on one visit Mal won a frozen chook and was very excited about his win, unfortunately Mal left without taking his HIGHLY VALUED PRIZE” THE FROZEN CHOOK” home with him. Alas, the BBQ’S ceased, and caterers were hired before Mal could pick up his prize and he would remind me and others at our ANZROC Christmas lunches every year of the missing FROZEN CHOOK always with a good laugh. He never got his FROZEN CHOOK.
RIP My Friend.”
There are several more tributes on our Facebook page.
DAVIS R. L. (Leigh) 75 years 3/10/2021
Mike Devlin emailed “Leigh Davis's wife Sandra advised that Leigh passed away yesterday. I understand that Leigh had picked up an infection resulting from his hip surgery earlier this year. Leigh attended many ANZROC lunches and was a regular correspondent to our newsletter.”
There are a large number of tributes from colleagues and friends of Leigh on our Facebook page.
Danielle Reilly emailed “My father Pierre actually passed away in August last year after a battle with cancer. I know that he was always so proud of having worked for ANZ for over 40 years.”
WELCH P.R. (PETER) 84 YEARS 2/08/2021
Gillian Welch, widow of our Honorary Member Peter, advised of his passing on 2/08/2021. I worked with Peter in ESANDA in the 80’s and 90’s and he was a likeable character who will be missed.
Our condolences are extended to the Campbell, Davis, Farhat and Welch families…...
Athol Watkins telephoned to advise me that sadly his wife Barbara Watkins passed away on 3/10/2021 and he said that as they had moved around Victoria to many branches in his career (about 16 moves) with ANZ, Barbara would be known to many ANZ families.
Our condolences are extended to Athol and his family and friends.
CLEZY M.B.E. J.J.A. (JUSTIN) 85 YEARS 26/08/2021
The family tribute in the Age “A humble warm and humorous gentleman who is at peace after a long illness. Sadly missed.”
Our condolences are extended to Judy and the Clezy family.
Barry Kennedy emailed “I note that Justin passed away 26/08/21 aged 85 – I first met Justin when I was transferred to 55 Gracechurch St London branch of ES& A Bank. Justin’s father was the General Manager of ES&A Bank in UK but had retired prior to my working days in London.
Justin was a great source of knowledge to all of the ‘expats’ who arrived ‘bushy eyed’ from Australia and I must say was very helpful to me at that time – we enjoyed our mutual friendship and experiences during my time in UK.
Justin returned to Australia a number of years after my return to Melbourne and had a number of Management positions mainly around the city branches.”
Kay and Wayne Bevan emailed “Wayne and I met at 19 Swanston Street Branch when Justin was the Senior Manager. Wayne was the accountant, and I was one of the lending clerks working upstairs with Justin. We have very fond memories of these days and we both had a very close working relationship with Justin. He was like a father figure to me, and we had many good times working together. We had some interesting times there with Justin as he was ever the “entrepreneur”. I have very clear memories of him promoting the business of the customers. We had a window display of models wearing the swimwear from a customer of the rag trade which was a huge client base in those days. We even had John Blackman visit with a cow present in the office…….yes….. a real cow. Not sure what we were promoting, although it was possibly to increase the customer base of ANZ.
Wayne and I began our relationship at this office to eventually marry and we had Justin and Judy at our wedding. We thought we had kept this relationship under wraps from the other staff and we had done so, but not from Justin. He had somehow worked it out but played along like he did not know and would make cryptic comments which was very off putting but he loved stirring.
We also had a customer who had a French Patisserie and Justin would purchase croissants for the staff (there were a lot of us) on a regular basis for us to have for morning tea. Justin was a true gentleman, very kind and generous and will be sadly missed. Wayne and I pass on our condolences to Judy.”
During the month we received notice of several ex ANZ Staff known to ANZROC members who have passed away in August and our condolences are extended to their families and friends.
DICK MENTING passed away on 26/08/2021 aged 74…...past ANZ colleague known to many ANZROC members
Eamon Veaney emailed “Sadly, I received advice from Richard Harding and Andrew Kelly to say that Dick Menting passed away at Epworth. He had been in poor health for some time but it's still a shock to hear that news. The family tribute in the AGE recorded “Dick Menting will be remembered for his significant contributions to the community, Well done Dick”
Geoff Archer emailed” Dick Menting died in Epworth Hospital, Richmond, which is where he was when I last spoke with him. He was having tests regarding the spread of cancer and was not expecting good news. I will always remember Dick as a genuine, determined, and proud man, who was great company. He gave back to the community in spades, including being a Councillor for the City of Boroondara and Camberwell Grammar School Council and as chairman of the local Bendigo Community Banks (after he left ANZ of course!).
I worked adjacent to him in ANZ’s Strategic & Financial Planning Group in the 1990s when ANZ had numerous superfluous non-operating subsidiaries. David Craig, who I think was CFO at the time, set Dick a target of winding-up 100 of these, all within one year, and to Dick’s frustration he (only) got 99 of them. I sincerely hope ANZ paid him the bonus applicable to him as if he had reached the 100
Rod Rowe emailed “I’ve just seen a post from a local sporting club advising that former ANZ member Dick Menting has passed away.
I first met Dick back in the early 70s when he did a Migrant Shipboard Agency with me from Fremantle to Sydney, because we were anticipating that Dutch migrants were likely to be aboard, and Dick was of Dutch origin.
He was in a department in GMO as I think it was in those days (it may have been Economics or some such).
I caught up with him again many years later, possibly 30 or more, in his role as Chairman of our local Community Bank in Surrey Hills, a role which I believe he still held up until his death. His early involvement expanded to include branches at Canterbury, Balwyn, and Ashburton.”
Vern Knuiksis emailed “I wish to advise that a former ANZ/Esanda colleague David Muller passed away on 30/08/2021 aged 62 from a heart attack. Gone too soon “David would be remembered by ANZROC members.
R IP. Great Man Great Bowler. Greatly missed.
A story for every occasion! vale Gibbo. Douglas Diger-Didoris Hancock
Vale Barrie Tony Langone
My condolences to Barrie's family - a true gentleman and always made the time to speak to anyone in the Bank no matter what rank. My prayers and thoughts are with the family at this time. Graeme Riley
I remember Barrie well from my early days in the bank in the late 70’s in Controllers Dept (it may not have been called that at the time). He was a funny bloke with a unique personality and always dressed well. Condolences to the family. Mark Ryan
So sad to hear this news. He was great to work for and always had a story. RIP Gibbo
Bob Lyon emailed “I was saddened to hear that Gerry McPherson had passed away. I knew that he had broken his leg and was not well. I worked with Gerry and Fay in GHQ for a few years, and we were all members at Croydon Golf Club where Gerry and I think Fay were Life Members.
Gerry had a fantastic life in many respects. We all know about his wartime service in the RAF, but he was also a very good cricketer with Essendon.
I remember when the Bank had a managerial dining room at 55 Collins Street. Gerry and Harry Kerwin used to have lunch there every Friday and I recall Gerry impressing Harry one day when he fronted up with a bottle of Penfolds Grange which they quaffed over lunch. Sincere condolences to Fay.”
Dennis Murphy emailed “Deeply regret the passing of Gerry.
On transferring from Royal Exchange branch Sydney to Flinders Way branch in September 1954 (following on from my father’s transfer (J.D.M.) was my first meeting with Gerry.
Jack Davis, Manager, Ian Walton, Accountant and Gerry was the Bill Clerk. After Mr. Walton asked what work I had been doing in Sydney (in Bill Dept) I was allotted to Gerry as his assistant. He was an excellent and patient tutor. He had beautiful handwriting and could accurately add lengthy money columns in seconds!! Over the years we had numerous recollections of our days in the branch. Especially our endeavours of downing beers before rushing to catch the earliest train home after 6.00pm hotel closing time following our sessions at the Port Phillip hotel across from the branch. Vale Gerry “
Joan Nathan emailed “Such a sad sad day, Gerry gave so much over his lifetime.
His Military efforts during his Airforce career during the Second World War has given us the freedom we have today. ANZROC has certainly been enriched by the work Gerry has given as treasurer over such a long period of time.
Gerry would have been a wonderful work colleague, he touched so many lives, and I certainly feel blessed to have known him. Fay has been right by his side, a real tower of strength. Deepest Sympathy to Fay and family”.
Margaret Gardiner, wife of our respected Honorary Member Bill, advised us of his passing on 5th August 2021 at the age of 90. Bill retired from ANZ as Relief Manager at Rosebud and has lived on the Mornington Peninsula from retirement.
Daughter Moya emailed “His early career was in the city for a stint, I believe he spoke of Royal Bank Branch, and there was mention of sometime in Port Fairy. Bill married Margaret in ’69 while working at the Yarram branch, then in the 70’s Bill was Manager of Pakenham where he started his family . Another move as Manager Foster for a few years (where he employed the services of a
goat to maintain the banks back yard) and he then requested a sea-change. He was stationed at Rosebud from 1979 for quite a few years, I can’t remember if he was Manager of Mornington or relieved there quite a bit, he retired in the role of Relief Manager.
Four out of five in the family worked for ANZ at some point, Margaret was a courier, me in branch-land and the Mulgrave Call Centre, the youngest did a short stint in branch-land. I had one day where he was Relief Manager in the same branch that I worked – Mornington. I remember that I needed to refer a matter to ‘the manager’ and couldn’t think of how to gain his attention, I’d only ever called him ‘Dad’ and that was obviously not appropriate, it was an awkward interruption.
After Bill retired from the bank he and Margaret (his wife of 52 years) ran the Rosebud General Store for about 14 years, after retiring from there they enjoyed several Grey Nomad style laps around Australia and eventually settled on annual road trips to Harvey Bay spending their Winters’ with idyllic beach frontage in their caravan. Lawn Bowls was his specialty, he could frequently be found at the Rosebud Country Club over more than 40 years, he competed often and was a proud Club Champion and winner of the RSL Edinburgh Shield.”
Our condolences were extended to Margaret, Moya and their family.
President Ken Crawford emailed
“Gerry was born on 14 November 1924 in Horsham, Victoria.
He had 44 years of service with the ANZ.
He enlisted on 29 January 1943 and embarked for England on 17 November 1943.
During the war (WW2) he was a rear gunner attached to Lancaster Bomber group, RAF Squadron #186, #5 Group flying out of Stradishal, Suffolk UK.
He was the recipient of France’s “Legion of Honour” in 2015.
Val Goldsworthy (ANZROC member) once ask Gerry about the Cathedral in Cologne (Germany) as it was not damaged during the war and Gerry advised that the Cathedral was a checkpoint for Navigators so it’s preservation was essential for Navigators for air raid directions.
Gerry (and wife Fay) was on the Odd Bods committee (an associated RSL group) for several years.
Gerry was Treasurer of ANZROC from 1984 to 2009, 25 years and was granted Life membership in 1995
We were fortunate to have him and Fay attend our ANZAC meeting last April where he gave a talk on his WW2 service and the content of which has been included in the past three newsletters.
Vale Gerry” https://www.anzroc.com.au/roc-notice-board/966-vale-gerry-mcpherson-respected-life-member-of-anzroc-victoria
John Brown emailed “"Gerry was elected to the ANZROC (Vic) committee, and in 1984 he took on the role of Treasurer, a position he held for 25 years, an enormous commitment.
During his time as Treasurer, member details were recorded on around 800 individual hand-written cards that also contained records of annual subscription payments. The cards were held in alphabetical order in about 10 binders.
In those days, member subscription payments were made either by cheque or cash - no electronic payments - and financial records were meticulously handwritten by Gerry into a journal for reconciliation with the bank statements each month. As you can imagine, this was a very time-consuming job, and I am sure that Fay would have assisted Gerry during the busy times.
Gerry enjoyed his time as Treasurer, but he was happy to hand over the role in 2010 when it was decided to transfer the records and financial accounting to the computerised MYOB system."
Reny Frighetto emailed “Very sad to hear the passing of this true legend”.
Con La Fauci emailed “Very sad he did so much for our club.”
John Hudgson emailed “This is very sad news he will be sadly missed at our functions. Gerry was a true gentleman who always had a kind word and smile – I first met Gerry in 1964 at Wycheproof and have enjoyed catching up with him ever since. Vale Gerry.”
Ken Parry emailed “Very sad day , Gerry was a gentle man who served the Bank , his country and ANZROC with distinction. He will be sadly missed. My sympathy and love to Faye and family at this very sad time.”
Dick Sanders emailed “Gerry will be remembered by many over a long and dedicated Service.
I recall Gerry being appointed the first Manager of Blackburn Branch as I was working with Bob Bennett and as Gerry and Fay lived close to Box Hill Golf Club, I used to see him regularly in his back garden. My sympathy to Fay and the family,”
Bill Stevens emailed “ I first met Gerry when he was attached to the audit staff and conducting an audit at Ringwood branch in July 1965. During the audit period he was appointed Manager of the new to be opened Blackburn branch and asked me if I would be interested in the position of Account/Teller. The branch opened on the 25th of September 1965, 5 days prior to annual balance, staffed by Gerry, Evon Whalen/Ledgers and me.
Our first major account was Victorian Printing Works (introduced by Bob Bennett who was then Manager of ANZ Stationery Department) which at that time was the printers of ANZ cheque books and other negotiable instruments.
At time of his appointment Gerry didn't have a driver's licence so I was required to drive him to appointments and for valuations after closing hours.
Gerry finally bought a car from Ethridge of Blackburn (then a Mitsubishi dealer) from a salesman he met at the Blackburn Hotel which was frequently visited as Gerry loved a beer.
Now that Gerry had a car he had to learn how to drive, so that was the next challenge, teaching a very nervous Gerry how to drive, which we did just about every night after work for a few months until he got his licence.
After I left Blackburn branch our friendship still remained and we played golf together at Croydon Golf Club for a couple of years. In latter years I would see him at the MCG Members at cricket test matches and we would have a chat.
Many members of ANZROC may not know that Gerry played district cricket for Essendon Cricket Club and was an opening fast bowler, he told me many good, interesting, and funny stories about his cricketing career.
Gerry, you could say that you had a wonderful "Innings" and thanks for the great memories when we worked together.”
Tributes from our FACEBOOK Page : Michael Devlin
Vale Gerry, thank you for helping to make the world a better place. Joe Maggiore
Vale Gerry.it was a pleasure working with you for 2 years in Employee Relations Dept. Aldo Faella
Vale Gerry RIP
A video of Gerry recorded on Remembrance Day November 2020 can be viewed below https://vimeo.com/manage/folders/3018907
Our condolences were extended to Fay and the McPherson family.
Roger Dupuy emailed “Harry Carrodus.
Anne and I were both transferred to Melbourne from Tasmania and country Victoria in early 1964. We were fortunate to have Harry join us shortly thereafter as our Manager Methods.
A major function of Methods at that time was the preparation for conversion to decimal currency. Under Harry’s guidance work was both productive and enjoyable which lead to the smooth change in banking.
His ability to positively communicate and encourage staff to pursue their goals whilst ensuring that he provided beneficial support was a major factor in the development of our careers. As was standard protocol in those times, Anne’s career was curtailed by our marriage.
My career involved travels beyond Victoria which necessarily limited contact with Harry but when we did meet up it was always time for a good laugh. My condolences are extended to Beryl and her family. Vale Harry.”
Ken Fitzgerald wrote “ Harold (Harry) Carrodus
Condolences to Beryl and family from Ken Fitzgerald , ANZROC member and ex Bank of Australasia (Burnley) 1944 and more recently ANZ Nominees 1987. I am exactly 2 months older than Harry and always enjoyed reminiscing with him at the Christmas luncheon. Here is something from the past: in 1945 Harry and I on a number of occasions were taken out of our branches to work the day in the Armoured Escort Van delivering cash and coin from Head Office to and from the suburban branches under police escort. Quite an education seeing where our branches were and meeting their staff. A great memory.”
Roger Dupuy emailed “Roly Webster.
I joined the Bank at Rochester where Roly was then Accountant/Teller.
Unfortunately, our careers did not cross again but I remain thankful for Roly’s guidance in my formative banking year.
Roly operated a cheerful and smooth operating office with a dash of dry humour. Work didn’t interfere with social activities ensuring that I was always early for football and cricket practice. Even on our busy Saturday mornings I would be permitted to leave prior to 11am on away game days.
Lack of air conditioning on the warmer summer days was compensated by Roly arranging for the proprietors of the adjacent business – “Ada and Elsie’s Pub”- to deliver to the branch after 3pm, complimentary coldies in silver tankards. Hotel brewed ginger beer for the junior.
Revolver practice was conducted after dark which assisted containment of the local vermin – spotlight shooting of foxes and rabbits!
Yes, banking was a stress-free profession in those times.
My condolences are extended to Joan and her family. Vale Roly.”
Graham Taylor emailed “I know this is late, for which sincere apologies but having been out of touch for a number of years, I have only just learned that David died a couple of years ago. I led the team from Lloyds that sold NBNZ to ANZ and spent many weeks with David during the negotiations and completion of the deal. He was great fun to work with and I really did feel that, although the negotiations were tough, they were completely fair and undertaken in exactly the right, professional, spirit. Just thought I should record my appreciation of a true professional.”
Andy Herd emailed “I received an email advising the death of Jeff Barnes on 22 July 2021 in Vancouver where he and family had emigrated many years ago . Jeff reached the ripe old age of ninety-five . Jeff saw service in the RAF and joined the Scottie in Tasmania.
Jeff was a long serving Field Service Manager with Esanda and was very involved after merger where he was part of the team inducting our ANZ colleagues in the workings of the finance company procedures etc .
He had a wonderful disposition , a ready smile, a keen sense humour and interest in everyone he met . As it did here, it served him well in Vancouver where he had a successful career in banking and finance . I have a treasure of memories . Vale J.L Barnes “
CARRODUS H. A. (HARRY) 92 YEARS 27/06/2021
John Brown emailed “Allan Podger advised that Harry Carrodus had passed away after a battle with cancer. He was 92 years old. John Brown emailed “Sad news, Harry was a great guy, a long-time supporter of ANZROC (Vic) and came to many of our lunches. He had a long career in ANZ Data Processing and Methods. Our condolences to Beryl and her family.”
Committeeman John Hudgson emailed “So sad to hear of Harry’s passing, he was a great friend and mentor to me. I reported to him whilst working on a lot of projects during my time in ANZ. A wonderful person who was always a gentleman, never had a bad word against anyone and always
willing to share his knowledge and advice. It was always a highlight for me to catch up and have a chat with Harry at our Christmas Lunches. He is sadly missed. Vale Harry.”
Louis Hebrard emailed “Sad news. I never worked directly with Harry but attended a few project review meetings with him over many years. I liked his no nonsense approach and integrity. Very personable too.”
Jeff Pitt emailed “It is indeed sad news that Harry has passed away. Harry was a true gentleman banker, and a thorough professional in all that he did across a range of fields of banking.
I first encountered Harry in his Senior Management role in Methods Dept at South Yarra. He and his team were always extremely constructive and supportive in a number of IT projects we worked on together. Probably the most notable was the computerisation of branch Term Deposits in the early 1980's where all the bank ledgers for these deposits were written up by hand in large bound folders. Harry and his process management team took to the task of helping to get the Australia-wide network of branches organised to have all these records transferred to computer and then to have the State and AHQ administrative areas responsible for the overall management of this important sector of deposits.
I also worked with Harry on a pains-taking and laborious job after a major organisational upheaval in 1980's where we were tasked with producing a definitive schedule of administrative authorities and discretions for each of the respective levels of the newly created structure. I was continuously impressed with Harry's unwavering persistence and inexhaustible patience as we struggled to create a document of many columns/pages by hand (no big spreadsheets in those days!). I seem to recall that we achieved the finalisation of this task and presentation to the CEO and management committee just before the next major re-organisation occurred! Fortunately, Harry and I had both moved on by then and some-one else had to work out how to update it.
While Harry performed many special projects for the CEO and top management, I recall one particular task that gave him immense pride and satisfaction. ANZ Bank was nominated as the Official Banker for the 1986 Pope's Visit to Australia and Will Bailey asked Harry to act as the bank's representative on the organising committee. This secondment took the large part of a year as I recall, and Harry committed himself to it whole-heartedly. He had a fund of stories from this secondment but was always 100% discreet in what he shared to others. Harry was immensely proud of his part in this high-profile tour by the Pope.
Of course, Harry was also a very popular retired officer; always with a cheery smile and a warm greeting for everyone. Good on you Harry”
Eamon Veaney emailed” He was a lovely person. That is so sad. He was a great friend of Dick Milnthorpe “.
Tributes posted on Facebook were: Vivienne Smith
Fond memories of a friendly and fair man during our time together at Bankcard AHQ. Imelda David Christie
RIP. Harry.
Thanks to Ken Crawford and Vicky Genius we have located the short video of Harry Carrodus taken at our 2018 Xmas lunch by Anita Siassios . The link is: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6478930178163773440/
John Ries emailed “Barrie Gibson passed away at Epworth/Freemasons on Saturday 10 July. He was mainly a Retail Banker of some 40 years. He was born on 16/4/1939. He was a mate of mine for 60 years.”
SCHUNKE D.C.(DAVID) 79 YEARS 19/06/2021
Jennie Schunke phoned to advise her husband David, a good friend to many members including me , passed away on Saturday 19/06/2021 at Cabrini, Malvern .
Jennie emailed “David was a great supporter of ANZROC. He was born in South Australia and started his Banking career at the Bank of Adelaide. He later came to Melbourne working in the ANZ Bank. He enjoyed catching up with his old Bank Colleagues, especially the Christmas Lunch at the Arts Centre. David and I also enjoyed the Monthly Lunches, social breaks in Mansfield and many lunches at the Knox Club with ANZROC members.”
John Brown emailed “David and Jennie were great supporters of ANZROC (Vic), regularly attending our lunches and also the annual Mansfield Visits for many years. David was a keen golfer and a past member of Spring Valley Golf Club, he also took part in ANZROC (Vic) Golf days until he had to give up his golf a couple of years ago.”
John Harris emailed “I was very sorry to learn that David Schunke had passed away.
He will be sadly missed by his many friends created during his lifetime banking career which commenced in The Bank of Adelaide.”
Kevin and Bernice Mitchell emailed “David Schunke and Geoff Cook will be sorely missed by their friends who attended the Mansfield Golf Days for many years. They were both great supporters of the Social Club. Lots of great memories of many good times.”
Joan Nathan emailed “so sad to hear of the loss of David, he was a gentleman, and will be sadly missed by all those who knew him.’
Jennie Schunke wrote to
Joan Nathan, one of our Welfare Officers “Thank you Joan for your card of Sympathy following David’s death on June 19th. I find comfort knowing I am loved and cared for by my family and friends. David was a beautiful, kind, and caring husband, a true gentle man. We will all miss him.”
Ann Killeen emailed “It's with much sadness that I advise the passing of my father Roland (Roly) Frank Webster, retired ANZ Bank Manager, on 17/6/2021 at the age of 88 after a short illness at Bendigo where he and my mother Joan had retired. He joined the Bank of Australasia in Rutherglen on the 17/1/1949 at the age of 15. Best regards Ann Killeen nee Webster”
Roly was a regular contributor to our ANZROC newsletter.
Tributes posted on Facebook were: Imelda David Christie
RIP Roly. Will have a drink for you next time we’re in the Happy Valley Pub. Still as good as ever. Raymond Watson
Still miss our” unofficial“ managers meetings at the Happy Valley pub back in 1980, one of nature’s gentleman, RIP Roly. Laurie Marlin
Condolences to the family, I remember Roly from Yarram days.
WOODYARD P.J.(PETER) 68 YEARS 27/06/2021
President Ken emailed “At today's luncheon, I was advised by John Moore that our member Peter John Woodyard passed away on 27 June 2021, aged 68 years.”
Our condolences are extended to families and friends of Harry, David, Roly and Peter.
Further tributes for the late GEOFF COOK
Bob Flinn emailed “The passing of old friends is sad news and particularly sad to read of the passing of Geoff Cook on the 4/1/21. Geoff and I first met on the 24/1/55 when we attended a two week`
New Entrant` course in Flinders Lane. At the conclusion of this course, we were both appointed to 394 Collins Street Branch. From there we formed a friendship and we decided to join the ANZ football team the same year.
Hosie`s hotel was a regular place to have a quick lunch, and the Black Cat Café for a not so quick morning tea. Late 1958 I was transferred to Moonee Ponds branch and over time I lost contact with Geoff.
He spent many years in the country. Towards the end of the 90`s I relieved one of the Managers at 55 Collins Street and again met up with Geoff who was in charge of the Tellers. We were able to have a few lunches together whilst I was at that branch.
On retirement in 1995 and after joining Anzroc, I attended my first Annual Xmas Function and met up with Geoff and Lesley. The following years at the Xmas function we were all on the same table until illness prevented Geoff from attending a few years ago.
Many memories remain, particularly the humorous ones of which there were many.
My Condolences go to Lesley, Family and Friends.”
Bob Lyon emailed “I notice in this month’s newsletter that Geoff Cook passed away in January. I joined the Bank at Cobram in 1965 where Geoff was working at the time, and we spent three years working together. Many years later Geoff worked for me when I was Chief Manager Melbourne Central Zone based at 55 Collins Street and Geoff married Lesley Street, who he worked with at 55 Collins Street. I later appointed Lesley as the first manager of the new Southern Cross branch in the city.
I am still stuck in Melbourne with little hope of getting back to Fiji this year.”
Eamon Veaney advised that he had received news from Ken Hazell in the UK that Mike Bement had passed away. Mike worked in the ANZ London Trade Finance / Bills and Credit area and would be known to some of our members.
Barry Christian (son from his mother's first marriage) advised that his mother, Doris Christian (McNeil) had passed away on 7 May 2921 aged 97. Doris was the widow of our Past President Norm McNeil who passed away more than 20 years ago. Barry mentioned that his mother had also been employed by ANZ (or maybe one of its forebears) sometime in the past.
COOK G.D.(Geoff) 81 years 4/01/2021
Our member, Lesley Cook, widow of Geoff, advised that Geoff passed away on the 4th of January after a 19-year battle with Parkinson’s disease.
John Brown emailed 'I was very sorry to hear from Lesley that Geoff had finally succumbed to Parkinson's disease. He and Lesley have been great supporters of the Retired Officers' Club, travelling from Geelong for the Christmas Lunch at the Arts Centre each year for as long as Geoff's health would allow. They also enjoyed the golf/social breaks at Traralgon and Mansfield over a many years. Geoff's smiling face and good company will be missed.'
Our condolences are extended to Lesley and their family and friends.
George Cooper advised the passing of Heather McNutt from a cancer related illness on 28th May 2021. Heather was the widow of our long-term Auditor and Life Member Ken McNutt who passed away in 2014.
Our Condolences are extended to the family and friends of Heather.
Eamon Veaney emailed “I was advised that Noel Bryant passed away on 4/06/2021 after years of ill health. He worked for ANZ in Melbourne many years ago through the stock broking business .
He was part of my golf group for many years.” Noel would be remembered by a number of ANZROC members.
Our condolences are extended to family and friends of Noel
Carole Gibson, wife of Barry Gibson, emailed “Myself and five friends all had the great pleasure of meeting and working with Valda at ANZ Travel during the 1960’s, developing a friendship that would endure for some 60 years to come. Valda worked as a domestic travel consultant for many years, a position which she enjoyed immensely. Valda had a lovely personality, was always smiling and engaged with her clients in a professional and friendly manner. Valda retired at the age of 50, by which time “the girls” had also left ANZ Travel. Our friendships continued in the decades that followed with many a girls’ lunch and catch up. She will be greatly missed.”
Mark Ridoutt nephew of Honorary member Betty Jennings emailed “I inform you that my Aunty, Betty Jennings passed away on July 8th last year 2020. it’s taken me so long sorting out her affairs and after the year we’ve all just had,”
Our condolences are extended to the families and friends of Valda and Betty.
Eamon Veaney received the very sad news that Bruce Plaice-Leary, a legend in ANZ Technology, passed away 24/04/2021 after a fall earlier in the week. Bruce had been fighting cancer for some time but retained his positive attitude despite the challenges he faced.
Bruce was Eamon’s boss and mentor in London and had an enormous influence on IT at ANZ in both London and Melbourne. He will be sorely missed.
Our deepest condolences are extended to Daphne, Sophie and Robin.
There will be a memorial service once normality resumes in the UK. https://www.anzroc.com.au/roc-notice-board/949-vale-bruce-plaice-leary-a-legend-of-anz-technology
Frank Hatfield advised that Noel Impey passed away on May 1st, 2021. Noel was an ES&A banker and would be known to many Victorian members. Our condolences are extended to his family and friends.
Bob Maughan emailed,”I was saddened to learn about the death of Clive Bayley.
Clive was a true gentleman and one of the nicest, most generous caring people I have ever known or worked with.
I first met Clive at the old Stock Exchange branch 351 Collins Street not that long after arriving from the UK and when he became the Assistant Accountant. The branch was full of wonderful people from the top down who ensured it was a happy place to work, and dare I say, enjoy the odd beer or three after working very hard of course!. Clive or 'Mr. never better 'as I see others have mentioned truly epitomised the branch culture. Clive never forgot a staff members birthday to which I can attest, and this followed through long after being transferred. If a staff member or a member of their family was sick Clive was always quick to enquire and offer assistance. To arrive at work and bump into Clive with his huge smile never failed to get the day started on the right note.
On a more personal note, early on Clive invited Joan, me and our two children to their Mooroolbark home to meet Margaret and their children and to see how to operate a barbecue and drink Aussie beer! Not bad since he was also a POM! That one event has always remained in the minds of Joan and me!
Whatever success I may have had in my career with ANZ, and later Esanda was due in large part to the encouragement of Clive and putting my name forward when an opportunity arose for which he thought I was suited.
Later on, when Clive was an Area Manager, and I was with Esanda we used to meet often, and the encouragement never ceased. His enthusiasm was infectious.
My biggest regret is in recent years I did not kept in touch as I should have, and this is something I will have to live with!
To Margaret and her family, Joan and myself send our deep condolences on their sad loss.
'Mr. Never Better 'rest in Peace´.
More Facebook postings Diane Carew
I was so sad to hear of Clive’s passing. He was a beautiful man. RIP Clive I will miss seeing that lovely smile of yours. Moscatello Domenico
Clive Bayley was a people person. Sent me off to Langridge St as Accountant in what were my most memorable years in ANZ. A lovely man who genuinely cared about his people. Vale Clive. Teresa Hodges
RIP Mr. Bayley. I only worked at Moonee Ponds for a little while when you were there, but your presence has remained with me all these years. You truly were a Gentleman in every sense of the word and will be sadly missed. Jill Kassan
RIP Clive Bayley, a 'gentleman and a scholar' such a lovely gentle man, a true people person. Laurel Miles
Vale Clive. I worked with Mr. Bayley at Stationery Department Blackburn, then again at North West Zone in Moonee Ponds. Such a wonderful man, always referred to the women departments as Lady, and was always never better. Such wonderful memories. RIP Clive. Gary Murphy
Such a great man R.I.P. Mr. Clive Bayley. Beverley Power
RIP Mr. Bayley, a true gentleman, and people’s person, we all looked forward to him visiting Bundoora Branch. Helen Pyrros
RIP Clive Bayley a true leader and people’s person it was an honor to have met you and work for you. Christine Spence
RIP Mr. Bayley! Great man to work with!
BAYLEY C.F. (Clive) 86 years 26/03/2021
Clive passed away peacefully 26th March 2021 Aged 86
Clive was very well known to members, a contributor to our Newsletter and attended our lunches where possible so there may be many anecdotes that we would welcome for inclusion in future ANZROC Newsletters.
Life Member Noel Beanland who had worked with Clive for many years represented ANZROC at the funeral service where he met a number of ex ANZ’ers that included Colin and Adrian Armstrong, Ken Blakeney, John Carrazza, Geoff Leslie, Graham Joseph and Russell van Rooyen . Noel was moved at the service by the anecdotes and family tributes that reflected the distinctive nature of Clive.
Past President Kevin Mitchell emailed. “I was saddened to hear that Clive Bayley had passed away; he was one of the good guys. If you asked Clive how he was, the answer was always the same - “Never Better”.
During my term as Secretary/Manager of the ANZ Staff Social Club, Clive was elected as President for three years 1989/90/91. During this time, we developed a close working relationship and became good friends. I always greeted him as Sir Clive, and in response he would greet me as Sir Clip. He had a great sense of humour and a quick wit.
At each of the annual Staff Club Balls during his Presidency, after his welcome speech and with a glass of red wine in hand, he would ask all the males in in the room to be upstanding to drink a toast to their beautiful partners.
Clive was a great supporter of the Staff Club, and in retirement the Retired Officers’ Club, attending many of the lunch meetings and events. Vale Clive, you will be missed by your many friends.
Glen Fullerton emailed “ Clive was an Area Manager in WA for a short time (sometime between 1979 and 1981) before he returned to ANZ in Victoria. I often ran into him at the ANZROC Vic Christmas parties.”
Doug Ramsay emailed “ I have put down a few lines about Clive and also included a copy of a poem I wrote about him when he retired in 1992. The thoughts expressed in that poem I believe are a reflection of who Clive was. I first met Clive when the former Moonee Ponds, Footscray and Preston Areas were merged into the newly created Melbourne North West Zone around 1990/91. Clive was
appointed Senior Manager – Sales and Services as manager of the zone network (excluding lending services) and my first impression of him was of a very dapper, friendly man with an engaging personality – this impression never changed and I came to regard him as one of nature’s gentlemen. In those days he was a great advocate for the annual “Wagga Wagga Weekend” held over the long weekend in June at Wagga in NSW. It was a huge event during which teams from Victoria and NSW competed against each other in such sports as golf, tennis, running, tenpin bowling etc. More importantly, it was a great opportunity for the ANZ Bank fraternity to get together to have fun and strengthen friendships. Clive convinced me to participate, which I did even after I retired in early 1996, but sadly the event ceased soon thereafter following major Bank restructures. And so, we say goodbye to Clive Bayley, a true “ peoples” person, a rarity in today’s world.
Now all have heard of the “Silver Bodgie”
our ex-PM who could be dodgy
not to be confused with our “Dapper Clive”
who was seldom known to take a dive.
It is common custom most every day
as we meet people along the way
to say ”G ’day” or “How are you”
most respond ”Very well” without much ado.
But not our Clive, he always said
(even when his face was red)
“Never Better” in that deep voice
to smile back you had no choice.
Clive, knowing you has been a pleasure
the good times we had we’ll always treasure
for the Bank and staff, you’ve done your duty
the time has come to collect the booty.
And so, my friend we bid farewell
but on our parting we will not dwell
except to say without a letter
to both you and Margaret “Never Better” Doug Ramsay 1992
So sad to hear that we have lost Clive....he was extremely supportive and encouraging to me in my first management role when he was Area Manager Camberwell back in the late 80’s.
His air of positivity was infectious....the words “never better” were his response to how he felt and dealt with matters....they remain a permanent memory to me of Clive.....RIP. My thoughts are with Margaret and family.. Sandra Bellmaine
So sad he was a lovely man. Employed me at Camberwell area as receptionist and promoted me quickly to promotions manager. As I showed him things he would always say "now what do we have here?". A lovely lovely man. RIP Clive
Kerry Buckley
Vale Clive. He was Bossy and I was Flossy when I was his lending assistant @ ANZ Croydon in the 80s. Famous for his saying "Never Better" He and Margaret were like our second parents. He will be sadly missed Imelda David Christie
RIP. Cheryl Cottle
Very sorry to hear. Clive was a lovely man Debra Emmett
Such a lovely man. I worked with Clive at ANZ Croydon in Vic back in the 80’s. It was an absolute pleasure to work with him. Clive you will be sadly missed. Such a gentleman. Thank you Clive Wolfgang Frank
Vale Clive. A real gentleman and also character. Had pleasure working with Clive at 388 CSM, where he was a lending Manager on 1st floor. Mary Lewis
An absolute gentleman. Always there as a very supportive Senior Manager. Had a lot of laughs. A pleasure to work for. Rest in Peace Mr. Bayley - always to me Mr. Bayley! Mandy Rashleigh
So sad to hear of Clive’s passing. He was a true gentleman and a great leader. RIP Clive - condolences to his family.
Our condolences are extended to Margaret and her family and friends
BELL ROBERT G (BOB) 12/01/2021 73 YEARS
Eamon Veaney attended the funeral service for Bob Bell and emailed in this report “Bob was given a moving send off by family and friends at Wattle Park Chalet this afternoon. Numbers were limited due to Covid-19 restrictions but there were many stories highlighting Bob’s wonderful life.
Dick Chegwin gave a eulogy highlighting Bob’s extensive career and achievements at ANZ in London, Singapore and Melbourne.
The ANZ was well represented by Des Shady, John Ries, Andrew Kelly, Eamon Veaney, John Phelan, Bob and Annie Morpurgo , Trevor Walker, Michael Elliott, Peter Norman , Brian Kirk, Dick Menting, Chris Cooper, and Bruce Dilks.
Bob was a very popular colleague and friend and will be missed.”
Des Shady emailed the following tribute to the late Robert (Bob) Bell “ Robert G (Bob) Bell passed away yesterday (12th January), after a long battle with leukemia. Bob spent the majority of his ANZ career involved in the Foreign Exchange markets. He joined the International Banking Division (IBD) in 1970, in Melbourne, before transferring to London in 1974 to further his FX dealing capabilities. After another period in Melbourne, Bob, Joyce and family moved to Singapore where he ran the FX operation for five years. Upon returning to Melbourne Bob was appointed Senior Manager FX where he was responsible for the FX operation in Australia reporting to me.
Bob was President of the Australian Forex Association for five years and much involved in arranging the annual worldwide ACI Congress, which was held in Australia, for the first time, in 1992. Over the past 35 years, Bob was a regular member of the annual IBD golf trip to the Murray and a past winner of the prestigious Hastie Trophy. Bob had lots of friends at ANZ. He was a truly great guy who will be sorely missed. “
Richard Harding emailed “Sad news”
Bob Forsyth emailing from USA “One of the greats. Rest in Peace Robert. Condolences to Joyce”
Geoff MacFarlane emailed “What a sad time. Bob was my main FX mentor (Frank Stanson the other) while I was with ANZ and showed enormous patience ,knowledge and ultimately friendship in those years. A truly great man whose memory will stay with me. Vale Bob.”
Emilio Moreno emailed “Thanks Eamon, another good guy gone to soon. Bob was a genuine person who was great company and a good work mate. Vale Bob, you will be missed by many.”
Greg Watson emailed “Very sad news for Evelyn and me to hear of Bob’s passing.”
TRIBUTES TO BOB BELL posted on Facebook Mike Aranha: “Quietly spoken, tall & imposing gentleman. I relish my dealings that I had with Bob. Condolences to the Bell family, plus the ANZ community, especially Des Shady” John Chase : “Vale Bob. A great bloke who always did his best at the bank and was a true leader. Condolences to the family.” Pam Chellew : “So sad, Bob was such a fixture in Markets and such a great guy. Condolences to the family.” John Collins : “Very sad news. Sympathies to family and friends.” David de Garis : “very sad to hear that. Condolences to Bob’s family & friends’
Pat Devine: “Bob was my boss in 1987-88 when I returned to OZ. That is always a thankless job; but Bob was the epitome of a gentle man and a wonderful man and boss.”
Keith Ford : “Very sad to hear the news indeed. “Belly” was one of the good guys and will be sadly missed.” Vince Karam: “So sorry to hear of passing of Bob. One of the leaders in the developments in foreign exchange markets. Condolences to his family.” Richard Mogridge: “Bob was a real gentleman. A pleasure to know and to work with.” Anne Morpurgo : “A true gentleman . Fantastic memories of our years working together in FX condolences and love to Joyce and the Bell family .” Dennis Pettit : “Condolences, I remember Bob from a brief tour in London!” Neil Pickering : “Vale’ Bob ... sad news about a man so many knew and respected.” Mandy Rashleigh: “Sad news - Bob was a great guy.”
Richard Simioni: “So Sad. Condolences to Bob’s family and friends. Karen Van Aken: “Sad news. Bob Bell a lovely man. Joyce Bell a lovely talented woman “ Julie and Trevor Walker
“Vale’ Bob. Such sad news. Thinking of you Joyce and your family”
Our condolences are extended to Joyce and their friends and family.
Alister Maitland emailed “If I was asked to describe Jim in one word it would be integrity. He was straight up and down and what you saw was what you got. He had a strong set of values where fairness and doing the right thing ranked highly in Jim’s world. There were no short cuts and his understanding of the Banks balance sheet and financial details were second to none, reflecting his long stint as Financial Controller for the Group.
I remember when the Trustee Executors Agency Company joined the ANZ Group and Jim was asked to attend a diner at Raheen given by the late Richard Pratt to recognise the work of Father Kiss who would now be joining ANZ. During the dinner Richard Pratt asked each of the guests to say a few words in support of Father Kiss. Knowing that Jim had considerable misgivings about Father Kiss, (which latter proved to be well founded) I asked him how he handled his turn to speak. He replied that as he did not know Father Kiss it was enlightening to hear the favourable words of those who had spoken, and he promptly sat down.
When Jim retired I asked him to come to New Zealand and lead a review of UDC our finance arm. This he did with great distinction and he and Hilda enjoyed a return to their home land and a chance to catch up with many of their friends from the time he started his banking career. In the final analysis Jim’s sense of humour and love for his family is an enduring memory of my time working alongside him. A true gentleman banker.”
On behalf of ANZROC members our condolences are extended to Hilda and her family and friends,
We were advised recently that Les Stevens, husband of our member Lyn
Stevens had passed away. Les was 89 years of age.
Many members would remember Lyn and Les from the time when Lyn was on
the Staff Club committee and Les accompanied her to many events run by
the Staff Club. Les not only attended events, but was a willing worker
and always ready to help with whatever needed to be done. Les was
regarded by all as 'part of the team', and he will be sadly missed by
all his friends.
We extend our condolences to Lyn.
BRIANT A.S. (ALAN) 88 YEARS 5/09/2020
Peter Briant, son of our Respected Honorary member Alan Briant emailed “I wish to advise with deep sorrow that my father Alan Briant passed away on 5th September 2020 after a short illness. He unfortunately succumbed to the COVID 19 virus in the aged care facility he had only recently moved into with his wife of 62 years, Ruth. Alan was an Honorary member of the ANZ Retired Officers Club which I recall he was looking forward to enjoying the celebrations of the ANZ/ES&A merger 50th Anniversary.
Alan had worked with ES&A/ANZ in Tasmania, from the age of 16, starting as a Clerk then onto Bank Teller. He worked his way around Tasmania serving in Wynyard, Oatlands, New Norfolk, Moonah and then finally in Hobart where he became an Auditor. Alan retired around 1992. My parents moved to Victoria in 2002, residing in Bairnsdale where they enjoyed many years there till “old age” brought them to Melbourne, to be closer to family.
Alan fondly told us how he enjoyed receiving the monthly ANZROC (Vic) newsletters and wished he was able to attend one of your lunches when he moved to Melbourne.
Please pass this email onto all the members of ANZROC.”
Our condolences were extended to son Peter and widow Ruth and family on the passing of our Honorary member Alan Briant.
Sad news from UK of the passing of our Respected Honorary Member Dick Milnthorpe on 30/10/2020 at the age of 88 years….
Dick was a prolific contributor to our ANZROC Newsletter and the initiator of the recent articles about the development of the computerisation of ANZ …
Eamon Veaney emailed this tribute “Sadly, I received a call from Pat Milnthorpe this morning to say that Dick passed away peacefully at home yesterday after being diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in September. Dick had recently celebrated his 88th birthday.
We managed to complete Dick's story of his career in IT at ANZ earlier this month.
Below is a link to the story. https://www.anzroc.com.au/ima…/stories/…/londonithistory.pdf
Dick made an enormous contribution to the growth of Technology at ANZ and will be missed.
I was very fortunate to accompany Dick to the USA in 1976/77 to set up the offices in New York and Los Angeles.
The message below was received from Dick one week ago and shows that he kept his sense of humour to the end
''Just to say thanks to you all who have written, I see Bob(Wheeler) sees us meeting ‘down there’ and guess, he is probably right, we wouldn’t want to go to a place where none of our friends were, and Alan(Findlay) is probably running it now! (And giving Will (Bailey a hard time). Anyway, I’m comfortable, I’ve had a good run, and never broke the 11th Commandment! It was a privilege to work alongside you all. Yours with great affection, Dick.''
Our deepest condolences are sent to Pat and her family.”
Warren Taylor emailed “ I had the privilege and honour of not only knowing Dick Milnthorpe but also working with him (New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and London ) and then out of the office, sailing with him on Long Island Sound, and the Solent; in the off season in London preparing his yacht for the coming season. He was a master sailor.
I first met Dick in London in 1969 on the completion of a Shipboard Agency (SS) Canberra) spending 10 days in London Office attached to International Department, before flying home.
Our next encounter was early January 1976 when Dick, then Manager IT London and his 2 I C Bruce Plaice- Leary was sent over by Mr. Pinks at the request of John Holberton General Manager International Division to determine within two weeks a computer system (both hardware and software) for the new Banking Agency being established in New York.
At that time, I was the assistant Representative for North America.
My role, as directed by John Holberton, was to immediately make contact with Dick Milnthorpe and assist him in every way possible for the matter was urgent, organise a visiting programme, make appointments with parties he wished to speak with and advise him of the projected product and services to be provided by the new agency, together with likely volumes of business.
After the first week had concluded, Dick had made his decision before arrival in New York. The software system he was looking for had to be multi- currency and modular in design with broad parameters, operating on an IBM platform. His submission was masterfully crafted, for his vision was not just a system for New York Agency, but a group system, one that could be used anywhere in the world, whether it be in a regulated or deregulated market. Wheel it in, plug it in, tick the appropriate parameters and we are up and running were his visionary words.
His recommendation was MIDAS being developed by BIS a UK company, operating on an IBM system 32 Platform
When conveying to him the directive from Mac Brunckhorst (then CEO) to set up the most effective and efficient operation possible adopt world best practice, get the computer to do everything and forget how we do it in Australia, he simply smiled, for this was music to his ears. When questioning him “Can a computer do everything”, his simple answer was yes, if you give me the specifications and accounting entries. Still doubting him he added, although his chosen system Midas only had two modules (dealing and accounting ) consisting of only five general ledger accounts, the strength of his chosen software was its two features of being modular and with broad parameters, enabling modules to be added together with the appropriate general ledger accounts until it is a full commercial banking system. This was his visionary goal. Sensing I was still not convinced he proceeded to deliver a historical evolution of computerisation of being developed from the bottom up of simply computerising the biggest problem/volume first, stating within the banking industry it was cheque accounts first followed by savings account, then term deposits and then loan accounts resulting in many sub systems being added to produce the other essential information. Whereas, systems should have been developed from the Top down outlining that this visionary concept of capturing all of the elements at the outset to produce all information, reports, returns etc., required by external authorities and internally for headquarters and local management. Adding at the end of the month we should be able to go to the computer press a button and all internal and external reports would be produced automatically and data transmitted to the recipient. That was his visionary concept to which he committed himself to achieving.
He became more convinced his objective was achievable when informed of the USA compulsory accounting principles of accrual system of accounting for all interest and discount and the daily accounting of all contingent liabilities, neither of which existed in any ANZ operation.
Dick quickly appreciated the significance of these stipulations, as both would enable him to achieve his visionary concepts for returns and reports.
Internally, this included the monthly return, half year and annual balance day returns, each of one page, were computer produced and data transmitted to GHQ at close of business on the required day for submission i.e. annual balance was a one a one-page report transmitted at 6 pm. New York time on 30 September.
One other convincing argument Dick advanced in support of his choice, was the unique client numbering system within Midas; it sold me.
Over the years I found Dick to be a highly dedicated and committed officer.
Throughout his career, his contributions were enormous. He was always seeking ways to improve operational processes based on his broad knowledge and experience of commercial banking practices, both domestic and international.
His visionary concept of developing MIDAS into a full commercial banking system was achieved in stages, with three new modules added in New York before opening day in June 1976, and a further four by annual balance day 30 September 1976, and finally accomplished during the restructuring of London Branch operations over 1980/82 when London’s computer operations were transferred from its existing system to MIDAS, requiring some new modules to be added to accommodate existing business practices, as well as from new products introduced from the restructuring processes. Thus, Dick’s visionary concept had been accomplished to his immense satisfaction. Thereafter, some further modules were added to accommodate the ever-evolving derivative products within the London Market. Finally, a Business Unit Accounting Module was then developed to satisfy the McKinsey recommendations.
At the conclusion of the London restructuring process, Mike Tong then Manager Foreign Exchange Dept London, suggested that with all the additional modules added by ANZ, the system should be renamed MIDANZ. Mike had been involved from the outset setting up the foreign exchange dealing activities in New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Dick was a remarkable man in fact a legend. A visionary extraordinaire. He was an outstanding
considerate; blessed with a great sense of humour; he was an excellent raconteur.
Dick was highly respected by everyone he made contact with throughout his career which included Bill Ray, the Senior Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman and company. A that time Bill Ray was considered to be the doyen of Wall Street Bankers. Internally he earnt the total trust of the master banker Tom Williams.
Vale Dick”
Pat Milnthorpe, widow of Dick emailed “Thank you Eamon for all the kind messages from friends and colleagues from ANZ. Richard would have been so pleased that he was so well thought of. Will you give my thanks to everyone.”
YORK B.R. (JOHN) 89 YEARS 22/10/2020
Notice in the Age Newspaper 27/10/2020
“YORK Bernard Roy
Sandra, Katherine, Peter and Richard honour the peaceful passing of Bernard on October 22nd in Kew.
Born in Northampton, England on 10th July 1931, he moved to New Zealand in 1955 and later Melbourne in 1971 to pursue a lifelong career in banking with the ANZ Bank.
His kindness, dignity, intellect and immense integrity will be eternally missed by all his family including Cameron, Michele, Siri, Nicholas and grand-children Caroline, James, Kirin, Archer and great granddaughter Arabella. Deeply missed and always in our hearts”
Our condolences are extended to Sandra and the York family.
Louis Hebrard emailed “in case ANZROC has not been advised, Phillip (Phil) Ellis passed away last Friday the 16th, aged 77. I knew Phil in Retail Marketing in the late 80' and early 90's. I worked with him in Perth, when he was General Manager of Town & Country Bank, on a project to develop a strategy and plan to integrate their products and accounts into ANZ. We also worked together later, on a project with McCaughan Dyson to develop a margin lending product. After ANZ, he had a successful business doing financial planning and SMSF management. He had a jolly and direct character; we enjoyed the work we did together. Vale Phil.
Charles Griss emailed “I was very sad to hear from a former close work colleague Paul McKernan (and nowadays my “LIFE WEALTH” Financial Planning Advisor-just retired), that Phil Ellis had died.
Paul had rung me a few days earlier to let me know that Phil was in palliative care. Unfortunately, Phil’s condition deteriorated very rapidly, and I was unable to speak with him or indeed his wife Jane before he died.
Phil suffered a very serious bout of cancer quite some years ago, but he was a fighter and true to form, got back on his feet and lived life to the fullest until relatively recently.
I met Phil back in ANZ Controllers days when he came to ANZ from Philip Morris to head up the Cost Accounting Section of Controllers. I subsequently became his boss. Phil brought quite a different culture to the Bank as well as many ideas, business processes and policy initiatives and of course a lot of experience from a totally different industry. I think it is fair to say he held and implemented his ideas with conviction and was a catalyst for a number of improvements in ‘the way we did business’. Whilst he was demanding of his staff, he was also very loyal to and supportive of them, a quality which always stood out to me.
For well over 20 years we maintained regular contact through so called “Controller’s Lunches”, which were initiated by Dieter Telburn. Unfortunately, COVID 19 intervened this year, so to some extent the 8/10 of us who wined and dined 3/4 times a year have temporarily lost the contact we had with each other. Phil’s external persona was one he played to with much pleasure and some could not always see past that. As evidenced after his initial bout of serious illness, he remained positive in his outlook and enjoyed good company, friends, and much travel. We in the “Controllers Group” will miss him. Our thoughts are with Jane, whose loss, whilst perhaps not unexpected, is great and we send our condolences to her.
Vale Phillip. “
BOAK R.A.(ALAN) 85 years 22/09/2020
Alan’s passing was noted in the Age newspaper 23/09/2020. Alan was a regular contributor to our ANZROC newsletter, and our condolences are extended to his widow Diane and their family.
Keith Witney emailed “Alan and I worked closely together on Economics Dept. ANZ Business Indicators’ when it was keenly awaited and much quoted by business media. Alan’s enjoyment of the English language caused him to sometimes include a not common word to see if it might ‘ get a run’. One that I recall was a great success was when he used “parlous” to describe the state of a part of the economy and subsequently and for some time it became part of the economic commentary landscape. Vale Alan.”
CARR L.J. (LEN) 82 years 27/09/2020
Fiona Cranny, daughter of Len Carr advised of her father’s passing on 27/09/2020 aged 82 years after a short illness with late diagnosis of lung cancer. Fiona said that her father joined the bank in Bendigo followed by a journey around country Victoria that included terms in Bendigo, Ballarat, Pakenham, Mildura, Geelong and suburbs and on retirement Len had been manager Corio and finally Belmont in Geelong. Apart from his career in banking and caring for his family he had two passions in life. The first was his love of music and singing, performing in musical theatre and light opera in Bendigo and Geelong Light Opera groups. His second was the Belmont Bowls Club where after retirement he served in management and treasurer roles for more than 20 years.
Our condolences were extended to Fiona, her mother Norma and the family.
DE MORTON ROSS 75 years 19/09/2020
ANZROC member John Gawne emailed “A note to inform you that sadly my good friend and work colleague Ross de Morton passed away on 19/09/2020 in Horsham.
Ross unfortunately suffered two severe strokes in recent weeks. He was Operations Manager Gippsland under the old Area Concept, Manager Kooweerup, Leongatha, Morwell, Lending Manager Gippsland and District Manager West Gippsland.
Coming from Essendon and a staunch supporter of the “Bombers” he also worked at Marnoo, Stawell and the launch of Bankcard. Ross and I in recent years spent grand final day together, sadly no more.”
Kim Charlton emailed “I knew Ross from earlier Gippsland days before I moved on in my career with the Bank and was branch manager (no business lending) at 91 William St, Melbourne. In 1992, Ross, in his capacity as District Manager West Gippsland, advertised the position of branch manager (including business lending with a CAD) at Koo Wee Rup. Although I had no experience in business lending I rang Ross to enquire whether lending experience was important should I decide to apply. Ross explained given my knowledge of the area and sport/community involvement over the years, plus a need to ‘mend some bridges’, my lack of business lending experience was ‘not a great concern and something that would be easily remedied’. After a couple of months in the job, I wondered if Ross’s opinion qualified for the ‘famous last words’ category. I soon realised Ross’s reputation for caring for and supporting his staff was well deserved. Even at his farewell dinner, he espoused the importance of supporting each other while giving honest feedback on how life can sometimes throw unkind curveballs. A champion all-round bloke. Vale. Ross.”
Our condolences are extended to family and friends of Ross.
HOSKIN Ms. J. M (June) HOSKIN 93 years 23/08/2020
Nephew Jeff Hoskin advised of his aunt, our Honorary Member June Hoskin’s passing on 23/08/2020. June worked with ANZ Group in a secretarial role for more than 40 years.
June was also a regular contributor to our ANZROC newsletter.
Barbara Bruce emailed “I went on the ANZ Retired Officers' overseas tour in 1995 or 1996 and June was on the tour. Brian Christensen led the tour which was very enjoyable. “
Maria Natoli emailed “I had some dealings with her when she was secretary to Stuart Brooke, when he was head of Marketing Department (this would have been in the 1980s, I think). As I recall, June was very quiet and reserved, but very diligent. I know that she enjoyed working for Stuart. “
John Brown said that when he knew June she was secretary to Keith Witney, Chief Manager Marketing.
COLLINS W.T. (BILL) 83 YEARS 11/07/2020
We heard the sad news that Bill Collins passed away in July from his daughter Maree Tandon who was also a long term ANZ employee
Bill was mentioned in our recent articles on the birth of IT in ANZ as one of the pioneers. In 1964 Bill went on to lead the team which created the current accounts application. He then held a number of senior positions in the IT/DP area.
Maree advised that Bill passed away on 11 July 2020, after a fall and a short illness and she emailed the following information although she said that from a date perspective it may not be entirely correct but is to the best of the family’s recollection!
“Dad joined ANZ in his hometown of Chinchilla Queensland around 1954.
Dad took the opportunity of a secondment to New Guinea in the late 50’s, where he met Mum, Deanne, who was also on a secondment in New Guinea.
Mum and Dad married in 1961, and lived in Queensland, whilst Dad worked relieving in a number of country branches, like Kilkevan and Gympie. At this time, computers and computer programming became a passion for Dad, which continued right up and into his 80’s. The family moved to Melbourne, as ANZ started to set up their Data processing operations. Dad was part of the team that introduced Honeywell into ANZ working at the “state of the art” office at 227 Toorak Road. I remember the previous building, which I think was like a house, was it 145 Toorak Road?
Dad then worked in Communications for ANZ in the 80’s, and was also a Senior Manager in Credit Cards, working out of the newly refurbished Bryant and May Factory in Richmond.
Dad “retired” in the early ‘90’s, purchasing Edithvale Hardware and Lotto, where he and Mum worked until around 1997 when they properly retired.
They both enjoyed travelling, locally and overseas, and had a great number of friends who they loved to have over for a visit and much raucous laughter.
Dad’s health was always a concern, diagnosed with bowel cancer 20 years ago, he always bounced back and made the best of everything life threw at him.
Our household was the proudest ANZ household around, our whole lives were entwined with all the ANZ milestones, Dad could not have been prouder to work anywhere else, and every milestone for ANZ was a celebration for us.
Embarrassingly, I remember when 55 Collins Street was in development, Collins Place, I naturally assumed it was named after Dad, and told all my friends so!!!
Dick Milnthorpe emailed “Very sorry to hear that Bill Collins has died, he was a leading light in the pre-1980 IT Dept. I arrived in March 1980 from UK and was very surprised that at that critical time it had been decided to transfer him to another area. The success of the former Honeywell Accounting system was in no small way due to Bill who had had a large part in its design and installation. They were portentous days, such a large and vital system is an extremely large and expensive investment by the Bank and the changeover from a Honeywell to an IBM based operation was somewhat like turning the proverbial oil tanker around, not to mention the expansion of IT into other areas of the Bank. Nevertheless, Bill continued to be successful in other areas where he was a convivial and popular leader. I will miss him.
The loss of Bill serves to emphasise the importance of the current “Memoirs” in preserving an important record of the Bank’s history.”
Bruce Plaice- Leary emailed “So sad to hear about Bill Collins a perfect gentleman and a great ANZ man. He was one of the people I met when I went to Australia for the first time. He greeted me as if he had known me all my life and I felt a great kindred spirit, larger than life, a true Aussie. Out for an evening with Bill and other members of the IT team, he said to me " I hope you’re not one of those Poms who don't take their drink", apparently on Dick's earlier visit he had been observed tipping a couple of drinks in the shrubbery and Dick had told me that and thought he got away with it! Much later when Derek Gall took over ENS, I took over Communications from Bill, and I think that included the Wang email system. He made it very easy for me introducing me to the staff and to the suppliers. Everything was in prime order as you would expect of Bill. He went on to run Cards Operations for Charles Carbonaro. Highly respected and liked by all he was truly a hard act to follow.”
The link to more articles relating to Bill’s time in ANZ is : https://www.anzroc.com.au/roc-notice-board/886-vale-bill-collins-respected-honorary-member-of-anzroc-victoria-passed-away-july-11-2020-aged-83
Our condolences are extended to Maree and the Collins family and friends
TAYLOR T.B.(THOMAS) 92 YEARS 12/06/2020
Lea Trafford daughter of ANZROC Honorary member Thomas Taylor of 13 Pioneer Street Foster advised her father had passed away on June 12th, 2020.
Tom had been ailing for a few years but especially since his beloved wife Deirdre passed in April 2019. Together, they had joined the community at Prom Country House for their final years together.
Prior to that Tom had retired down to South Gippsland where he had run cattle with his father in law, on a farm at Waratah Bay/Fish Creek. Together, with a few other retired ANZ fellows and of course his wife Deirdre, he travelled extensively. Tom had a rich life and contributed to the lives of many.
Our condolences are extended to Lea and the Taylor family and friends.
Terry Earle emailed “One of the funny memories of my experience with Will was when we launched ANZ VISA Card. As was the practice, any new product launch required us to ensure the Executive Team were given priority. And so, it was with the Visa launch.
We had to manually intervene and produce cards for the Executives that were hand delivered in advance of the launch. This was achieved successfully. However, the manual intervention resulted in the cards being deemed expired – something to do with the expiry date that was altered. This only came to my attention after the launch.
I received a hostile and angry call from Will on his return from New Zealand telling me that he had been chased down a street in Wellington after he had bought flowers for Dorothy on his new Visa card. It was rejected!!!!He shouted at me …… ‘I suppose thousands of our customers are affected by this mistake!!!!!!!” I responded… “No. Just the Executive team on the 14th and 15th Floors”. He just slammed the phone down and I didn’t hear any more about it. But there were many chuckles on the 14th and 15th floors, I was reliably informed. Their cards were replaced in 48 hours…………”
Ray Nicholson emailing from Adelaide “Geoff Pitt sent me the ANZROC August Newsletter with reference to the late Will Bailey. I worked under Will in NZ and later in Melbourne when I transferred into the Group Personnel area. Later I was SM HR Vic Admin before transferring to Adelaide. Then a move back to NZ as GM HR and following that back to Group HQ involved in the Grindlay’s group from an HR perspective. Contracting a bad cancer, I had to retire at age 58 in a
tenuous situation but with lots of good medical interventions and support that passed, and now at 81 in a couple of weeks’ time, life is great. So, I found reading the ANZROC Newsletter most interesting bringing back names from former times.
We are watching the Victorian situation with dismay re COVID 19 – what a dreadful situation with so much loss of life.
A final note re Will Bailey, we were happy to meet and most sorry to part. The loss of a great banker and workmate is heavily felt.”
BAILEY W. J. (WILL) 87 YEARS 13/08/2020
Will was CEO of ANZ Banking Group from 1984-1992 , well known to many ANZROC members and a great supporter of ANZROC and a regular contributor to our Newsletter.
Our condolences are extended to Dorothy and her family.
Maria Natoli emailed “It is with great sadness that I am writing to let you know that Will passed away in hospital this morning with Dorothy by his side. Will had a fall at home last week and sustained a serious brain injury from which he did not recover. In recent months, Will had not been in the best of health. A very special person has left us.”
John Ries emailed this tribute to Will Bailey
“I first met WJB in London in 1978; he was the no 2 of ANZ’s operations in UK and Europe and I was on secondment to a London Merchant Bank. During my stay in London I grew to appreciate the character of Will; energetic, far sighted, independent and ready to upset the “London Establishment “and the ingrained behavioural culture. Meaning for example a long day at the office was 7 hours; a maximum of 4 hours work (including siesta time), pre-lunch drinks at 11.30am at the local and then a beautifully catered for, hot or cold 3 course menu (a real silver service).
Needless to say, the locals were not endeared to WJB, but that was a stimulant for him for more action to change London.
Socialising was big for WJB and we were entertained often in Dulwich with Will, Dorothy and others in their Manor. Incidentally, the house was bought by Will beyond his discretion, but when tackled by Wheeler-Bennett the No 1 local, WJB’s response was “don’t worry I’ve made you $100,000 already (1978 values!!). During the 18 Months overlap WJB would always ensure Sandra (my wife, since deceased) and I were part of ANZ’s entertainment world (I worked in Fenchurch Street at Kleinwort’s). The entertainment functions held at 71 Cornhill in the Chamber rivalled everything including the ground floor at 388 Collins Street (the Gothic Chamber). Worth noting that WJB had the latter restored to perfection along with the development of 100 Queen Street.
In Australia in the mid-1980s WJB took over from J D Milne (“gidday Mister”). The so-called ‘contenders’ for CEO were the 2 Nicolsons, Reg and Jim, and Bruce Dickinson. Often, I would have to present in front of JDM with his successors and always on such occasions when entering WJB would give me a wink, as much to say, “good luck”. That continued for the rest of my career under WJB’s CEO duration.
Restless for change to modernise the Bank and give a much bigger presence in the Corporate and Government worlds as well as the media generally, WJB enthused in his stewardship. An Organisational Restructure was significant in 85/86; not forgetting that the acquisition of Grindlays Bank in the early 80’s was still in its relative infancy within the ANZ stable. Moreover, one has to recognise WJB’s influence in the National Mutual matter that found its declinal on Keating’s desk.
Many other great things happened during Will’s tenure, too many to list, but suffice to say a very, very busy agenda in which he thrived. Just one for noting, being the Holmes a Court threat to BHP, ANZ, as a blue-chip establishment, was to the fore and an occasion where WJB exercised Board discretion to facilitate an arrangement that assisted the Big Miner, and further cement the long-term relationship. A government enquiry ensued but ANZ came out with a clean slate.
Will sat comfortably with the big picture future scenario, and it was easy on many occasions to find you were in disagreement with him. My experience was, that didn’t matter; he would hold his line but be contented that there are different ways to view things and respect you for it.
On a very personal point, I have always felt he treated me somewhat special and guided my career from our London times. If that were true, my family and I are very fortunate to have had someone so powerful and yet so “down to earth” looking favourably upon me.
Will J Bailey has much to be proud of nothing to be regretted. Vale Will
David and Helen Butcher emailed “What a shock and so, so sad. He was exasperating at times but was a true gentleman and a great mentor. I am so lucky to have had Will’s friendship over many years. I will contact Dorothy separately with our condolences.
In these COVID times it will not be possible for many who share my sentiments to attend Will’s funeral but if it is being webcast as many are these days, please let us know the link.”
Frank and Mavis Edwards emailed “A few words of deep sympathy to Dorothy on the passing of her beloved husband, our dear old friend and colleague Will.
Will was just a couple of years my junior and our paths first crossed in the early 1950’s when I was in Vic. Branch Department under the watchful eye of that martinet Sophus Arnold von Bertouch and Will was working for Ken Lenton in the Staff Department. Will’s career from the 1950’s onward was illustrious , to say the least, and he was one of the few remaining examples of a banker of the old brigade who joined their chosen bank straight from school with a Field Marshall’s baton in their knapsacks and worked their way up the ranks. Clearly, he did it well, but in reaching the top of the tree he lost none of his good-natured humanity and sense of humour. If he made any enemies along the way I never heard of them and in my book, we have all lost a great friend. I am deeply saddened and the fact that the present pandemic will preclude any large gathering to celebrate his great life makes it even worse. Vale Willoughby.””
From Charles Griss:
“There are no doubt many “Will Bailey stories”, but they may not all be fit to put into print. Nothing salacious mind you, but some could be ‘commercially sensitive’.
Many of us will recall that Will was of the view that if you travel internationally (or domestically for that matter), you need not have any recovery time etc., on arrival at your destination or home. It was straight into work; no such thing as jet lag. You should not be tired etc., etc., That was all BS!
Well, when I was CFO, I travelled overseas with him on one occasion. I will never forget him in the airport lounge in Sydney on return from the UK (I think) where he sat waiting for the flight to Melbourne (waiting was not his favourite pastime and was what he claimed one of the reasons he bought a private jet), and he was totally and utterly stuffed. He could hardly scratch himself as they say. He was after all human! Hope Angela and I may have the opportunity to ‘participate’ in the funeral service via Zoom or similar. “
Louis Hebrard emailed “Very sad moment. I liked Will and reported to him for a short while in the 80's. He was very much a "what you see is what you get" sort of person, with great dedication to the Bank whilst enjoying a very good sense of humour. We got on well and I have some great recollections.”
From Helen Prosser Jones:
“When I first started working closely with Will, I was somewhat daunted by his reputation of having "freckles in his temper".
Though he could definitely be outspoken and left us in no doubt of his feelings when something went awry, I found him to be one of the most inspirational people I ever met. He was generous of his time and input, expansive in his knowledge across topics ranging from business to the arts, and lived out his belief in encouraging himself and others to be open to continual learning and growth.
Life was never boring with Will. “
Joan Nathan emailed “Will was a real gentleman, and those who knew him would be greatly enriched knowing him. My deepest sympathy to his family.”
From Jill (Paterson) Exec Sec/PA: -
“I have spoken with Maria. Also posted on Facebook “one of the old-style bankers” relating to WJB. Stories will flow. Of course, it will be “why that colour car? (to an ANZ exec) and “that painting on your office wall!” Need I say more, I’m sure some will enlarge on it.” Doug and Maureen Watson emailed “We were so sad to learn of Will's passing this week.
We send our condolences to Dorothy and family ,reflecting on great times at ANZ .
Will was an interesting banker who provided his people with demanding and exciting challenges
A man for his time with moves into insurance ,investment and wealth advice, stockbroking, expansion into Asia and acquisitions in Australia and New Zealand.
He was one of the first to encourage recognition of the front-line staff with his executive team spending at least one week a year serving in the branches
He had a genuine concern for his people and their development and introduced as an early mover, staff participation in the profit and shares of the bank, management and development of careers and guidance support on family wealth.
This was well supported by very strong support for the wider community ,the arts and education
He will be missed but not forgotten .”
There are many more tributes to Will Bailey on our ANZROC Facebook pages.
JACKSON P.M.(PETER) 80 YEARS 10/07/2020
Athol Watkins advised the passing of Peter Jackson on 10/07/2020 after fighting bouts of debilitating cancer. Athol first met Peter in Bendigo where Peter was in ANZ and ESANDA.
In the Herald Sun the family tribute read” JACKSON, Peter passed away peacefully on July 10, 2020 Aged 80 years. Much loved Husband and best friend of Dawn and family . A laugh, a grin, a joke or two. That's the way we'll remember you.”
Dawn subsequently told me that they met while Peter was working at Hamilton branch. They began their ANZ journey that covered many years with Peter’s career ranging from marketing and accounting roles to management in Victorian country branches that included Bendigo, Geelong, Colac, Warracknabeal, Traralgon and Yarram. Peter was a keen cricketer and an enthusiastic golfer based on the Bellarine Peninsula where they enjoyed retirement. Dawn and Peter were charter members of Probus in St Lenoards and had recently relocated to Clifton Springs. Dawn said that on several occasions, Will Bailey drove Peter to the ANZROC/ESANDA events in Melbourne at Christmas time.
Peter was a thorough gentleman and will be missed.
Our condolences are extended to Dawn and her family and friends.
TWIDALE L.G.(GLEN) 89 YEARS 16/07/2020
Lyn Horsfall daughter of Glen Twidale emailed “It is with a sad heart that we advise the passing of Lester Glen Twidale peacefully last night, 16th July 2020, aged 89.
Glen had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease many years ago, but had been able to make the most of his life with support of his family, friends, and Claremont Terrace Aged Care in McKinnon Vic.
He joined the E S & A Bank, Toowoomba QLD (now ANZ) in 1947.Held management positions from 1963 onwards. From 1973 to retirement in 1989 he held a variety of senior executive positions in the bank or its subsidiary companies in Tasmania, South Australia, and Victoria where he lived.
Glen involved himself in many different activities including ANZROC Vic, Life member of Apex, Freemasons Hospital, Mt Waverley Probus and Auburn Heights Bowling Club.
A keen golfer for many years, a keen St. Kilda supporter along with many other interests such as music and dancing. He was a very devoted family man to his wife Naida (Dec), three daughters, 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Glen will be sadly missed by so many people.”
Dan Kirtley emailed “Glen was a great manager and leader with a personal touch that left you wanting to follow. Very sad indeed”.
Dick Milnthorpe emailed “Thanks Eamon. Glen was a real gentleman, I worked for him for a while when he was GM Branch Banking.”
Ken Parry emailed “Thank you for the advice about Glen. He was a true gentleman whose company everyone enjoyed.”
Robin Pleydell emailed “I have heard from Glen’s family that he passed away yesterday (Thursday) Parkinson’s’ Disease caught up with him. I have had regular contact with Glen. Very sad.”
Keith Witney emailed “I was saddened to learn of the recent death of Glen Twidale. My first acquaintance with Glen was when he and his friend John Hogarth were in senior management positions in Esanda. Subsequently I worked with Glen when he was G.M. Retail Banking ahead of and during my appointment as A.G.M. Branch Banking in Queensland.
Jill and I remember Glen and his dear wife Naida (Dec.) with affection and respect. Glen had a straight-shooting management style, possessed great commonsense and good judgement and engendered loyalty among those with whom he worked. One of the valuable lessons he taught me was not to accept that something could not be done - there will be a way!
Vale Glen"
Our condolences are extended to Lyn and all members of the Twidale family and friends.
Noted in the Herald Sun Tributes “Passed away peacefully at Faversham House on May 25, 2020 aged 94. Devoted husband to Joan and loved father of Jill and Tony and their families. Forever in our hearts. “
Jack served in the Royal Australian Navy towards the end of the World War2 conflict enlisting in Port Melbourne in June 1944 and on discharge in February 1947 was with the HMAS Manoora as a Signalman.
Sadly, President Ken’s wife Margaret passed away peacefully surrounded by family on June 2nd.
At the streamed service of her funeral Ken reminisced on their meeting in ANZ bank when Margaret was working in ANZ Telex Department, marrying in 1970 and living in Croydon for 50 years. They watched their family grow and thrive. Margaret was an enthusiastic Essendon AFL team supporter attending matches regularly, a keen gardener, chef and avid reader …...a beloved homemaker and partner who will be sadly missed.
Our condolences are extended to the family and friends of Jack Willoughby and to President Ken and family and friends on the passing of his wife Margaret,
FINNISS M.J.G.(GEORGE) 84 YEARS 12/03/2020
Stan Halbish attended the funeral service of Honorary ANZROC member George Finniss.
George was born in Mauritius, worked in banking in England and was transferred by ANZ to a lending role in Melbourne. George was a keen stamp and coin collector and was a regular correspondent to our ANZROC Newsletter.
Our condolences are extended to the family and friends of George Finniss.
LAMOND JOAN 97 YEARS 21/03/2020
Joan passed away peacefully at Mayflower Brighton and the funeral service was a private service.
Our condolences are extended to the family and friends of Joan.
REID B.J.(BARRY) 85 YEARS 18/3/2020
Gerry McPherson phone to advise of Barry’s passing in Shepparton at the age of 85 years on 18/03/2020. Barry was a regular correspondent to the Newsletter and attended our country lunches both at Ballarat and Geelong.
Ken Parry emailed “Barry was a great man to be around. Played a lot of cricket with him. He had the ability to make ordinary days seem very good. He will be missed.”
Dick Sanders emailed “I first met Barry at an Accountants Development Course at the college in Sydney in circa 1971. Always enjoyed his company whenever we met. A good man.”
Our condolences are extended to Shirley and family and friends.
From Wikipedia the following resume was copied…
Keith Henry Remington (born 29 April 1923) is a former Australian politician Born and educated in Williamstown, Remington joined the Australian Imperial Force in 1944, during World War II, where he was assigned to the 14th/32nd Battalion and served in New Guinea before being discharged as a Corporal in 1946. Following the war, Remington worked as a bank manager for ANZ, and was treasurer, and later president, of the Bank Employees Union. He was involved in politics at the local government level, serving as a councillor for the City of Doncaster & Templestowe from 1966 to 1972, and as the city's mayor from 1969 to 1970. He unsuccessfully ran as a Labor candidate for the seat of Box Hill in the 1973 state election. He was elected to the Victorian Legislative Assembly for the seat of Melbourne in a 1977 by-election triggered by the resignation of Barry Jones. He served as the member for Melbourne until he retired before the 1988 state election. In 2001, Remington was awarded the Centenary Medal for his role in protecting Wilson's Promontory from commercial exploitation
Our condolences are extended to the family and friends of Keith.
Gerry McPherson phoned to advise of Bernie’s passing. Bernie had also been a regular correspondent to our newsletter and monthly meetings until a few years ago when he moved into a nursing home.
John Brown emailed “Bernie was at 351 Collins Street branch while Jan and I were there in the early '60s. He was a real gentleman and respected by all. He had a fine voice and sang at various events and with local choirs.”
Our condolences are extended to family and friends of Bernie Sowersby.
THOMPSON J. L. (June) 95 years 12/03/2020
Michael Thompson E-Mailed to advise the passing of his great Aunt June Thompson, on 12 March 2020 aged 95 years.
Michael advised that June had a great fondness for the bank and her membership of the club.
Our condolences are extended to June's family
WATSON AM A.K.R.(Kevin) 90 years 1/03/2020
Gary Mason emailed on behalf of his friend Warren Taylor’s tribute to Kevin Watson “Very sad to learn the passing of Kevin Watson, which occurred a few weeks after I visited him in a nursing home in Perth with the assistance of his wife, Susan.
Although very frail and virtually blind, Kevin responded to my voice “G’day Mister!”, a euphemism of Mr. Milne, which Kevin quickly responded, “That has to be my boy, Warren Herbert”, grasping my hand firmly in a handshake. John Milne used to refer to me as ‘Mister’, which Kevin would mimic perfectly, and I thought that would be the perfect greeting.
Kevin and I had a wonderful 90 minutes together, during which we went down memory lane of our time together in the Bank and going over historical facts which have occurred since his retirement of which he was greatly interested. Susan told me that he loved being brought up to date on the happenings at the Bank.
During his time with the Bank, Kevin served in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and London, and was highly regarded globally.
I first met Kevin in Melbourne when he was the Commercial Relations Officer in International Division, reporting firstly to John Milne and then his successor, John Holberton. He travelled extensively with both, calling on our corresponding banks in all continents and had a fabulous memory for remembering the names of all he visited.
Kevin was transferred to Sydney as Assistant Manager of International Division reporting to Bernie Horner, and I as Divisional Exchange Officer also reported to Bernie Horner. On his first day in Sydney, Kevin told me, “If you want me to make a decision on any matter, give me all of the facts, not some of the facts”. To which, I told him, “New South Welshman always deal in facts, not like you Sand Gropers (Western Australians)!” He responded with, “Cheeky bugger!” which was the start of a fabulous relationship. I always looked up to Kevin like an elder brother.
Kevin was highly professional and totally dedicated to working in the best interest of the Bank. He was respected by all he encountered and possessed a good understanding of international banking business. I will miss Kevin, my dear friend.”
Val Goldsworthy submitted her tribute “I was deeply saddened to learn of Kevin’s death. We were close friends for decades. Kevin was transferred from Adelaide to 394 Collins Street in 1959/60 following a recommendation from the South Australian State Manager in response to G.M.O’s request for the transfer of promising young officers to Melbourne. Appointed to General Managers Department later, Kevin had firsthand knowledge of the daily protocols of the “top brass”. Promotion to Commercial Relations Officer in International Banking Dept. exposed him to another sphere of banking which he relished. Kevin was a “glass half full” fellow each day greeting colleagues with a smile and a happy word. I met Kevin at that time and can attest to his even disposition and discreet non-judgmental attitude. Kevin made many overseas ventures as the Bank’s representative and forged lasting personal relationships. In retirement he and Susan enjoyed meeting some of these friends overseas. As a member of the ANZ cricket team, Kevin became firm friends with Bruce Tickell, Bill Walker, Bevyn Ranford, Dick Wines, Brian Murdoch and others. Gerry McPherson, opening bowler for the Essendon Cricket Club has told me he was unaware the ANZ had a cricket team, but soon became a frequent follower and a sharer of cricket news in general.
Vale Kevin! “There’s a great spirit gone” (Antony and Cleopatra- Shakespeare 1606-07)
Emilio Moreno emailed “So very sad, to us “youngsters” joining International Division many years ago, Kevin was not only a respected senior figure but was admired for the many attributes he brought to this area of the Bank. I have many great memories of the man. Vale Kevin.
Graham Holt emailed “I was very sorry to learn of AKR’S passing. I had the good fortune to work with Kevin in the 60’s and 70’s. The late John Milne advised me in 1969 that I was to accompany Kevin on a business trip to South East Asia. At that point of time Kevin was Manager International Division NSW and being a very junior officer, I had never met him. Our first meeting was in the first-class lounge at Mascot Airport ( in those days the ABOA ruled that all international travel was first class) .As the plane taxied down the runway prior to take off Kevin issued his instructions one of which changed my eating habits for life. Up until then I was a meat and 3 vegies person, but Kevin instructed me that I was expected to eat and enjoy anything our overseas hosts offered. I learnt to expand my enjoyment of food as a result. Kevin was a remarkable person; no matter where I went with him people would stop him in the street and he never missed on recalling their name. He was sent to Japan in the 60’s to locate and set up a suitable office for the Banks entry to that area. As I recall this took a few months and Reg Nicolson opened the Tokyo office shortly after. Kevin was a good friend for many years and whilst I have had no contact with him for nearly 10 years, I feel the loss.”
Our condolences are extended to Susan and family and Kevin’s friends.
WILLOCKS W.R.(Bill) 73 years 12/03 2020
Eamon Veaney posted “We were very sorry to receive news from Neil Bottos that Bill Willocks sadly passed away on 12 March aged 73. Bill had been in poor health for a while, but it was still a big shock to hear the news.
Bill spent his ANZ career in IT. including stints in London and New York. He managed the International Services Project team at 303 Collins street when I came to Melbourne in 1989 and was a very popular leader.
Earlier in London he was tasked with the unpopular challenge of installing the Method 1 system to a team who enjoyed a freer form of systems design. I know he enjoyed the pubs and restaurants in the City at that time.”
Des Shady said “That’s very sad news. I first worked with Bill in New York early 1980’s. He loved big cars and I remember he purchased a well-used Cadillac? for about a grand - just outside bank policy.
In recent years we caught up with Bill at our Anzroc Golf Days and Xmas lunch and our annual IT. get together around Xmas time at Toto's Pizza house.
Bill will be missed by his many ANZ friends.”
We pass on our deep condolences to Sue and her family. R.I.P. Bill.
Graham Holt advised that unfortunately another close friend for more than 60 years, John Penhale [Pincus] passed away. John also worked in International Division in the seventies but my association with him goes back to when we joined the bank in 1954. John would be remembered to many associated with the bank football club for many years and has been suffering poor health in recent times.
John Brown. emailed “. Just had a phone call from our member, Norm Gaskin, advising that Kevin McDonald (a.k.a. Toad), who was living at Hope Island Qld had passed away following a stroke and a period of time in care. He requested that there be no funeral and hoped that everyone would just have a drink or two in his memory. Kevin was not an ANZROC (Vic) member, but was involved with the ANZ football club, and others would remember many stories from his time in Melbourne in the 60/70s.”
Pam Tickner, daughter of David Morris who had been a member of the Retired Officers Club recently came across the ANZROC website and the bereavements page and emailed “Dad suffered a major stroke in 2004 and spent almost 12 years in a Bendigo Nursing Home. Dad passed away 22 July 2016 at the age of 91. Dad commenced his 40-year banking career with the ES&A Bank in Ballarat before joining the Armed Forces and at the end of WWII he returned to the bank in Ballarat.
After working as a teller and an accountant at Clayton, Dandenong and Bendigo ,David was appointed manager at St Arnaud in 1964 then Warrnambool, Kerang and Casterton before retiring in 1983 at Warracknabeal.
Dad’s father had also been an ES&A Bank Manager.
Dad spent his retirement years in Halls Gap, Horsham and then finally Bendigo (guess ‘moving’ was in his blood!).”
Some of our members may recall David during their career with ES&A..
BARKELL A.M. (Alma) 84 years 05/01/2020
John Brown said the Herald Sun reported that Alma Barkell passed away on 5 January 2020, aged 84.
Alma was a member of ANZROC (Vic) for many years and was also a member of the ANZ Ladies Club.
Alma attended the ANZROC lunches regularly and was often in touch by phone before she went into care a few years ago. Alma spent many of her retirement years caring for her mother.
BEGG David 90 years 02/01/2020
Graham Heenan phoned to let me know of David’s passing… David was a regular correspondent to the ANZROC newsletter for many years. Graham said David was a keen lawn bowler in Geelong where he settled on retirement after spending much of his career in the Western Districts of Victoria.
Will Bailey emailed “David and I went back many years in the Scottie. It’s difficult to precis many things I remember _ Oakleigh branch, the relieving staff, staff training courses we attended and those that I supervised. David was one of the quieter ones who took banking seriously but never lost his sense of humour. Lovely man whom I am able to be glad to call a friend.”
PERHAM M.E.(Eileen) 95 years 26/01/2020
On the World War 11 Nominal Roll it is recorded that Myrtle Eileen Perham enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in August 1942 in Melbourne and was discharged in September 1946 with the Rank of Aircraftwoman at AFHQ DGMS.
Catherine Docherty posted on our ANZROC Facebook page this message to ANZROC members “to let you know that Miss Myrtle Eileen Perham who was part of this club passed away on Sunday 26th January 2020. Aged 95 years. She will be sadly missed by many. Thank you for sending cards to Eileen at Christmas and her birthday. She loved her position with ANZ group.”
WELLS F.K. (Frank) 92 years 17/12/2019
Bob Lamb said that Frank was one of the original committee that set up the annual ES&A lunch held at the Bentleigh Club.
ANZROC members condolences are expressed to the families and friends of Alma, David, Eileen and Frank.
Lauro Ottaviani emailed “I wanted to let you know of the sad news of Kevin Ahern’s passing on the 25/11/2019. Kevin was part of the FCA team that came across from Adelaide in 1984 when it was merged with Esanda with Glen Twidale, Ron Adams and David Butler. He played an important role in the accounting/taxation area and stayed within the ANZ group till the late ‘90s.”
Sue Morrison emailed “Gavan Moloney (Terang) suggested I contact you to let you know that my father Fred Ward died in Maroochydore in November. He was 95. He was at ANZ in Traralgon, Yarram, Casterton, Bendigo and Geelong, manager in Terang, Sale and Stawell. Gavan thought there may be some of your members who remember him. He was proudly ANZ. “
BURGESS R.J. (BOB) 76 YEARS 3/12/2019
Bob Lamb emailed “Over 300 people attended the memorial service for Bob Burgess at the South Warrandyte Cricket Club Pavilion.
Amongst the gathering were many ex-bankers including many ladies who had worked at the T.V. Centre mainly as Ledger Machinists Amongst other posts, Bob was at one time employed at the T.V. Accounting Centre 460 Bourke Street Melbourne where he met his wife Marlene.
His son summed-up the gathering beautifully “Dad you could not attend today but because of YOU everybody that is here COULD””
Andrew Kelly said that he and Bob were longtime friends and Sydney Swans supporters. Andrew emailed “Big turnout of Ex ANZ and ES & A employees at Bob’s send off on Tuesday. Included John Rodda, Roger Pickering, Bob Lamb, Bruce Findlayson, Gary Cluning, Michael Sweeney, Debra Kelly and more I’m sure I didn’t know or got to talk to on the day.”
Life Member Kevin Mitchell advised the passing of Bob Burgess on 3/12/2019. Kevin said he met Bob in ES&A when Bob was a regular cricketer in the ES&A cricket team.
Mike Watts emailed “I was deeply saddened and somewhat shocked at the sudden passing of my old friend and former work colleague Bob Burgess. Bob and I first met at Methods Department South Yarra and besides working together in the Mechanisation area we were 500 card partners at lunch every day. Bob always seemed to know what every other player had in his hand and invariably won most games. We also met once a month with other banking mates for Friday night cards and at times the sessions became quite extended, much to the dislike of our wives. Regretfully I was a last-minute withdrawal from the recent ES&A Christmas lunch whereas always I would have reminisced with Bob over a few cold beers. A good friend gone too soon. RIP Bob. Deepest condolences to Marlene and family.”
COLWELL S.M.(MAX) 87 YEARS 2/12/2019
Betty Colwell (wife) and Annette Olsen (daughter) emailed “It is with great sadness that we advise Max passed away peacefully on Monday 2nd December 2019 at BlueCross Box Hill.
He first worked for the Union Bank in Bendigo starting his employment on 24/1/1949. He had many moves throughout his career, especially in the early days while single. Some of the branches that he worked at were Rochester, Alexandra, Kyabram and Ararat. He was then transferred to the ‘big smoke’ Abbotsford (First Teller), Newmarket (Managers Clerk), Nunawading (first Accountant post), Croydon, Elsternwick and East Malvern.
He often spoke of the important roles that he undertook as Exchanges/Remittance Clerk and Head Ledger Clerk where cheques were physically handed over to other local branches to enable processing. His days in Bendigo also involved the receipt of gold from the Central Deborah Mine. The branch had the responsibility of storing the gold and once a week sending it to the Royal Mint via registered mail. Apparently only once the delivery never made its destination - stolen off the train at Bendigo!
He had a brush with fame while working at Rochester - His Manager was Charles Brownlow (the son of the legendary footballer) and often trained at the Rochester Football Club with him.
His final position with the bank was when he was transferred to Premises Department in late 1970s. He stayed there until his retirement on 14/1/92. Almost 43 years of service.”
ROBERTS REG 91 YEARS 4/12/2019
Loving father of Simon, Andrew, Deb and Jane. Reg died suddenly but peacefully. He lived his last years as he wanted; independent and an active member of the communities he treasured: All Saints Mitcham, U3A and the Castle Hill Line Crew. Loved by many and deeply missed, highly respected by his community, a man of warmth and integrity.
ANZROC members condolences are expressed to the families and friends of Bob, Max and Reg
Jenny Dempster, daughter of our Honorary Member the late Doug Long, emailed “Thank you so much for the copy of the newsletter with dad’s tribute. It was lovely of Will Bailey to also add his condolences and remember their time together. we have printed it out and placed it along with some photos on a cork board to display during a family afternoon tea to celebrate his life. We are getting together this Sunday and serving lots of cake as this was his favourite food!”
Mike Tong
Mike Tong’s daughter, Louise, advised that sadly Mike passed away 11/12/2019.
Eamon Veaney said that Mike would be well known to many of our members. He ran Treasury in London for many years.
GERDTZ D.G. (DENIS) 68 years 14/10/2019
Carol Gerdtz widow of our late ANZROC member Denis emailed "I wish to inform you that my husband Denis Gerdtz passed away peacefully in the loving care of Nazareth House Ballarat on 14th October, after a relatively short battle with Motor neurone disease and dementia. Aged 68.
He loved his family, Melinda and Jason; Natasha and Mark, and he was very proud of his 6 grandchildren. We will all miss him. Denis worked 31 years, travelling around Victoria in the early years then worked in Terang, Geelong, Warrnambool, Horsham, Kyneton, Ararat and finally settled in Ballarat. He retired in 1998 after major reshuffles in the bank. Denis loved working in different towns, and he worked with many great colleagues. He did part time work for 10 years.
His illness started 3 years ago, and he went into care at Nazareth house 4 weeks before he succumbed to the insidious MND and dementia. “
LONG R.D. (DOUG} 95 YEARS 28/10/2019
Doug`s daughter Jenny has advised that her dad passed away after a long and happy life.
Doug started as a teller in the branches and was the first teller at the new drive-in branch at the Camberwell junction in 1954.
He continued his career at 388 Collins Street in the International Department and travelled widely for the bank. There was a post to manager at Port Vila in the then New Hebrides during the 1970`s.Subsequently he was appointed manager at 95 Collins Street. This was
a busy time as many of the clients were the booming mining companies.
Doug had a keen interest in the share market and worked as an investment advisor after his retirement from the ANZ.
He always had a positive outlook on life and will be greatly missed by his family and friends.
Doug enlisted in the Australian Army in April 1943 and on discharge in September 1946 was Corporal, Signals 11 Australian Division.
Will Bailey emailed “It was sad to read of Doug’s death. I had not had any contact with him for many years, but I still remember our time together at the Scotty at Camberwell Junction.
Doug was the first “Drive in Teller” in the ES&A; very low tech! and I was the second. Great days.
It makes one realise how time has flown by and how much the world has changed; some very good but some questionable!
We well remember when the order was -customers, staff and shareholders in that order.”
LEE K. J. (KEN) 90 YEARS 6/10/2019
Peter Lee, son of our late Honorary member , advised that Ken began his career in ES&A in December 1947 in branches in the Ringwood/Croydon area .Ken was transferred to 388 Collins Street in the International Department and in the late 60’s moved to ES&A Travel as Victorian Manager. By the time Ken retired in 1988 he was Australian Group Travel Manager of ANZ Group.
Ken was President of the SKAL International Club Vic and for his fund-raising efforts for charity was awarded the honor of Life Governor of Royal Children’s Hospital and Life Member of Euralla.
Ken’s other passion was lawn bowls from 1955 and over the years he became a Life Member of the Essendon Bowling Club and a Life member of Northern Gateway Bowling Association. He served in executive roles in RVBA and then Bowls Victoria and he was still coaching junior bowlers at Essendon this year and managing the team of Essendon bowlers that won the A grade pennant in 2018.
Past President Kevin Mitchell emailed “Ken Lee was a regular attendee at the annual Wagga Wagga Queens Birthday Weekend against ANZ NSW
Ken was regarding as a fierce compactor representing Victoria at Lawn Bowls along with his fellow ANZ regular team mates namely David Christie, Trevor Smethurst and Jim Ruffle (Dec).”
PITT R.A.(RON) 96 YEARS 5/10/2019
Ron enlisted in the AIF in January 1942 and was discharged in September 1942 as a gunner in 6 Field Regiment. In October 1942 he enlisted in the RAAF and at discharge in January 1946 was Flying Officer in 186 Squadron.
Gerry McPherson said that he knew Ron when his Squadron 514 and 186 Squadron were flying operations for Bomber Command over Europe. They met up again in 1960 when Gerry was working in GM’s Office in 394 Collins Street and Ron reported for his first managerial role for ANZ.
Four years ago, Ron was awarded the French Legion of Honour Medal for his service to the French people in wartime.
John Brown emailed "When I started as a Junior with ANZ at the four-handed Terang branch in 1957, Ron was Accountant/Teller. He was a very keen golfer, and he kept us on our toes each day to ensure that he could have the cash balanced and we had all other duties finished very shortly after the 3.30pm closing time. Most days, he was on the golf course by 3.15pm, and I was either swimming at the local pool, in the summer, or over at the Terang Co-Op bagging briquettes for a shilling a bag. I could usually manage 20 bags an afternoon, and the extra few quid in the pocket came in handy. I lost track of Ron after I was transferred to Melbourne in 1958, but when I saw in the newsletter that he had turned 90, I rang to congratulate him. We had a good chat about the old times, and he said that he was coping well, except for the usual problems associated with aging. He had a deep voice and was a slow-talking, gentle man and an excellent mentor. I have fond memories of the days we worked together and am very glad that I made the effort to contact him."
John Crough emailed “I am very saddened to read in the latest ROC newsletter of the recent passing from this life of John Goodwin.
Goodie and I crossed paths in the Bank throughout the years and had many great times together both in work life and socially.
He was Manager Admin at 388 Collins Street when I was one of the Managers there with Bevyn Ranford and a great group of Managers and Staff. Later he headed up the Retail Operations for the State of Victoria during times of significant change.
He was an enormous support and provided a very clear thought process and was reliable and someone I depended on in those ever-changing times.
At the same time, he had the respect of his staff and that of the other departmental heads, Assistant State Managers, Regional Managers and the Staff in the Field.
We all enjoyed his humour and ability to work and make the tough decision. He was part of an outstanding team of individuals whom successfully achieved much during that period.
My sincere sympathies go out to Joy and their Family.”
Aldo Faella emailed “It was very sad to hear about the passing of David Knuckey.
David was well known to a lot of people and he made many friends over the years.
I first met David at Camberwell Junction branch of the ANZ which used to be an ES and A branch until the merger. I joined ANZ on the 4th January 1971 and David worked with me and as such have known him for 48 years. One thing David loved was taking photos of trams. Numerous times at work David would disappear and he was upstairs taking pictures of the various types of vintage trams that came up Burke Road to Camberwell Junction. He just loved this hobby which he continued to do for a very long time.”
John Gunn emailed “I was very saddened to hear of the death of David Knuckey, worked with David when I first Joined the ESA bank in 1958 at Oakleigh Branch. David assisted me greatly.”
Dennis Murphy emailed “I see that Wayne has passed away after having some months in the George Vowell home Mt Eliza. It was Methods Dept that I first met Wayne when I along with Geoff Scott (coming from Queensland) joined the IDA (Instructions to Divisional Administrators) team to join Dick Hughes and Brian Brownscombe under the watchful eye of Allan McLean and then Harry Carrodus and of course the big boss Jim Paton!!.I think at that time Wayne had responsibility for vetting the publication of circulars and S/R amendment etc., but later became Manager of Stationery Dept. We had a great working environment at South Yarra in those years
I know he was a great mate of Harry Kerwin. It is sad to note that apart from Harry Carrodus and Harry Kerwin my former colleagues mentioned before having now passed away. Vale Wayne”
BURT (OAM) A.A. (ALAN) 94 YEARS 5/09/2019
Kevin Burt emailed “I wish to advise that my father Alan. A. Burt passed away on 5/9/2019 aged 94 years. Dads health had been deteriorating over the past 10years but accelerated in the last two years. For the past four years he and Mum also aged 94 have been resident at the Villa Maria Catholic Home in Wantirna South.
Dad started work in the E. S and A Bank in Belgrave as a 16-year-old. He had to leave home in Avenel in central Victoria as there were no banks in the small town. On turning 18 he joined the RAAF and served in Darwin as part of the air reconnaissance team. After the war he returned to his job with the Bank in Belgrave and in 1947 married Peg who he had known since primary school days. They were married for 72 years.
In 1952 Dad was transferred to Mildura and returned to Melbourne in 1955 as the Accountant at 461 Bourke St, Melbourne. He was later transferred to the International Division of the Bank based at the Royal Bank Branch. He worked there for many years gradually moving up in seniority. I still remember going in to see Dad in the school holidays and being taken up to the staff cafeteria for a strawberry milkshake. Dad had numerous overseas trips for the Bank usually based in London and from there to various spots in Europe. Most of these trips meant he was away from home for three to four months. He was one of the early bankers to go into Russia and other Iron Curtain countries. He particularly loved Czechoslovakia. He also had numerous trips to Japan, and I can remember him and Mum having to entertain various Japanese visitors at home who had very little English language skills. We had no Japanese skills.
Dad played cricket with the Bank side at Fawkner Park for a number of years. He was also in the group of officers who worked on Sundays on the turnstiles at Olympic Park when all the soccer teams were ethnically based.
In 1969 Dad suffered a major heart attack and did not return to work for six months. He smoked, liked a beer was overweight and could not switch off from the job bringing work home at night and on weekends. He eventually returned to work in the Lending area but only for two years. Although 30 pounds lighter and no longer smoking or drinking he was unable to reduce his workload (due to his work ethic) and this time collapsed at work. Although aged only 45 he was never able to return to the Bank.
Dad is survived by his wife Peg, children Kevin, Geoff and Maryann, six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
Dads OAM was awarded to him in the Australia Day Honours of 1998. It was for
“Service to the Ashburton community through charitable and sporting organisations in particular Meals on Wheels”
John Vigus emailed “So sad to hear of the passing of my old mate John Goodwin, a champion work mate. “ Brenda O'Sullivan posted on Face Book “John lives near me in Park Orchards and I saw him and Joy not long ago at the polling booths here in the last federal election. He was a lovely man and I remember him fondly.”
Kim Carter posted “Yes a lovely man and a great boss.” Wayne Gillman posted “I also worked with John in the 90’s. Great man!” Robyn Aust posted “Very sad news. I worked with John in the mid-70s in a little branch at the top end of the city. Lovely man and a great boss. Saw him again just before I left the bank in 1996 when he was in Admin - Operations. Condolences to Joy and family.”
KNUCKEY D.H.(David) 79 YEARS 25/08/2019
We were very sorry to hear that our Life Member David Knuckey passed away on 25th August aged 79 years.
David was a Senior Vice President on the Anzroc Victoria Committee for a number of years.
Since retiring from the Committee David continued to work with Noel Beanland in selecting venues for our lunch meetings. We were pleased to see him at our recent meeting in Mulgrave.
Condolences are extended to David's Family.
Members seen at the funeral service were George Cooper, Ken Crawford, Stan Halbish, Rick Kimber
Con La Fauci, Cheryl Pearson Neville Pearson Mark Stankovich, Syd Swaby and Eamon Veaney.
Noel Beanland emailed “What sad news of David’s passing. David was a solid and great supporter of ANZROC. He devoted many hours to sourcing and checking out suitable venues for our monthly meetings. Together we travelled to country venues by rail and to many city and suburban locations trying out their menus and suitability for functions. David and l became close friends and had many fun times organising outings. In the last 12 to 18 months his walking prevented him from attending many of our functions, but he was always following up to see if everything went well. David will be sadly missed and his great contribution to ROC will not be forgotten.
Joan Nathan emailed “That is such a shock, life is fragile, he was a tireless asset to the Retired Officers Club over a long period”.
Mike Nickell emailed “I was sorry to hear of Dave's passing. Dave always recalled our association dated from "Scottie" times about 1964 or 5. Dave was relieving 2nd officer at Warragul at Melbourne Cup time. No public holiday for country blokes and this was practically prior to transistor radios!! How could we listen to the cup? Solution was to drive my car up as close to the rear of the branch, open the windows and crank up the radio. I think this streak of ingenuity stuck with Dave because every time we met he was quick to recall the event embellishing it more each time. Come merger time, Dave was first to pass on all the happenings and likely impacts for "Scottie" (our CBD mole) A handy and reassuring source during that time of upheaval. A good friend and colleague who will be missed. Unfortunately, I can't make the service as Lyn and I are in Morocco.” Ken Pattison emailed” Sad news.”
Kathy Trace emailed “Sorry to hear about David. He was a great supporter of ANZROC over the years”.
Eamon Veaney emailed “Very sorry to hear that news.”
HICKEY F.J. (FRANK) 94 YEARS 02/09/2019
Frank enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in February 1943 and at discharge in September 1945 was Leading Aircraftman at 1 Stores Depot.
Mark Stankovich remembered that Frank was an internal auditor for Esanda many years ago and recalled that Frank was one of four Hickey brothers that worked for ES&A/ANZ.
ROUTLEDGE W. D. (WAYNE) 83 YEARS 07/09/2019
Harry Kerwin advised us of Wayne’s passing but was in transit to Darwin and will update us on Wayne’s career on return.
Will Bailey emailed “I was saddened to read of David’s death. I knew him from the time of the Grindlays acquisition. I saw a lot of him in the early days of Grindlays when I travelled to London for Board meetings. David was one of the senior executives who was clearly an employee of that Bank not one who “worked for themselves under the umbrella of corporate organisation”. David was an engaging fellow with a quiet dispossession and a good sense of humour. He made a real contribution both to Grindlays and later, when he came to Melbourne, to ANZ Rest in peace David.”
Stephen Green emailed “very sad to hear of David Valentine’s passing. As ANZ’s head of tax I worked closely with David on acquisition and disposal proposals for over 20 years before and after his move to Australia. There were many deals over that time, some successful, some aborted but all interesting and challenging. A particular achievement was the legal migration of Grindlays Bank from the UK to Australia in the 1990s, and then the sale of Grindlays in 2000 to Standard Chartered. Also, the acquisition of New Zealand’s National Bank from Lloyds a few years later to cite another out of so many. David was a brilliant negotiator and easily won the confidence and trust of counterparties and investment bankers with his gentlemanly, civil and respectful manner. I learnt so much from David and thoroughly enjoyed working with him over the journey; it was a real privilege.
My wife Jill and I remained in touch with David after our respective retirements and David enjoyed several stays with us at our beach house on the Gippsland Lakes. A few of us who worked closely with David had lunch with him and his daughter Kaggi on Southbank just 10 days before his passing, and although he wasn’t well, he was jovial, and it was terrific to catch him that one last time and reminisce.”
Bernadette Alice Lynch “So sorry to hear this. RIP.”
Geri Macgregor” Such a sweet man. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him”
Eamon Veaney emailed “So many memories. ANZ took a big plunge in buying Grindlays in 1984. David was one of the first people I met. Clever Erudite and Very Politically alert as he was the only Grindlays Exec who survived with ANZ over the long term. I remember John MacFarlane telling the assembled Management Group on his appointment as CEO that David was the best M and A Banking Exec he knew. I think that David proved that by being involved in the sale of Grindlays to ANZ and then the disbursement to Standard Bank later. Lots of memories in London and Melbourne. David was a great boss and a good friend. He will be missed. I’m still waiting for my Personnel appraisal review, but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. Vale David.”
Posted on our Facebook page: Shafqat Anwar “What a sad news! David was a great man. Rest in peace David.” Dilip Bhatt” This is sad news indeed. David was an absolute gentleman and an amazing Head of ANZ London I and many others, had the privilege of working for. He was a people’s person and the door to his office was always open for both the junior and senior staff alike.” Michael Carr “Very sad news. I learnt much from David, working closely with him on the Grindlays sale. A true gentleman. I too have such a strong mental image of him outside 100QSM reading his emails while having a smoke. And the way his glasses usedulle to hang off one ear. RIP David, you’ll not be forgotten.” John Collins” Sad news indeed. RIP David.” Bob Forsyth “Very sad news indeed. A true gentleman.” Richard Fuller “Sad news. I had the pleasure of working for David a number of times RIP” Frank John Gamble” So very sad, a lovely fellow. Worked with him in London in 1978-80 and then for him when in Switzerland and he was head of Europe (1987-8)” Brad Jones” He was a gentleman and I enjoyed working with him. I still remember the way he read emails - printed out leaning against the pillar of 100 Queen Street whilst having a cigarette.” Chris Kakouros “RIP. Very sad to hear this. ANZ has lost one very admired leader.” Al Morkans “Vale Mr. Valentine. A true gentleman.” Jillian Paterson” Valentino you were a star!” Vishnu Shahaney “Very sad news RIP David” Sriker Rao “Sorry to hear the demise of Mr. David Valentine. May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.” Rumee Ali “RIP. A gentleman by any definition.” Peter John Smith “So very sad. One of the true icons from the Grindlays days and it was a privilege to have him as a boss in Paris in 1980-2 and subsequently as a mentor and friend throughout my career, in London, Asia and Australia. I am so glad we were able to catch up with him on his last visit to London last year.” Owen Wilson “So very sad. I consider myself so lucky to have worked with David and will always remember his dry sense of humour and quirky mannerisms. Like hang his glasses off one ear when he wasn’t using them. RIP David.” Jay Yardi “Saddened. Knew David from his days in France with Grindlays. And of course, during our times at ANZ after acquisition. For those that may not know, David was one of the youngest Directors at one of the premier UK Merchant Banks. RIP. Condolence to David’s family.”
MCKOY J.M.(MAX) 16/09/2015 91 years
(We have only recently learned of Max’s passing in 2015).
VALENTINE D. B. (DAVID) 09/08/2019 75 YEARS
Eamon Veaney received advice from Linda, Kaggi and Tina Valentine advising of the passing of their husband and father David Valentine on 9/08/2019 at the age of 75 years….
“We are very sorry to tell you that David died this morning. You probably know that he had been fighting prostate cancer for many years and his health had been deteriorating over the last few weeks but, in the end, he died peacefully at home this morning and we were with him.
David had a happy and successful life full of things that he enjoyed doing and friends and family with whom he enjoyed sharing those things. His funeral will be family-only, but we are planning a get-together of his friends to celebrate David's life and achievements. “
HIGGS KEITH 84 YEARS 18/06/2019
ANZROC member Dianne Newton was advised by her friend Bernadette, daughter of Keith Higgs that our Honorary Member Keith had passed away in Colac on 18/06/2019 at the age of 84 years.
Keith was a regular attendee to our lunches with his great mate the late Laurie Foord but after Laurie’s passing moved to a Nursing Home in Colac to be near his daughter, but he has been in poor health for some years.
LEE JIM 79 YEARS 6/07/2019
ANZROC member Gary Stanway advised that his great friend Jim Lee passed away at the age of 79 after a short illness with cancer on 6/07/2019. Gary said that Jim worked with him in Lending Securities for some years and was finally promoted to a role in charge of Esanda Victoria Securities until he retired in 1994.
The funeral for Jim Lee was attended by approx. 60/70 people being family friends and neighbours. Unfortunately, he missed out making the Honorary Birthday List by 13 days (80 years) - a milestone he was eagerly anticipating. Gary did not encounter any other ANZ or Esanda Staff and this may have been because funeral arrangements were printed the day before the Bank's Notice. Hopefully, there may be some input from former colleagues who were influenced by a good Friend and work mate.
ROBERTSON J.N. (NOEL) 88 YEARS 22/06/2019
J.N Robertson, known as Noel, passed away peacefully at WB Messer Hostel, Ballarat on Saturday 22nd June 2019 after a short illness. Noel was a Life Member of Ringwood RSL Club, an affiliate of the Ballarat RSL and a member of Several Masonic Lodges that included Leura Lodge 50 and Eureka Daylight Lodge 881.
WHALEN MISS E.P.(EVON) 77 YEARS 18 /06/2019
Life Member Gerald McPherson advised of the passing of Evon. When Gerald opened the ANZ Blackburn branch in 1965, Evon was the Ledger Keeper for the branch in 1965/66.
Brett Elvish son of Neville advised that his father (born 13 August 1935) passed away on 3/6/2019, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s.
Brett emailed “The ANZ Bank (and all its incarnations) was such an important part of my Dad’s life. Neville James Elvish started at the Wodonga branch as a junior messenger in 1950/51 at the age of 15 ½ years. In 1958, Dad was transferred to the Swan Street Richmond (Victoria) branch where Mum (Sheril Joy Elvish) was working. They married on 28 November 1959 and have been together ever since. In Dad’s younger years he coached the ANZ Bank football team, which was another outlet for his competitive spirit. Near the end of his career, Dad was fortunate to be able to have a leadership role and introduce computer technology into branches facilitating electronic processing and allowing central real time records of bank transactions, as well as the introduction of ATMs. At the time, very few people really appreciated the significance of this work, and how it would change our lives. As we now know, it was the initial foundations for our now digital lives. Acronyms like EFTPOS were second nature to me as we regularly discussed the various challenges and opportunities of electronic banking during my childhood.
A video was co-produced by Dad and profiles the work in his last few years at the bank and the link is https://youtu.be/1Qsod56oRuo
Dad is survived by his wife Sheril Elvish, children Jan Elvish, Craig Elvish and Brett Elvish, and grandchildren, Daniel Foote, Laura Foote, Adam Elvish, Tarryn Elvish, Kaelah Elvish and Panadda Jurai.
President Ken Crawford attended the funeral service and reported
“At the funeral there was John Bloom, and other ex-football players and John English.
Brett’s son Adam Paolini-Elvish subsequently posted on our ANZROC Face Book page “Thank you to the ANZ Retired Officers Club and its members for their messages. It was wonderful to see many also in attendance on Saturday, particularly those who played football for ANZ. We all really appreciated your effort to be there to reflect upon and celebrate Dad’s life. On behalf of my Father and our family, thank you! Brett Elvish”
Some of the tributes received are listed below:
Louis Hebrard emailed “This is sad indeed. In the early days of computing, as a programmer and systems developer, there was much interaction with computer operations. Neville knew what was needed to run operations successfully and could be justifiably demanding in this regard. He also encouraged cooperation between all stakeholders in order to have systems run smoothly. In all this he had a happy disposition, enjoyed social occasions and ran what I remember as a generally happy team. I think of him as a pillar of early computing at ANZ. RIP Neville”
Dick Milnthorpe emailed “Sad to hear Nev has gone, I was fond of Nev and will miss him... I first met Nev back in 69, he was then working at the GE 225 data centre with Arthur Vale and he never changed much over the years. I next met him in 1980 when I came to work in OZ in South Yarra. He was then looking after the IT side for Vic Admin. Nev was a real dinky die Aussie, a real Digger, big hearted, as straight as a die, and a hard worker. I christened him 'Young Nev' because he was a bit younger than me and I persuaded Derek Gall to have him transferred into Systems where he was absolutely invaluable working as a senior member of the Branch Terminal Project Team in 1985/6 and where his experience of the Branches problems really made a huge difference and contributed largely to its success. As I recall Vic Admin had had many problems with the IT Department in the past and we had a voluminous file of letters of complaints from him, when he first arrived and asked me what he was to do I handed him the file and said he could reply to those for a start !
Nev had his health problems and when he retired he bought a fruit farm away from the City. When I was in Mornington, we often found he had left a bag of fruit by our door when we were out. He and his wife eventually moved near to us in Mornington and we used to see them on our visits from UK Nev was an original, like many of Jim Paton's GE 225 Team, a diminishing group who did a great job for the Bank back in the early 60s. Someone should record the achievements of these dedicated early pioneers for posterity before it is too late.”
Jeff Pitt emailed “I too remember Neville fondly. I am sure it was he and Doug Vollmerhause who interviewed me (and others) in ANZ QLD Divisional Office in 1968 when applications were sought across ANZ for an expansion of the Data Processing Department at South Yarra.
Neville was always insistent on high standards and keen to be innovative in management practices. He achieved very regard among all his peers and staff.
He also enjoyed himself and welcomed any sort of celebrations. I remember the story of a trip home down the Frankston line after a celebratory drink (or two) where Neville awoke from slumber on the train to find the station was the one after he should have disembarked. Once on the platform and focused on working out how to get home he came to realise that it had been the last train for the night. Worse still, he had actually slept thru the whole journey to Frankston and was on the way back to the city when he awoke at, not at the station after his own, but too early on the return trip at the one before his own station. He clearly made it home eventually. Neville really enjoyed telling this story against himself! RIP Neville Elvish........”
Kim Stephen emailed “Neville was a personality endeared and respected by all. I was associated with Neville through senior executive who were and remain leaders in their field at a time of significant IT industry growth and a period rapid change in banking process. Neville was a doer and trusted with key part of banking technology operation in one of largest banking institutions in Australia. Many of us enjoyed time with him reflecting on the challenges of that time on more than one occasion at South Yarra restaurants and bars. He helped us all with a balance in our lives and good times. he will always be a part of a special time in my life. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones at this time “
Tom McCullough emailed “Lost track of Nev over the years. He was a stalwart in the old Data Processing Department. Was a tower of strength. I remember the train incident. It didn’t only happen once. As I recall he eventually got the guards on side, sat in the back compartment and had them get him off at the right location including transfers at Caulfield. RIP Nev”
Neville Pearson emailed “I am saddened that Cheryl and I will be unable to attend the funeral service as we will be flying to China at this time to visit the terracotta warriors. Neville was a fantastic friend and work mate of Cheryl and me in our Banking days at the Emanza centre and with ANZ Bank Football Club”
John Ries emailed “I knew and respected Neville. He was a man’s man and great to work with. He told you exactly what he thought. Quite tough on the football field. I played against him once and still can remember coming off second best. Vale Neville”
Des Shady posted “Neville coached the ANZ football team when I played back in the late 60's or early 70's. As a playing coach he certainly led by example”
Bill Willocks emailed “Neville was great company to be around and was one of those natural leaders that we were lucky enough to have back in the 177 and 227 Toorak Road days.”
FORSYTH N.B.(NOLA) 2/04/2019 89 YEARS
Daughter Heather Campbell advised that her mother and our Honorary member Nola Forsyth passed away 02/04/2019 aged 89 years.
Nola was the long time organiser of annual ANZ Collins Street branch reunions and enjoyed hosting members that over the years included many of our past members such as the late Charles Rennie. She moved into a nursing home in Ashwood a few years ago but she still enjoyed receiving our Anzroc newsletters.
John Brown emailed “Sad to hear Nola has gone, she loved to keep in touch with her bank friends and until about a year ago she contacted ANZROC on a regular basis hoping that she could organise another M351/M394 Re-union. For many years after her retirement from 351 Collins St branch, Nola ran a gift/secondhand shop in Maling Rd Canterbury and only closed the business a couple of years ago when she moved into low care accommodation. When she was last in touch, Nola mentioned that she was being kept busy visiting and helping other residents in the home. We will miss her.”
O’BRIEN PETER 6/06/2019 68 YEARS
John Morgan emailed “Just to let you know that Peter passed away on 6th June. Had a long illness and treatment for cancer. He did come to the annual lunch Dec 2017, but he wanted to keep his life private .”
Eamon Veaney emailed “sad news. Peter joined Anzroc in Nov 17 and was only 68 years old. I worked with him at 227 from 97-99.”
David Boyles Past CIO of ANZ emailed “Peter was a good man. I hope that Peter enjoyed his life, his family, his profession and his time at ANZ. He was a contributor, not a taker. He will be missed by those that loved him.”
Eamon Veaney emailed “The celebration of life for Peter/Obe/Obey as he was also known was a warm occasion attended by a large gathering of family, friends and colleagues. Anzroc was well represented including Eamon Veaney, Carl Garley, Glyn and Janet Parry-Jones, John Morgan who joined ANZ the same day as Peter, John Renwick, Rod Wassell, Elaine Haw also Liz Miller, Richard Annois, Lou Parker, Annalise Jennings, Rukshi Aboo , Karen Kendrick and Jennifer Jansen ex ANZ colleagues.
There were many stories about Peter’s family life and his exploits at cricket and football. Peter played first class cricket for the MCC and was a Life Member. Paul Sheahan represented the MCC at the funeral.
He remained positive to all around him through 2 years of illness.
A wonderful life taken too soon.”
From the ANZROC members our condolences are extended to the families and friends of Neville, Nola and Peter.
HELISMA J.V.(JACK) 83 YEARS 18/04/2019
Honorary member Jack Helisma was a regular correspondent to our newsletter and will be missed. Jack enjoyed his career in the ESA/ANZ and looked forward to receiving the newsletters.
SCOTT N.B.(BRUCE) 93 YEARS 19/4/2019
Honorary member N.B. (Bruce) Scott passed away on 15/4/2019 aged 93 years and an email to our President Ken from Bruce’s son Tony follows……
Bruce while he was able was a regular attendee to our ANZROC meetings and we enjoyed his company over many years.
Bruce enlisted in the RAAF in April 1944 (18 years of age) and at discharge in July 1945 was a Leading Aircraftman with 2 T&MO, W Melbourne but the very next day he enlisted in the Australian Army and at discharge in November 1946 was a Private in the 1Aust Reinft Trg Btn (JW).
Tony Scott, son of Bruce Scott emailed “It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of my father Bruce Scott who passed away peacefully on the 15th April at Blue Cross Broughtonlea in Surrey Hills.
Bruce led a full and happy life to the end and always loved attending your meetings to catch up with the Scotty blokes. When he could no longer attend, he enjoyed every newsletter that arrived. Happy to see he was not in the bereavements section.
Bruce was literally born in a bank with his father Roy Scott a 40 year plus ESANDA man. As a child he grew up on top of the Ascot Vale Branch on Mt Alexander Road, he often told me of the magnificent ballroom above the chambers. He would take his bike and his .22 to hunt rabbits in Keilor. Roy was
known to pop of a few squab with his shotgun outside the bank to pop onto to the dinner plate. Tricky part was getting rid of the evidence before the local constabulary arrived.
Bruce started as a teller at 16 I think before WW2 and met his wife Mary of 65 years, who passed away in 2017. Mary was a teller in the branch Cnr Bourke and Exhibition Streets where they met. Balancing the daily ledger in the tellers’ pit eventuated in a long marriage and three children, Jenny, Tony and Peter.
I still bank at the 388 Collins street branch and point out Roy Scotts as well as W.V Scotts names on the WW1 honour roll on the wall. I also make sure Bruce is front and centre in the WW2 diary book at the entrance.
I remember as a child his first manager post in Emerald Hill and as a child hearing Puffing Billy pass. He finished as you know as the first manager of 55 Collins Street, Collins Place Branch.
In his retirement Bruce loved his fishing (not necessarily catching) all over Australia with the Murray and the Snowy rivers his favorites. Golf at Kew and Cowes.”
Will Bailey emailed “I was saddened to read of Bruce Scott’s death. We went back many years together firstly at ESA Hartwell were ha was Clerk General Duties and I was a Ledger keeper. Later we were both Instructors at the Scotty Training School for a couple of years. Much later we spent time together when he was Manager at Collins Place. As an aside I worked with his father Roy Scott who was Manager Murrumbeena and later at Flinders Lane.
His father was a great guy and Bruce certainly followed in his footsteps. Bruce was a truly “good guy and banker”. I also knew Mary at 90 Bourke St Branch. Both were a strong part of the Bank family.
Fond farewell good buddy.”
Syd Swaby emailed “Bruce Scott was appointed Manager 75 Collins Street after Joe Blair retired then became 1st manager at 55 Collins Street when 75 Collins St closed and 55 Collins St opened.
At the time I was an “Advance Clerk “at 75Collins Street, think that was the term, later known as Manager’s Assistant, it was a pleasure to have worked with Bruce way back then.”
WHITMORE J.M.(MIKE) 89 YEARS 31/3/2019
Susan Ainger daughter of our Honorary Member Mike Whitmore emailed that her Dad spent the last six months at Salisbury House Aged Care facility at Upper Beaconsfield. He had severe, but happy, dementia. She also advised that Mum (Olwyn)and Dad had a great life. We lived in many country Victorian towns. Just when Mum would have the house set up the way she wanted; we'd be moved on. About every three years. They had many wonderful life-time friends. Lots from the bank. Some still with us, some not. He lived a good life, was a great provider and his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren feel lucky to have known him. Mike donated his body to Science - Melbourne University. He insisted on no funeral or memorial. We have honoured his wishes which were set up well in advance, but if anyone would like to raise a glass and remember Mike, feel free.
WILLIAMS E.F.(ERIC) 98 YEARS 28/4/2019
Honorary member Eric Williams was a regular correspondent to our Newsletter and until recently came to the annual Christmas luncheon coming from Warrnambool for the day. Eric also attended occasional meetings when in the city.
Eric enlisted in the Australian Army in Launceston in July 1942 and at date of discharge in June 1946 his rank was Lieutenant 12/40 Australian Infantry Battalion.
Daughter Susan Williams emailed ‘Please be advised Eric Williams died last night. He worked with ANZ all his working life until he retired in 1980 when he turned 60. He was 98 and a half when he died. I’m not sure of all the details of his career but he started before the war in Tasmania.”
Dick Sanders emailed “Sad, but a good age and condolences to his family.
He was Area Manager when I was posted to Portland. He was encouraging to us all.
He organised a visit to a large Sheep Station owned and run by two elderly sisters and to where we had a picnic and played tennis.”
Members stood in remembrance of our late members Jack, Bruce, Mike and Eric at our meeting at
Past President Neville Pearson advised “Geoff Beard phoned to sadly advise Cheryl and me of the passing of Graham Bancroft at his Nursing Home where he had resided for some time. Our hearts go out to Carole and we will miss Graham at our quarterly lunches.
Graham was an exceptional player for ANZ Bank Tennis Club playing in the Southern Districts Men’s A Grade Doubles competition for many years in the ANZ Men’s tennis teams. Together with Peter Harvey, Bill Stevens and Dick Sanders winning several A grade Southern Districts men’s competitions.
Dick Sanders emailed “In the early to mid 1960’s I was working in a section of Methods Dept. South Yarra, when a telephone call came through requesting I make myself known to a new staff arrival from Perth, one Graham Bancroft. Would I undertake to introduce him to members of the Tennis Team – of course. We became fairly close friends and the team often finished up after tennis at Graham and Bev’s house for mixed drinks.
At my Buck’s party in Middle Brighton I was ankle cuffed to a Ball and Chain and transported on the back of a Tray Truck via the Nepean Highway, to Graham’s house and not released until the following day. Actually, I was to stay with Graham and his then wife until a fortnight later when I was married on Grand Final Day of our Tennis Team and thus missed out on that occasion. It was Graham’s wife who Tape-Recorded the wedding service and reception.
In later years the friendship was not sustained but I fondly remember the many good times when our families got together. Nevertheless, Bev and her girls remain close friends of my wife and me.
My sympathies to Carole whom I remember very well.”
BOOTH ARTHUR 77 YEARS` 16/12/2019
ANZROC member Graeme Plant advised that his great friend Arthur Booth passed away on 16/12/2019 aged 77 years. Arthur had lived at Elliot Heads, Queensland for some years and was a regular correspondent on receipt of his annual Birthday card. Graham and Arthur both worked at Data Processing Department in South Yarra and their friendship extended over 44 years
Past President Kevin Mitchell emailed “I fondly remember Arthur Booth as a fellow member of ES&A Men’s Basketball team that played at the newly acquired old Albert Park Army Barracks. Arty lived in the outer northern suburbs but could always be relied on to turn up to make sure we did not have to give a walkover. Arty was one of our taller players and a consistent basket shooter over several seasons. While we did not win any premierships, we had a lot of fun enjoying ourselves every Thursday night. Other ES&A regular team players supporting Arty were Graeme Ainscough, Mike Kovaks, Max O’Brian, Ray Perry, Trevor Smethurst and Dickie Turner. Vale Arty Booth.”
Barbara Delmenico advised that husband Kevin passed away on 6/1/2019. Kevin had spent most of his career in country branches that started in Castlemaine and progressed through to Manager Daylesford and Kevin finally retired from Sturt Street Ballarat. Barbara said that Kevin was a past Shire President of the Daylesford Shire.
Kevin really enjoyed reading the newsletter about his colleagues and friends in ANZ.
GILL J.M.(JOHN) 81 YEARS 25/01/2019
John Evans advised of the passing of his friend and fellow Wodonga resident and our Honorary member John Gill. John was for some time a regular correspondent to the newsletter.
HUGHES D.F. (DAVID) 86 YEARS 23/9/2018
Widow Judy Hughes advised that David had passed away in Invermay Park, Ballarat in September 2018.
WALTON C.J.(COLIN) 85 YEARS 24/12/2018
Frank Hatfield emailed “I was saddened to learn of the passing of Colin Walton.
Colin and I were juniors together at the ES&A 607 Nicholson Street, North Carlton in 1949 and as we lived close to each other we used to ride our bicycles together, to and from Preston, to work. One evening as we were riding home we were stopped by a policeman and booked for speeding around a corner. The next day was the police pay day and when the sergeant from North Fitzroy came in to cash his pay cheque, the teller Bob Jefferies, refused to do so as the cheque was not negotiable. The sergeant said "Why? you always have before" and Bob said, "Because one of your blokes has booked two of mine". When the reason for the 'booking' was revealed to the sergeant, he and Bob both burst out laughing and the sergeant said, "Tell your boys to forget about it".
In later years Colin was Manager at Glenferrie branch when my daughter was placed there.
Vale Colin.”
Fay McPherson advised the passing of Peter who had not been well for some time. Fay worked with Peter at Corporate Accounts (Lending) when they were at 351 Collins Street.
WELLS R.G. (Ron) 87 years 25/12/2018
Michael Wells, son of Ron emailed to say” his father was a devoted husband caring for mum that had dementia for 5 years who passed away 3 weeks after dad…. not a very good Xmas. “
Cann I.N. (Ian) 22/11/2018 90 years
Fay McPherson advised us of Ian’s passing. Fay worked with Ian in Registrars Department at 394 Collins Street in 1962 during her career in ANZ.
Trimble J.B. (James) 5/6/2017 89 years
Jim’s daughter phoned to advise Jim’s passing in 2017 and said Jim really enjoyed reading the newsletter and keeping up with his old friends and workmates.
Our condolences to the families and friends of Ian and James.
Hornsby F.C. (Fred) 87 years 22/10/2018
O’Brien F.W. (Frank) 79 years 23/10/2018
A large group of family and friends attended Frank O'Brien's memorial service on 29 October.
ANZROC (Vic) member and close friend, Graham Holt kept the gathering amused with many anecdotes from Frank's banking, sporting and recreational activities. Other ANZROC (Vic) members/friends in attendance were brother-in-law John Penhale, John Bloom, Roy Peake, Geoff Ridgway, Gary Stanway, Jim Lee, John Brown and John Pitts.
Graham Holt advised that he and Frank joined the ANZ at the same time and met at the annual induction course for new entrants in 1954 and they had been friends ever since. Frank and Graham played football for the ANZ.
Ken Parry emailed “. Frank was one of nature's gentleman who I had the pleasure of working with at Burwood Branch in the 70's. A big man with an even bigger heart Condolences to Di and the family. RIP Frank “
Kennedy David 93 years 1/6/2018
David Kennedy served in the RAAF from September 1942 to date of discharge in April 1946 when he was Leading Aircraftman at RAAF Headquarters.
Greg Kennedy, son of David gave us a brief resume of his father’s career and interests after retirement.
“David joined the ES&A when he was 19 after returning from New Guinea with the Air Force. He spoke fondly of the “old days” where he considered the ES&A as more like family than work colleagues. He worked as a teller and then accountant at many suburban branches and some country ones as well which included Echuca, which he loved. He got his big break in the early ‘60’s when he was promoted to Manager at Murrumbeena. He spent many years there and accumulated many friends, both staff and clients. He was then transferred to Malvern, where once again enjoyed the challenge. David was extremely stressed on the 13th February 1966, the day before decimal currency arrived, spending almost the whole night at the branch worried about what may occur the following morning. It ran smoothly, and David would comment, “It was because I took the stress away from everyone else”!
David had two unfortunate incidents occur whilst in the bank with armed holdups, one at Murrumbeena and the other at Malvern. He was manager on both occasions. He said the bank looked after him on both occasions giving him and the staff 2 hours off to recover.
After leaving the bank in the late ‘70’s he retired, didn’t enjoy it, so 6 weeks later got a bookkeeping job with a local plastering company close to his home in Rosebud. This lasted 10 years, before he took on the Manager’s position at the Rosebud Country Club, where he and wife Phil had been members for many years. This role lasted around 4 years before he retired for good in the early 1990s.
His passion for golf beckoned and he played as much as he could, travelled with Phil to different destinations around Australia. He also “pottered” around the garden and finally got to tidy his beloved shed, which was on his “to do” list for almost his whole adult life.
David’s wife Phil had a stroke in 1997, which threw their life upside down with David dedicating his whole time to caring for her. It was around this time David was diagnosed with dementia, which the doctors advised the family he would be lucky to survive another 10 years. As stubborn as David was, he lasted another 21 years. David and Phil had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.
David’s other love was the South Melbourne football club and he attended most games until they “deserted” him and went to Sydney. Greg recalls every time they went to watch their Swannies, David would continue to call them South, never Sydney. He just couldn’t get his head around the concept.
David loved his family very much. He also had a close-knit friendship group, but as his family would quite often say, he loved “the bank”. As mentioned earlier, his affection for the staff and clients was infectious with many shifting their accounts to branches where David was.
He will be missed by many who loved him dearly”.
Walker W.T. (Bill) 82 years 25/9/2018
Gerry McPherson advised that W.T. (Bill) Walker passed away on 25/9/2018 after a long illness aged 82 years. Bill was a regular correspondent to our newsletter and Gerry said he worked with Bill way back in 1952 at Flinders Lane Branch. Bill was a great friend of our past ANZROC President and long-time committeeman the late Col Edwards.
There was a large crowd at the celebration of Bill’s life including several ANZROC members Clive Bayley, Bill Bowring, Dick Chegwin, Graeme Joseph, George Lawson, John McPhee, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Gordon Paulett, John Phelan and Bevyn Ranford.
Barry Reid emailed “Bill and I worked together for a few years on the 5th floor at 394 Collins Street, Melbourne branch prior to the 56 Olympic Games in Melbourne , Bill worked in Public Relations with Mr. Uren and later with Ron Bauer, while I worked in G.M.O ‘s newly formed Savings Bank division under Mr. Wally Symon, later State Manager of Western Australia, Mr. Selby Fischer later to become State Manager for Queensland and then Mr. Max Bade later to become State Manager of South Australia. I did not either stay long enough to achieve a similar posting or more likely did not quite possess their ability.
Billy Walker was an outstanding cricketer, enjoyed belting the ball to all parts of the ground and never stopped his efforts to do so. Bill made plenty of runs for the ANZ team over many seasons.
I have a good little story which I will relate re a weekend trip to Albury to play the ANZ cricket club from Sydney in which Bill Walker together with Des Rittman destroyed them with the bat after a rather late night at The Railway hotel in Albury. Vale Bill Walker you were a gentleman and a pleasure to know.”
John Brown emailed “Bill and his wife Maureen both worked at 351 Collins Street branch while Jan and I were there and were popular and respected workmates. A copy of an article in the ANZ staff Journal, Chequerboard, which mentions Bill's batting performance when the ANZ team won the A Grade Mercantile Cricket Association final in 1962 is on our website and may be of interest to members”
Watt A. C. (Tony) 88 years 13/3/2018
Daughter Joanne emailed “Tony joined the ES&A Bank in Melbourne after leaving school and was transferred to Adelaide in the late 1960's. He retired from the bank in the mid-1980's. After his first wife, Anne , died in 1987, Tony moved back to Melbourne and married Margaret, who was a close family friend. Tony and Margaret had many happy years together, traveling and leading a very active social life. Tony was a member of Royal Brighton Yacht Club and Sandringham Yacht Club and enjoyed mixing with a wide circle of friends at the clubs on a regular basis. Tony is survived by his wife, Margaret, and his 3 children & their families.”
BUNTAIN J.C. (Jock) 88 years 11/8/2018
Stella Buntain said that at Jock’s celebration of life at Yarra Valley Country Club she spent time with ANZROC member Wendy Black. Godfrey Mills had visited Jock while he was in the nursing home. Stella said that Jock worked in 394 Collins Street and 55 Collins Street in administrative roles, was Manager Mount Waverley and after retiring returned to ANZ on contract for mainly relieving roles.
Stella and daughter Fiona were reminiscing about Jock’s prowess as a golfer of 30 years at Yarra Valley Country Club where he could be found each week playing on Sunday with friends and meeting for coffees on Mondays.
Dick Sanders emailed “I have known Jock since the 1960’s – he and his family lived in the next street to Joan and me in East Doncaster. A Good man and a good golfer,”
Meggs G. J. (Geoff) 90 years 18/8/2018
Margaret Meggs said that Geoff enjoyed the first half of his career with Esanda and was then transferred into the branch network and at retirement at 55 was Manager Surrey Hills. Geoff and Margaret then travelled overseas extensively enjoying America and Canada, Europe, UK and one trip to Morocco. In recent years travelling was spent appreciating Australia and especially Queensland where they spent a month earlier this year. Geoff was a keen player of lawn bowls.
Geoff was a regular correspondent to the ANZROC newsletter and attended many of the monthly luncheons when he was able.
Stone Bob 84 years 7/9/2018
Barry Reid emailed “Bob and his wife Marie had not been enjoying very good health for some time and prior to being transferred to the Arcare Port Arlington Aged Facility to be nearer to their daughters Leanne and Kim and son Shane, they had previously stayed at the William Angliss Hospital in Upper Ferntree for a period. Bob enjoyed his home life and was a very good family man.
Bob and I enjoyed a long association together, both being transferred to the Banks internal audit division, otherwise known as the Men with the Green Pen, back in 1973 and working together on many occasions, and we later retired together at age 55 in September 1989 and then did a little part time work.
I seem to recall that Bob commenced his Banking career at Yackandandah in country Victoria and mentioning that one of his important duties there was chopping up the kindling and firewood each morning for the fire place in the branch managers office and keep it going during the day.
Bob often shared many of his good jokes some not so good and stories with us all.
Bob was a staunch supporter of the Richmond Football Club and was thrilled when they won last year’s flag and it’s not beyond possibility for another win again this year.
Vale Bob old mate. Barry Reid.”
ANZROC Membership Officer John Brown emailed” Jan and I were very sorry to hear that Bob had passed away as we both worked with Bob at 351 Collins St branch in the early 1960s. In later years Bob was transferred to the Audit staff and conducted audits at many branches. When conducting an audit at a country branch, Bob usually took along a few rabbit traps and often picked up a few bunnies to take home after the audit. The audit staff were a close bunch and I am sure that Barry Reid and others will have a few stories to relate about Bob's time on the audit circuit”.
Martin Zelda Jean 85 years July 2018
Zelda was a regular correspondent to our ANZROC newsletter and her letters were always interesting. She had been resident in a Creswick Nursing Home for the last few years.
Committee member Joan Nathan emailed “It is sad to hear of Zelda's passing, she was most grateful to the help I gave her in recovering her safe custody envelope some time age. A very interesting person to talk to. Her family and friends will really feel her loss, deepest sympathy to all.”
Maree Pritchard emailed about Zelda Martin. "I worked with Zelda in the early 1980's. She was a diligent and industrious worker. She had a great sense of humour and would take on many new challenging projects and technologies. We were both seconded to DP in the rollout of Transaction Banking. I had a great one on one working relationship with Zelda and a fantastic mentor. I had a lot of time and respect for Zelda. She was a great asset to the Personnel and Training Department."
Abernethy A.J. (Alistair) 84 years 4/7/2018
Alistair was a regular contributor to our newsletter until a few years ago. Alistair passed away after a short illness with family present. Alistair had spent some time in Audit prior to his retirement and would have been known by many members.
On behalf of ANZROC members I have expressed our condolences to Alistair’s family and friends.
Penhall D. L. (David) 68 years 21/5/2018
Our Treasurer Glyn Parry Jones advised that his good friend and our ANZROC member David Penhall aged 68 years passed away on 21st May 2018. David and Jill were holidaying in Tasmania three weeks ago when David had a heart attack. David had a stent inserted in Launceston and was fit enough to fly back to Melbourne about 10 days ago. The decision was taken to insert a defibrillator/pacemaker last Tuesday, but sadly the operation did not go as had been envisaged. The well attended celebration of the life of our member David Penhall took place on May 30th in Brighton East. Tributes to David spoke of his love of family and friends, sailing, travel - especially in more remote parts of Australia, and of good food and wine. David will be remembered as compassionate, a thoroughly decent person and a real gentleman.
David’s ANZ and Bank of Adelaide colleagues were well represented in the mourners and included Robyn Kosidlo, Phillip Ellis, Bob Ellum, Colin Geldart, Stephen Green, Charles Griss, David Jones, Richard Jones, Phil McBean, Peter Nyga, Glyn Parry-Jones, Roy Sloggett, Trevor Stevens, Wayne Stephenson, John Sudholz, Keith Trowell, Barb Weston and Rod Willard.
Caudry John 89 years 28/3/2018
We received advice from John’s daughter Robyn that her father had passed away on 28/3/2018 aged 89 years.
John had been in poor health for some time but before his illness he was a great supporter of ANZROC and sadly a very good friend of the late Bruce Tickell who had passed away a few days earlier.
Bruce Morley reported “John Caudry's family and friends gathered to farewell John at Peninsula Grange Retirement Village, Mornington. The Family spoke fondly of John and his career with ANZ. John wanted to be farewelled with a party and the family made sure that this happened. John would have been very pleased with the support provided to the family.”
Dedlefs Ray 87 years 19/3/2018
Jennie Mitchell daughter of Ray emailed “My dad, Ray Dedlefs passed away on 19/3/2018; he still enjoyed reading the newsletters that were sent from your group. He was in aged care over the last ten months and was still actively involved in managing his finances etc until fairly recently, a true banker.”
Will Bailey emailed “Ray Dedlefs was a highly respected and valued colleague. We first worked together relocating the then General Manager, Greg Wilson’s private files in the GM’s office at 271 Collins Street in the early ‘50s. Our paths crossed frequently over the years when Ray worked on security matters. He was closely involved in the acquisition of the Bank’s first series of ATMs. A man who took his role very seriously but with an engaging sense of humour. Another loyal and valued colleague.”
Tickell Bruce 89 years 26/3/2018
There was a large gathering for the funeral service for Bruce Tickell and included ANZROC members Ron Adams, Bob Challis, Alan Chapple, Dick Chegwin, Val Goldsworthy, Bob Lamb, Gordon Paulette, Bevyn Ranford, Barry Reid, Dick Sanders and we met John Murdoch, son of the late ANZROC member Brian Murdoch who was a great friend of Bruce Tickell when they both served on the ANZROC committee for a number of years.
ANZROC membership officer John Brown emailed “Sad news, I got to know Bruce and his family in the early 1960s when Bruce, John Vanselow and Brian Murdoch became involved with the ANZ Basketball Club. They were great mentors to the many younger playing members, providing support and encouragement during both the matches and the many social events. Bruce was also a class cricketer, playing for the ANZ team in the A Grade Mercantile Cricket Association. In the June 1962 edition of Chequerboard (ANZ's staff newsletter at that time) it was reported that the ANZ team has won the final of the 1961/62 season, completing a "hat trick “of premierships, and that they would advance to the Victorian Junior Cricket Association in the following year. At that time, Bruce had played 14 seasons with the team scoring 4067 runs at an average of 31.8. His great friend Kevin Watson had also played for 11 seasons taking 330 wickets for an average of 9.6. Others in that team were Bill Walker, Bevyn Ranford, Bob Bishop, David Phelps, Robin Chase, P Bower, Trevor Dusting, Bill Lumsden, K Irvine and G Hopkins (Captain). “
Kevin Watson emailing from Perth “This morning I awoke to a message from Gayle Tickell that her father and my long time friend had passed on to greener fields.
We first met at 394 Collins Street at the Bank of Australia – on Monday of the first week of March 1951. I was reporting in for transfer to General Manager’s Office at Chief Accountant’s Department, whereas Bruce was going to work as a Ledger Supervisor. Bruce had just recently had his 22nd birthday and I was to attain mine in early June. Bruce was a tremendous fellow, a gentleman and a very good sportsman. He contributed greatly to some of the sporting activities within the bank. Notably he contributed much to the Men’s basketball team and he and a few others gave much to the training of young fellows in that game. I met him on the first morning when the Clerk in the Personnel Department, Ian Fraser, asked whether I played cricket. When I said I did, he took me down to meet Bruce Tickell, who was a foundation member of the Bank of Australasia Cricket Club, which had been formed in 1948. Incidentally, I noticed a young lady, one of his ledger machinists, who I was to later marry. I talked to Bruce and said I would like to try out for the team. I played my first season in 1951 and from then on. Bruce was my closest friend and am proud to say that he was my teammate in the true sense of the word, because in the game of cricket, the regular bowler and the wicket keeper form their own little team - as their communication is frequent as they work together to dispose of the opposition – As far as I am concerned this was the greatest sporting partnership that I enjoyed. We spent our entire cricket career together and I spent many hours bowling to him in the nets as he tried to eradicate a perceived weakness – a shortish ball rising outside the off stump. We made what we considered a considerable contribution to the team as there are many entries in the score book “C Tickell B Watson”. Bruce was a lovely batsman and had virtually a mortgage on our batting average. The years passed very pleasantly indeed.
Besides his attributes as a cricketer he was an all round sportsman – apart from the basketball team, he was also a keen footballer and played on the wing for the Malvern Amateur Australian Rules Football Club.
Our friendship has now lasted over 67 years and we have remained close over all those years.
One of the typical one liners that he produced that is freshest in my mind is when I rang on the morning of his 88th birthday and wished him well. He quipped – I can go out and buy a new bat now, making reference to the ill-regarded no 87, and being 13 short of 100, although I never remember him being dismissed on that number – always going on to make the 100. The memories I carry are voluminous – too many to recall. Suffice to say I am not a great collector of statistics but we accumulated a number of premierships – I think at one time in four consecutive years. We achieved a standard of cricket which took us into VJCA A Grade after having invested in a turf wicket. Our turf wicket and dressing sheds were built on Batman Avenue, Melbourne which is now the site of the Rod Laver Arena.
At the height of the time our club was fielding three 11s but for many years we had two 11s on the go, one in the VJCA. Incidentally, in my, and I think Bruce’s, last season, we were runners up in the VJCA behind East Malvern which progressed to sub-district under the captaincy of Graham Yallop who went on to captain Victoria. We had a rich and proud history and every now and again we were added to in number by further transferees from interstate – I think particularly of the late Graham Hopkins and Bevyn Ranford – both from WA. Talking of Graham, I briefly mention that in a grand final he made a blistering 187 – I think we made 5 for about 547 in that match.
It was an absolute delight to have known Bruce and in a way I am pleased that he didn’t live see the disgrace of Australian Cricket in the last few days. He gave the big C a hell of a run for its money, sustaining more surgery than anyone I have ever known and never surrendered – he never did surrender his hand easily. Finally in pain no more to rejoin the lovely Helen, whom he lost too early.He is greatly missed.”
Watkins Margaret 5/3/2018
ANZROC Honorary Member Roger Watkins wrote “I am letting you know of the passing of my wife Margaret on 5/3/2018 at the age of 84.”
Margaret had been in care for 18 months after Roger had been sole carer for some years. She will be missed by Roger, 4 children with partners and 14 grand children and 11 great grandchildren. Roger
met Margaret by chance and he always considered himself very lucky for that chance meeting. Margaret was interred in her home town of Barrigun (NSW) and Roger recalls a visit they made to Barrigun in 1954 where they were greeted warmly by the townspeople.
Our condolences are extended to family and friends of our passed members’ John, Ray and Bruce and to Roger and his family.
Derek Gall (further tributes)
Will Bailey emailed “Derek Gall and I worked on the selection of Teller terminals and later on the transfer to IBM from Honeywell. I travelled with him, Frank Hughes and Bob Castledean to Glasgow, Paris and IBM USA. I really got to know Derek as one does when you spend weeks travelling together. Derek was an excellent IT executive and the Bank benefitted from his deep knowledge of technology. We worked closely together; he was a loyal and highly valued colleague.”
Kane P.M. (Peter) 80 years 27/2/2018
Our member Peter Alexander advised “It is with a great deal of sadness I wish to advise fellow ANZROC Members of the passing of Peter Michael Kane, at the age of 80, and following a three year battle with Bone Cancer. Peter was positive right to the end and, just before his passing, he, I - and others who also had worked for The E S & A Bank - had a quite animated discussion on those early days working for that quite wonderful Bank.
I met Peter at the ES&A’s North Melbourne branch, circa 1958, and we remained close friends thereafter. They were very happy days, with Bill Kubale as our Manager. Peter met his wife, Diane, when she worked at the ES & A at 77 William Street branch.
Peter gained many friends as his career progressed, but I would think his days as Internal Auditor was the central part of his career, and - via that position/responsibility - he, of course, met, came to know and became friends with many of the ANZ staff, across Victoria.
Peter retired of ill health at age 53, but, in due course, he was fortunate to return to relatively good health, and gave energy to Geo-casing, Bush-walking and camping, scouting, sailing, and his family.
A great friend, who will be long remembered.”
Bob Lamb emailed “The celebration of the life of Retired Officer Peter Kane was held on 7th March 2018 and was indeed such a testimonial to him. Peter Alexander made an emotional tribute which was heart wrenching.
Among the large number of mourners were retired officers Peter Alexander, Bob Lamb, Geoff Murrell, Tom Portelli, Lindsay White and Brian Wills.
I had spent time with Peter K. at Footscray (N&D) and later for several years as a fellow Internal Auditor.”
Richards L.R. (Lindsay) 87 years 4/3/2018
Speaking with Lindsay’s son Ken, he told me his father had joined the ANZ at 18 in Wagga Wagga and spent 38 years in ANZ. Lindsay’s career covered time in Yarrawonga, International Department in Melbourne where he supplied young Ken with foreign stamps that started many years of collecting stamps. Lindsay had time in Internal Audit covering Victoria and Tasmania, advanced to management at Noble Park and Collingwood which at the time was on the corner of Johnson Street and Hoddle Street and immortalised in a Barry Humphries book “The 12 Most Ugly buildings in Melbourne”. Lindsay went on to manage Forest Hill retiring in 1986. Lindsay was a keen sportsman playing tennis for many years and at the age of 16 was playing against Lew Hoad and Ken Rosewall. Lindsay played golf at Rosanna for more than 30 years and was an enthusiastic Richmond AFL supporter and was able to see his beloved Tigers take the flag in 2017. Ken said there were a number of Lindsay’s friends from ANZ in attendance at the funeral service.
Bob Lamb emailed “I was saddened to read of the passing of Lindsay Richards with whom I was also a fellow Internal Auditor. When a branch was quite large the Bank would send a couple/several Auditors at the one time to get the task done and over with; hence I worked quite closely with Lindsay on many occasions. “
Our condolences to families and friends of Peter Kane and Lindsay Richards.
Derek Gall
We have been advised that Derek Gall passed away recently. Derek was the GM Information Technology, then called EDP at ANZ in the early 80's.
Dick Milnthorpe and Bruce Plaice-Leary remembered Derek below.
From Bruce He was a visionary, but without the technology to carry it through. He made a video in the late 80’s showing how people would access retail outlets, order food, supplies and things like flowers for same day delivery. Sadly, we only had teletext and similar systems at the time, a security nightmare. But he has been proved so right.
From: Richard Milnthorpe I first met Derek at a conference back in the early seventies. At that time he was the IT Manager of Clydesdale Bank, a small Scottish bank with a number of branches across Scotland. Derek was very innovative and had succeeded in creating an on line branch network with limited computer resources, no mean technical feat at that time. Later Clydesdale bank was taken over by the then Midland Bank, a much larger English institution with its own very large branch network already installed. As a result Derek's talents were somewhat wasted as he was absorbed in to a large and more bureaucratic environment. At that time ANZ were looking for a person with the ability to guide them in developing a new retail branch banking system to replace their ageing IT system which had its origins in the mid sixties and was considered to be no longer a suitable platform for the future needs of the bank. Of the candidates put forward by the professional head hunters employed by ANZ Derek Gall was selected and was appointed as Head of IT in ANZ directly reporting to Will Bailey. The two made a dynamic partnership, both were innovators and both were drivers and it was decided to move the technical platform from Honeywell to IBM in common with most other large banking institutions.
Whilst the move to an IBM mainframe processing platform made for a more stable future it did create obvious difficulties in staff retraining not to mention provision of huge technical and logistical resources, not least of which was the acquisition and construction of a new IT site at Mount Waverley, and the planning for a major expansion of the telecom network down to branch level. It was an enormously complex undertaking, not always appreciated by some, even within the IT area. One of Derek's areas of expertise was in the operation of branch terminal equipment and in this instance it was decided to utilise a system based upon his experience in Clydesdale Bank, he also recruited a number of his former Clydesdale colleagues who had expertise in the system to work together with the ANZ team in order to propagate expertise. It is worth mentioning that whilst all of this was in progress he was responsible for the development of the Debit/Credit card system in ANZ some facilities of which are still not universally available elsewhere, such as the choice of Cash or Credit on the one card. He later became head of the Cards Division in the Bank. During Derek's time with ANZ most of the systems we take for granted today were developed and he should be remembered for his great achievements in his time at ANZ.”
Condolences to Derek’s family and friends.
Nigel Coe
We have been advised of the passing of Nigel Graham Coe who passed away in UK shortly after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. Nigel had many friends from his time working in ANZ and would be known by many of our members.
Condolences to Nigel’s family and friends.
Sheers A. A (Arthur) 89 years 26/01/2018
Robert Sheers son of our Honorary Member Arthur Sheers emailed “It is with sad regret that I have to inform you that Arthur Albert Sheers passed away on the 26th January 2018. His health had deteriorated over the last few years but the last few months has been hard to watch. It with sadness and relief that he finally passed peacefully on Friday night. He is survived by his wife Marjorie, and daughters Judith and Karen, 8 grand children and 12 great grand children.”
Bruce Sanderson emailed” Keith Poynter passed away on 17/1/2018 aged 91 years.
Our paths last crossed in 1980 - a seemingly long time ago. Keith was a qualified accountant, and as he put it, the Bank used his taxation qualification in Dividends Section of ANZ Nominees.
Later, he was appointed Manager of Terang branch where I had been relieving for a few weeks.”
Flyger John 82 years 31/10/2017
Michelle Williams, John’s daughter, said her father joined the Bank of A/Asia in Wanganui and spent more than 40 years in ANZ that included a few years in Suva before moving to Melbourne. John’s career covered time in branches, branch management and senior lending roles. John retired to Hervey Bay and returned to Melbourne about 10 years ago to be with family and he was a supporter of ANZROC attending Christmas lunches when he was able . He was a great friend of the late Alan Forrest and the late Neil Sharman. John was a member of the ANZ Bank golf club and enjoyed meeting and playing golf with his friends. The Flygers and the Forrests were prolific travelers around and across Australia but more recently ill health prevented him from venturing too far from home. The funeral is to be held later in November and a further report will be forthcoming. Condolences to John’s family.
We have been advised by ANZROC member Arun Nangia that Ray Barnes has passed away after being ill with a brain tumour for a number of months. Ray worked in a number of senior roles at ANZ Grindlays in South Asia, Middle East and New York. Condolences to Ray's family.
Chisholm K.R. (Ken) 75 years 5/9/2017
Speaking to Dianne Chisholm widow of Ken she advised that a number of retired ANZ staff now settled in Bendigo attended the funeral service. This included our member Norm Gaskin while John Crough apologized for being unable to attend. Ken started his banking life at Ouyen branch and moved to Chelsea then Warracknabeal where he met and married Dianne. Transfers then followed to Victorian country branches until Ken was appointed Manager Strathmerton and he then managed several more country branches finishing his career as Manager in Bendigo where he retired. Ken was a keen sportsman playing football and cricket and in later years “lots of golf”.
Coxsedge C. (Cedric) 91 years 10/9/2017
Cedric was a strong supporter of ANZRC functions and attended many city functions, the most recent being our luncheon at the Caulfield Glasshouse Restaurant in June 2017.
Joan Coxsedge emailed “It is with great sadness that I report that Cedric died late yesterday afternoon after a brief illness. He was 91 years old.
Cedric was born in London in 1926 and joined Britain’s wartime army at the tender age of 16. At war’s end, with no quick exit for single men, he joined the Palestine Police only 18 months before the UN Mandate established the State of Israel.
Back in England, freezing weather triggered thoughts of warm weather and blue skies and he sailed to Australia, arriving in Melbourne in 1949. Shortly after, he landed a job with the bank.
We met, married in 1953, had three children, eventually three grandchildren, and have been together ever since. We had a long close relationship.”
Dietmar Reichert emailed “I recall doing a brief 3 week relief as the then known “Overseas Bill Clerk” position in the early 1970s at 306 Little Collins Street Branch in Melbourne. As I was inexperienced in that area and relatively new in the Bank, my pulse rate was somewhat elevated as I reported for duty in the Accountant’s offices on day one. Only to find Cedric in an exceptionally positive frame of mind, and, smoking his “relaxing” pipe. He was simply terrific to work for, always teaching/explaining and well versed in politics!! The time flew – and I learnt a lot in that brief stint under his positive guidance. My thoughts are with his family.”
Grayling H.A. (Tony) 76 years 15/8/2017
Tony was a member of the group that meets regularly at the Mulgrave Club and was highly regarded by the group.
David Knuckey reported that more than 140 people attended the funeral service for Tony and David saw ANZROC members Rick Kimber, Mike Nickel, Dick Sanders, and Russell van Rooyen at the funeral and he felt he may have missed other ANZROC members. David said he worked with Tony in 1969 at Dandenong (280 Lonsdale Street) and he recalled them taking turns to go next door to the TV retailers to watch Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. Tony retired from a Lending role in an Area branch in the western suburbs.
John Buckland emailed “R.I.P. Tony Grayling....a very good friend. I worked with Tony at Boronia Branch for 3.5 years, 1976-1979. We built one of the very best branches, with some of the best staff. We enjoyed each other’s company, outside banking times, and remember Australia Day weekends, and Easter weekends, when we had 55 staff and Families away at Bonnie Doon, caravanning and camping, water-skiing, cricket, and volley-ball, well into the nights. My son was born in 1978, when I was at Boronia Branch, and was named John Anthony Buckland with reference to Tony. Only last summer, I called in to see Tony, on a few occasions, and dropped off to him, some of my organically homegrown Tomatoes, and Cucumbers. So many memories. NEVER, EVER, FORGOTTEN.......”.
Doug Ramsay emailed ““I am very sad to hear that Tony passed away on the 15th August 2017 and my heartfelt condolences go out to all his friends and family. He and I were part of a group of 16 new entrants who joined the E.S.& A. Bank on the 18th January, 1958 and commenced our training in facilities at RMIT. We were the last remaining ANZROC retirees from that small group who made banking their career. In 1959, we attended Teller’s Training Course in North Melbourne, together with Warrick Etty. Over the years, our paths crossed from time to time and more recently, we managed to catch up with each other at the annual ANZROC Christmas dinner. I shall always remember him as a gentle, friendly man with a good sense of humour, traits which are not so prevalent these days. Goodbye old friend.”
Nik Tsardakis advised that former Victorian ANZ staff member John Lewis- Davies passed away in Queensland on 15th August .Although not a member of ANZROC Vic John would have been known to members.
Nik also said he was sad to hear of the passing of John Winders and Bob Barton.
Bishop R.L. (Bob) 78 years 6/8/2017
Robin Chase advised he attended Bob’s funeral and estimated in excess of 100 family, friends and other folk were there. Robin had a few quick words with Val Bishop just before the service. Other ANZedders he met up with were Dick Chegwin, (who gave one of the two eulogies/recollections), Graham Heenan and Barry Reid (with wife Shirl).
Even though Robin had not met up with Bob since the mid-sixties with the ex-ANZ Bank Cricket Club, he was glad to have had the opportunity to put in an appearance to pay final respects.
John Brown emailed “very sad to hear that Bob has passed away after his long illness. Bob and Val were part of the ANZ "Family" from way back in the late 50s and 60s when they both played basketball with the ANZ Basketball Club. At that time, the club was believed to be the biggest basketball club in the Southern Hemisphere, with about twelve teams in competition. Bob was also a keen cricketer and a valuable member of the ANZ Cricket Club. Bob also took part in many of the ANZ Golf Club events. They both competed in many of the annual Wagga Wagga Queen's Birthday sporting weekends and supported the numerous social events conducted by the sporting clubs, the ANZ Staff Social Club, and more recently the ANZ Retired Officers' Club (Vic).The ANZ "Family" will miss Bob.”
Holland L.A. (Laurie) 97 years 28/7/2017
Laurie enlisted in the Australian Army in Port Moresby in September 1942 and on discharge in February 1946 was a sergeant in 67 Aust AA S/L Bty,
We were advised that Laurie was in management in Ballarat East in the 60’s.
He was a regular correspondent and had many items printed in the ANZROC newsletter,
Laurie’s daughter Robyn advised the Laurie joined the Union Bank in 1936. His banking career was interrupted by war service where he was a sergeant in the AIF Port Moresby and Darwin controlling the anti aircraft searchlights spotting incoming enemy planes. He resumed his career in the late 40’s in country branches Traralgon, Benalla and Ballarat where he studied accounting. Laurie was appointed Manager at Ballarat East then West Regent Preston, Abbotsford and finally Morwell.
On retirement he returned to Melbourne to be with his three daughters settled in Melbourne,
Perry R.W.C. (Ray) 88 years 10/4/2017
We were advised Ray Perry passed on the 10th of April 2017 at the age of 88 after a long illness.
Winders J.M.(John) 66 years 21/7/2017
Eamon Veaney reported “The funeral service and wake that followed was a sensational celebration of John's life with tributes from the family at the Service and reminiscing by friends at the wake. There was a huge turnout facilitating the use of the atrium next door by video link. The Maori funeral Haka at the end of the service was especially memorable and sent John off in the way he would have appreciated. The stories at the wake highlighted John's empathy with people from all walks of life. His love of good food and wine. His mate ship with his friends and colleagues. His great career at ANZ and as he called it the Piggy Bank. He will be sorely missed by everyone he met. Vale John, a Legend to us all”
Mike Aranha emailed “ John, was a gentle(man) giant, giant heart, heart of the party, loved life, extreme generosity, though most importantly appreciated all people who worked for/or with him, top to bottom. Amongst it all, there are stories that will never be told! However since he arrived in AU from his beginnings at Invercargill (NZ) he has improved and impressed his presence, on all people he was involved with. More so that he did it, around all points of the globe. Traits that allow oneself to sleep straight in bed. Reliqua John.”
Bob Cook from ANZROC NSW emailed “We have lost another former International Division stalwart. After a six month battle with melanoma, John Winders passed away last Friday. Whilst Melbourne based, John, who was 66 years of age, was well known to most of the now retired ID team and senior ANZ executive here in Sydney.He was a member of ANZROC Victoria."
ANZROC committeewoman Joan Nathan advised that her husband Ken Nathan passed away 6/8/2017 after a long battle with illness. Ken was a strong supporter of ANZROC and often accompanied Joan to our functions. Eamon Veaney reported that the service for Ken was well attended with over 200 present and included many of his former colleagues at Qantas. Anzroc was well represented by Anne Wee and Eamon, Ken Crawford, Kathy Trace, Noel Beanland and his wife Jeanette. Joan was very strong and gave a lovely eulogy to Ken. He was farewelled with his favourite Beatles song” Let it be” .Joan Nathan subsequently emailed “ I would like to thank the committee and members of the Retired Officers Club, firstly for allowing Ken to attend the meetings with me, Ken really enjoyed the friendships he made, and I really appreciated the way the members made him feel so welcome. The members really cared about Ken, even pushing the wheel chair on occasions. I really appreciated Eamon Veaney, Anne Wee, Kathy Trace, Noel and Jeanette Beanland and Ken Crawford for attending the Funeral, Ken is now at peace and life will never be the same without him. “
Jenny Pickering advised that Bob Barton died peacefully on 11/8/2017 and many ANZROC members would have known and worked with Bob during their careers.
GUEST L.M.J (MAX) 83 YEARS 18/6/2017
Gary Mason emailed “Max was a top level amateur cyclist (mainly track) and was close to getting Olympic selection for the 1956 Games in Melbourne.
Just prior to the Games warm-up track cycling competitions took place at the new Velodrome. Numerous visiting international cyclists in Melbourne for the Games competed in order to acclimatise and prepare themselves.
There was a large crowd of Italian supporters in attendance. They had gone to Velodrome from all over Australia to cheer their heroes
During one sprint event Max and an Italian cyclist jostled each other and the Italian cyclist fell. Max was a big chap. When the Italian fell they bayed for Max’s blood and he had to be escorted by guards away from the Velodrome via an underground tunnel which led out of the Velodrome. It was front page news on the daily newspapers.
Max was a likeable, quiet and unassuming chap, to get to the top in cycling needs plenty of guts and determination – which he obviously had in abundance.
Vale Max.”
HENNING A.F. (Adrian) 80 years 23/6/2017
Adrian was a regular correspondent to our newsletter especially when he was managing the Victorian Seniors Hockey team with trips across Australia and overseas.
David Knuckey said that Adrian worked with him in Esanda Market Street in the early 70’s and they both were on the Dealer Acceptance line where they had turns at managing the retail paper that came from the huge Reg Hunt Holden organisation, one of Esanda’s largest dealer customers.
TALBOT TERRY 26/5/2017
Kathy Trace said that Terry who worked with her in Nominees in the 70’s was a real character and was a stalwart of the many ANZ staff gatherings. On retirement Terry relocated to Tasmania and speaking to Karen Johnston Secretary of ANZROC Tasmania she said he was active in the First Settlers Group in Tasmania and regularly entertained the ANZROC Tasmanian members at their AGM with stories of the Talbot family.
THEOBALD B.T. (Barry) 93 years 25/6/2017
Barry had a stroke a couple of years ago and had not been well since.
Sandra Street emailed “I remember Barry from our days at Royal Bank Branch in the 1960s. He was a very fine person.”
WHITE E.J. (John) 7/7/2017
Ken Stapleton said when advising the passing of his close friend that John has fought a very long battle with cancer with the utmost courage and inspiration to others. Will be sadly missed.
John was a prolific correspondent to this newsletter and kept us informed of his activities in retirement.
We have also been advised by ANZROC Qsld of the passing of Allan Rivers on 20th June. He was 82 and had not enjoyed good health in recent times.
Charles Griss emailed “It is a long time since I saw Allan Rivers when I was CEO Esanda. Very sad to hear of his passing. Allan was indeed a strong leader and ran a 'tight ship' very successfully. He was a man of few words at our regular interstate conferences, but when he spoke you listened!”
Bob Maughan emailed “Very sad to hear about the passing of Alan Rivers. When I first joined Esanda I soon became aware that Alan was held in the highest possible regard.
When I was a humble Manager Dealer Finance in Esanda Head Office I had the audacity to decline an application from Queensland, the late John Hogarth who was then the Managing Director called me into his office to relate a complaint from Alan about the decision and asked me to ring him to discuss. Given the awe in which Alan was held after a nervous visit to the toilet I rang him as requested. At the end of the discussion he was most gracious and said stick with your decision you have convinced me. I later was blessed to work with him and enjoy the company of him and Shirley.
A true gentleman and legend not only of Esanda but ANZ in general.”
Mark Stankovich emailed “Allan Rivers (82) has been battling an aggressive cancer for some time. He passed away surrounded by his wife for over sixty years Shirley, his sons Donald and Peter, their wives, children and grandchildren. Allan retired in the late eighties as the ANZ Group MD’s Representative for Queensland and General Manager Esanda Queensland Division. For all but six years in the General Manager’s Department of the E.S. & A Bank in Nineteen Sixties Allan worked in Queensland for E.S. & A Bank, Esanda and ANZ Banking Group. During his years in Melbourne Allan worked in the ES&A GM’S Advances Dept. (A Line) and later as the CEO of the then newly established ES&A Savings Bank. In 1970 Allan returned to Brisbane as State Manager, Esanda for Queensland. He will be sadly missed but never forgotten by all who had the privilege to come in to contact with him.”
Glen Twidale’s Tribute to Allan Rivers
I was extremely sorry to hear of the loss of my close friend Allan Rivers, and extend my deepest sympathy to Shirley and family.
My friendship with Allan spans 51 years. We met when he was transferred to Melbourne from Queensland to head up the Savings Bank. I was on secondment from Hobart Office to the New Business department. One night, he invited me over to his home for dinner. After chatting for a while, we discovered we were both from the tiny Queensland town of Millmerran, and shared many similar memories. His father was a local police constable, and my father owned and operated the local garage. Allan was a very capable and intelligent person, and could have aspired to any position he chose; therefore, his abilities were absorbed into the bank merges and takeovers. Allan disliked Melbourne winters and whenever he headed south, he would inevitably catch the flu, and I would get the blame.
Allan’s interests were varied. While we were holidaying in Queensland, we enjoyed mud crabs, BBQ steaks competently cooked by Allan; this was usually followed by a few games of snooker in his beautifully equipped games room. As a youngster he was a top sprinter and middle distance runner. He then took up shooting, with foxes and rabbits being his bag. He was so successful, he and Glyn Steadman acquired a refrigerated van and on weekends and holidays, off they’d go. Unfortunately, the venture came to a swift end when “someone” forgot to put the handbrake on, and the van drove itself over a cliff. After the Port Arthur massacre, Allan had to hand in his rifle, due to the new gun law that John Howard introduced. Another past time of Allan’s was to make wooden toys. They were impeccably made and he would either give them away to friends, family or charities or sometimes he would sell them.
Allan will be missed by many people and once more, I offer my sincere condolences to all his family and friends.
Stave Manders emailed “I am writing to advise the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club that my father, Marcus Manders, passed away 3 July 2017 aged 96.He retired from the ANZ Bank in 1983, having been the Registrar of Esanda for a number of years prior to his retirement. Some of your members may recall his name, as his quite legible signature was on Esanda’s dividend cheques for some years in the 1970s and 1980s. He worked his entire life in the banking industry, commencing with the Bank of Australasia in the late 1930s. He had roles with a number of banks, mostly changing as they merged. I distinctly recall him saying that the most significant reason for the merger of the ES&A and ANZ banks was that neither individually could afford a mainframe computer, but as a merged entity, they could.”
BROWN R.A.(Roger) 78 years 30//4/2017
Roger joined ES&A Bank in Macquarie Place Sydney in 1955,transferring to Melbourne in 1973 with ESANDA and after 41 years service retired as State Manager Credit Control Esanda .
Roger was always interested in sport having played rugby union, cricket and lots of golf at Box Hill Golf Club and in retirement was a keen follower of the rugby in Melbourne attending most matches with his extended family. He was also very interested in Probus and was a member of Monash Central Club for 19 years serving in many of the offices including President. Roger and wife Pam were also keen travellers with many overseas trips and road trips up the East Coast of Australia.
There was a large attendance at the funeral service for Roger where I met ANZROC members Frank Edwards, Hartley Hodgson, Serge McIntyre, Mark Stankovich and ex ANZers Therese Barwick, John Carroll and Pat McLachlan.
Frank Edwards emailed “Terrible news. Roger worked closely with me in AHQ before I retired and I have only good memories of him as a true gentleman who was always a pleasure to work with. He was one of a kind.”
Sue McCarthy emailed “He was a nice fellow.”
Ken Pattison emailed “Very sad to hear of Roger Brown’s passing, he was a great help to me with a Country appointment and the passing of my Father at the same time. A true gentleman and if I was not away I would have been at his funeral. Please pass on my condolences to his family.”
DUNCAN J.F. (John) 80 years 31/10/2016
We received late notice of John’s passing but if members have any anecdotes of John’s career let me know and I will include in forthcoming newsletters.
KILPATRICK A.G.(Alwynne) 92 years 25/4/2017
Alwynne enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1942 but left in November 1943 to join the RAAF and at discharge in 1946 was Flight Sergeant at the 39 Operational Base Unit. Alwynne served as a pilot in the Australian Air Force in New Guinea and other Pacific Islands mainly dropping supplies to Australian troops.
Highlights of Alwynne’s distinguished career in ES&A and ANZ Bank were
20th March, 1941 Joined the English Scottish and Australian Bank (ES&A)
Collingwood Branch
24th March, 1949 Appointed to staff at ES&A Head Office, Manager’s Department
Progressed to Senior Deputy Manager ES&A Melbourne Office
August, 1964 Appointed Manager London Administration ES&A for 3 years
1st October, 1970 ES&A merged with ANZ
Appointed ANZ Assistant General Manager Funds Management
1980 Appointed ANZ General Manager of Corporate Banking
Director of ANZ Savings Bank Finance
Director Esanda
Director of the Bank of Adelaide (acquired 1979)
Director of the Australian Resources Development Bank
1982 Chairman of Australian International Finance Corporation
21st June, 1984 Retired from ANZ Bank and ANZ Board
18th September, 1984 Appointed Director on the Board of Barclays Bank
Will Bailey past CEO of ANZ emailed “I was saddened to read of the death of our colleague Alwynne. I first met him in the mid '50's when he was on the staff of former GM of the ES&A, Greg Wilson. Greg was a real supporter of the younger generation particularly if they showed outstanding ability. Alwynne was destined to remain in the central administration for the bulk of his career. It was the practice of the ES & A to train bright people in general management skills rather than in general banking.
Alwynne and my paths crossed regularly over the years and he provided me with encouragement and advice; a great mentor. Many years later we worked together as part of Mac Brunckhorst and John Milne's general management team.
It was the three executive Directors, John, Alwynne and Roger Brunskill that persuaded the Board to walk away from the agreement to merge with the CBC of Sydney in the early ˆ80's. Later I know Alwynne had some reservations regarding this decision.
I will miss him as I have kept in touch with him and Sylvia since his retirement. They were a great pair, loyal to the bank in a way not common now as more and more people work for themselves under the umbrella of the Bank rather than having a lifetime of commitment to an organisation.
Farewell Alwynne.
Kerry Dark emailed “I worked for Alwynne as his PA for a couple of years before going on to work for John Milne who was then MD, succeeding Muriel Drummond when she retired. Alwynne was a true gentleman.”
Gary Mason reported “ I spoke to Alwynne prior to last year’s E.S. & A. reunion lunch. He sounded unwell however was pleased to be contacted – even though he was an apology”
Dick Milnthorpe emailed “I met Alwynne way back in the late sixties on my first trip to OZ. Although I was very junior, and I think he was No 2 in the ES and A, he took me to dinner at the old RACV and to his home where I met his wife. He was one of the 'old school', a perfect gentleman, and I very much appreciated his hospitality.”
Wingrave N.H. (Tony) 84 years 30/4/2017
Tony spent much of his time in regional Victoria and after 44 years with ANZ Group retired in Mooroopna but if you have any anecdotes I can use for the newsletter of time spent with Tony in ANZ they would be welcome....
Tony was a very popular guy with over 220 views and 3 comments for his tribute already on Facebook:
Imelda and David Christie Remember him well. And his extra colourful language. Beautiful man Shirley-Joy Duckworth wonderful memories of an amazing man who could always put a smile on my face Greg Collier Fond memories of Tony
Dick Sanders emailed “I met Tony at a Boarding House in Hawthorn Road, Caulfield filled almost entirely by ANZers – Sid Bulmer, Economist who soon returned to Brisbane; Rowley Tomlinson; Bill Stevens and few others. All were mad keen on Tennis even on a stinking hot day when we hosed down ourselves as well as the court.
I recall Tony’s then red haired girl friend – name escapes me and remember the times in the pub where Tony introduced me to Ozzie Beer – pity.
Knowing Tony for the few months I stayed there was one of Life’s experiences and he was one of Life’s characters. Regards and good wishes to his family.”
Ken Crawford emailed “ I worked with Tony at Cobram branch ( he was the branch Accountant ) for a short time back in 1967. A friendly fellow.”
Members at the meeting stood in remembrance of Roger, John, Alwynne and Tony and our condolences are passed on to their families and friends.
Don Davy advised that he attended the funeral service in late March of Helen Sowersby, wife of our Honorary Member Bernie Sowersby. The funeral was held at St Scholastica’s Bennettswood and there was a large attendance. Don spoke to Bernie and only saw Carmel Danaher at the service but there may have been other ANZROC members present.
Dick Sanders emailed “The Age newspaper of 13/5/2017 reported the death of John Gibson 7-9-29 to 11-5-17 in Sydney in his 90th year. Late of ESA & ANZ Banks and remembered in Melbourne for his term as Manager 394 Collins Street succeeding Geoff Stevens. Both good men.”
FRASER D.F.(Don) 91 years March 2017
We were very sorry to hear that our respected Honorary Member Donald Fraser has passed away.
A message received from Donald's son Ian said “It is with sadness that I inform you that my father Donald Fraser passed away recently at the age of 91 years. I know that he appreciated the friendship and camaraderie that he found amongst your members. He looked forward to each `next` meeting, and when he could not attend, he avidly `studied` the minutes to keep up to date with everyone and everything. Don joined the Union Bank, from school, in 1942. He survived mergers through ES&A, and ANZ, retiring in 1983. He worked in many branches across Victoria, as a relief teller, an auditor and relief manager. Longer stays were at Ballarat branches, Bairnsdale, Foster, Brunswick, and Burnley, before being appointed manager at St Albans, and Essendon. Upon retirement Don, and Dorothy, wife of 66 years, spent many happy days touring both in Australia and overseas. Thank you all for the pleasure you brought to his life.”
HENLEY M.P.(MARY) 84 YEARS 7/11/2013
We were this week advised by the solicitors for Mary Henley’s Estate of her passing several years ago.
KENNEDY G.M. (Gerry) 93 years 23/3/2017
Gerry enlisted in the Australian Army in January 1943 and on discharge in September 1946 was a Private in the 2/33 Australian Infantry Battalion.
Gerry and his great friend Dave Brookman attended our ANZROC lunches regularly for many years but mobility issues for Dave, and Gerry moving into Cabrini Ashwood , prevented them from attending the city meetings over recent years.
SKELTON M.J. (Murray) 81 years 8/2/2017
Ian Ewart advised that Murray Skelton passed away on 8/2/2017 after a year coping with severe illness .Ian recalled that Murray was Manager 599 Swanston Street, North Carlton but their long association came about through a mutual love of sports events. Any members who spent time working with Murray might let me know of this for the newsletter .Murray was a keen correspondent to the newsletter and our condolences go to Anne and the family.
Dietmar Reichert emailed “sad news about Murray! I have never worked with Murray – but met him several times at Area meetings etc. ALWAYS A GENTLEMEN!!”
Ainscough OAM G.B. (Graeme) 80 years 19/2/2017
Graeme was a strong supporter of ANZROC and penned many letters to me. He attended most monthly lunches and both ANZ and ES&A get togethers when he was fit but over the past two years he had been struggling with a number of health issues which has meant bouts of intensive surgery and long terms of hospitalisation. I attended the funeral service for Graeme and met ANZROC members Mark Stankovich, Hartley Hodgson and Rick Dickson who worked with Graeme in Finance and Leasing in Esanda Vic Division. Graeme was involved in the livestock leasing section. Frank Edwards said Graeme worked with him in GM’s Departments while David Knuckey said he also worked with Graeme in Esanda. The funeral was well attended with around 150 present and the celebrant and family reminisced about Graeme’s love of baseball (60 years involvement) and cricket and his commitment to family.
Ward A.J.R. (Alwyn) 92 years 17/2/2017
Alwyn enlisted in the Australian Army in April 1944 and at date of discharge in September 1946 was Sergeant ADV LHQ. Bruce Ward said his father was mainly a relief ANZ Bank Manager at branches including Glenroy, Elsternwick, Essendon, Brunswick and Altona North (where he finished up aged around 60). Alwyn also worked for a time at Head Office in Collins Street.
Gary Mason advised that Tom Williams passed away 5/3/2017, aged 94.
Tom would be well known to many of our Victorian members. A great guy to work for and with his international and technical expertise was top class.
Warren Taylor said “Tom worked in Sydney - Manager 377 George Street, Sydney, and then Regional Manager South Coast before heading to NZ as Chief Manager Corporate then to his NY assignment. He was highly regarded in the New York Market and greatly admired and respected by the three who he gave a mandate to - Dick Milnthorpe, Mike Tong and myself to fulfill Mac Brunckhorst’s directive "to set up the most efficient and effective banking operation possible; adopt world best practice, get the computer to do everything and forget how we do it in Australia". We did more than that we created world's best practice as MIDANZ is still in use today within ANZ 40 years after we signed up for MIDAS a system developed by the UK technology company – BIS”
President Eamon said” Tom was the boss when the ANZ New York Agency was established in 1976 and went on to run London when it was being downsized by Roy Ashton, Warren Taylor and John Winders in the late 70's. He was a tremendous guy, very hard but fair. At his farewell in Melbourne I seem to recall he was proud of the fact that he was never posted to a Senior position in Melbourne.
I last saw Tom in London many years ago in Simpson's Cornhill where he was having a drink with some friends from the wpnc club. He continued to live in Surrey after his retirement from the Bank. Condolences to Mary and family.”
Noel Beanland advised that Clive Dickson passed away on 17/2/2017at the age of 90. Clive served in the RAAF and Noel recalls Clive as Manager OF the Ladies Banking Suite in Swanston Street, Manager Surrey Hills and finally Administration at 388 Collins Street. Clive would be remembered by many ANZROC members.
Dietmar Reichert emailed “I noticed with great sadness the write up about the passing of Brian Schafer on 12.1.17 .I met Brian first in 1974 when I worked in Marketing (Vic. Admin) and Brian was already A/Mgr International. He was at all times a true gentleman – in every way! Many years after that I joined “his team” as Manager Thornbury and I recall to this day his “welcome on board” words as Area Manager, Moonee Ponds. Vale Brian.”
Fran Kilpatrick who worked with ANZ Bank about 40 years ago advised that Helen Gooch has passed away. In the latter time of her working life Helen was one of the original staff that was moved into the Bankcard when it started in ANZ Cards. There would be many ANZROC members that would know her.
Christensen B.D. (Brian) 83 years 7/12/2016
A very moving memorial service celebrating The Life of Brian was held at St Michael's church in Collins Street, Melbourne. It was a large turnout with many ANZROC Members in attendance. A fitting send-off for a well respected man. Best wishes to Noelle and Family.
Below are a few tributes and anecdotes received from our Members:
Dick Milnthorpe
I first met Brian back in December 1976, the World Trade Centre was just being completed and there was snow in NY, and both Niagara Falls and NY Harbour were frozen over. Brian at that time was the ANZ rep for the US of A in the old 63, Wall St Office. He was a very congenial man and the first time I met him he took me to lunch at Fraunces Tavern where, after a beer (or two) he explained that this was the place where General George Washington had stayed the night before knocking seven bells out of the British! He had a great sense of humour; he and his wife Noelle were very hospitable and entertained all of us Poms lavishly at their home in Larchmont. Of the two of them Noelle was much prettier, but Brian was a good bloke. We will miss him.
Dennis Pettit Condolences to the family, I was lucky to work with Brian in New York 1976-79
Peter Russell Really sad news, we have lost a good man and friend to all
John David Buckland R.I.P. Brian Christensen. One of the very best.
Steve Duke Vale Brian.
John Brown
Something that wasn't mentioned during the memorial service was Brian's expertise as anchor man in the ANZ footy club's boat race crew. During end of season trips to play against the ANZ South Australia footy club, the Vic v SA Boat Race challenge was the social highlight of the weekend. Brian could drink without swallowing, and was able pour a glass of beer down his throat in about half the time others took. I don't think Victoria was ever beaten while he was anchor man. Those were the days.
Darmody E.F. (Fergus) 82 years 15/12/2016
Linda Darmody, widow of our late member Fergus advised that he joined the Union Bank of A/Asia in Kadina SA in 1948 and after 40 years with Union, ES&A and ANZ he had moved around Victoria and WA opening branches in the Pilbara in the 50/60’s living in Port Hedland and Mount Newman. In 1969 Fergus spent some time on the P&O line on the shipboard agency then moved to ANZ Operational HQ at South Yarra before taking up managerial appointments at Hawthorn and Glenferrie and finally the combined branch at Glenferrie. Fergus retired in 1988 on ill health and settled in Traralgon until his passing. Long time friend and ANZROC member Graham Smyth attended the memorial service at Traralgon.
Schafer B.W.(Brian) 78 years 12/1/2017
ANZROC member Henry Carr who had grown up with and worked with Brian at 394 Collins Street gave the eulogy at Brian’s funeral service. Henry said the service was well attended with a number of ANZROC members including John Ries, Ken Crawford, Brian Knowles and Brian’s long time friend and colleague Graham Bloom who was in the same class as Brian in the Northcote Primary School. ANZROC Member Don Davy also attended the Funeral service of Brian Schafer. Don said there were approx 200 in attendance including Dennis Stringer and Barry Bryant. Don Davy worked with Brian at 55 Collins Street Melb.
Brian worked in ES&A and ANZ for 42 years in branches and included highlights such as his time in International Division at 394 Collins Street, an Italian trip with Bruce Brown served on the shipboard agency cruising to and from Japan and was in lending at 55 Collins Street. Brian stopped a hold up at Middle Brighton branch in the early days of his career. After leaving ANZ he became a keen golfer playing at Greenacres Golf Club at Kew. Brian in his younger days played football with Carlton.
Brian who was a regular contributor to the Newsletter had been ill for some time.
Taylor N.J. (Neville) 95 years 1/12/2016
Further to our notes in the December Newsletter we were advised that Neville in his RAAF service served in battles in Milne Bay, Papua and New Guinea in the Second World War. He also worked in ANZ in London for a time in his banking career and was a keen golfer, playing at Woodlands Club for more than 50 years.
Duke J.W. (John) 19/7/2016 76 years
John was a great supporter of ANZROC serving on our committee for 20 years and helping us placing the tributes in the Herald Sun since his retirement from the committee in 2014. John was President as well as Secretary of the Club for 2001 and 2002 and it was his efforts that held the club together at that time in our history. It was a shock to me personally as we enjoyed lunch at Mulgrave Club with John and Dorothy at our July meeting.
Steve Duke emailed to say “We would like to thank all those from the Retired Officers who were able to attend Dad's funeral on Friday. There was a huge turnout so unfortunately we were not able to catch up with everyone, but we are very grateful to those who made it to help us celebrate Dad's life.”
Ken Crawford emailed “This is total shock and quite unexpected – he will be missed.”
Frank Edwards emailed “Sad loss. I was chatting with him and Gary Horkings at Mulgrave and he seemed fine.
Joan Nathan emailed “Thanks for letting us know, such a wise and humble gentleman, loved by all whom knew him.”
Glyn Parry Jones emailed “That’s a huge shock so very sudden.”
Neville Pearson and wife Cheryl emailed “Sad news indeed. What a wonderful man he was. Heart felt sorrow for Dorothy and Steve and family His contribution to the staff club and support of youngsters (like me) in the footy club will not be forgotten”
Eamon Veaney was shocked to hear this news as he had a chat with John at Mulgrave last month and this was very unexpected.
Doug Watson said he was sorry to hear about John. One must be getting older as we see our friends fall by the wayside.
Kennedy G. (Gordon) 27//7/2016 90 years
Gordon enlisted in the RAAF in May 1944 and on discharge in February 1946 he was Leading Aircraftman in 7 Central Recovery Depot.
Laurie Kennedy, son of Gordon, advised that his father passed away on 27/7/2016 after a short illness at the age of 90. Gordon joined ANZ in 1950 in the CBD and worked in city and suburban branches until 1967 when he was appointed Manager of Rupanyup Branch, and managerial appointments followed in Druin, Kerang and Echuca and Gordon retired from Echuca in 1982. The family spent a few years in Echuca then moved to Kangaroo Flat Bendigo and finally settling in a Retirement Village in Healesville .Laurie said his father was a prolific cabinet maker and carpenter during his retirement and was still doing odd jobs for the residents at Healesville a few weeks before he entered hospital .At the funeral service on 2/8/2016 Laurie saw ANZROC member Neville Lewis and Jill Goldsworthy widow of Gordon’s great friend from ANZ the late Bob Goldsworthy . Harry Carrodus also told me how he was saddened by the passing of Gordon, his friend and colleague of many years.
Peter Nielipowiec wrote “I was deeply saddened at the passing of one of his best friends Ian Bell on 11/7/2016, a week short of his 74th birthday. A large farewell service was conducted in Bendigo and around 400 people were in attendance. Tania, Ian’s eldest daughter did an excellent eulogy of Ian’s life. I was attached to Victorian Relieving Staff when I first met Ian who was Accountant at Wodonga Branch in 1976. He made me welcome; I met all the family and had many dinners at their home. We kept in touch in our banking movements around Victoria over the years. Ian and I went to quite a few games on the Bendigo Bombers bus over the years. Two ANZAC Day games stood out for us: Essendon beating Collingwood by 66 points in 2003 and got over them in a thriller, the last kick of the day by 5 points in 2009. Ian introduced me to chicken and avocado bread rolls which is now Peter’s staple diet. Ian had suffered from cancer for the past 5 years or so and my wife Nola and I can’t believe he has gone.”
Bell I.G. (Ian) 11/7/2016 73 years
Ian was in the ANZ for 37 years and his daughter Tanya said he was based mostly in the country branches and finally retired from Sunbury where Tanya is now a member of that Branch team. Tanya has been employed in ANZ for over 30 years and her sister was in ANZ for 21 years, in all a family commitment of more than 90 years.
Moorhouse J.H.M. (John) 90 years 21/5/2016
John enlisted in the RAAF in October 1943 and at discharge in December 1945 held the rank of Flight Sergeant in the &th Operational Training Unit.
Staff Record for John Henry Murray Moorhouse has been provided.
Born: 5 Oct 1925
Entered Service: 8 Jan 1942
1949 General Clerk, Ledger Supervisor, Fitzroy Branch, 1951 Accountant/Teller 184 High St, Kew, 1953 Accountant/Teller 311 Clarendon St, South Melbourne ,1956 Accountant, East Preston Branch,1960 Accountant, 236 Chapel St, Prahran, 1962 Accountant 75 Collins St East Branch , 1964 Manager Lae, New Guinea, 1967 Manager Huntingdale Branch,1969 Manager Nominees Dept,1972 Regional Manager,1977 Area Manager, Moorabbin,1982 Retired
Sue McCarthy emailed to say” I knew John well in the old Vic Admin when he was Regional Manager South East, and I have been visiting him monthly for the last couple of years. Unfortunately I can't be at his funeral because I am overseas.
John was a master of the straight-faced leg-pull. On one occasion in the 1970s I was sitting in his office when the officer in charge of car allocations came to speak to John about his new car. "Ah, yes" said John without the trace of a smile, "The State Manager has approved a black panel van but I want to know whether the Bank will meet the cost of those little purple frilly curtains". I'm sure that others will have similar memories.”
Westaway K.J. (Keith) 82 years 30/5/2016
Keith was a keen supporter of ANZROC and contributed to the newsletter over the years. Keith’s brother Peter is a member of ANZROC Vic.
ANZROC member Dick Sanders attended the funeral service and said the service was in a fairly large modern church which was well attended for Keith. Dick did not see anyone he recognised except for Keith’s son Ian who Dick thinks was in the Bank and a Lending Manager at Box Hill at one time. There may have been other bankers there but were anonymous!
If you have any anecdotes of your time with John and Keith in the bank let me know and we will publish in future newsletters. Our condolences are sent to John and Keith’s family and friends.
Glasson J.L. (John) 93 years 30/4/2016
John joined the Australian Army in August 1942 and at discharge in July 1946 was Sergeant, 7th Australian Infantry Battalion. He served in Darwin during the bombing campaign and later in Army Intelligence in Bougainville. John joined the Union Bank in Horsham and moved to Tasmania to Launceston and was then transferred to Melbourne where our member Bob Kirkland met John at 154 Swanston Street and then later they met again when they were Assistant Managers at 351 Collins Street. John went on to Dandenong and Bob moved into Lending. John was a long time member of the Woodlands Golf Club where he played for many years with our member Neville Taylor. John was involved with the Anglican Church in Sandringham serving as an Elder. Bob Kirkland reported that at the funeral service for John he met ANZROC membersBernie Sowersby and Bruce Tickell.
We advised the passing of our Life Member John Vanselow in the April newsletter and can now report that the funeral was well attended with many ANZROC members in attendance. The service was quite a relaxed family affair and Neville Pearson spoke at the service presenting a poem about his 50 years of friendship with John which follows later in this newsletter. The Celebrant said that John would have enjoyed the proceedings.
Graeme and Annette Baldwin emailed to thank ANZROC for letting us know about John Vanselow’s untimely death in time so that we were able to attend his funeral – Annette has fond memories of him at ANZ over fifty years ago.
John Brown was cruising around Hawaii and not able to be present but emailed to say that he and wife Jan “spoke to John and Lois a little while before we left on this trip and there was no indication that things were not good. We will miss John as we went on a couple of caravan trips with them and we have known them since the 1960s.”
Bob Maughan emailed “Very sad to hear of the passing of Col Edwards and John Vanselow Had a lot to do with both and enjoyed their company many times.
Col was a true gentleman. Joan and I greatly enjoyed many social occasions with him and Ethel particularly at the Australian Pops Orchestra performances which were sponsored by Esanda. When I was with Esanda Col was very supportive and always available to provide advice and wise counsel. He will be greatly missed! The worst of moving interstate is being out of the loop until it is too late.
Whilst I already knew John Vanselow I got to know him better when he was Manager of the ANZ Elsternwick Branch and I was the relieving Manager at the ESA Elsternwick.
Reg Hunt Group banked with John and their Esanda business was conducted though the Scottie Branch. We were both invited to a Christmas function at the Dealership where we had a most enjoyable time receiving an 'education' at the same time particularly in ways of having a bet we could never have imagined!!! This was the first of many work and social times together particularly on the golf course. A born organiser it will not take him long in organising a golf game in heaven! Our deepest condolences to his wife Lois.
Emilio Moreno said about John Vanselow “As you know we worked together in Tokyo for a couple of years back in 1979 and he was always great fun and a great guy”.
Dennis Murphy emailed the following message “It is with great sadness that I see the passing of Col Edwards and John Vanselow. I was in Methods at the time Col was the Stationery Manager and I was under the guide of Alan Mc Clean and then Harry Carrodus undertaking the writing of IDA with Geoff Scott for International Dept and there were fond memories of all that crew.
When John was the Representative for Japan he was a great help in looking after all the arrangements when I was in Corporate Dept and went to sign documents for the first Japanese currency loan undertaken for the Tasmanian Hydro Commission. He also showed me some of the sites!! A great man and both dedicated to the well being of the ANZROC and will be sadly missed at the Christmas lunches.”
Joan Nathan emailed to say it is so sad losing two very respected members in such a short time, I was thinking about all those attending the funeral today of John Vanselow, such a shock, he was so warm and welcoming when I joined the Retired Officers, and knew no one, He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Frank Edwards emailed that it was sad to read of the death of Roly Isherwood in the UK. Our paths crossed when I visited the bank in London in 1973 and Roly was working with Sid Cumberland. The interesting sidelight is that in our young days Roly and I were fellow students at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School in Blackburn, Lancs. We went our separate ways, with Roly remaining in the UK and joining one of the ANZ’s founder banks while I migrated to Australia in 1951 and joined the Scottie. So by a devious route we both ended up in the same institution.
And I often wondered why Col Edwards kept asking me if I had his pay check. It wasn't until I saw his death notice that I learned that he was named Frank.
Edwards F.C. (Col) 82 years 7/4/2016
Col was a member of our committee for 22 years and was President in 1997/1998... Col was 82 years of age and will be sorely missed by the Committee and ANZROC members.
There were more than 300 people at the funeral service in Forest Hill and I saw too many ANZROC members present to list in this newsletter .Col’s widow Ethel told me how much she appreciated the support of our club members at the service.
Bob Lyon wrote “Sad news indeed. Col was a great guy and true gentleman and was fantastic when I took over from him at Melbourne Central Zone. I am heading to Melbourne next weekend, but unfortunately will be too late for funeral. Condolences from Helen and myself to Ethel and family.”
Dick Milnthorpe wrote “Sorry to hear of Col Edwards, I first met him in 1969 when he was running the Stationery Dept. for Jim Paton, and I had a long conversation with him at the 100th Birthday lunch. He was a protégé of Jim Paton, and all Jim's protégés were good blokes.”
Kim Stephen wrote “He was a great boss and true gentlemen .A great life “
Greenwood E.K. (Euan) 91 years 21/3/2016
Euan enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in November 1942 and at discharge was AB (Radar) with HMAS Lonsdale. If members have any anecdotes of their time with Euan let me know and I will include in future newsletters.
Kennedy M.L. (Mike) 86 years 2/4/2016
ANZROC Honorary member Mike Kennedy worked 45 years for the ANZ (including Drouin, Bright, Preston, Cheltenham, Melbourne) .He was one of the last managers of a branch who traded gold (Bright late 60's) and attended regular functions for the retired members . Noel Beanland advised that he attended the funeral service for Mike and met ANZROC members Ian Anderson, Tom Belleville, Bill Lanigan and Tom Portelli .
The service was well attended with a lot of family input and many humorous stories were relayed. Mike was a keen pianist and in retirement spent many hours playing at nearby Retirement Villages and those present at the funeral service enjoyed many of Mike’s favourite tunes.
Members at the ANZROC luncheon stood in remembrance of Col , Euan and Mike and our condolences go to their families.
Vanselow J.N. (John) 83 years 14/4/2016
Since our meeting last Thursday we have been advised of the passing of our great friend and mentor John Vanselow who was Life Member, Past President of ANZROC 2001/2002 and committeeman for 16 years. John's advice to the ANZROC committee and his enjoyment of life at our ANZROC functions will be sorely missed. The funeral service will be held in Frankston on 20/4/2016 and a further report will be included in the May newsletter. Funeral service details are posted on our ANZROC website.
Sandra Street emailed that she also was shocked to read of John's death in The Age. It must have been sudden as there had been no news of any illness. I never worked with John but he was one of those ANZ identities one imagined would always be there. He will be much missed by all at ANZROC. Back in the 80s my husband and I were on a Pacific Islands cruise and coincidentally John and Lois were also on the ship. Needless to say we enjoyed some very pleasant social get-togethers during the cruise. Our deepest sympathy to Lois and the family.
Eamon Veaney was advised by the Secretary of the ANZ London Pensioners that Roland (Roly) Isherwood passed away on the 26 March..Many ANZROC members would remember Roly during their careers.
Forrest A.K. (Alan) 78 years 10/1/2016
Alan was our Honorary Auditor , a very strong supporter of ANZROC and a great friend to many of the ANZROC committee. He will be sadly missed by the committee members.
Dick Sanders reported that he took over from Alan as Assistant Accountant 394 Collins Street, in 1974. Alan was much liked and will be much missed. Alan went on to Personnel Dept and continued to meet with Peter Langenbacher, Dick and others for Friday lunch at The Mitre. Dick enjoyed his company immensely. Past President Kathy Trace reported that Alan’s father was her first manager in the bank and, as the Forrest’s lived on the premises, she has known Alan since her teens. Kevin Watson emailed from Perth to let us know that he was saddened to learn of the untimely death of Alan Forrest. Kevin joined the Asia in Adelaide on 24 Jan 1946 and transferred to Wirrabara branch on the 2nd Monday of March 1946. Alan’s father had assumed management of that branch just two weeks earlier on promotion from Accountant Bathurst, NSW. Alan was a very bright young fellow in the 5th grade of primary school, so Kevin saw something of him for some 15 months. Kevin later met Alan in Victoria when his father “Lofty” was managing firstly Williamstown and then Middle Brighton branches in Melbourne.
Kevin sends his warmest sympathy to Margaret and family on their sad loss.
Humphris L.J.T. (Terry) 90 years 21/1/2016
Terry enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in June 1944 and on discharge in July 1946 was a Sy Asst HMAS Lonsdale.
Bruce Tickell mentioned that he worked with Terry when the Victorian Methods and Mechanisation team was formed all those years ago and they were working with Des Lawler, Neville Lewis and Special Projects Officers Anne Lamb (Bob’s wife) and Julie O’Regan (widow of the late Brian O’Regan) .The team reported to the late Eric Black and Bruce has fond memories of those years.
Kitchin Paul 92 years 14/12/2015
Paul enlisted in the AIF in December 1941 and left the Army in November 1942 at the rank of Sergeant 106 Anti Tank Regiment and immediately re-enlisted in the RAAF in November 1942 and when discharged in February 1946 was Warrant Officer 9 Aircrew Holding Unit. Paul was a great supporter of ANZROC Vic and often sent articles into me to publish in the newsletter. I noted in the Age newspaper that Paul was also a staunch supporter of Legacy Victoria and spent many years working with Legacy helping the widows and children of our fallen soldiers. Stan Halbish told me that he attended the funeral service for Paul and mentioned that he and Norris Gale worked with Paul when Paul was Manager 434 St Kilda Road branch.
Knight E.J. (Edward) 78 years 18/12/2015
Sandra Street started work in the early 60s at ES&A Royal Bank Branch she can remember a chap there called Ed Knight. Sandra was a very young lowly typist at the time but can recall putting the initials EJK on top of some letters. Edward was a keen supporter of ANZROC until he suffered ill health a few years ago.
Lyon G.S. (Gordon) 94 years 19/12/2015
ANZROC member Bob Lyon advised that his father Gordon Lyon joined The Bank of Australasia in 1936. He served as a Flying Officer in the RAAF and saw active service in PNG and took part in bombing raids over the Celebes (now Sulawesi).
Gordon retired from ANZ in 1979 as Manager Wagga Wagga after previous stints as Manager, Ouyen, Wangaratta, Bendigo (45 View Street) and Geelong (154 Moorabool Street).
Peter Nielipowiec wrote to say he was sorry to hear of the passing of Gordon Lyon and Jack Shelton. Gordon and Jack were Manager and Accountant at Ouyen Branch where Peter was a junior/ledger keeper. Annual balance day fell on a Saturday the day of the 1962 VFL Grand Final. Peter asked Mr Lyon whether he could bring his radio to work to listen to the match while they worked to balance the books on 30/9/1962. All was fine until Essendon started to get on top of Carlton and Gordon came out of the office and said “turn that radio off Peter”. Gordon was also associated with the Kiamal Football Club while he was in Ouyen. Peter kindly provided a photo of Gordon, Jack, John Sherriff and Peter at the branch and Eamon will post it on the website.
Schubert D.G. (Don) 70 years 21/9/2015
Frank Spencer attended the funeral service and reported that at the funeral, John Ries spoke about Don and his time in the Bank. Some of ANZROC people at the funeral that knew Don over many years from early days in the lending/corporate areas of the Bank were Maurie McGrath, John Maguire, Richard Harding, Ian Roberts, Peter Treleaven, Emilio Moreno & Peter Smith but Frank felt that there may have been more ANZROC members in the crowd. When Don came to work in the city from Bendigo in early 1970, he started in the State Lending area which in those days was at 351 Collins Street. Over Don’s career thereafter he spent almost all his time up and down Collins Street except for a period in Fiji. Don was a top lender and his skill was just common sense. He often answered questions about lending money simply as “Would you still lend the money if it was your own and not the Banks”. Frank did prepare some comments about Don to assist John Ries at the funeral. Suffice to say from Frank that Don was his closest friend, despite being a hopeless Collingwood supporter.....
Sandra Street said that Schuby (as he was known) was a great boss and a good friend to everyone at Royal Bank Branch, Advances/Securities Department in the '70s. Those who were there will remember a man of common sense and good humour - who could forget the card games in the lunch room during that time. Deepest condolences to his family.
Smyth K.M.(Kevin) 84 years 16/9/2015
ANZROC members Lawrie Foord and Keith Higgs attended the funeral service. They met Kevin when they worked together in 388 Collins Street and 304 Collins Street branches many years ago and remained firm friends until Kevin’s passing. The three often attended ANZROC functions and social gatherings together before Kevin became indisposed.
Members and partners at Ballarat stood in remembrance of Don and Kevin and our thoughts are with the families and friends of Don and Kevin.
Greenwood W.R. (Wyn) 17/6/2015 94 years
Wyn Greenwood enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in May 1940 and on discharge in October 1945 was LDG SMN (TY) at HMAS Lonsdale. During his wartime service in the Navy Wyn served on several ships including HMAS Nestor and the HMAS Australia where he was one of the crew that survived multiple kamikaze hits on the ship. Wyn was a lifetime member of the HMAS Australia Association and after retirement from ANZ worked for many years at the Cerberus Naval Museum as an archivist and volunteer guide. Wyn subsequently wrote a book “With a Grain of Salt” about his war time experiences.
Past President Kevin Mitchell said he knew Wyn from their Scottie days and Kevin used to bump into him and his wife at the Mt Waverley village from time to time. Kevin always made a point of speaking to Wyn when he was not in the best of health but always remembered Kevin. Kevin attended the funeral service representing the ANZROC Committee and met ANROC members Eric Dickson and Tom Phillips both of whom had worked with Wyn during their careers.
Hobbs J.H. (John) 6/7/2015 98 years
The celebration of life of John Hobbs will be held after this newsletter has been issued and a further report will follow.
John Vanselow said he remembered John Hobbs as AHQ Head of Personnel all those years ago and more recently he discussed the planning and obtained much of the background for the eulogy at the Late Charles Rennie’s celebration of life that John Vanselow presented on the behalf of the Rennie family.
John Brown said he worked with John’s daughters Dorothy and Rosemary. Dorothy was working as a Teller at the merged Boronia Branch when John was there as Accountant, and he recalls that Rosemary was in Travel at 531 Collins St when John was based in that branch, and later they were working on the same floor (different departments) at Como.
Hockey S.G.W. (Graeme) 13/6/2015 80 years
Life Member David Knuckey reported that he attended his first training meeting in ES&A in 1956 as a raw young recruit and he met Graeme Hockey and his wife to be Val who were both at the same seminar.
Past President Col Edwards knew Graeme and his wife Val, more socially than work-related when Col was an Area and Regional Manager and attended quite a few of the Esanda sponsored concerts. They were always great company.
I also worked with Graeme in Esanda for some years and he was a very private person but was solid performer when working with us.
Lacey W. (Bill) 22/5/2015 81 years
Bill was a regular contributor to our newsletter and a strong supporter of the Club.
Perrone L. (Louis) 22/6/2015 79 years
ANZROC Committeewoman Joan Nathan had a phone call from Don Davy to say he had attended the funeral of Louis Perrone, a work Colleague of his. Don went on to say it was a
beautiful service held at St Peters Catholic Church. Bill Mitchell also a past ANZ work colleague attended. Approx 130 people attended.
Cleary K.F. (Kevin) 84 years 5/5/2015
Talking to Lynne Stevens she could recall some of the highlights of Kevin’s career. He was appointed Manager City Road South Melbourne, Manager Croydon and before retirement was Senior Manager Lending Inspection where he visited ANZ offices locally, interstate and overseas and often with his great friend and our late member Brian Murdoch. If members have any anecdotes they would like to share of their time with Kevin let us know and we will include in future newsletters.
Dell L.M. (Lindsay) 68 years 9/4/2015
Further to the notes in the April Newsletter, Martin Hayden let me know that he saw ANZROC members and ex ESANDA Staff at Lindsay’s funeral service that included Roger Brown with wife Pam, Rick Dickson, Frank Edwards, Karen Hayden, Hartley Hodgson, Muhidden Hussein, Jim Lee, Mark Stankovich and Ron Wells. It was a very good turnout. Much mention was made of Lindsay's involvement with the Surf Life Saving movement, including one unfortunate incident when Lindsay swam out and saved a person from drowning (one of many), but lost his wedding ring in the process! Lindsay kept his wedding ring on a chain around his neck when on duty and on this occasion the panic stricken swimmer grabbed the chain, which broke, and as Lindsay said to wife Anne at the time, the ring is at the bottom of Waratah Bay!
Martin J.T. (Jim) 92 years 5/5/2015
Brian Christensen and Harry Carrodus reported on the Celebration for the life of Jim Martin held at Joseph Allison Funerals, Essendon. Jim’s long history in ANZ Bank, starting in the Bank of Australasia included time in ESANDA, Manager Exhibition Street, Manager Travel, Area Manager Footscray and his retirement as Chief Manager in Fiji was a feature, as was his sporting prowess in earlier times. Long time close friends, Harry and Beryl Carrodus, Alan Podger and Brian Christensen were Retired Officer representatives.
John Duke says that he first met Jim when he was Principal at the Staff Training Center at 516 Collins Street. It was in June 1958 (yes ’58 the year John turned 19)) It was an Accounting Course and a couple of familiar names were also on that course, Noel Beanland and Graeme Chappell were in attendance. If John’s memory is still o.k. Roy Ashton and Max Winstanley were part of the instructing team.
Smith R.J. (Rodney) 73 years 29/4/2015
Rod passed away on the 29th of April after a short illness and his funeral was held on the 4th of May, the ANZ Bank was well represented by fellow retired officers.
Rod had many long standing and valued friendships relating to his forty years of service with the ANZ Bank.
Dell L. (Lindsay) 69 years 9/4/2015
ANZROC member Martin Hayden let me know that Lindsay passed away on 9/4/2015 after a 21 year battle with Multiple Sclerosis. He had a long career with Esanda, and was a well known member of the "Collections", later known as the "Credit Control" Team. Lindsay was a specialist
with the Loss Recoveries Department, previously known as "Loss Adjustment" and many staff benefited from his knowledge and experience. Lindsay was also extremely active in the Surf Lifesaving Organization. He will be sadly missed, and is survived by his wife Anne (Lindsay, like many, met his wife in Esanda!), and two sons.
When I transferred from Adelaide to Melbourne in 1984 when ESANDA absorbed FCA I worked with Lindsay during my time with Esanda.
Lindsay Dell’s passing was advised after our meeting on 9/4/2015 and condolences from ANZROC members are sent to his widow Kaye and family and friends.
Phelps D.F.(David) 79 years 29/3/2015
Past President Neville Pearson wrote the following tribute to David Phelps in this month’s “Birdies Twitter “…..
IN FOND MEMORY OF DAVID PHELPS: 19th November 1935 to 29th March 2015
As always, funerals are sad occasions, but I am sure David would have been delighted that his funeral service was conducted in one of his old stamping grounds. The actual ‘Kingston Funerals’ building was previously occupied by the ANZ Bank, Cheltenham North branch, in which David worked prior to its conversion to a Funeral Chapel.
David was extremely proud of being the first Fijian born new entrant recruited within Fiji to work for the ANZ. He must have been a great success as the staff numbers have since multiplied by in the vicinity of 15 times!!. Not sure if that was to cover David’s transfer to Melbourne??
There was a strong contingent of past players from the ANZ Bank Tennis Club who were there in support for David and also his wife Kay. Kay was a member of the ANZ Bank Tennis Club in days gone by when sport was an integral part of bonding country staff transferred to the “big smoke” in particular
After hearing the beautiful and often humorous tributes to Dave’s life spoken by family and friends, it was no wonder that the chapel was “packed to the rafters” by these family, former work friends and a considerable following of mates. No doubt accumulated over time at the many “watering holes” David tested. I believe this was in pursuit of finding the perfect “frothy pot”. I have no doubt David that your many friends will pick up where you left off in this quest
To your very loving wife Kay and family, the minds and hearts of all our members are with you at this sad time.
David was such a delight to talk to and drink with and I will value the wonderful memories, some of the famed “Fosberry Ave” drinking hole” we chatted about during my visit just prior to “Phelpsy” passing.
I hope Cheryl (my memory) and I have remembered all the former ANZ Members that were at the Chapel and later at the Southern Golf Club. Sincerest apologies for any oversights: Ian Anderson, Bob Bishop, John and Pamela Blampied, Dick Chegwin, Norm and Pat Gaskin, Georgina and John Fanshaw, Graeme Holt, Ian Ince, Martin Laydon, Birdie and Cheryl Pearson , Barry and Shirley Reid, Dick Sanders,
Quirk J.R.(Ray) 92 years 21/2/2015
Brian Christensen reported that he noticed ANZROC members Wendy Black, Norm Dibbin, Brian Farrell, Neville Lewis, Wal McGillivray, Gerry and Fay McPherson, as well as Ray’s son John at the funeral Service.
John sent a brief resume about his father. Ray joined the Bank of Australasia, Brunswick branch in November, 1939 straight from school. In November of 1941 he joined 5th Infantry Battalion (Victorian Scottish Regiment) and in April, 1942 headed to WA in anticipation of Japanese landings on the west coast. In November, 1943 he embarked for Port Moresby as part of 5 Div
He was stationed at Milne Bay and served from Lae to Finschaffen and Madang and to a landing at Kelanoa. In March 1944 he was detached to “A” Company, Papuan Infantry Battalion as Platoon Sergeant in patrols from Militat. After the war, Ray resumed his banking career and accepted transfers and promotions to Horsham, Launceston, Hobart, Darwin, and Brisbane and of course many within Melbourne, finally retiring as Assistant Chief Manager, 388 Collin Street.
In retirement, he lived a happy and fulfilling family life and will be sadly missed by many.
Members at the meeting stood for a few moments in remembrance of our late Honorary Member Ray Quirk.
We have been advised by Jeremy Schreurs, Head of Product Solutions ANZ Private Bank that his uncle Brian Shipperlee passed away on 4/3/2015. Neville Pearson and Jet Jackson let me know that they played football with Brian in the ANZ Bank Football Club in 1964/65/66 - 33 games in all. Brian was the Treasurer for the Football Club following on from John Penhale. Geoff Ridgway was coach in 1966. Brian would be remembered by many members of ANZROC and ANZFC.
Past President John Stevens advised that Gavin Nailer passed away 10/3/2015 at the age of 73. From John’s knowledge Gavin joined the ANZ Bank in Perth and spent time at Derby Branch before coming to Victoria where he worked in country and suburban branches including Moonee Ponds, Myrtleford and Wodonga. John thinks that Gavin spent the last part of his career on the Audit Staff – a colleague on the Audit Staff, Tom Portelli has fond memories of Gavin as part of that team. Gavin would be remembered by many ANZROC members
John Campbell son of recently deceased Honorary Member Bruce Campbell sent me a note of Bruce’s career and his time in the AIF. In February 1938, Bruce Campbell was appointed to the Warrnambool Branch of the Union Bank of Australia Limited; however with the onset of the War, on the 5th of November 1941 Bruce left Warrnambool for Army Training at Ocean Grove where the office Sergeant was Ken Eales whom Bruce had relieved a few months earlier at the Union Bank, Hamilton. Eventually the Battalion was posted to the area 60 to 80 miles south of Darwin, where the Japanese planes strafed the camp, flying at tree-top height with machine-gun bullets. Bruce left Darwin to join ‘Norforce’ Army Headquarters and learn coding and decoding top secret messages to and from Army Headquarters in Melbourne. Bruce went to Trinity Beach, north of Cairns, to train for beach Assault Landings at Tarakan. With all his gear he had to climb a flat-bottomed landing craft to head for shore and wade through the shallow waters to the beach. He had to hold his cipher box of papers over his head, out of the water. At Balikpapan, he had to wade through water and waves waist deep. Bruce also saw service in Borneo. After the War, Bruce returned to the Bank where he made many friends over the years. At the end of his banking career he was the Senior Australian Bankers Association representative for the ANZ Bank. When John was a teenager he remembers visiting Bruce’s office a couple of times at 388 Collins Street, Melbourne and marvelling at the beautiful timber panelling and watching the city traffic from the gothic turret at 388 overlooking the corner of Collins and Queens Street, Melbourne. John started his career at the ANZ Bank and it was special to him that down the track he became a Relationship Manager located at 388 Collins Street working in the same area as Bruce had been in, including being near the gothic turret .
Campbell B.R. (Bruce) 93 years 15/1/2015
Bruce enlisted in the Australian Army in March 1941 and at date of discharge in April 1946 was Sergeant 1 Australian Cipher Section. Honorary member Bruce was a keen correspondent writing articles for the newsletter for many years and a strong supporter of ANZROC. If members have any anecdotes of their time with Bruce let me know and I will include in future newsletters.
Collins R.B.F (Rae) 94 years 19/1/2015
Don Davy advised that our Honorary Member R.B.F (Rae) Collins passed away at Cabrini Hospital aged 94 years. Rae was a regular contributor to our Newsletter and a strong supporter of our Club until ill health prevented him from attending our events. Don visited Rae on a daily basis and was able to read our newsletters to Rae.
Brian Christensen said that in 1956, both Brian and Rae worked at the Olympic Village A N Z Branch, under the management of Charles Rennie. Brian was newly married, no motor car, in Digs at Oakleigh. Rae drove him to work daily to the Olympic Village and got to know him pretty well. In more recent times, he has seen a deal of Rae at East Malvern R S L Club, where they were both members. Rae was a regular at Anzac Day Dawn Services at the R S L until last year.
Kevin Mitchell reports that Rae was a close friend of the late Murray Wood who met regularly and attended Anzac Day Dawn Service at East Malvern RSL, when Kevin and Brian Christensen would catch up with them at the Gunfire Breakfast after the Dawn Service. Rae was always pleased to see you with stories to tell even though another year had passed since we last met.
Kevin, Brian and Wal McGillivray were ANZROC members noted at the well attended funeral service where our member Don Davy gave a heartfelt eulogy for his friend.
Renzow C.D. (Col) 98 years 7/1/2015
Colin served in the RAAF during WW2. He enlisted 10/8/1942 and was discharged 14/5/1946 with the rank of corporal from HQ Southern Area. Life Member David Knuckey said that our Honorary Member Col was the first banker he saw when he joined ES&A and they became firm friends and their association continued after Col’s retirement often at our quarterly Thursday night meetings. Col was a great supporter of the ANZROC night meetings which he rarely missed. If members have memories of their time with Col then let me know and I will include in future newsletters.
Trefz Hartmann (Harry) 85 years 6/11/2014
Honorary Member Harry passed away at the Wantirna Health Hospital after suffering a stroke a couple of days earlier and lost consciousness from which he never recovered. Harry was a regular contributor to our newsletter in later years and more recently was often in contact with our committee woman and Welfare committee member Joan Nathan.
Cross P.G. (Paul) December 2013 87 years
(Notification received by ANZROC only in November 2014)
Deady N.O. (Norm) 93 years 3/11/2014
Norm enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1941 and was discharged in May 1943 when he joined the RAAF and on discharge in January 1946 was a Flying Officer at RAF Gamston.
Stutterd A.B, (Tony) 87 years 3/11/2014
Daughter Nicki Stutterd said that she was so grateful to ANZROC members as she was able to read the ANZROC newsletter to her father each month and he got so much pleasure hearing about members and their exploits.
Vollmerhouse D.C. (Doug) 76 years 12/11/2014
Louis Hebrard writes that Doug was his first data processing manager in 1969. A respected man of principles and high values. Jeff Pitt has heaps of memories of Doug; It was he (with Neville Elvish) who came to QLD Divisional Office in 1968 on the Bank recruiting drive for new talent into the new-fangled Data Processing Dept at EMANZA. Jeff remembers the interview quite well and the subsequent ANZAP Training Course at South Yarra in Dec1968 from which Andrew Kerr and Jeff were selected (with a couple of others). It seems not so long ago. Doug was a fine gentle man of impeccable integrity and standards. Dick Milnthorpe was sorry to hear about Doug.Dick remembers meeting Doug back in 1969 at the old 177 Toorak Rd computer centre. He was the senior programmer on the old GE 225 and served under Arthur Backholer there with others of the Bank’s original computer team under Jim Paton. Others there Dick recalls were Bill Collins, Tom McCullough, Mike Murray, Bruce Strudwick, Arthur Vale, Neville Elvish, and Bob Wheeler, and he pleads old age to those he has forgotten. They were pioneering days using equipment with a lot less power than a modern mobile phone. Some of the old Guys have passed on but there are a few still around to raise a glass to Doug.
More details in next month’s newsletter.
MCLEOD R.D. (ROD) 90 YEARS 30/8/2014
John Vanselow said that Rod served in International in ANZ and was Deputy to the late John Holberton.
Kevin Watson learned the sad news that his old mate, and travelling companion, Rod McLeod, had passed away in August. Kevin and Rod had a long association in International Division. They first travelled to India, Pakistan and various Middle Eastern cities between Kuwait and Beirut. Most of them were less attractive in 1964 than they are today. Rod was a knowledgeable International banker. Have many memories of times they had together. Some of these Kevin related to John Vanselow in 1969 when he was with John in the Sub Continent. A good fellow, Dunedin born and proud of his Scottish heritage
Members stood in remembrance of John and Rod for a few moments of silence and our condolences are extended to their families.
Harry Carrodus attended the Celebration of Life service for the late Brian Weeks and said that he noticed ANZROC members Will Bailey, Wendy Black, Bob Challis, Brian Christensen, Steve Cowell, Richard Harding, Fay Horne, Don Mercer, Reg Nicholson, John Ries, Sandra Street, Doug Watson and Jill Witney at the service.
Lawrie Foord and Frank Edwards attended the funeral service for Stan Goulding and advised that at the service it was mentioned that Stan had been a member of Woodlands Golf Club for many years, also a stalwart of the Essendon Football Club and the Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club.
Ferns K.V.(Kevin) 4/8/2014 80 years
Goldsworthy R.R. (Bob) 25/7/2014 82 years
Clive Goldsworthy son of Honorary Member Bob emails that Bob had 40 years of a wonderful and rich career with the ANZ. Clive recently retired from ANZ Singapore as a4th generation banker.
John Brown said that Bob was Chief Advance Clerk at 351 Collins Street Branch (M351 for those who remember) when John and wife Jan were there in the early '60s.
Sandra Street said she worked with Goldie back in the 70s when he and Col McInnes were setting up the South Melbourne Area which was headquartered in Albert Road. It was all lots of fun in those early halcyon days, getting to meet all the customers in the area and organising and setting up the office. Bob and his wife Jill added to the camaraderie away from the bank on many social occasions. Bob will be sadly missed.
Sheather K.J.(Kevin) 89 years 28/7/2014
Kevin enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in May 1943 and on discharge in November 1945 was Warrant Officer, 9 Aircrew Holding Unit.
Frank Edwards said that Kevin worked for him in Esanda Vic Division and Mark Stankovich said he worked with Kevin in Collections in Esanda.
Wehner Max 89 years 3/8/2014
Max enlisted in the Australian Army in June 1943 and at date of discharge in November 1946 was a Sapper in the 6 Aust Army Topo Survey Company.
At our August meeting members stood in remembrance of Kevin, Bob, Kevin and Max for a few moments of silence and our condolences are extended to their families.
No details of Kevin Fern’s or Max Wehner’s careers were available at the time of publishing this newsletter but if any members like to send me a note about Kevin or Max I will include in future newsletters.
Our long serving Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic advised that her father Donald (Don) Wirth passed away on 13/7/2014 and members extend their condolences to Debbie, Michael and Nicola. Don was a past student and then a key member of staff at Caulfield Grammar School over a period of 32 years from 1944 and then from 1997 for the next 15 years a volunteer assisting with the schools archives and alumni reunion programs.
O’Neill K.L. (Leigh) 84 years 30/6/2014
Leigh was President of ANZROC Vic in 1991 and was a Life Member of the Club. He was a great supporter of our Club and will be missed.
Hart T. J. (Trevor) 71 years 30/4/2014
Jill Paterson sent me a report on the memorial service for Trevor Hart held at Camberwell Grammar School that was packed with more than 250 families and friends in attendance .Trevor
would have loved a “Standing Room Only” service and it was a tribute to him as a fine person and a true gentleman. His former bank colleagues knew of his work in preserving our banking history but he also earned the respect of the many other organisations he had worked with as their archivist and historian. It was a sad time but a very fitting tribute to a man we all knew and loved. Jill said that she saw ANZROC members Brian Christensen, Linda Davidson, Andy Herd, Stan Lancaster, with past ANZ colleagues Rhonda Barry and John and Heather Kelly in the 250 attendees and there may have been others at the service.
A copy of the tribute to Trevor that appeared in the AGE newspaper is posted on our ANZROC website.
Keck J.W. (John) 94 years 16/5/2014
John Keck joined the Australian Army in July 1942 and at date of discharge in March 1946 was Captain of the HQ Command AASC3 Aust Div. Brian Christensen recalled meeting John when Brian was working at Titles Office Branch and Viv Paul was manager. Across the road John was manager of the Lonsdale Street Branch .Viv and John were firm friends and colleagues.
If members have more details of John’s time with ANZ please let me know.
Kinna J.B. (Brian) 85 years 18/5/2014
Frank Edwards advised me that he and Mark Stankovich went along to Brian Kinna's farewell service. There was a large turnout and they spotted a few familiar faces in the congregation, including Lawrie Foord and Bevan Ranford, among others.
Frank Edwards and Murray Abraham established that Brian was a Scottie lad who went through the ranks in the branch system before going into Lending later in his career. There was mention at his farewell of time spent in PNG, but no more explanation, and it was said that on his retirement, Will Bailey told him "you've done good, Kinna." Lawrie Foord also said he can recall Brian being involved in the opening of the ES&A Savings Bank, working in Royal Bank Branch as a Senior Lending Officer and managing several branches including Moorabbin East. Mattila N.E. (Norm) 92 years 27/5/2014
Norman enlisted in the Australian Amy in August 1942 and served in the 2/27 Australian Infantry Battalion in New Guinea in the battles at Shaggy Ridge in WW2 and on discharge in December 1945 had the rank of Lance Corporal. Frank Edwards attended Norm's send-off. The church was full and Frank felt he was the sole ROC representative. At the service a piper played at the entrance of the Church and a bugler played the Last Post at the end of the service. Frank worked briefly with Norm at Mentone in the early 1950's and later when he was relieving at 457 Elizabeth Street where Norm was one of the tellers. As a ten pound Pom just off the boat and new to banking Frank greatly appreciated Norm’s kindness and help in those early days. David Knuckey also told me that Norm’s career was interrupted by two armed hold ups at branches at which he was present and he later spent time working with David in city branches. One of nature's gentlemen.
Murdoch B.J. (Brian) 82 years 22/5/2014
John Vanselow reported that Brian started his career at 394 Collins Street and that John first met him at Northern Branch and in 54/55 when Brian was Manager of the Toorak Drive in Branch. Brian also managed branches at Frankston, Footscray, and Suva Fiji. His forte was in the lending area and retired as an Auditor of Corporate lending and visiting such branches as Fiji and Vanuatu. Brian was a Life Member of ANZ Staff Club sharing many years on the committee with John Vanselow, John Brown, Neville Pearson and Brian Christensen and was also on the committee of ANZROC when I joined the committee in November 2000. He was a staunch supporter of ANZROC events until recently when his health deteriorated and he will be missed by many ANZROC members.
Dick Sanders advised me that he attended the funeral for Brian Murdoch and it was very well
supported by ANZ retired officers – men and ladies and partners. Brian was a well respected and
well liked member of the bank and the crowd attending attested that. The attendees were able to
make contact with old friends and renew common memories. Members seen at Brian’s service
included Bob Bell, John Brown, Jock Buntain, John Caudry, Brian Day, Frank Edwards,
Alan Forrest, Graham Joseph, Barry King, Kevin Mitchell, Graham Morgan, John Parkes
Dennis Rice, Neil Sharman, Bruce Tickell, Kathy Trace, John Vanselow. Others were immediate
family and friends including those from interstate with members from Probus and Rossdale Golf
Club where Brian and John Vanselow were members for more than 50 years . A fitting farewell.
Smith R.W. (Ronald) 75 years 5/4/2014
Jackie Smith emailed to say Ronald always enjoyed receiving the newsletter and reading about people he remembered working with. He was proud of his long commitment to the bank from an early age when he began work at the ES&A, right through to his retirement at age 55. Ronald and Jackie retired to Merimbula and his loss is greatly felt.
McNutt J.K.E. (Ken) 86 years 20/2/2014
Ken was a great supporter of ANZROC and a Life Member of the club and Honorary Auditor for more than 20 years and formed a strong bond with Gerry McPherson who served as our Honorary Treasurer for 26 years. Ken began his banking career in Ireland and joined ANZ in UK before arriving in Australia and his early years with ANZ were spent in Geelong and then to Tasmania
where he met and married Heather. During his time in Tasmania Ken was for some years Manager Launceston before returning to Victoria. Ken was on the Lending Inspection team at retirement. Ken and Heather travelled widely in retirement and were regular attendees at our ANZROC events. ANZROC members attending the funeral service included Ron Adams, Brian Christensen, George Cooper, Bruce Kells, David Knuckey, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Neville Pearson, Bernie Sowersby and John Vanselow.
ANZROC members extend sincere condolences to Heather and the McNutt family and friends.
Hallinan J.M.(John) 1/2/2014 88 years
John Michael Hallinan enlisted in the Royal Australian Airforce in Melbourne in January 1944 and on discharge in February 1946 was Leading Aircraftman in the 7 Operational Training Unit.
The funeral service was to be held on 14th February at Werribee.
Gerry Kennedy said that he and Jock Buntain worked with John at 109 Collins Street Branch some 60 years ago.
Labrum J.B. (John) 26/1/2014 88 years
John Beresford Labrum enlisted in the Royal Australian Airforce in Melbourne in February 1944 serving in Darwin and at date of discharge in April 1946 was Leading Aircraftman in the 55 Operational Base Unit. Kevin Mitchell said he knew John Labrum when he worked in the ES&A General Managers Dept during the 1960s and later he was Manager of King & Lonsdale Branch.
Sandra Street writes that back in the Stone Age when she started work she remembers a tall, red-haired, bespectacled John who was working in the Royal Bank Branch Securities Department at that time. The late legendary Eileen Fitzgerald always spoke well of John. I attended the funeral service representing ANZROC.
Ross Norm 28/12/2013 92 years
Norm Ross enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in March 1943 in Melbourne and on discharge in December 1945 as Flying Officer 18 GP 224 Squadron. Norm was married to Jean for 66 years and they met while working at Bank of Australasia Corner Collins and Queen Streets. Son Richard writes that his father’s respiratory condition worsened in August and he was hospitalised in October and spent time in rehab but his condition did not improve and he passed away at home. Richard said his father had a sharp mind until the end and always maintained a keen interest in banking finance and current affairs. Richard is happy to talk to members about his father on 0400 015310 or in writing at 1A Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell 3124.
Wood M.F.(Murray) 24/12/2013 91 years
Murray enlisted at Melbourne in the Australian Army in July 1943 and on discharge in August 1946 was a Driver in the Australian General Transport Company.
Apparently Murray had a fall and broke a hip a while back and his health has been going downhill ever since. Kevin Mitchell said he was so sorry to hear of the passing of Murray who was a great supporter for many years of ANZ Anzac Day Breakfast at the Staff Social Club. Murray had a great repertoire of jokes which he trotted out year after year keeping us all amused, even though we had heard most of them before. Murray had to tone down some of them after women started arriving for breakfast as members of the Box Hill City Brass Band, led by ANZROC member John Kelly.
John Duke advised a big crowd attended the funeral at the church Murray and Betty were married in. Amongst those in attendance were Jock Buntain, Harry Carrodus, Bruce Tickell, Frank Donovan, Brian Christensen, John Duke, Stan Halbish, Kevin Mitchell, Neil Sharman(who has lunched with Murray every Tuesday for 35 years) Bernie Sowersby and John Vanselow.
Duguid J.R.M. (John) 20/11/2013 70 years
A celebration of John's life was held at St Dominic's Catholic Church, in Camberwell and the church was packed with family and friends and was standing room only. The stories of John's life were related to the congregation in Eulogies by Andrew Duguid, on behalf of the family, David
Hills a friend from school days, Wayne Hiah who spoke of John's tremendous commitment to the Chinese heritage of his family and finally George Lawson who passed on many stories regarding Bluey's time at ANZ and subsequent golf activities in his inimitable style. The overwhelming message was of a much loved person taken too soon who had a long lasting effect on all that knew him. The hymn's Amazing Grace and The Lord's my Shepherd were sung and as a final tribute Alistair Urquhart played the bagpipes for John. Amongst the congregation were John's golf partners from Latrobe, Richard Harding, John Crough, George Lawson and Peter Treleaven. Also many close friends and ANZROC colleagues included Clive Bayley, Terry Brennan, John Brown, Henry Carr, Bob Challis, Brian Christensen, George Cooper, John Duke, Denis Grehan, John Inglis, Bruce Maisey, John McPhee, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Neville Pearson, John Phelan, Bevyn Ranford, John Ries, Des Shady, Mark Stankovich, John Stevens, Eamon Veaney, John Winders and many others. John will never be forgotten by all those who met him.
ANZROC members extend our condolences to John’s family and friends.
Neville Pearson advised that Robert (Bob) Evans passed away peacefully at home on 27th November after a long battle with cancer. Neville worked in the ANZ Bank EMANZA Data processing Dept with both Bob Evans and Herman Bettonvil. Sadly Herman and Bob have both departed in recent weeks. For some years as a small group of past ANZ EMANZA workers, Bob and Herman with Graeme Bancroft, Geoff Gow and Neville Pearson met monthly for luncheons. Bob would be remembered by many ANZROC members.
Dennis Murphy advised that Brian Brownscombe died in Sydney on Monday 9th December with extremely serious respiratory issues. Brian worked in Melbourne with Dick Hughes (along with Dennis and Geoff Scott) in Methods Dept (writing IDA –Instructions to Divisional Administrators) during the mid/late 1960’s under the management of Harry Carrodus ( and Jim Paton) !! Oh so long ago. Some of the old Methods people would know of Brian.
Bettonvil H.J.W. (Herman) 30/10/2013 76 years
Neville Pearson attended the funeral service of his great friend and strong ANZROC supporter Herman Bettonvil and Neville provided the details of Herman’s career with ANZ from date of joining in 1961 after emigrating from his native Netherlands. After several roles in branches Herman was moved into Melbourne for roles in Data Processing and then Manager Camberwell Proof Centre. After heart problems in 1982 he was appointed Manager Mansfield followed by his appointment to Manager Maintenance at Premises Dept until retrenchment in 1989 as part of a Bank restructure. ANZROC members were in force at the funeral and included Graham Bancroft, John Brown, Brian Christensen, Bob Davis, Dal Crocker, Jock McIntyre, Kevin Mitchell, Gordon Paulett, David Schunke, Lyn Stevens as well as members of the ANZ Premises Dept and ANZ Basketball teams.
King B.N.(Bernie) 24/10/2013 71 years
The attendance of around 150 at the funeral service heard of Bernie ‘s career in ANZ including terms in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea and his commitment to the Scout movement and his love of golf and camping with friends and family from ANZ colleagues Mike Lawrence and Frank Bain. A strong ANZROC contingent included Ron Adams, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Kevin Chard, Rino Frigo, Barry King, Brian Knowles, Ed Laity and Bob McPherson.
Field G.J. (Gordon) 2/1/0/2013 74 years
Gordon was a respected and supportive member of ANZROC Vic attending meetings when able. Gary Mason attended the funeral service and reported that Doug Watson read the eulogy. Amongst the bankers present were Graham Joseph, John Duke, Terry Brennan, Tom McCullough, Flav Belli and Alan Panther. Gordon retired as a Senior Manager in Audit, where he was involved in various overseas stints, including India. He was a lay member of the Anglican Synod for many years. Gordon was very well qualified as a Chartered Accountant and the Institute of Secretaries.
He underwent a full heart transplant 12 years ago at the Alfred Hospital and in appreciation of that spent every Wednesday (following his recovery) as a volunteer at the Hospital.
He and wife Edith travelled extensively.
ANZROC member Peter Smith emailed that his wife (Vi) volunteers at The Alfred, helping out with finances. She is actually doing the work that Gordon Field did before he became ill.
Members stood for a few moments in respect of our late member Gordon and our condolences are extended to his family and friends.
Horne R.W.J. (Ron) 88 years 30/8/2013
Ron enlisted in the RAAF in April 1943 and served in New Guinea. On discharge in March 1946 Ron was Leading Aircraftman at AD HQS Townsville.
His banking career started in Townsville and after progressing through the branches, a term in International and a transfer to London, Ron Horne later opened the ANZ Representative Office in Tokyo. He had also spent time in Corporate in Sydney and was appointed State Manager Queensland before retiring as State Manager Victoria.
ANZROC members attending the celebration of Ron’s life included Harry Carrodus, Brian Christensen, John Duguid, John Duke, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Neville Pearson, John Vanselow and their partners.
John Brown holidaying in Queensland sent a note to say “Very sorry to hear that Ron has died. He and Fay have been great supporters of the Retired Officers' Club in many ways including participating in earlier Traralgon and Flinders golf days He was also a great supporter of the Victorian Staff Social Club attending and enjoying a number of the Wagga Trips over the Queens Birthday Weekend. Ron made a point of getting to know younger staff and was quick to greet them by name at the numerous social and sporting events that were part of Bank life at that time.
He was an important part of the ANZ 'Family'.”
Skipper Robert W. (Bob) 87 years 21/8/2013
Bob Skipper was an ANZ Messenger at 351 Collins St for many years, and a long time stalwart and energetic worker at the Reservoir Lawn Bowls Club.
Members extend their condolences to family and friends of our late members Ron and Bob.
Graham Heenan and Pat Gaskin advised that ex ANZ colleague Selwyn Henning passed away suddenly in Bendigo on 5/8/2013 while in hospital for a knee replacement. Selwyn spent time in Geelong, Fiji and Corporate Banking retiring in Shepparton. Selwyn was 65 and would be known to many ANZROC members.
Lawrie Foord also confirmed that a former ES&A staff member Mike O’Dwyer passed away on 15/8/2013. I worked with Mike for 10 years in Esanda and Gary Mason tells me he played football with Mike – he was a very handy player. Bob Lamb said that Mike remained in the service for over 40 years spending a great deal of his time with Esanda. His Funeral Mass was attended by former staffers Gary Hassett, Bob Lamb and Brian Wills. Many of our ANZROC members would remember Mike.
Baird John L. (John) 88 years 27/7/2013
John joined the Royal Australian Air Force in June 1943 and Bruce Sanderson told me that John served in Europe as a Rear Gunner in the Lancaster bombers. John was discharged in January 1946 as Warrant Officer in the 9th Aircrew Holding Unit. Gerry McPherson also flew in the Lancaster’s over Europe and he told me that although he was not aware of John’s service coincidentally when Gerry was transferred into Administration in 1959 his replacement at Richmond was John Baird.
Chapman Ronald H (Ron) 82 years 30/12/2011
We have been advised of Ron’s passing by the solicitors acting for the Estate.
Munro Kenneth W. (Ken) 82 years 18/7/2013
The funeral service was held in Bega NSW where Ken’s brother is based. Bruce Tickell told me that Ken worked at 351 Collins Street when Ken was in Branch Securities and Bruce was Accountant .Ken subsequently spent time dealing with securities in Legal with Stan Lancaster and Lawton Graham’s daughter Karen. Ken was a keen athlete who participated in the banks athletic clubs and was a member of the running team.
Members at our meeting stood in remembrance of John, Ron and Ken as a mark of respect for our past member and our condolences are extended to their families and friends.
Brian Reiter a former ANZer passed away on 1/8/2013 aged 70 years.. Brian was a very good golfer and captained Huntingdale Golf Club through 2004/7 and served on the golf club committee 1996/2007. He would be remembered by many ANZROC members.
Betty Reilley informed me that her husband Brian Reilley (ex ES&A) passed away after a very long illness on April 21st 203.
Ray Galliott our ANZROC associate in WA advised that their great friend and colleague Arthur Bancroft passed away peacefully on 28/7/2013 after a long period in a nursing home. Arthur will be remembered by many ES&A and Esanda staff as an outstanding gentleman, banker and WWII hero serving on HMAS Perth 1 and was a Japanese POW survivor.
Bool John G. 11/6/2013 84 years
John joined the Union Bank at Traralgon in the 40’s and spent time in country Victoria working through the ranks in towns such as Wangaratta, Stawell, Warrnambool until his first management role at Casterton followed by terms in Northcote, Deniliquin, Broken Hill, Parramatta and on retirement was an Area Manager in NSW based in Orange. John was an active member in each community he was transferred to that included Apex, Lions, Probus while he was often called to handle the funds as Treasurer of sporting clubs in places such as Casterton, Stawell and Silver City in Broken Hill .He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge and a staunch supporter of the Anglican Church in Ocean Grove and finally Brunswick. John had retired to Ocean Grove and returned to Melbourne in his later years with late wife Dorothy. Ron Adams, Brian Christensen, Kevin Mitchell, Ken McNutt and Roy Peake represented ANZROC at the funeral service which was attended by around 130 family, friends and colleagues.
Manning R.P.W. (Phil) 27/6/2013 83 years
A private funeral service took place on 2nd July. As reported in ANZROC newsletter in late 2011 Phil started his career in Nigeria in Bank of West Africa where he spent many years of wide and varied experiences before moving to Australia where he worked in FCA the finance company of The Bank of Adelaide before merging with Esanda. Phil had a number of outside interests but had a special love of soccer, playing for 12 years then refereeing for 20 years including refereeing a Cup Final in Lagos in 1959.He also got involved in club management which included finance, accounting and tax matters for the clubs and players and acquired the necessary qualifications to add to his banking and management credentials.
GRIGGS C.H.(CLIFF) 6/6/2013 87 years
Cliff joined The Bank of Australasia before enlisting in the Royal Australian Air Force in September 1943 and on completion of pilot training was posted to the Pacific zone .On discharge in April 1946 he was Leading Aircraftman at Melbourne Tele Unit.
Cliff spent 44 years with ANZ in a number of roles in country and city branches and retired as Manager Clifton Hill. He became a loyal Geelong Football Club member after spending some years in ANZ Geelong where as a young single man he boarded with several Geelong football legends including Fred Flanagan and Bob Davis and enjoyed the successes of the past and present teams. ANZROC members Brian Christensen, Ken McNutt, Kevin Mitchell, Ray Gaunt and Ron Adams were present in the gathering of 150 family and friends at the funeral service.
McCONNELL J.R. (John) 17/5/2013 73 years
John Duguid, a close friend and colleague of John advised that John moved to Victoria after joining ANZ in Christchurch in NZ and worked in ANZ Headquarters until his appointment as State Manager Victoria followed by senior executive roles in Headquarters reaching Managing Director Corporate and Retail Banking at retirement and after retirement worked with Equity Trustees. He was highly regarded by the Boards of both corporations. John focussed on customer service and staff relationships and was influential in the ANZ’s relationship with the Jewish community in Melbourne. John Duguid said that among the 250 people attending the celebration of John’s life he noticed Solomon Lew and also past Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett as well as many ANZROC members, friends and fellow golfers that included Don Mercer, John Ries, Jim Nicolson, Richard Harding, George Lawson, Barry Gibson, John Crough, Peter Treleaven and Peter Pritchard.
Kilfoyle J.H. (Jack) 24/4/2013 88 years
John Harvey (Jack) Kilfoyle enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in April 1943 and on discharge in December 1944 rejoined the bank.
Robert Kilfoyle advised that his father Jack worked in ANZ for some 42 years and his later years were spent in GMO 1963/68 and then seconded to Australian Bankers Association 1969/82 until he retired.
John Duke attended the funeral service representing ANZROC.
Members will stand at the meeting as a mark of respect in remembrance of Jack and our condolences are sent to his family and friends.
Astall H.L. (Leigh) 9/1/2013 83 years
I attended Leigh’s memorial service on behalf of ANZROC with around 100 family and friends at the service. Leigh’s children and grandchildren gave touching eulogies of Leigh as a father and grandfather and spoke of his career with ANZ .Leigh joined the Union Bank in Colac and spent time in country branches including Alexandra where he met and married Margaret. They moved around country Victoria with time spent in Horsham and then into country and city managerial roles including Richmond, Hobart and retiring as an Area Manager in the Toorak/South Yarra area.
Nichol R.A. (Bob) 29/12/2012 101 years
Bob served in the RAAF enlisting in June 1942 and after training served in New Guinea until discharge in March 1945 when he was a Leading Aircraftman in the 41st Operational Base Unit.
Past President Neville Pearson wrote that the dignity Bob showed and his love for the people in his life was so evident to Neville from his visits to the Retirement Village in Dorking Road and Neville says he will certainly miss these little excursions back in time
Margaret Redman, ,Bob Nichol’s daughter emailed to let us know that Bob died peacefully and he was calm and comfortable and all the family were with him almost to the end of his life's journey. There was a wonderful celebration of his life, with family and friends and the Eulogy given by daughter Janene is posted on the ANZROC website. Margaret says thank you to all from the A.N.Z retired office's club who visited him.
Smith R.T.(Reg) 8/2/2013 89 years
Reg enlisted in the RAAF in March 1943 and at date of discharge in March 1946 was Warrant Officer in the 14th Aircrew Holding Unit. He was one of the RAAF airmen posted to UK to serve in RAF squadrons and on return to Australia became a member of the famous “Odd bods”. Reg joined the Bank of Australasia at 394 Collins Street and on return from RAAF spent time mainly in city branches before his first managerial role at Pakenham, then several city branches before taking over South Caulfield and then into Audit Department in Melbourne until retirement. Several years later Reg returned part time to ANZ Trustees for a 5 year term. At the funeral service ANZROC was represented by Reg’s great friends Muriel Drummond, John Hobbs and Jack Moyle.
Taylor J.M. (John) 14/1/2013 74 years
John joined ANZ in 1955 at 394 Collins Street and in a 40 year career spent time in city branches, Premises Department, South Yarra Processing and finally in the IT Department at South Yarra. John met wife Olive who also started her career at 394 Collins Street and they married in 1961 when she was working in ANZ Cards. Some 20 years ago they retired to Tura Beach in northern NSW close to the golf club and ocean.
Westerman T.A. (Trevor) 3/1/2013 92 years
Trevor enlisted in March 1940 in the Australian Army and on discharge in May 1946 was a corporal in the 2/9 Aust Cav Commando Regiment.
Frank Edwards reported that Trevor Westerman was an old ES&A man. When Frank last knew Trevor he was Manager, Mortlake.
Condolences from ANZROC members are sent to family and friends of our past members Leigh, Bob, Reg, John and Trevor.
During January Frank Edwards noticed a death notice in the Age for Arnold William (Bill) Teague - in his 97th year and Frank also noted the passing of an old ES&A friend Norm Newbold in his 84th year who retired in 1986 after 40 years service. Many Scotty people will remember Bill and Norm from their time in the bank and Esanda (Vic Div).
Evans R.G. (Reg) Mid June 2012 91 years.
Reg joined the Australian Army in July 1942 and served until January 1946 being discharged with the rank of Sergeant 4th Aust Armoured Brigade Provost Plan AIF. We were advised of Reg’s passing by our member John Mangan in November.
Oldfield B.G. (Brian) 15/12/2012 80 years
Brian Oldfield passed away on 15 December 2012 after a long illness, just 10 days after his 80th Birthday. Our member Glenn Fullerton also passed on information regarding the passing of Brian Oldfield "Having sung “Happy Birthday” to Brian for his 80th last Sunday, we were saddened to hear yesterday that he has passed away. Rachael, his daughter has devoted much of her time looking after him – he was in a Nursing Home which provided good care."
Tanner A.E. (Ed) 6/12/2012 77 years
Ed Tanner passed away in hospital after complications following a back operation.
Ed was originally from Queensland and played an important role in International Division Melbourne for many years. A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Ed was held on Friday Dec 14. A large group of family, friends and ANZ colleagues attended including Ed’s widow Elaine and Ed's 5 sons Ross, Craig, Paul, Greg and Andrew who did the readings and paid tribute to their Dad. Those in attendance included Bob Wheeler, Pat Munday, Neil Pickering, Neil McMillan, Eamon Veaney, Des Shady, Peter Kariotis, John Winders, Warren Taylor and Henry Carr. More messages of condolence from colleagues have been posted on the website.
Jenkins Dorothy 88 years 2/10/2012
The service for Dorothy at the Uniting Church in East Doncaster was well attended, with friends from all of her many interest groups - including two of her old school friends in their nineties - paying their respects. The gathering was a fitting tribute to a much loved lady who made the world a better place. The Eulogy outlined Dorothy's life and specific comment was made of her time at ES&A, ANZ and Esanda. Dorothy also enjoyed her association with ANZROC and in later life looked forward to the newsletter. Frank Edwards ,Kevin Mitchell, a jet-lagged Peter Pritchard, Ian McRobinson and Mark Stankovich made up the ANZROC contingent and were joined by Don Ranyard who was there as a church member friend of Dorothy's. Another member of the banking fraternity - Dorothy's cousin, John Hines - who served for 20 years in the Scottie before taking up a stockbroking career and would be remembered by many of our members, was also in the congregation.
McAsey R.J. (Bob) 85 years 24/9/2012
The funeral service was held in the Sunshine Coast. Graeme Ainscough said he played cricket many years ago with Bob who was then Captain of the ES&A Cricket Club. Bob with Lawrie Foord were key movers in organising many ES&A annual get-togethers around Christmas time and Bob will be missed.
Davis M.F. (Max) 71 years 15/8/2012
Neville Pearson attended the funeral of Max Davis on 22nd August at St Stephens Church, Stiggant Street Warrandyte, which is located in a beautiful wooded area beside the Yarra River. There was an attendance of 300 plus mourners which included a significant presence of fellow bankers from far and wide, including a solid roll up of past ANZ Tennis and ANZ Football Club members. The legendary Allambee Avenue boys from the 1960’s ANZ Football Club were well represented. Bill Stevens who was interstate, advised he was disappointed at not being able to attend given his close involvement with Max within the ANZ and Kooyong Tennis Clubs .
Several tributes covering Max’s involvement in tennis, football, golf and family were given and a beautiful song tribute was sung live from Jane Ling. Max’s banking career starting in West Australia covered a broad spectrum including a term in London, Shipboard Agencies, Administration Branch Banking and area banking in Victoria .Max had a great love of family, sport and his beloved pet dogs. He will be sadly missed
Miles H.A.(Hugh) 82 years 24/8/2012
The funeral of Hugh Miles was held in the Blair Chapel Springvale on 31st August with a large crowd in attendance that overflowed from the Chapel into the reception area. There was a strong contingent of fellow bankers present. Fitting the manner in which Hugh’s life was lived the funeral reception was a truly moving and colourful affair All attendees were gifted a copy of Hugh’s final DVD on arrival in memory of his life. The Chapel vibrated to the music of Hugh singing “Fly Me To The Moon”, “Pennies From Heaven” and “How Little we Know” and the quality of sound was incredible given Hugh was 78 years of age when he made the DVD.
Hugh joined the ES&A and had 42 years service including with ANZ following merger.
Hugh was an avid sportsman playing football in country Victoria and in the bank’s VAFA (Amateurs) team, tennis and later lawn bowls. With long silver hair and mustache nick names such as “Silver Fox” and “Duke” were bestowed upon him by the family and friends’ .Hugh had a great passion for singing and performed on stage. A highlight was a live appearance on Graham Kennedy’s IMT (In Melbourne Tonight). Hugh had a very pleasant singing voice, and would team up at the Staff Christmas Party in the Staff Cafeteria at Royal Bank with other staff members namely, Brian Nash (dec) on Piano, Bernie Atkinson Drums, Graeme Galway Trombone, and Noel Matthews on Saxophone. Hugh will be sadly missed, but never forgotten by all his family and friends and fondly remembered as a flamboyant, entertaining and a talented character. (Photos of the musicians provided by Kevin Mitchell have been posted on the ANZROC website)
Dick Sanders who attended the funeral said he was Accountant to Hugh when he arrived at Brandon Park branch, Hugh having taken over from Alan James
Kevin Mitchell said he worked in the ES&A General Managers Dept the same time as Hugh Miles who was attached to The Advances Team.
Oxley P.L.(Peter) 82 years 10/9/2012
Peter passed away on 10/9/2012 aged 82 years. Peter started his banking career with the E. S. & A Bank in his home town of St. Arnaud as a 16 year old, and continued to progress through the ranks, and the merger with the ANZ, to end his career as Area Manager of the North West Victoria region. Having had a stint as Manager of the ANZ in Mount Gambier, he decided to retire there in 1985, purchased 40 acres of land and began a small farming project. After 18 years of very happy rural living, Peter and wife Moira moved to a Retirement Village in Mount Gambier, before Peter's health forced him into a Nursing Home earlier this year for more intensive care. He is survived by his wife, four children and ten grand-children. Roly Webster mentioned at the Ballarat meeting that he worked with Peter and was very sad to hear of his passing.
Black Eric G (Eric) 9/8/2012 94 years
Eric enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in May 1941 and at date of discharge in September 1945 was a Flying Officer in the 20th Squadron. Eric was a member with Gerry McPherson of the Odd Bods (UK) Association. They were ex-RAAF aircrew who had served in the UK on various Royal Air Force squadrons and had no unit organisation as such in this country and included RAAF and Allied Air Force blokes who had served in the UK, Europe and the Middle East on units outside the control of the RAAF.
The Funeral Service to celebrate the life of Eric is to be held at St Aidan’s Balwyn North Uniting Church 17-21 Duggan Road at 2.30pm on 14/8/2012 and we will report further in our September Newsletter..
Cayzer Lindsay Alfred (Lindsay) 3/8/2012 90 years
Lindsay enlisted in the Australian Army in August 1942 and was a Sergeant in 106 Tank Att Regt on discharge in March 1946. John and Lois Vanselow and John Caudry represented ANZROC at the service.
Holberton John Harry L. (John) 5/8/2012 89 years
John enlisted in the Australian Army in March 1942and at discharge in June 1946 was a Driver in 2/4 Motor Ambulance Convoy.
The funeral service was held at Holy Trinity High Street Kew on Friday 10th August, at 11am and was attended by a large gathering of family, friends and ex ANZ colleagues. Many ANZROC members were there to pay their respects including Bob Bell, Barbara Bruce, Henry Carr, Brian and Noelle Christensen, Rodney Dark, Brian Farrell , John Foley , Tess Hondros, David Morgan, Neville Pearson, Robin Pleydell, Charles Rennie, John Ries, Des Shady, Gary and Sue Stanaway, Warren Taylor, Rupe and Helen Thomas, John and Lois Vanselow Eamon Veaney, Doug Watson, John Winders and Pinky Watson whose late husband Bill got a special mention in the eulogy as a good friend of John was also there.
A full report of John’s career is posted on the ANZROC website.
Whitney Leslie Thomas (Les) 30/4/2012 105 years
Les enlisted in the Australian Army in May 1942 and on discharge in October 1945 was a Private in the 18th Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps. We were advised of Les’s passing by his daughter Jillian Burrows in August.
Woolcock Harold Lawson (Harold) 6/7/2012 90 years
Harold enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1942 and on discharge in April 1946 was Sergeant 1 ART B/JW.
Harold’s widow Sylvia said that Harold joined the Bank of Australasia in 1938 and his banking career took him to branches in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania before retiring as Manager of Queenscliff Branch .Sylvia and Harold were married for 63 years. She said she knew our member Bruce Iddles was in attendance at the funeral service but others may have attended.
Duggan J.M.(John) 8th July 2012 105 years
.John passed away peacefully on Sunday 8th July. His funeral Mass was on Friday 13th July at 11.0 am at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Middle Park. The Irish Priest (friend of the family) who conducted the Mass had flown in from Ireland at 7.00am on the morning of the funeral to conduct the service. His Irish wit and sincerity were indicative of the Duggan family’s place within the church. The vocalist (Paul Hughes) and organist filled the church with music befitting a “Phantom of the Opera” production. John had celebrated his 105th Birthday on 18th March 2012
John joined the Bank in 1924, at his first branch at Corner of Elizabeth and Latrobe Streets and he held a variety of positions over the term of his career. On his retirement John opted to retain the bank pension scheme of that time, following his retirement. A very wise move it would seem. John was remembered for accidently setting alight a waste paper bin within the branch on discarding one of his trade mark ‘roll your own cigarette” butts.
John’s career was interrupted by the Second World War when he enlisted in the Australian Army in June 1941 and was Staff Sergeant 106 Aust Depot Cash Office on his discharge in June 1946. With his brother Jim, John served in the new radar division in Perth and Darwin surviving the bombing of Darwin.
John resided at Napier St Hostel and would read the ANZROC newsletters right up till the end.
Neville Pearson represented the ANZROC at the mass along with Dick (and Joan) Sanders who worked with John
At our meeting at Greensborough members stood in remembrance of our past member John and our condolences are extended to family and friends.
Margaret Ewing emailed to thank the committee for on forwarding the June newsletter which included tributes to her late husband and our past member Ian Ewing. Margaret also thanked Neville Pearson and Con La Fauci for their attendance at the funeral. She has been overwhelmed by the number of cards received from Ian’s former work friends and is only sorry she is unable to thank them all personally
Jackie Manning and her family sent a note expressing their appreciation for the kind and comforting expressions received in their recent sad bereavement of her husband and our late member Bill Manning. She thanked ANZROC members for the kind words in the recent newsletter and the notice in the Herald Sun at the time of Bill’s passing. The attendance of Kevin Mitchell at the service was much appreciated.
Andy Herd advised that another old banker lost recently was Paul Tsang, Paul was ANZ audio visual technician and did the setups for conference and video conferencing .Andy said he was the nicest and most helpful of colleagues.
Ewing I.M. (Ian) 11/6/2012 73 years
After a courageous battle with cancer Ian passed away on 11th June. Ian worked at ANZ for 37 years. He joined ES&A Bank in Tasmania and later moved to Melbourne to be part of Retail Banking at Como South Yarra. Ian was an avid sailor and participated in several Melbourne to Hobart yacht racing trips. He was a past Commodore of Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, and held several senior Freemason positions including Master of Sandringham Lodge, Grand Sword Bearer and a long list of other offices. The funeral was attended by approx 350 people at the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron with Ian’s prized 34ft ‘Dubois’ Yacht “Spellbound” displayed outside the windows of the room where the service was held, overlooking the Bay and St Kilda Pier. The ANZROC committee was represented by Neville Pearson and Con La Fauci. There were several ANZ yachting friends including his friend and colleague Ian McCormick in attendance. Our sincere condolences are extended to his widow Margaret and family.
Stanson D.F. (Frank) 6/6/2012 59 years
After a difficult and courageous battle with cancer Frank passed away on 6th June. Frank worked at ANZ for nearly 30 years in the Treasury Dealing area and spent many years in the London and Hong Kong dealing rooms. Frank's funeral at Templestowe Chapel was standing room only with a huge turnout of family and friends including a large contingent of his ANZ colleagues that included Bob Bell, Dick Chegwin, Mike Elliott, Richard Harding, David Jones, Jim Karabatsos, Peter Norman,, Murray O'Dwyer, Gordon Paulett ,John Phelan, John Ries, Des Shady, Bob Smith, Trevor Stephens, Ivan St.Clair, Rupe Thomas, Roger Thompson, Trevor Walker , Bob Wheeler and John Winders. ANZROC committee was represented by Kevin Mitchell and Eamon Veaney. Frank was a larger than life personality and will be sorely missed by his family and friends. Our sincere condolences are extended to his wife Christine and son Daniel.
Flynn K.J.(Kevin) 4/5/2012 84 years
Will Bailey emailed to say it was sad to read that his old "ledger" mate Kevin Flynn had passed away. He was a great guy and will be missed.
Henley R.G. (Reg) 4/3/2012 87 years.
Reg joined the RAAF in April 1942 in Melbourne and was discharged in Jun 1946 with the rank of Corporal at CSQ Laverton. He is survived by his wife Mary. Reg worked for the bank for 43 years, and met his wife Mary (nee Baker) at Elizabeth Street Branch. Mary also worked in the bank for 28 years.
Williams T.A. (Trevor) 21/4/2012 75 years
Trevor joined ANZ in Launceston in 1955 and in 1962 transferred to Victoria. He went back to Hobart and Devonport in 1964/65 returning to Victoria in 1970 in various roles until his final appointment as Manager Asset Management in Melbourne Retail CBD retiring after 40 years service.
MANNING W.S.(Bill) 5/4/2012 81 years
STEVEN P.J.(Peter) 15/6/2011 63 years
BOWERS L.G.(Lloyd) 5/3/2012 89 YEARS
Lloyd enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in October 1941 and saw active service in Britain with the RAF as a fighter pilot flying Hurricanes, Spitfires and Tempests. He was discharged in January 1946 with the rank of Flying Officer in 287 Squadron and rejoined the ES&A Bank. Lloyd spent much of his career in the North Coast of NSW managing branches including Byron Bay and Lismore and finally Port Kembla and Flemington Markets in Sydney before taking a role until retirement as a Financial Planner in Sydney. Lloyd and late wife Jo settled in Kew in early 2000 to be near their family. I was able to represent ANZROC at the funeral service.
Ron enlisted in the Australian Army in December 1942 and trained as a gunnery officer with service on the northern coastline of Australia and on discharge in June 1946 was a Private in the Southern Command Echelon and Records. Ron joined the ES&A Bank in 1937 and on retirement in 1983 was a Chief Manager in Esanda. There was a strong representation from ANZROC at the funeral service that included Murray Abraham, Ron Adams, Eric and Wendy Black, Jock Buntain, Eric Dickson, Frank Edwards, Jack Moyle, Neville Pearson, Peter Pritchard, Bruce Sanderson, Mark Stankovich and Lloyd Zegenhage
Boucher W.G.(Bill) 12/12/2011 84 years
Dalziel H.D.(Heather) 14/08/2011 74 years
I received an email from Dianne Beretta advising that her Aunt and member of ANZROC Heather Dalziel passed away on 14th August 2011. The ANZ Bank was always a topic of conversation with Heather and she loved the years she spent at Royal Branch.
Riddell J.W. (Jim) 23/12/2011 88 years
Jim enlisted in the Australian Army in November 1942 and at discharge in July 1946 was a Sergeant in the 21 Army Equip. Pk Coy. John Duke and Jack Helisma were able to represent ANZROC at the funeral service.
Taylor D.F.P (Don) 27/08/2011 83 years
Williamson A.G. (Alan) 19/01/2011 81 years
President Neville Pearson attended Alan’s funeral as he had worked with Alan in Yarram. Alan spent time travelling around the countryside in an audit capacity with ANZ. Bruce Kells, Ken McNutt, Kevin Sharp, and Bernie Sowersby also represented ANZROC at the service.
The memorial service for Ted Larkin held on 22nd December at Dromana was well attended by ANZROC members that included Will Bailey, John Duke, David Knuckey, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Kevin Mitchell, Maria Natoli, Mark Stankovich, Ed Tanner and Glen Twidale.
Budd Frank 22/11/2011 65 years
Frank worked with Esanda for many years in the heavy vehicle financing area in Victorian Division while I was in Esanda HO and on retirement worked in the transport industry with an Esanda colleague.
Larkin E.J.(Ted) 13/11/2011 87 years
Ted enlisted in the RAAF in November 1942 and on discharge in October 1946 was a Warrant Officer in 1 Operational Training Unit. Ted passed away in Germany while visiting his daughter and a memorial service has been organised for 11am on December 22nd at St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Dromana Cnr. Point Nepean Rd. & O’Donohue St. DROMANA. Ted was a strong supporter of ANZROC.
Morris R.J.L. (Ray) 19/11/2011 82 years
Ray was recruited in UK from Lloyds Bank in 1951 and spent time in Melbourne and Perth before leaving the bank and spending the next two years as a patrol officer in New Guinea. Ray returned to UK for several years during which time he married Lorna. They returned to Australia in 1955 where Ray rejoined ANZ and worked in the city, Geelong and many other branches while on the Relieving Staff and at retirement he was Manager Dandenong. They moved from the city 11 years ago to live in Warragul where sadly Ray passed away.
Minton Gary 12/10/2011 58 years
Eamon Veaney represented ANZROC committee and advised that Gary's funeral was well attended and many colleagues from ANZ were there. Brian Stagg did a good summary of Gary's career and a couple of other speakers provided a great insight into Gary's life and times.
Williams W.G.(Gordon) 8/11/2011 87 years
Gordon’s widow Gwenda (nee Snape and ex Bank of Australasia) told me that Gordon had enlisted in the Australian Army in 1941, trained in Buderim Qsld and served in active duty in the conflict in Papua New Guinea and the islands and was a Sergeant in his Battalion on discharge in 1946 .Gordon retired from 75 Collins Street Branch 28 years ago after serving more than 40 years in branches in Victoria and he and Gwenda settled in Drouin on retirement.
Child J.B.(Jim) 1/10/2011 84 years
Jim joined the RAAF in Melbourne in July 1945 and was discharged in May 1946 as Aircraftman1 at the Ground Training School in Wagga. At the funeral service we heard of Jim’s love of rebuilding a number of vehicles and eventually volunteering for many years as the librarian for the Wolesely Motor Club. Jim was a strong supporter of ANZROC .
noted in the NSW newsletter of the passing of Neil Twite at Adelaide 17 September. Neil retired from Vic Admin where he held senior positions with the Bank
Lawrie Ford advised that Eric Tibballs a past ES&A colleague passed away on 6th October and Barbara Grimshaw, who worked with Lawrie in ES&A 388 Collins Street, passed away in October. Tracy Grimshaw the host of A Current Affair is Barbara’s daughter. Many members would remember Neil, Eric and Barbara during their time in the Bank.
Anstee R.C.(Rod) 80 years 9/9/2011
Full details will be in the October newsletter
Clarkin J.D.(Jeff) 67 years 24/8/2011
Jeff joined ANZ in the mid 60's and worked in Queensland branches before taking time out to study for an economics degree as a mature age student. He moved to Head Office in Melbourne and worked in many areas of International Banking Division before moving overseas to run the Chicago branch in 1983. Jeff was appointed Exec Treasurer Capital Markets on the formation of Global Treasury in 1986 then took over as head of the dealing room for Australian Treasury in late 1987 before being appointed Country Head in Korea. Further Executive roles in Head Office running Correspondent Banking and Nominees followed before Jeff's retirement in 2000.
The Requiem Mass for Jeff at Surfers Paradise was a moving service with around 150 people in attendance. During the service there was a reading by Pinky Watson who would be remembered by many members. The wake was held at Southport Yacht Club where our committeeman Eamon Veaney was present and said a few words about Jeff. Jeff’s wife Paula thanked all who attended and the many people who couldn't be there but who had nevertheless provided great support to her and Jeff over the last year. Some of the "broader ANZ family" who attended were Mike Frowen, Denis Grehan, Gary Minton, Geoff Cox, Rod Dark and Chris Murray (the late David Murray's son who knew the family from Chicago days)
Emmett K.F.(Keith) 87 years 27/8/2011
Keith enlisted in the RAAF in October 1942 and at discharge from the forces in December 1945was Warrant Officer, 14 Aircrew Holding Unit. Keith passed pilot training successfully in Australia and Canada and he was promoted to Sergeant and then in England promoted to Warrant Officer as a pilot instructor training pilots for the Battle of Britain and the European conflict. On his return to Australia Keith became a member of the Odd Bods (UK) Association covering RAAF servicemen and women that served in the RAF in UK. Another of our recently deceased members Ken Fastier was also a member of the Odd Bods. Back in Australia, Keith was an avid traveller and spent time in most parts of the world but he favoured New Zealand and tripping across Australia. He met many lifelong friends when he was stationed in NZ for the bank and at the funeral service colleagues included Cedric Coxsedge Stan Halbish, Fay and Gerry McPherson and committee members Neville Pearson, John Duke, Kevin Mitchell and Ron Adams.
McLellan Orm 86 years 7/9/2011
Orm enlisted in the RAAF in September 1943 and when discharged in April 1946 was Leading Aircraftman in the 40 Operational Base Unit. Orm was a great supporter of ANZROC Vic and for many years was responsible for preparing name tags for members and helped the committee at functions on many occasions. Details of Orm’s memorial service on 13/9/2011 will be included in the October newsletter.
Members will remember Rod, Jeff, Keith and Orm at our October meeting and our thoughts are with their friends and families.
Eamon Veaney also advised that Kevin Hanvey died after a car accident at Torquay on 9/9/2011 on his way to work at ANZ. Kevin had worked with Eamon at ANZ some years ago and was back there on a contract and would be remembered by ANZROC members.
Rodney Manser let me know that one of his work mates from the ES&A days Allister Smith aged 62 years old had passed away on the 24/8/2011.Allister would be known to many members.
Alan Lauder advised that a colleague Peter Winter with whom he worked in the Frankston area passed away in August and would be remembered by ANZROC members.
Fastier K.G.J.(Ken) 25/7/2011 88 years
Ken enlisted in the Australian Army in December 1941 but left in December 1942 to enlist in the Royal Australian Air Force and served in Europe until being discharged as a Warrant Officer in the 14 Aircrew Holding Unit in January 1946.
Robertson F.A.S.(Frank) 20/7/2011 102 years
Frank enlisted in the Australian Army in March 1942 and when discharged in September 1945 was a Private in 7 Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps.
Short John J.C.(Jack) 27/7/2011 99 years
Jack enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1940 and on discharge in September 1945 was a Sergeant in 5 Australian AA Ops Room Type B AIF. Jack served in the Middle East in an Anti Aircraft Unit and then the unit moved to the Pacific and fought in the Battle of Milne Bay. For 40years Jack played a leading role in the Gilbert Sullivan Society in Melbourne. He was also involved with Legacy and a member of his Lodge for 70 years. He quit cycling at 93 and at 97 had to give up the daily walks of between 5-10 kilometres. During his career with ES&A he served in Darwin in the 1950s, managed Mentone and retired as Manager of Ascot Vale and was an active member of ANZROC. He was a member of the Banks Rowing Club for more than eighty years.
Members stood for a few moment silence in remembrance of Ken, Frank and Jack and our condolences are sent to members of family and friends.
18th August 2011 marked the 45th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan and being Vietnam Veterans Day our member Brian Christensen recited the Ode of Remembrance and members stood for a moment’s silence.
During the month Ken Fitzgerald advised me of the death of Maurie Dear who worked in Pensions and Nominees with Ken and Lawrie Foord advised me of the death of Russell Hansen who worked with Lawrie in 388 Collins Street. Maurie and Russell would be remembered by many of our members and our condolences are sent to their family and friends.
Falkiner Dennis J 11/6/2011 65 years
At retirement Dennis was Manager Springvale Branch and was well known to many of our members.
Struve Werner F. 24/5/2011 87 years
Werner was one of the first foreign workers to join ES&A Bank in the 40’s migrating from Palestine via Cyprus. He retired after more than 30 years in ANZ as a manager in Investments. He was involved for many years in community affairs and the Temple Church in Bentleigh.
Members stood in silence in remembrance of Werner at our June meeting and we pass on our condolences to the family.
Ellis Bruce R. 2/4/2011 79 years
Members stood in silence in remembrance of Bruce at our April meeting and we pass on our condolences to the family.
Mark Stankovich let me know that Glynn Stedman has passed away. Glynn, a Queenslander, worked in the ANZ General Managers Department in Melbourne in the fifties/sixties, appointed Sales Manager Esanda in Queensland at the time of the ANZ ES&A merger and then a senior position in Esanda NSW before retiring as Area Manager of one of Sydney's Areas.
Craddock L.C. (Lindsay) 24/2/2011 87 years
Lindsay enlisted in the Australian Army in December 1941 at Geelong and was discharged in September 1942 as a Private in the 32nd Battalion. The very next day he enlisted I the RAAF where he served until April 1946 and had been promoted to Flight Lieutenant in the 34th Squadron. In his retirement Lindsay was very interested in choral singing and sang in several choirs. John Duke and Andy Herd represented ANZROC at the Remembrance Service.
Esdale K.A. (Keith) 16/2/2011 90 years
Keith enlisted in the Australian Army in June 1940 in Rockhampton and on discharge in October 1945 he had been promoted to Lieutenant 2/1 Motor Ambulance Convoy. A strong representation from ANZROC committee and members was at the Remembrance Service.
Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Lindsay and Keith and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.
Dusting Trevor J 6/2/2011 77 years
Trevor had been ill over recent months with a very aggressive form of cancer. Trevor was ANZ Staff Club secretary for some time and held various positions within ANZ including Data Processing in the early years of this innovation Joan Dusting wishes to thank the multitude of ANZ retired officers that attended Trevor’s funeral and offered condolences and support since Trevor’s passing on Sunday 6th February
Heyen L.J.(Bert) 11/2/2011 71 years
Bert retired as a Manager after 40 years of service starting in ES&A in Kerang and he had been ill since 2006 after contracting Hepatitis B which finally attacked his liver. At his memorial service family and friends talked of his passion for ANZ and his role in Basketball and the time spent refereeing and training young people for umpiring duties. A number of ex-ANZers attended.
Rushford Madeleine C 24/1/2011
President Neville Pearson with Ken Fitzgerald Mike Kennedy and Noreen Cramer represented ANZROC at the funeral Service.
Sadler Alf 26/12/2010 82 years
Alf served in the British Army from 1944 mostly in occupied Germany. He migrated to Australia in the early 50’s and joined ANZ where he worked for 35 years retiring in a management role. Alf was a keen sportsman and played competitive bowls and table tennis for many years. Members that joined the funeral service included Ian Ince, Bruce Kells and Bernie Sowersby and several committee members were in attendance.
Alf was a strong supporter of ANZROC and was a regular at our monthly meetings and had enjoyed the Christmas luncheon with colleagues on 9/12/2010.
Seamons Bruce 18/12/2010 87 years
Bruce was a Life Member of ANZROC and a Past President serving on the committee for more than 20 years. He enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in November 1941 serving in Darwin and New Guinea campaigns discharging in June 1946 as Leading Seaman at HMAS Lonsdale. A good number of his ANZ/Esanda colleagues including Doug Grant, Adrian Henning, Andy Herd, Orm McLellan, Col Renzow, Mark Stankovich and members of ANZROC Committee attended the funeral service.
Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Trevor, Bert, Madeleine, Alf and Bruce and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.
ANZROC member Jill Paterson let me know that ex ANZ staffer Judy Donkin passed away on 10/1/2011. Judy worked in Group Executive for many years as PA/Executive Secretary to Flav Belli and would be well known to members.
Neville Stafford a past member of ANZROC and well known to ES&A and Esanda colleagues passed away on 15/1/2011 and a number of our members were present at the funeral service.
Our condolences are extended to families and friends of Judy and Neville.
Hamlin M.C.(Mike) 72 years March 2010
Walter J.P.(Jacques) 66 years December 2010
Jacques spent 2 years as a teacher in Mauritius before migrating to Australia in November 1967. Shortly afterwards he joined ANZ at Glenferrie branch from which he moved to International HQ with a 2 year stint in New Hebrides (Vanuatu). He came back to Melbourne in 1969. He subsequently worked in Controller's department and Esanda before retiring from ANZ after 33 years. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends and will be remembered with affection by his golfing colleagues at the annual trip to Rich River, many of whom attended his funeral.
Members send their condolences to family and friends of Mike and Jacques.
Two non members of ANZROC who would have been well known to many members passed away during December. Trevor Dalziel passed away suddenly of a heart attack on 12/11/2010 Trevor completed a long career around 40 years spending an extended time in Tasmania - where he was on holiday at the time of his death . Ron W.G. Turner passed away on 13/12/2010 after a long illness and he was known to many in Victoria and NSW. Our sympathies are extended to the families and friends of Trevor and Ron.
Jones Frank 87 years 2/11/2010
Andrew Jones, son of Frank told me Frank had enlisted in the RAAF in April 1942 and was attached to US Air Force covering the Pacific zone including combat on Manus Island. Frank specialised in the communications and radio services while in the RAAF and left the service in April 1946. Frank joined the bank at Cressy and promotions followed with appointments to management including Lang Lang and Kangaroo Flat retiring as Manager Glenroy. Frank was a strong supporter of ANZROC often attending meetings when he was able.
Laing N.K. (Ken) 86 years 24/7/2010
Rich Lang, son of Ken let me know that Ken passed away in July. Rich said that Ken’s career included a management appointment at the age of 21 for the ES&A Bank and he eventually left the bank to purchase a news agency in 1970.Ken was 86 when he died and Rich said he loved to read the editions of the monthly newsletter.
Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Frank and Ken and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.
CarneP.S. (Phil)28/9/201091 years
Phil began his banking career with the Horsham Branch of Bank of Australasia in 1934. He saw war service with the Australian Army during World War II serving mainly in the Army Audit unit in the Middle East, The Northern Territory and PNG reaching the rank of Lieutenant. Post-war he worked for ANZ until his retirement in 1984 working mostly in lending, reaching the position of Senior Manager Lending for Victoria.
Hogarth John, past MD of Esanda. 15/10/2010 84 years.
John enlisted in RAAF in 1944 in Perth and on discharge in August 1945 was Leading Aircraftman in 7th Aircraft Depot, Tocumwal. Joining ES&A Bank in WA and serving in Tasmania and Victoria he retired as Managing Director of Esanda in 1986. He enjoyed hobby farming in Koonomoo near Cobram for some years before returning to Melbourne. A large number of ES&A colleagues attended the funeral service.
Barbara was one of the stalwarts working in the office at 394 Collins Street for an extended period which included the World War 2 years.
Biddlecombe G.W. Guy 23/8/2010 100 years
Guy enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1940 and was promoted to Captain and then Major of 14/32 Australian Infantry Battalion when discharged in April 1947
Lee B.R. Brian 8/7/2010 90 years
Brian enlisted in the Australian Army in Townsville in January 1942 and on his discharge in May 1946 had been promoted to Lieutenant of 2nd NG Infantry Battalion.
Our sympathies are extended to family and friends.
Hickey John F (Jack) 89 years 17/4/2010
Jack enlisted in the Australian Army in May 1941 at Ormond and served in New Guinea and New Britain before discharge in July 1946 as Corporal in the 46th Battalion. Jack was a staunch supporter of ANZROC Vic and will be missed. There was a solid contingent of ex Esanda members representing ANZROC at the funeral service.
Myers Donald R. (Don) 86 years 9/5/2010
Don enlisted in the Australian Army in April 1945 at Glen Iris and on discharge in August 1946 was a gunner in the 131 Australian Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery. Don was Treasurer of ANZROC Vic until he handed over to Gerry McPherson. Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield and Kevin Kelly represented ANZROC at the funeral service in Bunyip.
Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Jack and Don and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.
Backholer A.O.(Arthur) 90 years 5/6/2010
Arthur enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in December 1940 and on discharge in January 1946 was Sergeant at 1 Personnel Depot. Arthur was a strong supporter of ANZROC Vic and served as Honorary Auditor for some years.
ANZers present at the funeral service included Harry Carrodus, Frank Donovan, Bob Kirkland, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Brian Murdoch, Bruce Tickell and Dick Sanders.
Carter I.M. (Ian) 89 years 29/5/2010
Ian enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1942 and on discharge in January 1946 was Lieutenant 63 Australian Infantry Battalion.
Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Arthur and Ian and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.
We were also advised during the month of the death of Chris Fieggen's wife Dinie and our condolences are extended to Chris and his family. At our meeting the passing of Sam Lacey who would be known to many members was mentioned and our sympathies are extended to the Lacey family.
Laird Ms. Lesley28/6/2010
Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Lesley and our sympathies are extended to family and friends. Lesley until recently had been a strong supporter of the ANZROC luncheons over many years.
Cochrane A.K.C.(Keith) 90 years 19/7/2010
Keith enlisted in the Australian Army in November 1941 and when discharged in March 1943 was Lance Corporal HQ R A E but he immediately re-enlisted but this time in the RAAF and on discharge in March 1946 was as Warrant Officer in the 99th Squadron
Langmead Harold D. 86 years 18/7/2010
Porter Kenneth R (Ken) 88 years 24/7/2010
Ken served in the New Zealand Army as a Field Gunner in an Artillery Regiment which fought alongside the British Army in Egypt and Italy where he was wounded in action. At the end of WW11 he had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. On his return to New Zealand he rejoined the Army Reserve where he spent many years training recruits and reservists and where he reached the rank of Major. Ken was awarded the Cavaliere Ufficiale by the Italian Government which is the equivalent of an Italian Knighthood. Ken retired from ANZ as State Manager Victoria after several years as General Manager New Zealand and he also wrote the book “The Mortgage Debenture” an overall view of the mortgage debenture incorporating the floating charge which became a text book to be widely used by bankers and students in universities in six countries.
Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Keith, Harold and Ken and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.