ANZ Retired Officers' Club (VIC)

ANZROC Banking stories featuring Louis Hebrard

This is the first of our ANZROC Banking Stories recorded on October 31 with Guest Speaker Louis Hebrard


Click here to access the recording

Interview with Major Brendan Nottle - Salvation Army

Major Brendan Nottle in discussion with Anita Siassios and Ken Crawford regarding how the Salvation Army has been operating under Covid. The session is around 17 minutes.


Interview with Major Brendan Nottle of the Salvation Army

ANZ Bank Wellbeing webcast with CEO Shayne Elliott


You are invited to join Shayne Elliott, ANZ CEO, Kathryn van der Merwe, ANZ Group Executive Talent and Culture and Evelyn Gomo, Clinical Manager with Benestar for a webcast focused on how to maintain your wellbeing during these challenging times.  



Tuesday, 29 September, 11:00am AEST   Registration link:


Please carefully follow the instructions below for the best experience:

  • Open the webcast registration link below a 10 minutes prior to the webcast.

  • Register for the webcast with your details (Name & Email Address).
  • Stay on the webcast screen and press the “play” button to be able to listen to the webcast
  • Close any other windows open on your computer that are connected to another audio or video source such as YouTube.
  • If you are having consistent issues, try refreshing the page.



  1. This will be an audio only Webcast  there will be a holding slide with audio streaming through- there is no listener interaction.
  2. A recording will be made available on the ANZROC website


Thank you to ANZROC Victoria welfare officers Joan Nathan, Kathy Trace and committee members for their contribution to the webcast planning.

ANZROC Webinar Conversation With former ANZ Group General Counsel - Bob Santamaria

Please click on the link below to watch the Webinar


Webinar with Former ANZ Group General Counsel Bob Santamaria


We were priviliged to host a Webinar with Bob Santamaria which focussed on Bob's legal career . Bob retired from his role as ANZ Group General Council on 30 September 2019, after 12 years with the bank. Prior to joining ANZ, Bob had been a partner at Allens and was with the firm for 24 years.

Bob was Group General Counsel at ANZ at a challenging time and led the Bank's response to the Banking Royal Commission.

Bob was one of the ANZ Group Executives who joined us at the ANZROC Christmas lunches and the Webinar provides some great insights into the way ANZ approached the Royal Commission and it's outcomes. 


Below is an article which was published on  ANZ news on Bob's retirement.




First Video Interview from 2017

Here, we have our first video interview with speakers like Bernadette Lynch, Des Shady, Geri Macgregor, David Valentine, Don Mercer and Eamon Veaney prior to one of our coveted Christmas luncheons.

ANZROC Webinar Conversation With ANZ CIO Gerard Florian


ANZROC committee members joined a webinar with ANZ CIO Gerard Florian to discuss the Purpose and Changes occurring within the ANZ in the 21st century.

Gerard’s focus was on the Changing Role of ANZ Banking in the Community and the support that technology will play in that business strategy.

Points raised in the webinar discussions were:

· Review of cultural and technological changes

· Shift to more agile approach to business

· Dealing with the impact of COVID-19

Protecting the Bank – health of staff, customers safety, and Bank risk/liquidity

Handling working from home by majority of staff

Adapting essential services in house

Upgrading capacity of systems to meet customers banking needs

· Using experience of retired officers who have dealt with previous financial collapses


Members can access the webinar on the following link: 


ANZROC VIC - Webinar Conversation with Gerard Florian - ANZ Bank CIO


Committee members found the webinar to be very topical and the relevance of Retired Officers today with their experience and cultural background was gratifying to hear. We felt that members would find the Q&A discussion stimulating.

Gerard said he would be delighted to present an update at one of our meetings in the future when we are out of this pandemic.



Newsletter November 2018

ANZROC Newsletter November 8th 2018

Ken Crawford Geri Macgregor John Brown 
3 Glenwood Drive 3/580 Warrigal Road PO Box 4056
Croydon 3136 Oakleigh South Burwood East 3151
Ph 0439432280 Ph 0414506478 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)


ANZROC NEWSLETTER 8th November 2018


President Eamon Veaney welcomed 55 members and partners to the 44th Annual General Meeting and paraphrased the Presidents report as a copy was to be posted in the Newsletter, see later. Treasurer Glyn Parry-Jones presented the Financial report for the year.

Newly elected President, Ken Crawford spoke on his appreciation for the trust by the committee and members on his office as President and a brief agenda for coming period. New committee member Anita Siassios was introduced to the members.

As part of the formal business it was unanimously passed by members present that Peter Prichard and Eamon Veaney be awarded Life Membership for their contribution towards the Club over many years. Ken Crawford presented Eamon with a certificate of appreciation. Unfortunately, Peter was unable to be present to receive his certificate and this will be presented to him at the February 2019 meeting.

Husband and wife team, Graeme Simsion and Professor Anne Buist were our guest speakers for the day. This was Graeme’s second presentation to us and together they provided further background to the writing of their novels and their walk of the Comino Walk (twice!) in France. From the questions to them, Graeme commented that similar to other talks given, the majority of enquiry was regarding the Comino walk. Members had the opportunity to purchase books ready for the Christmas period from Jaye  Chin-Dusting owner of the Mary Martin Book Shop.

Members remembered as a mark of respect the passing of two members, Fred Hornsby (22 Oct) and Frank O’Brien (23 Oct).

Members not seen for a while included Sue Brown (first time), Bryden Davis, Leigh Davis, Ray Gill, Neil Gladstone, Theo and Margaret Hall, Frank Hatfield with wife Joan, Louis Hebrard, Graham James, Graeme King with wife Sandra, Trevor King, Rod Macauley and new committee member Anita Siassios,

Our next meeting is our great annual Christmas lunch at the Victorian Arts Centre on Thursday 13 December. As previously advised, we have 320 attending and a wait list, as it is a popular event. Attendance is for financial members, so ensure your subscriptions are up to date.

Following our Christmas function our first meeting for 2019 will be held at 100 Queen St – on 14 February.

The guest speaker that day will be John Russo, an Ex AFL Umpire, Tribunal member and current Solicitor specialising in Property law, Will-Probate law. I am looking forward to this talk.

Another for the golfers amongst us – the next golf day is scheduled for 21 March so please add that date into your 2019 calendar.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney and John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Bruce Avent, Will Bailey, Sandra Brown, Diane Carew, Robin Cates. Harry Carrodus, Bill Collins, George Cooper, John Crough, Mike Devlin, Eric Dickson, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell , Reny Frighetto, Norris Gale, Mike George, David Gibb, Teresa Goldsbrough, Val Goldsworthy, Neville Greenway, Chares Griss, Roy Harper, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Wayne Hulbert, Carol Jukes ,David Knuckey, Elina Law, Ken Lee, Jaqualine Luckman, Rodney Manser, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Mary Nicolazzo, Terry Parks, Ken Pattison, Alan Pearce, Cheryl and Neville Pearson, Ron Phillips ,Peter and Maree Pritchard, Graeme Randall ,Dietmar Reichert, Bill Robinson, John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, Sue Willis.


Carlisle Kathleen (Kay) 36 years ANZ

Carr Ronnald (Ron) 46 years ANZ

Delaney Brian 47 years ANZ

Fleming Jeanette 40 years ANZ

Jaworski Janusz 30 years ANZ

Lambert Peter 34 years ANZ

Merkus R.W. (Ray) 31 years ANZ

Philp Owen 43 years ANZ

Prentice R.A. (Bob) 23 years ANZ

Pritchard Neil 33 years ANZ

Rashleigh A (Mandy) 24 years ANZ

Salt Kevin 43 years ANZ

Stapleton John 38 years ANZ

Spencer Dr, J. E. (Jo) 10 years ANZ

Wong Tai M.M.(Madeleine) 31 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing our new members at one of our forthcoming meetings


Hornsby F.C. (Fred) 87 years 22/10/2018

O’Brien F.W. (Frank) 79 years 23/10/2018

A large group of family and friends attended Frank O'Brien's memorial service on 29 October.

ANZROC (Vic) member and close friend, Graham Holt kept the gathering amused with many anecdotes from Frank's banking, sporting and recreational activities. Other ANZROC (Vic) members/friends in attendance were brother-in-law John Penhale, John Bloom, Roy Peake, Geoff Ridgway, Gary Stanway, Jim Lee, John Brown and John Pitts.

Graham Holt advised that he and Frank joined the ANZ at the same time and met at the annual induction course for new entrants in 1954 and they had been friends ever since. Frank and Graham played football for the ANZ.

Ken Parry emailed “. Frank was one of nature's gentleman who I had the pleasure of working with at Burwood Branch in the 70's. A big man with an even bigger heart Condolences to Di and the family. RIP Frank “


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during NOVEMBER and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Frank Attard (83), Annette Baldwin , Dick

Barry (81), Bob Challis (81), Graeme Croxford (81), Theo Hall (87), Frank Hatfield (87), Keith Higgs

(84), Robert Jeffs (80), John Mangan (88), Gerry McPherson (94), John Osborne (81), Geoff Perdriau

(82), Jim Potter (88), Arthur Vale (88), Neil Warne (82), Ronald Williams (81).


From 1/11/2018

Less than $20,000 1.18%

Greater than $20,000 1.52%


Russ Appleton emailed “I will not be coming to the Christmas Luncheon. It has been a bit of tough year having had a few bouts of asthma which has been a problem for me over the years even though I never smoked. Please pass my apologies to Kathy for not responding for the receipt of my birthday card. I do look forward to the newsletters and am grateful for the names being placed on photos.”

David Begg writing from Highton “Thank you again for my birthday card which arrived well on time. I had a good birthday with family and I really appreciated getting the good wishes of all at ANZROC. Pass my thanks on to our President and to Kathy Trace who does a great job.”

Kerry Dodds writing from Warrenheip “Please again thank Kathy for the birthday greetings. I imagine that there are 2 or so a day average, 7 days a week. I hope Kathy has some “relieving staff” to call on. I am still working the odd Caravan show with (Big) Ray Watson. At each show we reminisce about the old 927 Sturt Street (Ballarat) days where Ray was the founding member of Friday nights “Cowrie Club”. Attendance was arranged each Friday afternoon by placing your order of Crown Lagers, cheese and biscuits. Much frivolity followed. While the three “life” members were Ray, Graeme Daws and me other attendees included Cheryl Taberner, Ian Halbich, (Little) Ray Watson and Anita Salmon. The good old days. Of course, life goes on and the new “Head Office” of the club is Getaway Caravans in Geelong. Should you drive down the Bellarine Highway at the meeting time you are welcome to join in the frivolity.”

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Have been really challenged to attend an ANZROC get together this year! Four weeks ago, returned from 220km Coast to Coast, UK walk, and today returned from 50 km Surf Coast Walk this past week. On the day of this ANZROC function leave for 100km Great Ocean Walk. Please register my apology, appears very interesting speakers and best wishes for a great afternoon.”

Bob Grant emailed “We have had a busy year. Firstly, we sold our Town House in Nelson Bay in April and after spending 3 months with our daughter waiting for our new home to be built, we moved into a new Over 55 Community Village in Anna Bay on the 25th June. It is only 10 minutes from where we used to live. The Nelson Bay property was 2 storeys, and this was becoming a problem.

We are very happy in our new community and have already made new friends.

I didn’t seek re-election as Treasurer of All Saints Anglican Church in Nelson Bay, a position I had held for the past 7 years. It was becoming an onerous task and I was able to find a younger enthusiastic banker to take my place. I am still Treasurer of the Port Stephens Woodworkers Club and remain as Editor of their monthly magazine, both of which keep me fully occupied.

I have had some problems with my feet (again) which necessitated some special treatment in Newcastle, but all is now well and hopefully no further problems up the track.

Otherwise we are both well and looking forward to our new experience in Anna Bay.”

Jack Grant emailed ““I was surprised when my ANZROC Birthday Card did not arrived as expected in October and then realised that I had not informed the powers that be of my change of address since last year. Sorry about that Kathy. As reported last year, we have moved into a Lifestyle Village at Berwick Waters in Clyde North and are very happy here. There are plenty of activities to choose from and I have been involved playing outdoor bowls, both within our Village and against other Villages in the area. I have also been involved playing the piano and accompanying some singing groups and comedy routines. I am still having foot problems, but they are largely under control and as long as I wear a special boot, I can do anything I normally would or could. Robyn had a replacement hip operation early October and is doing very well. Otherwise, we are both OK.

I am still the treasurer of a local Probus Club but will be handing it over in February next year as I have been doing it for 4 years. I have recently become Secretary of the Homeowner’s Committee at our Lifestyle Village and we try and resolve any issues from homeowners that otherwise haven’t been resolved to their satisfaction by the Community Managers. I am also involved with leading the choir at our local Anglican Church, on special occasions, which is very satisfying and appreciated by all. We are still very much involved, spending time with and helping our daughter-in-law and our 3 granddaughters in various things throughout the year. Since the loss of our son David, life has been very difficult for them and we are grateful that we live only 4 minutes away.

I look forward to catching up with fellow retired officers at the forthcoming Christmas Luncheon in December.”

Frank Hatfield emailed “Thanks to Kathy and the committee for the birthday card on the occasion of my 87th...This year has presented my wife and me with several health issues which, fortunately, now seem to be clearing. We recently had a short holiday at the Club Mulwala Resort which was most enjoyable. I’m looking forward to both the ES&A reunion and the ANZROC luncheons and meeting up with old friends.”

Lindsay Iliff “just a short note of appreciation and thanks to Kathy and the Committee for their card and kind birthday greetings for my birthday in October.”

Elaine Jones writing from Wodonga said “Thanks for the card for Alan’s birthdays. We are both very well and enjoying travelling around Australia (almost always in the winter months). I enjoy reading and hearing from some of the staff we met over the years.”

Ken Lee emailed “Returned home from Queensland and found my Birthday card waiting. Please convey my thanks to Kathy and your committee. Since then I have been constantly out of action following the finding of a blood clot that I did not want.

Located in the calf of my left leg the doctors said there was no time for it to be dissolved, it had to come out and that is what happened over the next 6 hours under surgery, had to be as the alternatives were not acceptable. A couple of complications followed and now, 6 weeks later, I hope to be cleared on Wednesday to get back into bowls and to be able to drive again.

Never thought in my wildest dreams that I would enter my 90th year but thanks to the Royal Melbourne medical teams I am here to look forward to seeing my eldest granddaughter Sarah graduate as a Doctor of Medicine (pediatrician) in December.

As I am listed for reviews at RMH in the week of the AGM please convey apologies for my non-Attendance with my sincere appreciation for a successful day.”

Ian McRobinson wrote “Kathy, I thank you most sincerely for the good wishes of yourself and the members of ANZROC on the occasion of my birthday. The day was spent quietly with visits and phone calls from family members and friends. With winter now behind us (hopefully) Mel and I are planning to renew acquaintances with parts of our home state that we have not visited for a while. Later this month we will be attending a Primary School Reunion in our “home” town of Maryborough. The school grounds have been sold off for residential development with many houses having already been built, but the main school building remains intact and is the communal centre for the new residential community. The occasion will be quite a “trip down memory lane” and one that we are looking forward to.”

Emilio Moreno emailed “Dear Kathy, thanks to you and the committee for your kind birthday wishes, very much appreciated. Look forward to catching up at our Christmas lunch”

Alan Ryan writing from Warragul said “Thanks Kathy for your birthday card. The card as always arrived on the due date. We now confine our holidays to caravan trips but we still go to see our daughter in America each year. Kind regards to all.”

Maureen Walker widow of the late Bill Walker emailed “Thank you for sending me reports re Bill, family and I were so pleased, he truly was a lovely fellow and had a lot of good bank mates with the same standing. His sons and grandsons play cricket.”

And Will Bailey, Henry Barker, Harry Carrodus, Gordon Christensen, Brian Day, Keith Dimond, Helen Farnell, Barrie Gibson, Ray Gill, Tony Gledhill, Barb Griffen, Charles Griss, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Sue Nicholas, Alan Pearce, Gregory Scollo, Kath Walsh, Ron Wilkinson,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



All paying members, those of us less than 80 years of age, should have received a statement last month. If you’re a paying member and have not received a statement, please contact Glyn Parry-Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 0411 256 322.

Our thanks to the majority of members who have already paid their subscriptions. To avoid the cost and effort to our club in sending out reminders, we would appreciate the remaining members paying their subscriptions as soon as possible.

(Please note, if you have to pay in through a branch, ensure you enter your membership number in the 'Agent Deposit Reference' field and '60' in the TC field and check that the teller enters this information. This will ensure we can match the payment to your account.


Dates for your diaries: all ANZROC meetings are on the second Thursday of the month

14th February: 100 Queen Street Melbourne Guest Speaker John Russo AFL Umpire

14th March: Dava Hotel Mornington

21st March: Golf tournament RACV Torquay

11th April ANZAC Remembrance meeting

9th May Salvation Army Red Shield at William Angliss Centre

13th June: Moonee Valley Racing Club Tabaret

11th July: Mulgrave Club

8th August: ANZ 833 Collins Street.

12th September: Glasshouse Caulfield Racecourse

10th October: Woodend country visit

14th November: Annual General Meeting ANZ 833 Collins Street

12th December: Christmas Lunch at Art Centre





Peter Pritchard and Geri MacGregor have been able to negotiate with the Art Centre to increase the number of seats available to the absolute maximum of 320 this year to try to meet the significantly increased demand for a spot.

Notwithstanding it has still been necessary to set up a waiting list of members and those members on that list will be kept in the loop by Geri MacGregor and if for any reason there are cancellations those on the waiting list will be offered first preference for the seat.

Members will be aware that the Christmas lunch is heavily subsidised by the Bank and ANZROC and attendance is for financial members only. Attendees are asked to ensure that their subscriptions are up to date.

On the day Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Jock McGregor. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.

Again, this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

All enquiries now to Geri Macgregor, 3/580 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh South 3167 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Geri can also be contacted on 0414 506 478.



President: Ken Crawford

Immediate Past President: Eamon Veaney

Senior Vice President: Con La Fauci

Vice President: Noel Beanland

Secretary: Geri MacGregor


Editor/Asst Secretary: Ron Adams

Treasurer: Glyn Parry-Jones

Membership Officer: John Brown

Committee: George Cooper, Carl Garley, Vicky Genius, Dan Kirtley, Joan Nathan, Ken Pattison, Peter Pritchard, Anita Siassios, Kathy Trace.

Auditor: Norris Gale

We welcome Anita Siassios to the committee and thank retiring committee members Wolf

Damschitz and David Knuckey for their valued efforts for ANZROC Vic.


It is my pleasure to present the annual report of ANZROC Victoria.


It was very encouraging to see substantial growth in support for our meetings in 2018. 230 individual members and partners have attended our 9 lunches so far this year with a total attendance number of 568. We have enjoyed hearing from Guest Speakers ex ANZ Banker Terry Earle, Owner of Without Pier Art Gallery and Antony Wilson Ex R.A.N serviceman at our City meetings. Regional meetings at Mornington and Geelong were also well supported as were the Suburban venues at Caulfield and Mulgrave. The Yum Cha lunch in Chinatown was also very popular with 79 in attendance. Although a bit cramped the food and company was very good. We continue to commemorate Anzac Day and support the Salvation Army at our April and May lunches. We tried out the William Angliss cooking school restaurant for the Salvation Army Lunch and intend to go back there again in 2019 after receiving very positive feedback from attendees.


Our monthly newsletter continues to be the main means of communicating with our members. Ron Adams as newsletter editor collates all the letters and anecdotes from members. Anne Wee then creates the reformatted newsletter now with captions on the photos to help members identify colleagues they may not have seen for years. Vicky Genius organises the mail out to our members who are not connected to email. Thanks to Ron, Anne and Vicky for the hard work which goes into the production of the newsletter.

Social Media

In July we published a brochure detailing the history of ANZROC Victoria over the past 65 years. John Brown did a lot of research to produce the colourful document. This was handed out at our Mulgrave meeting and published on-line. Copies will be sent to members who are unable to access the internet. We issued an ANZROC website and privacy policy in February to clarify how we deal with your personal information. We have now reached over 200,000 views of the ANZROC Website over the past 8 years of operation. Over 400 people follow our Facebook page. A short video taken at the 2017 Xmas lunch was published on the ANZ Bank Blue notes site and on the ANZROC Website. This was also posted on the ANZ CEO’s Facebook page to illustrate that the Bank does value the past contribution of our members. We continue to publish a range of articles relating to ANZ which we think will be of interest to our Members. We also post Tributes to our members who have passed away. We encourage all Members and their families to catch up with what we are doing via these Social Media channels. Thanks again to Elina Law, for maintaining our website.

Committee Activities

All Committee Members have worked hard during the year to make our events successful. This involves Secretarial duties, Social and Welfare Committees, Sourcing venues and guest speakers, Organising special lunches such as Williamstown and our golf days. We are able to do most of our communication electronically with the exception of the 200 hardcopy newsletters distributed each month.

Joan Nathan and Kathy Trace provide support to members who have had various issues. Thankfully not that many this year. Kathy sends Birthday cards to all members which are obviously appreciated given the feedback we see in the newsletter. Christmas cards are also sent to our members aged over 90 years.

Ken Crawford continues to insert obituary notices in the Herald Sun as a tribute to our departed members.

Peter Pritchard and Geri Macgregor have worked on arrangements for our Christmas lunch this year with the Arts Centre and sent invitations to the ANZ Executives. As you will know by now the demand for the 2018 Christmas lunch has been exceptional partly due to the strong increase in Membership. We have done our best to increase the available places but have had to resort to a waiting list at a very early stage this year.

We had two successful golf events this year at Torquay, 27 players in April and Cheltenham, 20 players in September. We plan to return to Torquay in March 2019. Pam Hocking and Con La Fauci were the Torquay winners with Barb Weston and John Inglis taking the prizes at Cheltenham. Thanks to Glyn Parry-Jones and Aldo Faella for organising Torquay and Ken Pattison for making the arrangements at Cheltenham.

The MYOB Membership Management System is well bedded in now and has been used during the year for targeted messages to our members. Carl Garley and Glyn Parry-Jones do an excellent job in maintaining the software and the related IT platform.

Further Committee duties were covered by Noel Beanland – Venue selection, Dan Kirtley – Xmas function team, George Cooper, Con La Fauci, Ken Crawford and Geri Macgregor – Events co-ordination.

Wolf Damschitz ex- Secretary and David Knuckey, venue organiser retired from the Committee in 2018 so we thank them for their long and dedicated Service in the working of the Committee over many years. Vicky Genius is stepping down as Secretary having fulfilled the role very effectively over the past 3 years and we are pleased that she will continue on the Committee.

Christmas Lunch

Our 2017 Christmas Luncheon at the Arts Centre was fully booked with 300 members and bank guests enjoying the opportunity to get together. ANZ guests included Shayne Elliott, Graham Hodges, Kathryn van der Merwe and Bob Santamaria. We continue to be indebted to the Bank for their most generous financial support to ANZROC. At our Christmas luncheon Shayne Elliott, responded to the toast to ANZ given by Bernadette Lynch. This year Andrew (Jock) McGregor will propose the toast to the bank. As indicated earlier the 2018 Christmas Luncheon is now fully booked despite increasing capacity to 320 and a waiting list has been created.


We have been successful this year in attracting 39 new members in the year to 30/9. Another 28 new members have joined in October as a result of ANZ restructuring so we are heading towards a membership record of 1000.

Sadly, during the year 23 members passed away.


The club is in good financial position thanks to the good work of our Treasurer Glyn Parry-Jones. Member’s subscriptions and the Bank subsidy allow us to provide the resources to enable the club to function. We thank Norris Gale for undertaking the role of Hon. Auditor.


I have been privileged to be your President for the past 2 years and have got to know many of our members through the various functions held over that time. I thank all committee members for their contribution. I am pleased that Ken Crawford will take on the role for the next 2 years. Ken has committed a lot of time to the Committee over the past few years. On my and your behalf, I invite you to show our appreciation and thanks to the committee, for the achievements and results attained during the past year.

Eamon Veaney


For the year from 1st October 2018 it was approved by members present that the subscriptions be maintained at $20 per year for Metropolitan members and $10 per year for Country and Interstate members. Honorary members do not pay a subscription.


Two members were awarded Life Memberships confirmed by members present at the AGM;

Peter Pritchard – Life Membership

Peter joined ANZROC in November 2008 and the committee in November 2011. He was Secretary for two years, 2013 & 2014 and then progressed to President in the years 2015 & 2016.

During his stewardship as President was instrumental in forging a closer link with the Bank cementing firm contact points of reference for ANZROC. He was also keen to further ensure that regional members were made to feel inclusive by introducing regional meetings.

His stewardship of the organisation for the ANZROC Christmas lunch has ensured that on handover a fully documented process was prepared and has been the main liaison point again this year with the Bank and the Art Centre.

He continues to be an active and effective committee member.

ANZROC has benefited by his presence on the committee.

Eamon Veaney – Life Membership

Eamon joined the ANZROC committee on 11 February 2010 and was the driving force behind the set up the current ANZROC web site. He has also remained the web site manager since commencement to date in a solo capacity.

The web site has proved to be valuable in maintaining contact with members, with the number of “hits” or site visits totally over 200,000 since the site commenced in 2010. In addition, he manages our Facebook page and includes frequent and pertinent postings related to ANZ, e.g. Bluenotes and announcements. Again, this is another valuable communication avenue for ANZROC.

During his stewardship as President he has maintained on outward position to ensure that ANZROC continues to grow but at least maintain membership numbers and that a balance between city and regional meetings, started in Peter Prichard’s Presidency, ensued.

ANZROC has benefited by his presence on the committee.


Ron Adams


Newsletter Editor



newsletter September 2018

ANZROC Newsletter September 13th 2018

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)




We packed out the back room at Jokers with 51 members and partners attending our lunch. It was great to see a lot of attendees from the Bellarine, Surf Coast and Peninsula areas as well as the travellers from Melbourne who came by train and car.

Thanks to Joan Nathan who took all the bookings and organised reserved seats on the train.

The venue handled the meals very well and overall it was a very smooth operation.

It looked like everyone had a good time and enjoyed catching up with colleagues that included members who we hadn't seen for a while Valerie Bishop, John Bloom, Damian Burgess, Brian Crittle, Bill and Judy Davies, Ken and Noni Girvan, Graham Heenan, Clive Hewett, Cheryl and Neville Pearson back after their annual overseas and Queensland trips and Robin Peatfield and family, .

We raised a toast in memory of our Honorary members Jock, Geoff and Bob who passed away over the past month.

We have around 20 players booked in for our golf day at Cheltenham on Sept 21 and hope we get some of the warmer recent spring weather to make the day go off well.

Early bookings for our Xmas Lunch have been strong with 100 already committed.

Our next lunch will be Yum Cha at the Shark Fin Inn 50 Little Bourke Street. We can cater for 70 at the lunch. Hope to see many of you there.




Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.

You will see that the photos in the newsletter now have captions to identify the Members in the pictures. Thanks to Mike Elliott for the helpful suggestion and to Anne Wee for enabling it when reformatting the newsletter. As Mike said it can be hard to put names to faces when you haven't seen them for so many years.


Ron Adams, Bruce Avent, Clive Bayley, John Brown, Diane Carew, Gordon Christensen, Bill Collins , George Cooper, John Crough, Viji Dharann, Eric Dickson, Helen Farnell , Max Fisher, Reny Frighetto, Carl Garley, Vicky Genius, Mike George, David Gibb, Teresa Goldsbrough, Val Goldsworthy (Europe) Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Graeme King , Dan Kirtley, Harry Loucas, Ann Maksymiw, Gary Mason, Geri MacGregor, Jock McGregor, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Glyn Parry-Jones, Ken Pattison, Maree and Peter Pritchard, Dietmar Reichert, David Schunke, Anita Siassios, John Stevens ,Grenville Tonzing, Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Storaci Mena 36 years ANZ

Walklate Jan 14 years ANZ

Woodland Sandra 13 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Mena, Jan and Sandra at one of our forthcoming meetings


BUNTAIN J.C. (Jock) 88 years 11/8/2018

Stella Buntain said that at Jock’s celebration of life at Yarra Valley Country Club she spent time with ANZROC member Wendy Black. Godfrey Mills had visited Jock while he was in the nursing home. Stella said that Jock worked in 394 Collins Street and 55 Collins Street in administrative roles, was Manager Mount Waverley and after retiring returned to ANZ on contract for mainly relieving roles.

Stella and daughter Fiona were reminiscing about Jock’s prowess as a golfer of 30 years at Yarra Valley Country Club where he could be found each week playing on Sunday with friends and meeting for coffees on Mondays.

Dick Sanders emailed “I have known Jock since the 1960’s – he and his family lived in the next street to Joan and me in East Doncaster. A Good man and a good golfer,”

Meggs G. J. (Geoff) 90 years 18/8/2018

Margaret Meggs said that Geoff enjoyed the first half of his career with Esanda and was then transferred into the branch network and at retirement at 55 was Manager Surrey Hills. Geoff and Margaret then travelled overseas extensively enjoying America and Canada, Europe, UK and one trip to Morocco. In recent years travelling was spent appreciating Australia and especially Queensland where they spent a month earlier this year. Geoff was a keen player of lawn bowls.

Geoff was a regular correspondent to the ANZROC newsletter and attended many of the monthly luncheons when he was able.

Stone Bob 84 years 7/9/2018

Barry Reid emailed “Bob and his wife Marie had not been enjoying very good health for some time and prior to being transferred to the Arcare Port Arlington Aged Facility to be nearer to their daughters Leanne and Kim and son Shane, they had previously stayed at the William Angliss Hospital in Upper Ferntree for a period. Bob enjoyed his home life and was a very good family man.

Bob and I enjoyed a long association together, both being transferred to the Banks internal audit division, otherwise known as the Men with the Green Pen, back in 1973 and working together on many occasions, and we later retired together at age 55 in September 1989 and then did a little part time work.

I seem to recall that Bob commenced his Banking career at Yackandandah in country Victoria and mentioning that one of his important duties there was chopping up the kindling and firewood each morning for the fire place in the branch managers office and keep it going during the day.

Bob often shared many of his good jokes some not so good and stories with us all.

Bob was a staunch supporter of the Richmond Football Club and was thrilled when they won last year’s flag and it’s not beyond possibility for another win again this year.

Vale Bob old mate. Barry Reid.”

ANZROC Membership Officer John Brown emailed” Jan and I were very sorry to hear that Bob had passed away as we both worked with Bob at 351 Collins St branch in the early 1960s. In later years Bob was transferred to the Audit staff and conducted audits at many branches. When conducting an audit at a country branch, Bob usually took along a few rabbit traps and often picked up a few bunnies to take home after the audit. The audit staff were a close bunch and I am sure that Barry Reid and others will have a few stories to relate about Bob's time on the audit circuit”.

Our condolences to the friends and families of our late Members Jock, Geoff and Bob.

Denis Grehan advised that one of the original participants in the RRGC group Bob Todd had passed away. While very few if any would be able to guess his name if asked who composed the original team, Bob Todd was one of them. He was Manager Nostro and certainly wasn't one of the "boys" as such, but he was indeed a participant. Bob never joined ANZROC , but the Treasury / FX guys will be interested to hear of his passing.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during SEPTEMBER and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Barbara Bruce, Valda Clarke, George Cooper

(89), Geoff Elliott (90), Bruce Emmett (86), Ian Ewart (87), Peter Giasoumi (80), Jack Helisma (83),

Graham Holt (80), Alan James (92), David Kennedy (94), Dick Milnthorpe (86), Alan Pearce (83), Peter

Russell (82), Ron Smith (90 ), Rupert Thomas (81 ), Peter Treleaven(80), Colin Walton (85).


From 1/9/2018

Less than $20,000 1.19%

Greater than $20,000 1.53%


Peter Bearsley wrote “Thank you Kathy once again for the birthday greetings. What a super job you do sending out all those cards without fail, it’s nice to feel we haven’t just faded into oblivion – yet!”

Gordon Blair emailed “Including the names of former colleagues (dare I say 'old friends') at the bottom of photographs is a great move. A good number of them I have not seen for many a long year and some are now a wee bit hard to recognise without those names”.

Barbara Bruce emailed “Thank you very much Kathy for the birthday card from the Committee and Members of the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club which arrived on the day. I enjoyed a lunch with two friends I have known for many years. The three of us celebrate each other’s birthdays by going out to lunch together. Last month I joined some Probus friends on a 6-day trip. We flew to and from the Gold Coast where we joined our coach for a tour based at Yamba. There were 25 of us on the tour and we all got on well together on our short enjoyable holiday.”

Kerry Dark emailed from Chapel Hill Qsld “Rodney and I thank you Kathy for our birthday greetings received on 'the' day in each case. We continue to enjoy reading news of our former colleagues 'down south'.”

Rick Dickson wrote “I appreciate the work you do Kathy for us old blokes on our birthdays. You are a gem.”

John Fearnley emailed “Thank you to the Committee and Kathy for the birthday greetings received recently.”

Ken Fitzgerald wrote “Thank you Kathy and ANZROC for your greetings and wishes on the occasion of my 90th birthday. In cricket terms I am now in the “nervous nineties”. A new experience! In late July I had a week in hospital after breathlessness and chest pains but after all the tests I only needed blood pressure tablets, but you might recall I had a quadruple bypass in 1990. The week leading up to my birthday was like a roller coaster. On each of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I had black forest cakes with a total of 65 friends at Open House a charity I have now volunteered at for 37 years. On the day of the party (80plus guests} my younger brother was in hospital with severe back spasms, but the party was a magnificent success with friends coming from all facets of my life back to my primary school days. I also had my 8 great grandchildren in attendance and what a great thrill for me to have them there.”

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Please register my apologies for the next meeting. I will be in the UK and then a tour of Ireland.”.

Jeremy Grant emailed “Many thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the card and wishes for my birthday. We had been visiting our children and grandchildren in Sydney and arrived home on the Monday – the day before my birthday - to find the card had arrived and may have even been there on the Friday. Sometimes Australia Post can surprise us! “

John Hawkins emailed “Just to let you know that I will miss the next meeting as I we will be on a 22-day cruise from Shanghai to Sydney on the Majestic Princess (That will be 2 down and 1 to go)”

Louis Hebrard emailed “My thanks to Kathy for the timely birthday card. I am most thankful for another great year in good health. Celebrating on the day with the whole family is a real treat. We leave shortly for a month's holiday to Japan, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Looking forward to it. Kind regards to all my friends at ANZROC.”

June Hoskin wrote “Thank you again for remembering my recent birthday which I enjoyed with a family dinner. Your thoughtfulness in sending the card was very much appreciated particularly the message from Kathy Trace and I wish the ANZROC continued success.”

Wayne Hulbert emailed “Please pass on our thanks to Kathy for both Bernadette’s Birthday Card and my own. We have been away at the Big Red Bash near Birdsville then across East to Nambucca Heads for a VW Car Show and it was great to return home to find my card in the mail.”

Doug Imrie emailed “Apologies for missing Geelong but Trish and I are touring Tasmania”,

Peter Jones emailed “Please pass on to the ANZROC committee my thanks for the birthday card I received for my birthday on 8 August which I celebrated with a family dinner at Clayton RSL. The card was unexpected and capped off a great day.”

Richard Jones emailed “Many thanks Kathy for the birthday card. I have only just joined ANZROC after prompting from Glyn Parry Jones at one of our regular Controllers’ lunches and have been enjoying reading the monthly newsletters with names that I recall. I see from the last newsletter that Ken Mahar referred to the recent death of Lord Carrington. My only contact with Lord Carrington was through the various meetings for the International Advisory Board and I particularly remember meeting him at Tullamarine with one of the Bank’s chauffeurs only to be told that unlike most other Board members he would have been happy to take a taxi. Not sure what Barry Weston of Security would have thought of that.”

Carol Jukes emailed “Thankyou Kathy for my birthday card which arrived on my birthday. I just can’t believe how it is always on time I think you must have a special arrangement with Auspost.

I have already celebrated my birthday with friends on Thursday we went to Nirankar Restaurant in Queen Street and had a delicious Nepalese banquet. Tonight, I am going out with some more of my friends for Thai at Peppercorn Thai in Greensborough.”

Stan Lancaster emailed “Many thanks to Kathy and the committee for the birthday card.

Like most members I enjoy reading the Newsletter to catch up on the whereabouts and activities of old colleagues.”

Cathie Mackiggan wrote “Thank you for sending me a birthday card “right on time”. Another year younger… I wish.”

Rodney Manser emailed “Please pass on to the Committee and Kathy Trace, thank you once again for your birthday wishes received in time as usual”.

Dick Milnthorpe reminiscing from UK “Came across this poem the other day which might awaken memories in the older members.

“ When I remember all the friends, so linked together,

I've seen around me fall like leaves in wintry weather,

I feel like one who treads alone some banquet hall deserted,

whose lights are fled, whose garlands dead,

and all but he departed! (Thomas Moore)”

Reg Nicolson emailed “Please thank Kathy for the birthday card which as usual arrived on the day. Not an easy feat these days with the way postal deliveries vary. It is such a pleasure to receive a card from ANZROC year after year especially when retirement was so long ago.”

Peter O'Dwyer emailed from Yarrawonga “Thanks Ron and Kathy for the Birthday wishes and all your great work. The card for my 86th birthday arrived spot on time. Best wishes.”

Trevor Richards emailed “Will you please pass on my thanks to the ANZ ROC committee, with special thanks to Kathy Trace for my Birthday Card which arrived on time on 2nd August.”

Bruce and Glennis Robertson emailed” Thank you for your birthday wishes which arrived on time as usual. Joint birthday celebrations were held at the Mullumbimby Pub with Jan and John Brown after picking up John from the John Flynn hospital where he had spent a few days following an accident with a three-wheel trike!!!! Will let John fill in the details. Our year has been very quiet with little travel other than to Houston to visit the grandchildren during their end of school year holidays

It was extremely hot and humid fortunately their home is air conditioned and the pool was a welcome respite. We must join with all the others and congratulate the committee on an excellent newsletter which Glennis and I find most interesting catching up with the exploits of old workmates.”

Ron Smith emailed “Thank you Kathy for your card, for my 90th. I hoped to make it a low-key event, but not to be. Very fortunate to have good health, and to be surrounded by 11 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, who give Jean and myself great pleasure and love.”

Mike Watts emailed “I so look forward to reading the newsletter every month. When I eventually retire I will get around to attending a few luncheons. “

Julie Wilkins emailed “Enjoy the Newsletter, but while still doing some work is hard to attend meetings.”

And Carole Bancroft, Kim Charlton, Helen Farnell, George Finnis, Ray Gill, Frank Hatfield, Terry Glover, Phil Goodier, Karen and Martin Hayden, Diane Newton, Ken Parry, Geoff Pritchard, Chris Procter, Bob Schofield, Sandra Street

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



FRIDAY, 21st SEPTEMBER 2018 AT CHELTENHAM GOLF CLUB, VICTOR AVENUE, CHELTENHAM. ENTRIES CLOSED on Thursday 13th September but you may be able to reserve a spot if interested in playing…... just contact Ken Pattison by phone on 0414 679 627 or email! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


During October subscription invoices will be emailed/mailed to members advising the amount due and the preferred methods of payment. Some members are in advance with their subscription payments and they will receive a statement showing the amount that they are in credit. Honorary members (80+ years of age) and Life Members will not receive an invoice.

There is no need to pay your subscription before receiving your invoice. If you are paying your subscription over the counter at an ANZ branch, please ensure you follow the instructions on the invoice to make sure we have a name to apply the payment against.


THURSDAY 13 DECEMBER 2018……BOOK NOW…...100 already booked …...


The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Jock McGregor. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.

The cost to members of the function is $35.00.

Cut-off date for acceptances 30 November 2018

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

* If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate as a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

* If you do not wish to host a table but would like to sit with your colleagues, please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

* If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to: Geri Macgregor, 3/580 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh South 3167 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Geri can also be contacted on 0414 506 478.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Geri Macgregor at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $35.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with…………………. or allocate me to a table. Return this slip with your payment to Geri Macgregor 3/580 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh South 3167 no later than by 30 November 2018


September/October school holidays may still be available for all properties.

The Staff Club holiday homes are located at some of the most popular holiday destinations Australia wide.

Take the family away in September/October school holidays and as a member of the Staff Club, you can book a holiday for any week that’s available and prices are discounted well below any holiday rates on the open market. All properties are fully furnished.

Properties are located at:

Rye Vic

Our Rye property has three bedrooms, sleeping up to 8 people—with Queen sized beds in two bedrooms, and one bedroom containing two bunk beds. It also has two bathrooms, two car spaces, two lounge rooms each with its own TV, kids’ games, a kitchen, dining area, separate laundry and an outside area with a BBQ and tables & chairs. Fully furnished and recently renovated, this is a stunning property

Apollo Bay VIC

Stay, relax and unwind in our 3-bedroom holiday home with a sleeping capacity of 6 which is centrally located and is only a short stroll to all main shops, restaurants and to the beach

Cowes Vic

Our property is well located and is within walking distance to all the daily amenities including restaurants, cafes, shops and the sandy north facing beaches. The accommodation has 3 bedrooms, with a sleeping capacity of 6 and is ideal for families looking for their own private place from which to base themselves and experience what Phillip Island offers

Bateman Bay NSW

Stay in our light and airy well-appointed 2-bedroom unit which can accommodate 5 guests. Enjoy

short level stroll to the central area where you will find a range of restaurants, cafes and clubs.

Lake Entrance VIC

Enjoy your stay in the heart of Lakes Entrance in our two-bedroom accommodation with a sleeping

capacity of up to 5

Encounter Bay SA

Enjoy your stay in our well-presented character 3-bedroom holiday home for a relaxed getaway, with a sleeping capacity of up to 8 guests; it has room for your whole family and more. Only minutes to Victor Harbor and three streets from the beach, chill out, relax and get away from it all

To book your week away and for more details visit the Staff Club website This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Members must log in with their membership number and password on then go to Travel and Transport/Stay


Note the dates in your diaries for the next quarter….



AGM@ Melbourne Room 34th Floor 100 Queen Street. Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Dec 13 Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre


March 21st Torquay Golf competition at RACV Torquay


at SHARK FIN INN, 50 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne…...

for Yum Cha luncheon BUT room only has space for 70 people so book early to reserve seats….

Cost $25.00 per head collected at the door

but BYO drinks including wine, beer, whisky, soft drinks etc.…

Since its establishment in 1980, Shark Fin Group's chain of Chinese Restaurants has earned a reputation for excellence for its delicious Shark's Fin and authentic Chinese food dishes in Melbourne's Historic China Town, due to its cuisine quality, delicious food, reasonable prices and friendly atmosphere.

We have been given the downstairs area at 50 Little Bourke Street from 12 noon for 12.30 lunch. The room will only fit 70 …. if we receive bookings above the limit we will have to set up a waiting list …..

A small table will be set up near the entrance, so we can collect money and hand out name tags. Payment of the exact amount at the entry to speed up the process would be gratefully appreciated – although of course, we can accommodate you with change if necessary.

The restaurant will add 2 pieces of Peking duck per person for the yum cha feast and ANZROC will subsidise part of the cost,

We can bring beer wine soft drinks whisky etc. with no corkage charge. If anyone wants to order drinks there they can pay as they go.

Partners, Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited that day.

Please advise your acceptance by Thursday 4th October 2018 to Joan Nathan, Telephone: 9740 8001, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice as Joan needs to let Shark Fin Inn know the catering requirements…..

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




at SHARK FIN INN, 50 Little Bourke Street Melbourne

TO: Joan Nathan 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

NAME (S)………………………………………………………………………………………


Newsletter August 2018

ANZROC Newsletter August 9th 2018

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)



We had a good turnout of 62 at 100 Queen Street to hear our Guest Speaker Antony Wilson give an informative presentation of his time in the RAN in the late 1960's. Antony joined the Navy as an engineering officer in 1969 and was posted to the ill-fated aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne which had been built in 1943 as HMS Majestic and sold to the Australian Navy in 1955. Full details of the ship can be accessed via this link

Antony mentioned that the ship had been designed and built for Northern Hemisphere Arctic Convoys not the Tropics so was equipped with plenty of steam heating but no aircon making for somewhat uncomfortable living conditions. Antony was on board when the disastrous incident resulting in the sinking of the USS Frank E Evans occurred in 1969 and gave us a firsthand account.

The ship was eventually decommissioned in 1982 and sold for scrap to the Chinese.

HMAS Melbourne (II) | Royal Australian Navy HMAS Melbourne was originally one of six Majestic Class light fleet aircraft carriers ordered for the Royal Navy (RN) during World War II... Laid down for the RN as HMS Majestic on 15 April 1943 and launched in 1945, the ship was nearing completion when construction was virtually brought to a halt with the cessation of wartime hostilities.

Members not seen for some time included Sandra Brown, Jan and Keith Findlay, John Gietman, Margaret and Theo Hall, Graham James, Andrew Kelly, Elina Law, Jack Lepedjian, Kevin O’Neill, Gordon Paulett, Alan Podger and Bruce Sanderson.

Our brochure produced by John Brown detailing the history of ANZROC Victoria was sent to Members who have email addresses last month. The link to the ANZROC history is:

We will send a hard copy to those members without email over the next few weeks.

Details of our forthcoming events including lunch in Geelong on Sept 13 and golf at Cheltenham on Sept 21 are contained in the newsletter so hope to see many of you there.


Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Bruce Avent, John Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins , John Crough, Viji Dharann, Eric Dickson, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell , Max Fisher, Reny Frighetto, Mike George, David Gibb, Teresa Goldsbrough, Val Goldsworthy (Europe), Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert, Harry Loucas, Ann Maksymiw, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Terry Parks, Glyn Parry-Jones, Cheryl Pearson, Neville Pearson, Ron Phillips, Maree Pritchard ,Dietmar Reichert, Anita Siassios, John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Cooper Chris 38 years ANZ

Mirfin Rob 41 years ANZ

Reynolds Gaye 52 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Chris, Rob and Gaye at one of our forthcoming meetings


Martin Zelda Jean 85 years July 2018

Zelda was a regular correspondent to our ANZROC newsletter and her letters were always interesting. She had been resident in a Creswick Nursing Home for the last few years.

Committee member Joan Nathan emailed “It is sad to hear of Zelda's passing, she was most grateful to the help I gave her in recovering her safe custody envelope some time age. A very interesting person to talk to. Her family and friends will really feel her loss, deepest sympathy to all.”

Maree Pritchard emailed about Zelda Martin. "I worked with Zelda in the early 1980's. She was a diligent and industrious worker. She had a great sense of humour and would take on many new challenging projects and technologies. We were both seconded to DP in the rollout of Transaction Banking. I had a great one on one working relationship with Zelda and a fantastic mentor. I had a lot of time and respect for Zelda. She was a great asset to the Personnel and Training Department."

Noticed in the NSW ANZROC newsletter “the "peaceful" passing of Pat Yardley aged 91 of Roseville NSW. Pat was the wife of Theo Yardley (our Honorary member) who passed away on 7th December 2017.

Ken Mahar emailed “Just to say that there’s a very nice obituary of Lord Carrington in the Economist of 21 July. He was the chairman of ANZ when it was domiciled in London and during which time he was also chair of Will Bailey’s International Advisory Committee.”


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during AUGUST and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Henry Barker (89), Lesley Deady, Rick

Dickson (83), Frank Donovan (96), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards (90), Neville Elvish (83),

Barbara Firth, Ken Fitzgerald (90), Denis Gleeson (80), Jeremy Grant (81), Clive Hewett (80), June

Hoskin, Ian Ince (85), Peter Jones (86). Bruce Kells (86), Stan Lancaster (84), Ken Lee (89), Doug Long

(94), Cathie Mackiggan, John Millard (80), Reg Nicolson (87), Peter O’Dwyer (86), John Parkes (82),

Roy Peake (83), Mary Ryan, Mark Stankovich (82), Jack Stewart (83), Tony Watt (89), Bob Wheeler



From 1/8/2018

Less than $20,000 1.23%

Greater than $20,000 1.58%


Ian Anderson wrote “Committee and Kathy Trace thank you once again for your birthday wishes received in time as usual. Another busy year has passed highlighted by a trip to South Australia. Together with 32 other people from our Rowville Village we travelled to Murray Bridge. We the boarded river boat “Proud Mary” which navigated up Murray for 5 days. This spectacular journey was interspersed with many sightseeing trips on coaches which met our boat daily. Fine dining, together with enjoyable company, will give my wife Margaret and I long-lasting memories. On return to Adelaide we then toured Kangaroo Island for 2 days. One can also say this is a definite place to see if you enjoy wilderness and wild life.”

Wendy Black emailed “Today’s luncheon was a very nice occasion. I was sitting with Harry Carrodus, who I have known and worked with over the years. The sandwich luncheon was especially nice and with a glass of wine made it even better. As it was the anniversary today of Eric’s death (6 years) making myself go today and being with very old friends in a familiar setting, helped me a lot.

Thanks again - the committee do a great job and I hope I can get to Geelong. - the train trip will be interesting.”

Helen Bouch emailed “Thank you to Kathy and the committee for the lovely birthday card “

Bob Burgess emailed “I have been remiss in recent years in passing on my thanks to both the Committee and Kathy for the thoughtful gesture that is made by the committee in continuing this tradition of posting the birthday cards, especially in this age of on-line communication. I particularly appreciate Kathy's untiring efforts to have the cards arrive on cue and she should be running Oz Post. Marlene and I are both well and about to head off to warmer climes in FNQ which we did last year and thoroughly enjoyed. It is great to receive news of former colleagues from years past and I pass the newsletter on to other former bankers that are not members and we have a laugh about the old times and mutual associates. Keep up the good work Committee and long may you exist!”

Lorraine Cashin wrote “Kathy, although Ron (our ANZROC Honorary member) is in full time care he is still thrilled to receive your ANZROC card and the newsletter as well. He does like to keep up with his old friends from ANZ days. He enjoyed the celebrations for his 85th birthday, Thank you again and our best wishes to all.”

Colin Craig emailed “Thank you for the birthday card which was appreciated”.

Brian Day emailed “As usual Kathy's timing was excellent, and the card arrived on time, but I was away in Torquay at my daughter’s place for that weekend. To celebrate the family and a couple of friends enjoyed the Directors room at The Lord of the Isles Hotel from 3pm until adjourning to GMHBA Stadium to watch the Geelong Carlton game. Watched until three quarter time and then disappeared to one of the bars and watched on TV. A great night. Thank you kindly for the good wishes.”

Mike Devlin emailed “We have been busy at Ocean Grove without the modern communications, absolute bliss however you quickly lose track of everything. Also, many thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which was waiting on my return.”

John Drummond emailed “Thank you for the Club’s kind birthday wishes and the work done by its welfare officers, particularly Kathy for the effort to send my birthday card which arrived in advance of Sunday. It is nice to receive a card each year and very much appreciated. Also, it is always interesting to catch up with everybody’s news through the Newsletter. Kind regards and best wishes to all”.

Frank Edwards emailed “Kathy did it again yesterday – right on the button, thanks.

I guess ninety is a family special milestone in one’s life. It’s good to have made it and it will be even better to make the ton. As I told my younger brother in the UK, I feel a bit like a twenty-year-old in a ninety-year-old carcass wondering what the heck happened.

The family ignored our plea for no party and secretly arranged what turned out to be a dinner gathering for fourteen of us last Saturday night, with family members arriving from all parts of the country. It was a great occasion and the highlight of a fairly chaotic weekend from which Mave and I will recover eventually.

Best wishes to my former colleagues who are still around. I look forward to catching up with you at the Christmas lunch.

Phil Goodier emailed “Acknowledging the ANZROC birthday card which arrived, as usual, right on time! Thank you, Kathy. The years seem to be flying with the last no exception. As usual, Gail and I have been busy with a trip last spring with Ian and Christine Davies leaving Amsterdam for The Shetland Islands, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland via Prince Christian Sound back to Iceland over to the Orkney Islands, Edinburgh Scotland then back to Amsterdam for few days. Fantastic! Missed out on the annual fishing trip to Shark Bay WA with Peter Bramwell, Bob Parsons & Karl Mizens but caught up again with these three again this year. Fishing not so good but crabbing at Monkey Mia very good. Malaysia again and trips to South Australia then back for Bowls and Fishing during summer. Somehow in between we enjoy the pleasure of three grandchildren. In a couple of weeks, we are off to Malaysia again including some R & R in Langkawi for a few days. What’s life without the kids ??”

Lawton Graham wrote “Many thanks Kathy for the kind sentiments conveyed on behalf of colleagues in ANZROC on the occasion of my birthday. The thoughts are much appreciated.”

Geoff Harkin emailed “Can you please pass on my gratitude to Kathy for my birthday card received last week. Just an update from my last contact 2 years ago, when I advised I was back working for ANZ and had an 8-week role in Bangalore training the Residential valuations management team.

With Mortgages recent restructure I took voluntary redundancy and have “retired” for the 2nd time, completing just over 40 years’ service.”

Committee member David Knuckey passed on his thanks for the birthday wishes. David was looking forward to his planned railway journey from Melbourne to Perth on the Indian Pacific. David has spent many years as a volunteer on “Puffing Billy” Australia's premier preserved steam railway that meanders through the magnificent Dandenong Ranges.

Joe Maggiore emailed “please pass on to the committee and members and to Kathy for the timely receipt of my birthday card which is greatly appreciated. My life currently revolves around holidaying and working part time in an environment which I enjoy. The monthly luncheons which I go to on a regular basis, allows me to catch up with my current and past friends. Thank you to all concerned. Long live the ANZROC.”

Life Member Gary Mason emailed “I am delighted to advise everyone that Verona (Velt) accepted my proposal of marriage. Verona is a member of Euroa Rotary, where we first met last November. She is a volunteer at Euroa Health (Hospital and Aged Care/day Centre) as well as being involved on other community activities; a lovely lady. We have not made any further plans at this stage......however.... watch this space. An incredibly happy development.”

Serge McIntyre emailed “Many thanks to Kathy and the committee for the good wishes on my 81st birthday. It arrived more quickly than I thought. Happy birthday to you Kathy.”

Godfrey Mills emailed “Thank you for the card. The ancient carcass seems to be holding up reasonably well and, the eternal optimist, I just renewed my passport for 5 years. Next major event is a Diamond Wedding Anniversary which Nancy and I hope to celebrate in mid-October. Regards to all.”

Coralie O’Donahoo wrote “Thank you Kathy for my birthday card which arrived on the day.”

Peter Omond emailed “Would you please pass on my thanks to the President, Kathy and ANZROC committee for the Birthday card and wishes I received for my Birthday in early July.”

Bernie O’Reilly emailed “Please be kind enough to add my name to the many compliments/bouquets Kathy receives for her dedicated effort. No trips to warmer sunny parts this winter as the” GLW” has needed hip surgery but upside has been that I have enjoyed being able to attend 2 recent ANZROC meetings.”

Tom Portelli wrote “Would you please convey my thanks to Kathy and the Committee for the card and good wishes expressed on the occasion of my recent birthday”

Barry Reid emailed “I would like to thank the Anzroc committee together with special thanks to Kathy Trace for my Birthday card again this year. Always very much appreciated and also enjoy reading the newsletter each month of fellow members activities during the year. Shirl and I are settling into our new surroundings in Shepparton very well.”

Reg Roberts emailed “A very big thank you to Kathy for the 90th birthday greetings for 18th June. Had a great day with about 180 friends present at the party, with friends from my various interest groups.... church, U3A, model railways, bank friends and family. A few of us, old banking friends, still meet on the first Thursday of the month for lunch and a drink or two. we have been doing this now for over 25 years, and still going! Thank you again.”

Joseph Romano emailed “Received my birthday card in the mail on the day of my birthday. How does this happen given the delays we have in the post today? Many thanks to all especially Kathy.”

Bob Schofield emailed from Shailer Park, Brisbane “I’d like to join the throngs of people who thank Kathy Trace for the care and attention she devotes to ensuring the timely delivery of so many birthday cards on behalf of the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club (Vic). 2018 was the first year this century I’ve spent my birthday in Australia and I was really looking forward to experiencing Kathy’s renowned efficiency, first-hand. With all best wishes (especially to Kathy)”

Mark Stankovich emailed “Many thanks for the ANZ ROC (VIC) best wishes for my birthday.

My compliments and thanks to Kathy Trace for her terrific efforts to ensure the cards arrive right on time. A difficult task with present mail deliveries. The past year has been a bit quieter but very enjoyable. I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to celebrate my birthday at a dinner with my family and latest new member great granddaughter Aida. Aida is now seven months old.

With all the very best wishes and kindest regards.”

Keith Taylor wrote “Many thanks for passing on birthday wishes from Committee and Members for the “big one”. It is a terrific effort for production of the newsletter and I am sure it’s very much appreciated. It seems to get larger and larger.”

Norman Wood emailed “Please convey my sincere thanks to Kathy Trace for the always welcome card which I received so promptly and reliably on my recent birthday. Best wishes also to the other officers and members of the Committee, whose efforts on behalf of the rest of the membership are, I am sure, appreciated by all and especially by those who, like myself, are no longer able to attend functions but still like to hear how their former colleagues are doing.”

And Graeme Croxford, Jim Dowling, Bob Edgar, John Evans, Denis Gleeson,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



FRIDAY, 21st SEPTEMBER 2018 AT CHELTENHAM GOLF CLUB, VICTOR AVENUE, CHELTENHAM. Following on from our earlier enjoyable visits to Cheltenham, the next ANZROC Golf Day is to be held at Cheltenham Golf Club, Victor Avenue, Cheltenham on Friday, 21st September 2018, teeing off at 8.30am. This is a Men’s & Ladies Stableford Competition for ANZROC members and their partners.

Cheltenham Golf Club is just 30 minutes from the Melbourne CBD, on the sand belt region, with delightful fairways and challenging greens. It’s a 9-hole course with 16 different tees. Visit for details on course layout, dress regulations, directions etc. A delicious lunch is included and will typically be a choice of Beer Battered Flathead Fillets, Beef and Burgundy Pie, Chicken Parma, Rump Steak, Baked Seafood Crepe or Whole Flounder. Players without a current Golf Australia handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day.

Bookings are now open. Get your entries in early to avoid missing out! Ex-ANZers who aren’t (yet) members of ANZROC are also welcome.

ENTRY FEE - $55 per person for 18 holes (members of Cheltenham Golf Club $25) or $40 for 9 holes. This covers Green Fees, prizes and lunch. Drinks will be available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $20 per person. Electric Golf Cart - $35 for 18 holes, $25 for 9 holes, payable at the Pro Shop on the day. Bookings via Ken Pattison would be an advantage so carts can be prepared. HIT-OFF will be from 8.30am on a number of tees close to the car park and Clubhouse. Those playing 18 holes should arrive no later than 8am to get their card & draw. Those playing 9 holes should arrive no later than 10am. ENTRIES CLOSE on Thursday 13th September (unless places are filled earlier) so that numbers can be finalised with the Club. EMAIL the ENTRY DETAILS (below) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Ken Pattison, PO Box 2910, CHELTENHAM, 3192 Make electronic payment direct to: to ANZROC, BSB 013-350, Account No 3064 51947 - ensuring your name is included in the payment information – Or Mail a cheque payable to ANZROC with your ENTRY DETAILS ENQUIRIES to Ken Pattison on 0414 679 627. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. __________________________________________________________________________________

ENTRY DETAILS (by email or mail with direct credit or cheque)

Your Contact details:


Players -

Name…………………………………9 or 18 holes……………Hcp………. $...........

Name…………………………………9 or 18 holes……………Hcp………. $………..

Meal only (non-playing partners) ............ @ $20 $……….

Total $__________

Paid by : Cheque or Direct Credit




The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Jock McGregor. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.

The cost to members of the function is $35.00.

Cut-off date for acceptances 30 November 2018

Again, this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

* If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate as a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

* If you do not wish to host a table but would like to sit with your colleagues, please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

* If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to: Geri Macgregor, 3/580 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh South 3167 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Geri can also be contacted on 0414 506 478.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Geri Macgregor at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $35.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with…………………. or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip with your payment to Geri Macgregor 3/580 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh South 3167 no later than by 30 November 2018



Note the dates in your diaries for the year ahead….


Sep 21st Golf tournament at Cheltenham Golf Course

Oct 11Yum Cha” at Shark Fin Inn in Chinatown

Nov 8 AGM@833Collins Street Melbourne. Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Dec 13 Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre


March 21st Torquay Golf competition at RACV Torquay

NEXT MEETING THURSDAY September 13th, 2018

We will be visiting Geelong on 13th SEPTEMBER 2018 for this meeting at


If you’re looking for a Geelong bistro with something to please everyone – you can’t go past Jokers on Ryrie for great taste and greater value.

Our pub dinners and lunches are designed to tickle everyone’s taste buds, with special pub meals available for those with dietary requirements.

Bistro dining should be simple and delicious. Our pub lunch and dinner menus combine traditional fare with a selection of modern cuisines, with prices to suit all budgets.

From classic favourites like the trusty chicken parma, risotto, seafood and pasta, Jokers on Ryrie makes eating easy and fun!

And no bistro dining experience is complete without the ideal drink – you’ll find a thoughtful selection of drinks to suit any palate at our Geelong bistro.


TO GEELONG: best at 10.30am arriving at Geelong 11.28am (runs every 20 minutes)

FROM GEELONG: choose from 14.29pm then every 20 minutes…...

Trip around 1 hour to Southern Cross Station

As trains now travel on to other stations past the Geelong station the train only stops for 2 minutes at the station, so it will be a quick changeover.

On arrival at Geelong come out to Gordon Avenue, then a short distance to join Fenwick Street which runs into Ryrie Street and a stroll down to Jokers 211 Ryrie Street …...

Partners, Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited that day.

Please advise your acceptance by Thursday 6th September 2018 to Joan Nathan, Telephone: 9740 8001, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice as Joan need to keep Vic Rail advised of numbers travelling…..


ANZROC LUNCHEON THURSDAY 13th September FROM 11.30AM at Jokers on Ryrie ,211 Ryrie Street, Geelong

TO: Joan Nathan 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

NAME (S):………………………………………………………………………………………


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.


Newsletter July 2018

ANZROC Newsletter July 12th 2018

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)







President Eamon Veaney welcomed 70 members and partners to Mulgrave Country Club including a number of the Zedders who meet there on a regular basis..

We had a Private room on the first floor and were treated to a great value 2 course lunch well organized by Noel Beanland and David Knuckey. Thanks also to Joan Nathan, Ken Crawford and Geri Macgregor for doing the administration work for the lunch.

This was a special event to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the formation of ANZROC Victoria.

John Brown has put together an excellent brochure detailing the background and history of ANZROC (Vic) from 1953-2018. Copies were distributed to the Members present and a copy has been placed on the ANZROC Website and Facebook page.

John outlined the creation of what is now ANZROC (Vic) through the various mergers and Acquisitions of the ANZ Group.  Bank of Australasia, Union Bank of Australia in 1951, English Scottish and Australian Bank 1970, Bank of Adelaide 1980 and National Mutual Royal Bank in 1990.

The close linkage to the ANZ Staff Social Club was also explained.

The original Constitution defined the objects of the club which largely remain in place today.

-          To foster fellowship and harmony amongst members

-          To contribute to the welfare and benefit of Retired Officers

-          To maintain a definite link with the bank

A link to the brochure on our website below

We stood to remember our Respected Honorary Member Alistair Abernethy who passed away earlier this month.

On a more positive note we were able to celebrate the recent milestone birthday of Kathy Trace with a black forest cake. Kathy does an enormous amount for the Club in making sure birthday cards are delivered to our members on time and it was good to be able to acknowledge this at the lunch and welcome Kathy to the Honorary membership group.

We are pleased that Andrew (Jock) McGregor has agreed to do the Toast to the bank at our Christmas lunch this year. Jock worked in Retail, Corporate, Institutional and finally in China with International so will have some interesting stories to tell.

Our next meeting will be back at ANZ 100 Queen Street on August 9 with Guest Speaker Antony Wilson who will talk about his time on the ill-fated aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne. Hope to see many of you there.

Members not seen for some time included Carole Bancroft, Pat and John Bloom, Lawrence Cox, Graeme Findlay, Alex Fowler, John Goodwin, Hedley ham, Gary Horkings, Colin McNamara, Heather McNutt, Bernie O’Reilly,   John Pape, Max Pleydell, John Quirk, Ian Roberts, Bill and Joan Robinson, Dick Sanders, Geoff Stillman, Mike Nickell, Doug Westcott and Brian Wills and having our partners present made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney and John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.



Ron Adams, Bruce Avent, Will Bailey,  Sandra Brown, Diane Carew, Robin Chase,  Bill Collins , George Cooper,  John Crough, Leigh Davis,  Viji Dharann, Eric Dickson, Phil Dunstan,  Helen Farnell , Max Fisher, Reny Frighetto,   Mike George, David Gibb, Neil Gladstone, Teresa Goldsbrough ,Neville Greenway,  Theo Hall,   Elaine Haw,  John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert, Doug Imrie,  Graham James,  Trevor King  ,Dan Kirtley,  Nunzio Liberatore , Ann Maksymiw, Rodney Manser, Gary Mason ,Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks,   Ron Phillips , Peter Pritchard, Dietmar Reichert, Anita Siassios ,Mike Smith,  John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro,  Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins.



Warren                                                                Judith                                   21 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Judith at one of our forthcoming meetings



Abernethy                                          A.J. (Alistair)                      84 years               4/7/2018

Alistair was a regular contributor to our newsletter until a few years ago. Alistair passed away after a short illness with family present. Alistair had spent some time in Audit prior to his retirement and would have been known by many members.

On behalf of ANZROC members I have expressed our condolences to Alistair’s family and friends.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JULY and we pass on

 Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Ron Cashin (85), Kevin Coleman (82), Eric Dickson (87), Chris Feiggen (87), Graham Lawton (89), Don Hoffmann (84), Fred Hornsby (87), Serge McIntyre (81), Godfrey Mills (83), Tad Misiewicz (80), Trevor Mudgway (82), Coralie O’Donahoo, Kevin O’Neill (81), Alan Panther (84), Barry Reid (84), Bernie Sowersby (88), Bob Stone (84), Keith Taylor (90), Kathy Trace, Frank Wells (91), Norm Wood (92), John York (87).


                From 1/7/2018                                                                                                                                 

                Less       than $20,000                                      1.27%                                                   

                Greater than $20,000                                     1.63%   


Les Ager emailed “Would you please convey my thanks to the President and Committee, particularly to Kathy, for the birthday wishes to celebrate my birthday on the 15th June. “

Anne Blashki wrote from Shepparton “A note of thanks to the President and Committee members for the card and wishes sent for my birthday last month. Well done to Kathy Trace for her excellent work in sending out these special greetings to all members- a mammoth task”.

Tom Bramwell emailed “Many thanks to Kathy Trace for another birthday greetings card on behalf of the President and Committee. Like the twenty three preceding it since my retirement, it arrived on the very day.  I look forward to the monthly Newsletter. The appearance from time to time of the names of Wendy Black and Gerry McPherson jog my memory of very happy times of my service in the ten years from 1964 in the old Vic Admin; firstly in the original 351 Collins Street building, then at temporary premises in the old Mutual Stores building in Flinders Street, back to 351 on completion of Stock Exchange House and then to Royal Bank Branch after the merger. So many other fond memories are triggered of acquaintances from those times (Val Goldsworthy is another who featured recently) and of the many others whose paths and mine crossed over the years.”

Terry Brennan emailed “Kathy thank you very much for the birthday greetings received from ANZROC.”.

Luigi Bucello writing from Dalmore said “Please thank Kathy for my birthday card which as usual arrived on time. Things on the farm are very hectic getting ready for another asparagus season. Mother Nature and shortage of labour are against us adding to the pressure. Regards to President Eamon and the committee and keep up the good work.”

Aldo Calvo emailed “A belated thank you to Kathy and the committee for the birthday card.

Just returned from an eight week overseas holiday and celebrated my 65th Birthday in Maranello, the home of Ferrari where we attended the Ferrari Museum. After attending the museum, I received a wonderful surprise when it was revealed that it had been arranged for me to drive a Ferrari. What an exhilarating experience it turned out to be.  This was later followed by a more sedate affair with a family dinner at a nearby restaurant. Now beginning to get over the jet lag and catching up on all that needs doing after a long holiday.”

 John Crough emailed “Apology for Mulgrave as Denise and I are currently in Broome enjoying the warmer weather.”

Graham Dickson emailed “Thank you Kathy for the card on the occasion of my 80th birthday. It was celebrated at Warrnambool with my family and relatives.”

Aldo Faella emailed “Thank you very much Kathy for sending me the birthday card which I received with great pleasure. I was overseas at the time and when we got back from Europe the card was there waiting for me. We had a great overseas trip which included London, Athens, Paris, Santorini, Crete, Sicily, Isle of Capri, Benevento near Naples, Milan and finally 8 days in Bellagio on Lake Como where we were to celebrate my birthday. Overall a great overseas trip and it’s always nice to get back home to this lovely Melbourne weather.”

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Thank you Kathy and the ANZROC committee for the birthday card and wishes recently received for my birthday, mid June, very much appreciated. Celebrated with friends in Kirra Beach, Qsld”.

Terry Heenan emailed “Many thanks to Kathy for the birthday greetings on the occasion of my 80th birthday. I had a wonderful day, with celebrations in the Golf Club house at Bellarine Lakes Country Club Moolap, where Mary and I reside. It was a most enjoyable day spent with family and friends.

I enjoy reading the newsletter and catching up with all the news from retired members.”

Doug Imrie emailed “please accept my apology for the anniversary dinner as I am in Cairns”

Graham Joseph emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy and The Committee for reminding me of my 79th.Fortunately I am still keeping fit and well apart from bad Macular Degeneration in one eye necessitating quarterly needles into the eye for rest of my days. Still playing bowls, not quite as serious as before, and still travelling regularly while I am able. Have trips to Queensland and a Cruise coming up. Attended a 90th birthday bash for an Ex-ANZ mate of mine, Reg Roberts, recently and it was good to see him and some other colleagues looking so fit. We have regular monthly luncheons which are great. I really enjoy reading your monthly Newsletters -- well done and keep up the good work.”

Ray Murphy emailed “Many thanks for the Birthday greetings. Another year on and enjoying good health for my age it must be my cooking (I had a good tutor in my late wife Glenyce)

Sadly with ageing we lose work mates along the way but I still enjoy the monthly news 

letters, and contribute from time to time when a familiar name pops up. Retiring to Anglesea

was a good choice making new friends and involvement in local activities one is never lonely.

Experience gained through 7 Branch Managements over a period of 18 years has been a great

help. Special thanks to Kathy for monitoring and dispatch of the special cards.”

Barry Reid emailed “Shirley and I have made the move to country Shepparton finally from Armstrong Creek. Shirl has two younger brothers here together with a number of old friends from the years when her family moved from Woodend when she was an eight year old until moving to Brighton in the early seventies. I have always enjoyed my stays in Shepparton over the years with relatives and friends together with a number of audit visits in and around Shepparton. The fruit orchards here seem to be flourishing again. We have purchased a very nice home in an over 50‘s village, we qualified fairly easy on the age side of things. Our new phone number is 58 311 725 and our email address which has been changed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we would welcome calls or visits from any of our old friends at anytime”

Barry Rogers emailed “Thanks to Kathy and all for your good wishes on my 80th birthday on 17th May. The card arrived while Jill and I were overseas; hence the delay in acknowledging as we only arrived back a week ago and are still catching up. Our holiday consisted of a Scenic cruise down the Seine from Paris to Honfleur and back, the highlights of which were the battlefields of WW 1 and WW 2 and Monet's gardens at Giverny, which were truly beautiful. 

The Switzerland component was a booked train excursion around Switzerland over 8 days, very hectic but we saw some magnificent country and of course, mountains.

We arrived home a week ago in good health but a bit tired, but recovered now.

Once again, thank you all for your kind thoughts,”

Kathy Trace Past ANZROC President and long time ANZROC Birthday Card sender emailed” Thanks for the birthday letter. It was unexpected and I really appreciated everyone signing it.Up to date I have had a very enjoyable extended birthday.  Joan Nathan took me to the dining room at the RACV last Wednesday, which was a lovely meal and chat!On Monday another friend took me to lunch at Laurent in the city and yesterday Sandra Joseph took me to The Sportsmen’s Club in Altona for lunch.On Tuesday night my Scottish Country Dancing class gave me a very nice supper of Pavlova and "Scottish" cheesecake (whisky included) and some lovely gifts so thoroughly enjoyed my week.

On Saturday we have a family luncheon at the Langham Hotel in Southbank so the celebrations are further extended.I also had a floral arrangement delivered yesterday, from Anne Blashki.  It had pink rosebuds and carnations and was really beautiful.”

Doug Watson emailed “Sorry will be an apology for Mulgrave as we will be floating around in a boat somewhere in the Pacific!”

Brian Wills wrote “Thank you to Kathy Trace and the committee for my 87th birthday card which arrived right on time. Things going quite well and not in bad health for my age”

Brian Wrigley emailed “I notice in the June edition that Roger Pickering was having a difficult time.

When I was seventeen he had his 21st birthday at Flinders Way Branch. Later on in 1967 he played at full back for Nunawading while I was on the half back flank for The Basin,  that was our only win for the season..”

And Helen Bouch, Helen Farnell, George Finnis,  Teddy Hanrahan, Gary Mason, Jack Stewart, Sandra Street, Wayne Taylor

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA


ANZ FOOTBALL CLUB (now Albert Park Football Club)


Neville Pearson, past President of ANZROC and longtime supporter and player of the ANZ Football Club emailed “Over the weekend of 30th June Cheryl and I attended the Annual Past Players Football Legends’ day.  This continues as an annual event since ANZFC and Albert Park Amateur FC merged teams albeit under the umbrella of Albert Park Football Club. The new club has proudly retained all the ANZFC past memorabilia in the existing refurbished club rooms. These clubrooms are proudly named after the late Brian Christensen (past ANZ Bank senior executive and a damn good bloke) and the Bar is named the Jet Jackson Bar after Jet who played more games than anyone else in the club.


On the day Albert Park Football Club played against premiership fancies Hawthorn AFC at Oval 20 Albert Park. This annual event was most enjoyable and the ANZ past players were treated like Kings (sort of) It was a good turnout of past players despite the winter chill. It was great getting together with the aging ANZ players, so thanks to all the ex-Falcons and ANZ Bank Past Players old boys that came down to cheer on the boys! Thanks to Albert Park AFC for making the effort on Saturday to run this annual event
The Seniors were shocked early as Hawthorn scored 11 goals in the first half. After a half time rev up the third quarter was a much better result, winning that quarter with lifted effort, before Hawthorn finished off a big win. 

Seniors Albert Park  6.8 – 44 Hawthorn  24.18 – 162

Development Squad (Reserves) Albert Park  12.23 – 95 Hawthorn  4.5 – 29.


Thanks to all those past players/supporters who attended, including John and Pat Bloom, Brian Carthuys (Feet), NoelChristensen, Bill (Jet) and Bev Jackson, Peter Marshall, Birdie and Cheryl Pearson, Michael Pearson,  Mick Sweeney, Michael  Szeitz and  Warren Tuckey  “


We have been advised by ANZ that 5 credit card products were being phased out and these include obsolete cards such as bank card and Westfield as well as 3 visa and MasterCard products. There are very low numbers of users on all impacted cards.

Affected customers will be advised in July and changes will take place in September. The main problem will be if anyone uses one of these cards for recurrent payments or as the ID for their internet banking account (less than 100 customers will be impacted in this scenario). In all cases any credit balances will be refunded and new replacement ANZ First cards will be issued.

Remaining customers will have funds sent to them.





Following on from our earlier enjoyable visits to Cheltenham, the next ANZROC Golf Day is to be held at Cheltenham Golf Club, Victor Avenue, Cheltenham on Friday, 21st September 2018, teeing off at 8.30am.

This is a Men’s & Ladies Stableford Competition for ANZROC members and their partners.

Cheltenham Golf Club is just 30 minutes from the Melbourne CBD, on the sand belt region, with delightful fairways and challenging greens. It’s a 9-hole course with 16 different tees. Visit for details on course layout, dress regulations, directions etc.
A delicious lunch is included and will typically be a choice of Beer Battered Flathead Fillets, Beef and Burgundy Pie, Chicken Parma, Rump Steak, Baked Seafood Crepe or Whole Flounder.

Players without a current Golf Australia handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. 

Bookings are now open. Get your entries in early to avoid missing out! Ex-ANZers who aren’t (yet) members of ANZROC are also welcome.

ENTRY FEE - $55 per person for 18 holes (members of Cheltenham Golf Club $25) or $40 for 9 holes. This covers Green Fees, prizes and lunch. Drinks will be available at normal Club bar prices.
Lunch Only - $20 per person. 

Electric Golf Cart - $35 for 18 holes, $25 for 9 holes, payable at the Pro Shop on the day.
Bookings via Ken Pattison would be an advantage, so carts can be prepared.

HIT-OFF will be from 8.30am on a number of tees close to the car park and Clubhouse. Those playing 18 holes should arrive no later than 8am to get their card and draw. Those playing 9 holes should arrive no later than 10am.

ENTRIES CLOSE on Thursday 13th September (unless places are filled earlier) so that numbers can be finalised with the Club. 

EMAIL the ENTRY DETAILS (below) to 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Ken Pattison, PO Box 2910, CHELTENHAM, 3192

Make electronic payment direct to: to ANZROC, BSB 013-350,  Account No 3064 51947 – ensuring

your name is included in the payment information – 
Mail a cheque payable to ANZROC with your ENTRY DETAILS

ENQUIRIES to Ken Pattison on 0414 679 627. Email: 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




ENTRY DETAILS (by email or mail with direct credit or cheque)

Your Contact details: 


Players -

Name…………………………………9 or 18 holes……………Hcp……….                      $........... 

Name…………………………………9 or 18 holes……………Hcp……….                      $………..

Meal only (non-playing partners)                            ............         @ $20          $……….

                                                                                                                                Total $__________               


Paid by,      Cheque           or Direct Credit 





 September/October school holidays may still be available for all properties.

The Staff Club holiday homes are located at some of the most popular holiday destinations Australia wide.

Take the family away in  September/October school holidays and as a member of the Staff Club, you can book a holiday for any week that’s available and  prices are discounted well below any holiday rates on the open market. All properties are fully furnished.

Properties are located at:

Rye Vic

Our Rye property has three bedrooms, sleeping up to 8 people—with Queen sized beds in two bedrooms, and one bedroom containing two bunk beds. It also has two bathrooms, two car spaces, two lounge rooms each with its own TV, kids’ games, a kitchen, dining area, separate laundry and an outside area with a BBQ and tables & chairs. Fully furnished and recently renovated, this is a stunning property

 Apollo Bay VIC

Stay, relax and unwind in our 3-bedroom holiday home with a sleeping capacity of 6 which is centrally located and is only a short stroll to all main shops, restaurants and to the beach

 Cowes Vic

Our property is well located and is within walking distance to all the daily amenities including restaurants, cafes, shops and the sandy north facing beaches. The accommodation has 3 bedrooms, with a sleeping capacity of 6 and is ideal for families looking for their own private place from which to base themselves and experience what Phillip Island offers

Bateman Bay NSW

Stay in our light and airy well-appointed 2-bedroom unit which can accommodate 5 guests. Enjoy

short level stroll to the central area where you will find a range of restaurants, cafes and clubs.

Lake Entrance VIC

Enjoy your stay in the heart of Lakes Entrance in our two-bedroom accommodation with a sleeping

capacity of up to 5

 Encounter Bay SA

Enjoy your stay in our well-presented character 3-bedroom holiday home for a relaxed getaway, with a sleeping capacity of up to 8 guests; it has room for your whole family and more. Only minutes to Victor Harbor and three streets from the beach, chill out, relax and get away from it all


To book your week away and for more details visit the Staff Club website //This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Members must log in with their membership number and password on  then go to Travel and Transport/Stay



Note the dates in your diaries for the year ahead….


Sep 13                        Visit Geelong  ...Jokers Entertainment Complex

Sep 21st                      Golf tournament at Cheltenham Golf Course

Oct 11                         “Yum Cha” in Chinatown

Nov 8                          AGM@833Collins Street Melbourne. Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Professor Anne Buist Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Dec 13                        Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre


March 21st                Torquay Golf competition at RACV Torquay








Our Guest Speaker for the day will be Antony Wilson who, using his Power Point presentation,

will bring us the story of the Aircraft Carrier HMAS Melbourne and will talk about his initial training, the history of HMAS Melbourne, cover the Engineering Dept of the aircraft carrier, speak on the disaster of 3/6/1969 and the aftermath, and the duties, responsibilities conditions and life aboard the Melbourne.


We look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear Antony and   Partners, Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited that day.


If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams   know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday3rd  August 2018  to enable us to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.


Please note that the luncheon fee is $15.00 for 2018 and will be collected at the door to partially cover the costs.


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.











TO: Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144.


By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                  


I/we will be attending the Luncheon function                                                                                                  


NAME (S):…………………………………………………………………………………………







Newsletter June 2018

ANZROC Newsletter June 14th 2018

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)



We had a very successful lunch in a Private room at The Caulfield Glasshouse overlooking the racecourse. Over 70 Members and Partners attended including Ern Walton at his first meeting for 10 years. Members not seen for a while included Harry Carrodus, Fran Corallo for her first meeting, Wolf Damschitz, Linda Davidson, Tina Falla , Ray Gill, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King back from overseas , Jacqui Luckman, Max Pleydell, Bill Robinson back from overseas, Mark Stankovich, Bill Stevens and Syd Swaby.

Thanks again to Noel Beanland, David Knuckey and Joan Nathan for their organisation and planning.

We paid tribute to David Penhall who sadly passed away last month aged 68. David was well regarded by many of our Members.

A number of ANZ Related articles have been posted this month on our Facebook page, ''ANZ Retired Officers' Club''. These range from the positive, ANZ UK Executive Brenda Trenowden being awarded a CBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours to the negative press surrounding the ANZ Cartel case. Interestingly the latter attracted over 900 views, the norm being around 200.

Wolf Damschitz has advised me that he will be resigning from the ANZROC Committee due to other commitments which will not allow him to attend many meetings. We thank Wolf for his work on the Committee including undertaking the role of Secretary a couple of years ago.

We have firmed up the details of some of our forthcoming meetings which will hopefully be interesting to our Members.

July 12: We will be meeting at Mulgrave Country Club again in a Private Room. We plan to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the formation of ANZROC Victoria. To that end John Brown is putting together a brief history using available archive material. If anyone wishes to bring along any ANZ memorabilia they would like to share with other Members please feel free to do so.

August 9: We will be back at 100 Queen Street and will have a guest Speaker Antony Wilson who will give a talk on the story of H.M.A.S. Melbourne.

September 21: We will return to Cheltenham Golf Club for our second golf tournament of the year.

October 11: We will be organising a Yum Cha lunch at Shark Fin Inn in Little Bourke Street, Chinatown. Cost to Members will be $25 and we will be allowed byo drinks.

All meeting details will be in the newsletter well ahead of time.

Look forward to seeing you at Mulgrave in July.



Photos taken at the luncheon by John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Bruce Avent, Irene Bettonvil, Sandra Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins , George Cooper, Mike Devlin, Viji Dharann, Eric Dickson, Phil Dunstan, Aldo Faella, Helen Farnell , Reny Frighetto, Mike George, David Gibb, Teresa Goldsbrough, Val Goldsworthy, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Graham James, David Knuckey, Harry Loucas, Ann Maksymiw, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Mary Nicolazzo, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Ron Phillips , Dietmar Reichert, Anita Siassios, John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Rose Virgona, Roger Watkins, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Holcombe Ross 37 years ANZ

Wass Cathy 22 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing our new members at one of our forthcoming meetings


Penhall D. L. (David) 68 years 21/5/2018

Our Treasurer Glyn Parry Jones advised that his good friend and our ANZROC member David Penhall aged 68 years passed away on 21st May 2018. David and Jill were holidaying in Tasmania three weeks ago when David had a heart attack. David had a stent inserted in Launceston and was fit enough to fly back to Melbourne about 10 days ago. The decision was taken to insert a defibrillator/pacemaker last Tuesday, but sadly the operation did not go as had been envisaged. The well attended celebration of the life of our member David Penhall took place on May 30th in Brighton East. Tributes to David spoke of his love of family and friends, sailing, travel - especially in more remote parts of Australia, and of good food and wine. David will be remembered as compassionate, a thoroughly decent person and a real gentleman.

David’s ANZ and Bank of Adelaide colleagues were well represented in the mourners and included Robyn Kosidlo, Phillip Ellis, Bob Ellum, Colin Geldart, Stephen Green, Charles Griss, David Jones, Richard Jones, Phil McBean, Peter Nyga, Glyn Parry-Jones, Roy Sloggett, Trevor Stevens, Wayne Stephenson, John Sudholz, Keith Trowell, Barb Weston and Rod Willard.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JUNE and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Les Ager (87), Gordon Christensen (82), Graham Dickson (80),Bill Gardiner (87), Terry Heenan (80), Bob Lamb (84), Sherwin Meerwald (80), Geoff Meggs (90), Ray Murphy (88), Tom Portelli (84), Reg Roberts (90), Roy Sloggett (86), Miles Tiller (80), Gren Tonzing (83), James Trimble (90), Kath Walsh, Ern Walton (87), Roger Watkins (87), Kevin Watson (89), John Williams (88), Elaine Willmott, Brian Wills (87)).


From 1/6/2018

Less than $20,000 1.18%

Greater than $20,000 1.51%


Geoff Allman emailed “many thanks to Kathy and the Committee for my birthday card, which arrived on schedule, and for the good wishes received on the occasion of my 70th Birthday.

We celebrated the day with family at breakfast and lunch and in the evening dinner with our daughter and her partner at the Paringa Estate Winery and Restaurant at Red Hill, a marvellous venue. Unfortunately my flight over the Mornington Peninsula in my brother in-law’s restored USAF WW2 vintage Boeing Stearman biplane trainer had to be postponed as he injured his back; he was the only qualified pilot available on the day.”

Annette and Graeme Baldwin have just returned from a 77 day cruise on the QE2 from Melbourne to South East Asia and on to London followed by a month visiting UK which they enjoyed immensely. Graeme appreciated being kept up to date with ANZROC happenings by our committee member Joan Nathan.

David Bennie emailed “Thank you for the Birthday wishes, card arrived on time as usual. My wife MaryAnne and I have a very busy year ahead on the 23rd we head to Austin Texas for 6 weeks to visit one of our daughters and family. This will be followed up with 6 weeks late July through August in Europe visiting family relations of MaryAnne in Poland and Germany and finishing up the year with 2 weeks in Hawaii in November for a family holiday with our Son, two Daughters their partners and six Grand Kids.”

Robin Chase emailed “I would like to thank Kathy and the committee for the birthday greetings; so kind of you all. On reading the April Newsletter, I was saddened to learn of the passing of Ray Dedlefs, Bruce Tickell and John Caudry...

I had a six-month term with Ray in 1977 when he was the Senior Manager in charge of Administration General. To my mind, he was a very competent operator.

I never had occasion to work with Bruce but met up with him with the ANZ Cricket Club. Kevin Watson’s tribute was very moving.

The scenario :- Friday 18th November 1960, walked out of Lloyds Bank, Walham Green (Fulham Broadway) for the last time; Monday 21st, travelled to 71 Cornhill to collect all necessary documents etc; Wednesday 23rd, boarded a Comet IV at Heathrow for flight to Sydney, the longest leg time-wise of which was Darwin to Sydney, arriving Friday 25th and later in the day boarded internal flight to Essendon from where transported to Bank- arranged lodgings in East Malvern; Monday 28th, somehow got myself to Balwyn Branch where I was greeted, and made to feel very welcome, by the Accountant, John Caudry and the other staff members. One week later, I moved to lodgings in Cotham Road, Kew. I had a very happy two years at the branch with John and Branch Manager, Alex McInnes. In 1978 and 1979, I served with John again at the merged 388, 394 and 351 Branches. And, as they say, the rest is history.

A snippet of rather late news to members who may be unaware of the passing on 2nd March 2017 of another Cricket Club member, Ian McLachlan who passed away in care in a nursing home in Dalmeny, near Narooma. He may also be remembered as the owner of a spaniel dog, not unsurprisingly called “Macka”, (my spelling), and which also attended our cricket matches. I have spoken to his wife, Margaret, on the telephone a couple of times since.

Thank you all again. It is a pleasure to be a member of such a wonderful and caring club.”

Terry Glover emailed” Thank you for your kind birthday wishes and the work done by your welfare officers, particularly Kathy for the effort to send my birthday card. It is nice to receive this card each year and very much appreciated. You know we don’t get a lot as we age!”

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Please note my apology for 14/6 meeting, will be enjoying sunshine of Kirra Beach, Qsld.”

Val Goldsworthy wrote “Kathy Trace’s mailing of my birthday card was on time and I thank the committee for their good wishes. Birthday calls were many and cards were very many- including from Cornwall,, Calgary and Tucson. The latter is the home of an old family friend, Betty Helter, now 95 years and who corresponds regularly. Her great grandson is a Scout and I was delighted to send him several Scout insignias/patches etc in 2016- including a greeting from local resident, Wendy Baden-Powell.”

Nev Greenway emailed “My thanks to Kathy and the Committee for their birthday greetings arriving exactly on time in the 18th April post. Celebrations were divided with an earlier family outing including both our granddaughters (8 years & 14 months) with lunch, and later in the week for a reunion of the Year 7 class to celebrate 68 years since establishment of the Cohuna Consolidated Higher Elementary School in1950. The Friday evening dinner was attended by class mates and partners most of whom will be celebrating their 80th birthday this year. Our guest speaker was the daughter of a classmate who is enthusiastically involved in development of the whole area for tourism and business. This was followed on Saturday by a cruise on the Gunbower Creek at Koondrook. The “Wetlander” is a shallow draft boat taking 22 on a 2hr cruise while enjoying morning tea and the scenery. It was built by a local farming family and subsequently rescued and renovated by the current owners. The ANZ (formerly Bank of Australasia} building now includes B&B accommodation in the manager’s residence, providing a convenient location on the main street opposite the tourist information centre. Our visit concluded on Sunday morning at the Farmers Market (formerly Koondrook) in the park opposite the shops.”

John Harris emailed “Would you mind conveying my sincere thanks to the ANZROC committee for the good wishes for my 81st birthday. Celebrations seem to become better each year and this year started in Melbourne with our daughter Michelle, son in law Simon and 2 grandchildren followed a few days later in Sydney with our son Scott, daughter in law Kylie and 3 grandchildren. Games with the grandchildren are becoming more strenuous and it seems I need to take a more serious approach to practicing table tennis, basketball and cricket. Colleen and I continue to enjoy life and on a personal note find that Rotary, tennis and the share market help to keep me occupied.”

Santo Ialuna emailed “I hadn't collected my mail for several days as I was away for a few days enjoying Lakes Entrance. It was a lovely surprise finding amongst the mail a birthday card from ANZROC which I really appreciated. I had a wonderful birthday having dinner with my family.”

David Kay wrote from Alfredton “Thank you Kathy so much for the birthday card and wishes on behalf of the retired officers club, it was much appreciated. Please keep up the good work.”

Graeme King emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy, my birthday wishes card arrived right on schedule. Sandra and I celebrated my birthday as part of an APT land and small ship tour of Japan. Three glorious weeks of touring, some amazing sights, food and company will see us reminiscing for some time yet.”

Bill Lanigan emailed “Thanks very much for my birthday card which as usual arrived in time. It is a bit hard to think I have joined the illustrious group which get their ages mentioned each year. Celebrations were spread over a few days plus a weekend away with all the family coming up. We went to Kangaroo Island this month (well worth the visit) by way of 3 train journeys via Adelaide and Sydney.”

Patrick Mulholland emailed “My name is Patrick Mulholland. I joined ANZ in 1980 and worked in the Toowoomba Area branch as an Advances Officer until early 1982. At that time, I moved to Melbourne where I met Derek Gall. I worked with Derek Gall at ANZ for 11 years. I first met Derek when I was coding transactions in the Fortronic F65 Branch terminals as part of the “IMPACT 80s” project. Derek and I locked horns many times at ANZ in the following years; however we became very good friends, working across Asia together on a number of assignments for the subsequent 26 years. I am now attempting an early retirement in Hervey Bay (“early onset Parkinson’s Disease” slowed me down).

I have great memories of times shared with Derek (especially in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia).

We both decided on basing in Thailand in 1995 shortly after a mutual mate (Alec Barnett), who was also ex-ANZ, died on his way to work in Jakarta in January of that year. Derek initially settled on the island of Phuket (and later in a quiet village named “Phrao” north of Chaing Mai), while I chose to live aboard my old boat in Phuket as my base.

We shared an interest in sailing. Derek often came out for extended trips with us (lasting a few weeks each). We sailed many hundreds of miles together to the Andaman’s, the Surins, the Similans, numerous islands around Langkawi and many others. He gave me a new nickname “Capt Pat” (which stuck like glue) while for a bit of fun, he became known everywhere on Phuket as interchangeably as either “Deck Hand Derek” or to his close friends as the “Old Bastard”.

He was a true Scot. His handshake was worth more than any contract. He played hard. He looked after his mates. I highly valued his bravery, integrity, sense of humour, general attitude to life and unfailing generosity. He proved to be a highly trustworthy friend on many occasions. I will miss our endless friendly debates over G&Ts sailing wherever we were heading at the time …… Many treasured memories! It was always far more pleasant when on the same debating team however. He did not take prisoners. He fought a tough battle with bone cancer towards the end. Farewell Derek!”

Peter Nyga emailed “Please thank Kathy for me – my birthday card arrived on time, as always. Much appreciated. It was a lovely day, spent with family and friends. “

Roger Pickering wrote “A short note to thank you (Kathy Trace) and ANZROC members for my 75th birthday card. I’m out of action at present after extensive surgery and ongoing radiotherapy to combat aggressive skin cancer.”

Alan Podger emailed “thanks Kathy again for Birthday wishes - which on this occasion arrived a day early. The most important event for the Podgers in the past 12 months was the celebration of our 60th Wedding Anniversary with family - children, grand children and friends.

Dorothy Ranyard emailed “Would you please pass on my grateful thanks to those members who attended Don’s funeral on the 4th of May. I was comforted by their loving thoughts and sympathy to me. I will always have wonderful memories of the life Don and I shared together over our 62 years of marriage and the many friends he seemed to gather around us.”

Les Roberts wrote from Portland “Thank you Kathy for my birthday card which arrived right on the day as if by magic. How do you do it? Best regards and keep up the good work.”

Terry Stapleton emailed “Thank you Eamon for the birthday card, which arrived a day before my 88th birthday, and for the good wishes from yourself, and the Committee and Members. The past year brought plenty of challenges because my wife died in November after a long illness; however I have had a lot of support and am managing ok. I have resumed a few of the activities I enjoy including a regular game of tennis etc. I enjoy reading the Newsletter and hearing about the activities of fellow bankers I knew in days long gone by.”

Norma Thomas writing from Kawungan (Qsld) “Thanks to the President, committee and members of ANZROC (Vic) for their birthday wishes on the occasion of my 84th birthday in April that were most appreciated”

June Thompson wrote “My thanks to Kathy Trace and the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) for good wishes on my recent birthday. It is always interesting to read the Newsletter”.

Roger Watkins wrote “Many thanks to Kathy for my birthday card for my 87th. I find it hard to believe I am at that age as I do not feel it. It is also hard to believe that I moved into Collins Place 40 years ago .I am managing quite well on my own having the constant support of my 4 sons and their families. The family dinner to celebrate my birthday will be attended by most of my 14 grandchildren and some of the 12 great grand children. Health is fine at present with annual checkups after earlier cancer treatments but presently all’s well.”

Peter Westaway emailed “Would you kindly convey my appreciation to Kathy and the committee for my recent birthday card .The time was shared with friends and family, most importantly on the eve of my daughters departure returning to the Northern Territory for the extended period of 2018.”

And Wendy Black, Kerry Dodds, Janice Edwards, David Gibb, Charles Griss, Erika Hayden, Kerry Jewell, Joe Romano, Sandra Street,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



July and September/October school holidays may still be available for all properties.

The Staff Club holiday homes are located at some of the most popular holiday destinations Australia wide.

Take the family away in July and September/October school holidays and as a member of the Staff Club, you can book a holiday for any week that’s available and our prices are discounted well below any holiday rates on the open market. Our properties are fully furnished.

Properties are located at:

Rye Vic

Our Rye property has three bedrooms, sleeping up to 8 people—with Queen sized beds in two bedrooms, and one bedroom containing two bunk beds. It also has two bathrooms, two car spaces, two lounge rooms each with its own TV, kids’ games, a kitchen, dining area, separate laundry and an outside area with a BBQ and tables & chairs. Fully furnished and recently renovated, this is a stunning property

Apollo Bay VIC

Stay, relax and unwind in our 3-bedroom holiday home with a sleeping capacity of 6 which is centrally located and is only a short stroll to all main shops, restaurants and to the beach

Cowes Vic

Our property is well located and is within walking distance to all the daily amenities including restaurants, cafes, shops and the sandy north facing beaches. The accommodation has 3 bedrooms, with a sleeping capacity of 6 and is ideal for families looking for their own private place from which to base themselves and experience what Phillip Island offers

Bateman Bay NSW

Stay in our light and airy well-appointed 2-bedroom unit which can accommodate 5 guests. Enjoy a short level stroll to the central area where you will find a range of restaurants, cafes and clubs.

Lake Entrance VIC

Enjoy your stay in the heart of Lakes Entrance in our two-bedroom accommodation with a sleeping capacity of up to 5

Encounter Bay SA

Enjoy your stay in our well-presented character 3-bedroom holiday home for a relaxed getaway, with a sleeping capacity of up to 8 guests; it has room for your whole family and more. Only minutes to Victor Harbor and three streets from the beach, chill out, relax and get away from it all

To book your week away and for more details visit the Staff Club website This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Members must log in with their membership number and password then go to Travel and Transport/Stay


Note the dates in your diaries for the year ahead….


Aug 9 100Queen Street Melbourne – Antony Wilson will bring us the story of the Aircraft Carrier HMAS Melbourne and will talk about his initial training, the history of HMAS Melbourne, cover the Engineering Dept of the aircraft carrier, speak on the disaster of 3/6/1969 and the aftermath, and the duties, responsibilities conditions and life aboard using his Power Point presentation....

Sep 13 Visit Geelong ...Jokers Entertainment Complex

Sep 21 Golf tournament at Cheltenham Golf Course

Oct 11 “Yum Cha” in Chinatown…byo drinks has been arranged.

Nov 8  AGM@833Collins Street Melbourne. Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Dec 13 Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre


March 21 Torquay Golf competition at RACV Torquay



We will be meeting at Mulgrave Country Club again in a Private Room. We plan to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the formation of ANZROC Victoria. To that end John Brown is putting together a brief history using available archive material. If anyone wishes to bring along any ANZ memorabilia they would like to share with other Members please feel free to do so.

* the Mulgrave Country Club is located on the North West Corner of the Wellington Road and Jells Road Cross Road ,Wheelers Hill

* There is considerable underground parking available as well as ground level parking on the North and East sides of the building

* Public Transport is not readily available and we suggest that any members who would require transport to attend the function, indicate such on the under mentioned acceptance slip and we will endeavour to arrange transport.

* We would also appreciate assistance from anyone who may be able to be called on to assist with car transport from the station should such be required

* Train travel to Glen Waverley is one option and if you intend to take this option please indicate such and we will endeavour to have a car pick you up from outside the North exit into Railway Parade at Glen Waverley Station

* We are delighted that several of the ANZ group known as the” Zedders” who hold a bi monthly get together at this venue will join us on this day

* The Mulgrave Country Club has an excellent reputation and the seniors two course lunch, consisting of either Soup and Main course or Main course and Sweets is at a reasonable cost

* Partners , ANZROC widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome to join us on this day and we are anticipating an excellent attendance

Contact details for acceptances: * Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 9740 8001. Please post or Email the attached acceptance slip to Joan Nathan prior to 6th of July 2018



* I / WE will be attending the luncheon

* Name.................................................

Partner’s name if attending...................................................

* I / We would appreciate assistance with transport: Pick up from Glen Waverley Station YES/NO

* I would be available to pick up (number: .......) members from the Northern entrance of Glen Waverley Station at 11.30am approx

* We may be able to arrange pick up from home given the number of retired members in this area. Please indicate if this would be necessary and we will endeavour to assist

ADVISE * Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

o phone: 97408001,

o Address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429..


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




Newsletter May 2018

ANZROC Newsletter May 10th 2018

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)




61 Members and family came to our first lunch at the William Angliss Restaurant. We welcomed Anita Siassios and Arun Nangia to their first ANZROC meeting and our youngest Member Elina Law, who manages our Website plus baby Gary. Other members not seen for some time included Michael Devlin, Neil Gladstone, Hartley Hodgson, Rod Macaulay, Joe Maggiore, Brian Palmer, Peter Saville, Rob Sims and Merv Williams.

We stood to remember our departed Honorary Members Dave Brookman and Don Ranyard who sadly passed away during the month.

The venue provided tremendous food and service at a very reasonable price and we will consider returning there next year. Our special guest Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army gave us an update on the work the SA are doing to help the homeless in Victoria. He also provided an entertaining account of his epic walk to Canberra earlier this year. Ron Adams presented over $2300 to Brendan from the Members present at the lunch plus several donations from members that were unlace to attend.

We also celebrated Ron's 80th birthday with a tasty black forest cake to finish off proceedings.

Well done Joan Nathan and Noel Beanland for finding the venue and organising the lunch.

Photos have been posted to our Website and Facebook page.

Since our last meeting at Greensborough RSL we have had a special lunch at Williamstown which attracted 27 members and our Golf Day at Torquay which was also very well supported. Pam Hocking and Con La Fauci were the big winners. We plan to organise another Golf day at Cheltenham on Friday September 21st.

Our next meeting will be on June 14 at The Glasshouse Caulfield racecourse and we hope to see many of you there.





Bruce Avent, Wendy Black, Sandra Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Wolf Damschitz, Viji Dharann, Eric Dickson, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell , Reny Frighetto, Mike George, David Gibb, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Paul Harrison, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Graham James, Sandra Joseph. Graeme King .David Knuckey ,Stan Lancaster, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, Geri Macgregor, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Ken Pattison, Cheryl Pearson, Neville Pearson, Ron Phillips , Dietmar Reichert, John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Roger Watkins, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Abell David 30 years ANZ

Gibbs P .R. (Peter) 35 years ANZ.

Huntsman Ben 12 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing our new members at one of our forthcoming meetings


Brookman D.S. (Dave) 94 years 20/4/2018

David Sinclair Brookman served in the Royal Australian Air Force enlisting in June 1942 and on discharge in October 1945 was a Pilot Officer in RAAF 467 Squadron.

Dave was a “mid upper gunner/navigator “ flying out of England over Germany and the call sign of his Lancaster bomber in 467 Squadron was “S for Sugar”. They flew many sorties including a major raid over Dresden where they lost two engines and on the return to UK running short of fuel had to feather another engine and eventually landed on one engine and Dave’s nephew said that their plane was part of the fleet of Lancasters that were involved in the raid on which the “Dam busters” book and film was based.

Gerry and Fay McPherson represented ANZROC at the Celebration of Dave’s Life on 27/4/2018.

Ranyard D. E. (Don) 87 years 28/4/2018

For 15 years of the 18 years I have been involved on the committee Don attended most lunches when ANZROC met in the city and in later years came to the lunches with wife Dorothy but has been unable to attend meetings for some time. Don was also a regular correspondent for the newsletter.

Gerry and Fay McPherson attended the funeral service and Gerry said the service was well attended and he noticed ANZROC members Huck Bourke, Norm Dibbin, Neville Lewis and John McPhee at the service.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during MAY and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Ron Adams (80), Bruce Avent (81), Les Beard (83), Brian Day (81), Norm Dibbin (85), Nola Forsyth,

Mike George (80), Val Goldsworthy, Ian Lamont, (98), Bill Lanigan (80), Neville Lewis (85), David

Maunder (91), Geoff Menogue (84), Alan Podger (86), Barry Rogers (80), Terry Stapleton (88),


For all those ANZROC members (30years or more service with ANZ) that are entitled to access staff benefits, for the time being you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , post to ANZ Retired Officers, Level 4 ANZ Centre, Docklands VIC 3008 or call the ANZ Priority number 1800 454 688 for any of the ANZ products you are seeking stating:

• Your name and address

• Years of ANZ service

• The product you wish to receive a staff banking benefit for

• Whether it is for an existing product held by you or for a new application.

Past President Peter Pritchard (0418 149 394) is currently negotiating with ANZ executives about improving the way members can access these ANZ benefits and will report again later in the year.


From 1/5/2018

Less than $20,000 1.21%

Greater than $20,000 1.55%


Will Bailey emailed “It must be old age getting to me (!). I thought I had responded to the receipt of Kathy’s card but I obviously had not. Many belated thanks Kathy It arrived one day early but being in the Easter mail time it could have been delayed. Very nice to get it along with some others.

Being Easter time we celebrated the weekend before (we only celebrate birthdays that end in a 0 or a 5; hope to make the next 01). We had many of the family including some great-grand children with us; We had a lovely family day at home.

We did travel last year - Sicily and Southern France - . Had a terrific time but are just about over Airports and Security checks. Replacement Hips and knees create problems but it is better to be safe than sorry!!”

Darryl Bartlett emailed “It is always sad to read that many old workmates have moved to life eternal. However their passing does trigger many fond memories. Birthday card received on time, thanks again Kathy for your dedication of this worthy function all year round. With over 10 weeks on our annual visits to Fiji the year has passed quickly. Commencing on July 1st for our Daughter’s 50th birthday celebration we then drove around Viti Levu with stays at The Pearl Resort,Suva’s restored Colonial Grand Pacific Hotel and Voli Voli in the north of the Island. Later we had a stay at Natabe Retreat located at the top end of the Yasawa island group (5 hour Cat trip), where we were the sole couple on the small island, to be pampered. We therefore avoided much of Melbourne’s long winter No further major health issues have surfaced, save the normal aging process. Best wishes to all fellow ROC members for the coming year.”

Bob Bell emailed “Please convey my thanks to Kathy and the Committee for their good wishes on my recent birthday. Our family all gathered together for dinner at a restaurant in Canberra on the Saturday and then a family breakfast and lunch at our daughter’s home on the Sunday. Both Carolyn and I continue to enjoy good health, I still manage a game of golf most weeks and at least one game of bowls. We spent five weeks of last winter at Noosaville and plan to do the same this year. Regards to all retirees.”

Anne Blashki wrote from Shepparton “While I cannot make the meeting at William Angliss I am sure the meeting with Brendan Nottle as guest speaker will be a most interesting and informative one.”

Alan Chapple emailed “Thanks for the birthday card. As always on time and most appreciated.”

Mike Devlin emailed “Please pass on my congratulations to all involved with today's meeting. The venue was good, the meal first class and the company, as usual, friendly.”

Bryden Davis wrote “Please thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee for my 89th birthday card which arrived the day before my birthday. Next year if I get there will be a big birthday. My health is good except for hearing and two worn out knees facing replacement surgery.”

Don Davy wrote “Thank you to ANZROC committee for the birthday greetings I received for my 74th birthday. Thanks again for the newsletter which I am sure bring much enjoyment to members and is a reminder to me of the fine people I knew in ANZ. On the weekend before the birthday my sister and partner held a dinner for me and the gifts I received were greatly appreciated. On the day of my birthday I enjoyed lunch at Finchley Court with cake, in the afternoon I celebrated with close friends which was a most enjoyable occasion. In the evening I was toasted by my elder daughter and family before reporting to Hawthorn’s Victoria Gardens Supported Residential Services where I met with the residents and more celebrations. I am thankful for the ANZ training I received in human relation and business skills that allow me to perform constantly increasing voluntary work. Best wishes to ANZROC committee and members.”

ANZROC Secretary Vicky Genius emailed “Thank you Kathy Trace for my card that arrived on 30th April, one day ahead of my birthday. I have had a series of birthday lunches, with a few more to come. My sister Claire and niece Lily took me to the Taco Bill upstairs in Russell St Melbourne CBD. It opened in 1967 and is still in exactly the same premises. When working for ANZ Customer Investments 1975 to 1979 we used to get a bottle of wine from Dan Murphy in Bourke Street and come to this Taco Bill for lunch. Being strictly BYO, it had old fashioned cork screws tied to the corner of each small wooden table by a very short piece of string. Quite a challenge to uncork those bottles. During the visit on Monday 30th April, we noticed an ornately painted and decorated blackboard sign headed “Soup of the day”. Written on the sign ,in large chalk letters, was one word- “TEQUILA” .We decided that soup maybe a bit too thin for our tastes so had a few enchiladas instead.”

Mike George emailed “Please thank Kathy for my birthday card which arrived a day early despite the vagaries of Australia Post. To celebrate Trish and I are going on a cruise around the Mediterranean for three weeks and we are looking forward to it.”

Elaine Haw emailed “Apologies again, but I won’t be able to attend the next few lunches. I have had a few dramas over the last couple of years keeping me away from Melbourne at times and unable to attend the lunches/meetings. However I had a wonderful holiday skiing in the French Alps in January/February this year. Arrived home safe and sound but then tripped over the cat and broke my leg. The William Angliss Institute is a great venue where I have enjoyed dining on a number of occasions in the past, so I’m sorry to miss it and sure you will all have an enjoyable lunch meeting.”

John Hawkins emailed “Well the cruising season is about to start and Helen and I are off on a 35day cruise to Hawaii Tahiti Fiji Western Samoa and NZ. Oh well someone has to do it ....”

Martin Hayden emailed "Karen and I are still continuing to enjoy our motoring. Karen drives an Audi RS3 Sportback, which is a very fast 400HP A.W.D. (all wheel drive!) compact hatch, with a 7 speed D.S.G. (electronic manual) gearbox, sports seats, sunroof etc. She's always first away from the lights!

I've just sold our Land Rover Defender and taken delivery of the "Last Of The Last" from H.S.V. (Holden Special Vehicles), a GTSR Commodore, which is powered by a supercharged 6.2L 600HP V8, equipped with huge brakes, behind 20" wheels. It has a sunroof and plenty of other "goodies". It really is the last, because as most members would know, Commodores are no longer being manufactured in Australia. It's pretty hard to drive fast anywhere these days, but overtaking doesn't take long!"

Graham Heenan emailed “Thank you for the special birthday wishes I received. Although the day was only a few weeks ago, I have noticed that people look at you differently, but you seem to be able to get away with more "things “so it is not all bad. We celebrated with family on Saturday night at Restaurant in Melbourne and again on Sunday with extended family and friends at the Boulevard in Kew.

Pam and I have sneaked in another trip - this time to Japan (22/3/18 till 5/4/18) and were lucky enough to catch the best of the Cherry Blossom period. We visited Tokyo. Hiroshima and Kyoto travelling on the Bullet trains - experiencing Japanese Train Travel and their Stations was great. People were very courteous, food good, but "Chop Stick use" was average.”

Hartley Hodgson emailed “Just a short note to say thank you for today. The venue (William Angliss Restaurant) was excellent and I hope we can lock it in on a regular basis. Brendan Nottle is a very down to earth sort of fella and at times it would be a very demoralising task. Hope you are enjoying your birthday celebrations and hopefully I can get a few more Esanda people next time.”

David Kay writing from Alfredton said “Thanks Kathy for the birthday card and good wishes which is greatly appreciated. Please keep up the good work.”

Des Kidd emailed “Please convey my thanks to the Committee and particularly to Kathy Trace for once again the delivery of my birthday card on the exact day again.

Celebrations had to be delayed a little as I was in hospital on the day, after receiving an unexpected birthday gift of a Pace Maker. All seems to be ticking away ok since.”

Barry Kilmartin emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy for the Birthday Greetings. Regards to the Committee and ANZROC members”.

Life Member Gary Mason emailed to update us on his recent move to the country” In addition to Rotary I read poetry each Friday to the residents at the Euroa Aged Care centre and as a Volunteer at Vision Australia Shepparton I am currently going through the process of becoming a newsreader on their FM radio station, which broadcasts reports from the area newspapers”. Gary is enjoying the change from city living to the country .

Maria Natoli emailed “Many thanks to Kathy and the Committee for my birthday card and good wishes. I celebrated with a lovely family dinner, followed by four (!) lunches with friends. Over the last few months I've enjoyed short trips to Canberra, Sydney and the Gold Coast. I'll be travelling to Scandinavia and Russia in July/August. Life is certainly never dull! I do appreciate the excellent work which is done by the Committee for our Club.”

Tony Pompilio emailed “Please pass on my thanks to the Committee and members of ANZ (Roc) and also Kathy for my birthday card received on time as usual.”

Denis Rice emailed “Thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card, which was at home on my return from Hua Hin cricket sixes in Thailand.’

John Taylor emailed “Thank-you for the birthday card and your good wishes.

A special thank-you to Kathy Trace for ensuring that the card was delivered on the day as per usual.”

Mike Vallence emailed “Just a short message to say a big thank you to Kathy for sending birthday card - very much appreciated. “

Doug Watson wrote “I have just returned from a bucket list trip around West Africa, India, Burma and South East Asia….old stamping grounds from the international days. Highlight was a pirate drill off the cast from Somalia. I am now involved in a 3L investment conference and program at Torquay...It’s a hard life!!”

And Sigrid Armstead, Wendy Black, Noel Bottrell, Kim Charlton, Mike Devlin, Charles Griss ,Eddie Hassett, Edgar Laity, Jock McIntyre, Ian Newstead, Noel Robertson, Trevor Tilley, Gren Tonzing, Frank Wells,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



Special rate for all Staff Club properties for the Month of May and June 2018

The Staff Club holiday homes are located at some of the most popular holiday destinations Australia wide. As a member of the Staff Club, you can book a holiday for any week that’s available and our prices are discounted well below any holiday rates on the open market. Our properties are fully furnished

Book before 31st May to get these special rates

Rye Vic

Book any week in May or June for only $700

(Excludes week with Public Holiday or school holiday weeks

Our Rye property has three bedrooms, sleeping up to 8 people—with Queen sized beds in two bedrooms, and one bedroom containing two bunk beds. It also has two bathrooms, two car spaces, two lounge rooms each with its own TV, kids’ games, a kitchen, dining area, separate laundry and an outside area with a BBQ and tables & chairs. Fully furnished and recently renovated, this is a stunning property

Apollo Bay VIC

Stay, relax and unwind in our 3-bedroom holiday home with a sleeping capacity of 6 which is centrally located and is only a short stroll to all main shops, restaurants and to the beach

Cowes Vic

Our property is well located and is within walking distance to all the daily amenities including restaurants, cafes, shops and the sandy north facing beaches. The accommodation has 3 bedrooms, with a sleeping capacity of 6 and is ideal for families looking for their own private place from which to base themselves and experience what Phillip Island offers

Book any week in May or June for Apollo Bay and Cowes property for only $525

(Excludes week with Public Holiday or school holiday weeks)

Bateman Bay NSW

Stay in our light and airy well-appointed 2-bedroom unit which can accommodate 5 guests. Enjoy a short level stroll to the central area where you will find a range of restaurants, cafes and clubs.

Lake Entrance VIC

Enjoy your stay in the heart of Lakes Entrance in our two-bedroom accommodation with a sleeping capacity of up to 5

Encounter Bay SA

Enjoy your stay in our well-presented character 3-bedroom holiday home for a relaxed getaway, with a sleeping capacity of up to 8 guests; it has room for your whole family and more. Only minutes to Victor Harbor and three streets from the beach, chill out, relax and get away from it all

Book any week in May or June for Batemans Bay, Encounter Bay and Lake Entrance for only $395

(Excludes week with Public Holiday or school holiday weeks)

To access these properties:

Members must log in with their membership number and password on then go to Travel and Transport/Stay


The ANZROC lunch at the Pelicans Landing Restaurant at 1 Syme Street Williamstown on Thursday 26th April was enjoyed by 27 members and partners thanks to the organisation skills of Vice President Noel Beanland who negotiated a luncheon menu for the heavily reduced cost of $25.00 per person.

Several Members caught the ferry to Williamstown from Southbank.

Members not seen for a while included Kevin Chard, Jan and Keith Findlay, Ann Maksymiw, Mary Nicolazzo, Joe Romano and John Renwick.

Members and partners were in good form


We had a great turn out of members and partners for our golf day at the RACV resort in Torquay. We were very lucky with the weather, blue skies and no strong winds, and the course was in excellent condition, leading to some very good scores. Pam Hocking with 38 held off Sandy Bourke with 36 for the Ladies Comp. Pam’s win follows her win in Mansfield earlier in the year - this has been referred to the handicapper. Des Shady was the unlucky runner- up with 41 points to Con La Fauci with 43 in the Men's comp. Con has now won the past two ANZROC Golf Days.

Nearest the Pin winners were Bob Challis, Kathy Shady, Con La Fauci and Ron Adams.

Most of the golfers and their partners were able to stay on for a very enjoyable meal in the evening.

The feedback has been very positive and we’ve started making enquiries about a return visit to Torquay next year, on Thursday, March 21st. This is just a little earlier to take advantage of daylight saving. Pencil this in your diaries and at the same time set aside Friday, September 21st 2018 for our next event at Cheltenham. Check the newsletter and website for more details.

Thanks to Glyn Parry-Jones and Aldo Faella for the excellent organisation.


Note the dates in your diaries for the year ahead….


July12 Mulgrave Club – celebrate ANZROC 65th anniversary

Aug 9 100Queen Street Melbourne – Guest speaker to be advised

Sep 13 Visit Geelong ...Jokers Entertainment Complex

Sep 21st Golf tournament at Cheltenham Golf Course

Oct 11 Functions Committee considering “Yum Cha” in Chinatown

Nov 8 AGM@833Collins Street Melbourne. Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Dec 13 Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre


March 21st Torquay Golf competition at RACV Torquay




CAULFIELD GLASSHOUSE RESTAURANT at Caulfield Racecourse….from 12 noon 14/6/2018

31 Station Street Caulfield East…

Situated on the edge of the popular Caulfield Race Course is the recently refurbished Caulfield Glasshouse. Providing a modern stylish bistro, new wine and tapas bar, multi-purpose function room, state of the art Sports Bar, alfresco style dining and much much more, we have everything required to entertain guests! There is a good choice of meals from the Bistro menu.

This year the luncheon will be held in a separate room which will be more comfortable and easier for members to mix and enjoy the surroundings.

The venue is approximately 200 metres from the Caulfield Railway Station and directly opposite is the venue being part of the Caulfield Racecourse complex.

There is parking available at the venue in a designated car park opposite the entrance to the restaurant but there is major construction work underway which has taken part of the restaurants parking area.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members ARE invited to attend that day.

In order to meet the Hotel catering requirements if you intend to come to this meeting please advise your acceptance by Thursday 7th June 2018 to Joan Nathan, Telephone: 9740 8001, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice.



31 Station Street Caulfield East ….

TO : Joan Nathan Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mail: 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429

Phone: 9740 8001

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor

0408 136 100



Newsletter April 2018

ANZROC Newsletter April 12th 2018

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)




The ANZAC Commemorative lunch is a highlight of our calendar of events each year and this was no exception. We welcomed around 40 Members to Greensborough RSL with thanks to Dal Crocker for organising, Gerry McPherson for reciting the Ode and our Guest Speaker Ralph Boyne from the Shrine of Remembrance.

Ralph is a Volunteer at the Shrine and provided a very informative presentation on the history and activities at the Shrine in St Kilda Road.

Members not seen for a while included Bryden Davis, Carol Dukes, Stan Halbish, Erica Hayden (first meeting), Bob Lamb, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Committeeman Ken Pattison back after a knee replacement, Joe Romano, Geoffrey Sandow, Brian Wills and Gavan Lamb (nephew of Bob) with wife Kathryn and great friends of Eamon Veaney and Anne Wee.

April is a busy month for Anzroc Victoria with our Golf day at Torquay on April 19 and a special lunch in Williamstown on April 26. Details of both events are contained in the Newsletter.

We were sorry to report that three of our Respected Honorary Members passed away during the month and all members present stood to honour the memory of John, Ray and Bruce.

We have had further discussions with the bank regarding support for our Members with 30+ years service and there is a note in the newsletter in regard to this.

We have received a short video from Darren Sibson of ANZ taken at our Christmas lunch and featuring a number of our Members. It has been heavily edited down to a manageable 3 minutes and can be accessed on our Website and Facebook page.

Our next formal meeting will be on May 10th at William Angliss Institute commencing at 11.30 am and hope to see many of you there.

Photos taken at the April luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Bruce Avent, John Brown, Sandra Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins , Ken Crawford, Leigh Davis, Viji Dharann, Eric Dickson, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Mike George, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Keith Higgs, Graham James, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Dan Kirtley, David Knuckey , Nunzio Liberatore, Harry Loucas, Ann Maksymiw, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Joan Nathan, Mary Nicolazzo, Kevin O’Neil, Terry Parks, Glyn Parry-Jones, Cheryl Pearson, Neville Pearson, Geoff Perdriau, Peter Pritchard, Dietmar Reichert, Bill Robinson , John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


We are holding a special lunch at the Pelicans Landing Restaurant at 1 Syme Street Williamstown (9397 0155) from 12 noon on Thursday 26th April….to date we have received 22 acceptances but had felt that more of our members could be interested in meeting at one of Williamstown’s finest restaurants…..

If you intend to come to this event you can now email or phone Ron Adams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 0408 136 100/ 9821 0444 or by post with your names to PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144.

Pelicans Landing is Williamstown’s” local” a celebrated bar and bistro experience

in a modern restaurant designed to complement the classic maritime architecture of last century.

Pelicans Landing has spectacular views of the city sky line, stunning waterline views of Hobson’s Bay and the yachts of Gem Pier that continually changes with the seasons.

Rated 4 of 5 on the Trip Advisor website and #3 of 113 restaurants in Williamstown and you can read about the restaurant on its web site

Noel Beanland has negotiated a luncheon menu that alternates main course dishes of steak or fish, specialties of the house, for the heavily reduced cost of $25.00 per person with drinks at bar prices.

Partners and widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are very welcome to join us at this luncheon.

Members can catch the ferry to Williamstown from Southbank to Gem Pier and the restaurant is located nearby or you can travel by car or train to Williamstown.

The ferry leaves Berth 1 Southgate (next to Elizabeth Street Walk Bridge) at 10.15am and arrives at Williamstown Gem Pier (next to Pelicans Landing) at 11.15am…departure time is 2.15pm arriving at Southgate at 3.30pm.

Return ticket costs $28.00 but seating is restricted to 30 persons only.


Stockley Michael (Mike) 18 years ANZ

Siassios Anita 29 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Mike and Anita at one of our forthcoming meetings


Caudry John 89 years 28/3/2018

We received advice from John’s daughter Robyn that her father had passed away on 28/3/2018 aged 89 years.

John had been in poor health for some time but before his illness he was a great supporter of ANZROC and sadly a very good friend of the late Bruce Tickell who had passed away a few days earlier.

Bruce Morley reported “John Caudry's family and friends gathered to farewell John at Peninsula Grange Retirement Village, Mornington. The Family spoke fondly of John and his career with ANZ. John wanted to be farewelled with a party and the family made sure that this happened. John would have been very pleased with the support provided to the family.”

Dedlefs Ray 87 years 19/3/2018

Jennie Mitchell daughter of Ray emailed “My dad, Ray Dedlefs passed away on 19/3/2018; he still enjoyed reading the newsletters that were sent from your group. He was in aged care over the last ten months and was still actively involved in managing his finances etc until fairly recently, a true banker.”

Will Bailey emailed “Ray Dedlefs was a highly respected and valued colleague. We first worked together relocating the then General Manager, Greg Wilson’s private files in the GM’s office at 271 Collins Street in the early ‘50s. Our paths crossed frequently over the years when Ray worked on security matters. He was closely involved in the acquisition of the Bank’s first series of ATMs. A man who took his role very seriously but with an engaging sense of humour. Another loyal and valued colleague.”

Tickell Bruce 89 years 26/3/2018

There was a large gathering for the funeral service for Bruce Tickell and included ANZROC members Ron Adams, Bob Challis, Alan Chapple, Dick Chegwin, Val Goldsworthy, Bob Lamb, Gordon Paulette, Bevyn Ranford, Barry Reid, Dick Sanders and we met John Murdoch, son of the late ANZROC member Brian Murdoch who was a great friend of Bruce Tickell when they both served on the ANZROC committee for a number of years.

ANZROC membership officer John Brown emailed “Sad news, I got to know Bruce and his family in the early 1960s when Bruce, John Vanselow and Brian Murdoch became involved with the ANZ Basketball Club. They were great mentors to the many younger playing members, providing support and encouragement during both the matches and the many social events. Bruce was also a class cricketer, playing for the ANZ team in the A Grade Mercantile Cricket Association. In the June 1962 edition of Chequerboard (ANZ's staff newsletter at that time) it was reported that the ANZ team has won the final of the 1961/62 season, completing a "hat trick “of premierships, and that they would advance to the Victorian Junior Cricket Association in the following year. At that time, Bruce had played 14 seasons with the team scoring 4067 runs at an average of 31.8. His great friend Kevin Watson had also played for 11 seasons taking 330 wickets for an average of 9.6. Others in that team were Bill Walker, Bevyn Ranford, Bob Bishop, David Phelps, Robin Chase, P Bower, Trevor Dusting, Bill Lumsden, K Irvine and G Hopkins (Captain).

Kevin Watson emailing from Perth “This morning I awoke to a message from Gayle Tickell that her father and my long time friend had passed on to greener fields.

We first met at 394 Collins Street at the Bank of Australia – on Monday of the first week of March 1951. I was reporting in for transfer to General Manager’s Office at Chief Accountant’s Department, whereas Bruce was going to work as a Ledger Supervisor. Bruce had just recently had his 22nd birthday and I was to attain mine in early June. Bruce was a tremendous fellow, a gentleman and a very good sportsman. He contributed greatly to some of the sporting activities within the bank. Notably he contributed much to the Men’s basketball team and he and a few others gave much to the training of young fellows in that game. I met him on the first morning when the Clerk in the Personnel Department, Ian Fraser, asked whether I played cricket. When I said I did, he took me down to meet Bruce Tickell, who was a foundation member of the Bank of Australasia Cricket Club, which had been formed in 1948. Incidentally, I noticed a young lady, one of his ledger machinists, who I was to later marry. I talked to Bruce and said I would like to try out for the team. I played my first season in 1951 and from then on. Bruce was my closest friend and am proud to say that he was my teammate in the true sense of the word, because in the game of cricket, the regular bowler and the wicket keeper form their own little team - as their communication is frequent as they work together to dispose of the opposition – As far as I am concerned this was the greatest sporting partnership that I enjoyed. We spent our entire cricket career together and I spent many hours bowling to him in the nets as he tried to eradicate a perceived weakness – a shortish ball rising outside the off stump. We made what we considered a considerable contribution to the team as there are many entries in the score book “C Tickell B Watson”. Bruce was a lovely batsman and had virtually a mortgage on our batting average. The years passed very pleasantly indeed.

Besides his attributes as a cricketer he was an all round sportsman – apart from the basketball team, he was also a keen footballer and played on the wing for the Malvern Amateur Australian Rules Football Club.

Our friendship has now lasted over 67 years and we have remained close over all those years.

One of the typical one liners that he produced that is freshest in my mind is when I rang on the morning of his 88th birthday and wished him well. He quipped – I can go out and buy a new bat now, making reference to the ill-regarded no 87, and being 13 short of 100, although I never remember him being dismissed on that number – always going on to make the 100. The memories I carry are voluminous – too many to recall. Suffice to say I am not a great collector of statistics but we accumulated a number of premierships – I think at one time in four consecutive years. We achieved a standard of cricket which took us into VJCA A Grade after having invested in a turf wicket. Our turf wicket and dressing sheds were built on Batman Avenue, Melbourne which is now the site of the Rod Laver Arena.

At the height of the time our club was fielding three 11s but for many years we had two 11s on the go, one in the VJCA. Incidentally, in my, and I think Bruce’s, last season, we were runners up in the VJCA behind East Malvern which progressed to sub-district under the captaincy of Graham Yallop who went on to captain Victoria. We had a rich and proud history and every now and again we were added to in number by further transferees from interstate – I think particularly of the late Graham Hopkins and Bevyn Ranford – both from WA. Talking of Graham, I briefly mention that in a grand final he made a blistering 187 – I think we made 5 for about 547 in that match.

It was an absolute delight to have known Bruce and in a way I am pleased that he didn’t live see the disgrace of Australian Cricket in the last few days. He gave the big C a hell of a run for its money, sustaining more surgery than anyone I have ever known and never surrendered – he never did surrender his hand easily. Finally in pain no more to rejoin the lovely Helen, whom he lost too early.He is greatly missed.”


Watkins Margaret 5/3/2018

ANZROC Honorary Member Roger Watkins wrote “I am letting you know of the passing of my wife Margaret on 5/3/2018 at the age of 84.”

Margaret had been in care for 18 months after Roger had been sole carer for some years. She will be missed by Roger, 4 children with partners and 14 grand children and 11 great grandchildren. Roger

met Margaret by chance and he always considered himself very lucky for that chance meeting. Margaret was interred in her home town of Barrigun (NSW) and Roger recalls a visit they made to Barrigun in 1954 where they were greeted warmly by the townspeople.

Our condolences are extended to family and friends of our passed members’ John, Ray and Bruce and to Roger and his family.

Derek Gall (further tributes)

Will Bailey emailed “Derek Gall and I worked on the selection of Teller terminals and later on the transfer to IBM from Honeywell. I travelled with him, Frank Hughes and Bob Castledean to Glasgow, Paris and IBM USA. I really got to know Derek as one does when you spend weeks travelling together. Derek was an excellent IT executive and the Bank benefitted from his deep knowledge of technology. We worked closely together; he was a loyal and highly valued colleague.”


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during APRIL and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Alma Barkell, Bob G Bell (80).Wendy Black, Robin Chase (84), Bill Cleator (81), Max

Colwell (86), Bryden Davis (89), Glynn Evans (90), John Fogden (82), Doug Grant (82), Nev Greenway

(80), Roy Harper (89), John Harris (81), Graham Heenan (80), Barry Kilmartin (82), Ailsa Mackie, John

McPhee (81), Peter Mitchell (83), Dennis Murphy (82), Eileen Perham, John Read (86), Keith

Remington (95), Les Roberts (81), Greg Scollo (82), John Taylor (82), Norma Thomas, June



For all those ANZROC members (30years or more service with ANZ) that are entitled to access staff benefits, for the time being you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to ANZ Retired Officers, Level 4 ANZ Centre, Docklands VIC 3008 for any of the ANZ products you are seeking stating:

• Your name and address

• Years of ANZ service

• The product you wish to receive a staff banking benefit for

• Whether it is for an existing product held by you or for a new application.

Past President Peter Pritchard (0418 149 394) is currently talking to ANZ executives about improving the way members can access these ANZ benefits and will report again later in the year.


From 1/4/2018

Less than $20,000 1.14%

Greater than $20,000 1.46%


Philippe Alleume emailed “I thank the ANZROC team for the beautiful Birthday card which, as usual, arrived on time. Ginette and I are well and we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in October last year. Time flies!!!”

Lindsay Baglin wrote “Thank you Kathy Trace for the birthday card which as usual arrived on time. Whilst having been retired for many years it is nice to be remembered as the years go by. I have tried to stop the clock going around but unfortunately it takes no notice of me”

Arty Booth emailed “Just a quick note to pass on my appreciation for the card for my birthday,it’s gratifying to know that although out of sight, one is able to be remembered. Continue the good work on the monthly Newsletter; I look forward to receiving it and catching up with the antics of past colleagues. My health has been a bit down lately, but the Doctor is confident he has it under control.”

John Briggs emailed “Many thanks to Kathy, the Committee and members for best wishes on my 76th birthday. Our retirement years have been kind and although my sporting activities are virtually over (chronic arthritis) we continue to remain active enough. Regards to all members and please keep the monthly Newsletter going as it is always good to catch up with news from former colleagues.”

Jenny Cooke emailed “Many thanks for the attractive birthday card – this year, another 0! So nice to receive it and always on time. I recently visited family in Brisbane and am now looking forward to a trip from Rome around southern Italy and Sicily. Last year, I had a wonderful tour of the UK which included meeting up with golfing friends from Fiji as well as school friends in London. House renovations are now finished and golf is once again on the agenda three times a week. Surely an improvement will be seen soon! Best wishes to the President and committee of ANZROC for the fantastic job they do. The newsletter is always so interesting.”

Ian Cowley wrote “Many thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card. Much appreciated. Pleased to advise Lynda and I both are enjoying good health and having great fun with our latest grandchild who will be one in April. Am sad at the number of our friends who have passed on in the last year, may they rest in peace. Often think of the many pleasant memories I spent with them especially on the golf course. All the best to ANZROC members ”.

Bob Delahoy writing from Inverloch said “Would you please convey to the President, Committee and Kathy Trace my grateful thanks for the very attractive birthday card. It is always a pleasure to receive it. My wife and friends helped me celebrate my 89th birthday by having dinner at the RACV Resort in Inverloch. The ocean view from the dining room always adds to the very enjoyable surrounds. It is now 32 years since I retired from the Bank and I still look forward to receiving the monthly newsletter and reading about what other members are doing. Congratulations to all who help produce it. Best wishes to all.”

Glynn Evans phoned Kathy Trace to thank her for the birthday card and said it is nice to be still remembered, Glynn turned 90 this year.

John Fairbairn emailed “Another year and as usual the birthday card from Kathy arrived Precisely on time. Thank you! I read with interest that many former work mates are still with us and enjoying an active lifestyle. Life goes on at Yarrawonga with Golf the major interest. Peter O’Dwyer has slowed down and retired from Golf and bowls but Maurie Harwood is a regular on the Golf Course. During the past year I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer requiring surgery which was undergone successfully and has not required further treatment. At 84 I have done well and still walk the golf course rather than ride in a cart. That is about it from Yarrawonga. Please convey my best wishes to all members of Anzroc.”

John Gibb emailed “Many thanks to Kathy Trace for birthday greetings received as usual on time.”

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Sadly, I am an apology for our 12/4 meeting. On that day I will be waiting for friends Linda and Doug Kemp together with two others to collect me from Penola. We will then spend a few days at Robe before driving back to Adelaide after which I fly home.

How will I get to Penola from Melb? On 3rd April by train and bus to Portland then the intention is to walk the 185kms ‘Aussie Camino’ to Penola via Bridgewater, Nelson, Pt McDonald, Mt Gambier, and Kalangadoo.”

Dorothy Hayes emailed “Many thanks to Kathy Trace for my Birthday card, it arrived right on time.

Much appreciated. Kindest regards to all.”

Andy Herd emailed “Just a quick note to acknowledge receipt of birthday greetings and thank Kathy for her efforts. Cheers to all.”

John Gunn emailed “Thank you Kathy for you birthday wish and card Much appreciated It is a pleasure waking up in the morning”.

Rick Kimber wrote “Please thank the Committee and particularly Kathy Trace for my birthday card which arrived on time as usual. Thank you again and best wishes to all.”

George Lawson emailed “Arrived home on 29/3 from the Annual Duguid/McConnell/Christensen Memorial Golf week at Yarrawonga to receive Kathy’s card reminding of my birthday in two days.

Steve Cowell got under the handicappers guard and won the event. Other ANZROC members there to play wonderful golf courses and have an enjoyable time were John Ries, Bevyn Ranford ( still off 20 at 84), John Crough, John Maguire, Richard Harding, Peter Treleaven, John Phelan and David Harker (son of the late Harry). Three times past winner David Barr was a late withdrawal due to a snapped Achilles. Other regulars over time David Woods and John Briggs have unfortunately reached a stage in life whereby they can't make it.

The group has been together for 20 years with some losses and inclusions along the way.

Thanks for the card Kathy and I love the regular newsletter.”

Ted Palmer emailed “Thanks Kathy and Ron. Card arrived bang on time as usual. Much appreciated.”

Neville Pearson, Past President of ANZROC and Life Member emailed “Dear Kathy thanks heaps for the lovely, and very much appreciated Birthday card and your comments. Response, surprise, surprise is in form of a poem? Follows:

I have reached the sprightly age of seventy four

And already planning for many years more

Whilst our holidays are somewhat on the cheap

The memories are always there to keep

My health seems to have stabilised somewhat

The Alzheimer’s research programme may stop the rot

I owe so much to the ANZROC club

Certainly kept me out of the pub

It was with sadness I resigned from the committee

But my membership, I retain with very much glee

Cheryl has also joined ANZROC at long last

Her ANZ history may well be long past

WE worked together for some years in DP

And when asked to marry, Cheryl accepted to both our glee

Look forward to many more years with our friends in ANZROC

And the yarns of old times when we wind back the clock

Best wishes and love from “The Bird”

Paul Perri emailed “Hi Kathy, I would like to thank you for the birthday card which was received right on the day. This was really amazing as I had a redirection from the old address. For people that remember me it’s been over 20 years that I left ANZ after 30 years service, having worked mainly in International banking and ANZ Nominees (how time flies). I retired 4 years ago after serving 14 years with NAB and 3 years before that with a share registry. In the past year I have been busy with building a new house in Doncaster and finally shifting from the old place after 39 years. This is something I would not recommend to anybody, all the things that need to be done are a big headache. Packing/unpacking, throwing out stuff, changing address on all documents etc., etc.”

David Robinson emailed from Battery Point (Tas) “Please thank Kathy for my card which again arrived in time. The “Perch” is certainly getting both shorter and emptier!”

Geoffrey Sandow emailed” Thanks to Kathy for the reminder that another year has passed.

The highlight of my past year would have to be the occasion of our 50th Wedding Anniversary, for which Robyn and I celebrated with family over a nice luncheon.

As a reward, we took a trip to the UNESCO listed Plitvice Lakes National Park, near Zagreb, Croatia. Absolutely stunning; featuring many beautiful lakes, each with its own unique colour, generally a shade of blue, green or just clear. We lost count of the number of waterfalls we encountered during our walk, again each one spectacularly different.

Our visit was part of an organised tour which commenced in Vienna, before heading south through Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and concluding in Greece. Other major highlights included the old town of Dubrovnik, Delphi, which was once considered the centre of the Ancient World, and the Parthenon. Zagreb also has a Harvey Norman store! Whilst in Vienna, I had to sample an Apple Strudel [well, when in Vienna]; it was almost the size of a house brick! Went down a treat.

To wind down from the bus tour, we followed up with a Greek Island cruise, over a week, thinking it would offer a relaxing time before facing the long haul home. How mistaken; we were on the go the whole time, with on-shore excursions. But, it was all worth it, in particular our visit to the fascinating ancient city of Ephesus, in Turkey, and the stop off islands of Mykonos, Patmos, Rhodes, Crete and Santorini. I continue to enjoy my volunteer work at the Yarra Glen Station, which is being re-built by volunteers, as part of the plan to rail link Healesville to Yarra Glen and run a tourist railway. A white collar worker turned blue collar, as I'm learning much about and doing what tradies do. I've become their resident painter [every one else loathes painting], as well as helping out with carpentry, plumbing and trench digging. All good fun! Outside of that, it has, fortunately, been 'business as usual'.

Jurgen Schnabl emailed “Could you please thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee for my birthday card. A very pleasant surprise indeed.”

Peter Smith emailed “Many thanks for the birthday card which arrived right on time as usual. I gain a lot of satisfaction from these good wishes because they remind me that I am a member of a group of people who have served the community for a large part, if not all, of their working lives, in an essential service. Notwithstanding the constant stream of negative news coverage, commission evidence and politically motivated sniping, the real story is that the vast majority of bank officers, past and present, were/are well meaning, customer focused community members. The staff at my local branch (South Yarra) is professional and keen to assist (even when one has a senior moment concerning PINs). So I am proud of my service and proud of all the good people past and present who are part of the ANZ story.”

Syd Swaby emailed “Many thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings.”

Frank Valastro emailed “Thank you to ANZROC for the birthday card and greeting for my 68th birthday. It was with much pleasure to receive such an acknowledgement because it recognises my continued association with the ANZ family as a whole. Although I am still working full time with my local municipal council I always look forward to reading the comments of my former colleagues whom I notice are advancing in years. May they all continue to enjoy good health and wellbeing.”

Julie Wilkins emailed “Dear Kathy and Committee. Thank you for the Birthday Card which arrived on my special day, 20th March. My goodness where did last couple of months go. I enjoy reading the monthly newsletter to see what everyone is up to. Many thanks and keep up the great work.”

Peter Williams emailed “I just wanted to thank the committee for my birthday card which arrived on time again this year. The past year has been great for Kerrie and I. It is now just over 9 years since I left the bank and began my own Cabinet making business. Business is always good, and plenty of work in the “pipeline”. Although I no longer have to complete monthly reports for new business or “overdue” returns. I now tend to work “harder” (physically) than my bank days, although far more rewarding working for myself. Kerrie and I have been busy on the holiday front, with a Christmas / New Years Eve cruise, then our annual Houseboat trip to the Murray at Kingston on Murray, followed by 10 days in Bali (somewhere I never wanted to go, but have changed my mind since visiting) We are currently sitting on a houseboat on the Murray, before we head on to Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore in April.”

And Peter Alexander, Trevor Cookson, Trevor Dodds ,Graeme King, Steve Kotaidis, Edgar Laity, John McKenzie, Paul Perri, Rob Sims, Doug Watson,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



Note the dates in your diaries for the year ahead….


Apr26th Williamstown lunch at Pelican’s Landing …by ferry or road..your choice

May10 William Angliss Institute, 550 Little Lonsdale Street Specialist Centre for hospitality, tourism and culinary arts training and education.– Red Shield Appeal with Salvation Army Speaker

Jun 14 Glasshouse Restaurant Caulfield Racecourse

July12 Mulgrave Club – celebrate ANZROC 65th anniversary

Aug 9 100Queen Street Melbourne – Guest speaker to be advised

Sep 13 Visit Geelong ...Jokers Entertainment Complex

Sept 21st Planning Golf Tournament at Cheltenham

Oct 11 Functions Committee considering several options favouring visit to Chinatown in Little Bourke Street

Nov 8 AGM@833Collins Street Melbourne . Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Dec 13 Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre


Bookings are open for the next ANZROC golf day at the RACV Resort in Torquay on Thursday, April 19th. We have 27 starters so far and are keen for more.

Partners of ANZROC members are very welcome to attend, whether golfers or not. For non-golfers we will suggest activities for them while the golf is happening.

Golfers, and non-golfers if they wish, are asked to arrive at the resort by 12 noon for a light lunch. Groups will tee off from the first and tenth tees starting at 1pm. After the game there will be drinks and presentations at the Resort.

In the evening we have arranged a dinner for those who are able to stay.

Accommodation options include -

* RACV Resort (discounted for Roadside and Club members)

* The Sands Resort

* The Wyndham Resort

* Torquay Tropicana Motel

* The Torquay Caravan Park which is close to the RACV Resort.

The cost for the golf component of the day will be $50 which covers a light lunch, 18 holes of golf and prizes. For non-golfers who would like to join us for lunch the cost will be $15. Shared use of a golf cart will be an additional $20 per person.

If you want to play golf or join us for lunch or dinner on the 19th ,

* If you have any questions give Glyn a call on 0411 256 322 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

* Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail the details to: Glyn Parry-Jones, PO Box 503, Mount Martha, 3934

* Make electronic payment direct to: ANZROC BSB 013-350, Account No 306451947 ensuring your name is included in the payment information or mail a cheque payable to ANZROC and send to Glyn with your details.



Geoff and Lesley Cook welcomed 22 members and partners for the second of what is planned will be an annual event for those retired ANZ staff and partners who live in the Geelong, Torquay, Bellarine Peninsula and Western/South Western Victoria areas. This lunch was held at the Geelong Yacht Club. The meal costs were extremely affordable, real value for money. Members attending from Geelong were Damian Burgess, Robin Chase and Barry Reid with Will Bailey a late apology, from Torquay were Brian Crittle, Aldo Faella, Geoff and Lesley Cooke, and Clive Hewett came from Warrnambool. Ex ANZer Laurel McLennan and husband Doug from Gherang were welcome visitors. The Melbourne contingent included Ron Adams, Vicky Genius, Sharon Heard and Pam Hocking while our partners made the lunch an enjoyable occasion looking over the Geelong foreshore and yacht marina. The next function for Geelong is arranged for September 13th at Jokers Entertainment Complex.



10thMAY 2018 at

William Angliss Institute, 550 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne

Specialist Centre for hospitality, tourism and culinary arts training and education.– Red Shield

Appeal with Salvation Army Speaker Captain Brendan Nottle and Captain Sandra Nottle.


The luncheon will commence at 12.00 PM and a luncheon fee of $20.00 will be collected from attendees at the door to partially cover the catering costs at William Angliss.

Several of our members frequent this modern facility on a regular basis and the service and food (including senior meals) is excellent value for money.

Salvation Army executive Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne heads up Salvation Army social operations in Bourke Street. Brendan has spoken at our Red Shield Appeal meeting several times about the issues that confront the Salvation Army in Melbourne and suburbs and Victorian country centres.

We look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear from Brendan and any support for the Salvation Army will be welcomed.

We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams, PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 to be included in the total of funds collected on the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited that day.

Please advise your acceptance by Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Joan Nathan, Telephone: 9740 8001, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice.

Thank you for your support

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.



TO : Joan Nathan 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




newsletter march 2018

ANZROC Newsletter March 8th 2018



Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
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Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)



Our first lunch at Mornington attracted a very good response with 58 Members and Partners in attendance. The support from Members in the Peninsula area was very pleasing to see and we hope that this will become an annual event. We also welcomed Bill Swan who travelled from Narooma NSW to attend the lunch.

We raised a glass in memory of our Honorary Members Peter Kane and Lindsay Richards and ex-ANZ colleagues Derek Gall, Perry Oren and Nigel Coe (UK) who all passed away recently.

We have a busy month of activities ahead with the Geelong Regional lunch on March 22, ANZAC lunch at Greensborough RSL on April 12, Golf at RACV Torquay on April 19 and lunch at Pelican's Landing Williamstown on April 26. Full details later in the newsletter.

All ANZROC Members are able to join the ANZ Staff Club for $24.50 per year. Details on this link.

We have created a Website and Privacy Policy for ANZROC Victoria. Details on this link.

We have discussed with ANZ Bank the need for a central point of contact for our Members who have issues with products and services. This has been agreed and details will shortly be advised to our Members.

Look forward to seeing you at our April events.

Members not seen for some time included Max Butler, Kevin Chard, Lawrence Cox, Lesley Deady, Barry King, Alan Lauder, Geoff Leonard, Ann Maksymiw (new member) ,Stan Middleton, John Renwick, Wayne Rogers, Joseph Romano, Des Schultz, Bill Swan , Lois Vanselow and Charlie Wierzbiwiski and with partners present made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney and John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages. Details on the link


Bruce Avent, Sandra Brown, Diane Carew, Robin Chase, Bill Collins , John Crough, Leigh Davis, Viji Dharann, Eric Dickson, Carol Dukes, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Norris Gale, Bruce Gay (Robe), Vicky Genius, Mike George, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Paul Harrison (NZ), Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw (in France) , Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Doug Imrie (Tasmania), Graham James, Sandra Joseph ,Dan Kirtley, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Ken Pattison, Geoff Perdriau, Ron Phillips , Peter Pritchard, Dietmar Reichert, Bill Robinson, John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Coller Gail 26 years ANZ

Maksymiw Ann 6 years ANZ

O’Sullivan Brenda 33 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Gail and Brenda at one of our forthcoming meetings. Ann met us at Mornington.


Kane P.M. (Peter) 80 years 27/2/2018

Our member Peter Alexander advised “It is with a great deal of sadness I wish to advise fellow ANZROC Members of the passing of Peter Michael Kane, at the age of 80, and following a three year battle with Bone Cancer. Peter was positive right to the end and, just before his passing, he, I - and others who also had worked for The E S & A Bank - had a quite animated discussion on those early days working for that quite wonderful Bank.

I met Peter at the ES&A’s North Melbourne branch, circa 1958, and we remained close friends thereafter. They were very happy days, with Bill Kubale as our Manager. Peter met his wife, Diane, when she worked at the ES & A at 77 William Street branch.

Peter gained many friends as his career progressed, but I would think his days as Internal Auditor was the central part of his career, and - via that position/responsibility - he, of course, met, came to know and became friends with many of the ANZ staff, across Victoria.

Peter retired of ill health at age 53, but, in due course, he was fortunate to return to relatively good health, and gave energy to Geo-casing, Bush-walking and camping, scouting, sailing, and his family.

A great friend, who will be long remembered.”

Bob Lamb emailed “The celebration of the life of Retired Officer Peter Kane was held on 7th March 2018 and was indeed such a testimonial to him. Peter Alexander made an emotional tribute which was heart wrenching.

Among the large number of mourners were retired officers Peter Alexander, Bob Lamb, Geoff Murrell, Tom Portelli, Lindsay White and Brian Wills.

I had spent time with Peter K. at Footscray (N&D) and later for several years as a fellow Internal Auditor.”

Richards L.R. (Lindsay) 87 years 4/3/2018

Speaking with Lindsay’s son Ken, he told me his father had joined the ANZ at 18 in Wagga Wagga and spent 38 years in ANZ. Lindsay’s career covered time in Yarrawonga, International Department in Melbourne where he supplied young Ken with foreign stamps that started many years of collecting stamps. Lindsay had time in Internal Audit covering Victoria and Tasmania, advanced to management at Noble Park and Collingwood which at the time was on the corner of Johnson Street and Hoddle Street and immortalised in a Barry Humphries book “The 12 Most Ugly buildings in Melbourne”. Lindsay went on to manage Forest Hill retiring in 1986. Lindsay was a keen sportsman playing tennis for many years and at the age of 16 was playing against Lew Hoad and Ken Rosewall. Lindsay played golf at Rosanna for more than 30 years and was an enthusiastic Richmond AFL supporter and was able to see his beloved Tigers take the flag in 2017. Ken said there were a number of Lindsay’s friends from ANZ in attendance at the funeral service.

Bob Lamb emailed “I was saddened to read of the passing of Lindsay Richards with whom I was also a fellow Internal Auditor. When a branch was quite large the Bank would send a couple/several Auditors at the one time to get the task done and over with; hence I worked quite closely with Lindsay on many occasions. “

Our condolences to families and friends of Peter Kane and Lindsay Richards.

Derek Gall

We have been advised that Derek Gall passed away recently. Derek was the GM Information Technology, then called EDP at ANZ in the early 80's.

Dick Milnthorpe and Bruce Plaice-Leary remembered Derek below.

From Bruce He was a visionary, but without the technology to carry it through. He made a video in the late 80’s showing how people would access retail outlets, order food, supplies and things like flowers for same day delivery. Sadly, we only had teletext and similar systems at the time, a security nightmare. But he has been proved so right.

From: Richard Milnthorpe I first met Derek at a conference back in the early seventies. At that time he was the IT Manager of Clydesdale Bank, a small Scottish bank with a number of branches across Scotland. Derek was very innovative and had succeeded in creating an on line branch network with limited computer resources, no mean technical feat at that time. Later Clydesdale bank was taken over by the then Midland Bank, a much larger English institution with its own very large branch network already installed. As a result Derek's talents were somewhat wasted as he was absorbed in to a large and more bureaucratic environment. At that time ANZ were looking for a person with the ability to guide them in developing a new retail branch banking system to replace their ageing IT system which had its origins in the mid sixties and was considered to be no longer a suitable platform for the future needs of the bank. Of the candidates put forward by the professional head hunters employed by ANZ Derek Gall was selected and was appointed as Head of IT in ANZ directly reporting to Will Bailey. The two made a dynamic partnership, both were innovators and both were drivers and it was decided to move the technical platform from Honeywell to IBM in common with most other large banking institutions.

Whilst the move to an IBM mainframe processing platform made for a more stable future it did create obvious difficulties in staff retraining not to mention provision of huge technical and logistical resources, not least of which was the acquisition and construction of a new IT site at Mount Waverley, and the planning for a major expansion of the telecom network down to branch level. It was an enormously complex undertaking, not always appreciated by some, even within the IT area. One of Derek's areas of expertise was in the operation of branch terminal equipment and in this instance it was decided to utilise a system based upon his experience in Clydesdale Bank, he also recruited a number of his former Clydesdale colleagues who had expertise in the system to work together with the ANZ team in order to propagate expertise. It is worth mentioning that whilst all of this was in progress he was responsible for the development of the Debit/Credit card system in ANZ some facilities of which are still not universally available elsewhere, such as the choice of Cash or Credit on the one card. He later became head of the Cards Division in the Bank. During Derek's time with ANZ most of the systems we take for granted today were developed and he should be remembered for his great achievements in his time at ANZ.”

Condolences to Derek’s family and friends.

Nigel Coe

We have been advised of the passing of Nigel Graham Coe who passed away in UK shortly after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. Nigel had many friends from his time working in ANZ and would be known by many of our members.

Condolences to Nigel’s family and friends.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during March and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Ray Allsop (83), Lindsay Baglin (89), Will Bailey (85), Clive Bayley (83), Stephen Bee (81), Graham

Bloom (80), Doug Carroll (85), Ian Cowley (82), Bob Delahoy (89), Jim Ebsworthy (82), John Fairbairn

(84), George Finniss (82), Graeme Horsburgh (80), Betty Jennings, Tony Middleton (87), Ted Palmer

(81), Ron Pitt (95), Robin Pleydell (86), Graeme Randall (83), David Robinson (82), Brian Sanders (80),

Roy Sharman (86), Leon Stewart (80), Peter Weaving (84).


From 1/3/2018

Less than $20,000 1.07%

Greater than $20,000 1.37%


Terry Earle, our guest speaker in February and ANZROC member emailed “I had a most wonderful few hours over lunch at ROC at your February Meeting. It is the first such lunch I have attended and it was a memorable experience catching up with old colleagues after so many years. It was like a family gathering in many ways. I was delighted to share with everybody the Without Pier Gallery story and, in particular, to offer a small sample of our rich Indigenous culture through their art, that we, non-Indigenous Australians, are now embracing. Please express my thanks to Glyn and Eamon, and indeed to yourself and the ROC Committee, for the invitation, opportunity and welcome.”

Geoff Leslie emailed “A big thank you to Kathy for her birthday wishes, Of course I gave up having birthday’s years ago and having done so feel much younger! We have moved to Lake Wendouree (Ballarat) after 14 years in Merimbula, and the weather sure takes some getting used to here.

It was hard to leave Merimbula with its very temperate climate, but a move was due so we could be closer to our family who are all in Melbourne. We used to drive the 1,150 km round trip from Merimbula to Melbourne every 6-8 weeks so we contributed to greenhouse warming to a degree and the travel will not be missed. I hope to attend a ROC meeting sometime soon.”

Nunzio Liberatore emailed “Can you please thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC Committee for my birthday card, it arrived the day before my birthday and it was a pleasant surprise. You are all doing a great job which I am sure is greatly appreciated by all the members. “

Past President Kevin Mitchell from Shearwater Tasmania emailed “Bernice and I have just returned from the mainland after 2 weeks putting up with the terrible traffic in Melbourne, staying with family, 3 days at Mansfield with the regular ANZROC members and partners.

While in Melbourne took in 2 live shows, Dream Lover Life of Bobby Darin and Beautiful life of Carol King, both shows were fantastic. Sunday 25 Feb my birthdate just a quiet lunch with family and a few friends which started at noon and finished 5.30 PM at Mail Exchange Hotel in the city?

So glad to return home to peace and quiet of beautiful Tasmania, to be greeted with a great new look ANZROC Birthday Card. Well done Kathy Trace for it arriving on time. “

Jack Moyle wrote “Many thanks to all members of ANZ Retired Officers’ Club for their greetings on my recent 93rd birthday. We have delayed our usual celebration dinner because of other family events but will do so soon.”

Robin Pleydell emailed “To Kathy Trace...Thank you for the birthday card.”

Dick Sanders emailed “Thank you Mr. President and Kathy Trace for the birthday card.

We had a pretty good year including meeting two of my wife’s Swedish cousins for lunch when their Tour Passenger ship visited Melbourne. It was one of those huge monsters containing 8 passenger cabin decks. We had our lunch at Port Melbourne and had not realised there were all those great restaurants close by Station Pier – it was many years since I had been to that vicinity.

The couple reside in Florida and as we later learned only 20 minutes from that School catastrophe.

Apart from that we had a few days in Albury where old friends (he from 1959) from Beechworth who now reside in a nearby Retirement Village. It was his 80th birthday and they had 40 guests to a sit down buffet lunch at the Golf Club which our dining room overlooked. There were 30 of their family from all over.

Love reading the ANZROC monthly which catches up on many old friends.

I go fairly regularly to the Mulgrave bi-monthly meeting and enjoy lunch with other old friends.”

Past President John Stevens emailed “A short note to acknowledge with thanks receipt of Happy Birthday greetings from Kathy on behalf of ANZROC Committee and Members. I must say also that the ANZROC Website and the Newsletter are just great – well done to all concerned.”

And Geoff Archer, Sigrid Armstead. Bob Bell, Brian Day, Trevor Dodds, Bob English, Helen Farnell, Barbara Gardiner, Geoff Leslie, Neville Lewis, Sue McCarthy, Trevor Mudgway, Terry Parks, Dietmar Reichert, John Saffery, Sandra Street, David Thompson, Trevor Tilley, Athol Watkins, ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



Note the dates in your diaries for the year ahead….


Apr 19th Golf tournament at RACV Torquay

Apr26th Williamstown lunch at Pelican’s Landing …by ferry or road. Your choice

May10 William Angliss Institute, 550 Little Lonsdale Street Specialist Centre for hospitality, tourism and culinary arts training and education.– Red Shield Appeal with Salvation Army Speakers Brendan and Sandra Nottle

Jun 14 Glasshouse Restaurant Caulfield Racecourse

July12 Mulgrave Club – celebrate ANZROC 65th anniversary

Aug 9 100Queen Street Melbourne – Guest speaker to be advised

Sep 13 Visit Geelong ...Jokers Entertainment Complex

Oct 11 Looking at Shark Fin Inn in Little Bourke Street …Yum Cha….

Nov 8 AGM@833Collins Street Melbourne. Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Dec 13 Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre

Geoff and Lesley Cook have arranged for the second of what is hoped will be an annual event for those retired ANZ staff and partners who live in the Geelong, Torquay, Bellarine Peninsula and Western/South Western Victoria areas. The lunch is open to all ex-ANZ staff, not just ANZROC members, so please spread the word amongst your ANZ contacts in the area. This lunch will again be held at the Geelong Yacht Club on Thursday 22ND March 2018 commencing at 12.00 midday. Meal costs are very affordable, and drinks will be available at normal bar prices. ANZROC will be supporting this function with a small subsidy to help cover expenses. The Yacht Club is on the Geelong waterfront, 23 Eastern Beach Rd. Geelong, and is about ten minutes walk from the train station. Please contact Geoff and Lesley as soon as possible to confirm your attendance, but no later than Thursday 15th March 2018 as caterers need to be advised of expected numbers. Phone 5229 1456, mobile 0412 428 861 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Bookings are open for the next ANZROC golf day at the RACV Resort in Torquay on Thursday, April 19th.

We have 20 starters so far and are keen for more.

Partners of ANZROC members are very welcome to attend, whether golfers or not. For non-golfers we will suggest activities for them while the golf is happening.

Golfers, and non-golfers if they wish, are asked to arrive at the resort by 12 noon for a light lunch. Groups will tee off from the first and tenth tees starting at 1pm. After the game there will be drinks and presentations at the Resort.

In the evening we will arrange a dinner for those who are able to stay. The dinner venue will be decided once we have a better idea of numbers.

If you are able to stay in Torquay for a night or two you are encouraged to make your accommodation bookings as soon as possible. Accommodation options include -

• RACV Resort (discounted for Roadside and Club members)

• The Sands Resort

• The Wyndham Resort

• Torquay Tropicana Motel

• The Torquay Caravan Park which is close to the RACV Resort.

The cost for the golf component of the day will be $50 which covers a light lunch, 18 holes of golf and prizes. For non-golfers who would like to join us for lunch the cost will be $15. Shared use of a golf cart will be an additional $20 per person.

To make your booking,

• Email the details (below) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail the details to: Glyn Parry-Jones, PO Box 503, Mount Martha, 3934

• Make electronic payment direct to: ANZROC BSB 013-350, Account No 306451947 ensuring your name is included in the payment information or mail a cheque payable to ANZROC and send to Glyn with your details.

If you don’t have a Golf Australia handicap that’s fine, we’ll make one up on the day.

If you have any questions give Glyn a call on 0411 256 322 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We hope you can join us at Torquay. More details will be provided nearer the date.



Your contact details :

Name ………………………………………. Email..............................................................

Phone …………………………..


Name…………………………………………………. GA Hcp ................. $ 50

Name…………………………………………………. GA Hcp ................. $...........

Shared use of Golf Cart ……… @ $20 = $……….

Lunch only (non-playing partners) ............ @ $15 = $……….

Total $……….


We are holding a special lunch at the Pelicans Landing Restaurant at 1 Syme Street Williamstown (9397 0155) from 12 noon on Thursday 26th April….

Pelicans Landing is Williamstown’s” local” a celebrated bar and bistro experience

in a modern restaurant designed to complement the classic maritime architecture of last century.

Rated 4 of 5 on the Trip Advisor website and #3 of 113 restaurants in Williamstown and you can read about the restaurant on its web site

The weatherboard three story building, with its numerous balconies encompasses spectacular day and night views of the city sky line, stunning waterline views of Hobson’s Bay and the yachts of Gem Pier that continually changes with the seasons.

Noel Beanland has negotiated a luncheon menu that alternates main course dishes of steak or fish, specialties of the house, for the heavily reduced cost of $25.00 per person with drinks at bar prices.

Members can catch the ferry to Williamstown from Southbank to Gem Pier and the restaurant is located nearby or you can travel by car to Williamstown.

Partners and widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are very welcome to join us at this luncheon.

If you intend to come to this event you can now book by email or phone to Ron Adams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 0408 136 100/ 9821 0444 or post this advice with your names to PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144.Cut off date will be 19th April.


Mansfield Visit 19/20 February 2018

What happens in Mansfield usually stays in Mansfield, but it has been reported that 24 members and partners enjoyed a couple of relaxing days at Alzburg Lodge renewing acquaintances and enjoying the social and sporting events that form part of the visit.

This year two couples from interstate attended - Bernice and Kevin Mitchell from Shearwater Tasmania, and Glennis and Bruce Robertson from Runaway Bay in Queensland.

Male golf numbers were down this year due to knee reconstructions - John Inglis and Neville Pearson, and shoulder problems - Dal Crocker; however these injuries didn’t stop them from enjoying the social activities. Gordon Paulett won the men’s golf competition and the ladies winner was Pam Hocking

John Inglis provided a challenging set of trivia questions which added to the fun during the closing dinner.

Overall, another successful event which members should consider attending next year.

ANZ STAFF CLUB AUSTRALIA - RETIRED MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION Carmel Helmore from ANZ Staff Club Australia has received several enquiries from Retired officers for more information about and how to join the ANZ Staff Club. Being a member of the ANZ Retired Officers Club we qualify to join ANZ Staff Club and receive all the discounted benefits and services we offer. The annual membership fee is $24.50

Staff Club subscriptions and the benefits of membership are outlined below:

“ANZ Staff Club Australia Inc. is a not for profit incorporated association and was setup by the staff of ANZ, for the benefit of ANZ staff.

Your association provides a huge range of benefits to members from discounted gift cards & movie tickets, retail products, Social events, accommodation as well as many other benefits and services.

The ANZ Staff Club is dedicated in providing benefits to members at the cheapest prices possible; however rising costs have required us to recently review how we can continue to maintain our high value service offerings to our valued members.

As a result, membership fees for ANZROC members will increase to $24.50 per annum.

This will be the first price adjustment since member fees were increased in February 2013.

The membership fee increase is a necessary step to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of our club continues. The increase will provide much needed financial support for the club and ensure we can continue to offer great benefits for all members.

The team at the ANZ Staff Club is working hard to improve the offering of benefits, programs and events for all members. As well as continuing to provide great value for money through its range of gift cards (saving up to 10%), retail products (saving up to 50%) and through its subsidised accommodation portfolio.

In the last 6 months, we have launched a new online website for members to purchase benefits regardless of location, introduced digital gift cards, vastly increased our range and availability of discounted retail products and introduced the new “Frequent value program” saving on a wide range of benefits.

What do I need to do?

No action will be required by you as the adjustments will be managed by ANZ..

We hope to continue to provide excellent value for money through our extensive range of benefits.

If have further queries or would like to discuss your membership, please email the team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Guest Speaker will be Ralph Boyne from the Shire of Remembrance

The RSL Club is approx 150 metres from the Greensborough Railway Station and approx 2 km South East from where the existing Metropolitan Ring Road ends.

Unfortunately there are major changes to the Hurstbridge railway line underway from Tuesday 3rd April to Sunday 29th April and buses will replace trains from Clifton Hill to Macleod then train to Greensborough. Trains will also run on a revised timetable during the planned disruptions so members using Metro trains will need to check with their stations and allow extra time to arrive at Greensborough.

The luncheon will commence at 12noon and a range of a la carte selections and seniors meals will be available for members and partners with drinks at bar prices.

Our guest speaker was arranged by ANZROC committee member Con La Fauci, and our host for the day will be Dal Crocker Vice President and Acting Treasurer of the Greensborough RSL Club.

Partners ,widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome and encouraged to attend

Please advise your acceptance by Thursday 5th April 2018 to Joan Nathan, Telephone: 9740 8001, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice.




TO : Joan Nathan

7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor 0408 136 100

Newsletter December 2017


Letter from ANZ CEO to all ANZROC Members. Please click to read. 

Please click to read the December 2017 reformatted newsletter

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)

NEWSLETTER 14th December 2017


Presidents Welcome address to ANZROC Christmas lunch Dec 14 2017



Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our 2017 Christmas lunch.

A special welcome today to Shayne and his ANZ Executive colleagues Graham Hodges, Kathryn van der Merwe, Bob Santamaria and Digital and Social Media Manager Darren Sibson. Darren will be wandering around doing some media work for Shayne’s Facebook page this afternoon so we had better be on our best behaviour..

Welcome also to Don Mercer, John Ries, Reg Nicholson, Sandra Street and Maria Natoli who are on my table. Will Bailey is a late apology as he has to have a minor medical procedure.

Many thanks for the generous financial support provided by the Bank to ANZROC Victoria and the other States.

I saw that ANZ has adopted the Agile methodology for Technology projects and has teams consisting of Tribes and Squads. That reminded me of a conversation with my old boss Dick Milnthorpe who established the India Technology Project in 1985. He said to the then Indian head Ashok Dayal that he planned to call the Project Geronimo. Ashok looked at Dick and said Dick; we are not that type of Indian!!! Lucky he had a sense of humour and that the project was a big success.

The Bank has had to deal with many regulatory changes over the past year and no doubt 2018 will not be any easier with the Royal Commission into banking on the horizon. We look forward to hearing Shayne’s response to the toast to the Bank later on.

We have had a busy year with meetings spread across Victoria including Ballarat, Geelong and Woodend. We also visited Caulfield and Moonee Valley but did not see any horse racing. Our meetings both in the City and Regional Victoria were well attended. We were pleased to have quality Guest Speakers including Don the Bush Poet, Shirley and Brian an Ex Journalist and Detective who toured the Silk Road in Eastern Europe on their Motorcycles and Annalise an ex-ANZ Corporate Banker who changed career to help indigenous Communities in Queensland.

I would like to thank Neville Pearson and Gary Mason who have retired from the Committee after many years’ service. Also welcome David Knuckey, Geri Macgregor and Dan Kirtley to the Committee.

Our Membership remains strong at around 960 and it is encouraging that we have attracted 52 new members some of whom are here at the lunch for the first time. Also many members have travelled long distances to get here today and we thank them for making the effort. I met Eddie Forth in the lobby who has travelled from Queensland to be here today. A few of our regulars are unable to attend due to illness and we wish them a quick recovery.

It has also been a year of sadness with 34 members passing away. They were close to many of us and will be missed at the lunch today.

2018 will be the 65th anniversary of ANZROC Victoria and we intend to mark that event with a special lunch at one of our lunches next year. Our lunch program for 2018 will be included in this month’s newsletter. Included will be an event on the Mornington Peninsula in March and William Angliss Cooking School in Melbourne in May.

We continue to support the Salvation Army in their annual appeal and raised around $3000 which was presented to them at our May lunch.

We were able to re-activate our Golfing activities with 2 meetings held at Cheltenham this year. We plan to return to Cheltenham later in 2018 and are also planning an event at Torquay in April.

We continue to send out monthly newsletters and birthday cards to our Members to keep in touch with you all. Despite the Australian Postal system Kathy Trace still manages to get the majority of them to you on time.

Our internet presence has continued to grow with over 170,000 hits to the ANZROC website in the past 7 years. We also have over 350 following our Facebook page which contains articles of interest about ANZ people and also selected articles from the ANZ Blue notes publications including the ANZ CEO responding to a Customer complaint in Tasmania by going there and personally cleaning up the ATM. A more recent article highlighted the work ANZ Technology is doing to help customers with a disability. The latest message from Shayne changing the ANZ Dress code has reached over 880 readers.

Enjoy the lunch and we look forward to hearing later from Bernadette Lynch with her toast to the Bank and the response from ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott.


In the closing address a Life Membership Certificate was awarded to Gary Mason for his long and distinguished service to ANZROC over many years as Senior Vice President.

I would like to thank the Arts Centre staff and Caterers for making this occasion run so smoothly and also mention the good work Peter Pritchard and Ken Crawford did behind the scenes to deal with the Arts Centre ,process all the acceptances , create the name-tags and put the tables together.

Our next meeting will be at 100 Queen Street on February 8 with Guest Speaker Terry Earle, who worked at ANZ for many years before opening his Art Gallery Without Pier in Cheltenham. Terry will talk about Australian Indigenous art and we hope to see many of you there.

Finally, On behalf of the ANZROC Committee I would like to wish you and your families a safe and happy Christmas and hope to see you at some of our meetings in 2018.

Eamon Veaney....

Photos taken at the luncheon by John Brown, Carl Garley and President Eamon are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , Will Bailey, Terry Boocock, Diane Carew, John Crough, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Theo Hall, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Sandra Joseph , Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Ron Phillips , Dietmar Reichert, John Stevens , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Corallo Frances 7 years ANZ

Neilson M.D. (Mark) 31 years ANZ

O’Brien Peter

Tregurtha Louise

Weston Barbara

Woodyard Peter 42 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing the new members at one of our forthcoming meetings


Logan J. M. (John) 82 years July 2017

We have just been advised of John’s passing by Kris Logan and the funeral service was held in July 2017. John was living in Portarlington when he passed away.

Saint Molly 100 years 8/9/2016

Molly passed away peacefully at Hailey House in Ballarat in September 2016 and the advice has just reached us. We sent flowers to Molly to celebrate her 100th birthday and she was a regular correspondent thanking us for her birthday cards.

Whitehead R.C. (Ray) 91 years 12/9/2017

Erin Whitehead, granddaughter of Ray advised us of his passing which was in September 2017 at 91 years.. Ray was a very private person and did not want any notification of his passing in the local press and the funeral service was family only.

Yardley H.T. (Theo) 89 years 7/12/2017

Theo was a regular correspondent to the ANZROC newsletter writing from St Ives (NSW) annually to let us know what was happening with the Yardley family.

If you have any anecdotes of your time in the Bank with John, Molly, Ray or Theo let me know and I will include in later issues.

Our condolences are extended to the families and friends of John, Molly, Ray and Theo.

John Flyger Funeral Service

John Brown emailed “Jan and I attended John Flyger's funeral service at Bunerong Memorial Park.

It was a well conducted and attended service with tributes from John's son, Andrew, and daughter, Michelle as well as the Celebrant. A comprehensive screening of photos provided an insight into John's many and varied interests and his close family relationships.

ANZROC members attending were Ian Cowley, Brian and Julie Day, Barry King, Dick and Joan Sanders and Geoff Stillman, along with Margaret Forrest, Julie O'Regan, and Pat Sharman.”

Reg Kini from ANZROC NSW sent the following note “Extracted in part from the SMH 18.11.17: Maureen Stapleton a Dedicated nurse at Hirondelle Private Hospital for over 30 years aged 79 passed away on 13 November 2017. Maureen is survived by her husband and our ANZROC Vic member Terry.”


Kathy Trace, Joan Nathan and Neville Pearson as a team prepared and posted Christmas Cards to our ANZROC members over 90 years of age and Kathy sent this report “I thought I would let you know that I have received three Christmas cards from our over 90's. They really appreciated receiving them and having my name on the back gives them somewhere to send their thanks. The cards were from Ron Pitt, June Hoskin, and Muriel Drummond. The latter two also included notes of appreciation and said they loved the cards. Have a happy Christmas. Kathy.”



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during DECEMBER and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alan Boak (83), John Bloom (80), Ian Cann

(90), Len Carr (80),Trevor Cookson (87), Kevin Dempster (86), John Gill (81),John Hicks (90), Brian

Knowles (82), Joan Lamond, Wal McGillivray (94), Bruce Michell (82), Bevyn

Ranford (84), Noel Robertson (87), Bill Thorne (88), Glen Twidale (87), Ron Wells (86), Jack

Willoughby (92), Lloyd Zegenhagen (93).


From 1/12/2017

Less than $20,000 1.04%

Greater than $20,000 1.34%



When I first came to Australia in 1975 my plan was to stay for two years, save some money, then go home to Ireland and take up my life where I’d left off.

I’d been working in the Foreign department of Bank of Ireland in Dublin and the head of that Department at the time knew someone in ANZ and he gave me a letter of introduction to Kevin Flynn who was the Manager of the Overseas department at 394 Collins Street at that time. Kevin organised an appointment for me with Personnel and after an interview and a typing test (!) I had myself a job.

On 12th May 1975 I reported for duty as instructed to John Kelly who was the OIC in the Overseas Bills Department at 388 Collins Street. My first job was Proceeds Clerk for the princely salary of $5,804 – that’s per annum, before tax and deductions! It doesn’t sound like much now but it was a fortune to me then, enough to pay the $26 weekly rent on a small flat and live comfortably. I was very happy! But I don’t think I saved very much. So much for my plan!

The Overseas Bills Department at 388 Collins Street was a very interesting place to work. It was located in the basement with a flight of stairs at either end or a back door to a laneway that led out to Little Collins Street. The set up was interesting because the entire department was downstairs except for the Manager, who if I remember correctly was Brian McAuliffe at the time. His office was upstairs in the Cathedral Room, and from there he couldn’t see what went on downstairs. And that, together with a conveniently located back door and at least three pubs in close proximity, was a recipe for mischief. And there was plenty of mischief, particularly on Friday afternoons.

The watering hole of choice in those days was the Fox and Hounds on the corner of Queen and Flinders Streets – long gone unfortunately. I remember those early years in ANZ mainly for the fun we had. The Social Club was located upstairs, on the fourth floor I think, and the PWEs were legendary, as indeed were the Christmas parties, the Balls, the children’s Christmas parties etc. It was a very social place to work.

But somehow, despite the mischief and good times, we managed to get our work done and in those days, before you were required to manage your own career, if you did a good job you got moved on to the next position and sometimes you even got promoted. No need to ask, it just happened.

So over the next 15 years I progressed through most of the roles in Imports, Exports, Drafts and Collections, up and down Collins Street - 388, 394, 55. Needless to say I’d given up on the idea of a two year stay and a move back home.

By 1990 I was ready for a move out of International Services, as it was known then, and I applied for and secured my first managerial position in a new division in HQ called International Network Services. This was not too long after the completion of the acquisition of Grindlays and the main purpose of the little department of 2 that I joined was to promote awareness within ANZ of this big network of branches and offices in more than 50 countries and to do what we could to encourage direction of business from ANZ to Grindlays and vice versa.

AHQ was a very different working environment for me and the start of a very different career path. Some of the standout memories from those early to mid 90s days are my involvement in organising ANZ’s participation in NTIOC, a government sponsored international trade and investment conference, the organisation of several Country Heads Conferences, and on the back of that, organising the logistics for the visit of the entire Board of Directors and their partners to South Asia in 1997. The board meeting that was held in India during this trip was the first time an official board meeting had been held outside of Australia since incorporation in the mid 70s. A big deal at the time.

During the 1990s and early 2000s, there were many restructures within the International Division and although the job I was doing didn’t change much – expect for a brief stint in Business Bank Marketing - I found myself working variously in INS, IBD, Asia Pacific, Pacific and Personal Banking Asia and eventually just Pacific. Essentially the same place, just different names.

In 2004, while working in Pacific HQ, I was asked to cover the role of the Chief Operating Officer in the Cook Islands for 6 months until the local incumbent was ready to step up. Well, as had happened previously in my ANZ career, circumstances changed and I ended up spending more than 3 years in Raratonga. Now, I don’t know how many of you have ever been to the Cook Islands but I can tell you that it is one of the most beautiful places on earth, the pick of ANZ locations in the Pacific in fact, and spending 3 years there was no hardship.

But all good things come to an end and when it was time to move on I applied for and secured the role of Chief Operating Officer in Vanuatu – the second best ANZ location in the Pacific! How lucky was I!!! I spent another 3 wonderful years there, after which I had a year back in Pacific HQ before finally retiring on 30th April 2012, just two weeks short of 37 years in ANZ and a long way past the two years that I’d planned when I joined in 1975.

On my last day in ANZ I told my then colleagues, many of whom hadn’t even been born when I started my ANZ career, that I was very proud to have worked for the one employer for 37 years. I felt extremely lucky to have worked for an organisation that provided me with such wonderful opportunities, opportunities I couldn’t even have dreamed of back in 1975 when I started my ANZ journey.

And so, on that note, I’d ask you all to charge your glasses and be upstanding for the toast. To the Bank!!



Thank you Eamon for the very kind introduction. It’s hard to believe it’s only been 12 months since I spoke at last year’s event when you consider the rapid pace of change for both the industry and ANZ.

The spotlight on the big four banks has been so intense that the Chairs and CEOs even called for a Royal Commission into themselves. Yet despite all this…I am told one of the most read banking stories of the year was a recent article in the Australian Financial Review about ANZ doing away with a formal dress code… actually allowing people to decide what they want to wear each day.

Apparently this is going to result in mayhem with thousands of bankers torching their designer suits and ties on Collins Street. I’m sure you are all shocked I’m not up here in a pair of shorts and thongs now…but before you all start wondering what is going on, I’d thought I’d better give some context.

It’s actually symbolic of the work we’ve been doing over the past year to build a more collaborative, creative and less hierarchical organisation. The reality is that the scale and pace of change impacting our industry is greater than perhaps any time in ANZ’s history…we needed to change too. In fact, I’m reminded of GE’s legendary CEO Jack Welch who said of business: “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” While I’m certainly not calling the end…the next few years will be as important in ANZ’s history as any period before.

So how are we responding? The new ANZ we are building is driven by four factors. The first, focus. Choosing a few things to do, and doing them extremely well. You may have noticed we have sold a few businesses this year. This is not because they were bad business…or that I’ve run out of other ideas…it’s because for ANZ to win we need to focus on a few things and do them really well.

Second, speed. Listening to customers, testing and launching new features and solutions, and doing so quickly. This ties into how we are structuring ourselves in to small, responsive teams…or the tribes you may have read about…so we are able to respond faster to changing customer demands.

The third is digital. We’re building a bionic bank which balances digital capability with empathetic human design and service. We want to provide customers with seamless access to our products and services across multiple channels including branches, contact centres and digital.

Finally, culture. Building a stronger sense of our core purpose, ethics and fairness, and investing in people who can sense and navigate a rapidly changing world. We understand the community expects more from us and we are resolved to improve.

As I mentioned earlier, we now face a Royal Commission and it’s deeply regrettable the community debate on banks and financial services came to this point. Although we had long-held the view that a Royal Commission was not necessary, we acknowledge significant concern exists among some customers and parts of the community. We also do not under-estimate how challenging this Royal Commission will be for our industry or for ANZ. My commitment to you as former officers and current shareholders of ANZ is that we will engage with respect, transparency, and the constructive approach that we have tried to make a hallmark of our engagement with government and regulators in recent times. At the same time, we have a responsibility to continue to run the bank efficiently and we will ensure we continue to deliver our strategy, transform our business for the future and do the right thing by customers.

With that let me finish by wishing you and your families a very happy festive season and a successful 2018. I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to be here today and I hope you enjoy the afternoon catching up with old friends.


Tom Belleville emailed “Thank you for the birthday card. Cheers to all involved.”

John Bloom emailed “Thank you very much Kathy for the birthday greetings. As Henry Fonda said in the movie “On Golden Pond” ‘it didn’t take long to get here” when celebrating his 80th. Pat and I have had a relatively quiet year with only one trip away to visit our son and his family in Caloundra. So not much to report on the travel scene this year. I had a lovely 80th birthday celebration. This was held in our home with about 60 family and friends. Great to catch up with many old faces. Pat and I are keeping in reasonable health, Thanks again for the birthday greetings which I look forward to receiving for a few more years yet,”

Joan Coxsedge responded to the notes in our October newsletter from President Eamon on the celebration of life of our passed Honorary member Cedric Coxsedge “The family will appreciate Eamon’s comments. Some time next year I’m planning to take a portion of Ceds’ ashes to the UK, where he still has family members, to scatter them in a quiet part of the Thames. As you probably know, Cedric was born in London and had a particular love for the city. His great regret was not being able to travel in the last few years of his life.”

Val Goldsworthy wrote “I am delighted to put on record my appreciation the planning and imagination Committee members have put into their decisions on behalf of retired officers. Commitment means time and a willingness to serve, so we are fortunate to have our current committee. Please thank them on my behalf.”

Janet Harvey said that she and son David (ex ANZ) greatly appreciated the support the family received from ANZROC members Graeme Bancroft. Brian Henderson, Ian Ince, Neville Pearson and Dick Sanders and those ex ANZ members who attended the funeral of her husband our respected member Peter Harvey.

Frank Hatfield emailed “Thanks to Kathy, the President, Committee and Members for the birthday card greetings that arrived right on the day. Thanks also for the very interesting and informative newsletter which is eagerly awaited each month. Age is treating both Joan and me kindly at present. We are still able to have short breaks away from time to time. I was pleased to read in the November newsletter the piece that Kerry Dodds wrote about Murray Skelton. As Kerry said, Murray was a fount of knowledge and always willing to assist with any task in hand. As accountant at the time, I couldn't have asked for a better general clerk. (PS. Kerry was a very good mail/ batching clerk too.)”

John Hawkins emailed “Just thought I had better inform you that after that exhausting trip around the world we have decided to go on a little cruise up to Vanuatu and New Caledonia for 15 days just to freshen up for Xmas.. All the best to everyone and a Merry Xmas and a very Happy New year. See you all on a ship going somewhere”

Life Member Gerry McPherson emailed “Please pass on my sincere thanks to Kathy for my birthday card, which arrived right on the dot as usual. I had a most enjoyable day, with many messages and cards from family and friends. My son Bruce called from Singapore where he is working at the moment, and daughter Patricia arrived bearing gifts and lunch, plus a delicious birthday cake suitably adorned with candles! I apologise that Fay and I were unable to make it to the AGM, I woke that day feeling a bit under the weather (nothing to do with alcohol!) but I am fine now. I suppose only to be expected when approaching the ripe old age of 93!”

John Mangan writing from Kangaroo Flat said “Firstly I would like to thank the President and committee for the greetings for my 87th birthday. Thanks to modern medicine I am still living above the grass and still playing 9 holes of golf from a cart. Moira and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary in May”.

Committeewoman Joan Nathan emailed “On behalf of the members of the ANZROC I would like to thank all those involved in making the Christmas lunch day such a success, and for all the hard work in organizing the Christmas Party .It was great to see everyone catching up with friends made over many years working together. I would like to wish all the ANZROC members and their families a very Merry Christmas and may the New Year be blessed with good health and lots of special times.”

Greg Payne emailed “What a lovely surprise Kathy and thank you for sending me the birthday card on behalf of ANZROC. Very thoughtful of you every year. This year on the day my daughter Alicia is shouting me to lunch at Rockpool and I have managed some volunteer hours in lieu so I can go home and chill out. Am reminded of the Lennon McCartney composition “...when I’m 64” .On 30th November it was 47 years since I began with ANZ at Cheltenham..W.R. (Bob) Hallett Manager. . Redundancy from ANZ in early 99 as no doubt many others but as is said “life goes on” and 18 years later am still with NAB. Many ups and downs this year losing my father in early February just short of his 90th probably the standout but again “life goes on”. Managed to finish my 26th Melbourne Marathon in October but maybe halves (21.1.Klms) as the maximum distance from now on. Daughter Alicia is 35 soon and has a Masters in Music (Classical Opera-Soprano) however opportunities to perform are few. I love music and it has been a fantastic experience watching her career since being picked out in primary school choir auditions. She works as an Account Manager in an IT company and lives nearby”.

Geoff Perdriau” wishes to thank Kathy and the committee for the recent birthday card which was personally delivered! We enjoyed a family lunch in a cafe by the sea at Williamstown to celebrate the old boy's birthday. Our winter holiday was a trip on the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth which we thoroughly enjoyed also. It is a great way to spend three days just relaxing and taking in the changing scenery of our wonderful country.”

Jim Potter writing from Sebastopol said “Another year passed too quickly. Would you please convey to Kathy my thanks, as usual her timing is perfect receiving the card for my 87th on the due date. She certainly does a marvellous job. I get great enjoyment at receiving the card and also receiving the monthly newsletter. It is great to see recorded the names of many people I worked with and one does miss the personal contacts over the years. Please convey to Kathy, the committee and all members my best wishes for the coming festive season.”

Retired officer, Geoff Reilly,” took up singing three years ago and is a member of the Waterford Park Choir. The choir perform each December at Trinity Manor Aged Care in Balwyn in addition to their annual Christmas performances. During a recent, additional visit to Trinity Manor, Geoff was to perform solo until he was made aware that fellow retired ANZ officer, Bernie Sowersby, is a resident at Trinity Manor and related to the Waterford Choir Director by marriage. Bernie also has a background in amateur musical performance so Geoff and Bernie together were able to perform the Gendarmes Duet much to the delight of Bernie's fellow residents. Geoff was also recently awarded the OAM in the Queen's Birthday Honours List.”

Alan Ryan writes “Thank you very much for my birthday card which, as usual, turned up on the birthday date. I enjoy the monthly newsletter to catch up with old work mates and friends. We have had a quiet year .Just small caravan trips around Victoria. We have lived in Warragul now for 44 years. We still run beef cattle and my wife still operates a yoga school but she is retiring at the end of this year. Kind regards to all.”

Past President John Stevens emailed “Please accept my apologies as unable to attend to attend this year’s Christmas luncheon .I offer my congratulations to the Committee on another great year – the information flow and the opportunities for ROC members to get together has never been better.

The compliments of the season to ANZROC members”.

Trevor Tilley emailed “Many thanks to the Committee and helpers for a wonderful day last Thursday. What a fantastic effort by all concerned for this great event and the 300 attendees. This was my first event with ROC and my only regret is that I did not join much earlier. Having the list of attendees on each table was a real winner too. It was a great opportunity to catch up with not seen past work mates such as Malcolm James with whom I worked in Darwin 50 years ago. Also great to see Birdie again as he was responsible for wife Joy and I getting together on a blind date for the Bank Ball at St Kilda Town Hall in 1968. Luckily most of us have not aged too much over the years. It was also appreciated that many people made themselves known to me after so many years. This just reinforces the belief that we "old" ANZ'ers really do care for each other. I hope to be able to catch up with many other past workmates at future ROC events. Again, my sincere thanks to all involved in putting together this luncheon together..”

Glen Twidale said thanks for the good wishes for his forthcoming 87th birthday. Glen passed on his best wishes to ANZROC members for Christmas and the New year and a rewarding 2018.

Julie Wilkins emailed “As soon as ANZROC newsletter hits the inmail, I read. Always good to read what people are doing, and nice replies to birthday cards. And all being well should be able to attend 2018 Christmas Lunch, think it is about time I cut down my work hours.”

And Kim Charlton, Dick Chegwin, Andrew Kelly, Julie O’Regan, Bruce Tickell, Peter Treleaven,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



Note the dates in your diaries for the year ahead….


Feb 8 100Queen Street Melbourne - Guest speaker Terry Earle

Mar 8 Steeples Restaurant at Mornington Racecourse Mornington Tyabb Road

Mar 22nd Geelong, Torquay and Western Districts lunch at Geelong Yacht Club

Apr 12 ANZAC Meeting @ Greensborough RSL -Guest speaker from Shrine of Remembrance

Apr 19th Golf tournament at RACV Torquay

Apr26th Williamstown lunch at Pelican’s Landing …by ferry or road..your choice

May10 William Angliss Institute, 550 Little Lonsdale Street Specialist Centre for hospitality, tourism and culinary arts training and education.– Red Shield Appeal with Salvation Army Speaker

Jun 14 Glasshouse Restaurant Caulfield Racecourse

July12 Mulgrave Club – celebrate ANZROC 65th anniversary

Aug 9 100 Queen Street Melbourne -possible Guest speakers Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist

Authors of “2 Steps Forward”

Sep 13 Visit Geelong ...Jokers Entertainment Complex

Oct 11 Functions Committee considering several options

Nov 8 AGM@833Collins Street Melbourne

Dec 13 Xmas Lunch @ Arts Centre


The annual trip to Mansfield for 2018 will take place on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 February.

The venue is Alzburg Lodge, Mansfield, with motel style accommodation.

Participants usually arrive around mid-day on the Monday and can then either relax around the pool, play tennis, explore Mansfield or just socialise prior to an evening BYO BBQ.

A men’s and ladies golf challenge is conducted at the first class Mansfield Golf Club on Tuesday morning, while non-golfers can explore Mansfield or visit the many other attractions in the area.

A dinner and social evening in the resort restaurant winds up the visit on the Tuesday evening and everyone heads home am Wednesday 21 February.

At this stage 22 people have indicated that they will be attending, but the resort can accommodate many more, so why not join in the fun and enjoy a couple of days in the country.

If you are interested, please let John Brown know (Mobile 0425827540 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and full details will be provided.


After extensive research of the Mornington area eateries by the Garleys and the Parry-Joneses, we've chosen a venue for our lunch on March 8th. I made a booking this morning at Steeples, which is next to the racecourse on the Mornington Tyabb Road.

Full details will be in the February newsletter.

In summary,

· the food is good and inexpensive. We’ll have a choice of 6 seniors’ main courses plus a vegetarian option and dessert (alternating mousse or pavlova) for (presently) $19.

· we will have our own function room which will be closed off from the rest of the venue. It holds up to 70 people. It’s carpeted so you can hear yourself think and Eamon (if he makes the trip) can say a few words.

· there’s heaps of parking

· for people from the city, public transport is 'challenging'. Steeples has a courtesy bus which holds 11 passengers. I’ve asked whether they could do a pick-up from Frankston station and they haven’t said no at this stage. There is a bus from Frankston station to Nepean Hwy Mornington and we could ferry people from there, but that would be a last resort.



Geoff and Lesley Cook have arranged for the second of what is hoped will be an annual event for those retired ANZ staff and partners who live in the Geelong, Torquay, Bellarine Peninsula and Western/South Western Victoria areas. The lunch is open to all ex-ANZ staff, not just ANZROC members, so please spread the word amongst your ANZ contacts in the area.

This lunch will again be held at the Geelong Yacht Club on Thursday 22ND March 2018 commencing at 12.00 midday. Meal costs are very affordable, and drinks will be available at normal bar prices. ANZROC will be supporting this function with a small subsidy to help cover expenses.

The Yacht Club is on the Geelong waterfront, 23 Eastern Beach Rd. Geelong, and is about ten minutes walk from the train station.

Please contact Geoff and Lesley as soon as possible to confirm your attendance, but no later than Thursday 15th March 2018 as caterers need to be advised of expected numbers. Phone 5229 1456, mobile 0412 428 861 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Here’s a last minute Christmas gift idea. Buy yourself and your partner a night or two’s accommodation at Torquay and join us for golf on Thursday, April 19th.

A number of our golfing members have commented that they miss the Traralgon golf day. With the help of ANZROC member and Torquay local Aldo Faella we are holding a similar style event, but at the RACV Resort in Torquay. We have sufficient starters to be able to confirm that this golf day will go ahead and tee off times have been booked.

The format we are working towards is that members and partners arrive at the resort by 12 noon for a light lunch before teeing off at 1pm. After the game there will be drinks and presentations at the Resort. Golfers and partners will get together in the evening at a pub or restaurant for dinner. Non-golfing ANZROC members and partners from the Torquay area will be welcome to join us for dinner.

This is an early notice so that you can keep the date free but also to give those people who are able to stay in Torquay plenty of time to make accommodation bookings. 

Aldo’s strong advice would be for people to book in advance as the region is very popular. Accommodation options include -

The Sands Resort

The Wyndham Resort

Torquay Tropicana Motel

The Torquay Caravan Park which is close to the RACV Resort.

Golfing and non-golfing partners of ANZROC members are very welcome. For non-golfers we will suggest activities for them while the golf is happening.

The cost for the golf component of the day will be $50 which covers a light lunch, 18 holes of golf and prizes. For non-golfers who would like to join us for the light lunch the cost will be $15. Golf carts are available and can be paid for on the day.

To confirm your attendance, or if you have any questions, please contact Glyn Parry-Jones on 0411 256322 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Please send your internet banking payment to ANZROC, BSB 013-350, account number 3064 51947 or by cheque to Glyn at PO Box 503, Mount Martha, Vic, 3934.

We hope you can join us on the day. More details will be provided nearer the date.



Thursday 8th February 2018 in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON

ANZROC member Terry Earle has agreed to talk at our February meeting. Terry runs Without Pier Gallery in Cheltenham. . Established in 1995 in the bayside village of Sandringham, Without Pier Gallery moved to new premises 3 kilometres east in Cheltenham in 2006. The gallery has developed an enviable reputation as a specialist in contemporary Australian art. The Gallery offers an eclectic range of art and artefacts from renowned and rising Australian and Aboriginal artists.

Terry will bring some of the paintings to the venue to highlight the work of a range of Australian artists.

Hopefully it’s an opportunity to get a few of Terry’s ex-colleagues along that we don’t see a great deal of.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited that day.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Sunday 4th February 2018 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

Please note that the luncheon fee is $15.00 for 2018 and will be collected at the door to partially cover the costs.

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.



TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144.

By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter November 2017



 Click on this link to read the November Reformatted Newsletter

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
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Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)


ANZROC NEWSLETTER 9th November 2017


It was great to see 60 Members and Partners attend the ANZROC AGM at Docklands.

The formal proceedings confirmed that Dan Kirtley, Geri Macgregor and David Knuckey would join the ANZROC Committee. Ken Crawford was appointed to the vacant role of Senior Vice President. We thanked Life Member Neville Pearson and Gary Mason for their long and distinguished service to the Committee. Ron Adams nominated Gary Mason as an ANZROC Life Member which was unanimously endorsed by the Members present. A copy of the President’s report for 2017 follows this newsletter.

There has been a very strong response to the ANZROC Christmas lunch on Dec 14 with 284 confirmed acceptances already. We have extended the booking to 300 and are likely to reach that number so may have to create a waiting list. We have already locked in the date for the 2018 Christmas lunch which will be on Dec 13 2018.

We are working on a plan for our 2018 meetings including a special event in July at Mulgrave Country Club to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the formation of ANZROC Victoria.

A few members at the AGM expressed interest in putting forward ideas for ANZROC activities in the coming year and we welcome any feedback.

We were very fortunate to have Annalise Jennings as our Guest Speaker at the AGM.

Annalise spent 25 years working in different roles at ANZ but a chance visit to Far North Queensland ended up in a major career shift. Annalise spent time with the indigenous community in Napranum in Cape York taking leave of absence from ANZ to follow her dream. The Whole of Community Change Program she introduced allowed the town to take control of their destiny rather than the previous method of being told what to do. This resulted in an increase in community owned infrastructure, employment and a big decrease in the negative aspects associated with the remote aboriginal communities.

Annalise was bestowed the honour by Elder Mary Anne Coconut of Daughter of Tribal Lands and given the name Kili which means Lorikeet with bright coloured feathers for a nice, bright, happy person.

We learnt a great deal from Annalise's inspiring presentation and thank her for sharing with us.

Members not seen for some time included Wolf Damschitz, Neil Dawtrey, Jan and Keith Findlay, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Graeme King, Suniel Kucchal (first time), John Gietman (first time), Graeme Randall and Smita Datar (also first time).

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney and John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Peter Alexander, Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin ,Clive Bayley, Michael Black, Terry Boocock, Diane Carew, Bill Collins ,John Crough, Bryden Davis, Viji Dharann, Carol Dukes, Phil Dunstan, Tina Falla, Helen Farnell, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, David Knuckey, Harry Loucas, Rodney Manser, Gary Mason, Wal McGillivray, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Ron Phillips , Alan Podger, Dietmar Reichert, Bill Robinson, John Stevens, Cindy Taylor, George Thomas ,Alan Trower, Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Amato A. L. (Toni) 31 years ANZ

Brereton Gayle 37 years ANZ

Datar Smita 23 years ANZ

Gates Richard 25 years ANZ

Jackson Malcolm 41 years ANZ

Jones Richard 10 years ANZ

Morgan John 18 years ANZ

Thompson D. G. (David) 17 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing the new members at one of our forthcoming meetings. Smita  attended the AGM.


Flyger John 82 years 31/10/2017

Michelle Williams, John’s daughter, said her father joined the Bank of A/Asia in Wanganui and spent more than 40 years in ANZ that included a few years in Suva before moving to Melbourne. John’s career covered time in branches, branch management and senior lending roles. John retired to Hervey Bay and returned to Melbourne about 10 years ago to be with family and he was a supporter of ANZROC attending Christmas lunches when he was able . He was a great friend of the late Alan Forrest and the late Neil Sharman. John was a member of the ANZ Bank golf club and enjoyed meeting and playing golf with his friends. The Flygers and the Forrests were prolific travelers around and across Australia but more recently ill health prevented him from venturing too far from home. The funeral is to be held later in November and a further report will be forthcoming. Condolences to John’s family.

We have been advised by ANZROC member Arun Nangia that Ray Barnes has passed away after being ill with a brain tumour for a number of months. Ray worked in a number of senior roles at ANZ Grindlays in South Asia, Middle East and New York. Condolences to Ray's family.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during NOVEMBER and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Frank Attard (82), Annette Baldwin, Dick

Barry (80), Bob Challis (80), Graeme Croxford (80), Theo Hall (86), Frank Hatfield (86), Keith Higgs

(83), John Mangan (87), Zelda Martin, Gerry McPherson (93), John Osborne (80), Geoff Perdriau

(81), Jim Potter (87), Don Ranyard (87), Arthur Vale (87), Neil Warne (81), Ronald Williams (80)


From 1/11/2017

Less than $20,000 1.02%

Greater than $20,000 1.31%


Peter Alexander emailed “Well - I now join the admiring throng of ANZROC Members who have received their Birthday Card(s) from Kathy Trace on the actual Birth-day. Kathy - How do you do it - given the “service” levels of “Snail-Post”? I am, genuinely, full of admiration that this simple, and kind and wonderfully timely gesture occurs so accurately, and precisely on the day.

Congratulations! - and, also, a big “Thank You” to all.”

Mike Aranha emailed” As usual I have received my card – postmarked 18/09 posted by our dependable Kathy T, from Newport. It took until yesterday, 12/10 to arrive in Mount Waverley.

Aussie Post needs to be put on the shame file. All the same I appreciate the card. Regards to all on the committee, for a job well done, year in and out”

David Begg wrote from Belmont “Please convey to President and committee my sincere appreciation of the birthday greeting for my 88th. It’s good to see that the “Pony Express” must still be operative and getting the mail through “on time”- my thanks to Kathy Trace for her efforts. The Newsletter is well received and pleasing to read-thank you very much for that. “

John Carrazza emailed “A special thank you to Kathy Trace, President and Committee ANZ Retired Officers Club (VIC) for sending a birthday card to me. I am still in full time employment as a Senior Sales Executive at a Real Estate Agent's office for the past 20 years since leaving ANZ in 1997.

Enjoy watching all sports in my spare time. A large emphasis is placed on family life with two daughters, two sons and grandchildren. “

Harry Carrodus emailed “A brief note to thank you very much for my Birthday wishes which, as usual, arrived on time. I celebrated the day with family and friends which turned out to be quite a festival of birthdays. We have had a hectic year relocating into a new apartment which gave a good excuse for a double celebration. Kathy, you have made a valuable contribution to the retired officers over many years which is greatly appreciated.”

Kerry Dodds writing from Lake Wendouree said “Once again please thank Katy Trace for her best birthday wishes. It has been a very busy year. We have just added another addition to the” family “- a 1960 Tank Fairlane. You will soon notice America’s oil surplus dissipate. (Google Ford Fairlane 1960 for the model). On a better late than never basis I noticed in the April newsletter of the passing of Murray Skelton. In 1964 I was the mail/batching clerk at Croydon branch. I imagine the Murray was the general clerk and Frank Hatfield was the Accountant. To be gentle on myself let’s just say I was a slow starter –my main concentration at that stage of my life was towards cars and motor cycles. Many errors were made at work and Murray Skelton would help every time on a most affable basis. His cheery disposition is something I have often recalled over the past 53 years. I met Frank Hatfield at an ES&A Christmas luncheon some years back but unfortunately never caught up with Murray again. The fact that he left such an impression on an 18 year old kid speaks for itself,”

Barbara Firth wrote to” thank Kathy Trace for her Honorary birthday greetings. I always enjoy receiving the newsletter and reading about fellow workers especially of ES&A 225 Swanston Street. Regards to all.”

Bruce Gay emailed” Jean and I have just returned from an overseas trip to Hungary, Austria and Switzerland and on return found my Birthday card from Kathy which I am convinced arrived exactly on time as usual. Thank you to the committee for the wishes and thank you Kathy for noting that it was a bit of a special Birthday. Thanks again to all.”

Bob Grant emailed “Sorry I’m late in responding to your Birthday message. The card arrived on time as usual so thanks again to Kathy Trace for her timely reminder that another year has passed. I had intentions of attending the Victorian Christmas Luncheon this year but it can’t be done so I will try and make it next year. My year has been much of the same with the Anglican Church and the Port Stephens Woodworkers Club taking up most of my time as I am treasurer of both. I also produce the Woodworkers Monthly newsletter which can be up to 16 pages and this takes an enormous amount of time. Nell & I went to Canberra in August to catch up with our old friends from Tasmania (Norm & Margaret Toma) who had recently moved to Canberra to be closer to family. Some of you will remember Norm as he originally came from Bendigo and worked in Country Victoria before going to Tasmania. He subsequently returned to Melbourne in Business Bank during the 80’s and later transferred back to Tasmania where he retired. We have been friends for many years. I have been suffering from an ulcer on my right foot for the past 6 months but it has recently healed and hopefully I will have no problems in the future. I have had to wear a special shoe on my right foot during this time which didn’t match the left shoe so it was always a topic of conversation. Otherwise our health is good and we have no serious concerns to worry about. We recently went on a Whale Watching cruise here at Nelson Bay and it was fantastic with a pod of whales performing at their very best. October is the best time of the year for such activity. We will be spending Christmas with our family in Nelson Bay but hope to take a short trip to Dubbo this month to catch up with family and friends. Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you enjoy the Christmas Luncheon with all your friends.”

Jack Grant emailed “My thanks again to Kathy Trace for the timely receipt of my birthday card for 12/10/17. After 8 years, we moved from our home in Berwick on 30/6/17 to a new Lifestyle Village at Berwick Waters in Clyde North (next suburb) and have settled in well. The move was motivated largely by my continued foot problems, which preclude me from any sport or gardening duties. I recently had a further operation on my foot, which will hopefully enable me to be more mobile in the future. I continue to be on strong antibiotics for the bone infection, which is difficult to cure.

I was saddened at the death of Bob Bishop on 6/8/17. We first met in the 1960’s playing basketball and cricket for the Bank and later become re-acquainted with Bob and his wife Val when they were moved to Geelong in the 1970’s. We became very good friends and had many good times together. He will be sadly missed. We enjoy being members of a local Probus Club, where I am the current Treasurer, and spending time with our daughter-in-law and our 3 granddaughters.

I look forward to catching up with fellow retired officers at the forthcoming Christmas Luncheon in December.”

Meg Grayling daughter of our late member Tony Grayling emailed “Thank you very much for the newsletter. My sister and I greatly appreciate it. We have had some lovely conversations with, or emails and cards from, ANZ retired officers, and were thrilled to have several members attend Dad's funeral. Please pass on our thanks to all - it is nice to know how highly Dad was regarded by his colleagues.”

Charles Griss emailed” I would like to communicate my thanks to the ANZROC team and Kathy Trace in particular, for the timely card for my birthday. Hard to believe that I have reached 76 and been ‘retired’ from ANZ since 1998. That is over 19 years ago; how time flies! I seem to have made a good recovery from my major heart surgery at about this time last year, for which I am thankful. We celebrated with the family at home. Our first grandchild has just started driving lessons would you believe. We have seven, so plenty to keep us occupied with the youngest being 6. I had lunch with a few of the ‘old boys’ and girls’ recently at Chloe’s. Maria Natoli with Will ‘in tow’, plus John Ries, David Butcher and others. I am still trying to hit that little white ball around Yarra Bend, in company with Peter Bearsley most Mondays. Peter has had a bit of a rough trot with a perforated bowel, but is now on the mend and in fact played (and won easily with a 94 off the stick) last Monday. Have planned and paid for a trip to Croatia and France in September of next year with another couple; there is confidence for you! “

Chris James emailed to change his address in Blind Bight and said “Retired life has been great and very busy so far. Now retiring from most Board/Committee positions to concentrate on travel.”

Larry James emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which again arrived on time. Wonderful. Still keeping busy with steams trains at Puffing Billy, radio presenting at Golden Days Radio, and am also involved with the Theatre Organ Society of Australia assisting with their many concerts. Life is not dull. Had 10 days at Port Douglas in June where the temperature was around 28c each day. Of course a ride on the train to Kuranda was a highlight. At the moment l’m very busy with Seniors Week and the Seniors Festival to which Golden Days Radio is a media partner. There are so many nice people that you meet at these functions and it makes it all worthwhile.”

Vito Laruccia emailed “Hi Kathy. Thank you for my annual birthday card in September. The card arrived whilst my wife and I were doing a big road trip to Darwin. We were away for 8 weeks and managed to “clock up” nearly 13,000 klms in our car (we were not towing).We enjoyed all aspects of our trip and managed to avoid all the local wildlife meandering on the side of the roads.”

Kevin Livingston emailed from Kyabram “Could you pass on my thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card she sent to me, appreciate it. I always look forward to reading the newsletter.”

Ian Matheson emailed “Many thanks for the birthday wishes. I always enjoy reading the monthly newsletters to stay in touch with old work colleagues. Since leaving ANZ, I moved to Hong Kong with HSBC and since then have moved to Abu Dhabi, UAE with a Regional Bank. The weather can be fairly brutal, up to 50 degrees in the summer; however the winters are very mild and comfortable. Overall a good city to live in, great food, easy to get around, cheap petrol, virtually no crime and best of all, no income taxes.”

Emilio Moreno emailed “thanks to you and the committee for your kind wishes for my birthday. A quiet and very enjoyable day was spent with the family although with five healthy grandkids, quiet perhaps does not accurately describe the day! Good fun.

Hope your golf handicap is improving and I look forward to seeing you at the Christmas function. Kathy continues to defy the odds by her brilliance in timing in all of us receiving our birthday greetings spot on time.”

Committeewoman Joan Nathan emailed “I would like to thank you for my birthday card, it’s just amazing with all the cards you send how you manage to get them all out on time. I enjoyed spending my birthday with family and friends at ‘Sails on The Bay’ it was a lovely aspect overlooking the water at Elwood. We are all looking forward to spending some quiet time at Noosa together.

We all really appreciate the effort you go to, too make all the ANZROC members feel so special on their birthday. Thanks again Kathy.”

Peter Nielipowiec writing from Junortown said “I am sorry to be late with this letter but we have been busy packing and unpacking having just moved into a retirement village. I am having trouble writing as I am related to Michael Parkinson so I must be English so getting my wife to write the letter as I have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I was deeply saddened at the passing of one of my friends Ken Chisholm on 5/9/2017 aged 75. Ken and I went to the same school in our younger days at Ouyen. I remember when I was hit by a car and came off my bicycle when I was 11 and Ken came to visit me in the hospital and asked me whether I will be right to play footy for the School in a couple of weeks. I said yes, how wrong I was, took nearly 3 years before I could walk properly. We laughed about that in our later years. Ken started in the ANZ Bank Ouyen in 1959/60, I followed him in 1961. I remember that one of my first jobs was to stamp the cheques paid as Ken had fallen a month behind. We crossed paths over the years in the Bank. A large farewell service for Ken was conducted in Bendigo and Shane one of Ken’s sons did an excellent eulogy of Ken’s life. Farewell Ken.”

Alan Pearce wrote “I would like to thank you Kathy Trace sincerely for all the work you do on behalf of ANZROC completing and mailing birthday cards to members each year. It is a huge task to undertake and I congratulate you for ensuring the cards reach members on their big days”.

Neil Robinson writing from Highton said “Thank you greatly for the happy (82nd) card that arrived in plenty of time. “Festive occasion” remind me of many great bank times- not forgetting the large room on the 2nd floor of 2 Malop Street Geelong where many great singers once performed including Dame Nellie Melba, Les Carr and Cheryl Barker. At one function John Trevena and myself sang the Gendarmes Duet followed by Gordon Christensen riding a motor bike up the stairs, then a couple of ladies sliding down the banisters. And what about the “dance trains” we hired from Geelong to Meredith and return with a three piece band playing all the way. Ah those were the days.”

John Sudholz emailed “Thanks to Kathy and the ANZROC Committee for the bow tie and balloons birthday greetings. Fortunately, another year has passed without any major issues .Noelene and I enjoyed a very interesting tour of Jordan and Israel in May and came home via Singapore where our daughter, Karen, and her husband have been living since March following his posting by Exxon Mobil. All very familiar after our four years there in the late 1980's.Looking forward to the catch up at the Christmas Luncheon on 14 December and thanks for all you do for the Club.”

Pete Treleaven emailed “Thanks to Kathy and the President for my Birthday card which arrived on time as usual. I am still alive and kicking and now looking forward to becoming an Honorary Member this time next year. Still playing golf 3 times a week albeit handicap getting longer, and enjoying a sea cruise every now and then. I was recently very honoured to be made a Hall of Fame member of the Albert Park/ANZ Football Club along with John Bloom and Keith Findlay. I played with the Bank team from 1955 to 1971. Caught up with Bill Jackson on the day at the Bar named in his honour. Warm regards to all.”

Bill Walker emailed “Many thanks to the President, Committee and indeed Kathy, for their kind birthday wishes. Long may they continue? I must say that I thoroughly look forward to the monthly Newsletter to follow the exploits of my ex colleagues. Congratulations to all,”

AND Noel Bottrell, Brian Day, Neil Franklin, Bill Jackson, Karl Mattingly, Bob Maughan, Geoff Stillman, Sandra Street, Gren Tonzing,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



Thank you, the majority of members have paid their subscriptions for this year. However there are a number that are still to be paid.

All paying members, those of us less than 80 years of age, should have received a statement last month. If you’re a paying member and have not received an invoice or statement, please contact Glyn Parry-Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 0411 256 322.

To avoid the cost and effort to our club in sending out reminders, your prompt payment of any outstanding subscriptions would be appreciated.

(Please note, if you have to pay in through a branch, ensure you enter your membership number in the 'Agent Deposit Reference' field and '60' in the TC field and check that the teller enters these when processing. This will ensure we can match the payment to your account.)

ANZ/PNG REUNION Rex Gregory emailed “Just a reminder that the ANZ PNG reunion will be held on Sat 25 Nov 2017 at Mary and Errol James home 32 Forestwood Drive Maroochydore Qsld.

The Saturday function will be followed by a BBQ breakfast at Cotton Tree by the Maroochy River first thing Sunday morning 26 November.

Mary and Errol do the bulk of the food catering with the help of those whose arrive early and who wish to volunteer. This means that the financial contribution by each of us is pretty small. Last year we had about 20 or so attend, it would be great if we could better this number this time around. To assist with the catering could you RSVP me, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by email

Look forward to hearing from you “




The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

There has been a very strong response to the ANZROC Christmas lunch on Dec 14 with 284 confirmed acceptances already. We have extended the booking to 300 and are likely to reach that number so may have to create a waiting list. We have already locked in the date for the 2018 Christmas lunch which will be on Dec 13 2018.

Attendees are asked to ensure their annual subscriptions are paid before the lunch.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Bernadette Lynch. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.

The cost to members of the function is $35.00.

Cut-off date for acceptances 30 November 2017

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

· If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate as a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

· If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

· If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to: Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ken can also be contacted on 0439 432 280.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Ken Crawford at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $35.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table. Return this slip with your payment to Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 no later than by 30 November 2017


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor

0408 136 100


It is my pleasure to present the annual report of ANZROC Victoria.


We have enjoyed hearing from interesting Guest Speakers bush poet Don McQueen and motorbike travellers Brian and Shirley Rix at our City meetings both of which attracted a very good turnout of Members. Regional meetings at Woodend, Ballarat and Geelong were also well supported as were the Suburban venues at Moonee Valley, Caulfield, Greensborough and Mulgrave. We continue to commemorate Anzac Day and support the Salvation Army at our April and May lunches.


Our regular monthly newsletters continue to keep everyone in touch with former colleagues. We are indebted to our editor Ron Adams, who continues to do a great job in collating all the letters received from Members and producing the newsletter. Thanks also to Anne Wee for creating the colourful on-line version.

Social Media

ANZROC’s Website has been in operation now for over 7 years and has received 170,000 views to date. The ANZ Retired Officers’ Facebook page has 335 followers which is a 50% increase on last year. We have published a range of articles relating to ANZ from the Bluenotes platform which have proved to be popular. We also publish items of interest to our Members and post Tributes to our members who have passed away. We encourage all Members and their families to catch up with what we are doing via these Social Media channels. Thanks to Elina Law, our youngest member for maintaining our website.

Committee Activities

Our Secretary Vicky Genius continues to look after the administration of the club with a combination of efficiency and humour and has also undertaken the role of distributing the printed newsletter of which there are still around 200 per month.

Our Social Committee Noel Beanland, Joan Nathan, Ken Pattison, Neville Pearson, Wolf Damschitz and Kathy Trace have identified guest speakers and tested out a range of venues for our meetings. Committee members George Cooper, Ken Crawford, Con La Fauci and Ken Pattison ensure that members are welcomed at meetings, collect the money and hand out name tags created by Ken Crawford.

Our Welfare Committee Ken Crawford, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, and Kathy Trace continue to provide support to members who have had various issues.Birthday cards are sent to all members (which always arrive on the day despite the vagaries of Auspost), Christmas cards to members aged over 90 years, and visiting members who are unwell and need support.

We also continue to insert obituary notices in the Herald Sun as a tribute to our departed members.

Immediate past president Peter Pritchard has been a great support to me in transition to the President role and has been instrumental in dealing with arrangements for our Christmas lunch this year with the Arts Centre and sending out invitations to the ANZ Executives. Peter also worked with Geoff and Lesley Cooke to set up the Regional lunch in Geelong. Glyn and Carl are planning to organise something similar on the Mornington Peninsula in 2018.

We were able to successfully re-activate our Golf events this year with spring and autumn competitions at Cheltenham won by Chris Proctor and Con La Fauci and Kathy Shady twice. Thanks to Ken Pattison and Glyn Parry-Jones for bringing ANZROC Golf back to life and attracting around 20 members each time.

John McPhee, Kevin Mitchell and Neville Pearson all Ex-Presidents and Life members of ANZROC retired from the Committee in 2016 and 2017. Gary Mason who served on the Committee for around 10 years retired in 2017. We thank all of them for their long and dedicated Service in the working of the Committee over many years.

Christmas Lunch

Last year our 2016 Christmas Luncheon at the Arts Centre was well attended with 280 members and bank guests enjoying the opportunity to get together. ANZ guests included Shayne Elliott, Graham Hodges, Michelle Jablko, Fred Ohlsson, Bob Santamaria and Tom Walker. We continue to be indebted to the Bank for their most generous financial support to ANZROC. At our Christmas luncheon Shayne Elliott, responded to the toast to ANZ given by Bob Lyon.


We have been very successful this year in attracting 51 new members. Sadly during the year 35 members passed away including some very close to us all. Can you please pause to remember them.


The club is in good financial position thanks to the good work of our Treasurer Glyn Parry-Jones and his predecessor John Brown. Member’s subscriptions and the Bank subsidy allow us to provide the resources to enable the club to function. We thank Norris Gale for undertaking the role of Hon. Auditor.

The Membership Management system introduced in 2016 has streamlined our financial processes and allows an easy means of communicating with our members. Thanks to John Brown, Carl Garley and Glyn Parry-Jones for getting the system up and running so smoothly. John Brown is a key user of the system in his role as Membership Officer making sure that all our members’ details are up to date.


I have been honoured to take on the role of President this year and I thank all committee members for their contribution. On my and your behalf, I invite you to show our appreciation and thanks to the committee,  for the achievements and results attained during the past year.

Eamon Veaney




Newsletter October 2017



 Please click on this link to read the October 2017 Reformatted Newsletter

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)


ANZROC NEWSLETTER  12th  October     2017




President Eamon Veaney welcomed 52   members and partners to Moonee Valley Racecourse Tabaret.

We held a very sociable lunch at the Legends room with great views over the racecourse which will be buzzing in 2 weeks’ time for the Cox Plate.

We were expecting 44 but were pleased to see 52 in attendance including new members Vicky Georgiesvki , Tina Falla and Toni Amato . Thanks to Joe Maggiore and Vicky Genius for their recruiting efforts.

Thanks also to David Knuckey, Neville Pearson and Noel Beanland for organising another good venue for our lunch and to Joan Nathan for taking the acceptances.

We raised a glass to toast our departed members Peter Harvey, Brian Farrell and Maurie McGrath who passed away in the past month.

Our golf day at Cheltenham was well attended and there is a report later in this newsletter. Congratulations to the winners Con La Fauci and Kathy Shady.

Bookings for our Christmas Lunch on Dec 14 have already reached around 200 and there is an application form within this newsletter so that you can book and choose who you wish to be seated with.

Our next meeting on Nov 9 will be our AGM and we are pleased that Annalise Jennings has accepted our invitation to speak at the lunch. Annalise has made a big career shift after 20 years in ANZ Corporate Banking to working with the Indigenous Community in Queensland to help them become self-sufficient.



Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.



Senior Vice President Gary Mason has advised us of his retirement from the Anzroc Committee as he intends to spend more time in his property near Euroa. Gary has been a stalwart of the Committee over many years and we thank him for his long and dedicated service.


Ron Adams, Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin ,Clive Bayley,  John Brown,Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Ken Crawford,  Viji Dharann,   Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Ray Gill , Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Gary Mason,  Wal McGillivray,  Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Glyn Parry-Jones, Ken Pattison, Terry Parks, Ron Phillips , Graeme Randall,  Bruce Sanderson, John Stevens,  Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins.



Terry Boocock , Frances Corallo, Tina Falla, Andrew Kelly, Ian McMullin, Kevin Toohey, Toni Amato (potential member)


Geitman                              Johannes (John)               36 years ANZ

McFarlane                          Geoff                                    10 years ANZ

Rogers                                  G.W.(Gary)                        15 years ANZ

Tilley                                     T.B. (Trevor)                       34 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing John, Geoff, Gary and Trevor at our meetings.




Harvey                                 P.J. (Peter)                         78 years                               22/9/2017

Ian Ince phoned to advise that Peter J Harvey passed away at Wolumla on 22/9/2017 aged 78 years. Peter Harvey was an enthusiastic  golfer and our late President John Vanselow and wife Lois used to trek north to Merimbula each year to play golf and catch up with Peter and his wife Janet.

Dick Sanders emailed “Peter was Captain of the Bank Men’s Tennis Team for many years and of which I was a member. Thus we have known one another for many years, since the 1960’s.  He was also an outstanding low single figure handicap golfer and held the championship of a number of clubs throughout Victoria wherever he was posted. I was playing in a Tournament at Yarrawonga and my playing partners also knew Peter from their club in Bendigo. My sympathy to his family.”

Neville Pearson said I am saddened to hear that Peter has passed away and our thoughts are with Jan  at this sad time.“I could write a book on Peter. He was an excellent golfer off a handicap of  “1” in his prime and A Grade tennis player. Unorthodox but very effective on and off the tennis court.  He played for the ANZ number one tennis team, A grade Southern Districts competition and they won the flag on more than one occasion. 

Cheryl and I visited Peter and Jan on occasion when we played in the Merimbula Week of Golf tournament. 

We were invited to their home approx 13km from Merimbula and Peter showed us his trophy cabinet. It was a ceiling high huge cabinet that was full of Golf and Tennis trophies. We got a graphic  description of just about all of the trophies and it was a very late night. 

Peter’s wife Jan is a delightful lady and very welcoming to visitors to their Wolumla home near Merimbula. Peter and Jan had one son. 

Peter was truly “one of a kind” 

Farrell                          B.J. (Brian)                       88 years               29/9/2017

We were very sorry to hear from Steve Duke of the passing of our Honorary Member Brian Farrell on Friday morning aged 88 after a short illness. Brian was a very well respected Member of Anzroc.

Our condolences are extended to his family.

Eamon Veaney Brian was a real gentleman

Des Shady Worked with Brian in both Melbourne and New York - as Eamon said a real gentleman.

Bryan Stagg A true gentleman. Had so much respect for him and learnt so much from him as well.

McGrath    M (Maurie)    78 years   7/10/2017

We just heard of the passing of Maurie McGrath who was a Long term lending banker in both corporate and business bank. Well known and regarded by all his colleagues.

President Eamon attended the funeral service for our late Honorary Member Cedric Coxsedge. Cedric Coxsedge was farewelled in East Melbourne with 80+ family and friends in attendance. His wife Joan his son, daughter and grandchildren shared some stories of a much loved family man. His friends also relayed a number of stories largely related to his political activism highlighting his involvement in protests against the Vietnam War and the S.A. Springboks visit to Australia. As his outward appearance was that of an English gentleman he was able to avoid confrontation with the authorities unlike his friends. A radio interview with Cedric was replayed describing the situation he found himself in Palestine trying to keep the peace there. He definitely had an interesting life.We will miss him at our Monthly meetings.


It was noted in the Age of the passing of Russell (Russ) Rechner on 19/7/2017 at the age of 77 years.

Russell spent 12 years as Chairman (and member of the Investment Committee) of the ANZ Australian Staff Superannuation Scheme and 6 years as Chairman of the Australian Payments Clearing Association. Prior to that he was an executive director of Myer and a senior general manager of the ANZ Banking Group. He was well liked and respected by all the people he met. 



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during OCTOBER and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Graeme Baldwin (86), David Begg (88), Fred

 Campbell (85), Harry Carrodus (89), Ray Dedlefs (87), Len Donohue (84), Ian Fulton (83), John

 Harrison (81), Ken Howell (90), Peter Kane (80), Max McKoy (94), Ian McRobinson (82), Jim Nicolson

 (89), Neil Robinson (82), Wayne Routledge (82), Alan Ryan OAM (81), Thomas Taylor (90), Kelvin

Tyler (81), Bill Walker (82), Mike Whitmore (88), Eric Williams (97).


                From  1/10/2017                                                                                                                                              

                Less       than $20,000                                      1.03%                                                   

                Greater than $20,000                                     1.32%   



Val Bishop emailed “I would like to thank all the ANZROC members who have sent messages to me after the passing of my husband Bob. Although Bob did not attend the ANZROC meetings he certainly enjoyed the Annual Christmas Luncheon, especially catching up with old work mates.

The Bank transferred him to Geelong early seventies where we made lifelong friends, many attending his funeral at Drysdale. Healesville was his first Managers position and it was fantastic that John Gilchrist and wife Sue travelled from Ouyen to pay their respects.

Once again a huge thank you to all who have given me support during this difficult time.”

Dave Brookman still writing at 94 says “I would like to express my appreciation to the Committee and especially to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Card which arrived right on the knocker. I spent an enjoyable day with the family celebrating the occasion; birthdays seem to come round fairly quickly these days.”

Geoff Burton emailed” Many thanks to everyone involved with the forwarding of birthday greetings.  They arrive on the actual day virtually every year and are very much appreciated. I had just arrived back from Queensland and was preparing for the celebrations when a check of my mail box revealed your card. Well done. I also look forward to the receipt of the monthly news letter; it is a great way of us being able to keep in touch.”

Muriel Drummond wrote “A note of thanks to Kathy Trace and the ROC Committee and members for card and birthday greetings- very much appreciated. It is always interesting to receive the monthly newsletters, especially reading of former colleagues.”

Alex Fowler emailed “A belated "Thank you" to Kathy for my Birthday Card, received in August.

Nothing of any great interest to report from Raymond Island at this time, perhaps next year. Best wishes to everyone.”

Jack Helisma emailed “Thank you Kathy Trace for the ROC birthday card. It is amazing despite mail delivery problems the card arrived on my birthday. I greatly appreciate also the excellent monthly newsletter and commend the team for faithfully compiling it over many years. Since my retirement 23 years ago, Robin and I have been privileged to travel extensively overseas, mainly self drive, and always including time with relatives in my birth country of Estonia. (My parents, together with my brother and I left Estonia in March 1938).  Additionally we have caravanned extensively throughout Australia for 20 years. Regretfully they are now happy memories as my health has curtailed any future long distance travel. Best wishes to all,”

Carol Jukes emailed “Thank you for birthday card I had a lovely day spent at the Soweto in South Africa and dinner in Johannesburg at a lovely restaurant call The Butchers Shop.”

Bruce Kells emailed “Thanks to the Committee and to Kathy Trace in particular for the timely reminder of my advancing age. I do appreciate receiving a card from the Club each year.   The birthday was celebrated quietly with our family who all seem to tower over the oldies.   The year has passed quickly with no really newsworthy events.   My wife has had skin cancers removed from her face which seemed to involve many visits to specialists etc. so no great adventures this year.   Thanks again for my card and will look forward to next year’s.”

Ken Lee emailed “,   having returned from an enjoyable break (from bowls) in Queensland where I caught up with my brother, Ian,  Australasia/ANZ 24 years, during which he spent 2 years in London and a further 2 years in Fiji - Ian was planning to leave for an extended visit to Europe following the passing of his wife, Elaine.  We spent many hours chewing the rag over past occasions.  Had to get back home for my son's 60th birthday followed the next day by my brother-in-laws 70th. Big weekend!!!   Now for the bowls season. Please convey my appreciation to committee for my birthday card which was very kindly noted that I turned 88, something that I never expected to reach when I retired 30 years ago. Life has been kind thanks to my medico's and chemicals.”

Sue McCarthy emailed “I realise that I have not yet thanked Kathy for the timely birthday card received in August. Very nice to receive a “real” card in this age of electronic communication.

I had just arrived home from an extensive tour of Iceland which was fascinating – if somewhat crowded with tourists. The local population of 340,000 will be overwhelmed by this year’s expected total of two million tourists! It is obviously a very popular destination at present and it is easy to see why: a pristine environment, wonderful food, a very interesting history and landscape, and the ever-present possibility of seeing the currently active volcano “blow”. It didn’t do so while we were there – held off until the following week.”

Dick Milnthorpe emailed “  Just to say thanks for the ROA Birthday Card, much appreciated, strange that I always feel more part of the ROA Victoria than the one here, I don't regret being back in England but I do miss Australia. (In spite of the weak beer) We are currently in Quebec on our round trip on the QM2, very grand but we prefer good old P & O and a smaller ship. We came through a force 11 on the way to NY, she took it well so can't complain.   Incidentally I noticed the comment about my 'longevity'. It is due to a lack of stress in my working life, a vegetable free diet, and a wonderful wife! All the best,”
Ray Murphy emailed” It was good to read nice reports of the late Tony Grayling. Tony was no2 Teller at the "Scottie" Dandenong Markets Branch in 1959 when I was Accountant. Harry Iyles was the manager Geoff Meggs General Clerk and Tom Phillips No 1 Teller a Ledger Machinist and Wendy Sykes Junior. It was a happy Branch. In those days it was Saturday work and when the Branch was closed and the work balanced we all ran to the Dandenong station to catch the 12 noon train. The next train was at I pm so if we missed the noon train Saturday was over when we arrived home. On special days Geoff would bring his Ford 10 to work and gave us a ride to the Caulfield Station. It was such an under powered vehicle that we all jumped out to push it up the hill out of Dandenong. Thanks Geoff...When in 1961 I was appointed Accountant 9 Portman St. Oakleigh, Tony’s sister Maureen was the Typist a lovely girl and excellent worker .In those days you had to report to Staff Dept if 2 or more family members were working in the Branch and I had to do so on 1 occasion as Tony came down from Dandenong on relief. It is great to have such wonderful memories thank you for stimulating them through the monthly newsletters.”

Ken Stapleton emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy for the timely birthday card and its good wishes for my 73rd birthday. It’s now 15 years since my retirement and I am sure the calendar is getting through the clock much quicker now that when I first retired (or is it that I am taking a lot longer to do the same things?). The past year has been good to Robyn and  I and our health is pretty good and we are thankful for that when seeing so many familiar names from my era that have appeared in the Deceased section of the newsletters over the past year or so. For a number of safety reasons our overseas trips look like being in the past rather than the future; however we have had many good trips until now. Perhaps winter trips to Q/land will help deal with Melbourne's cold winters. Meantime regular golf days at Cranbourne Golf Club will keep me fit.”

AND Carole Bancroft, Steven Eu, Helen Farnell, Jan Findlay, David Kay,   

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA


Annual 2017-18 SUBSCRIPTIONS

All paying members, those of us less than 80 years of age, should have received an invoice/statement in early October advising the subscription amount owing for 2017-18 (or even how much you’re in credit!). If you’re a paying member and have not received an invoice, please contact Glyn Parry-Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 0411 256 322.

Thank you to all those members who have paid their subscriptions already.

(Please note, if you have to pay in through a branch, ensure you enter your membership number in the 'Agent Deposit Reference' field and '60' in the TC field and check that the teller enters these when processing. Without that information we can't match the payment to your account.)


Thanks to all the Members who supported our 2 golf days at Cheltenham this year. After some set-backs in 2016 and following the survey sent to Members late last year we seem to have found a formula which works. Numbers are less than in previous years but it was gratifying to get around 20 players each time. We would welcome any feedback before we start planning for 2018 so your input would be most welcome.

The Anzroc Spring Golf Day at Cheltenham last Friday saw glorious weather 25 degrees. 19 players enjoyed morning golf followed by an excellent lunch in the Clubhouse. Many of us found the greens to be a bit of a challenge as they were much faster than those we are used to. Nevertheless the winner of the men's competition was Con La Fauci, who had a bit of a home ground advantage, with 35 points. Jim Karabatsos was runner-up with 30. The winner of the Ladies was once again Kathy Shady with 28 points, the runner-up Kathy Trace with 26. Con also won nearest the pin. Players we haven’t seen for a while included Denis Grehan, John Inglis, Brian Kirk, Alan Lauder, Geoff Leonard, John Ries, Brian Young and one of our new members Elaine Thiessen who came with ex ANZer Barb Weston.

Thanks to Ken Pattison and Glyn Parry-Jones for organising and making it an enjoyable day and to the caterers who put on an excellent menu at great value for money.

Photos from the Golf day are on the Retired Officers' Club Facebook page and on the Anzroc website




The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Bernadette Lynch. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.

Ken Crawford advised at the end of September numbers accepting for the lunch had reached 188 members.

The cost to members of the function is $35.00.

Cut-off date for acceptances 30 November 2017

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

  • If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate as a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.
  • If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.
  • If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to:

Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ken can also be contacted on 0439 432 280.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Ken Crawford at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $35.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.  Return this slip with your payment to Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 no later than by 30 November 2017











This will be the ANZROC Annual General Meeting and the agenda is an attachment to the newsletter.


Annalise Jennings has accepted our invitation to be the guest speaker at our Annual General Meeting. I am sure that our members will find her story of moving from corporate banking to helping the indigenous communities in Queensland quite inspiring.


Annalise said “I have realised my dream to work with remote indigenous communities. Dynamic Exchange (Annalise’s company) is all about people helping each other. Corporate, Government, NGO's and Community Leaders coming together to share their skills and knowledge to create real change.”

 Here is a link to an article about Annalise and her work in the Huffington Post..">


Partners , ANZROC  widows and ANZ Ladies Club  ARE welcome  that day as Annalise is quite an inspiring speaker .


The luncheon will be held in Core B room 2&3 rooms that we have booked which can accommodate up to 13 round tables of 10 so plenty of room for members to enjoy these excellent facilities.


 Guests attending lunch at ANZ Centre, 833 Collins Street Docklands can proceed directly to Core B (there is a very large letter B) and bypass reception.


Members can collect their name badge there and proceed through to the lunch.


A reminder that the luncheon fee of $15.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering


Names can now be sent to Joan Nathan on 97408001 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

If you intend to come to this meeting cutoff date is Friday 3rd  November   2017  to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk at 833 Collins Street to meet the security requirements of ANZ.





Members Name…………………………………………..                     


Partners Name……………………………………………


I/we will be attending the luncheon:   Yes / No



This information can be emailed to JOAN NATHAN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429


Should you wish to telephone, please call Joan on 97408001 .




Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.









Notice is hereby given that the 43nd Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the ANZ Bank Building 833 Collins Street Docklands 3008, Core B, Rooms 2&3 on Thursday 9th November at 12.00pm 2017


  1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 42nd Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 8th November 2016
  2. Presentation of President’s Report 2016/2017
  3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2017
  4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 4 Subscription:For the year from 1st October 2017 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.
  5. All Committee positions declared vacant. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2017/2018
    1. Appointment of Auditor
    2. General Business and Closure.


All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed

form should be forwarded to the Secretary by Wednesday 8th November 2017

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOMINATION FOR OFFICE BEARER – ANZ RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB (VIC) 2017-2018

We    ……………………………………………..                  ………………………………………….

                                (Print full name)                                                               (Signature)

and   ………………………………………………                …………………………………………..

                                (Print full name)                                                               (Signature)

being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate

…………………….……………….……for the office of …………………………or Committee member

I accept the nomination ………… ……………………………………………………… (Signature)




Newsletter September 2017


Please click on link to read reformatted September 2017 newsletter


Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
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Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
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Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)

ANZROC NEWSLETTER 14th September 2017

Anzroc Ballarat Lunch September 2017

A most enjoyable lunch at the George Hotel Ballarat attended by 50 Members and Partners. Glad to see Peter Harney there to fly the flag for Ballarat, Leigh and Sandra Davis came from Bacchus Marsh and Robin and Dorothy Chase from Clifton while Clive and Faye Hewitt drove up from Warrnambool but wonder where all the other 'local Anzroc members' were. Carl and Jenny Garley as well as Glyn and Janet Parry-Jones took the opportunity to park their caravans at nearby Creswick and spend a few days in the Region. Jim and Tina Karabatsos along with Anne Wee and I spent the Wednesday night at the RACV Goldfields Resort at Creswick and caught up with the Caravanners for dinner that evening. Aldo and Karen Faella and Nunzio and Rosa Liberatore were also taking the opportunity to spend the Thursday night in Ballarat. Thanks to Joan Nathan and Con La Fauci for working with V/Line to get most of our Members up on the train to Ballarat and to Noel Beanland for finding the venue. Members not seen for a while included Irene Bettonvil, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert and Graeme King with wife Sandra.

It was a good time to be visiting Ballarat as the International Foto Biennale was showing throughout the City with some very interesting Photos.

Eamon Veaney


Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin ,Clive Bayley, John Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Michael Cooper, Viji Dharann, Wolf Damschitz, Mike Devlin , Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Ray Gill , Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Sandra Joseph, David Knuckey, Gary Mason, Wal McGillivray, John McPhee, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Kevin Mitchell, Kevin O’Neill, Ken Pattison, Terry Parks, Ron Phillips Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Joe Romano, John Stevens ,Cindy Taylor , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Garry Paul 29 years ANZ

Lagoni John 31 years ANZ

Manley Paul 29 years ANZ

Rogers G.W. (Gary) 15 years

We look forward to seeing Paul John and Gary at one of our forthcoming meetings. Paul Manley attended the August luncheon with Jurgen Schnabl.


Chisholm K.R. (Ken) 75 years 5/9/2017

Speaking to Dianne Chisholm widow of Ken she advised that a number of retired ANZ staff now settled in Bendigo attended the funeral service. This included our member Norm Gaskin while John Crough apologized for being unable to attend. Ken started his banking life at Ouyen branch and moved to Chelsea then Warracknabeal where he met and married Dianne. Transfers then followed to Victorian country branches until Ken was appointed Manager Strathmerton and he then managed several more country branches finishing his career as Manager in Bendigo where he retired. Ken was a keen sportsman playing football and cricket and in later years “lots of golf”.

Coxsedge C. (Cedric) 91 years 10/9/2017

Cedric was a strong supporter of ANZRC functions and attended many city functions, the most recent being our luncheon at the Caulfield Glasshouse Restaurant in June 2017.

Joan Coxsedge emailed “It is with great sadness that I report that Cedric died late yesterday afternoon after a brief illness. He was 91 years old.

Cedric was born in London in 1926 and joined Britain’s wartime army at the tender age of 16. At war’s end, with no quick exit for single men, he joined the Palestine Police only 18 months before the UN Mandate established the State of Israel.

Back in England, freezing weather triggered thoughts of warm weather and blue skies and he sailed to Australia, arriving in Melbourne in 1949. Shortly after, he landed a job with the bank.

We met, married in 1953, had three children, eventually three grandchildren, and have been together ever since. We had a long close relationship.”

Dietmar Reichert emailed “I recall doing a brief 3 week relief as the then known “Overseas Bill Clerk” position in the early 1970s at 306 Little Collins Street Branch in Melbourne. As I was inexperienced in that area and relatively new in the Bank, my pulse rate was somewhat elevated as I reported for duty in the Accountant’s offices on day one. Only to find Cedric in an exceptionally positive frame of mind, and, smoking his “relaxing” pipe. He was simply terrific to work for, always teaching/explaining and well versed in politics!! The time flew – and I learnt a lot in that brief stint under his positive guidance. My thoughts are with his family.”

Grayling H.A. (Tony) 76 years 15/8/2017

Tony was a member of the group that meets regularly at the Mulgrave Club and was highly regarded by the group.

David Knuckey reported that more than 140 people attended the funeral service for Tony and David saw ANZROC members Rick Kimber, Mike Nickel, Dick Sanders, and Russell van Rooyen at the funeral and he felt he may have missed other ANZROC members. David said he worked with Tony in 1969 at Dandenong (280 Lonsdale Street) and he recalled them taking turns to go next door to the TV retailers to watch Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. Tony retired from a Lending role in an Area branch in the western suburbs.

John Buckland emailed “R.I.P. Tony Grayling....a very good friend. I worked with Tony at Boronia Branch for 3.5 years, 1976-1979. We built one of the very best branches, with some of the best staff. We enjoyed each other’s company, outside banking times, and remember Australia Day weekends, and Easter weekends, when we had 55 staff and Families away at Bonnie Doon, caravanning and camping, water-skiing, cricket, and volley-ball, well into the nights. My son was born in 1978, when I was at Boronia Branch, and was named John Anthony Buckland with reference to Tony. Only last summer, I called in to see Tony, on a few occasions, and dropped off to him, some of my organically homegrown Tomatoes, and Cucumbers. So many memories. NEVER, EVER, FORGOTTEN.......”.

Doug Ramsay emailed ““I am very sad to hear that Tony passed away on the 15th August 2017 and my heartfelt condolences go out to all his friends and family. He and I were part of a group of 16 new entrants who joined the E.S.& A. Bank on the 18th January, 1958 and commenced our training in facilities at RMIT. We were the last remaining ANZROC retirees from that small group who made banking their career. In 1959, we attended Teller’s Training Course in North Melbourne, together with Warrick Etty. Over the years, our paths crossed from time to time and more recently, we managed to catch up with each other at  the annual ANZROC Christmas dinner. I shall always remember him as a gentle, friendly man with a good sense of humour, traits which are not so prevalent these days. Goodbye old friend.”

Nik Tsardakis advised that former Victorian ANZ staff member John Lewis- Davies passed away in Queensland on 15th August .Although not a member of ANZROC Vic John would have been known to members.

Nik also said he was sad to hear of the passing of John Winders and Bob Barton.

Noted in the ANZROC NSW August newsletter:

Tributes to John Winders:

Mark Monaghan writes: Many of us worked with John when he was running Asia out of Hong Kong in the early 2000`s. Lots of good times with him. A great character.

Peter Devoy writes: He was a wonderful guy. RIP John.

Tony Knight writes: Another far too early – had not reached “legal” retirement age. Larger than life with great capacity for work and fun. Will be missed by many throughout the ANZ network.

We have been advised of the passing of Alison Crocker widow of our late member David Crocker in July 2016. David and Alison would be remembered by many ANZROC members.

Doug Watson advised that Edith Field widow of Gordon Field passed away peacefully in early September at the age of 75 .Doug and Maureen Watson knew Gordon and Edith very well, some bank people would have known Edith when they were expat with Grindlays in India and from the group accountants’ days at 394 Collins Street. Gordon was a member of ANZROC and passed away on 2/10/2013.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during SEPTEMBER and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Dave Brookman (94), Barbara Bruce, Valda

Clarke, George Cooper (88), Geoff Elliot (89), Bruce Emmett (85), Ian Ewart (86), Jack Helisma (82),

Alan James (91), David Kennedy (93), Dick Milnthorpe (85), Alan Pearce (82), Peter Russell (81), Ron

Smith (89), Rupert Thomas (80), Colin Walton (84).


Bob Stone

We were unable to contact our Honorary member Bob Stone as reported in our July newsletter and subsequently we have been advised by our member Barry Reid that” Bob Stone and his wife Marie are now living at Arcare Nursing Home, 80 Willis Street, Port Arlington.Vic.3223. Bob had been earlier in William Anglis Hospital for many weeks following a very bad fall from a bus at Eastland Shopping Centre in Ringwood Vic. Bob can be contacted by phone on 1300 172 514 and would very much appreciate receiving visits or calls from fellow work mates. I am sure that any contact from old associates would lift his spirits at this time.”


From 1/10/2017

Less than $20,000 1.02%

Greater than $20,000 1.31%

BIRDIES TWITTER and tribute to Laurie Holland

If my memory serves me correctly, Laurie was manager of Yarram Branch in 1959. My father Bill Pearson was Manager of the Yarram (Gentleman’s?) Club and asked Laurie, who was a member of the club, if there might be a chance of son Neville getting a job in ANZ Bank Yarram when he received the results of his intermediate school certificate the following week.

I believe Laurie’s response was “can he start tomorrow”. Dad said he had to get me a suit etc and would two weeks time be OK. And so that started my career with ANZ Bank.

Laurie was a gentleman in every sense of the word and a delight to work for.

Within a month of starting I suffered a collapsed lung from a blockage of a bronchial tube by a non cancerous growth. No worries, Laurie arranged two weeks paid sick leave and off I went to Prince Henry’s Hospital in Melbourne and had the growth removed. The ANZ Bank staff medical scheme covered majority of costs.

Sadly Laurie has passed away; Prince Henry’s has since been demolished, the Bank Medical scheme is long gone, and the ANZ Bank branch in Yarram closed its doors for the last time on 6th July this year. This coincidently happened on the day I arrived in Yarram for my annual trip to watch Yarram Football Club play and to catch up with friends of days gone by. To my joy Yarram defeated top team Sale City FC. The party afterwards was awesome as the club was also celebrating 130 years since formation

Laurie will be sadly missed and my thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family at this sad time

Neville Birdie Pearson

Robyn Kampf, daughter of Laurie Holland read Neville’s article and after that she emailed “Thank you so much for the notice in the paper and for the newsletter and wonderful reminiscing about Dad's early days in the bank. We had a beautiful celebration of his life on Tuesday and I know he would be humbled and proud to be remembered in your newsletter. Although extremely friendly and outgoing, Dad was never one for the limelight. He will be greatly missed”


Peter Bearsley emailed” Thanks once again to the team for the spot-on-time 75th birthday greetings. Much appreciated. Our family plans for the day had to be amended as I had been admitted to Austin Hospital the previous week with what looked initially like food poisoning. It was soon diagnosed as diverticulitis then the bowel ruptured and emergency surgery was required. I feel a very lucky man - it happened in Austin Hospital where I am receiving excellent care, and not in rural Spain where I was scheduled to be walking the Camino del Notre this week with Pat Doody. So I'm all smiles. Hoping to be home in the next couple of days or so. ”

Barbara Bruce emailed “Thank you Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived on the day. I spent an enjoyable morning volunteering in the Melbourne Cricket Club Museum at the MCG speaking with pleasant visitors who seemed interested in the museum exhibits. When I logged on the first thing I saw was a message wishing me a happy birthday. When I finished my shift I had lunch there with some of the other volunteers.”

Graeme Cameron emailed “Could you please pass on my thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday card that arrived on time as per usual.”

Ian Crothers emailed “Many thanks for the Birthday Wishes. My birthday card was waiting for me when I returned home from four weeks at Clifton Beach, in Far North Queensland. While Melbourne was experiencing extreme cold weather my wife and I were enjoying weather of around 27 degrees most days! I was sorry to hear of the passing of Bob Bishop. I enjoy keeping up with past fellow colleagues via the Newsletter. Keep up the good work!”

Lesley Deady wrote “Thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card. I wish I could give you a list of the wonderful places I have visited the last 12 months but unfortunately my only outings have been to specialists and medical appointments as I broke my shoulder in 7 places in August 2016 and its” still no good”. I noticed in the Honorary Birthdays list that Neville Elvish turned 82- Happy birthday Neville, I remember when you joined Wodonga branch as junior clerk”.

John Fearnley emailed “Please pass my thanks on to Kathy for the card sent to me earlier this month.”

Ken Fitzgerald wrote “Thank you to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings (arrival perfect). I have not been well in recent weeks with the flu. Otherwise life normal with three days charity work at Open House. Only one small trip away by train to Albury (first visit) with son, daughter in law and one of my eight great grandchildren. The walking did me the world of good. Hope to see friends at the Christmas lunch.”

Eddie Forth emailed “Greetings from Noosa, Qld. It was 50 years ago (February 1967) that the ANZ transferred me from a country branch to Victoria & Tasmania Administration in Melbourne where I worked in several departments including general administration and auditing, profit planning and corporate lending. During that time I got to know many staff members in administrations, State and Administrative Headquarters and in branches. I have booked flights and accommodation and very much look forward to attending the Christmas Luncheon on 14 December. Many of you won't recognise me, the black hair having turned white and the smooth complexion now tanned and wrinkled!! "

Barbara Gardiner wrote “Thank you to Kathy Trace and all who still remember me from my ANZ years for birthday greetings once again. It’s so nice in this digital age to receive a card through the letterbox.”

Jeremy Grant emailed “Many thanks for my birthday card – and YES, it arrived on my birthday which is quite an achievement with the new postal arrangements. I usually don’t take much notice of my birthdays, but for this big one we will be visiting our children and grandchildren in Sydney for a belated celebration later in September. For many years both our children lived overseas, and we visited them regularly, but both are now back and living in Sydney so our travel nowadays is more local. I finally gave up sailing my single handed dinghy last year, and this year has been rather occupied with chemotherapy treatment which has been successful. However, I still keep fit, and lead a very active life in our small community of Somers.”

Stan Halbish wrote “Thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card. Most appreciated.”

Louis Hebrard emailed ‘Thank you for the birthday card and good wishes. I celebrated my birthday at home this year with the family. Life is good with plenty of social activities and voluntary work to keep me happily occupied. We toured around parts of north NZ early this year and will holiday in Mauritius in October with our second daughter and her family. Should be fun. My thanks and good wishes to the Club's committee whose dedicated work is much appreciated.”

Ian Ince wrote “Many thanks to Kathy Trace and the committee for the birthday card which arrived on time. The day was spent with the family at the Chelsea RSL with another lunch a few days later at the Highett RSL. We are both keeping well but are staying closer to our comfort zone. Had our last holiday at Yarrawonga in November but still go to Rosebud for two weeks each year in the spring and autumn it’s only an hour’s drive away. Next visit is at the end of October.”

Bill Jackson emailed “. Please accept my apology for late response and kindly thank Kathy Trace for my Birthday card and wishes in July – with the slow post these days she does a wonderful job getting them out to members on time. Unfortunately I have been unable to attend meetings either as my wife Beverley is very ill and requires all my attention.”

Peter Jones emailed “Thank you very much for the birthday card I received from the ANZROC to help remind me I am 85 years young. It was very much appreciated and I celebrated my birthday by having a family dinner.”

Barry Kennedy emailed “Thank you Kathy for your birthday card which arrived the day before my birthdate which in this day and age is pretty good for Aust Post. We have just in the last week returned from Mooloolaba after spending some time in the warm and sunny days – nights were cooler but pleasant enough. We left in 30degs and arrived in Melbourne at 9degs but at least it was sunny! We have also been on a cruise March and April - from Singapore to Tokyo over a six week period visiting many ports in China, South Korea and Japan. We flew back to Hong Kong following the cruise and stayed there for a week – wonderful – Hong Kong has certainly changed dramatically since our last visit the year after China resumed control of the Island. During our cruise is was great to have Sandra and Patrick Street on board from South Korea to Japan – it was great to catch up again with them – they joined in our 50th Wedding Anniversary whilst cruising the Sea of Japan. They are also joining us on our next cruise overseas from Perth to Sydney via Hobart! This time it will be our pleasure to help them celebrate their 50th anniversary! We head up again to Mooloolaba in late November for around four weeks which will be rather pleasant”.

Stan Lancaster emailed “Many thanks for the card. We arrived home on 4th September after two weeks of 28/29 degrees heat in Cairns and Port Douglas to be met with 10 degrees in Melbourne. At least the card helped to warm my spirits.”

Cathie Mackiggan wrote “Thanks to Kathy Trace for your kind thoughts and best wishes for my birthday. New “Card” very “Posh”.

Rodney Manser emailed “I celebrated my birthday in Sydney with my step daughter, her husband and granddaughter spending a week with them undertaking a list of chores that they wanted to be undertaken. On returning home my Birthday Card was duly waiting for me from Anzroc. Thank you Kathy once again.”

Ray Murphy emailed “I have recently been thinking of my past experiences in the Bank and with the Melbourne Show time approaching it jogged my memory . In 1957 I was selected as 2nd Officer for Scottie showgrounds office (Staff Officer Ken Hardy said it was regarded as an honour when I mentioned the travel involved from Moorabbin.) In those days the Banks provided full banking facilities. I note now it’s only ATMs. The main theme was to provide a meeting place and hospitality for country clients and friends. The staff consisted of 2 country Managers, Les Lampe was one, me and 3 young ladies Maree Bower, Lynette Easten (from GM's Dept) and Edna Dodd, Arnold Von Bertouch’s private secretary, to assist with entertaining and preparation of refreshments. The girls did not have any Branch Banking experience. As 2nd Officer I had to run the Office Cash facilities, escort remittances etc and the managers gave me a pot of beer at 6pm.No overtime or tea money was paid but a generous bonus on completion of the journey. I bought a Turner Sapphire washing machine with mine and ditched the copper. Because of the heavy load of transactions an additional officer was appointed the next year (Norm Simpson from 90 Bourke St Branch as P.R.)In 1973 when Branch Manager Hamilton I was appointed Manager Melbourne Show the staff number was more like 20 it was the Managers task to again entertain clients and with help provide refreshments. There were many attendees and the hardest task was to move on the hangers-on at the end of the day usually around 9pm.The accommodation was at the Marco Polo Motel and as the restaurant was sometimes shut you missed your evening meal. I was again appointed Manager of the Melbourne Show Agency in 1974 although I had just been appointed Manager 9 Lydiard St. Ballarat. Can anybody beat that, also 7 country and city branch appointments in 18 years.(The appointments did not include the Melbourne Show.)”

Maggie Murray phoned from Mortlake to thank Kathy Trace for her birthday card and the good wishes she received.

Peter O’Dwyer emailed “Thanks for the Monthly Newsletter, and President Eamon for the Birthday Card, which as usual arrived right on the day thanks to the good work of Kathy Trace. My lovely Wife Joan continues to put up the good fight against MND - diagnosed two years ago back on June 19, 2017, still enjoys cooking, gardening, and her weekly game of cards with friends who, along with our Family and MND Support Team are all very helpful. We lived in nine different towns in Bank moves around country Victoria, so three cheers for all the other wives and families that did likewise.”

Graeme Randall emailed “I attended the August meeting,,,,, the first ever, even though I’ve been retired for over five years. I missed some meetings because I had previous commitments, some because I forgot to book in before the cutoff date and others because of difficulty getting to the venue. In the August newsletter I notice a reference to Nola Forsyth. Although I never worked with Nola, our paths had crossed several times about ten years ago. I’ve just finished a phone conversation with her and we reminisced about our years in the bank. I mentioned a few names that appeared in the last newsletter, and the note on her now living in Grand Cedar Nursing Home, Ashwood. I enjoyed the August event, meeting some former work mates, and the talk by Brian and Shirley RIX. For over 30 years I was a BMW motorcyclist and toured in Europe on three occasions, and once along the West coast of USA, from San Diego to Vancouver, B C.......not quite the adventure of the RIX couple, though. When I was attached to the relieving staff, many were surprised to see this “bikie” wishing to gain admittance before opening time. We carried no photo I/D in those days. “

Trevor Richards emailed “I was very pleased to receive my birthday card one day early, prior to my birthday on 2nd Aug. Please pass on my thanks to Kathy Trace, she does a great job. Will you also convey my thanks to the President and Committee. Celebrations lasted for about a week, catching up with various friends, family and relatives over that time. A really great 72nd birthday.”

Bruce Robertson emailed “Thank you for your birthday card .Arrived on time as usual, hand delivered by the Postlady (I was out in the garden at the time). It’s been a quiet year travel wise as Glennis broke a bone in her foot on New Year’s Eve slipped just as we were getting ready to go out for dinner. New Years Eve in emergency without any liquid antiseptic and pensioners roast for dinner (baked beans on toast). Unfortunately Glennis again suffered another break some weeks later so it was a long sojourn in the moon boot. We did get to Houston in November to visit the grandchildren and celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Travelled by train from San Francisco via Chicago, New York and New Orleans. Some spectacular scenery but would suggest it’s not the greatest mode of travel. We are planning our next trip and reading the monthly newsletter is a great source of information.”

Mary Ryan wrote “Many thanks for my birthday card which arrived on the day. I had a lovely dinner at my brother John Phelan and sister in laws home with my nephews and their families. There is nothing better than being with family.”

Peter Saville emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday card, which despite the unreliability of the postal service, arrived on the day. I have been lucky enough to have had a few trips away in the past 12 months. The highlight was a trip back to Vietnam after 50 years. Vietnam was never on my "bucket list", however, an old Army mate of mine suggested we bite the bullet and go there. We had a very rewarding trip and even managed to bury a few demons! I certainly will not hesitate to go back again. Heading off to Port Douglas for a couple of weeks - will be good to get out of our winter for a short while.”

Ron Smith emailed “Thank you sincerely for the birthday card, which arrived today .Thankfully, I am maintaining good health and look forward to reading the news about my former colleagues.”

Bill Swan emailed “Thanks for my birthday card which I received today, the snail mail was over a week late, the benefits of living in Dalmeny (south Coast of NSW).I am off to Hawaii in August, for eleven nights. On the Big Island for seven and playing four rounds of golf, then on to Honolulu for four nights which includes a round at Kolona Golf Course. This is my first trip to Hawaii, and hopefully will also get to do some sightseeing in between golf.”

John Vigus emailed “I was absolutely devastated by the news of the passing of John Winders. A champion bloke and a great friend. Left with many fantastic memories.”

Doug Watson emailed “A short note to express my appreciation for the BIG BLUE happy birthday card. This was a welcome message for me on my return from a bit of sailing around the Baltic and then a rather remote farm house in southern Italy in the country side at Puglia with the family..a bit difficult to get back into harness!!.”

AND Paul Garry, Bruce Gay, Wayne Rogers, Elaine Schutt, Cindy Taylor, David White, Peter Williams ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



During October subscription invoices will be emailed/mailed to members advising the amount due and the preferred methods of payment. Some members are in advance with their subscription payments and they will receive a statement showing the amount that they are in credit. Honorary members (80+ years of age) and Life Members will not receive an invoice.

There is no need to pay your subscription before receiving your invoice. If you are paying your subscription over the counter at an ANZ branch, please ensure you follow the instructions on the invoice to make sure we have a name to apply the payment against.


At our AGM on 9th November at 833 Collins Street, Annalise Jennings has accepted our invitation to be the guest speaker. I am sure that our members will find her story of moving from corporate banking to helping the aboriginal communities in Queensland quite inspiring.




The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Bernadette Lynch. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.

The cost to members of the function is $35.00.

Cut-off date for acceptances 30 November 2017

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

· If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate as a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

· If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

· If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to: Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ken can also be contacted on 0439 432 280.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Ken Crawford at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $35.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table. Return this slip with your payment to Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 no later than by 30 November 2017



FRIDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER 2017 AT CHELTENHAM GOLF CLUB, VICTOR AVENUE, CHELTENHAM. Entries still open for late comers if you act quickly….

Phone Ron Adams on 98210444 if you want details.



Wilson St & Thomas St, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 (near Moonee Valley Racecourse)

Phone 9326 1277.

ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in Suburban Melbourne for members and their partners on Thursday 12th October 2017 commencing at 12 noon and we encourage members in the area to attend. The Club held a luncheon at the Legends a few years ago and it was a very enjoyable day.

Moonee Valley Legends Bistro Restaurant offers great dining and entertainment with uninterrupted views across the Moonee Valley racecourse paired with spectacular outlooks to Melbourne’s city skyline

Legends recently underwent an extensive refurbishment, winning best refurbished club in Victoria at the Community Clubs Victoria awards night. With a delicious menu and lively atmosphere – there truly is something for everyone. The bistro offers an extensive menu that includes all of your favourites as well as daily specials.

Partners and widows of past members and ANZ Ladies Club members will be very welcome to join us at the Legends Bistro..

Pay separately for meals and drinks on the day.

Names can now be sent to Joan Nathan on 97408001 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The cutoff date for acceptances is 5th October 2017 to enable us to reserve tables for the 12th October



Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No

This information can be emailed to JOAN NATHAN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429

Should you wish to telephone, please call Joan on 97408001 .






Notice is hereby given that the 43nd Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the ANZ Bank Building 833 Collins Street Docklands 3008, Core B, MP Room on Thursday 9th November at 12.00pm 2017


1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 42nd Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 8th November 2016

2. Presentation of President’s Report 2016/2017

3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2017

4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 4 Subscription: For the year from 1st October 2017 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

5. All Committee positions declared vacant. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2017/2018

6. Appointment of Auditor

7. General Business and Closure.


All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed

form should be forwarded to the Secretary by Wednesday 8th November 2017

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOMINATION FOR OFFICE BEARER – ANZ RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB (VIC) 2017-2018

We …………………………………………….. ………………………………………….

(Print full name) (Signature)

and ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..

(Print full name) (Signature)

being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate

…………………….……………….……for the office of …………………………or Committee Member

I accept the nomination ………… ……………………………………………………… (Signature)






Newsletter August 2017


Please click on this link to read the reformatted August 2017 newsletter

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)


NEWSLETTER 10th August 2017


We were pleased to welcome Brian and Shirley Rix to present on their motorbike trips across the world. Brian is an ex homicide Detective and Shirley a Crime reporter on 3AW and Channel 10. They took time off in 2003 to have a belated 'Gap Year' and sent their Motorbike across to the UK to tour Europe, Middle East and Asia.

In 2011 once fully retired they travelled from the bottom of South America to the top of North America. In 2015 they travelled across Russia, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia and their presentation focussed on this trip. Brian and Shirley took us through a most entertaining journey illustrated by dozens of photos of pot-holed roads, statues of Lenin, Genghis Khan, Karl Marx and even the Beatles in the furthest reaches of Vladivostok. You could almost believe you were there with them on that bike through ice, snow, sand and rain.

We had the best turn-out to a meeting in the City since Graeme Simsion in 2015, around 80 Members and Partners. It looks like Authors are a good draw-card for us so will try and get some more good speakers for our program in 2018.

We welcomed Geri Macgregor to her first Anzroc meeting and Barry Crittle, Jim and Janice Latham, Paul Manley, Jurgen Schnabl, Nunzio Liberatore and Cindy Taylor to their first City meeting at 100 Queen Street. Other members not seen for a while included Viji Dharann, Leigh Davis, Mike Devlin, Stan Halbish, Theo Hall, Trevor King, Peter Nyga, Gordon Paulett, Ron Phillips, Graeme Randall, Jurgen Schnabl and Des Shady. Partners present also made for a terrific luncheon.

Sadly we belatedly heard that our Honorary Member Ray Perry passed away last April.

Bob Bishop who was a great supporter of Anzroc passed away this week as did Ken Nathan, husband of our Committee Member Joan, after a brave battle with the insidious disease MND. Funerals for Bob and Ken were held on August 11th.

Our very good friend John Winders who passed away on July 21 after a 7 month courageous fight with Melanoma was farewelled in style at Springvale. A huge turnout of 300+ attended the Funeral Service which featured the music of Meatloaf, Deep Purple and Guns n' Roses followed by an emotional Funeral Haka. I somehow think that John would have approved of that. John's tribute on our Facebook page reached 2700 people; the normal response is around 200. That says a lot about the Man. Hard to believe he will not be with us at the Xmas lunch this year.

We all stood for a few moments and raised a glass to our Departed colleagues.

We were also advised after the meeting of the passing of Honorary Member Laurie Holland aged 97 years.

On brighter news we have organised another Golf day at very short notice on Friday September 22 again at Cheltenham Golf Club. Details are in the Newsletter. We had 20 starters back in March so hope that we can get a similar response.

Plans for the Xmas lunch on December 14 are well advanced thanks to the efforts of Peter Pritchard. The ANZ CEO, Shayne Elliott and a number of his Senior Executives have confirmed their attendance. There are new Caterers at the Pavilion and we have again secured a good deal with a 2 course meal plus drinks. The lunch is heavily subsidised by the club and supported by ANZ and the cost to Members for this year will be $35. Full details are in the Newsletter.

Our next lunch will be in Ballarat on September 14 and hope to see many of you there.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney and Anne Wee are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Vic Ansell, Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , John Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Wolf Damschitz, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Keith Ford, Norris Gale, Ray Gill , Teresa Goldsbrough, Roy Harper, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Graeme Horsburgh, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert ,Carol Jukes, Sandra Joseph, Bruce Kells, Dan Kirtley, David Knuckey, Wal McGillivray, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Emilio Moreno, Bruce Morley, Joan Nathan, Terry Parks, Neville Pearson, John Stevens, Mike Smith , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Falla Tina 7 years ANZ

Latham J.A. (Jim) 37 years ANZ

Latham J.M.(Janice) 17 years ANZ

Rowe G.R. (Geoff) 31 years ANZ

Thiessen E.W. (Elaine) 10 years ANZ

Webster B.C. (Bruce) 43 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Tina, Geoff, Elaine and Bruce at one of our forthcoming meetings. Jim and Janice attended our August meeting.


Bishop R.L. (Bob) 78 years 6/8/2017

Robin Chase advised he attended Bob’s funeral and estimated in excess of 100 family, friends and other folk were there. Robin had a few quick words with Val Bishop just before the service. Other ANZedders he met up with were Dick Chegwin, (who gave one of the two eulogies/recollections), Graham Heenan and Barry Reid (with wife Shirl).

Even though Robin had not met up with Bob since the mid-sixties with the ex-ANZ Bank Cricket Club, he was glad to have had the opportunity to put in an appearance to pay final respects.

John Brown emailed “very sad to hear that Bob has passed away after his long illness. Bob and Val were part of the ANZ "Family" from way back in the late 50s and 60s when they both played basketball with the ANZ Basketball Club. At that time, the club was believed to be the biggest basketball club in the Southern Hemisphere, with about twelve teams in competition. Bob was also a keen cricketer and a valuable member of the ANZ Cricket Club. Bob also took part in many of the ANZ Golf Club events. They both competed in many of the annual Wagga Wagga Queen's Birthday sporting weekends and supported the numerous social events conducted by the sporting clubs, the ANZ Staff Social Club, and more recently the ANZ Retired Officers' Club (Vic).The ANZ "Family" will miss Bob.”

Holland L.A. (Laurie) 97 years 28/7/2017

Laurie enlisted in the Australian Army in Port Moresby in September 1942 and on discharge in February 1946 was a sergeant in 67 Aust AA S/L Bty,

We were advised that Laurie was in management in Ballarat East in the 60’s.

He was a regular correspondent and had many items printed in the ANZROC newsletter,

Laurie’s daughter Robyn advised the Laurie joined the Union Bank in 1936. His banking career was interrupted by war service where he was a sergeant in the AIF Port Moresby and Darwin controlling the anti aircraft searchlights spotting incoming enemy planes. He resumed his career in the late 40’s in country branches Traralgon, Benalla and Ballarat where he studied accounting. Laurie was appointed Manager at Ballarat East then West Regent Preston, Abbotsford and finally Morwell.

On retirement he returned to Melbourne to be with his three daughters settled in Melbourne,

Perry R.W.C. (Ray) 88 years 10/4/2017

We were advised Ray Perry passed on the 10th of April 2017 at the age of 88 after a long illness.

Winders J.M.(John) 66 years 21/7/2017

Eamon Veaney reported “The funeral service and wake that followed was a sensational celebration of John's life with tributes from the family at the Service and reminiscing by friends at the wake. There was a huge turnout facilitating the use of the atrium next door by video link. The Maori funeral Haka at the end of the service was especially memorable and sent John off in the way he would have appreciated. The stories at the wake highlighted John's empathy with people from all walks of life. His love of good food and wine. His mate ship with his friends and colleagues. His great career at ANZ and as he called it the Piggy Bank. He will be sorely missed by everyone he met. Vale John, a Legend to us all”

Mike Aranha emailed “ John, was a gentle(man) giant, giant heart, heart of the party, loved life, extreme generosity, though most importantly appreciated all people who worked for/or with him, top to bottom. Amongst it all, there are stories that will never be told! However since he arrived in AU from his beginnings at Invercargill (NZ) he has improved and impressed his presence, on all people he was involved with. More so that he did it, around all points of the globe. Traits that allow oneself to sleep straight in bed. Reliqua John.”

Bob Cook from ANZROC NSW emailed “We have lost another former International Division stalwart. After a six month battle with melanoma, John Winders passed away last Friday. Whilst Melbourne based, John, who was 66 years of age, was well known to most of the now retired ID team and senior ANZ executive here in Sydney.He was a member of ANZROC Victoria."

ANZROC committeewoman Joan Nathan advised that her husband Ken Nathan passed away 6/8/2017 after a long battle with illness. Ken was a strong supporter of ANZROC and often accompanied Joan to our functions. Eamon Veaney reported that the service for Ken was well attended with over 200 present and included many of his former colleagues at Qantas. Anzroc was well represented by Anne Wee and Eamon, Ken Crawford, Kathy Trace, Noel Beanland and his wife Jeanette. Joan was very strong and gave a lovely eulogy to Ken. He was farewelled with his favourite Beatles song” Let it be” .Joan Nathan subsequently emailed “ I would like to thank the committee and members of the Retired Officers Club, firstly for allowing Ken to attend the meetings with me, Ken really enjoyed the friendships he made, and I really appreciated the way the members made him feel so welcome. The members really cared about Ken, even pushing the wheel chair on occasions. I really appreciated Eamon Veaney, Anne Wee, Kathy Trace, Noel and Jeanette Beanland and Ken Crawford for attending the Funeral, Ken is now at peace and life will never be the same without him. “

Jenny Pickering advised that Bob Barton died peacefully on 11/8/2017 and many ANZROC members would have known and worked with Bob during their careers.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during AUGUST and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alistair Abernathy (84), Henry Barker (88),

Lesley Deady, Rick Dickson (82), Frank Donovan (95), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards (89), Neville

Elvish (82), Barbara Firth, Ken Fitzgerald (89), Jeremy Grant (80), June Hoskin, Ian Ince (84),

Peter Jones (85), Bruce Kells (85), Stan Lancaster (83), Ken Lee (88), Doug Long (93), Cathie

Mackiggan, Reg Nicolson (86), Peter O’Dwyer (85), John Parkes (81), Roy Peake (82), Mary Ryan,

Mark Stankovich (81), Jack Stewart (82), Tony Watt (88), Bob Wheeler (81)


R.E.W. (Bob) Stone’s newsletter has been returned “not known at this address” and we have tried

to locate Bob but to no avail so if any members have contact details for our Honorary member who has not been well recently please let Ron Adams at (9821 0444) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know.


From 1/9/2017

Less than $20,000 1.02%

Greater than $20,000 1.31%


Ian Anderson wrote “Many thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for my birthday card in July. Birthday was spent on the Ghan travelling to Darwin. Three days which lived up to everything that people say about it? Magnificent food and drink and plenty of sightseeing on the way. We had 5 days in Darwin exploring Kakadu and Litchfield National Parks. Beautiful place in Australia which is being well looked after. Following Darwin we boarded “Sun Princess” for a cruise down West coast stopping at Kimberley Coast, Broome and Geraldton before arriving in Fremantle .Again a fantastic piece of Australia. My wife Margaret and I can recommend this trip especially as we had not seen that part of Australia beforehand and it was our first cruise (7 days) just long enough to get a taste of it.”

Bruce Avent phoned to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card and kind wishes for his 81st birthday.

Anne Blashki writing from Shepparton said “A note of thanks for the birthday greetings from the President, Committee and members with extra special thanks to Kathy Trace for the exceptional job she does. The newsletter is eagerly looked forward to each month. Well done to all concerned with its content and publication.”

Malcolm de Bono emailed “I would like to thank Kathy and the committee of the ANZ Retired Officers' Club (Vic) for sending me a birthday card prior to my birthday in May. My wife and I had just returned from a 3 month overseas trip and found the card waiting for me, hence my belated thank you. I had a wonderful birthday celebration overseas with family and friends.”

Helen Bouch emailed “A belated thank you to Kathy and committee for the birthday card which arrived on the day. I have been away for 5 weeks enjoying my time in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, visiting the area my ancestors came from and also in Glen Luce Scotland, to see the Abbey where my Great Grandparents were married and the Tower House where he was butler. Stayed in Dumfries at the Holiday Inn which is on the Crichton Estate set in 100 acres of beautiful gardens. Then on to Glasgow for 2 weeks visiting the Falkirk Wheel and the Kelpies, Stirling Castle , Loch Lomond , Culzean Castle and taking a trip on the steamer Waverley up Loch Long.”

Frank Edwards emailed “Just a "thank you" to Kathy for the classy birthday card and accompanying good wishes to mark yet another birthday. Much appreciated. It's good to still be able to enjoy life, even if the carcass is beginning to show a few signs of wear and tear. Not that either my wife or I tend to bother the medical fraternity too much, but we are both tending to take things a bit easier than we used to and it's good when the specialist says "See you in six months." The best of good wishes to those of my old colleagues who are still gracing the planet. Lots of good memories.”

Nola Forsyth advised that she has moved into the Grand Cedar Nursing Home in High Street Road Ashwood and welcomes members that were involved with her in the many ANZ reunions she organized to phone her on 98115672.

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Please note my apologies for non attendance at this next meeting. That day escaping to the Gold Coast for a week of warm weather and sunshine. Please also note that I will be an apology for Sept meeting. Will be undertaking the 400 km walk from Lucca to Rome during the month of September. FB provides a great medium for viewing the photos, keeping in touch with the events, and checking on 'what's on and where'. Thanks to all who make this happen.”

Phil Goodier emailed “Please thank Kathy for the birthday card which arrived right on time!

Again, the year flashed by but was a great year .Still travelling, fishing, lawn bowling, spending more and more time with an expanding family with Gail and I thankfully still enjoying good health.

As usual, the Northern Territory called but this year it was the centre out west of Alice Springs with old friends on cattle stations. Also, visited our eldest son living in Kuala Lumpur. He works for Standard Chartered Bank. Second son presented us with a new baby girl however he lives around the corner so that’s convenient ....for whom? Enjoying lawn bowls at Beaumaris Bowls Club where fellow ex ANZ members Ian Davies and David Moffat also play. As I send this I am watching the Crows still performing however Gail and I are also packing to travel with Ian and Christine Davies to the Faroe Islands, Shetland Islands, Iceland, Greenland, and Orkneys, Scotland then back to Amsterdam. Back in time for the Snapper season!”

Don Hoffmann emailed “Many thanks for your card and best wishes on my birthday. I do enjoy reading the newsletter and keeping up to date with the news.”

Graeme Horsburgh emailed “On holiday up in Peregian Beach so unable to attend the August meeting. Fortunate to have heard the Rixs ' on abc morning show or Maccas Sunday morning show reporting on their adventures. I am sure you will have a very interesting meeting.”

John Hudgson emailed “To the ANZROC President and committee a big thank you for the much appreciated birthday wishes and congratulation to Kathy for the impeccable timing as my card arrived spot on time. Yet another year has come and gone at seemingly a much faster pace. This past year has been a good one with health improving and culminating in Ann and I taking a Funover50s tour through outback Queensland, commencing in Brisbane and finishing in Cairns, during which we ticked off a number of bucket list items e.g. Stockmans Hall of Fame and Qantas Museum at Longreach and riding the Gulflander and Savannahlander trains. We hope to do another one up to and through North Queensland next year. Once again a Big thank you and hoping to catch up soon.”

Joe Maggiore emailed “I have just celebrated my 65th birthday and your best wishes birthday card was a delight to receive. It has been 6 years since I retired from Anz Bank after 41 years of service with many work experiences now shared with friends and family. My lifestyle currently is balanced between part time work and travel overseas. Each month, I look forward (wherever possible due to work commitments) to catching up with my retired officer friends at the various luncheons. The committee do a great job in organising these events and continue to allow our wonderful group to enjoy the company of each other..Once again, thank you Kathy for the prompt receipt of the birthday card. It is much appreciated.”

Serge McIntyre emailed “I was pleased to receive my birthday card one day before my birthday. Thanks to Kathy, to the president and committee. I had a birthday party surrounded by family and friends.”

Godfrey Mills emailed “almost forgot to send my thanks for the greetings sent on cue. Nothing much to report. I am still heavily committed to Lapidary work in its many aspects. Recently I obtained “my ticket" to teach Lost Wax Silver Casting. This is a very handy method of expanding the range and type of products and settings. Cheers to all.”

Bruce Morley emailed “Thank you for letting me know about the monthly meeting and the interesting guest speakers. My apology for this meeting as Cherilyn and I will be overseas visiting Norway, Iceland and UK.”

Peter Omond emailed “Thanks very much for the birthday card which was waiting for me when we returned home from a month caravanning in northern NSW trying to escape the Melbourne weather. I think I may have been remiss in not replying last year - but having a birthday on 4 July I have always wanted to spend the day in the USA helping them celebrate their Independence Day. Last year we were in Montreal - so I guess North America is close enough to tick that one off the bucket list.”

Kevin O’Neill wrote “Many thanks to Kathy Trace and committee for the birthday wishes on my 80th. A celebration was held my residence where 50 relatives and friends attended.”

Neville Pearson emailed “On the way to Lawn Hills for the holidays .Lawn Hill is in Qld 2885km from Melbourne and is relatively close to the Northern Territory border. Glyn Parry Jones speaks very highly of it. Last year we got close but rain closed the roads into the park and we had car problems as well. It’s a beautiful Gorge that you can canoe and swim (if one is game??) in. Not far from Gregory Downs l”

Glyn Parry-Jones sends thanks for his birthday card and is sure it would have arrived on time, but he wasn't home to receive it. Glyn and Janet were enjoying time in Spain and on his birthday were in the beautiful Andalusian town of Ronda. On checking in at the hotel the receptionist noticed that it was Glyn's birthday and made sure they had a nice room. The views over the square, the New Bridge (1792) and the valley of the Rio Guadalevin were magnificent.

Ian Roberts emailed “I write a special thank you to Kathy Trace and the RO committee for the best wishes for my birthday which has emerged again. The birthday card was waiting for me on our arrival home after a two week Baltic cruise to Saint Petersburg and two weeks in Ireland. Most enjoyable. Medical issues arise now and then but I still have time to get on the tennis court regularly and the golf course occasionally. We do appreciate the newsletter together with the news and stories from fellow members. Best wishes to all.”

Peter Russell emailed “Thanks to the Committee for your efforts regarding the letter received advising removal of entitlements for staff issued Platinum Cards. When I received my letter I took the matter up with the Bank directly, forwarding a copy of the terms and conditions set out in writing at date of my retirement. In response I received a telephone call and follow up letter apologising for the letter and confirming retraction.”

Mark Stankovich emailed “Many thanks for the ANZ ROC best wishes for my birthday. My compliments and thanks to Kathy Trace for her untiring efforts to ensure the greetings arrived right on time. No small feat in present times. I was fortunate to be able to celebrate my birthday in style with my whole family. Only wish time would not pass so quickly!”

Frank Valastro emailed “I was saddened to read in July’s newsletter of the passing of Max Guest. I had the pleasure of working with Max in the early to mid 1970’s as his assistant on the Lending Inspection team. We worked together over a period of 3 years and travelled many kilometres together around Victoria visiting many branches. We formed a close working relationship and no matter where we were we would always enjoy a beer or two after work whilst reflecting on the day’s output. Max’s comprehensive knowledge of sport never ceased to amaze me as he often recalled many sporting events in intricate detail. On the working front Max was always highly motivated and strove for perfection. You could always count on him for accuracy and constructive criticism. As his apprentice I learnt more about work ethics and output. I have no doubt when I say that Max’s approach to work mirrored his approach to life in general that is….roll up the sleeves put your head down your bum up and go for it. Vale Max Guest and thanks for your inspiration.”

Roger Watkins wrote “I was saddened at the passing of John White. I joined the ES&A Bank in 1959, spent about 12 months at 390 Lonsdale Street Branch and moved to Vic Admin (ES&A) circa 1960. John was about 16 when I joined the bank and I met John first when he worked in Personnel Dept 2nd Floor, 86 Queen Street. My memory of John is of his very likeable manner to all workmates. I can never remember meeting John any where without him smiling. He was a real gentleman to all. Vale John.”

Norm Wood emailed:” Thank you very much for the card which arrived, thanks to the ever-reliable and obviously hard-working Kathy Trace, in good time for my recent birthday. While it is now some time since I was in a position to attend any functions, and the number of members I actually worked with are sadly steadily diminishing, I still enjoy reading about the more active members. I hope you, Kathy and the rest of your Committee enjoy a healthy and happy year.”

AND Russ Appleton, Cynthia Ellery, Helen Farnell, Mike George, Alan Lauder, Ian Lee, Nunzio Liberatore, John Moore, Dietmar Reichert, Trevor Turner, Rod Wassell,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA





The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Bernadette Lynch. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.

The cost to members of the function is $35.00.

Cut-off date for acceptances 30 November 2017

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

· If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate as a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

· If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

· If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to: Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ken can also be contacted on 0439 432 280.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Ken Crawford at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $35.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table. Return this slip with your payment to Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 no later than by 30 November 2017



FRIDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER 2017 AT CHELTENHAM GOLF CLUB, VICTOR AVENUE, CHELTENHAM. Following on from our enjoyable visit to Cheltenham in March, the next ANZROC Golf Day is to be held at Cheltenham Golf Club, Victor Avenue, Cheltenham on Friday, 22 September 2017, teeing off at 8.30am. This is a Men’s & Ladies Stableford Competition for ANZROC members and their partners.

Cheltenham Golf Club is just 30 minutes from the Melbourne CBD, on the sand belt region, with delightful fairways and challenging greens. It’s a 9-hole course with 16 different tees. Visit for details on course layout, dress regulations, directions etc. A delicious lunch is included and will typically be a choice of Fish, Parma, Steak Sandwich, Lamb Shanks (all served with Chips and Salad or Veg) or Caesar Salad. Players without a current Golf Australia handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. We are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Get your entries in early to avoid missing out!

ENTRY FEE - $55 per person for 18 holes (members of Cheltenham Golf Club $25) or $40 for 9 holes. This covers Green Fees, prizes and lunch. Drinks are available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $20 per person. Electric Golf Cart - $35 for 18 holes, $25 for 9 holes, payable at the Pro Shop on the day.

HIT-OFF will be from 8.30am on a number of tees close to the carpark and Clubhouse. Those playing 18 holes should arrive no later than 8am to get their card & draw. Those playing 9 holes should arrive no later than 10am. ENTRIES CLOSE on Thursday 14th September (unless places are filled earlier) so that numbers can be finalised with the Club. EMAIL the ENTRY DETAILS (below) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Ken Pattison, PO Box 2910, CHELTENHAM, 3192 Make electronic payment direct to: to ANZROC BSB 013-350, Account No 306451947 - ensuring your name is included in the payment information – Or Mail a cheque payable to ANZROC with your ENTRY DETAILS ENQUIRIES to Ken Pattison on 0414 679 627. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ENTRY DETAILS (by email or mail with direct credit or cheque)

Your Contact details:


Players Name…………………………………9 or 18 holes……………Hcp………. $...........

Name…………………………………9 or 18 holes……………Hcp………. $………..

Meal only (non-playing partners) ............ @ $20 = $……….

Total $__________

Paid by, Cheque or Direct Credit



October 12th Moonee Valley Racecourse Tabaret

November 9th Annual General Meeting 833 Collins Street


ANZ has recently notified us that the ANZ Retired Officer’s Cheque Account and ANZ Staff Cheque Account will no longer be offered to new customers with effect from 28 July 2017.

Existing customers and employees who currently hold one of these products will not be affected by this change. Should you have any queries in relation to the matter please contact the product manager Adrian Stephenson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in regional Victoria for members and their partners on Thursday 14th September 2017. This luncheon will be our September monthly ANZROC meeting and we encourage members in outlying areas and from Melbourne to attend.

The George is approx 300 metres from the station

The George Hotel provides a wide ranging menu for both the restaurant menu of mains, burgers, wood fired pizza and the Lane Cafe for more casual options which includes wraps and focaccias and can be taken to our ANZROC tables.

Pay separately for meals and drinks on the day. Names can now be sent to Joan Nathan on 97408001 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Partners and widows of past members will be very welcome to join us at Ballarat.

It is recommended that travel to the function be via “V Line” train travel. The new Velocity trains servicing Ballarat have very comfortable seats with generous leg room and a quiet and smooth ride. The journey takes approx 1 hour 30 minutes in a very comfortable seat with ample leg room and of course great company “V Line” has a service to Ballarat, leaving from the “V Line” Country platforms (Ground level at Spencer Street side of Southern Cross Railway Station) at 10.07am and arrives in Ballarat at11.37am. We would suggest that you arrive at the station around 9.30 to 9.45am to enable us to travel as a group.

For the return journey there is a train departing Ballarat Station at 2.06 pm and 3.08 pm arriving Southern Cross railway Station at 3.47 pm and 4.49. pm respectively.

Committeeman Con La Fauci will be on hand at Southern Cross Station to help members with platform locations.

Seniors should arrange their free travel vouchers under the Victoria Public Transport “Free-off peak Travel Vouchers scheme”.

A great plus for the venue and timing is that the Ballarat Art Gallery is directly opposite The George Hotel and entry is free with a great coffee shop on site if you have any spare time before trains.

To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance 

members can give in provision of transport should such be required



Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance: Yes / No

I would appreciate assistance with transport: Yes / No

This information can be emailed to JOAN NATHAN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429

Should you wish to telephone, please call Joan on 97408001 .


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor

Newsletter July 2017


Please click on this link to read the reformatted July 2017 newsletter

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)




Once again our annual lunch at the Mulgrave Country Club generated an excellent response from our Members with 60 in attendance. The Senior's menu was great value with 2 courses for $15 and with full size portions instead of the mini version some places provide on the basis that older people have less appetite!

We were pleased to see Nunzio Liberatore and Cindy Chan Taylor at their first ANZROC meeting.

Members not seen for some time included Geoff Allman, John Bloom, Graeme Cameron, Ron Clohesy, Max Fisher, Tony Grayling, Peter Green, Rod Macaulay, Don Maguire, Peter Nyga, Roy Peake, Bernie O’Reilly, Warren Taylor and Joan Williams.

Thanks to, Noel Beanland, Joan Nathan and Ken Crawford for their efforts in organising the lunch.

Photos from the lunch have been posted to the ANZROC’s website and Facebook page.

Sadly we farewelled a number of our Members this month as noted in the newsletter including the passing of John White last Friday after a long illness. We also heard through Kathy Trace that Terry Talbot passed away in Tasmania on May 26th. Kathy had worked with Terry in Nominees and he used to attend our meetings before he moved. All Members stood in respect of our friends and colleagues who had passed away.

Recent correspondence from ANZ Cards to some of our Members with 30+ years service indicating that concessional rates would be withdrawn in August caused some concern. After discussion between Ron Adams from ANZROC in Victoria, and other States, with Cards Executives the changes were reversed and all impacted Members should have received a letter from the bank confirming this.

We subsequently received a further advice from ANZ that Staff Cheque accounts and Retired Officers Cheque accounts would no longer be offered as part of product rationalisation. However, this will not affect anyone who currently has one of these accounts.

If anyone is interested some old ANZ Advertising posters have been posted on our website and Facebook page.

I am sure many of you will relate to some of these as they reflect a different era of Banking to that which we are faced with today.

I noticed that Teresa Goldsborough commented on the success of our decentralised lunches in drawing good support. We plan to continue with a mix of City and Suburban/ Regional lunches in the coming year so that we can reach more of our Members who cannot make it into the City.

Having said that we hope to get a big turn-out to our August 10 lunch at 100 Queen Street. We have secured Brian and Shirley Rix as guest speakers. They have ridden around Australia on their Motor Bikes and will give us an insight into their adventures.

Hope to see many of you there.


Ron Adams, Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , John Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Wolf Damschitz, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert ,Trevor King, Wal McGillivray, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Ron Phillips, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Joe Romano, John Stevens, , Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Hardwick D.P. (Dermot) 40 years ANZ

McGregor G.M.(Geri) 13 years ANZ

Moore John 46 years ANZ

Taylor C.Y.C (Cindy) 10 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Dermot, Geri and John at one of our forthcoming meetings. Cindy was welcomed at the lunch at Mulgrave.


GUEST L.M.J (MAX) 83 YEARS 18/6/2017

Gary Mason emailed “Max was a top level amateur cyclist (mainly track) and was close to getting Olympic selection for the 1956 Games in Melbourne.

Just prior to the Games warm-up track cycling competitions took place at the new Velodrome. Numerous visiting international cyclists in Melbourne for the Games competed in order to acclimatise and prepare themselves.

There was a large crowd of Italian supporters in attendance. They had gone to Velodrome from all over Australia to cheer their heroes

During one sprint event Max and an Italian cyclist jostled each other and the Italian cyclist fell. Max was a big chap. When the Italian fell they bayed for Max’s blood and he had to be escorted by guards away from the Velodrome via an underground tunnel which led out of the Velodrome. It was front page news on the daily newspapers.

Max was a likeable, quiet and unassuming chap, to get to the top in cycling needs plenty of guts and determination – which he obviously had in abundance.

Vale Max.”

HENNING A.F. (Adrian) 80 years 23/6/2017

Adrian was a regular correspondent to our newsletter especially when he was managing the Victorian Seniors Hockey team with trips across Australia and overseas.

David Knuckey said that Adrian worked with him in Esanda Market Street in the early 70’s and they both were on the Dealer Acceptance line where they had turns at managing the retail paper that came from the huge Reg Hunt Holden organisation, one of Esanda’s largest dealer customers.

TALBOT TERRY 88 years 26/5/2017

Kathy Trace said that Terry who worked with her in Nominees in the 70’s was a real character and was a stalwart of the many ANZ staff gatherings. On retirement Terry relocated to Tasmania and speaking to Karen Johnston Secretary of ANZROC Tasmania she said he was active in the First Settlers Group in Tasmania and regularly entertained the ANZROC Tasmanian members at their AGM with stories of the Talbot family.

THEOBALD B.T. (Barry) 93 years 25/6/2017

Barry had a stroke a couple of years ago and had not been well since.

Sandra Street emailed “I remember Barry from our days at Royal Bank Branch in the 1960s. He was a very fine person.”

WHITE E.J. (John) 73 years 7/7/2017

Ken Stapleton said when advising the passing of his close friend that John has fought a very long battle with cancer with the utmost courage and inspiration to others. Will be sadly missed.

John was a prolific correspondent to this newsletter and kept us informed of his activities in retirement.

We have also been advised by ANZROC Qsld of the passing of Allan Rivers on 20th June. He was 82 and had not enjoyed good health in recent times.

Charles Griss emailed “It is a long time since I saw Allan Rivers when I was CEO Esanda. Very sad to hear of his passing. Allan was indeed a strong leader and ran a 'tight ship' very successfully. He was a man of few words at our regular interstate conferences, but when he spoke you listened!”

Bob Maughan emailed “Very sad to hear about the passing of Alan Rivers. When I first joined Esanda I soon became aware that Alan was held in the highest possible regard.

When I was a humble Manager Dealer Finance in Esanda Head Office I had the audacity to decline an application from Queensland, the late John Hogarth who was then the Managing Director called me into his office to relate a complaint from Alan about the decision and asked me to ring him to discuss. Given the awe in which Alan was held after a nervous visit to the toilet I rang him as requested. At the end of the discussion he was most gracious and said stick with your decision you have convinced me. I later was blessed to work with him and enjoy the company of him and Shirley.

A true gentleman and legend not only of Esanda but ANZ in general.”

Mark Stankovich emailed “Allan Rivers (82) has been battling an aggressive cancer for some time. He passed away surrounded by his wife for over sixty years Shirley, his sons Donald and Peter, their wives, children and grandchildren. Allan retired in the late eighties as the ANZ Group MD’s Representative for Queensland and General Manager Esanda Queensland Division. For all but six years in the General Manager’s Department of the E.S. & A Bank in Nineteen Sixties Allan worked in Queensland for E.S. & A Bank, Esanda and ANZ Banking Group. During his years in Melbourne Allan worked in the ES&A GM’S Advances Dept. (A Line) and later as the CEO of the then newly established ES&A Savings Bank. In 1970 Allan returned to Brisbane as State Manager, Esanda for Queensland. He will be sadly missed but never forgotten by all who had the privilege to come in to contact with him.”

Glen Twidale’s Tribute to Allan Rivers

I was extremely sorry to hear of the loss of my close friend Allan Rivers, and extend my deepest sympathy to Shirley and family.

My friendship with Allan spans 51 years. We met when he was transferred to Melbourne from Queensland to head up the Savings Bank. I was on secondment from Hobart Office to the New Business department. One night, he invited me over to his home for dinner. After chatting for a while, we discovered we were both from the tiny Queensland town of Millmerran, and shared many similar memories. His father was a local police constable, and my father owned and operated the local garage. Allan was a very capable and intelligent person, and could have aspired to any position he chose; therefore, his abilities were absorbed into the bank merges and takeovers. Allan disliked Melbourne winters and whenever he headed south, he would inevitably catch the flu, and I would get the blame.

Allan’s interests were varied. While we were holidaying in Queensland, we enjoyed mud crabs, BBQ steaks competently cooked by Allan; this was usually followed by a few games of snooker in his beautifully equipped games room. As a youngster he was a top sprinter and middle distance runner. He then took up shooting, with foxes and rabbits being his bag. He was so successful, he and Glyn Steadman acquired a refrigerated van and on weekends and holidays, off they’d go. Unfortunately, the venture came to a swift end when “someone” forgot to put the handbrake on, and the van drove itself over a cliff. After the Port Arthur massacre, Allan had to hand in his rifle, due to the new gun law that John Howard introduced. Another past time of Allan’s was to make wooden toys. They were impeccably made and he would either give them away to friends, family or charities or sometimes he would sell them.

Allan will be missed by many people and once more, I offer my sincere condolences to all his family and friends.

Stave Manders emailed “I am writing to advise the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club that my father, Marcus Manders, passed away 3 July 2017 aged 96.He retired from the ANZ Bank in 1983, having been the Registrar of Esanda for a number of years prior to his retirement. Some of your members may recall his name, as his quite legible signature was on Esanda’s dividend cheques for some years in the 1970s and 1980s. He worked his entire life in the banking industry, commencing with the Bank of Australasia in the late 1930s. He had roles with a number of banks, mostly changing as they merged. I distinctly recall him saying that the most significant reason for the merger of the ES&A and ANZ banks was that neither individually could afford a mainframe computer, but as a merged entity, they could.”


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JULY and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Ron Cashin (84), Kevin Coleman (81),

Eric Dickson (86), Chris Fieggen (86), Lawton Graham (88), Don Hoffmann (83), Fred Hornsby (86),

Serge McIntyre (80), Godfrey Mills (82), Trevor Mudgway (81), Coralie O’Donahoo, Kevin O’Neill

(80), Alan Panther (83), Barry Reid (83), Bernie Sowersby (87), Bob Stone (83), Keith Taylor (89),

Frank Wells (90), Norm Wood (91), John York (86).


We no longer have any contact details for our Honorary member Robert W Hunter . If you have any contact details that can be passed on to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. it would be appreciated as Robert is due to reach 100 years of age next January.


From 1/7/2017

Less than $20,000 1.03%

Greater than $20,000 1.32%


Written by Neville Pearson

An invitation arrived for me to speak at the YARRAM Football Club 130th year celebration since inauguration

Some 350 Yarram players and supporters attended the match and dinner that was a sensation

The game was against the might of Sale City Football Club on Yarram’s home ground

As with most country matches food and drink did abound

At three quarter time, Yarram had defied the odds and had a handy 4 goal lead

But the Yarram players were exhausted and were starting to bleed

Sale City clawed back the score to only one point behind with 10 seconds to go

They gained the ball in the centre and gave an almighty kick to their full forward you know

As the ball hurtled through the air towards his chest, the siren blew clear and loud

To the enormous joy of myself and the Yarram Crowd

After a passionate discussion as to when the game finishes

Yarram was declared the winner to much spectator cheering and kisses

As a player and banker in Yarram in the 1950’s and 60’s I had been invited to be a guest speaker at the dinner. I wrote a couple of adult poems for the occasion that were considered a winner

From the Bird in full flight


Dr Peter Abraham son of our late Honorary member Murray Abraham emailed “Thank you so, so much for sending this newsletter and your colleague's tribute for our family to read (and laugh about dad's antics!), and also be reminded of dad's long and enduring mateship with you all (about which he spoke to me often). It warms my heart to see how much he was valued and remembered. Please pass on our family's warmest greetings to you all.”

Aldo Calvo emailed “Just a quick thank you to the ANZROC and Kathy Trace for arranging my birthday card which arrived on my birthday. The years ROC on”

Aldo Faella emailed “Thanks very much for sending me the lovely birthday card which arrived exactly on my birthday which was the 15th June. It was very much appreciated considering we had only been in our new home in Torquay for only 2 months. We absolutely love the sea change and enjoy doing lots of exploring down this way.”

Mike George emailed “Thought I had better acknowledge the receipt of my birthday card which actually came a day early which is a miracle considering the state of Australia Post. Had a very pleasant day but while I am glad to be in good health I wish the numbers would stop increasing. Had three weeks in the North Island of New Zealand in March with five other couples and had a great time touring around and visiting all of the places from my early days. Also recently have been to Vietnam and Cambodia, South Korea and Japan and also New York which unfortunately did not turn out quite so well as I got ill there and had to come home for treatment. Apart from the travel I still work a couple of days a week in the car industry on the financial side and manage a game of golf regularly.”

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Many thanks to Kathy for my birthday card, very much appreciated. On the day I was in Adelaide moving my aged mother into a nursing home so at that time life was busy. Two weeks later however had the opportunity to celebrate with close friends with lunch at the RACV Healesville Country Club.”

Charles Griss emailed “I was shocked to read that Roger Brown had died. Again, I must apologise but reading death notices is not my forte. In any case we get 'The Age’ emailed and as Angela has often remarked, not many people die in 'The Age' so regrettably I missed the sad announcement. I remember Roger well and recall that he and I would regularly jibe each other about the ties we were wearing. I thought that Bob Maughan summed Roger up very well. He was indeed a true 'GENTLEman' and even though we never worked closely together, I admired and respected him. He was a man of quite definitive views and it was hard to budge him from those views. I also recall him as a tall and LEAN man, the latter being due I am sure, to the fact that as I recall, he always left something on his plate at any lunch or dinner. Very sad and I offer Pam my condolences.”

Graham Joseph emailed” A sincere thank-you to Kathy Trace and the Committee for your kind wishes on the occasion of my 78th. Unfortunately, I am unable to make it to many monthly meetings the reasons being that I am trying to do as much travelling as I can in between "not-so-nice" regular eye injections for Macular Degeneration. Whatsmore I am closely involved with Probus which meeting falls on the same day as ROC meeting. The Newsletter always makes great reading and brings back many good memories of times shared with colleagues.

Keep up the good work.”

Bill Lanigan emailed “Please thank Kathy for the birthday greetings –getting it there on time is a lot harder these days. Last year we went to France (landed in Paris on Bastille Day?) which included tour of the Somme (11 cemeteries and 7 memorials – moving experience) and river cruise on the Rhone, then trains to Barcelona and Lisbon and tour of Portugal before finishing in Ireland.”

Bob Lyon emailed “I am currently in Portugal for a month. Very sad to see the passing of Barry Burt. Barry was a great character and one of the most knowledgeable bankers that I worked with. He came to Melbourne Central Zone on return from PNG in the early 90s. Victoria was in the middle of a recession and he was instrumental in recovering many millions of dollars in bad debts and helping customers refocus their businesses.

He had a special regard for anyone who had served in PNG and we became great mates.”

Frank Marzin emailed “Thank you to Kathy and the committee for the card. In the last 2 years my wife and I have travelled through Europe, then Bali and back to Australia to Hobart in Tasmania, then Bellbrae and Torquay in Victoria, to NSW in Sydney during the Easter break and recently returned from Twin Waters in the Sunshine coast, Mermaid Beach and Broadbeach in the Gold coast, to escape the cold Melbourne weather. Unfortunately, we are now back home to the cold weather and continue with our home renovation in Endeavour Hills. Hoping to join you in the future meetings.”

Sherwin Meerwald emailed “Please convey my thanks to that wonderful Person who sends me a Birthday Card each year. It is much appreciated.”

Denis Murphy emailed “Returning from a seven week overseas trip to Croatia on a small cruise along the Adriatic coast and Northern Italy (Lakes area) a few days ago, I learned of the passing of Dick Hughes on 11th May. Dick became the victim of  Dementia about two years ago and his health had declined over this period, but I think he recognised me when I saw him late last year.

Many members in Victoria would remember Dick when he was in Melbourne working in GMO/AHQ Advance Dept on IDA (Instructions to Divisional Administrators) when attached to Methods Dept under Jim Paton and his executives. I together with Geoff Scott (since deceased) joined him on the IDA team undertaking the International Dept section and became very good friends. Our paths crossed again when we were both appointed as Manager Bankcard Dept, Dick for NSW and myself for Victoria. (I still remember launch day on 9th October 1974 ….as will others!!!). Again our paths crossed when I took over from Dick as Senior Manager Corporate Accounts in NSW when Dick was appointed as Area Manager South Sydney. Again in International Division our paths crossed when Dick was appointed as Representative China in Beijing when I was heading up Japan He arrived in Beijing two months before the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and he and Margaret had a most hair raising and frightening experience being evacuated back to Hong Kong (He later returned to complete his assignment). Dick also spent 9 months in London Office as the Australian representative in the Advance/Lending Dept (No wives or family allowed and one phone call a week back home---How times have changed ---for the better). Dick returned to Australia and later retired as Manager S(P&H). He was recalled by the Bank to take charge of the workout of Dalgety’s agriculture lending portfolio which the Bank had purchased. What a varied and extensive banking career. RIP Vale Richard

Ray Murphy emailed “, as always it was great to receive the monthly news letter and the exceptional birthday Card. please thank Kathy from me for giving me another run at my 86th year, I thought I had gone alright during 2016/17. I m so thankful that I spent 9 years in Melbourne with the Scottie 1957/1965 as by working in every City Branch with the exception of Royal Bank and Spencer Street and many suburban Branches there isn't a month goes by when a name pops up that I knew that person. When you go onto the Branch management circuit cities and country at that time, our main contact is with clients and staff. Will Bailey regularly features and we were good mates along with the late Geoff Young, Jim Ruffle and Peter Oxley during that time. Will and I attended the 1964 managers’ course in Kirribilli and he was the only Victorian participant to receive Branch Management at Bairnsdale on conclusion of the course. It was Wills only field Management role. I took over from him in 1967 it was my second Branch. Kathy always features and it would be nice if you could include her photo in the monthly epistle. Thanks again”

Geoff Murrell emailed “Many thanks for the birthday card and good wishes for 27th May. Sorry about the delay in replying, but Mary and I have just returned from a few weeks overseas. Thanks and kind regards,”

Coralie O’Donahoo writing from Noosa Heads said “Thank you for the birthday card which arrived on the correct date as usual. Last year I went to Darwin in April and December- the first year I haven’t been overseas for 20 years- but I’m leaving for Montreal, Quebec and Vancouver this month for about a month which I am looking forward to. Best wishes to all.”

Ron Pidcock emailed “A belated “thank you” for my birthday card. As usual it arrived in good time before the day, a great effort considering how unreliable the snail mail is these days. I have been totally involved with preparing and performing in “A Song to Sing, O” which was originally a one-man show, written by Mel Morrow, and was extended in 2008 to include an ensemble of additional characters. It takes place backstage at the Savoy Theatre London, on the eve of George Grossmith’s departure from the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company. GG created nine of the original “patter baritone” roles and he gives an interview with an imagined American journalist in which he relives his stellar career. I was privileged to have been chosen by Mel Morrow in 2008 to play GG, and here I am again, some 9 years later; and the show has been further extended with the addition of three more musical numbers. It runs 2 hours 50 minutes with a 20 minute interval, and I’m on stage for 2 hours 20 minutes! The final three performances were 14-16 July, and then - a long rest!

I hope to get to one of the ANZROC meetings soon.”

Tom Portelli wrote “Just a note of thanks for the card I received on the occasion of my recent birthday and a special thank you to Kathy Trace. Please pass on my best wishes to the Committee and all the members of ANZROC”

Barry Reid emailed “Here I am on my Birthday morning all rugged up from the cold weather enjoying a mug of hot coffee when our postie calls with a lovely Birthday Card from the ANZROC committee and my long time good friend Kathy Trace, wishing me once again a very happy 38th Birthday oops I may have slightly transposed the figures, many thanks to you all for remembering me. Good health to everyone.”

Reg Roberts emailed “Thank you once again for your Birthday wishes, which have consistently arrived in good time for over 20 odd years now....well done and thank you. I still enjoy good health (at 89) and involve myself with U3A at Nunawading (where Barbara Gardiner ANZROC member works,) and with model railways; it's a busy life. But once again thank you so much.”

Joe Romano emailed “Received my birthday card from ROC and thanks to Kathy, on time. It is always a pleasure to be sent cards on your birthday. Thanks again “

Roy Sloggett wrote “My sincere thanks for the kind birthday wishes for my 85th “.

Keith Taylor wrote “Many thanks for passing on the Committee and members best wishes for my birthday. I enjoy seeing the newsletter including the activities of former workmates. As Bob Hope the comedian once said “I’ve reached the age when the candles cost more than the cake.””

Miles Tiller emailed “Please pass on, to Kathy and the Committee, my thanks for the Birthday Card and good wishes which arrived on time for my 79th. I had a most enjoyable time with my family.”

Noted in the recent ANZROC WA newsletter an email from Kevin Watson (88)”: “Unfortunately, I can’t read emails any more, but Susan reads them to me. I am travelling fairly well physically, but the lack of sight is an impediment. I am now at the stage of life where I get regular news of the passing of old colleagues and of recent times they included Tom Williams, whom I succeeded in London Management when he returned to 377 George Street. More recently, it was Dick Hughes, with whom I shared a bank flat in London in 1966, when he was there on the lending side and I on the international side. However, I am still managing to do the shopping and cooking – which I enjoy – although it takes rather longer these days! We live in an apartment over a very good shopping centre, so it’s just a short elevator ride to a great variety of shops (supermarkets for me and shoes and clothes for Susan!). I must say that the news from overseas is not very good and poor old London is having some real trouble with the terrorists. Thanks again for your message and I hope to receive something similar this time next year.”

Brian Wills (86) wrote “Thanks again for my birthday card. How many more I wonder. My retarded son (56) has now been happily living a residential for the past three years. My wife died in 2013 so I’m now alone and in reasonable health. Regards to all ANZROC members and especially those who still remember me”.

AND David Bennie, Geoff Burton, Steve Duke, Frank Edwards, Aldo Faella, Helen Farnell, George Finnis, Richard Harding, Jim Karabatsos, Ian Manley, Bruce Mathrick, Bruce Sanderson, Wayne Taylor, Peter Treleaven,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



Just a reminder that members of the ANZ Retired Officers Club are eligible for membership to the ANZ Staff Club. The annual fee to be an ANZ Staff Club retired officer member is a reasonable $19-50. ANZ Staff Club offers a great range of products and accommodation to members, together with regular bulletins on special deals and products that are available. Membership can be very worthwhile and a look at their website will give you more information. Web address is as follows:


Stunning NEW QLD beachfront property now available with the Staff Club!

Absolute Beachfront Accommodation on the Gold Coast, central to Broadbeach & Surfers Paradise at

the Surfers Aquarius apartments.

Apartment 15D Surfers Aquarius apartments 4-12 Old Burleigh Rd, Surfers Paradise

Special promotion to all members:

Book any week from 14th July to 8th September and get a saving of up to 58%.

Instead of paying up to $255 per night we are offering 7 nights for $750.

Please contact us if you have any questions on any ANZ Staff Club properties at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


14th September Visit Ballarat

12th October Moonee Valley Racecourse Hotel

9th November Annual General Meeting 833 Collins Street

14th December ANZROC Christmas lunch Arts Centre



Noel Beanland has introduced Brian and Shirley Rix to ANZROC and arranged for them to speak to us about their adventures on their motor bike journeys to many parts of the world. Brian and Shirley have published a book of their travels and copies will be available at our meeting.

This is considered to be a special meeting and we would like to see more support from members to enjoy meeting the Rix’s and catch up with ANZROC friends and colleagues.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members ARE invited that day.

We also suggest that current ANZROC members could bring their ex-colleagues who are not members of ANZROC along to listen to the Rix’s as that meeting will be full of interest to travelling retirees and we may get some of them to join up. New members joining from July 1st will receive the benefit of an extra few months off their subscription as their next subscription falls due on 1st October 2018 and they will be able to Join us at the heavily subsidised Christmas lunch that gives members chance to form a table with their ex-colleagues.

On the website “Aussies Overland” you can read more about Brian and Shirley and their CV reads as follows:

“Back in 2003 we took a grown-up’s ‘gap-year’, leaving work behind for 12 months, shipping our motorcycle to England and riding home through Europe, the Middle East and Asia. This ride took us along the Dalmatian Coast and through Iran, Pakistan, India and Nepal.

Since that time we’ve ridden more than 170,000 kilometres through 68 countries over six continents.

In 2011, when Brian retired we hit the road again, this time shipping our bike to Chile and heading to the bottom of South America and then turning around and heading to Prudhoe Bay, the northern most tip of North America.

That wasn’t enough. Rather than sending the bike home we flew it to Europe and then South Africa to explore more of this wonderful world.

Fast forward to 2015 and there was a gap in our riding experience – right across Russia. So we were off again, shipping the bike to Greece. For the next six months we rode through Europe to Scandinavia, making it to the very tip of Norway – Nordkapp.

From Scandinavia the road took us to Russia and the ‘Stans’, leading us along sections of the old Silk Road and into Siberia.

You can read highlights of our journeys in posts on this web or in more detail in our books – Two for the Road, Circle to Circle and The Long Way to Vladivostok.

We hope we inspire you to hit the road, or just sit back and ride with us, enjoying the ride vicariously. “

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 4th AUGUST 2017 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be

provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that he luncheon fee of $15.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the costs of catering.

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.



TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144.

By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




newsletter June 2017


Please click on link to read the June 2017 Reformatted newsletter

Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)


ANZROC (Vic) NEWSLETTER 8th June 2017


We had a great turnout of 54 Members and Partners for our June lunch at the Glasshouse next to Caulfield Race course. The food and service was excellent so thanks once again to Noel Beanland and the social committee for organising the venue. It was good to catch up with Greg Hondromatidis at his first meeting after retirement and reminisce about the IT/EDP systems and people. Also great to see David Knuckey for his first meeting in a long time and to hear that he is assisting Noel with organising the next couple of Country meetings. It was very difficult at the venue to do the normal formalities because of the noise but we are sad that 5 of our Members passed away in May and we extend our condolences to their families.

Members not seen for some time apart from Greg Hondromatidis and David Knuckey were Helen Bouch, Keith Findlay, Trevor King also for his first ANZROC meeting, Jacqui Luckman, Joe Maggiore, Mary Nicolazzo, Joe Romano, Rose Virgona, Jill Ward, Roger Watkins, and Carole Whiting while Robin and Dorothy Chase and Aldo and Karen Faella travelled from Geelong and Torquay to be with us.

We have used our Membership database to identify further areas where a Regional lunch would be worthwhile and the Mornington Peninsula is an obvious choice. Peter Pritchard will be driving this but if any Member in the Mornington area is interested in organising a lunch ANZROC would be happy to support it.

For those who have had an association with our London Office the latest Pensioners Newsletter has been published on our Website and Facebook page. There will be many names and photos in there that some of you will recognise.

The tragic events in London Bridge last week were a bit close to home as the events unfolded on the doorstep of the former ANZ Grindlays office at Minerva House. Many of the pubs mentioned in the news reports such as the Market Porter, Wheatsheaf and Mudlark would be well know to many of our Members who have visited London. Thankfully none of our colleagues there were affected.

I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting at Mulgrave Country Club on July 13.




Photos taken at the luncheon are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , Noel Beanland, Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Wolf Damschitz, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Carl Garley, Ray Gill , Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert ,Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Con la Fucia, Roche Manual, Wal McGillivray, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Joan Nathan, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Glyn Parry-Jones, Ron Phillips , Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Bob Salpietro, John Stevens, Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Anne Wee, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Felmingham N.D. (Neil) 47 years ANZ

Kucchal Suniel 7 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Neil and Suniel at one of our forthcoming meetings.


ABRAHAM M.W. (MURRAY) 91 years 12/5/2017

ANZROC members were well represented at the large gathering of family and friends at the funeral service for Murray where I met Frank Edwards, Tony Grayling, Con La Fucia, Ken Lee, Jack Moyle, Gary Mason, Ian Newstead, Tommy Taylor and Frank Wells,

Will Bailey emailed “What a character!! Murray and his late friend Ian O’Donahue tried to lead me astray many times (occasionally they did.)The watering holes close to the Markets or in the western end of the CBD (Murray’s branch in Little Collins St) were great spots. Wonderful memories. RIP Murray.”

Ken Bleakney wrote “I was saddened to hear of the passing of Murray Abraham. I first met Murray in 1971 when taking up my appointment at Boronia branch where he was the Manager. Over the two year period of my stay at Boronia I got to know Murray well. He was very personable with a quick wit, supportive and well liked by all staff and customers alike. We kept up contact into the early 80’s when we both worked in the CBD. He was Manager Museum Station branch. Last saw him in January of this year for his 91st birthday. He was still in good spirits. A fine man and great banker.”

Frank Edwards emailed “Another sad loss. Abe was a true gentleman who was one of the organising group for the ES&A annual luncheon. He would ring me each year to check whether I would be attending and, being Abraham, always finished our chat with "Shalom". I'll miss him.”

Gary Mason emailed “Sad news indeed. I visited Murray (“Honest Abe”) at Samarinda a month ago. He was in fine form at the time. He was a very friendly chap and liked by all. Murray was Manager Boronia in the 1970s and inherited quite a number of difficult customers whose (nearly bad) debts had been stagnant for some time. Murray’s tactic was to write a letter to them, page number 2 of which (there was never any page 1) read along the lines:

“You will realise Gerry [customer] that in view of the foregoing I must carry out the instructions and that will cause significant problems and inconvenience”

Invariably and immediately upon receipt of the letter the customer would get in touch with Murray and the discussions would more or less be long the following lines:

“I just got your letter Murray. What’s going on?”

To which Murray would reply:

“It’s all in the letter Gerry. The instructions are quite clear and with serious consequences”


“But I only received page 2 Murray”


“I shall speak to my Secretary and get her to re-send the letter Gerry”


“Is there something I can do to avoid getting into trouble?”


“Well Gerry, if you can pay in $10 a week I will see if I can forestall any action”.


“I shall pay in $20 later today and I will ensure that at least $10 goes in weekly until the debt is cleared”.

Murray did a grand job sorting out many such problem customers.

Thanks for the memories Murray”

Kevin Mitchell said that Murray always attended ES&A Reunion every year until his health declined; he had not been well over the last 2 years. Kevin subsequently emailed ” I joined the ES&A Bank Melbourne Office on 1 Dec 1959 the year that Nescafe Instant Coffee had become popular with drinkers, and the catch cry was Olay/ Nescafe. Murray and I formed a lifetime friendship greeting each other with whoever got in first would say Olay, while the other was left to say, Nescafe. Murray was a wonderful friend with a great sense of humour. Olay Murray, my turn to get in first. “

Bruce Tickell said he knew Murray when Murray was Manager Footscray branch. A real character.

ATKINSON BERNARD (BERNIE) 80 years 16/5/2017

Speaking with Trish Atkinson she said that Bernie joined the ES&A Bank at 388 Collins Street, transferred to 394 Collins Street (now Sebel Hotel) and then to AHQ at 55 Collins Street .Bernie crossed paths with Kevin Mitchell and Roger Watkins during his 40 years in the Bank. Bernie was an accomplished musician and was the drummer in the band that often played for ES&A and ANZ social functions when Kevin Mitchell was Secretary of the ANZ Staff Social Club.

BURT B.P. (BARRY) 71 years 25/5/2017

Barry’s sister Kate said that Barry spent his early career mainly in Melboune branches, time as Manager Leongatha as well as three trips to New Guinea and finally working in Lending Administration in Melbourne before retiring to live in Geelong.

ANZROC member Peter Williams from Ballarat said that in the 80’s Barry was Manager Mount Hagen PNG when Peter was in Administration in Port Moresby and they formed a longstanding friendship. Barry was transferred into Port Moresby after Peter had left New Guinea.

Arthur Vale said that Barry was very helpful to him when Barry was involved in lending in Port Moresby in 1985 and they have been firm friends ever since. Arthur said that while Barry was in Lending Administration he was responsible for collecting outstanding debts throughout Victoria.

LEAN E.A. (ERIC) 94 years 7/5/2017

Eric enlisted in the AIF in October 1941 and on discharge in August 1946 was Corporal, 20th Australian Line Section.

Eric was a contributor to the newsletters and attended our lunches until the family moved to NSW and subsequently to Mudgeeraba in Queensland and the thanksgiving service for Eric was held in Batemans Bay in late May with RSL and the Masonic Lodge participating.

SHARMAN W.N. (NEIL) 79 years 17/5/2017

John Brown and wife Jan attended Neil Sharman’s funeral service. Margaret Forrest was there along with ANZROC members, Brian Day, John Flyger, Val Goldsworthy, Stan Halbish, Barry King and Dick Sanders. As Neil wanted, it was a simple service, with family tributes from Neil's son John and his grandson, Dean.

Dick Sanders emailed “I have known Neil for many years. On one instance it was when I was appointed Accountant Elsternwick in 1968. David Rome had already left to take up his new appointment and Neil was there for a few days. I walked in; Neil passed me a bunch of keys, wished me good luck and was out the door. A very swift handover, eh!”

Geoff Stillman emailed “Neil and I had more than a working relationship and I am saddened by his passing. Condolences to his family.”

We were also sorry to hear that our Secretary Vicky Genius’s mother passed away this week after a long illness. Condolences to Vicky and her family.

John Brown saw on Facebook that Chris Atwell passed away on 25/5/2017 after a long illness. Chris would have been known by many of our members.

Pam Brown widow of our late member Roger Brown wrote "The family and I thank the ANZROC

Members for their support in attending Roger’s funeral. Their sympathy and kindness was greatly



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JUNE and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Les Ager (85), Gordon Christensen

(80), Bill Gardiner (85), Bob Lamb (82), Geoff Meggs (88), Ray Murphy (86), Tom Portelli (82),Reg

Roberts (88), Roy Sloggett (84), Barry Theobald (92), Gren Tonzing (81), James Trimble (88),

Ern Walton (85), Roger Watkins (85), Kevin Watson (87), John Williams (86), Elaine Willmott, Brian

Wills (85).


Neville Pearson received a telephone call of some length from Brian Wood who phoned to see if we could advise our members that Bob Stone has been very ill and to exacerbate the situation his wife is also unwell

Bob is in the William Anglis Hospital Ferntree Gully and would appreciate a visit or phone call from any old bankers/ANZ work mates. Albert Street Upper Ferntree Gully hospital advised to phone the hospital switchboard on phone number 97646229 or 97646141 and ask for Bob Stone


From 1/6/2017

Less than $20,000 1.04%

Greater than $20,000 1.33%


Neville Pearson writes:

I am pleased to advise that I spoke to Harry Carrodus this afternoon and he is feeling good and delighted to get my call.

Harry’s wife Beryl who is in hospital is on the improve and they are both looking forward to moving into a new apartment once completed before the end of the year

My wife Cheryl and I worked in the Banks original Data Processing centre @ 177 Toorak Road South Yarra in which Harry also worked

Harry was always in good spirits with a big smile for everyone

Harry would love to hear from old mates and can be contacted on 0420 490 396

I can also report that the Albert Park Football Club had a special day on 3rd of June to commemorate the passing of Brian Christensen who was the last founding member and life member of ANZ Bank/Albert Park Football Club and a staunch supporter at most games with wife Noelle right to the end. The Albert Park Football Club still have a strong ANZ Bank FC presence and great respect for past players of ANZ. So much so the club rooms and bar are named after Brian Christensen and Jet Jackson .ANZROC members and partners in attendance for this special occasion included Nev and Cheryl Pearson, John and Pat Bloom, Bill (Jet) and Bev Jackson, Roy and Judy Peake and of course Noelle Christensen with her family .


Will Bailey emailed “I read the note that advised of John Gibson’s passing.

I worked with John in the SA Administration of the Scottie in the mid ’70’s when I was the Assistant State Manager. He was an integral part of the happy group working with State Manager, Keith Crellin, and fellow Regional Manager, Bryan O’Callaghan. John was in charge of the NT when Cyclone Tracey hit Darwin. He was a dedicated banker and an excellent leader which all showed through in the challenge he faced after the Cyclone. He later became Manager 394 Collins Street Melbourne before retiring in Sydney. A delightful workmate. “Gary Mason added “In 1984 the late John Gibson was an Assistant State Manager Victoria (Ron Horne was State Manager).”

Darryl Bartlett emailed “Thank you for the birthday card, a job done to perfection by Kathy. April 15th just passed, marked the 60th anniversary of the day I commenced work with ANZ at Korong Vale branch, also my 20th year in retirement. On reflection, it was a privilege to be a banker over that particular era, gaining work satisfaction and experience, also life time friendships. How the workplace has changed today!. Our annual trip to Fiji last July/August, visiting our Daughter and grandsons, now teenagers, was enjoyable, particularly the warm weather, also having a week each at The Radisson, Treasure Island and Hideaway Resorts. Ronda and I have recently returned from SA where we spent a lovely 5 days cruising the Murray on the “Proud Mary”. We are now organising our next trip for July/August to Fiji experiencing different resorts as well as staying with the family in their new home which they have just moved into after 2 years of construction (Fiji time!).

Best wishes to all ANZROC committee and members.”

Wendy Black emailed “I've finished the typing of my father's WW1 diaries and I have now donated the original diaries to the Victoria State Library. The contents of Dad's 1916, 1917, 1918 and 1919 diaries and also the typed version are now in the care of the Collections section at the State Library as is the illustrated book I transcribed. The book has been digitised and can be read online so should be available to readers for many years to come, A big task, but a very satisfying one after all the work involved knowing these documents will be looked after in the future.

Dave Brookman wrote “I was sorry to read of Gerry Kennedy’s passing. I knew Gerry over a great number of years during our Banking Service. He had his traumatic experiences being a tragic Magpies supporter but he was a good friend and will be sadly missed by his many banking associates. He had many nostalgic memories of the Tungamah, St James and Lake Rowan regions of Victoria.”

Mike Cooper emailed “Would you please pass on to Kathy Trace and Committee my thanks for birthday wishes. Like all fellow officers, I eagerly await the monthly newsletter for update on the lives of my former workmates. Very little to report myself except 4/5 caravan trips each year, with one Unit based trip to the Gold Coast to ease the burden of our southern winter.”

Brian Day emailed “My thanks to our President, Committee and Members for their good wishes on the occasion of my recent special birthday and a thank you to Kathy Trace for ensuring it arrived on the day concerned. When retiring from the Bank 27 years ago little did I think that I would reach the age of 80 years and join the special ranks of honorary members of ANZROC. Where have all those years gone? So many of those great men and ladies whom I had the pleasure of working with have sadly passed on. Celebrations with Family and friends lasted over a period of four days at the end of which I felt as though I had aged another 10 years!! Once again thank you all for your kind thoughts they have been greatly appreciated.”

Secretary Vicky Genius emailed “I received my ANZROC card right on my birthday which fell on a Monday this year. Having other commitments on the day I planned lunch later in the week with friends at a new café 3 mins walk from my house. I guess a few red wines are in order, it’s cold and I don’t have to drive.”

Terry Glover emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy for the birthday card. It was the first received and very much appreciated. Regards to all the team for doing a great job keeping us informed of what's happening to our mates from ANZ.”

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed “Please register my apologies for June, July and September luncheons.

Had been looking forward to June at Caulfield however going to Adelaide to visit unwell, aged mother and may not be home in time for July get together. In early September begin a 400 km walk in Italy, from Lucca to Rome so not home in time for the September luncheon.

To date this year has involved visits to Adelaide, and just over two weeks touring China. An amazing trip, covering 2,500 kms from Hong Kong to Zhengzhou then basically followed the Silk Road by coaches, and fast trains to Urumqi in deep North West China near the Mongolian border. An opportunity to successively experience different geography, cultures, people and amazing food. Leaving the Silk Road at Urumqi, flights on to panda country in Jiuzhaigou Valley [Valley of Nine Fortified Villages] to experience some walking within this beautiful national park before moving onto Chengdu. A modern, bustling city and home to the large panda centre, and renowned chilli hot pots!”

Val Goldsworthy wrote “I have to thank ANZROC and in particular Kathy Trace for the welcome birthday card. The years do roll on. I shared a yummy birthday cake with a great niece born the day before my own special day. The cake was adorned with just two candles- now that is diplomacy”

Wayne Hulbert emailed “Bernadette and I would like to put in our apologies for the June, July and August meetings as we will be exploring Western Australia and the Northern Territory in our 4WD and new Tvan. We will be revisiting some places as well as going to many new places that we have yet to see, so we are quite excited. We plan on being back to go to the Ballarat meeting in September.”

Peter Keating emailed “I received Kathy’s birthday wishes on behalf of ANZROC 2 days late, but realised I’d not advised my change of address. Wendy and I have recently moved to 5 acres near Romsey after 10 years in an apartment close to the city. It’s quite a change, but the growing number of boys’ toys is proving great fun. The quiet, fresh air and exercise are fantastic.”

Bob Maughan emailing from Perth said “I was saddened beyond belief to receive a telephone call from Kerrie the daughter of Roger Brown to advise of the passing of her father. A brave call on her behalf. On putting down the phone tears flowed on the loss of a dear much loved friend and workmate over many years. We were appointed Senior Managers within Esanda on the same day Roger, to a post in AHQ and me to NSW. Later we came to work together at Esanda Vic /TAS Region with the late Graeme Hockey and Rod Anstee, Roger was one of the most loyal supportive and honest people I have ever known who always saw the best in everyone. It is often said you could trust someone with your life. I would have no hesitation in saying this was true with Roger.

He was a very competitive person and had a strong sporting background. We often played golf together sometimes with late Brian Christensen and as much as we tried Roger always seemed to emerge the winner. After Retirement Therese Barwick, who was our wonderful HR Manger for a period, Graeme Hockey, Rod Anstee, Richard Auhl and myself enjoyed regular 'Board Luncheons' together. We solved the problems of the World and very much enjoyed each others company assisted of course by a good red wine! Roger was a great and very proud family man always keen to keep us up to date with life's progress for Kerrie and Michelle who could not have been loved more.

His beautiful wife Pam was the centre of his universe and their life together a perfect marriage.

She and her family are very much the centre of Joan's and my thoughts and prayers at this time.

Rest in peace Dear Friend you will be greatly missed but not forgotten.”

Ian McRobinson attended the funeral service for Roger Brown and said that they had had a close working relationship over many years in Esanda and he will miss his good friend.

Maria Natoli emailed “This is a belated thank you to Kathy and the team for my birthday card. I had a lovely family celebration at home with all the family, plus a couple of lunches with friends.

My trip last year to Croatia and Eastern Europe was very enjoyable. I'm not planning any overseas trips for this year. I spent a great few days in Sydney in April, and I'm looking forward to a visit to Canberra in October. I'm continuing to keep busy with various activities, but my favourite pastime is being with my two delightful great-nieces.”

Peter Nielipowiec wrote from Strathdale “I was deeply shocked and saddened at the passing of one of my best friends Norman better known as Tony Wingrave on 30/4/2017. Due to my own health I wasn’t able to attend Tony’s funeral in Mooroopna on 9/5/2017 but I was there in spirit. Tony and I met when I was at Mt Beauty Branch 39 years ago. One occasion when both of us were attached to North East Vic Relieving Staff both of us turned up at Mansfield Branch to relieve the Manager. Tony with his quick wit tossed a coin and I relieved the Manager and he stayed to help out at the branch. During this period he and I looked at each other to discover we were the only ones left at work as all the permanent staff had gone home. We had fun times at the PWE functions held in the North East of Victoria at various places. I met his wife Rosemary, their two sons Paul and Brett and later their families. I was so happy for Tony when his beloved Footscray won the 2016 AFL flag. Tony will be stab kicking the football with two of his mates John Peck and Ted Whitten. My wife Nola and I can’t believe Tony’s gone”.

Ken Nielson acknowledged receipt of his birthday card which was much appreciated.

Peter Nyga emailed “Another birthday has come and gone and, as always, Kathy was prompt in reminding me that I’m a year older. Thank you, Kathy, for the card. A nice restaurant lunch overlooking yachts (what else?) and water was had at Mornington. “

Coralie O’ Donahoo writing from Noosa Heads said “I was so sorry to read about Alwynne Kirkpatrick’s passing. I first met him in the ES&A Bank in the early 50’s. I was his secretary in the 70’s, after John Jennings retirement , until he was appointed Assistant Managing Director. He was always a kind and considerate man and a banker of the old school. Vale AGK.”

Ron Pitt talking to John Brown said “at 94 years of age he is going along OK, but was knocked around a bit by a bout of pneumonia a while back and is not as active as he would like. His phone number is 9570 3686 and he would be happy to hear from any old workmates”.

Alan Podger emailed “My computer skills have really not improved in the last 12 months, but, thank you sincerely for the “On time” birthday greeting card including the wish for good health and happiness. The transfer to “down sizing” at Camberwell has worked out extremely well for both of us and after a solid 12 months of adjustments my bowling ability is the one item yet to improve.”

Barry Rogers emailed “Please thank Kathy and committee for their good wishes for my 79th. Still going strong and enjoying life, family and travel very much. Regards to all.”

Les Roberts phoned from Portland to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card for his 80th which was celebrated in style. Les said he had spent many years in RSL, Rotary and Probus as well as delivering meals for Meals on Wheels in the Portland region. He is a very keen fisherman and has been making “flies” for local fishermen which have proven to be popular with the tuna fishermen. Les said he is happy to make flies for any type of fish at no cost to members and if any ANZROC fishermen/women want to talk to Les he can be contacted on 5523 1054,

Terry Stapleton emailed from Cremorne NSW “I thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived in good time and for the good wishes from the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club (Vic). Maureen and I have had a busy year although Maureen is not as active as she was and I now have a few more home duties. I am still reasonably fit and continue to maintain a vegetable garden as well as play tennis once a week with some other old blokes. Later this year I plan to have a boating trip down around Mildura with 3 other old blokes from The Wine and Food Society of NSW.

I still enjoy Reading the monthly Newsletter and see lots of names I recall from other days when I was down south......I send my best regards to the President, Committee and Members.”

Geoff Stillman emailed “Just to say thankyou to Kathy for the Birthday Card which as usual arrived on time.”

Kevin Toohey emailed “A belated thanks for my birthday card which arrived on time as usual. I wanted to mention that Maureen and I went to Gerry Kennedy’s funeral service recently (Gerard Majella – named by two maiden aunts after the Patron Saint of Mothers - a long story) at St Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Glen Iris. It was a lovely service with a relatively short eulogy. He didn’t want a fuss made as he didn’t want to be instantly “canonised” as he considered some eulogy’s tended to do. I could understand this as I recall as Bill Clerk at Collingwood branch in the early 60’s when he, as Accountant and Dave Scroggie, as Manager, together with a retinue of regular “important” customers met on Fridays for their “business” luncheon. They must have discussed a lot of business because they took a fair while. So Gerry was no saint but he was a lovely fellow. With Gerry everything was “very contrapuntal”. The fact that he was a fellow Collingwood supporter had no bearing on my regard for him.

I see also that John Gibson has passed away. He was Manager at 394 Collins St branch when I worked there in the late 70’s. John had a great presence and was in the habit of visiting every Department on a regular basis (much to the chagrin of some staff who thought he was just checking up on them). He was a very personable man who I admired very much. Vale John.”

June Thompson wrote to thank the committee and Kathy Trace for the card received on her recent birthday which June spent going out enjoyably with friends.

Mike Vallence emailed “Thank you to Kathy for the Birthday Card much appreciated.”

Roger Watkins wrote “Thank you very much Kathy for your efforts in sending my birthday card with its good wishes and needless to say it arrived on time. I spent the night of my birthday at the evening meal with most of my family and prepared by a very capable sister in law who was in Melbourne to visit my wife Margaret who moved into care late last year, We still have 4 sons and their families enjoying good health and as a result there are 14 grandchildren and by Christmas expect to have 13 great grandchildren also very healthy. I am now 86 but do not feel my age . I hope to be able to attend the future monthly luncheons.”

John White emailed “A brief note of thanks for your birthday card which, as usual, arrived on the correct day. Keep up the good work with the Newsletter which is always a great read.”

AND Helen Farnell, Bob Hesketh, Andrew and Elizabeth Turner,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



10th August Brian Rix at 100 Queen Street

14th September Visit Ballarat

12th October Moonee Valley Racecourse Hotel

9th November Annual General Meeting 833 Collins Street

14th December ANZROC Christmas lunch Arts Centre



· the Mulgrave Country Club is located on the North West Corner of the Wellington Road and Jells Road Cross Road ,Wheelers Hill

· There is considerable underground parking available as well as ground level parking on the North and East sides of the building

· Public Transport is not readily available and we suggest that any members who would require transport to attend the function, indicate such on the under mentioned acceptance slip and we will endeavour to arrange transport.

· We would also appreciate assistance from anyone who may be able to be called on to assist with car transport from the station should such be required

· Train travel to Glen Waverley is one option and if you intend to take this option please indicate such and we will endeavour to have a car pick you up from outside the North exit into Railway Parade at Glen Waverley Station

· We are delighted that several of the ANZ group known as the” Zedders” who hold a bi monthly get together at this venue will join us on this day

· The Mulgrave Country Club has an excellent reputation and the seniors two course lunch, consisting of either Soup and Main course or Main course and Sweets is at a reasonable cost

· Partners , ANZROC widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome to join us on this day and we are anticipating an excellent attendance

Contact details for acceptances: · Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 9740 8001. Please post or Email the attached acceptance slip to Joan Nathan prior to 7th of July



· I / WE will be attending the luncheon

· Name.................................................

Partner’s name if attending...................................................

· I / We would appreciate assistance with transport: Pick up from Glen Waverley Station YES / NO

· I would be available to pick up (number: .......) members from the Northern entrance of Glen Waverley Station at 11.30am approx

· We may be able to arrange pick up from home given the number of retired members in this area. Please indicate if this would be necessary and we will endeavour to assist

Looking forward to seeing a large attendance and a wonderful day · Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

· phone: 97408001,

· Address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429..


Newsletter May 2017


Please click here to read the reformatted May 2017 newsletter 


Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)




We were allocated the smaller East Asia room on the 34th Floor of 100 Queen Street for our May lunch to support the Salvation Army. It was a perfect size for the 50 attendees and provided a more intimate setting than our normal venue. Ron Adams opened the meeting and Vicky Genius covered the administration matters.

Our Guest Speaker Major Brendan Nottle heads up Project 614 at Salvation Army HQ in Bourke Street which has a number of permanent staff and 1000 volunteers dealing with the homeless problems in Melbourne. Brendan is also a member of the State Governments Ice Action Task-force and Rough Sleeping Task-force. He was also awarded the 2013 Melburnian of the year for his services to the homeless and disadvantaged.

Brendan gave a very entertaining speech covering his first hand experiences dealing with the issues on the streets on Melbourne. He mentioned the increasing issues of young people obtaining cheap drugs at the weekend and the Salvo's attempts to get them home which takes the pressure off the Police. He related the success story of one person who was born with a heroin addiction who they were able to turn his life around and offer him employment in their organisation. Another, maybe apocryphal, story relating to a client with a pet Crayfish called Claude and Crown Security Guards had the audience laughing.

Brendan and his team will be participating in a charity walk to Canberra in September which will be a challenge but all in a good cause.

We presented Brendan with a donation of $2975 from our ANZROC Victoria Members for which he was very appreciative.

Members not seen for some time included Wendy Black with Noelle Christensen, Kevin Dynon, Aldo Faella making the trip from Torquay, Neil Gladstone, Harry Loucas, Kevin O’Neill, Alan and Judith Podger, Bruce Sanderson and Leanne Tong-Lyon.

On a couple of other matters the Regional lunch in Geelong on April 27 organised by Geoff and Lesley Cooke attracted 23 attendees and went off very well. We are investigating the possibility of similar lunch meetings outside of the regular ANZROC schedule on the Mornington Peninsula and Gippsland Regions.

We have hit a new milestone of 150,000 hits on the ANZROC website and have over 260 followers on our Facebook page (ANZ Retired Officers' Club). Photos from the Geelong lunch and the Salvo's lunch have been posted to the Website and Facebook page. There are also some other articles on Facebook which are not directly related to ANZROC but which may be of interest to our Members.

Finally we are pleased that Bernadette Lynch has agreed to propose the Toast to the Bank at our Christmas lunch on December 14.





Bruce Avent, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Cedric Coxsedge, Wolf Damschitz, Mike Devlin (in Canada) , Phil Dunstan, Helen Farnell, Ray Gill , Theo Hall, Frank Hatfield, Roy Harper, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Graeme King, Wal McGillivray, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Joan Nathan, Mary Nicolazzo, Terry Parks, Glyn Parry-Jones (Spain) , Ken Pattison, Ron Phillips ,Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, John Stevens, ,Paul Tovey, Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Lesley and Geoff Cook organised the Regional luncheon at the Geelong Yacht Club on Thursday 27th April and 23 members and partners attended. Members not seen for a while included Damian Burgess, John Calnin, Gordon Christensen, Graham Heenan, Jock McGregor, Kirk McNamara, John Shanahan, Maggie Murray, John Snowden and first timer John Salkeld. Ron Adams and Ken Crawford represented the ANZROC committee. Wives and partners in attendance made for a most enjoyable luncheon. Geoff and Lesley agreed to work with the attendees to plan future luncheons for the Geelong/Western Victoria region and we will advertise widely when the date is set.

Geoff and Lesley Cook emailed “The lunch was very successful. We had 23 attend and they all said they enjoyed it and were happy with venue and food. We also had about the same number of apologies so next time we might have more attendees”


Hondromatidis Gregory (Greg) 41 years ANZ

Irminger G.J. (Gary) 31 years ANZ

Liberatore Nunzio 48 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Greg, Gary and Nunzio at one of our forthcoming meetings.


BROWN R.A.(Roger) 78 years 30//4/2017

Roger joined ES&A Bank in Macquarie Place Sydney in 1955,transferring to Melbourne in 1973 with ESANDA and after 41 years service retired as State Manager Credit Control Esanda .

Roger was always interested in sport having played rugby union, cricket and lots of golf at Box Hill Golf Club and in retirement was a keen follower of the rugby in Melbourne attending most matches with his extended family. He was also very interested in Probus and was a member of Monash Central Club for 19 years serving in many of the offices including President. Roger and wife Pam were also keen travellers with many overseas trips and road trips up the East Coast of Australia.

There was a large attendance at the funeral service for Roger where I met ANZROC members Frank Edwards, Hartley Hodgson, Serge McIntyre, Mark Stankovich and ex ANZers Therese Barwick, John Carroll and Pat McLachlan.

Frank Edwards emailed “Terrible news. Roger worked closely with me in AHQ before I retired and I have only good memories of him as a true gentleman who was always a pleasure to work with. He was one of a kind.”

Sue McCarthy emailed “He was a nice fellow.”

Ken Pattison emailed “Very sad to hear of Roger Brown’s passing, he was a great help to me with a Country appointment and the passing of my Father at the same time. A true gentleman and if I was not away I would have been at his funeral. Please pass on my condolences to his family.”

DUNCAN J.F. (John) 80 years 31/10/2016

We received late notice of John’s passing but if members have any anecdotes of John’s career let me know and I will include in forthcoming newsletters.

KILPATRICK A.G.(Alwynne) 92 years 25/4/2017

Alwynne enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1942 but left in November 1943 to join the RAAF and at discharge in 1946 was Flight Sergeant at the 39 Operational Base Unit. Alwynne served as a pilot in the Australian Air Force in New Guinea and other Pacific Islands mainly dropping supplies to Australian troops.

Highlights of Alwynne’s distinguished career in ES&A and ANZ Bank were

20th March, 1941 Joined the English Scottish and Australian Bank (ES&A)

Collingwood Branch

24th March, 1949 Appointed to staff at ES&A Head Office, Manager’s Department

Progressed to Senior Deputy Manager ES&A Melbourne Office

August, 1964 Appointed Manager London Administration ES&A for 3 years

1st October, 1970 ES&A merged with ANZ

Appointed ANZ Assistant General Manager Funds Management

1980 Appointed ANZ General Manager of Corporate Banking

Director of ANZ Savings Bank Finance

Director Esanda

Director of the Bank of Adelaide (acquired 1979)

Director of the Australian Resources Development Bank

1982 Chairman of Australian International Finance Corporation

21st June, 1984 Retired from ANZ Bank and ANZ Board

18th September, 1984 Appointed Director on the Board of Barclays Bank

Will Bailey past CEO of ANZ emailed “I was saddened to read of the death of our colleague Alwynne. I first met him in the mid '50's when he was on the staff of former GM of the ES&A, Greg Wilson. Greg was a real supporter of the younger generation particularly if they showed outstanding ability. Alwynne was destined to remain in the central administration for the bulk of his career. It was the practice of the ES & A to train bright people in general management skills rather than in general banking.

Alwynne and my paths crossed regularly over the years and he provided me with encouragement and advice; a great mentor. Many years later we worked together as part of Mac Brunckhorst and John Milne's general management team.

It was the three executive Directors, John, Alwynne and Roger Brunskill that persuaded the Board to walk away from the agreement to merge with the CBC of Sydney in the early ˆ80's. Later I know Alwynne had some reservations regarding this decision.

I will miss him as I have kept in touch with him and Sylvia since his retirement. They were a great pair, loyal to the bank in a way not common now as more and more people work for themselves under the umbrella of the Bank rather than having a lifetime of commitment to an organisation.

Farewell Alwynne.

Kerry Dark emailed “I worked for Alwynne as his PA for a couple of years before going on to work for John Milne who was then MD, succeeding Muriel Drummond when she retired. Alwynne was a true gentleman.”

Gary Mason reported “ I spoke to Alwynne prior to last year’s E.S. & A. reunion lunch. He sounded unwell however was pleased to be contacted – even though he was an apology”

Dick Milnthorpe emailed “I met Alwynne way back in the late sixties on my first trip to OZ. Although I was very junior, and I think he was No 2 in the ES and A, he took me to dinner at the old RACV and to his home where I met his wife. He was one of the 'old school', a perfect gentleman, and I very much appreciated his hospitality.”

Wingrave N.H. (Tony) 84 years 30/4/2017

Tony spent much of his time in regional Victoria and after 44 years with ANZ Group retired in Mooroopna but if you have any anecdotes I can use for the newsletter of time spent with Tony in ANZ they would be welcome....

Tony was a very popular guy with over 220 views and 3 comments for his tribute already on Facebook:

Imelda and David Christie Remember him well. And his extra colourful language. Beautiful man Shirley-Joy Duckworth wonderful memories of an amazing man who could always put a smile on my face Greg Collier Fond memories of Tony

Dick Sanders emailed “I met Tony at a Boarding House in Hawthorn Road, Caulfield filled almost entirely by ANZers – Sid Bulmer, Economist who soon returned to Brisbane; Rowley Tomlinson; Bill Stevens and few others. All were mad keen on Tennis even on a stinking hot day when we hosed down ourselves as well as the court.

I recall Tony’s then red haired girl friend – name escapes me and remember the times in the pub where Tony introduced me to Ozzie Beer – pity.

Knowing Tony for the few months I stayed there was one of Life’s experiences and he was one of Life’s characters. Regards and good wishes to his family.”

Ken Crawford emailed “ I worked with Tony at Cobram branch ( he was the branch Accountant ) for a short time back in 1967. A friendly fellow.”

Members at the meeting stood in remembrance of Roger, John, Alwynne and Tony and our condolences are passed on to their families and friends.

Don Davy advised that he attended the funeral service in late March of Helen Sowersby, wife of our Honorary Member Bernie Sowersby. The funeral was held at St Scholastica’s Bennettswood and there was a large attendance. Don spoke to Bernie and only saw Carmel Danaher at the service but there may have been other ANZROC members present.

Dick Sanders emailed “The Age newspaper of 13/5/2017 reported the death of John Gibson 7-9-29 to 11-5-17 in Sydney in his 90th year. Late of ESA & ANZ Banks and remembered in Melbourne for his term as Manager 394 Collins Street succeeding Geoff Stevens. Both good men.”


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during MAY 2017 and we

pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Bruce Avent (80), Les Beard (82),

John Caudry (89), Brian Day (80), Norm Dibbin (84), Nola Forsyth, Val Goldsworthy, Ian Lamont (97),

Neville Lewis (84), David Maunder (90), Geoff Menogue (83), Alan Podger (85), Terry Stapleton (87).


Gary Mason

Gary spoke to Bruce Avent for his 80th and Bruce while not as fit as he would like asked Gary to pass on his best wishes to all ANZROC members.

Neville Pearson

Relatively quiet time as I have been away. I visited Ron Cashin at the on 11th May and enjoyed a great chat and cappuccino. Ron really enjoys company and would love visitors from days gone by. Suggest phone the facility on 9856 0999 to ensure he is not out on a bus trip or the like


From 1/5/2017

Less than $20,000 1.03%

Greater than $20,000 1.32%


Neville Pearson writes:

The Bird and Cheryl are back in their nest

After what was a well earned rest?

A “LIBA LIBA hire boat with David, Jennie Schunke and Irene Bettonvil was a delight

Sitting around a camp fire on the Murray each night

A trip we did many years ago, with Dick Cowell, Herman Bettonvil, legends I am sure you all know

Marooned three times on sand bars was somewhat of a blow

The rescue boat was kept busy getting us back in the flow

We settled our nerves with red wine, and let the experts deliver

While “Bird” helped push the boat when he jumped in the river

Hardly a sign of human habitation to spoil ancient river gums that stand tall

A holiday we would recommend to adventurers, one and all


Bob Bell emailed from Mollymook “Please convey to Kathy Trace and the committee my thanks for birthday wishes, as my birthday was on Easter Sunday it was nice to receive the card on the Thursday. Life on the coast continues to be enjoyable; we are both blessed with good health and family that we see quite often. Last year we enjoyed 5 weeks on the Sunshine Coast in July/August and intend to do the same this year.”

John Blampied emailed “Thank you very much Kathy for the birthday card and good wishes on my 73rd birthday .You and ANZROC committee do a fabulous job of keeping members informed of what their former colleagues are doing during their retirement years. It is just sad to see that so many people that you have worked with and have known over the years are no longer with us.

I have been living at Mt Martha for nearly 7 years with Pamela and it is a nice place to spend retirement. We are both keeping good health. I joined Rosebud Country Golf Club a couple of years ago and it is amazing the number of former ANZ staff you catch up with again. Anyway, keep up the good work it is much appreciated.”

Luigi Bucello wrote from Dalmore “Please pass on my congratulations to the Committee on the wonderful job they do and a special thanks to Kathy Trace who despite having Easter to deal with was still able to get the birthday card to me on time. This was especially nice as I had spent most of the day in hospital as a follow up to kidney stones blasting a couple of weeks prior. Still learning to deal with other health issues but all the specialists I am seeing say to keep working at a slower pace than before , so still running the farm and if you are passing and see the “Fresh Asparagus” for sale sign up call in.”

Kim Charlton emailed “Have just returned from trip to find birthday card. Thank you.

Moved to Cobram on the Murray River from Gippsland in June last year. New digs is Green Palms Over 50’s Village where we can just lock up and go whenever it takes our fancy, which is roughly 9 months of the year, in various directions. The Eyre Peninsula in SA, Queensland, and of course Gippsland (will always be called home) are the favoured destinations. Have just returned from 3 months on the Eyre Peninsula (SA) where fish was on the menu twice a day and happy hour was 4.00 o’clock sharp, plenty of reading ; great time.”

Don Davy wrote to thank Vicky Genius and Kathy Trace and the committee for the birthday greetings which were very much appreciated. Prior to his birthday Don was entertained by his sister at dinner in Wantirna while he met his brother and family at Southland for lunch.

On the day friends met him for an afternoon tea and later that evening his elder daughter and family at Endeavour Hills continued with the celebrations at dinner.” A lovely birthday celebration”.

John Harris emailed “Would you please pass on to the ANZROC Committee, Members and Kathy my sincere thanks for the birthday card which included Kathy’s note that it was a special one.

My 80th birthday was celebrated with the family and thoroughly enjoyed. We continue to enjoy close contact with the family and social events with friends whilst Colleen still works part time in our daughter and son in law’s psychology practise and enjoys her golf. I am still actively involved in Rotary and continue playing tennis and occasional golf. Regards to all.”

John Hawkins emailed “Helen and I are getting ready for our 102 day world cruise. Some of the places we will visit.: The lost city of Petra in Jordan, Lipica Horse farm in Slovenia, the beaches of the Normandy Landings, Key West where Hemmingway lived and Easter Island to see the Heads and all the usual places and sights”

Graham Heenan emailed from Belmont “Thank you for the birthday wishes which I recently received. There is not much to report on for the last year with trips restricted to one week in Bright and two weeks at Mooloolaba in Queensland. Both Pam and I still have reasonable good health and this allows us to do most of the things we enjoy. The "Bombers" Anzac Day win cured most of my ailments!!!”

Laurie Holland still writing at 97 said “Thank you for the Christmas and birthdays cards which serve to march our progress. You can imagine that there is not much in the way of news or happenings to record. My wife Barbara has gone into care but I am still at home-closely supervised by our children. I am managing and looking forward to the coming year. Kind regards to all.”

Jo Karaoutsadis emailed “Just a quick note to say thank you for the birthday card from Kathy. It was the first I received and arrived a day early. Very much appreciated”

Des Kidd emailed “Many thanks to the Committee and to Kathy Trace for the birthday card. (Once again received right on time). After a couple of years of hip and knee replacements, and Jill’s cancer treatment, we were able this year on happier note, to celebrate our 50th Wedding anniversary in Hawaii.”

Barry Kilmartin emailed “Once again, thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for your good wishes on my recent birthday. I particularly enjoyed the Photo Gallery in the Newsletter.”

Graeme King emailed “A short note to thank Kathy Trace for my recent birthday card. It arrived right on time as usual. My 2017 birthday saw me achieve the big “70”, so we enjoyed a small Celebration with our immediate family & some dear friends. Happily I and my dear wife Sandra continue to enjoy good health and are managing a bit of travelling in amongst our home and family commitments. Unfortunately, we will be an apology for both the May and June ANZROC luncheons since we will be away cruising the Kimberley’s and then exploring some of the Red Centre.”

Terry Parks emailed from Toora “Please table my apologies for each of:


I was recently kicked by one of our Shire horse colts. He smashed my right hip and fractured my left. The right hip was replaced immediately, the left subsequently. The left hip dislocated four times before the surgeon would accept my belief that the prosthesis was faulty. After it dislocated twice within 36 hours he did believe me and scheduled urgent surgery to replace the replacement hip. It’s only three weeks since that surgery.

It has become even more difficult for me to attend these functions because ½ a gum tree fell onto my car while I was driving it. It will be with the panel beater until the middle of May.”

Tony Pompilio emailed “Just a brief note to thank you and Kathy for my birthday card from ANZ ROC (Vic).I appreciate the efforts Kathy makes to ensure they are posted and received in time.”

Barry Reid emailed to advise that he and wife Shirley had moved “We are enjoying our new surroundings which are only a 10 minute drive to Torquay and a 15 minute drive into Geelong cbd. Unfortunately my wife Shirley required surgery for a total knee replacement shortly after us arriving here. Recovery has been slow and somewhat painful and has restricted our social activities to date, however hoping to renew friendships with our Geelong friends shortly.” Denis Rice emailed “Thanks for the birthday card which was at home on my return from a South Pacific cruise on the Golden Princess. “

John Taylor emailed “Thank-you for the birthday card and your good wishes. A special thank-you to Kathy Trace for ensuring that the card was delivered on the day as per usual.”

Roger Thompson emailed “Just a short, somewhat belated thank you for my birthday card which was received in April. Could you please pass on to the committee and particularly Kathy my appreciation? My wife and I were touring outback NSW with our caravan in search of some better weather and have only recently returned home to find the birthday greeting amongst our mail.

Peter Westaway emailed from Warragul “Would you kindly convey to Kathy Trace and members of the committee my thanks for the Birthday greetings received as always on the day notwithstanding four changes of address since retirement. Now 20 years this month on from retirement life continues to bestow many days of happiness and good health. Country living has been rewarding.

Best wishes to all the members.”

AND Peter Alexander, Aldo Faella, Helen Farnell, Brian Farrell, Bob Hesketh, Frank Marzin,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



13th July Mulgrave Club

10th August Brian and Shirley Rix at 100 Queen Street

Noel Beanland met Brian and Shirley Rix at Probus and has arranged for them to speak to ANZROC members about their adventures on their motor bike journeys to many parts of the world. Brian and Shirley have published a book of their travels and copies will be available at our meeting.

14th September Visit to Ballarat

12th October Moonee Valley Race Course Hotel


This article appeared in the Herald Sun April 23, 2017

“Generations of men and women who served Australia reflect on their experience”

by Aaron Langmaid,

FROM the dark skies over Germany to the dusty plains of Afghanistan, AARON LANGMAID discovers how war has touched the lives of servicemen and women of each generation. Included in his article was this anecdote from our ANZROC member Gerald McPherson who was a rear gunner in World War II. GERALD McPHERSON, 92 — WORLD WAR II, 1944

IT was Gerald McPherson’s 37th flight in a rattling old bomber in his role as a rear gunner — and almost his last.

Nine months into his tour of duty, his plane was caught in the searchlights high above enemy territory.

The pilots threw the plane around like a fighter plane in a bid to get out of sight, back into the dark sky above Kiel, a major naval base in Germany’s north.

“The pilot put the plane nose down; we dived over the North Sea,” Mr McPherson said. “I looked below and suddenly I saw two gunners in another bomber looking straight back at me.

“That’s how close we came to a midair collision.

“To this day, I have never forgotten it. We shouldn’t have been there in the first place and we almost didn’t make it back.”



CAULFIELD GLASSHOUSE RESTAURANT at Caulfield Racecourse….from 12 noon 8/6/2017

31 Station Street Caulfield East…

Situated on the edge of the most pristine horse racing courses in the world, is the recently refurbished Caulfield Glasshouse. Providing a modern stylish bistro, new wine and tapas bar, multi-purpose function room, state of the art Sports Bar, alfresco style dining and much much more, we have everything required to entertain guests!

The venue is approximately 200 metres from the Caulfield Railway Station and directly opposite is the venue which is part of the Caulfield Racecourse complex.

There is ample parking is available at the venue in a designated car park opposite the entrance to the restaurant.

There is a good choice of meals from the Bistro menu.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members ARE invited to attend that day.

In order to meet the Hotel catering requirements if you intend to come to this meeting will you let Joan Nathan know by Phone or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice by Thursday 1st June 2017

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor



31 Station Street Caulfield East ….

TO : Joan Nathan Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mail: 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429

Phone: 9740 8001

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Newsletter April 2017



Please click here to read the reformatted April 2017 newsletter


Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
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Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
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Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)




Message from the President April 2017

A very good attendance of 50 Members and partners attended the Anzac Remembrance lunch at Greensborough RSL. It was our first meeting for 6 weeks since Woodend in March due to the Easter break. This is always a special event in our calendar as we remember those who have served their country. This year was a poignant event as we missed the contribution of Brian Christensen RIP who has recited the ode for as long as I can remember. We were very lucky to have Gerry McPherson step in and he did a most moving rendition followed by the last post and reveille. All Members stood in respect.

We welcomed Graeme Amor to his first ANZROC meeting after 20 years retirement from ANZ. It wasn't hard to spot Graeme as he stood head and shoulders above everyone else. We also welcomed Gary Mason to his first meeting since his appointment as Senior VP. Other members not seen for a while included Angelo Biviano, John Carrazza, Bryden Davis, Neil Dawtrey, Gary Horkings, Mary Nicolazzo, Joseph Romano, Geoffrey Sandow and Peter Saville.

Our planned Guest Speaker failed to turn up but we were very pleased to welcome Bill Telfer Secretary of Greensborough RSL who gave us a brief talk on his experience on the battlefield in Vietnam as a young soldier. It was most informative.

Thanks to Dal Crocker for organising the day and to all the RSL staff for making the event run so smoothly.

Our Geelong and Western Victoria Lunch will be held on Thursday April 27 at Geelong Yacht Club.

The next ANZROC lunch will be our annual Salvation Army Appeal at 100 Queen Street on Thursday May 11.

Details of both lunches in the newsletter.

Photos from the Anzac lunch have been posted to the anzroc website and facebook page.


Ron Adams, Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Diane Carew, Robin Chase, Bill Collins, George Cooper, Christopher Corry, Cedric Coxsedge, Leigh Davis, Don Davy, Mike Devlin (in Canada) , Phil Dunstan, Ray Gill , Roy Harper, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Graeme King, Con la Fucia, Bernadette Lynch, Wal McGillivray, Joan Nathan, Ken Pattison, Neville Pearson, Ron Phillips , Graeme Randall, Bruce Sanderson, John Stevens, Glen Twidale, Frank Valastro, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Geoff and Lesley Cook have coordinated arrangements for the first of what is hoped will be an annual event for those retired ANZ staff and partners who live in the Geelong, Bellarine Peninsula and Western/South Western Victoria areas. The lunch is open to all ex-ANZ staff, not just ANZROC members, so please spread the word amongst your ANZ contacts in the area.

This inaugural lunch will be held at the Geelong Yacht Club on Thursday 27 April commencing at 12.00 midday. Meal costs are between $11 and $17, and drinks will be available at normal bar prices. ANZROC will be supporting this function with a small subsidy to help cover expenses.

The Yacht Club is on the Geelong waterfront, 23 Eastern Beach Rd. Geelong, and is about ten minutes walk from the train station.

Please contact Geoff and Lesley as soon as possible to confirm your attendance, but no later than Sunday 23 April, as caterers need to be advised of expected numbers. Phone 5229 1456, mobile 0412 428 861 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dowling Jim 25 years ANZ

Kendall Rod 7 years ANZ

Procter Chris 13 years ANZ

Salkeld John 39 years ANZ

Van Dort Jeremy 22 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Jim, Rod, Chris, John and Jeremy at one of our forthcoming meetings.


FRASER D.F.(Don) 91 years March 2017

We were very sorry to hear that our respected Honorary Member Donald Fraser has passed away.

A message received from Donald's son Ian said “It is with sadness that I inform you that my father Donald Fraser passed away recently at the age of 91 years. I know that he appreciated the friendship and camaraderie that he found amongst your members. He looked forward to each `next` meeting, and when he could not attend, he avidly `studied` the minutes to keep up to date with everyone and everything. Don joined the Union Bank, from school, in 1942. He survived mergers through ES&A, and ANZ, retiring in 1983. He worked in many branches across Victoria, as a relief teller, an auditor and relief manager. Longer stays were at Ballarat branches, Bairnsdale, Foster, Brunswick, and Burnley, before being appointed manager at St Albans, and Essendon. Upon retirement Don, and Dorothy, wife of 66 years, spent many happy days touring both in Australia and overseas. Thank you all for the pleasure you brought to his life.”

HENLEY M.P.(MARY) 84 YEARS 7/11/2013

We were this week advised by the solicitors for Mary Henley’s Estate of her passing several years ago.

KENNEDY G.M. (Gerry) 93 years 23/3/2017

Gerry enlisted in the Australian Army in January 1943 and on discharge in September 1946 was a Private in the 2/33 Australian Infantry Battalion.

Gerry and his great friend Dave Brookman attended our ANZROC lunches regularly for many years but mobility issues for Dave, and Gerry moving into Cabrini Ashwood , prevented them from attending the city meetings over recent years.

SKELTON M.J. (Murray) 81 years 8/2/2017

Ian Ewart advised that Murray Skelton passed away on 8/2/2017 after a year coping with severe illness .Ian recalled that Murray was Manager 599 Swanston Street, North Carlton but their long association came about through a mutual love of sports events. Any members who spent time working with Murray might let me know of this for the newsletter .Murray was a keen correspondent to the newsletter and our condolences go to Anne and the family.

Dietmar Reichert emailed “sad news about Murray! I have never worked with Murray – but met him several times at Area meetings etc. ALWAYS A GENTLEMEN!!”


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during APRIL and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Alma Barkell, Wendy Black, Bill

Bowring (85), Robin Chase (83), Bill Cleator (80), Max Colwell (85), Bryden Davis (88), Glynn Evans

(89), John Fogden (81), Doug Grant (81), Roy Harper (88), John Harris (80), Barry Kilmartin (81), Ailsa

Mackie, John McPhee (80), Peter Mitchell (82), Dennis Murphy (81), Eileen Perham, John Read (85),

Keith Remington (94), Lindsay Richards (87), Les Roberts (80), Greg Scollo (81), John Taylor (81),

Norma Thomas, June Thompson.


From 1/4/2017

Less than $20,000 1.04%

Greater than $20,000 1.33%


Russ Appleton emailed “Thanks' to the ANZROC Committee and Kathy Trace for the birthday cards for last year and this year. I have been remiss in not writing earlier but the year was not the best.

I spent last year and this year so far being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease which on top of the chronic nerve pain that resulted from bypass surgery in 2011, has proved a bit of a distraction.

My neurologist is assessing me for Deep Brain Stimulation surgery, I have another meeting with him to discuss the surgery and implications surrounding it, (it is a bit invasive.) I have been enjoying the monthly newsletters, but I don't seem to be able to put names to photos.”

Will Bailey emailed “It would be nice to say that Kathy’s greetings on behalf of the Club arrived on THE day. Unfortunately i don’t know because Dorothy and I were taking part in a Bristol car rally in Tasmania and didn’t get back to Geelong until the day after my “day”. But I can record that the ANZROC card plus a number of other were waiting in my PO Box when I opened it on the 30th. Many thanks (and Kathy I’ll bet it was on time!} The last year has been a busy one particularly the past few months. Dorothy has had a second hip replacement; very successful too. I have had two cataracts fixed so I can see a lot better. The family has grown again with another great grandson, the third - where are the girls? We still get to Noosa as often as possible; not enough but we are working on it.

Sadly we note that a number of friends have passed away including some “bank buddies”. My 91 year old sister remarked that she now goes to more funerals than birthday parties! On a happier note best wishes to the Club and its members.”

Arty Booth emailed from Elliott Heads (Qsld) “Just a short note to pass on my thanks for the Birthday Card, which of course arrived on the day. Its been a little hectic here in Bundy in recent days, tracking the path of TC Debbie, and hoping that we are fortunate enough to escape the fury.

Even so, there has been in excess of 400ml of rain in the last few days, and we expect more over the next day or so.”

Jenny Cooke emailed “Many thanks to Kathy for managing Australia Post with aplomb. I opened the box on the day and there was the attractive ANZROC card. Last year was very busy, starting with a kitchen renovation, painting the exterior and re-roofing the deck. Between these, I squeezed in a trip to Switzerland and Italy, visiting all the northern lakes, Tuscany and Cinque Terre. Luckily, we had gorgeous hot weather. In Switzerland, I sat down in a country bus and the lady next to me recognised me from our school magazine while on the last night in Venice, I had dinner with another ANZer. We had travelled 16 days on the same tour without this coming out in conversation! Since that trip the interior has been ‘revived’ enough to enable a trip to the UK & Scotland in the coming months. “

Bob Delahoy writing from Inverloch said “Would you please pass on my grateful thanks to the President, Committee and Kathy Trace for the birthday card forwarded to me on my 88th birthday. It was very much appreciated as always. The day was celebrated with members of the family. My wife and I are still enjoying the fresh air and sunshine here at Inverloch and hope that it will continue for many more years to come.”

Glynn Evans phoned Kathy Trace to thank her for the birthday card and the good wishes for his 89th. Glynn celebrated with a dinner with his family.

John Fairbairn emailed “Please convey my thanks to Kathy trace for my card. This year Australia Post excelled as the card arrived a day early. I read with interest the monthly Newsletter and note that many former colleagues are still enjoying retirement. I regret that I am unable to attend Meetings but continue to survive in the pleasant Yarrawonga climate. I was saddened to learn of Brian Christensen’s passing as both Brian and I attended Box Hill Boys High School in the same years (a long time ago). I regularly meet with Maurie Harwood (on the golf Course) and have contact with Peter O’Dwyer at Probus Meetings, both continue to enjoy life here in Yarrawonga.”

George Finniss emailed “I would like to thank Kathy Trace as well as the committee and members of the Retired Officers Club (VIC) for the kind thoughts and well wishes on my birthday.”

John Gunn phoned Kathy Trace to thank her and the Committee for the good wishes expressed in his birthday card.

Graeme Horsburgh emailed “Thank you for your card on my birthday. A big one next year-here's hoping. As well as thanks to Kathy Trace, thanks also to the committee for organizing to keep us in touch with the happenings of our former workmates. Your work is much appreciated.”

Dave Hartwich emailed “Just a note of sincere thanks for the birthday card and happy wishes for my special time of year. When I received the card I remembered all the good times and friendships I made during my time at ANZ.”

Dorothy Hayes emailed “Please pass on my sincere thanks to Kathy Trace for my Birthday card this year, I really appreciate it. The weeks are going by so quickly. Will try and attend a lunch sometime this year to see all the folks.”

Graham Holt emailed “I noticed an old colleague and ANZROC member Bob Wishart received a mention in the local paper recently in winning three sprint events in the Victorian Masters Athletics Championships. Bob has been involved in athletics all his life and if I remember correctly once won the Bendigo 1000. I last ran into him about 10 years ago in Adelaide when he was on his way up to Alice Springs to represent Australia in the World Masters games. I have an idea that he also represented us overseas on a number of occasions. I worked with Bob in Esanda in the seventies and also ran into him from time to time in branch banking. I’m sure there would be a number of his old mates that would be interested to learn that he is still on the run. “

Rick Kimber wrote “I would like to thank the President and Committee for the very kind birthday wishes. Kathy Trace does a sterling job ensuring all cards are received on the correct dates and she deserves a particular thank you.”

Christine Lane emailed Kathy Trace and said “Thank you for the birthday wishes and card as it is always nice to receive it. My birthday celebrations for this year were in Canberra where I took in a visit to the National Gallery to view the beautiful French Versailles collection. “

George Lawson emailed “Thank heavens for Kathy’s card, I had forgotten my birthday was due. Just getting everything ready for the 18th annual pre Easter golfing trip to Yarrawonga which is now known as the MCCONNELL/DUGUID/CHRISTENSEN Memorial Golf week in memory of three very dear departed members of the group. Numbers this year are down to 8 from 12 with John Ries, John Phelan, John Briggs and Bevyn Ranford (he's 83 now) not able to make it. Included in the able group of participants left to carry on are ANZROC’s members David Barr, John Maguire, Peter Treleaven, John Crough, Richard Harding and myself. Drafting/recruitment to get numbers back to 12 will be discussed at Yarrawonga over some of the most overrated red wine anyone could consume. As normal there will be many banking stories to be told.”

Garry Lord emailing from Colac “After 48 years with ANZ I have announced my intention to retire on 7/7/17. I am already a member of ANZROC as I had 12 months on the outside back in 2002, however answered a call from the bank to assist for a month in 2003 which has turned into 14 years. During this time while I still resided in Geelong I have been based in Colac as Agribusiness Manager and travelled the highway on most days. Retirement will see the usual travel, especially with children and grandchildren based in Cairns and Townsville, and many days chasing the mighty Murray Cod at Mulwala and other parts.”

Ted Palmer emailed “Thanks Kathy & Co. Delighted to receive your Birthday Greetings on Wednesday. Happy to say life has been good to me over the years for which I am extremely grateful. No major health concerns which at 80 is quite gratifying. Travel plans this year include the Gold Coast and Tasmania, the 2 extremes you might say. I had better not mix up the seasons.”

Ron Pitt at 94years wrote ”Many thanks to Kathy Trace for your birthday wishes sent on behalf of you and the Retired Officers to celebrate my 94th. I had a great day”

David Robinson emailed from Battery Point (Tas) on his 81st “Will you please thank Kathy for the card which, as usual, arrived on time.”

Dawn Routledge phoned Kathy Trace to thank her for her birthday card which she greatly appreciated.

Geoffrey Sandow emailed …” Thanks to Kathy for the additional wording on the Birthday card, in recognition of one of those birthday's with a nought on the end, and for organising delivery 'on the day'. Joining Kathy in recognising my 70th were my Federal Member of Parliament, my State Member of Parliament and the Chief Medical Officer of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program! Impressive? And, of course, my family and friends. Quite some time prior, I had in mind celebrating with the family on the Saturday after my mid week birthday but Robyn got in first, informing me that Adele was performing on that day and we would be attending. Mind you, that was not MY birthday present! Nevertheless, Adele's performance was fantastic; a wonderful voice and very much a 'down to Earth' character. Our family celebration occurred the day after. To get away from Melbourne's colder weather during 2016, we got to see a bit more of what the World has to offer, by doing a lap of the Scandinavian countries, starting in Denmark's Copenhagen, on to Sweden's Stockholm, followed by a ferry crossing to Helsinki, then up through Finland to the North Cape, Norway, and ultimately back down to Oslo. Many, many highlights and new experiences; a tour that was thoroughly enjoyed. On the home front, we caravanned across to Yorke Peninsula, via Mannum. Some interesting places along the way and on the peninsula itself, as well as some great history and museums. A bit scary though, when some of the museum exhibits were items you used every day as a kid! Outside of those trips, it has, fortunately, been 'business as usual'.

Gregory Scollo emailed “Very warm thanks for your very kind thought in sending a much appreciated birthday card in occasion of my 81st birthday. This makes me feel that I still belong to a great organization, THE ANZ BANK, where I had the privilege to work for almost my entire working life and, enjoying every minute of it, meeting lots of good people and friends. My wife and I are enjoying very good health and we still are very active, enjoying life spending summer in Melbourne with our children and grand children and, winter in Townsville, North Queensland, where the weather is more pleasant and enjoyable. Again infinite thanks for the lovely card and kind thoughts.”

Syd Swaby emailed “Kathy, committee and members many thanks for the always most welcome birthday greetings.”

Bruce Tickell wrote “Please thank Kathy for the card which as expected arrived on time. Not sure that I welcome receipt as the numbers keep increasing. On this occasion however the age for me passed the dreaded Australian Cricket’s 87.May have a few more runs in me but the state of the pitch will be the determining factor and some deterioration is evident. Notwithstanding the above an optimistic outlook is essential and I may just buy a new bat.”

Frank Valastro emailed “Thank you for the birthday card which was received with much appreciation. Although I’m a retired ANZ officer I still work practically on a full time basis with Knox City Council as an Administrative Co-ordinator. In essence this means that I am restricted in participating on a more active basis with ANZROC. This “second career” has occupied my time over the past 15 years and although I’m not looking to fully retire before the next year or two I'm starting to plan for a number of activities before my 70th birthday. I enjoy receiving the monthly newsletter and reading what a number of my former colleagues get up to these days. With over six years on the Lending Inspection team and 23 years within the branch network and at ANZ Cards I made many friends some of whom I have caught up with on the odd occasion. Although I am still working I generally find that people these days do not enjoy their jobs primarily because of today’s political correct environment and plethora of rules and regulations. This has the consequential effect of procrastinating in decision making process and progress in general. Its times like that that makes me appreciate my 29 years with the ANZ. I consider those days as the glory days where one committed himself or herself to the job unlike today where one at the end of the day can’t get out of the building quick enough. Thank you ANZ.”

Julie Wilkins emailed “Thank You" for sending the Birthday Card which arrived midday 20th March, Kathy how do you do that. Card is much appreciated. And I enjoyed my day on Monday 20th.”

John Winbanks emailed “Please pass on my thanks to Kathy for the birthday card, which I did receive on time but due to circumstances too boring to relate I am only now able to acknowledge. Suffice to say the nbn is involved.”

AND acknowledgements from Murray Abraham, David Bennie, Val and Bob Bishop, Neil Dawtrey, Jim Dowling, John Evans, Helen Farnell, Des Field, Neil Franklin, Stan Halbish, Kerry Jewell, Dan Kirtley, Kevin Livingston, Anton Ponnampalam, Wayne Routledge, Dick Sanders, Sandra Street, Greg Watson, Doug Westcott,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



8th June The Glasshouse Restaurant at Caulfield Racecourse

13th July Mulgrave Club

10th August Brian Rix at 100 Queen Street

9th November Annual General Meeting will be held again at 833 Collins Street..Note the change of venue

ANZ STAFF CLUB Looking for a week or a weekend away! ANZ Staff Club has 7 holiday home properties across Australia and they are located at some of the most popular holiday destinations Australia wide, including: VIC - Cowes, Rye, Apollo Bay, Lakes Entrance, NSW - Batemans Bay, QLD - Broadbeach, SA - Encounter Bay Our properties are fully furnished and close to activities that will allow Retired Officer members of ANZ Staff Club to be as busy as you want or as laid back and relaxed as you want. We have the availability for each property until 30th June 2017 online on our website



Thursday 11th May 2017 in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON

We are holding our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch. The meeting will be addressed by senior Salvation Army executive Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne who heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan has spoken at our Red Shield Appeal meeting several times about the issues that confront the Salvation Army in Melbourne.

We look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear the Brendan and any support for the Salvation Army will be welcomed.

We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams, PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 to be included in the total of funds collected on the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited that day.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 5th May 2017 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

Please note that the luncheon fee is $15.00 for 2017 and will be collected at the door to partially cover the costs.

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.



TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144.

By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

Newsletter March 2017



Please click to read the reformatted March 2017 newsletter


Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)





President Eamon Veaney welcomed 54 members and partners to the WOODEND lunch held in the Vic Hotel.The venue was outstanding with first class service from the staff.

Members not seen for some time included Irene Bettonvil, Joe and Leah Maggiore, Roche and Lina Manual, Bob and Isabella Salpietro, Leigh Davis coming from Bacchus Marsh while our regulars Robin and Dorothy Chase came from Clifton Springs. Having our partners present made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


A big couple of days in the Anzroc calendar for March.

Our first Country lunch meeting for 2017 at Woodend on Thursday March 9 went very well with over 50 Members and partners in attendance. The challenges of using the Victorian Transport system meant that a bus service replaced the train from Southern Cross to Woodend. We had originally scheduled this event last October to avoid the planned rail closure but found out at the last minute that more level crossing works were to be implemented this week. V’Line rose to the challenge and put on a special luxury coach for our Group direct from Southern Cross to Woodend rather than just drop us off at Gisborne as originally advised. Joan Nathan was instrumental in making this happen by her negotiation skills with V-Line. This did not deter many of our Members from choosing this transport option though some of us preferred to travel by car. The Victoria Hotel put on an excellent selection of food and drinks at reasonable prices. Thanks to Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson and Noel Beanland for organising the event.

Our golf event at Cheltenham on the following day, Friday March 10 attracted 20 players who enjoyed excellent conditions for the early morning tee-off. The winners were Chris Procter and Kathy Shady. Thanks to Ken Pattison and Glyn Parry-Jones for organising. Whilst the numbers for our golf day have declined we may see if there is enough interest to play at another quality course at a later date. A report on the event by Glyn is in this month’s newsletter.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday April 20 at Greensborough RSL to celebrate Anzac day. We will certainly miss Brian Christensen reciting the Ode but are pleased that Gerry McPherson has agreed to undertake the role this year. We will also have Danielle Marsh from ANZ Bank attend as our Guest Speaker.

Eamon Veaney

President ANZROC


Annette and Graeme Baldwin , John Brown, Diane Carew, Bill Collins, George Cooper, Phil Dunstan, Carl Garley, Barry Gibson, Ray Gill ,Val Goldsworthy, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette Lynch, Gary Mason, Wal McGillivray, Kevin O’Neil, Ken Pattison. Alan Pearce, Ron Phillips, Graeme Randall, Glen Twidale, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Geoff and Lesley Cook have offered to coordinate arrangements for the first of what is hoped will be an annual event for those retired ANZ staff and partners who live in the Geelong, Bellarine Peninsula and Western/South Western Victoria areas. The lunch is open to all ex-ANZ staff, not just ANZROC members, so please spread the word amongst your ANZ contacts in the area.

This inaugural lunch will be held at the Geelong Yacht Club on Thursday 27 April commencing at 12.00 midday. Meal costs are between $11 and $17, and drinks will be available at normal bar prices. ANZROC will be supporting this function with a small subsidy to help cover expenses.

The Yacht Club is on the Geelong waterfront, 23 Eastern Beach Rd. Geelong, and is about ten minutes walk from the train station.

Please contact Geoff and Lesley as soon as possible to confirm your attendance, but no later than Sunday 23 April, as caterers need to be advised of expected numbers. Phone 5229 1456, mobile 0412 428 861 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



ELLUM BOB 24 years ANZ



We look forward to seeing Peter , Bob , Phil and Valerie at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Ainscough OAM G.B. (Graeme) 80 years 19/2/2017

Graeme was a strong supporter of ANZROC and penned many letters to me. He attended most monthly lunches and both ANZ and ES&A get togethers when he was fit but over the past two years he had been struggling with a number of health issues which has meant bouts of intensive surgery and long terms of hospitalisation. I attended the funeral service for Graeme and met ANZROC members Mark Stankovich, Hartley Hodgson and Rick Dickson who worked with Graeme in Finance and Leasing in Esanda Vic Division. Graeme was involved in the livestock leasing section. Frank Edwards said Graeme worked with him in GM’s Departments while David Knuckey said he also worked with Graeme in Esanda. The funeral was well attended with around 150 present and the celebrant and family reminisced about Graeme’s love of baseball (60 years involvement) and cricket and his commitment to family.

Ward A.J.R. (Alwyn) 92 years 17/2/2017

Alwyn enlisted in the Australian Army in April 1944 and at date of discharge in September 1946 was Sergeant ADV LHQ. Bruce Ward said his father was mainly a relief ANZ Bank Manager at branches including Glenroy, Elsternwick, Essendon, Brunswick and Altona North (where he finished up aged around 60). Alwyn also worked for a time at Head Office in Collins Street.

Gary Mason advised that Tom Williams passed away 5/3/2017, aged 94.

Tom would be well known to many of our Victorian members. A great guy to work for and with his international and technical expertise was top class.

Warren Taylor said “Tom worked in Sydney - Manager 377 George Street, Sydney, and then Regional Manager South Coast before heading to NZ as Chief Manager Corporate then to his NY assignment. He was highly regarded in the New York Market and greatly admired and respected by the three who he gave a mandate to - Dick Milnthorpe, Mike Tong and myself to fulfill Mac Brunckhorst’s directive "to set up the most efficient and effective banking operation possible; adopt world best practice, get the computer to do everything and forget how we do it in Australia". We did more than that we created world's best practice as MIDANZ is still in use today within ANZ 40 years after we signed up for MIDAS a system developed by the UK technology company – BIS”

President Eamon said” Tom was the boss when the ANZ New York Agency was established in 1976 and went on to run London when it was being downsized by Roy Ashton, Warren Taylor and John Winders in the late 70's. He was a tremendous guy, very hard but fair. At his farewell in Melbourne I seem to recall he was proud of the fact that he was never posted to a Senior position in Melbourne.

I last saw Tom in London many years ago in Simpson's Cornhill where he was having a drink with some friends from the wpnc club. He continued to live in Surrey after his retirement from the Bank. Condolences to Mary and family.”

Noel Beanland advised that Clive Dickson passed away on 17/2/2017at the age of 90. Clive served in the RAAF and Noel recalls Clive as Manager OF the Ladies Banking Suite in Swanston Street, Manager Surrey Hills and finally Administration at 388 Collins Street. Clive would be remembered by many ANZROC members.

Dietmar Reichert emailed “I noticed with great sadness the write up about the passing of Brian Schafer on 12.1.17 .I met Brian first in 1974 when I worked in Marketing (Vic. Admin) and Brian was already A/Mgr International. He was at all times a true gentleman – in every way! Many years after that I joined “his team” as Manager Thornbury and I recall to this day his “welcome on board” words as Area Manager, Moonee Ponds. Vale Brian.”

Fran Kilpatrick who worked with ANZ Bank about 40 years ago advised that Helen Gooch has passed away. In the latter time of her working life Helen was one of the original staff that was moved into the Bankcard when it started in ANZ Cards. There would be many ANZROC members that would know her.

On behalf of ANZROC members we express our condolences to the families and friends of Graeme, Alwyn, Tom, Clive, Brian and Helen.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during MARCH and

pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Ray Allsop (82),Lindsay Baglin (88),

Will Bailey AO (84), Clive Bayley (82), Stephen Bee (80), Doug Carroll (84), Ian Cowley (81), Bob

Delahoy (88), Jim Ebsworthy (81), John Fairbairn (83), George Finniss (81), Laurie Holland (97), Betty

Jennings, Tony Middleton (86), Ted Palmer (80), Ray Perry (88), Ron Pitt (94), Robin Pleydell (85),

Graeme Randall (82), David Robinson (81), Roy Sharman (85), Arthur Sheers (89), 

Peter Weaving (83).


Contributed by Neville Pearson, Past President and Life member



















Thank you Joan and Noel, it is a pleasure to be part of the team


From 1/3/2017

Less than $20,000 1.04%

Greater than $20,000 1.33%


Val and Bob Bishop emailed “Another big thank you to Kathy Trace for our birthday cards that seem to arrive too quickly as the years pass by. We have moved into an over 55 village at Drysdale to be nearer to our daughter as Bob continues his battle with lung and brain cancer, which he is on top of at the moment. A huge thank you to the ANZ family that ring and visit us, it is most appreciated. “

Joe Busuttil emailed “Please convey my sincere thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for this year’s birthday greetings. In my twelfth year of retirement bliss, I am enjoying good health and travel plays a great part of our lifestyle. Last year, my visit to Myanmar was an eyeopener and made me appreciate just how lucky we are in Australia. This year, we are back to Vietnam to enjoy the food, culture, friendship, scenery and get away from the cold Inverloch winter.”

Norma Carr emailed on behalf of Len Carr “Many thanks to Kathy and the committee for the recent card and good wishes for my 79th birthday.2016 was highlighted by another trip with my wife Norma to London, to visit our eldest daughter and family. It seems so long ago since I joined the old ES&A in Bendigo in 1956. Looking forward to a much improved season from the mighty Carlton Blues, this AFL Season.”

Edwin Forth emailed from Noosaville “Thankyou Kathy, President and Committee for the birthday wishes. In 2016 Jan and I flew to Italy, Greece and Rhodes Island and spent a fortnight sailing on a Beneteau 50 foot yacht around Greek islands. The yacht is owned by our eldest son Simon and his wife Kim and they have since sailed the Mediterranean to the Canary and Verde islands across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean where they are presently enjoying many island visits. Jan and I had. a good golfing year wining a few prizes but it is hard to keep handicaps down. In Nov/Dec I had a brain bleed which necessitated surgery in Brisbane but I am now well recovered. Celebrated the birthday with friends at the Noosa Golf Club.”

David Gibb emailed “Thank you for sending the Birthday Card for my Birthday on 27th January. It is very much appreciated. The design of the new card is great.”

John Gill emailed “Thank you very much for my Birthday Greetings back in December and I apologise for not writing to thank you much sooner. Since I had a slight stroke back in late May to remember to do things is not the easiest thing to do. However I do appreciate the wishes and thank you and the committee very much for the good wishes.”

Andy Herd emailed “Sincere thanks to Kathy Trace for birthday greetings, incredible how they manage to always make it on time. Sad to report that I lost my wife Jan on Boxing Day. Jan had 25 years with the bank joining in 1963 when she left her island home of King Island. Jan spent her career with Esanda and was very disappointed to see it pass into history as do a lot of others who had the good fortune to work there. Thank you for the great work you do with the news letter, as I have said before it is the communication that holds the retired officers club together”

On behalf of all members our condolences to Andy and his family.

Bruce Iddles wrote “Thank you to the committee for birthday wishes. The past year has seen self and wife Faye travelling for 6 weeks by car and staying in Motels through outback (6,500 klms) Bourke, Longreach, Roma visiting all the tourist attractions. We then met up with friends on the Gold Coast for a couple of weeks. After leaving the Gold Coast travelled to Kempsey, visited the Slim Dusty Museum which was very interesting. Then onto Bathurst and completed a couple of laps of the race track. (Must observe speed signs as police patrol regularly). The outback was beautiful with lush green grass everywhere as they had recently received large rainfalls. Abundance of wild life- Kangaroos, emus, goats and many varied birds. This coming July we have booked another overseas trip to Canada and Alaska with friends through APT. Looking forward to an interesting time”.

David Jones emailed “the layout and content of the newsletter are great. I noted the passing of Ferg Darmody. Ferg was a bit of a legend in my home town of Wirrabara SA where Ferg served for a few years as a young single chap – his escapades and long drinking sessions with the local stock and station lads were always recanted when locals reflected on the “bankies” who had served in the town over the years.”

Bob Kirkland wrote “Thank you Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings, they are always much appreciated. At 94 I have memories of the Bank which present staff would find hard to believe. For instance I joined he Bank of Australasia HO 394 Collins Street t the age of 16 which was the normal age of recruitment at that time. I remember the horse and cab that was always parked outside the Queen Street doorway and was used by the Bank to transfer cash to and from the Commonwealth Bank in Collins Street. The escort staff walked down each side of the road following the cab. We had high desks and stools, pen, ink, sealing wax to process copying of documents. We were referred to as Colonial Staff and treated as such…They were hard days compared to today’s conditions but sometimes on looking at the present “service” I wonder. Thank you again for the greetings.”

Kevin Mitchell (Life Member and Past President) reports he is now a very happy Tasmanian but still has family and friends’ ties in Victoria who helped celebrate his 81st Birthday. Firstly there was the usual ANZROC suspects who gathered for a great few days at Mansfield in mixed weather conditions, but not stopping them from having a wonderful time, for golfers and passive recreation activity including Gary Hocking celebrating Shrove Tuesday early by making Pan Cakes for all.

Bernice and Kevin decided while in Melbourne it would be a good idea to take in some live shows, namely Born Yesterday, Ladies in Black and The Play That Goes Wrong, all excellent and very entertaining.

Kevin was sorry to hear of the passing of Graeme Ainscough as they played in the same ES&A Basketball team at Albert Park back in the 1960s

Jack Moyle wrote “Thank you for the card and birthday greetings for my 92nd birthday. Kathy always gets the timing right. Thankfully I am in good health and enjoyed quiet celebrations with the family.”

Dick Sanders emailed “Thank you so much Kathy Trace for the delightful card arriving in good time for my 80th birthday. There was a “family and old friends” lunch put on by my daughter in law Archontisa, ably helped by my two sons and other daughter in law. Eighteen of us sat down in their home at three tables for the lunch served as a buffet with a dessert of a magical cake, lemon tart, fruits etc. (There were 8 candles). A day after my actual birthday, I received a phone call from Hawaii, which happened to be one Peter Bowering – formerly ANZ the son of an old ANZ/UNION/ASIA Manager of Port Adelaide. I was best man for Peter in1962. Anyway, the Sunday lunch was a magnificent success and should perhaps last me for 10 years!! Thanks again Kathy and good wishes,”

Warren Taylor emailed “Thanks for the birthday card, timely arrival as usual.”

AND David Brown, Bill Collins, Don Davy, Warwick Etty, Rodney Manser, Peter Mitchell, Dianne Newton, ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



About 20 of our members had a really enjoyable day at the Cheltenham Golf Club on March 10th. The weather was ideal and the course was in top condition.

Kathy Shady was the winner of the Ladies’ event with 33 points and Kathy Trace was runner-up .

We welcomed two new members to their first ANZROC function, Chris Procter and Rod Kendall. These two gentlemen were winner and runner-up in the Men’s event with Chris on 40 points and Rod on 39. As overall winner Chris is now the proud holder of the coveted President’s Cup.

After the game the players enjoyed an excellent lunch and the company of their golfing workmates.

Special thanks to Ken Pattison for arranging the day and to the Cheltenham Golf Club for hosting us.

Check out the photos on our website or on Facebook.

Mansfield 21—23 February 2017

Twenty-one members and partners enjoyed a couple of days relaxing, socialising and enjoying life at the Alzburg Resort in Mansfield on 21/22 February, with some extending their stay for a few extra days to enjoy the many attractions in the area.

Seven golfers enjoyed 18 holes of social golf at the Mansfield Golf Club in perfect golfing weather. Scores were so close that all players ended up getting a golf ball prize.

The Trivia competition during the final evening’s dinner was also closely contested, with the winners breaking free from the pack by being the only ones able to name the AFL player who kicked the first score at Docklands Stadium and whether the score was a goal or a point. Matthew Lloyd kicked the first score at Docklands, it was a point.

Neville Pearson wound up the evening by reciting a poem that he had composed to farewell Kevin and Bernice Mitchell who coordinated the Mansfield trip arrangements for many years, and have now moved to live permanently in Tasmania.


May 11th 34/100 Queen Street .. Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal

June 8th The Glasshouse Restaurant at Caulfield Racecourse

July 13th Mulgrave Country Club

August 10th 34/100 Queen Street..Brian and Shirley Rix “Aussies Overland”






Guest Speaker will be Danielle Marsh a member of the ANZ Banking Group and ANZROC Life Member Gerry McPherson will deliver the Ode of Remembrance.

Our guest speaker was arranged by ANZROC member Dal Crocker, Vice President and Acting Treasurer of the Greensborough RSL Club .

The luncheon will commence at 12noon and a range of a la carte selections and seniors meals will be available for members and partners with drinks at bar prices.

Partners ,widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome and encouraged to attend

The RSL Club is approx 150 metres from the Greensborough Railway Station and approx 2 km South East from where the existing Metropolitan Ring Road ends.

Several of our members frequent this modern facility on a regular basis and the service and food (including senior meals) is excellent value for money

Please advise your acceptance by Thursday 13th April 2017 to Joan Nathan, Telephone: 9740 8001, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice.




TO : Joan Nathan

7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Thank you for your support



Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor

Newsletter February 2017


Please click to read Reformatted Feb 2017 newsletter


Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)




President Eamon Veaney welcomed 60 members and partners and our Guest Speaker Don McQueen to the Melbourne Room on the 34th Floor of ANZ BANK AT 100 QUEEN STREET. Don McQueen five time winner of the Victorian Bush Poet of the Year Award and a cricketing tragic.

Members attending for the first time at an ANZROC meeting were Aldo Calvo, Viji Dharann, Bernadette Lynch and Bill Pitman with wife Shirley who are about to head off to Cobram to live. Members not seen for some time included Harry Carrodus, Andrew Kelly, Graeme King and wife Sandra and David and Jenni Schunke.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney , Anne Wee and John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Ainscough, Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Wendy Black, Diane Carew, Noelle Christensen, Bill Collins, Cedric Coxsedge, John Crough, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Val Goldsworthy, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Bob Heinemann, Andy Herd, Keith Higgs, Sandra Joseph, Harry Loucas, Tom McCullough, Wal McGillivray, Kevin Mitchell, Geoff Perdriau, Ron Phillips , Graeme Randall, John Stevens, Roger Watkins, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


At our February Committee meeting members confirmed the election of Gary Mason to the position of Senior Vice President and Ken Crawford to the role of Vice President.

The committee is now:


President Eamon Veaney

Immediate Past President Peter Pritchard

Senior Vice President Gary Mason

Vice President Noel Beanland

Ken Crawford

Secretary Vicky Genius,

Newsletter Editor/ Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer Glyn Parry-Jones

Committee George Cooper, Wolf Damschitz Carl Garley, Con La Fauci, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, Ken Pattison, Kathy Trace.

Membership Officer John Brown

Auditor Norris Gale


I noticed in the Age on Australia Day that our ANZROC member and regular correspondent Ron Pidcock was awarded an OAM in the General Division of the Australia Day Honors…our congratulations go to Ron who has worked tirelessly in his service to the performing arts in Victoria.

Ron Pidcock subsequently wrote to members “Today I have been honoured with the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM), for services to the performing arts in Victoria. As some of my former work colleagues may remember, I was always very involved with theatre in my home state of Queensland, and that involvement continued with even greater intensity when I was transferred from NZ to Melbourne. Most of my performances here have been with the Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Victoria, where I have also been involved in all facets of theatre production and administration, including two 3-year terms as President. The Society granted me Honorary Life Membership two years ago.

These awards reflect the amount of love and support from my wife Robyn as much as they do any of my own endeavours, and I am eternally grateful to her for being my partner.”


Ash Alan 43 years ANZ

Francis Colin 18 years ANZ

Gossain Satish 30 years ANZ

Matheson Ian 24 years ANZ

McKenzie Owen 16 years ANZ

Mikleus Jo 26 years ANZ

Ruse Ron 45 years ANZ

Williams David 9 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Alan, Colin, Satish, Ian, Owen, Jo, Ron and David at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Christensen B.D. (Brian) 83 years 7/12/2016

A very moving memorial service celebrating The Life of Brian was held at St Michael's church in Collins Street, Melbourne. It was a large turnout with many ANZROC Members in attendance. A fitting send-off for a well respected man. Best wishes to Noelle and Family.

Below are a few tributes and anecdotes received from our Members:

Dick Milnthorpe

I first met Brian back in December 1976, the World Trade Centre was just being completed and there was snow in NY, and both Niagara Falls and NY Harbour were frozen over. Brian at that time was the ANZ rep for the US of A in the old 63, Wall St Office. He was a very congenial man and the first time I met him he took me to lunch at Fraunces Tavern where, after a beer (or two) he explained that this was the place where General George Washington had stayed the night before knocking seven bells out of the British! He had a great sense of humour; he and his wife Noelle were very hospitable and entertained all of us Poms lavishly at their home in Larchmont. Of the two of them Noelle was much prettier, but Brian was a good bloke. We will miss him.

Dennis Pettit Condolences to the family, I was lucky to work with Brian in New York 1976-79

Peter Russell Really sad news, we have lost a good man and friend to all

John David Buckland R.I.P. Brian Christensen. One of the very best.

Steve Duke Vale Brian.

John Brown

Something that wasn't mentioned during the memorial service was Brian's expertise as anchor man in the ANZ footy club's boat race crew. During end of season trips to play against the ANZ South Australia footy club, the Vic v SA Boat Race challenge was the social highlight of the weekend. Brian could drink without swallowing, and was able pour a glass of beer down his throat in about half the time others took. I don't think Victoria was ever beaten while he was anchor man. Those were the days.

Darmody E.F. (Fergus) 82 years 15/12/2016

Linda Darmody, widow of our late member Fergus advised that he joined the Union Bank of A/Asia in Kadina SA in 1948 and after 40 years with Union, ES&A and ANZ he had moved around Victoria and WA opening branches in the Pilbara in the 50/60’s living in Port Hedland and Mount Newman. In 1969 Fergus spent some time on the P&O line on the shipboard agency then moved to ANZ Operational HQ at South Yarra before taking up managerial appointments at Hawthorn and Glenferrie and finally the combined branch at Glenferrie. Fergus retired in 1988 on ill health and settled in Traralgon until his passing. Long time friend and ANZROC member Graham Smyth attended the memorial service at Traralgon.

Schafer B.W.(Brian) 78 years 12/1/2017

ANZROC member Henry Carr who had grown up with and worked with Brian at 394 Collins Street gave the eulogy at Brian’s funeral service. Henry said the service was well attended with a number of ANZROC members including John Ries, Ken Crawford, Brian Knowles and Brian’s long time friend and colleague Graham Bloom who was in the same class as Brian in the Northcote Primary School. ANZROC Member Don Davy also attended the Funeral service of Brian Schafer. Don said there were approx 200 in attendance including Dennis Stringer and Barry Bryant. Don Davy worked with Brian at 55 Collins Street Melb.

Brian worked in ES&A and ANZ for 42 years in branches and included highlights such as his time in International Division at 394 Collins Street, an Italian trip with Bruce Brown served on the shipboard agency cruising to and from Japan and was in lending at 55 Collins Street. Brian stopped a hold up at Middle Brighton branch in the early days of his career. After leaving ANZ he became a keen golfer playing at Greenacres Golf Club at Kew. Brian in his younger days played football with Carlton.

Brian who was a regular contributor to the Newsletter had been ill for some time.

Taylor N.J. (Neville) 95 years 1/12/2016

Further to our notes in the December Newsletter we were advised that Neville in his RAAF service served in battles in Milne Bay, Papua and New Guinea in the Second World War. He also worked in ANZ in London for a time in his banking career and was a keen golfer, playing at Woodlands Club for more than 50 years.

Received from Neville Pearson

It is with great sadness to advise our members that our ANZROC Life Member David Knuckey’s wife Glennys Knuckey passed away peacefully on 12th January after battling a very aggressive form of cancer over recent months. I fondly remember visiting Glennys and David’s home, on several occasions to discuss suitable locations in which to hold our country/outer suburban ANZROC meetings. Glennys (often shortened to Glen by close friends) was a lovely lady and we thoroughly enjoyed our discussions/meeting at David and Glen’s home. The meetings always had a country feel with homemade scones and cakes and tea whilst David, Noel Beanland, Glennys and myself discussed outer Melbourne and country restaurants and food, whilst munching on Glen’s cakes and scones. We appreciated Glen’s positive input into these discussions

Members at the meeting stood for a few moments in remembrance of Brian, Fergus, Brian, Neville and Glen and our condolences are sent to their families and friends.

Received from Bruce Tickell and Gerry McPherson who let me know that Earle Butterfield passed away in early January aged 95 years. Earle served in the RAAF in Bomber Command and on return to ANZ worked in Overseas Department at General Managers Office for ANZ. Some of our ANZROC members will remember Earle.

Received from Jeanette Pickering who let me know that Neville Rattray passed away in hospital on 23rd December after a very long illness. John Brown said that Neville worked for ANZ for a number of years and would be known to many of our members. He was on the Staff Club Committee and also played football with the ANZ team. He resigned from the Bank to go into business in Rosebud.

Received from Linda Fletcher who let me know that Vern Barrett has passed away aged 91. Vern was the Admin Manager in Premises and Supply (as it was known then) until his retirement in 1985. He was not a member of the Retired Officers’ Club, but would be remembered by many who are.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 and

We pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays;

Murray Abraham (91), Graham Bancroft (81), Ron Breckenridge (87), Alan Briant (85), Jock Buntain

(87), Alan Burt OAM (92), Reg Caudry (85), Bill Collins (80), Cedric Coxsedge (91), Keith Dimond (81),

Max Fisher (86), Ray Gill (80), Max Guest (83), Brian Henderson (80), Mary Henley, Frank Hickey

(92), David Hughes (85), Dennis Humphries (91), Robert Hunter (99), Erwin Jones (81), Kevin Kelly

(83), Gerry Kennedy (93), Bob Kirkland (94), Bill Luscombe (82), Noel Matthews (80), Kevin Mitchell

(81), Jack Moyle (92), Alex Pigdon (80), Laurie Redfearn, Dawn Routledge, Alan Rutzou (82), Mavis

Ryan, Don Sampson (81), Dick Sanders (80), Bruce Scott (91), Graham Spruzen (86), Terry Talbot

(88), Bruce Tickell (88), Athol Watkins (80), Roly Webster (84), Richard Weekes (80), Peter Welch

(80), Maurice Wells (80), Barry Weston OAM (85), Norm Wheatley (86), Don Whitford (82), Jim

Wood (94), Henry Wynne (82).


From 1/1/2017 From 1/2/2017

Less than $20,000 1.04% 1.03% Greater than $20,000 1.34% 1.32%


Don McQueen is the son of ANZ Manager the late Don McQueen who would be remembered by many ANZROC members including Harry Carrodus who was there to hear Don’s presentation.

Don’s unique Bush Poetry recitals have become a feature of numerous special events and guest speaking engagements throughout Australia and overseas where Don brings to life the words of Australia’s much loved poets including ’Banjo’ Paterson, C J Dennis and Henry Lawson. Don was acclaimed Winner of the Kyabram Lions Club annual competition “The Bush Poet of the Year” four years between 2007-11, an achievement well-earned and which acknowledged his passion for Australian history and poetry recitals that are giving rise to much enjoyment to fans around the world.

Don also has a great passion for cricket, achieving his dream of recreating an English ‘Village Green’ cricket ground in the heart of the Australian bush by carving the Hume and Hovell Cricket Ground out of paddocks and bush land in Strath Creek, Central Victoria and winning the Shire of Murrindindi’s ‘Most Significant Tourist Attraction’ in 2004.

For 20 years Don watched the ground come alive through matches played by people who shared his love and appreciation of cricket in beautiful surrounds and tranquil ambience, in the true time honoured traditions of the game. Don played most of his cricket with the Camberwell and Melbourne Cricket Clubs and has journeyed to England and New Zealand on cricket tours with his old School, Haileybury College, the Melbourne Cricket Club, the International Fellowship of Cricketing Rotarians and with the “Crusaders”.

Don walked us through a few of the famous bush ballads such as Patterson’s “Clancy of the overflow” and “Bush Christening” , Lawson’s “The Fire at Ross’s Farm” and “Scott’s of the Reverie” and the CJ Dennis poem “The Spotted Heifer” . There were other highlights such as the poem “How McDougall topped the score” and two poems for Senior citizens “The Meat Raffle” and “Christmas Party” all of which were appreciated by those present.

It was fitting that Committeeman Ken Pattison moved the vote of thanks as he was the prime mover in arranging for Don to speak to members. It was a most enjoyable meeting.

You can read about Don who is available to speak at clubs on his website


Neville Pearson writes:

Cheryl and I are so sad to have such a wonderful warrior friend Brian Christensen pass away. I have been moved to write a poem in his honour and to show our appreciation on what Brian has done for Cheryl and me over so many years


Brian Christensen born on 23rd November 1933

At a time when the world was looking for glee

Two World wars and the Great Depression

The world was blessed with a man who would make an impression

And an impression young Chrisso would certainly make

Kept us all on our toes or we would be lost in his wake

Chrisso as he became affectionately known

Had a work ethic that stood out on its own

Chrisso’s heart was larger than Ayer’s Rock I am sure

A man to be respected, loved and much more

In Football Amateurs, our clubroom is called “Brian Christensen Room”

When we win a match Brian and Noelle are over the moon

I hope the games are visible when he settles in up above

I am sure Chrisso will find a way to get through to the people he loves

I am honoured to have known Brian and Noelle through work, football and play

When my turn comes to move on, I pray I will head the same way

Rest in peace my mentor and mate to so many

Neville also sent this note to the Falcons football team

Sadly, Falcon’s life member Brian Christensen passed away peacefully on 7th December 2016

It was a fitting and most appreciated tribute to look to the centre/rear inside of St Michaels Church (corner of Collins and Russell street) and view the multitude of Albert Park Falcons Club members donning the club Guernsey’s, scarfs etc for the memorial ceremony of Brian “Chrisso” Christensen on 20th December 2016

Bill( Jet) Jackson and wife Bev were also at this very moving ceremony. Bill is the only remaining Falcons life member whose history goes back to the formative days of the club, formerly known as the “ANZ Bank Football Club”


Carole Bancroft emailed “Unfortunately I will not be attending the February lunch. I have had the privilege of meeting Don McQueen and hearing his recitations at several Royal Caledonian Society functions and can vouch for the fact that he is indeed very entertaining. I would also like to take this opportunity (albeit belatedly) to sincerely thank Kathy on behalf of Graham for again making sure that he received his Birthday card on time. He was so pleased to think that he was remembered and it made the day very special. She does a wonderful job and I am sure that her efforts are appreciated by all members of ANZROC. Graham is still keeping reasonable health all things considered and always enjoys hearing about former colleagues when I read the newsletters to him. “

John Bloom emailed “Many thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card and good wishes. Very much appreciated. My thanks also to the President and Committee of the ANZROC for their considerable hard work and input which gives all that belong continued long term friendships with members of similar backgrounds and interests. It is a unique Club Not much to report this year with regard to travel. We spent six weeks on the Sunshine Coast looking after my nephew's house and dogs in May/June. We also had a very enjoyable week in Port Hedland visiting our younger son, Mark, and his family. Mark is a Port Pilot which gave me the opportunity to fly out on several trips bringing large ships into and out of the Port. It was a memorable experience landing via helicopter on a moving vessel. These ships are too large to enter Port Phillip Bay primarily because of their draft which, when loaded, can draw up to fifty metres.”

Dave Brookman wrote “I would like to thank the President, Committee and also Kathy Trace for the Christmas card and good wishes received. The card is particularly attractive and the personal message appended much appreciated. I was not able to attend the Christmas luncheon but my thoughts were with you all. After 30 odd years regular attendance seems that age has caught up with me the past two years.”

Ian Cann emailed “Thank you for my birthday wishes for 22nd December. It was much appreciated.”

Henry Carr emailed “Just a short note to say thank you for my birthday card which arrived in the last mail prior to the day. Well done Kathy. It has been a very quiet year for us travel wise as most of our engagements are with doctors. My wife is currently on a trial treatment which is going well as some positive progress has been achieved. In my case regular appointments with my oncologist seems to assist his overseas travel. We are hopeful to do some travel during 2017.”

Geoff Christmas emailed “Thank you for the Birthday wishes received last month for this my 71st birthday. Compared to last year this has been a quiet year for me and our usual trip to Coolum Beach for winter was again a great time catching up with friends. We did have a short visit to Japan and were lucky enough to have a day on Mount Fuji when you could actually see it. It is known as the shy one and is often partially covered or fully covered. Heather walked the last 120klm of the Camino Walk into Santiago Spain, which was for Breast Cancer and again raised good money for the cause. This year we are off to Tonga next month for a week and in May we are doing a Tour through Scandinavia. Thanks again for the birthday wishes. “

John Conn emailed “Just a note to thank Kathy for the birthday card which arrived on schedule. This past year has seen Linda and I visiting Sydney a number of times as Linda’s parents are in a nursing home there; with the usual ailments of old age. Her father will shortly be 90.

In addition we have had a number of trips around Vic and NSW county towns. Over the years I have learned the names but seldom visited many of them. I am now making up for this. It is also helping my current pet project – getting photographs of churches, many of which are disappearing. I have a website which is compiling a photograph data base for posterity.

In the middle of the current year we plan to visit Europe for about 10 weeks. This will include a family gathering as it will be 50 years in June since I left Ireland.”

Graeme Croxford wrote from Bright “Thanks again to Kathy Trace for her birthday greetings which are always much appreciated. I must confess that the year of 2016 was one to forget with wife Beryl sick and myself undergoing surgery. However on the bright side we received a great offer on our Harrietville hobby farm which was sold and we were able to purchase a wonderful property in Wandiligong with beautiful flowering trees and a 10 car garage to house my small sports car collection. We would love to hear from anyone visiting Bright and can be contacted on 0357501318 or 0417358160.”

Tyrone de Silva emailed “Thanks for my birthday card, which arrived the day before my birthday. Much appreciated.”

Muriel Drummond wrote “to her ANZROC friends old and new what a lovely surprise it was to receive your ANZROC Christmas card extending Christmas and New Year greetings. Many thanks and your kind thoughts are much appreciated.”

Bob English emailed “Please thank Kathy for my birthday card which, despite the vagaries of Australia Post these days, arrived on the day of my birthday. Like the new design.”

Ray Gill emailed “Please thank Kathy for the Birthday Card, it arrived on the day OK and I like the new style that looks great for the eighties and over as well.”

Neville Harvey emailed “Many thanks for the Birthday wishes, much appreciated. Travelling well down here on the beautiful Vic Surf Coast, the ANZ Mobile Lending franchise I purchased in 2013 has established well and I have just employed our second loan writer. Glenda is working harder than ever as Care Manager for a high Dementia Nursing Home in Belmont, so not much free time at the moment to enjoy the surrounds! Did catch up with Cliff Simkin the other week in Ocean Grove and we reminisced on our ANZ Maryborough days some 40 years ago, still brings a smile to our dials!

(Sort of) looking forward to the 12th - Nifty is Sixty – will wonders never cease!!!”

Bill Halsall emailed from Benalla “Please thank Kathy Trace for my birthday card sent for 31/12/16. It is greatly appreciated. My regards to all members. “

John Hawkins emailed “I would like to thank Kathy Trace for my birthday card which amazes me that I get it on time every time regardless to what timetable the posties switch to. Getting ready for our next cruise which will be bigger. “

Bob Heinemann emailed “Dear Kathy, thank you for your birthday greeting. I am now fully retired, having enjoyed 10 years of work with Melbourne Pathology. My wife Heather and I visit our holiday home at Euroa quite often and are blessed with fine neighbours. Only a two hour journey and the trip up the Hume is made without a break. Good bowling green and golf course. Our family are well spread, both here and abroad. Former colleague Steve Doherty and I have a meal together each 6 months.”

Darrell Hodges emailed “Just saying thank you for my "Spot on the day" birthday card. Appreciating the great effort the committee put in to make us ex-ANZers feel valued and provide a forum for us to remain in touch in our easing-off years. A trip to the tip of Oz then an excursion around the gulf to Arnhem Land and Darwin for a little rest before catching the Ghan home kept us away from some meets in 2016. 2017 maybe a little more sedate so may make amends this year.”

Bob Lyon emailed “Thanks to Eamon and the committee for my birthday card and good wishes for my 70th. We are joining some friends from Samoa tonight who are here for a wedding, so could be a big night. It was good to catch up with so many colleagues at the Christmas lunch.”

Maria Malicse emailed “Please accept my thanks for the birthday card you sent me for my birthday in September. As usual, it arrived on my special day.... I don’t know how you do this... It always amazes me!”

Noel Matthews emailed “There was a time in the past 12 months when achievement of the “Big O” was in some doubt but I’m happy to say that with the great assistance of the medical profession and a trouble free rehab I’m back on the rails and its business as usual. Piano, saxes and flute are starting to sound better by the day- provided I keep up the practicing”

Karl Mattingly emailed “Can you please pass on my thanks to the President for the kind thoughts in the card I received for my birthday in December. It was a nice thing to return to today after our summer travels. I really enjoy the newsletter. Thanks! And so much for the retirement plans.... 3rd software startup launched in London this month.

Kevin May emailed “Many thanks for the birthday wishes, now settled back in good old Melbourne although first Melbourne winter since 2001 was a challenge. No other major news other than now a great grandfather (a boy born march 2016).cheers to all members for a healthy 2017.

Wal McGillivray wrote “My thanks to all for their birthday wishes and to Kathy Trace for her devotion to a difficult task which she carries out so efficiently. My sincere thanks for the Christmas card and to Neville Pearson for his little personal note. I regret that due to wife Lorna’s ill health issues meant that I was unable to attend the Christmas luncheon.”

Bruce Michell emailed “Many thanks to Kathy for the birthday greetings which as usual arrived right on time. The thought is always appreciated. Best wishes to all for 2017.”

Kym Nye emailed “Just a small message to pass on my sincere thanks for the birthday card I have received from ANZROC. Very much appreciated”

Alex Pigdon emailed “Please convey to the President and members my thanks for the greetings sent to on the occasion of my 80th birthday”.

John Quirk emailed “Many thanks to ANZROC and particularly to Kathy for again remembering my birthday. Wishing all ANZ retired officers and families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2017.”

Bevyn Ranford emailed “Thank you for the Birthday wishes on the 28th December, “

Peter Richardson emailed “Could you please pass on my thanks to Kathy and the Committee for the birthday card which arrived on time just prior to Christmas. Much appreciated.”

Past President and Life Member John Stevens emailed “A note of thanks to Kathy and committee members for the happy birthday wishes I received on the 25th January and for good health and happiness in the year to come. Thanks also for the marvellous ANZROC Newsletter for keeping us abreast of what our former colleagues are up to, those not so well, and event happenings Anne and I happily celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on 21 January 2017 – we met in Castlemaine where I had been transferred. I worked at the Branch there during 1964 to 66 as Second Officer taking over from David Gibb and the late Herman Bettonvil replaced me in 1966. Both David and Herman were great colleagues. My Managers during that time were Ross Ramsden and later Doug Alvey (Doug moved from Crystal Brook Branch in S.A.) Castlemaine has many happy memories.”

Sandra Street emailed “Many thanks for the birthday greetings which arrived spot on the dot. Wonders will never cease with the state of our post office these days. It's nice to be remembered. My husband, Patrick and I are moving into a retirement village just down the road in Carlton mid-year. We have purchased a 3BR apartment in Rathdowne Place and are looking forward to being maintenance free (we hope) in our new abode. Lots to do in the meantime clearing out etc., but we are looking forward to the move after almost 30 years in North Carlton and Patrick wants to do lots more cruising.”

Athol Watkins emailed from Andergrove Qsld “Many thanks for the reminder that 80 years can pass so quickly. It is hard to believe that 25 years have passed since I retired. Luckily my wife and I have generally been fit enough to do quite a lot of travelling in that time. Last year we did a cruise Sydney to Singapore and in April we intend to do another one Singapore to Beijing on the “Ovation of the Seas” which will be an experience. Bowls and croquet still gives us a lot of enjoyment.

The monthly newsletter is a welcome reminder of the memories and friendships made over the course of 40 years service. “

Mike Watts emailed “Sincere thanks to the Committee and members for my birthday wishes. Suffice to say it arrived on the day and a special thanks to Kathy for the sterling job she does in this regard. Thanks”

Peter Williams emailed that he and wife Jan have sold their Buninyong home and soon will move to live in their caravan whilst the new home at Cardigan Village (West of Ballarat) is built. After 24 years at Buninyong it will be sad to leave but they are looking forward to the next chapter in their lives. During the build time they will be travelling throughout Victoria/SA/NSW returning often to Ballarat to view the home build progress.

Keith Winckles emailed “Just a quick email to say thanks for the birthday greetings received in good time.”

Theo Yardley emailed from St Ives NSW “Thank you for the card and birthday greetings from the (Vic) Club for my 89th.”

AND Murray Abraham, Bruce Avent, Val Bishop, Norm Dibbin, Helen Farnell, Betty Griggs, Graham Joseph, Sandra Joseph, Gerry Kennedy, John Millard, Dick Sanders, Lyn Stevens, Geoff Stillman, Julie Wilkins, Norm Wood,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



We have been trying to send emails and contact by phone to our member C.P. (Peter) Mitchell who was a resident in Glen Waverley but have been unable to make contact with Peter. If any members know his current location could you let me know on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


ANZROC GOLF DAY Friday, 10th March 2017, teeing off at 8.30am, at Cheltenham Golf Club, Victor Avenue, Cheltenham. Bookings are now open for our next ANZROC Golf Day.

This is a Mens & Ladies Stableford Competition for ANZROC members and their partners. Nearer the time, if there are spaces available, invitations may be extended to ex-ANZers who are not currently ANZROC members.

This event will not be cancelled.

Cheltenham Golf Club is just 30 minutes from the Melbourne CBD, on the sand belt region, promising delightful fairways and challenging greens. It is a 9-hole course with 16 different tees. Visit for details on course layout, dress regulations, directions etc.

Lunch is included and will typically be a choice of Fish, Parma, Steak Sandwich, Lamb Shanks (all served with Chips and Salad or Veg) or Caesar Salad.

Players without a current Golf Australia handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. We are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

ENTRY FEE - $50 per person for 18 holes (members of Cheltenham Golf Club $20) or $40 for 9 holes. This covers Green Fees, prizes and lunch. Drinks are available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $17 per person. Electric Golf Cart - $40 for 18 holes, $25 for 9 holes payable at the Pro Shop on the day.

HIT-OFF will be from 8.30am on a number of tees close to the car park and Clubhouse. Those playing 18 holes should arrive no later than 8am to get their card & draw. Those playing 9 holes should arrive no later than 10am.

ENTRIES CLOSE on Friday 3rd March, so that numbers can be finalised with the Club.

EMAIL the ENTRY DETAILS (below) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Or MAIL the ENTRY DETAILS to: Ken Pattison, PO Box 2910, CHELTENHAM, 3192 Make electronic payment direct to: to ANZROC BSB 013-350, Account No 306451947 - ensuring your name is included in the payment information – Or Mail a cheque payable to ANZROC with your ENTRY DETAILS ENQUIRIES to Ken Pattison on 0414 679 627. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Regards, Ken __________________________________________________________________________________ENTRY DETAILS (by email or mail with direct credit or cheque) Your Contact details: Name………………………….......Email…………………………………........Phone.........……………..

Players Name………………………………… 9 or 18 holes……………Hcp……….$...........

Name………………………………… 9 or 18 holes……………Hcp……….$...........

Meal only (non-playing partners) ............ @ $17 = $.......... Total $__________

Paid by, Cheque or Direct Credit




The annual get together is on again despite organiser Kevin Mitchell and wife Bernice resettling in Tasmania over January. Kevin and Bernice will be back for Mansfield and there are already 22 regular attendees committed to the getaway at beautiful Mansfield. The annual trip is open to all members/ partners and singles.

The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 20 Feb & Tue 21 Feb 2017.

For more detailed information contact Kevin Mitchell on 0409076201 I was speaking to Kevin today and he said that he and Bernice have settled into the community in Shearwater and are loving Tasmania.


April 20th ANZAC Commemoration at Greensborough RSL on 20th April 2017

Note the change of date as the second Thursday was the day before Good Friday.

May 11th Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal at 100 Queen Street

June 8th Luncheon at Caulfield Hotel (near Racecourse and Railway Station)



THE VICTORIA HOTEL (THE VIC) 67 HIGH STREET WOODEND VIC 3442 . Website and phone 54272721.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members ARE invited that day.

The venue is approximately 200 metres from the Railway Station. There is a good choice of meals from the Bistro menu.

We suggest that the most convenient way to travel is by the railway and it is recommended that members attending this luncheon meet at Southern Cross Station around 9.45 am for boarding the 10.15 train as a group

The train to Woodend only runs approx every 60 minutes in the morning so members who are unable to meet our time frame have some flexibility on catching the next train to Woodend..

The train departs Southern Cross 10.15am arrives at Woodend 11.15am

Or departs Southern Cross 11.09am arrives at Woodend 12.18am

The return journey from Woodend

train departs Woodend 2.25pm arrives Southern Cross 3.25pm

train departs Woodend 3.16pm arrives Southern Cross 4.26pm

(Trains after this time are country trains and not advised as seat bookings are required)

You can use your Free off-peak Travel Vouchers or MYKI …..

If you have difficulty travelling by train Wolf Damschitz has offered to try to arrange alternative transport by car so call Wolf on 9882 7716.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Joan Nathan know by Phone or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Joan Nathan by Thursday 2md March 2017 to meet the Hotel catering requirements

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor



67 High Street Woodend ….

TO : Joan Nathan Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mail: 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429

Phone: 9740 8001

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter December 2016



Please click here to read the reformatted December2016 newsletter


Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)




President Eamon Veaney welcomed 280 ANZROC members to the Arts Centre in St Kilda Road Melbourne to celebrate the Annual Christmas luncheon with ANZ Executives CEO Shayne Elliott Deputy CEO Graham Hodges, Group Executive Australia Fred Ohlsson, CFO Michelle Jablko, Chief Legal Officer Bob Santamaria and National Manager ANZ Staff Club, Tom Walker, present at the celebrations.

It is one month today since the election likely to change the world, which co-incidentally was also the date of the ANZROC’s AGM, when I was elected President without any of the fanfare on the other side of the world. I would like to thank Peter Pritchard for his leadership as President over the past 2 years and the great work that the ANZROC committee has done over the past year in moving the organisation forward. A special mention goes to John McPhee and Kevin Mitchell, both Ex ANZROC Presidents who have retired from the Committee after many years’ service. Kevin, who is moving to Tasmania, has kept us entertained for years with his politically incorrect stories.

A special welcome today to Shayne and his ANZ Executive colleagues Graham, Michelle, Fred, Bob and Tom and many thanks for the excellent financial support provided by the Bank to ANZROC Victoria and the other States. We have seen a lot of changes at ANZ over the past year and look forward to hearing Shayne’s response to the toast to the Bank later on. Welcome also to Don Mercer and Will Bailey ex-CEO’s of ANZ Bank.

It is pleasing to see that our Membership remains strong at around 950. It is encouraging that we have attracted 28 new members many of whom are here at the lunch for the first time. Also it is good to see the many members who have travelled long distances to get here today.

It has also been a year of some sadness with 18 members passing away. Yesterday we heard that our great friend and Life Member Brian Christensen passed away peacefully overnight. During the year we have also lost another three former ANZROC Presidents, John Duke, Col Edwards and John Vanselow and our Honorary Auditor Allan Forrest who were all great supporters of our organisation.

Members stood for a few moments to remember our departed colleagues.

Photos taken at the luncheon by John Brown, Glyn Parry Jones and Carl Garley are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Annette and Graeme Baldwin , Diane Carew, Bill Collins, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Neil Gladstone, Jack Grant, Charles Griss, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Sandra Joseph, Des Johnson, Bernadette Lynch, Wal McGillivray, Joan Nathan, Ron Phillips, Graeme Randall, John Stevens,  Glen Twidale, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Armstead Sigrid 29 years ANZ

Brown Suzanne (Sue) 26 years ANZ

Calvo Aldo 42 years ANZ

Findlay Graeme 32 years ANZ

Girvan Nonie 10 years ANZ

King T.R. (Trevor) 47 years ANZ

Palmer Brian 30 years ANZ

Pinnuck Gary 43 years ANZ

Smith D.R. (David) 16 years ANZ/Grindlays

We look forward to seeing Sigrid, Aldo Trevor, Graeme and Gary at one of our forthcoming meetings. Nonie, Brian Sue and David attended the Christmas lunch at the Art Centre.


Christensen B.D. (Brian) 83 years 7/12/2016

A great friend, Life Member and Honorary Member of ANZROC Vic. Brian Christensen passed away on 7/12/2016 at the age of 83 years.... Brian has been a stalwart supporter of ANZROC Vic serving as President of ANZROC in 1995/1996 and was a member of our committee for many years.

President Eamon Veaney emailed “Brian was a great guy I have known him and Noelle since New York in 1976.”

Membership Officer John Brown emailed “Sad news. Brian and Noelle were at a lunch with us recently and while unwell, in his usual determined way, he had made the effort to attend and enjoyed the lunch and company of the Old Friends Group.

Bruce Leary ex ANZ London emailed “Strange I remember his words “the thing that exercises my mind” don’t know why I remember, we were in his office in New York at the time. No great age, nice man.”

Ken Parry emailed “Very sad day .Was a wonderful man and will be missed.”

Graham Anstis (Ras) a past player and a legend of ANZ Football Club emailed “So saddened to hear of Brian's passing. I have nothing but fond memories of what a generous, humorous and beaut fella he was. Back in the old ANZedder days where wins were not so often, Chrisso would be one of the

first to give you a pat on the back, shake your hand with that monstrous grip of his and then get you a cold beer, followed by an encouraging yarn filled with humour and genuine interest.

I recall often chatting with his lovely wife Noelle whilst having a cigarette out on the verandah of the club rooms at Oval 15, when Brian would come out with a wine for Noelle, a beer for me and then chastise the both of us for smoking. I was so pleased to see that Albert Park FC named the social rooms in Brian's honour, with his long term mate Bill "Jetta" Jackson having the bar named after him. Vale Brian, congratulations of a life well lived. You touched many with your honesty, your humour and your decency.

Mick Farrell another past player and long time administrator of the ANZ Football team emailed “Brian was one of the founding members of our club, will always be a club legend and is an inaugural Hall of Fame member. But more importantly he was a true gentleman, and all who knew him were proud to call him a mate.”

Taylor N.J. (Neville) 95 years 1/12/2016

Neville enlisted in the Australia Infantry in May 1941 and with the rank of Private 25th Battalion was discharged in June 1943 and the next day enlisted with the RAAF where he served until January 1946 and on discharge was Warrant Officer 14 Aircrew Holding Unit.

Neville was a Queenslander and served in New Zealand, opened the Surfers Paradise branch for ANZ and was Manager Moorabbin and South Yarra.

He was a strong supporter of ANZROC and wrote annually to keep members updated on his activities in retirement.

ANZROC member Michael Black “advised that Gary Harding passed away on 12/11/2016 after battling cancer for the last two years or so. Very sad. “

Gary worked in Esanda when I was working in their Melbourne Head Office.

ANZROC member Graeme Horsburgh advised of the passing of John Ernest Garrett on the 31st October. John worked for the Bank for 42 years. John joined in Queensland and spent most of his working life in Victoria. In his latter work years he worked in the Premises Dept and also on the Audit team for a short while.

He has a Hall named after him in Narre Warren in recognition for his work with the Aged. He also worked as a volunteer for the Uniting Church Synod Office using his business skills obtained from his Banking background.

ANZROC member Andrew Kelly “advised that Bob Walsh passed away on 3/12/2016.Lots of the elder statesmen on the annual ANZ International golf trip knew and worked with him in the 70s in Foreign Exchange as with most of us working in the 70s he acquired a nickname - “Eagle”. He had a propensity to “go off” when he heard the Daddy Cool song Eagle Rock hence the nickname. Another of the good guys departs too early.”

ANZROC member Lloyd Zegenhagen “advised that Aivlys (Scott) widow of Ron Marshall, former retired officer, (a Chief Manager in ES&A) passed away on 14/11/2016. Aivlys would have been known to many members. I think Aivlys joined ES&A in 1942. Anyone able to give Lloyd (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) any clues of details of Aivlys’s banking service so that he can pass them onto her daughter, Beverley, would be appreciated.”


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during DECEMBER 2016 and we

pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Alan Boak (82), Ian Cann (89), Trevor

Cookson (86), Fergus Darmody (83), Kevin Dempster (85), John Gill (80), John Hicks (89), Brian

Knowles (81), Joan Lamond, John Logan (82), Wal McGillivray (93), Bruce Michell (81), Bevyn

Ranford (83), Noel Robertson (86), Molly Saint, Bill Thorne (87), Glen Twidale (86),Ron Wells (85),

Jack Willoughby (91), Theo Yardley (89), Lloyd Zegenhagen (92).


From 1/12/2016

Less than $20,000 1.04%

Greater than $20,000 1.33%


Bob Lyon

Bob opened his toast to the Bank with a condensed history of his journey through ANZ. “Banking wasn’t my first choice for a career, although several members of my family worked for ANZ including my parents. My ambition when I left school was to play cricket and I left my family in Ouyen where my father was the ANZ Manager and embarked on a management cadetship with the old SEC and studied part-time. After 12 months in Melbourne, even the cricket couldn’t hold me there and I returned to the country landing a job with ANZ at Cobram. I certainly didn’t envisage that I would end up running part of our international network for a third of my career and actually relocating to Fiji to live where I have been for the last 15 years

As many of you know too well, being the junior in a small branch brings interesting tasks that others felt beneath them. Apart from doing the batching, running the exchanges and burning the rubbish, no job was beyond me. I learnt a lot about banking from Theo Nicholson at Cobram, but I learnt a lot about people from my managers at Nathalia, Max Wehner and Ralph Howden, all of these gentlemen have passed on, Ralph only a few weeks ago.

Following a short stay working in London I was sent to 460 Bourke Street in the city. A bit different to Cobram and Nathalia, but fun nonetheless.

On my return to Melbourne Harry Glover advised me to join the ANZ Bank Cricket Club, where I played for about ten years. Barry Reid listed some of the notable characters that played at that time in a recent ANZROC publication. It was not only a great team but a fantastic club to network and meet new friends.

My next appointment was to Pensions department where I worked with characters like Maurie Dear and some rising stars like Mike Calderwood from New Zealand.

In 1977, I was told that I was moving to Methods Department GHQ. There I worked with guys like Jim Christie, Ted Wallace and Arie Veenman. Working in every major office of the Bank in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, taught me more than any training course or text book. It was a straight line from Methods into HR as Manager Organisation under John White. ANZ was acquisitive at that time and after the purchase of Grindlays, there was a McKinsey led review that resulted in a group-wide restructure. Bob Bennett, then head of HR told me of my appointment to Senior Manager Organisation International and I have been lucky to have been involved in many of ANZ’s purchases.

Following several years as Group Manager Organisation, I returned to the front line as Zone Chief Manager, Melbourne Central, taking over from Col Edwards and working with guys like David Woods, Eric Grant and Barry Burt to name a few.

Eventually it was time to move on and this turned out to be the most influential move of my career. John McConnell rang me and asked if I was interested in heading up the Pacific Islands for ANZ. The next fourteen years were the most satisfying I had with the Bank. Working in a beautiful part of the world was mostly a pleasure, but developing countries bring challenges that most bankers would never encounter.

As many of you know, Helen and I decided not to return to Australia and have been living in Fiji since I retired. Having said retired, I am now busier than ever. Living in the Pacific has introduced me to other opportunities that I would not have had if I had decided to retire peacefully back to Melbourne.

There is no doubt that working in a diverse organization like ANZ gives you skills and experience that you would be unlikely to learn in a smaller more focused organization.


CEO Shayne Elliott

This is the first time I’ve had the honour of speaking at a retired officer’s club function as CEO …and I’m hoping to get a better reception than I did at the parliamentary inquiry a few months ago…which was also a first. Everybody is here today because you gave significant service to building our company and it’s a great honour for me to be able to help build on your legacy.

Although it seems longer, I’ve only been CEO of ANZ for little less than a year now it’s been an eventful year to say the least. At my first profit result…I had the interesting experience of announcing a fall in profits and a cut to the dividend and watching our share price soar throughout the day. I thought…WOW…this CEO thing is easy!

But despite the short-term confidence boost, I figured driving profits and the dividend down would not be a long-term strategy welcomed by our shareholders…or our retired officers for that matter. However, the share price bump that day was a welcomed reaction to our plan to build a simpler, better performing bank and one that I hope one day will be the best bank in the world.

And despite the significant headwinds we’ve faced this year, I’m proud of what we’ve achieved and I’m particularly pleased with the progress we’ve made to simplify our business. Some of this progress, such as the recent sale of our retail and wealth business in Asia, may be seen as a reversal of our strategy but I don’t really see it that way. I’m a strong believer that for a company to be successful it needs to continually evolve its strategy…and make the tough decisions…to suit the times.

We have been working hard to create a simpler, lower risk and better performing bank for all our stakeholders. As part of this evolution, we are also driving a purpose and values led transformation of the Bank. This priority is not just a response to recent regulatory media and political events but something that we identified as needing change some time before this became such a hot topic.

This is about generating a sustainable company for all shareholders and all stakeholders; a company that is clear on what it stands for and why; a company that is truly able to identify and adapt to change; a company that encourages experimentation, but one that is conservatively set, prudently managed; and a company that is respected by the broader community.

With that let me finish by wishing you and your families a very happy festive season and a successful 2017.


More stories from our ANZROC members about their amusing experiences in ANZ:

Zelda Martin

“I joined the Bank of Australasia in Warrnambool, in 1950. We were very fortunate that the bank had a grass tennis court, which staff were required to mow, and line, and very occasionally allowed to use. Of much more use, was the open fireplace which heated the bank; it was located close to the rear of the teller's box. Of course, if the door of the teller's box was open, customers could see some members of staff toasting crumpets by the fire. This was not appreciated by the manager (known as Sir), but we did manage to keep on toasting on those wet and windy Warrnambool days. As the junior in the branch, I did have to learn about the 'exchanges' which were held in a room at the Commonwealth Bank. The only problem was that Sir considered it unsafe for a female to go to the exchanges by herself, so I was always accompanied by the previous year's junior! Mention of the teller's box reminded me that it was the domain of a very stern gentleman named Eric Marks. He was not impressed by my arithmetic, so each night I went home with long lists of numbers from his Teller Cash Book, for me to practice adding up. To this day, my mental arithmetic is excellent, and I can very quickly add up any list of numbers. Practice brings near perfection! Unfortunately, all good fun had to end; with the merger of the Asia and Union banks, I was transferred to the former Union bank branch.”

Ray Murphy

“What a lovely story about Gavan Ryan and the Scottie Ballarat East you may recall that I have put in my pennyworth about same over the years. Of the 41 years I spent in the Bank that Branch out of 7 Managements it was my favourite 16 years, with 4 years as manager. I remember Kerry Dodds father Les and met Kerry when I returned to Ballarat in 1944 he was well entrenched there then lucky fellow. The Coasts Kerry referred to started in 1949 on the arrival of Gavan from Richmond he had a Box Graham Sedan and the switch off was on Clarks Hill into Dean. Some days we made it to the agency , we had lunch at Wallace then home through Bungaree to Woodman’s Hill where the second switch off was into Victoria St Ballarat. I had to hop out and push, to my knowledge our record was never beaten. In my time our Lydiard St Branch had most of the graziers, exporters, city’s leading business men with 23 hotels on the books, 3 major bread bakers, dairies and the bulk of the potato farmers. We were regarded by the Lydiard St Banks as the foreign legion. I managed that Branch for 3 years in 1944”


At the Christmas Lunch President Eamon Veaney on behalf of the Committee and members awarded Neville Pearson with Life Membership for his outstanding efforts in promoting the Club during his time as President and his ongoing work on the welfare committee. Neville’s response was

“Thanks again for the fantastic Life Member presentation which was a total surprise to me. I was lost for words for a few seconds!!”


David Begg writing from Belmont thanked the President and Committee and especially Kathy Trace for the very kind wishes received for his 87th birthday. It’s a great gesture and David feels that recipients look forward to the card and the regular newsletter like he does.

Ian Cave emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Card. Ian certainly enjoyed renewing his Membership after many years and catching up with past colleagues at the recent AGM and Luncheon. Could not believe the facilities the Staff now have at Docklands and could see a good business opportunity there by way of a Tie Shop (he has a few left from his Bank days) Now looking forward to the forthcoming Xmas Party when Ian is sure many "tall tales and true from the Legendary past" will be told over a convivial lemonade or two.

Serene Cheong emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the lovely birthday card she received last week. Serene had a wonderful lunch at the Balgownie Estate Yarra Valley.

Nola Forsyth wrote to thank the Committee for her birthday card which was greatly appreciated. Nola was reminiscing about the wonderful reunions she had organised in the past for members that had worked in the branches at 351 and 394 Collins Street. Nola regrets that she can no longer organise these get togethers but she would like to hear from any of the members who served in those branches and used to attend the reunions and can be reached on 9830 4501 for a chat.

John Flyger emailed pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace and the ANZROC Committee for their recent birthday card and good wishes for his 82nd.

Ken Girvan emailed to Eamon that the ANZROC Christmas event was a great lunch, and both he and wife Nonie enjoyed catching up with others. Congratulations to you and your team. Enormous effort and done to perfection.

Jack Grant emailed once again a big thank you to Kathy Trace for the timely receipt of his birthday card. Unfortunately, age is catching up with Jack who has felt unwell for some time. After recently spending a month in Cabrini Hospital they found he had an abscess in his right foot, and after an operation, the upshot of this is that Jack cannot put any pressure on his foot for 6 weeks and will be on antibiotics for 18 months to cure the infection. Because of this, Jack will be unable to attend this year’s Christmas Luncheon, which he has always looked forward to. Apart from that, all is well and Jack and Robyn are enjoying living in Berwick and spending time with their daughter-in-law and 3 granddaughters.

Charles Griss emailed his thanks for his Birthday card. Made it to 75! However, Charles is just recovering from Mitral Valve surgery and two bypasses. Cannot recommend it but they told him it was a good idea. Sorry to hear about Garry's wife Dymphna. She visited Charles’s mother regularly. Charles is recovering well now.

Margaret Hall writing for Theo Hall thanked the Committee and Kathy Trace for the birthday card and greetings received for his 85th birthday. They celebrated with a dinner party with the family and it was enjoyed by all. They missed the Christmas lunch but will catch up in the New Year.

Zelda Martin emailed her thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday card and incidentally, she thinks she was the only Honorary Member without an age against her name. Zelda was 84 this year. In reading the thanks to the Welfare Committee in the President's Report, Zelda was reminded of the really great work that Joan Nathan carried out in tracing the location of her Safe Custody package, earlier this year. It was really appreciated, so many thanks to the Welfare Committee members.

John Mangan writing from Kangaroo Flat acknowledged the good wishes received for his 86th birthday. This last 12 months has brought many complaints connected with old age and the long winter. John however is still trying to have a hit of golf but using a golf cart as the days of walking are over.

Gerry McPherson emailed to pass on his sincere thanks to Kathy Trace for the beautiful birthday card, which as usual, arrived right on the day. Gerry likes the new cards, they are most attractive. His son Bruce arrived from Norway again this year, this time to celebrate his 92nd! But he thinks the next eight years will be the hardest! Gerry had a great day, with many messages, cards and calls from family and friends.

Jim Nicolson emailed to pass on to Kathy Trace his thanks, and apologies for the delayed response, for the birthday card which he doesn't doubt arrived on the day.(Jim and wife Hilda were, on the day, on a cruise ship sailing between Rome and Miami).

Geoff Perdriau wishes to thank Kathy and the committee for the recent birthday card which arrived on time as usual! Geoff and his wife were on the last leg of a road trip around NSW on the actual day. They spent a week with friends on the north coast and on the 4000 K's trip visited friends and relatives at various parts of the state. A later celebration was high tea with the family at the Windsor Hotel and later again a trip round the bay on the tall ship "Tenacious".

Jim Potter writing from Sebastopol to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card which was much appreciated. He is over another cold winter in Ballarat and looking forward to the warmer climate. Jim wishes members all the best for the coming festive season.

John Shanahan emailing from Waurn Ponds says thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday card to celebrate a special milestone, which coincides with John’s golden wedding anniversary. It is over 15 years since leaving the Bank and each month’s newsletter brings to mind some great people and times during his career. Life has been good and busy however recent Prostate surgery (all clear/successful) has caused a slight halt to some activities especially bowls. Apart from playing bowls John is heavily involved as Treasurer/Finance and overall administration for the bowling club. With six grandchildren active in sport all year round they are busy supporting them in their individual pursuits which gives John and his wife great enjoyment. A trip per Motorhome to the West has been a highlight this year and their goal is to explore outback QLD/NSW next year to complete the tour of Australia.

Lloyd Zegenhagen emailed to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace. She does an excellent job in sending the birthday cards. In mid December Lloyd and wife Margot will be leaving for Switzerland for a white Christmas. Yes it will be very cold, but being lifelong skiers they are well equipped. Then off to visit some of their favourite skiing resorts, and people, mainly in Switzerland and Austria. A few side excursions are planned for France, Italy and Prague, and then to England to see their daughter and her family. Hopefully after a good holiday they will be home in early February.

AND Murray Abraham, Geoff Archer, Wendy Black, Ken Bleakney, Bob Flinn, Furio Frank, Brock Hagan, Geoff Leslie, Joe Maggiore, Kevin May, Noel McGregor, Alan Misson, Trevor Mudgway, Peter Omond, Geoff Osborne, Alan Panther, Alistair Ruffell, John Saffery, Elaine Schutt, John Stevens, Leon Stewart,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA




The annual get together is on again despite organiser Kevin Mitchell and wife Bernice resettling in Tasmania over January. Kevin and Bernice will be back for Mansfield and there are already 22 regular attendees committed to the getaway at beautiful Mansfield, The annual trip is open to all members/ partners and singles.

The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 20 Feb & Tue 21 Feb 2017.

For more detailed information contact Kevin Mitchell on 0409076201


There has been a really good response to the introduction of invoicing through our new Membership System; however there are a number of subscriptions that are still to be paid.

All paying members, those of us less than 80 years of age, should have received an invoice or statement in October. If you’re a paying member and have not received an invoice or statement, please contact Glyn Parry-Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 0411 256 322.

To avoid the cost to our club of sending out reminders, your prompt payment of any outstanding subscriptions would be appreciated.

(Please note, if you have to pay in through a branch, ensure you enter your membership number in the 'Agent Deposit Reference' field and '60' in the TC field and check that the teller enters these when processing. This will ensure we can match the payment to your account.)


ANZ ROC members are entitled to join the ANZ Staff Club . Membership is $19.50 per year and if you wish to join you should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . All existing ANZ Staff Club VIC retired officer members continue to receive all benefits for the life of their membership.

Membership of the ANZ Staff Club gives you access to a range of special deals and offers via their on line service.


The ANZ Staff Club has partnered with RACV Club, one of the world’s finest lifestyle clubs, to bring ANZ Staff Club members this special offer.

For a limited time, you can enjoy an annual RACV Club Membership for just $365, and a one off joining fee of only $380, a saving of $590**. Plus, Fitness Centre access can be purchased for an additional $530*.

RACV Club membership gives you exclusive access to both City Club at 501 Bourke Street and Healesville Country Club, located in heart of the Yarra Valley.

RACV Club members receive an exclusive 50%* discount on RACV Resort accommodation all year round at any of RACV’s eight resorts located throughout Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania.

RACV Club membership benefits include:

· Access to accommodation, dining & bar facilities, spa treatment, conference and event facilities at both City Club and Healesville facilities

· Ability to host and sponsor guests within the Club

· Access to more than 160 reciprocal clubs

· Great value RACV Club tours & travel

· Free Fitness Centre access after five years continuous Club Membership

· Access to 18-hole golf course and pro-shop at Healesville Country Club

· Special member rates for car parking at the City Club To join or book a Club tour, contact Joe La Ferlita on 03 9944 8708 or via email.


Barry Rogers

He can be contacted on  phone number 98863032 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


March 9th Woodend

April 20th ANZAC Commemoration at Greensborough RSL on changed date of 20th April 2017

May 11th Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal 100 Queen Street



Ken Pattison has arranged for Don McQueen five time winner of the Victorian Bush Poet of the Year Award and a cricketing tragic to take us through a few of his famous bush ballads and talk about his experiences with cricket .

You can read about Don on his website

“Don McQueen brings our nation's greatest writers and poets to life.

Don McQueen's Bush Poetry recitals have become a feature of many guest speaking engagements throughout Australia. He has been acclaimed as the Bush Poet of the Year now on five different occasions.

Don's passion for Australian history and poetry recitals have given rise to his invitations to perform at Australia Day, Anzac Day, ceremonies Conferences, Dinners, and other celebratory events for some years now. His involvement in Community affairs is widely known and in 2006 was awarded an Australia day Citizen of the Year Award by the Shire of Murrindindi.

He is a Life Member of the both the Old Haileyburians Amateur Football Club and the Camberwell Cricket Club. His love of Australian Bush Poetry is shared by his love for the game of cricket”

Being the first meeting for 2017 this is considered to be a special meeting and we would like to see support from members to enjoy meeting the fun and catch up with ANZROC friends and colleagues.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members ARE invited that day.

Please note that the luncheon fee has increased to $15.00 for 2017 in view of the ever increasing cost of catering and will be collected at the door to partially cover the costs.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone , e-mail or by post on the attached acceptance notice, address below, by Friday 3rd February to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144.

By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter November 2016


Please click here to read the reformatted November 2016 newsletter


Eamon Veaney Vicky Genius John Brown 
9 Mollison Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056
Abbotsford 3067 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151
Ph 94212830 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ron Adams Glyn Parry-Jones
PO Box 579, PO Box 503
Malvern, 3144  Mt Martha
 Ph 98210444 Ph 0411256322
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)
Ken Crawford (Ph 0439432280)





Newly elected President Eamon Veaney welcomed 44 members and partners to the ANZ CENTRE AT 833 Collins Street Docklands for our 42nd Annual General Meeting. The attendance of partners was welcomed and several attendees mentioned how much they enjoyed the facilities at ANZ Centre in Docklands so our Committee that arranges the venues each year will consider further luncheons at Docklands.

Members not seen for some time included Ian Cave for his first meeting, Wolf Damschitz back from his travels, John Inglis, Sandra Joseph after knee surgery, Jack Lepedjian, Rodney Manser, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson and Mary Nicolazzo for her first meeting. The relaxing atmosphere and the outlook over Docklands made for a very pleasant afternoon.

The changes of personnel after the AGM are listed in the AGM report later in this newsletter.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney and John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Ainscough, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , Wendy Black, Diane Carew, Robin Chase, Brian Christensen, Bill Collins, Chris Corry, Linda Davidson, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Carl Garley, Neil Gladstone, Charles Griss, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Hartley Hodgson, Doug Imrie, Des Johnson, Peter Keating, Graeme King, John McPhee, Kevin Mitchell, Alan Pearce, Ron Phillips , Alan Podger, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Joe Romano, Ivan St Clair, John Toner, Rose Virgona, Glenda White, Carole Whiting, Julie Wilkins,


Barker Ms. J.L. (Joan) 25 years ANZ

Leonard Geoffrey (Geoff) 25 years ANZ

Malone Ms. Suzelle 21 years ANZ

Parker Ms. Leanne 19 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Joan, Geoff, Suzelle and Leanne at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Howden T.R. (Ralph) 92 years 23/10/2016

Ralph commenced employment with the Bank of Australasia in 1948 and retired from ANZ after 36 years with both banks. Ralph served in the RAAF enlisting in August 1943 and on discharge in July 1946 was Leading Aircraftman at RAAF Headquarters.

Tulen J.M. (John) 82 years 15/10/2016

John was a regular correspondent to our ANZROC newsletters. Honorary Member Jack Moyle said John was his accountant in ES&A Bank and felt that John was Manager Werribee on retirement

.John spent the later years of his retirement in Hastings to be near family.

Dymphna Mason, Gary’s wife, passed away peacefully on October 23rd. A private Catholic graveside burial is to be held at Shepparton.

Members at the meeting stood for a few moments in remembrance of Ralph, John and Dymphna and our condolences are sent to their families and friends.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during NOVEMBER 2016 and we

pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Frank Attard (81), Brian Christensen

(83), Brian Farrell (88), John Flyger (82), Theo Hall (85), Frank Hatfield (85), Keith Higgs (82), Eric Lean

(94), John Mangan (86), Zelda Martin, Gerry McPherson (92), Geoff Perdriau (80), Jim Potter (86),

Don Ranyard (86), Arthur Vale (86), Neil Warne (80).


From 1/11/2016

Less than $20,000 1.03%

Greater than $20,000 1.32%


More stories from our ANZROC members about their experiences in ANZ:

Jeffrey Cox

Jeffrey was recently asked by John Brown if he still had the MG A that he bought while at Mt Waverley Branch. Jeffrey’s response “It was actually a 1972 yellow MG B and unfortunately I sold it when we went to Japan in 1974. It was one of the last to be built in Australia and I got a few hundred more for it than we paid for it. My wife Alison was pregnant when we came back so no more sports cars I’m afraid. I still love cars and have the rare distinction of having been booked for speeding in 11 countries. It would have been 12 but the Nepali policeman thought my (the bank’s) black Landcruiser was part of the royal fleet. There were 3 black Landcruisers in Nepal when I was there, the king had 2 and I had the other one but at no stage did I think I was I driving dangerously. It’s just that, in my opinion, the speed limits didn’t suit the conditions at the time…….

My involvement with ANZ started at a very early age. In the late forties when I was about 5, my grazier uncle took me with him when he had a meeting with his bank manager in the small western district town of Casterton. The meeting soon adjourned to the pub next door so the manager made sure the open fire was burning safely, sat me up in his chair and told me I was in charge of the bank. This prospect was so daunting to a 5 year old that it wasn’t long before I had to find a toilet. There were no pot plants in offices in those days so I had no alternative but to douse the fire. When they returned they were greeted by the damp dying embers and an unpleasant smell.

The fire theme continued when some years later I joined ANZ Ballarat as my first job was to cut a pile of wood for the manager’s wife who lived above the premises. My second job was to clean out the strong room. This obviously hadn’t been done for a very long time because on top of the main safe, I found a packet of dusty .45 calibre bullets. After this period of extensive training I became batching clerk at the bank’s Ballarat West sub-branch situated across the road from the Base Hospital. We serviced it each day from the main branch by taking up all the cash in a tray. On top of the tray was a .45 calibre pistol. My mate Geoff Leslie had a 1948 MG TC in those days so I convinced him we should leave a little earlier, take the hood off and travel up via Victoria park - so I could fire off a few of the dusty rounds at unsuspecting crows. We didn’t hit any crows but we had a lot of fun.

Kerry Dodds

In the late 1950’s my brother commenced work at the ES&A Ballarat East branch. The manager at the time was Gavan Ryan. Gavan was without doubt the most notable Bank Manager in Ballarat and the fact that ES&A Ballarat East was three times the size of any other bank in Ballarat East was a testament to his skills. In that era three agencies were operated at Dean, Bungaree and Wallace. At the Dean Agency my brother’s duties were mainly to fetch golf balls that Gavan and/or a client had belted down the road outside the Agency. On the journey between agencies there was a favourite section where the ignition of the car would be switched off and a rolling distance would be measured. Occasionally my brother would have to get out and push the car the last few yards to “break the record”. I recall the car was a Vauxhall.

On one occasion I was with my parents when my brother had to be picked up after work. Whilst waiting outside the bank I noticed someone walking along the top of the very high old bank. When my brother came out it turned out it was the Boss (Gavan Ryan) cleaning something out of the spouting. No safety equipment in those days. I was in Ballarat for 28 years from1970 on and the Ryan name came up consistently and probably still does.

ANZROC 42nd Annual General Meeting

The 42nd Annual General Meeting was held during the monthly luncheon and the minutes of the 41st Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 12th November 2015 were confirmed. Peter Pritchard presented his President’s Report 2015/2016.which is included later in this report. The Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2016 was presented and accepted. Subscription fees for the year 2016-17 were maintained at current levels of $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

In view of the fact that sufficient nominations were received to fill all positions the following were appointed as Office Bearers and Committee for year 2015-2016.


President Eamon Veaney

Immediate Past President Peter Pritchard

Vice President Noel Beanland

Secretary Vicky Genius,

Newsletter Editor/ Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer Glyn Parry-Jones

Committee George Cooper, Ken Crawford, Wolf Damschitz Carl Garley, Con La Fauci, Gary Mason, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, Ken Pattison, Kathy Trace.

Membership Officer John Brown

Auditor Norris Gale

The committee welcomes Eamon Veaney as President for 2016/17, while John Brown has taken up the role of Membership Officer to manage the changes to membership and the transition of our records to the new MYOB system which is now fully operational. Taking over the role of Treasurer is Glyn Parry-Jones. Norris Gale is now Auditor following the passing during the year of Alan Forrest.

Further appointments for Senior Vice President and Vice President will be finalised at the Committee Meeting to be held in February.

This year we say goodbye to two Past Presidents and Life Members Kevin Mitchell, relocating to Tasmania and John McPhee spending more time travelling and family commitments. As reported in the September newsletter our long time Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic retired after more than 20 years of sterling service to ANZROC members.


It is my pleasure to present the annual report of ANZROC.

The year has been an eventual and pleasurable year with interesting guest speakers plus suburban and country social meetings providing a variety of venues, thus enabling members who cannot participate at city venues to enjoy fellowship in a local setting.

Our Regular monthly newsletters are very popular to members enabling all to keep in contact with former colleagues. We are indebted to our editor Ron Adams, who has done a sterling job in producing the newsletter.

ANZROC’s Website has been in operation now for nearly 6 years. We also have an ANZROC Facebook page. Most of our members are now on email so the combination of the ANZROC’s website and

Facebook page is a great way of keeping in touch with each other. We encourage all Members and their families to catch up with what we are doing via these Social Media channels. Eamon Veaney our Senior Vice President and web master has done a great job and we thank him for his work.

Our Secretary Vicky Genius has looked after the administration of the club and has handled this function with flair.

Our Social Committee (Noel Beanland, John McPhee, Kevin Mitchell, Joan Nathan, Ken Pattison, Neville Pearson, Wolf Damschitz and Kathy Trace) have as usual provided excellent service. Our welcome team (George Cooper, Ken Crawford, Con La Fauci and Ken Pattison) ensure that members are welcomed at meetings.

Last year our 2015 Christmas Luncheon at the Arts Centre was well attended with 282 members and bank guests enjoying the opportunity to get together. ANZ guests included Shayne Elliott, Graham Hodges, Gilles Plante, Susie Babani and Alistair Currie. We are indebted to the Bank for their most generous financial support to ANZROC. At our Christmas luncheon Shayne Elliott, responded to the toast to ANZ given by Doug Watson.

Queen Street meetings have remained popular with a wide range of interesting guest speakers.

This year suburban and country lunch meetings were held at RSL Greensborough, Mulgrave Country Club and Geelong.

Our Welfare Committee (Ken Crawford, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, and Kathy Trace) has been extremely busy and we thank them for their work

Birthday cards are sent to all members (which always arrive on the day), Christmas cards to members over 90 years, and visiting members as needed.

We also included obituary notices in the Sun Herald for deceased members.


Remains strong with 20 new members this year. Regrettably during the year some 17 members passed away. Can you please pause to remember them?


The club is in good financial position thanks to the great work of our treasurer John Brown. Member’s subscriptions and Bank subsidy allow us to provide the resources to enable the club to function. We also acknowledge the late Alan Forrest for his role as auditor and Norris Gale for accepting the committee’s invitation to take over the role for the remainder of 2016.

We have also had a small group (John Brown, Carl Garley, Eamon Veaney and Glyn Parry-Jones) working to bring our new Membership Management and Accounting System on line.

I would also like to pay tribute to the retirement of our Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic after more than 20 years’ service looking after the clubs records.


For me, it has been a great honour and pleasure to serve, and I thank all the committee members for their contribution. On my and your behalf, I invite you to show our appreciation and thanks to the committee, for the achievements and results attained during the past year.

Peter Pritchard


Our resident poet Neville Pearson has penned a short poem noting the retirement of our

Life Member and Past President Kevin Mitchell about to relocate to Tasmania:

In appreciation of Kevin and Bernice

Mitch and Bernice are moving to the Apple Isle

And with them goes their infectious smile

I am sure the family in Tasmania will be jumping for joy

For the love and laughter you have imparted since you were a young boy

Kevin and Bernice are leaving in December this year

The ANZROC club will save a fortune on beer

Who will take over the role of joke maker extraordinaire?

It has the committee shaking their heads in despair

I am sure visitors will be most welcome as they have always been

A more lovable couple I have never seen

Thanks Mitch for a career that gave joy to so many

Spontaneous and clever and did not cost us a penny

From all the members of the ANZROC club

We will enjoy visiting you and Bernice at the local Tasmanian pub

I speak on behalf of all the members and the committee

You are most welcome to join us when in Melbourne City

Love and best wishes from all committee and members of ANZROC


Murray Abraham now at 90 years of age phoned to let me know he had relocated to Ashburton after almost 12 months in hospital and rehab following an extended bout of chemotherapy but he said his health is much improved and he is looking forward to a better 2017.

John Carrazza emailed to send special thanks to the president and committee of the ANZ retired officers club and to Kathy Trace for the Birthday acknowledgement. Since leaving the bank in 1997 John is still working as an estate agent.

Committeeman and Life member George Cooper emailed to thank the Committee for his Birthday card for his 87th birthday which arrived 1 day ahead. With current postal deliveries timing must be very difficult for Kathy Trace.

Kerry Dodds writing from Warrenheip says thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings and especially for the time and effort she contributes. It is a busy time of the year in Ballarat. He has just returned from the annual trout fishing trip at Dartmouth and is on his way to Geelong for the Caravan and Camping shows with Ray Watson at Gateway. Kerry was writing this note while supervising Year 12 students sitting end of year exams. The winters fly by as two sons still play football in the Central Highlands League but for different teams so when they play each other he is not sure which team to support. With 6 grandchildren now the baby sitting has escalated. They are all very active and when they are together the noise level is amazing. Kerry considers himself fortunate that he is still fit enough to still play competition singles tennis matches.

Phil Dunstan emailed his thanks for the newsletter again, which is always welcomed, and thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Card which actually arrived a couple of days early this year (Aust Post delivery vagaries are difficult to anticipate!!) Phil is an apology for the November meeting as he will be motoring to Brisbane to catch up with elder Son and Grandkids. Having just returned from a trip to Austria, Switzerland, and Germany he is having a little difficulty in getting the feet back on the ground. It helps though to read of other Retired Officers and their various activities. Each day of the trip seemed to have a higher highlight than the previous day and Phil was quite lucky with good sunny weather when hitting the very spectacular Austrian Tyrol and the Swiss Alps. Enjoying a relaxing luncheon of Swiss bakery items and a large beer on the balcony of the hotel in Zermatt with the sun shining on the Matterhorn was pretty close to heaven. Working out in the gym on the top floor of the hotel in St. Moritz with a postcard view took all the hard work out of the workout. Stuttgart, which was the major purpose of the trip, with a visit to Mercedes Benz was another thing altogether with the chance to spend a day on a disused airport having "fun" with several latest models - you can't take the toy out of the boy – Phil still enjoys a bit of spirited motoring, whenever possible. Best wishes to all for the forthcoming festive season.

Frank Hatfield emailed a note to express his thanks for the birthday wishes received on the occasion of his 85th from the President, Committee, Members and Kathy Trace. Both Frank and wife Joan are keeping reasonably good health and have been able to have couple of short breaks away, one to Tower hill, near Warrnambool and the other to Mulwala, NSW. They are hopeful of having more short holidays in the not too distant future.

Mike Henry emailed to say thanks again to Kathy Trace for ensuring his 70th Birthday Card arrived on time. He celebrated by having an intimate family and friends gathering at his son’s home in Mordialloc. 3 schoolmates attended. They still get together each year 54 years after leaving school. Mike had the distinction this year to be one of four inductees into the Silesian College Hall of Fame. His banking career was partly instrumental in this achievement. Mike still occupies his time with volunteer driving, golfing, running trivia nights, grand child sitting, gardening, leisurely walking and regular umpiring fraternity luncheons. Life is good!

Rolf Loebert emailed from Drouin to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for his birthday card which was appreciated.

Roche Manuel emailed that he had just received the wonderful card and thank you very much for making his day. It is amazing that Kathy Trace keeps up to what can only be described as a mammoth task. Usually these days’ birthday greetings take place on Face Book or Email and it is refreshing to get a Card. Roche hopes that doesn’t change at ANZROC. Roche says thanks once again to President Peter, Other Members and especially Kathy.

Emilio Moreno emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the committee for the kind wishes received for his birthday. Congratulations to Eamon Veaney on his new reformatted monthly newsletter, great job Eamon. !! Emilio will be at the Christmas lunch.

Alan Ryan writing from Warragul sends his thanks for the birthday card that arrived on his birthday. Alan has arrived at advanced middle age at 80. He has been in Warragul for43 years and still runs his beef cattle. He has been to USA again this year to visit their daughter in Los Angeles and they detoured to Europe to do the river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam. A great cruise.

Dieter Telburn emailing from Peregian Beach said he had just read in the newsletter of the sad news that Pete Bromilow has passed away at such a young age. It caused memories to flood back of happy times spent together in the mid-sixties in the Victorian Branch Securities Department of the ES&A Bank. They were fun days not just at work but also socially. Dieter had his first sail on Pete’s Quickcat catamaran 'Cheri', and he fell in love with catamaran sailing. Dieter has sailed one or the other ever since and still owns one. Dieter and wife Dagmar were at his 21st Birthday party were they also met Peter’s siblings Marg and John. A little later Peter’s wife Sandra came onto the scene, and altogether they had skiing weekends at Buller. Dieter also fondly remembers all of them having Easter 1967 at Summerlands cottages in Phillip Island (They have since been replaced by the Penguin Parade complex.) Again, Dieter fell in love with Phillip Island and bought a holiday house. They still have a house there which is used when they come to Victoria. Dieter still remembers that he and Pete set off in the morning to go spear fishing for their lunch, and then getting sprung by the girls buying hamburgers (on Good Friday!) at the kiosk as they had not caught any sizable fish. Dagmar and Dieter had just bought a house in a new subdivision in Melbourne so it became the place to party (no kids yet) for the Branch Department gang ; sometimes all night followed by a cricket match in the empty street at 5am only to be interrupted by the horse drawn milk delivery cart.

Sandra's brother worked in Papua New Guinea and kept telling Pete how good life was there for an expatriate, and he encouraged Pete to ask the bank for a transfer. He got one and they finished up in Boroko, and unfortunately Dieter and Dagmar lost touch with the Bromilows.

He now wonders who finished up with the red MG TC Pete owned; if it is still on the road it will be worth a fortune. May be their mate car enthusiast John White got it, he was a junior in Staff Department then but finished up as GM Personnel in the ANZ.

Those were some of the best times in Dieter’s banking career, and Pete was a big part of it.

Kelvin Tyler emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the ANZ ROC Committee for the lovely card sent to him on his recent 80th birthday.

Bill Walker emailed to say many thanks to all those involved, for the kind birthday wishes. Another year under the belt without any great mishap. Bill says that like so many ex colleagues he looks forward to digesting the monthly newsletter generally, and particularly to follow the exploits of others.. Unfortunately Bill and wife Maureen’s travelling days are over, so he has nothing to contribute in that regard, except to say, ‘ do it while you can’.

Doug Watson emailed his appreciation for the very special ANZROC card for that day when he arrived in this world. Doug’s daughter Catriona is having a baby so wife Maureen and Doug will soon be jetting off to Seattle the land of Boeing, Microsoft and Amazon to be with her in hi- tech land. Sadly that means they will miss a number of ANZROC functions including the AGM and the retired officers Christmas lunch in particular.

Mike Whitmore wrote to pass on his sincere thanks for the Birthday Card which arrived spot on time. Special thanks especially to Kathy Trace for such a wonderful effort that she puts in each year.

AND John Burke, Len Carr, Jeffrey Cox, Norm Dibbin, Steve Duke, Jan Findlay, Neil Harnwell, Elaine Haw, Martin Hayden, Terry Heenan, Doug Imrie, Malcolm James, Jo Karaoutsadis ,Norm Kearns, Peter Lees , Julian Lineham, Frank Marzin, Maurice McGrath, Bruce Morley, Geoff Osborne, Tony Palmer, Ian Peterkin, Dick Sanders, John Shanahan, Lloyd Zegenhagen,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



Barry Rogers In 1999, after being pensioned off in 1996, reported that he answered an advert in the ANZROC newsletter for a bookkeeper for a local (Springvale) solicitor. He thought the part-time job would serve him for a couple of years until he retired fully and was pleased when accepted. Well, seventeen years later, Barry has finally decided to retire fully, and his boss has asked how he would go about advertising in the newsletter for a replacement.

Barry won’t go into full details of the position at this time, but if any retired officer is interested in working approx. 16 hours over two/ three days a week, he can be contacted on 98663032.


From 1 October this year, the way in which ANZROC’s membership records and accounts are managed has changed, with a number of benefits for both members and elected office-bearers.

All records are being transferred to a secure, on-line database which provides many additional management and communication options.

Individual subscription invoices have been emailed/mailed to members over the past two weeks advising the amount due and the preferred methods of payment. Honorary members (80+ years of age) and Life Members will not receive an Invoice or Statement.

ANZROC GOLF DAY – Rosebud Country Club that was - due to be held on Friday 25th November 2016 HAS BEEN CANCELLED

We only received 17 entries for the ANZROC spring competition and that was below the 24 needed to secure our corporate booking.

Huck Bourke and several of our golfing members are formulating a questionnaire which will be circulated over the following three months asking members that have previously been involved in tournaments at Traralgon, Rosebud and the autumn tournaments a few years ago to let us know what is needed to draw the golfers back to ANZROC events.

ANZ Staff Club

ANZ Retired staff is eligible for membership of the ANZ Staff Club and the annual fee to be a ANZ Staff Club retired officer member has been reduced to $19-50. The Staff Club still offers a great range of products and accommodation to members, together with regular bulletins on special deals and products that are available, Membership can be very worthwhile and a look at their website will give you more information. Web address is as follows:


9th February 2017 meeting 34th Floor .100 Queen Street

9th March 2017 Country visit to Woodend

13th April 2017 ANZAC Commemoration. visit to Greensborough RSL




The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Bob Lyon. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire. The cost to members of the function is $30.00 which is heavily subsidised by the Bank.

While the total numbers are limited to 300 we already have 165 paid acceptances and with the cut off date earlier this year at 24th November we suggest those that are planning to attend get their acceptances in now,

Also as Cut-off date for acceptances 24 November 2016 , refunds will only be paid if cancellations are advised prior to this date as we are committed to pay the full amount for the luncheon for all bookings made at that date.

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

* If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

* If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

* If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to: Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ken can also be contacted on 0439 432 280.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Ken Crawford at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $30.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 no later than by 30




Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.

04108 136 100

Newsletter October 2016


Please click here to read the reformatted October 2016 Newsletter


Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




President Peter Pritchard welcomed 51 members and partners to the GEELONG MEETING at “Jokers” in Ryrie Street. Local members in attendance included Robin Chase with wife Dorothy, Gordon Christensen, Geoff and Lesley Cook, Bill and Judy Davies, our newest members Ken Girvan and wife Nonie and Graham Heenan with wife Pam while Clive Hewett and wife Faye arrived from Warrnambool.

Members and partners not seen for some time included Irene Bettonvil; Aldo Faella now active again after surgery with wife Karen, and our returning committee members Peter Pritchard with wife Maree, Treasurer John Brown and Auditor Norris Gale with wife Judy. Having our partners present made for a very pleasant afternoon and the venue was ideal.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Will Bailey, Graeme Baldwin, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Diane Carew, Brian Christensen, Ken Crawford, Brian Crittle, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Val Goldsworthy, Charles Griss, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Darrell Hodges , Lindsay Iliff, Doug Imrie, Des Johnson, Sandra Joseph, Peter Keating, Gary Mason, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Joan and Ken Nathan, Glyn Parry-Jones, Neville Pearson, Ron Phillips , Graeme Randall, George Thomas, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Hello all,

Having returned from two months away in Brisbane then California, Canada and Alaska I had to face the cold and rain of Melbourne. Despite this it is good to be back on home soil.

Our Geelong lunch meeting on 13 October 2016 was well attended with over 50 present. It was good to see a number of locals in attendance. The venue, food and company were excellent, and all had a good time.

The year is fast coming to a close. Our final meeting for 2016 is the AGM to be held TUESDAY 8th November 2016 at 833 Collins Street, Docklands. Note the change of date and venue. I hope to see as many as possible attending. The numbers are restricted to 60 so get in early and book your attendance. If you would like to nominate for a committee position, the details are in the newsletter.

Finally, our Christmas Luncheon on 8 December 2016 commencing 11.30 am at the Pavilion, Victorian Arts Centre St Kilda Road Melbourne. Full details are in the newsletter including how to book. A special invitation is extended to our newer members to attend this luncheon. You won’t be disappointed. Please ensure that you book early as we are restricted to a maximum of 300.

This will be my final Presidents Pen. My term as President concludes at the AGM. It has been an honour and privilege over the past two years to have the opportunity to serve. I particularly wish to thank our hard working committee for making the task so much easier.

Hope to see you soon at one of our functions. Cheers.

Peter Pritchard 0418 149 394


Corry Christopher (Chris) 26 years ANZ

Dharann Viji 32 years ANZ

Girvan K.C. (Ken) 32 years ANZ

Guminski Richard 20 years ANZ

Nicolazzo Ms. Mary 20 years ANZ

Snowden J.G. (John) 20 years ANZ

Willard R.T. (Rod) 24 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Chris, Viji, Ken, Richard, Mary, John and Rod at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Thomas W.G. (Warren) 20/6/2016 64 years

Warren joined ES&A Balwyn at the age of 16 and at the merger moved to Glen Waverley. He was drafted into the Army during the closing stages of the Vietnam War but the end came before he had to join the forces in Vietnam. After serving in branches Warren transferred to Travel for the next 10 years and was then appointed as Manager Moorabbin East leaving ANZ after 30 years. Warren then spent time employed in the building industry and Australia Post until retirement. Warren was a very keen follower of AFL Club St Kilda and was sent a Certificate acknowledging 51 years of Club membership which unfortunately arrived shortly after his passing.

Don Davy wrote to say that Lawrie Foord was a wonderful help to Don, Dick Barry, Ian Davies, the late John Duke, John Crough and Geoff Ridgway when they were actively involved in the rationalisation of ANZ branches in Collins Street and the establishment of the ANZ building at 55 Collins Street in the late 70’s. At the time Lawrie was in charge of the very large Ledger Department at 388 Collins Street when the businesses of 394 Collins Street and Stock Exchange Branch (351 Collins Street) were integrated into the Gothic Bank at 388 Collins Street. Lawrie was outstandingly helpful with the merger of the Ledger Department functions and the associated complexities of merging large corporate files.

Ray Gill emailed to say he was very sorry to hear about Lawrie Foord he was a former Brother in Law of ANZROC member Bernie Atkinson.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during OCTOBER 2016 and we

pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Graeme Baldwin (85), David Begg

(87), Fred Campbell (84), Harry Carrodus (88), Ray Dedleffs (86), Len Donohue (83), Ian Fulton

(82), John Harrison (80), Adrian Henning (80), Ken Howell (89), Max McKoy (93), Ian

McRobinson (81), Jim Nicolson (88), Des Rittman (87), Neil Robinson (81), Wayne

Routledge (81), Alan Ryan (80), Thomas Taylor (89), Kelvin Tyler (80), Bill Walker (81),

Mike Whitmore (87), Eric Williams (96).


From 1/10/2016

Less than $20,000 1.04%

Greater than $20,000 1.33%


Another story from our ANZROC members about their amusing experiences in ANZ :


The manager of a Scottie branch in Gippsland fired up his small boat one Sunday with the happy purpose of a day’s fishing. At day’s end the manager was unable to “inspire” the engine to turn over, thus he spent the night on the water. The following morning the accountant opened the branch doors and retrieved other keys from the other banks in town allowing the strong room to be opened and the day’s trading to begin. Following regulations the accountant telephoned Melbourne Head Office and reported the Manager’s absence. Later in the morning the manager was able to reach the shore safely. He telephoned Melbourne H.O. and was advised the Chief Inspectors Department required a full report of the incident a.s.a.p. The manager dispatched the report as requested. A reply from Melbourne H O acknowledged receipt of the report but requested more information. The manager somehow obliged with minor details. Another request arrived from HO asking for further information. The manager’s response brought closure to this matter by writing something like “Dear Sir, regarding your letter of the….ult, as far as I know only one Man has ever walked on water. Yours ….”


One of our newer members Mike Aranha talking with an old cricket team member from yesteryear, felt it might be plausible to organize a reunion in 2017 of ex Zedders that played in the various sporting teams. ANZ had a proud tradition, in their sporting prowess, with a number of die-hards participating in several sports, via the sponsorship from HQ/Social club and the unforgettable Wagga Weekends. At one stage there were 49 teams, playing for the Zedders in basketball and netball, tournaments, in Metro Melbourne every week. Other sports were rowing, squash, soccer, indoor cricket, boat racing, indoor bowls, lawn bowls at Wagga Wagga.

Neville “Birdie” Pearson agreed it would be wonderful to get a group of the past players of the different sports together .Neville with Brian Christensen, Bill Jackson and others have the support of Albert Park Football Club with whom ANZ Football club merged some years ago and run a past players day of the ANZ Football club each year. Around 20 to 30 attend the reunion. Neville played competition for the ANZ FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, TENNIS, BADMINTON AND SQUASH teams. He was fortunate enough to play in a winning grand Final team in each of the sports. Neville also rowed for ANZ in the annual interbank carnival on the Yarra without success and was a member of the committee/president of some of the clubs.

To gauge the level of interest of members who would like to be involved in the planning of such a reunion contact Mike or Neville on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. which will allow them to set up a team to consider the value of holding a reunion and organise suitable timing and location of venues in 2017.


Graeme Ainscough wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes he received for his 80th birthday. Graeme’s wife June and daughter Carol planned to hold the celebrations on the day of the AFL bye during the football finals and 30 friends and family from Melbourne, country and interstate turned up in fancy dress. It was a great day. June and Graeme then hosted a family dinner for 8 at Bentleigh RSL the sponsors of his beloved Cheltenham Baseball team. Not a good year for the A team however missing the finals for the first time since 2013 although 4 key younger players headed off to USA mid season.

Mike Aranha emailed to report that his birthday card arrived on 26th September , after a long journey, firstly postmarked 18th Sept, followed by a postmark on the back of the envelope dated 21st Sept (his birthday) , in FINLEY, NSW ! There is no doubt Kathy Trace is not at fault. Mike has asked AUS-POST to TRACE the reason for their tardiness. Thanks to Kathy and ANZROC community for the kind thoughts.

Dave Brookman writing from Mornington said he would like to express his appreciation for the Happy Birthday card recently received. He thanked Kathy Trace for her splendid efforts in maintaining records and dispatching cards to reach their destinations on time. Dave’s 93rd birthday was celebrated amongst family and friends with the appropriate refreshments.

Muriel Drummond wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee for special birthday greetings which were much appreciated. Looking back over the years it is hard to believe that Muriel joined the Bank of Australasia in wartime and was lucky enough to work in the CEO’s office until she retired- starting with A.R.L. Wiltshire. Muriel saw many changes. So many familiar names in the June newsletter and she sends her regards to all.

Ken Fitzgerald wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the kind birthday wishes he received for his 88th birthday. The new card is bright and impressive. Ken says the greetings and wishes are always uplifting as is the monthly newsletter. Things have been fairly quiet over the past 12 months although he reported that a further two great grand children have been added to the Fitzgerald clan. That makes 8 now but only 2 Fitzgerald boys to keep the line going. Ken hopes to catch up with friends and colleagues at the Christmas lunch as he missed the lunch last year.

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed to say she would be returning from Adelaide on the day of the October meeting after visiting her aged mother and attending the ES&A reunion luncheon in Adelaide on 12 Oct. There will be some folk there who she has not seen for some 40+ years. Having a look at the suggested 2017 program Teresa believes it is a good mix of city, suburban venues and understands that the cost of city venues is becoming prohibitive. Thank you for the work the committee put into this club for all our benefit. Stan Halbish wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the best wishes he received for his recent birthday.

Frank Hatfield emailed that with Western Bulldogs premiership win they are calling Robert Murphy "the unluckiest man in football". The same could be said about his great friend and ANZROC member Roy Harper. Roy played football for Footscray in the early '50s after transferring from Sandringham. He had a knee injury that kept him out of Footscray's 1954 premiership team. The full story of Roy can be found on the web site www.theNewDaily under their "sport" heading.

Louis Hebrard emailed to thank the Committee for the birthday card. Celebrations started with a great breakfast in beautiful Guernsey. Louis and wife Ann then caught the ferry to Saint Malo, France, where Ann had ordered a special 7 course dinner. It was a very memorable day.

There are more celebrations lined up for his 70th and Louis is looking forward to it all.

Life is good and fortunately he is keeping well.

Lindsay Iliff one of our newest members reports that he likes the ANZROC Newsletter, with some good reading and believe it or not he actually knew some of the folk mentioned in articles and photos. Also tells me he will be overseas travelling South America (Chile; Argentina; Brazil; Peru and Ecuador) and then onto Cuba during the October and November meeting dates.

Larry James emailed his thanks for the birthday card which continues to arrive on time. What a splendid card we get now. Larry’s day was spent opening up ballot papers for one of the voluntary organisations that he works for and after 3 hours it was time for lunch – and a glass of red. This year he spent a holiday in USA riding steam trains and visiting a number of the film studios in Hollywood. Such a great place but it was very hot and also in the midst of the election process. You couldn’t escape it as the various launch nights were covered by up to 8 TV stations on the night. Golden Days Community Radio still keeps Larry very busy and out of trouble and this year he has become more involved with the Theatre Organ Society of Victoria on their concert committee. There’s never a dull moment.

Carol Jukes emailed her thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday card. Carol had a lovely day celebrating her birthday and another friend’s birthday at “Gingerboy” in the city with some of their friends. Food was delicious and the staff even put candles in their sweets so that they could sing Happy Birthday.

Bruce Kells emailed thanks again for the timely birthday wishes from Kathy Trace on behalf of ANZROC. The day was celebrated quietly with family as it was not a "Special" birthday. Life continues much the same as usual but age seems to be now recognized. Bruce has just relinquished a treasurer’s position, as exANZers seem to get, after 16 years service and his term as secretary of their Owners Corporation ends after 5 years at the next AGM in late October. Bruce continues to be involved on ANZROC meeting days so is looking forward to the Xmas breakup. Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes once again, and he hopes they continue for many years to come.

Ian McRobinson emailed to thank Kathy Trace and President Peter and other committee members for the good wishes received on the occasion of his recent birthday. As mentioned by other retired officers’ receipt of the Card is most welcome as are the good wishes and thoughts that accompany it. The new card design is also a winner. Ian enjoys receiving the News Letter and catching up on the news from other retired former work colleagues. Ian’s major news item for the year is that wife Mel had a heart attack earlier this year whilst Ian was at a night football match. Fortunately she was able to contact other family members who quickly organised an ambulance. The ambos were wonderful, providing immediate medical attention ahead of transporting Mel to Cabrini Hospital where a team had been assembled to commence surgery and heart repair. Thankfully all went well and Mel is now home and on the road to recovery although there is still some residual damage/artery issue which may require further attention. They are full of praise for the medical and nursing staff at Cabrini and believe if anyone has a heart issue that Cabrini is the place to go for assistance.

Maggie Murray writing from Mortlake sent her thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday card which arrived on time as always.

Jill Paterson emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the very modern birthday card. Jill is not counting them any more. It was so sad to learn of Lawrie Foord’s death. They had some happy memories of times in Ledger Contact at 388 Collins Street which Jill will always remember. Those were the days!

Alan Pearce emailed to extend his thanks to Kathy Trace for her great efforts in handling the birthday greetings to members, and the ANZROC members for their birthday wishes again this year. Kathy does a sterling job and her efforts are greatly appreciate Unfortunately on this occasion, no doubt due to the “the efforts put into improvements to AusPost profits this year”, (as those improvements did not extend to their service), the poor “delivery system” fell apart or our mail contractor went to sleep, and the card did not arrive until some six days after the event. Still better late than never! The huge increase in costs that AusPost placed on its customers in July has done nothing to improve its service, which if anything has gone from bad to worse in a few months. A good lesson in how not to do things!

Bevan Roulston emailed his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card and the Committee for their good work. About to travel to NZ for the eleventh time to visit family including grandchildren.

Peter Russell mailed to convey his thanks to the Committee for their best wishes on Peter’s 80th birthday. He would like to know what special contact Kathy Trace has with Aust. Post to be able to receive cards on the exact day. Peter’s 80th birthday was celebrated with family and many cards received from old friends, both inside and outside the Bank. Life seems to be as busy as ever, he continues to be involved in many activities including Bowls, the RSL, the Royal Naval Association, Probus and a big commitment to the Melbourne Welsh Male Choir! (Yes it is strange for a “Cockney” Londoner to be accepted by the Welsh!) Peter sends best wishes to all of his colleagues in ANZROC and looks forward to catching up with many of them at functions during the year.

Ken Stapleton emailed a note to express his appreciation for the birthday card which arrived nicely the day prior to Ken’s birthday. The occasion was spent with afternoon tea with his daughter and four of the grandchildren then to dinner with friends and a picture show at the Rivoli in Camberwell. The past year has definitely had less than 365 days in it as it has gone so quickly. No major trips this year just a few weeks away up north to warmer conditions. Still playing a bit of golf but not as much as Ken would like (lousy weather has played its part), not as well either (could getting older have something to do with it?). Both Ken and wife Robyn are keeping well (just as well as eight grandchildren keep you on the go). Good to hear about people's activities in the newsletters which he finds most enjoyable. On a sad note though is the number of former staff members known to Ken who have passed away over the 12 months. Some far too young. In this regard he mentions Peter Bromilow who passed away just a few weeks ago. Peter's father was a Manager in the ES&A and Peter followed him into the Bank. Peter resigned from the Bank a number of years ago and resided in Newcastle but some Retired Officers will no doubt remember him.

John Sudholz passes on his thanks to Kathy Trace and the ANZROC Committee for the recent birthday card. So far, 2016 has been another memorable year starting in January when John and wife Noelene undertook an amazing expedition to Antarctica, the Patagonian fjords, the Atacama Desert in northern Chile and the wine regions of Argentina. Then, in April, they took a cruise around Japan to enjoy the stunning cherry blossoms and some fascinating shore excursions.

John and Noelene now look forward to the end of the year and the wedding of one of their granddaughters.

Eamon Veaney emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday wishes. Eamon had a lovely lunch with partner Anne Wee at one of his favourite Italian restaurants when he was working at ANZ in Queen Street. “Caterina’s cucina e bar” is a timeless place with wonderful food and service.

AND Dave Barr, Ron Boulton, Jim Dusting, Norm Gaskin, Val Goldsworthy, Charles Griss, Peter Jones, Santo Ialuna, Ray Murphy, Glen Twidale,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



From 1 October this year, the way in which ANZROC’s membership records and accounts are managed have changed, with a number of benefits for both members and elected office-bearers.

All records are being transferred to a secure, on-line database which provides many additional management and communication options, including the ability to individually invoice members when subscriptions fall due.

After 1 October this year, individual subscription invoices will be emailed/mailed to members advising the amount due and the preferred methods of payment. Some members are in advance with their subs payments, and they will receive a statement showing the amount that they are in credit. Honorary members (80+ years of age) and Life Members will not receive an Invoice or Statement.

Please do not make any subs payments until you receive your invoice, as the new system will not be running ‘live’ until October.

ANZROC GOLF DAY –Friday 25th November 2016

Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

We are looking for an increase in numbers this year as last year the attendance was quite low and does not warrant the continuation of our spring golfing competition ……

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners and Ex-ANZers not currently ANZROC members.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

We have tried to hold the cost at last year’s price; however catering costs have again risen resulting in an additional $8.00 cost for the day.

Nevertheless, the BBQ lunch( including wine) to be provided won’t disappoint:-

Selected Gourmet Sausages, Scotch Fillet Steak, Beef Burgers, Marinated Chicken Wings

Garden Salad, Potato Salad and Coleslaw, Bread Roll and Condiments

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $78.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club & Reciprocal Members - $43.00) (Covers Green Fees, Trophies and lunch) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices.

Lunch Only - $39 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Hit-off from 8.30am on North Course tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).

Clubhouse is open for breakfast from 7-00am.

On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111

Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

ENTRIES CLOSE DATE: Tuesday 8th November, being the latest date that the Golf Club can lock in hospitality arrangements. Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..


Name…………………………….Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $78.00 ($43.00 for Rosebud & Reciprocal Members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @$39.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Please specify any Dietary requirements.

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha 3934


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)




The Club will again hold its Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am, Luncheon commences at 12.30pm.

The toast to ANZ will be given by Bob Lyon. CEO Shayne Elliott will respond to the toast to the Bank. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire. The cost to members of the function is $30.00 which is heavily subsidised by the Bank. Cut-off date for acceptances 24 November 2016

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

* If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

* If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will endeavour to meet your requirements.

* If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to: Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ken can also be contacted on 0439 432 280.

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to Ken Crawford at the above address. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $30.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Ken Crawford 3 Glenwood Drive, Croydon 3136 no later than by 30 November2016






This will be the ANZROC Annual General Meeting and the agenda is an attachment to the newsletter.

LIMITED TO 60 ATTENDEES and Partners ARE invited that day.

The meeting will be held in the large MP room all day on 8th November and Guests to lunch at ANZ Centre, 833 Collins Street Docklands can proceed directly to Core B (there is a very large letter B) and bypass reception. They can collect their name badge there and proceed through to the lunch.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Wednesday 1ST November 2016 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk at 833 Collins Street to meet the security requirements of ANZ.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering


TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144. By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function






Notice is hereby given that the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the ANZ BANK CENTRE CORE B in the MP room 833 Collins Street, Docklands 3008 on Tuesday 8th November at 12.00pm


1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 41st Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 12th November 2015

2. Presentation of President’s Report 2015/2016

3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2016

4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 4 Subscription: For the year from 1st October 2016 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

5. All Positions declared vacant. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2016-2017

6. Appointment of Auditor

7. Incoming President to address the meeting

8. General Business and Closure.


All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed

form should be forwarded to the Secretary by Monday 7th November 2016

Secretary: Vicky Genius

1/16 Cain Avenue, Northcote, Vic 3070

Ph 94818215 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



We …………………………………………….. ………………………………………….

(Print full name) (Signature)

and ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..

(Print full name) (Signature)

being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate

…………………….……………….……for the office of …………………………or Committeeman

I accept the nomination ………… ……………………………………………………… (Signature)


Newsletter September 2016




Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


Please note change of venue for the next meeting on October 13 from Woodend to Geelong because no trains will be running on the Bendigo line for the whole of October 2016.


Please click here to read the September Reformatted Newsletter




SV President Eamon Veaney welcomed 45 members and partners to the August luncheon to hear our guest speaker Richard Eastwood, General Manager of VCBS a property management company. Brian and Shirley Rix the scheduled speakers were held up in Northern Territory and fortunately Wolf Damschitz was able to arrange a replacement speaker, Richard’s presentation was topical and very interesting. Brian and Shirley may be available next August to speak at the Club.

Members not seen for some time included Wendy Black, Brian Christensen with wife Noelle, Linda Davidson, Bryden Davis, Mike Devlin, Teresa Goldsbrough, Wayne Hulbert, Graeme King with wife Sandra, John Osborne, Neville Pearson, Gordon Paulett, David Schunke and wife Jennifer and Syd Swaby which made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Numbers have been down for the winter months as can be seen from the long list of apologies but the next few months should see the return of members to Melbourne to boost the attendance.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Ken Crawford are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


After more than 20 years of service as our Records Officer Debbie is retiring from the role. Debbie must take time off for surgery and the subsequent rehabilitation which could take many months of exercises and physiotherapy. Debbie has been a great supporter of the Club starting in the time of Ian Fraser who was Secretary of the Club according to my records from 1984 to 1998. For the time being I will take over the Records until our November AGM and subsequent committee member elections for 2017/2108.


Graeme Ainscough, Graeme Baldwin, Helen Bouch, John Brown, Diane Carew, Robin Chase, Cedric Coxsedge, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Peter Edwards, Norris Gale. Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Theo Hall, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Darrell Hodges , Bernadette Hulbert, Des Johnson, Sandra Joseph, Peter Keating, Gary Mason, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Kevin O’Neill, Ron Phillips, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bruce Sanderson, John Toner, Paul Tovey, Rose Virgona, Jill Ward, Glenda White, Carole Whiting, Julie Wilkins,


Cudmore John 33 years ANZ

Iliff Lindsay 20 years ANZ

King P.A. (Paul) 30 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing John, Lindsay and Paul at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Foord L.R. (Lawrie) 21/8/2016 87 years

Lawrie was a strong supporter of the ANZROC functions and rarely missed a luncheon and was a popular and outgoing member. Lawrie was also a key organiser for the ES&A annual get together in November at the Bentleigh Club and will be missed. Lawrie’s celebration of Life, hosted by his daughters Jenny, Jill and Melissa, was held at his local “Mordy HQ”. I saw among the gathering of Lawrie’s friends and colleagues, Noel Beanland, Frank Edwards, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Karen and Martin Hayden, Keith Higgs who travelled from Colac, Hartley Hodgson, John Hudgson, Rick Kimber, David Knuckey, Ken Lee, Serge McIntyre and Mark Stankovich. We learned, from the many oral tributes and the large amount of diaries, papers and pictures on display, of Lawrie’s commitment to family and friends, the care and concern he had for animals throughout his lifetime and his love and care of his cars. Lawrie’s grand daughter, who is resident with her family in the Jervis Bay Naval Base area, told us of Lawrie’s passion for the boats and planes he was able to inspect at the Base through her local connections.

Karen and Martin Hayden emailed the following tribute to Lawrie Foord:

“Lawrie was our next door neighbour for 34 years, which was nearly half of my lifetime, and two thirds of Karen’s! And he was absolutely the best neighbour. Always up for a chat, and Lawrie could chat about many things – his beloved Hawthorn, anything about “footy”, horseracing, and of course duck shooting – he was a very keen sporting shooter, with his lovely BSA shot gun, and was at the “duck opening” every year until his passing. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said to Karen “just going over to see Lawrie”, I’d be a millionaire. Then we might be talking, and Lawrie would say “feel like a drink?”, and Lawrie would find a bottle of red, and we’d talk about anything, sitting around his kitchen table. Then, an hour or so later, Karen would be knocking on the door, ……. So we’d get another bottle! Good times, which will never be forgotten.

Wolf Damschitz said “This is a terribly sad day for me and I'm sure also for a lot of other people. The reason I'm so touched by Lawrie’s passing is that at the end of November of last year, when the time came to book a table for the Christmas Party, Lawrie spent a long time on the phone with me, just to make sure all the requirements were met for his special tables for the ES&A contingent. In the duration of the natter Lawrie found out I lived in Auburn, close to Auburn Primary School. Lawrie conveyed to me that he spent his young years at Auburn Primary School which was then the Auburn Central School, offering classes designed for students wanting to go on to secondary school. Lawrie, his Mom and siblings lived almost around the corner from me. Lawrie and I were going to arrange a get-together at my place and after a few drinks we would reconnoitre the area where he spent the post-depression and war years. I also organised with Boroondara Council for a Historian to come along, if and when the date was finalised. I loved Lawrie’s no nonsense approach, and he is sorely missed by me and I’m sure by a lot of others. A truly unique personality.

Eamon Veaney said that further to the segment in the August newsletter about Denis Armstrong ex GM Pakistan and then in International Division for 2 years, he received the very sad news that Denis had passed away. Below is a message from his daughter Imogen.”Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and prayers. My father Denis passed away peacefully this morning (31/8) with his wife Maralyn and I by his side and his siblings and family there. We are now all of course having a very large glass or bottle of red to toast him and celebrate his life as he would wish. Thank you for all your support, Imogen.” We were able through Facebook messaging to send Denis many messages of support and appreciation over the past month and I know he appreciated that. He will be missed by his many friends and colleagues.

Eamon Veaney was advised by Bruce Leary of the UK Retired Officers that their dear friend Chris Norton passed away 27/8/2016. He passed peacefully at the end of a very long and courageous fight against cancer. That he survived so long is a tribute to his determination and strength. He will be sadly missed, a brilliant, loyal and generous man who had so many friends. Eamon said that “Chris never worked in Australia but will be known to some of our members. He was a good friend of mine since the 1960's in ANZ London”.

Eamon Veaney was advised that Peter Walker, who was CM Technology, Mumbai and subsequently in Chennai, passed away last month in Singapore. He was the Global Head of System Architecture in SCB Singapore .He had heart attack in the morning at home (in Singapore). Peter was a superb photographer and had many photo exhibitions to his credit.

He would be remembered by some of our ANZROC members.

Neville Pearson “Birdie” received a phone call on 27th August from ANZROC member Don Maguire to advise that Don’s wife, who was a former ANZ staffer, Elizabeth passed away on 31st July2016. Elizabeth was well known and loved by all who knew her. Elizabeth spent her early years in ANZ lending where her efficiency and personality shone out. This no doubt was a contributing factor in her transfer to ANZ Bank Staff Club where she remained for around 20 plus years. Elizabeth’s husband Don Maguire was also a long term ANZ employee. Don played in the ANZ Bank “A” grade Business House’s basketball team for many years alongside David Woods, Graham Morgan, Martin Ruziicka, Maurie Pawsey, Brian Murdoch, John Vanselow, Jack Pitts, Birdie Pearson, Trevor McKean and many, many more. Whilst an A Grade premiership was not achieved, runner up to a team boasting three Australian players including Lindsay Gaze was reason for celebration. And celebrate we did every Thursday night for years and beers”


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during SEPTEMBER 2016 and we

pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Dave Brookman (93), Barbara

Bruce, Valda Clarke, George Cooper (87), Geoff Elliott (88), Bruce Emmett (84), Ian Ewart (85),

Don Fraser (91), Jack Helisma (81), Ralph Howden (92), Alan James (90), David Kennedy (92),

Dick Milnthorpe (84), Alan Pearce (81), Peter Russell (80), Ron Smith (88), Colin Walton (83),

Tony Wingrave (84).


From 1/9/2016

Less than $20,000 1.04%

Greater than $20,000 1.33%


Members continue to send stories of their experiences in ANZ and feedback from ANZROC members has been encouraging so keep the letters coming in. Editor ANZROC …..

Bob Delahoy

When I was Bill Clerk at 154 Swanston Street in the late 50’s the glass in the door to the banking chamber was accidently broken by the messenger/cleaner/caretaker. The Accountant instructed him to measure the space in the door and go out and purchase another piece of glass. When the caretaker returned he found the new glass would not fit into the door. He had measured the space incorrectly. The Accountant then instructed the late Norm Ross the Advance Clerk to measure the space in the door again and send the caretaker out to obtain another piece of glass. But alas! on tapping the trims in around the glass he managed to hit the glass with a hammer and shatter it. Norm Ross once again measured the space in the door and obtained the third piece of glass. The Accountant suggested that Norm and I put the glass in the door. He politely told the caretaker to go upstairs. Well Norm and I successfully placed the third piece of glass in the door without further mishap. All was well again and we resumed our normal branch duties.

Max Pleydell

Les Roberts, Brian Oldfield, Gaby Allan and I were working at Port Melbourne branch at the time. One Saturday morning when we were busy one of our business customers came into the branch wanting to get something out of his strong box. Gaby told him to wait and he would get to him shortly. Despite this the chap opened the flap and wandered into the strong room. Gaby grabbed him by the scuff of his shirt and the seat of his pants and threw him out the front door. I remember that there was hell to pay for his actions.


During August our committee member Joan Nathan was able to help one of our members with a query and subsequent location of an important security package which had been transferred to another branch of ANZ in a relocation exercise and until Joan’s intervention was unable to be located for our member who had been understandably quite upset.

We suggest that members with issues that seemingly can’t be resolved in the branch can be referred to our Welfare Panel who will do their best to help resolve the problem for you.


Richard Eastwood, General manager Strata Operations - VBCS was our Guest Speaker and addressed the issues relating to Owners/ Body Corporate Management which was of interest to many of our Members. VBCS is part of Vesture. Vesture’s core business is strata title management. Some legislation refers to it as owner’s corporation management or community

titles management. The main subsidiary companies operating under the Vesture banner are Ernst Body Corporate Management (Ernst) Strata Title Management Group (STM)Victoria Body Corporate Services (VBCS)STM Plus, VBCS Plus, Adelaide Strata and Community Management and Challenge Strata Management.

Collectively Vesture companies manage an excess of AUD$30 billion in property. Vesture continues to grow due to a solid reputation and industry leading status.

The presentation was about dealing with and participating in Body Corporates, the mistakes Body Corporates make and how to prepare for a positive outcome when in dispute with a Body Corporate.


Ian Anderson wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for his recent birthday card. It has been another fairly busy year with weekly golf at Royal Box Hill Golf Club and celebration of their daughter’s 40th birthday in Fiji. The highlight was playing a round of golf at Natadola Bay Championship Golf Course, home of the Fijian Open to be played in October/November 2016. Ian also took advantage of a tour of the east coast of Tasmania which was a very informative and scenic trip. Both Ian and wife Margaret continue enjoying good health in retirement and wish all members well.

Barbara Bruce emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived on the day.

Barbara celebrated by being taken out to lunch by friends. In August she went on a trip with her Probus Club to the Mildura area. They also visited the old Wentworth gaol, and visited Loxton, Berri and Renmark in South Australia. They went for a cruise on a paddle steamer on the Murray River and one evening had dinner on another paddle steamer on the Darling River. Best wishes to the club.

Luigi Bucello reported that he had an accident at the Asparagus Farm. He fell backwards, about 5ft, broke 7 ribs a total of 15 fractures and also has a collapsed lung. He has been in Hospital, now home and recuperating as he must be careful not to get a chill or catch a cold/flu. The asparagus has been harvested by the exporter and the entire crop has been earmarked for export. So no “farm gate’ sales as published in the August newsletter.

Dianne Chisholm wrote from Bendigo to thank the President and Committee on husband Ken’s behalf as Ken is in residential care in Bendigo with a neurological condition. Dianne takes the newsletters to read to Ken and he loves to hear all the news.

David Crisp emailed that his birthday card arrived one day late, however, that can be expected as it was redirected from his old address – so well done! David and wife Tanya moved to Buderim around Christmas last year and it took a while to find a house that suited. During that time they lived in Air BnB accommodation. The move was so that Tanya could be closer to her mum who lives in Buderim in a retirement village/resort. On arrival in Buderim they found that ex ANZ staffers Bill and Sandra Mitchelmore from Tasmania (and later from Business Bank Melbourne) retired to Buderim several years ago and it turned out that they live only a short walk from David and Tanya. Bill recently had a “major” birthday and they went out for a very enjoyable dinner. The last few weeks David has been playing nursemaid as Tanya had a knee replacement on 18th. August. She is making good progress but is still somewhat cautious and not up to full speed yet – just needs to persist with her exercises

Kerry Dark emailed from Brisbane to say thanks to Kathy Trace for Rodney and her birthday cards received on the day. Kathy must have a special line through to “snail” mail to allow cards to arrive on time. For Kerry it was a special birthday this year and they celebrated with ex ANZ friends from Melbourne who came to Brisbane especially for the occasion. Kerry and Rodney congratulate the Committee for the new cards and thank Kathy for her efforts each year- no mean feat.

Lesley Deady (nee Quail) wrote from Mornington to thank Kathy Trace for sending her birthday card which she appreciated. Lesley and her daughter Chris are now planning for an overseas holiday later in 2016 or early 2017.

Alex Fowler emailed from Paynesville to pass on to Kathy Trace sincere appreciation for his Birthday Card from ANZROC, which arrived "spot on the day". Unfortunately the past year has not been the best for Alex but hopefully the next year will be better, and who knows he might even get to a meeting.

Denis Gleeson emailed to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the welcome birthday wishes he received.

Phil Goodier emailed to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived on the day! Another busy year with the birth of their first grandchild ( a boy) , travelling mainly to Malaysia where their eldest son works for Standard Chartered Bank in KL, then with side trips around the area including the islands off Thailand. Back in Australia besides fishing and diving in the summer months bowls is frustrating but enjoyable. As usual, in June, the four exANZers, Peter Bramwell, Bob Parsons, Karl Mizens with Phil still tow Peter Bramwell's boat on their regular fishing trip to Shark Bay and if it’s too windy then crabbing at Monkey Mia just down the road. Captain 'Bligh' Bramwell is the organiser so it’s always great fun. Other fishing trips to East Gippsland are still the go as are crabbing trips to Yorke Peninsula in South Australia but their trip to the Northern Territory this year was restricted to Alice Springs only for celebrating the golden wedding of another ex ANZer Gavin Carpenter. Phil only needs the Crows to reach the grand final now and the year would have been exceptional

Wayne Hulbert and wife Bernadette have returned to Victoria from one of the coldest trips they have ever done. Over 9000 klm’s travelled over 6 weeks and Wayne reckons there were about 7 nights when they weren’t rugged up at night with extra blankets. Even drove through snow in the Blue Mountains. They have returned to find Wayne’s ROC Birthday Card waiting for them. It is much appreciated to receive the card every year.

Doug Imrie emailed his thanks o Kathy Trace for the card. Doug has been busy working on his daughter’s home renovation in Williamstown for the last 7 months, probably still 6 months to go. This has prevented Doug and wife Trish taking their usual “winter escape” in the caravan. Love getting all the info from the Newsletter. Take care everyone,

Ian Ince wrote to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace and the committee for the birthday card which arrived on the day. Ian celebrated with a family lunch at the RSL at Glen Waverley then later at Highett RSL. Both Ian and wife June still enjoy good health but Ian at 83 has cut out trips to Bright and Raymond Island but they still enjoy time at Yarrawonga and Rosebud in the autumn and spring. There are good wineries and clubs at both spots. Ian hopes to come to the occasional meeting now that the Frankston trains are back to normal and winter is almost over.

Peter Jones emailed to pass on to Kathy Trace his thanks and surprise at receiving such a lovely birthday card from ANZROC. Peter had a very quiet day as unfortunately his wife had passed away only a couple of weeks previous. The card, however, lifted his spirits.

Cathie Mackiggan wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes. The card arrived right on time as usual. It is nice to get a card in the letter box on the very special day.

Sue McCarthy emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the very attractive new birthday card. Sue was at Mt Hotham on the actual day, where celebrations were enjoyed. Then she came back home to have an even bigger party to mark a “significant” birthday. The year has been a busy one, marked by much enjoyable overseas travel. Oh, the pleasures of retirement! And Sue is about to leave on another trip “Art and Architecture of Belgium and the Netherlands” which looks to be very interesting. She is looking forward to catching up at the Christmas lunch.

Peter O’Dwyer emailed from Yarrawonga to thank Kathy Trace for the good wishes he received on his birthday card.

Bernie O'Reilly emailed that he had recently arrived home after visiting overseas and got the redirected mail. Birthday card no doubt arrived on the time as usual so a belated thankyou

Roy Peake emailed to say the most appreciated ANZROC Birthday card arrived on time and coincided with his return home after 18 days in Epworth Richmond. Osteomyelitis was the cause of removal of the fourth toe of his left foot. Roy’s former ANZ Football teammates may be interested to know that he can blame it on his prodigious (25 to 30) kicks out of defence.

Barry Reid emailed from Bendigo with many thanks to the committee and Kathy Trace for his Birthday Card which was much appreciated once again. Barry’s early recollections of meeting Kathy Trace, together with her other ANZ Bank friends Anne Blashki and Jan Lyon was while playing cricket for ANZ Bank cricket team in the latter part of the 1960’s . Kathy and friends would spend their Saturday afternoon supporting the team and assist the late Alan Heaghney together with the players’ wives at home games on the turf oval in Batman Avenue .From time to time the cricketers got booted off when the big travelling Circuses hit town. Presently situated on their home ground is the Lawn Tennis Association tennis courts, Rod Laver and Margaret Court stadiums plus a number of outside courts used in the Australian open in January each year. Barry then spent a couple of years in Suva, Fiji where he played cricket for a several seasons with the combined Banks team. The local Fijians often played cricket without shoes, batting gloves or batting pads showing their toughness as was seen in their rugby sevens gold medal win in Rio recently. Barry returned to the Victorian ANZ team in the early seventies, over all the years playing cricket he made many friendships with players, including Bob Bishop, Bill Bowring, Jim Bren, Dick Chegwin, Harry Glover, Bob Grant, Eddie Hassett, Graham Joseph Doug Long. Bob Lyon, Peter Mathews, Kevin McDonald, Ian McLachlan, Peter Menzel, Roger Orchard, Bernie Orr, David Phelps, Roger Pickering, Bevyn Ranford, Bob Stamps, Ken Stapleton, Gary Stocks, Bill Swan, Bruce Tickell, Doug Vollmerhause, Bill Walker, Kevin Watson, Ray Watson, and a number of Scottie lads, Norm Black, Bill Blunden, Bob Burgess, Rodda Brothers, Paul McVeigh and Norm Wheatley who all joined the team after the 1970 merger. Favourite water holes in those days were Graeme Richmond’s Vaucluse Hotel in Richmond, Fawkner Park Hotel, Back of Beyond at the Chevron Hotel and many others. Leos Spaghetti Bar in Fitzroy Street, St Kilda was always patronised well later. Just a little walk down memory lane.

Trevor Richards emailed to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the recent Birthday Card on the occasion of his 71st birthday (2nd August), Even though they now live in the snail mail era, the Card still arrived on time, on the day.

Bruce Robertson mailed from Runaway Bay to thank the committee and Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes. The Postman must have known how important it was as it arrived early! Bruce and wife Glennis get great pleasure out of reading the monthly newsletter full of news about former colleagues and the exploits of the many intrepid travellers. Their travels this year have been limited by the move of their grandchildren from Saskatoon Canada to Houston Texas and also for a few running repairs to be done to Bruce’s ageing body. New Eyes, never knew how good the world looks and a new ear which is taking some getting used to. Now he knows exactly how a baby feels when they try and decipher the gobbly gook of their parents. Bruce likes the format of the new card.

Bill Swan emailed from Dalmeny NSW to thank Kathy Trace for his 70th birthday card. The card arrived while Bill was in Brisbane to celebrate the special occasion with his eldest son and his family. While in Brisbane, Bill had a surprise visit from his youngest son who made the trip from Perth. The family had an enjoyable dinner on the birthday at the local Indian Restaurant in Wynnum, Qld. The following week Bill and son drove to Cairns (1740 kms) and spent a six days at Kewarra Beach, and played the mandatory round of golf at Paradise Palms. He has since returned home to Dalmeny for a few weeks, before setting off to Orange NSW with the caravan next month.

Bob Wheeler emailed to thank the committee for the birthday wishes on his 80th birthday. Brother came over from New Zealand and sisters from Brisbane and Sydney so good celebrations. Somewhat tempered by the bad news of the death of Chris Norton from the London MIDANZ team.

AND Mike Aranha, John Carrazza, Don Davy, Trevor Dodds, Glen Fullerton, Annie Glenn, Martin Hayden, Karen Hayden, Paul King, Bob Lamb, Peter Marinick, Alex Mazur, John McDermott, Peter Norman, Glenda White,

ANZROC NSW, Qsld, SA, Tasmania and WA



From 1 October this year, the way in which ANZROC’s membership records and accounts are managed will change, with a number of benefits for both members and elected office-bearers.

All records are being transferred to a secure, on-line database which provides many additional management and communication options, including the ability to individually invoice members when subscriptions fall due.

On, or shortly after 1 October this year, individual subscription invoices will be emailed/mailed to members advising the amount due and the preferred methods of payment. Some members are in advance with their subs payments, and they will receive a statement showing the amount that they are in credit. Honorary members (80+ years of age) and Life Members will not receive an Invoice or Statement.

Please do not make any subs payments until you receive your invoice, as the new system will not be running ‘live’ until October.

ANZROC GOLF DAY –Friday 25th November 2016

Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners and Ex-ANZers not currently ANZROC members.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

We have tried to hold the cost at last year’s price, however catering costs have again risen resulting in an additional $8.00 cost for the day.

Nevertheless, the BBQ lunch( including wine) to be provided won’t disappoint:-

Selected Gourmet Sausages, Scotch Fillet Steak, Beef Burgers, Marinated Chicken Wings

Garden Salad, Potato Salad and Coleslaw, Bread Roll and Condiments

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $78.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club & Reciprocal Members - $43.00) (Covers Green Fees, Trophies and lunch) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices.

Lunch Only - $39 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Hit-off from 8.30am on North Course tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).

Clubhouse is open for breakfast from 7-00am.

On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111

* Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

ENTRIES CLOSE DATE: Tuesday 8th November, being the latest date that the Golf Club can lock in hospitality arrangements. Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..


Name…………………………….Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $78.00 ($43.00 for Rosebud & Reciprocal Members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @$39.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Please specify any Dietary requirements.

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha 3934


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)


Our program committee has investigated several prospective new venues recently and has supplied a tentative list for 2017 of the monthly luncheons which the ANZROC committee feels will meet members’ needs and keep the overall costs at a reasonable level with the primary motive to meet new members in their local environment. As you can see from the attendance levels of the city meetings we are struggling to reach the 60/70 attendees that were regularly attending our meetings 4/5 years ago and yet our membership has remained around the 950 level. Any feedback from members will be welcome.


February 9: Committee Meeting / Speaker @ 100 QSM

March 9: Woodend visit

April 13: ANZAC / @ Greensborough RSL - Dal Croker/ Kevin Mitchell

May 11: Committee Meeting /Salvation Army –100QSM

June 8: Caulfield (Racing Club) Glasshouse Cafe

July 13: Mulgrave Country Club

August 10: Committee Meeting / (B & S Rix?) Speaker @100 QSM

September 14: Country Visit Ballarat @ George Hotel

October 12: Chelsea Hotel luncheon

November 9: AGM/ Committee Meeting @ 100 QSM

December 14: Xmas Function/Speaker(s) @ ANZ Pavilion, Arts Centre Melb.


10th November 2016 at 34/100 Queen Street

Annual General Meeting

8th December 2016

Christmas Lunch at Arts Precinct: Bob Lyon has agreed to propose the toast to ANZ at the luncheon.


To be held at the “JOKERS” on Ryrie, Hotel at 211 Ryrie Street Geelong, Ph: (03) 5229 1135 and a booking has been made for lunch on Thursday 13th October 2016 from 12 noon.

This will be our second visit to regional Victoria for members and their partners and we encourage members in the Geelong and Torquay districts to join the Melbourne contingent at “Jokers on Ryrie”.

The Hotel is owned by an ANZ customer

The Hotel is directly opposite “McDonalds” which is on the corner of Ryrie and Yarra Street and is a 12 to 15minute walk from the Geelong station.

There is also a local bus from Geelong Station that stops in Moorabool Street near the Ryrie Street Corner. A four minute walk to the restaurant

It is recommended that members attending this luncheon meet at Southern Cross Station around 10.30am for boarding the 10.50 train as a group

The train to Geelong runs approx every 20 minutes so members who are unable to meet our time frame have some flexibility on other trains to Geelong

Noel and Jeanette Beanland and Cheryl and Neville Pearson took the train ride to Geelong on 12th Sept 2016 and visited several hotel /restaurants with the criteria of price, quality, service, menu and proximity to station foremost in our minds

At Jokers there is a $10.50 per head luncheon menu which was trialled during the 12th Sept visit and the quality was excellent

The venue is wheelchair accessible as well as street and shopping centre parking is available if members decide to drive to the luncheon.

For the return journey trains depart the Geelong Station from 2.30pm at quarter hour intervals and will arrive at Southern Cross Station within 45/50 minutes so timing is convenient for travellers on the day.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Joan Nathan know by Phone or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Joan Nathan by Monday 10th October 2016 to meet the Hotel catering requirements

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.


211 Ryrie Street Geelong….

TO : Joan Nathan

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mail: 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429

Phone: 9740 8001

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter August 2016


Please click here to read the reformatted August Newsletter

Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




SV President Eamon Veaney welcomed 43 members and partners to the August meeting and our guest speaker Sue Noble CEO Volunteering Victoria .One of our newest members John Toner was present for his first meeting and members not seen for some time included Harry Carrodus, Cedric Coxsedge, Dan Kirtley, Sandra Joseph, Harry Loucas and wife Mary, Peter Tassiou with wife Denise, George Thomas, Doug Watson and wife Maureen and Paul Tovey back from several months caravanning in Queensland escaping the winter cold in Victoria. The guest speaker was warmly received and her address was lively and interactive making for a very pleasant luncheon meeting.

Photos taken at the luncheon have been posted by Eamon Veaney on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Baldwin, John Brown, Diane Carew, Brian Christensen, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Peter Edwards, Norris Gale. Teresa Goldsbrough, Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Darrell Hodges, Hartley Hodgson, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Des Johnson, Peter Keating, Graeme King, Rodney Manser, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson , Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson , Ron Phillips, Alan Podger, Peter Pritchard , Graeme Randall, David Schunke, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Witt Ms Barbara 24 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Barbara at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Duke J.W. (John) 19/7/2016 76 years

John was a great supporter of ANZROC serving on our committee for 20 years and helping us placing the tributes in the Herald Sun since his retirement from the committee in 2014. John was President as well as Secretary of the Club for 2001 and 2002 and it was his efforts that held the club together at that time in our history. It was a shock to me personally as we enjoyed lunch at Mulgrave Club with John and Dorothy at our July meeting.

Steve Duke emailed to say “We would like to thank all those from the Retired Officers who were able to attend Dad's funeral on Friday. There was a huge turnout so unfortunately we were not able to catch up with everyone, but we are very grateful to those who made it to help us celebrate Dad's life.”

Ken Crawford emailed “This is total shock and quite unexpected – he will be missed.”

Frank Edwards emailed “Sad loss. I was chatting with him and Gary Horkings at Mulgrave and he seemed fine.

Joan Nathan emailed “Thanks for letting us know, such a wise and humble gentleman, loved by all whom knew him.”

Glyn Parry Jones emailed “That’s a huge shock so very sudden.”

Neville Pearson and wife Cheryl emailed “Sad news indeed. What a wonderful man he was. Heart felt sorrow for Dorothy and Steve and family His contribution to the staff club and support of youngsters (like me) in the footy club will not be forgotten”

Eamon Veaney was shocked to hear this news as he had a chat with John at Mulgrave last month and this was very unexpected.

Doug Watson said he was sorry to hear about John. One must be getting older as we see our friends fall by the wayside.

Kennedy G. (Gordon) 27//7/2016 90 years

Gordon enlisted in the RAAF in May 1944 and on discharge in February 1946 he was Leading Aircraftman in 7 Central Recovery Depot.

Laurie Kennedy, son of Gordon, advised that his father passed away on 27/7/2016 after a short illness at the age of 90. Gordon joined ANZ in 1950 in the CBD and worked in city and suburban branches until 1967 when he was appointed Manager of Rupanyup Branch, and managerial appointments followed in Druin, Kerang and Echuca and Gordon retired from Echuca in 1982. The family spent a few years in Echuca then moved to Kangaroo Flat Bendigo and finally settling in a Retirement Village in Healesville .Laurie said his father was a prolific cabinet maker and carpenter during his retirement and was still doing odd jobs for the residents at Healesville a few weeks before he entered hospital .At the funeral service on 2/8/2016 Laurie saw ANZROC member Neville Lewis and Jill Goldsworthy widow of Gordon’s great friend from ANZ the late Bob Goldsworthy . Harry Carrodus also told me how he was saddened by the passing of Gordon, his friend and colleague of many years.

Peter Nielipowiec wrote “I was deeply saddened at the passing of one of his best friends Ian Bell on 11/7/2016, a week short of his 74th birthday. A large farewell service was conducted in Bendigo and around 400 people were in attendance. Tania, Ian’s eldest daughter did an excellent eulogy of Ian’s life. I was attached to Victorian Relieving Staff when I first met Ian who was Accountant at Wodonga Branch in 1976. He made me welcome; I met all the family and had many dinners at their home. We kept in touch in our banking movements around Victoria over the years. Ian and I went to quite a few games on the Bendigo Bombers bus over the years. Two ANZAC Day games stood out for us: Essendon beating Collingwood by 66 points in 2003 and got over them in a thriller, the last kick of the day by 5 points in 2009. Ian introduced me to chicken and avocado bread rolls which is now Peter’s staple diet. Ian had suffered from cancer for the past 5 years or so and my wife Nola and I can’t believe he has gone.”

Denis Armstrong

Peter Smith President of the UK Pensioners Association advised us that Denis Armstrong has been admitted to a London hospice for palliative care. Denis was GM Pakistan and then worked in Melbourne International Division for 2 years. Peter and ANZROC member David Valentine called in to see Denis and reported that he was in amazing form. He is clearly frail, can no longer walk and his eyesight is failing. Despite this he is mentally very alert and very happy to chat and share memories.

He is a total inspiration and having sorted out his personal and financial affairs, he is determined to make the most of his days with his family and friends. He is receiving excellent care in an amazing hospice where he even gets his whisky night cap! Denis remains very happy to have visitors of which there has been several since he checked into the hospice.

Eamon has set up a messaging group called 'Denis Armstrong News and Anecdotes' for ANZ colleagues on Facebook to keep us informed. The stories have been relayed back to Denis and he remembers most of them.

Amazing news …. here is the latest update on Denis. It seems that his positive attitude and everybody's good wishes and prayers have had the desired effect. Because he is so stable at the moment, except for a bit of a cough, plans are being put in place for him to return home hopefully on Wednesday provided all equipment and medical support is in place. The hospice is not a long term facility and Maralyn said that his face lit up at the prospect of going home. Yet again he is amazing us. Maralyn is confident that she can cope with his care. However, as long as a bed is available, he will be able to go back to the hospice should his condition deteriorate too much. Nobody can tell how long this may last, but there is no imminent "expiry date"- Denis humour again. 

David Knuckey phoned to advise that Gavin Moyle with whom David worked at Wodonga Branch passed away on 7/8/2016 after a long battle with cancer. Gavin would be known to many ANZROC members.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during August 2016 and we pass

on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Alistair Abernethy (83), Graeme

Ainscough OAM (80), Henry Barker (87), Lesley Deady, Rick Dickson (81), Frank Donovan

(94), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards (88), Neville Elvish (81), Ken Fitzgerald (88), June

Hoskin, Ian Ince (83), Peter Jones (84), Bruce Kells (84), Stan Lancaster (82), Ken Lee (87),

Doug Long (92), Cathie Mackiggan, Reg Nicolson (85), Peter O’Dwyer (84), John Parkes (80),

Roy Peake (81), Mary Ryan, Mark Stankovich (80), Jack Stewart (81), Alwyn Ward (92),

Tony Watt (87), Bob Wheeler (80).


From 1/8/2016

Less than $20,000 1.18%

Greater than $20,000 1.52%


Members continue to send stories of their experiences in ANZ and feedback from ANZROC members has been encouraging so keep the letters coming in Editor ANZROC …..


The late Jim Ruffle (Area Manager for North East Victoria- late 70’s) had an aversion to his staff having their cardigans or jackets draped over the back of their office chairs. My turn came one Friday in Wangaratta when Jim gave me the option of hanging my coat in the cupboard in his office. Towards the end of the day Jim had some friends of his join him to enjoy some hospitality from the well stocked fridge. It came to knock off time and we were heading to a nearby hotel for Friday after work drinks. Of course I had to retrieve my coat from Jim's cupboard before heading out. Knocked on Jim's door and was invited in. I enjoyed his hospitality (Free Beer) while my mates had to pay their own way at the pub. Every year from then on Jim would keep in touch with my wife Kay and me by way of a Xmas card. There was always a message “your coats in my cupboard.” Jim Ruffle was a great Area Manager and together with Ian Bell ( recently deceased ), who was his Operations Manager at the time, organised a couple of combined Bank Balls, 2 bands playing which were great nights and well attended.


I was a teller at the Brisbane Markets branch in the late 60’s. Before opening one morning a new recruit turned and reported to the accountant. John, expecting the new starter, welcomed him in, gave him the initiation discussion and merrily sat him down with the batching clerk to begin learning the ropes. Around mid-afternoon a second new starter arrived and apologised profusely for being late but had a genuinely plausible excuse. Confused ,the accountant went to the first guy. Turns out he was due to start at the Wales up the road but was so nervous he walked into the ES&A by mistake. He was quickly escorted down the road to our friendly opposition that had obviously been concerned about the non arrival of their new man.



A regional Manager who worked in Victorian Administration of ES&A Bank 86 Queen Street decided to bring his shot gun to work to ask Evans& Balfour a local gunsmith to make an adjustment to the gun. Heading off around the corner of 388 Collins Street Branch he decided to call in for some money being pre cards. He caused no end of trouble to 388 Collins Street Staff and I can only assume that Chief Manager Von Bertouch would have spoken to the Regional Manager regarding his lack of judgment.


Our Guest Speaker was Sue Noble, CEO Volunteering Victoria since 2012. Sue’s past employment included CEO Softball Australia, National Marketing and Business Development Manager CPA Australia, National Business Development Manager, DLA Piper New Zealand, GM Marketing and Business Development Division Law Institute of Victoria and she graduated from university with degrees of BA Monash and MBA Victorian University, Sue’s presentation without Power Point slides was very entertaining and interactive with many members participating. Her message was that the importance of volunteers in the community was worth some $42billion to the Victorian economy. She stressed that volunteering was changing however with more emphasis on multi cultural issues in Victoria and the compliance requirements for nonprofit organisations companies are becoming unwieldy. Nevertheless the training given to volunteers helps them how to adapt to workplace issues and is invaluable for young people on the way to employment.

For further information about the benefits of volunteering you can look up the website of Volunteering in this State at


Luigi Bucello said that his asparagus crop is now ready for harvesting and after processing most will be exported overseas but if ANZROC members are travelling through Dalmore on Dalmore Road he would welcome visitors who would like to sample his fresh asparagus. In a recent issue of the Age Newspaper it was mentioned that about 90% of the Victorian asparagus crop comes from the Dalmore region.

Don Hoffmann emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for his birthday card – the thought is always appreciated. Don remains in good health and enjoys his regular games of lawn bowls, the Beaconsfield Combined Probus Club meetings (particularly the walking group) and time with family.

John Hudgson emailed that once again on the day the card arrived and what a thrill to receive it Congratulations and big thanks to Kathy and the committee. Yes another year has passed and John is still here to enjoy his birthday and that is a real bonus as he has had a few medical issues this past few months but, touch wood, is doing much better at present and looking forward to next years card. John had a most enjoyable dinner with the family on his birthday and was up early for golf the next day – he still plays at least twice a week at much the same standard and really enjoys the social aspects of the game as well as getting some exercise out in the fresh air. As with many members of ANZROC both John and wife Ann enjoy the monthly Newsletter which keeps them in touch with the activities of workmates and ANZ friends. Wishing you all the very best and hoping to catch up some time.

Joe Maggiore emailed it is always a pleasure to read the regular monthly newsletter with all our members sharing their life experiences. Joe and wife Leah enjoyed a European holiday (one of many over the years) and making the most of their lifestyles. They recently stayed at Joe’s late parents’ town in Sicily called Vizzini and it was amazing to see how that even today locals live in a very simple laid backed way. Joe was sending this email from the family owned apartments in the island of Lipari, (part of the group of Aeolian Islands) close to the straits of Messina. They continued their journey to Athens and boarded the Royal Princess Cruise ship for a 14 night Mediterranean holiday. Joe’s 64th birthday fell whilst overseas and he hopes to catch up with his fellow retiree friends on his return to Australia.

Serge McIntyre emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the good wishes received on the occasion of his 79th birthday which was celebrated quietly with the family. Talks are already on the preparation of the big one next year. The new card is very friendly.

Coralie O’Donahoo writing from Noosa Heads sent a special thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday card. Coralie’s birthday was quieter than last year when she was in Florida and Barbados. She has however been to Melbourne, New Caledonia and Darwin during the last 12 months and caught up with Barbara Bruce and June Hoskin in Melbourne. Coralie said she passes her newsletters on to Bunty Austin (ES&A 388 Collins Street in the 1950’s) when they attend the luncheon for Retired Officers at Headland Golf Club.

Kevin O’Neill wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the warm birthday greeting on the occasion of his birthday

Joseph Romano emailed that he received the birthday card as usual and on time. (Thanks Kathy). Joseph celebrated the birthday quietly with family. The years just seem to fly by and it comes as a shock to know that he is now approaching seventy. Joseph is still working part-time but has taken some long service leave and will be touring Europe in August.

Graham Smyth wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the kind birthday wishes. Unfortunately Graham cannot attend the monthly luncheon meetings now being a resident of Brisbane but he does look forward to receiving the Newsletter and catching up on news of his former colleagues.

Bernie Sowersby wrote to thank the Committee for the birthday card. Bernie is sorry he cannot attend the monthly meetings these days due to health reasons and poor eyesight. He does enjoy reading the monthly newsletter and likes the new format of the birthday card

Miles Tiller wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for his birthday card which he expected arrived on time as usual but only read upon their return from Europe having travelled on a river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam and then across to UK. Miles celebrated his birthday aboard ship and by visiting the picturesque village of Burstein in Austria.

And Carmel Bell, Steve Duke, Julian Lineham, Jim Nicolson, Maxwell Wright,



ANZROC GOLF DAY –Friday 25th November 2016

Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Golfers note your diaries…

The turnout in 2015 was a little disappointing as there were several events overlapping with our Golf Day but Huck Bourke has again booked the course for 2016 and is looking for extra players including more lady golfers to come to Rosebud to enjoy a great day of golf.

The usual Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions will be open for members of ANZROC and their partners and any ex- ANZ friends that may be interested.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.

Full details will follow in the September and October newsletters but in the meantime any enquiries to Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A new feature has been added to the ANZROC’s website home page with random scrolling through the photo albums held on the website. Have a look and your picture may pop up.


13th October 2016 at Victoria Hotel at Woodend

Members to travel to Woodend to lunch at the Victoria Hotel (near Woodend Railway Station) for our country visit and we look forward to joining with local members living in the district and surrounds.

10th November 2016 at 34/100 Queen Street

Annual General Meeting

8th December 2016

Christmas Lunch at Arts Precinct: Bob Lyon has agreed to propose the toast to ANZ at the luncheon..

NEXT MEETING 8TH September 2016


Noel Beanland has introduced Brian and Shirley Rix to ANZROC and Wolf has arranged for them to speak to us about their adventures on their motor bike journeys to many parts of the world. Brian and Shirley have published a book of their travels and copies will be available at our meeting.

This is considered to be a special meeting and we would like to see more support from members to enjoy meeting the Rix’s and catch up with ANZROC friends and colleagues.

Partners ,Widows of members and ANZ Ladies Club members ARE invited that day.

On the website “Aussies Overland” you can read more about Brian and Shirley and their CV reads as follows:

“Back in 2003 we took a grown-up’s ‘gap-year’, leaving work behind for 12 months, shipping our motorcycle to England and riding home through Europe, the Middle East and Asia. This ride took us along the Dalmatian Coast and through Iran, Pakistan, India and Nepal.

Since that time we’ve ridden more than 170,000 kilometres through 68 countries over six continents.

In 2011, when Brian retired we hit the road again, this time shipping our bike to Chile and heading to the bottom of South America and then turning around and heading to Prudhoe Bay, the northern most tip of North America.

That wasn’t enough. Rather than sending the bike home we flew it to Europe and then South Africa to explore more of this wonderful world.

Fast forward to 2015 and there was a gap in our riding experience – right across Russia. So we were off again, shipping the bike to Greece. For the next six months we rode through Europe to Scandinavia, making it to the very tip of Norway – Nordkapp.

From Scandinavia the road took us to Russia and the ‘Stans’, leading us along sections of the old Silk Road and into Siberia.

You can read highlights of our journeys in posts on this web or in more detail in our books – Two for the Road, Circle to Circle and The Long Way to Vladivostok.

We hope we inspire you to hit the road, or just sit back and ride with us, enjoying the ride vicariously. “

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 1ST SEPTEMBER 2016 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.



TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144.

By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter July 2016



Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)







Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney welcomed 63 members and partners to the Mulgrave Club for a wonderfully informal gathering which was enjoyed by all present.


Members not seen for some time included Bryden Davis, Frank Edwards, Keith Findlay, Max Fisher, Rino Frigo, Tony Grayling, Gary Horkings, Mike Nickels, Max Pleydell, Peter Russell, Mark Stankovich, and Syd Swaby welcomed back were Harry Loucas and Gerry and Fay McPherson who came with Heather McNutt. Thanks also to those partners attending making it a very pleasant afternoon.


Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.




Graeme Baldwin, Diane Carew, Brian Christensen, Wolf Damschitz, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Jim Dusting, Peter Edwards, Aldo Faella, Norris Gale, Teresa Goldsbrough, Nola Forsyth, Vicky Genius , Ray Gill, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Don Jeffrey, Des Johnson, Sandra Joseph, Peter Keating, Graeme King, Jack Lepedjian, Jacquie Luckman, Gary Mason, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, Geoff Perdriau, Alan Podger, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, George Thomas, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins.




Luigi Bucello phoned to let us know that our soon to be ANZROC Honorary member Alan Ryan was awarded the OAM for service to the community of Warragul and on behalf of all members we congratulate Alan .




Toner John (JT) 45 years ANZ


We look forward to seeing JT at one of our forthcoming meetings.




Bell I.G. (Ian) 11/7/2016 73 years


Ian was in the ANZ for 37 years and his daughter Tanya said he was based mostly in the country branches and finally retired from Sunbury where Tanya is now a member of that Branch team. Tanya has been employed in ANZ for over 30 years and her sister was in ANZ for 21 years, in all a family commitment of more than 90 years.


Les Roberts phoned to let us know that Ian Lewis, Captain Coach of the ANZ Football team (when Les was playing) had passed away. Les said that ANZROC members including John (Lightning) Bloom, Brian Christensen, Neville Pearson and Peter Treleaven played in the team with Ian and would remember him. Les said he was in the Portland Rotary Club with Ian for many years.




The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during July 2016 and we pass on


Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Bernie Atkinson (80), Ron Cashin (83),


Kevin Coleman (80), Eric Dickson (85), Chris Fieggen (85), Lawton Graham (87), Don


Hoffmann (82), Fred Hornsby (85), Alwynne Kilpatrick (92), Godfrey Mills (81), Trevor


Mudgway (80), Coralie Donahoo, Alan Panther (82), Barry Reid (82), Neil Sharman (80), Bernie


Sowersby (86), Bob Stone (82), Keith Taylor (88), Frank Wells (89), Norm Wood (90), John


York (85),




From 1/7/2016


Less than $20,000 1.18%


Greater than $20,000 1.52%




Members are now sending me stories of their past experiences that may bring a smile or two and I welcome your contributions as the feedback about previous articles in this segment of the newsletter has been quite positive…




My first job in the bank was at Port Melbourne as a junior. I had not been there very long, when one night after knock off time one of the staff, after leaving came back into the branch with an ashen face. The Manager the legendary N.A.L.Smith asked “what’s wrong”? The young officer said “my car has been stolen”. Norm said “don’t worry you go home and I will see what I can do”. In those days Port Melbourne the home of the Painters and Dockers was like a village where everyone knew everyone. Norm apparently made a couple of phone calls. In the morning the car was not only back but it had a full tank of petrol.




The Sandal


During the early Seventies I was fortunate to be working within the then marketing team, which was based at 400 Collins Street Melbourne and responsible for marketing, advertising, business development, research, public relations and NewsLink. Officers whose names come readily to mind include Mr. Elliott, John Moores, Alan Pearce, Eric Grant, Dick Cowell, Rob Varney, Vic Crane, Frank K, Alan J, Peter C, Pam and Cheryl.


Back in those good old days, and being an administrative department, we had a ‘formal’ morning tea, which meant the availability of a morning tea lady and fully laden tea trolley. So, each morning we would all gather around the tea trolley and have a chat and a laugh, during the break.


After morning tea one day, a certain gentleman within the group jokingly reckoned that a certain other officer was wearing ‘plastic’ sandals. This was during Melbourne’s summer when, on the hotter days, it was quite acceptable to wear the then in-fashion business attire, comprising shorts and long white socks, shirt, tie and business shoes.


So, early one day before the tea lady arrived, word got around to the effect that the sandals were to be ‘tested’ that morning, to see whether they were indeed made of plastic. We weren’t told how though. Come the tea trolley and everyone prepared their tea or coffee and waited, while lined up in a semi-circle, chatting as usual. The certain gentleman, who shall remain nameless but who sported an impressive handle-bar moustache, seized the moment. He grabbed the hot water kettle and, starting at one end of the semi-circle, poured water near everyone’s feet until he got near the person wearing the sandals. He moved a bit closer, trying to splash hot water on the ‘plastic’ sandals to prove whether they would ‘melt’ under the heat. It sure broke up the group who were in fits of laughter while acting quickly to move out of the way of the hot water pouring out of the kettle. Except, of course, the wearer of the sandals, who was not aware of what was going down.


Were the sandals ‘plastic’? We really didn’t think so...


The Combination


It was a Friday, some time during the 1970’s, in a mid size branch, located in a south eastern suburb of Melbourne which, when a northerly wind blew, would reek of tobacco, due to the emissions from the tobacco factory in the vicinity. One of the officers there at the time had decided to take the afternoon off, telling us that he was heading home early. So, he left around mid-day. Come 5:00 pm, those supervising the branch closure for the day were keen to get away for the weekend, eager for the tellers to balance up and move their cash to the safes. Pretty quickly, all cash was balanced and put away in the safes for the weekend; we are almost ready to leave the premises. It was time to shut and lock the vault door, which, when open, had to have the bolts in the locked position and the two combinations ‘spun’. This was a safeguard so as to avoid staff being locked in the vault should the branch be subjected to a robbery.


One custodian ‘unlocks’ his combination. Who had the second combination? Of course, the officer who has gone home. Oh no! How long are we going to be here? The officer lived in the eastern suburbs, quite some distance from the branch. A search of the branch records and the officer's home telephone number was located [no mobiles in those days]. A phone call made; answered by the officer’s wife. The conversation flowed along the following lines:


Us: can we speak to [name] please?


Wife: I’m sorry, he’s not home.


Us: but he told us when he left around mid-day that he was heading home.


Wife: no, he hasn’t been home. I’ll get him to ring you when he gets in.


Groans all round. How long are we going to be here?


Sometime later the officer returns our call. Eventually the combination is unlocked, the vault door shut and locked, the branch security system activated and we are out of there.


Come Monday morning the officer arrives for work; not a happy man. We discover that he had some serious explaining to do to the wife who wanted to know where he’d been, given that we’d told her he had left early and was heading home. Where had he been since leaving the branch and arriving home? We were told a round of golf!






Many years ago pre the ES&A and ANZ merger Ewan Graves the ES&A Premises Officer remembered whilst in the city one weekend that he needed to check up on the roof of 90 Bourke Street Branch and having the keys to gain entry he made his way to the roof. Meanwhile an alert person in a nearby taller building was surprised to see someone wandering around the roof of the Bank. Naturally he rang D24 and Ewan had some explaining to do to the Victorian Police.


“The Flood”


One of the Senior Officers in the Victorian Headquarters of ES&A Bank 86 Queen Street Melbourne circa 1960 was Manager Administration and was in the habit of stopping to fill the electric tea urn at the 2nd floor lunchroom on his way to his office on the 3rd floor. One day something must have distracted him for sometime after reaching his office he received a call from the branch in 388 Collins Street to inform him that the 388 banking chamber had water dripping from their magnificent gold leaf ceiling. A split second later he broke all speed records making his way to the lunchroom below finding the urn overflowing with the room covered in water and making its way down hill to the ceiling of the adjoining building. Arnold von Bertouch was Chief Manager Victoria at the time but I was not privy to any conversations between “The Von” and his Manager Administration .


Committee member Neville Pearson reports that he and wife Cheryl will be away for July and August caravanning around Queensland but Neville will still keep us informed of their progress in the usual manner through his short poems.


“1000 plus kilometres via the Kidman Way


We will arrive in Charleville today


Writing this twitter as Cheryl drives us along listening to the footy and an occasional song


It's been pouring rain. our shoes covered in mud green pastures all around us have been in flood


Lawn Hill is our main destination


I believe the scenery is quite a sensation


Politicians have had their say


Now they can save the CFA


A victory over good old common sense


Rather than one costing shillings & pence


Both leaders have been gracious and managed to smile but the real winners have been the journalists by a proverbial mile”




Muriel Drummond phoned me to correct the June newsletter.... in the letters I included Muriel's letter but must have mistaken her writing as the decimalisation was 50 years ago not 60 and the super typist was Kerry Dark not Drake...


Les Ager emailed to convey his thanks to Kathy Trace, in particular and to the President and Committee for the birthday card to celebrate his 85th birthday which was enjoyed with family and friends.


Anne Blashki writing from Shepparton sent a note of thanks to Kathy Trace and ANZROC committee members for the special greetings for her birthday in May. Anne had a wonderful day celebrating with family over a delightful lunch at Crittenden Estate Dromana. The following weekend with 5 of her friends she went to the MCG to see Melbourne take on Footscray. Melbourne was not successful but the highlight for the group was meeting the great Ron Barrassi. Well done to all involved with the Newsletter. Always a great read.


Gordon Christensen emailed his many thanks for quite an elegant birthday card received for his recent 80th.Gordon and his wife were travelling in Nice, Southern France on the day and had a couple of Heinekens to celebrate.


Phil Dunstan emailed his thanks for the ever welcome ANZROC Newsletter. It is always good to receive it and be able to catch up with the news. Phil read with interest of the birthdays for Les Ager and Roy Sloggett each of whom he had the pleasure of working with. It is difficult to believe that the ages quoted are correct as they were never that much older than Phil and he’s still a young fella?? Maybe having worked with Phil helped to accelerate their ageing!! It is good to be able to reflect on the hard work of the time, together with the good social and sporting activities that were a part of the team efforts and achievements. Phil cherishes the opportunities the various positions in the Bank provided. Birdie Pearson's prose is also warmly welcomed - again it is nice to reflect on the good times enjoyed at the Emanza Centre in South Yarra following the coming together of the Scottie and the ANZ.


Aldo Faella emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the lovely birthday card which he received. It arrived right on time which was very much appreciated. Celebrated with all the family and overall a great day.


Teresa Goldsbrough emailed that the newsletter and Facebook are great means of keeping in touch when travelling. Teresa also thanked Kathy Trace for her birthday card, much appreciated. She celebrated that week with friends enjoying the facilities at Ramada Resort and the various attractions around Phillip Island. Teresa will be absent for a few months as she is undertaking an Adventure tour of Broome and environments, then onto Darwin in July, while in August she will be on The Ghan from Darwin to Adelaide followed by a trip to Sydney to undertake the Sydney Harbour Bridge walk in September. She hopes to join us for the Woodend visit in October


Terry Heenan emailed from Leopold to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday greetings, which of course arrived on time. Terry had an enjoyable day celebrating with family, and received many phone calls from those living afar. Whilst holidaying in Queensland last winter, friends of Terry and wife Mary took them to the town of Palmwoods, which is situated in the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast. On this day in August 2015 the town was celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the E.S.and A Bank branch, situated in Main Street Palmwoods. There were many items and photos on display pertaining to the bank's history, including an old signature book. The celebration seemed to create a lot of interest with many people calling in. The local T.V. channel interviewed Terry about his memories of working for the E.S. and A. in Victoria. Terry and wife Mary have recently sold their home in Leopold, and will soon be moving a few kilometres down the road towards Geelong, to Bellarine Lakes Country Club in Moolap.


Wayne Hulbert advises that he and wife Bernadette will be away for the July and August ANZROC meetings, as they are heading off on a 4WD trek. Firstly to a three day concert called the Big Red Bash in the desert just out of Birdsville, then a ten day trip with some fellow Tvanners up North finishing at Tennant Creek then they will be making their way right across to the East coast for a huge Volkswagen week long car show in Nambucca Heads before heading home in August.


Graham Joseph emailed a sincere thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the best wishes extended to him on the occasion of his 77th and indeed for the many other cards which he has received in a timely manner over the years. Because of many travel commitments both local and overseas and as Graham’s Probus Club meeting falls on the same day, unfortunately he is unable to attend the ANZROC monthly meetings as often as he would like. But Graham really enjoys being kept up-dated via the Newsletter. Fortunately, apart from a bit of Macular Degeneration in the eyes, he is keeping well and proposes to continue travelling while he can. Keep up the good work


Frank Marzin emailed to report that he had returned from an enjoyable holiday visiting Merrijig and Creswick. Thank you for the birthday card. He has been busy renovating his home over the last year. Frank will be busy in the next few years upgrading the property at Endeavour Hills and taking a few breaks here and there.


Godfrey Mills emailed thanks for the very nice birthday card. Godfrey and wife Nancy have had a turbulent past few weeks. First, a home invasion (robbery) which saw them relieved of quite a number of personal and household items. Fortunately Nancy and Godfrey were both out at the time. Most of the stolen items can be replaced under insurance but he suspects that some personal gear is lost for good. A day or so later he was carted off to hospital. Day 1 c/t scans etc. Day 2 gallbladder removed. Day 3 home in good shape. Amazing. Godfrey recalls that in 1969 his then Medicine Man diagnosed the same problem He offered Godfrey an operation involving 14/16 days in hospital and a 3 month recovery period, stressing the fact that the operation should happen immediately to avoid a quite dangerous procedure later in life. Godfrey declined on the grounds that all the stones seemed to have exited his system. In retrospect a good decision with the considerable help of major advances in this area of medicine over the intervening 45 years. A bit of travel later in the year seems warranted! Cheers to all.


Ray Murphy emailed to convey to the President and Committee his sincere thanks for the bright and cheery birthday card and of course include Kathy Trace for policing the diary, putting pen to paper and mailing same. It’s amazing when you are on your own that you realise there is still so much to learn in the kitchen and around the traps. Ray looks forward to receiving the monthly news letter and reading the epistles of the older brigade and their experiences in the Bank.


Geoff Murrell emailed his many thanks for the ANZROC card and good wishes for birthday No.77. Keeping well after heart surgery late in 2015 and looking forward to many more celebrations.


Ron Pidcock emailed his thanks for the birthday card. Ron and wife Robyn are doing well and still performing light opera. In fact they will be appearing in the musical “Chu Chin Chow” which opens in July. This piece was written by Geelong-born Arthur Asche, who became one of the leading impresarios in London. Chu Chin Chow ran for 5 years from 1916, and was the must-see live theatre event for many troops on leave from the European front lines. It held the record for most performances until Salad Days overtook it in 1959. Oscar returned to Australia and toured the show here for a couple of years in the 1920’s. As this is its centenary year, Ron and Robyn are opening at the Geelong Performing Arts Centre on 23rd July, coming to the Phoenix Theatre Elwood on Thursday the following week. Ron thinks that many of our members will either remember tunes from the show, or remember their parents seeing it.


Tom Portelli wrote to thank the Committee and members of ANZROC for the good wishes expressed on the occasion of his recent birthday and a special thanks to Kathy Trace.


Reg Roberts emailed to say many thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday card for his 88th. It's rather horrifying to have reached such an age, and to reflect and recall, the names of those with whom he used to work, all those years ago!!!!!!!! Still keeping well and looking forward to, dare he say 89.


Les Roberts phoned from Portland to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card and good wishes which he appreciated and he was pleasantly surprised to see the card arrive on the day when letters posted in Portland to Portland residents can sometimes take up to 8 days for delivery.


Bruce Sanderson emailed his many thanks for the kind birthday wishes. Thankfully, he doesn’t feel his age, but never the less Bruce is grateful for the efforts of Kathy Trace and other committee members for the birthday card. It arrived on time. Thankfully, a couple of his family were able to defer overseas business trips so that they were able to enjoy a great family get together on the birthday. Birthdays seem to come around all too quickly! Bruce is hopeful that he may be able to catch up with friends at a gathering at Margaret River, and then continue to the Albany district to catch up with relatives. But sadly, over the past 12 months his brother-in-law has passed on and the annual recounting the days that he and his brother endured in their trusty Lancaster have passed. Being the holder of an Enduring Power of Attorney (for another War Widow), Bruce was very interested in Norman Chia’s presentation to our members at the June meeting. With thanks and best wishes for the club's continuing success and camaraderie,


Neil Sharman wrote that it was very pleasant to receive a birthday card from our Retired Officers’ Club on the occasion of his 80th birthday.


Roy Sloggett sent his sincere thanks for the lovely birthday card and kind wishes for his 84th birthday.


Geoff Stillman emailed to acknowledge receipt of the new Birthday card which looks great.


Keith Taylor sent his many thanks to Kathy Trace for passing on the Club’s best wishes for his 88th birthday. Keith does appreciate receiving the newsletters to read about former workmates activities.


Jim Trimble wrote to say many thanks for the birthday card for his 88th- gee time does fly as it does not seem that long ago when he retired. A thank you really goes to Kathy Trace for her good wishes.


Kath Walsh emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee for the birthday greeting, on time as always. Congratulations on the lovely new card design, layout and wording. Kath too, like many members, looks forward to receiving the monthly Newsletter and the interesting stories that are told.


Ern Walton wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday greetings and good wishes. He was quite impressed by the new design. It’s hard to believe that thirty years has now passed since his first retirement. Some years later Ern spent two years part time at Commercial Centre at Box Hill. Ern celebrated his birthday with family at the local RSL Club and a happy day was had by all. Another year has passed with no great health problems and he still enjoys tennis twice a week and also lawn bowling depending on the weather. He was sorry to hear of the passing of Keith Westaway. Ern met up with Keith at a social bowls day just a few months ago at Keith’s Village and Ern’s sympathy is extended to his family.


Kevin Watson emailed from Perth to thank the Committee for the newsletter – he does enjoy reading about old friends from long ago! Also, a belated but sincere thank you for the birthday card which arrived safely and on time.


Brian Wills wrote to thank the Committee for the wishes received in his birthday card though another year gone. Brian’s health last year has not been the best but now quite well and living at home alone.


AND Bob Maughan, John McFarlane, ANZROC QLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA






Note the dates of our forthcoming meetings


Thursday 8th September 2016 at 34/100 Queen Street


Noel Beanland has introduced Brian and Shirley Rix to ANZROC and they will speak to us about their adventures on their motor bike journeys to many parts of the world which should be very interesting. Brian and Shirley have published a book of their travels and copies will be available at our meeting. Partners are invited as well as widows of ANZROC members and members of the ANZ Ladies Club as the speakers/authors are well known presenters on the speakers’ circuit and we hope that members will support the Committee on this day.


13th October 2016 at Victoria Hotel at Woodend


Members to travel to Woodend to lunch at the Victoria Hotel (near Woodend Railway Station) for our country visit and we look forward to joining with local members living in the district and surrounds.


Thursday 10th November 2016 at 34/100 Queen Street


Annual General Meeting


8th December 2016


Christmas Lunch at Arts Precinct: Bob Lyon has agreed to propose the toast to ANZ at the luncheon..




Eamon reported that on the first day of release of the June newsletter we passed the 300 mark on reads of the newsletter on the ANZROC’s website, not bad in one day. Eamon also posted the CEO portraits as a photo album on the website and Facebook page. Here is the link.


The Facebook CEO gallery page and photos of the June lunch have received a lot of interactions on the website and Facebook since the release in early June.




Just a reminder that members of the ANZ Retired Officers Club are eligible for membership to the ANZ Staff Club and the annual fee to be an ANZ Staff Club retired officer member is a reasonable $19-50. ANZ Staff Club still offer a great range of products and accommodation to members, together with regular bulletins on special deals and products that are available, Membership can be very worthwhile and a look at their website will get you more information. Web address is as follows:


NEXT MEETING 11TH August 2016




Our Guest Speaker for this meeting will be Sue Noble, CEO Volunteering Australia since 2012. Sue’s CV includes CEO Softball Australia, National Marketing and Business Development Manager CPA Australia, National Business Development Manager ,DLA Piper New Zealand, GM Marketing and Business Development Division Law Institute of Victoria. BA Monash, MBA Victorian University, We look forward to hearing Sue’s presentation which should have much interest to a wide range of our members and partners.


Partners ARE invited that day as well as Widows of late ANZROC members and also ANZ Ladies Club members who are welcome to come to hear Sue speak.


If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 5TH August 2016 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.


A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering






TO : Ron Adams


PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144. By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I/we will be attending the Luncheon function






Newsletter June 2016


Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


NEWSLETTER June 9th   2016



Hello all,

Our June meeting was a great success with more than 60 members and partners present.

Norman Chia an Advocate Guardian from The Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) gave a most interesting and informative presentation about “Enduring powers of attorney”. Members were provided with a publication “Take Control - A guide to making enduring powers of attorney

OPA has partnered with Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) to improve the way it distributes publications and ensure you get the information you need sooner. To order OPA's publications on powers of attorney, guardianship and administration or medical decision making, please go to VLA's website or call 9269 0223.

You can read information about these topics and download copies of Take Control and Side by Side on OPA's website. All publications are free. OPA also have a free advice service 1300 309 337 available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

If you have not considered an Enduring Power of attorney for Financial and Personal matters or for Medical treatment, then I would suggest that you at least order or download a free copy of Take Control and consider if the time is right either for you, your partner or elderly relatives. At our meeting on a show of hands, nearly half those present have already powers of attorney.


Peter Edwards, son of the late Col Edwards attended his first ANZROC meeting  while members not seen for some time included Aldo Faella, Neil Gladstone, Hartley Hodgson, Doug Imrie, Jack Le Pedjian, Ken Mahar with wife Rhondda, Geoffrey Sandow ,Rose Virgona, Jill Ward, Roger Watkins, Carole Whiting and Merv Williams and having partners present made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Hope to see you soon at one of our functions.

Peter Pritchard

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Ainscough, Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Diane Carew,  Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Ray Gill, Val Goldsworthy, Frank Hatfield,   Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Don Jeffrey, Des Johnson,  Sandra Joseph, Peter Keating, Graeme King, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin Mitchell,  Peter Nyga, Neville Pearson, Geoff Perdriau,  Alan Podger, Graeme Randall, David Schunke,  George Thomas, Paul Tovey, Anne Wee, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Nangia                                    Arun (Arun)                32 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Arun at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Moorhouse                  J.H.M. (John)             90 years                      21/5/2016

John enlisted in the RAAF in October 1943 and at discharge in December 1945 held the rank of Flight Sergeant in the &th Operational Training Unit.

Staff Record for John Henry Murray Moorhouse has been provided.
Born: 5 Oct 1925
Entered Service: 8 Jan 1942
1949 General Clerk, Ledger Supervisor, Fitzroy Branch, 1951 Accountant/Teller 184 High St, Kew, 1953 Accountant/Teller 311 Clarendon St, South Melbourne ,1956 Accountant, East Preston Branch,1960 Accountant, 236 Chapel St, Prahran, 1962 Accountant 75 Collins St East Branch , 1964 Manager Lae, New Guinea, 1967 Manager Huntingdale Branch,1969 Manager Nominees Dept,1972 Regional Manager,1977 Area Manager, Moorabbin,1982 Retired

Sue McCarthy emailed to say” I knew John well in the old Vic Admin when he was Regional Manager South East, and I have been visiting him monthly for the last couple of years. Unfortunately I can't be at his funeral because I am overseas.

John was a master of the straight-faced leg-pull. On one occasion in the 1970s I was sitting in his office when the officer in charge of car allocations came to speak to John about his new car. "Ah, yes" said John without the trace of a smile, "The State Manager has approved a black panel van but I want to know whether the Bank will meet the cost of those little purple frilly curtains".  I'm sure that others will have similar memories.”


Westaway                   K.J. (Keith)                 82 years                      30/5/2016

Keith was a keen supporter of ANZROC and contributed to the newsletter over the years. Keith’s brother Peter is a member of ANZROC Vic.

ANZROC member Dick Sanders attended the funeral service and  said the service was in a fairly large modern church which was well attended for Keith. Dick did not see anyone he recognised except for Keith’s son Ian who Dick thinks was in the Bank and a Lending Manager at Box Hill at one time. There may have been other bankers there but were anonymous!

If you have any anecdotes of your time with John and Keith in the bank let me know and we will publish in future newsletters. Our condolences are sent to John and Keith’s family and friends.



Betty Glasson widow of our late Honorary Member John Glasson wrote to thank members for the May newsletter and the condolences expressed from ANZROC. Betty says that while John was unable to attend meetings because it was held on his golf days he always enjoyed reading the newsletters.


Bob Grant emailed his tribute to John Vanselow.I worked with him in Marketing Department in Vic Admin and he was a great boss and became a good friend.Having recently arrived in Victoria from NSW I didn’t know of him personally but met him by mistake one day when he mistook me for my twin brother Jack.He always went out of his way to say hello after that, even when he was very busy, and he was well known for his social skills and friendship to others. It could be said that he was almost too good to be true.I know that when he was selected to go to Japan someone remarked to him that he had a hard act to follow.His response was that it would be a different act, - and it was.As the boss of Marketing Dept. he had a great relationship with all of the staff and the parties at his home in Frankston and elsewhere was legendary. He had the ability to get everyone involved and no one felt left out at any of these functions.

At the few Christmas functions that I have been able to attend he always sought me out to say hello and this was greatly appreciated. His wife Lois was a tremendous support to him throughout his career and I know that he loved her dearly. Sorry to see you gone John.”


Doug Watson emailed to say “I have only just returned from Europe and London to say farewell and send my mother off in grand style  ...she was over 101! But so sad to learn of the passing of both John Vanselow and Col Edwards who were both very good friends to Maureen and I, particularly when we first arrived from London and also when I was out in the market at Box Hill area office.”



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during June 2016 and we pass on

 Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Les Ager (85), Gordon Christensen (80),

 Bill Gardiner (85), Bob Lamb (82), Geoff Meggs (88), Ray Murphy (86), Tom Portelli (82),

 Reg Roberts (88), Roy Sloggett (84), Barry Theobald (92), Gren Tonzing (81), James Trimble

(88), Ern Walton (85), Roger Watkins (85), Kevin Watson (87), Ray Whitehead (90), John

Williams (86), Elaine Willmott, Brian Wills (85)


            From  1/6/2016                                                                                                           

            Less     than $20,000                           1.18%                                     

            Greater than $20,000                           1.52% 



Members are now sending me stories of their past experiences that may bring a smile or two and I welcome your contributions as the feedback about previous articles in this segment of the newsletter has been quite positive…



Bob sent a story from Inverloch of one of his experiences:

“When I was Manager of Monbulk Branch in ’75 the Premises Department decided to move the Branch into new rented premises further up and on the other side of the street. On moving day the transfer of the cash safe to the new premises proved to be a lot more difficult than transferring funds from one account to another.

The removalists placed the cash safe on its side on a trolley. They then pushed the trolley from the back of the office and across the banking chamber to the front door. The three men then proceeded to push the trolley across the footpath and up a sloping nature strip (about a metre) to the roadway. The plan was to load the trolley on the truck and take it up to the new premises. But alas! When the men got the trolley to the top of the nature strip they could not move it any further nor could they hold it. They were forced to release their hold and the trolley with safe aboard rolled down the slope, over the footpath, through the front door and into the back end of the banking chamber. Fortunately nobody was in the doorway.

The clean air of Monbulk was the rent by some very unclean words from the removalists. After a calming down period the three men decided to push the trolley with the safe on it up the footpath until they were opposite the new premises. The nature strip was level with the road at that point and they were able to push the trolley across the road into the new premises. When the cash safe was opened the next banking day the Tellers found the coin was somewhat mixed up. I wonder why?”



My first day on the counter at Stanley Branch, Tasmania 1951

On this Saturday morning Hec Stuart and I were the only two on deck for duty. Our thoughts were on the afternoon footy where we both played in opposing teams – Hec for Stanley and me for Forest- both part of the Circular Head Footy Association. A problem: Hec had been drinking overnight with friends from Irishtown and needed to recuperate for the big game. A solution: so simple Hec slept on the floor behind the counter. Billy Bone the manager had opened the front door to the premises behind the branch- this was Hec’s cue for a snooze. Eventually Mr. House from the local garage came in with a deposit and stood quietly at the counter then looked at me and said “Hey Brian where is Hec” When I at 15 years of age and being very loyal to Hec came around the corner to find Hec asleep and snoring I took the deposit and stamped the deposit book. Mr. House on departing said “Thanks Brian. Tell Hec he needs all the rest he can get for today’s game.” I shook Hec and told him Mr. Bone may come down and that I had taken a deposit but Hec said “just leave me alone, look after the counter and wake me 15 minutes before closing” I did just that  and after taking two small transactions I had had my first day on the counter.



Re Scottie Ballarat East, I have mentioned in previous epistles that I worked in every position, except the Manager, in the Branch between March 1948 and April 1957, however I did achieve the full monty in April 1977 when I was appointed the Manager of the merged Branch in Premises on the Scottie site for a term of 4 years and the Branch staff complement for the merged Branch was 16 hands. I don’t think Administration was aware that I returned 20 years to the day that I was transferred to relieving staff Melbourne. This was a great thrill for me.



At the time I was working at the Vic Administration of ES&A Bank at 86 Queen Street one of the senior management team Alan Wilkie always carried the common business satchel to work and back. One Friday someone placed a brick in the bag. On the following Monday when Alan did not make any comments about the brick it became too much for the prankster and he asked Alan if he had had a good weekend. Alan said he had taken too many papers home to work on and that walking home he started to have chest pains which persisted over the weekend. By now the prankster was feeling very upset but Alan soon put him at ease as he had found the brick and removed it before he left work.



Advance notice for our ANZROC meeting on 13TH October 2016 that I thought I would put into prose:


ANZROC Country train and luncheon Outing at The Victoria Hotel at WOODEND


























“The Bird”


Wendy Black wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for her birthday greetings which were appreciated and she says a very attractive card too. Wendy can’t imagine slowing down even though she has reached a milestone this year. She very much enjoyed the afternoon recently at the “Salvos”.

Luigi Bucello wrote from Dalmore to thank Kathy Trace for the timely arrival of his birthday card which acted as a reminder to Luigi as to why he feels a bit slower than he did last year. Cold weather may give early signs that it is nearly time to start preparing the asparagus for harvesting. Hard to find reliable Australian workers with the bulk of his field labour coming from the Pacific Islands which adds to costs as airfares have to be paid, accommodation found and transport provided. Luigi looks forward to the monthly newsletter. It is with sadness however that he heard that Koo we Rup branch where he worked during his career is to close on 9th May.

Ian Cave emailed to say thanks for the Newsletter. Ian hopes to get to a function in the not too distant future, unfortunately the next 2 meetings clash with his Volunteer duties at the MCG.

He certainly enjoys looking at the photos, and whilst many of the faces are familiar, the fact that members’ names are highlighted on the photos is a great innovation,

Muriel Drummond wrote that she recalled that it is 50 years since decimalisation of our currency took place and thought it might be of interest to members that the late Col Edwards was instrumental in compiling the relevant massive manual this undertaking entailed (and incidentally impeccably typed by our ANZROC member Kerry Dark) .There were seven people on Col’s team including Harold Fabry, Neil and Lois Twite, (all deceased) and remarkably the transition took place without a hitch. Great Achievement!

Nola Forsyth wrote to thank ANZROC for her birthday card. It was a surprise. Her birthday will be spent quietly at home but as one of the ladies in the nearby Mews Nursing Home has her birthday on the same day they will share a small party. Nola is working as a volunteer at the Mews Centre talking to the patients and doing sewing jobs for them. To keep herself busy she is knitting scarves for the needy around her area.

John Harris emailed to pass on his grateful thanks for the good wishes for his birthday

John and wife Colleen spent the weekend in Sydney where they celebrated with son Scott, daughter in law Kylie and the 3 grandchildren and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Managed to avoid the plagues of kangaroos both up and back

John Hawkins reported that he and wife Helen  will be away on a 50 day cruise around the Pacific  calling into Malaysia, Korea, China, Japan, Russia and  Canada sailing through the inside passage then USA where they fly back home  from LA. Hopefully he will see members at the luncheon in September.

Geoff Horton emailed to say thanks for the sterling effort each month to produce the ANZROC Newsletter. It keeps him informed of the activities of the club and the news of members past and present.Currently in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, with the Australian Action Pistol Team as their Manager, a bit of advancement from the State role which Geoff has held since 2007?

He hopes to get to a monthly meeting in the near future.

Life Member David Knuckey phoned Kathy Trace to thank her and the Committee for his welcome birthday card and he said he liked the “new look”.

Mike Nickell emailed to acknowledge and thank the Committee for their recent card and good wishes on his 72nd.It is great to be a member of ANZROC and to be able to keep in touch through the club with past banking friends and colleagues. The committee is to be congratulated for their sterling work.The past year has slipped by quietly whilst Mike has (now fully) recovered from his fall in Feb 2015. Reminder to all, don’t get up ladders, Mike was very fortunate.Thank you once again, and he looks forward to receiving the monthly newsletter and catching up with old friends’ news and events.

Peter Nyga was delighted to receive the birthday card, which arrived on time notwithstanding the vagaries of the current postal service. The new design is great. Peter passes on his thanks to Kathy Trace for the good wishes.  His birthday was a pleasant family affair starting with lunch at a Mornington restaurant, followed by afternoon tea at his eldest daughter’s home.

Alan Podger emailed that the Birthday greetings (in the new colourful format) were duly received and sends his sincere thanks.

Barry Rogers emailed to thank the club and particularly Kathy Trace for the birthday card acknowledging his 78th birthday. Barry is well and still working three days a week doing the books for a local solicitor, which is the reason he is unable to attend club meetings. It is interesting to note that after being retrenched in 1996 he had trouble getting work and still had kids at school. In 1999 Barry saw a small ad in the ANZROC newsletter, placed by a solicitor, for a part time bookkeeper. Barry applied and was accepted. He thought that it would be good for two or three years, then he would retire properly. However the solicitor and he got on well and 15 years later Barry is still turning up on Monday mornings. Barry and wife Jill have gone overseas for a holiday most years, and this year took in China, with a cruise down the South China Sea to Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore. Next year they are staying local and intend to spend a couple of weeks "up north" and a couple of weeks in Tasmania. Barry joined the ANZ bank in Hobart (40 Elizabeth Street) so is looking forward to seeing how much the city has changed. He wishes everyone well and looks forward to receiving another card next year.

Terry Stapleton wrote from Cremorne NSW to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived on time and thanks for the good wishes received. Anther enjoyable year has gone by for Terry and wife Maureen who both continue to generally enjoy good health. Terry is still active in his love of gardening winning second prize in the vegetable garden competition run by North Sydney Council and he will be in again this year. He also manages a game of tennis weekly. Terry recently went on a trip to Broken Hill and surrounds with 5 other old blokes (Elders) from the Wine and Food Society of NSW. They travelled by train both ways and hired a car in Broken Hill. It was a really interesting sight-seeing experience over 8 days. Terry continues to read the Newsletter and see lots of names that he remembers from his days down south and he send his regards to all members and particularly those whose birthday is in May.

Frank Valastro wrote that he received a pleasant surprise when he received his birthday card from ANZROC and sincerely thanks all those involved with the cards. Frank said he had been in and out of hospital for surgery on three occasions over the past 12 months. When coupled with rehab requirements his domestic routine has been somewhat disjointed but he is now on the mend and his health issues are looking considerably better.

Mike Vallence emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the good wishes he received for his recent birthday which was much appreciated.

Roger Watkins wrote to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday card. Roger is keeping good health and at 85 says he has an older brother now 96 who claims to play table tennis at the retirement village so there is longevity in the family. Roger said he joined ES&A in 1959 at 390 Lonsdale Street with John Keck then 10 years at Vic Admin, 26years at AHQ/GHQ with his final years at 100 Queen Street retiring in 1996.

AND Ian Anderson, Robin Cates , Don Cameron, Bruce Iddles, Steve Nielsen, John Osborne, Ken Stapleton,  ANZROC QLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




Norris Gale has agreed to take on the role of ANZROC Auditor following the passing of the late Alan Forrest and we have co-opted Norris for the balance of this year and will nominate Norris in accordance with the constitution to become Auditor of ANZROC Vic at our November Annual General Meeting..



Not all bank technology is cutting edge. While banks actively pursue fintech, cloud solutions and core rebuilds, some financial services technology dates back to when the Concorde took its maiden flight. And some of that bank tech is still in the air.

It was June 1976 when ANZ planned to upgrade their New York Rep Office to an Agency and the Midas system, designed and developed in London by BIS Systems was the chosen software solution. After 40 years of further development within ANZ the system remains in over 50 sites and is still being installed today for a very cost-effective price.

To celebrate this milestone we had a gathering in Melbourne on June 6 at CQ Bar in Queen Street attended by over 70 past and present ANZ Staff.

Photos from the event can be viewed on the Midanz Wordpress site below.

An article has also been published on Anz Bluenotes, a link to the article below.

Eamon Veaney



11 August  2016 at 34/100 Queen Street

Wolf has secured Sue Noble as speaker for the meeting on 11 August 2016. Sue Noble is the CEO for Volunteering Victoria. We are hopeful that we will get an increase in ANZROC Members attendance to hear Sue’s story.

9th September 2016 at 34/100 Queen Street

Noel Beanland has introduced Brian and Shirley Rix to ANZROC and Wolf has arranged for them to speak to us about their adventures on their motor bike journeys to many parts of the world. Brian and Shirley have published a book of their travels and copies will be available at our meeting.


13th October 2016 at Victoria Hotel at Woodend

Members to travel to Woodend to lunch at the Victoria Hotel (near Woodend Railway Station) for our country visit and we look forward to joining with   local members living in the district and surrounds.

9th November 2016 at 34/100 Queen Street

Annual General Meeting

8th December 2016

Christmas Lunch at Arts Precinct: Bob Lyon has agreed to propose the toast to ANZ at the luncheon..



Robert Long <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.a member of the ANZ ROC Queensland arranges an annual reunion of former officers who served in Papua New Guinea during the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The reunion is usually held at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast and is due to be held in November 2016 and people come from as far as Cairns and Sydney.

If any of our Victorian membership that served in Papua/New Guinea during their careers are interested in joining the festivities this year then contact Robert at the above email address and he will provide details.







  • the Mulgrave Country Club is located on the North West Corner of the Wellington Road and Jells Road Wheelers Hill Cross Road


  • There is considerable underground parking available as well as ground level parking on the North and East sides of the building


  • Public Transport is not readily available  and we suggest that any members who would require transport to attend the function, indicate such on the under mentioned acceptance slip and we will endeavour to arrange transport.



  • We would also appreciate assistance from anyone who may be able to be called on to assist with car transport from the station should such be required


  • Train travel to Glen Waverley is one  option and if you intend to take this option please indicate such and we will endeavour to have a car pick you up from outside the North exit into Railway Parade at Glen Waverley Station


  • We are delighted that several of the ANZ group known as the” Zedders” who hold a bi monthly get together at this venue will join us on this day


  • The Mulgrave Country Club has an excellent reputation and the seniors two course lunch, consisting of either Soup and Main course or Main course and Sweets costs around $15 to $20


  • Partners , ANZROC widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome to join us on this day and we are anticipating an excellent attendance

Contact details for acceptances:

  • Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 9740 8001. Please post or Email the attached acceptance slip to Joan Nathan prior to 7th of July







                        PLEASE ADVISE JOAN NATHAN BY 7TH JULY 2016 ….



  • I / WE will be attending the luncheon


  • Name.................................................

            Partner’s name if attending...................................................



  • I / We would appreciate assistance with transport: Pick up from Glen Waverley Station YES / NO


  • I would be available to pick up (number: .......) members from the Northern entrance of Glen Waverley Station at 11.30am approx


  • We may be able to arrange pick up from home given the number of retired members in this area. Please indicate if this would be necessary and we will endeavour to assist


Look forward to seeing a large attendance and a wonderful day

  • Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone: 97408001,
  • address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429..





Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.

Newsletter May 2016



Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)

NEWSLETTER May 12th 2016


Hello all,

58 Members and partners held our May meeting at the Salvation Army Headquarters, Melbourne.

Major Brendan Nottle was our guest speaker and spoke about the issues with homeless in Melbourne. Members had the opportunity to tour the facility and learn a little more about the work of the Salvation Army.

The meeting was also our Red Shield Appeal. Members raised $3,100 at the meeting and this was presented to Brendan at the conclusion of his talk. Thank you to all for their contributions.

ANZROC have a number of events and meetings scheduled for the remainder of this year. If you can, please make the effort to come along and catch up with some of your colleagues.

Our June meeting will feature a speaker from The Office of the Public Advocate who will talk about “Enduring powers of attorney”. In view of the importance of this topic to our members we have made the meeting open to partners. Further details are in this newsletter.

If you can please come along.

Hope to see you soon

Members not seen for some time included Wendy Black, Linda Davidson, Teresa Goldsbrough, Bob Lamb, Bruce Sanderson, Peter Treleaven, Rose Virgona, Jill Ward, Carole Whiting, and having our partners present made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.

Peter Pritchard 0418 149 394


Ron Adams, Graeme Baldwin, Diane Carew, Robin Chase ,Wolf Damschitz, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Nola Forsyth, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw , Erica Hayden, Keith Higgs, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Don Jeffrey, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Gary Mason, Joan Nathan, Peter Nyga, Alan Pearce, Ron Phillips, Graeme Randall, David Schunke, George Thomas, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Edwards Peter (son of Col) 18 years ANZ

Welch P.R. (Peter) 19 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing the two Peters at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Glasson J.L. (John) 93 years 30/4/2016

John joined the Australian Army in August 1942 and at discharge in July 1946 was Sergeant, 7th Australian Infantry Battalion. He served in Darwin during the bombing campaign and later in Army Intelligence in Bougainville. John joined the Union Bank in Horsham and moved to Tasmania to Launceston and was then transferred to Melbourne where our member Bob Kirkland met John at 154 Swanston Street and then later they met again when they were Assistant Managers at 351 Collins Street. John went on to Dandenong and Bob moved into Lending. John was a long time member of the Woodlands Golf Club where he played for many years with our member Neville Taylor. John was involved with the Anglican Church in Sandringham serving as an Elder. Bob Kirkland reported that at the funeral service for John he met ANZROC members Bernie Sowersby and Bruce Tickell.

We advised the passing of our Life Member John Vanselow in the April newsletter and can now report that the funeral was well attended with many ANZROC members in attendance. The service was quite a relaxed family affair and Neville Pearson spoke at the service presenting a poem about his 50 years of friendship with John which follows later in this newsletter. The Celebrant said that John would have enjoyed the proceedings.

Graeme and Annette Baldwin emailed to thank ANZROC for letting us know about John Vanselow’s untimely death in time so that we were able to attend his funeral – Annette has fond memories of him at ANZ over fifty years ago.

John Brown was cruising around Hawaii and not able to be present but emailed to say that he and wife Jan “spoke to John and Lois a little while before we left on this trip and there was no indication that things were not good. We will miss John as we went on a couple of caravan trips with them and we have known them since the 1960s.”

Bob Maughan emailed “Very sad to hear of the passing of Col Edwards and John Vanselow Had a lot to do with both and enjoyed their company many times.

Col was a true gentleman. Joan and I greatly enjoyed many social occasions with him and Ethel particularly at the Australian Pops Orchestra performances which were sponsored by Esanda. When I was with Esanda Col was very supportive and always available to provide advice and wise counsel. He will be greatly missed! The worst of moving interstate is being out of the loop until it is too late.

Whilst I already knew John Vanselow I got to know him better when he was Manager of the ANZ Elsternwick Branch and I was the relieving Manager at the ESA Elsternwick.

Reg Hunt Group banked with John and their Esanda business was conducted though the Scottie Branch. We were both invited to a Christmas function at the Dealership where we had a most enjoyable time receiving an 'education' at the same time particularly in ways of having a bet we could never have imagined!!! This was the first of many work and social times together particularly on the golf course. A born organiser it will not take him long in organising a golf game in heaven! Our deepest condolences to his wife Lois.

Emilio Moreno said about John Vanselow “As you know we worked together in Tokyo for a couple of years back in 1979 and he was always great fun and a great guy”.

Dennis Murphy emailed the following message “It is with great sadness that I see the passing of Col Edwards and John Vanselow. I was in Methods at the time Col was the Stationery Manager and I was under the guide of Alan Mc Clean and then Harry Carrodus undertaking the writing of IDA with Geoff Scott for International Dept and there were fond memories of all that crew.

When John was the Representative for Japan he was a great help in looking after all the arrangements when I was in Corporate Dept and went to sign documents for the first Japanese currency loan undertaken for the Tasmanian Hydro Commission. He also showed me some of the sites!! A great man and both dedicated to the well being of the ANZROC and will be sadly missed at the Christmas lunches.”

Joan Nathan emailed to say it is so sad losing two very respected members in such a short time, I was thinking about all those attending the funeral today of John Vanselow, such a shock, he was so warm and welcoming when I joined the Retired Officers, and knew no one, He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

Frank Edwards emailed that it was sad to read of the death of Roly Isherwood in the UK. Our paths crossed when I visited the bank in London in 1973 and Roly was working with Sid Cumberland. The interesting sidelight is that in our young days Roly and I were fellow students at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School in Blackburn, Lancs. We went our separate ways, with Roly remaining in the UK and joining one of the ANZ’s founder banks while I migrated to Australia in 1951 and joined the Scottie. So by a devious route we both ended up in the same institution.

And I often wondered why Col Edwards kept asking me if I had his pay check. It wasn't until I saw his death notice that I learned that he was named Frank.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during May 2016 and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Les Beard (81), John Caudry (88), Norm

Dibbin (83), John Duncan (80), Nola Forsyth, Val Goldsworthy, Ian Lamont (96), Neville Lewis

(83), David Maunder (89), Geoff Menogue (82), Alan Podger (84), Terry Stapleton (86).


From 1/5/2016

Less than $20,000 1.33%

Greater than $20,000 1.71%


Members may recall a request from Gary Mason who has been collecting humorous stories which happened in the Bank over the years and some of these stories are now being included in our ANZROC newsletters


While at Kew branch, I found that the Manager allowed the local butcher to keep his horse in the bank's back yard. The Manager made friends with the horse by giving it a sugar lump each morning when he arrived at work. One morning just before the bank opened the Manager went to the toilet which was in the back yard. The Manager seemed to be an extraordinarily long time, so the accountant went out to see where he was. The accountant found the horse with its front half in the toilet and the Manager calling out for help.. The horse wouldn't let him out of the toilet without first getting a sugar lump and the Manager had left his coat, with sugar lumps in the pocket, in his office. . The accountant went inside the bank and got a lump of sugar and was able to coax the horse away from the toilet and release the Manager.

When we were leaving the bank at night, the same Manager had a habit of charging the front door of the bank, hitting it with his shoulder and with great force to check that it was securely closed. One night another reliever intentionally left the door on latch and when the Manager mounted his attack, the door flew open and he slid up the banking chamber on his side. This cured him of attacking the door and in future he just shook it to check if it was properly locked.


Back in the fifties when Roger Darvall was CEO and a Mr S K (Rupert) Brooke was the Head Office Manager in London, I remember attending Rupert Brooke’s retirement party when in farewell he related to the attendees a comment on careers. He said that as one progressed through life one or other of two things happened, either you became a specialist and knew more and more about less and less and ended up knowing everything about nothing, or you became a generalist and knew less and less about more and more and ended up knowing nothing about everything ! I have always thought how true this is.

My favourite story in Grindlays was when we were putting in the new Indian Computer System. We needed to be able to communicate easily with the Software developers in Dublin by using Fax but the Indian Government prohibited its use on the Indian Public Telephone System at that time, however although you could not obtain a Fax Machine in India Gurmeet assured me they could connect one if one became available. In London I purchased a Canon Fax which had a carrying case just like the Cine Cameras of that time and took it to India where the Customs assumed it was a Cine Camera. The boys connected it to the phone system and we proceeded to happily talk to Dublin using it. About a month later Ashok Dyal, the Indian No 1 in the Bank called me to his office. "Dick" he said. “I believe we have a Fax machine in Bombay". "Yes" I said. " I believe we have ".”Tell me" Ashok said, “how did it get there?" I said, "If you must know I smuggled the machine in!" Ashok leaned back in his chair, his fingertips touching, and said "how would you have liked to spend some time in an Indian Goal?" "Not much" I said. Ashok then asked me "Did this proclivity to criminal activities rub off on you during your sojourn in Melbourne!”


These letters from members regarding past deeds are interesting and great to refresh the memory box, and this is the first of several from me to start the ball rolling. Whilst waiting for an appointment for Branch Management I was sent to relieve the Accountant at the Scottie Box Hill Branch in the week leading up to Xmas 1964.The Branch had a reputation of excesses in overtime and tea money drawing and I was instructed to curtail it. Each day I rostered off staff to avoid full compliment on board for tick offs balancing which was working well. Come Xmas Eve I called the General Clerk in requesting certain staff to finish up for the night. Too late Boss he said it is past Tea money time viz5.50 pm and I have turned the office clock back 10 minutes… what could I say they had all worked well and it was Xmas anyway.


A customer interview (contributed by Les Roberts from his time as a junior clerk at Ararat Branch).

Part of my job was to take customers to the Manager. One day I was escorting a mature lady and seeing that the door was ajar I pushed it and showed her through. Much to my dismay the Manager was standing there with his white “long johns” in full view. I hurriedly turned her around. It transpired that the Manager had answered a call of nature in the yard dunny and felt a bite on his return. Whatever did it was not known however it was not a red back and all ended well.


The Salvation Army meeting was a great success and very comforting to see so much good will to ones fellow man (and woman) is carried out by this organisation.

I was very proud to be asked to speak on behalf of the ANZROC at John Vanselow’s funeral service I thought it would be nice to put it in poetry which went down very well .I asked Lois if it would be OK to place it in the May “Birdies Twitter. Lois and the family were very happy for us to do so
























Love to all John’s family and friends

Neville Pearson (Birdie)


Annette and Graeme Baldwin emailed to say that they were both on the sick list when they received their birthday greetings, and they would like to say how much they enjoyed receiving the cards. Annette and Graeme are doing well again

Carole Bancroft emailed her thanks to the Committee and all members of ANZROC, for her card and birthday greetings which as usual arrived on time. She had a lovely day which ended with a family dinner at her sister's home. Despite the passing years, Carole’s health continues to be good which enables her to remain fairly active, so much so, that there are never enough hours in the day to get through the daily "To Do" list. Carole thinks she needs to reduce the list or get rid of it all together. Husband Graham had another hospital stay earlier in the year due to a minor heart attack coupled with Pneumonia. However as usual he continues to defy the odds and has once again bounced back and is reasonably well at the moment. Again her appreciation and thanks especially to Kathy Trace who continues to do such a wonderful job in recognizing the various milestones of all ANZROC members.

Darryl Bartlett emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings (he likes the new card).The day prompted Darryl to reflect on the past year on the passing of 2 good friends in Alan Forrest and Col Edwards. Alan in particular looked after Darryl and family on returning from Tasmania after the ESA merger in 1970. Travelling daily together from Glen Waverley to Moonee Ponds as Accountant and Accounting supervisor had its moments particularly after refreshments at Moonee Ponds Hotel some evenings. As lifelong friends Alan and wife Margaret with Darryl and wife Ronda spent many a long weekend camping and gold panning in NE Vic. As for the past year, health has still been up and down. Whilst in Fiji last August he was diagnosed with a clot in the right leg, which resulted in 7 days in Lautoka Hospital, then time until Ronda and him could fly home. On return as well as being treated for DVT Darryl had a cancer removed from his tongue. All is well at present and they will be going back to Fiji to visit daughter and family, hopefully when their new home is finished as there has been considerable delays due to recent cyclones.

Bob Bell emailed to convey to the committee and Kathy Trace his thanks for their good wishes on his recent birthday. Card arrived on time as usual. The past 12 months has been a bit of a roller coaster health wise. Bob had a melanoma removed last August, fortunately received the all clear, and Bob and wife Carolyn could celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in September. They also enjoyed a 33 day cruise around Australia in October.

Don Davy wrote to thank the ANZROC committee for the meaningful greetings received on the quality birthday card on the occasion of his 72nd birthday. On the day at Finchley Court where he lives the celebrations started with residents and staff congratulating Don at breakfast and repeated at lunchtime. Then in the evening he was entertained by his daughter and family .Don keeps busy in his voluntary commitments including the gardener’s role at the Hawthorn Victorian Gardens Supported Residential Services. He is thankful for his 33 years in ANZ and the many friends he has made.

ANZROC Secretary Vicky Genius emailed her thanks to Kathy Trace for the ANZROC card, much appreciated. And she does like the new design. The family went to lunch at Hellenic Republic in Brunswick, very good it was too.

Nev Greenway emailed his thanks again to Kathy Trace for the Birthday card delivered as usual, right on the day even though postal services have recently changed significantly. It seems to be a natural law that as one’s age increases, time seems to shrink each year. At the end of the month, Nev and wife Bev will be meeting with his former class mates and their partners in Cohuna to celebrate the 66th anniversary the opening in 1950 of the Cohuna Consolidated Higher Elementary School. It was the first Consolidated School in the State. Nev joined the bank in August 1955 at ANZ Cohuna that had become a designated “Training Branch” with Bill Phidian as resident manager. The Bank residence is now a separate B&B accommodation where they will be staying for the two day event, no doubt evoking additional memories of life after school.

Graham Heenan emailed his thanks for his birthday wishes again this year. Since last year Graham and wife Pam have completed a five week trip overseas which included a four night stay in Istanbul before joining a 15 day Princess Cruise to Barcelona, After two nights in Barcelona they had 7 days at Lake Como in Italy followed by a few days in Dubai with friends on the way home - a very enjoyable time away. While away in Echuca recently their house was broken into resulting in cash, jewellery and whiskey being stolen and a "terrific mess" to clean up. Apart from the occasional "70" year old health problems all is well in the Heenan household.

Laurie Holland wrote to thank the Committee for the birthday wishes for his 96th and also the Christmas greetings. As you can imagine there is little that Laurie and wife Barb are able to do by way of travel at their age although the regular contact through the newsletter is a highlight of each month. The passing years are starting to develop some unwelcome problems but they have a lot to be thankful for. They still live at home but rely on the support of their children to do so. Thank you for being there.

Betty Jennings wrote to thank the ANZROC committee for the good wishes received each year. Life is not that exciting for Betty these days with health problems that restrict her a lot. She fears her travel days are over however Village life is interesting with many activities available to residents.

David Kay wrote from Alfredton to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card which he very much appreciated.

Barry Kilmartin emailed to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday greetings.

Also to the President and Committee members for their good work keeping us up to date with former colleagues

Graeme King emailed to say that the new format Newsletter looks great and is easy to read. Graeme passes on his congratulations to Eamon and Anne for a job well done. Unfortunately he has not managed to attend any of the luncheons for quite some time due to family commitments, but certainly enjoys keeping abreast of things via the regular newsletter.

Ailsa Mackie wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the good wishes she received on her birthday card.

Past President John McPhee emailed that in the USA old west they boasted that their pony express would get their mail through. At ANZROC’ we go one better. We have Kathy Trace who, despite politics, holidays and every thing else, the mail arrives spot on time. Thanks Kathy.

Dennis Murphy emailed to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace and the committee for the “big” birthday greetings. Dennis spent the time with a few days in Singapore with one of his sons and his family who were returning from holiday in Vietnam, then on returning had another celebration with his Melbourne son and family. Fortunately health remains good so allows his overseas travel plans to continue. Last year it was India mostly down South in Karalla, Goa and then in October off to USA for a wedding of his niece held in Orlando at Disney World but also went to Boston and New York beforehand. Dennis is now off to Europe in May/June with the highlight going to Stuttgart to visit the Mercedes Benz Museum and also a factory tour of the plant there.

Glyn Parry-Jones passes on his thanks to Kathy for his birthday greetings. The card was waiting for him on his and Janet’s return from their autumn visit to the north-east of the state. This is a regular caravanning trip, this year to Bright, enjoyed with friends and ex-colleagues David Penhall and his wife Jill, Rod Willard and his wife Jeni and this year Geoff Court and his wife Lorraine. A very relaxing and enjoyable time was had with drives around the beautiful country, regular strolls into town for coffee and the occasional glass of red wine by the campfire.

Tony Pompilio sent a brief email to say thank you to ANZ ROC (Vic) for his birthday card this year.

Denis Rice emailed his thanks for the birthday card, which arrived on time (great job Kathy) .

John Taylor emailed his thanks for the kind greetings on his 80th birthday and a special thank you to Kathy Trace for the card which arrived on the day.

June Thompson wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee for the birthday wishes conveyed in the attractive newly designed card.

Gren Tonzing wrote in response to the reference to Alan Burt OAM in the February newsletter. Gren lived next door to Alan in Mildura in 1950/51 and Alan suggested that he apply to join ES&A. After a social game of tennis one night Gren wrote an application on his kitchen table which resulted in a job interview in Melbourne within two weeks and starting in the bank about mid January 1951.Gren was 15 and a half years old. He transferred from Mildura in late 1951 to Junior at Camberwell and lost contact with Alan and was saddened to hear of Alan’s health problems. Gren went on to have an interesting career in the bank working in branches and State Administration in Staff Department and Methods and Procedures Office for Victoria. He was seconded to Chief Accountant’s Department to work with ANZ staff for the merger between ANZ and ES&A. He was subsequently appointed as Assistant Manager Warrnambool in 1972 and resigned in 1975 as indications were that a transfer to Melbourne was imminent which Gren did not want. He has been a Warrnambool resident for the past 44 years. He looks forward to receiving the newsletter which he finds very interesting.



ANZROC Autumn Golf Day –Friday 20th May 2016

The day has been cancelled as insufficient nominations were received for the competition.

Committeeman Ken Pattison is thanked for his efforts in arranging the event at one of the top courses in Melbourne at Peninsula Kingswood Golf Club.


Banks Rowing Club is celebrating its 150th Anniversary at the Melbourne Cricket Club on September 2nd 2016. We are trying to locate all people who have had a relationship with the club to attend. For those who do not know the rowing club, it was established by the Colonial bankers in 1866. The financial leaders of the time agreed that young bankers needed exercise, and rowing was also a better pastime than hanging around the beer halls, pool halls and dare I say it “brothels”.

Banks Rowing Club

150 years of rowing

Date: Friday September 2 2016

Venue: Melbourne Cricket Club

Wives and partners most welcome

Cost about $150 per head. (may appear expensive but will be a memorable evening)

Participants will receive a memento to keep forever and their name in the history book.

Dress will be jacket and tie, if preferred, dinner suit or Banks Rowing Club blazer.

We need to get an idea of interested persons to enable us to book the appropriate room at the MCC. Once someone shows an expression of interest you will be kept up to date with proceedings. There are no obligations.

I have been perusing the annual reports and have found some ANZ successes:

Interbank’s Regatta: 1962 Challenge Eights; ANZ winners. G. Kendrick (bow), G. Kendrick 2, G. Harris 3, B. O’Regan 4, D. Isaacson 5, P. Anderson 6, J. Jenkinson 7, W. O’Connell (str), I. Kendrick (cox) G. Harris (coach)

Interbank’s Regatta: 1963 Challenge Eights; E.S.&A winners. Bow, J. Bibby, 2 P. Tatzel, 3, W.B. Luscombe; 4 I. Gosling; 5 M. Stankovich; 6, A.N. Findlay; 7, R.J. Smith; Str; G.G. Smith; Cox; C. Murray; Coach J.J. Short. Contacts are Chris Shinners; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and myself, Terry Rankin, Historian M. 0407216996 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We sent the photos of the April meeting to our guest speaker Flt.Lt Aaron Swallow and he said

“Thankyou for the opportunity to present, it was a very honouring, humbling and enjoyable experience that I would happily do again.”


14th July meeting at Mulgrave Club

11th August guest speaker will be Sue Noble the CEO for Volunteering Victoria..



Wolf Damschitz has been able to secure a speaker for June 9, from the Office of the Public Advocate (OPA). Our guest speaker will be Norman Chia, an Advocate Guardian and his field of knowledge is “Enduring powers of attorney” and “supportive attorney appointment” the latter is a new Attorney Law. With all the press reports of retired people being take advantage off, “Elder abuse” Wolf thought it might be important to learn more about it. Partners ARE invited that day.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 3rd June 2016 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.



TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144. By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter April 2016





Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


NEWSLETTER April 14th 2016


Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney welcomed 46 members and our guest speaker FLTLT Aaron Swallow of RAAF Base Sale to our ANZAC remembrance meeting for 2016. Vicky Genius our newly elected Secretary then dealt with the formal matters of the Club and members then caught up with friends and colleagues. As is the custom at this annual ANZAC meeting after the lunch the meeting was handed over to Kevin Mitchell and Brian Christensen who recited the “Ode of remembrance” and the Reveille was played.

We welcomed Leanne Tong-Lyon to her first meeting and members not seen for some time included Harry Carrodus, Cedric Coxsedge, Kevin Dynon, Darrell Hodges, Gerry and Fay McPherson, David Penhall travelling from Paynesville, and Peter Saville while we enjoyed the company of guest Judith Podger.

Apart from the members sadly farewelling Life Member and Past President Col Edwards who passed away in April the members then spent a very pleasant afternoon listening to an excellent speaker and enjoying the company of those present.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Carl Garley are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.

Since the meeting we have been advised of the passing of John Vanselow also Life Member and our Past President which has been a great shock to the Committee members.



This year we have been invited to hold our meeting at the Salvation Army Headquarters, Melbourne Project 614, at 69 Bourke Street. Major Brendan Nottle will again be the guest speaker. Brendan is an exceptional speaker and if you had not the chance to hear and meet him then please take the opportunity.

The meeting is also our Red Shield Appeal. Last year ANZROC members raised $5,300.

This meeting will be open to members, partners and friends. We have a limit on numbers and I would suggest you get in early with your booking. Lunch will comprise a two course meal for $20.

After lunch there will be tours of the facility and I am sure you will learn much about what the Salvation Army do to assist the homeless of Melbourne. This is a great opportunity to visit the Salvation Army at Bourke Street.

We meet at noon at 69 Bourke Street. Committee members will be there to guide you to the lunch venue.

For bookings and for catering purposes, contact Joan Nathan. Details are found later in this newsletter.

Peter Pritchard 0418 149 394


Graeme Baldwin, John Brown, Diane Carew, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Aldo Faella, Nola Forsyth, Stan Halbish, Roy Harper, Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert, Teresa Goldsbrough, Neville Greenway, Theo Hall, Erica Hayden, Don Jeffrey, Sandra Joseph, Jack Lepedjian, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Joan Nathan, Peter Nyga, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Paul Tovey, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Cave I.D. (Ian) 26 years ANZ

Triggs Stephen 42 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Ian and Stephen at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Edwards F.C. (Col) 82 years 7/4/2016

Col was a member of our committee for 22 years and was President in 1997/1998... Col was 82 years of age and will be sorely missed by the Committee and ANZROC members.

There were more than 300 people at the funeral service in Forest Hill and I saw too many ANZROC members present to list in this newsletter .Col’s widow Ethel told me how much she appreciated the support of our club members at the service.

Bob Lyon wrote “Sad news indeed. Col was a great guy and true gentleman and was fantastic when I took over from him at Melbourne Central Zone. I am heading to Melbourne next weekend, but unfortunately will be too late for funeral. Condolences from Helen and myself to Ethel and family.”

Dick Milnthorpe wrote “Sorry to hear of Col Edwards, I first met him in 1969 when he was running the Stationery Dept. for Jim Paton, and I had a long conversation with him at the 100th Birthday lunch. He was a protégé of Jim Paton, and all Jim's protégés were good blokes.”

Kim Stephen wrote “He was a great boss and true gentlemen .A great life “

Greenwood E.K. (Euan) 91 years 21/3/2016

Euan enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in November 1942 and at discharge was AB (Radar) with HMAS Lonsdale. If members have any anecdotes of their time with Euan let me know and I will include in future newsletters.

Kennedy M.L. (Mike) 86 years 2/4/2016

ANZROC Honorary member Mike Kennedy worked 45 years for the ANZ (including Drouin, Bright, Preston, Cheltenham, Melbourne) .He was one of the last managers of a branch who traded gold (Bright late 60's) and attended regular functions for the retired members . Noel Beanland advised that he attended the funeral service for Mike and met ANZROC members Ian Anderson, Tom Belleville, Bill Lanigan and Tom Portelli .

The service was well attended with a lot of family input and many humorous stories were relayed. Mike was a keen pianist and in retirement spent many hours playing at nearby Retirement Villages and those present at the funeral service enjoyed many of Mike’s favourite tunes.

Members at the ANZROC luncheon stood in remembrance of Col , Euan and Mike and our condolences go to their families.

Vanselow J.N. (John) 83 years 14/4/2016

Since our meeting last Thursday we have been advised of the passing of our great friend and mentor John Vanselow who was Life Member, Past President of ANZROC 2001/2002 and committeeman for 16 years. John's advice to the ANZROC committee and his enjoyment of life at our ANZROC functions will be sorely missed. The funeral service will be held in Frankston on 20/4/2016 and a further report will be included in the May newsletter. Funeral service details are posted on our ANZROC website.

Sandra Street emailed that she also was shocked to read of John's death in The Age. It must have been sudden as there had been no news of any illness. I never worked with John but he was one of those ANZ identities one imagined would always be there. He will be much missed by all at ANZROC. Back in the 80s my husband and I were on a Pacific Islands cruise and coincidentally John and Lois were also on the ship. Needless to say we enjoyed some very pleasant social get-togethers during the cruise. Our deepest sympathy to Lois and the family.

Eamon Veaney was advised by the Secretary of the ANZ London Pensioners that Roland (Roly) Isherwood passed away on the 26 March..Many ANZROC members would remember Roly during their careers.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during April 2016 and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Alma Barkell, Wendy Black, Bill

Bowring (84), Robin Chase (82), Max Colwell (84), Bryden Davis (87), Glynn Evans (88),

John Fogden (80), Doug Grant (80), Roy Harper (87), Gordon Kennedy (90),

Barry Kilmartin (80), Ailsa Mackie, Peter Mitchell (81), Dennis Murphy (80), Eileen Perham,

John Read (84), Keith Remington (93), Lindsay Richards (86), Greg Scollo (80), John Taylor

(80), Norma Thomas, June Thompson, John Tulen (82.


From 1/4/2016

Less than $20,000 1.34%

Greater than $20,000 1.72%


FltLt Aaron Swallow was our Guest Speaker for our annual ANZAC meeting and had some interesting and thought provoking aspects to his presentation. The presentation was at an unclassified level and Aaron told us about his career in the RAAF, explained his current role in managing the logistics of RAAF life on the Sale air base and provided a broad description of the types of planes, equipment and bases used by the Air Force across Australia.

Aaron a very bright young engineer will shortly be deploying as a part of an Australian contingent to the US lead Pacific Partnership 2016, an annual humanitarian activity conducted in the Pacific region.

Afterwards Aaron spent more than an hour discussing with members many aspects of the current Air Force operations and that completed an informative and pleasurable luncheon.


More of the articles Gary Mason has received for inclusion in this issue of the ANZROC newsletter :


In 1953 I did a relief at Doncaster branch where we had agencies at East Doncaster and Warrandyte. The one at East Doncaster was barely bigger than a toilet and would accommodate no more than one customer at a time; the agency at Warrandyte was conducted on the front verandah of a house in the main street. One time at East Doncaster we had finished the agency and I had placed all the money and revolver into a case. The Manager was out in Blackburn Road talking to a customer at the rear of his car, I stood waiting to put the case into the boot and the Manager said “Leave the case, I will put it away, you get in the car”. I did as instructed and when we were driving down Anderson's Creek road, I said “You did put the case in the boot didn't you?”The Manager said “x@#*<? no “, turned the car around and rushed back to the agency and there was the case sitting by the side of the road. I was sworn to secrecy about the incident as it would have been viewed most seriously by the bank's administration.


Back in Cornhill London again, Sid Cumberland who was the London Office Accountant was out at lunch, I phoned his Secretary and left a message for him to ring a Mr. L E Vator when he returned using the tel. no. of the Lift. Sid duly returned and made the call with hilarious results having made contact with a junior girl in the Lift. It took him three days to track down the perpetrator! Another anecdote with Sid. We had to put all our Computer System Proposals up to Management for evaluation and I formed the opinion that if they found an error they would then be satisfied that they had discharged their duty. I therefore started to put in a deliberate mistake for them to find!! Sid found out about this and so I started to put in more deliberate errors.... In the end Sid used to phone me up and ask if he had found them all! A great man was Sid. He had a serious heart attack at work and was taken into intensive care in Barts Hospital. The following day was a meeting of the WPNC at the Jampot in St. Michael's Alley where the custom was to pass around the Port in a Loving Cup at the end of the session. Dear old Sid sent his Specimen Bottle to be used for the purpose!!

Terry Boocock

I joined ANZ Bank at 154 Moorabool Street Geelong in 1961. The Manager was Lance Illingworth and the Accountant was Bob Kirkland. I was very pleased to note that Bob at the age of 93 is still enjoying reading the monthly news from the Retired Officers’ Club.

Despite reaching the age of 72 this birthday I still vividly recall my first day at ANZ in Feb 1961, just two weeks before my 17th birthday, at the branch which was soon to undergo substantial renovations.

I even vividly recall one of my first tasks which was clearing years of stored voucher boxes (in my best new shirt and suit) and restacking them in the loft at the 2 Malop Street Branch. The lighting in the loft was rather poor due to blown globes so after sighting a ladder I decided to shift the working globes in to the area where I was working and I happily worked on with the project.

The bad news was that the Manager 2 Malop Street – Colin Campbell, drove in to the loft area in the evening, which doubled as his car park (he resided above the branch) and due to the creative work of the 154 Moorabool Street junior he walked in to fittings as he could not see when he turned the normal lights on.

I was called in to Mr. Illingworth’s office the next day and chastised for causing upset to Mr. Campbell following the lodgement of a complaint. Mr. Illingworth had a smile on his face as he chastised me – I got the impression there was not much love lost between the respective rather senior Country Branch Managers.

Upon the completion of the renovations, the Geelong Advertiser photographer called and took a photo –a copy of which I still have today.

A copy of the photo which is now posted on the ANZROC website included a number of staff posing as customers and showing off the new open plan style of banking.

The photograph includes auditor, T.D. A ’Hearn, yours truly with a then thick head of hair posing as the Assistant Accountant (G.D Lee) and in the Accountant’s office, Lance Illingworth and Bob Kirkland.


I am in a bit of a mess and do not appear to have forwarded my response to the lovely ANZROC Birthday Card

Anyway here goes??


“Seventy Two years old, I find it hard to believe

Though grey hair and wrinkles makes it hard to deceive

With wine in hand and sitting out in our yard

I am penning a reply poem for my Birthday card

The new Birthday card design looks really great

And arrived in our letter box, on the right date

Cheryl and I went on a cruise of South East Asia from Singapore

Fantastic area we could go back once more

Celebrated my birthday at Raffles with a Singapore Sling

At fifty dollars a glass it was a bit of a sting

A hessian bag of peanuts is provided, which is part of the deal

Dropping the shells on the floor, a most relaxing feel

You may wonder why they allow the floor to be left in such a condition

Well for over 100 years this has been a ‘Long Bar’ tradition”

(note: “The Long Bar” is the only place in all of Singapore where “littering is permitted)

Thank you Kathy for all the work you put into this most important part of the ANZROC functioning


Philippe Alleaume emailed his thanks for the very kind birthday wishes each and every year. This one was particularly special as it was his 70th birthday - yet another milestone. Philippe and his wife had all their children and dear friends join them on what turned out to be a beautiful day with Mother Nature being very kind to them. It also happened that Philippe’s daughter and her husband celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on the same day. Life is very good to him so far.

Will Bailey emailed that once again is was wonderful to receive birthday greetings. The card arrived on the day which was quite an achievement given the changes in Australia Post’s delivery schedule. Congratulations and thanks to Kathy Trace, The last year has been an “annus horribilis”

for Dorothy and Will. After years of enjoying splendid health it all fell apart. Dorothy was diagnosed with bowel cancer last May. Fortunately her Surgeon acted quickly and got the nasties and her Oncologist prescribed a course of preventive oral treatment over 20 weeks, it was very successful and her scans and physical inspections have given her a clean bill of health. Her Surgeon doesn’t want to see her for 3 years!

Not to be outdone Will went for a check up after feeling off colour. The result was a triple bypass and an aortic valve replacement - and he didn’t even have a heart attack, thankfully! The surgery was successful and Will is doing fine. His Cardiologist has checked him out and said "see me for check up in six months" At the start of this year they celebrated with the family drinking some fine champagne. The only side effect is his peripheral vision being reduced a little which has meant that Vic Roads have had to become involved to enable the driving licence to be reinstated. Positive progress is being made and Will is expecting a clearance from them shortly - thank god!

As can be seen from all that they have had an interesting year. Their Noosa house has not had the use they would have liked but 2016 is looking good. Travel plans that involved the States have been deferred. Overseas travel however has lost its appeal. Perhaps they have seen enough and there is still a lot of Australia in which Will and Dorothy could spend more time.

Terry Boocock emailed a big thank you to Kathy Trace who despite the reduced mail service from Australia Post has ensured his birthday card arrived on time.

Despite not writing in for some time or attending events, Terry thoroughly enjoys reading the monthly newsletter and Facebook postings. Turning to more recent events, Terry decided in 2015 to hang up his wings after 30 years of flying light aircraft. He has two log books which evidence 640 hours of flight time that has enabled him to reach destinations such as Longreach, Alice Springs, Uluru, Moruya, Merimbula, Flinders Island, King Island, Kangaroo Island and as far west as Ceduna. There is a saying that there are Old Pilots and Bold Pilots but no Old Bold Pilots. Fortunately, he can report a virtually trouble free flight history. Terry and wife Lyn continue to enjoy a stimulating life in retirement and he looks forward to reading many more editions of the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club newsletter and Facebook Postings. Thank you to the management team who make it all happen.

Arty Booth emailed from Elliott Heads Qsld to say thanks for the birthday card which was appreciated, His birthday this year fell on a public holiday and in true banking fashion it arrived the following day.

Bob Delahoy writing from Inverloch passes on his grateful thanks for the beautifully new designed card from Kathy Trace and the Committee on the occasion of his birthday. It was very much appreciated. Bob has now been retired 30 years from the Bank and it only seems like yesterday when he walked down Collins Street to Finders Street Station with a grin on his face and a tear in his eye on the last day of employment. Bob had completed 37 years in the Bank having started in the A/asia in 1949. They were very memorable years. Last September Bob and wife Judy with some friends completed a wild flower tour of Western Australia. It was a most informative and enjoyable trip. They have no travel plans at present but they have not stopped thinking. Bob still enjoys reading the newsletter and learning what others are doing. It is a great publication.

John Fairbairn emailed from Yarrawonga to convey his thanks to Kathy and those involved in this very welcome activity. John adds Australia Post excelled in that the card arrived a day early (only 2 Days mail door to door). He is now 2 years into the OBE and still going quite well.

Golf 3 times a week, Men’s shed 2/3 times a week, Probus regularly and the local RSL sub branch keep him active. John reads with interest many of his former workmates are still also enjoying life which brings back many fond memories of by gone days.

George Finniss emailed to express his sincere thanks to the President, Committee members and members of ANZ ROC for their kind thoughts and well wishes for his eightieth birthday.

Ray Gill and his wife Dorothy recently returned from an extensive tour of New Zealand. The APT tour featured seven rail journey’s which crossed the length and breadth of New Zealand travelling though magnificent scenery. Another highlight was an overnight cruise through the Hauraki Gulf, and the stunning alpine scenery of Mount Cook and Milford Sound at its best with all the waterfalls in full flow, both being unforgettable in their brilliance. It was sad to see the City of Christchurch still just a construction site five years after the devastating earthquake

Val Goldsworthy reports that ANZROC Honorary member Kevin Watson will be visiting Melbourne later in April to catch up with old friends Bruce Tickell and Val while on business here.

Eddie Hassett wrote to thank the committee for his birthday card. Eddie’s is thrilled that his daughter Nerida is due to give birth in July and the baby will be Eddie’s first grand child.

He is looking forward to it. Eddie is still playing golf at Woodlands Golf Club which he joined 42 years ago while he is also on the committee of the Mordialloc Football Club which keeps him busy during the winter.

Dorothy Hayes emailed a big Thank You to Kathy Trace for her Birthday Card which she received on the day. Retirement is great and enjoying every minute.

Graeme Horsburgh emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and members for his birthday card. It was much appreciated and arrived on time. On the day a luncheon was enjoyed at the Yaringa Harbour Restaurant, located near the end of Bungower Road Somerville. A relatively unknown,very quiet part of the Peninsula and where Malcolm Fraser and Peter Nixon used to launch their boat seeking the large whiting located SOMEWHERE in Westernport Bay.

Lawrie Foord wrote to say many and sincere thanks for the birthday card in respect of his recent birthday. It was much appreciated. The day was quite busy with a lunch, dinner and a couple of parties all well organised by his two daughters resident in Melbourne. Lawrie recently spent some time in Echuca-Moama where he has been visiting some life long friends often 3 or 4 times a year over many years. He is also off to Queensland shortly to visit his youngest daughter who lives 30 kms north of Brisbane. Lawrie is still enjoying excellent health.

Christine Lane emailed her thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card and wishes. Christine celebrated her birthday over a couple of days whilst staying in complete luxury at Daylesford. The Newsletters she always looks forward to receiving and it is great to hear news of her former ANZ colleagues.

Tony Middleton wrote to thank the Committee and Kathy Trace for the birthday card. Tony is still enjoying retirement 30 years after leaving ANZ and dividing time between fishing Gippsland Rivers from Bairnsdale to Mallacoota regularly with son Jeff (retired) and visiting Bendigo and Rheola to be with family, including 4 great grand children.

Peter Nyga reported that he is off touring again for a few weeks; this time throughout north-east Victoria so can’t be at our April meeting.

Ron Pitt wrote many thanks for the birthday card conveying good wishes for his 93rd. Ron had a happy day celebrating at a luncheon with his family and friends.

David Robinson emailed form Battery Point Tasmania to thank Kathy for the continued effort to get Birthday Cards on time. David’s arrived as scheduled and this birthday certainly came with a rush.

Greg Scollo emailed his thanks to ANZROC for the much appreciated thought in sending him the lovely Card for his 80th Birthday. It is wonderful to be remembered and to have been part of the ANZ Bank, where Greg worked for most of his working life ,the ANZ Retired Officer's Club, and to have met a lot of good people and friends within this great organization. Greg will celebrate this special birthday with all his family at a venue, after of which they will fly back to Townsville, Qld. to enjoy winter up there.

Bruce Scott’s wife Mary sent a note of thanks for the birthday card and good wishes received for Bruce’s 90th.

Murray Skelton emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the card and the kind thoughts from the committee on his recent birthday. The last 12 months have been quite difficult. Murray was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and admitted to hospital mid December for a major operation.

He spent both Christmas and the New Year in hospital. The surgeons believe they have got all the cancer and Murray has commenced a 24 week course of weekly chemo just to be safe.

He does look forward to the monthly newsletter to keep in touch with those great people he worked with. The letters from Frank Hatfield about funny things he encountered in the Bank are most enjoyable. Having worked with and known Frank for many years Murray guesses there are many more to come. All the best to everyone for the future.

Syd Swaby emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the committee for the birthday wishes.

Bruce Tickell wrote once again many thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday card and the good wishes for his 87th. Bruce considers himself very lucky to be still receiving these cards. Let’s hope there will be a few more to come and he is not thinking of the Australian cricketers paranoid score of 87.

Maurice Wells sent his thanks to Kathy Trace for the wishes extended to him for his recent birthday. Maurice says January and February are busy months for birthdays in his family so it is pleasing to also be remembered on behalf of fellow ANZ retirees. The monthly newsletter is much appreciated and he thanks all concerned for their contributions.

Peter Westaway emailed to extend his appreciation to Kathy Trace and committee for the birthday greetings received on the day as always 12th April. Peter is leaving on the 14th April with friends on the Voyager of the Seas to celebrate. Final destination after various stops such as Darwin and Malaysian ports will be Singapore. He is staying on for a week before flying home with Emirates. Warragul his hometown is still a lovely place to live in Gippsland after spending years in Glenmaggie.

Julie Wilkins emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the wishes she received for her birthday, and which as usual arrived right on time .She does such a wonderful job and also thanks to the Committee. Julie really enjoys reading the ANZROC Newsletter each month and looks forward in due course to come to the monthly lunch.

AND Mal Campbell, Phil Dunstan, Glynn Evans, Vince Ferrito , Jo Karaoutsadis, Peter Keating, Stan Lancaster, Greg Fullarton, Paul Perri, Dick Sanders, ANZROC QLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA


ANZROC AUTUMN GOLF DAY –Friday 20th May 2016

Peninsula Kingswood Country Club - (Dingley Site) Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village. 3172

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $80.00 per person (Members of Peninsula Kingswood Country Club $35.00)

(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served lunch with a bottle of wine per group) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $25 per person.

Motorised Cart Hire - $30.00 payable at pro shop. Limited to 4 carts.

Entries close - Thursday 12th May.

Hit-off from 8.30am Shotgun start. (Arrive by 7.45 am to get card, draw and to get to your tee). On-course Accommodation not available.

Enquiries to – Ken Pattison 0414 679627. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ANZROC Peninsula Kingswood Country Club Golf Day– Friday 20 MAY 2016

Entries Close – May 12

(Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details:



Name……………………………. Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $80.00 ($35.00 for Peninsula Kingswood  members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @25.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Ken Pattison

G.P.O. Box 2910,

Cheltenham Vic. 3192


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only

to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. AND make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013 350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)



Banks Rowing Club is celebrating its 150th Anniversary at the Melbourne Cricket Club on September 2nd 2016. They are trying to locate all people who have had a relationship with the club to attend. For those who do not know the rowing club, it was established by the Colonial bankers in 1866. The financial leaders of the time agreed that young bankers needed exercise, and rowing was also a better pastime than hanging around the beer halls, pool halls and dare I say it “brothels”.

Banks Rowing Club 150 years of rowing

Date: Friday September 2 2016

Venue: Melbourne Cricket Club

Wives and partners most welcome

Cost about $150 per head. (May appear expensive but will be a memorable evening)

Participants will receive a memento to keep forever and their name in the history book.

Dress will be jacket and tie, if preferred, dinner suit or Banks Rowing Club blazer.

We need to get an idea of interested persons to enable us to book the appropriate room at the MCC. Once someone shows an expression of interest you will be kept up to date with proceedings. There are no obligations.

I have been perusing the annual reports and have found some ANZ successes:

Interbank’s Regatta: 1962 Challenge Eights; ANZ winners. G. Kendrick (bow), G. Kendrick 2, G. Harris 3, B. O’Regan 4, D. Isaacson 5, P. Anderson 6, J. Jenkinson 7, W. O’Connell (str), I. Kendrick (cox) G. Harris (coach)

Interbank’s Regatta: 1963 Challenge Eights; E.S.&A winners. Bow, J. Bibby, 2 P. Tatzel, 3, W.B. Luscombe; 4 I. Gosling; 5 M. Stankovich; 6, A.N. Findlay; 7, R.J. Smith; Str; G.G. Smith; Cox; C. Murray; Coach J.J. Short. Contacts are Chris Shinners; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Terry Rankin, M. 0407216996 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



We are within range of a new milestone for readers of the ANZROC website …119850 hits after just under 6 years of operation. We have also just passed 200 likes on our Facebook page.

This is twice as many as the comparable Westpac ROC Facebook page. Eamon would encourage members to increase usage by asking family and friends to 'like' the Facebook page as well. As far as the ANZROC website is concerned we try to add relevant information as soon as it is received but that is dependent on material being forwarded for inclusion. Some photos of the Mansfield trip sent in by JB have just been added to the photo album.

We welcome any constructive feedback on how we could improve the website and members should forward any suggestions you might have to improve the look, feel and content of the site to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Wolf Damschitz has been able to secure a speaker for June 9, from the Office of the Public Advocate (OPA). Our guest speaker will be Norman Chia, an Advocate Guardian and his field of knowledge is “Enduring powers of attorney” and “supportive attorney appointment” the latter is a new Attorney Law. With all the press reports of retired people being take advantage off, “Elder abuse” Wolf thought it might be important to learn more about it. Partners will be invited that day.

Wolf has secured Sue Noble as speaker for the 11 August 2016. Sue Noble is the CEO for Volunteering Victoria. Sue's qualifications will assure us a very strong speaker and weI hope that we will get an increase in ANZROC Members attendance.



Adding to the details of this annual Red Shield luncheon on 12 May mentioned in the President’s Pen segment we have been invited to hold our meeting at the Salvation Army headquarters, Melbourne Project 614, at 69 Bourke Street. Major Brendan Nottle will again be the guest speaker. This meeting will be open to members, partners and friends. Lunch will comprise a two course meal for $20. After lunch there will be tours of the facility and is a great opportunity to visit the Salvation Army at Bourke Street.

We look forward to seeing many guests at the luncheon to hear Brendan again. We raised around $5,300 last year which was an outstanding effort and all support for Salvation Army will be welcomed.

We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Peter Pritchard, 19 Albert Street, East Malvern.3145 to be included in the total of funds collected on the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

Carers accompanying members are welcome to attend this meeting of ANZROC .

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Joan Nathan know by Phone 9740 8001, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Joan at 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury 3429 by Friday 6th May 2016 to meet Salvation Army catering requirements. A reminder that the luncheon fee of $20.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.






To Joan Nathan

7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, 3429 Phone 9740 8001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter March 2016


Peter Pritchard Vicky Genius John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 1/16 Cain Avenue PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Northcote 3070 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 94818215 Ph 98021810    Ph 98210444
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


Please click here to see the reformatted march 2016 newsletter





Our March meeting was well attended with some 50 members to hear Professor John Langford talk about “water and climate change”. He was very informative and certainly provided members with food for thought. As usual the after lunch discussions and comradeship was excellent. Members not seen for some time included first timers Steve Higgins, Santo Ialuna, George Thomas and Maxwell Wright and not seen at monthly lunches for some time were Geoff Archer, Helen Bouch and Ron Phillips

Our 14 April meeting will be our ANZAC commemoration and we are fortunate to have Flt Lt Aaron Swallow from RAAF East Sale to address the meeting. Full details are in this newsletter, and I encourage members who have an association through family or friends with returned or active servicemen and women to attend.

On 12 May we will be holding our Red Shield Appeal. This year we have been invited to hold our meeting at the Salvation Army headquarters, Melbourne Project 614, at 69 Bourke Street. Major Brendan Nottle will again be the guest speaker. This meeting will be open to members, partners and friends. We have a limit on numbers and I would suggest you get in early with your booking. Lunch will comprise a two course meal for $20. After lunch there will be tours of the facility and I am sure you will learn much about what the Salvation Army do to assist the homeless of Melbourne. This is a great opportunity to visit the Salvation Army at Bourke Street. Full details will be in next month’s newsletter.

At our Committee Meeting at the request of the outgoing Secretary Wolf Damschitz, who intends to travel for much of 2016 and will focus on obtaining Guest Speakers and continue to organise the Christmas Luncheons, Vicky Genius was elected Secretary. Vicky can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ron Adams will continue to handle the records of details for new members and membership changes on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Finally I would like to express my thanks to Don Jeffrey. Don is relocating to Hobart and as a consequence has resigned from the committee. Don has been an active committee member and we will miss his contributions. We wish him well in Tasmania.

Peter Pritchard 0418 149 394


Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Baldwin, Noel Beanland, Wendy Black, Diane Carew, Linda Davidson, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Cedric Coxsedge, Mark Flower, Lawrie Foord, Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Neville Greenway, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Erica Hayden, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Don Jeffrey, Sandra Joseph, Carol Jukes, Graeme King, Gary Mason, Wal McGillivray, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Neville Pearson, Graeme Randall, John Vanselow, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Squires B.T. (Brian) 27 years ANZ

Thomas George 40 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Brian at one of our forthcoming meetings and we met George at the March meeting.


None reported this month.

Jennifer Knight, daughter of our recently deceased member Edward Knight sent me a few notes about her father for our records:

* Compulsory three months National Service with the army. National Service with the Airforce, down at Geelong, from 07.07.1956 to 07.12.1956.

* Joined ES&A Bank.

* Royal Bank branch (Cnr Eliz/Collins Sts) in the 60's, lending team. 1970 ANZ/ESA merger

* Bank Manager - Studfield and Malvern branches

* Lending Manager at Camberwell area

* Senior Auditor ,Southern Region of Australia.

* Upon retirement : travelled extensively , 1990's India, heavily throughout Europe on a number of occasions, Russia via the Trans-Siberian railways, Asia – China, South East Asia, Zigzagged from Alaska, Canada, though the USA to Mexico, on the back of a Bradford truck through Africa, circumnavigate Australia.

* Spending time with his grandchildren

Jennifer said the funeral was lovely and ANZROC was well represented. A few good tales were told.

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed that it was sad to read of Ed Knight's passing; Teresa has some fond memories of her time working with him as his Advance Clerk.

Gordon Christensen emailed a note about the time he spent with our recently passed Honorary member Jack Shelton. Gordon boarded with Jack when they both worked at Werribee Branch in 1954/55. Jack was Second Officer and Gordon was Ledger Keeper (manual ledgers) the late Basil Pugh was Manager and Kevin Toohey (ANZROC member) did everything else. Jack had a BMW motor bike which he rode to work each morning with Gordon riding pillion. In the evenings they played cards (pre TV) and in summer they played tennis after work. Jack was originally from Ulverstone Tasmania and was a professional foot runner in that State, and had a list of quite a few races that he had won there. Jack moved from Werribee to Warragul Branch n 1955.


Dorothy Ranyard advised that husband Don our Honorary member and staunch supporter of ANZROC events has been admitted to Peter James Hospital after a series of mini strokes. No visitors at this time.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during March 2016 and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Ray Allsop (81), Lindsay Baglin (87)

Will Bailey AO (83), Clive Bayley (81), Doug Carroll (83), Ian Cowley (80), Bob Delahoy (87),

Jim Ebsworthy (80), John Fairbairn (82), George Finniss (80), Laurie Holland (96), Betty

Jennings Tony Middleton (85), Ray Perry (87), Ron Pitt (93), Robin Pleydell (84), Graeme

Randall (81), David Robinson (80), Roy Sharman (84), Arthur Sheers (88), Murray Skelton

(81),Peter Weaving (82),


From 1/3/2016

Less than $20,000 1.33%

Greater than $20,000 1.71%


Our guest speaker was Professor John Langford AM FTSE FIE Aust BE (Ag) PhD

who spoke on "Climate Change and Water". John is a nationally and internationally recognised water expert. His diverse and distinguished career in the water industry spans over 35 years, including 15 years at chief executive level. He is a Professorial Fellow in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne and a Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Science.

His exhaustive knowledge of matters to do with urban and rural water management is anchored in wide-ranging practical experience. At Melbourne Water (then the Board of Works) his work with forest hydrology informed the management of water supply catchments, strategic planning and the operation of Melbourne’s water supply system, introduction of demand management (dual flush toilets!), and water pricing reform He joined the Rural Water Commission, Victoria’s state-wide irrigation and rural water supply authority, in 1987 as Director of Operations, rising to Managing Director in 1989. He was made a Commissioner of the Murray Darling Basin Commission contributing to significant reform of the irrigation sector. In 1994 he was appointed as the inaugural Executive Director of the Water Services Association of Australia, the peak body of Australia’s city water supply authorities contributing to reform of Australian and international drinking water quality guidelines, and strategic lifecycle management of water infrastructure .He chaired the Boards of the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology and

Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology a combined total of 25 years, and has chaired the Board of the Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre since 1990. He led the development of the Australia China Centre on Water Resources Research (now the Australia China Centre on River Basin Management) with the objective of sharing mutually beneficial experience and research across the 2 countries.

Professor Langford was recognised by Membership of the Order of Australia in the 2005 Queens Birthday Honours List.


Members may recall a request from Gary Mason who has been collecting humorous stories which happened in the Bank over the years and while he has received insufficient articles to consider a booklet, Gary has received enough articles to include stories in the forthcoming issues of ANZROC newsletters

Dick Milnthorpe

In the fifties in London the standard practice when farewelling Aussies and Kiwis who were returning home after a term of duty in the old dart was to ply them until dark with strong drink and then carry them over to the area behind the Royal Exchange off Cornhill and prop them up in the lap of the large statue of Peabody sitting in his chair. A photo would then be taken which could be used to commemorate the occasion should an appropriate opportunity arise in the future e.g. If he became CEO!

I think the last occasion one of these was taken was of the Kevin Watson’s farewell, who still fondly remembers the occasion.

Frank Hatfield

My first appointment was at the branch at 607 Nicholson Street. North Carlton. I rode a bicycle to work and was required to wear a suit and hat. Wearing the hat was compulsory whenever we left the building. The outside toilet was accessed from the rear lane and a hat had to be worn each time you used the facility.

The Bank's maintenance workshop was next to the Branch and the French polisher used to keep himself warm in the winter by setting alight to a jam tin half full of methylated spirits which he placed on the floor. This worked admirably until someone kicked the tin over and set fire to all the wood shavings on the floor. The workshop was evacuated and the fire brigade was called. Fortunately the damage was only minor because of the prompt action by the brigade.

One morning the Manager called me into his office to help him catch a mouse. The Manager rolled up a newspaper to use as a waddy and I got a straw broom. Together we chased the mouse and finally trapped it in a corner when we both simultaneously hit at the mouse. Unfortunately the Manager ducked into my line of fire and I clouted him on the head with the broom. Again I thought my career was at an end but he was a good sport and saw the funny side of the event.

Ray Murphy

MEMORIES OF MY EARLY DAYS WITH THE E.S &A BANK BALLARAT EAST YEARS 1948 to 1957 Reading Frank Hatfield’s memories last month prompted my memory box to open and every detail of my early days flooded back. My recollections of early days with the Scotty Ballarat were similar to Franks with lighting fires cleaning inkwells (which I had to boil over a gas ring so they sparkled like a wine glass). The first day you were sent to the Bank of NSW across the road for a bag of gold and on the Wednesday to the Ballarat Banking Coy for a set of scales to balance the ledgers.

You as the junior had to attend the Local Exchange in the CBC of Sydney daily on your bike and returned promptly to help sort the office vouchers for the ledger keepers who had to refer doubtful cheques to the Manager by 10 am. There was only one adding machine for 12staff worked by a handle and you sat on a stool. It was fun day on the Wednesday as it was the weekly balance as well as batching and there was many a spill as everyone made for the stool. Luckily for the Ledger keepers, one of which was Trevor Westerman we had a figures man in Rocky Davidson who could add up the 3 money columns in one action. In my 40 odd years in the Bank I never saw anyone else perform this feat. The annual balance was a feature of each year. The senior clerks and Accountant, Doug Ivey bought the refreshments.

The Manager had an escape hatch to Peel Street, if he wanted to dodge an interview with a client he could back his Box Graham with plush seats out of the carport without being spotted while the Accountant would have received prior instruction to entertain the client in his interview box. Needless to say I worked in every position in the Branch except the Manager but was sent once to relieve the Manager at Gordon Branch.

Another item of interest all staff were invited by our Administration to attend a weekend conference at Bendigo staying at the Shamrock Hotel. The General Manager of the Bank was Mr. Wilson in attendance and his presentation was on profitability and the future of the bank and he stressed the importance of use of stationery "which he stated was the icing on the cake as far as profit was concerned" .All stationery had to be kept under lock and key in those days controlled by the Accountant and if you crossed your nib you got another from the Accountant. I wonder where our CEO’s today would place the importance of the cost of stationery in their Planning for their year ahead.

There was never another conference held in that era on a similar scale as 1 young officer a little under the weather, finished in the Ballarat lockup and administration was called in the middle of the night to bail him out. I must say there were many red faces Sunday morning and there was hell to pay.

More next month…..


Some years ago whilst visiting relatives in Ireland I received a beautiful CHINA plate (crafted in Ireland) which displays the following Irish Blessing thereon

May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

May the rain fall soft upon your fields

And until we meet again

May god hold you in the palm of his hand

(Irish author unknown)

I thought that I would compose an Australian Blessing and place both Blessings in a picture frame and present them to Past ANZROC President Kevin Mitchell for his 80th birthday at Mansfield on behalf of ANZROC members. I am not sure if Kevin’s body comes from Ireland but I am damn sure his humour must have


An Aussie blessing

May your fridge never run dry of beer

May your eyes never have need to shed a tear

May you never have room in your heart for hate

May your enemies mellow and become your mate

May your feet never walk upon a thorn

May your loved ones never feel forlorn

(Author the” bird “)

Happy 80th Birthday to Kevin Mitchell from all your mates across the world. A big thank you from “bird” Cheryl and all the anz retired officers club members and partners who visited Alzburg resort .A great time at the celebrations was had by everyone.

Neville Pearson


Graeme Ainscough reported that it is now 5 years since he and wife June moved to Patterson Lakes after almost 50 years at Glen Waverley. Despite the family illnesses that require constant treatment Graeme has increased his commitment as Cheltenham Baseball Club Patron to his baseball club and is on daily call for the men’s and women’s competitions both on match day and practices . While Cheltenham Club over the past 12 months has had mixed fortunes in the finals for winter and summer, six of their young players are considered potential stars and intending to go to US colleges later this year as a “backdoor means” of making it into professional baseball in the US. Graeme is also involved in researching the heritage of baseball that has been played in Victoria since 1897 so he has little spare time.

Bob and Val Bishop would like to again thank Kathy for the arrival of their birthday cards. As many know Bob is battling lung cancer, however the effects of chemotherapy treatment undertaken has been reasonably positive and the bone cancer will be addressed when the present radiation is finished. Bob and Val are very positive and looking forward to moving closer to family at Geelong.

Geoff Burton emailed to say “doesn't time fly when you are having fun.” 50 years ago he was attached to the Staff Training Centre where ANZ had every teller in the State in for Decimal Currency training. A handful of fellow members were also involved. The following 2 or 3 weeks was spent visiting city/suburban branches balancing their cash, where tellers either didn't comprehend or it was simply just too hard. Have a guess which age group found it most difficult?

Joe Busuttil emailed his sincere thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for this year’s birthday greetings. This year happens to be a big one for Joe, his 70th. Congratulations, to Eamon on the newly formatted ANZROC Newsletter.

Shirley Duckworth emailed her thanks once again for the birthday wishes, which as usual arrive right on time, thanks Kathy you do a wonderful job.

Shirley has had a very busy 2015 what with moving into a new house in Kyabram and establishing a garden in between numerous trips to Adelaide and Brisbane visiting family. Their yearly trip was spent caravanning up to and around the Red Centre and spending time in Darwin over a 6 week period, while they also had trips to both Bali and Thailand. This year they hope to do several smaller trips discovering the wonders of Australia.

Lawrie Foord wrote that he spent a few weeks in Jervis Bay (NSW) staying with his grandchildren. Lawrie’s grandson is a Naval Officer at Jervis Bay and Lawrie’s grand daughter is nearby so they took Lawrie on daily tours around the area. Highlights included a visit to the Bradman Museum at Boral where two Pakistani teams were playing on the oval. His grandson took Lawrie to Aircraft Museums where he was taken through a “Jumbo” jet from the cockpit to the rear of the plane then on to an inspection of a DC3 and he had a quick look over a Lockheed

Constellation. Finally Lawrie was seen proudly sitting in the cockpit of an F111 jet .He said it was “very sporty” and the trip was an unforgettable experience but he is back to reality now.

Wolfgang Frank emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the kind birthday wishes.

2015 was Wolfgang’s 1st full year of retirement, after working part-time for a foreign bank for a number of years. In February he spent time in Singapore visiting various tourist attractions and doing the usual shopping in Orchard Road. The visit coincided with the build up to Chinese New Year celebrations. In May he spent several weeks visiting family in Manila and then spent September and October travelling through Europe by Eurail - Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. Wolfgang also caught up with relatives in Germany. Unfortunately missed the local football finals, where Balwyn won both 1st’s and 2nd’s premierships. In April this year he will be travelling to Israel as part of a tour group to visit old German settlements in the former British colony of Palestine, which was birthplace of both Wolfgang’s parents and where the family once owned a guest house on the outskirts of what is today Tel Aviv.

David Gibb wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card for his 75th. It is always appreciated. David was fascinated when the card arrived on the day given the changes with the Post Offices and as Australia Day was on the Tuesday making it a 4 day weekend for many. David’s life has slowed down dramatically since he suffered a stroke this time last year and he is taking a while to recover.

Geoff Harkin emailed a Greeting from India. It is a long time since Geoff has written but he was offered by a friend Darren Hempel, to re-join the ANZ Bank in India back in Oct 2013 for a temporary role for 11 months to cover for a lady on maternity leave, to work in the Residential Valuations team of Mortgage Operations. The young lady he was covering decided not to return, so Geoff ended up being made permanent. This has brought his service for the bank to 40 years in total .When Geoff returned to work, not in his wildest dreams would have he thought he would be offered an opportunity to experience working offshore. He is currently over in Bangalore for a couple of months doing some project work with a group of fabulous young ANZ staff who are delightful to work with. They are so welcoming, bright and enthusiastic to learn. Geoff sent a photo of him with some of the team in Bangalore having a well-earned drink after work. Eamon has posted the photo on the website and Facebook.

John Hawkins emailed that he had to miss this month's meeting as he and wife Helen’s touring program for 2016 has started a bit early this year, flying to Darwin visiting Kakadu and then on the Ghan from Darwin to Adelaide returning to Melbourne in April.

Andy Herd emailed to express his thanks to Kathy Trace for her continued service in sending out birthday greetings on behalf of the ANZ Retired Officers. Birthdays seem to come around quicker each year.

Don Jeffrey emailed his thanks to ANZROC and particularly Kathy Trace for the card.

Don and wife Christine have been in the process of selling and buying houses and lost sight of birthday cards in the process of decluttering and stowing. They are now about to head off to Europe to meet their first grandchild.

Past President Kevin Mitchell’s lead up to his 80th birthday on 25 Feb was quite surprising and memorable. Kevin resigned his role of Sergeant of Arms of the ANZ Talk of the Town Toastmasters Club which he held for the whole of the club’s 27 year’s history, and was presented with a founding member 1989-2016 plaque. To celebrate his pending birthday Kevin thought why not bring the immediate family members together for a weekend at the Alzburg Resort Mansfield. Unbeknown to Kevin his wife Bernice and children Greg, Fran, Stuart and Lou had other ideas, because grand children and close friends started to arrive swelling the numbers from 18 to 40. Saturday night was huge being a family roast, a little like This is your Life with Kevin being presented with an OBE (over bloody eighty) award. Kevin’s response was, have I died and come back to hear his Eulogy, as he has always thought he would like to hear what was said, but now he was not so sure.

Jack Moyle wrote to thank the committee for his birthday card and the good wishes form Kathy Trace for his 91st. Jack and wife Audrey enjoyed a meal out with the local family at Kooyong Tennis Club. Their son and grand daughter were visiting from London a few days earlier which was great.

Robin Pleydell emailed that the Birthday Card arrived on time and thank you to Kathy Trace and ANZROC. All is well with the Pleydell family..

Dick Sanders emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Greetings and good wishes, arriving on the day as usual - The last of the 70’s – goodness me where does the time go.

Dick and wife Joan had a High Tea at Mordys in Mordialloc to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary – attended by 24 family and friends – (three couples being unable to come). It was a memorable afternoon held in Mordys Stanton Room just suitable for the number. The array of food was marvellous, various courses being served in rotation on platters and tiered cake stands. The weather was gorgeous and they had good views of the Bay. In a few words of thanks, Dick read an extract from a will he had printed out during his investigations into the Sanders family history. It was from 1654 and is just an example of some of the finds one comes across in what most people think is a boring pastime.

Contained in the Will of Thomas Saunders probated 1654 – some of the guests made the connection to a certain nursery rhyme. “to cousin Jane Saunders (probably his niece the daughter of his brother Francis) a Red Ryding Suite (sic) laid all over with Willow Coloured Lace which is in a great chest in my chamber”.

Past President John Stevens emailed to gratefully acknowledge the Birthday Greetings that he received (on the day) from Kathy Trace on behalf of ANZROC. John hopes the Committee and our members have a great 2016.

Dieter Telburn emailed that ever since he retired back in 1999, he and wife Dagmar have been spending 6 months of the year in Queensland and that is the main reason he has been unable to attend the various ANZROC functions. Four years ago, their younger son moved with his family to Noosa so Dieter and Dagmar bought a town house near to them to spend time with their still very young grandchildren. Last year, they finally bit the bullet and sold the house in Melbourne and bought one in Noosa as their primary residence. Yes, they are now Queenslanders and it has been a bit of a nightmare changing addresses with all relevant parties. Before they finally leave they are spending some leisure time on Phillip Island and hoping to catch up with a few of their friends from the old Controller’s Department. Dieter enjoys reading the newsletter, the only downside is to see fellows in his age group passing away.

Nik Tsardakis emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday card and good wishes that continue to arrive on time. Nik is now in his new career called retirement which he is thoroughly enjoying. With two sons (one married with a family) living in France (Paris and Nice) he has spent considerable time in Europe each year over a number of years. Christmas 2015 was the first time all family members were home for the celebrations since 2009.It is great to read in the Newsletter of the exploits of some of the many workmates and friends Nik has known during his career.

Kevin Toohey emailed his thanks for the timely card.

Roger Watkins wrote that he was saddened to read of the passing of Bill Watkins. Roger attended the Spring Street Malvern School from 1940 where he met Bill. They became friends over the years and they met up again in the bank. Roger is still carer for wife Margaret and they are “going along OK”. Their 7th great grandchild was born in February which has extended the family to 4 sons, 14 grandchildren and 7 great grand children. They have been blessed with all very healthy children. Roger has sent me a few amusing anecdotes which will follow in future newsletters.

Mike Watts emailed as always he was delighted to receive his birthday wishes on the very day and must thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee accordingly.

Keith Westaway emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday wishes. Briefly, the past 3 years have been difficult with Cancer recurring for the 3rd time. Keith keeps on punching and hopes for another couple of good ones. He reads with pleasure the regular newsletter and with this in mind, his best wishes go out to all the ANZ ers.

John Winbanks emailed his thanks for the birthday card which was greatly appreciated.

AND John Bloom, Len Carr, John Carrazza, Harry Carrodus, Bob Challis, Geoff Court, Don Davy, Jan Edwards, Helen Farnell, Mark Flower, Val Goldsworthy, Paul Harrison, Graham Joseph, Allan Marlin, Karl Mattingly, Denis McGee, Maggie Murray, Peter Norman, Peter Powell, Allan Ryan, Trevor Smethurst, Russell Smith, John Taylor, Bob Waldron, Col Walton, Julie Wilkins , Garry Williams,




ANZROC golfers mark your calendars for May 20th 2016. Committeeman Ken Pattison has tentatively booked metropolitan golf club Kingswood Golf Club (Centre Dandenong Road, Dingley Village) for our Autumn Golf Day for May 20 for 40 players with a 8.00am Shot Gun start. The Fee is $80.00 which includes a lunch (Menu to be arranged) and a bottle of wine per group which represents a significant discount on a standard Trade day price.

Full details and application form will be included in the April and May newsletters.


After 3 days of birthday celebration the organiser for the annual ANZROC Mansfield getaway Kevin Mitchell had to be prepared for the arrival of a group totalling 26eager holiday makers.

After a big Monday night BBQ, 12 Golfers set off early Tuesday morning and while conditions were very pleasant when the players’ teed off, it was pretty hot by the time they reached the 18th

Winners were: Ladies. Lesley Cook 35points, defeating Irene Bettonvil 29.points .Mens: John Inglis 36points defeating Gordon Paulett 35points.

Celebrations at the resort continued late into the evening and the group left Alzburg on Wednesday morning already planning for a repeat performance in 2017.


Wolf Damschitz has been able to secure a speaker for June 9, from the Office of the Public Advocate (OPA). Our guest speaker will be Norman Chia, an Advocate Guardian and his field of knowledge is “Enduring powers of attorney” and “supportive attorney appointment” the latter is a new Attorney Law. With all the press reports of retired people being take advantage off, “Elder abuse” Wolf thought it might be important to learn more about it. Partners will be invited that day.



Our guest speaker for our annual ANZAC Commemoration meeting will be FLTLT Aaron Swallow who is looking forward to addressing the meeting and should have some interesting and thought provoking aspects to his presentation. The presentation will be at an Unclassified level

and Aaron will be happy to discuss with members afterwards any aspect of the current Air Force. Aaron is a very bright young engineer and will shortly be deploying as a part of an Australian contingent to the US lead Pacific Partnership 2016, an annual humanitarian activity conducted in the Pacific region. I'm sure that he will deliver a stand out presentation.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 8th April 2016 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144. By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter February 2016


Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810    
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




NEWSLETTER February 10th 2016


President Peter Pritchard welcomed 57 members and partners to the RSL Club at Greensborough to start the ANZROC Vic year for 2016. The luncheon was enjoyed by those present and signalled a promising start to the year.

Members not seen for some time included Serene Cheong, Neil Dawtrey, Geoffrey Sandow, and Bob Stamps and having our partners present made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Welcome to our first newsletter for 2016 and the start of a new year. ANZROC again have selected a number of interesting guest speakers for our Queen Street meetings and together with other events during the year, we hope to provide a varied range on activities that will appeal to members. We look forward to seeing you at one of these events.

Our club provides the opportunity to connect with members. Is there someone you know or worked with that you have not seen for a while? If you do not have the contact details, we can assist with facilitating contact. A brief email or phone call to our Secretary Wolf will set the ball rolling and Wolf will send your contact details to the person to whom you wish to speak.

Peter Pritchard 0418 149 394


Graham Ainscough, Graeme Baldwin, Diane Carew, George Cooper, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Val Goldsworthy, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, Erica Hayden, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Don Jeffrey, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, Wal McGillivray, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Ken Pattison, Neville Pearson, Graeme Randall, John Vanselow, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Smith Michael (Mike) 8 years ANZ

As members would know Mike Smith has been the CEO of ANZ Group for the past 8 years and has met many members at the Annual Christmas luncheons so we welcome Mike to ANZROC and look forward to seeing him at a future meeting as a retired officer.


Forrest A.K. (Alan) 78 years 10/1/2016

Alan was our Honorary Auditor , a very strong supporter of ANZROC and a great friend to many of the ANZROC committee. He will be sadly missed by the committee members.

Dick Sanders reported that he took over from Alan as Assistant Accountant 394 Collins Street, in 1974. Alan was much liked and will be much missed. Alan went on to Personnel Dept and continued to meet with Peter Langenbacher, Dick and others for Friday lunch at The Mitre. Dick enjoyed his company immensely. Past President Kathy Trace reported that Alan’s father was her first manager in the bank and, as the Forrest’s lived on the premises, she has known Alan since her teens. Kevin Watson emailed from Perth to let us know that he was saddened to learn of the untimely death of Alan Forrest. Kevin joined the Asia in Adelaide on 24 Jan 1946 and transferred to Wirrabara branch on the 2nd Monday of March 1946. Alan’s father had assumed management of that branch just two weeks earlier on promotion from Accountant Bathurst, NSW. Alan was a very bright young fellow in the 5th grade of primary school, so Kevin saw something of him for some 15 months. Kevin later met Alan in Victoria when his father “Lofty” was managing firstly Williamstown and then Middle Brighton branches in Melbourne.

Kevin sends his warmest sympathy to Margaret and family on their sad loss.

Humphris L.J.T. (Terry) 90 years 21/1/2016

Terry enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in June 1944 and on discharge in July 1946 was a Sy Asst HMAS Lonsdale.

Bruce Tickell mentioned that he worked with Terry when the Victorian Methods and Mechanisation team was formed all those years ago and they were working with Des Lawler, Neville Lewis and Special Projects Officers Anne Lamb (Bob’s wife) and Julie O’Regan (widow of the late Brian O’Regan) .The team reported to the late Eric Black and Bruce has fond memories of those years.

Kitchin Paul 92 years 14/12/2015

Paul enlisted in the AIF in December 1941 and left the Army in November 1942 at the rank of Sergeant 106 Anti Tank Regiment and immediately re-enlisted in the RAAF in November 1942 and when discharged in February 1946 was Warrant Officer 9 Aircrew Holding Unit. Paul was a great supporter of ANZROC Vic and often sent articles into me to publish in the newsletter. I noted in the Age newspaper that Paul was also a staunch supporter of Legacy Victoria and spent many years working with Legacy helping the widows and children of our fallen soldiers. Stan Halbish told me that he attended the funeral service for Paul and mentioned that he and Norris Gale worked with Paul when Paul was Manager 434 St Kilda Road branch.

Knight E.J. (Edward) 78 years 18/12/2015

Sandra Street started work in the early 60s at ES&A Royal Bank Branch she can remember a chap there called Ed Knight. Sandra was a very young lowly typist at the time but can recall putting the initials EJK on top of some letters. Edward was a keen supporter of ANZROC until he suffered ill health a few years ago.

Lyon G.S. (Gordon) 94 years 19/12/2015

ANZROC member Bob Lyon advised that his father Gordon Lyon joined The Bank of Australasia in 1936. He served as a Flying Officer in the RAAF and saw active service in PNG and took part in bombing raids over the Celebes (now Sulawesi).

Gordon retired from ANZ in 1979 as Manager Wagga Wagga after previous stints as Manager, Ouyen, Wangaratta, Bendigo (45 View Street) and Geelong (154 Moorabool Street).

Peter Nielipowiec wrote to say he was sorry to hear of the passing of Gordon Lyon and Jack Shelton. Gordon and Jack were Manager and Accountant at Ouyen Branch where Peter was a junior/ledger keeper. Annual balance day fell on a Saturday the day of the 1962 VFL Grand Final. Peter asked Mr Lyon whether he could bring his radio to work to listen to the match while they worked to balance the books on 30/9/1962. All was fine until Essendon started to get on top of Carlton and Gordon came out of the office and said “turn that radio off Peter”. Gordon was also associated with the Kiamal Football Club while he was in Ouyen. Peter kindly provided a photo of Gordon, Jack, John Sherriff and Peter at the branch and Eamon will post it on the website.

At the luncheon members and partners stood in remembrance of Alan, Terry, Paul, Edward and Gordon and our thoughts are with the families and friends of our late Members.

Committeewoman Joan Nathan advised that she and husband Ken attended the funeral of Dominic Cavallo aged 69 years, Norris Gale and Joe Maggiori also attended as well as the ANZ Financial Planning team. Dominic had approx 22 years service with ANZ as a very successful Financial Planner. Many of our ANZROC members would remember Dominic.

Bruce Tickell advised that Ron Sharp with whom Bruce worked at 351 Collins Street passed away in January. Ron would be remembered by those that passed through 351 Collins Street during their careers.

Lawrie Foord advised that W.C. (Bill) Watkins passed away on 4/2/2016 at the age of 85. Lawrie worked with Bill who spent time in 388 Collins Street, several branches, ES& A Nominees and retired from ESANDA.Lawrie attended the funeral service with ANZROC members Ken Lee and Ian Newstead. Many members would remember Bill. Lawrie mentioned that Bill was married to Frances for 61 years until she passed away several years ago. Frances was Lawrie’s ledger machinist all those years ago leaving the bank to marry Bill.


I noted in the NSW ANZROC bulletin that our member Theo Yardley’s festive season was upset by a fall at home in the early part of December. He spent time in hospital where his broken arm was repaired (19 screws inserted in the process). He was later transferred to a specialist rehabilitation facility at Chatswood until he went home in late January.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during January, February 2016

and we pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Murray Abraham(90)

Graham Bancroft (80), Ron Breckenridge (86), Alan Briant (84), Jock Buntain (86), Alan

Burt OAM (91), Reg Caudry (84), Cedric Coxsedge (90), Keith Dimond (80), Max Fisher (85),

Max Guest (82), Mary Henley, Frank Hickey (91), David Hughes (84), Dennis Humphries (90),

Robert Hunter (98), Erwin Jones (80), Kevin Kelly (82), Gerry Kennedy (92), Bob Kirkland (93),

Bill Luscombe (81), Kevin Mitchell (80), Jack Moyle (91), Laurie Redfearn, Dawn Routledge,

Alan Rutzou (81), Mavis Ryan, Don Sampson (80), Bruce Scott (90), Graham Spruzen (85),

Terry Talbot (87), Bruce Tickell (87), Roly Webster (83), Keith Westaway (82), Barry Weston

OAM (84), Norm Wheatley (85), Don Whitford (81), Jim Wood (93), Henry Wynne (81


From 1/1/2016 From 1/2/2016 Less than $20,000 1.32% 1.31%

Greater than $20,000 1.69% 1.67%


Members may recall a request from Gary Mason who has been collecting humorous stories which happened in the Bank over the years and while he has received insufficient articles to consider a booklet, Gary has received enough articles to include stories in following issues of ANZROC newsletters

The first of these articles was sent to Gary by our Honorary member Frank Hatfield who is happy for the article to be published…

Frank Hatfield’s junior clerk jobs.

Each day I was required to wash and fill inkwells, replace blotting paper and prepare the banking chamber for the Manager's inspection. When I considered that the chamber was ready I had to announce in a clear voice “Mister Ryan, the banking chamber is ready for inspection”.

The Manager would then come out of his office and woe betide me if anything was out of place. In the winter I had to chop wood for both the Manager's office and residence fires. The chopping was done on the bluestone kerb in Nicholson Street and the Manager had to check that there was enough wood chopped before I was allowed to take it into the woodshed, stack it and return to work.

I was also in charge of the staff coke heater. One morning I overloaded the heater and unknowingly blocked the flue with coke. I went out on a message and when I returned the bank had been evacuated and the fire brigade was in attendance because the toxic gas and smoke from the coke had filled the bank. The firemen had to wear a type of breathing apparatus to access the bank and clear the heater's flue so that work could resume. I thought I would get into trouble but only got a lecture on how to set the fire.


The bird is on holidays so I will keep this Twitter brief.

Now to our many members that will be a great relief.

Fishing, swimming drinking having lots of fun.

With Bruce and Glennis Robertson enjoying Gippsland's sun.

To keep the party flowing we are joined by Kevin and Bernice, as you will imagine we have very little peace.

I hope all our members enjoyed Christmas and New Year.

I wish you all a year to follow of good health and lots of cheer.

From Birdie, Cheryl, Bruce, Glennis, Kevin and Bernice, Irene Bettonvil ,David and Jennie Schunke


Russ Appleton emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for the birthday card that arrived on time as usual.

Carole Bancroft wife of our member Graham emailed to thank the Committee and the members of ANROC for the birthday card and good wishes for his 80th birthday. He had a great day at home celebrating with approximately 40 family and close friends some of whom had come from interstate to help him mark this special occasion. At the moment his health is reasonably stable which is a blessing and he is still able to enjoy some social outings although he does tire very easily. Most days he is quite content to read his history books and he particularly enjoys receiving the newsletter and catching up with news of ex work colleagues via their letters.

Carole and Graham pass on their thanks to Kathy Trace who as always does a fantastic job of remembering everyone’s birthday and making sure that their card arrives at the appropriate time. Her efforts are very much appreciated.

Dave Brookman wrote from Mornington to pass on his thanks and appreciation to the Committee for the Christmas card recently received. Unfortunately Dave was unable to attend the Christmas luncheon due to travel restraints, which after 30 odd years of making the annual pilgrimage was a bit of a blow but all good things come to an end.

Roger Brown wrote to thank the Committee and ANZROC members for the message extending birthday wishes.

Kevin Burt eldest son of Alan Burt OAM responded on behalf of his father who received the usual birthday card from Kathy Trace for his 91st birthday and acknowledged receipt of the card for which he is very grateful. Alan is not travelling well at the moment and has been struggling for the last six months in particular. Although he and wife Peg are both still living at home (Peg is 91 also in six weeks) they now require a daily carer with a member of the family also calling every day to ensure they are OK. Alan is now legally blind, very deaf and with balance problems struggles with any movement. Thankfully, being able to stay in their home has helped Alan to keep going. Kevin reads him any of the relevant parts from the ANZROC newsletter when it arrives which he still follows with interest. Kevin also worked in the ANZ for 38 years.

Ian Cann emailed his thanks for his Birthday card on his 88th. Moved to Mornington 13 years ago and the sea air must be doing him good.

Henry Carr emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for his Birthday card which arrived on time reminding Henry that another year has passed. The last half of the year was occupied by medical appointments firstly for him with a minor heart problem. Henry says minor because it corrected itself reasonably quickly and he doesn’t see the specialist again until late 2017. Henry’s wife Kathleen then came down with a sore back which resulted in returning to Peter Mac for treatment which has some time to run. However, on completion of the treatment it is their plan to travel, most likely to visit friends in New Zealand.

Geoff Christmas emailed his thanks for the Birthday wishes received last month for this special birthday namely his 70th. The year was a very busy one with a cycling holiday in Northern Italy which encompassed all the well-known lakes and Verona and Venice both magical places. Geoff and wife Heather had a two week stay in Bellagio, a week in Verona and a week in Venice. They then had their usual stint at Coolum Beach for the winter catching up with everybody and doing a lot of walking for Heather’s upcoming walk on the Camino Trail in Italy for Breast Cancer Network Australia. The year ended with a tour through South America with visits to the Galapagos Islands and Antarctica both of which are amazing and well worth a visit. The South America part included world heritage areas including Quito, Sacred Valley which included Machu Picchu and Cusco and the Inca history. Once again thanks for the birthday wishes and the newsletters that brings back many memories.

John Conn emailed to acknowledge the birthday card which arrived on time as always. Again great thanks to Kathy Trace. John and wife Linda have had a relatively quite year, with numerous visits to Sydney as they sought to look after Linda’s parents and arranging nursing home placements and the like. This has curtailed some of their other activities although they did manage 10 days in Singapore. John spent some time visiting the NT with his brother who was visiting Australia for the first time. They had a great time catching up now that he has retired.

John and Linda will be going to northern Victoria, travelling around just for a short break between visits to Sydney.

Trevor Cookson emailed his thanks for the birthday card which, as usual, arrived on the day.

The day was spent with lunch at the “Acorn Nursery”, Surrey Hills with friends and a family dinner at the “Riverside” Restaurant - a very busy and happy day!

Bob English emailed to say many thanks for the birthday card and the enclosed wishes and of course for the excellent Retired Officers’ Lunch last December.

Max Fisher wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes for his 85th. Max also enjoys the monthly club newsletters as it’s always good to read of members lives in retirement.

Bob Flinn emailed that his birthday greetings were received on time and again much appreciated. To celebrate the family enjoyed lunch at the Doncaster Hotel. Reading the proposed increased postage charges and delivery times these make things interesting in the future for Kathy Trace. It was good to again catch up to old friends at the Christmas function.

Nola Forsyth wrote to thank ANZROC for the newsletter as it is good to catch up with all the news. She is sorry she is not able carry on with the annual reunion of 351 and 394 Collins Street staff as there is no longer enough to warrant a get together but she is still in touch with many. Frank Donovan rang her and said he was now 99. Marvellous.

John Gill emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the Birthday Wishes - much appreciated.

Ray Gill emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday card which was appreciated.

Ray and wife Dorothy will be in New Zealand for the March meeting arriving home on the 11 March. They recently spent a week in Brisbane and not knowing they were booked into a 36 storey apartments and being on the 17 Floor has put both of them off apartment living – prefer being closer to the ground and not far to walk if anything goes wrong.

Charles Griss emailed to say thanks for his Birthday Card which was greatly appreciated. He couldn’t make the ANZ Xmas lunch this year so maybe next year? Charles and wife Angela seem to be very busy with one thing or another. They spent a few weeks in September/October in the USA and Canada with another couple. All went well and they enjoyed good weather. Even did some driving! Charles is still doing a bit of work, both voluntary and paid. The latter makes one more inclined to take overseas holidays! However, they may have a quiet year in 2016 after moving from Kew to Balwyn with much time spent getting the place set up as they like it.

John Hawkins emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee for his birthday card which like Big Ben was on time

Bob Heinemann emailed his thanks for the ANZROC birthday greetings. Bob and wife Heather have had a good year. Heather has negotiated a bout of Shingles successfully, and he is managing an episode of DVT. Both well, greetings to all his colleagues.

Darrell Hodges emailed to thank the committee and Kathy Trace for his birthday card.

He also expressed his thanks to all of the committee for organising events and the regular newsletters and other correspondence and to Eamon and his team for putting together the newsletters - They keep evolving and getting better.

Bruce Iddles wrote to thank the Committee for the birthday wishes. The past year has seen Bruce and wife Faye on a European river trip with ATP. Firstly to Budapest then along the 3 rivers Danube, Main and Rhine to Amsterdam and they visited many countries and places of interest along the way. From Amsterdam they travelled through Belgium to Paris where they celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary at the Eiffel Tower. Then they moved onto London for a week to stay in very good accommodation overlooking the Thames. From London Bruce and Faye joined a Trafalgar Tour onto Scotland and the Highlands. Isle of Skye, Ireland where they kissed the Blarney Stone (not hygienic) back to London and homeward bound through Singapore after 6 weeks travelling. They took 3,200 photos and their daughter has put 800 onto DVD with music of the appropriate countries. A great reminder of a wonderful holiday which they now realise should have been taken sooner.

Bob Kirkland wrote to thank Kathy Trace , the Club and its members for the birthday greetings for his 93rd. Bob looks forward to receiving the newsletter but it is sad to see members of our banking life passing on but at 93 he says its understandable. Paul Kitchin was the latest- he

followed Bob alphabetically at school in 1937 and in the Bank after the merger with the ES&A Bank. Paul will be remembered as a keen and well liked banker.

Brian Knowles emailed to say that the big 80 has arrived and so has the ever reliable card from Kathy Trace. Thanks for the good wishes. Brian celebrated with family and friends many of whom made the trip over from Tasmania. There was some reminiscing, including his early years living on King Island during the war years. Still enjoy cycling with his bike group-they are aptly called the “Recyclists” and their Lycra features that name and a large cup of steaming coffee. Some of the cyclists are sensible enough to have an electric motor as an optional extra-just to help a little on the hills.

Bob Lyon emailed his thanks for the birthday wishes which ANZROC sent by e-card. Bob was able to open it as they had just got power back after a typical Fiji summer power blackout.

Bob appreciated receiving a copy of the photo that Peter Nielipowiec sent to ANZROC when reminiscing about Bob’s late father Gordon Lyon. Bob remembers all those guys well. John Sherriff came to Ouyen from Warracknabeal and was a fine footballer. Bob and wife Helen are off to New Zealand for the short Aussie cricket tour.

l-r Gordon Lyon, Jack Shelton, John Sherriff, Peter Nielipowiec (1963)

Noel Matthews emailed his thanks to the Committee and Kathy Trace for the infallible - inexorable (?) - reminder of his 79th birthday. Noel will look forward similarly to getting the 'big O' next year, and hopefully in the interim will enjoy a much better year than 2015 turned out to be....

Bob Maughan emailed from Perth with thanks to Kathy Trace as he received his birthday card on time which he greatly appreciated. Bob is currently playing the best golf of his life usually figuring in the top 20 in the Wednesday competition out of 120 starters. As his friends are well aware Bob always was a slow learner so after over 50 years playing golf he has finally understood what is required! Even old Golfing mates Brian Christensen and Roger Brown would be impressed! Bob and wife Joan are keeping reasonable health. God willing they will be heading to Singapore in March to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary with their daughter and their son and family that includes two grandchildren. They still miss Victoria which remains their favourite state and Bob sends a big hello to all the people who over the years made his working life so enjoyable both during and after work! He is still a staunch supporter of the Saints (AFL) and is hoping for a better year in 2016.

Kevin May emailed that he does not know how Kathy Trace does it, with less reliable postal services, and middle of the xmas break, yet she still somehow gets the birthday cards to hand on the day! A fairly busy year for Kevin and his wife ,booked a New Orleans to Nashville river tour with Hawaii stopover-did that and very interesting to see a slice of the south for the first time. Booked a Paris to Prague river cruise-regrettably later cancelled that at some expense. After 14 years permanent holiday on the Gold Coast, they recently sold up and returned to good old Melbourne, to be close to family, also part of (hopefully) longer term family planning.

Wal McGillivray OAM wrote to thank ANZROC for the birthday wishes for his 93rd and congratulations again to Kathy Trace who continues to defy the erratic behaviour of Australia Post to deliver the card on time. Birdie (Neville Pearson) was kind enough to chauffer Wal to the Christmas lunch which was as enjoyable as ever although he met more of the younger brigade than his peers. This is the penalty of growing old according to Wal.

Bruce Michell emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card as he always appreciates being remembered. Endured a difficult middle part of the year following spinal fusion surgery in May this was followed by 6 months of very light duties. However Bruce has recovered well and has been able to resume playing golf at 13th Beach Golf Club, Barwon Heads.

Peter Nielipowiec writing from Strathdale about the late Jack Shelton when they were both stationed at Ouyen branch under the late Gordon Lyon said that Jack was responsible for improving Peter’s table tennis prowess. One day Jack and Peter knocked off from the branch at 3pm and Jack took him to Bendigo in his VW beetle to watch world professional table tennis players compete. The main game was between an American and a Japanese player. Watching the game at the top level helped Peter’s technique immensely although he was very tired after the long haul back arriving in Ouyen at 2.30am.

Alex Pigdon emailed to send his thanks to the President and members for the greetings sent to him on the occasion of his 79th birthday.

John Quirk emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and all the great people at ANZROC for his birthday card. John is greatly looking forward to spending the day with family.

Bevyn Ranford using the new “Editor” email site has passed on his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday message and it was greatly appreciated.

Sandra Street emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings. They arrived in good time as always and Sandra much appreciates the thought.

Neville Taylor wrote to thank ANZROC for the good wishes expressed in the Christmas card and also the Birthday wishes for his 95th. Unfortunately Neville spent his 95th in Epworth hospital and then their Rehabilitation Centre in Brighton but the cause of the illness remains a mystery. Neville greatly appreciated receipt of the cards.

John Vanselow regretted that he had to miss Greensborough this year as he and wife Lois are touring Tasmania for a few weeks.

Athol Watkins wrote from Clifton Springs to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday card a reminder that another year has passed. In May Athol and his wife Barbara took a cruise from Singapore to Tokyo with time spent in each city. The first night out they met with Rino Frigo and his partner Joy. Having never met before it was quite a coincidence to sit at the same dining table and reminisce about old times in the Bank. They also ran into Gordon Christensen and his wife who are regular cruisers. After returning home for three weeks Athol was taken to hospital for major surgery but it was a successful operation. It has taken quite a while to recover but hopefully will not prevent them cruising from Sydney to Singapore in April.

Glenda White emailed her thanks for her birthday card which arrived in time for her birthday. It is very much appreciated that you remember.

Keith Winckles emailed to say thanks for the birthday card. Keith had an enjoyable day with family.

Brian Wrigley emailed to thank the Committee for his birthday card which was greatly appreciated.

.AND Vic Ansell, Angelo Biviano, Mal Campbell, John Carrazza, John Gill, Val Goldsworthy, Reg Harrison, Keith Higgs, Edward Hore, Colin Jones, Graham Joseph, Dick Milnthorpe, Ray Murphy, Russell van Rooyen ,ANZROC QLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



Copy of Article in the Ballarat Courier of Saturday December 26, 2015

SPECIAL DAY: Beautifully coloured flowers, and strictly no tinsel, surround Molly Saint for her 100th birthday, which she shares with Christmas Day. This time, celebrations were all about Molly. A large square sponge cake, shared with friends, added a twinkle in Molly Saint’s eyes. For most of her years, Molly celebrated her birthday on Christmas Day with Christmas cake. This birthday, Molly turned 100 years old and had sponge. “I’m overcome,” Molly said. “I don’t mind sharing my birthday on Christmas Day. I’m so used to it.”Born in England, Molly immigrated to Perth with her mother to join her sister and brother-in-law. She married Herbert Henry Saint in South Yarra, later moving to Clunes. Her secret to long life is health (she does not drink or smoke) and a good book. “I read a lot, all the time,” Molly said. “I get books delivered to me from the Ballarat library, four a month. I like reading animal books and stories about families.”Molly marked her birthday with Ballarat Health Services’ Hailey House staff and residents on Christmas Eve, surrounded by friends and all her official letters government letters.

Although, she quipped, she thought her letter from the Queen was a little outdated because the photo looked far too young.

Committeewoman Joan Nathan on behalf of all ANZROC members sent flowers to Molly on the day to congratulate her on reaching 100.


Clarification: In my article "Women in Banking" I mentioned that Kathy Trace was the first woman in ANZ in Victoria to be appointed to a managerial position. Not so! Kathy was the first woman appointed to a managerial position in a BRANCH.

I have learnt Sue McCarthy was in fact the first woman to be appointed to a classified managerial position when she became the Economist in Victorian Administration in 1973 and was thus the first woman to be appointed to a managerial position in ANY bank in Victoria.

Hope this sets the record straight"

Peter Pritchard 0418 149 394


Over the next two weeks a reminder email or letter will be sent to those members who are in arrears for the year to 30 September 2016. There are 190 members with subs unpaid but some within that number are members in arrears for 2 years who were contacted several times last year with no success and we will have no alternative but to cancel their membership if not paid up by 30/4/2016.

Contact John Brown, Hon Treasurer for all enquiries regarding subscriptions - Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 03 9802 1810, mobile 0425827540.


We have established some generic email addresses for the key ANZROC’s position holders in order to simplify the way in which Members can contact us.

The addresses are as follows: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

These mailboxes will be regularly checked by the relative office bearer and will have the benefit of separating ANZROC’s related messages from personal emails. It will also allow for others to cover key positions in case of vacation, illness etc.



The annual get together once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 22 Feb & Tue 23 Feb 2016.Details are available from Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



Our guest speaker is Professor John Langford AM FTSE FIE Aust BE (Ag) PhD

of the University of Melbourne, his speciality is "Climate Change and Water", which will be his topic. John is a nationally and internationally recognised water expert. His diverse and distinguished career in the water industry spans over 35 years, including 15 years at chief executive level. He is a Professorial Fellow in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne and a Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Science.

His exhaustive knowledge of matters to do with urban and rural water management is anchored in wide-ranging practical experience:

He also is a very active member of a walking club.

The theme for the day is topical with the severe drought conditions currently experienced in parts of Australia and the concerns over serious shortages of water as outlined in a recent ABC TV Landline programme and we look forward to strong support from members for this our first meeting at 100 Queen Street.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 4th March 2016 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.



TO : Ron Adams

PO Box 579 Malvern Vic 3144. By post or Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter December 2015



Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810    
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




President Peter Pritchard welcomed 280 members to the ANZROC December Christmas luncheon held at “The Pavilion” in the St Kilda Road Arts Centre. It was another excellent Christmas Lunch with one of the largest in numbers of ANZROC members in attendance over the past 15 years .Peter welcomed the senior ANZ Executives to the luncheon that included CEO Elect Shayne Elliott who presented his vision for the future vision for ANZ Bank and Deputy CEO Graham Hodges who provided insight into ANZ's performance this year. The other senior ANZ executives Alistair Currie Chief Operating Officer and Susie Babani Chief Human Resources Officer were very welcome guests at our luncheon.

Thanks also to Doug Watson for his toast to the bank. The Arts Centre staff as usual provided excellent food drinks and great service. Thanks also go to the ANZROC’s President, Secretary and Committee members who made the day go so smoothly.

Photos taken by Eamon Veaney at The Pavilion have been loaded onto the ANZROC website. More photos can be found on the ANZROC’s Facebook page as some were too large to upload onto the website. The Facebook page has attracted over 1300 views in just one day.


Graham Ainscough, Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Dave Brookman, Diane Carew, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Nola Forsyth, Elaine Haw, Terry Heenan, Peter Jones, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Bob Lyon, Maggie Murray, Graeme Randall, John Stevens, Peter Treleaven, Glen Twidale, James Uren, John Vanselow, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Brown C. (Chris) 33 years ANZ

Lobosco K.A. (Kay) 30 years ANZ

We welcome Chris and Kay to ANZROC .We met Chris at the Christmas luncheon and look forward to welcoming Kay to one of our meetings.


Macdonald Ms J.A. (Joy) 6/11/2015

Muriel Drummond said that Joy was Secretary to the Manager at 357 Collins Street when Muriel was in CEO’s office and they were part of a tight knit group. Joy was always interested in the ANZROC matters and I often discussed issues with her until her health deteriorated.

If members have any anecdotes of their time with Joy we would be pleased to include them in a future newsletter and can be sent to Ron Adams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144.

Ian Peterkin would like to thank the many ANZROC members and members of the ANZ Ladies Group for their kind messages following his wife Nan’s recent, and rather sudden death. It has been a great comfort to Ian’s daughter Sarah and the whole Peterkin family that so many people have been in contact. Ian is sure Nan would also have been very touched to have been remembered by so many. Many ANZROC, Ex-ANZ and ANZ Ladies Club colleagues attended the funeral service for Nan including Flav and Barbara Belli, John and Julia Winders, Dorothy and John Duke, David and Emma Smith, David Valentine, Alister and Margaret Maitland, Don and Angela Mercer, Don and Christine Jeffrey, Steve and Sue Cowell, Ray and Jenny Pietsch, Jill Witney, Bernice Mitchell, Eamon Veaney, Lyn and Colin Geldart. All at ANZROC pass on our condolences to Ian and his family

Saul Eslake emailed to say that he was saddened to read in the latest newsletter of the passing of Mike O'Neill at the age of just 69. Saul got to know Mike well on Saul’s regular visits to WA and Mike’s trips east (which often co-incided with West Coast Eagles vs. Essendon games). Mike was a committed Essendon supporter (as, in the absence of a truly national competition, i.e. one with every State in it, Saul has also been). One of Mike's initiatives was the annual 'Football and Economics' breakfast which he hosted in February each year, featuring talks by whoever was the coach of the Eagles, and Saul as ANZ's Chief Economist. It began in 2000 with fewer than 100 people in one of the corporate dining rooms at Subiaco, moved to Burswood as the numbers grew and by the time that the Eagles played in consecutive grand finals in 2005-06 with John Worsfold as coach had to be held at the Perth Entertainment Centre. It was a fabulous advertisement for ANZ. Mike was also very well connected with the Perth business community and in State political circles and would always set up a lunch with influential 'movers and shakers' whenever Saul was there. A very sad loss.


Jennifer Knight daughter of our member Ted Knight emailed say that she had received a number of emails in response to her request for anecdotes about her father..Wonderful stories.

Thank you for your help.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during December 2015 and we

pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alan Boak (81), Ian Cann

(88), Trevor Cookson (85), Fergus Darmody (82), Kevin Dempster (84), John Hicks (88), Brian

Knowles (80), Joan Lamond, John Logan (81), Wal McGillivray (92), Bruce Michell (80), Bevyn

Ranford (82), Noel Robertson (85), Molly Saint (100), Neville Taylor (95), Bill Thorne (86),

Glen Twidale (85), Ron Wells (84), Jack Willoughby (90), Theo Yardley (88), Lloyd Zegenhagen



From 1/12/2015

Less than $20,000 1.31%

Greater than $20,000 1.68%

Presidents’ Pen (1)

Another year has nearly concluded. I would like to take this opportunity to wish members and their families a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Take care and I look forward to seeing members at one or more functions in 2016.

Presidents’ Pen (2)

Continuing the series prepared by President Peter Pritchard of interesting historical facts about the ANZ Bank during its 180 years……

Our Banking History… events of the past 180 years.

Women in Banking.

Bank of Australasia and ES & A Bank were forerunners in recognising the contribution of women.

* 1887 Miss Mary E Swifte employed by Bank of Australasia as typist (believed to be the first woman clerk to be employed by an Australian Bank). Second typist employed in 1890. Miss Swifte held the post of Superintendents typist until she retired after almost 34 years’ service in January 1921. Miss Swifte passed away in 1937 aged 84 years. Further women were not employed until the labour shortage of the 1914-18 war.

* 1929 Bank of Australasia - Women’s Department at Melbourne Head Office (391-96 Collins St) but doesn’t appear to be staffed by women for women.

* 1935 Ida Muriel Stuart is the first female to be employed by the Bank of Adelaide as a typist. Her salary was 35 shillings a week.

* 1965 ES&A introduced Australia’s first ladies banking suite staffed by women. The Ladies’ Banking Suite was a self-contained unit within the Capitol Centre branch, 109-117 Swanston St, Melbourne.

* 1981 Kathy Trace (ANZROC Life Member) was appointed assistant manager at Camberwell Branch. She was the first woman to attain a management position in Victoria. Kathy subsequently became the first woman to be appointed President of ANZROC Vic.

Peter Pritchard


What a wonderful way to celebrate the start of the festive season in the magnificent ARTS CENTRE “THE PAVILION”.

A packed house of ANZROC members attended, together with a very talented panel of current ANZ bank executive, led by a very impressive recently appointed ANZ CEO Elect Shayne Elliott. Shayne and his team provided our members with very enlightening insights into the future for ANZ following Mike Smith’s retirement.

I am sure we all came away with confidence that ANZ is in extremely good hands. We were very appreciative of the insight into the future and the humour and good will shown by our ANZ executive to a very attentive audience. Thank you Shayne and your team for your generosity in time and support of ANZROC and I am sure we can sleep comfortably with our ANZ Shares under our pillow

“The Pavilion” is a classic example of ANZ’s long term involvement in the Arts and Australian heritage, as is also the beautifully maintained Collins Street ANZ Gothic building, which is an absolute delight to walk through on our way to the Queen Street ANZROC Meetings.

We sincerely appreciate the bank’s generosity in supporting the ANZ retired officers in so many ways

In closing we also wish Mike Smith a very happy and well deserved retirement. Mike was also a great advocate of ANZROC and hopefully a prospective ANZROC member.


“Birdies insight into a year that was”

What ever happened to the year

One would hardly know it has been here

In summary, there was great pain and pleasure

One that Hawk fans will all surely treasure

Floods, fires, earthquakes, the usual thing

One wonders what else Mother Nature could fling

Sure there was love, joy and romance

Then Hell was unleashed on the people of France

My wish this year for the whole human race

To love your neighbour as we all have a place

Dick Cowell taught me a lesson, for all our people to learn

Be nice to others and they will invariably be nice in return

(Dick Cowell was much admired and loved ANZ National Sales Manager who passed away in July 2006)

I was moved to write a poem about my (true) encounter with a small bird trapped in our Coonara woodheater this morning. Hope you enjoy it and I thought it made a lovely Christmas story for the newsletter


A FLIGHT OF JOY from the” Bird”

Earlier this morning I was awaken from my sleep

Twas a thumping in our lounge room, so I went and had a peep

It was coming from our fire place, a Coonara to be sure

Nervously I opened up, the largish metal door

A dove was trapped inside it and was making quite a roar

It had fallen down the chimney and could not get out the door

Now the chimney pipe access, was hardly 3inches wide

But I had to get this frightened Dove, or it surely would be fried

I pushed and shoved my hand through the gap, talking calmly to the bird

Twice with no result at all, but success upon the third

The dove surely had a teary eye, and was grateful I am sure

It flew around the room three times and then through the open door

And as if to leave a gift behind, yes, a feather on the floor

I have blocked the gap upon the roof, so should not happen any more

But if you happen to see a dove, that has a feather missing

Please pass on to this tiny “Bird” my very fondest blessing

May the wind always be behind you and the sun smile upon your face

Merry Christmas from Neville Pearson (“The Bird”)



Vic Ansell emailed to thank the committee for the birthday greetings sent by Kathy Trace and received 'on the day'. Kathy does a great job. Another birthday and nearly another year gone - the years seem to go quicker as one gets older. Vic didn't do anything special on the day but there are now enough things going on during December to make up for that. Anyway, he had only been home a week after having a holiday in Mildura and Bright - both marvellous places. Glad they went to Mildura last month and not this month though with temperatures now over 40 degrees.

Thanks again to the ANZROC committee for making monthly gatherings so enjoyable. Much appreciated. Looking forward to another year and very much looking forward to Thursday’s Christmas lunch..

Graeme and Annette Baldwin emailed to say thank you for the ANZROC birthday greetings to both Graeme and Annette – it’s such a thrill to receive your cards. Graeme broke his hip on 31 Oct and is now in rehab with full recovery expected.

Gordon Blair emailed to thank ANZROC for its ever-welcome card for his 70th birthday, which Kathy Trace somehow managed to arrange - as she unfailingly seems to do - to arrive on the day. Consistency like that is quite a talent! Gordon did indeed have a happy day, culminating with dinner at a local Chinese restaurant with family members (including a cousin from Scotland who was out here in Australia on holiday) and a few close friends.

John Bloom emailed his thanks for the Birthday Card (which again arrived on time). The years are flowing by so quickly these cards seem to arrive every six months. John and wife Pat have been married 50 years this month and still manage to keep themselves busy. Pat volunteers at the Frankston Support Centre and the local branch of the Chorus of Hard Knocks, not that she's a singer, she volunteers in the kitchen. John is still driving the bus at the nearby retirement village, two mornings a week. They are also kept busy babysitting their nine grandchildren, keeping up with the garden and doing a little travel namely Hong Kong, Macau and Hainan Ho as well as spending time on his nephew's cruiser on the Pumicestone Passage, Sunshine Coast. John and Pat have also entertained visitors from the U.K. during the year. In between this they are trying to restore an old timber 20' sailing yacht. They look forward to the arrival of the newsletter each month and enjoy reading stories of retirees’ travels.

Harry Carrodus emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for his recent Birthday Greetings which arrived on time. Her bank training comes into play when meeting important deadlines!! Thanks also to the club committee for all the good work they do for the retired officers and Harry looks forward to the Christmas luncheon which is coming up fast.

Kim Charlton reports that he is travelling much better after a hip replacement earlier in the year. Luckily Kim married well and his wife, Joy, has put him to shame looking after him whether home while he is in rehabilitation or on their annual caravanning trips that have included Eyre Peninsula, the Queensland coast or the Australian outback.

Ed Collins wrote from Port Macquarie to thank the Committee and Kathy Trace for the receipt of birthday wishes always on time which is no mean feat as it takes extra time to reach Port Macquarie. Ed and wife Joan have moved into an over 50’s Lifestyle Village and they only have to decide where to hang their paintings. Ed enjoys receiving the newsletter and reading about past workmates and people he has met through his time at Wagga and the Wagga weekend.

Committeeman George Cooper emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday card which duly arrived on time. George had an invitation to his nephew’s for dinner but had been a bit too vigorous pulling out weeds and could hardly walk. It took a couple of weeks massage and manipulation to get back to normal. George is home now after recent knee replacement surgery and is getting on so well he should be able to make the Christmas lunch. (He did)

Brian Farrell wrote to thank the Committee for their greetings on the occasion of his recent birthday. As usual Kathy Trace was right on the ball and the card arrived in a timely manner. A family gathering helped Brian celebrate the event .one which at his age he would be happy to ignore.

Paul Harrison emailed that he will miss the annual Xmas Lunch and the chance to catch up with old friends this year. Paul has been fortunate to spend summers in both Australia and Europe for the last 4 years as he has 2 kids running a business in the UK. As happens this year Paul is stuck in the UK till January helping them to expand into the large UK shopping malls. Paul does expect to get to next years lunch.

Vito Laruccia emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings which he knows would have arrived on time. Vito and his wife were at the time travelling overseas and enjoying some wonderful times with their Italian relatives. They also spent some valuable family time with their three children and their partners, and their first grandchild, as they had arranged to stay together in Tuscany and Sorrento for a few weeks. A truly wonderful family experience.

John Mangan wrote from Kangaroo Flat to thank the President and Committee for the birthday greetings for his 86th that he received in a timely manner. In April John had major heart surgery but after spending 7 months in rehabilitation he is hoping to get back to golf.

Life Member Gerry McPherson emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for the Birthday Card, which as usual, arrived right on time. It is always good to be remembered on one's Birthday, even though sometimes Gerry would rather not remember how old he is.

Gerry was presented with the French Legion of Honour Medal that we referred to in the September newsletter at the Shrine of Remembrance on the day of our November meeting, which meant Gerry and Fay couldn’t join members at the Meeting. There were seven other recipients besides Gerry, and the Medals were presented by Senator Marc Daunis of the French Senate, on behalf of the French Ambassador. Gerry has sent some photos of the Presentation which Eamon has posted on the ANZROC website. Gerry’s son Bruce flew out from Norway to be here for the Presentation Ceremony and also to help him celebrate his 91st Birthday. This they did in style by lunching at the golf club together with Gerry’s daughter and her husband and some of their old golfing friends, who like him are now retired from the game!

Peter Nielipowiec wrote to say how sorry he was to see in October’s newsletter details of the passing of Don Schubert. Peter met up with Don in Bendigo when he worked at View Street Branch and Peter was working at Pall Mall Branch in 1968 and then Peter caught up with Don again at a 1995 ANZ reunion in Bendigo. The boys from both branches used to catch up at Moorings Hotel in Bull Street Bendigo for a social drink…those were the days.

John Osborne wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card that arrived on the day. He had a great 78th birthday with the family on Cup day and he was second in the sweep. John however backed the 100/1 winner Price of Penzance and it was a nice present. John and his wife visited Beechworth this year for the first time. It was such a beautiful place and they will return in autumn 2016.

Geoff Perdriau wishes to thank the Committee and Kathy for the recent birthday card which turned up on time despite the Cup Day holiday!

Geoff and Marg enjoyed their winter holiday in Queensland visiting Brisbane, Longreach and Winton. November 19th marked the first anniversary of their move from Balwyn North area to Williamstown!

Ian Peterkin emailed to thank the Committee for his birthday card, which arrived as always, spot on the day.

Jim Potter wrote from Sebastopol to thank Kathy Trace for the card on his 85th birthday arriving on the day as usual every year. Jim retired from ANZ more than 30 years ago and he is thankful that his health has been good over the years. He often thinks of the days in the Branches and the thing he does miss is the fellowship that one achieves in Branch work. Jim looks forward to the monthly newsletter to read and it is pleasing to see many names of his associates still with us.

Glen Twidale back in Victoria in McKinnon sent his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday wishes received for his 85th.

AND Eddie Forth, Phil Goodier, Jeremy Grant, Denis Grehan, Richard Harding, Reg Harrison, Peter Jackson, Colin McNamara, Emilio Moreno, Leanne Tong-Lyon, Ron Williams,




We have established some generic email addresses for the key ANZROC’s position holders in order to simplify the way in which Members can contact us.

The addresses are as follows : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

These mailboxes will be regularly checked by the relative office bearer and will have the benefit of separating ANZROC’s related messages from personal emails. It will also allow for others to cover key positions in case of vacation, illness etc.



The annual get together is open to all members/ partners and singles.Regular attendees to our thrill seeking couple of fantastic days away at beautiful Mansfield will be there in force.

The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 22 Feb & Tue 23 Feb 2016.

The facilities at the resort and the program for the three days are as follows:

Resort Facilities: Swimming Pool / Sauna / Spa / Tennis Courts / Function Room/Volleyball / Games Room / Table Tennis / Dining Room / BBQ

Golf Course and Pokies Venue 2 km.

Other attractions within easy driving distance. Information available.

Day 1. Mon 22 Feb. Arrive anytime after midday.

Explore Alzburg Resort and Mansfield Township at your leisure.

Social Golf, Tennis or relax around the pool.

6.30pm. BBQ Dinner, BYO food & drink.

Day 2. Tue 23 Feb. Early Morning Golf Competition.

Non Golfers Social Walk, Tennis or other passive activities, or maybe just relax around the pool.

6.15 pm: BYO Pre Dinner drinks and nibbles around pool.

7.00 for 7.30pm: 2 Course, Pizza & Pasta Dinner & Dessert

Resort Dining Room .

Bar facilities available at your own expense. “Music for Dancing”.

Day 3 Wed 24 Feb Check out of unit by 11.00am, but continue to enjoy the facilities at the Alzburg for as long as you like.

For more detailed information contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Kevin will send you the Mansfield information sheet and booking form .


A field of thirty one players plus seven non-golfing partners/lunchers took part in this year’s event on Friday 27th November. Unfortunately, we only had three lady players, so a ladies trophy wasn’t presented this year.

Numbers were down slightly on previous years with a number of apologies from past regulars, but we also welcomed some ex ANZers who are not members of ANZROC.

The fine weather lasted until ten minutes after the last group finished…. a masterful piece of organisation. Course condition and luncheon arrangements made for a successful day.

Winner: Keith Brown

Runner-up: Doug Ramsay

Third: Reg Nicolson


March Meeting: 10th March 100 Queen Street

April Meeting: 14th April 100 Queen Street (ANZAC meeting)

May Meeting: 12th May Venue to be advised (Salvation Army)

June Meeting: 9th June 100 Queen Street

July Meeting: 14th July Mulgrave Country Club

August Meeting: 11th August 100 Queen Street

September Meeting: 8th September 100 Queens Street

October Meeting: 13th October Country visit to be advised

November Meeting: 10th November 100 Queen Street (AGM)

December Meeting: 8th December The Pavilion Arts Centre Melbourne





Following the excellent feedback received after our previous luncheons at the Greensborough RSL Club, our Committee has decided to once more return to this venue in the northern suburbs for our 11th February 2016 meeting commencing midday.

The luncheon will commence at 12noon and a range of a la carte selections and seniors meals will be available for members and partners with drinks at bar prices.

Partners and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome and encouraged to attend

The RSL Club is approx 150 metres from the Greensborough Railway Station and approx 2 km South East from where the existing Metropolitan Ring Road ends.

Several of our members (including Neville Pearson) frequent this modern facility on a regular basis and the service and food (including senior meals) is excellent value for money

.Please advise your acceptance by Thursday 2nd February 2016 to Joan Nathan, Telephone: 9740 8001, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice.



TO : Joan Nathan

7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Thank you for your support


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor


Newsletter November 2015


Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown    Ron Adams
19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056   PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151   Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810    
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)

NEWSLETTER November 12th 2015


President Peter Pritchard welcomed 49 members to the 41st AGM of ANZROC Vic and to hear our member Neville Pearson speak about his travel experiences with help from wife Cheryl and Flight Centre manager Marieke van der Pieterman. Neville has provided a summary of the presentation in his Birdies Twitter section. After the welcome Secretary Wolf Damschitz covered the formal matters and members then enjoyed the informal luncheon.

The Annual General meeting followed Neville’s presentation and a brief report of the Annual General meeting with President Peter’s report is included later in the newsletter.

Members not seen for some time included Norris Gale, Stan Halbish, and John Hawkins between trips, Don Jeffrey returning from overseas and Kevin O’Neill.

Photos taken at the luncheon by John Brown are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graham Ainscough, Vic Ansell, Graeme Baldwin, Dave Brookman, Diane Carew, John Carrazza, Robin Cates, Brian Christensen, George Cooper, Cedric Coxsedge, Ken Crawford, Don Davy, John Duke, Phil Dunstan, Col Edwards, Carl Garley, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, Bernadette Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Peter Nyga, Terry Parks, Ron Phillips, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Geoffrey Sandow, John Vanselow, Eamon Veaney, Anne Wee, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Crittle Brian 32 years ANZ

Hay Peter 11 years ANZ

Hayden Karen 16 years ANZ

Hore Edward (Ed) 42 years ANZ

We welcome Brian, Peter, Karen and Ed to ANZROC and look forward to welcoming them at one of our meetings.


Shelton J.T.(Jack) 21/9/2015 85 years

Jack was a keen member of ANZROC and regularly enjoyed the newsletters at his Raymond Island address.

If members have any anecdotes of their time with Jack we would be pleased to include them in a future newsletter and these can be sent to Ron Adams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144.

Members stood in remembrance of Jack at the meeting and our condolences are extended to family and friends of Jack Shelton.

Jenette Pickering advised that Michael John (Mike) O’Neill passed away in Perth on 24/10/2015 at the age of 69 years. Ray Galliott from ANZROC WA where Mike was a member said that Mike who was GM ANZ WA from 1996 to 2002 passed away from a suspected heart attack. President Peter Pritchard said he knew Mike from ANZ Corporate days and he was a fine banker. Mike spent a number of years in Melbourne and would be remembered by many of our ANZROC members. Our condolences are extended to the O’Neill family and friends.

Bernice Mitchell advised that Nan Peterkin wife of ANZROC member Ian Peterkin passed away 4/11/2015 after a very short illness. Nan was a very active member of the ANZ Ladies group and ANZROC Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney advised that Nan was known to many ANZROC members. Ian presented the toast to the ANZ at the Christmas luncheon in 2013 and our condolences are extended to Ian and his family.

Karen Mainwaring wrote on behalf of her mother, Kathleen Smyth, to thank ANZROC members Keith Higgs and Lawrie Foord for attending ANZROC Honorary member Kevin Smyth’s funeral service on 18th September. Karen said that Kevin enjoyed his association with the retired officers club and was saddened that his declining health prevented him from attending functions in recent times.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during November 2015

and we pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Frank Attard (80), Brian Christensen (82), Brian Farrell (87), John Flyger (81), Euan Greenwood

(91), Theo Hall (84), Frank Hatfield (84), Keith Higgs (81), Eric Lean (93), John Mangan (85),

Zelda Martin, Gerry McPherson (91),  Jim Potter (85), Don Ranyard (85),

Arthur Vale (85).


From 1/11/2015

Less than $20,000 1.31%

Greater than $20,000 1.67%


We have been unable to identify the members who made the following deposits that have been received in the ANZROC bank account. These payments were most likely made over the counter in an ANZ branch,

15 Sept 2015 $20

23 Sept 2015 $10

16 Oct 2015 $10 Ref 1504067

13November 2015 $20 only ID ‘anz subs’

If you made your subs payment at a branch on any of the above dates, could you please contact our treasurer John Brown by phone on 03 9802 1810 or mobile 0425 827 540 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Payments made at a branch cannot be identified by name, so it is recommended that your phone number be included in the Aux Dom field on the deposit form for follow up if required.

ANZROC 41st Annual General Meeting

The 41st Annual General Meeting was held during the monthly luncheon and the minutes of the 40th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 13th November 2014 were confirmed. Peter Pritchard presented his President’s Report 2014/2015. The Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2015 was presented and accepted. Subscription fees for the year 2015-16 were maintained at current levels of $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members. Committeeman Con La Fauci was awarded Life Membership after giving members 10 years of sterling service on the committee.

In view of the fact that sufficient nominations were received to fill all positions the following were appointed as Office Bearers and Committee for year 2015-2016.


President Peter Pritchard

Immediate Past President John McPhee

Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney

Vice President Glyn Parry-Jones

Noel Beanland

Secretary Wolf Damschitz

Newsletter Editor/Assistant Secretary Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer John Brown

Committee George Cooper, Ken Crawford, Carl Garley, Vicky Genius, Don Jeffrey, Con La Fauci, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, Ken Pattison, Kathy Trace.

Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic

Auditor Alan Forrest

We welcome Carl Garley, Vicky Genius and Ken Pattison to the committee and thank Elaine Haw for her time on the committee .Elaine retired during the year as she moved to Echuca to be near her family.


It is my pleasure to present the annual report of ANZROC.

The year has been an eventual and pleasurable year with interesting guest speakers plus suburban and country social meetings providing a variety of venues, thus enabling members who cannot participate at city venues to enjoy fellowship in a local setting.

ANZROC since 1953 has grown, from a handful of members to our current 956 members. Today, ANZROC provides a wide range of services to members.

Communication is essential to our members enabling all to know what is happening with members. Regular monthly newsletters, which are very popular to members enables all to keep in contact with former colleagues. We are indebted to our editor Ron Adams, who has done a sterling job in producing the newsletter.

ANZROC’s Website has been in operation now for nearly 5 years. We have just reached an impressive number of hits of 100,000. Most newsletters attract over 700 readers. There has been a flurry of interest in the recent posting covering the past Insurance and Banking Records with more than 700 readers on that item and one of the most popular postings we have done.

We also have an ANZROC’s Facebook page which has attracted over 160 'likes'. The benefit of this page is that friends and family of our Members can also get involved with ANZROC’s and browse through articles and photos related to ANZ.

Most of our members are now on email so the combination of the ANZROC’s website and Facebook page is a great way of keeping in touch with each other. We encourage all Members and their families to catch up with what we are doing via these Social Media channels.

Eamon Veaney our Senior Vice President and web master has done a great job and we thank him for his work.

Our Secretary Wolf Damschitz has looked after the administration of the club and has handled this function with flair.

Our Social Committee has as usual provided excellent service.

Last year our 2014 Christmas Luncheon at the Arts Centre was well attended with 272 members and bank guests enjoying the opportunity to get together. ANZ guests included Mike Smith, Graham Hodges, Shayne Elliott and Jo Mikleus. We are indebted to the Bank for their most generous financial support to ANZROC. At our Christmas luncheon Mike Smith, responded to the toast to ANZ given by Dan Kirtley who led us through his experiences in Esanda, ANZ Internal Audit locally and overseas and a stint in New Zealand where he was Chief Internal Auditor

Mansfield Weekend: The getaway to Alzburg Resort in February was a great success and 24 members and partners enjoyed a couple of days relaxing, playing golf, cooking barbecues and entertained with a Chef prepared dinner on the last night. Our appreciation to Kevin and wife Bernice Mitchell for arranging the getaway and John Inglis and Dal Crocker for organising the golf tournament.

Golf Day in November 2014. It was a great turnout of 35 players and 6 non-playing partners for lunch on a beautiful spring day at Rosebud Country Club. Thanks to Huck Bourke for organising.

Queen Street meetings have remained popular. Guest speakers at our meetings at Queen St have included speakers from the Forestry Industry, Mercedes Benz Melbourne, The Salvation Army, we learnt about psychology and the Melbourne Camera Club. Our April meeting recognised ANZAC and our May meeting also acknowledged 180 years of ANZ as it traces its origins to May 1835, when the Bank of Australasia was granted a royal charter of incorporation - its first branch was opened in George St, Sydney in December 1835

This year suburban and country lunch meetings were held at Greensborough RSL, Mulgrave Country Club and Ballarat.

Thanks must go to the committee, Vice President Noel Beanland, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson and Don Jeffrey for their organising of events. Also to George Cooper and Con La Fauci for meeting members and collecting monies at the Queen Street meetings and Ken Crawford for preparing members name tags.

Our Welfare Committee has been extremely busy.Birthday cards are sent to all members (which always arrive on the day), Christmas cards to members over 90 years, and visiting members as needed.

Members support to the annual Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal in May – this year $5,300 was raised, a record, which was presented to Major Brendan Nottle and his wife Major Sandra Nottle.

We also included obituary notices in the Sun Herald for deceased members. Special thanks to John Duke for attending to this important service.

Thanks to the committee, Wolf Damschitz, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Joan Nathan and Kathy Trace for their work.


Remains strong with 22 new members this year. Regrettably during the year some 22 members passed away. Can you please pause to remember them?

Financial :The club is in good financial position thanks to the great work of our treasurer John Brown. Member’s subscriptions and Bank subsidy allow us to provide the resources to enable the club to function. Glyn Parry-Jones our Vice President has shadowed the treasurer and also assists with the IT aspects of a proposed membership software application. We also thank Alan Forrest for his continuing role as auditor.

Committee Changes

We also welcomed Carl Garley who has joined the committee following the resignation of Elaine Haw who has moved to the Echuca. We thank Elaine for her contribution.

For me, it has been a great honour and pleasure to serve, and I thank all the committee members for their contribution. On my and your behalf, I invite you to show our appreciation and thanks to the committee, for the achievements and results attained during the past year.

Peter Pritchard

President ANZROC Vic.




This presentation is for the budget conscious tourists interested in reasonably priced travel and to quote an old saying, “one cap does not fit all”. I have provided ten topical tips as a seasoned veteran who has seen the world on a “shoe string” budget but if your objective is staying in four and five star hotels enjoying restaurant meals over lunch and dinner with coffee breaks morning and afternoon then my suggestions for travelling on a budget may not suit your travel plans.

1: Set up automatic downloads on your computer from major travel companies such as Flight

Centre and P&O Cruises

I receive Flight Centre, Princess Cruises and Ozcruising regular downloads (example: Ozcruising newsletter 7/10/2015 has South Pacific 9 night Pacific Jewell cruise for $A 599pp,(i.e.:$ 55 per person per night) for a double room with Bathroom. Cheaper than caravanning!. This will be for an inside cabin.

Similar deals are regularly received. When planning a cruise we ask for inside cabins towards the centre of ship as they are the most stable in rough weather. Around 4 months

ago a freak storm hit Sydney Harbour and the Captain of our cruise ship decided to go through the Sydney heads. Our ship’s Sister Ship’ due to re enter harbour on that same day did not take the challenge. That resulted in many passengers missing flights out of Sydney. We slept through the storm with moderate movement and quietness. Windows on outside cabins were broken; a couple was trapped in their cabin as they could not open their cabin door due to the volume of water flooding into their room. They were traumatised and got off at the first Port stay. We had no problems at all, except watching crockery etc rolling around the Dining Room floor at dinner that night

2: Have a holiday “like to do list”. Be flexible with your holiday dates which allow you to take advantage of some amazing specials. Build your trip around these specials rather than aiming at a particular date as specials often only last a couple of days or less.

3: Travel Europe around May or September. June, July, August are the busiest periods and accommodation will cost more and be more difficult to secure in your places of choice. Accommodation is overcrowded and more difficult to secure. We have put this May or Sept to the test several times and only had a handful of days that we had bad weather

4: The most economical and easiest to organise size group is to travel as a couple. We tend to drink far less as alcohol on our own which is about the only on ship expense whilst at sea.

5: On land, “organised high end market groups” tend to eat restaurant lunch and dinner as well as coffee stops. I prefer to have a basic breakfast at the Hostel (Often included in price, if not 5 Euro approx is around the price). It is common practice and acceptable to make a couple of sandwiches and grab an apple to eat for lunch before you finish your Hostel Breakfast

6: Don’t tell your mates you are going on a trip. The last bike/Boat trip along the Danube saw me organising 16 people. That is a big ‘shout’ at the bar.

Thanks to the Rad &Reisen Company that own/run the ship we had not a single issue and had a wonderful time. Not all the group took the ride bike option but opted to sip wine on the deck watching the beautiful scenery go by

7: The Vatican City/Sistine Chapel budget tour was a “Jump the queue tour” .These tours have access to the sites without standing in long queues. This is just one of many examples which we organised on arrival at our “Hostel” destination (Hostel staff seem to know the most economical local tours that go to the same top tourist spots as the expensive tours). These are obviously without the trimmings such as sit down lunch morning and afternoon tea. I find these stops time wasting and prefer to fit breaks in when it suits us.

I consider “Jump the Queues” a must, at the most popular attractions. If you decide to go it alone however, minimise the waiting times by arriving at the sites either early morning before the tourist buses/groups arrive or whilst the tours break for lunch. I tend to ask what time the gallery opens and closes and go there after the Tour Buses have completed their tours. You are then quite likely to have a relaxed viewing experience. We visited the Louvre later in the day and spent some time looking at the Mona Lisa with only two other people viewing this masterpiece

8: For the majority of cities you do not require a guided tour .If you stay in the inner city and have Googled your “Must see” preferences then walking is the go. Soak up the atmosphere and “smell the roses” so to speak

9: Hostel accommodation Hostels are usually located in the “old town” and walking distance from the major stations/transport. They can be lots of fun and Hostel staff and patrons generally know the most interesting places and best deals. Today in the majority of Hostels the rooms have private Bathroom/toilet

10: Hop on / Hop off buses are a great way to start your day if you have not visited the City before and you are pushed for time. They also provide a running commentary on sites in the area.

This philosophy has enabled us to visit the fabulous Cathedrals of Europe and the world, stand in Tutankhamen’s burial chamber, cruise the Nile, attend a Camel Market in the middle of nowhere, bring our bikes from Australia (no additional cost) and cycle along the magnificent Loire river. The cycling tracks were excellent, signposted and generally flat. We visited virtually every Chateau along the Loire River that was open to the public. We stopped riding around 3.00pm each day and stayed in the lovely pubs/Ins that cater for cyclists’ budget accommodation and have security for bikes during your stay

Europe boasts a myriad of well maintained and signposted bike paths that crisscross Europe. If there is a cyclists Heaven then this surely must be it

Our sincerest thanks to Marieke (Flight Centre 112 Flinders Lane Senior Consultant) for her enlightening talk at our November meeting and the invitation to our members to drop in any week day for a chat or make a time that suits them by ringing Marieke on PH 9654 3733 "or emailing her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."

With exception of Hostel bookings, which I do over the internet, I use Flight Centre who has always matched opposition advertised specials (whilst they are current) and I feel comfortable having the security of such a solid company managing all my travel and payments. It is a comfort knowing that if we have any problems overseas they are only a phone call away. Cheryl and I have booked approx 12 trips through Flight Centre without a problem to date and many have been organised via phone call or Email

Our trips are usually a “mish/mash” of Bookings made with Flight Centre with a mix of self booked Hostels

We are always on the lookout for good deals and take the information to Flight Centre to match if within their policies.

Thank you Flight Centre from two very satisfied customers

Members are most welcome to contact me if they wish to look into our shoeboxes full of our holiday memorabilia and information relative to each trip

The “Bird”


David Begg wrote from Highton to express his sincere thanks to the ANZROC committee and Kathy Trace for the kind greetings he received for his 86th birthday. David had an enjoyable birthday celebration with family and friends but at 86 the good health he used to enjoy has deteriorated a bit. David says he looks forward to the newsletter each month which keeps him fully informed of the activities of club members and the birthday card is a bonus.

Neil Dawtrey wrote to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday card and it is always a pleasure to receive it. Life for Neil and his wife has been relatively quiet with no trips overseas or interstate in the last twelve months – although they are often pressed for time to fit in the outings they do around Melbourne.

Dave Brookman wrote from Mornington to express his appreciation to the committee and Kathy Trace in particular for the birthday greetings all promptly received. She certainly carries on the standards set by Lindsay Wilson, Max Bade and John Vanselow. Dave says at 92 his mobility is now a problem but his health continues to be satisfactory.

Kerry Dodds wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings. With 5 grandchildren now it has been a busy year between Ballarat and Melbourne on the free baby minding duties. The newsletter has mentioned names recently of Frank Hatfield and Murray Skelton. Kerry sometimes wonders whether Frank and Murray recall a skinny youth turning up as Junior Clerk at ES&A Croydon in 1964. Kerry used to spend every lunch hour in his powder blue 1956 Mark 1 Zephyr listening to the valve radio until the battery started weakening. Great days.

Warwick Etty wrote from Healesville to thank Kathy Trace for remembering his birthday and as usual the card arrived on time. Warwick finds the ANZROC quite unique in larger organisations with the care and contact provided to ex Staff.

John Flyger emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for this year’s birthday card. John also continues to look forward to the monthly Newsletter and read about what some of his former workmates have been up to during the past year. Unfortunately, there is little news he can pass on from the Flyger camp this year apart from still being able to attend fortnightly luncheons at the Frankston RSL with his good mate Neil Sharman who is the regular chauffeur for these outings!

Jack Grant emailed once again a big thank you to Kathy Trace for the timely receipt of his birthday card for 12/10/2015. As our birthday cards all seem to arrive on the due date, Jack thinks she must deliver them personally. Jack and wife Robyn have had a difficult year. As reported in Jack’s letter last year, their 42 year old son had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and it was with great sadness that he subsequently passed away on 16/4/15. He leaves a wife and 3 young children and Jack and Robyn have been greatly occupied with baby-sitting, picking the children up from school and taking them to various appointments as they occur. Fortunately they live only 4 minutes away from them, which is a blessing. Jack still does the bookkeeping for 3 clients so they are virtually housebound but wouldn’t have it any other way. They are both members of Probus and enjoy the fellowship it provides and Jack is the current Treasurer. He is looking forward to catching up with many friends and colleagues at the forthcoming Christmas Luncheon.

Denis Grehan emailed his thanks to the Committee, and Kathy Trace, in particular, for the birthday card which is special in its own way as it represents continuing interest and engagement from past colleagues and peers who contributed so much to Denis’s life and happiness - with an odd hiccup.

Frank Hatfield emailed to thank Kathy Trace and ANZROC members for the good wishes on his recent birthday. Fortunately Frank and wife Joan are keeping reasonably good health which enables them to partake of short holidays to places like Inverloch, Echuca, Hall's Gap, Mulwala and Bright.

John Hawkins and wife Helen report that they are just back from a 15 day tour of Rajasthan in India where the weather was great, the traffic mind boggling and the Taj Mahal the Palaces and Forts amazing. They even have their own version of the Great Wall of China. The food was interesting but after 15days no more curry for a while, but they enjoyed the elephant rides, cart rides, the tuk tuk's and rickshaw rides .One hotel they stayed at was in the film “The Best Marigold Hotel” .All in all a most memorable trip, and they are now preparing for their next trip in two weeks, just a relaxing cruise out of Fremantle going to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore to unwind before Christmas.

Adrian Henning emailed to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday wishes which were appreciated especially as the card arrived on his birthday.

Mike Henry emailed his thanks again to Kathy for his "on-time" birthday card. Briefly 2015 has been another good year for Mike and wife Pauline attending to their 7 grand children, the mandatory contribution to the medical fraternity, performing their multi voluntary tasks in the community, reducing the golf handicap and a trip to Europe for the 16 day long river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest (what a great city that is) - the highlight being a 35 km bike ride through vineyards, orchards, cobblestone villages alongside the Danube river.

Ken Howell through wife Lillian sent his thanks for the birthday wishes received for his 88th .He enjoys receiving the birthday cards each year. Larry James emailed to say thank you to Kathy for the usual birthday card that arrived on the correct day. It was much appreciated. Larry was on holidays from Golden Days Radio and had a friend from the UK staying with him. They went to Walhalla to check out the narrow gauge railway there and then to Canberra for a look around. There were lots of museums and interesting things to see and they also checked out some nice bottles of wine over dinner whilst on holidays. Very relaxing!

Andrew Koh emailed to thank the 'team ' at ANZROC for the Birthday card yet again arriving on time which Andrew assumes from all others it's Kathy's perfect timing!! In past years Andrew and his wife return in November from their usual months' sojourn to France as he normally plans their movements around the old Corporate/treasury golf mini group of Gordon Paulett, Rigger-Richard Harding, Graeme Irving, Bevyn Ranford, Bob Challis, ANZ's travelling man Peter Richardson, John Crough and Bruce Maisey. Of course Gordon's the treasurer and they ring in friends of ANZ made in their professional lives. They play for the late Frank Danaher trophy. Frank really started the idea with Graeme Irving which is contested biannually at Murray Downs in April - which Andrew won!! and November in Yarrawonga They have had John Ries join them on occasions in the past and also the late ' Bluey' Duguid which was quite an experience as you can imagine

Ian McRobinson emailed to remind us that another year has passed and another birthday greeting has been received from fellow members of ANZROC. As usual the annual message arrived on time and Ian is very thankful to Kathy Trace for this and her obviously well organised system. On this occasion Ian is celebrating his 80th birthday and therefore the good wishes received are even more significant. Initially Ian thought the occasion would be just another birthday and a no more significant milestone than other recent birthdays. However, as the day unfolded he came to realise that it was a special day not only for him but for others also and that wherever possible if should be enjoyed to the full with family and friends. The celebrations involved dinner on the night at a local restaurant, followed a week later by a gathering of all family members at the Maryborough Highland Society (Ian’s hometown – a wonderful venue for the family and an excellent dinner) and a luncheon with Mark and Fay Stankovich. It was also an opportunity for some reflection on earlier times and it would be remiss of Ian not to acknowledge the importance to him of the many friendships made with colleagues during the 40 or so years with E. & A/ ANZ and particularly Esanda. ANZROC is a very important cog in enabling former colleagues to maintain their connections with one another and long may it continue.

Emilio Moreno emailed to thank the committee and Kathy Trace for her kind birthday wishes.

Emilio is looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues at the Christmas luncheon.

Jim Nicolson emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card and to all members of the Committee for the enormous amount of time devoted to keeping members posted on the activities of our Club; it is all very much appreciated.

Peter Nyga emailed to say that it’s that time of year again when he’ll be hitching-up the trailersailer for a couple of weeks sailing on Gippsland Lakes but he will be back for the Christmas luncheon.

Neil Robinson writing from Highton thanked Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes received for his 80th birthday with the card arriving on the day. Neil said unfortunately his wife Joy had a fall a few weeks ago resulting in a fractured femur and needing a second hip replacement which was a setback for the celebrations. He asks where the time has gone from that day in February 1952 when he joined an organisation where “Service is a Tradition”.

Kelvin Tyler emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the ANZROC Committee for the timely birthday wishes.

Bill Walker emailed his thanks to the President, Committee and Kathy for their Birthday Card. Much appreciated.

Mike Whitmore wrote to thank the members for the birthday wishes for his 86th that once again were received right on time. He sent special thanks to Kathy Trace for her excellent timing and commitment to ensure that the cards continue to be delivered on the day.

AND Bob Bell, Angelo Biviano, Tom Bramwell, Mal Campbell , Robin Cates, Malcolm de Bono, Joy Dunn, Phil Dunstan, Keith Ford, Wolfgang Frank, John Gibb, Stan Halbish, Ed Laity,Rolf Loebert, Frank Marzin, Bruce Michell, Bruce Morley, John Quirk, John Saffery, Peter Saville, Graham Smyth, Lyn Stevens, Mike Vallence, Chris Vise, Richard Weekes, Mick Wallis, Peter Williams, Brian Wills. ANZROC QLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




The annual get together once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 22 Feb & Tue 23 Feb 2016.Full details will be in the December newsletter but if you require further information contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

ANZROC GOLF DAY –Friday 27th November 2015

Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Entries at the date of this report are in the low 30’s and if you intend to join members on the 27th our Organiser Huck Bourke would appreciate early acceptances….

Huck reports that he has picked up a few non-ANZROC member players (but long term ex-ANZers) that will be playing on the day,

The tournament will be Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.

The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course, the same as last year. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

We have tried to hold the cost at last year’s, however the club has new caterers (who are excellent) which has resulted in a $5-00 increase.

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $70.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club & Reciprocal Members - $35.00)

(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch with wine included) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $30 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Entries close – Monday 23rd November.

Hit-off from 8.30am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).

Clubhouse is open for breakfast from 7-00am.

On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111o Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

Enquiries to Huck Bourke (0411 237 569) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cut off here


ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 27.... November. Entries Close – 23rd November.

ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..


Name…………………………….Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $70.00 ($35.00 for Rosebud & Reciprocal Members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @$30.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha 3934


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)



11th February 2016 visit to Greensborough RSL

10th March 2016 meeting 34th Floor .100 Queen Street

14th April 2016 ANZAC Commemoration. Venue booked at 34/100 Queen Street but another option being investigated




The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon.

Numbers have reached 230 and as we are restricted to a maximum attendance of 300 so book now to avoid disappointment.

Incoming CEO Shayne Elliott will address members before the toast to ANZ is given by Doug Watson. The response to the toast will be given by Deputy CEO Graham Hodges. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Dress for the luncheon is neat business attire.


The cost to members of the function is $30.00. Cut off date for acceptances this year will be Friday 27th November 2015

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.

If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Wolf Damschitz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary,54 Rathmines Road, Hawthorn, 3123. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $30.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Wolf Damschitz 54 Rathmines Road Hawthorn, 3123 by 27/11/2015


Newsletter October 2015


Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)







President Peter Pritchard welcomed 62 members and partners to our meeting in regional Victoria at BALLARAT at the George Hotel 27 Lydiard St North Ballarat. The local Ballarat members in attendance were Leigh Davis, Peter Harney, David Kay, Mike Cooper for his first meeting after 17 years of membership, Barry and Shirley Reid and Kevin and Lois Schmidt while Clive and Faye Hewett came from Warrnambool to join us. Members not seen for some time included Clive Bayley, Rino Frigo, Teresa Goldsborough , Darrell Hodges, first timer Carol Jukes, Bob Lamb, first timer Joe Maggiori, first timer Rocky Manuel , Colin McNamara, Glynn Parry-Jones back from overseas, first timer Bob Salpietro, Rose Virgona , Jill Ward and David Woods.


Photos taken at the luncheon by John Brown will be posted on our Website and Facebook pages.




Graham Ainscough, Noel Beanland , Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Don Davy, Michael Devlin, John Duke, Col Edwards, Norris Gale, Ray Gill , Stan Halbish, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Don Jeffrey ,Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Ken Pattison ,Neville Pearson ,Ron Phillips,Graeme Randall, Don Ranyard, Bill Robinson, Bruce Sanderson, Geoffrey Sandow, Jurgen Schnabl, David Schunke, John Vanselow, Eamon Veaney, Anne Wee, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,




Farnell Helen 30 years ANZ


Wright M.L. (Max) 42 years ANZ


We welcome Helen and Max to ANZROC and look forward to welcoming them at one of our meetings.




Schubert D.G. (Don) 70 years 21/9/2015


Frank Spencer attended the funeral service and reported that at the funeral, John Ries spoke about Don and his time in the Bank. Some of ANZROC people at the funeral that knew Don over many years from early days in the lending/corporate areas of the Bank were Maurie McGrath, John Maguire, Richard Harding, Ian Roberts, Peter Treleaven, Emilio Moreno & Peter Smith but Frank felt that there may have been more ANZROC members in the crowd. When Don came to work in the city from Bendigo in early 1970, he started in the State Lending area which in those days was at 351 Collins Street. Over Don’s career thereafter he spent almost all his time up and down Collins Street except for a period in Fiji. Don was a top lender and his skill was just common sense. He often answered questions about lending money simply as “Would you still lend the money if it was your own and not the Banks”. Frank did prepare some comments about Don to assist John Ries at the funeral. Suffice to say from Frank that Don was his closest friend, despite being a hopeless Collingwood supporter.....


Sandra Street said that Schuby (as he was known) was a great boss and a good friend to everyone at Royal Bank Branch, Advances/Securities Department in the '70s. Those who were there will remember a man of common sense and good humour - who could forget the card games in the lunch room during that time. Deepest condolences to his family.


Smyth K.M.(Kevin) 84 years 16/9/2015


ANZROC members Lawrie Foord and Keith Higgs attended the funeral service. They met Kevin when they worked together in 388 Collins Street and 304 Collins Street branches many years ago and remained firm friends until Kevin’s passing. The three often attended ANZROC functions and social gatherings together before Kevin became indisposed.


Members and partners at Ballarat stood in remembrance of Don and Kevin and our thoughts are with the families and friends of Don and Kevin.




Edward Knight


Jennifer Knight, daughter of Edward who is now in a nursing home is seeking details of her father’s career in the bank as she is preparing a family history of Edward’s career and with no records available from ANZ or ANZROC she will be depending on members feedback......if you can recall times with Edward in ANZ or have knowledge of his career Jennifer would welcome your comments and can be contacted on her email Jennifer Alicia [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].




The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during October 2015


and we pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Graeme Baldwin (84),


David Begg (86), Fred Campbell (83), Harry Carrodus (87), Ray Dedlefs (85), Len Donohue


(82), Ian Fulton (81), Ken Howell (88), Max McKoy (92), Ian McRobinson (80), John


Moorhouse (90), Jim Nicolson (87), Des Rittman (86), Neil Robinson (80), Wayne


Routledge (80), Thomas Taylor (88), Bill Walker (80), Mike Whitmore (86), Eric Williams (95).




From 1/10/2015


Less than $20,000 1.31%


Greater than $20,000 1.68%


ANNOUNCEMENT: ANZ Staff Banking Home Loan Offer: ANZ Standard Variable Loans


Recently Staff Banking announced a new offer of a 1% p.a. discount off the advertised Standard Variable rates for eligible home loans and residential investment loans, available for new and existing eligible loans.


Loans eligible to apply for 1% p.a. off the advertised ANZ Standard Variable rates are:


* ANZ Standard Variable Home Loan or Residential Investment Loan


* ANZ Residential Land Loan or Residential Investment Land Loan


* ANZ Standard Variable Home Loan in a Company Name or Variable Residential Investment Loan in a Company Name


* Equity Manager accounts (EMA)


Offer is not available for Simplicity PLUS loans or new lending originating through a broker.


I have an existing eligible home loan, am I eligible for the new benefit?


Yes, eligible Retired Officers with existing loans can apply for this new benefit.


Where possible, ANZ has tried to identify Retired Officers with existing loans that are eligible for this new offer and apply the new benefit. Retired Officers have been sent a letter in the mail notifying them that ANZ has adjusted the interest margin discount on their loan account.


To check your current home loan details, including the interest rate, refer to transaction details on your most recent Loan Statement, or log on to Internet Banking, click on your home loan, and select the ‘account details’ tab where you can review:


* product type;


* interest rate indicator;


* applicable interest rate p.a.


Note: The interest rate shown in the applicable interest rate field includes your discount. E.g. If the advertised Variable Rate for your home loan type is 5.38% p.a. and your rate in the applicable interest rate field is 4.38% p.a. then a 1% p.a. discount has been applied. Check for current interest rates.


How do I apply for this offer?


If you are considering taking out new lending, or you have an existing eligible ANZ Home Loan and have not received the 1% p.a. discount off the advertised Standard Variable rates email details through to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 1800 454 688.


Thank you for being part of the ANZ team.




Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2015/2016 are now due .


The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.


Honorary Members please note: – you do not need to pay any subscription








Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John Brown,


PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )


Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:




BSB: 013 350


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947


(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)


The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00 and should reach John Brown prior to 31st October 2015




……………………………………………………………… $…………..


(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically


(Delete whichever category not applicable)


Phone number…………………………………………………


e-mail address…………………………………………………




Our Banking History… events of the past 180 years.


Fiji and Papua and New Guinea.


The Union Bank had a long history in the pacific, establishing a presence in Fiji in 1880 and Papua in 1910.


* 1880 The Union Bank of Australia opens a branch in Fiji at Levuka, the old capital, later in 1883 establishes a branch in Suva; the newly declared capital of Fiji. In 1895 the Levuka office closes and in 1895 the Suva office also closes. The Bank does not again operate in Fiji until April 1951 when it re-registers the Bank in Fiji and opens an office in Suva. A second office is opened in December 1954 at Lautoka. During the past few decades ANZ acquired the Fiji operations of Barclays Bank (1985), Bank of New Zealand (1990) and Bank of Hawaii (2002).Today the Bank has 18 branches and 80 ATMs and also provides a rural banking service to over 471 communities and schools.


* 1910 The Union Bank of Australia first opened a branch in Papua in the capital Port Moresby. By 1955 the merged ANZ Bank had branches at Port Moresby and Rabaul. In 1976 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (PNG) Limited ("ANZ Papua New Guinea") was established, following the granting of self-government to to Papua New Guinea. Today the Bank has 14 branches and 40 ATMs in the country.


Next Month we will look at Women in Banking




Graeme Ainscough writes to thank Kathy Trace for the wishes received for his birthday. Graeme and wife June are very enthusiastic North Melbourne AFL supporters attending whenever possible and have had a great season this year .They have both had health problems with resultant surgery but their recovery rehabilitation programs are


progressing satisfactorily. Graeme marvels at some of the Honorary members he knows or worked with over the years such as Rick Dickson, Frank Edwards, John Glasson, June Hoskin, Mike Kennedy, Ken Lee, Doug Long, Reg Nicolson and Peter O’Dwyer.


Henry Barker emailed his thanks for the ANZROC kind wishes on his 86th birthday, received on the correct day as usual. Both Henry and his wife are still well and active. They recently sold their house in East Doncaster and moved to a new place in Lilydale where they are looking forward to the change. Henry purchased his first block of land in 1954 and built and got married in 1957, 58 years of marriage, 4 children, 5 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild, so he is leaving a small footprint on the planet. Henry has traced the family timeline back to 1442 in the time of King Edward the 6th. Anglo-Saxon all the way. He is still active in Pistol shooting at a competitive level, (Well at a lower level than in the past but still front up at the firing line.)


He appreciates the newsletter and is pleased to see so many of past officers are around and active in many ways. Many fine memories of the early days


Peter Bearsley emailed his thanks for the ANZROC newsletters - always great to see the snippets of former colleagues. Once again, sincere thanks to Kathy Trace and the team for the birthday greetings - right on the day, of course - brilliant. It’s good to have passed on the baton of Rotary presidency - a valuable experience while it lasted - and Peter and wife Catherine subsequently treated themselves to a few days in Darwin and a highly recommendable 10-day Darwin-Broome Kimberley Cruise on the Oceanic Discoverer. In total, after 5 days in Broome, nearly 3 weeks of virtually cloudless 34C days while Melbourne shivered.


Geoff Burton emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and committee for the birthday card he received spot on the due date. Geoff has just returned to Wodonga from a delightful 6 weeks in beautiful Queensland weather. The monthly newsletter is excellent, and gives members the chance to catch up on the news of many former work mates.


Muriel Drummond wrote to thank the Committee and Kathy Trace for the recent birthday greetings which she greatly appreciated. Muriel always enjoys catching up with the news of old friends in the monthly newsletter and finds the snippets of Banking History are a great addition. It is fascinating to learn of our “pioneers”.


Barbara Gardiner passed on her thanks to Kathy Trace for organising the ANZROC birthday greetings to arrive almost on her birthday (it fell on a weekend!) . It's always nice to be remembered and to hear of the whereabouts of former workmates. Barbara is still travelling, still involved with U3A and enjoying life.


Bruce Gay emailed to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for his Birthday best wishes. Bruce and wife Jean have just returned from a trip to New York, Canada, Alaska with a week in Hawaii. Their trip in Alaska was a cruise on the MS Volendam and it was an experience they will never forget.


Val Goldsworthy advised that she attended the 100th birthday party for Jean Lenton from Ashburton in September 2015. Jean was the widow of the late Ken Lenton who was Personnel Manager (Vic) of ES&A Bank when the merger with ANZ took place in 1970.Val found Ken a kind thoughtful and approachable man. Jean was a paid up member of the Camberwell Historical Society and met Val often at their meetings. Val with ANZROC members Ken Stapleton and John White enjoyed the 100th birthday celebrations and if any members want to get in touch with Jean then contact Val on 98821544.


John Hawkins reported that with wife Helen they have just returned from WA that was a great trip the wild flowers and Margaret River Wines . If anyone goes to WA they must visit the ANZAC Memorial at Albany, a most moving experience. John and Helen are now packing to go to India for a 15 day coach tour which should be fun riding elephants and visiting Tiger Farms but they are not sure about walking with them .They will also be staying at some of the old Palaces.


Jack Helisma emailed to thank the Committee and members for the best wishes conveyed by Kathy Trace for his milestone 80th birthday. Jack and wife Robin celebrated in the seven weeks


preceding his birthday, touring Estonia for three weeks and Scotland for four weeks. The visit to the Island of Hiiumaa off Estonia’s mainland was particularly emotional as they stayed in the newly renovated cottage where Jack’s father had been born and Jack had slept as a two and a half year old before the family migrated to Australia in 1938. Three months after their departure Hitler closed the borders. They were given a great welcome and joined in the celebrations with 83 direct generation relatives from his father’s side. Unfortunately the final week in Scotland was not ideal with Jack spending the last six days in hospital at Inverness having developed a serious blood infection. With mobility and general health deteriorating their overseas touring may have finished and Jack and Robin feel privileged to reflect on the many trips undertaken during the Bank career and since.


Graham Holt emailed his thanks onto Kathy Trace for her card which arrived spot on the day. Graham looks forward to reading the monthly Newsletter which invariably has a number of items of interest. The latest edition brought back great memories with the mention of Gerry McPherson being awarded the French Legion of Honour .Over 60 years ago Graham played junior cricket at Essendon on Saturday mornings and after lunch would sit in the Showers Pavilion with a few mates and watch the seniors play. Gerry was a star player with Essendon first eleven for many years. He always looks forward to catching up with Gerry and Fay at the December lunch. Another name from the past last month was Peter O’Dwyer who Graham worked together with Col Edwards and Bill Walker at Newmarket Branch where every now and again a herd of cattle would escape when being moved from the railway yards to the sale yards and before you knew it cattle dogs, drovers with stockwhips on horseback would be everywhere and traffic would come to a stop in Racecourse Road for half an hour or so. Sometimes the odd steer would manage to get into one of the retail shops; they were great memories. Congratulations to John and Lois Vanselow on becoming great grandparents, John introduced Graham to Carole in 1962 and they celebrated their 51st. wedding anniversary this year. Sad to note the passing of Dick Hellard, he was a great bloke. Dick played football for the De LaSalle Old Boys and later on was an umpire in the VAFA for many years. Graham told him some years later that he always felt Dick gave ANZ team a better go than his old school on the occasions he umpired matches where they played ANZ. Graham and Carole’s youngest grandson Xavier turns three in late September and is a ball of muscle, it’s now 18 months since he had a liver transplant and whilst he needs constant monitoring he lives life like any other youngster. Graham recommends to everyone that lives can be changed forever by the wonderful gift of organ donation.


Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert cannot make the October meeting as they will be hitching up the camper and heading to Queensland.


Doug Imrie emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes and said he will catch up with colleagues and friends at the Christmas lunch.


Bruce Kells emailed his thanks to the President, Committee, and members of the ANZ Retired Officers Club (Vic), and of course Kathy Trace for the on time card for his recent birthday. Unfortunately Thursday does not fit into his schedule to allow him to attend most meetings, but Bruce hopes to catch up with members at the Christmas function.


Ken Lee emailed that the very ‘newsy’ September edition number of items that made him ask “where have the years gone?’ August saw Ken reach an age that he never thought would be possible and to receive the annual birthday greetings, on time, as usual, requires Ken to thank Kathy and the team for their continuing efforts on our behalves. After 60 years, July 1955 to now, September 2015, Ken has taken the decision to hand over many of the roles in lawn bowls to some of his younger colleagues. Having set up the Northern Gateway Bowls region it is time. But, as is said, ‘you wouldn’t do it if you did not enjoy’. He noted in the notes that John and Lois Vanselow have become great grandparents, coincidentally, so did Ken on the birthday of his late wife, the 2nd June.


Maria Malicse emailed to say thanks so much for the birthday card (and the kind wishes) that arrived on time (as always). Maria is feeling blessed....however, Maria and her family are still feeling the loss of her mother who passed away in August in the Philippines.


Dick Milnthorpe emailed his thanks for remembering his Birthday; they seem to come around more quickly these days. Dick sent a photo enjoying the sun in England with a G&T in hand and sends his greetings to his many old friends in Oz - it's a hard life but someone has to do it! Eamon has posted the photo on the web site.


Jill Paterson emailed her thanks to our ever reliable Kathy for her absolutely amazing memory and excellent filing system which makes us ex Scotties/ANZ-ers quite envious. Jill is still involved with the Liberals and has been letter boxing and helping to save the No. 8 Toorak tram. Also her South Yarra Liberals are opposing that new public holiday Daniel Andrews created before AFL Grand Final. When needed, she helps the very active Southern Metropolitan Member, David Davis MP which allows Jill to put her former ‘Bank skills’ to good use.


She is also learning Spanish.


Alan Pearce and wife Kerry have only arrived home from a visit to Africa and found a Birthday Greetings Card waiting to be opened, no doubt arriving on time for Alan’s 80th birthday. Kathy Trace does a tremendous job to get the birthday cards out on time each year and she must be congratulated for her efforts. The birthday greetings from ANZROC are indeed welcome and appreciated by all. This year Alan was fortunate to be able to celebrate the occasion at the Royal Livingstone Hotel at Victoria Falls in Zambia, with wife Kerry and the fellow members of a private safari, arranged and led by their travel agent, with whom they have a long-standing association of nearly 25 years. The program commenced at a private concession in Kruger National Park, South Africa, then flying on to Victoria Falls, and then by road to Chobe in Botswana, moving on to Moremi Crossing, and later to Pom Pom Camp, also in Botswana. All of the sites in Botswana are part of the Okavango Delta, a huge flood plain comprising some 11,700 square kilometres, and a true wilderness experience. This was their first time in Africa, and it was a most memorable experience with several hundred photographs being taken during the trip.


Mary Ryan wrote to thank Kathy Trace for her birthday greetings. Mary had a lovely day with her family, brother John Phelan, sister in law Anne and two nephews with their families. The birthdays are coming a little too fast these days.


Frank Spencer emailed to say that he reads the monthly newsletter with great interest and enjoys catching up with the news. However, having been retired from the ANZ for 15 years after 41 years service with the Bank he has never written any letters but the last newsletter specifically brought some memories back of the past. There was an article about Neville Elvish and Neville Pearson with reference to their days with the ANZ Football Club. At the time they were talking about, Neville Elvish was Coach and Neville Pearson played at full back. Frank played at centre half back and naturally had a close working relationship with the full back. They were enjoyable times with Neville E being a great coach. Frank has very fond memories of both Neville’s. On another matter, Frank was one of the many ANZ people that attended Don Schubert’s funeral. Don was a great person and a longstanding personal friend. He will be sadly missed. John Maguire and Frank had lunch with Don and his brother (Bob) only 2 days before he passed away. Memories will be treasured.


John Sudholz emailed his many thanks to Kathy and the Club for the birthday wishes - on time as always. Celebrations were quiet but family centred this year as John continued rehab after hip joint replacement surgery on 8 September. Thankfully all is going well so far but no golf for some weeks yet! Glad John and wife Noelene were able to enjoy two APT tours earlier in the year - India and Sri Lanka in January and China in May. Despite some discomfort with the hip in China, he managed to climb part of the Great Wall. Stunning!


Eamon Veaney and Anne Wee emailed their thanks to Kathy for the birthday cards for Anne Wee and Eamon. Anne celebrated her 60th with family and friends in style at a great Chinese restaurant Manmo at the World Trade Centre. Eamon’s was less exotic but they had a good lunch on Turnbull Stakes Day at the Railway Club Hotel in Port Melbourne. Eamon and Anne were pleased that Anne's sisters were able to make it over from Kuching Malaysia to be with them for the celebrations.


AND Kerry Dark, Mike Devlin, Barry Kennedy, Des Kidd, David Knuckey, Bruce Mathrick, Kevin May, John Vigus, Julie Wilkins,








The Reception Centre Concierge at ANZ 833 Collins Street advised that due to a change in the security requirements if a retired ANZ staff member who is still a Staff Club Member is wanting to visit the Staff Club at 833 Collins Street, they can as long as they are Pre Registered and then escorted up by the Manager or another member of the ANZ Staff Club. For details of the pre registration process contact Brendan Cassidy, Retail Coordinator, ANZ Staff Club Australia ANZ Centre, Level 4, 833 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or




Any members interested in a tour of the exhibition can let Wolf Damschitz know on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If a group of 10 or more up to a maximum of 25 are available then Wolf can organise a tour. Booked Group Tours are for community, corporate and special interest groups. Guided tours are conducted on weekdays. They are 45 minutes in duration and should be booked two weeks in advance. There are costs for admittance.






The annual get together once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 22 Feb & Tue 23 Feb 2016.Full details will be in the November and December newsletters but if you require further information contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


ANZROC GOLF DAY –Friday 27th November 2015


Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939


Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.


Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.


The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course, the same as last year. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.


We have tried to hold the cost at last year’s, however the club has new caterers (who are excellent) which has resulted in a $5-00 increase.


Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.


Entry Fee - $70.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club & Reciprocal Members - $35.00)


(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch with wine included) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $30 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.


Entries close - Thursday 19th November.


Hit-off from 8.30am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).


Clubhouse is open for breakfast from 7-00am.


On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111


Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant. Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Cut off here




ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 27.... November. Entries Close – 19thNovember.


ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)


Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..




Name…………………………….Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….


Total number of entries. …….…@ $70.00 ($35.00 for Rosebud & Reciprocal Members) = $…………...


Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @$30.00 = $__________


Total $__________


Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:


Huck Bourke


32 Grandview Terrace,


Mount Martha 3934




EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:


ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947


(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)








The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Graham Hodges Deputy CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Doug Watson. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.


The cost to members of the function is $30.00. Cut off date for acceptances this year will be Friday 27th November 2015.


Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.


If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.


If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.


If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.




If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Wolf Damschitz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.


For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary,54 Rathmines Road, Hawthorn, 3123. Please include the “acceptance slip”.








Name of member………………………………………………………………………


Cost of Luncheon: $30.00


Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)


I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.


Return this slip to Wolf Damschitz 54 Rathmines Road Hawthorn, 3123 by 27/11/2015




NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 12th 2015 at MEETING IN MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON for the ANZROC Annual General; Meeting and Neville Pearson will be our guest speaker for the day….












President Peter Pritchard


Immediate Past President John McPhee


Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney


Vice President Glyn Parry-Jones


Noel Beanland


Secretary Wolf Damschitz


Newsletter Editor/Assistant Secretary Ron Adams


Honorary Treasurer John Brown


Committee George Cooper, Ken Crawford, Elaine Haw, Don Jeffrey, Con La Fauci, Carl Garley, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson, Kathy Trace.


Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic


Auditor Alan Forrest



Notice is hereby given that the 41st Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the Melbourne Room, 34th Floor 100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Thursday 12th November 2015 at 12.00pm


1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 40th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 13th November 2014

2. Presentation of President’s Report 2014/2015

3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2015

4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 4 Subscription: It is proposed by John Brown (Treasurer) and seconded by Wolf Damschitz (Secretary) that “the subscription for the year from 1st October 2015 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

5. In terms of the Constitution Clause 3 Membership :it is proposed by Ron Adams (Assistant Secretary) and seconded by Kathy Trace (Past President) that Con La Fauci be elected as a Life Member after serving 10 years on the ANZROC committee.

6. All Positions declared vacant. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2015-2016

7. Appointment of Auditor

8. Incoming President to address the meeting

9. General Business and Closure.


All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed form should be forwarded to the Secretary by Monday 9th November 2015



We …………………………………………….. ………………………………………….

(Print full name) (Signature)

and ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..

(Print full name) (Signature)

being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate

……………………………………for the office of …………………………Or Committeeman

I accept the nomination …………………………………………………………… (Signature)


If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 6th November 2015 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function





Newsletter September 2015









Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



President Peter Pritchard welcomed 44 members and Guest Speaker Ian Bock to our September meeting on 34th Floor 100 Queen Street on a perfect spring day in Melbourne. Secretary Wolf Damschitz dealt with the formal matters and members settled down to enjoy a pleasant afternoon catching up with friends and colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Leigh Davis, Charles Griss, John Osborne and Des Shady.

Numbers were down on the previous year due mainly to the long list of apologies with members travelling overseas or interstate or with commitments elsewhere with the meeting held on a Friday.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graham Ainscough, Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Noel Beanland, John Brown, Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Robin Chase, Brian Christensen, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Jim Dusting, Col Edwards, Aldo Faella, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Carl Garley, Ray Gill, Val Goldsworthy, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Darrell Hodges, Don Jeffrey, Dan Kirtley, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Jack Lepedjian, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin Mitchell. Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Glynn Parry-Jones, Neville Pearson , Anton Ponnampalam, Graeme Randall, Don Ranyard, Bill Robinson, Geoffrey Sandow, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Higgins S.D. (Steve) 44 years ANZ

Jukes C.J. (Carol) 27 years ANZ

Tong-Lyon K.L. (Leanne) 12 years ANZ

We welcome Steve, Carol and Leanne to ANZROC and look forward to welcoming them to one of our meetings.


Barnsley Marguerite 25/8/2015 82 years

ANZROC member Ken Fitzgerald said that he attended Marguerite’s funeral at St Gabriel’s Catholic Church in Reservoir. Ken had worked with Marguerite Barnsley in ANZ Nominees for a number of years. He said that he did not see anyone he knew from ANZROC at the funeral and most mourners were family and church members. In the comments written in the order of service however the connection with ANZ was covered by “Marguerite later commenced working for the ANZ Bank in Brisbane and Melbourne in their stocks and debentures departments and was complimented on her diligence and attention to detail in her work.”

Marguerite was a staunch supporter of ANZROC and acknowledged receipt of her birthday cards each year.

Hellard R.V.(Dick) 6/9/2015 85 years

Michael Hellard brother of Richard (Dick) Hellard advised that Dick passed away on 6th September 2015 aged.85 .This follows the death of Dick’s wife Elaine on 28th April.

Dick was a first cousin of our ANZROC member Eddie Hassett.

Dick Sanders went to the funeral of Richard (Dick) Hellard which was well supported by a large following and his large family. Another good man has now passed us by with whom Dick worked in 394 Collins St and played golf with often at Riversdale - whose members were also in evidence.

Treasurer John Brown emailing from Queensland said that he was very sorry to hear that Richard 'Dick' Hellard had died, although he believes that Dick had not been well for some time.

Dick was Accountant at Post Office Branch when John was there in the 60s - Ian 'Curly' Walton was the Manager and Alan Misson was trying to teach John all about Bills. The lunch time card games at the branch were very competitive and Dick was the reigning Quango champion while John was there. Dick was one of nature's gentlemen, with a great sense of humour and was always fun to work with.

Life Member Col Edwards emailed that the news about Dick Hellard was very sad – Col worked with Dick in the old ANZ Personnel Dept., what seems like 100 years ago! Col is pretty sure Dick was a nephew of legendary cricketer Lindsay Hassett.

Members at the September meeting stood in remembrance of Marguerite and Richard and our condolences go to the family and friends of our respected past Honorary Members

Clive Hewett phoned from Warrnambool to advise that Ray Spencer from ANZ International Division passed away in July and Ray would be known to many ANZROC members.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during September 2015

and we pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Dave Brookman

(92), Barbara Bruce, Valda Clarke, George Cooper (86), Geoff Elliott (87), Bruce Emmett (83),

Ian Ewart (84), Don Fraser (90), Jack Helisma (80), Ralph Howden (91), Alan James (89), David

Kennedy (91), Dick Milnthorpe (83), Alan Pearce (80), Ron Smith (87), Colin Walton (82),Tony

Wingrave (83).


Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2015/2016 are now due and payments can be sent by cheque to our Treasurer John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

or members can make payments electronically to ANZROC account through your internet banking facilities. Details of the ANZROC account are set out in the renewal form and please ensure that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so

that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note: – you do not need to pay any subscription

As a matter of interest the number of members using the internet for newsletters is static at around 800 and if you have access to email let us know and we will be able to send future communications electronically that will reach you within 7 days of our meetings.




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )

Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00 and should reach John Brown prior to 31st October 2015


……………………………………………………………… $…………..

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………


From 1/9/2015

Less than $20,000 1.31%

Greater than $20,000 1.68%

GUEST SPEAKER…Ian Bock from Melbourne Camera Club….

Ian’s talk using a PowerPoint presentation on his progression in photography from early days (BC to AD – Before cameras to after digital) was followed by some of his “photographic puns” which were unique creations on film during Ian’s experimentation phase. The photographs were of wide raging subjects although he said he preferred scenery shots but a number of those shown were for exhibitions and competitions within the several Camera Clubs he belonged to along the way. Ian was awarded an OAM for his service to the photographic industry. A most enjoyable

presentation and ANZROC member Ken Pattison gave the vote of thanks and presented Ian with a small token of our appreciation for his talk.


Barbara Bruce emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings from ANZ Retired Officers’ Club. Barbara was on a tour in Western Australia on 5th September and the Tour Director announced to all 23 passengers that it was her birthday and he then presented her with a book on W.A. The coach tour was most enjoyable – Barbara flew to Perth and joined the coach to visit Hyden, Kalgoorlie, Esperance, Albany, Margaret River, Busselton, Fremantle, Perth, Geraldton and Monkey Mia. The tour group had fine weather throughout the tour, and everything went well. The Tour Director, driver and all the passengers were pleasant and friendly, and she thoroughly enjoyed the holiday. Barbara enjoys travelling while she can.

Kim Charlton emailed to add to the recent report from Kevin Mitchell of the passing of Graham Maley. Although ‘born and bred’ in Fish Creek Kim never had the pleasure of meeting Graham.

However family and friends from Fishy still speak of the Gippsland Legend well known for supporting (frequenting) the ‘local’ and, whether over a game of cards or a cold ale (or both), ‘signed off’ on the odd business deal for local retailers and farmers. ANZ integrity was not compromised, and Graham was a Gippsland banker of the finest order!

Rick Dickson emailed to thank Kathy Trace for sending a Birthday Greeting for his 80th. (Rick has trouble looking at that number).He just flew back from Arnhem Land in time for a family lunch. It was a great trip and a very enjoyable lunch. Rick does not feel 80 but his birth certificate is reasonable proof.

Phil Dunstan emailed to pass on his thanks for the birthday card received absolutely on time. Having hit the 3 quarters of a century makes Phil appreciate how lucky he has been still having good health and fitness and able to enjoy daily bike riding and taking the relatively new dog for his daily walks - keeping up with the dog keeps the ticker ticking. Whilst Phil continues to really enjoy receiving the regular newsletter it does make him sad when he reads that the likes of Bill Lacey and Corny Hamilton have passed on. Corny was Agency Clerk at Ashburton when Phil was Junior Clerk and they spent many hours together at the Agencies at Upper Glen Iris and Ashwood. Reflecting back they often travelled on the bus with a bagful of cash and a Webley Scott 38 strapped on the hip made for interesting times. In the quiet times at Ashwood, of which there were many they would often play table tennis in the back room after the necessary work was done. Sifting through the 5Pound bags of pennies and halfpennies in the hope of finding a coin of value (which didn't happen) also occupied a bit time. Phil’s banking training has held him in good stead over the years.

Jim Dusting reports that he and wife Carole will be in Orlando Florida for two months visiting their daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons.

Neville Elvish phoned Neville Pearson to thank him, Kathy and the ANZROC committee for the birthday card received on his birthday. Neville is enjoying good health and retirement in Mornington. Neville Pearson worked with Neville in Data Processing in the early years and he was a great boss and a dynamo, just as he was also when he coached the ANZ Bank Football team. The two Neville’s married Cheryl’s, worked together, drank together and played footy for ANZ. Only seems like yesterday.

Ken Fitzgerald writing to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the greetings for his 87th birthday said his only travels his year had been restricted to several trips to Marysville .Two new great grand children are due over the next 6 months with one due in October and another in

February 2016 which makes 8 in total. He also enjoyed the August newsletter as there were 7 of his past workmates listed and that brought back many memories.

Alex Fowler emailed a message of thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday greetings, which arrived on the due date. This year Alex and wife Helen celebrated the day with family and friends at home (first birthday at home for about 8 years, usually away in the 'van.) The past year has seen a couple of health problems catch up with both Helen and Alex but with a bit of luck they are on the road to recovery. Alex sends his regards to all members and perhaps he will get to a meeting in the not-to-distant future.

Ray Gill will be on the Gold Coast celebrating 50 Years as a volunteer in the 1st week of September, He feels as though he needs a break after 50 years, but will then be going to Brisbane for a Board meeting of the Australian Veterans and Defence Council and he hopes to see ANZROC members in October.

Elizabeth Glasson writing for her husband our Honorary member John Glasson thanked Kathy Trace for the kind wishes for John’s 93rd birthday. He was very pleased to be remembered.

Phil Goodier sent a note to thank Kathy Trace for his 71st birthday wishes which arrived on the day. Alls well with three trips to Malaysia over the last 12 months.

John Hawkins keeping us up to date with his travels will be away for the next meeting touring WA hopefully to see some of their lovely spring flowers and trying some of their first class wine

Louis Hebrard emailed to thank the Club for his birthday card once again. It is a great reminder of the camaraderie Louis has always enjoyed at the Bank and the Club. Life is good, he enjoyed a wonderful celebration day with the family on his birthday, and Louis and wife Ann leave for north Queensland in early September for a tropical holiday.

Wayne Hulbert passed on his thanks for his Birthday Card which was received last month. It is always great to receive the card and Kathy Trace does a terrific job sending them all out on time.

Ian Ince sent his thanks to the Committee and especially Kathy Trace for yet another birthday card (Number 22). The celebrations were delayed for a few days so that four generations could be at the celebratory lunch. Another lunch courtesy of Highett RSL was had a few days later. Holidays are now restricted to Yarrawonga and Rosebud in the spring and autumn. Plenty of good eating, clubs and wineries to visit at both destinations.

Peter Jones emailed many thanks to Kathy Trace and committee for the birthday card for his 83rd. Peter had a nice meal with the family including a newly born Great Grandchild welcomed into the family.

Cathie MacKiggan wrote to thank Kathy Trace for remembering her birthday. Cathie’s brother joined her for a pleasant afternoon at Red Hill Winery in “Max’s Restaurant” with good food and fine wine.

Sue McCarthy emailed to pass on her thanks for the timely birthday card, which arrived – of course – on the day. The year has skipped along with the usual mixture of chores and pleasures, with the pleasures outweighing the chores. Sue always enjoy reading about others’ travels and her own have been a somewhat eclectic mix this year, with two different trips to far-away weddings. The first was to the Philippines. The bride and groom from Perth decided that their families were so scattered that everyone would have to travel anyway, so they might as well travel to a resort. It was the night of an eclipse of the moon and Sue felt that the speech-makers missed an opportunity to say “The bride looks so lovely that even the moon veils her face in shame”. The second wedding was at Truro in Cornwall at the beginning of May. The bride had made meticulous plans for a beautiful spring day, including arriving at the waterside reception by open boat. Unfortunately the weather man did not share the bride’s vision and the result was very wet, cold guests and a drowned-rat style for the bride. Despite all that, it was a happy occasion – and memorable.

Life Member Gerry McPherson told me that he has just been advised by the French Consulate in Melbourne that he has been awarded the French Legion of Honour medal for his bravery in the many Lancaster bombing sorties over France in which he was involved during WW11 and his service to the French people in the liberation of France.The award will be made at the Consulate later in 2015.

Peter O’Dwyer emailed his thanks to ANZROC, and the person that puts the pen to paper - Kathy Trace, for the kind birthday wishes for his 83rd. His card arrived spot on the day as usual. Peter and wife Joan continue to enjoy life in Yarrawonga, the town in which he commenced his banking career in 1949. Joan was also Yarrawonga raised, or he should say Burramine raised to be more correct. In June, after many months of tests, Joan was diagnosed with motor neuron disease. Her voice, or word pronunciation, is affected, arms and legs OK. Still enjoys her cards, cooking and gardening, and today especially, enjoys barracking for North Melbourne.

Bernard O’Reilly emailed like every one else, he thanks Kathy Trace and the team for his birthday wishes. Card was waiting for Bernard when he and wife Claire returned from their travels. His actual birthday was spent in Munich after spending time in the cool Arctic Circle looking at the polar bears/other wildlife and then travelling to the very hot Berlin where their son resides with his family and their new granddaughter.

Dietmar Reichert recently returned from an interesting visit of Southern Germany and Austria for a primary school reunion in Southern Germany for the over 70 Years “young”. It was a wonderful experience to explore the country side again that was “home” when he was a child. Main points visited there included “Neuschwanstein” and getting up to Germany’s highest mountain, the “Zugspitze” which towers 2962 metres above sea level. The view was just breathtaking. But that was not all – in order to cater for a broad range of needs, there is near the summit a very small chapel for spiritual needs – and just approx. 100 metres away a Restaurant, serving traditional local (Bavarian) food and, of course, refreshing beer!! AND IT WAS SUMMER - air masses from the North African SAHARA desert caused the temperature to climb. In fact, both reunion days Saturday and Sunday experienced peak temperatures of 38 and 39 degrees respectively. Most of his old class mates are in relatively excellent health, the exception is the Chemist – he is doing very poorly – may be he used too many of what Dietmar calls nowadays “legal drugs”! From a MACRO economic perspective there are two main challenges – the ongoing sanctions on Russia is impacting on German Industry very severely. Indeed it is very costly to small and medium size engineering firms. Secondly, the ever increasing flow of real and “economic” refugees from Africa and the Middle East is causing logistical and other problems

Just one practical example: in the small city of Reutlingen (south of Stuttgart) about 1/3 the size of Geelong- the local authorities closed the City Sporting Hall – which is now being converted to emergency accommodation for 120 refugees! That just shows how challenged the resources are!

Add to that the very recent political promise by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (under substantial international pressure) to take in up to 800000 (eight hundred thousand) refugees over the next 12 month – one can only wonder where the capacity is coming from!? However, apart from the above it was great to be in the Bavarian Alps, visit lots of family and friends all over the place in the South of Germany and witness the pace of life, including the work ethic that creates the economic capacity. Particularly the work and effort that the WOMEN put in at any level caused Dietmar to conclude that it is the “Girls” that makes such a positive difference!

On a sad note he needed to confront the fact that the family grave in the local cemetery is moving closer and closer to the “expiry date” – being 31/12/2019. After that date the space must be made available to another family. A STARK REMINDER THAT WE ARE ALL IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER SUBJECT TO THE GREAT UNIVERSAL RECYCLING RULE!!

Bruce Robertson emailed from Runaway Bay to thank Kathy Trace for her birthday wishes “SPOT ON” as usual. Bruce and wife Glennis are both keeping well, resting up after a couple of overseas journeys. Visited the Grandchildren in Saskatoon Canada in June and whilst there did a bit of touring to Vancouver Island and Whistler, magnificent scenery. Called in to Las Vegas on the way home for a few days, 46 degrees and sand storms. Took the helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon well worth the dollars, Hawaii was the next port of call, again hot but this time humid.

Did the usual tours very impressive and nostalgic. They both look forward to the monthly newsletter and the tales of their old work mates

Peter Saville emailed his thanks to the committee and Kathy Trace in particular for the birthday card which arrived right on time for his 70th birthday. Must admit 70 is a lot younger than it once was! The day was appropriately celebrated with family and friends. Peter and wife Joan leave for a two week tour of Italy followed by a cruise on the Danube. They will be away for about a month altogether.

Bernie Sowersby wrote to thank the Committee for the birthday card for his 85th.Bernie was in hospital on the day with an infection but he is now recovered. Bernie is unable to attend the lunches as he has commitments elsewhere but continues to take an interest in the travels of his friends and colleagues.

Past President John Vanselow mentioned at the September luncheon that he is now a proud great grandfather for the first time as his greatgrandchild was delivered on Fathers Day.

Rod Wassell sending feedback to Eamon about the reformatted newsletter said thanks to the club for his recent birthday card. Rod is trying to arrange to attend a lunch but with recovery from heart attack, back operation and knee replacement it has been a little difficult.

Doug Watson emailed many thanks for the birthday card and wishes on the 20th August.As a Leo Doug feels a bit like the lion king!!.

AND Graham Bloom, Don Davy, Denis Gleeson, Charles Griss, Martin Hayden, Graeme King, Zelda Martin, Maggie Murray, Jurgen Schnabl, Gren Tonzing, Frank van Pelt, John White,




Secretary Wolf Damschitz advised that for a group of between 10 and 25 interested people (includes partners) together he can organise a tour of the exhibition. Booked Group Tours are available for community, corporate and special interest groups. Guided tours are conducted on weekdays. They are 45 minutes in duration and need to be booked two weeks in advance. Group sizes are limited to between 10 and 25 participants. Wolf has already received expressions of interest from 10 members and partners and can take another 15 if interested. You can contact Wolf Damschitz (contact details email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 98827716 ) before 30/9/2015 so that plans can be made before the exhibition closes.

ANZROC GOLF DAY –Friday 27th November 2015

Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.

The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course, the same as last year. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

We have tried to hold the cost at last year’s, however the club has new caterers (who are excellent) which has resulted in a $5-00 increase.

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $70.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club & Reciprocal Members - $35.00)

(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch with wine included) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $30 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Entries close - Thursday 19th November.

Hit-off from 8.30am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).

Clubhouse is open for breakfast from 7-00am.

On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111

o Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant. Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cut off here


ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 27.... November. Entries Close – 19thNovember.

ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..


Name…………………………….Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $70.00 ($35.00 for Rosebud & Reciprocal Members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @$30.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha 3934


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)



The annual get together once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 22 Feb & Tue 23 Feb 2016.Full details will be in the November and December newsletters but if you require further information contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Graham Hodges Deputy

CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Doug Watson. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

The cost to members of the function is $30.00. Cut off date for acceptances this year will be Friday 27th November 2015.

Again this year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.

If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Wolf Damschitz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary,54 Rathmines Road, Hawthorn, 3123. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $30.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Wolf Damschitz 54 Rathmines Road Hawthorn, 3123 by 27/11/2015





ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in regional Victoria for members and their partners on Thursday 8th October 2015. This luncheon will be our October monthly ANZROC meeting and we encourage members in outlying areas and from Melbourne to attend

We will have a private room at the George Hotel for our luncheon. The George is approx 300 metres from the station

The George Hotel will provide a two course meal consisting of entree of soup with bread and a main course of Roast and Vegetables or Fish and vegetables for $19 per head which will be collected at the door. This is served on 50/50 drop basis for all guests ie: one of each choice is set on alternate places and if you want to change it is up to your negotiating skills with others on the table.

Pay separately for meals and drinks on the day. Names can now be sent to Joan Nathan on 97408001 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

It is recommended that travel to the function be via “V Line” train travel. The new Velocity trains servicing Ballarat have very comfortable seats with generous leg room and a quiet and smooth ride. The journey takes approx 1 hour 30 minutes in a very comfortable seat with ample leg room and of course great company “V Line” has a service to Ballarat, leaving from the “V Line” Country platforms (Ground level at Spencer Street side of Southern Cross Railway Station) at 10.17am and arrives in Ballarat at11.47am. We would suggest that you arrive at the station around 9.30 to 9.40am to enable us to travel as a group.

MEMBERS : 8th October the day we travel to Ballarat for lunch is within Seniors Week and all travel is free on Metro and Country trains-we only have to show our seniors card but Joan Nathan is making a group booking for seating as there will be a large number of Seniors visiting Ballarat that week.

For the return journey there is a train departing Ballarat Station at 2.14pm and 3.14pm arriving Southern Cross railway Station at 3.40pm and 4.40 4. pm respectively

A great plus for the venue and timing is that the Ballarat Art Gallery directly opposite The George Hotel is the exclusive Victorian Venue for the 2015 Archibald Prize, which is a touring exhibition of the Art Gallery of NSW. The exhibition will run from Friday 2nd October to Sunday 15 November. Admission Adult $10, Concession $8 . Timed entry every half hour, 10.00am – 4pm .

To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required



Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance: Yes / No

I would appreciate assistance with transport: Yes / No

This information can be emailed to JOAN NATHAN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to 7 Lightwood Drive, Sunbury, Vic 3429

Should you wish to telephone, please call Joan on 97408001 .


Newsletter August 2015

Please click here if you wish to view the re-formatted newsletter




Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Kathy Trace (Ph.93919374)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney welcomed 51 members and our guest speaker Dr Andrew Remenyi. The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Wolf Damschitz and those present then enjoyed catching up with ANZ friends and colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Neil Gladstone, Teresa Goldsbrough, Dan Kirtley , Stan Lancaster, Elina Law, Jack Lepedjian, Rodney Manser, Ron Phillips and Ron Wilkinson while it was great to see Cedric Coxsedge back recovered after a bout of ill health.

The numbers attending were slightly higher than our August meeting of 2014 but still well below the average numbers attending in the years 2010/2013 albeit the level of apologies received from members on the sick list or travelling interstate and overseas at this time of year was again particularly high.

The Committee is currently reviewing our list of guest speakers and any suggestions for guest speakers from members could be passed on to Secretary Wolf at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The Committee would also like feedback from members on whether you feel you are getting value from your membership and is there any interest in participating in such outings as movie nights, attending theatres for plays and musical shows, visits to art galleries, group outings, more country meetings and again you can let Wolf know your thoughts at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mention your ideas to any of the committee members.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are already posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graham Ainscough, John Brown, Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Ken Crawford, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, John Duke, Phil Dunstan, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Stan Halbish, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Sheryl Heard, Darrell Hodges, Don Jeffrey, Graeme King, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Joan Nathan, Terry Parks, Glynn Parry-Jones, Anton Ponnampalam, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bruce Sanderson, John Vanselow, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods .


No new members to be welcomed this month but if members are aware of ex ANZers who might be interested in joining up with us let the committee know as it seems that word of mouth will be the most suitable way of recruiting future members to ANZROC.


No deaths of ANZROC members reported for July but several tributes to recently passed members follow:

Hobbs J.H. 98 years 6/7/2015

The celebration of John’s life was attended by about 240 family, local parishioners and friends. The story unfolded of John’s life with him joining the Union Bank of Australasia in New Zealand and his 42 years in the bank with the last 22 years in Melbourne. John retired as Chief Manager Organization and Personnel in ANZ and that included managing the merger of ANZ and ES&A in 1970. In 1941 John enlisted in the New Zealand Army and served in Syria and North African campaigns when he was injured and captured and spent 3 years as a Prisoner of War. He spent some months in hospitals in Italy and then was held in Italian camps until their surrender and then had to march 600 kilometres to a stalag in Germany. John kept a detailed diary of his experiences and the original has been donated to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra and a copy is in the Andrew Turnbull Library in Wellington. In retirement John was invited to be CEO of the Queen Elizabeth Trust for young Australians where he spent 7 years meeting the Royals on their trips to Australia. John was deeply religious and involved at all lay levels of the Anglican Church in Ashburton and Mount Waverley for more than 50 years and his great love was singing in the choir .He was an expert carpenter making many items of furniture for family and the Church in Mount Waverley. He also enjoyed lawn bowls, Probus and was a prolific traveller firstly with his wife and later after her passing had trips to the Milford Sound at 67 years of age, a trip to South America and the Antarctic at 85 and at 89 flew to Perth, Exmouth, and Christmas Island in one day to meet his friends from the Church. The ministerial team at the church and the family eulogies painted a picture of a man who will be sorely missed. I spoke with ANZROC members at the service that included John’s son in law Mike Vallence with wife Dorothy, Harry and Beryl Carrodus, Brian and Noelle Christensen, Muriel and Bill Drummond, Ray Gill, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin Mitchell, Gordon and Sonia Paulett and John and Lois Vanselow.

Terence Talbot emailing from Evandale in Tasmania said that he read with sorrow of the death of our honorary member Wyn Greenwood. Terence worked with him at The E.S.and A Office in Hobart in the 50’s and 60’s.

Bob Maughan was saddened to learn about the death of Graeme Hockey. Bob knew he had not been well for some time but Graeme would have been the last person to dwell upon his own circumstances. Over Bob’s working life he has been blessed to have worked with and known a great many good people. Graeme was a gentleman in every respect and one of the most genuine, honest, reliable human beings you could wish to meet. Bob had the honour and pleasure of working with him on several occasions. The first contact was during his period as the Esanda officer at 351 Collins Street when Graeme was often the person to whom Bob had to submit applications for approval. He always made himself available to assist with the upmost patience.

Eventually Bob had worked under Graeme at Esanda Head Office 55 Collins Street when Bob was the Senior Manager Dealer finance and where Graeme was in charge of a small team of specialist lenders. Whilst they worked hard it was also a time of great fun and entertainment. The MD had a lovely loyal secretary Dorothy Jenkins who made certain they were reasonably well behaved.

On a regular basis Dorothy would visit the team near the end of the day to remind them to put out the lights before going home. Apparently the ANZ MD of the day used to go past the building on the way home and thought it not only a waste of money to leave lights on but not a good look if some were on and others not! Some years later Bob again worked with Graeme at Esanda 85 Spring Street and he cannot express strongly enough how he came to rely upon his support.

He never spoke ill of anyone and everyone liked him. After retirement with other friends they enjoyed regular ' Board Luncheons" usually organised by another great lady Therese Barwick.

Since Bob and wife Joan moved to Perth to be close to their family contact was limited to Christmas time but Graeme was often in Bob’s thoughts. The Maughans’ cherish the happy memories of the many occasions when they were able to socialise with Graeme and his lovely wife Val be it at “Australian Pops Orchestra” or other social events. Bob and Joan wish Val and family their deepest sympathies at this time.

Kevin Mitchell advised that Graham Maley passed away on 31/7/2015 in Rossdale. Graham was 79 years of age and retired in Rossdale after retirement. He had also been manager of Fish Creek and well known in the Gippsland area. Graham would be remembered by many ANZROC members.


Neville Pearson and Wal McGillivray visited Ron Cashin at Broughton Lea on 31 July and enjoyed lunch at the Broughton Lea facility with quite a few laughs and memories. Ron passes on his best wishes to all members


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during August 2015

and we pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alistair Abernathy (82),

Henry Barker (86), Rick Dickson (80), Frank Donovan (93), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards

(87), Neville Elvish (80), Ken Fitzgerald (87), John Glasson (93), June Hoskin, Ian Ince (82),

Peter Jones (83), Bruce Kells (83), Mike Kennedy (86), Stan Lancaster (81), Ken Lee (86), Doug

Long (91), Cathie Mackiggan, Reg Nicolson (84), Peter O’Dwyer (83), Roy Peake (80),

Mary Ryan, Jack Stewart (80), Alwyn Ward (91), Tony Watt (86).


From 1/8/2015

Less than $20,000 1.30%

Greater than $20,000 1.67%



David Knuckey, Noel and Jeannette Beanland and Cheryl and Neville Pearson caught the 10.17am “Velocity” train from Spencer Street arriving in Ballarat at 11.54am on Wednesday 15th July to investigate options for our ANZROC 8th October country meeting in Ballarat. The new Velocity trains servicing Ballarat have very comfortable seats with generous leg room and a quiet and smooth ride .Our mandate was to find a venue in Ballarat that was within our normal budget range, an easy walk from and to the station and provides good food, reasonable privacy and a pleasant atmosphere. And by george we found that. “The George Hotel” was the stand out venue scoring highly in every category. The renovations that were being carried out at our previous luncheon in the same Hotel in September 2012 have been completed and we will have the privacy of this room for our luncheon. It is approx 300 metres from the station

We, with our usual thoroughness, tested the beer, wine and food and all got the thumbs up. But to be sure we tested the beer again and again!!!

We caught the 14.21pm return Velocity train that arrived back at Southern Cross station at 15.40pm. A most pleasant journey of approx 1 hour 20 minutes in a very comfortable seat with ample leg room and of course great company

We have made a booking at The George for the luncheon and they will provide a two course meal for $19 per head

A great plus for the venue and timing is that the Ballarat Art Gallery directly opposite The George Hotel is the exclusive Victorian Venue for the 2015 Archibald Prize, which is a touring exhibition of the Art Gallery of NSW. The exhibition will run from Friday 2nd October to Sunday 15 November. Admission Adult $10, Concession $8 . Timed entry every half hour, 10.00am – 4pm .There is a multitude of places to visit in and around Ballarat and staying a night or two in the town is worth our members considering particularly for art and heritage lovers. Or just lovers!!



No matter how hard I try, I cannot find the words that do justice and suit

The Aussie Dictionary may simply well say: Fair Dinkum, Ripper and Beaut

If you are not the lover of great art kind

Then this “Catherine The Great” exhibition will change your mind

400 plus masterpieces from the artists of old

Plus jewellery, trinkets, furniture, vases, silver and gold

Two and a half hours was inadequate, I must say

But any longer and a parking metre fine I would have to pay

The concession cost of entry was $22 dollars 50

Affordable to even the uttermost thrifty

I did not take my camera, as I presumed they were banned

However they advised photos without flash, would be quite grand

I will return, before the exhibition closes on eighth of November

With camera in hand and coins, which I hope I remember

In view of such a strong recommendation and as Secretary Wolf Damschitz is a Volunteer at the National Gallery of Victoria he will be discussing with the Gallery the possibility of arranging a private visit by members to view the paintings . In the meantime members can contact Wolf on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let him know if you would be interested in attending the exhibition.

Depending on the level of interest shown the committee will then go ahead and organise a visit to the Heritage Collection at the Gallery.


Dr Andrew Remenyi’s agenda for the day included discussions about his career, the concept of the nature of psychology, his work in occupational rehabilitation and clinical psychology ,what he offers for treatment and intervention strategies and a quick look at the concerns that affect retired bank officers. Andrew was for 7 years an educational psychologist in the Psychology and Guidance Branch of the State Government before spending 20 years in academia conducting the Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation studies. An invited speaker at many national and international rehabilitation conferences he has over 75 professional publications. He has provided substantial lecture programs in several tertiary teaching institutions on counselling, cognitive behaviour therapy, chronic pain management, rehabilitation and abnormal psychology. Dr Remenyi has provided organisational consultancy services such as training, mediation, seminars to organisations including TAC, Commonwealth Rehab, Worksafe and many more. Now in private practice he has also been involved as a provider with Comcare, Worksafe, TAC and specialises in the clinical psychology areas of anxiety, pain, self management for a healthy lifestyle and rehabilitation.

He was also posted to PNG in 1969 at the height of the Vietnam War. Here is an excerpt from the Sydney Morning Herald :" At the height of the Vietnam War, with Saigon battered by the Tet Offensive, and the punch-drunk state of South Vietnam reeling in its aftermath, Australia sent scores of highly educated national servicemen - most of them teachers, or "chalkies" - to Papua and New Guinea. The men who served were an extraordinary, talented group of people whose ranks have supplied school principals throughout Australia, as well as our first deputy chief censor and an ambassador to Russia. And, almost by accident, they helped build the emerging nation of PNG."

This was an informative and topical presentation that was appreciated by the audience and Andrew stayed after the closure of the formalities to answer many questions from interested members.

Presidents’ Pen

Our Banking History… events of the past 180 years.

The Bank of Adelaide. The early years.

o Established in 1865

o Opened in Adelaide in rented premises on 11 December 1865 at the corner of King William and Gresham Street comprising four rooms on the ground floor and five above at a rental of 240 pounds per annum.

o The first manager was John Souttar with J H Wesley, Teller at 250 pounds per annum, J H Luxmore, Ledger Keeper at 200 pounds per annum and P E Loessel, Junior Clerk at 100 pounds per annum and a messenger at 47 shillings per week.

o The first day of opening was busy with 21 credits accepted, 11 cheques paid and one draft on Sydney sold. By the end of the week, Mr. Souttar was able to report to the Board that 57 current accounts had been opened with a total balance of 25,400 pounds and 22 bills discounted.

Next Month we will look at the Union Bank in Fiji and Papua and New Guinea.


Ian Anderson wrote to thank Kathy Trace and ANZROC Committee for his recent birthday card. The last year has been rather chaotic due to Ian and wife Margaret’s change of lifestyle. They moved into an over 55’s retirement village and fortunately it adjoins a golf course. Hopefully they will not have to move again in the near future.

Ian Bell emailed from Bendigo to thank Kathy Trace for birthday wishes which arrived on time as usual. The past year has dragged on a bit with some medical issues, but Ian is still upright and positive about the future. It is always good to hear stories of old work mates.

Bob Burgess emailed to pass on his thanks to the Committee and particularly Kathy Trace for the receipt of yet another Birthday Card. As has been the case with all the other cards received over the years, the timing was impeccable and Kathy does a marvellous job. The proposed changes to the postal service will test her but he is sure she will have it under control.

Bob and wife Marlene, also an ex-banker, are well and preparing for a short break in Fiji to escape the bitter Melbourne weather. They have done a bit of travelling in Bob’s “Troop Carrier" throughout Central and Northern Australia. They also toured Britain with stays in Paris and Rome this time last year and are visiting India and New Zealand in the next 8 months or so.

As with everyone, the newsletter is always awaited with interest and it is great to read the names and adventures of those former workmates with whom one spent the best years of our lives.

Bob will try and get to a meeting in the near future.

David Christie emailed greetings from Wodonga and conveyed his thanks to Kathy Trace and Committee for the recent birthday wishes . The day was spent with family and friends on a pretty informal basis, with a visit to wineries at Rutherglen followed up with visit to Corowa Chocolate factory. All in all a great time was had by all. In the coming week together with wife Imelda they will be spending 10 days in Bendigo helping their daughter moving home, and then attending granddaughter's Deb Ball. Then it will be home for a few days before heading to Gold Coast for a deserved break of 4 weeks. David and Imelda will be home mid September in readiness for another season of pennant bowls and then will be looking forward to attending the Christmas luncheon in December.

John Drummond wrote to thank Secretary Wolf Damschitz and the Committee for the best wishes extended to him on his birthday. He also thanked Kathy Trace for her good work in getting the card to him on the day. John is another member that likes to receive and keep up to date with the newsletter.

Frank Edwards emailed that it's happened again. Yet another birthday and another spot-on performance from Kathy Trace. Many thanks to her and the committee for all of the hard work and also to Eamon for his great work on the Newsletter. The new format is terrific. It's good to be able to keep up with the doings of former colleagues and to think back to those days when we were in the work force - such a long time ago. Good memories.

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed her sincere thanks for the June birthday card which she caught up with on her return from touring Turkey, Croatia, and walking in Austria and Dolomites, Italy.

Don Hoffmann emailed to thank the Committee for the birthday card and best wishes on his 81st. The newsletter is a great point for keeping up with information of old workmates.

John Hudgson emailed a great big thank you to Kathy Trace, the committee and members of ANZROC for his 70th birthday wishes which are greatly appreciated. John had a wonderful day culminating in a most enjoyable dinner with family and friends. It is now over 12 years since he last attended work at ANZ and it really does not feel that long. John is still playing golf at least twice a week and enjoying it. John and wife Ann have made a few short trips around Victoria and into NSW over the past twelve months and attended a number of functions in Charlton (his home town) where it all began with ANZ on 31/1/61.

Mike McKernan emailed his thanks for the birthday card wishing him a happy birthday. It was a great day with the family and grand children especially getting them all together. Seeing the grand children playing together was good fun. Mike and his wife are off to sunny Qld (Trinity Beach) for a few weeks to get away from cold old Melbourne.

Godfrey Mills emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for her kind words re his 80th birthday. The day was celebrated with wife Nancy and nineteen other immediate family members. Following a splendid seafood lunch they all adjourned to "base camp" in Vermont. After a short recovery period it was announced that a “Piñata" had been set up on the clothesline. It took the form of a one metre reinforced cardboard crocodile filled with sweets. Godfrey was given a flimsy coloured stick to beat it up. The said weapon was ill conceived and totally inadequate for the purpose for which it was designed. To rectify matters he cast it aside. Godfrey then shot the crocodile 3 times with a daisy air gun - an operational relic from his misspent youth. This was a ceremonial rather than effective move so a change of plan was called for. From his cache of illicit explosives he inserted a large “penny bunger" into the croc's mouth. Bingo! the croc exploded scattering lollies all over the place. Universal applause! The remains of the croc were now lying forlornly on the lawn so he felt the need to administer the coup de gras by stabbing it with his cavalry sword and stalking off with the croc firmly impaled and the blade swinging in the breeze. One hopes that D'Artagnan would have been pleased. With demise of "crocodilis pintarus", things calmed down to frenzy and the day ultimately ended on a high note.

Peter Omond emailed his thanks for the birthday card which arrived on the last working day before the birthday. It was a marvellous effort given the postal issues.

Trevor Richards emailed his thanks to ANZROC President, Committee and Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Barry Reid emailed from Miners Rest to thank the ANZROC committee once again for his Birthday Card and their good wishes with special thanks to Kathy Trace. Bruce, wife Shirley together with their 14 year old Shiatsu Maltese were holidaying in their caravan at Merimbula for 4 weeks and enjoying the sunshine. They will then travel onto Shepparton to catch up with family and friends for a couple of weeks.

Ian Roberts wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for the timely arrival of another welcome birthday card. This gesture is appreciated by all ROC members. The last twelve months in their lives has been quite active with many visits to the Yarrawonga cabin and involvement in a few tennis tournaments. The highlight was their trip to Japan in May for the Japan Seniors Tennis Championships. To pick up some brownie points in June, they went on a leisurely cruise from Sydney to Singapore with family friends; had a couple of extra days in Singapore so the girls could undertake some retail therapy in Orchard Road. This year Ian is hoping to get to the Christmas luncheon and catch up with old friends and in the meantime he’ll enjoy the news in the monthly newsletter.

Reg Roberts emailed to Kathy Trace his sincere thanks for the ON TIME Birthday greetings for 18/6/15. It was a very prestigious Day this year, 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.

Roy Sloggett sent his sincere thanks for the birthday card he received on the occasion of his 83rd birthday.

Graham Smyth emailed to thank Kathy for her kind wishes on behalf of the Club on his recent birthday. They are much appreciated.

Mark Stankovich wrote to thank ANZROC for best wishes for his birthday and to Kathy Trace for ensuring the greetings arrived on time. Mark spent the afternoon watching his beloved Collingwood beating the Blues in daylight,a rare occasion these days. The next day the whole Stankovich family gathered to celebrate Mark’s birthday in style.

Keith Taylor wrote to say many thanks for the Presidents message passing on good wishes for his 87th birthday. Keith enjoys reading the newsletters as it keeps him in touch with old friends and colleagues and he is interested in the members travel experiences.

Jim Trimble wrote to thank the Club and especially Kathy Trace for his birthday card as usual arriving on the day. Life at 87 and with wife Mona a few years older they live a quiet life but with family help they are still able to live in the family home.

Norm Wood emailed to thank the committee very much for the best wishes expressed in the card for his 89th birthday received through the good offices of the remarkably reliable Kathy Trace. Norm trusts that the Committee and membership also continue to enjoy good health and fellowship throughout the coming year and beyond.

AND Roger Brown, Barbara Bruce, Bob Delahoy, Margaret Hall, Ken Lee, Serge McIntyre, Kevin O’Neill, Glen Twidale,ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



Eamon Veaney and partner Anne Wee have been working on a new format for the newsletter which will be posted on the ANZROC website this month for those members receiving the newsletter and other items by direct link. There will be no change to the current procedures for those members receiving the newsletter by post or for those members receiving the monthly newsletter electronically but we will include the links to the new formatted newsletter which we feel is worth a look.

Eamon also announced that the ANZROC web-site has now reached more than 100,000 hits and the ANZROC Facebook page has attracted 145 'likes' in it’s 5 YEARS OF OPERATION.


Elaine Haw has retired from the Committee as she has moved to Echuca and we thank Elaine for her support while on the Committee and we will see her from time to time when visiting Melbourne. We have been pleased to co-opt Carl Garley to the committee and he will be assisting Eamon Veaney in the management of our web site. We have also co-opted Ken Pattison to organise our Autumn Golf Day as this has been missing from our annual program for the last two years so we welcome both Carl and Ken on to our team.


Next month we will be including the renewal for subscriptions for 2015/2016 but John Brown advises that he has received two amounts for subscriptions which he can not allocate :

$20 on 19 Sept 2014

$10 on 26 Feb 2015

and if you feel that you may have made either of these payments please contact John on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Huck Bourke has again secured Rosebud Country Club for Friday 27th November 2015 for this year’s ANZROC golf day

Full details of this event will be included in Newsletters closer to the date.


October 8th: visit Ballarat at George Hotel and view Archibald Prize entrants at Ballarat Art Gallery for those interested.

November 12th: 34/100 Queen Street….AGM and Past President Neville Pearson will be our guest speaker…”Around the world on a shoestring”.

December 10th: Melbourne Art Centre..ANZ Pavilion for Christmas lunch.


Thursday 10TH SEPTEMBER 2015 will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON

Our guest speaker will be Ian Bock from the Melbourne Camera Club. He will talk about the operations of the Camera Club and give members a few pointers on taking the best photos. This should be a topical meeting for the overseas travellers who have been known to take a lot of photos on their trips so we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Carers accompanying members are welcome to attend this meeting of ANZROC .

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 4th September 2015 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Newsletter July 2015

Please click here to see the newsletter in new format





Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)





Past President Ron Adams welcomed 80 members and partners to the July meeting held in the relaxed setting of the Mulgrave Country Club. The informality of the day was appreciated by those present and there were many stories and tales swapped during the luncheon. It was pleasing to welcome 14 members and 6 of their partners who regularly meet at the venue bi monthly to trade stories of their time in ANZ. We were also delighted to see Heather McNutt widow of our long time Auditor Ken in the group with Gerry and Fay McPherson and Robin Chase and wife Dorothy trained in from Clifton Springs.


Members not seen for some time included Graeme Ainscough, Ian Anderson, Keith Findlay, Max Fisher, Alan Forrest, Gary Horkings, Bruce Kells, Alan Lauder, Peter Lees, Don Maguire, Colin McNamara, Bernard O’Reilly, Max Pleydell, Peter Russell, John Stone, Syd Swaby, Bob Tough, Paul Tovey, Rose Virgona, Carole Whiting and David Woods.


We appreciated the presence of member’s partners which boosted the attendance at this meeting to the highest for the year and made for a very pleasant afternoon.


Please don’t forget that to make it easier for our senior members to attend our meetings carers accompanying members are welcome to attend any of the meetings of ANZROC and that includes the Christmas luncheon.


Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages. Last month more than 400 members looked at the luncheon photos for June and the hits on our website continue to spiral.




Clive Bayley, Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Ken Crawford ,Wolf Damschitz, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Teresa Goldsbrough,Stan Halbish, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Don Jeffrey, Graeme King, Frank Marzin, Gary Mason, Terry Parks, Glynn


Parry-Jones, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Geoff Stillman, Michael Warr, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins




Alexander P.B.(Peter) 18 years ANZ


Chong Susan 26 years ANZ


We welcome Peter and Susan to ANZROC and look forward to welcoming them at one of our meetings.




Greenwood W.R. (Wyn) 17/6/2015 94 years


Wyn Greenwood enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in May 1940 and on discharge in October 1945 was LDG SMN (TY) at HMAS Lonsdale. During his wartime service in the Navy Wyn served on several ships including HMAS Nestor and the HMAS Australia where he was one of the crew that survived multiple kamikaze hits on the ship. Wyn was a lifetime member of the HMAS Australia Association and after retirement from ANZ worked for many years at the Cerberus Naval Museum as an archivist and volunteer guide. Wyn subsequently wrote a book “With a Grain of Salt” about his war time experiences.


Past President Kevin Mitchell said he knew Wyn from their Scottie days and Kevin used to bump into him and his wife at the Mt Waverley village from time to time. Kevin always made a point of speaking to Wyn when he was not in the best of health but always remembered Kevin. Kevin attended the funeral service representing the ANZROC Committee and met ANROC members Eric Dickson and Tom Phillips both of whom had worked with Wyn during their careers.


Hobbs J.H. (John) 6/7/2015 98 years


The celebration of life of John Hobbs will be held after this newsletter has been issued and a further report will follow.


John Vanselow said he remembered John Hobbs as AHQ Head of Personnel all those years ago and more recently he discussed the planning and obtained much of the background for the eulogy at the Late Charles Rennie’s celebration of life that John Vanselow presented on the behalf of the Rennie family.


John Brown said he worked with John’s daughters Dorothy and Rosemary. Dorothy was working as a Teller at the merged Boronia Branch when John was there as Accountant, and he recalls that Rosemary was in Travel at 531 Collins St when John was based in that branch, and later they were working on the same floor (different departments) at Como.


Hockey S.G.W. (Graeme) 13/6/2015 80 years


Life Member David Knuckey reported that he attended his first training meeting in ES&A in 1956 as a raw young recruit and he met Graeme Hockey and his wife to be Val who were both at the same seminar.


Past President Col Edwards knew Graeme and his wife Val, more socially than work-related when Col was an Area and Regional Manager and attended quite a few of the Esanda sponsored concerts. They were always great company.


I also worked with Graeme in Esanda for some years and he was a very private person but was solid performer when working with us.


Lacey W. (Bill) 22/5/2015 81 years


Bill was a regular contributor to our newsletter and a strong supporter of the Club.


Perrone L. (Louis) 22/6/2015 79 years


ANZROC Committeewoman Joan Nathan had a phone call from Don Davy to say he had attended the funeral of Louis Perrone, a work Colleague of his. Don went on to say it was a


beautiful service held at St Peters Catholic Church. Bill Mitchell also a past ANZ work colleague attended. Approx 130 people attended.


Members at our Mulgrave luncheon stood in remembrance of Wyn, John, Graeme, Bill and Louis and the condolences of ANZROC members are sent to family and friends.




The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JULY 2015 and we pass


on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:


Marguerite Barnsley, Ron Cashin (82), Eric Dickson (84), Chris Fieggen (84), Lawton Graham


(86), Don Hoffmann (81), Fred Hornsby (84), Terry Humphris (90), Alwynne Kilpatrick (91),


Godfrey Mills (80), Coralie O’Donahoo, Alan Panther (81), Barry Reid (81), Kevin Smyth (84),


Bernie Sowersby (85), Bob Stone (81), Keith Taylor (87), Frank Wells (88), Norm Wood (89),


John York (84).




From 1/7/2015


Less than $20,000 1.30%


Greater than $20,000 1.67%




Our Banking History… events of the past 180 years.


Over the following months we will continue to share in the newsletter some of the history. Perhaps find things that you did not know. This is the third of 10 articles……..


The English, Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank Ltd. The early years.


o Established in 1852 (An Anglo Australian bank)


o 1853 Opens in Sydney.


o 1873 Became the first bank to open a branch in Darwin (then Palmerston NT)


o 1893 Changes name to English, Scottish and Australian Bank following 1893 Banking crisis and the bank’s reconstruction.


Next Month we will look at the Bank of Adelaide


Peter P






The ANZ Bank has a proud history of being at the forefront of commercial and industrial social environments for staff. This proud legacy continues to live on within the bank and outside the organisation, albeit on a smaller scale


This is understandable given that in the mid 1900’s recruitment of new entrants from the country areas was targeted to cover the heavy demands of a booming industry and demand for staff


A strong social environment was an important feature to help country youngsters settle into what was a foreboding environment. Having been recruited in Yarram in 1959 as a 15yo who had only ever been to the big smoke twice before, this was a somewhat scary adventure. I was invited to join the ANZ Football Club, ANZ Bank Basketball Club (incidentally was the largest Basketball Club in the southern hemisphere with approx 25 teams playing across Melbourne), Tennis Club and later Badminton Banks Rowing Club and Squash. And along this journey enjoyed the feeling


of premierships, in all but rowing, of these sports code. Also learnt how to scull a pot in the boat racing team!! (Seemed important in those times??)


THE ANZ FOOTBALL CLUB in its wisdom and because of necessity changed its name to Albert Park Football Club to entice players to fill the void and continue to be viable


This has been very successful as the club currently has three Football teams playing in the VAFA and two Netball Teams also


The history of the ANZ Bank Football Club written by Birdie, Chrisso and Jet is for all to view on the ANZROC Website




Regards Chrisso, Jet and Birdie




Our Auditor Alan Forrest has lost touch with retired ANZ staffer Jim Tonkin who was best man at Alan and Margaret’s wedding many years ago. If you can help with Jim’s contact details please ring Alan on 03 9877 2663




Les Ager emailed to convey to Kathy his sincere thanks for the birthday wishes for the 15th June on his 84th – as always Kathy hit the day “spot on”. Les had a very enjoyable day with family and friends. Les enjoys reading the newsletters to keep up with colleagues and friends.


Anne Blashki writing from Shepparton to thank Kathy Trace for the greetings sent on behalf of ANZROC Committee and members for her birthday. She keeps up with members activities through the newsletter each month.


Terry Brennan emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Club for birthday wishes for 28 June. It was much appreciated.


Gordon Christensen emailed from Highton to thank the Club for the card received for his recent birthday. Gordon said that he and his wife on a cruise between Singapore and Tokyo were playing a deck game called Ring Toss when Gordon noticed a young fellow wearing an Esanda cap and it turned out to be ANZROC member Rino Frigo and his partner Joy. Later in the cruise the Christensen’s caught up with Athol Watkins and his wife also members of ANZROC and residents of Clifton Springs. Gordon said that like Rino he and his wife cannot get enough of Japan and are returning in September to join a cruise from Tokyo to Sydney on the Diamond Princess.


Phil Dunstan emailed to say thanks for the Newsletter which is always welcomed.


Phil would have liked to attend the July meeting at the Mulgrave Country Club but will be in Brisbane at that time catching up with his elder son and the grandchildren. He is however looking forward to some warmer weather as he feels that this is, and will be, a long cold winter. His younger son is currently visiting from Norway where he is now based as a Naval Architect, and it is great to be able to sit over a glass of wine or two and hear of developments in shipping design. Apart from having had an unscheduled trip to hospital recently, when Phil broke his nose, he is keeping well, keeping the daily bike riding going, and enjoying his woodworking hobby together with Car Club involvement.


It is sad to hear of the passing of people with whom Phil has worked and with whom he shared good work ethics and social interaction.


Terry Heenan emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings. Since his major operation for cancer Terry has been informed he is in remission and at the same time he is getting stronger. Terry and wife Mary hope to have a holiday in North Queensland before the end of winter.


Bill Lanigan emailed to say thanks for the birthday card. The last year or so has been busy with the downsize to a townhouse in Ringwood North and particularly the culling of paperwork from his study at the previous house where the family were for 43 years. Bill is looking forward to be able to read the list of names from the banking/insurance records.


Frank Marzin emailed a thank you for the birthday card. It’s almost a year since his retirement and he has been busy working around the house and doing the things he wanted to do while he was at work and did not have the time. Frank has also been away on holidays and has had little time to see colleagues at the Club’s luncheons but hopes to get to a meeting soon.


Sherwin Meerwald emailed thanks to Kathy for the birthday card that was greatly appreciated.


.Sherwin celebrated with family and friends at a luncheon organised by his Sri Lankan Club for its members on the same day. Great music for dancing and a sumptuous lunch. An afternoon to remember.


Ray Murphy emailed after reading the copies of the Bank Staff lists in the Australasian Insurance and Banking Records now posted on the ANZROC web site. He was able to look up branches and find names of managers at the time when he was stationed in the country branches who he considered were truly human looked after staff and were a pleasure to work under such as Gavan Ryan Ballarat East, David Reid 9 Lydiard St Ballarat and Charlie Mowbray Maryborough. “The Scottie” was all about people and the motto”The Bank where service is a tradition” was a blue print for fashioning his years as a Manager based on the best traits of those he had worked under. Many thanks for the Birthday Greetings another year on but sadly his first without Glenyce.


Tom Phillips emailed that the June newsletter included a melancholy note that Ray "Spud" Murphy's wife, Glenyce had passed away. Tom worked with Ray at Dandenong and later in Central Highlands.


Tom Portelli wrote to thank the Committee and members of ANZROC for the good wishes contained in the card he received for his recent birthday with special thanks to Kathy Trace. Tom looks forward to catching up with old friends again at the Christmas luncheon which he had to miss last year.


Joe Romano mailed to say he had received his birthday card and many thanks to all members and especially to Kathy Trace.


Anthea Santos emailed to pass on the new address for her and husband Artur as they have sold up and moved a massive distance of 1.4 kilometres. They have moved to a lovely over 55 retirement village. She is hoping to get to Melbourne one day for a catch up with old friends from the bank. Its 30 yrs since Anthea left the bank and 28 since moving to Sydney, and she does not know where the time has gone. Also a big thank you to the "Birthday Card Fairy” as it’s her birthday and she is sure there will be a card waiting for her when they return from the Sunshine Coast.


Neil Sharman wrote to thank the Club for sending him a birthday card on the occasion of his 79th birthday. Neil is always pleased to receive a card from the ANZROC members.


Rob Smith emailed thanking the Committee very much for the birthday wishes. It beggars belief how with the postal system today the card arrives on time. Life is quite mundane in retirement which is now 15 years. Rob has settled well into Traralgon and look like seeing his days out there. He still enjoys a weekly game of tennis followed by a social coffee. Recently took a trip on the Ghan to Darwin where Rob and his wife spent 5 days accompanied by ANZROC member Bob Irvine and wife Judy. It was a very enjoyable and interesting trip. They also enjoy their 2 weeks in Port Macquarie each year. Rob also catches up with ANZROC member Alex Fowler and wife Helen at odd times.


Lyn Stevens said many thanks for the birthday reminder which arrived on due date as usual. Lyn can now sing “76 Trombones” …scary isn’t it.


Sandra Street reports that she and husband Patrick are looking forward to their Mediterranean cruise next month to get away from the chill.


Miles Tiller wrote to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for the timely birthday card. Miles had an enjoyable day with visits from his children and grandchildren. The past year has had its trials. A fall from a ladder caused a broken bone in his foot and ankle, then a bowel operation followed by two hernia operations. Consequently he has spent some time in and out of hospital which has restricted normal activities. The horizon is looking much brighter now as Miles and wife Betty are looking to a much healthier future.


Kevin Watson emailed a thank you for the birthday wishes on his 86th on June 1. Kevin is travelling pretty well physically but his sight continues its downward passage. However, Kevin still remains pretty active and passes on his best wishes to all of those old friends in Melbourne who might still remember him from the many years he spent in their company.




Helen Bouch, Ron Browne, Jim Christie, Aldo Faella, Darrell Hodges, Harry Loucas, Rod Mann, Kaye Phelps, Tom Phillips, Kevin Quigley,








The ANZROC’s Website has been in operation now for nearly 5 years. We have just reached an impressive number of readers of 99,200 so it is likely that we will hit 100,000 after this month’s newsletter is published on the website. Most newsletters attract over 700 readers.


There has been a flurry of interest in the recent posting covering the past Insurance and Banking Records that President Peter provided with more than 700 readers on that item and one of the most popular postings we have done.


We also have an ANZROC’s Facebook page which has attracted over 160 'likes'. The benefit of this page is that friends and family of our Members can also get involved with ANZROC’s and browse through articles and photos related to ANZ.


We have over 900 Members most of which are now on email so the combination of the ANZROC’s website and Facebook page is a great way of keeping in touch with each other. We encourage all Members and their families to catch up with what we are doing via these Social Media channels.


The latest links to recent articles on the ANZROC’s Website are listed in the advice you receive of the newsletter.




Huck Bourke has again secured Rosebud Country Club for Friday 27th November 2015 for this year’s ANZROC golf day


Full details of this event will be included in Newsletters closer to the date.




Just a reminder that Gary Mason has been collecting humorous stories which happened over the years and will have a book published if sufficient entries can be obtained.


While there have been several contributors that have supplied Gary with anecdotes if anyone has a story or two they are prepared to share openly (with names included if no privacy concerns exist) would they please contact him direct on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


or (03) 9571 9575


Descriptive stories would enable other staff to appreciate the event.


If publication eventuates, the booklet will be made available at a nominal price.




September Meeting: 10th September 100 Queens Street Guest Speaker Ian Henry Bock from the Melbourne Camera Club.


October Meeting 8th October visit to Ballarat


November Meeting: 12th November 100 Queen Street Annual General Meeting


December Meeting: 10th December ANZ Pavilion Arts Centre Melbourne






Thursday 13th AUGUST 2015 will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON


Our Guest Speaker will be Dr. Andrew Remenyi is a Clinical Psychologist and amongst other things he also specializes in Hypnosis. He would be able to explain how hypnosis works and how it is applied. He was also posted to PNG in 1969 at the height of the Vietnam War and his experiences will ensure a very interesting presentation for members and we look forward to seeing you at our city meeting.


Remember that Carers accompanying members are welcome to attend this meeting of ANZROC .


If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 7th August 2015 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.


A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering


Ron Adams


Newsletter Editor.








PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I/we will be attending the Luncheon function








Newsletter June 2015



Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



President Peter Pritchard welcomed 52 members and our guest speaker Thomas Heberling, Dealer principal of Mercedes Benz Melbourne the major Mercedes dealership in the city.

Members not seen for some time included Norris Gale, Carl Garley, Martin and Karen Hayden, Darrell Hodges, Harry Loucas, Ian Manley, Peter Nyga, Ken Pattison, John Renwick, Bruce Tickell also Committee personnel Wolf Damschitz, Kevin Mitchell and Neville Pearson who have just returned from overseas travels and Joan Nathan was welcomed after full recovery from a knee replacement.

Photos taken at the luncheon by our Photographer Carl Garley will be posted on our Website and Facebook pages.

Don’t forget that carers accompanying members are welcome to attend any of the meetings of ANZROC.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, John Brown, Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Kerry Crawford, Cedric Coxsedge, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Nola Forsyth, Teresa Goldsbrough, Stan Halbish, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Graeme Randall, Don Ranyard, John Vanselow, Eamon Veaney, Doug Watson, Anne Wee, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Alexander P.B. (Peter) 18 years ANZ

We welcome Peter to ANZROC and look forward to seeing him at one of our meetings.

BEREAVEMENTS: No notifications this month of any bereavements.

Kerry Jewell emailed from Peregian Springs QLD to say she was saddened to read in the last newsletter of the passing of Kevin Cleary. Kerry first met Kevin in 1960 when as an unsure seventeen year old she was appointed Ledger Examiner at the ES & A Bank 47 William Street,

Melbourne branch. Kevin at that time held the position of “Chief Clerk” and his encouragement, patience, and training was instrumental in setting her up for her future career. Unfortunately, we have lost another one of the good guys.

Ray Murphy emailed a note relating to our late member Kevin Cleary. Kevin was a “Scottie” and Ray had the honour of relieving him at 47William Street in the days of the classification of Bills Clerk now more upmarket title of International Clerk: the work is of course just the same. It was a heavy transaction Branch and Ray recalls during one of the reliefs of Kevin that Holdenson Neilson (Petersville) had 11 shipments of canned butter to Indonesia on the water when the Netherlands Handel Mach was taken over and froze repayments to the shipper but lucky for Kevin he was on leave in the late 50’s as it was a nightmare. The Australian client was screaming for repayment daily and Ray’s ears were burning. Eventually the ANZ Melbourne was able to arrange settlement of the transaction.

On a sadder note those that were fortunate to have met Ray’s wife Glenyce during their 9 years in Melbourne and 23 Years as a Country/and City Manager ,will be sad to know Glenyce passed away on 23rd April after a long battle with terminal inoperable Cancer, She is now at rest.

Eamon Veaney was advised by the London Pensioners Society that Morgan Polton passed away in UK in late May. ANZROC member Dick Milnthorpe who knew Morgan well writes that Morgan was a well known luminary amongst the ANZ fraternity and also a friend of Will Bailey and Tom Williams. There will be many who will miss him both here in the UK and in Australia.

Eamon also mentioned that Mike Bement known in both places is not so well.

Bruce Sanderson advised that Trevor Watts who spent time in ANZ and in Administration when Bruce knew him passed away 5/6/2015. Trevor left ANZ and joined the Army serving in Vietnam and retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Trevor would be known to members of ANZROC.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JUNE 2015

and we pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Les Ager (84), Bill

Gardiner (84), Bob Lamb (81), Geoff Meggs (87), Ray Murphy (85), Tom Portelli (81), Reg

Roberts (87), Roy Sloggett (83), Barry Theobald (91), Gren Tonzing (80), James Trimble (87),

Ern Walton (84), Roger Watkins (84), Kevin Watson (86), Ray Whitehead (89), John Williams

(85), Elaine Willmott, Brian Wills (84).


From 1/6/2015

Less than $20,000 1.30%

Greater than $20,000 1.67%

Presidents’ Pen

Our June meeting had over 50 members in attendance and featured Thomas Heberling, Dealer Principal of Mercedes Benz, Melbourne. Thomas gave an interesting talk regarding the history of the motor car commencing from 1886. He spoke about the changes in the industry and also what the future may have in store. He elaborated on the different types of buyers of premium cars as Progressive (20-35 years), Climbers (35-50 years) and Established (50+ years). Did you know that nearly 900,000 cars are sold in Australia annually, covering 42 brands and over 380 models? Mercedes have been in Australia since 1957, and initially assembled their vehicles locally. Over

time this has changed to fully imported models. Members found the talk interesting with many questions of the speaker.

Members enjoyed a lunch of sandwiches, hot pies and sausage rolls, with a drink or two in hand. Fellowship continued well after the close of the meeting with lots of catching up.

Last month I mentioned that our ANZROC website will soon have a special page where you can go down memory lane. We have obtained copies of the Bank staff lists from “The Australasian Insurance & Banking Record” covering Bank of Australasia, Union Bank of Australia, English Scottish & Australasia Bank and Bank of Adelaide. We have had some difficulties in loading the material on the website, but we expect to have the material loaded in early course.

Finally, I look forward to seeing members at our next meeting which is at the Mulgrave Country Club on 9th July, commencing at midday. Hope to see members there. If you have not been to one of our monthly meetings, please don’t hesitate to consider coming along. You will be made very welcome by the committee. Details of who to contact are in the newsletter or if you are new, ring me on 0418 149 394 if you would like to attend. Until then.

Peter P

Our Banking History… events of the past 180 years. Over the following months we will continue to share in the newsletter some of the history. Perhaps find things that you did not know. This is the second of 10 articles……..

The Union Bank of Australia. The early years.

o Established in 1837.(an Anglo-Australian Bank)

o 1838 First office opened 1 May 1838 when the Launceston banking business of Tamar Bank was acquired.

o 1838 Opens its Melbourne branch in October 1838, located on the northwest corner of Queen and Little Flinders Street, a building formally occupied by the Derwent Bank Agency.

o 1839 Opens branch in Sydney 2 January 1839 at corner of Pitt and Hunter Streets.

o 1840 Opens an office in Wellington New Zealand.

o 1848 The Bank had grown to 9 branches in Australia and New Zealand

o 1850 Opens an office in Adelaide

o 1853 Opens an office in Brisbane

Next Month we will look at the English, Scottish and Australia Chartered Bank Ltd

Peter P.


Carole Bancroft emailed to say a big thank you to Kathy Trace and the Retired Officers Club for her Birthday Card in April which as usual was greatly appreciated. It is a huge effort and really a wonderful achievement in maintaining this tradition with ex-staff. So far the year has been fairly uneventful with husband Graham only having one visit to hospital early in the year following a very nasty fall. Thankfully he recovered reasonably quickly and in February they were able to have another most enjoyable visit to New Zealand courtesy of a friend who works with Princess Cruises. Unfortunately adverse weather conditions again prevented them seeing the Fiord lands – don’t know if they will try for a third time as it is doubtful as to whether Graham would be able to manage the travel. At the moment his physical health is relatively stable, however his memory continues to deteriorate and he now needs lots of prompting and reminders to be able to carry out

even fairly simple tasks. Fortunately Carole has wonderful assistance and support from the Alzheimer’s Association which has been of enormous help to them. April saw them meeting up with friends from Adelaide in Port Fairy. They rented a gorgeous little cottage there and spent a lovely week sampling the different restaurants on offer and of course the odd glass of wine or two. Carole and Graham are now back to the usual routine enjoying weekly History class with the local U3A and Carole continues to enjoy her volunteer work with the Peninsular Private Hospital cardio re-habilitation group and when time permits, her embroidery and quilt making.

Ron Browne writing from Avoca Qsld to say thanks for the birthday card reports that he spent much of last year travelling around Australia exploring this vast country.

Brian Day emailed to pass on his sincere thanks to the President, Committee & members of ANZROC, for their kind wishes on his recent birthday. Hard to understand that it is now over a quarter of a century since Brian retired from ANZ and that he is only two years away from honorary membership. Wow where did all those years go. As usual the card arrived "spot on." Thanks Kathy. Brian and wife Julie are travelling to Bali for a couple of weeks at the end of June with all their family and friends to celebrate their son's 50th birthday. Last count there will be a contingent of around 40+. Looking forward to Bali as it is nearly 10 years since they last visited.

Anne Dell widow of ANZROC member Lindsay who passed away in April emailed to say that it was wonderful to see so many of Lindsay’s colleagues at his funeral. Please pass on my thanks to them.

Norm Dibbin emailed on his 82nd to pass on to all concerned his thanks for the birthday card which again arrived on the day-as it has done for the past 26 years. As part of the “Growing Older Mode “ it is nice to sit back and reminisce about some of the great people we met and worked with over the years and some of the things and procedures that were part of our lives and that will never come back. Gone forever are the days of hand written bound ledgers ,hand written statements, blowers, cross casting, stinkers, sealing wax, bank seal, gold scales, press copiers & wet blotting paper, pens, nibs ,ink, no adding machines---- Norm could go on forever. They were great times and he does not think many s “Oldies“ would consider swapping working in those days with now.

Past President and long time committeeman Col Edwards emailed his thanks to the committee for the birthday card which arrived right on the day – no mean feat by Kathy in these uncertain times of mail deliveries. It would have been nice to celebrate in warmer climes, but circumstances dictate that Col does not wander too far from base these days. Thank goodness for all the travel and entertainment that Col and wife Ethel did in recent years. So they had a quiet day – had lunch at a favourite eatery (good) and then on to commence a fresh bout of treatment (not so good, but necessary). Next major milestone will be their 60th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks and that will call for a wider celebration with their wonderful family.

Jan Edwards wrote to thank the committee and members for her birthday card. It was nice to receive especially when she was not feeling very well. Jan does miss the ANZ days.

Rino Frigo writes that this year has been quite busy having gone on cruises to Port Lincoln in March then from Sydney to Singapore in April on the Diamond Princess where Rino and partner Joy met John Pape. In Singapore they changed ships embarking on Voyager of the Seas to Tokyo. They had planned to meet Athol Watkins ANZROC member from Clifton Springs and his partner who were cruising on the same ship but with 3,500 passengers Rino had doubts about meeting them. Surprisingly they found each other on the first night at dinner and spent the trip together. On that trip they also met Gordon Christensen and his wife another ANZROC member from Highton who were on another of their around 35 cruise trips. Rino says Tokyo was remarkable and he has never seen a city so clean, cheap, and green with helpful people and not gridlocked with traffic. Mt Fuji and Disneyland were great as was travelling on the bullet train. Rino and Joy have another one planned for August on a round trip from Perth visiting Bangkok and Cambodia but they return to Tokyo next year as they have a lot of yen left over and plan to visit some of the Japanese seaside cities.

Nev Greenway emailed to thank to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the good wishes for his birthday.

Teresa Goldsbrough emailed that she was so pleased to be able to catch up on the news via website and newsletter. She was experiencing the wonders of Turkey in May and in June will be exploring Croatia and Austria, returning home from Italy in July.

Mike Nickell emailed his thanks for recent birthday greeting he received from Kathy Trace on behalf of Club Members. The acknowledgement of these (hopefully recurring occasions) always adds to the celebration and is appreciated very much.2015 held so much promise for Mike and wife Lyn with a 6 week holiday planned, booked and fully paid, comprising 3 weeks self drive in Scotland then a flight to Seville in Spain to join a 26 day “Voyage to Antiquity” finishing in Venice. These plans came dramatically unstuck in February when Mike came off the 3rd step of a ladder onto his head. He woke in emergency at Knox and was discharged 24 hours later apparently shaken and sore but no other obvious effects. Things were good for 3 weeks but some “inappropriate behaviour” became evident and a further CT scan revealed a bleed on the brain. This, Mike is reliably informed is a classic occurrence following head trauma in “the elderly!” Moral for all ROC members of his generation is: “KEEP OFF LADDERS!” Recent outcome is very positive though, follow up scan last week confirmed bleed is receding and Surgeon doesn’t think he will need to intervene, which is most fortunate for Mike. No travel outside the country for 6 months though. They are looking forward to a very quiet winter in Victoria, very thankful that things did not turn out any worse.

Peter Nyga emailed to let us know that another birthday passed his way and punctual as usual was a card from ANZROC. Many thanks to Kathy Trace. On the day, Peter received a very nice surprise when his daughter, who lives in Perth, arrived unexpectedly at the front door. Ten minutes later a close friend also made an impromptu visit. Together they had a wonderful afternoon together. In the evening it was out for a nice Chinese dinner.

Alan Podger emailed to say birthday greetings were again received (on the day of course) with much pleasure.

Allan Richardson emailed from Kyabram to thank the Committee and members for his 75th birthday wishes. Not much has changed over the years still golfing and fishing. Caravanning is now a thing of the past but Allan and his wife still do a few short trips.

Terry Stapleton emailed from Cremorne NSW to thank the Committee for the birthday card, which arrived on the day of his 85th birthday, and the good wishes from the President, the Committee and Members. Another enjoyable year has gone by, all too quickly, for Terry and wife Maureen who both continue to generally enjoy good health....this year their family, who mostly live interstate, gathered in Sydney to celebrate Terry’s birthday and a good time was had by all.

He is still reasonably active mainly in his vegetable garden and with walking and tennis on Sunday mornings. It is a while since Terry worked in Melbourne but sees quite a few names in the Newsletter that he recognizes and to whom he sends best regards.

Geoff Stillman emailed just to record the arrival of his Birthday Card on the exact day, how does Kathy Trace do it!

Norma Thomas writing from Pialba (Qsld) said thanks very much to the Committee and members of ANZROC for the good wishes she received on the occasion of her birthday and it was much appreciated.

June Thompson sent her thanks to the Retired Officers Club for the kind birthday wishes and especially Kathy Trace for her timely attention. June spent the day happily with friends.

Jill Ward emailed a very belated thank you for her birthday card. Jill has been a bit out of sorts lately having a detached retina operation on 31st December at the Eye and Ear Hospital which escalated after an operation in May to remove a cataract on her left eye. Having blurred vision since December controls how she thinks. She is having her right eye operated on in JUNE.

Roger Watkins wrote to send his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for his 84th birthday card that arrived on the day as usual. Roger misses being able to catch up with colleagues at the ANZROC lunches as his wife’s health does not allow him to leave her on a regular basis for meetings. Their 60th wedding anniversary will be celebrated in July with family which has grown to 4 sons, 14 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren and they have been blessed with their family enjoying good health.

John White emailed to convey his thanks to Kathy Trace for sending birthday wishes from the Club and Committee. John and wife Debby are settling in at their new home at Patterson Lakes but, once again, John finds the garage too small!

AND Marguerite Barnsley, Ian Bell, Anne Dell, Tony Donahue, Ralph Drummond, Noel Harman, Ken Mahar, Lesley Orchard, Tom Phillips, Ray Pietsch, Kathleen Walsh, Russell Ward,



Neville Pearson reports that it was nice to be back from holidays for the ANZROC meeting. A very good roll up enjoyed a fine speaker, food and a nice wine or two.

Neville was drawn to pen a poem describing the rather exciting start he and wife Cheryl had to what was in total a fantastic trip to Honolulu :-

The “Carnival” cruise did not go without a hitch

A severe storm blew up and the ship started to pitch

It was touch and go, the Captain wore a serious frown

Would we be able to up anchor and leave Sydney Town

Some of the passengers had a touch of the dreads

As the waves were enormous just outside The Heads

We soldiered on in the cyclone force gale

Went down to dinner, but few people drank ale

A sound and light show like I have not seen before

As plates and cups danced across the restaurant floor

The decks were all closed to even the brave

As they were being swamped by the occasional wave

Now some people think cruising may be a bit of a bore

But not the couple that could not open their cabin door

Their window had given way to a wave of great force

And that allowed water to come in of course

The crew came to the rescue and forced open the door

To find two people traumatised and really quite sore

But as we book cabins in the centre of the ship

The most stable part in which you can kip

We slept through the trauma and woke next morn feeling fine

And at dinner that night got stuck into the wine


But as we always “look on the bright side of life”, from there on it just got better and better, with the absolute highlights being the beautiful Islands of Moorea, Bora Bora (memories of James Michener Book Hawaii), and The Big Island.

There were many humorous moments exacerbated by the bright side of my old-timer’s which provides a wonderful excuse for my (mis)adventures and stuff up’s. If there is any interest from the members I would be most happy to recount the highlights, including Cheryl and I swimming with the Rays and sharks, at a meeting later this year and if anyone goes to sleep during the talk I will buy them a wine




Huck Bourke has again secured Rosebud Country Club for Friday 27th November 2015 for this year’s ANZROC golf day which was a great success with our golfers in 2014.

This year he will try to arrange a suitable tee off time that would be helpful for those travelling from Melbourne.

Full details of this event will be included in Newsletters closer to the date.


August Meeting: 13th August :100 Queen Street Dr. Andrew Remenyi is a Clinical Psychologist and amongst other things he also specializes in Hypnosis. He would be able to explain how hypnosis works and how it is applied. He was also posted to PNG in 1969 at the height of the Vietnam War

September Meeting: 10th September 100 Queens Street Guest Speaker Ian Henry Bock from the Melbourne Camera Club.

October Meeting 8th October Ballarat

November Meeting: 12th November 100 Queen Street (AGM)

December Meeting: 10th December ANZ Pavilion Arts Centre Melbourne



* The July ANZROC luncheon meeting will be held at the Mulgrave Country Club which is located on the North West Corner of the Wellington Road and Jells Road Wheelers Hill Cross Road

* There is considerable underground parking available as well as ground level parking on the North and East sides of the building

* Public Transport is not the best option and we suggest that any members who would require transport to attend the function, indicate such on the under mentioned acceptance slip and we will endeavour to arrange transport.

* We would also appreciate assistance from anyone who may be able to be called on to assist with car transport from the station should such be required

* Train travel to Glen Waverley is an option and if you intend to take this option please indicate such and we will endeavour to have a car pick you up from outside the North exit into Railway Parade at Glen Waverley Station

* We are delighted that several of the ANZ group known as the” Zedders” who hold a bi monthly get together at this venue will join us on this day

* The Mulgrave Country Club has an excellent reputation and the seniors two course lunch, consisting of either Soup and Main course or Main course and Sweets costs around $15 to $18

* Partners , ANZROC widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome to join us on this day and we are anticipating an excellent attendance

* Please post or Email the attached acceptance slip to Joan Nathan prior to 2nd of July.

* Contact details for acceptances: * Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 9740 8001.

Ron Adams…ANZROC Vic



* I / WE will be attending the luncheon

* Name.................................................

Partner’s name if attending...................................................

* I / We would appreciate assistance with transport: Pick up from Glen Waverley Station YES / NO

* I would be available to pick up (number: .......) members from the Northern entrance of Glen Waverley Station at 11.30am approx

* We may be able to arrange pick up from home given the number of retired members in this area. Please indicate if this would be necessary and we will endeavour to assist…..

Look forward to seeing a large attendance and a wonderful day

* Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone: 97408001,

* address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429..




Newsletter May 2015



Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



President Peter Pritchard welcomed 42 members as well as our guest speaker Major Brendan Nottle and his wife Major Sandra Nottle from The Salvation Army .The meeting was opened with the formal matters dealt with by Assistant Secretary Ron Adams and Peter commented on the upcoming 180th Anniversary of ANZ Banking Group and he then made a presentation to John Duke our retiring Committee member after 20 years service on the ANZROC Committee where he has served terms as President and Secretary.

Members not seen for a while included Wendy Black, Linda Davidson and Geoffrey Sandow.

While numbers were down this month many of the regular attendees are overseas on holiday, travelling in Australia or dealing with family and health issues as can be seen by the long list of apologies we received.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are now posted on our Website and Facebook pages. Eamon said that the photos posted on Facebook on Thursday 14th May had already had over 1000 views at date of this newsletter.

Just a reminder that to make it easier for some senior members to attend our meetings, carers accompanying members are welcome to attend any of the meetings of ANZROC and that includes the Christmas luncheon.

Past President and Committee member for 22 years Col Edwards emailed his thanks to the Committee and members for the presentation made to him at the April ANZROC meeting which recognised his valued contribution to the Club as a member of the committee, following his retirement. Col enjoyed and found rewarding his long term on the Committee and thinks it is great that ANZROC committee has been able to attract new blood. The certificate hangs in Col’s study and the pen (which he states is a ripper) is in constant use. Col passes on his best wishes to the Committee and members of ANZROC.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Robin Chase, Cedric Coxsedge, Don Davy, Mike Devlin, Phil Dunstan, Lawrie Foord, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Ray Gill, Stan Halbish, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Sheryl Heard, Darrell Hodges, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King, Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, Harry Loucas, Joan Nathan, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Alan Pearce, Neville Pearson, Alan Podger, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, David Schunke, Bruce Tickell, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods.


Turnbull Robert (Rob) 26 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Rob at one of our forthcoming meetings possibly when we visit Ballarat in October.


Cleary K.F. (Kevin) 84 years 5/5/2015

Talking to Lynne Stevens she could recall some of the highlights of Kevin’s career. He was appointed Manager City Road South Melbourne, Manager Croydon and before retirement was Senior Manager Lending Inspection where he visited ANZ offices locally, interstate and overseas and often with his great friend and our late member Brian Murdoch. If members have any anecdotes they would like to share of their time with Kevin let us know and we will include in future newsletters.

Dell L.M. (Lindsay) 68 years 9/4/2015

Further to the notes in the April Newsletter, Martin Hayden let me know that he saw ANZROC members and ex ESANDA Staff at Lindsay’s funeral service that included Roger Brown with wife Pam, Rick Dickson, Frank Edwards, Karen Hayden, Hartley Hodgson, Muhidden Hussein, Jim Lee, Mark Stankovich and Ron Wells. It was a very good turnout. Much mention was made of Lindsay's involvement with the Surf Life Saving movement, including one unfortunate incident when Lindsay swam out and saved a person from drowning (one of many), but lost his wedding ring in the process! Lindsay kept his wedding ring on a chain around his neck when on duty and on this occasion the panic stricken swimmer grabbed the chain, which broke, and as Lindsay said to wife Anne at the time, the ring is at the bottom of Waratah Bay!

Martin J.T. (Jim) 92 years 5/5/2015

Brian Christensen and Harry Carrodus reported on the Celebration for the life of Jim Martin held at Joseph Allison Funerals, Essendon. Jim’s long history in ANZ Bank, starting in the Bank of Australasia included time in ESANDA, Manager Exhibition Street, Manager Travel, Area Manager Footscray and his retirement as Chief Manager in Fiji was a feature, as was his sporting prowess in earlier times. Long time close friends, Harry and Beryl Carrodus, Alan Podger and Brian Christensen were Retired Officer representatives.

John Duke says that he first met Jim when he was Principal at the Staff Training Center at 516 Collins Street. It was in June 1958 (yes ’58 the year John turned 19)) It was an Accounting Course and a couple of familiar names were also on that course, Noel Beanland and Graeme Chappell were in attendance. If John’s memory is still o.k. Roy Ashton and Max Winstanley were part of the instructing team.

Smith R.J. (Rodney) 73 years 29/4/2015

Rod passed away on the 29th of April after a short illness and his funeral was held on the 4th of May, the ANZ Bank was well represented by fellow retired officers.

Rod had many long standing and valued friendships relating to his forty years of service with the ANZ Bank.

Members stood at our May meeting in remembrance of our late members Kevin, Lindsay, Jim and Rodney and our condolences are expressed to their families.

Lawrie Foord advised me that Glenice Farrell passed away on 28/4/2015 aged 67. Glenice was a stalwart at 388 Collins Street Branch for many years and would be remembered by some of our ANZROC members.

Barry Kilmartin would like to record the passing of Elwin Falk, nee Barsby, who passed away recently in Brisbane. Elwin had suffered ill health for some time. In the 1960's Elwin worked with Barry’s wife Judith (nee Freemantle) and other Australian staff members, including Melbourne girls - Norma Thomas, Helen Fulton and Mitzi Schaeffer at the 55 Gracechurch Street, London office of the E S & A Bank. This scheme enabled Australian staff members to transfer to London for 2 years, and to see some of the world before returning to the bank in Australia. On Elwin's return, she worked in the General Manager's Department in Melbourne before returning to Brisbane to care for family.


Our industrious Committee woman Joan Nathan advised she was having surgery at St Vincent’s Private Hospital in East Melbourne for a total knee replacement on the day of the ANZROC meeting. Joan says she has been working hard in the Gym preparing for the operation.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during MAY 2015

and we pass on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: John Caudry (86), Norm

Dibbin (82), Col Edwards (82), Nola Forsyth, Val Goldsworthy, Ian Lamont (95), Neville Lewis

(82), Gordon Lyon (94), Joy MacDonald, David Maunder (88), Geoff Menogue (81), Alan

Podger (83), Terry Stapleton (85).


From 1/5/2015

Less than $20,000 1.43%

Greater than $20,000 1.83%

Presidents’ Pen

Our May meeting featured Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army. His wife Major Sandra Nottle also accompanied Brendan. Brendan spoke with passion about the issues that he and his teams faced in Melbourne in dealing with homelessness and those affected by domestic violence and mental issues. Brendan is well known as an advocate for the less fortunate and regularly appears in the press and other media pressing his cause.

The meeting was also our annual Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Last year members donated $4,400. This year we achieved just over $5,300 a fantastic effort and a record fund raising from ANZROC to Salvation Army. Thanks to all for their contributions.

Our May meeting also acknowledged 180 years of ANZ as it traces its origins to May 1835, when the Bank of Australasia was granted a royal charter of incorporation - its first branch was opened in George St, Sydney in December 1835.

On our ANZROC website you will soon find a special page where you can go down memory lane. We have produced copies of the Bank staff lists from “The Australasian Insurance & Banking Record” covering Bank of Australasia, Union Bank of Australia, English Scottish & Australasia Bank and Bank of Adelaide. Have a look and see if you are listed and also see others you will know.

I look forward to seeing members at our next meeting.

Until then.

Peter Pritchard

OUR BANKING HISTORY… events of the past 180 years. Over the following months we will share in the newsletter some of the history. Perhaps find things that you did not know.

The Bank of Australasia.

The early years.

o May 1835 established by Royal Charter

o 1835 First office opened in Sydney in rented premises in George Street, just north of Jamison Street on 14 December 1835. The office was staffed by George Kinnear; Manager at a salary of 800 pounds a year plus house, Charles Falconer accountant at a salary of 500 pounds a year, a Teller at 200 pounds a year and a clerk at 150 pounds a year.

o 1835 Acquires Cornwall Bank based in Launceston.

o 1838 Opens an office in Melbourne. The office was located in a four room building on the north side of Little Collins Street, between Queen and Elizabeth Streets. The front two rooms were the branch and the rear two rooms the manager’s residence.

o 1839 Opens an office in Adelaide

o 1848 The bank had grown to 6 branches in Australia

o 1853 Opens an office in Brisbane

Next month we will look at the Union Bank of Australia.

Peter Pritchard


Graeme Ainscough was saddened to read of the passing of an ESANDA colleague, our member Lindsay Dell after more than 20 years battling with MS .While Graeme and wife June are not 100 percent fit themselves they have been able to get to a couple of AFL matches this season as June is a Life Member of North Melbourne and Graeme has followed the team since childhood.

Will Bailey emailing says as usual it was a delight to receive the card from Kathy Trace on the exact day. With the proposed changes to mail deliveries it will be difficult for her to maintain her record! However it is the thought that matters. Will and wife Dorothy continue to rack up the years without major interruptions. They still enjoy their place at Noosa Waters and try to use it often. The family enjoy it too. One big change is that Will has sold their boat - it doesn't get enough use. However he still has the fleet of Bristol cars (3) plus the old Roller. Keeping them clean keeps him busy as does the 3 "daily drives" they own. Getting under them is not as easy as it once was, Will’s daughters suggested that he wears a bike helmet to protect the head.

They travelled to the UK last June it was great but airports are not what they once were; perhaps it is time to stay closer to home.

Darryl Bartlett emailed his thanks to Kathy for the birthday greetings, a timely reminder that another year has flown by, some 18 years since Darryl pulled up stumps. Health is OK but as a result of last year’s spinal operation, can only go at one pace, damage to the spinal cord, so he misses playing golf. Darryl and his wife Ronda spent a few weeks on the Gold Coast in March, lucky the weather was good then, also had a week travelling along the Murray to Mildura retracing their honeymoon places and celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Darryl and Ronda are flying to Fiji early July for 6 weeks to visit their daughter and family who are now building a home there, so looks as if this will be an annual event health permitting.

Bob Bell emailing from Mollymook sends his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for their good wishes on his recent birthday. Life at Mollymook continues to be kind to Bob and wife Carolyn as they still manage to play bowls a couple of days a week and Bob also plays golf once

a week. They enjoyed a couple of week’s holiday at Bright, it was his brother’s 90th birthday and it also provided Bob with the opportunity to show his grandchildren where he was brought up.

Lou Bucello writing from Dalmore says thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived on time. He says he seems to be getting slower with each birthday and bending is a problem for which there seems to be no cure but if any member has similar problems talk to Lou on 0418594601 as he is interested in hearing how to deal with his health issue.

Wolf Damschitz emails that he and his wife Pam arrived in France mid April and drove to Cremona and stayed at the most idyllic hotel in the region,, which also has a great restaurant. When you amble around Cremona you feel like any moment Romeo and Juliet will say hello, not withstanding Stradivari, who lived here. Wolf and Pam then drove straight to Pula, which has one of the best preserved Amphitheatres in the world. It is a beautiful place but it must be very painful in the summer season when it gets overrun by tourists though the local beer is great. The next step of their journey is to Zadar, via the Plitvice lakes national park.

Bryden Davis writes to send thanks for the acknowledgement of his 86th birthday in April which arrived on time as usual. Bowls and travel takes up most of his time when not watching his 7 grandchildren in their respective sporting activities, two of which (sisters) are hoping to make the Rio Olympics in diving and long distance running events. At his age Bryden considers each day a bonus.

Don Davy sends his most sincere thanks to the committee for their greetings to Don on the occasion of his 71st birthday. He celebrated firstly with breakfast at Dandenong with his elder daughter and family, then lunch at his sister’s home with family members followed by evening gatherings at Ormond and Carnegie with friends. Don says it was a great time despite him being on a diet. He is thankful for the friendships developed and the knowledge gained during his 33 years of employment with ANZ Bank.

Euan Drumm emailing says while he has not attended any meetings yet but for the last 16 years since he "retired" from ANZ he has been working full time at Swinburne University. Euan still enjoys the newsletter and maybe when he really retires he will come along to a meeting and see if he can bring a few of his contemporaries with whom he still maintains contact and who are not attending.

Vicky Genius emailed her thanks for the birthday card on Friday May 1st. The weather was great so the family went to the Manningham Hotel for lunch followed by coffee and cake on their terrace. Fancy needing shade from the sun at this time of year. On Saturday the 2nd Vicky went to another lunch at the Berwick Inn to mark “International Spondylitis Week” with the Ankylosing Spondylitis Victoria Peer Support Group (Vicky is the Treasurer) .She feels that’s enough birthday lunches for this year. She will see friends and colleagues at the May 14th ANZROC Lunch.

John Harris emailed his sincere thanks to the Committee and Members of the Club for the good wishes for his birthday on Anzac Day. It proved a most enjoyable day celebrated with the family.

John says he and wife Colleen have been confined to within Australia for the past year with their son, daughter in law and their 3 children posted back to Sydney from Singapore mid last year.

Scott and Kylie have enjoyed 15 years offshore and are now happily established back in Sydney with the children enjoying their respective schools. They are fortunate in that their daughter, son in law and their 2 children live in close proximity and help keep John and Colleen busy.

They are both fortunate health wise and continue to enjoy family, events with friends, sport and Rotary.

John Hawkins updating me on his current travel itinerary says that he and wife Helen are about to head off firstly for a 2 night stopover in Dubai then 2 nights in London before joining the Queen Victoria for a 7 day cruise around England and Ireland. Following that a 1 night stopover at Southampton before boarding the Queen Elizabeth for a 14 day cruise visiting France, Germany, Estonia and Russia then Liverpool where the 3 Queens will meet up to celebrate 175 years of the Cunard Line. John and Helen then board the Queen Mary 2 for a 7 day cruise to New

York where they have a 2 night stay before flying home for a rest. Their recent Myanmar river boat cruise was excellent

Graham Heenan emailing from Belmont says thank you for the recent birthday wishes. This last year has involved house renovations which are now almost complete. Upcoming events include Graham and wife Pam’s 50th Wedding Anniversary celebrations with family and friends at Monsalvat in Eltham on Sunday 19th April. All six members of the wedding party plus the priest are still around and will join them at this function. This will be followed by a 31 day trip including Istanbul, a cruise around the Mediterranean (15 days) to Barcelona and followed by stays at Lake Como and Dubai with friends. They will then return home to the “Visa Bill”.

Laurie Holland writing on his 95th says thank you for the good wishes he received for his birthday card and of course the card at Christmas. It is lovely to belong and keep in touch through the newsletters. For Laurie and his wife life is very quiet but they manage, despite minor ailments, to enjoy their retirement.

Barry Kilmartin emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday wishes.

Ailsa Mackie phoned to say thank you to Kathy Trace for her birthday wishes which were appreciated. Ailsa says while mobility issues affect her sometimes she is otherwise fit and enjoying her retirement.

David Masters emailing from Echuca says once again Kathy Trace has wreaked marvels with Australia Post to deliver an “On Time” birthday card to him in Echuca. It is really great to be remembered by former workmates most of whom David has not seen since 1982. Life continues at a steady pace having handed over the running of their business to their son and daughter in law. David still has a desk and chair and has been heavily involved with the Defence Department supplying for the Anzac Centenary the required ceremonial equipment. David and wife Glenise are involved locally and also with a charitable organisation for which they are planning to attend the National Chapter meeting in mid April in Canberra. Health wise they as many of our age, have complaints which would be preferable not to have but still allow them to travel overseas on an annual basis. Again, many thanks for the card and he passes on his gratitude to Kathy with whom David worked in Nominees.

Immediate Past President John McPhee emailed to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes he received from Committee and members of ANZROC.

Ray Murphy emailing from Anglesea says it will be great to recapture part of the past as he regularly reads the Australasian Insurance Banking Record monthly which was purchased by ‘the Scottie” to keep up with moves and appointments of Staff.

Maria Natoli emailed many thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for her birthday card. Maria celebrated the occasion in Sydney with a friend. In the morning they went by ferry to Taronga Zoo, and in the evening attended Handra Opera on the Harbour. The opera "Aida" was spectacular, and they were fortunate that the weather was very kind to them. Had they been in Sydney only a few days later they would have been there during the heavy rain and wild storms. Maria is looking forward to a couple of days in Marysville next month and perhaps a week on the Gold Coast later in the year.

Jill Paterson reading the latest newsletter was most impressed to learn about Ron Pitt who has been awarded the French Legion of Honour. Jill can’t recall if their paths ever crossed but what an honour for Ron, by the French! It was Interesting also to see photos on Eamon’s web site of friends and colleagues wearing their medals. In later years, so many of us (slightly younger) staff members were privileged to work with these people. They are Heroes to all of us and served our country proudly. Jill wishes them all the best for this centenary ANZAC commemoration and continued good health.

Tony Pompilio emailed to say thank you for the birthday card from ANZROC which, as it does every year, arrived on the day of his birthday.

Denis Rice emailed to thank the club for the birthday card received on the day of his birthday.

Les Roberts writing from Portland on his 78th sends his heartfelt thanks for keeping him in touch with ANZROC members through the birthday cards and newsletters. Les is not travelling now but in the past had been able to take 13 cruises including one on board ship from Fremantle with Bob Bamford where they manned the ANZ Bank Shipboard Agency. Most of Les’s time is spent fly tying and he thinks Hedley Ham and Stan Lancaster are devotees. He welcomes calls for information and can supply proven models gratis for both sea and inland fishing. His phone number is 03 55231054. His other main pursuit is playing and singing with a Celtic band and he thinks they improve after an injection of Guinness.

Gregory Scollo emailed to send his thanks for the wonderful thought and wishes for his birthday. It is a privilege to be remembered and faithfully receive, punctually, each year a Happy Birthday card. Looking back it is amazing to note that he has already been retired for over 21 years even though it seems yesterday, and he is now 79 years old. Together with his wife they have been, up to now, very fortunate to enjoy a healthy life, and dividing time between their Melbourne home and their Townsville home. Summer ( five/six months) in Melbourne and winter ( six/seven months) in Townsville, Qsld. where they play lawn bowls at the Bowling Club, enjoying the sun shine and the beautiful beaches, and travelling quite a bit through North Queensland. Social life is wonderful and they spend good times with friends. The weather in winter in Townsville is wonderful and very pleasant always around 26 to 29 centigrade. So, what more do they want! The only thing that they now wish is to continue to have a healthy life and enjoy it while it lasts.

John Taylor emailed his thanks for the kind birthday wishes and a special thankyou to Kathy Trace who once again made sure that the card arrived on time.

Roger Thompson emailed to thank the ANZROC Committee for his birthday greeting card and also for the monthly news letter which Roger reads with much interest. Roger and his wife continue to enjoy hitching up the caravan and touring this great country of ours, although it will be parked for three months later this year as they are heading off to the UK and Europe on his first visit to that part of the world.

Kevin Toohey emailed his thanks for the timely Birthday greetings. Sorry about the belated thank-you but Kevin and wife Maureen have been travelling and are just catching up with all the correspondence and emails.

John Vanselow emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace and Committee for his Birthday Card which was received on the date. The highlight of this period has been John and wife Lois’s 60th Wedding Anniversary. The occasion was magnificently organised by their daughters with family, local and interstate, attending as well as friends from the 1940’s in Frankston and also John and Ann Caudry friends from the early 50’s. John Caudry was with him in Overseas Department when John and Lois were engaged in 1953 and married 1955. Other Executive and Staff following the merger in 1951 who come to mind were:- Ron Ellery, Tom Giles, John Milne, Ron Horne, Kevin Watson, John Holberton, John Salsbury, Henry Stubbs, Earl Butterfield, Ian Lamont, Lindsay Richards, Ray Jenkins, John Whitford and apologies to others John may have overlooked.

As well as many cards from friends John and Lois were surprised to receive congratulations and best wishes from The Queen, Governor-General, Prime Minister, Premier and Local Member. A memorable Anniversary for Lois and John..

AND Bob Grant, Richard Ham, Kevin Livingston, Jim Nicolson, Sudipto Pal, Jake Remyn, Anthea Santos, Philip Simpson, Colin Walton




Stay – Staff Club Accommodation

For ANZROC members who are also members of ANZ Staff Social Club the new booking period for staff club properties from 01/08/2015 to 31/01/2016 are open online at the staff club’s website.

Staff Club has holiday homes located at some of the most popular holiday destinations Australia wide, including:

* VIC - Cowes, Rye, Apollo Bay, Lakes Entrance, Anglesea

* NSW - North Haven, Batemans Bay

* QLD - Surfers Paradise, Broadbeach

* SA - Encounter Bay

PLUS, Staff Club has partnered with a number of major Australian leisure providers to offer exclusive access to fantastic holiday and accommodation offers for its members.

For more info and to book visit the Staff Club website at >> Login & click Stay

If you need any help with the locations or the process contact Ron Adams.


We have arranged some interesting meetings for the remainder of 2015 and look forward to seeing our members at some of these venues:

9th July Mulgrave Country Club: a social catch up with members and partners

13th August 100 Queen Street: Dr Andrew Remenyi, Clinical psychologist, and his talk includes his research and experiences with treatment by Hypnosis

10th September 100 Queen Street: Ian Bock from the Melbourne Camera Club.

8th October visiting Ballarat: looking forward to meeting country members located near the city of Ballarat


Thursday 11TH June 2015 will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON

Our guest speaker will be Thomas Heberling the Dealership Principal of Mercedes Benz Melbourne. His family has been involved for three generations with Mercedes Benz. He will talk about Mercedes Benz's engineering history, achievements and future. We look forward to seeing motoring enthusiast members at our lunch to meet Thomas and talk about the motor vehicle industry in Australia.

Carers accompanying members are welcome to attend this meeting of ANZROC .

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice

to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 5th June 2015 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Newsletter April 2015



Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



President Peter Pritchard welcomed 55 members to our ANZAC Remembrance meeting for 2015 and Secretary Wolf Damschitz then covered the formal matters before handing over the meeting to Past President Kevin Mitchell and Brian Christensen for the ANZAC meeting.

Members not seen for a while included Michael Black for his first meeting, Clive Hewett visiting from Warrnambool, Ian Ince, Sandra Joseph, Dan Kirtley, Rod Macaulay, Gerry and Fay McPherson and Gordon Paulett.

As we advised in past newsletters to make it easier for our senior members to attend our meetings carers accompanying members are welcome to attend any of the meetings of ANZROC and that includes the Christmas luncheon.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are now posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Ray Gill, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Darrell Hodges, Graeme King, Ken Lee, Gary Mason, Joan Nathan, Ken Pattison, Terry Parks, Glynn Parry-Jones, Anton Ponnampalam, Graeme Randall, Geoff Sandow, John Vanselow, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


No new membership applications received this month so if you are aware of any potential members let me know and I will send out the membership forms.


Dell L. (Lindsay) 69 years 9/4/2015

ANZROC member Martin Hayden let me know that Lindsay passed away on 9/4/2015 after a 21 year battle with Multiple Sclerosis. He had a long career with Esanda, and was a well known member of the "Collections", later known as the "Credit Control" Team. Lindsay was a specialist

with the Loss Recoveries Department, previously known as "Loss Adjustment" and many staff benefited from his knowledge and experience. Lindsay was also extremely active in the Surf Lifesaving Organization. He will be sadly missed, and is survived by his wife Anne (Lindsay, like many, met his wife in Esanda!), and two sons.

When I transferred from Adelaide to Melbourne in 1984 when ESANDA absorbed FCA I worked with Lindsay during my time with Esanda.

Lindsay Dell’s passing was advised after our meeting on 9/4/2015 and condolences from ANZROC members are sent to his widow Kaye and family and friends.

Phelps D.F.(David) 79 years 29/3/2015

Past President Neville Pearson wrote the following tribute to David Phelps in this month’s “Birdies Twitter “…..

IN FOND MEMORY OF DAVID PHELPS: 19th November 1935 to 29th March 2015

As always, funerals are sad occasions, but I am sure David would have been delighted that his funeral service was conducted in one of his old stamping grounds. The actual ‘Kingston Funerals’ building was previously occupied by the ANZ Bank, Cheltenham North branch, in which David worked prior to its conversion to a Funeral Chapel.

David was extremely proud of being the first Fijian born new entrant recruited within Fiji to work for the ANZ. He must have been a great success as the staff numbers have since multiplied by in the vicinity of 15 times!!. Not sure if that was to cover David’s transfer to Melbourne??

There was a strong contingent of past players from the ANZ Bank Tennis Club who were there in support for David and also his wife Kay. Kay was a member of the ANZ Bank Tennis Club in days gone by when sport was an integral part of bonding country staff transferred to the “big smoke” in particular

After hearing the beautiful and often humorous tributes to Dave’s life spoken by family and friends, it was no wonder that the chapel was “packed to the rafters” by these family, former work friends and a considerable following of mates. No doubt accumulated over time at the many “watering holes” David tested. I believe this was in pursuit of finding the perfect “frothy pot”. I have no doubt David that your many friends will pick up where you left off in this quest

To your very loving wife Kay and family, the minds and hearts of all our members are with you at this sad time.

David was such a delight to talk to and drink with and I will value the wonderful memories, some of the famed “Fosberry Ave” drinking hole” we chatted about during my visit just prior to “Phelpsy” passing.

I hope Cheryl (my memory) and I have remembered all the former ANZ Members that were at the Chapel and later at the Southern Golf Club. Sincerest apologies for any oversights: Ian Anderson, Bob Bishop, John and Pamela Blampied, Dick Chegwin, Norm and Pat Gaskin, Georgina and John Fanshaw, Graeme Holt, Ian Ince, Martin Laydon, Birdie and Cheryl Pearson , Barry and Shirley Reid, Dick Sanders,

ANZROC Members present at our meeting stood for a few moments in remembrance of David and our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends .

Our ANZROC member Lesley Deady sent a note about her late husband and our Honorary ANZROC member Norm Deady who passed away in November 2014 at the age of 93 years. Norm joined the Union Bank in Maryborough Vic after matriculating with honours at the age of 16.Norm enlisted in the militia in 1939 and the army in 1941 before transferring to the RAAF in 1943 and training in Canada. A Flying Officer he received extensive specialised navigational training and served with the famous Pathfinder Force of Bomber Command as a navigator in Lancaster bombers. Back in Australia he worked at Head Office Vic and Tas. Workmates who had also served in WW11 became lifelong friends, including Gerry McPherson, Rick Long, Murray Wood, Ken Jackson, Ron Bauer, Allan Kelly, Max Salthouse and Frank Hall. He was” best man” to many of his friends and met his bride to be Lesley when she arrived at 351 Collins Street ,Inspectors Office to take up the desk next to his. Norm worked in branches at Prahran, St Kilda, and Windsor and became manager at many branches throughout Vic and Tasmania where he was admired for his unfailing kindness, integrity and courtesy to staff and customers. In June 2012 Norm travelled to London where the 55,573 airmen killed in Bomber Command were finally honoured at a remarkable publicly funded memorial in Green Park and Norm was privileged to meet the Queen. He will be remembered not only for his complete loyalty to his country and work place but for his true courage and gentleness.

Lawrie Foord advised that Don Soullier a Chauffer for one of the ES&A Chief Managers and then a member of the Service Staff in ANZ passed away on 12/3/2015. Don, originally from Canada who served in the AIF in WW11 would be known to ANZROC members.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during APRIL 2015 and we pass

on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alma Barkell, Bill Bowring (83),

Robin Chase (81), Max Colwell (83), Bryden Davis (86), Glynn Evans (87), Roy Harper (86),

Gordon Kennedy (89), Ailsa Mackie, Peter Mitchell (80), Eileen Perham, John Read (83), Keith

Remington (92), Lindsay Richards (85), Norma Thomas, June Thompson, John Tulen (81), John

Vanselow (83)


From 1/4/2015

Less than $20,000 1.45%

Greater than $20,000 1.86%

Presidents’ Pen

Our ANZAC meeting was a huge success with some 55 attending. Thanks to Kevin Mitchell and Brian Christensen for leading us in a very memorable and moving ceremony and to sharing the video “The Spirit of Anzac”. It provided a fitting tribute to the day. Thanks to all who made the meeting a special occasion.

Our next meeting is on 14th May. This is our annual Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Last year members donated $4,400. Major Brendan Nottle will again be our guest speaker. If you have not heard Brendan speak, then please don’t miss this opportunity.

Our May meeting will also celebrate 180 years of the history of ANZ as it traces its origins to May 1835, when the Bank of Australasia was granted a royal charter of incorporation - its first branch was opened in George St, Sydney in December 1835.

A brief history of the ANZ follows this article…….

On our ANZROC website you will soon find a special page where you can go down memory lane. We have produced copies of the Bank staff lists from “The Australasian Insurance & Banking Record” covering Bank of Australasia, Union Bank of Australia, English Scottish & Australasia Bank and Bank of Adelaide.

These records cover:

* Bank of Australasia 1950

* Union Bank of Australia 1950

* ES & A Bank 1950,1955,1960, 1966

* Bank of Adelaide 1950,1955,1960,1966,1970 and 1975

* ANZ Bank 1955,1960,1966,1970 and 1975.

We hope to have the material on the website over the next few weeks. Have a look and see if you are listed and also see others you will know.

Over forthcoming newsletters, there will be a series of brief articles detailing some of the history of the Bank over the past 180 years. I hope that they will be of interest to members.

Peter Pritchard

Here is the article on the brief history of ANZ for you….

Brief History of ANZ

ANZ traces its origins to May 1835, when the Bank of Australasia was granted a royal charter of incorporation - its first branch was opened in George St, Sydney in December 1835

Many of ANZ's forebears were English banks with head offices in London and extensive branch networks in Australia and New Zealand. The Bank of Australasia (established 1835), the Union Bank of Australia (est. 1837), and the English, Scottish and Australian Bank Limited (est. 1852) were typical Anglo-Australian banks. The Union Bank merged with the Bank of Australasia in 1951, forming Australia and New Zealand Bank Limited. In 1970 Australia and New Zealand Bank Limited merged with the English, Scottish and Australian Bank Limited (ES&A) to form the present organisation, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited.

Through its major forebears, a number of minor banks were absorbed. The Bank of Australasia acquired the Cornwall Bank (1828-35) and the Bank of Western Australia (1837-41). The Union Bank of Australia acquired the Convict Savings Bank (1828-51), Tamar Bank (1834-37), Bathurst Bank (1835-40), Bank of South Australia (1836-92), and Archers Gilles & Co. (1840-44). The ES&A Bank Limited acquired the Commercial Bank of Tasmania Limited (1829-1921), the London Bank of Australia Limited (1852-1921) and the Royal Bank of Australia Limited (1888-1927).

Following the 1970 merger ANZ made several important acquisitions. The Bank of Adelaide (est. 1865), which had absorbed the Australian Deposit and Mortgage Bank Limited (1874-1919), was taken over by ANZ in 1979. Grindlays Bank plc (est. 1828) was acquired in 1984. Grindlays was a British international bank with a worldwide branch network. PostBank, originally established in 1867 as New Zealand's Post Office Savings Bank, was purchased by ANZ in 1989. National Mutual Royal Bank Limited (est. 1986) was acquired in April 1990, and the Perth-based Town & Country W.A. Building Society (est. 1964) was purchased in July 1990.

In Feb 1994, ANZ Panin Bank was officially opened at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia by ANZ Chairman John Gough. PT ANZ Panin Bank was a joint venture bank in which 85% was owned by ANZ and 15% was owned by PT Pan Indonesia (Panin) Bank Indonesia’s tenth largest private bank.

In July 2000, as part of a strategic redirection, ANZ divested its Grindlays business to Standard Chartered plc. In 2003 ANZ acquired The National Bank of New Zealand. The amalgamation between Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (NZ) Limited and The National Bank of New Zealand Limited resulted in the formation of ANZ National Bank Limited (est. 2004).

In 2001, ANZ acquired majority shareholding in Bank of Kiribati (75% shareholding ANZ and 25% shareholding Government of Kiribati), consolidating its position as the leading bank in the Pacific.

In July 2006, ANZ acquired a 20% share in Tianjin City Commercial Bank (TCCB). ANZ’s AUD$150 million investment made it the first foreign bank to own a 20% shareholding in a Chinese bank. A year later in 2007, ANZ acquired 100% of CSB, a community bank in Guam, for US$25 million. This acquisition extended ANZ's presence into the North Pacific region for the first time.

In August 2009, ANZ reached an agreement with the Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (RBS) to acquire the RBS retail, wealth and commercial businesses in Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong and their institutional businesses in Taiwan, the Philippines and Vietnam for approximately AUD$687 million.

In 2012, ANZ National Bank announced that after almost ten years of operating ANZ and The National Bank in New Zealand, the two brands would be brought together as ANZ. The National Bank brand would progressively be phased out while the company’s legal name would become ANZ Bank New Zealand Ltd.

ANZ today has a presence in 33 countries worldwide.


Arty Booth emails from Elliott Heads (Qsld) to express his thanks to Kathy and the committee for his Birthday Card. Like others, he looks forward to the monthly newsletter and reading of the exploits of those who are enjoying the good life in retirement. Not much to report from Bundaberg. They are preparing for the yearly fishing trip to a small van park 100k south of Townsville where they catch up with friends who share their interest in fishing.

Jenny Cooke emails her thanks to Kathy Trace for her recent birthday greetings. It is so nice to receive a card even though we try hard to forget the rising number of years. Although Jenny hasn’t been able to get to meetings, she enjoys reading the monthly newsletter with interesting

notes of trips taken by members, many of whom she worked with. Having sold the house last year, Jenny has been unable to take holidays while the search continues for a new abode. Meanwhile, she is playing golf two or three times a week and walking the dog with a very active early morning group of walkers.

Bob Delahoy writing from Inverloch sends his grateful thanks to Kathy Trace and Peter Pritchard and committee for the 86th birthday wishes. The card certainly made Bob’s day. Bob can’t believe he is as old as that and wonders where the years have gone but he and his wife are enjoying good health and their lifestyle down by the sea. Bob was another who joined the Bank of Australasia in August 1949 commencing at Flinders Way with the Manager A.L.Guyett a member of a well known Western District family and he is proud to have been an A/asia boy. Bob enjoys reading the newsletter as it makes him feel still a part of the Bank that he worked in for 37 years.

John Fairbairn emailing from Yarrawonga says as usual his card arrived spot on the day (marvellous). John reads with interest in newsletters many of his former workmates are still with us and enjoying good health. Great to hear! John regularly sees Maurie Harwood, Peter O'Dwyer and Bruce McKean all of whom are still active in Yarrawonga. He hopes to have opportunity to attend a meeting this year,

George Finnis sends his sincere thanks to the Committee and members of ANZROC for their kind wishes on the occasion of his 79th birthday.

Lawrie Foord sends his many and sincere thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card on behalf of the President and Committee of the Club. Lawrie spent a very pleasant day with his family at a nice restaurant and celebrations continued thereafter at his eldest daughter’s home. He is still enjoying good health – no aches or pains- and is most grateful to be in such condition at his time of life.

Eddie Hassett writes to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday wishes which were appreciated. Eddie said that he turned over 42 year’s membership at Woodlands Golf Club this year and is still on the committee of the Mordialloc Football and Netball Club. Eddie was saddened to read that David Phelps had passed away during the month .David was a top bloke.

Andy Herd emails thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card and on behalf of the members he doesn’t know how she manages to keep on top of it all. All well here and looking forward to another vets season of hockey. In his spare time Andy is a volunteer driver driving the elderly to medical appointments and one of his patient pickups said “getting old is a beggar but no one told us. Then on reflection they didn't live as long’. The person was well in his eighties, rather funny.

Doug Imrie advised that he and wife Trish will be heading west with the caravan to celebrate the 100th anniversary of ANZAC day at Albany, expect to return sometime in August.

Rick Kimber writes to thank the President and Committee and particularly Kathy Trace for the very kind birthday wishes. The card arrived on the day as usual.

Christine Lane emails her thanks to ANZROC for the recent birthday card and wishes.

Christine’s birthday celebrations for this year were very quiet indeed due to being ill over this time. She is to have a “delayed” celebration shortly, whilst up on the farm at Burramine, with extended family members and she is looking forward to a relaxing time in the country.

Christine looks forward to reading the ANZROC newsletter each month to catch-up with the news from those who formed part of her working life at ANZ.

Jack Moyle writes to send his thanks for the birthday card received on his 90th birthday. It was great to celebrate with some of Jack’s family and friends at Kooyong Tennis Club and to speak to his younger son Graeme and granddaughter Saski in London. There is also an array of cards from other friends and well wishers.

Terry Parks reporting from Toora says she notices that the newsletter includes adventures of members. She has had a significant misadventure that may be of interest. Terry continues to be enthralled by the magnificence of her Shire horses, each of which weighs more than a tonne. On Monday 2nd March, notwithstanding that her foal (Toora Binginwarri <“Tom”>) was already on the float, one of their Shire mares, Mingara Marguerite (“Margot”), didn't want to get onto the

float. They were trying to load her to go to the vet for artificial insemination (Terry imports semen from champion European and UK Shire stallions). Margot turned quickly, knocked Terry to the ground, and then galloped over her. Consequently, Terry received a laceration on her right leg from just under the knee to just above the ankle two inches wide, even though she was wearing jeans and long socks. The Shire horse also broke Terry’s right leg below the knee and she was in hospital for 6 days having intravenous antibiotics. The vet arrived to give Margot a sedative just as the ambulance arrived to take Terry away. Before the accident , Tom had tried to jump the foal guard while Margot was refusing to get on the float. He got 3 legs over but his back left leg was still on the other side. Terry and her husband had to demolish the foal guard but couldn't get it out from under the horse completely so Terry still had to lift that leg, while he was still panicking, over the guard which was then at an angle. Tom is only 3 months old but is already more than 14 hands high and weighs about 400kg. Tom calmed down when he was contained in the front of the float but he was in there for ages waiting while Margot carried on about getting on. After the ambulance left with Terry her husband and the vet made the decision to give up trying to load Margot. Terry is now confined to a wheelchair because her arms aren’t strong enough to use crutches properly and she was putting pressure under her arms, risking compression of nerves. Those who remember the Type A that she is will understand that she’d not enjoy being confined to the house.

Gerry McPherson advised that ANZROC member Ron Pitt (92) who in WW11 enlisted in the RAAF and was posted to the RAF Bomber Command where he was a member of a crew flying Lancaster bombers on sorties over Europe has been awarded the French Legion of Honour.

Graeme Randall emails his thanks for the card that he received on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Graeme retired in 1996. After two years of retirement and some extensive travels within Australia, he became a part time teller with ANZ for six years. Graeme enjoyed this work in Acland Street, and the three St. Kilda Road Branches, 594, 376 and 420 St.Kilda

Road. The teller's job was much easier than his earlier teller's job in Bendigo and later in Chapel Street Windsor, Newmarket, Fish Creek, Swan Hill, and Tallangatta. In Bendigo, his home town, two of the gold mines were still operating and ANZ were their bankers. Graeme remembers the gold being brought in. The bank would weigh it, make an advance to the mines by crediting their account and the price of gold was fixed in those days at 3 pound 17/6 ($7.75) an ounce. The lump of impure gold was sewn into a canvas coin bag and sent by registered post to The Royal Mint, William Street, Melbourne. After seven years in Victoria Graeme was then appointed Travel Officer, Hobart, initially for two years, but he stayed for eight years. After many deferments he reluctantly returned to Melbourne at the Bank's insistence. During Graeme’s 45 years with ANZ, he was, on several occasions, attached to the Relieving Staff and visited many Branches in Victoria and Tasmania. Many Branches have since closed, or merged, but the actual building still stands....e.g. 394 Collins Street, 150 Chapel Street Windsor, and 17 Hall Street Newport. Ironically, he also worked in Premises Department in 287 Collins Street .He enjoys reading the monthly news letter, recognising many of the names of former staff.

Geoffrey Sandow writes in response to receiving his birthday greeting from ANZROC and is hopeful that it is the first of many. He sends a thank you to Kathy for sending the card and is appreciative of the work undertaken by her. Being a relatively new member of ANZROC Geoffrey is another who gets a “bit of a buzz” out of reading the letters contained in the Newsletter, particularly from those whom he has directly worked with or those met over his years of service. Reading the letter from Kevin May brought back memories from his Royal Bank Branch days, in particular joining Kevin over a period of Sunday mornings for a jogging session which included running up Gallagher’s Road hill in Glen Waverley. For those who don’t know it, the hill must be one of the steepest in Melbourne. And, they always made it to the top without stopping. Another member he recalls from his Royal Bank Branch days is Sandra Street, who was a regular card playing partner during lunch breaks as well as having the task of typing Geoffrey’s Advance Applications as the senior typist, Eileen Fitzgerald, couldn’t read his writing! Other members whom he has met or read about since joining ANZROC and who worked at Royal Bank Branch at the same time and come to mind include Mike Cooper, Alan Pearce, Ian Anderson, Mike Henry and Ian Lee. Geoffrey is currently working on putting at least one particular memory into print for Gary Mason’s potential humorous stories publication. Geoffrey also indicated that it has been great to attend the meetings and catch up with those he has worked with as well as meeting members not previously known.

Murray Skelton writes to thank ANZROC members for their kind thoughts and wishes on his recent 80th birthday. It is great to receive the card each year and is much appreciated. Murray is still playing and enjoying bowls and at times comes across other retired ANZ friends. Great grandchildren now number 7 and it is getting harder all the time trying to keep up with them. Murray and wife Ann are well settled now in Glengollan Retirement Village in Ferntree Gully and enjoy a different lifestyle. ANZROC member Ian Ewart and wife Pat are also residents in the Village. Ian and Murray played football and cricket against each other in their youth. Pat Ewart and Murray were in the same class at Upwey High School and he had not seen her since 1949.The four now get together regularly and reminisce about the past. Great fun.

Bruce Tickell writes to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card for his 86th which arrived on cue as intended. The years are steadily rising and he is sometimes amazed that his health on the whole is satisfactory relative to the age. On the subject of old banks when Bruce joined the Bank of Australasia in1945 a condition following 3 years as a supernumeray was that his height was more than or at least 5ft6”. He thinks this requirement was useful if the Bank wanted to ease you out.

Past President John Vanselow emails to advise he will not be attending the April Anzac Remembrance meeting as it is John and wife Lois’s 60th Wedding Anniversary. In addition to their family they have family arriving from Qsld and NSW on that day to celebrate the occasion.

Julie Wilkins emails her thanks to Kathy Trace for sending birthday wishes, and the card arrived on the day. Julie enjoys the newsletter which she reads cover to cover every month and she looks at all the website links .

Peter Williams emailing from Healesville says he really appreciate the good wishes for his birthday and even more as the birthday card arrived on the day. Even more special as it was for Peter’s 60th birthday. As part of his birthday "year" wife Kerrie and Peter are about to embark on a trip to "celebrate" life. Early next month they set off to Singapore, then a cruise to Hong Kong (via Vietnam). After HK they fly to Dubai for a few days to see this new world frontier. Following this they are off to Venice to pick up a Greek island cruise. Peter and Kerrie will really see the new and the old, Then home. It is now over 6 years since he "retired" and Peter says life did not end after ANZ. Still have great memories and great friendships from his days in the bank.

AND John Blampied, Roger Brown, John Caudry, Don Davy, John Gill, Harry Glover, Teddy Hanrahan, Serge McIntyre, Bruce Morley, Ray Murphy, Serge Nayna, Ken Neilson, Tom Portelli, Syd Swaby,



Thursday 14th May 2015 will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON

We are holding our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch. The meeting will be addressed by senior Salvation Army executive Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne who heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan has spoken at our Red Shield Appeal several times about the issues that confront the Salvation Army in Melbourne.

We look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear the Salvation Army representative. We raised around $4,400 last year which was an outstanding effort and any support for Salvation Army will be welcomed.

We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams, PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 to be included in the total of funds collected on the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

Carers accompanying members are welcome to attend this meeting of ANZROC .

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 8th May 2015 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function



Newsletter March 2015



Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney welcomed 50 members and Guest Speaker Gerry Cross to the first meeting in Queen Street for 2015 and Secretary Wolf Damschitz dealt with the formal matters of the day. Members not seen for some time included Cedric Coxsedge, Nev Greenway, Roy Harper, Bob Heinemann, Peter Keating, Anton Ponnampalam and Paul Tovey.

In future to make it easier for our senior members to attend our meetings carers accompanying members are welcome to attend any of the meetings of ANZROC.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are now posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Diane Carew, Robin Cates, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Ray Gill, Stan Halbish, John Hawkins, Graeme King , Ken Lee, John McPhee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin O’Neill, Terry Parks, Alan Pearce, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Geoff Sandow, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Carrazza J.A. (John) 30 years ANZ

We met John at the Greensborough meeting and look forward to seeing him at some of our forthcoming meetings.


Quirk J.R.(Ray) 92 years 21/2/2015

Brian Christensen reported that he noticed ANZROC members Wendy Black, Norm Dibbin, Brian Farrell, Neville Lewis, Wal McGillivray, Gerry and Fay McPherson, as well as Ray’s son John at the funeral Service.

John sent a brief resume about his father. Ray joined the Bank of Australasia, Brunswick branch in November, 1939 straight from school. In November of 1941 he joined 5th Infantry Battalion (Victorian Scottish Regiment) and in April, 1942 headed to WA in anticipation of Japanese landings on the west coast. In November, 1943 he embarked for Port Moresby as part of 5 Div

He was stationed at Milne Bay and served from Lae to Finschaffen and Madang and to a landing at Kelanoa. In March 1944 he was detached to “A” Company, Papuan Infantry Battalion as Platoon Sergeant in patrols from Militat. After the war, Ray resumed his banking career and accepted transfers and promotions to Horsham, Launceston, Hobart, Darwin, and Brisbane and of course many within Melbourne, finally retiring as Assistant Chief Manager, 388 Collin Street.

In retirement, he lived a happy and fulfilling family life and will be sadly missed by many.

Members at the meeting stood for a few moments in remembrance of our late Honorary Member Ray Quirk.


We have been advised by Jeremy Schreurs, Head of Product Solutions ANZ Private Bank that his uncle Brian Shipperlee passed away on 4/3/2015. Neville Pearson and Jet Jackson let me know that they played football with Brian in the ANZ Bank Football Club in 1964/65/66 - 33 games in all. Brian was the Treasurer for the Football Club following on from John Penhale. Geoff Ridgway was coach in 1966. Brian would be remembered by many members of ANZROC and ANZFC.

Past President John Stevens advised that Gavin Nailer passed away 10/3/2015 at the age of 73. From John’s knowledge Gavin joined the ANZ Bank in Perth and spent time at Derby Branch before coming to Victoria where he worked in country and suburban branches including Moonee Ponds, Myrtleford and Wodonga. John thinks that Gavin spent the last part of his career on the Audit Staff – a colleague on the Audit Staff, Tom Portelli has fond memories of Gavin as part of that team. Gavin would be remembered by many ANZROC members

John Campbell son of recently deceased Honorary Member Bruce Campbell sent me a note of Bruce’s career and his time in the AIF. In February 1938, Bruce Campbell was appointed to the Warrnambool Branch of the Union Bank of Australia Limited; however with the onset of the War, on the 5th of November 1941 Bruce left Warrnambool for Army Training at Ocean Grove where the office Sergeant was Ken Eales whom Bruce had relieved a few months earlier at the Union Bank, Hamilton. Eventually the Battalion was posted to the area 60 to 80 miles south of Darwin, where the Japanese planes strafed the camp, flying at tree-top height with machine-gun bullets. Bruce left Darwin to join ‘Norforce’ Army Headquarters and learn coding and decoding top secret messages to and from Army Headquarters in Melbourne. Bruce went to Trinity Beach, north of Cairns, to train for beach Assault Landings at Tarakan. With all his gear he had to climb a flat-bottomed landing craft to head for shore and wade through the shallow waters to the beach. He had to hold his cipher box of papers over his head, out of the water. At Balikpapan, he had to wade through water and waves waist deep. Bruce also saw service in Borneo. After the War, Bruce returned to the Bank where he made many friends over the years. At the end of his banking career he was the Senior Australian Bankers Association representative for the ANZ Bank. When John was a teenager he remembers visiting Bruce’s office a couple of times at 388 Collins Street, Melbourne and marvelling at the beautiful timber panelling and watching the city traffic from the gothic turret at 388 overlooking the corner of Collins and Queens Street, Melbourne. John started his career at the ANZ Bank and it was special to him that down the track he became a Relationship Manager located at 388 Collins Street working in the same area as Bruce had been in, including being near the gothic turret .


Neville Pearson advised that ANZROC member Dave Phelps is not well and is presently at Kingston Centre, Warrigal Road, Cheltenham and is happy to see visitors at this stage.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during MARCH 2015 and we pass

on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Ray Allsop (80), Lindsay Baglin (86), Will Bailey (82), Clive Bayley (80), Doug Carroll (82),

Kevin Cleary (84), Bob Delahoy (86), John Fairbairn (81), Graeme Hockey (80), Laurie Holland

(95), Bill Lacey (81) Tony Middleton (84), Ray Perry (86), Ron Pitt (92), Robin Pleydell (83),

Graeme Randall (80), Roy Sharman (83), Arthur Sheers (87), Murray Skelton (80), Peter

Weaving (81).


From 1/3/2015

Less than $20,000 1.47%

Greater than $20,000 1.88%


ANZAC Day – 25 April 2015 – is probably Australia's most important national occasion. It marks the 100th anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.

Anzac Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is the day on which we remember Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. The spirit of Anzac, with its human qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity.

We also remember the sacrifices made by Bank staff (Bank of Australasia, Union Bank of Australia, English Scottish & Australian Bank, Bank of Adelaide and later ANZ Bank) particularly during the First and Second World Wars but also the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

During the First World War, nearly 40% of our male staff were volunteers and joined the various armed services. The Bank supported those who joined the armed services and made up the pay difference of men who enlisted to equal the salary that the men enjoyed in the Bank. With the loss of male staff, the Bank had to adjust to the novel experience of women bank clerks. Over time women joined the Bank to replace those who had gone to war, but women were not allowed custody of cash and were kept away from direct contact with customers.

During the Second World War, the Bank of Australasia, Union Bank of Australia, English Scottish and Australian Bank, and Commonwealth Bank (as well as four other banks) relocated their London head office to shared premises at Sandroyd School, at Cobham Surrey. Only a skeleton staff remained in London. Many bank staff again rose to the occasion. In Australia and New Zealand, bank staff enlisted or after 1941 were conscripted and replaced by women. By 1943 over 60% of pre-war male staff were in the services. A truly noble sacrifice.

At this time we remember those who have served in all wars and conflicts. Our April meeting will recognise those who served and also those who have made the supreme sacrifice. In the main banking chamber of 388 Collins Street, are Rolls of Honour that list those Australian Bank staff of Bank of Australasia, Union Bank and ES & A Bank who served in the First World Wars. If you are in the city, take the time to view and remember our fallen Bank colleagues. (Photos of the Rolls of Honour are also on our website).

Details of our April ANZAC meeting are in this newsletter. Please consider coming to this special meeting.

Peter Pritchard


Brian Shipperlee’s funeral service was well attended at Heritage funeral Home Wantirna on 11th March. Brian worked 36 years with ANZ in various roles and enjoyed retirement playing golf and spending time with his children and grandchildren. Brian was a talented footballer and played three years with ANZ Bank Amateur Football Club and several years with Oakleigh FC. Neville Pearson attended on behalf of the ANZROC and ANZFC past players.

Neville would like to sincerely thank members of the ANZROC for their overwhelming and heart warming responses to his poem in last month’s ANZROC Newsletter regarding his health

Val Goldsworthy’s poem response was amazing and is as follows.

Hi Birdie on the wing,

Can you dance and can you sing,

As time goes on, we all will weather,

And suffer with the loss of a feather (or two),

But forget a name??

It’s all the same

We know the Bird

And he will be heard

Thank you Val (Neville can see his poet laureate position at ANZROC is at risk)

Neville Pearson.


Our Guest Speaker Gerry Cross is a Provider of Professional Services to the Forest Industry Trading as VDFC Van Diemen Forestry Consultants and has a wide knowledge of the issues in the industry including specific observations on the future of the Tasmanian forest industry. Gerry is a qualified Forester and used a PowerPoint presentation to outline some of his experiences working in the forests over more than 40 years in Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and overseas in Canada and New Guinea. Gerry also explained how some forestry investment schemes in Australia were oversold and poorly managed and eventually cost many Australian retirees a large part of their superannuation but there are many well managed forestry programs operating today that are making profits and focussing on regrowth of the timber assets particularly in Tasmania.

Gerry was asked a number of questions and continued to discuss forestry with members for some time after the meeting was closed.


Graeme Ainscough reports that he was particularly saddened when he received the February newsletter and he read of the passing of Col Renzow, Neil “Corny” Hamilton and Harry Trefz as he had worked with them during his time in ES&A/ANZ. Graeme met Col in the 50’s when appointed as a Ledger Keeper at ES&A Accounting Centre and Col was a highly regarded Senior Manager in the Clearing Centre for 388 Collins and Royal Bank Branches. Graeme met Corny Hamilton while playing cricket for ES&A team in the Prahran and Southern Districts “A” Competition in 61/62. Graeme said Corny’s bowling was almost unplayable on a matting wicket. ANZROC member Trevor Cookson a great friend of Corny Hamilton was the opening batsman when available for Graeme’s ES&A team and was a prolific hitter of 6’s for the team. Graeme met Harry Trefz when Graeme joined ES&A at Windsor in 1954 and they shared some very interesting and sometimes hilarious experiences .Harry was a good teacher and Graeme learnt

about the banks rules and systems relatively quickly and efficiently.

Graeme’s own health has been patchy with time spent in hospital while wife June has only recently left hospital after surgery and is now undergoing rehabilitation. On a brighter note Graeme’s Cheltenham baseball teams have had a mixed season with the senior team missing the finals but two junior teams featured in the finals. Graeme misses being able to attend the ANZROC meetings and chatting with his colleagues.

Bob and Val Bishop email their thanks again for the delivery of their cards on time for their recent birthdays. They are looking forward to more caravan trips now that Val has just completed a 3 year stint as Lady Captain at Sandhurst Golf Club. Luckily they are both keeping good health. It is always great to catch up with ANZ friends albeit sometimes at funerals.

Joe Busuttil emailing from Inverloch sends his sincere thanks to Kathy Trace, the Committee and members of ANZROC for this year’s birthday greetings. How the years keep rolling on at great speed. Last year saw Joe and his wife spending nine weeks holidaying in Europe, which included a two weeks cruise from the UK visiting Spain and Portugal, two weeks motoring in Southern England catching up with ex work colleagues and associates, with the remainder of the time travelling by train through Italy and Croatia. Not surprising their luggage seems to get heavier as they get older. In November Joe travelled to Thailand, spending time exploring villages in the North, around Chiang Mai. Unfortunately, he missed the Christmas party again last year. Hope to make it this year.

Jim Ebsworthy emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for her great job in sending birthday wishes on Jim’s 79th birthday and indeed the great job she does in doing this for all members.

Saul Eslake reports that he and wife Linda have realized a 30-year aspiration of returning to Tasmania – they acquired a house originally built (by convicts) in the 1830s,in mid-2013, spent the following 18 months having it renovated and extended, and moved in just before Christmas last year. Saul is determined to show that the kind of work he can do can be done from somewhere like Tasmania.

Ray Gill letting me know he will be missing from the March meeting says he will be in Brisbane for a National Meeting of The Australian Veterans and Defence Services Association for which Ray is now the National Vice President.

Wyn Greenwood celebrated his 94th birthday recently and was delighted to receive a card from Kathy, the ANZROC Committee and members. When reminded that it was his birthday, he cheekily responded, “Did you bring me any presents?” This resulted in considerable laughter! Thank goodness daughter Shirley White had brought something! Even though Wyn can hardly speak, he can still remember people and shows an interest in what others are doing. He is very much loved and respected in the Nursing Home at UnitingCare Strathdon, Forest Hill. His wife, Margaret, is also a resident at Strathdon, but lives in the McGarvie Hostel. They are able to see each other about twice a week.

John Harrison reporting from Bega said he and wife Narelle were in SA Echunga/Meadows with their eldest son in October and he took a week off work to drive them through Wilpena Pound and the Flinders Ranges.

John Hawkins reports that it is now the start of the tripping season and he and wife Helen will be touring Myanmar for 12days on a slow boat from Yangon to Mandalay when we are holding our March meting. Hopefully he will see members in April at the ANZC Remembrance meeting.

Martin Hayden emailed a few words about "Corny" Hamilton whose passing we reported in the February Newsletter. If there ever was a nice bloke that worked in the Bank, it would be "Corny".

When Martin joined the E.S. & A. Bank in 1961, he was posted to Clifton Hill Branch, where Corny was the No I Teller. He immediately "took Martin under his wing", protecting him from all the Insurance salesmen who called on new staff in those days trying to sell policies. He was a awesome teller, one of the best Martin has seen, and all the customers loved him. Martin can’t remember “Corny” without a smile on his face and he had a good word for everyone. Put simply, a lovely man.

David Jones emails an overdue note of thanks for the annual birthday card in January. David didn’t respond at the time due to a mishap involving a ladder – suffice to say a broken humerus isn’t funny. Well on the mend now having had a plate and a raft of screws inserted. Trips which involve going through airport scanners are going to be interesting.

Mike Lawrence writes about his time with ANZROC Honorary member Bob Hunter who recently turned 90. Mike worked with Bob at Croydon Branch in 1970 after the merger .Mike has also provided a few stories for Gary Mason’s Anecdotes Book which will be worth a look when the book is published.

Karl Mattingly was delighted to receive ANZROC's birthday wishes and he enjoys the regular newsletter. Since joining ANZROC in 2007, Karl has built his own Internet based risk forecasting business in Melbourne, London and Washington. The development years included working for IARPA in the USA, winning Australian government R&D funding and several patents. A 16 minute TEDx talk he gave in November 2014 in the UK talking about "trust networks" sums the last 7 years up quite well and you can hear it on ... it is dry but bankers and regulators seem to like it. Karl now spends his time working equally between Australia, the UK and the USA where the start-up team are based. Importantly for ANZROC, in a team of almost 30, the youngest team member is 16 and the oldest is now 87 with several in their 70's and 80's amongst the highest performing team members!! Karl and his partner Anne-Louise are based in Melbourne where 5 of 6 children study or work. But they also spend time on the NSW south coast where they also have a place. Because work involves so much travel, they love retreating the NSW coast or to Lord Howe Island whenever possible. Would love to hear from old friends at big blue particularly those that think they still have a talent for risk forecasting and would like to keep their hand in.

Bob Maughan emailing from Perth says please pass on his belated thanks for the Birthday card. Still trying to work out where the 75 years have gone!

David Robinson emailing from Battery Point Tasmania sends his thanks to Kathy Trace for her effort in getting the card to him right on time again . . . the Late Max Bade would be very proud of her ongoing commitment to ANZROC members.

Mavis Ryan writes to thank Kathy Trace so much for her heart warming Christmas and Birthday cards. These cards and the best wishes are sincerely appreciated.

Dick Sanders emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday wishes on time as ever. How strange the mail is these days when he also received a card from a sister in law in Queensland which also took one day and yet a while ago a letter from Glen Waverley took ten days! Dick always looks forward to the monthly newsletter and the doings of members. He was disheartened reading Neville Pearson’s recent Twitter but Neville faces up to adversity as he has always done like a difficult match on the tennis court. Dick was also saddened to hear of the death of Ray Quirk who was his Manager at 446 Little Collins Street – a fine and well respected man.

Dick continues to attend most bi-monthly meetings at the Mulgrave Country Club and looks forward to doing so.

Brian Wrigley sends thanks for his January birthday wishes. All has been well during the year except for the last Saturday in September. Brian and wife Jan went to the Commonwealth Veterans Fencing Championship, at Largs in Scotland where he was eventually eliminated from the men’s epee by a Canadian. They then spent some time in London and Paris. Family increased by one bringing the grandchildren total to ten.

Sheila Wylie emailed her thanks for the Birthday Card that she recently received. It was very kind and much appreciated.


Jim Burke, Tony Cookson, Mike Cooper, Ian Davies, Malcolm DeBono, Mike Elliott, John Fairbairn, Des Field, Barbara Firth, Dick Hellard, Trevor Lewis, Bob Lyon, Tad Misiewicz,

Geoff Osborne, John Pearson, Roger Pickering, Alan Potter, Doris Ridett, John Ries, Ian Roberts, Alan Ryan, Brian Sanders, Arthur Sheers, Jack Shelton, Leon Stewart, Geoff Stillman, Nik Tsardakis, David Umphelby, Neil Warne, Doug Watson, John White, Ron G Williams, John Winbanks,




The Staff Concessional Loan benefit as detailed in the Staff Benefits policy was recently reviewed. As a result the Staff Concessional Lending product suite was closed to new lending and is no longer available for new applications or renewals/refinances. Officers leaving ANZ (including due to retirement, resignation or retrenchment) with 30 years or more service were formerly eligible for this product. The change that has been made relates only to a specific loan product – Staff Concessional Lending – and is now closed for new applications or renewals/refinances for all customers, and hence, has an impact to eligible Retired Officers. There are only a very small number of Retired Officers with a Staff Concessional Loan currently, and the terms of all existing loans remain unchanged.

Staff Banking benefits are also unaffected by this review.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact ANZ Priority on 1800 454 688, 8am to 8pm (AEST), Monday to Friday.


Reminders have been sent to those members who were in arrears for the year to 30 September 2015. There are still 75 members with subs unpaid but some within that number are members that have been in arrears for 2 years and we will have no alternative but to cancel their membership if not paid up by 30/4/2015. Contact John Brown, Hon Treasurer for all enquiries regarding subscriptions - Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 03 9802 1810, mobile 0425827540.


ANZROC members have the opportunity to join the ANZ Staff Social Club and enjoy privileged access to exclusive discounts on a wide range of famous retail brands with amazing savings of up to 70% off RRP. The range includes kitchenware, home wares, wines, travel goods, perfume and beauty products, baby merchandise and much more. Whether you are purchasing groceries, buying clothes or furnishing your home, staff club has a gift card to suit you. They have discounted gift cards from various retailers throughout Australia helping you stretch your dollar further.

Staff Club has holiday homes located at some of the most popular holiday destinations Australia wide, including:

* VIC - Cowes, Rye, Apollo Bay, Lakes Entrance, Anglesea

* NSW - North Haven, Batemans Bay

* QLD - Surfers Paradise, Broadbeach

* SA - Encounter Bay

PLUS, Staff Club has partnered with a number of major Australian leisure providers to offer exclusive access to fantastic holiday and accommodation offers for its members. Staff Club can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and their outlets in Melbourne are located at: Docklands, Level 4B, ANZ Centre, 833 Collins Street, Docklands ,10:00am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday: Dorcas St ,Level 6, 75 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne ,12:30pm - 4:30pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and Queen St , Level 4, 100 Queen Street, CBD .12:00pm - 4:00pm Monday to Friday .

If you would like more information then contact Ron Adams on 0408 136 100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Gary Mason has been collecting humorous stories which happened over the years and will have a book published if sufficient entries can be obtained.

If anyone has a story or two they are prepared to share openly (with names included if no privacy concerns exist) would they please contact him direct on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (03) 9571 9575

Descriptive stories would enable other staff to appreciate the event.

If publication eventuates, the booklet will be made available at a nominal price.



The getaway was a great success and 24 members and partners enjoyed a couple of days relaxing, playing golf, cooking barbecues and entertained with a Chef prepared dinner on the last night. The Golf results were a mixed bag but David Schunke walked away with the Champions award for Men and Wendy Woods was successful in the Women’s tournament albeit only 8 players turned up for the early morning tee off. It was a pleasure to see Bruce and Glennis Robertson from Runaway Bay in attendance. No event is successful without the hard work of the organisers and thanks must go to Kevin and wife Bernice Mitchell for arranging the getaway and John Inglis and Dal Crocker for organising the golf tournament.


Our Secretary Wolf Damschitz has been busy arranging our guest speakers for meetings in June/August and September and the details follow:

11th June 100 Queen Street Thomas Heberling the Dealership Principal of Mercedes Benz Melbourne. His family has been involved for three generations with Mercedes Benz. He will talk about Mercedes Benz's engineering history, achievements and future

13th August 100 Queen Street Dr Andrew Remenyi, Clinical psychologist, and his talk includes his research and experiences with treatment by Hypnosis

10th September 100 Queen Street Ian Bock from the Melbourne Camera Club.


Thursday 9th APRIL 2015 will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON .

This will be our ANZAC remembrance meeting and this year marks the 100th anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. We are arranging for a guest speaker with RSL background and the conduct of the traditional ANZAC remembrance ceremony will be in the capable hands of ANZROC members Kevin Mitchell and Brian Christensen.

Please consider coming to this special meeting and Returned Servicemen and Returned Servicewomen do not need to pay for this luncheon.

For our senior members, carers accompanying members are welcome to attend.


If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 3rd April 2015 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Newsletter February 2015



Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



President Peter Pritchard welcomed 66 members and their partners who travelled to our first meeting of 2015 held at the Greensborough RSL, an impressive venue and a most enjoyable meeting followed. Peter covered the formal matters of the day and we were then treated to good food and were able to mix freely with members and their partners. Thanks must go to Dal Crocker who organised the venue for us and Joan Nathan for keeping the attendance records for the day.

Members not seen for some time included Robin Cates, Rino Frigo, Frank Hatfield, Stan Halbish, John Inglis and Robin Chase came from Clifton Springs to catch up with colleagues.

In future to make it easier for our senior members to attend our meetings carers accompanying members are welcome to attend any of the meetings of ANZROC and that includes the Christmas luncheon.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Jock Buntain, Diane Carew, Cedric Coxsedge, Wolf Damschitz, Don Davy, John Duke, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth,, John Hawkins, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Terry Parks, Neville Pearson, David Schunke, John Vanselow, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Bloom J.P.(Jeff) ANZ 20 years

Deady Mrs Lesley ANZ 8 years

Frighetto R. (Reny) ANZ 30 years

Marlin A.(Allan) ANZ 26 years

Schnabl Jurgen ANZ 44 years

Yoon Y.S. (Karen) ANZ 16 years

We look forward to meeting Jeff, Lesley, Reny, Allan, Jurgen and Karen at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Campbell B.R. (Bruce) 93 years 15/1/2015

Bruce enlisted in the Australian Army in March 1941 and at date of discharge in April 1946 was Sergeant 1 Australian Cipher Section. Honorary member Bruce was a keen correspondent writing articles for the newsletter for many years and a strong supporter of ANZROC. If members have any anecdotes of their time with Bruce let me know and I will include in future newsletters.

Collins R.B.F (Rae) 94 years 19/1/2015

Don Davy advised that our Honorary Member R.B.F (Rae) Collins passed away at Cabrini Hospital aged 94 years. Rae was a regular contributor to our Newsletter and a strong supporter of our Club until ill health prevented him from attending our events. Don visited Rae on a daily basis and was able to read our newsletters to Rae.

Brian Christensen said that in 1956, both Brian and Rae worked at the Olympic Village A N Z Branch, under the management of Charles Rennie. Brian was newly married, no motor car, in Digs at Oakleigh. Rae drove him to work daily to the Olympic Village and got to know him pretty well. In more recent times, he has seen a deal of Rae at East Malvern R S L Club, where they were both members. Rae was a regular at Anzac Day Dawn Services at the R S L until last year.

Kevin Mitchell reports that Rae was a close friend of the late Murray Wood who met regularly and attended Anzac Day Dawn Service at East Malvern RSL, when Kevin and Brian Christensen would catch up with them at the Gunfire Breakfast after the Dawn Service. Rae was always pleased to see you with stories to tell even though another year had passed since we last met.

Kevin, Brian and Wal McGillivray were ANZROC members noted at the well attended funeral service where our member Don Davy gave a heartfelt eulogy for his friend.

Renzow C.D. (Col) 98 years 7/1/2015

Colin served in the RAAF during WW2. He enlisted 10/8/1942 and was discharged 14/5/1946 with the rank of corporal from HQ Southern Area. Life Member David Knuckey said that our Honorary Member Col was the first banker he saw when he joined ES&A and they became firm friends and their association continued after Col’s retirement often at our quarterly Thursday night meetings. Col was a great supporter of the ANZROC night meetings which he rarely missed. If members have memories of their time with Col then let me know and I will include in future newsletters.

Trefz Hartmann (Harry) 85 years 6/11/2014

Honorary Member Harry passed away at the Wantirna Health Hospital after suffering a stroke a couple of days earlier and lost consciousness from which he never recovered. Harry was a regular contributor to our newsletter in later years and more recently was often in contact with our committee woman and Welfare committee member Joan Nathan.

Members and partners at the Greensborough meeting stood in remembrance of Bruce, Ray, Col and Harry and condolences from ANZROC members are extended to their families and friends.

Kevin Kelly and Trevor Cookson advised that T.C. (Neil ) Hamilton passed away in November 2014 at the age of 86.Corny as he was known worked in ES&A from 1949 to 1966.Neil was a keen footballer and cricketer playing in the Bank’s football team that had regrouped after WW11 and began in D grade but by 1958 elevated to B grade. Neil was better known as a cricketer however winning the Prahran and District Competition bowling average as a leg spinner. Resigning from the Bank in 1966 he went on the first of twenty overseas trips. While he did not return to the Bank he retained friendships with a number of contemporary personnel. He was a character and accordingly quite popular. Such would be his epitaph.

Lawrie Foord advised that Leonard S Dow with whom Lawrie had worked in Area Management passed away at the age of 79 in February in Adelaide. Leonard would be remembered by many ANZROC members.

Nola Forsyth advised that Robin Kent who was very helpful to her when she was organising the reunions for 94 Collins Street and 351 Collins street staff passed away in mid January and Robin would be remembered by many ANZROC members.


The following Honorary members would be enjoying a birthday during JANUARY/FEBRUARY

and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Murray Abraham (89),

Ron Breckenridge (85), Alan Briant (83), Jock Buntain (85), Alan Burt OAM (90), Reg Caudry

(83), Cedric Coxsedge (89), Max Fisher (84), Wyn Greenwood (94), Max Guest (81),

Dick Hellard (85), Mary Henley, Frank Hickey (90), David Hughes (83), Dennis Humphries (89),

Robert Hunter (97), Kevin Kelly (81), Gerry Kennedy (91), Bob Kirkland (92), Paul Kitchin

(92), Bill Luscombe (80), Jack Moyle (90), Laurie Redfearn, Dawn Routledge, Alan Rutzou (80), Mavis Ryan,

Bruce Scott (89), Graham Spruzen (84), Terry Talbot (86), Bruce Tickell (86), Roly Webster

(82), Keith Westaway (81), Barry Weston OAM (83), Norm Wheatley (84), Don Whitford (80),

Jim Wood (92), Henry Wynne (80).


From 1/1/2015 1/2/2015

Less than $20,000 1.69% 1.68%

Greater than $20,000 2.16% 2.15%

Birdies Twitter

It is Neville’s wish that his latest poem be printed for members albeit the news has a serious impact on him personally and our thoughts are with him and wife Cheryl…


My dearest friends what can I say

I received my brain scan results today

The scans in question are called SPECT” and “PET”

It shows brain damage that makes one forget

My dilemma is do I keep the reports to myself

Whilst they gather dust upon the shelf

Or do I tell the world the news

And we can wash them away with lots of booze

Whilst one option is to keep it quite discreet

That for me, would be an impossible feat

So I accept the fact that I am an old timer

And will do my best to fight my Alzheimer

It was diagnosed by a Psychiatrist at an early stage

And I should have up to 7 years in which to rage

So please forgive me if I forget your name

Be assured that I love you all just the same



Murray Abraham writes to thank members of ANZROC for the good wishes for his 89th birthday. Murray says 2014 was forgettable undergoing a spinal operation and suffering two minor strokes but with the assistance of “battery power” he is enjoying golf again. Instead of distilled water he tops up his battery with a scotch or two each evening. Murray is brought back to reality when he visits his GP who welcomes him with “Come in Lazarus”.

Dave Brookman writes from Dromana to express his appreciation for the Christmas card and the thoughts contained therein.

Geoff Christmas says thanks for the birthday wishes but they are coming too quickly. Another busy year started with a guided tour through Japan. Geoff and wife Heather started on the North Island and travelled by fast trains, subway trains, buses, planes, and taxis which was a good experience and allowed them to see the real Japan. They covered many places and had an enjoyable snap shot of Japan, and went down to Ishigaki Island, before finishing with a few days in Tokyo. The experience was wonderful and they would go again if the opportunity arose. They had the usual stint at Coolum Beach for the winter catching up with family and friends and doing a lot of walking for Heather’s adventure later in 2014. Heather was involved in a fund raising adventure for Breast Cancer Network Association, and raised in excess of $9k. The adventure was a journey to China to walk around 45 klm’s on the Great Wall which was a very uplifting experience. This year Geoff and Heather in April will ride in Italy around the lakes encompassing Venice, and finish with a trip to South America and cruise to Antarctica. Once again thanks for the birthday card and the newsletters that bring with them many memories.

Bill Collins emails his thanks for the birthday wishes which would have arrived on time (as usual) except that he had neglected to advise his change of address to ANZROC. Bill and wife Dearne finally faced the inevitable and downsized to an apartment. It was very traumatic for them. Imagine trying to fit the contents of a garage and two sheds in three shelves of a cupboard in an apartment.

John Conn emails his thanks to Kathy Trace and ANZROC for his birthday card.

On his birthday John and wife Linda were spending a fortnight in Gippsland just relaxing and enjoying a time away. Linda is still working 3 days a week so they are somewhat restricted to school holidays, except when she had LSL and they went to Europe for over three months. John and Linda went to Darwin in July to get a little heat, which is always a welcome change from the Melbourne chills.

Neil Franklin emails his thanks for the birthday card received as usual right on time, many thanks to the committee and fellow members of ANZROC. Neil hopes to get to meetings during 2015, as due to health problems work has passed him by and he will have time to spare.

Don Fraser writes to thank ANZROC for the Christmas card and good wishes that arrived recently. Don Misses the meetings very much but at age 90 is not fit enough to attend any more. Don is now a resident in an Aged Care facility in Sunbury.

John Gill emailing from Wodonga sends his thanks to Kathy Trace, President Peter Pritchard and Committee for the 79th Birthday Wishes. John appreciates the work that goes into recording and acknowledging members’ birthdays. He also looks forward to the newsletter which brings back many happy memories of fellow workers, auditors and others whom he had met during his career.

John is fortunate to know a number of ANZROC Retirees in Wodonga and Albury and comes across them regularly. Unfortunately he has been unable to attend the Annual Christmas Party for the past 3 or so years because of other commitments at that time.

Margaret Hall writing for husband Theo Hall said that Theo was delighted to receive his birthday card spot on time from Kathy Trace. Many thanks for all Kathy does as it gives a lot of people extra joy on their birthdays. Margaret was so pleased to meet Kathy and Sandra Joseph at the AGM and she and Theo especially enjoyed the Christmas luncheon.

Bill Halsall emailing from Benalla sends thank Kathy for his birthday card which, as usual, arrived on the due date. Bill sends his regards to all ANZROC members.

Bob Heinemann emails thanks for his birthday card and appreciates the good wishes. In June last Bob and wife Heather went to Europe for seven weeks and undertook a river trip from Budapest to Amsterdam. Then they took the train to Paris to stay with Bob’s daughter and family, did some sailing on the Mediterranean in their boat, and also visited D- Day 6th June sights in the north of France. On landing in Prague last July he discovered he had acquired deep vein thrombosis (dvt) which lay dormant for 6 months and then required treatment that is currently underway.

Brian Henderson emails his thanks to all for the Birthday Wishes. In March Brian and wife Chris flew down to Victoria for his sister’s 50th wedding anniversary and a stop over in Canberra to visit Chris’s son and family before they head off to India on a posting in Chennai. In May they went down to the Gold Coast for a change of pace and see what changes there are as it was some time since last being down there .Caught up with Terry Patton, whom some would know, in Tweed Heads. A most enjoyable week was spent with some friends on their 40 ft catamaran in the Whitsundays in July. They know the area pretty well so they spoilt themselves eating lots of oysters, mud crabs and fish as well as enjoying the beautiful scenery. As Chris’s daughter has moved down to Brisbane they have made a few trips down there including seeing “The King and I “stage show. After 10 years as chairman of their Body Corporate Brian resigned at the Annual Meeting in August He is playing bowls a couple of times a week ,a little bit of genealogy research ,a five km walk a couple of times a week and nothing else really apart from enjoying the climate at home in Hervey Bay.

Bruce Iddles wrote to thank the ANZROC Committee for the birthday wishes received on his special 70th birthday.

Bob Kirkland writes his thanks for the birthday wishes on his 92nd. Bob had just returned from a 6 week cruise with his family from Los Angeles to Miami via the Panama Canal. He thinks that at 92 that may be his last overseas cruise. The newsletters are very much appreciated and Bob looks forward to them even though he does not know many of the members but they are still of great interest.

Brian Knowles emails his thanks for the beautifully timed birthday greeting. Not so easy to achieve at this time of year. Brian, wife Jan, three sons and 4 grandchildren are all in good health and all living in Melbourne right now. Life is pretty good.

Bob Lyon emailing from his home in Fiji sends thanks for the birthday wishes. When Bob retired, he didn’t intend to be still working at this age, but you can’t play golf every day and the boards that he is on keep him on the ball, particularly their new solar company, Sunergise, now in five countries. Still, Bob and wife Helen managed to fit in a bit of travel and have just returned from three weeks in Hawaii. It has been a good summer in Fiji but very hot and while they have been lucky so far, a cyclone is predicted to be just off the coast in early February. Bob and Helen are off to the Ashes again this year, bookended with a trip to Ireland and a Danube river cruise. They get back to Australia three or four times a year, mainly to catch up with Bob’s father Gordon 93 who is also an ANZROC member. It was good to catch up with everyone at the Christmas lunch and he hopes to be there again this year.

Zelda Martin passes on to Kathy her grateful thanks for her Birthday card, received as usual right on the day. What surprises Zelda most is that the other cards manage to arrive a day early or a day late, but Kathy inevitably hits the right date. This year, Zelda’s mobility has been reduced

somewhat due to increasing problems with arthritis and lymph oedema to the extent that travel was confined to shorter trips around Victoria. Playing tourist in one's home state is an interesting experience; it is quite fun finding out what is actually available. She is very glad that, in previous years, she travelled widely both within Australia and overseas.

Noel Matthews emails that it is so good to receive these greetings after a year in which noticeable gaps started emerging in the ranks of friends and relatives. Personally Noel is going well health-wise and in various musical pursuits - writing and teaching, but not doing enough playing. He feels there is still lots to learn and is looking forward to a better 2015.

Kevin May emailing from Paradise Gardens Qsld sends his thanks to Kathy Trace, on cue as always for his birthday card .A fairly familiar year for Kevin and his wife in 2014, with autumn in Hawaii and Christmas in good old Melbourne. Still no place quite like home on the Gold Coast, except the humidity is stifling in February.

Wal McGillivray writes to thank President Peter and members for the kind birthday wishes for his 92nd and Kathy Trace excelled again with the card arriving on the day. Wal also thanks members for the Christmas Card and he has already thanked Neville Pearson in person for this kind gesture for the over 90’s.Wal smiled when he read John Hobbs’s mention of his father being required to guarantee him against defalcation. When Wal joined the Bank of Australasia in 1941 his father also signed as guarantor. Wal was on 3 years probation and had to pay 10 pounds for a Fidelity Insurance bond payable at 2pounds10shillings quarterly. Wal joined the armed forces after paying one instalment and 6 years later when he rejoined the bank after only 2 weeks he received a debit for the outstanding amount. Talking about how things change when Wal was transferred to Foster in 1948 there was an attractive redhead working on the ledgers. When they announce their engagement in 1948 his fiancée Lorna was immediately asked to resign. Wal enjoyed the Christmas luncheon again although there were many familiar faces missing. May it long continue that we can catch up with old friends?

Jock McGregor emails his thanks to ANZROC, with special thanks to Kathy for his Birthday Card. Another year has gone and it seems that in retirement he is getting busier!

Bruce Michell emails his many thanks to Kathy for the birthday greetings as he always appreciates being remembered.

Peter Nyga reports that his South Island, New Zealand trip last October / November was a resounding success. Peter and partner, June, hired a small campervan and toured all over the South Island for 21 days. Their route was anti-clockwise around the island from Christchurch to Christchurch. The campervan was perfect for their frequent stopping, taking yet another photo of a stunning vista, lifestyle. Peter has frequently been asked, "What was the highlight of the trip?" Peter's response is always, "Anywhere where I could see snow-capped mountains - which are in a lot of places on the South Island." Both Peter and June enjoy landscape photography. And what's next? North Island beckons.

John Quirk wishes to thank ANZROC for the birthday card for birthday number 66. As usual it demonstrates a sterling effort by Kathy Trace. On a sad note, John’s father ANZROC member Ray Quirk (92) has been assessed following his stroke and will be placed in Aged Care in the near future. He will continue to enjoy the best available medical support and that of his family. John said that after reading John Hobbs comments in the last Newsletter he asked Ray if he knew of any other surviving Bank of Australasia staff. His memory is obviously still good. Ray told him that both Ron Cashin and Norm Dibbin were “A’asia” staff members. Ray worked with Ron in the ANZ Staff Dept in the early 1950s and with Norm when he opened 594 St.Kilda Road in 1962. So that’s three that we know of with Ray being the oldest of them. Ray joined the Bank of Australasia in 1940 just prior to heading off to WW2. John would be interested to know if there are any other surviving members of the Bank of Australasia staff.

John Stevens Past President and Life member emails his thanks for the birthday greetings he received .John says if he was a cricketer with the score he is on he would be pretty well set.

Sandra Street emails thanks to the ANZROC committee and Kathy Trace in particular for the birthday good wishes. The card arrived right on the dot for her "significant" birthday which is no mean feat these days. Sandra is grateful to be remembered in this manner as she is sure everyone else is too. She was having a bit of a clean-out at home recently and came across some cards from significant birthdays past which brought back some fond memories of people and days gone by in the bank. It's a great family.

Neville Taylor sends his thanks to all at the ANZROC Club for the seasons greeting and for the birthday card for the occasion of his 94th birthday. The work and time involved by all is appreciated each year.

Athol Watkins writing from Clifton Springs on his 78th says thanks to Kathy Trace for reminding him another year has passed, luckily a healthy one. Athol enjoys reading about the travel exploits of familiar names and he and his wife drove to Cairns in 2014 to enjoy the warmth over winter. They have now booked a cruise from Singapore to Tokyo in April which will be nice after quite a busy bowls season.

Eric Williams writing from Warrnambool sends his thanks for the very welcome Christmas card he received from ANZROC Committee members Neville Pearson, Joan Nathan and Kathy Trace. Eric is 94 and says he is fortunately in good health.

Keith Winckles emailed to say thanks for the birthday wishes. The past year Keith has been fairly inactive getting over a knee replacement but is hoping to be a lot more active this year.

Theo Yardley emails his thanks to President Peter, the Committee and Members for birthday wishes from the Victorian Club. Theo’s wife Pat's inability to travel confines them to Sydney so the whole family gathered there for Christmas and most were able to stay on for the birthday - a happy coincidence of events. Best wishes to all.

Lloyd Zegenhagen emailed his thanks to Kathy for her special wishes for his 91st birthday.

The family all had a very good time, with their two daughters returning from overseas for the event, and also numerous family members and friends from interstate as well as Victoria.

A good venue was chosen at a winery in the Yarra Valley, and it was a perfect day. No overseas holidays this year, but they were content with several interstate and local holidays. It is time to do some planning of a more extensive nature which they hope to do in the near future.

AND Roger Brown, Bill and Judy Davies, Bob English, Max Fisher, Richard Ham, Neville Harvey, John Hawkins, Andy Herd, Geoff Horton, Bill Lanigan, Ian McRobinson, Ian Manley, Noelene Noonan, David Phelps, Ron Pidcock, Alex Pigdon, Bevyn Ranford, Julie O’Regan, Sudipto Pal, Dick Sanders, Ken Swan, Glenda White , Sheila Wylie, John York




Gary Mason has been collecting humorous stories which happened over the years and will have a book published if sufficient entries can be obtained.

If anyone has a story or two they are prepared to share openly (with names included if no privacy concerns exist) would they please contact him direct on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (03) 9571 9575

Descriptive stories would enable other staff to appreciate the event.

If publication eventuates, the booklet will be made available at a nominal price.


The ANZROC web-site has now had over 90,000 hits and the ANZROC Facebook page has attracted 145 'likes'.

For Members who are not on Facebook themselves you might want to mention the ANZ Retired Officers' Club page to family and friends who could be interested in seeing some of the posts there especially recent photos. The photos from this week's lunch at Greensborough have already reached over 450 people. If anyone wishes to add relevant photos or articles related to ANZ onto the Facebook page they are welcome to do so.



The annual get together is open to all members/ partners and singles.24 members and partners will be there in force so if you would like to join them contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


We have changed the schedule for June and July to meet the requirements of members and the June meeting will now be held at 100 Queen Street and the July meeting switched to Mulgrave Country Club….

June Meeting: 11th June 100 Queen Street

July Meeting: 9th July Mulgrave Country Club


Roy Davenport has contacted Gary Mason to see if ANZROC can help him with his family history searches. He recently discovered links with family of the name of Westerman. Ironically he traced our late ANZROC member Trevor Arthur Westerman who passed away on 3/1/2013 2013 aged 92. . Trevor was an ES&A Manager from 1959 until retirement when he retired to Frankston in the late 70’s. Roy would like to get in touch with anyone that may have worked with Trevor or is aware of contact details of any of Trevor's family members.

Roy’s contact details are at his email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thursday 12th MARCH 2015 will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON

Our Guest Speaker will be Gerry Cross who is a Provider of Professional Services to the Forest Industry Trading as VDFC Van Diemen Forestry Consultants and has a wide knowledge of the issues in the industry including an insight on the Tasmanian industry. Gerry will also have some knowledge of the forestry investment schemes that have cost many Australian retirees a large part of their superannuation.

Carers accompanying members are welcome to attend this meetings of ANZROC .

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 6th March 2015 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Newsletter December 2014





Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



Presidents’ Pen

Our 2014 Christmas Luncheon at the Arts Centre was well attended with 272 members and bank guests enjoying the opportunity to get together. ANZ guests included Mike Smith, Graham Hodges, Shayne Elliott and Jo Mikleus. We are indebted to the Bank for their most generous financial support to ANZROC.

Next year, May 2015 marks 180 years since the Bank of Australasia was incorporated in London by Royal Charter on 21 May 1835. The first branch was opened later that year on 14 December in a house at 235 George Street, Sydney and within eight years occupied a substantial two storey building on the same site. Since then the Bank has grown to what we have today: a rich and proud history of which we all have been part of the story.

This year 2014, marks the 61st year of the recorded history of ANZROC Victoria. Our history goes back to early 1953 when the club was formed as a result of the merger of the Bank of Australasia and the Union Bank of Australia in October 1951, to form ANZ Bank. However the history of retired officers getting together no doubt predates this by many years, but the Bank’s archives have failed to shed light on this earlier history. More than likely there have been retired officers associations stretching back as long as the Bank has been in existence.

ANZROC Vic since 1953 has grown, from a handful of members to nearly a thousand members. Today, ANZROC provides regular monthly newsletters, our ever expanding website, we are on Facebook, birthday cards to all members (which always arrive on the day), welfare activities as required to our older members, including Christmas cards to members over 90 years, members support to the annual Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal – this year $4,400 was raised; guest speakers at our meetings at Queen St, suburban and country lunch meetings and our all-important Christmas Luncheon. All made possible by a hard working committee.

However we also need to consider other opportunities outside the normal meeting schedules which may be of interest to groups of members. We welcome feedback and suggestions. We look forward to seeing each of you at one of the various ANZROC functions in 2015.

On behalf of the committee, I would like to wish all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year.

Peter Pritchard


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Diane Carew, Ken Crawford, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Brian Farrell, Nola Forsyth, Phil Goodier, Stan Halbish, Graeme King , Ken Lee, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Tom Portelli, Graeme Randall, Don Ranyard, Michael Sweeney, Miles Tiller, Glen Twidale, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins,


Manuel R.W. (Rocky) 39.5 years ANZ

We look forward to meeting Rocky at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Cross P.G. (Paul) December 2013 87 years

(Notification received by ANZROC only in November 2014)

Paul enlisted in the RAAF in December 1944 and at date of discharge in January 1948 was a Leading Aircraftman in Station HQ, Laverton.

Frank Edwards reports that having been sidelined after a bit of surgery and having nothing better to do, he has done a bit of web surfing. Reading about the late Norm Deady in the Newsletter and having an interest in things RAF Frank looked up RAF Gamston where Norm was discharged. The Station had a varied history, but it was primarily a training base and ended its useful days as the repatriation point for around 1,400 RAAF personnel at the end of the war. Norm’s funeral notice in the paper had him down as a Pathfinder, which would have had him serving in a RAAF bomber squadron and as he ended up as a Flying Officer Frank would imagine Norm put in quite a few trips

Dick Sanders remembers the late Doug Vollmerhouse joining the Punched Card Section at Methods Department (177 Toorak Road, South Yarra), around 1960/1 when Dick and Doug often worked weekends to meet deadlines before being two of a number of shift workers. Doug became Dick’s 2i/c of one shift. His work was immaculate and he was a very quiet thoughtful and dedicated officer.

He was a member of Dick’s squash team, which Dick started with others of the Department being Terry Boocock and Geoff Donnelly. They entered the team as part of Robertson’s Squash Club in South Yarra. Doug became one of the early acceptances for progressing to Programming and other associated work in Data Processing as Punched Cards wound down. In their Punched Cards Section – Tabulations - Doug was called “Uncle Doug” or just plain “Uncle” by all the girls – where they held him in high regard. One of them added to his name he had on his ruler thus :D Vollmerhouse with an R, next day it was added to by another girl thus: “D Vollmerhauserruler” and subsequently by yet another girl thus: “D Vollmerhauserrulerliner” – which amused Doug quite a bit. On one occasion, Doug and Dick drove up to Wagga to participate in the Bank Sporting weekend – an annual event enjoyed by all participants. He was a good tennis player and at least one occasion was Dick’s partner in the Bank’s Annual Grass Tournament at the Albert Ground. As their lives took separate paths they met only occasionally. He played tennis for Grace

Park Tennis Club and later was a member of Box Hill Golf Club where a number of ANZ retirees were members He is fondly remembered and Dick’s sympathy to his family.


John Quirk reported that his father, Ray Quirk suffered a major stroke on the evening of Tuesday 2nd December. He is in Epworth Richmond and pleasingly John has noted a little improvement each day. Ray at 92 is alert to what is happening around him and is communicating well. For the time being Ray is not quite up to visitors just yet.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during DECEMBER and we pass

on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alan Boak (80), Ian Cann (87), Trevor

Cookson (84), Fergus Darmody (81), Kevin Dempster (84), John Hicks (87), Joan Lamond, John

Logan (80), Wal McGillivray OAM (91), Bevyn Ranford (81), Noel Robertson (84), Molly

Saint, Neville Taylor (94), Bill Thorne (85), Glen Twidale (84), Ron Wells (83), Jack

Willoughby (89), Theo Yardley (84), Lloyd Zegenhagen (90).


From 1/12/2014

Less than $20,000 1.68%

Greater than $20,000 2.16%


At our Christmas luncheon in the ANZ Pavilion, Mike Smith, CEO of ANZ Banking Group responded to the toast to ANZ ably given by Dan Kirtley who led us through his experiences in Esanda, ANZ Internal Audit locally and overseas and a stint in New Zealand where he was Chief Internal Auditor.

Mike spoke about the changes in ANZ during his 7 year tenure and the Bank’s stunning successes in this electronic age highlighting the “Go Money” product. He mentioned the challenges faced and dealt with over the 7 years and now the future challenge faced with the Murray Review when clearly a strong banking system is needed to feed into a strong economy. He focussed on the record profits and the record dividends enjoyed by the shareholders many of whom were at the luncheon. He was particularly pleased with the growth in mortgage lending and the significant jump in Wealth Banking custom. Mike also touched on the forthcoming 180th birthday of the Bank of Australasia and its part in ANZ’s history. The Bank’s ambitious plans for celebration and recognition of the 100 years since the landing by the Anzac’s at Gallipoli were also discussed. 1915 was such an important time in ANZ’s history when 40% of Staff volunteered for active service all those years ago and 300 of these brave volunteers did not return. A sobering reflection today on the sacrifices made by those young men and women in 1914/18.

Mike wished ANZROC members and families all the best for a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year in 2015 and said he was looking forward to talking to us again next year.

A large number of photos taken at the Christmas lunch can be viewed on our ANZROC website.


Vic Ansell emails a ‘thank you' for the birthday greetings sent by the committee via Kathy and received 'on the day' .Vic had a quiet day with wife Lynn and they enjoyed dinner with their daughter and her partner . Vic and Lynn then drove to Bright for a week and had an enjoyable

time. Bright really is a lovely place. Hard to believe Vic has now been out of the Bank for 15 years - he really doesn't know where the time has gone. Vic has very much enjoyed the monthly meetings again this year and it is always interesting to see the names of people he knew and worked with and what they are doing in retirement.

Frank Edwards has recovered from recent surgery and is playing golf again with his Esanda colleague Mark Stankovich.

Brian Farrell writes to send his thanks to the Committee for the birthday wishes he received spot on the day for his 86th birthday. Thanks Kathy Trace. Family members helped him celebrate the occasion and they enjoyed good food and wine but unfortunately he was unable to share due to the effects of recent surgery. Brian says that this will also mean he will miss the Christmas luncheon – the first since retirement- however he hopes to pick it up again next year.

Stephen Green emails his thanks for the recent birthday card, which was waiting for Stephen upon his return from a short birthday break in NSW. He is now almost 18 months into retirement. Stephen and his wife travelled overseas a couple of times in the second half of last year, but this year have stayed firmly rooted at home as they have been kept busy with house renovations and assisting with the affairs of elderly parents.

Charles Griss emails that once again he must apologise for not being able to attend the regular lunches and Christmas celebrations. Seems that lifes activities are sometimes destined to clash. Many thanks for the Birthday Card which was very much welcomed. Good to read all the news about former colleagues.

Frank Hatfield emails his thanks to the Committee and Members of the club for the good wishes on the occasion of his recent birthday. The day was spent very quietly at home with Frank’s wife as their son and daughter and their families were away on holiday and the celebration had to await their return. Although his health has been a bit up and down they have had three short holidays during the year and Frank has been kept busy with the garden and the activities in various clubs.

John Hobbs emails his sincere appreciation to Kathy Trace for her outstanding work in conveying birthday greetings so diligently year by year. The older one gets the more her efforts are appreciated. Talking about getting older it shocks John to realise he is now in his 99th year and has enjoyed 38 years of retirement. Which brings back memories? John started work in an insurance attorney's office in Christchurch, New Zealand in early 1933 on a salary of 25 pounds per annum. In 1934 he applied for a position in the Union Bank of Australia Ltd across the road and started work there on Saturday, 15th December of that year on a princely salary of 65 pounds per annum. John’s boss wanted him to finish up in his establishment on 31st December whereas the manager of the bank wanted John to start work on 1st December. These two men were golfing mates and on the 19th hole they decided without reference to split the difference and make the change on Saturday 15th December. John started work that day at 8 a.m. and finished at 3 p.m. without a lunch break - London mail in and London mail out - thereby missing a tennis match that afternoon and an arranged holiday between Christmas and New Year. John’s father had to act as guarantor against the possibility of him defalcating! Who said times haven’t changed? John could be wrong but he understands he is now the oldest Union Bank member of the Club here in Victoria since Charles Rennie died

Life Member Gerald McPherson emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings

with thanks also to the other Committee Members. Gerald had a great day. His son Bruce and his wife Bodil came all the way from Norway to celebrate the Big 90. Gerald’s daughter Patricia and her husband Peter organised a luncheon for the whole family at the Rochford Winery in the Yarra Valley which was exceptional and much enjoyed. The following day they had a BBQ at their home in Pakenham, followed by another BBQ with friends on the Sunday. Gerald received a birthday cake from the Croydon/Yarra Valley Golf Club shaped like a cricket bat with 90 balls on the cake, two cakes from RSL clubs and another from the Essendon Cricket Club as these clubs were so appreciative of the sterling service he has given over the years. All in all he had a most marvellous Birthday and hopes to be around to celebrate a few more yet!

Gerald was also one of the recipients of the Christmas cards sent to our ANZROC members 90 years or over arranged by our Committee members Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson and Kathy Trace and Gerald was most appreciative of the kind thoughts ….very timely over Christmas.

Committeewoman Joan Nathan emails thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card. Joan had a lovely day with family and friends which seemed to stretch the birthday over a couple of weeks.

Joan and husband Ken have had a busy year with a trip to Noosa and one to Broome, Ken working part time, helping with their two grandchildren, and generally enjoying retirement, such a great a stage of their lives.

Geoff Perdriau wishes to thank Kathy Trace for her card and good wishes on the occasion of his recent birthday. After many months of inspecting properties in the western suburbs to be nearer their family Geoff and his wife Margaret have bought an apartment in Williamstown and sold their unit in North Balwyn.

David Phelps would like to thank Kathy Trace for sending him Birthday Wishes for his 79th Birthday. The card was punctual as usual; you do a wonderful job Kathy. David celebrated at home with a very special seafood meal enjoyed by family and friends. David’s health is stable but is in constant revision under Monash Systolic Heart Failure clinic. He was able to attend his daughters wedding in February, although not walking her down the aisle; he managed to hand her over to her husband. David and wife Kaye’s son Bradley took over his father’s duties and even did a Brother and Sister dance, but David managed to deliver the most fantastic speech, which brought the house down, he concluded the speech speaking Fijian, which was so special.

David and Kaye enjoy every day as it comes and do something special every week.

They would like to thank all the committee and send members best wishes and a very Happy and Healthy Christmas

Jim Potter emails that as usual each year he has received the birthday card with best wishes for his 84th thanks to the effort of Kathy Trace, her work is greatly appreciated and Jim had the pleasure to work with Kathy for a short period at Camberwell Branch. Another year has passed and he is fortunate to enjoy good health. Please convey to all the good wishes for the coming festive season

Ray Watson emails thanks for the Birthday card which he received last week – Ray always looks forward to its arrival. Unfortunately he doesn’t get much of a chance to attend events whilst running his own finance broking business, but that will change one day.

AND Kim Charlton, Jim Christie, Saul Eslake, Dennis Gerdtz, Ian Newstead, Debbie van Pelt, Bill Pitman, Margaret Weeks,




Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

It was a great turnout of 35 players and 6 non-playing partners for lunch on a beautiful spring day. There was a bit of Déjà Vu from 2013 with Defending champions, Bob and Joyce Challis taking out the main prizes. In Bob's case it could have been a tight-run thing had Richard Harding handed in his card with both he and Bob on 35 points each. In any event, Bob had it on a count back as did John Ries in second place after a count back with four others on 33 points. Louis Hebrard was third, although after a mix-up on prizes he had to relinquish his bottle of wine and accept some golfing paraphernalia as his prize. Organiser, Huck Bourke has expressed his concern for Louis’ mental and emotional state after such a traumatic reversal of fate. Doug Ramsay won nearest the pin as did the family act of Huck and Sandy Bourke. Golf was followed by an excellent lunch enjoyed by all. For those who might be concerned about Richard’s mental and emotional health, he was later awarded two bottles of house wine which left the day’s event with a healthy financial surplus of $0.58.


Thank you for the honour of being nominated as President. I will endeavour to serve members with all my capacity.

I would like to acknowledge the committees who have agreed to stand and I know they will contribute to the ongoing success of ANZROC Victoria. In particular I would like to welcome our new committee members. Ken Crawford (he is an apology today), Wolf Damschitz (our new secretary), Don Jeffery and Glyn Parry-Jones.

I would also like to record appreciation to a number of our committee members.

* John McPhee our retiring President, who has served for 10 years on the committee. In recognition, John has been awarded Life Membership for his contribution.

* I would also like to mention John Duke, who is retiring from the committee after 20 years of service including as President from 1999-2000.

* Finally, I would like to mention Col Edwards, who is also retiring from the committee after 22 years of service including as President from 1997-1998.

* John and Col are an apology to day, but we will make a formal presentation at a meeting in early 2015.

I would like to conclude by saying that our challenge going forward is to continue to ensure that ANZROC meets the needs of our 966 Victorian members.

I welcome feedback and suggestions. You can contact me by phone or email.

ANZROC is only as successful as the contributions and participation that we all can make. No matter how big or small your support will make a difference.



The annual get together is open to all members/ partners and singles.Regular attendees to our thrill seeking couple of fantastic days away at beautiful Mansfield will be there in force so if you decide to attend complete the attached booking form and send to Kevin Mitchell. If you require further information contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 23rd Feb & Tue 24th Feb 2015. Please send payment by 24th January 2015 to Kevin at 2/29 McLochlan Street, Mount Waverley, Vic 3149.

The Mansfield information sheet and booking form follows at the end of the newsletter..


March Meeting: 12th March 100 Queen Street Guest Speaker: Gerry Cross who is a Provider of Professional Services to the Forest Industry.

April Meeting: 9th April 100 Queen Street (Anzac)

May Meeting: 14th May 100 Queen Street (Salvation Army)

June Meeting: 11th June Mulgrave Country Club

July Meeting: 9th July 100 Queen Street

August Meeting: 13th August 100 Queen Street

September Meeting: 10th September 100 Queens Street Guest Speaker Melbourne Camera Club

October Meeting: 8th October Ballarat

November Meeting: 12th November 100 Queen Street (AGM)

December Meeting: 10th December ANZ Pavilion Arts Centre Melbourne




Following the excellent feedback received after our previous luncheon at the Greensborough RSL Club in June 2014 our Committee has decided to once more return to this venue in the northern suburbs for our 12th February 2015 meeting commencing midday.

Partners and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome and encouraged to attend

The RSL Club is approx 150 metres from the Greensborough Railway Station and approx 2 km South East from where the existing Metropolitan Ring Road ends .

Several of our members (including Neville Pearson) frequent this modern facility on a regular basis and the service and food (including senior meals) is first class

.Please advise your acceptance by Thursday 5th February 2015 to Committee Woman Joan Nathan, Telephone: 97408001 or by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to the address on the attached acceptance notice.



TO : Joan Nathan

7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor


Information and booking form.

Venue: Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield

2 Nights Mon 23 Feb & Tue 24 Feb 2015

(Open to members/ partners and singles).

Accommodation cost for 2 nights & Dinner

Standard Motel 3 Stars, self contained with kitchenette.

Cost: $167.00 P/P Twin Share includes Buffet Dinner

Deluxe Apartment 4 Stars, 2 bedrooms, living room, full kitchen & spa bath

Cost: $ 147.00 P/P Quad Share includes Buffet Dinner

Resort Facilities: Swimming Pool / Sauna / Spa / Tennis Courts / Function Room/Volleyball / Games Room / Table Tennis / Dining Room / BBQ

Golf Course and Pokies Venue 2 km.

Other attractions within easy driving distance. Information available.

Day 1. Mon 23 Feb. Arrive anytime after midday.

Explore Alzburg Resort and Mansfield Township at your leisure.

Social Golf, Tennis or relax around the pool.

6.30pm. BBQ Dinner, BYO food & drink.

Day 2. Tue 24 Feb. Early Morning Golf Competition.

Non Golfers Social Walk, Tennis or other passive activities, or maybe just relax around the pool.

6.15 pm: BYO Pre Dinner drinks and nibbles around pool.

7.00 for 7.30pm: 2 Course, Pizza & Pasta Dinner & Dessert

Resort Dining Room .

Bar facilities available at your own expense. “Music for Dancing”.

Day 3 Wed 25 Feb Check out of unit by 11.00am, but continue to enjoy the facilities at the Alzburg for as long as you like.


ANZROC Mansfield Booking Form for 2015


Phone No:___________________ Email:_____________________

Accommodation (please circle) Motel /Apartment.

If sharing an apartment please indicate who with……………………………

Golf Competition: Name _______________________H’cap_____

Please Note: Booking arrangements, you are requested to pay your accommodation and Dinner in full by Cheque payable to Alzburg Resort, or by Credit Card.

Attached booking

cheque for $ payable to Alzburg Resort



Name: ________________________

Card : Visa/MasterCard/Amex No-------/------/------/------

Expiry date ---/---

SIGNATURE ----------------------------------------------------------------

Please forward this booking form together with full payment by

24 Jan 2015 to Kevin Mitchell Unit 2/29 McLochlan St

Mount Waverley 3149

Phone Kevin on 9807-6201 if you require further information.

Note: there is extra cost involved for Sole Share

Newsletter November 2014

NEWSLETTER 13th November 2014

Peter Pritchard Wolf Damschitz John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
,19 Albert Street 54 Rathmines Road PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
East malvern 3145 Hawthorn 3123 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 95719406 Ph 98827716 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939...

Last chance to join members and partners…. full details in “Matters of Interest” Section


BOOK NOW as we have already received acceptances from 220 and the maximum number of places available is 300 . full details in “Matters of Interest” Section


President John McPhee welcomed 51 members and our guest speaker Vigneron Carlo Pizzini, son of the founder of the Pizzini Wine group operating out of Whitfield in the King Valley to our Annual General Meeting at 34/100 Queen Street .The formal matters were dealt with by Peter Pritchard and then we proceeded to the 40th Annual General Meeting. Carlo Pizzini followed with a general outline of the Pizzini operation before he hosted a most enjoyable wine tasting of their premium wines which were available for sale. Members not seen for some time included Neil Gladstone, Stan Halbish, Linda Davidson, Leigh Davis, Vicky Genius,John Hawkins temporarily back from his overseas journeys, Sheryl Heard for her first meeting, Doug Imrie returning from Queensland for the summer, Don Jeffrey, Sandra Joseph, Dan Kirtley who will be proposing the toast to ANZ at the Dec 11th Christmas luncheon and Ian Peterkin who proposed the toast to ANZ at our 2013 Christmas luncheon.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Diane Carew, Robin Chase, Don Davy, John Duke, Phil Dunstan, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Roy Harper, Peter Harvey, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, Ian Ince, Peter Keating, Graeme King , Ken Lee, Gary Mason, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Kevin Mitchell, Terry Parks, Ken Pattinson, Ron Phillips, Graeme Randall, Geoffrey Sandow, David Schunke, John Vanselow, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Green P. (Peter) 25 years ANZ

Monaco F. (Frank) 10 years ANZ

Salpietro B. (Bob) 33 years ANZ

van Pelt D.L. (Debbie) 12 years ANZ

van Pelt F.C. (Frank) 29 years ANZ

We look forward to meeting Peter, Frank, Bob, Debbie and Frank at one of our forthcoming meetings.


Deady N.O. (Norm) 93 years 3/11/2014

Norm enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1941 and was discharged in May 1943 when he joined the RAAF and on discharge in January 1946 was a Flying Officer at RAF Gamston.

Stutterd A.B, (Tony) 87 years 3/11/2014

Daughter Nicki Stutterd said that she was so grateful to ANZROC members as she was able to read the ANZROC newsletter to her father each month and he got so much pleasure hearing about members and their exploits.

Vollmerhouse D.C. (Doug) 76 years 12/11/2014

Louis Hebrard writes that Doug was his first data processing manager in 1969. A respected man of principles and high values. Jeff Pitt has heaps of memories of Doug; It was he (with Neville Elvish) who came to QLD Divisional Office in 1968 on the Bank recruiting drive for new talent into the new-fangled Data Processing Dept at EMANZA. Jeff remembers the interview quite well and the subsequent ANZAP Training Course at South Yarra in Dec1968 from which Andrew Kerr and Jeff were selected (with a couple of others). It seems not so long ago. Doug was a fine gentle man of impeccable integrity and standards. Dick Milnthorpe was sorry to hear about Doug.Dick remembers meeting Doug back in 1969 at the old 177 Toorak Rd computer centre. He was the senior programmer on the old GE 225 and served under Arthur Backholer there with others of the Bank’s original computer team under Jim Paton. Others there Dick recalls were Bill Collins, Tom McCullough, Mike Murray, Bruce Strudwick, Arthur Vale, Neville Elvish, and Bob Wheeler, and he pleads old age to those he has forgotten. They were pioneering days using equipment with a lot less power than a modern mobile phone. Some of the old Guys have passed on but there are a few still around to raise a glass to Doug.

During the month we received letters and emails from Grace Carruthers, widow of John Carruthers, Bob Maughan remembering his friend and mentor Stan Goulding, John Fairbairn recalling his time with Rod McLeod and David Knuckey sharing a recent article about his friend and colleague Norm Mattila which I have reported below:

Grace Carruthers sent me details of the career of her late husband John Carruthers who joined the Bank of Australasia in 1946 and enjoyed his career especially during the time he was Branch Manager serving terms in Terang, Portland, Camberwell, Toorak and retiring in 1985 when Manager Burwood. John was a keen Pennant bowler at Mount Waverley Club for over 40 years and was heavily involved with his local Uniting Church along with taking up the position of Secretary within the Probus Club until 2012. John suffered from Vascular Dementia and entered full time care in September 2014.

Bob Maughan emailed to say he was very saddened to read of the passing of Stan Goulding.

Stan was Manager at Ringwood West End Branch when Bob was appointed his Assistant Manager. Stan was an entrepreneur and salesman and at that time the Branch was one of the biggest Esanda writing Branches in Australia a tradition which was started by the late Len Willy. One of the large accounts was the Alan Coffey Group which at the time was one of the largest Ford Franchises in Victoria and the Branch was responsible for handling their Esanda transactions. However, the Branch was perhaps better known for the large volume of Truck Rigs financed through Esanda. It was very common to see one or two large trucks parked outside the Branch whilst their owner was inside arranging finance or signing a Hire Purchase or Lease contract. Some of these people were from interstate who had heard on the grapevine where to get finance. At that time there was great competition between Stan and the late Rod Anstee who was Manager at Merlynston as to who would finish the top Esanda writing Branch. Rod also built his Esanda business largely on financing trucks and it was very common for him to be in the Ringwood area poaching business whilst Stan and Bob were in the Merlynston area doing likewise .Both also built their Bank Business on the back of Esanda with many of the single truck operators becoming large multiple businesses . On the odd occasion they would retire to the Coach and Horses for a strategic lunch time meeting .On one such time they returned to the Branch to see it surrounded by Police cars and to find there had been a hold up. Stan and Bob were made to give an account of their movements and identify themselves before being allowed to enter. It later turned out the person responsible had previously held up several ANZ branches and when eventually caught admitted he chose ANZ because of there was always good car parking making get away easier! Stan was a keen surfer and a life member of the Torquay Surf Life Saving Club. It was a privilege to have known and worked with him and Bob’s condolences go to his family.

John Fairbairn emailed that he was saddened to learn of Rod McLeod’s passing as John has many fond memories of working with him, initially in the Melbourne International Division under the late John Holberton, and subsequently when he was appointed the ANZ Bank's

Representative in New York. He was extremely easy to get along with and, in the small 2 Man New York office, good company. One memory comes to mind involved obtaining Australian Beer to offer visiting Australians. John found a supplier in Brooklyn and in passing learned they could obtain Chivas Regal Scotch Whisky for a ridiculous cost about US$10 per bottle. When he told Rod his eyes lit up and needless to say a carton also joined the supplies of Swan Lager. John and wife, Pat, also got quite friendly with Rod's wife Betty. Unfortunately over the years they lost touch particularly after John left the Bank to move to Ulladulla. Vale Rod.

David Knuckey sent a copy of the newsletter from the AIF 2/14 Battalion which included an wide-ranging article about the war service of our late member Norman Mattila. Norm saw service in Papua New Guinea from August 1942 first in Port Moresby then into Gona where it was said was the worst battlefield in any campaign in WW11 and the battalion finished the Gona Battle with only 1/10th of its original strength. Norm saw further action in the battle of Shaggy Ridge and finally the landing at Balikpapan in Borneo before taking part in peacekeeping on the Celebs Islands. Norm returned to Australia in December 1945 and rejoined the ES&A Bank.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during NOVEMBER and we pass

on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Brian Christensen (81), Paul Cross

(88), Brian Farrell (86), John Flyger (80), Euan Greenwood (90), Theo Hall (83), Frank Hatfield

(83), Keith Higgs (80), John Hobbs (98), Eric Lean (92), John Mangan (84), Zelda Martin, Gerry

McPherson (90), Jim Potter (84), Ray Quirk (92), Don Ranyard (84), Jack Shelton (84), Arthur

Vale (84).


From 1/11/2014

Less than $20,000 1.68%

Greater than $20,000 2.16%

ANZROC 40th Annual General Meeting

The 40h Annual General Meeting was held during the monthly luncheon and the minutes of the 39th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2012 were confirmed. John McPhee presented his President’s Report 2013/2014. The Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2014 were presented and accepted. Subscription fees for the year 2014-15 were maintained at current levels of $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members. Retiring President John McPhee was awarded Life Membership after serving 10 years on the committee. In view of the fact that sufficient nominations were received to fill all positions the following were appointed as Office Bearers and Committee for year 2014-2015.

President Peter Pritchard

Immediate Past President John McPhee

Senior Vice President Eamon Veaney

Vice Presidents Glyn Parry Jones

Noel Beanland

Secretary Wolf Damschitz

Assistant Secretary Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer John Brown

Committee George Cooper, Ken Crawford, Elaine Haw, Don Jeffrey, Con La Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Joan Nathan, Neville Pearson Kathy Trace,

Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic

Alan Forrest was reappointed as Honorary Auditor.

Two of our staunch committee men and past Presidents of ANZROC Col Edwards (after 22 years) and John Duke (after 20 years) retired from the Committee and we welcomed new members Ken Crawford, Wolf Damschitz, Elaine Haw, Don Jeffrey and Glyn Parry Jones.

At our request John Duke has agreed to continue to arrange the tributes in the Herald Sun.

A Copy of the President’s report has been posted on the website.


David Begg writing from Belmont says thanks to President John McPhee and Kathy Trace for their kind birthday wishes .David enjoys getting the newsletters and reading of other people’s activities and he seem to have slowed right down by comparison.

Harry Carrodus emails his thanks to Kathy for his birthday card which, of course, arrived on time. Kathy must be a very well organized person inspecting the birthday list each morning and working out posting arrangements so that the card arrives at the appropriate time. Harry is sure her efforts are very much appreciated by the troops and the birthday list and letters in the Newsletter are a helpful link for Harry to keep in contact with old friends.

Jim Christie emails that while he hasn’t been an active member of the ROC he has always appreciated receiving the Newsletters and the traditional birthday card. This year was no exception so he would belatedly like to say a big thank you. Jim has also been prompted to write to advise members of the passing of Larry Jacka who died recently in Sydney. He was 69. Larry came from Sydney and worked in the old EDP / Methods and Supply Department at South Yarra as a Methods Officer and will be known to many members of the ROC (Vic) as a bit of a larrikin and a master of “one liners”. Following his stint in Methods he returned to Sydney. He joined Rotary and became a very committed Rotarian serving as a District Governor and working on a number of overseas projects. After leaving ANZ he worked with the CBA and was still employed by CBA when he passed away.

Ian Crothers emails to thank the Club for the birthday greetings sent to him recently, as all fellow officers say ' which arrived on the exact day"! It's hard to believe that it is now 16 years since Ian retired.

Kerry Dodds writes from Warrenheip to thank Kathy for her best wishes on his birthday. As Phil Dunstan stated in a recent newsletter it is the only non-bill letter he receives in the mail. Activities this year have been local with a fifth grandchild expected early next year; much activity within the Classic Car Club and of more recent times more stints down at Gateway Caravans in Geelong with Ray Watson.

John Flyger emails that there have been many occasions in recent times when he didn’t think he would reach this particular ‘milestone’ and elevation to the Honorary Member ranks due to bothersome recurring bouts of ill health and more recently requiring a couple of brief spells in hospital. However, John is now back home again and thankfully was able to enjoy this

special birthday celebration in the company of family and special friends at the Frankston RSL.

Bob Grant emails his thanks again to Kathy for the birthday card which arrived on time as usual. This year was Bob’s 75th and it was celebrated with a great lunch with family and friends. He spoke to twin brother Jack on the phone but they were not able to be together this year. All is well in Nelson Bay with no health problems this year. Bob and wife Nell visited the Taronga Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo a couple of months ago and it was a great experience. They actually fed a Tiger and had guided tours of the Rhino, Meerkat, Giraffe and Elephant enclosures. It was well worth the effort. Bob is still involved with the local Woodworkers Club (not a Men’s Shed) being the Treasurer and Newsletter editor and is also the Treasurer and a Server at the Anglican Church which happens to be across the road. Bob and Nell still baby sit their grand-daughter Sarah (now 11) so she is keeping them young. Otherwise it is more of the same. They are making the trek to Melbourne during December and Bob is looking forward to attending the Christmas luncheon again this year.

Jack Grant emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the timely receipt of his birthday card for 2014.Jack has had a busy life this year doing bookkeeping for 2 clients plus assisting his daughter set up a new business in South Yarra. Jack also sings in the church choir and with wife Robyn are members of Probus. His feet problems of the past have settled down so hope this continues.

It was sad to attend the funeral of former friend and colleague Leigh O’Neill earlier this year. Jack and Robyn had a great time with Leigh and Pat in their time at 2 Malop Street, Geelong in the 1970’s.It has been a difficult time for them of late as their 42 year old son has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He is having chemo at present, which hopefully will give him some additional quality time. Because of this Jack and Robyn are constantly on call looking after their 3 grandchildren and taking David to chemo. They are so glad that they came to Berwick to live 5 years ago as, had they still been in Albury, it would have been very difficult for the family. Despite all this, life has to go on and they have accepted the situation. Jack’s twin brother Bob is coming to visit in December and they are both looking forward to attending the ROC Christmas luncheon to catch up with friends and colleagues.

Peter Harvey reports that when he was involved with the Social Golf club administration from its formation in 1962, to when he left Melbourne for Traralgon in 1974 he gathered records from the Original Minute Book to progressive Committee records. Peter has assembled a three page history of events that may be appropriate for a Website similar to that of the ANZ Football Club. Regards to all former workmates who may be at the AGM.

Mike Henry emails his thanks to Kathy Trace on behalf of ANZROC for his birthday card. Mike spent his birthday this year in Rotorua NZ whilst touring the North Island. He was fortunate also to visit Vietnam earlier in the year and next year is planning a tour of The Netherlands and the mandatory river cruise down the Rhine. Apart from travel, 7 grandchildren, quiz mastering, volunteer driving, gardening, golfing and walking make up a fair portion of his weeks activities.

Kenneth Howell writes to thank Kathy Trace for the good wishes he received for his 87th birthday .The card arrived on the day and is much appreciated. Kenneth has eight beautiful grand children and they make life very worthwhile.

Larry James emails his thanks to Kathy for the recent birthday card which of course arrived on time. Well done. It's always nice to receive it and shows that people care.

Malcolm James emails thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings that arrived while he was in New Zealand accompanying his wife to a business conference. A highlight over the year was a reunion in Adelaide in May of ANZ staff serving in Darwin in 1966-70. Upwards of 20 attended from several States with many reminiscences exchanged during the weekend. The Managers during this period were Ray Quirk succeeded by Denis Humphries, both current ANZROC Vic members, and although they were unable to attend they were remembered and toasted during the Saturday evening function

Bruce Kells emails his thanks responding to the ROC birthday wishes. They say it does not take much to keep someone busy as they get older and Bruce wondered how he found time to go to work. Thanks for the welcome birthday wishes once again. Hope to see friends and colleagues at Christmas.

Kevin Livingston emailing from Rushworth would like to thank the Committee and also Kathy for his Birthday card which is appreciated. The Newsletter is always a good read, and Kevin recently caught up with a few old colleagues at Bruce Webster’s 40 years anniversary surprise party in Shepparton.

John Mangan writing from Kangaroo Flat sends thanks for the best wishes received for his 84th birthday. John was unfortunate to pull his hamstring but is coming good now. He was saddened to read of the passing of Max Wehner and Tony Stutterd with whom he worked back in the days of the Union Bank in 1948/50.

Emilio Moreno emails his thanks to the committee for the kind birthday wishes which in keeping with ANZROC (VIC) standards the card arrived on the day. Emilio spent a quiet and most enjoyable day with his family. Thanks again and Emilio is looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues at our Christmas luncheon

Jim Nicolson emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the card that arrived on the day and a big thank you for the most interesting monthly newsletters

Peter Nyga reports that while the AGM is taking place in Melbourne he will be on his way back from New Zealand (South Island) after a campervan trip throughout the island. All this travelling is like having a job - a job he likes doing very much!

John Osborne writes to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card and he had a great day with his family to celebrate clocking up 77 years. It has been mainly a healthy year but neck problems throughout winter has only improved recently after concentrated exercise which means he can join friends and colleagues at the Christmas luncheon.

Ray Quirk emails that one of the better known kings of Ancient Britain was “ETHELRED THE UNREADY”. We at ANZROC are fortunate in having a lady watching over our interests. Kathy is our “KATHY THE READY”. Ray’s birthday anniversary fell on a Sunday this year but Kathy would not be deterred. Rather than let the Card arrive a day late she beat the clock and arranged for it to arrive early. Thank you very much Kathy and all of Ray’s ANZROC friends. Life for Ray and wife Meryl continues to be a delight together. They had a holiday in far North Queensland and plan another trip next year, possibly with some extra luxury in deference to the passing of the years. They will both be 92. Life for them is kind. They have had some family health problems but they seem to be turning out OK. Ray has to apologise for his absence from the ANZROC Christmas Lunch in December as he and Meryl will be the guests of their son, John and his wife, Ros, on a short cruise. Ray and Meryl send their best wishes for Christmas to our ANZROC friends and wish all good health for the years ahead

Bevan Roulston writes to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card and he and his wife spent the day travelling to Rockhampton for a family wedding. They are enjoying full time retirement with plenty of time for recreational cycling and gardening. They have visited family including grandchildren in Christchurch 9 times in the last 10 years and expect that to continue next year.

Allan Ryan reporting from Warragul says thanks for his birthday card that arrived spot on the day. Since Allan’s last report he and his wife have travelled to Vietnam and Cambodia with APT Travel and this year with APT again they went on a river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam. It was great. Allan’s wife still runs a yoga school and after 19 years of retirement he is still dealing in cattle. They have lived in Warragul for 41 years and he has just about got the place worked out.

Bob Tough emails his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday card and wishes. On another note, Bob had the pleasure of working with Kevin Ferns who sadly passed recently. They worked together at Malvern South branch in the early 70,s. In fact Bob and Kevin were involved in an armed hold up at that branch in 1970. This involved a visit to Russell Street and viewing countless books of “Mug Shots”. Kevin was very supportive of his staff and a family man through and through. Bob enjoyed working with him and having a few beers at the Caulfield pub after work on a Friday. He was a feisty manager, especially when talking with the banks administration. Vale Kevin. Best wishes to his wife and family.

Bill Walker emails many thanks to the President, Committee and members for the very kind birthday wishes. Hard to believe that 12months has gone so quickly. Like so many others Bill looks forward to receiving the monthly newsletter and reading of the exploits of former colleagues. Well done to all involved.

Mike Whitmore writes on his 85th to thank Kathy for the birthday wishes which were appreciated and arrived on the dot.

Eric Williams writing from Warrnambool congratulates Kathy Trace on the prompt dispatch of the birthday card to arrive spot on his 94th birthday. Many thanks. Eric says Kathy reminds him of his old friend the late Max Bade who did the “birthdays” many years ago and was always spot on.

At 94 Eric says he is fairly static in his movements these days and does not look like coming to Melbourne for the Christmas lunch in December so he sends his best regards to all his old friends and acquaintances.


Geoff Allman, Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Darryl Bartlett, Bob Bell, Angelo Biviano, Barry Burt, Ian Crothers, Joy Dunn, Neville Elvish, Pierre Farhat, Neil Franklin, Nev Greenway, Hartley Hodgson, Don Huffer, Bill Jackson, Bob Jeffs, Graham Joseph, Peter Keating, Barry King, Gerry Kennedy, Ed Laity. Vito Laruccia, Jock McIntyre, Bruce Michell, Sally Ming, Trevor Mudgway, Ken Pattison, Alan Rutzou, John Saffery, Graham Smyth, Lynne Stevens, James Uren, Frank van Pelt, Michael Sweeney, Kevin Watson, Margaret Weeks, Richard Weekes, Julie Wilkins, Peter Williams, Ronald Williams, John Wilson,



ANZROC Golf Day –Friday 28th November 2014

Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Last chance to join members and partners at our annual Golf Day at the Rosebud Country Club …..Entries have been slower than expected and we can cater for at least another 15/20 golfers for the competition…….

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.

The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course, the same as last year. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $65.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club $30.00)

(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch with wine) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $22 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Entries close - Thursday 20th November.

Hit-off from 8.30am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).

On-course Accomodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111

o Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cut off here


ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 28 November. Entries Close – 20thNovember.

ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..


Name…………………………….Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $65.00 ($30.00 for Rosebud members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @22.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha 3934


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only

to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)



15 Day Magnificent Europe River Cruise

BONUS OFFER FOR ANZ: SAVE an additional $500 per couple + 7% ANZ discount*

ANZ Price from $7,062 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $7,795)

Offer available for 2015 departures

Book by 15 December 2014

On APT’s inimitable 15 Day Magnificent Europe cruise, glide from Amsterdam through six countries to Budapest, cruising down the Rhine, Main and Danube rivers, stopping to take in the iconic attractions and charming secrets of Europe’s heartland.


* 14 night luxury river cruise

* Explore up to 16 towns, villages and cities with expert local guides

* Tailor your European discovery with a choice of 33 included experiences

* All meals included on board starting with a Champagne breakfast each morning

* Complimentary beverages served at your discretion on board*

* 40 delicious meals

* APT EXCLUSIVE! Explore the rooms and gardens of Namedy Castle at your leisure, before a lavish royal banquet

* Mingle with the locals during a village experience in Miltenberg

* Enjoy a traditional wine festival in Kitzingen

* APT EXCLUSIVE! Discover the luxury of imperial rail travel aboard the Majestic Imperator, taking you from Passau to Linz

* APT EXCLUSIVE! Visit the newly renovated City Palace in the heart of Vienna for a Cocktail Reception and a private soiree, featuring members of the acclaimed Mozart Boys’ Choir

* APT EXCLUSIVE! Explore the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest on a guided tour, and enjoy a private opera recital

For more information, call 1300 204 588 to speak with one of our travel consultants.

*Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share. Prices are correct as at 5 November 2014 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Book by 15 December 2014. Price based on EUMC15: 5 March 2015 (Cat. E). Price includes port charges. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. A limited number of offers are available on set departures. FLY FREE: Flights must be booked by APT. Flights are in economy class with Singapore Airlines (or an airline of APT’s choosing). Airfares are valid departing MEL. Subject to availability of airline and booking class. Includes air taxes to the value of $950 pp. Fly Free offer valid on a selection of cruise/tours departing in 2015. SAVE $500 PER COUPLE: Offer is combinable with best marketplace deal. Australian Pacific Touring Pty Ltd ABN 44 004 684 619. ATAS accreditation # A10825.


BOOK NOW as we have already received acceptances from 220 and the maximum number of places available is 300 so make up a table of friends and let Peter Pritchard know as soon as practicable.


The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Mike Smith CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Dan Kirtley. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Our caterers have agreed to again maintain the cost of the function at $30.00. Refunds will not be paid unless the Secretary or Treasurer receive notice no later than 4 December 2014 as we are required to advise the caterers final numbers on that date.

This year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues. Please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.

If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.

The programme is similar to last year:

Admittance for pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am

Admittance to function room from 12.15pm

Luncheon commences at 12.30pm


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Peter Pritchard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary 19 Albert Street East Malvern 3145. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member…………………………………………………………………………………….$30.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Peter Pritchard 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145


Newsletter October 2014

NEWSLETTER 9th October 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)





President John McPhee welcomed 51 members and partners to our luncheon meeting at 34/100 Queen Street including our Guest Speaker Peter Bearsley a member of ANZROC and the present President of Melbourne Rotary Club. Members not seen for some time included Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Neil Dawtrey, Mike Devlin for his first meeting, Jim Dusting, Nev Greenway, Darrell Hodges, Stan Lancaster, Elina Law, Ken Mahar, Geoff Meggs, Glyn Parry-Jones, Geoffrey Sandow and Bill Swan from Dalmeny NSW.

Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Diane Carew, Don Davy, John Duke, Phil Dunstan, Aldo Faella, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Elaine Haw, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King , Ken Lee, Gary Mason, Terry Parks, Graeme Randall, Bruce Tickell, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods



More details in next month’s newsletter.

MCLEOD R.D. (ROD) 90 YEARS 30/8/2014

John Vanselow said that Rod served in International in ANZ and was Deputy to the late John Holberton.

Kevin Watson learned the sad news that his old mate, and travelling companion, Rod McLeod, had passed away in August. Kevin and Rod had a long association in International Division. They first travelled to India, Pakistan and various Middle Eastern cities between Kuwait and Beirut. Most of them were less attractive in 1964 than they are today. Rod was a knowledgeable International banker. Have many memories of times they had together. Some of these Kevin related to John Vanselow in 1969 when he was with John in the Sub Continent. A good fellow, Dunedin born and proud of his Scottish heritage

Members stood in remembrance of John and Rod for a few moments of silence and our condolences are extended to their families.

Harry Carrodus attended the Celebration of Life service for the late Brian Weeks and said that he noticed ANZROC members Will Bailey, Wendy Black, Bob Challis, Brian Christensen, Steve Cowell, Richard Harding, Fay Horne, Don Mercer, Reg Nicholson, John Ries, Sandra Street, Doug Watson and Jill Witney at the service.

Lawrie Foord and Frank Edwards attended the funeral service for Stan Goulding and advised that at the service it was mentioned that Stan had been a member of Woodlands Golf Club for many years, also a stalwart of the Essendon Football Club and the Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club.


Kevin Coleman is still recovering from surgery after a knee replacement and would welcome calls from his colleagues.

Report received from Pat Gaskin in Bendigo about Bendigo ANZROC members:

Ian Bell has had another few days in Hospital with an infection but is home again.

Ken Chisholm now on the improve and he and wife Di are looking forward to a trip to New Zealand at the end of November.

Norm Gaskin has just had another visit to the hospital but back home recuperating.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during OCTOBER and we pass

on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Graeme Baldwin (83), David Begg

(85), Fred Campbell (82), Harry Carrodus (86), Ray Dedlefs (84), Len Donohue (81), Ian Fulton

(80), Ken Howell (87), Max McKoy (91), John Moorhouse (89), Jim Nicolson (86), Des Rittman

(85), Thomas Taylor (87), Mike Whitmore (85), Eric Williams (94).


From 1/10/2014

Less than $20,000 1.68%

Greater than $20,000 2.15%


We were fortunate to have Peter Bearsley one of our ANZROC members speaking at our October meeting. Peter joined ANZ as a Research Officer in Economics Dept in Wellington in 1967and after a wide ranging and interesting career was appointed GM Charitable Trusts till retiring in 2001.While in the Charitable Trusts role, he got to know the symbiotic world of philanthropy and the many excellent charitable service agencies helping make Melbourne the World’s Most Livable City. He joined the Rotary Club of Melbourne – the first and largest Rotary Club in Australia - in 1998 and served as Vice-President of the Club in 2006-7 and in 2012-13 before being elected President for 2014-15. Peter outlined the august history of Melbourne Rotary Club and gave a brief rundown of the successes of the club over the 90 years of its existence. The present structure of the club in Melbourne operating within a budget of almost $900,000 annually is complex and as a banker Peter is well placed to oversee the management of the many projects and services provided by Rotary. Peter highlighted the project that over the last three years he has been responsible for… a USD235, 000 project to reduce maternal and infant mortality in East Timor. He ran the Berlin Marathon in 2011 to raise the Rotary Club’s contribution to the funding. The extensive question and answer session that followed completed an interesting luncheon enjoyed by those present.


Mike Aranha emails his thanks to ANZROC (Vic) and the impeccable timing from Kathy Trace. Mike’s birthday card arrived on time as usual, as they do for all other esteemed members. He has just done a two week tour to Cambodia, which was a wonderful experience. The people there are amazingly calm and friendly, considering the troubles they have experienced in recent times. Mike and his wife have already started planning their next trip to Laos. Very good food, fantastic service, and cold beer – all at a very affordable price .Mike would recommend a visit. The culture and history is so diverse, with the Angkor Wat complex and Tonle Sap (lake) being the highlights of the trip. The former is listed as the Seventh Wonder of the World, whilst the latter is 16000 square km in high water season, though only 2700 square km, in the dry season. Eildon is a pup, at 138.5 square km. Mike worked at M394 at the time he celebrated his twenty first and his ‘boss’ was none other than ANZROC Auditor Alan. K. Forrest .It does not seem that long ago! Good to see Alan still has his good accounting and auditing principles on track. They were a good team Frosty!

Dave Brookman writes from Dromana to express his thanks to the Committee and Kathy Trace in particular for the birthday card for his 91st received recently and as usual right on time. The cards are a means of keeping in touch with the members and it is great that the practice has been maintained over the years.

Geoff Burton emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which once again arrived on the due date. Geoff has been travelling throughout Eastern Australia for a considerable time this year, chasing the better weather. Geoff regularly sees Gai Stuart (widow of that famously known Hector). She keeps good health and now in her mid eighties. Geoff also has regular contact with Arty Booth, and Geoff feels Arty appears to have not changed one bit since retirement.

Muriel Drummond writes to thank the Committee and members and also Kathy for her recent birthday card- always appreciated. Muriel does enjoy catching up with news of former colleagues in the Newsletter and it is nice to see a familiar name pop up.

Phil Dunstan emails that it is again great to receive the newsy ANZROC Newsletter and to catch up with the various activities of familiar names. Many thanks again to Kathy for her right on the ball Birthday Card - it gives a warm feeling to receive a non-bill in the snail mail. It is an unusual occurrence in these days of emails etc. Although it is now some 32 years since Phil left the Bank, after 26 years service, it is good to remember the work ethics and disciplines which he received as a young teenager - those disciplines have enabled him to achieve good personal goals as well as being involved in community activities. With children in Brisbane, Bendigo, and Norway, they have good reasons to be regularly on the move and to maintain their fitness.

Ken Fitzgerald writes from MacLeod to thank Kathy for her thoughtfulness in remembering his 86th birthday. Life has been rather hectic although no holidays or trips but plenty of aches and pains and feeling older with 6 great grand children. He hopes to see friends and colleagues at the Christmas luncheon.

Bruce Gay emails his thanks to the Committee and Kathy for his Birthday card which was received on the day. Bruce and wife Jean have just returned from a short trip to Darwin and some of the top end and he can thoroughly recommend it. They spent a couple of weeks earlier this year in Vanuatu which was also a great experience. Bruce and Jean are planning another trip for next year.

Elaine Haw our latest committeewoman says she won’t be at the October meeting as she will be travelling in Europe. Elaine says it’s a pity that she will miss the talk by Peter Bearsley as she worked with him at Esanda. He is a very inspirational person.

Louis Hebrard emails his thanks to the club for his birthday card. Louis and wife Ann returned from Europe and he was most pleased to receive the card from ANZROC.

Louis had a great birthday in Paris of all places. It was pretty well an all day celebration ending up with dinner at a beautiful restaurant that had been booked from Melbourne by Chris and Libby Procter, who travelled with them. After a few days in Paris they picked up a hire car and motored to the Loire valley and zigzagged leisurely down the west of France, eventually staying a week in Provence. Then they spent a week each to Barcelona and Lisbon by TGV and plane respectively. It was a really enjoyable holiday. Fortunately Louis is keeping fit, well and well occupied with voluntary work, grandchild minding, golf and many other pursuits.

Jack Helisma emails a big thank you to Kathy for faithfully sending the ROC birthday greeting card. Jack hopes it will be his privilege to receive the greeting again next year when he reaches the big 80. Jack and wife Robin are pleased to have been able to tour most parts of the world during his career and since retirement. They had however never visited New Zealand saying they will do this when they are old!! Hence with decreasing mobility and other health issues it was timely to visit New Zealand during March this year. Jack and Robin chose to drive, rather than go on an organised tour, covering approximately 3,500kms in four weeks over both islands. The scenery was stunning, accommodation excellent and the weather good. New Zealand is certainly a beautiful country and now ranks high in their list of favourites. It was saddening to see the damage to the Cathedral, homes, commercial buildings and roads caused by the severe earthquakes and subsequent floods in and around Christchurch. Restoration is expected to take many years. However it was heartening to note people’s resilience and overall positive outlook.

Jack is grateful for the many happy memories of the 40 years with ANZ and the now 20 years of fulfilling retirement life. He was sad to learn of the passing of Bob Goldsworthy whom he succeeded upon Bob’s retirement, as Regional Executive of Northern Region Commercial Banking VIC in 1987. Bob was highly esteemed by the staff and customers.

June Hoskin writes to thank the Committee for remembering her birthday which she enjoyed with a family dinner at a restaurant in Glenferrie Road, Malvern. The thoughtfulness in sending the card was very much appreciated.

Doug Imrie emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card he received upon return from 4 months up north doing the grey nomad winter excursion. Doug and wife Trish managed to enjoy a dinner at the Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club with Bruce and Glennis Robertson and our “Treasurer” John & Jan Brown, reminiscing over days gone by. Unfortunately, their Pajero blew the engine just north of Taree, so car and caravan are still coming south on the back of a truck.

Gerry Kennedy reports that 2014 since March has been spent recovering from a complete knee reconstruction after surgery, recovery and now respite care but the operation has been a great success. Gerry still enjoys reading the newsletters.

Maria Malicse just wanted to say thanks for the birthday card and greetings from the ANZROC family. As usual, it arrived in time for her “special day”.

Colin McNamara said he did enjoy the September meeting at the Mulgrave Country Club spent with other ANZROC members, chatting about times past, and he looks forward to joining members again at a future gathering.

Fay McPherson emails her thanks for the Birthday Greetings, with an extra special thank you to Kathy for carrying on the great tradition set by Max and John. Fay’s card arrived right on the dot and was much appreciated. She spent the day quietly at home this year. However, she did receive a call from stepson Bruce and his family, who regaled Fay with a rendition of Happy Birthday from across the world in Norway. Its thirty years next month since Gerry and Fay retired – how quickly time passes when you are having fun!

Dick Milnthorpe emails his thanks for the birthday greeting which is much appreciated, Dick and wife Pat will be going out to lunch to celebrate at a place called Dell Quay on Chichester Harbour. Unfortunately Dick and Pat will not be making their customary migration down under this year, first one they have missed since 1992, due to other commitments, and will have to get their overcoats and snowshoes out! Dick remembers years ago in London Office they had a complaint from a recently arrived Aussie staff member that all the trees had died at his Bank house!! Dick and Pat send best wishes to all their many friends in OZ. lest auld acquaintance be......

Ray Murphy noted with sadness the passing of Stan Goulding advised in the September newsletter. Ray’s memories of Stan go back to 1957 when they attended the Scottie Accountants School 90 Bourke St Branch and following the breakup of same he felt a little woozy .Stan said he would look after Ray as they both lived on the Frankston line …Moorabbin for Ray Stan further on. At Malvern he opened the train door and said see you later he was always the Wag. Others attending that school still popup in dispatches include Norm Wood, Frank Edwards and a young man from State Admin Will Bailey. Stan also played Santa at the Scottie Children’s Xmas Party at Chelsea Beach arriving by Motor Launch...a sight to see. Ray recalls the late Brian Weeks (although from the old country) was a great representative of Administration easy to get to know and a joy to meet in the 80’s at Central Highlands Area functions. It’s great to have memories but sadly as we grow older we lose so many friends.

Maggie Murray writing from Mortlake says thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday card.

Jill Paterson emails her thanks for the kind thoughts on her birthday that were much appreciated. Jill’s Tuesday line-dancers surprised her with a cake which was unexpected but a lovely thought. On the big day, she saw David Suchet in "The Last Confession" and then she was off to Sydney to see The Mavericks (touring from the U.S.) her favorite group - yet another birthday indulgence. Thanks to Kathy for her remarkable organisation of the birthday cards.

Alan Pearce would like to express his thanks for the greetings on the occasion of his recent 79th birthday. Kathy Trace does an excellent job in getting cards out to members on time each year and Alan would like to express his sincere thanks to her for her great effort. It is greatly appreciated.

Dietmar Reichert emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the timely receipt of his birthday card and best wishes for the 70th!! Reflecting on the years gone by one must acknowledge just how much assistance and co-operation one enjoyed in order to reach the milestones in life. Dietmar made a big point in this regard at the formal celebration of his birthday at the German Club Tivoli in Windsor (Vic). It was great to reflect on the many positives in front of Family and Friends – and in particular the 4 grandchildren. He also recalls fondly the many great times had at ANZ over the years and the support received from many at the time when he needed it! Health and all else is good and Dietmar is still doing some “work” and helping people to stop smoking (and dealing with other issues) if they so desire. Best wishes to all ANZROC members –“value each day”,

Barry Reid emails to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday card and her good wishes for the birthday, which was celebrated with family just prior to heading away in their caravan for a couple of months. They have enjoyed their caravan travels over the past 30 odd years, travelling this year across to Adelaide onto Renmark, spending time at Mildura, Swan Hill and Shepparton with family and friends prior to returning home. Barry and his wife enjoyed having a couple of overseas trips some years ago, and now are hopeful of continuing on with their caravan travels while health permits.

Peter Russell emails that it always amazes him how the ANZROC always arrange for the birthday cards to arrive on exactly the right day! With the many members we now have, this is indeed a great achievement. Thank you for the card and congratulations to all those involved.

The lunch at Mulgrave on 11 September was a great success and enjoyed by all those who attended

Ron Smith emails his thanks for the best wishes received on the occasion of his 86th birthday.

Ron is busy visiting Bunnings to spend Gift Cards, received on the day. He is very fortunate that health is holding up, allowing him to enjoy the good things of life.

John Sudholz emails his thanks to Kathy for the unerring "arrive on the day" ANZROC birthday greeting. He enjoyed a celebratory dinner in Camberwell with family that night and then further celebrations on the following day at the G seeing the Mighty Hawks demolish the Swans.

John and wife Noelene have enjoyed two lovely overseas trips this year. Firstly, three weeks touring Italy and two weeks cruising the Rhone in France from early May. Then, after a quick turnaround, a memorable four weeks in Scandinavia in August. They are so fortunate to be able to undertake such travels.

Peter Treleaven emails his thanks to Kathy for his birthday card which arrived right on the day. Always brings back the memory of having to work back on the Banks annual balance day in the good old days when nearly everything was done manually. Did he say “good” old days!!. Peter says all is well and still playing golf at Latrobe 3 days a week but the group’s numbers are down with the sad loss of John McConnell and Bluey Duguid last year. Peter has been spending a bit of time traveling down memory lane recently spending 2 weeks in Port Vila Vanuatu last year catching up with old friends and their families. Very emotional as it is nearly 40 years since he was Manager there. Peter also sailed on a 35 day cruise around the Pacific visiting islands of Hawaii and Tahiti to places that he went on familiarization trips for ANZ Travel back in the 1960’s. Delightfully not a great deal had changed.

Eamon Veaney had an enjoyable birthday dinner with family and friends at the hot new Collingwood restaurant Le Bon Ton located at the old Glasshouse pub. Great Cajun food and New Orleans blues music.

Doug Watson emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card ….the years go round even faster!!. Doug and wife Maureen dashed off to see their daughter and grandsons in Seattle where their son in law has been head hunted by Amazon to work on a quasi bank strategy. They all want to get into the game! Doug and Maureen then fly to London to celebrate Doug’s mother’s 100th birthday. Sad to be at Brian Weeks farewell celebration of life but good to catch up on old memories with some of the old ANZ team

AND Geoff Christensen, Kelvin Dickinson, Aldo Faella, Geoff Horton, Graeme King, Harry Loucas, Peter Marinick, Peter O’Dwyer, Tony Palmer, Peter R Smith.




It’s on again at Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.

The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course, the same as last year. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $65.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club $30.00)

(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch with wine) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $22 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Entries close - Thursday 20th November.

Hit-off from 8.30am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).

On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111

o Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cut off here


ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 28 November. Entries Close – 20thNovember.

ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details:



Name……………………………….Hcp……… … Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $65.00 ($30.00 for Rosebud members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @22.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha 3934


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only

to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)



Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2014/2015 are now due and payments can be sent by cheque to our Treasurer John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

or members can make payments electronically to ANZROC account through your internet banking facilities. Details of the ANZROC account are set out in the renewal form and please ensure that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note: – you do not need to pay any subscription



Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )

Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00 and should reach John Brown prior to 31st October 2013


……………………………………………………………… $…………..

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………




The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Mike Smith CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Dan Kirtley. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

The committee has agreed to maintain the cost of the function at $30.00. Refunds will not be paid unless the Secretary or Treasurer receive notice no later than 4 December 2014 as we are required to advise the caterers final numbers on that date.

This year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.

If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.

The programme is similar to last year:

Admittance for pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am

Admittance to function room from 12.15pm

Luncheon commences at 12.30pm


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Peter Pritchard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary 19 Albert Street East Malvern 3145. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of


Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with

…………………………………………………….……………… or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Peter Pritchard 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145



13th NOVEMBER 2014: the 40th ANZROC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON and the Committee has arranged for a wine tasting by renowned family owned King Valley winery Pizzini to present their current vintage for members enjoyment and the opportunity to purchase a wide range of fine wines.

The Agenda for the meeting and Minutes of the 39th AGM are attached .

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 7th November 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function









President John McPhee

Immediate Past President Neville Pearson

Senior Vice President Vacant

Vice President Col Edwards

Secretary Peter Pritchard

Assistant Secretary Joan Nathan

Newsletter Editor Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer John Brown

Committee Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke,

Con La Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Kathy Trace, Eamon Veaney,

Co-opted 2013/4 Wolf Damschitz, Elaine Haw,

Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic


Notice is hereby given that the 40th Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the Melbourne Room, 34th Floor 100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Thursday 13th November 2014 at 12.00noon


1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 39th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 14th November 2013

2. Presentation of President’s Report 2013/2014

3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2014

4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 4 Subscription: It is proposed by John Brown (Treasurer) and seconded by Peter Pritchard (Secretary) that “the subscription for the year from 1st October 2014 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

5. In terms of the Constitution Clause 3which states that “Any member who has rendered valuable service to the Club over a period of not less than 10 (ten) years may be elected a Life Member at either an Ordinary Meeting or at an Annual General Meeting”……it is moved by Ron Adams (Newsletter Editor) and seconded by Neville Pearson (Immediate Past President ) that President John McPhee having attained ten years service be nominated for Life Membership”

6. All Positions declared vacant. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2014-2015

7. Appointment of Auditor

8. Incoming President to address the meeting

9. General Business and Closure.



All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed form should be forwarded to the Secretary by Monday 10th November 2014 to 19 Albert Street Malvern East, Vic 3145.



We …………………………………………….. ………………………………………….

(Print full name) (Signature)

and ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..

(Print full name) (Signature)

being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate

……………………………………for the office of …………………………Or Committeeman

I accept the nomination …………………………………………………………… (Signature)




Meeting held at 34 Floor 100 Queen Street on Thursday the 14th November 2013 at 1.30 pm.


President John McPhee welcomed 45 members to the 39th Annual General Meeting of the Club.


Diane Carew, Lawrence Cox, Mike Devlin, Aldo Faella, Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins , Dorothy Hayes, Bob Heinemann , Bernadette Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Gary Mason, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Graeme Randall, David Schunke, Bruce Scott, Bruce Tickell, Jackie Waite, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods.


Circulated with October Newsletter and accepted by members present. No discussion.


President John McPhee then presented his Presidents report for 2013. The full report was available on each of the tables and subsequently posted on the ANZROC website for members’ information.


The 2013 Financial statement was emailed to members receiving electronic newsletters and hard copies made available at the meeting. Treasurer John Brown presented the statements and as there was no further discussion the statements were received on the motion of John Brown and Peter Pritchard and passed by members present.


Subscription fees for 2013-2014 to remain at $20 for metropolitan members and $10 for country and interstate members. Proposed John Brown seconded Peter Pritchard and passed by members present.


In view of the fact that sufficient nominations were received to fill all positions the following were appointed as Office Bearers and Committee for year 2013-2014.

President John McPhee

Immediate Past President Neville Pearson

Senior Vice President David Knuckey

Vice President Col Edwards

Secretary Peter Pritchard

Assistant Secretary Joan Nathan

Newsletter Editor Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer John Brown

Committee Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke, Con La Fauci, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Noelene Noonan, Kathy Trace, and Eamon Veaney

Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic

Member Alan Forrest was nominated and agreed to act as Auditor and was appointed Honorary

Auditor for 2013/2014 by members.


There was no general business.

Meeting concluded at 1.45 pm

Peter Pritchard



Newsletter September 2014


NEWSLETTER 11th September 2014


John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)






President John McPhee welcomed 70 members and partners to our meeting held at the Mulgrave Country Club .The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with friends and colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Sandra Brown, Graeme Findlay, Max Fisher, Jack Grant, Hedley Ham, Gary Horkings (first time), Dan Kirtley, Alan Lauder, Rod Macaulay, Bernie O’Reilly (back from 14 weeks overseas), Denis Rice (first time), Peter Russell (first time), Dick Sanders, John Simson (from Moama), Ken Stapleton, Syd Swaby, Bob Tough, Rose Virgona, Jill Ward, David White, Carole Whiting and Keith Winkles.

A number of members attending said the location of the Club was ideal for them and the restaurant service and free parking were attractions for members living in the south eastern suburbs. The attendance of partners also made for a very friendly luncheon and the committee will be heartened by the sizeable numbers enjoying our suburban meetings.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, John Brown, Diane Carew, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Jim Dusting, Nola Forsyth, John Hawkins, Graeme King , Ken Lee, Jacqui Luckman, Gary Mason , Gerry and Fay McPherson, Joan Nathan, , Terry Parks, Graeme Randall, David Schunke, Eamon Veaney, Anne Wee, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Black M.H. (Michael) 43 years ANZ

Wylie Sheila 31 years ANZ

We look forward to meeting Michael and Sheila at one of our meetings.


Goulding S.J. (Stan) 87 years 19/8/2014

Graeme Ainscough wrote that he was saddened to learn of the passing of Stan Goulding who was a stalwart of ANZ Frankston during Graeme’s years in Dandenong Area Branch.

Lawrie Foord said he worked with Stan in the Bills Department of ES&A 388 Collins Street before Stan was posted to Darwin. Lawrie felt that Stan on his return to Melbourne had managed several of the ANZ branches near Cheltenham where Stan eventually retired.

Weeks Brian 82 years 4/9/2014

Glen Twidale was saddened to hear of Brian’s passing.Glen knew him well and valued his friendship. Beneath that quite exterior lay a very active mind and a competitive spirit. For some time Glen used to meet Brian, John Hogarth and Norm Gibbs at the Civic Club for lunch and a game of snooker. They had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs.

Sue McCarthy recalls when she was a very young research officer; in 1969 she was transferred to Wellington, which was where Sue first met Brian, who was then the number 2 in Advances Department. Sue did some industry analysis for him and found him very stern and proper. It was only after she had returned to Melbourne, and Brian had been transferred from New Zealand, that she had the opportunity to appreciate his very straight-faced sense of humour. Somewhat later, when Brian was again in New Zealand as head of our operations there, she had to visit New Zealand several times to do some Strategic Planning work. It was then that she came up against his fearsome intelligence and thoughtfulness about banking developments. But perhaps her clearest memory of Brian is that on one occasion, back in Melbourne; by chance she walked out of 55 Collins Street with him after a fairly difficult morning. When Brian asked how she was, Sue said that she was having a few battles, to which he replied “I’ve always thought, Sue, that good management has nothing to do with popularity”. She has often quoted him, and indeed thinks those few words sum him up well: aiming to do a proper job by his own very high standards.

Eamon Veaney said that Brian was the overall boss of IT when he came to Australia in 1989.

At our meeting members stood for a few moments of silence in remembrance of Stan and Brian and our condolences are extended to their families.

Roger Watkins advised that Susan Beckers (54 years) passed away on 16/8/2014. Susan was working in 55 Collins Street Branch for Mary Ryan when Roger knew her and she would be remembered by ANZROC members.

Brian Day advised that Gary Stocks passed away after a long battle with cancer on 22/8/2014 aged 80 years. Many members will remember Gary who served with ANZ for 30 years. Gary worked at 351 Collins Street, Southern Cross, 75 Collins Street and other branches. He was a keen cricketer and played many matches for ANZ in the Mercantile Competition. He was an excellent opening fast bowler as well as being handy with the bat. He was also one of the founding members of the ANZ Social Golf Club. His funeral service was attended by Ted Palmer, with whom he worked, as well as Brian himself. RIP Gary.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during SEPTEMBER and we pass

on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Dave Brookman (91), Barbara Bruce,

Valda Clarke, George Cooper (85), Geoff Elliott (86), Bruce Emmett (82), Ian Ewart (83), Don

Fraser (89), Ralph Howden (90), Alan James (88), David Kennedy (90), Dick Milnthorpe (82),

Ron Smith (86), Colin Walton (81), Tony Wingrave (82).


From 1/9/2014

Less than $20,000 1.67%

Greater than $20,000 2.14%


The ANZROC luncheon at Mulgrave Country Club was an excellent afternoon with seventy members attending (including many partners which was great to see) travelling from far and wide to this popular venue .Although there was some queuing for lunch orders, the quality of the food and luncheon got the “thumbs up”

I found it impossible to get around to everyone, but the feedback I did receive was positive and certainly warrants the committee considering another visit next year

Cheryl and I recently returned from 4 weeks at Hervey Bay where we had a couple of pleasant evenings with “Hendo” (Brian Henderson) and Christine. On the way up stayed with Bruce and Glennis Robertson at Runaway Bay. Fantastic hosts and they all passed on their best wishes to ANZROC members

The weather was unseasonably wet and one storm collapsed the annex on our van which led to me penning a ditty as follows:

Whilst sitting in our tiny van listening to the weather man

The rain was pelting down on top and seemed like it would never stop

Whilst feeling somewhat forlorn, I went for a swim and the water was warm

A local told me the storm would clear in a while, and to also watch out for a crocodile

I believe he said it for a lark and then he mentioned a great white shark

Now sharks are something I sure fear, so found it safer on shore drinking beer

He said the weather was a freak, I did not respond, to be discreet


Graeme Ainscough writes that after several torrid months since surgery in March his health is at last on the improve but his wife June is now due for surgery which will mean daily visits to hospital and intensive rehabilitation for her . Graeme went to watch his AFL team North Melbourne play on his birthday and the team had a great win on the day and at the date of this newsletter is progressing towards the pointy end of the season. .Graeme has been able to attend a few of his Cheltenham baseball team’s winter games and the team is in the finals again this year.

Barbara Bruce emails many thanks to Kathy for the birthday card. One of Barbara’s friends drove her to Noojee and it was a very enjoyable day. They had lunch in a café at Jindivick, drove around the beautiful hilly Noojee area and wandered by the Latrobe River. In the evening Barbara went to the MCG and saw Hawthorn defeat Geelong.

Diane Carew emailed to let me know she has been in Beleura Hospital for a total knee replacement and is undergoing the usual rehabilitation exercises so will be out of action for a couple more months. Diane is hoping to catch up at our luncheons in 2015.

Rick Dickson emails that once again without fail he received his birthday greeting on the day of the birthday. Rick spent this birthday on Gabo Island, had a great time and knocked another item off his second " Bucket List "Rick is well and looking forward with some amazement to his next birthday, as it will be his 80th.So sad to see the passing of a number of his former Esanda colleagues, they will be missed.

John Fearnley passes on to Kathy his thanks for sending the birthday card to him. It was appreciated and makes John feel that he is still part of the team.

Barbara Gardiner emails her thanks to the ANZ Retired Officers committee and Kathy for taking the time to keep in touch with all of the ANZ retirees on their Birthdays!! Barbara is still enjoying all of the opportunities available to seniors to keep active, travel independently and live the good life. This year she revisited France which included a sobering trip to The Somme before returning to Paris to "walk in the shoes" of the many great writers who worked and lived there especially in the 19th and 20th century. She then took the Eurostar across to London and enjoyed some wonderful theatre in the West End. Next year, Barbara and daughter Liz look forward to driving to the magnificent Grand Canyon and Brice Canyon before Liz goes to Boston to attend a conference and Barbara meets up with her nephew who now resides in New York. She does enjoy reading the newsletter each month and thanks the committee for the commitment.

John Hawkins reports that he and wife Helen will be missing for the next meetings as they (Yep you guessed it) are on a cruise visiting Norway, Shetland Isles, Iceland where they hope to swim in the Blue Lagoon if the Volcano doesn’t erupt, then onto Canada and USA. They will be spending a few weeks with friends in Portland Oregon touring the State before coming home.

Graham Holt emailing to pass on his thanks to Kathy Trace for the work she does through her birthday wishes in maintaining the close companionship built up over many years of working and socializing together. Graham often looks back at the good fortune that happened his way when a friend of his parents Eric [Lofty] Forrest [father of Alan] suggested he join ANZ back in 1954. After the recent funeral of the one and only Leigh O’Neill a few of Graham’s colleagues who have been friends for nearly 60 years had dinner together and discussed old times.

The past 12 months has flown through at the blink of an eye. Last October Graham and his wife learnt that their youngest grandson Xavier who had just celebrated his first birthday, had a malignant tumour on his liver. Over the next 6 months they got to know the Children’s Hospital like a second home and Graham was overwhelmed by the care and facilities given to not only the patients but also their families. Xavier’s family virtually lived at the hospital and MacDonald House for much of Nov. through to June It was eventually decided that Xavier’s only chance was a liver transplant and he was placed on the top of the list for Australia and NZ which resulted in a 13 hour operation last February only 10 days after going on the list .Despite a few hic ups he is progressing exceptionally well. Actually many may have seen their son David and his family when they were interviewed as part of the Channel 7 Hospital Appeal on Good Friday. After the above experience the past 12 months seem pretty dull except for crossing one of the things that has been on Graham’s bucket list for some time; he went sky diving with his eldest grandson and he recommends the experience to anyone who has remotely considered it; although next time it will be done in summer as Graham has never been so cold whilst free falling from 14000 feet in mid winter.

Ian Ince sends his thanks to the ANZROC committee and Kathy Trace for the birthday card. On the day Ian and wife June were entertained by half of their family at a Chinese Restaurant at Redwood Gardens. The other half of the family was holidaying on the Gold Coast but will celebrate the birthday with Ian and June on their return. Now into his 21st year of retirement Ian says how time goes by. They still enjoy their annual holidays in Rosebud and Yarrawonga.

Barry Kennedy emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card received on his 75th birthday - it’s greatly appreciated and a useless piece of trivia Barry has been alive for

2,366,791,168 seconds! How's that for record keeping! He is happily retired although does work for his daughter and son in law both of whom are medico's to keep the mind active. Barry and wife Rosemary spend a fair amount of time travelling around the world which they enjoy greatly, and also commute to their apartment in Mooloolaba but not as often as they would like. Barry and Rosemary live in an Apartment in Camberwell which is very convenient to all forms of transport so he uses the car only on odd occasions and they walk mostly to all of their activities.

Barry enjoys the monthly newsletter but so far hasn’t been able to attend any of the lunch meetings but will do so one day. They catch up with Sandra Street and her husband Patrick when they are going on cruises which are great fun.

Paul Kinna, son of our late Honorary Member Brian Kinna said that Brian was very proud of his career at the Bank and spoke highly of his many friends there. Paul sent thanks for the copy of the newsletter with the Bereavement Notice which he shared with many of Brian’s family.

Stan Lancaster writes to thank ANZROC for the birthday card as always arrived on the day. Stan always enjoys receiving the newsletters and learning of the exploits of former colleagues- they are great supporters of the travel industry.

Cathie Mackiggan emails her thanks for the birthday wishes right on time as usual.

80 years…how did that happen?

Sue McCarthy emails a big thank you for the birthday card. In this electronic age, it is very pleasant to have a “proper letter” to open on the day. Like all retirees, Sue wonders how she ever had time to work, especially as she considers the past year, not to mention the one ahead. Perhaps the highlight of last year was a really terrific tour called “Hidden Secrets of Ancient and Mediaeval Rome”. The tour organisation is called Australians Studying Abroad ( and Sue is more than happy to give them a plug – she has now done 5 of their tours and all have been excellent. She always enjoys the newsletter.

Reg Nicolson emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which as usual was spot on the day. It must be a bit of a chore but the cards are much appreciated so perhaps that compensates.

Coralie O’Donahoo writing from Noosa Heads says thank you Kathy Trace for the birthday card-one she can rely will arrive on time. Coralie has been relaxing in Cullen Bay (33degrees) after a 2 degree minimum breaking a 103 year record on the Sunshine Coast and she was relishing the beautiful weather in the Darwin precincts. After a couple of weeks in Sabah and Singapore and Christmas in New York which was non-stop it was good to relax in the one place for a change…quite a different holiday for Coralie.

Kevin O’Neill writes his thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday card and good wishes received in July. Kevin also thanks his friends and colleagues for the “get well cards” received whilst recently hospitalised and he is now home and well on the way to full recovery.

Pat O’Neill widow of our Past President Leigh O’Neill said she was sorry to read in our Newsletter of the passing of Max Wehner. Max worked with Leigh in Launceston for some years before moving back to Victoria to branches in Gippsland.

Trevor Richards emails that he has just returned from wintering in the Cairns/Port Douglas area. His birthday card probably arrived on time (2nd August). It was amongst the mountain of mail that he had to open on returning home, following a month up north.

Trevor passes on his thanks to the ANZROC committee and Kathy Trace for his birthday card.

AND Will Bailey, Anne Blashki, Harry Carrodus ,Lawton Graham, Beverley McDonald, Bernie Sowersby, Trevor Stevens, Sandra Street, John Turnbull, Glen Twidale, Sheila Wylie




Eamon Veaney reports that a new milestone has been reached with 80,000 hits on our ANZROC website


This year the garden of our Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic will be open to the public as part of Open Gardens Australia. Debbie and her neighbor will be opening their Australian native

gardens on a joint ticket: $8 for one garden, $14 for both on the weekend of 11 and 12 October 2014, 10am to 4.30pm. If you are able to come, please make a point of introducing yourself to Debbie on the day as an ANZROC member as she would love to put a face to your name.


As part of the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club’s commitment to looking after your health and wellbeing, you will recall that we’ve negotiated a 9% corporate discount with nib.

Not only do you receive great value private health cover, you also have the added benefit of:

· No 2 & 6 month waiting periods to claim on Extras*

· Smartphone access to manage your claims

· Your choice of provider for Extras services+

· Access to over 400 nib Agreement Private Hospitals

The email address advised in our last newsletter has been corrected and for more information you can visit the or phone a Corporate Specialist on 1800 13 14 63. nib details for ANZROC members can also be accessed through this hyperlink - ANZROC Corporate Extranet

We have confirmed with nib executive that as long as the individual is an ANZROC member, which ANZROC can verify if need be, they are eligible for the benefit.

The 30 year retirees can stay on the ANZ staff rate code when nib has a letter from ANZ HR stating they are retiring and have 30plus year’s employment.

Anyone with less than 30 years can join ANZROC if they so choose, and be put on that rate code.

nib will have the above wording added to their internal information site and will also have an email sent out to the front line teams.

ANZROC GOLF DAY –Friday 28th November 2014

Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.

The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course, the same as last year. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $65.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club $30.00)

(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch with wine) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $22 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Entries close - Thursday 20th November.

Hit-off from 8.30am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).

On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111

o Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cut off here


ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 28 November. Entries Close – 20thNovember.

ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..


Name…………………………….Hcp……… Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $65.00 ($30.00 for Rosebud members) = $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @22.00 = $__________

Total $__________

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha 3934


EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only

to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)


Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2014/2015 are now due and payments can be sent by cheque to our Treasurer John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

or members can make payments electronically to ANZROC account through your internet banking facilities. Details of the ANZROC account are set out in the renewal form and please ensure that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note: – you do not need to pay any subscription

As a matter of interest the number of members using the internet for newsletters has risen to around 800 and if you have access to email let us know and we will be able to send future communications electronically that will reach you within 7 days of our meetings.




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )

Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00 and should reach John Brown prior to 31st October 2013


……………………………………………………………… $…………..

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………


13th NOVEMBER: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 34th Floor/100 Queen Street



The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Mike Smith CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Dan Kirtley. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

The committee has again agreed to keep the cost to members of the function at $30.00. Refunds will not be paid unless the Secretary or Treasurer receive notice no later than 4 December 2014 as we are required to advise the caterers final numbers on that date.

Cut off date for acceptances this year will be Friday 28th November 2014.

This year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.

If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.

If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.

If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.

The programme is similar to last year:

Admittance for pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am

Admittance to function room from 12.15pm

Luncheon commences at 12.30pm


If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Peter Pritchard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary 19 Albert Street East Malvern 3145. Please include the “acceptance slip”.




Name of member………………………………………………………………………

Cost of Luncheon: $30.00

Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)

I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with………………….or allocate me to a table.

Return this slip to Peter Pritchard 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145 by 28/11/2014




We are fortunate to have Peter Bearsley one of our ANZROC members speaking at our October meeting and partners, members of the ANZ Ladies Club and widows of our past members are welcome to attend.

Peter Bearsley joined ANZ as a Research Officer in Economics Dept in Wellington in 1967. Fort he next 17 years he enjoyed various roles as an economist in Melbourne, Wellington and Canberra before rejoining the Melbourne staff as Chief Manager Payment Systems & Administration at the end of 1984.After that he served in Retail HQ as Planning Executive (1986-89), Esanda as Chief Treasury Manager (1989-93), head of Expenditure Review Group AHQ (1993-96), GM Transformation Program in Retail HQ (for a brief period in 1996) then GM Charitable Trusts till retiring in 2001.While in the Charitable Trusts role, he got to know the symbiotic world of philanthropy and the many excellent charitable service agencies helping make Melbourne the World’s Most Livable City. He has helped a number of them to establish their own charitable trusts (Foundations) for raising permanent funds.

Peter has also served on the boards of various charities, including Melbourne Youth Music, Open Family Australia, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, and chaired Catholic Social Services Victoria (the peak body for about 40 Catholic charities) for six years. He is currently Deputy Chair of the Austin Medical Research Foundation and trustee for a number of trusts.

He joined the Rotary Club of Melbourne – the first and largest Rotary Club in Australia - in 1998 and served as Vice-President of the Club in 2006-7 and in 2012-13 before being elected President for 2014-15. During the last three years he has been responsible for, among other things, a USD235,000 project to reduce maternal and infant mortality in East Timor. He ran the Berlin Marathon in 2011 to raise the Rotary Club’s contribution to the funding.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 3rd October 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Newsletter August 2014

NEWSLETTER 14th August 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




President John McPhee welcomed 46 members and partners and our guest speaker Professor Bruce Holloway at our August meeting held on the 34th Floor /100 Queen Street The formal matters were dealt with by Committee woman Joan Nathan and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Wendy Black, Harry Carrodus, Linda Davidson, Harry Loucas, Frank Marzin attending his first meeting, Geoff Perdriau, Maree Pritchard and Bruce Sanderson.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, John Brown, Diane Carew, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Jim Dusting, Nola Forsyth, Val Goldsworthy, Theo Hall, Elaine Haw, Sandra Joseph, Peter Keating, Rick Kimber, Graeme King , Ken Lee, Jacqui Luckman, Jim Nicolson, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Terry Parks, Neville Pearson, , Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, John Vanselow, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Karaoutsadis J.C. (Jo) 30 years ANZ

Rao J. (Jyoti) 16 years ANZ/ANZ Grindlays India

Smith Russell 25 years ANZ

Sweeney M.R.(Michael) 43 years ANZ

We look forward to meeting Jo, Jyoti, Russell and Michael at one of our meetings.


Ferns K.V.(Kevin) 4/8/2014 80 years

Goldsworthy R.R. (Bob) 25/7/2014 82 years

Clive Goldsworthy son of Honorary Member Bob emails that Bob had 40 years of a wonderful and rich career with the ANZ. Clive recently retired from ANZ Singapore as a4th generation banker.

John Brown said that Bob was Chief Advance Clerk at 351 Collins Street Branch (M351 for those who remember) when John and wife Jan were there in the early '60s.

Sandra Street said she worked with Goldie back in the 70s when he and Col McInnes were setting up the South Melbourne Area which was headquartered in Albert Road. It was all lots of fun in those early halcyon days, getting to meet all the customers in the area and organising and setting up the office. Bob and his wife Jill added to the camaraderie away from the bank on many social occasions. Bob will be sadly missed.

Sheather K.J.(Kevin) 89 years 28/7/2014

Kevin enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in May 1943 and on discharge in November 1945 was Warrant Officer, 9 Aircrew Holding Unit.

Frank Edwards said that Kevin worked for him in Esanda Vic Division and Mark Stankovich said he worked with Kevin in Collections in Esanda.

Wehner Max 89 years 3/8/2014

Max enlisted in the Australian Army in June 1943 and at date of discharge in November 1946 was a Sapper in the 6 Aust Army Topo Survey Company.

At our August meeting members stood in remembrance of Kevin, Bob, Kevin and Max for a few moments of silence and our condolences are extended to their families.

No details of Kevin Fern’s or Max Wehner’s careers were available at the time of publishing this newsletter but if any members like to send me a note about Kevin or Max I will include in future newsletters.

Our long serving Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic advised that her father Donald (Don) Wirth passed away on 13/7/2014 and members extend their condolences to Debbie, Michael and Nicola. Don was a past student and then a key member of staff at Caulfield Grammar School over a period of 32 years from 1944 and then from 1997 for the next 15 years a volunteer assisting with the schools archives and alumni reunion programs.


Pat Gaskin advises that several ANZROC members in Bendigo, Norm Gaskin, Ian Bell and Ken Chisholm are on the sick list and would welcome calls from friends and colleagues.

Kevin O’Neill is now home from a spell in hospital and called in to see John McPhee , Peter Pritchard and me after the August meeting but said he is still recovering and would appreciate calls from friends and colleagues.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during AUGUST and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alistair Abernathy (81), Henry Barker

(85), Bruce Campbell (93), Frank Donovan (92), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards (86), Ken

Fitzgerald (86), John Glasson (92), June Hoskin, Ian Ince (81), Peter Jones

(82), Bruce Kells (82), Mike Kennedy (85), Stan Lancaster (80), Ken Lee (85), Doug Long (90),

Cathie Mackiggan, Reg Nicolson (83), Peter O’Dwyer (82), Alwyn Ward (90), Tony Watt (85).


From 1/8/2014

Less than $20,000 1.69%

Greater than $20,000 2.16%

Birdies Twitter

Neville Pearson reports that he has volunteered for the “NARI” National Aging and Research Institute research at the Melb University. It may be of interest to some members who may wish to

become interested in being part of such studies. Only involves 3 or 4 days annually and topics include issues such as:

* Memory benefits from participation in increased physical activity,

* Strategies to reduce the side effects of prostrate cancer.

Neville is fairly fit and in reasonable health so they use people in this category to provide a balance to measure against people with health issues and research into the cognitive benefit of exercise on memory and general well being.

Neville is currently touring Queensland but will be returning early September so if anyone is interested in the research project talk to Neville after 3rd Sept: Phone 9802 0187, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , address: 18 Browning Drive Glen Waverley 3150



Our Guest Speaker Emeritus Professor Bruce Holloway entertained and informed us on the subject “Do your Genes Control your behaviour”. Professor Holloway was appointed Foundation Professor of Genetics at Monash University in 1968. In addition, he has held visiting appointments at a number of Universities in the United Kingdom and the USA. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and an Officer of the Order of Australia. His research work was focussed on the genetic analysis of microorganisms important in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. He was a member of the inaugural Commonwealth Government Industry, Research and Development Board. Since retiring in 1993, he has developed training courses in modern genetic techniques for developing country agricultural scientists.

He explained to the meeting that behaviour identifies how a living organism interacts with its environment. Behaviour can be either genetic or learned. Human behaviour is controlled mainly but not solely through the nervous system. Modern genetic techniques such as those that enabled the sequencing of the Human Genome have been used to demonstrate that heredity is more important than previously thought in controlling how humans display behavioural characteristics. A range of human behavioural traits was discussed including those involving the senses, emotion and risk taking. This recent knowledge of the basis of human behaviour has implications for health issues, the legal system and society in general.

The members and partners present were fascinated by the content of the presentation and many questions were raised both during and for some time after the meeting closed and Professor Holloway was one of the last to leave the venue. Committeeman Gary Mason passed the vote of thanks to our speaker with his usual aplomb.


Ian Bell emailing from Bendigo says thanks again for the birthday wishes which arrived on the day of his 72nd and it does not seem like 17 years since he handed the pen back. Ian looks forward to reading about old workmates in the monthly newsletter and hopes to be well enough to attend the Christmas function later in the year.

Huck Bourke emails his appreciation for his birthday card (65!!) to Kathy. Huck and wife Sandy recently arrived back home after a 6 week trip covering the Canadian Rockies, a cruise from Vancouver to Anchorage, a week in Alaska (not uncommon to see people with holstered pistols on their belts) and a great drive with the golf clubs from Seattle to Palm Springs via the Columbia River Valley, redwood forests in Northern California, Sonoma county wineries, Crater Lake, Yosemite (wow!) and finally Palm Springs (Indian Wells) where they played golf over three

days in 106-110f heat only to return to a good old Melbourne winter – at least the Hawks are still doing ok.

Treasurer John Brown reports that after a few weeks in Brunswick Heads he and wife Jan are then heading to Runaway Bay to stay with ANZROC’s Bruce and Glennis Robertson at Runaway Bay and then a quick trip further north to catch up with family on the Sunshine Coast. Then they will be heading slowly south, staying a couple of weeks firstly on the coast somewhere near Coffs Harbour and then maybe a couple more near Port Macquarie before a quick trip to be home in time to go to the Grand Final.

Don Davy joined Rae Collins at Rae’s 94th birthday celebrations and they enjoyed dinner at Rae’s favourite haunt the East Malvern RSL Club with family and friends. Don says that despite restricted mobility Rae is keeping well in himself and enjoys the company of family and friends.

Frank Edwards emails that it is good to be able to say thanks to Kathy once again for hitting the birthday card delivery right on the button for his 86th. It's good to still be vertical and breathing and in reasonable shape, even if just that little bit slower and always doing the Ronnie Corbett - "What else can I do while I'm down here?" trick. Frank is looking forward to his birthday next August but in between he and wife Mavis are planning another cruise to New Zealand.

Furio Frank emails his thanks for the card to Kathy Trace, as usual received on the day.

He sends his regards to the members.

Phil Goodier emails a thank you to Kathy for birthday greetings on the big 70!! It has been a hectic year! The Northern Territory again beckoned. Phil spent a period out west in the NT Wave Hill way with an old friend drilling for water then back over to the Eastern side on Maroak Station also with old friends catching many barramundi ,shooting and lapping up the warm weather and outback lifestyle. Back to good old Alice Springs for a while staying with ex ANZer Gavin Carpenter. On returning from the NT, Eastern Gippsland was the go fishing at Mallacoota and The Snowy River at Orbost and Marlo however bowls , more fishing and diving took over during summer as well as trips back to Yorke Peninsula chasing blue swimmer crabs and a sailing reunion at Wallaroo.

Spring offered a fortnight sailing a 44 ft Catamaran with son David and others down the Western Malay Peninsula from Phuket (Thailand) to Langkowi (Malaysia) through the Malacca Straits ending up at the Singapore Yacht Club for R & R. Going North again, the beautiful Eastern Malay Peninsula was the best for friendly resorts on tropical islands, deep, clear blue sea and hot, hot and humid days. It was so good diving over to cool off at times sometimes 100 Kms from the coast. The trip was not without incidents including experiencing the scary tropical storms called locally ' Sumatra’s'. The end destination was the very pleasant Koh Samui (Thailand). On return, the annual Shark Bay fishing trip with ANZers Bob Parsons, Karl Mizens and Peter (Capt Bligh) Bramwell was enjoyed.

Phil is now grounded until after daughter Jacqueline's wedding in September so bowls at Beaumaris Bowls Club with ex ANZers Ian Davies, Ray Pietsch and David Moffatt who are also members. Guess a little fishing over the winter will have to fit in with duties at the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club.

Meryl Hallinan reports that she has been visiting family in Darwin for the past five weeks and really enjoyed the warm weather plus seeing her great granddaughters Mia and Bailey (born June 9th).

Don Hoffman emails his thanks for the birthday card and good wishes on the occasion of his 80th birthday. The years continue to pass quickly but thankfully Don still enjoys good health and remains active through lawn bowls, daily walks, gardening and Probus Club activities. Don spent the day having a celebratory lunch with wife Jan among 33 family and long time friends – couldn’t have enjoyed it more.

John Hudgson emails that the Birthday card arrived on the day and a big thankyou to Kathy and the committee - it is always great to receive the card from ANZROC. John and wife Ann were treated to a great night by the family. Fortunately they keep pretty good health but can’t believe another year has gone. John and Ann haven’t drifted far this past 12 months but have made several short weekend trips which they have enjoyed and have been kept busy with volunteering and John with golf (still trying to play the game) .They look forward to receiving the Newsletter and reading about their work colleagues.

Wayne Hulbert emails his thanks to Kathy for the Birthday Card he received recently. Kathy’s efforts are very much appreciated. Wayne and wife Bernadette have just returned from a quick trip over the Simpson Desert in their four wheel drive with offroad camper where they attended a concert on the biggest sand dune in the Simpson named Big Red. Big Red is about 35klm’s from Birdsville so it was an amazing place to hold a concert. The concert was held as a follow on to the Big Red Run which raises funds for Type 1 diabetes. Next trip will be Fraser Island in a few months time.

Peter Jones emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the good wishes on his 82nd birthday. Peter had a great day and an evening meal with family.

Serge McIntyre writes to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card. For a change Serge and the family were at home this time as for several previous years they were away overseas when the card arrived.

Godfrey Mills emails his thanks for the card. Godfrey and wife Nancy have just returned from a few weeks in Japan. What a fascinating place. Godfrey wants a Shinkansen Bullet Train for Christmas. They found the language barrier a bit of a problem outside the major cities but fortunately they do have a Japanese acquaintance, a doctor at Hiroshima City Hospital. He speaks pretty good English and helped out a lot. Godfrey and Nancy came home via Hong Kong. Compared to a few years ago it is even more overcrowded, if that is possible. They managed to buy some lapidary equipment but could not find any worthwhile uncut semi precious stones. That was disappointing. In retrospect perhaps they should have gone to South Korea in lieu of Hong Kong: that was the original plan. As Godfrey recalls after they got home he looked through the June Newsletter where he saw Terry Stapleton’s name mentioned. Earlier this year Godfrey and Nancy were in Wollongong NSW visiting relatives and long time friends. He was reminded of the days when he worked with Terry at Wollongong [C&K] branch under the watchful eye of the late Harry Nichols James. They subsequently worked together again at 394 Collins St {GMO Lending]. Glad to hear that Terry and wife Maureen are fit and well.

Bernard O'Reilly emails firstly and again congratulations to Kathy with his birthday card arriving on the day which was celebrated with a family dinner. Bernard and wife Claire’s 4 wheel driving/outback touring days are now behind them and they enjoyed their first real overseas trip earlier this year. Beginning with a tour of Gallipoli landing/battle sites on 23rd April, then on to attend the dawn service on ANZAC morning followed by the Lone Pine service. Their understanding of the true/accurate landing story and appreciation of the hardships /sacrifices made by these young men to assist us enjoy the comforts we enjoy today proved a very humbling experience. Then it was on to Berlin to spend time with their son (a German banker) and daughter in law before travelling to London for sight seeing. A 22 day tour of the UK and Ireland (you just have to love the Irish and many a pleasant evening was spent with a pub sing-along) where Bernard and Claire kissed the Blarney stone, followed by a trip to France and Rome. If he never sees another cathedral or castle he will not be disappointed. Then travelling by Eurorail pass, which took a 1 and half hour wait in the queue at Rome station to have the ticket stamped in approx 30 seconds, it was on through northern Italy to Switzerland with much beautiful scenery and fresh air which was very welcome. On the way to Vienna, via Salzburg (including a tour of the Sound of Music location) and Munich they were fortunate enough to join a tour of the BMW factory. This factory daily produces 950 vehicles with each one specified to the new owners’ requirements and all presold prior to production. Travelling on day tours from Vienna they visited

Prague and Bratislava and learned that the people were grateful for their freedom after the fall of the communist regime however it appears the Republics gained most from the separation which Bernard and Claire were told took place without any real consultation with the citizens. A very enjoyable time away however great to be home after 14 weeks and believe we are very lucky to reside in Australia

Ron Pidcock emails a big thank you for his birthday card, which arrived on the day - as usual.

In August Ron and wife Robyn are off to the UK to appear in a production of “Thespis” at the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival which this year is being held in Harrogate, a lovely town near York. It has a magnificent Opera House and it will be a privilege to appear on that stage. “Thespis” was the first G & S play that the famous partnership wrote, but it was not until a few years later that they reunited to write "Trial by Jury” and of course the remaining 12 which are much better known, such as The Pirates of Penzance, HMS Pinafore, The Mikado, etc.

Ron will be playing the title role of ’Thespis', and Robyn will be in the chorus. This will be the fourth time they have performed in the Festival, and the second time with the Savoynet group. The cast assembles from all over the world in Harrogate on August 5th, rehearse for a week putting the show together, then on the morning of the 13th they bump in to the opera house with scenery and costumes, rehearse in the afternoon with the English National Festival Orchestra, do the show at 7.30pm, then perform a short cabaret at the 'Festival Club' nearby. So when you are all assembling for your luncheon on the 14th, Ron and Robyn will have retired to bed after a long day.

Graham Smyth emails his thanks for the recent birthday wishes. Graham was travelling when the card arrived but he says life in Queensland is still enjoyable. Best wishes to John McPhee in his presidential role. He is an old "Methods Dept" colleague.

Mark Stankovich writes to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for the best wishes for his birthday. This year Mark’s birthday will be spent flying with wife Fay to enjoy a trip to Europe joining up with several members of their family on the way. It will be nice to escape the Melbourne winter for a few weeks.

Bill Swan received his newsletter by email on the road as he has been travelling with his caravan since 14 May, when he left home at Dalmeny (NSW South Coast). After a week of golf at Mildura, Bill has progressively made his way through Broken Hill, Coober Pedy, Ayers Rock, Kings Canyon, Alice Springs, Katherine, Darwin and currently at Jabiru. This is his first trip through the NT, and he has thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful sights and scenery that this amazing part of the country has to offer. One of the many highlights was catching two barramundi on the Finnis River (62 cm and 73 cm). Bill has already travelled over 5500 kms, and still has another six weeks on the road, via Mt Isa, Longreach, and onto to Brisbane to visit his son and grandkids, before returning home.

Keith Taylor sends his thanks for passing on good wishes from the committee and members for his birthday.

Jim Trimble sends his thanks for the birthday greetings for his 86th. Doesn’t seem 26 years since Jim retired but gladly to say still on this planet to enjoy it all. Thanks to Kathy for the arrival as usual on his birthday and he hopes to hear from her in 2015.

AND Raymond Babb, Stephen Bee, John Caudry, Paul Comport, Brian Day, John Fairbairn, Ruth Fleming, Alex Fowler, Jo Karaoutsadis, David Knuckey, Don Maguire, Sally Ming, Dennis Murphy, Jim Nicolson, Ray O’Meara, Alan Panther, Glenda White,




Eamon Veaney reported that we have had over 77,000 hits since launch 4 years ago of our website so the site is popular especially the news and photo gallery.

We added a Facebook link earlier this year and that has reached over 100 Members and Family and Friends and reaches a lot of people.

Feedback to Eamon is welcomed as we make every effort to provide value for money for your membership and he can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


As part of the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club’s commitment to looking after your health and wellbeing, we’ve negotiated a 9% corporate discount with nib.

Not only do you receive great value private health cover, you also have the added benefit of:

* No 2 & 6 month waiting periods to claim on Extras*

* Smartphone access to manage your claims

* Your choice of provider for Extras services+

* Access to over 400 nib Agreement Private Hospitals

The email address advised in our last newsletter has been corrected and for more information you can visit the , phone a Corporate Specialist on 1800 13 14 63.


9th October Thursday Peter Bearsley ANZROC member and President Melbourne Rotary Club34/100 Queen Street

13th November Thursday Annual General Meeting

28th November Friday Golf day at Rosebud Country Club…detail in next month’s newsletter

11th December Thursday Christmas Luncheon at ANZ Pavilion Art Centre



* The September ANZROC luncheon meeting will be held at the Mulgrave Country Club which is located on the North West Corner of the Wellington Road and Jells Road Wheelers Hill Cross Road

* There is considerable underground parking available as well as ground level parking on the North and East sides of the building

* Public Transport is not the best option and we suggest that any members who would require transport to attend the function, indicate such on the under mentioned acceptance slip and we will endeavour to arrange transport.

* We would also appreciate assistance from anyone who may be able to be called on to assist with car transport from the station should such be required

* Train travel to Glen Waverley is an option and if you intend to take this option please indicate such and we will endeavour to have a car pick you up from outside the North exit into Railway Parade at Glen Waverley Station

* We are delighted that several of the ANZ group known as the” Zedders” who hold a bi monthly get together at this venue will join us on this day

* The Mulgrave Country Club has an excellent reputation and the seniors two course lunch, consisting of either Soup and Main course or Main course and Sweets costs around $12 to $15

* Partners , ANZROC widows and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome to join us on this day and we are anticipating an excellent attendance

* Please post or Email the attached acceptance slip to Joan Nathan prior to 3rd of September.

* As Joan will not be in Melbourne to accept acceptances after 3rd of September please phone or Email your acceptances after 3rd Sept to Neville Pearson who will be back in Melbourne at that time

* Contact details for acceptances: * Joan Nathan: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone: 97408001, address: 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 9740 8001. * Neville Pearson after 3rd Sept: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , address: 18 Browning Drive Glen Waverley 9802 187



* I / WE will be attending the luncheon

* Name.................................................

Partner’s name if attending...................................................

* I / We would appreciate assistance with transport: Pick up from Glen Waverley Station YES / NO

* I would be available to pick up (number: .......) members from the Northern entrance of Glen Waverley Station at 11.30am approx

* We may be able to arrange pick up from home given the number of retired members in this area. Please indicate if this would be necessary and we will endeavour to assist

Look forward to seeing a large attendance and a wonderful day


newsletter July 2014

NEWSLETTER 10th July 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown  Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276  
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


NEWSLETTER July 10th 2014


Vice President Col Edwards welcomed 73 members and partners to 34th Floor 100 Queen Street to hear our guest speaker Graeme Simsion author of “The Rosie Project” winner of the Australian Book Industry Award for “Book of the Year 2014 ” and Graeme was accompanied by Louise McNally from Dymocks Book Sellers. The formal matters were dealt with efficiently by Committeewoman Joan Nathan and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues and partners. Members attending our luncheons for the first time were Darrell Hodges, Bernadette Lynch, John Renwick and Geoff Sandow and were warmly welcomed to our meeting. Those members not seen for some time included Serene Cheong, Ken Crawford, Bryden Davis, Carl Garley, Ray Gill, Louis Hebrard, Stan Lancaster, Elina Law, Jack Lepedjian, Peter Nyga, Glynn Parry-Jones, Ron Phillips, Des Shady, Ivan St Clair and Doug Watson,

The attendance at this meeting was very encouraging after the low numbers attending our recent meetings in the city and it was very pleasing to see the support of partners at this impressive venue.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Angelo Biviano, Diane Carew, Don Davy, Phil Dunstan, Jim Dusting ,Nola Forsyth, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King , Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, John McPhee, Noelene Noonan, Terry Parks, Maree Pritchard, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bruce Tickell, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Debono Malcolm 21 years ANZ

Hodges D.P. (Darrell) 43 years ANZ

Palmer A.P. (Tony) 28 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Malcolm and Tony at one of our meetings and we were pleased to meet Darrell who joined us for the July meeting.


O’Neill K.L. (Leigh) 84 years 30/6/2014

Leigh was President of ANZROC Vic in 1991 and was a Life Member of the Club. He was a great supporter of our Club and will be missed.

John Duke reported that the mourners included the following ANZROC members (many with their respective partners) Bob Bishop, John Bloom, John Brown, Brian Christensen, Brian Day John Duke, Jack Grant, Graham Holt, David Knuckey, Kevin Mitchell, Jim Nicolson, Ken Parry

Neville Pearson, Jenny Pickering, John Quirk, Ray Quirk. John Sudholz, Peter Treleaven, John Vanselow and David Woods and there may have been others in attendance that John missed.

John said that Leigh’s career spanned 43 years joining the Union Bank in 1945.and retiring as Chief Manager, 388 Collins Street in 1988. Leigh was sent to Tasmania for some time before returning to Victoria. His first management appointment was at St.Albans. He was also Manager Geelong at one time.

Ray Quirk adds he was grateful to old friend and workmate John Duke for his early call advising Ray of the passing of Leigh O’Neill. John’s concern for others is well known in all matters involving ANZ staff, both present and retired, in his intimate involvement in Retired Officers’ as a tireless Committee Member of The Retired Officers’ Club. Ray attended Leigh’s funeral accompanied by wife, Meryl, and son, John. As a family they were old friends with Leigh and Pat for six decades, starting from Launceston days. Leigh was a loyal happy ANZ Banker ably and enthusiastically supported by Pat. In fact Pat should be called as much an ANZer as was Leigh. They were a widely respected and liked couple. When Ray was appointed to take over from Ian Nettle as Manager of ANZ Darwin Branch, their son John, fresh out of school, joined ANZ, Centre Branch. How fortunate they were that Leigh O’Neill was Accountant at that Branch. Leigh took charge of John’s early ANZ days and ensured a very happy future for John during his long banking and subsequent financial career. Such was the character of Leigh O’Neill, happy only when he was helping others. Outside of banking Leigh was a fine sportsman and community member. He was also a leading Freemason and they visited each other as Worshipful Masters of their Lodges. Leigh’s Memorial Service was attended by a large number of mourners, relatives and friends. That outstanding lady, Pat, personally greeted every attendee, with great dignity. Family Tributes ensured a moving Ceremony, Leigh lived respected and died regretted.

Glen Twidale emailing from the Gold Coast was particularly upset to learn of “Big O’s” death as he valued their friendship which started when they both attended BASC at Manly inthe70’s.Leigh enjoyed life to the full and was liked by all those with whom he worked (and played).Being a Banker of the old variety Glen can just imagine Big O’s satisfaction at being able to pull up stumps on the 30th June’.

Members and partners stood for a few moments at our meeting in remembrance of Leigh and our condolences are extended to his family and friends.

John Duke noticed in a recent newspaper that Mal Coulston passed away on 29th June and Mal would be remembered by ANZROC members.


Kevin O’Neill is not well and undergoing treatment .We wish him a speedy recovery


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JULY and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Marguerite Barnsley, Ron Cashin (81),

Rae Collins (94), Eric Dickson (83), Chris Fieggen (83), Lawton Graham (85), Don Hoffmann

(80), Fred Hornsby (83), Terry Humphris (89), Alwynne Kilpatrick (90), Alan Panther (80),

Barry Reid (80), Kevin Smyth (83), Bernie Sowersby (84), Bob Stone (80), Keith Taylor (86),

Frank Wells (87), Norm Wood (88), John York (83).


From 1/7/2014

Less than $20,000 1.70%

Greater than $20,000 2.18%



We pen this tribute on behalf of our members to Pat and family with a tear in our eyes and love in our hearts

“As we pen this Ode to our good friend Leigh O’Neill

It is hard to explain the emotions we feel

A more caring, loving man you may never find

As my mum would have said, he was “One of a kind”

For so long battling illness not a whinge to be heard

And still Leigh was able to find a kind word

The Chapel was “packed to the rafters” so many did go

A fitting tribute to the man we called “The Big O”

Rest in peace our good comrade until we all meet again

In that place up above where the sun shines and no rain”


What has the “Birdie” been up to recently?

As my age spirals ever increasingly upwards at a frightening speed and the super fund heads in the opposite direction, Cheryl and I have endeavoured to tick off our travel wish list before riding and walking becomes too difficult. A recent operation on my ankle to repair old footy injuries and remove a Ganglion, (whatever that is ?) has laid me low after the past few weeks and I think back and realise how fortunate we are to have in the past 12 months cruised to Asia (Japan, China, South Korea and various islands on the way). We also had a recent cruise trip via more islands to Honolulu and then a flight to Las Vegas (won $7), Grand Canyon and Cheryl’s lifelong dream destination of Machu Picchu in Peru.

Peru was a highlight and exceeded my expectations. We stayed in the lovely town of Cuzco which is the stopping off place for Machu Picchu. The “ gotoperu “ (website) company provided great value package (USD 699) for 5 nights (three and a half star) clean, friendly accommodation in the heart of Cuzco and that included cooked breakfast, some lunches and 4 days touring with great guides. The package also included the cost of access to museums, churches/cathedrals and live cultural evening of dance in the Cuzco theatre as well as the breath taking train journey through the Andes mountain range and access to the ancient city of Machu Picchu with a very knowledgeable tour guide


The Albert Park / ANZ Football Club celebrates its 60th Year Anniversary this year. Past Players of ANZ Bank Football Club are most welcome and encouraged to attend the match and drinks etc at the Beaurepaire Pavilion Oval 20 Albert Park on Saturday 19th July

The team plays South Mornington and as Albert Park have won their last five senior matches they are favourites to make that 6 in a row

Look forward to seeing you there - Birdie


Our guest speaker Graeme Simsion was born in Auckland and is a Melbourne-based business consultant and writer of short stories, plays, screenplays and two non-fiction books. Graeme is the author of “The Rosie Project” winner of the Australian Book Industry Award for “Book of the Year 2014”and a best seller in Australia and sold now in 40 countries around the world. “The Rosie Project” began life as a screenplay, winning the Australian Writers Guild/Inscription Award for Best Romantic Comedy before being adapted into a novel. It went on to win the 2012 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an unpublished

manuscript and then the big prize the Australian Book Industry award. Sony Pictures have optioned the film rights with Graeme contracted to write the script..

Graeme presented an interesting and very entertaining perspective firstly on the main character in his book and secondly his career highlights that included his IT background ,his consultancy work with ANZ and how he made the career move into best selling author. His book features characters with genetics background and autism traits and is a very funny and entertaining read. There is a second book almost completed about the ongoing trials of Rosie which will be available in September/October

Copies of The Rosie Project signed by the author at the lunch were available for sale and proved to be very popular with our members who were eager buyers.


Les Ager says another birthday reached and thanks to Kathy Trace for the good wishes for his 83rd.Les had a pleasant day with family and friends and is glad to say he is in very good health.

Ian Anderson writes to thank Kathy Trace and the ANZROC committee for the good wishes expressed on the occasion of his 70th birthday .This milestone was celebrated at Dragon Boat Restaurant in Wantirna with Ian’s immediate family including all 6 grandchildren. A great day was had by all with plenty of fried rice and soy sauce being splashed around. Ian was saddened to hear of the passing of John Keck, Brian Kinna and Ron Smith all of whom worked for many years at Royal Bank Branch (ES&A Bank) prior to merger. All of these fine gentlemen played a huge part in Ian’s banking career development when aged 18-25.

Bob Bell phoning from Mollymook said that he knew our late Honorary Member John Keck when John was the last Manager of 351 Collins Street branch and he was then appointed Manager of 388 Collins Street. John was due to take up Manager Collins Place but with the delays in construction he decided to retire. Bob said that John went on to work at Conga Foods for some years when Bob was Corporate Manager of that account.

Helen Bouch emails her thanks to Kathy Trace for the best wishes on her birthday. A few of Helen’s dancing friends gave her a surprise afternoon tea and she enjoyed the chocolates and flowers.

Jeffrey Cox emails his thanks to the committee for his card. Every year or so Jeffrey and wife Alison like to get away for a walk in some foreign land and this year, in the lead up to his birthday, they walked for 3 weeks on the Mani Peninsula in Greece. Other years they have done a village walk in the north east of India and more recently a scamper in Spain – in the Alpujarra region south of Granada. They enjoyed the tavernas and life style of Greece so much they are arranging another adventure in western Crete for May next year. Jeffrey can’t believe it’s now some 53 years since he walked into the Ballarat branch of ANZ and Jim Borthwick got him to cut a pile of wood for the Manager’s wife’s fire.

Neil Dawtrey emails his thanks to the President and committee for the birthday card and in particular Kathy Trace. It's always nice to receive this card and Neil is sure it entails a lot of work to do this for each and every member. Neil and wife Marion have not travelled over the last twelve months due to health/mobility issues but things are now looking good and a trip to Broome is in the offing and later this year a short haul overseas holiday to Hawaii or similar is contemplated.

Brian Day emails to thank the Committee for the wishes he received for his recent birthday. The card arrived on the day which may be more difficult in the future with Australia Post threatening to reduce the number of days of deliveries to save costs. Brian said it was wonderful to see the excellent attendance recently at Brian Murdoch’s memorial service. The number of ex ANZ and ex Toorak Drive-In personnel in attendance was attributed to Brian’s character.

John Drummond wrote to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card” on the day”. He enjoys and keeps up to date with the newsletter.

Graeme King emailed to apologise for missing the July meeting as he and wife Sandra will be touring Norfolk Island.

Frank Marzin emails his thanks for the card. He is currently on long service leave finally retiring on 09/07/2014. Frank will then be able to finally meet ex compatriots whilst attending the ANZROC meetings and luncheons.

Bob Maughan emailing from Perth remembers the late John Keck as Manager 351 Collins Street during Bob’s time there. Not sure but he thinks he followed Roger Brunskill.

Ray Murphy emailing from Anglesea says many thanks to Kathy for forwarding the birthday greeting on behalf of the club. Ray also enjoys the newsy newsletter which is a great read especially about retirees with whom he has either worked with or rubbed shoulders with during his 40 years with the bank.

Geoff Murrell emails his thanks for the birthday card. Geoff and wife Mary have just returned from a lengthy overseas trip and it was a great pleasure to receive his card on their return.

Terry Parks emailing from Toora says it is difficult to attend our luncheons in Melbourne when she is located 2.5 hours each way from Melbourne while having 17 horses to feed morning and evening makes getting to such functions in the short daylight hours of winter a challenge. Terry does look forward very much to attending some of the ANZROC functions during the longer days of summer.

Tom Portelli sends a note of thanks particularly to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the birthday card received on the occasion of his recent 80th birthday. Where’s the time gone?

Reg Roberts emails his thanks to Kathy Trace and ANZROC Committee for the birthday greetings card which arrived on time for his 86th birthday Whilst Reg doesn’t attend ROC functions he still looks forward to reading about former colleagues in the Bank.

Brian Schafer emails to acknowledge the recent receipt of his birthday card and to express his appreciation of it, and also the monthly newsletter. The news letter is the best networking tool since the old "Staff Movement Circulars", it keeps us all linked together. Usually it is full of good news and, Brian enjoys the fact that it keeps him informed of the existence, welfare and activities of the many wonderful people he has worked with. Unfortunately, of course, there is always an element of sad news.

Neil Sharman writes to thank the Committee for the birthday card and wishes sent on the occasion of his 78th birthday. It is always a pleasure to receive the birthday card from ANZROC.

John Tulen phoning from Hastings told me he received his birthday card and good wishes from Kathy Trace and the committee for his 80th. John celebrated at a party of more than 50 people at his son’s home in Somers and several of his customers from John’s days in South Melbourne were there to surprise him.

John Vanselow reports that he and wife Lois plan to caravan again this year to that wonderful state of South Australia. This time they will travel as far as Head of the Bight on the Nullarbor then return via Eyre Peninsula and Adelaide. They enjoy spending time at coastal spots from Ceduna to Streaky Bay, Coffin Bay, Port Lincoln and Tumby Bay. Then they will make their way to Adelaide to catch up with friends.

Roger Watkins writes his thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday card and says he is sorry not to be able to attend the monthly luncheons but keeps in contact with members through the newsletter. Roger was sorry to learn of the passing of Charles Rennie after wishing Charles well at the 2013 Christmas Luncheon. Roger’s health is fine and he is looking forward to the next Christmas luncheon.

Ray Watson emailing from Clifton Springs says a few people have been asking about his recent boating experience so he decided to give an update as to the actual facts. Ray considers he has used 8 of his 9 lives recently in a boating accident on Port Phillip Bay. Ray was trying out a new boat he had purchased and under full power dropped his phone, bent down

to pick it up, the boat lurched and a new seat that he had just purchased broke and Ray got hit by the tiller and went out over the back Lost the life jacket in the process and did not have the safety motor kill attached(he now knows why it’s there) Fortunately the boat went about 100 metres before it started turning circles at full speed and managed not to run over Ray. Ray’s mate was at the ramp as he was to follow but Ray was rescued about 15 minutes later by two young chaps before his mate could get his boat launched. People saw it happen from the cliff top and called 000 which brought the water police, police helicopter, Portarlington police, Drysdale police, ambulance and paramedics to assist. Nobody could catch the boat so it went around in circles for 3 hours before running out of fuel but no damage to boat or motor. Still feel a real idiot for breaking every rule in the book however Ray is thankful he was not hurt or worse still not here as that water was extremely cold. The two young blokes that picked Ray up won’t have to buy any Crown Lager for a while. It made page 3 of the Geelong paper and was on local and ABC news but he is sure not proud of it. Ray is trying to make up his mind if his boating future is over now he has passed 70 but whatever may not go out on his own again.

Peter Westaway emailing from Warragul says thanks to Kathy for the latest birthday card which was greatly appreciated.

Brian Wills writes to thank the ANZROC committee for his birthday card on his 83rd. A few familiar names from Brian’s working days have passed on this year. Brian is enjoying quite good health for his age.

AND Graham Ainscough, Ray Allsop, Alma Barkell, Ken Bleakney, Geoff Elliot, David Kennedy, Ian Marchant, Robin Peatfield, Ron Williams




We have finally been able to have the Bank simplify the process for members to obtain the Retired Officer's Staff Banking Benefits.

In future to set up your benefits, visit your nearest ANZ branch or call ANZ Priority on 1800 454 688.

As an ANZ staff member or eligible Retired Officer*, you can apply for a great range of benefits to help you make the most of your money and build a better future. With fee waivers on certain accounts and cards, bonus interest, discounts on loans, insurances and share trading and access to specialists, you’ll get a comprehensive banking experience.

ANZ Staff Banking is committed to giving you:

* benefits and offers across a range of ANZ products

* a range of ways to bank including in branches, online, mobile and over the phone

* the opportunity to be first to experience ANZ ’s latest products and innovations

* financial education to support your financial well-being.

How do I get my benefits?

Taking advantage of Retired Officers benefits is simple.

Who is eligible?

Retired Officers* who have completed 30 years or more continuous permanent service, are entitled to Staff Banking benefits (excluding insurance products) after they retire, resign or are retrenched from ANZ .

Where do I find information on the benefits?

Get the latest information about Retired Officers benefits by visiting your local branch or contacting ANZ Priority on 1800 454 688. Your ANZROC Secretary also has full details and this can be provided to members on request.

Ways to bank

To set up your benefits, visit your nearest ANZ branch or call ANZ Priority on 1800 454 688. You must ask for a particular staff banking benefit to be applied.

An A-Z Review® can help you get on top of your finances and achieve your goals. Visit your nearest branch or call ANZ Priority to book your A-Z Review® with one of our experts.

For home loan queries you can contact:

* a Home and Investment Lending Manager via your local branch,

* an ANZ Mobile Lender on 13 25 12, or

* ANZ Home Loan Direct on 1800 100 641

Loans originated via Broker channels on or after 11 July 2011 are not eligible for staff banking benefits.


As part of the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club’s commitment to looking after your health and wellbeing, we’ve negotiated a 9% corporate discount with nib.

Not only do you receive great value private health cover, you also have the added benefit of:

* No 2 & 6 month waiting periods to claim on Extras*

* Smartphone access to manage your claims

* Your choice of provider for Extras services+

* Access to over 400 nib Agreement Private Hospitals For more information you can visit the new ANZROC corporate extranet or phone a Corporate Specialist on 1800 13 14 63.

* Offer applies to new corporate customers of any combined nib Hospital and Extras package. Offer excludes Hospital services, OSHC and Overseas Visitors covers. Longer waiting periods apply for some services including major dental.

+ Providers must be registered and recognised by nib health funds


The bi-annual Scottie Reunion Luncheon is on again and booked the Strathmore Hotel Luncheon and will be held in the Strathmore Hotel, Balcony Restaurant, 129 North Terrace, Adelaide, for the 15th October .Contact details are: Graeme Baum Tel: 08 8370 5579 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Paul Begg Tel: 08 8376 1430 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thursday September 11th: Mulgrave Country Club.

Noel Beanland has details phone 98701139

Friday 28th November 2014 for the golf day at Rosebud Country Club.

Full details will follow closer to the date.



We are fortunate to have Emeritus Professor Bruce Holloway as our guest speaker for the August meeting the title of his talk will be “Do your genes control your behaviour?’’.

…, members of the ANZ Ladies Club and widows of our past members are invited to this ANZROC event …refreshments will be available during the luncheon

Emeritus Professor Bruce Holloway was appointed Foundation Professor of Genetics at Monash University in 1868. In addition, he has held visiting appointments at a number of Universities in the United Kingdom and the USA. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and an Officer of the Order of Australia. His research work was focussed on the genetic analysis of microorganisms important in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. He was a member of the inaugural Commonwealth Government Industry, Research and Development Board. Since retiring in 1993, he has developed training courses in modern genetic techniques for developing country agricultural scientists.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 8th August 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




newsletter june 2014

NEWSLETTER 12th June 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



President John McPhee welcomed 55 members, partners, widows of past members and members of ANZ Ladies Club to Greensborough RSL Club for our June meeting. The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues and friends. Members not seen for some time included Vicky Genius at her first meeting, our host for the day Dal Crocker who is Vice President of the RSL Club, Graham Bloom, Rino Frigo, Val Goldsworthy, Chris Griffith, Stan Halbish, Hedley Ham, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Bob Lamb, Kevin Smyth and Brian Wills. We were also pleased to welcome Irene Bettonvil, Madge Latham, Heather McNutt and Julie O’Regan to this meeting and hope to see them again at our future meetings.


Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Angelo Biviano, Diane Carew, Don Davy, John Duke, Phil Dunstan, Jim Dusting , Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Elaine Haw, Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, Gary Mason, Noelene Noonan, Neville Pearson , Alan Podger, Maree Pritchard, Peter Nyga, Graeme Randall, Bruce Sanderson, Bob Stamps, John Vanselow, Doug Westcott, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Nielsen S.J. (Steve) 26 years ANZ

Nye K.G. (Kym) 31 years ANZ

Sandow G.W. (Geoffrey) 31years ANZ

Weybury K. R. (Keith) 46 years ANZ

Young B. G. (Brian) 47 years ANZ

We look forward to meeting Steve, Kym, Geoffrey, Keith and Brian at one of our meetings .


Hart T. J. (Trevor) 71 years 30/4/2014

Jill Paterson sent me a report on the memorial service for Trevor Hart held at Camberwell Grammar School that was packed with more than 250 families and friends in attendance .Trevor

would have loved a “Standing Room Only” service and it was a tribute to him as a fine person and a true gentleman. His former bank colleagues knew of his work in preserving our banking history but he also earned the respect of the many other organisations he had worked with as their archivist and historian. It was a sad time but a very fitting tribute to a man we all knew and loved. Jill said that she saw ANZROC members Brian Christensen, Linda Davidson, Andy Herd, Stan Lancaster, with past ANZ colleagues Rhonda Barry and John and Heather Kelly in the 250 attendees and there may have been others at the service.

A copy of the tribute to Trevor that appeared in the AGE newspaper is posted on our ANZROC website.

Keck J.W. (John) 94 years 16/5/2014

John Keck joined the Australian Army in July 1942 and at date of discharge in March 1946 was Captain of the HQ Command AASC3 Aust Div. Brian Christensen recalled meeting John when Brian was working at Titles Office Branch and Viv Paul was manager. Across the road John was manager of the Lonsdale Street Branch .Viv and John were firm friends and colleagues.

If members have more details of John’s time with ANZ please let me know.

Kinna J.B. (Brian) 85 years 18/5/2014

Frank Edwards advised me that he and Mark Stankovich went along to Brian Kinna's farewell service. There was a large turnout and they spotted a few familiar faces in the congregation, including Lawrie Foord and Bevan Ranford, among others.

Frank Edwards and Murray Abraham established that Brian was a Scottie lad who went through the ranks in the branch system before going into Lending later in his career. There was mention at his farewell of time spent in PNG, but no more explanation, and it was said that on his retirement, Will Bailey told him "you've done good, Kinna." Lawrie Foord also said he can recall Brian being involved in the opening of the ES&A Savings Bank, working in Royal Bank Branch as a Senior Lending Officer and managing several branches including Moorabbin East. Mattila N.E. (Norm) 92 years 27/5/2014

Norman enlisted in the Australian Amy in August 1942 and served in the 2/27 Australian Infantry Battalion in New Guinea in the battles at Shaggy Ridge in WW2 and on discharge in December 1945 had the rank of Lance Corporal. Frank Edwards attended Norm's send-off. The church was full and Frank felt he was the sole ROC representative. At the service a piper played at the entrance of the Church and a bugler played the Last Post at the end of the service. Frank worked briefly with Norm at Mentone in the early 1950's and later when he was relieving at 457 Elizabeth Street where Norm was one of the tellers. As a ten pound Pom just off the boat and new to banking Frank greatly appreciated Norm’s kindness and help in those early days. David Knuckey also told me that Norm’s career was interrupted by two armed hold ups at branches at which he was present and he later spent time working with David in city branches. One of nature's gentlemen.

Murdoch B.J. (Brian) 82 years 22/5/2014

John Vanselow reported that Brian started his career at 394 Collins Street and that John first met him at Northern Branch and in 54/55 when Brian was Manager of the Toorak Drive in Branch. Brian also managed branches at Frankston, Footscray, and Suva Fiji. His forte was in the lending area and retired as an Auditor of Corporate lending and visiting such branches as Fiji and Vanuatu. Brian was a Life Member of ANZ Staff Club sharing many years on the committee with John Vanselow, John Brown, Neville Pearson and Brian Christensen and was also on the committee of ANZROC when I joined the committee in November 2000. He was a staunch supporter of ANZROC events until recently when his health deteriorated and he will be missed by many ANZROC members.

Dick Sanders advised me that he attended the funeral for Brian Murdoch and it was very well

supported by ANZ retired officers – men and ladies and partners. Brian was a well respected and

well liked member of the bank and the crowd attending attested that. The attendees were able to

make contact with old friends and renew common memories. Members seen at Brian’s service

included Bob Bell, John Brown, Jock Buntain, John Caudry, Brian Day, Frank Edwards,

Alan Forrest, Graham Joseph, Barry King, Kevin Mitchell, Graham Morgan, John Parkes

Dennis Rice, Neil Sharman, Bruce Tickell, Kathy Trace, John Vanselow. Others were immediate

family and friends including those from interstate with members from Probus and Rossdale Golf

Club where Brian and John Vanselow were members for more than 50 years . A fitting farewell.

Smith R.W. (Ronald) 75 years 5/4/2014

Jackie Smith emailed to say Ronald always enjoyed receiving the newsletter and reading about people he remembered working with. He was proud of his long commitment to the bank from an early age when he began work at the ES&A, right through to his retirement at age 55. Ronald and Jackie retired to Merimbula and his loss is greatly felt.

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Trevor, John, Brian, Norman, Brian and Ronald and our condolences are extended to their families and friends.

Helen Hill widow of our past Honorary Member and supporter of ANZROC Rod Hill wrote to thank members after receiving a copy of the May newsletter which she and the family greatly appreciated. Helen said that Rod would have been very thrilled to have had so many old mates turn up to say goodbye at his funeral service. Helen has written to those ANZROC members who left addresses but passes on her thanks and that of all of their families to those she was not able to contact.

Elaine Provan, daughter of our past Honorary Member and great supporter Charles Rennie emailed me after receiving a copy of the May newsletter “Thank you so much for forwarding the newsletter to me I shall pass it on to my sister who will also enjoy reading about your news and activities. Everyone in the Bank has been very kind, offering condolences and word of praise for our dear Dad. He really did enjoy the times he visited with the ANZROC members and had very fond memories of his colleagues.”

Graham Bloom advised that his colleague Graeme Harrison who was an enthusiastic player in the ANZ Cricket team passed away recently and Graeme would be remembered by ANZROC members.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JUNE and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Les Ager (83), Bill Gardiner (83), Bob

Lamb (80), Jim Martin (92), Geoff Meggs (86), Ray Murphy (84), Tom Portelli (80), Reg Roberts

(86), Roy Sloggett (82), Barry Theobald (90), James Trimble (86), Ern Walton (83), Roger

Watkins (83), Kevin Watson (85), Ray Whitehead (88), John Williams (84), Elaine Willmott,

Brian Wills (83),


From 1/6/2013

Less than $20,000 1.70%

Greater than $20,000 2.18%

I noted in the ANZROC NSW newsletter that at the ANZROC NSW lunch they were advised that retired officers are receiving a bonus 1.4% interest on their ANZ Online Savers Accounts above the current carded rate of 2.5% To receive this benefit it is necessary to phone ANZ on 1800 155 261 and supply them with the account number applicable and they will also seek your security code word to authenticate your call. The bonus is only granted for a specific period of approximately 4 months and it is necessary to phone and have the bonus rate extended/reinstated at the due date advised to the account holder when they first negotiate the rate.

Birdies Twitter

Neville Pearson back from his overseas travels with wife Cheryl was unable to attend our June luncheon that he had organised with Dal Crocker at Greensborough RSL as he was called in by his surgeon to have an operation on his ankle and while waiting he penned this short poem to apologise for his non attendance….
















Bruce Avent says he was delighted to receive, once again, his birthday card; must be a real challenge but Kathy Trace would realize that all of us old relics are most grateful to her. Bruce thinks a lot of the oldies look forward to hearing about what is going on in the newsletter; each issue is very much enjoyed by him.

Apologies to Carole and Graham Bancroft in our May Newsletter as it was ANZROC member Carole sending her sincere thanks to Kathy and the members of ANZROC for her birthday card and the warm wishes for her 70th birthday which was celebrated with a dinner at Clover Cottage with Graham and family and close friends which was very special. Graham reminded me that he has passed 70 but has had some health issues, but with recent improvement they were able to celebrate Carole’s birthday in January by taking the cruise to New Zealand.

Darryl Bartlett emails thanks again to Kathy for the timely birthday greetings. Presently Darryl is in convalescent/rehab mode following major surgery to fuse 3/4/5 vertebra in his neck in March following MRI scans that indicated severe pressure on his spinal cord. This has thrown travel plans out the window for a while; however, Darryl and wife Ronda hope to be able to visit their daughter and family in Fiji come July/August, dependent on recovery of arthritic bones etc. They spent a lovely 6 weeks there last June July and the climate certainly beats Melbourne winter.

Mike Cooper emailing from Sebastopol sends his thanks for best wishes for his 70th birthday. Mike’s family and about 60 other friends gave him a “semi-surprise” party at Sebastopol Bowling Club. He says ‘semi” as Mike was aware of a minor celebration, but very pleasantly surprised at

the range and number who called in. Two days later they were presented with their 10th grandchild, which should be about the limit. Very little activity in their quite life at the moment. Down-sizing to a home unit in a very quite location was the best move for them. Small garden, and a little artificial grass means little maintenance and allows Mike and his wife to head off periodically in the caravan. He looks forward to receiving the newsletter each month, reading with interest the trials and tribulations of former workmates. Mike was saddened by the passing of John Keck, his first manager at 390 Lonsdale St and later at Royal bank Branch, and Brian Kinna when Accountant at Royal.

Lindsay Dell an old colleague of mine emails to thanks Kathy for his birthday card and the good wishes. Only news on the home front is that his MS has progressed to the point that limits his movements and not being allowed to drive he relies on his wife for any trips out of the house. Travel for holidays is very limited so they are pleased that they did a great deal of overseas touring before the condition worsened.

Jim Dusting sends his thanks for the recent birthday card, which arrived on time as usual .Jim will be missing for both the June and July meetings as he and wife Carole will be overseas but he will drop us a line during the trip to let’s know what’s going on.

Val Goldsworthy writes many thanks are due to Kathy Trace for a Birthday greeting happily received. Twenty four family enjoyed dinner on the Colonial Tramcar Restaurant and as ever a fine experience.

David Harkin emails to thank Kathy Trace, for the timely arrival of ANZROC’s birthday card as usual. The past year has been busy for David and wife Maureen, with house renovations and life in general. He once again took part in The Malebag Ride raising funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation. This year they toured Tasmania from 15th to 23rd March and raised $170,000 and are still awaiting some promised sponsorship funds. This year’s ride was a lot easier with 6 days in Tasmania covering 1200 Klm, as compared to 4600Klm in 11 days on the Perth to Melbourne ride last year. The group “The Male Bag Ride” has now raised over $700,000 in 2 years for the PCFA. The group consists of 26 riders on ex-postie motor bikes and 3-4 support crew, and are now planning their next adventure where they will circumnavigate Victoria in November 2015.

David wishes to thank ANZROC for adding the PCFA & BCNA links to the website, and he especially encourages all males over the age of 40 to ensure they undergo annual tests to monitor this insidious disease.

John Harris emails many thanks to Kathy, the Committee and Members for the good wishes for his birthday on Anzac Day .The celebration with the family was most enjoyable. During the past year John and wife Colleen have enjoyed a couple of trips to London to see their son, daughter in law and the 3 grandchildren. In June they made a side trip to Spain and for Christmas/New Year were accompanied by their daughter, son in law and 2 grandchildren to enable all of the immediate family to enjoy Christmas and New Year together. It proved a memorable occasion. Colleen finds limited time to enjoy golf due to work commitments in their daughter and son in law's practice whilst John is still involved in Rotary, golf and tennis.

Graham Heenan emailing from Belmont says thank you for the birthday wishes. Not a lot to report for the last year - efforts have been towards house renovations and trips limited to within Victoria and ten days at Mooloolaba. All exotic activity deferred until next year.

Terry Heenan emailing from Leopold sends his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card received on the day. Terry’s health is gradually improving following a series of treatments, and he is looking forward to playing bowls and golf again.

Bernadette Hulbert emails her thanks to Kathy for sending her Birthday Card and the good wishes which arrived right on the day. Bernadette had a great day finishing with dinner with family.

David Kay writing from Alfredton thanks Kathy for her best wishes on his 70th birthday. It really was different for at the time the card would have arrived David and wife Gaye were on a ship sailing between Japan and Alaska and his birthday was celebrated with the normal cruise ship ceremony. On that evening the ship crossed the International Date Line and the next morning Tuesday began all over again with renewed celebrations. His Birthdays were two in two days without becoming a year older and that was something special. David and Gaye are packing soon for the annual caravan migration heading north.

Ailsa Mackie writes her thank you for the birthday greetings and it is indeed a pleasure to receive them each year and so promptly but it is a bit frightening that they seem to come so frequently Kathy does a wonderful job dispatching them.

Mike Nickell emails to express his thanks to Kathy and the ANZROC Committee on behalf of members for the good wishes expressed on the occasion of his 70th. The card arrived precisely on "the day" so the ANZ "diary system" is still true to form. Mike had a most enjoyable weekend shared with immediate family at "Lochinver" a self catering late 19th century farm house at Carisbrook Vic. An excellent venue for such an occasion. Mike has been most fortunate to have enjoyed a wonderful 3 score and 10 and hopefully the coming years will allow continued good health, the company of good friends including ANZROC members, travel for a while longer and the love and support of a wonderful family. Thankyou all again so much, we are fortunate to be part of a successful retirement club which keeps the fellowship bonds we gathered over the years together.

Peter Nyga emails that his birthday card arrived right on the day as usual. Please thank Kathy Trace for carrying out a fine job. Highlight of the day was a very nice birthday dinner at a bayside restaurant.

Alan Podger emails his thanks once again for the most welcome Birthday Greeting duly received on the actual day. With a recent visit to Gladstone, Qld to view the final performance of “Peter Pan” involving one grand daughter in the star role (and what a star), another younger grand daughter as a very winsome pirate and a daughter on piano in the orchestra – Alan and wife Judith just had to be there. They have now only just got back from a visit to Hobart including a cheese and oyster excursion to Bruny Island and with a bit of luck, a visit to the Gold Coast coming up to observe one grand son playing with Victoria in the under sixteens AFL competition. No bowls at present but still guiding at the MCG. Life never gets boring.

Barry Rogers would like to acknowledge, once again, the receipt of his birthday card from Kathy and the team. Barry very much appreciates the effort that goes into keeping track of us all and welcomes the contact with the club on the occasion. Unfortunately, due to work commitments he is unable to attend the monthly meetings, but looks forward each year to catching up with colleagues at the Christmas luncheon.

Bruce Sanderson emails his thanks for the clubs birthday wishes. Kathy Trace timed its arrival perfectly.

Terry Stapleton emailing from Cremorne NSW says thank you for the birthday card which arrived on the day of his 84th birthday. Another good year has gone by all too quickly for Terry and wife Maureen , but they continue to generally enjoy good health and lead reasonably active lives with plenty to do.......not a lot has changed although Terry is slower on the tennis court than he used to be.....most Tuesdays he enjoys lunch at the Wine and Food Society and as well is a member of a Book Discussion Group which meets on a weekly basis present they are reading/discussing a book called “The Orphan Master’s Son” a Pulitzer Prize winning novel set in North Korea. Terry follows matters reported on the web page with interest and often finds cause for reflection.

Norma Thomas writing from Pialba (Qsld) says the good wishes on the occasion of her birthday were much appreciated. The day was celebrated with family members at a favourite restaurant overlooking the water.

Mike Vallence acknowledged receipt of the birthday card and to thank Kathy Trace and the Committee for the good wishes on his recent birthday

John White emails many thanks for the good wishes received on him reaching 3 score years + 10. ANZROC Members continue to be spoiled on their birthdays for, as usual; Kathy ensured the card arrived on precisely the right day. Whilst their Grandchildren keep them busy, John and wife Debby are gearing up for the annual 8 weeks getaway to Broadbeach. Meantime, he continues to enjoy monthly lunches with old (?) colleagues such as Messrs Cameron, Cashin, Kerwin, Routledge, Stapleton and Veenman where they share their solutions to the world's problems.

AND Wendy Black, Terry Brennan, David Crisp. Don Davy, Trevor Dodds, Phil Dunstan, Bob Grant, Stan Lancaster, Rolf Loebert, Phil McBean, Sue McCarthy, Janette McNamara, Bruce Morley, John Plunkett, Geoffrey Sandow, Glen Twidale, Roly Webster, Keith Westaway,




A timely reminder to members of the availability of concessions from ANZ and a copy of the current list of concessions which lists some loans, credit cards, deposits , savings plan and financial planning facilities where concessions apply can be made available to you on request to Peter Pritchard, Eamon Veaney or myself.

Most branches of ANZ are aware of the concessions but to access these benefits, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to ANZ Retired Officers, Level 4 ANZ Centre, Docklands VIC 3008, stating:

• Your name and address

• Years of ANZ service

• The product you wish to receive a staff banking benefit for

• Whether it is for an existing product held by you or for a new application.



Huck Bourke has secured Rosebud Country Club Friday 28th November 2014 for this year’s ANZROC golf day which was a great success with our golfers in 2013.

This year he has been able to push the tee-off time out by a half hour to 8-30am which should be helpful for those travelling from Melbourne.

Full details of this event will be included in Newsletters closer to the date.


The bi-annual Scottie Reunion Luncheon will be held in the Strathmore Hotel, Balcony Restaurant, 129 North Terrace, Adelaide. Generally only those that had a past connection with SA and /or NT attend but there are many from that category living and working in other states, and many of whom we have had little or no contact since the reunions started some 30 + years ago. We are looking to have as many past Scottie people at our next reunion as we can. Where possible, we would like email addresses so that we can speed up the forwarding of invitations and contain costs

Contact details are: Graeme Baum Paul Begg

Tel: 08 8370 5579 Tel: 08 8376 1430 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


* August 14th: 34/100 Queen Street

Emeritus Professor Bruce Holloway will speak to us on the subject “DO YOUR GENES CONTROL YOUR BEHAVIOUR?’’ Bruce Holloway was appointed Foundation Professor of Genetics at Monash University in 1968. In addition, he has held visiting appointments at a number of Universities in the United Kingdom and the USA. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and an Officer of the Order of Australia. His research work was focussed on the genetic analysis of microorganisms important in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. He was a member of the inaugural

Commonwealth Government Industry, Research and Development Board. Since retiring in 1993, he has developed training courses in modern genetic techniques for developing country agricultural scientists.

* September 11th: Mulgrave Country Club

Details available from Noel Beanland Phone 98701139



We are fortunate to have Graeme Simsion author of The Rosie Project winner of the Australian Book Industry Award for “Book of the Year 2014 ” as our guest speaker for the July meeting… , members of the ANZ Ladies Club and widows of our past members are invited to this ANZROC event …the menu has been upgraded for this meeting, and refreshments will be available during the luncheon

Graeme will talk about his IT background including his work with ANZ and how he made the career move into best selling author. His book features characters with genetics background and autism traits and is a very funny and entertaining read. Copies of The Rosie Project will be available for sale and signing at the lunch. Graeme was born in Auckland and is a Melbourne-based business consultant and writer of short stories, plays, screenplays and two non-fiction books. The Rosie Project began life as a screenplay, winning the Australian Writers Guild/Inscription Award for Best Romantic Comedy before being adapted into a novel. It went on to win the 2012 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an unpublished manuscript and has since been sold around the world to forty countries in deals approaching two million dollars. Sony Pictures have optioned the film rights with Graeme contracted to write the script.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 4th July 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.




PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




newsletter may 2014


NEWSLETTER 8th May 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




President John McPhee welcomed 42 members to the Melbourne Room on the 34th Floor 100 Queen Street for our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL meeting to hear Guest Speaker Major Brendan Nottle who was accompanied by wife Major Sandra Nottle. The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Wendy Black, Linda Davidson, Neil Gladstone, John Hawkins, Bernadette Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Harry Loucas returning from a bout of sickness and Rod Macaulay.

The numbers attending were well down on our Salvation Army meeting in 2013 due partly to the level of apologies received from members on the sick list or travelling interstate and overseas at this time of year. The Committee will however consider the content of forthcoming meetings in the city , suburbs and country venues for 2014 and 2015 and undertake a review as to why our attendances are consistently below the ANZROC meetings held in 2012/2013 so any feedback from members would be welcomed and can be passed on to members of our Committee.



Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Angelo Biviano, Diane Carew, Wolf Damschitz, Phil Dunstan, Jim Dusting, Aldo Faello, Con La Fauci, Norris Gale, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield ,Rick Kimber, Ken Lee, Jack Lepedjian, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Neville Pearson, Alan Podger, Maree Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bruce Sanderson, David Schunke, Paul Tovey, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Genius Vicky 11 years ANZ

Heard Sheryl 19 years ANZ

Ruffell F.A. (Alistair) 48 years ANZ

We look forward to meeting Vicky, Sheryl and Alistair at one of our meetings.





Fox Mrs. Norma 91 years 25/4/2014

Norma spent most of her banking career in the country at Foster where she lived for much of her life. Norma was a supporter of ANZROC and a regular contributor to our ANZROC newsletter over the years I have been Newsletter Editor.


Hart Trevor John (Trevor) 71 years 30/4/2014

The sudden passing of Trevor Hart on 30 April 2014 in Cabrini Hospital came as a shock to many members. Trevor was the archivist at Camberwell Grammar School and Ruyton Girls' School and formerly the archivist at Eltham College. He was a real gentleman and a great supporter of ANZ and the Archive and will be missed by the Archives Team. A memorial service will be held at Camberwell Grammar School on Wednesday 14 May. An article from the Scottie in May 1969 about Trevor has been posted on our website and we will report on the Memorial Service in next month’s newsletter..


Hill Rodney James (Rod) 88 years 13/4/2014

Rod enlisted in the RAAF in 1943 and was training as a wireless operator when WW11 ended.

Rod joined the Union Bank of Australasia in Mount Gambier SA in 1940 and on retirement in 1984 had spent 43 years with ANZ. Rod had a distinguished career with ANZ with a term in New Zealand from 1946 to 1953 and then back to Melbourne where at retirement he had reached the position of Chief Manager Market Operations ANZ. Rod had several visits to London for ANZ including a semester at the International Banking Summer School at Oxford and formed lifetime friendships with counterparts in the CIBC Toronto and NatWest in London. After retiring he became a consultant that included a role in the workout of TRICO and he served as Director on several Boards as well as lecturing at RMIT until ill health forced him to retire from the business world. He was passionate about family including his 26 grand children and great grandchildren, management of his share portfolio and playing golf at Huntingdale and will be missed by family and friends.

I noticed ANZROC members attending the well attended funeral service with me that included Terry Brennan, John Duke, Sue McCarthy, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Jim Nicolson, Gordon Paulett, Don Ranyard and John Ries,


Rennie Charles Henry (Charles) 101 years 11/4/2014

Charles enlisted in the Royal Australian Airforce in September 1942 and was posted to Canada as a flying officer under the Empire Training Scheme until demobilised in 1945.

Charles joined the Union Bank of Australia at 351 Collins Street in 1928 and following his return to the Bank in June 1945 he continued to progress and in July 1949 he was appointed Manager of the Union’s branch on the corner of Lonsdale and Exhibition Streets Melbourne. In 1953 after the merger of the Bank of Australasia and Union Bank and while serving with the Bank in London he was selected as the first member of ANZ Bank Staff to attend the Administrative Staff College at Henley on Thames. Between 1954 and 1957 he served in senior positions in General Managers Office Melbourne. In 1956 he was selected as Manager of the Olympic Village Branch where he enjoyed meeting and hosting many sporting people from around the world including those associated with his interests in rowing and swimming. He was appointed Manager George Street Sydney in 1957. In January 1960 he moved to New Zealand where he rose to Chief Manager in 1962. Charles returned to Australia as Assistant General Manager in August 1964 and was promoted to Deputy General Manager 1965 and General Manager 1967. He was appointed a Director and Chief General Manager of ANZ Banking Group in 1969, Deputy Managing Director 1970 and Managing Director 1973 until retirement 1976. He will always be remembered by those who worked for him over the years and by our Retired Officers here and in New Zealand with whom he maintained a close association during his career and in retirement.


John Vanselow was asked to give the eulogy at the funeral service on Charles banking service and a full copy of the highlights of Charles career has been posted on our website.


John said that within the huge crowd in attendance he met ANZROC members that included Will Bailey, Clive Bayley, Wendy Black, Harry Carrodus, John Caudry, Brian Christensen, George Cooper, Col Edwards, Glynn Evans, Charles Goode, John Hobbs, Alister Maitland, Kevin Mitchell, John Stone, Bruce Tickell, Kathy Trace and Muriel Williams,


Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Norma, Trevor, Rod and Charles and our condolences are extended to their families and friends.


Athol Watkins advises that Max Anderson passed away in April. Max retired in the early 1990s having spent the last 20 years of service or so in Tasmania. Athol recalls him working in Gippsland area before transferring to Hamilton as Accountant in 1965. In 1967 he went to Tasmania as accountant in Launceston and later to Hobart where he worked in a variety of positions.


Jill Paterson advised that Phil Hallum (P.E.A. Hallum) passed away in early May. Phil worked in Strategic Planning, with Dr Bob Townsend and Ken Mahar when Jill was one of the two PA/Secretaries who worked with them on the Grindlays Acquisition.


Lawrie Foord advised that Francis Alexander (Alex) Jenkin who had worked with the late Gordon Robbins and Lawrie in Melbourne passed away in early May at the age of 91.


Max, Phil and Alex would be known to many of our ANZROC members.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during MAY and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: John Caudry (86), Norm Dibbin (81), Col

Edwards (81), Nola Forsyth, Val Goldsworthy, Ian Lamont (94), Neville Lewis (81), Gordon

Lyon (93), Joy MacDonald, David Maunder (87), Geoff Menogue (80), Alan Podger (82), Terry

Stapleton (84), Max Wehner (89).



From 1/5/2014

Less than $20,000 1.69%

Greater than $20,000 2.16%


We held our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL with around 40 Members in attendance. Ron Adams was pleased to present the amount of $4,400 to the Salvation Army donated by the lunch attendees. The meeting was addressed by Major Brendan Nottle accompanied by his wife Major Sandra Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne who heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan was awarded Victorian of the year in 2013 for his charity work in dealing with the poor and homeless in Melbourne. Brendan gave an informative talk on the origins of the Salvation Army in Melbourne referencing the wonderful tapestries on the walls of the ANZ 34th floor to give a historical perspective. He then brought us up to date with the most recent tragic story of the homeless man called Mouse who was stabbed to death at Southbank in January this year. Brendan is

also the Chaplain of the Collingwood Football Club and he related the more positive story of the Magpies Nest project which the Salvation Army has undertaken with the Football Club.

Eamon Veaney advised that he had a problem loading all 58 photos from the Salvation Army lunch to the website but they are all on display on the ANZ Retired Officers' page on Facebook



Will Bailey was grateful for the on time greetings from Kathy. Thanks to her and the Committee for the good wishes. Will and wife Dorothy had a terrific family celebration for his birthday with two other members of the family at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. Will drove from Geelong in one of his Bristols - a 1972 411 a lovely big V8 - great fun, and if he was younger he would have really given it a big boot! The Bristol Car Club and his 3 cars keep him on his toes although lying under them is a little more taxing than it was 20 years ago!

Graham Bancroft conveys his sincere thanks to Kathy and the members of ANZROC for his birthday card and the warm wishes for his 70th birthday which was celebrated with a dinner at Clover Cottage with wife Carole and family and close friends which was very special. It is hard to realize that he has reached this milestone especially as it doesn’t seem all that long ago that Graham was still working at ANZ. Maybe the old adage “my how time flies when you’re having fun” must have some truth to it. Earlier this year, after having a fair share of significant health issues, Graham finally improved to the stage where he and Carole were able to celebrate his birthday in January by taking a cruise to New Zealand. Although they have experienced cruising life in the Mediterranean during past forays to Europe, they both really enjoyed this trip, so much so that Graham has indicated that he would not be averse to going again. It certainly worked well for them as there were no long flights involved, no daily chore of unpacking and repacking suitcases and better still they sailed from and returned to Melbourne. Far less hassles and more time to relax and enjoy the experience. Carole and Graham would like to try and get to one of the meetings; however it really depends on how Graham is travelling on the day.

Alma Barkell writes that it was lovely to hear from Kathy Trace and receive the best wishes on her birthday. Alma is still a bit slow after a recent accident when she was hit by a car near her home and that has affected her mobility and is not quite how she would like it to be. Alma expects to attend meetings again with members when the days are warmer and she has regained her strength.

Bob Bell emailing from Mollymook sends his thanks to Kathy Trace and the committee for good wishes on the recent birthday. Bob and wife Carolyn both continue to enjoy good health and living on the lovely South Coast. Bob did have a brief period of ill health over the holiday period but a pacemaker soon fixed that. The only real downside was they had to cancel their overseas holiday as the travel insurance company linked to Bob’s credit card refused to provide cover.

Wolf Damschitz is still on the road, with wife Pam and they are now at Cable Beach (Broome). They encountered an unseasonal downpour in and around Exmouth, and managed to be the first and last car through. The floodway had about 700mm of water going across. On the other side was a company of American army personnel, who didn't dare to cross. Wolf and Pam did, and received a solid round of applause. The Americans also took some films and pictures to post on YouTube.

Nola Forsyth writes to thank the Committee for her birthday card. She just had a quiet day in her recycle shop in Canterbury but it’s very slow at the moment. She is considering closing but is tenacious and will continue operating for a little longer to see if her customers return.

Barry Kilmartin emails his thanks to the Committee for the birthday greetings. The monthly newsletter is a wonderful reminder of the many good years and friends we had in the Bank.

David Knuckey Life Member and a past member of our Committee phoned Kathy Trace to thank her for his birthday card.

Ian Lee emails that he would have very much liked to attend at the Greensborough RSL monthly meeting in June however this does clash with GOLF (Veterans Golf at home club of Broadford). Ian has never attended any functions and the location of a meeting closer to home town of Broadford was especially appealing. He says he would have had great pleasure in catching up with people that he worked with firstly with ES & A Bank and later with ANZ and when Ian reads the newsletters it brings back many memories. Ian wishes the Retired officers club success in the Greensborough visit.

Dennis Murphy emails his acknowledgement for his birthday card and it is well and truly appreciated Please thank Kathy for her dedicated task. Whilst Dennis is sure it arrived on time –maybe earlier or one day later given the 6th was a Sunday-at that time he was in Tokyo enjoying a very nice lunch at the Imperial Hotel opposite the Imperial Palace which gardens were encased in beautiful cherry blossom trees in full bloom- a magnificent sight. The trip to Japan was to once again see the blossoms and despite the snap of very cold weather in February (snow in Tokyo mid February – most unusual) and about a week’s delay for blossoms to arrive, the four week journey timed the blooms to perfection both in Tokyo and Kyoto. Dennis was also fortunate to meet with a former workmate in Yokahama with whom he worked during his time in Japan. On return to Melbourne Dennis noted the very sad passing of Charles Rennie and along with John Vanselow’s recollections reminded him that his father (John Murphy retired as Manager 394 Collins St in 1964) was the assistant to Charles at the Olympic Village branch in Heidelberg in 1956 and he still has the beer pewter mug suitably engraved that he was presented with for the occasion. Unfortunately Dennis was unable to get to Charles 100th birthday celebrations last year as he was in the Scandinavian countries, but after his return he was able to catch up with Charles, as at that time he lived just around the corner from Dennis.

Maria Natoli emails her thanks to Kathy and the Committee for the birthday card and good wishes. Maria had a lovely day, and had more than one celebration with family and friends. Two months ago, she became a very happy and proud great-aunty of a beautiful baby girl. She is bringing a tremendous amount of joy to the whole family, but she also reminds Maria of the rapid passing of the years! She thoroughly enjoyed her trip to Italy last year and is off overseas again in June/July and will be touring Spain and Portugal. At the moment Maria is trying to learn to speak Spanish!

Ray Pietsch emails thanks to the committee and especially Kathy Trace for birthday greetings which arrived on his birthday. Ray spent the day picking grapes on his son’s vineyard in the Grampians and celebrated at night with grandchildren and a couple of very nice reds. The News Letter is appreciated.

Tony Pompilio emails his thanks to ANZ ROC (VIC) for his birthday card which, as it consistently does, arrived on the day.

Greg Scollo emails his thanks and appreciation to the President and all the committee members for wishing him a happy 78th birthday. It is wonderful to be remembered, it gives you that sense of belonging. Greg and wife Maria are, as usual, in Townsville for the winter period, to escape the cold and will be back in Melbourne some time in November thus giving Greg the opportunity to attend the Christmas Luncheon and re-acquaint with past colleagues. They quietly celebrated his 78th birthday at a dinner with friends at Jupiter Casino, in Townsville, having a good time and a few drinks.

Terence Talbot emails that his last birthday was celebrated on board Queen Mary 2 between

Fremantle and Melbourne during the Cape Town to Sydney cruise. Terry has been doing the around the world cruise on QM2 in quarters and that was the third quarter, only Southampton to Cape Town to go! He hopes to continue cruising next year on QM2 circumnavigating N.Z.and

then back to back cruises on Queen Elizabeth to the Baltic and the Cunard celebrations in Liverpool and then the Central Mediterranean cruise.

John Taylor emails his thanks for the kind birthday wishes and a special thank you to Kathy Trace. The card arrived on time as usual.

June Thompson writes to thank the President and members of ANZROC for the good wishes conveyed on her birthday and particularly to Kathy Trace for her kind message. The day was spent happily with friends and family.

John Vanselow, Life member and Past President of ANZROC Vic extends his appreciation to Kathy and Committee for his birthday card which arrived as usual on the day.


AND Wendy Black, Grace Carruthers, John Caudry, John Gibb, Val Goldsworthy, Phil Goodier, Meryl Hallinan, Bruce Holloway, Des Johnson, Sue McCarthy, Jim Nicolson, Alan Panther, Doug Ramsay, Peter Weaving, Ray Watson, ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




Eamon and Elina have now put a 'like' button on our ANZROC’s web site which will connect directly to the Facebook page and allow our members to interact with each other if they so choose. The intent would be for any members to post information that could be of interest to others in our community on the Facebook site including old photos/ memorabilia related to ANZ. Eamon has got the ball rolling by extracting a few pictures from our photo gallery including the luncheon photos taken at the Salvation Army Red Shield appeal meeting which have already attracted a few comments.

Feedback to Eamon is welcomed as we make every effort to provide value for money for your membership and he can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Eamon Veaney advises that for anyone who is interested he arranged links to Prostate Cancer Foundation and Breast Cancer Network Australia that has been added to the External Links section of the ANZROC website



ANZ recently announced the formation of a strategic relationship with Equity Trustees Limited (EQT) for the delivery of Trustee services to wealth clients. As part of the agreement, the decision was also made to sell ANZ Trustees (Trustees) to EQT.

ANZ believes that the broader long-term relationship with EQT will add value to clients of both businesses. ANZ’s clients will continue to have access to specialist trustee administration services, while ANZ will work with Equity Trustees to determine a suite of banking and other potential solutions for Equity Trustees' clients.

EQT has over 120 years’ experience in the Trustee industry, with a proven track record of success and a commitment to delivering high quality outcomes for clients. The decision to form this relationship will ensure that clients who use ANZ Trustee services continue to be supported by a business that has scale for future growth and will develop in the right people, technology and business systems to deliver great services

The majority of Trustees staff and business will transition to EQT; but ANZ will retain Philanthropic Advice, Estate Planning and our Investment Management and Alternative Investment services as they support key elements of the Global Wealth service proposition for our high net worth clients.

We anticipate the sale of Trustees will be completed in early July 2014, subject to regulatory approvals and over the coming months the business will work closely with EQT to ensure a successful transition for ANZ staff and clients.


COTA VICTORIA for older Australians

Joan Nathan a member of our Welfare Committee sends a reminder to ANZROC members that ANZROC is a member of Victorian Council of the Ageing (COTA) which is part of a strong federated organization and acts as an advocate for older people at all levels of Government and the Community.

For example some of the COTA Vic events in May are:

Thursday 22 May “Demystifying Social Media” 10.30- 12 noon,

Tuesday 27 May “Conversations we need to have, but often don’t”. 9.30 – 12.30 pm,

For information regarding the events phone 1300 13 50 90

Also mentioned in the latest magazine is the My Aged Care Website which is accessible at and this site has information available for you or a family member or friend who needs help, but does not know where to start or just what help is readily available. The contact centre can be phoned on 1800 200422 between 8.00am and 8.00pm on weekdays and between 10.00am and 2.00pm on Saturdays. You can expect prompt reliable and confidential services.

COTA can be found at Level 4, Block Arcade, 98-100 Elizabeth Street Melbourne 3000.Their contact details are Telephone 9654443 Email: You can find out more about the events and information on the COTA Victoria Website [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]





Huck Bourke has secured Rosebud Country Club Friday 28th November 2014 for this year’s ANZROC golf day which was a great success with our golfers in 2013.

This year he has been able to push the tee-off time out by a half hour to 8-30am which should be helpful for those travelling from Melbourne.

Full details of this event will be included in Newsletters closer to the date.



* July 10th:: 34/100 Queen Street

We are pleased to advise that the bestselling author of THE ROSIE PROJECT, Graeme Simsion will be the Guest Speaker at our Thursday July 10 meeting at 34th Floor 100 Queen Street. Links to a couple of articles regarding Graeme's career can be accessed below. Graeme does have a personal link to ANZ as he was a data modelling consultant to the bank back in the late 80's and as you will see he has had an extraordinary career since that time.

Members' Partners and members of ANZ Ladies Club are also invited to attend this event and further details will be released nearer the time. Copies of the Rosie Project will be available for purchase and I am sure Graeme will be happy to sign individual copies on the day. Graeme Simsion PR Link to Rosie Project


* August 14th: 34/100 Queen Street

Emeritus Professor Bruce Holloway will speak to us on the subject “DO YOUR GENES CONTROL YOUR BEHAVIOUR?’’ Bruce Holloway was appointed Foundation Professor of Genetics at Monash University in 1968. In addition, he has held visiting

appointments at a number of Universities in the United Kingdom and the USA. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and an Officer of the Order of Australia. His research work was focussed on the genetic analysis of microorganisms important in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. He was a member of the inaugural Commonwealth Government Industry, Research and Development Board. Since retiring in 1993, he has developed training courses in modern genetic techniques for developing country agricultural scientists.


* September 11th: Mulgrave Country Club

Details available from Noel Beanland Phone 98701139





Following the excellent feedback received following our previous luncheon at the Greensborough RSL Club in 2012 our Committee has decided to once more return to this venue in the northern suburbs for our 12th June 2014 meeting commencing midday.

Partners and ANZ Ladies Club members are most welcome and encouraged to attend

The RSL Club is located at:- 111 Main Street Greensborough which is approx 150 metres from the Greensborough Railway Station and approx 2 km South East from where the existing Metropolitan Ring Road ends .

Several of our members (including Neville Pearson) frequent this modern facility on a regular basis and the service and food (including Senior meals) is first class

We are pleased to advise that the ANZ Ladies Club Members are welcome join us at Greensborough.

Please advise your acceptance to the following committee members by Thursday 5th June 2014


Joan Nathan: Telephone: 97408001

Noel Beanland: Telephone: 98701139 Or you can let Joan Nathan know by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice.





TO : Joan Nathan

7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 97408001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I/we will be attending the Luncheon function






newsletter april 2014

NEWSLETTER 10th April 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


President John McPhee welcomed 45 members to the Melbourne Room on the 34th Floor 100 Queen Street for our April 2014 ANZAC Remembrance luncheon to hear guest speaker Dr Geoffrey John Christopherson, AM KSJ .


The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Angelo Biviano, Jack Lepedjian, Max Pleydell, first timer Anton Ponnampalam, John Stevens, Syd Swaby and Anne Wee.


Although the numbers attending were a few members less than the ANZAC meeting in 2013 it was due to the increasing level of apologies received from members on the sick list or travelling interstate and overseas at this time of year .




Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Diane Carew, Wolf Damschitz, Phil Dunstan, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Nev Greenway, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Elaine Haw, John Hawkins, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Bob Heinemann, Sandra Joseph, Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, Harry Loucas, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Maree Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bruce Sanderson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods




We have received no new membership applications lately which is concerning the Committee so if you know of any potential members from your knowledge of ex ANZ colleagues let the committee know and we will contact them.






Following our meeting we were advised that our esteemed Honorary Member and former CEO of ANZ Bank Charles Rennie passed away on 11th April and we will have more details in our May Newsletter after the funeral service to be held Thursday 24 April at 2pm at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 251 High Street, Kew and afterwards at Kew Gardens Aged Care,

22-24 Gellibrand Street, Kew.

ANZROC members extend sincere condolences to the Rennie family.



Debbie Jerkovic, our long serving Records Officer and a great friend to ANZROC members advised me that her mother Brenda Wirth passed away in March and our condolences are extended to Debbie, husband Michael and daughter Nicky.


John Murray emailed to advise of the death of his father, Christian (Chris) Dudley Murray, in March. Chris was a member of the Club for several years after his retirement in 1987, and was a friend of our late member Ken McNutt. After starting in the Bank of Australasia in Bendigo in 1948, Chris was posted to various branches in Victoria and Tasmania and was a keen footballer playing in a bank team whilst in Melbourne .Chris would be remembered by many ANZROC members.


We have been advised that Allen Tuite's wife Gloria passed away suddenly and we pass on our condolences to Allen who would be well known to many ANZROC members.




The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during APRIL and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Bill Bowring (82), Robin Chase (80), Max

Colwell (82), Bryden Davis (85), Norm Deady (93), Glynn Evans (86), Roy Harper (85), Gordon

Kennedy (88), Ailsa Mackie, Leigh O’Neill (84), Eileen Perham, John Read (82), Keith

Remington (91), Col Renzow (98), Lindsay Richards (84), Tony Stutterd (87), Norma Thomas,

June Thompson, John Tulen (80), John Vanselow (82).



From 1/4/2013

Less than $20,000 1.69%

Greater than $20,000 2.16%


Birdies twitter


I was saddened to hear that our oldest member Charles Rennie passed away. Charles was a wonderful leader and person and we were so fortunate that he attended our ANZROC 2013 Christmas Luncheon. Charles is gone but will not be forgotten. Our prayers and thoughts are with his family


ANZAC Meeting

As devastating and sad as the 1st and 2nd World Wars were, I was appreciative of the informative presentation given at our April meeting by Brig Dr Geoffrey Christopherson. It would be hoped that a greater understanding of this carnage may in some way bring some sense and passion to the leaders of this somewhat crazy world. The reading of the Ode by Brian Christensen as usual was done with a deepness of passion and respect that brought tears  to so many of our eyes. Thanks Brian


Greensborough RSL Meeting 12th June 2014

Our 12th of June meeting will be held at the Greensborough RSL Club.

For those members who have not visited this venue it is a modern building that boasts excellent facilities including great seniors’ meals at exceptional prices, friendly environment and easy walking distant from Greensborough Railway Station.

It is also close to the end of the ring road and it is hoped many of our members living in the Northern suburbs in particular will support this meeting and justify our decision to take some of our meetings out to the suburbs

Please write this 12th June outing in your diaries. The attendance form will be included in the May Newsletter.


Birthday Cards

As always it was a great pleasure for me to receive the customary ANZROC birthday card right on the birth date. Thanks Kathy for the wonderful work you do for our members with this task. Cheryl shouted us to the James Munro suite at the Windsor Hotel for my birthday. Felt like a King for a night

Cheryl and I had numerous trips away during the year including sailing to Beijing. Trip to Harvey Bay (Brian and Chris Henderson sent their regards), and several short holidays around Victoria to music festivals and golfing etc

I am amazed at how much we learn in the first 65 years of our life and how quickly it flows away when you enter the 70 and over zone


Golf Outings

During the excellent outing to the Black Sheep restaurant in Geelong it was suggested by some members in attendance that if our golf days started later in the day, say around 11.00am it would enable more of our country members to attend. This thought will be discussed in committee to see how practicable this would be to organise.

It is greatly appreciated when members provide input into the functions/outings through our committee members etc and is strongly encouraged





This was our annual ANZAC Remembrance meeting and we were fortunate to have Brian Christensen lead the service by reciting the Ode and the recording of the Reveille was handled efficiently by Treasurer John Brown.


Peter Pritchard then introduced our Guest Speaker Dr Geoffrey John CHRISTOPHERSON, AM KSJ who had joined the Australian Regular Army in 1955 and graduated from the Royal Military College Duntroon into the Australian Staff Corps in December 1958. Geoffrey was allotted to serve in the Royal Australian Army Service Corps. After serving in a number of postings in Australia and overseas by 1986 Geoff had been promoted to Brigadier as Director General Movements and Transport Department of Defence 1986-89, for which he was awarded an AM for services to Defence transport. In 1990 he became the first Defence Research Fellow at RMIT University Melbourne, and on retirement from the ADF in 1991 took up appointment as a RMIT lecturer in the Logistics Management Group, also completing a Master of Business and a Doctorate of Education.

Geoff spoke on the subject ANZAC Day and its place in the commemoration of World War 1'. He pointed out that 2014 is the centenary of the start of WW1 and there has been at least one recent book questioning the fact that the Western Front battles appear to have been given a lesser degree of importance than the Gallipoli Campaign despite the fact that they had far more influence on the outcome of the war. His grasp of the statistics on the cost in personnel in wars that impacted on Australian since the Boer War was astonishing and to accept that we lost more than 69,000 men and women in World War 1 and another 39,000 in World War 2 was quite disconcerting to all present. The fact that there were around 9,000 killed at Gallipoli but another 47,000 killed in the several battles on the Western Front was the point being raised in the recent book and sadly many of those casualties on the Western Front were of servicemen and women who had survived the campaign at Gallipoli. Geoff discussed the issues from his extensive research into the history of the two World Wars. As Neville Pearson mentioned it was a most informative and quite interesting conversation on the subject. One point made was that the Gallipoli offensive may have been the making of the modern day Turkey as we know it today.


As I recalled in the vote of thanks to our speaker one can’t imagine how these terrible losses reported would have been handled today by the politicians and the public with the advent of our instant access to modern high speed communications and the pressure of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.



John Blampied writes from Mount Martha to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for the birthday congratulations that happened to be his 70th birthday. John celebrated his birthday on a Pacific Island cruise with wife Pamela and close friends Lilian and Jim Burke (ex ANZ).It was their first visit to New Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu and the surrounding islands and the weather was favourable. John and Pamela are kept very busy these days with 6 grandchildren in Victoria and they spend a lot of time baby sitting and hosting sleepovers. John still plays golf at Box Hill and regularly meets up with former ANZ staff like Ian Anderson, Roger Pickering and Jim Burke. It is good to see them and catch up on the good old days.

Arty Booth emails his thanks to those dedicated workers responsible for dispatching Birthday greetings to the members. As usual, the card arrived on time. It’s the same old, same old here at Bundaberg. Nothing of interest to pass on. Arty is currently preparing gear for the yearly fishing trip up north, hoping to land that elusive barra.

Jenny Cooke emails her thanks to Kathy for the birthday card which, as usual, arrived on the day. Jenny has sold her house in Beaumaris and is looking to buy in the area, so this year there will be no travelling. Next year she is planning to go to France and Spain with a friend so is hoping to be well settled by then. Jenny’s golf games three times a week are presently suspended due to a fall but she hopes to return shortly. Jenny is enjoying the newsletters very much; what an active group of retirees we have. Once again, many thanks for the greetings on her birthday.

Phil Dunstan could not attend the April meeting as he will be on a Mercedes Car Club National Rally to the Gold Coast. He will again look forward to receiving the newsletter which is always informative and interesting.

Glynn Evans emails his thanks for his 86th Birthday wishes that arrived on the 11th of April which was the actual Birthday. But how sad it was that at 3am on Friday 11th Charles Rennie passed away. Glynn has many pleasant memories as his Chauffer for many years. Thank you for your example Charles. He extends condolences to Charles family and friends.

John Fairbairn emails from Yarrawonga his thanks to ANZROC for the birthday card which for the first time was late due entirely to Australia Post not delivering on Sundays. John read with interest that many of his former workmates are still with us and are still very active in the community. He feels that a major milestone in any one's life is reaching "80", not so long ago this

was way outside one’s expectations. The main consideration is good health and John is happy to record that this continues in his case. Golf is a big activity and former ANZ colleagues Maurie Harwood, Peter O'Dwyer are regulars. Bruce McKean, who many may recall, worked for ANZ and Bruce is very active in land care so John does not see him on the Golf Course but he sometimes visits the Men’s' Shed to which John belongs. These days John does not travel far and is happy to spend most days in the Yarrawonga area apart from Probus Trips. Best wishes to all members of ANZROC and who knows he may manage a trip to a Meeting this Year.

George Finniss sends his sincere thanks to the members of ANZROC for their kind thoughts and best wishes on his 78th birthday.

Lawrie Foord writes to thank Kathy Trace for the card in respect to his recent birthday. Lawrie is still blessed with good health which has been a bonus in later life. He had a lovely day with lunch with his family at a nice restaurant and a group of friends that completed the day.

Eddie Hassett writes to thank the Committee for the birthday wishes. Not much to report but he was Treasurer of the Mordialloc Football Club last year and it was hard work. He is still a member of Woodlands Golf Club and has recently joined Mordialloc Bowls Club to keep him fit and active.

Dorothy Hayes emails her thanks for her Birthday card, received it the day before which was very nice. Dorothy retired last September and absolutely loving not travelling into the city 3 days a week.

Laurie Holland writes to thank Kathy Trace for the good wishes for his 94th birthday as well as the unexpected greeting at Christmas. Laurie is most grateful for the work put in by the committee on members’ behalf and keeping the group together. With the passing of time life for Laurie and wife Barb is becoming very simple and with reasonable health for their age allows them to live in their home. Their three children living in the Melbourne area are a help and great comfort for them as they start their 95th year.

Graeme Horsburgh emails his thanks for his birthday greetings. Graeme enjoys reading the newsletter and catching up with all the happenings.

Richard Kimber sends his thanks to the Committee and particularly to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings he received punctually on the day.

Heather McNutt widow of our member Ken McNutt emails to thank Ken’s ANZROC friends and colleagues for their expressions of condolence and attendance at his funeral. Heather found it almost impossible to make her way around the room to speak to people and was very disappointed not to be able to express her appreciation.

Peter Nyga emails to apologise for missing the April meeting as he is again off to sail the Gippsland Lakes for a few weeks.

Ted Palmer catching up on past newsletters emailed to say he was sorry to miss John Duguid’s (Bluey) Funeral but was on holidays in Tasmania. Ted’s son attended to represent the family. John was a good and loyal friend.

Murray Skelton writes to thank the Committee and members for their kind thoughts and wishes on his recent birthday. It is great to receive the card each year and is appreciated. Murray is still playing and enjoying bowls and at times comes across other retired ANZ friends. Great grandchildren now number seven and it is getting harder all the time trying to keep up with them. Murray and wife Ann have moved into a retirement village in Ferntree Gully and are enjoying the different life style.

Syd Swaby emails his thanks to Kathy and committee for Birthday wishes As usual arrived on the 17th with Australia Post excelling as delivery exactly at mid-day.

Harry Trefz sends his thanks for the good wishes he received on his birthday. Harry says it is nice to be remembered.

Julie Wilkins emails her sincere thanks to Kathy and Committee for her Birthday Greeting Card which arrived on the day. She also enjoys reading the monthly newsletter to see what everyone is up to.

John Winbanks emails his thanks for the birthday card. John says over the past 12 months he has been learning a lot of new skills as his wife has been unwell for some time

AND Alma Barkell, Roger Brown, Barbara Bruce, Geoff Burton, Don Cameron, Alan Chapple, Paula Clarkin, Craig Cole, Ian Cowley, Trevor Dodds, Ron Downes, Jim Ebsworthy, Neil Franklin, Neil Gladstone, Barbara Griffen, John Harris, David Hartwich, Adrian Henning, Keith Higgs, Julian Linehan, Cheryl Lobo, Paul McVeigh, Sally Ming, Bruce Morley, Keith Oulton, Julie O’Regan, Greg Payne, Rob Peatfield, Paul Perri, Ray Pietsch, Doris Ridett ,Dietmar Reichert, Neil Robinson, Gary Stanhope, Sandra Street, Ken Swan, Gary Tunstall, Glen Twidale, James Uren, Frank Valastro, Roly Webster, John Winders.





In February our ANZROC member Elina Law set up a page on Facebook “ANZ Retired Officers Club” which is open for anyone to 'Like'. Committeeman Eamon Veaney and Elina have now included a Facebook link to our website which will connect directly to the Facebook page and allow our members to interact with each other if they so choose.

The intent is for any members to post information that could be of interest to others in our community on the Facebook site including old photos/ memorabilia related to ANZ. Eamon has got the ball rolling by extracting a few pictures from our photo gallery which have already attracted a few comments.

Since it was created we have received 73 page” likes” and Eamon is hoping more members will open the Facebook site and see what is available to members and their families and substantially increase the number of “likes” . Whilst members may not be on Facebook it is likely that your family and many friends are and they may be interested in seeing the gallery of pictures which have been loaded. Also, any of you who are on Facebook should be able to add pictures; articles etc. and tag the existing photos.

Feedback to Eamon is welcomed as we make every effort to provide value for money for your membership and he can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




We would like to offer the below Luxury Small Ship deal, this is exclusive to ANZ including ANZROC members only.


16 Days Sunsets over the Pacific

Offer: Save $6,000* Per Couple, or Pay No Solo Supplement PLUS an additional 7% discount*


ANZ Price $7,399 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $10,995)

Departs 2 September 2014

Book by 30 April 2014.

Step back in time and trace the path of the Allied Forces on this historic cruise throughout New Guinea and the South Pacific. Visit significant World War II sites in Wewak, Rabaul and Buka, and relive the Battle of Guadalcanal.


* 14 nights on the MS Caledonian Sky

* Delve deep into local culture and history with included shore excursions

* Local guides enhance your tour

* A dedicated Expedition Team

* All port charges and tipping included

* 44 meals

* For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit


Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share. Prices are correct as at 27 March 2014 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Prices include ANZ 7% discount and savings. Available until sold out. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at anytime. A surcharge may apply to payments made with credit card. Prices based on NOBCWL16: 2 September 014. Save $6,000 per couple offer available until 30 April 2014 unless sold out. All Superdeals are strictly limited and are subject to availability at the time of booking. Only one Superdeal per person may be applied to each cruise. The offer may also be applied to any subsequent Small Ship cruise booking, subject to availability. Savings figures shown are the maximum saving available and are based on one couple travelling together. Pay no solo supplement offer: Price is based on the per person, twin share amount as shown. Solo supplement and discounts included in the price.




* June 12th: Greensborough RSL Club for members and partners. Located 111 Main Street, Greensborough Ph 9435 1884(Melways 28 K7) and expressions of interest can now be sent to Joan Nathan on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone at 97408001.


* July 10th:: 34/100 Queen Street


* August 14th: 34/100 Queen Street : Guest Speaker Professor Bruce Holloway


* September 11th: Mulgrave Country Club


* October 9th: 34/100 Queen Street (note change from Sandringham Hotel)






We are holding our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch. The meeting will be addressed by a senior Salvation Army executive such as last year’s guest speaker Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne who heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan has spoken at our Red Shield Appeal several times about the issues that confront the Salvation Army in Melbourne.

We look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear the Salvation Army representative. We raised around $5,300 last year which was an outstanding effort and any support for Salvation Army will be welcomed.

We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams, PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 to be included in the total of funds raised for the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams

PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Wednesday 30th April 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering



Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.





PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I/we will be attending the Luncheon function






newsletter march 2014

NEWSLETTER 14th March 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


President John McPhee welcomed 52 members and partners to the Black Sheep Restaurant in Geelong for our March luncheon. The formal matters were dealt briefly by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Will Bailey, John Bloom, John Calnin, Gordon Christensen, Bill and Judy Davies, Elaine Haw, Graeme Heenan, Doug Imrie and Doug Westcott,

Although the numbers attending were a little less than our previous Geelong meeting due to the level of apologies received from members on the sick list or travelling interstate and overseas at this time of year we look forward to continuing our trips to meet our colleagues based in the larger country and near city centres in Victoria.



Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Angelo Biviano, Diane Carew, Nola Forsyth, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins, Bernadette Hulbert, Dorothy Hayes, Bob Heinemann, Graeme King, Ken Lee, Jack Lepedjian, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, Joan Nathan, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Maree Pritchard, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Neil Robinson, David Schunke, Eamon Veaney, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods



We have received no new membership applications for the past couple of months which is unusual and somewhat concerning so if you know of any potential members from your knowledge of ex ANZ colleagues let the committee know and we will contact them.



McNutt J.K.E. (Ken) 86 years 20/2/2014

Ken was a great supporter of ANZROC and a Life Member of the club and Honorary Auditor for more than 20 years and formed a strong bond with Gerry McPherson who served as our Honorary Treasurer for 26 years. Ken began his banking career in Ireland and joined ANZ in UK before arriving in Australia and his early years with ANZ were spent in Geelong and then to Tasmania

where he met and married Heather. During his time in Tasmania Ken was for some years Manager Launceston before returning to Victoria. Ken was on the Lending Inspection team at retirement. Ken and Heather travelled widely in retirement and were regular attendees at our ANZROC events. ANZROC members attending the funeral service included Ron Adams, Brian Christensen, George Cooper, Bruce Kells, David Knuckey, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Neville Pearson, Bernie Sowersby and John Vanselow.

ANZROC members extend sincere condolences to Heather and the McNutt family and friends.


Ian Bell attended the funeral of Peter Alexander Muir Allan at Rochester in late February. Peter was Manager at Tungamah and at Rochester prior to his retirement some 20 years ago. Peter would be well known to many ANZROC members.

Dick Milnthorpe advised that Bruce Strudwick died of a brain hemorrhage on 31st Jan. Bruce would be known to many ANZROC members.



Rae Collins was recently hospitalised with injuries to his arms after a fall but is home recuperating.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during MARCH and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Lindsay Baglin (85), Will Bailey AO (81), Doug Carroll (81), Kevin Cleary (83), Bob Delahoy

(85), John Fairbairn (80), Kevin Ferns (80), Laurie Holland (94), Bill Lacey (80), Tony

Middleton (83), Ray Perry (85), Ron Pitt (91), Robin Pleydell (82), Charles Rennie (101), Roy

Sharman (82), Kevin Sheather (89), Arthur Sheers (86), Peter Weaving (80).



From 1/3/2013

Less than $20,000 1.67%

Greater than $20,000 2.14%




Birdies Twitter



Twenty Seven intrepid train travellers gathered on the Southern Cross platform for a fun packed train journey to Geelong to meet with an additional Twenty Five country and city members/partners who travelled by car. The total attendance for our luncheon reached fifty two.


Highlight of the train journey was the Trivial Pursuit competition provided by quiz maestro Kevin Mitchell who split the travellers into six groups. The answers to be verified on the return journey.


The Black Sheep Restaurant venue was perfect for our requirements providing a lovely ambience, excellence service, good food and a well stocked bar. The Wool Museum and shop located in the same building provided a shopping opportunity fix for the ladies in particular

The numbers in attendance, whilst being somewhat disappointing, did not inhibit the lively conversations and it was great to see the members and their partners moving around and maximising the opportunity to catch up with country members in particular that they had not seen for some time.


The return walk to the station was lively and the 20 minute wait for our train provided the opportunity for Kevin to provide the answers to the Trivial Pursuit questions. The answers, incidentally, resulted in much dissent and booing to the amusement of the normal! non member passengers also waiting for the train.

Kevin was totally unmoved by the dissension and pronounced the team of Ron and Pam Adams, Elaine Haw, Wolf Damschitz and Cheryl Pearson as the winners and it was only the arrival of the train that prevented Kevin being lynched .


Thank you for your attendance and we encourage more members to support these meetings, which whilst being time consuming to organise are great fun and for many the highlight of our agenda.


Eamon is loading photos taken at the luncheon onto the website for your interest.



Graeme Ainscough writes that he will be unable to attend meetings for the foreseeable future due to health issues and some hospitalisation but remains positive he will be back to ANZROC events from July. The completion of the baseball season with Cheltenham featuring in the finals and the good news that one of their 18 year old junior players has been signed by New York Yankees as a pitcher keeps his mind off the forthcoming medical procedures.

Russ Appleton emails his thanks for the birthday card last month. Russ says his health slipped a little over Christmas, thinking he may have to spend Christmas in hospital.

He had not felt well for the past year as it turns out his medications were fighting one another. A review appears to have set things right.

Nancy Baglin writes from Safety Beach for Lindsay Baglin as his eyesight is giving him some problems at present and Lindsay conveys his gratitude for greetings and birthday wishes for his 85th which were much appreciated. The celebrations were with the family at the home of their daughter including their 6 great grandchildren and a delightful day was had by all. They are now looking forward to the arrival of their son from London in early April on his annual visit to Safety Beach and they are always grateful and happy to see him.

Joe Busuttil emails from Inverloch his sincere thanks to Kathy and the Committee for organising his Birthday Greetings, which as usual arrived right on the day. Thank you. Joe is now in his ninth year into retirement and enjoying good health. These days travel occupies the majority of Joe and his wife’s spare time. Whilst not travelling, time is spent on planning their next adventures. Joe unfortunately missed this year’s Xmas Party as they were travelling through Cambodia and Vietnam at the time, but hopefully he will catch up with ANZ friends this year.

Ron Clohesy emails his thanks for the recent Birthday Card. Arrived on the day as usual.

He also enjoys reading the monthly newsletter, which is great for keeping him informed of what's happening. As Ron has now fully retired he looks forward to catching up with colleagues in person in the near future.

Bob Delahoy emailing from Inverloch sends a big thank you to Kathy Trace and the Committee for the very welcome birthday card. He hopes to receive many more. Bob was saddened to read in the February Newsletter of the passing of John Hallinan and Norm Ross. Many long years ago he worked with John at 109 Collins Street and with Norm at 154 Swanston Street. Bob’s wife Judith also worked with John at 109 Collins Street. They were good days. He has fully recovered from

the knee operation that he had this time last year and is back playing lawn bowls again. It is always good to receive the Newsletter and read what others are doing in their retirement.

Jan Edwards emailed to thank the Retired Officers’ Club for her first birthday card as a member. A big thank you to Kathy for sending out these cards and of course it arrived on her birthday. Jan spent a lovely day with all of her family down at her son’s house at Mount Martha. She is looking forward to attending some of the lunches this year.

Neville Harvey emails many thanks for the Birthday Greeting. The Birthday took a bit of a back seat this year, what with Neville and wife Glenda’s daughter getting married mid February (their Anniversary as well) and their son graduating from the Police Academy the following week! Neville knows we are looking for rain but he is looking for a bit of a dry spell!!

Andy Herd emails to thank Kathy for birthday greetings. Its amazing how quickly they seem to come around, he doesn’t mind too much as long as he keeps having them .Andy has just returned form a flying visit to Udaipur (India) to attend a wedding .What a difference from our one day affairs, this went for seven days and also involves more ceremonies over the next few months .It was a most colourful and memorable experience.

Kevin J. Kelly writes to thank Kathy for his birthday greetings for his 80th and says that it is a milestone he is pleased to reach. Till now Kevin has managed to retain good health but when he reads the monthly newsletter one can’t help but think that good health is largely a lottery.

Gerry Kennedy writes to thank ANZROC through Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes for his 90th. Gerry says he has nothing to report but is still OK healthwise although feeling the years.

Bob Maughan emails best wishes from Perth where the temperatures over summer have been much higher than Bob and wife Joan had expected after their years spent in Melbourne. He says that Perth has had no rain since before Christmas and then it was a wee drop! Bob says thank you for the birthday card which is usually the only one he gets because his birthday is so close to Christmas. The sending of cards is a wonderful tradition and also serves as a reminder of the ANZ family. Like wise the Newsletter is looked forward to each month even if this is somewhat tempered by news of recent Bereavements. The passing on of John Labrum has saddened Bob and made him reflect on his first years with ANZ at the Stock Exchange branch after emigrating from the UK. It was a wonderful place to work and the staff had lots of fun. For much of Bob’s time there Roger Brunskill was the Manager and you could not have a better leader or person. It always seemed to Bob it was his leadership which ensured a fantastic team. The Assistant Managers at the time were the Late Gordon Menhennitt, Ron Marshall, and John Labrum who together with Alan Short formed a team which blended to perfection with all of them being nice people easy to approach and seek advice. They were more than ably supported by Clive (Never Better) Bayley whose HR skills Bob tried in vain to emulate during his career. Bob remembers one time wife Joan was having a major operation and suddenly Clive appeared at his desk with instructions from the Manager that if he did not go home immediately trouble would ensue. Of a staff of some 180 all were people Bob enjoyed working with and counted everyone a friend. Whilst we all age it is great to retain such wonderful memories!

Peter Nielepowiec writing from Strathdale says it was with great sadness to read of the passing of John Hallinan in our February Newsletter. Peter worked with John when John was Manager Ouyen Branch and Peter was the Advance/Security Clerk. John was his mentor in what was a happy Branch. Peter said on his move from Ouyen to Moe he was going through a difficult time and was on the verge of quitting the Bank but a quick trip to Ouyen to talk to John and Meryl Hallinan saved his banking career and John will be missed very much by his family, friends and colleagues.

Jack Moyle writes that it is always a pleasure to receive birthday wishes for his 89th which was celebrated with a lovely dinner with Jack’s family. Jack had the pleasure of meeting with Kathy Trace the overseer of ANZROC birthday cards at the last Christmas luncheon.

Phi Nguyen emails her thanks for the birthday card the Club sent in January. As always, it is a pleasure to receive it each year.

Ted Palmer emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday wishes which arrived bang on the day.

Robin Pleydell emails his thanks for the birthday wishes received for his 82nd and says he is off to Adelaide again to catch up with friends.

Mavis Ryan writes from Belmont with thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings and the bonus of Christmas greetings.

Dick Sanders emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday good wishes. During recent months Dick has taken the opportunity to visit Eddie Knight who is in the Nursing Home unit of The Kingston Centre, where he is a permanent resident. He would welcome any visits from old colleagues. On the home front it has been a difficult year. Just prior to taking off for an overseas holiday in May, Dick’s wife Joan had a fall when they were in the precinct of the Melbourne Arts Centre. She fractured her left fibula at the ankle and right femur at the knee. The attention of so many people was wonderful and the Paramedics arrived promptly together with a senior on his motor bike who took over from medical staff of the Arts Centre. Anyway, off to The Alfred Hospital in the Ambulance and there for two weeks undergoing surgery by top medical staff and surgeons (A good number of Pins in the left ankle and a plate in right leg above the knee). Then into rehabilitation at suburban Caulfield in a sister hospital to the Alfred. It was a long three and a half months and Joan was able to walk slowly with a walker. Progress has been made as Joan now walks confidently with the walker, sometimes with just a stick and around the house often without. Physio is weekly at the Kingston Centre - where he has visited Eddie Knight. Whilst Joan was at Caulfield, Dick was also visiting his best man who had leukemia and was in Cabrini East Malvern and Brighton. After twelve months he passed away in September. Some old friends from Methods South Yarra or Cotham Rd, boarding house may remember him – Mike Connolly – who had been a close friend since 1959 and sharing a flat for a few of those years. On the bright side, it has been a glorious summer for sport with a wonderful Australian Open Tennis tournament presenting new faces – particularly the pocket rocket in the ladies. The Australian Women’s golf was also great and Dick went for a couple of hours to Victoria Golf Club to watch the Ladies Open. Just fancy, a South Korean shot a ten under par for her round on the Saturday, a course and LPGA record. (If McEnroe were standing in the members lounge the cry would have been “That’s not possible”!!). Then of course there was the cricket. All of them amazing. Dick might hibernate for the winter and be ready for next summer! In the meantime the Winter Games have been fantastic and thrillingly dangerous – particularly Snowboard Cross. (It would suit Neville Pearson who no matter at what sport always landed on his feet). Dick also had his niece and some of her family visit from Carlisle in the UK for Christmas.

Bruce Tickell writes thanking Kathy for the card for his 85th which as expected with her magic arrived on the vital day. Bruce says these birthdays seem to be coming more frequently but he consoles himself with the adage that age is all in the mind.

Kevin Toohey emails his thanks for the birthday card and all the good work of the Committee. It’s nice to keep in touch.

Maurice Wells sends his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee for conveying the Club’s birthday greetings on the occasion of his recent birthday and the thoughts are much appreciated. Maurice likes the monthly newsletter as it allows him to keep in touch with events concerning ANZROC members and as he and wife Bev have limited opportunity to travel they enjoy reading of the variety of trips taken by others.


AND Dick Barry, Arty Booth, Damian Burgess, Geoff Christensen, Ken Crawford, Jim Ebsworthy, David Gibb, Wyn Greenwood, Serge Nayna, Geoff Perdriau, Graeme Plant, Wayne Taylor, Frank Valastro, Peter Weaving, Richard Weekes, Charlie Wierzbowski, Julie Wilkins





The ANZROC website has been active now for over 3 years and we have tried to keep information up to date with newsletters current and archived, articles on club activities / events , obituaries and a growing gallery of photographs.


This month our ANZROC member Elina Law has set up a page on Facebook called ANZ Retired Officers' Club which will be open for anyone to 'Like'.


Over the next few weeks Eamon and Elina are looking at putting a 'like' button on our ANZROC web site which will connect directly to the Facebook page and allow our members to interact with each other if they so choose.


The intent would be for any members to post information that could be of interest to others in our community on the Facebook site including old photos/ memorabilia related to ANZ. Eamon has got the ball rolling by extracting some albums from our photo gallery which have already attracted a number of comments.


In the 2 weeks since it was created we have 55 page likes and in the past week 1500 people have seen the posts, 300 people engaged, 172 likes, 26 comments, 3000 post clicks. Interestingly many of the connections are from friends of friends, family etc. Whilst the majority of members may not be on Facebook it is likely that your family and many friends are and they may be interested in seeing the gallery of pictures which have been loaded. Also, any of you who are on Facebook should be able to add pictures; articles etc. and tag the existing photos.


Feedback to Eamon is welcomed as we make every effort to provide value for money for your membership and he can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Thirty members and partners travelled to Mansfield on 24 & 25 February and made the most of the comfortably warm days/evenings while staying at the Alzburg Resort. The Resort pool was popular with many and the evening BBQ on the first night continued until late in the night.


The golfers played 18 holes of social golf on day two, while non-golfers checked out the shops and visited local points of interest. The Resort catered for an excellent evening meal on day two and Kevin Mitchell's Trivia Competition was fiercely fought out by teams on each of the tables.


Golf Results Men - Winner - David Schunke 39 Pts. Runner up - Gordon Paulett. Women - Winner - Cheryl Pearson 30 Pts. Runner up - Pam Hocking 28 Pts. Nearest the pin - Gordon Paulett .


It was great to see David Woods and Geoff Cook slugging it out on the golf course over 9 holes and John Vanselow said it was his first hit of golf for many months.


Eamon has uploaded the Mansfield photos to the Website and Facebook



MAY 8th…….100 Queen Street….Salvation Army Meeting


JUNE 12th……Greensborough RSL Club meeting with partners





To be held at ANZ Bank Building in the Melbourne Room, on the 34th Floor/100 Queen Street Melbourne from 12 noon to hear guest speaker Dr Geoffrey John CHRISTOPHERSON, AM KSJ who will be speaking on the subject ANZAC Day and its place in the commemoration of World War 1'. As you are aware, 2014 is the centenary of the start of WW1 and there has been at least one recent book questioning the fact that the Western Front battles appear to have been given a lesser degree of importance than the Gallipoli Campaign despite the fact that they had far more influence on the outcome of the war.


It is certainly a contentious issue and one we hope ANZROC members may find interesting.


CV of Dr Christopherson

Geoff is married to Leonie and they have three sons and three grandchildren.

Born in Brisbane in 1936 Geoff Christopherson was educated at St Columbans College and Marist Brothers College Ashgrove. Joining the ARA in 1955, he graduated from the Royal Military College Duntroon into the Australian Staff Corps in December 1958 and was allotted to RAASC.


Lt Christopherson was posted to 16 National Service Trg Bn Adelaide. At the end of 1959 he was transferred to Brisbane, first as Cadre officer with Northern Command Troops, then OC/CI of N Comd Trade Trg Centre RAASC. In 1960, accompanied by his wife Leonie, he was posted to 55 Coy RASC (Air Dispatch) in Malaya-Singapore, remaining until 1963 when he returned to the RAASC Centre Puckapunyal as Senior Instructor of the Air Dispatch Wing and OC 1 Air Supply Control Section.


In 1965 he was posted for a year to the US for training at the QM School Ft Lee Virginia and the US Army Transportation School at Ft Eustis. Promoted to major on return he became OC HQ 26 Coy RAASC, which was deployed to South Vietnam at the end of 1967 to 1 ATF at Nui Dat: additional duties of the OC included command of the Task Force Maintenance Area – the logistic support group for the Task Force.


Major Christopherson returned to Australia at the end of 1969 to command 1 Army Air Supply Organisation at Wallgrove, after which he attended the 1971 course of the Army Command and Staff College at Queenscliff and the Joint Services Staff College in 1977. Then followed a series of staff postings, including Colonel, Movements and Transport at HQ Logistics Command Melbourne 1980-82, and Corps Director 1982-85. He was then promoted Brigadier as Director General Movements and Transport Department of Defence 1986-89, receiving an AM for services to Defence transport.


In 1990 he became the first Defence Research Fellow at RMIT University Melbourne, and on retirement from the ADF in 1991 took up appointment as a RMIT lecturer in the Logistics Management Group, also completing a Master of Business and a Doctorate of Education








If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams,

PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 by Thursday 3rd April 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering.








PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I/we will be attending the Luncheon function






newsletter february 2014

NEWSLETTER 13th  February 2014

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



Vice President Col Edwards welcomed 54 members and guest speaker Military Historian David Howell to the 34th Floor 100 Queen Street for our February luncheon. The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues. Members not seen at 100 Queen Street for some time included Graeme Baldwin, Wendy Black, Cedric Coxsedge, Ken Crawford, Linda Davidson, Leigh Davis, Mike Devlin, Ray Gill, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Bob Heinemann, Ian Peterkin, Paul Tovey,

Although the numbers attending were an improvement on past meetings at 100 Queen Street due to the level of apologies received from members on the sick list or travelling interstate and overseas at this time of year we look forward to continuing the growth in numbers at 100 Queen Street over the coming months as this year the committee has limited the number of luncheons away from 100 Queen Street.


Graeme Ainscough, Will Bailey, Clive Bayley, Angelo Biviano, Diane Carew, Brian Day, Aldo Faella, Helen Felsted, Nola Forsyth, Val Goldsworthy, Elaine Haw, Tony Glover, John Hawkins, Dorothy Hayes, Bob Heinemann, Graeme King, Ken Lee, Con La Fucia, Jack Lepedjian, Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Noelene Noonan, Bernie O’Reilly, Neville Pearson, Graeme Randall, Harry Trefz, Al Trower, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods.



Hallinan J.M.(John) 1/2/2014 88 years

John Michael Hallinan enlisted in the Royal Australian Airforce in Melbourne in January 1944 and on discharge in February 1946 was Leading Aircraftman in the 7 Operational Training Unit.

The funeral service was to be held on 14th February at Werribee.

Gerry Kennedy said that he and Jock Buntain worked with John at 109 Collins Street Branch some 60 years ago.

Labrum J.B. (John) 26/1/2014 88 years

John Beresford Labrum enlisted in the Royal Australian Airforce in Melbourne in February 1944 serving in Darwin and at date of discharge in April 1946 was Leading Aircraftman in the 55 Operational Base Unit. Kevin Mitchell said he knew John Labrum when he worked in the ES&A General Managers Dept during the 1960s and later he was Manager of King & Lonsdale Branch.

Sandra Street writes that back in the Stone Age when she started work she remembers a tall, red-haired, bespectacled John who was working in the Royal Bank Branch Securities Department at that time. The late legendary Eileen Fitzgerald always spoke well of John. I attended the funeral service representing ANZROC.

Ross Norm 28/12/2013 92 years

Norm Ross enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in March 1943 in Melbourne and on discharge in December 1945 as Flying Officer 18 GP 224 Squadron. Norm was married to Jean for 66 years and they met while working at Bank of Australasia Corner Collins and Queen Streets. Son Richard writes that his father’s respiratory condition worsened in August and he was hospitalised in October and spent time in rehab but his condition did not improve and he passed away at home. Richard said his father had a sharp mind until the end and always maintained a keen interest in banking finance and current affairs. Richard is happy to talk to members about his father on 0400 015310 or in writing at 1A Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell 3124.

Wood M.F.(Murray) 24/12/2013 91 years

Murray enlisted at Melbourne in the Australian Army in July 1943 and on discharge in August 1946 was a Driver in the Australian General Transport Company.

Apparently Murray had a fall and broke a hip a while back and his health has been going downhill ever since. Kevin Mitchell said he was so sorry to hear of the passing of Murray who was a great supporter for many years of ANZ Anzac Day Breakfast at the Staff Social Club. Murray had a great repertoire of jokes which he trotted out year after year keeping us all amused, even though we had heard most of them before. Murray had to tone down some of them after women started arriving for breakfast as members of the Box Hill City Brass Band, led by ANZROC member John Kelly.

John Duke advised a big crowd attended the funeral at the church Murray and Betty were married in. Amongst those in attendance were Jock Buntain, Harry Carrodus, Bruce Tickell, Frank Donovan, Brian Christensen, John Duke, Stan Halbish, Kevin Mitchell, Neil Sharman(who has lunched with Murray every Tuesday for 35 years) Bernie Sowersby and John Vanselow.


Members stood for a few moments in respect of our late members John, John, Norm and Murray and our condolences are extended to his family and friends.


Eamon Veaney advised that Alan Cooper passed away 18/11/2013, aged 74. Alan would be well known to ANZROC’s members who dealt with Grindlays and the CBS project.

I noticed in the Tasmanian newsletter of the advice of the passing of John O’Rourke on January 5th 2014. He has suffered poor health in recent years. He came from Victoria to 39 Paterson Street, before the merger and was at 63 St. John Street Hobart for many years and would be remembered by some of our Victorian members.

Brian Day advised that our member John Parkes' wife Marie Parkes passed away unexpectedly early in the New Year - there were a number of Retired Officers whom attended the funeral service.

Lawrie Foord advised that John Perryman with whom he worked at ES&A 388 Collins Street passed away in early January and John would be well known to many ANZROC members.

Joy MacDonald advised that May Thomas (Lienhop) passed away in early February and would be known to many ANZROC members.




The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during JANUARY/FEBRUARY

and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Murray Abraham (88), Ron

Breckenridge (84), Alan Briant (82), Jock Buntain (84), Alan Burt OAM (89), Reg Caudry (82),

Cedric Coxsedge (88), Max Fisher (83), Norma Fox, Wyn Greenwood (93), Max Guest (80),

Dick Hellard (84), Mary Henley, Frank Hickey (89), David Hughes (82), Dennis Humphries

(88), Robert Hunter (96), Kevin Kelly (80), Gerry Kennedy (90), Bob Kirkland (91), Paul

Kitchin (91), Norm Mattila (92), Jack Moyle (89), Laurie Redfearn, Dawn Routledge, Mavis

Ryan, Bruce Scott (88), Graham Spruzen (83), Terry Talbot (85), Bruce Tickell (85), Roly

Webster (81), Brian Weeks (82), Keith Westaway (80), Barry Weston OAM (82), Norm

Wheatley (83), Jim Wood (91).



From 1/2/2013

Less than $20,000 1.66%

Greater than $20,000 2.13%



David Howell is a War Historian who is an authority on Australian Military History with an extensive knowledge of the conflicts in New Guinea and the Kokoda Trail and presented his talk on “What happened to Uncle Sam”. This related to Captain Sam Templeton who featured in a series of coincidences and fortunate events on and around the Kokoda Trail that David felt changed the course of the campaign in New Guinea in the 1940’s although as a result Templeton lost his life as a POW in prison camp. David has travelled the Kokoda Trail (Track) many times and his presentation was an informative and fascinating exercise which was enjoyed by members present. David is the editor of the magazine “Remembrance” in his role for the past 4 years as Friends and fund raising coordinator for the Shrine of Remembrance. David has many other factual histories of events in both the First and Second World Wars in Papua New Guinea which would be worth hearing including the story of the events in World War 1 in Rabaul when Australians were fighting the German Native army and where our Gerry McPherson’s ancestor Captain (Doctor) Brian Pockley was the first Australian officer killed in the fighting at New Britain.



Birdies Twitter

Best wishes to all our members and loved ones and we hope everyone had as pleasant a Christmas and New Year as Cheryl and I did, albeit a whole lot quieter than the old days. We enjoyed a great family (Cupples) reunion at ‘Max Cupples barn’ (which boasts a stage) in the Woodside bushland next to Grandma’s property where I spent a ‘slab’ of my childhood. Peter and Terry Cupples and band were strutting their stuff with a great comedian friend of Peter’s entertaining us whilst we enjoyed one of Max’s sheep cooked on the spit. The following night followed with a party at the Woodside pub. One of my old drinking holes and for memory, I think is the first time I have ever been there during legal hours. How the world has changed


Are you getting enough??

We would like to remind our members of 30 years and over service, that a range of discounts are available for a variety of services in the general banking and Investment areas


Whilst the ANZROC committee are endeavouring to make these benefits more transparent to our members, the reality is that they can be overlooked. Members are encouraged to take the matter up with their branch if there is any doubt or concerns. The information is available to employees within the bank via the branch computing network (ANZ Priority Banking) for branch personnel to see and act on


Black Sheep of the family I may be, but I can assure you that our next ANZROC outing at the Black Sheep Restaurant in Geelong on Thursday 13th of March 2014 will be a “ripper”. Noel Beanland and I visited the restaurant recently to check it out and make a booking and it is every bit as good as it was back in November 2011. What a lovely way to spend the day starting with a train trip from Southern Cross station, a laugh and giggle on the train, followed by a sumptuous meal and meeting, before a leisurely walk back to the station to journey home.

The Acceptance form and details are within the Newsletter


Looking forward to another year of Twitter from Neville Pearson!!!



We have had three Newsletters returned recently and if any members know of the current addresses please let Ron Adams know…98210444 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mrs Mary Henley 1 Wyuna Street Rosebud West 3940

Mr P Weaving 34 Reid Street Beaumaris 3103

Mrs. Joan Watson widow of our late President Alan Watson

and also our Honorary Member John Keck ‘s address is still unknown.



Over the next few days a reminder email or letter will be sent to those members who are in arrears for the current year to 30 September 2014. There are 165 members with subs unpaid but within that number are 37 members in arrears for 2 years who have been contacted several times with no success and we will have no alternative but to cancel their membership if not paid up by 31/3/2014.

A quick response will be appreciated.

Contact John Brown, Hon Treasurer for all enquiries regarding subscriptions - Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 03 9802 1810, mobile 0425827540.


Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John  Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )

Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947



Murray Abraham sends his thanks to all members for their good wishes for his 88th birthday. Murray says the arrival of the Birthday is one of the rare speedy events he can lay claim to these days. However if he assumes they do not come around he is in “big trouble”.

Ian Cann emails his thanks for his Birthday card, which was much appreciated, and to

Kathy who does a great job sending them.

Len Carr emailed his thanks to Kathy, the Committee and members of ANZROC for the well timed birthday greetings for his 76th. It is now 22 years since Len left the Bank and he

enjoys reading the monthly newsletter. Many names appear of former colleagues that he was associated with over the years. A highlight of 2013 was the 7th trip to London with wife Norma to visit their eldest daughter, husband and two grandsons in July/August. They also had a week in Austria with the family taking in Vienna, Salzburg and the brilliant little town of Mayrhofen in the Alps. Len is looking forward to a much improved season from the mighty Carlton F.C.

Harry Carrodus emails his thanks to Kathy for her recent birthday greeting which, of course, arrived on time. Harry wonders how many companies have an attachment like the Retired

Officers’ Club that continues to send birthday greetings even after 29 years retirement. He ventures to say that this tradition would be unique and to be remembered is much appreciated.

Harry also congratulates past and present committees for organizing so many functions that enable retired officers to continue the camaraderie in retirement which we all enjoyed so much during our working life. May it all continue?

Geoff Christmas emails that another year passed quickly with some great times and some challenging ones for both Geoff and wife Heather. They rode their bicycles in France for nearly three months starting near Lyon and heading south to Mont Ventoux. They climbed the mountain for a second time after achieving it some years back and then headed in a north westerly direction through the Massif Central and on to the mouth of the Loire River. Geoff and Heather usually ride for a few days then rest up for two days however this trip they had three one week stays at Sault, Saint Flour and Verteuil-sur-Charante and really enjoyed the longer stays in some very interesting villages. From the mouth of the Loire River they followed a well known route that takes you to most of the magnificent Chateau’s that the area is renowned for. They are really spectacular. The usual stint at Coolum Beach for winter did not eventuate due to health issues though they had a lovely time at Porepunkah prior to Christmas with some of the family before heading to Temora for Christmas with son Rohan his wife Rachel and the three grandchildren. A lovely time was had by all, and they are well down the recovery path with new adventures planned for this year. Once again Geoff thanks the Club for the birthday card and the newsletters that bring with them many memories.

Bill Collins emails his thanks to ANZROC for his birthday greetings which as usual arrived on the day of his birthday. Bill too looks forward to the monthly newsletter and following the movements of friends and colleagues.

Trevor Cookson emails special thanks to Kathy Trace for 83rd birthday wishes.

Birthday was spent with close friends at a luncheon at "The Olde England Hotel", Heidelberg and then family dinner at home in the evening, both of which were very enjoyable. Time passes quickly when retired for 27 years but life still very busy. A few small get-aways were undertaken at Mildura and Point Lonsdale where the weather wasn't kind to Trevor and wife Shirley, punctuated by the daily press endeavouring to undo Essendon Football Club over the supplements saga.

Bill and Judy Davies emailing from Ocean Grove advise that they received their Birthday Cards and appreciate the thought and effort that goes into providing this ANZROC function.

They have not been able to get to any of the Melbourne meetings for sometime but hope to get to the Geelong meeting in March.

Bob English emails thanks to Kathy for getting the birthday card to him once again right on his birthday. Don’t get many cards these days!

Max Fisher writes his thanks to Kathy Trace for the kind birthday wishes. Max says it has been a good year with family, friends and robust health. He is looking forward to more of the same during 2014 and by the way he appreciates the newsletter.

John Gill emails his thanks to the Club for the Good Wishes on his Birthday.

John spent a lovely day with family in Geelong before returning to Wodonga to celebrate with family there. It is always great to read the Newsletter and hear the news of many past associates.

There are quite a few of in the Wodonga/Albury area and it is always good to catch up with them through bowls etc.

Bill Halsall sends his thanks for the arrival of his birthday card on the due date. Having recently joined ANZROC it is very interesting to read the newsletters and come across names of those whom he knew during his time with ANZ. Together with Janice his wife, Bill lives a fairly quiet life in Benalla but with community involvements he seems at times to have less spare time than when he worked with ANZ.

John Hawkins emails his thanks for his birthday card which he received on time. John and wife Helen are now preparing for their Indian Pacific trip.

Bob Heinemann emails his thanks for ANZROC Birthday Greeting for his 74th.

Bob and wife Heather keep well. They still both work part time to keep the muscles and grey

matter in tune. They celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary on August 31st. A private dinner for family and a few speeches made the occasion memorable. History was observed via

photographic records over the years. Bob and Heather thought they were going to be "Darby and Joan" for Christmas, but their daughter and son-in-law and family from Paris happily surprised with coming down here for Christmas. Bob and Heather visit Euroa occasionally for relaxation joys.

Jenny Hui Tong and the Duguid family pass on their sincere thanks to all the ANZ family and for the many cards, letters, flowers and telephone calls on the passing of valued ANZROC member John Duguid. The kind words and shared memories are greatly appreciated. It was over whelming to see so many of their ANZ colleagues, past and present at John’s funeral and they will always remember this tribute to him.

David Jones emails his thanks for the ANZROC annual birthday card and the good wishes expressed therein. Congratulations to the Committee on the annual Xmas luncheon in December, it was as always a highlight and tremendous to see so many friends and old colleagues. 2014 promises to be a bit special as David will be heading to Los Angeles in a couple of weeks with family to celebrate his eldest son’s wedding, and it will be the first time back for all the family since he served there with ANZ from 1983 to 1985.

Paul Kitchin sends his acknowledgement to cards received from the Club. His thanks to Kathy Trace for sending the Club’s birthday wishes for his 91st arriving on time as usual. He also sends thanks to the team in organising the special Christmas Cards sent to the 90 and over’s and to Neville Pearson for his personal comments on the card.

Brian Knowles emails thanks yet again for your timely birthday wishes Kathy. So sad to have lost Bob Evans, Bernie King, and John Duguid over just a few months-all great fellows. Brian and wife Jan are off to Norfolk Island in March. They have both descended from former residents-Jan from a first fleeter and Brian from a convict. Their children and grand children listen to their "reasoned arguments" as to which is the most deserving of the future they gave to following generations. A dilemma that is unlikely to be resolved. Brian and Jan continue to enjoy travelling in their motor home with Crescent Head in N.S.W. a current favourite destination.

Bob Lyon emails his thanks for the birthday wishes. He is back in Fiji, but left wife Helen in Melbourne as she is still recovering from a recent operation. Bob was sad to hear of John Duguid’s passing. Bob met John the day he joined ANZ and of course there is a legendary John Duguid tale attached to that day. Bob and Helen have had a good year, albeit interrupted by a couple of medical issues. They went to the UK mid-year to follow the Ashes and finished up with an enjoyable week in Paris. Still fairly busy with a few boards, the most exciting is chairing a new green energy company based in New Zealand but concentrating on the Pacific. One of the reasons he is back in Fiji is to meet with the World Bank who are interested in partnering with them. In April Bob and Helen are off to the California and Hawaii for a break and some golf.

Noel Matthews reports his card was on time, all the time - the hallmark of a well-run organisation! Thanks to Kathy for the annual reminder that he should be starting to grow older more gracefully. However, Noel will continue to cart his sax and flute around the cafes and bars of Melbourne for a while longer - it's still good fun!

Kevin May emailing form the Gold Coast sends thanks for the birthday greeting, a relatively quiet year to report, other than an extended trip to Hawaii being their 3rd. in 2 years(creatures of habit!).

Wal McGillivray writes to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for the birthday wishes which with impeccable timing arrived on the due date. He appreciated Kathy’s personal note celebrating his 90th birthday. He celebrated the day with family and friends at the Malvern East Golf Club- a beautiful venue and their catering was excellent. Wal’s highlight of the year was the visit to

Government House to receive his OAM. It was a perfect Melbourne day –the sun shone, the lawns and gardens were at their best and the whole function went off with almost military precision. Wal and his wife had their usual break at Broadbeach earlier in the year but apart from that they have been relaxing at home.

Sandra Street emails her thanks to Kathy and ANZROC for the birthday card. As ever it arrived right on the day. No news of any interest to report this year. Retired life just chugs along pleasantly, interspersed with an occasional holiday, cruising being Sandra and husband Patrick’s favourite mode these days.

Neville Taylor sends his thanks for the birthday card for the occasion of his 93rd birthday. The new revamped Christmas cards for the over 90’s is a thoughtful change.

Glen Twidale emails to thank Kathy for his birthday card. It was a different Christmas for Glen this year. He went north to the Gold Coast where his daughter lives .The special guest was Glen’s great grandson Harry aged 9 months. He and his parents presently live in Singapore but he thinks they will make a move to return home next year. He enjoyed the Christmas lunch and meeting old friends.

Athol Watkins writing from Clifton Springs says thanks for reminding him that another year has passed. He doesn’t get to meetings but does enjoy the newsletter that brings back a lot of memories accumulated over 40 year’s service. How different it is now. Athol and wife Barbara still spend a lot of time on the bowling green and croquet lawn. Late May/June they had a few weeks in London and Paris before a cruise out of Copenhagen around the Baltic area. Returning to Australia they spent a few weeks recuperating in Queensland. Athol was sad to read of the passing of Selwyn Henning .Selwyn joined the Bank while Athol was in Hamilton and was a Business Bank Manager with Athol in Geelong almost up to the time Athol retired. Otherwise they enjoy life and still live in hope of another “Pies” premiership.

Roly Webster emailing from Bendigo says thanks for the Birthday Card-much appreciated. He is keeping pretty quiet in order to survive the heat. Attended a customer/staff night at Hamilton just before Christmas to celebrate the retirement of Jeffrey (Woofer) Barker after around 43 years (or more) of toil culminating as Manager Hamilton. Jeff was on Staff when Roly was Manager there in the early eighties and pretty well kept the Branch going for a fairly long period when Roly was unwell-great night and met up with quite a few old workmates.

Glenda White emails her thanks for the wonderful birthday card which arrived on 24th December. It is amazing that you do not forget even though it is at Christmas, very much appreciated

John White emails many thanks for the brilliant photographic coverage of the Christmas lunch on the web site. John doubts if anyone escaped the camera's lens. Whilst unable to attend this annual event, John gets a lot of pleasure perusing the photos of former colleagues and following Eamon's links.

Keith Winckles emails his thanks to the Club for the birthday card. How Kathy does it he doesn't know but she was the only one to get the card to arrive on the day.2013 was not a very eventful year. Hope to do more this year after he recovers from a knee replacement operation due mid January.

Brian Wrigley emails from Highton his thanks for the card; both he and wife Pat are going well with another grandson on the way early February. Brian sometimes wonders where the twenty one years has gone since the Bank and he parted ways.

Theo Yardley emailing from St Ives NSW send thanks to Kathy, Committee and Members for the 86th birthday greetings duly received and greatly appreciated.

Lloyd Zegenhagen passes on his thanks to Kathy Trace for her kind card with birthday wishes. Lloyd’s episode in hospital is now well passed and recovery is very satisfactory. He is looking forward to planning their next holiday, although not to the Antarctic this time if it means being

stranded similar to the present exploration ship. Their previous voyage was much more pleasant as the pack ice was not as treacherous. Nevertheless is would have been interesting.

AND Graham Bancroft, Clive Bayley, Wendy Black, Damian Burgess, Stephen Cowley, Kerry Dodds, Shirley Duckworth, Sandra Edwards, Alan Forrest, Annie Glenn, Barry Gully, Bruce Iddles, Malcolm James, Sandra Joseph, Des Kidd, Bob Lamb, Zelda Martin, Sue McCarthy, Denis McGee, Jock McGregor, Stan Middleton, Ray Murphy, Alex Pigdon, Bevyn Ranford, Peter Richardson, Les Roberts, John Stevens, Harry Trefz, Mike Watts, Keith Westaway, Glenda White,






At our committee meeting on Thursday 13th in terms of our constitution we were pleased to be able fill vacancies in our committee until our next Annual General Meeting by adding Wolf Damschitz and Elaine Haw to our committee and they have both agreed to accept the role until the AGM in November 2014.



The ANZROC’s website has been active now for over 3 years and we have tried to keep information up to date with newsletters current and archived, articles on club activities / events , obituaries and a growing gallery of photographs. We would appreciate any feedback from club members on improvements you would like to see so that we can continue to plan the evolution of the site in the future.

We have around 1000 members and still send over 300 newsletters by mail each month which is costly and time consuming. Whilst we cannot eliminate this means of communication completely we would wish to encourage more members to use the web site as their main means of access to club activities.

Since the site started we have had over 65,000 'hits' with the most popular articles being the monthly newsletters averaging about 700 readers per month and photos of the Xmas lunch which is heading to the 700 mark for the most recent lunch.

Please address any feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can plan future enhancements to the site and if you are interested in changing over your newsletters to electronic copies advise Ron Adams on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Eamon had trouble accessing the London web site through our External Links page and has now been advised they have moved to another provider and changed to the link below.

ANZROC members who wish to keep up to date with UK events especially bereavements of which there are too many should use this link



We are looking for golfing members who might be interested in organizing the autumn golf day for ANZROC members suggested for late April/early May. The golf tournament in November at Rosebud is secure for 2014 but there is a gap in our calendar for the autumn tournament and anyone interested can contact John Brown (9802 1810) or Ron Adams (9821 0444).







The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and bookings have been made for 2 Nights Mon 24 Feb & Tue 25 Feb 2014.

If you require information contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



For all ANZROC members that have retained their membership of ANZ Staff Club Australia this month we are promoting holiday rentals for properties owned by the ANZ Staff Club Australia and we have been advised that up to the end of May there are 6 units available in North Haven NSW for rental at very reasonable rates




North Haven is a picturesque town on the edge of the Bago Bluff Nature Reserve on the northern NSW coast and near the centres of Wauchope and Port Macquarie. The Staff Club is planning to put the block of units on the market during May 2014 so there is a window of opportunity to book units at a very reasonable price until the end of May….for example bookings in February are currently set at $410 per unit weekly from Friday to Friday.


North Haven - 1 Edith Street (Units 1 to 3 - Downstairs, Unit 4 to 6 - Upstairs)

North Haven is truly a haven for all lovers of fishing, boating and surfing. With alfresco cafes, shady barbecues, riverside picnic areas, fishing spots and surf beach, it is a perfect holiday destination to rejuvenate and relax. Stay to experience the classic Australian beachside holiday in the spacious, quiet and relaxed set of 6*, two bedroom units with bedding to accommodate up to 5 guests per unit. There is plenty of room for the kids to run around, with an enclosed yard and there is a fenced in-ground pool, swing set, large recreational room with table tennis, plus a great enclosed BBQ area and fridge. All this plus a short walk to the beach, it just can't get any better.. *If a particular unit is desired then please first make your booking via this website by logging in to and click on “Stay” and then choose the NSW bookings which will show the North Haven property and once you have made the booking please email ANZ Staff Club with your request for the desired room. Email address - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



MEETING AT THE BLACK SHEEP RESTAURANT ON 13th MARCH 2014 from 12 noon. The restaurant is located on the ground floor of the “National Wool Museum” building on the corner of Moorabool Street and Brougham Street Geelong




Following on from the most enjoyable outing to Geelong in September 2012 it has been decided to return to the Black Sheep licensed Restaurant for our 13th March 2014 monthly meeting/outing


The restaurant is located on the ground floor of the “National Wool Museum” building on the corner of Moorabool Street and Brougham Street Geelong

(Melway’s Street Directory page 228 C1)


The distance from the Geelong Station to the restaurant is approx 600 meters


It is recommended that we travel to the function via train. For those travelling by car there is limited (time and volume) parking on the foreshore East of the restaurant

“V Line” have a service to Geelong from the Country Platforms (Ground level at Spencer Street side of Southern Cross Railway Station) leaving at 10.00am and arriving at Geelong at 10.55am. For the return journey there is a train departing Geelong Station at 3.28 pm arriving Southern Cross Station at 4.38pm


It is proposed that we meet at the restaurant at around 11.30 am with a view to ordering lunch around midday


The Restaurant has prepared a suitable menu for our function with the cost being $25 per person. This includes a complimentary glass of wine, beer or soft drink .

The menu selection is:

* Pasta Carbonara

* Chicken Schnitzel, Chips, Bean, Olive and parmesan salad

* Beer Battered Flake, Chips, Salad and Tartare Sauce

* Steak Chips and Salad

* Sweets can be purchased separately from the glass selection cabinet at extra cost


It will be appreciated if members undertaking the trip via “V Line” arrange their own train tickets through the local “manned” railway station a few days prior to the day


Your free Seniors/Pensioner travel vouchers can be utilised for this event, however members are reminded that they need to take their vouchers to their local “manned” railway station to obtain a “V Line” authorised ticket for such travel


To assist members, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from Geelong Station to the restaurant for those members who would require such assistance to enable them to attend the luncheon. We would be grateful if any member who may be able to assist with such transport advise us on the acceptance form


In view of the relatively short time frame before the meeting please advise your acceptance as early as possible thank you so we can advise “V Line” to ensure adequate seats will be made available on the train





PARTNERS NAME.................................................................




THIS ACCEPTANCE CAN BE EMAILED TO: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mailed to “Neville Pearson, 18 Browning Drive Glen Waverley 3150” OR TO: “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mailed to “Noel Beanland 1 Walhalla Drive East Ringwood 3135 “


We are looking forward to a large roll up to this luncheon and separate notices have also been forwarded to members living in the Geelong and surrounding municipalities


Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor

newsletter december 2013

NEWSLETTER 12th December 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



MC Kevin Mitchell opened this excellent luncheon with an assortment of jokes that kept the audience laughing and he then introduced President John McPhee for the formal welcome. John welcomed 266 members and guests to the Annual Christmas Luncheon with a special welcome to ANZ Group Executives, Philip Chronican, CEO ANZ Australia, Susie Babani, GMD Human Resources, Alistair Currie, Group Chief Operating Officer and Roger Munday National Manager ANZ Staff Club.

Both CEO Mike Smith and DCEO Graham Hodges sent apologies as they were committed to interstate and customer visits.

John McPhee was especially pleased to see past ANZ Chief’s Charles Rennie, Will Bailey and Don Mercer in attendance and thanked the large number of country members who took the time to travel to Melbourne as well as an increasing number of newer members attending this year.

In his opening comments John acknowledged ANZROC‘s appreciation for ANZ Bank’s ongoing support through the generous subsidies for annual luncheons in all States and the use of ANZ Pavilion for the ANZROC Vic luncheon.



Diane Carew, Ron Cashin, Nola Forsyth, John Hawkins , Dorothy Hayes, Bob Heinemann , Graeme King, Ken Lee, Peter Marriott, Noelene Noonan, Graeme Randall, Doug Watson, Glenda White, David Woods.



Bancroft Carole 32 years ANZ

Ponnampalam Anthony (Anton) 22 years ANZ

Walker Trevor (Trev) 40 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Carole Anton and Trev at one of our meetings.



Duguid J.R.M. (John) 20/11/2013 70 years

A celebration of John's life was held at St Dominic's Catholic Church, in Camberwell and the church was packed with family and friends and was standing room only. The stories of John's life were related to the congregation in Eulogies by Andrew Duguid, on behalf of the family, David

Hills a friend from school days, Wayne Hiah who spoke of John's tremendous commitment to the Chinese heritage of his family and finally George Lawson who passed on many stories regarding Bluey's time at ANZ and subsequent golf activities in his inimitable style. The overwhelming message was of a much loved person taken too soon who had a long lasting effect on all that knew him. The hymn's Amazing Grace and The Lord's my Shepherd were sung and as a final tribute Alistair Urquhart played the bagpipes for John. Amongst the congregation were John's golf partners from Latrobe, Richard Harding, John Crough, George Lawson and Peter Treleaven. Also many close friends and ANZROC colleagues included Clive Bayley, Terry Brennan, John Brown, Henry Carr, Bob Challis, Brian Christensen, George Cooper, John Duke, Denis Grehan, John Inglis, Bruce Maisey, John McPhee, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Neville Pearson, John Phelan, Bevyn Ranford, John Ries, Des Shady, Mark Stankovich, John Stevens, Eamon Veaney, John Winders and many others. John will never be forgotten by all those who met him.

ANZROC members extend our condolences to John’s family and friends.

Neville Pearson advised that Robert (Bob) Evans passed away peacefully at home on 27th November after a long battle with cancer. Neville worked in the ANZ Bank EMANZA Data processing Dept with both Bob Evans and Herman Bettonvil. Sadly Herman and Bob have both departed in recent weeks. For some years as a small group of past ANZ EMANZA workers, Bob and Herman with Graeme Bancroft, Geoff Gow and Neville Pearson met monthly for luncheons. Bob would be remembered by many ANZROC members.


Dennis Murphy advised that Brian Brownscombe died in Sydney on Monday 9th December with extremely serious respiratory issues. Brian worked in Melbourne with Dick Hughes (along with Dennis and Geoff Scott) in Methods Dept (writing IDA –Instructions to Divisional Administrators) during the mid/late 1960’s under the management of Harry Carrodus ( and Jim Paton) !! Oh so long ago. Some of the old Methods people would know of Brian.



Dennis Murphy advised that Brian Kinna had some falls a few months ago and is now in higher care at Girraween, New St, Brighton. Denis saw him on Friday 6 Dec and Brian appears in reasonable spirits but has some movement problems.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during DECEMBER and we send

congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Ian Cann (86), Trevor Cookson (83),

Fergus Darmody (80), Kevin Dempster (82), Bob Goldsworthy (82), John Hallinan (88), John

Hicks (86), Rod Hill (88), Joan Lamond, Wal McGillivray (90), Bevyn Ranford (80), Noel

Robertson (83), Molly Saint, Neville Taylor (93), Bill Thorne (84), Glen Twidale (83), Ron

Wells (82), Jack Willoughby (88), Theo Yardley (83),Lloyd Zegenhagen (89).



From 1/12/2013

Less than $20,000 1.64%

Greater than $20,000 2.10%

Birdies Twitter

A contingent of around 800 plus friends of Bluey’s filled the magnificent St Dominic’s Church in Camberwell to farewell a true ‘Icon’ of the ANZ Bank in John Ranald Macdonald Duguid in style. Bluey would no doubt have rounded the numbers off as in excess of 1000 and that could well be so. The celebration of Bluey’s life was beautifully portrayed through Eulogies from

Andrew Duguid, David Hills, Wayne Hiah and George Lawson who succeeded in stirring the foundations of this beautiful church and had the priest ducking for cover on occasions.

John Ries read a General Intercession and there was no shortage of family and friends who spoke so beautifully about a “rough cut diamond” who had a heart of gold and a great mate to so many

Our thoughts and prayers are with Jenny and the family at this time of grief

PS: The “iron man” award must go to Brian Christensen “Chrisso” who was in attendance after discharging himself from Epworth Hospital only one day after Pace Maker implant surgery to attend. Rumour has it he will be back playing Amateur Footy next year!!

ANZROC members’ visits

Ron Cashin is well settled in at Broughton Lee retirement village in Surrey Hills. Ron passes on his best wishes to all members and apologises that he was unable to attend the ANZROC Christmas Luncheon this year

Alma Barkell has returned to her home after a long stay in hospital/rehab and is now looking after herself. She would love to hear from past friends/workmates



The toast to ANZ Bank was presented by our member Ian Peterkin who told us about his initial contact with ANZ in 1984 when he was with National and Grindlays Bank. Ian in 1985 was Assistant Group Inspector of Grindlays and came to Australia to work with Don Jeffery and Jim Borthwick on the credit review process between the two banks. Ian was subsequently appointed Overseas Head for Bangladesh and then on to Zambia. In 1999 Bob Lyon invited Ian to join the ANZ Pacific projects team and in 2001 he spent a year in Vanuatu. Ian returned from retirement to open a Representative Office in Noumea. This was a most interesting career description of a banker who spent the bulk of his career stationed in overseas posts.


Phil Chronican CEO ANZ Australia responding to the toast updated members present on a topic he had been talking about quite a bit recently at external presentations and with analysts and media - the future of banking in the digital age.

Nothing is as constant as change and banking is certainly no exception to this rule, as the audience of bankers would be well aware. Today it’s rapid changes in technology that’s shifting the goal posts and challenging the way we do things at ANZ. Phil then gave us a snapshot of how these changes are impacting the way consumers want to interact with companies and what this means for banks. He finished with an update on Banking on Australia – ANZ’s plan to transform and reshape the way we do business in Australia, to help us embrace the next era of banking and meet the changing needs of our customers.

This presentation was a most informative update and welcomed by members present.

Both presentations are posted in full on our website and for those who do not have access to the internet and may want a copy these are available from Ron Adams Phone 98210444 or mail PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144.



Vic Ansell emails his thanks for the birthday wishes sent via Kathy Trace. Vic was in Heathcote at the time looking after house and pets for in-laws. It was very peaceful in the country - a nice change from suburbia. It is hard to believe he has been out of the bank for over 14 years. Things have changed so much in that time. Vic wonders how we survived without the internet and its numerous benefits - access to services is only a keyboard or mobile phone away. Anyway, he has enjoyed another good year with ANZROC with different venues and enjoying the fellowship of other members.

Carole Bancroft, one of our new members this month, tells me she joined ANZ divisional Office on 11 February 1960 and ended her career in August 1992. In 1962 she was transferred to

Melbourne Centre (177 Toorak Rd) which later became Emanza and she was part of the initial team involved in the introduction of computerized processing of branch ledgers to the GE225 computer - Southern Cross Branch being the first to transfer to the new system. She says “My how times have changed!”

Jeff Barnes emailing from Canada passes on his best wishes for a very merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year to all his old friends from the ES&A, Esanda and A.N.Z. Jeff receives the Newsletter regularly from Andrew Herd, and enjoys reading about everyone with whom he worked back in the old days.

Grace and John Carruthers send their sincere thanks for the birthday good wishes they received with their birthday cards. John says that health problems have precluded them from attending the annual Christmas luncheon this year but they send best wishes to all members.

Daryl Cramer emails a note of thanks on the receipt of his birthday card. Daryl had a rather quiet birthday but celebrated later with his son-in-law who also has a birthday in November. 2013 has again been a very busy one for him but it is great to be enjoying good health and to still be able to get out in the garden, a bit of travel and continue to research the Cramer family history and work on his stamp collection.

Graeme Croxford emails from Harrietville his many thanks again for the birthday card received as always on time to remind him another year is over. The year past has seen deterioration in his wife Beryl’s health resulting in a stay at home policy with a couple of visits to hospital. So far so good. However Graeme has added to the sports car collection with the addition of a Jag 1958 XK150 in need of restoration that will keep him out of mischief for a while. Also he has increased the grass eating herd of Angus cows with the addition of a nice not too little Bull so will now have to buy a few more heifers. The clement weather is beginning to cause a few concerns and the farm could now do with a couple of heavy downpours of rain. Graeme sends best wishes for a merry Christmas and a contented new year to ANZROC members.

Brian Farrell sends his appreciation for the birthday greetings received on the occasion of his recent 85th birthday. In keeping with long established tradition Kathy Trace managed to ensure that the birthday card was received bang on the correct date- well done. Brian says when one reaches his age one part of you would prefer to forget you are another year older but another is vain enough to enjoy the fact that other people remember.

Margaret Hall writes a big thank you from Theo Hall for his birthday wishes that arrived on the day thanks to Kathy Trace. Theo has been caring for Margaret after she returned home from a spell in hospital which meant he was unable to attend our meetings.

Shirley White, daughter of our Honorary Member Wyn Greenwood , responding to the Christmas Card sent to our over 90’s ,an initiative of Committee Members Neville Pearson, Kathy Trace and Joan Nathan, says that Wyn and now his wife Margaret are now settled comfortably into Strathdon Community.

John Hobbs emailed his thanks to Kathy for the Club's birthday greetings card for his 97th and for the promptness of delivery. Nothing dramatic has blotted John’s landscape this past year. His health continues to be good for which he is very grateful although he admits a walking stick has become helpful. John’s doctor says he has the lowest cholesterol count in Melbourne! John has given up driving this past year but is fortunate to be surrounded by many considerate people to get him from A to B. He had a delightful break with family at Caloundra a few months ago in perfect weather. He sends warm greetings and best wishes to those who still might remember him.

Zelda Martin emails to pass on her grateful thanks for her Birthday card - arriving right on time, as usual. Zelda does appreciate it, and she really enjoys reading the latest news from our members. Zelda admits that last year turning 80 depressed her no end, but she feels much more relaxed about being 81 this year. Mobility is her greatest problem, but with her electric scooter which splits up into four pieces, and fits in the car boot she just

loves whizzing along on it - wind in the hair - and she can keep up with friends. It is rapidly learning its way around Australia (lucky she had completed a fair amount of overseas travel in earlier years). The scooter and Zelda had a great trip to Canberra a couple of months ago - one of the highlights was "trading up" the small scooter to a large, powerful model at the Canberra Botanical Gardens. This enabled her to spend a great hour or so powering up the steep pathways - but then she had to "hand" it back! You do find that all types of help are available at all different places - if you think to ask!

Honorary Member Wal McGillivray OAM also responding to the Christmas card sent to our over 90’s sends his special thanks to Neville Pearson for his personal note on the card and says may 2014 bring health and happiness to all.

Mike McKernan advised me that he has not been around the golf course for two months as he has been recovering from surgery since his operation in September. Everything going well for now with no ill effects from chemo so far which is good. He will try and catch up in the New Year,

Gerald McPherson emailed to thank the ANZROC Committee for his Birthday Card, which as usual, arrived right on the day. Kathy does a superlative job. Gerald said he hasn’t had any holiday trips this year, only four trips to hospital (two operations included), but he is fine now. His son Bruce and daughter in law Bodil, plus granddaughter Frida arrived from Norway for his Birthday, so that made it extra special for him.

Joan Nathan our hard working Committee member says thanks to all those involved in the organising of the Christmas lunch and how much everyone enjoyed the day, good company good food and beautiful Venue. Joan also thanks Kathy for her birthday card, and it was a memorable day shared with family and good friends. The year has been very busy for Joan and husband Ken, with the arrival of their first grandson. Joan and Ken also produced a book for the “Sunshine and District Historical Society” called “Snapshots of Sunshine and District” which culminated with a launch. They have also been to Cairns in July and have just returned from 10 days in Noosa. Ken has returned to part time work and is enjoying it immensely.

Jim Nicolson emails his thanks to Kathy and the Committee for the birthday message which he does not doubt arrived on the birthday (14/10). Jim and wife Hilda were overseas at the time - 10/10 until mid November and they will be off again from 5/12 to 10/1 and so will miss the Christmas Luncheon this time around. Jim appreciates receiving the Card and always of course the monthly, full of interest, newsletters.

John Osborne sends his thanks to Kathy Trace for the welcome wishes for his 76th birthday and he said that it was Melbourne Cup Day on the day of his birth all those years ago. He celebrated the birthday with wife Pauline, their children and grandchildren. They have kept good health all year, enjoyed the Probus Club at Melton and spending time at Loch Sport. John is a keen photographer and had an interesting time at Williamstown where the Tall Ships were docked during the year- what a magnificent sight. One ship was used in the British TV drama “The Onedin Line” and John decided to borrow the TV mini series of 1973 from the new library conveniently built opposite their home to watch the ship in action as the filming was actually done during severe storms.

Geoff Perdriau wishes to thank Kathy for sending good wishes from the club for his recent birthday which was celebrated quietly with dinner at Box Hill RSL Club. Geoff and wife Margaret did another Queensland safari in August. They flew to Cairns and travelled by road and rail across to Karumba on the Gulf of Carpentaria with Wilderness Challenge. The trip was indeed quite a challenge but a wonderful experience.

Louis Perrone has partially recovered from a debilitating stroke suffered a few years ago and is currently cruising the Coral Sea from Cairns, visiting Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Noumea and then on to Sydney .

Kaye Phelps wife of member David Phelps would like to thank Kathy Trace for David’s 78th birthday card, which arrived on time, as usual. David is at present in hospital having a series of tests. He has been unwell for some time. David was very upset that his mate John Duguid is no longer with us. David wanted to go to his funeral but was not well enough. David and John worked together in the Draft Dept at 394 Collins St for 3 to 4 years. Kaye feels they gave poor Norm Ross a hard time. Hopefully David will be home soon and muster up some energy and strength to walk their daughter Lisa down the aisle in February. David and Kaye wish all members a very Happy Christmas and good health for the New Year.

AND Les Ager, Sam Bartuccelli, Damian Burgess, Geoff Court, Barbara Gardiner, Ray Gill, Don Jeffrey, Graeme King, Bruce Michell, Roger Watkins, Doug Watson, Keith Witney, ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




It was a very successful golf day at Rosebud well organised by Huck Bourke and Alan Lauder. Huck promised at the start that the overcast rainy weather would clear and he was right. There were clear skies for most of the morning. There were 33 starters. The major winners were the husband and wife team of Bob and Joy Challis with 44 and 31 stableford points respectively. Runner- up in the Ladies comp was Sandy Bourke with 28 points. Runner-up in Men's comp was Gordon Paulett with 38, third was Eamon Veaney with 35. Nearest the pin went to Bob Irvine. The encouragement award went to Denis Grehan. Overall a very enjoyable day finished off with a Barbecue lunch and a glass of wine. Huck has tentatively booked for next year and as the Rosebud Club can accommodate 48 players there is the opportunity for more golfers to appear in 2014.



This year was the celebration of the ANZ Ladies Club 60th birthday, and to mark the occasion, the Ladies Club held their celebratory Lunch, on Tuesday 26th November, on the 34th Floor of ANZ 100 Queen Street and it was a huge success. Everyone seemed to have a great time and were adamant that they shouldn't wait till their 70th birthday for the next celebration! There were 62 acceptances, far more than expected, with visitors from WA, SA, NSW and Queensland, as well as one from New Zealand and one from England. Organiser Angela Mercer felt that having it at 100 Queen St was a huge draw card, and everyone did so enjoy catching up with friends and workmates.


APT OFFER to ANZROC members for December 2013

28 Days African Highlights

Offer: Air Credit of $1,000* Per Couple, PLUS an additional 7% discount*

ANZ Price $18,037 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $19,395)

Tour departs June to September 2014.

Book by 31 December 2013 unless sold out prior


Experience the highlights of Africa on a 28 day small group journey of South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania. Victoria Falls, Serengeti National Park, Masai Mara only names a few of the amazing sights you will experience.


* Watch for Africa’s big five – buffalo, lion, elephant, leopard & rhinoceros

* See the Kenyan Boys Choir at a Welcome Reception in Nairobi

* Bush dinner in Kruger

* Travel with 6-8 guests on your game drives

* Seven African game park experiences in custom-built 4WDs with an expert guide and a game tracker

* 61 meals

For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit

Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share. Prices are correct as at 2 December 2013 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Prices include ANZ 7% discount and savings. Book by 31 December 2013 unless sold out. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at anytime. A surcharge may apply to payments made with credit card. Prices based on AFK28: 15 June 2014. AIR CREDIT: Book by 31 December 2013. $1,000 per couple air credit offer valid on all 2014 departures. Offer is based on two people travelling together on the same APT Africa tour. Flights are in economy class with South African Airlines or an airline of APT’s choosing and must be booked by APT. A non-refundable deposit of $3,000 pp is due within 7 days. Final Payment is due 100 days prior to departure.



This year for the first time the team of Neville Pearson, Kathy Trace and Joan Nathan posted 36 cards to our 36 members who are 90 years or older .The cards are attractive traditional Christmas Cards and the “Birdies Poem” has been added. Personal comments were hand written on every card by Kathy, Joan or Neville during a most enjoyable luncheon outing at RACV Club a couple of weeks ago. We truly hope our older members appreciate the committee’s thoughts at this time of the year. Members’ feedback is welcomed and if positive, we would be happy to send Christmas cards to the over 90’s on an annual basis.




The annual get together is open to all members/ partners and singles.Regular attendees to our thrill seeking couple of fantastic days away at beautiful Mansfield will be there in force so if you decide to attend complete the attached booking form and send to Kevin Mitchell. If you require further information contact Kevin Mitchell on 9807.6201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 24 Feb & Tue 25 Feb 2014.

The Mansfield information and booking form follows at the end of the newsletter..



To be held at ANZ Bank Building on the 34th Floor/100 Queen Street Melbourne from 12noon to hear guest speaker Hugh Dolan speak on "Balloons, seaplanes, and blimps over Gallipoli: The Air War " and his presentation should generate a great deal of interest for all age groups so the Committee is looking forward to strong support from ANZROC members.

Hugh Dolan is the author of the book '36 Days' and a former RAAF intelligence officer. After completing a master’s degree in history at Oxford University, he enlisted in the British Army as a private. He served in Bosnia as a junior NCO and witnessed the importance of military intelligence in operation planning. He then commissioned and served as a Squadron Leader (Intelligence) in headquarters roles in Australia and overseas. He now lives in Melbourne and is busy raising three small boys.

The book “36 Days” tells the dramatic and almost unknown account of the war fought high above the Gallipoli peninsula. More than 2000 missions were flown by the early aviators of both sides, with the fragile seaplanes, aeroplanes and balloons of the Allies battling both the elements and the Turkish Air Service several thousand feet above enemy territory. In Gallipoli Air War the bloody contest waged for Gallipoli is seen through the eyes of the pilots and their observers, often in perilous planes or balloons and blimps that had seen better days. Whether flying reconnaissance missions, acting as artillery observers for the guns of the Royal Navy or bombing Turkish targets, the men who flew these frail machines had a remarkable impact on the campaign that until now has never been properly brought to light.

Former Royal Australian Air Force intelligence officer Hugh Dolan has interwoven meticulous research, intelligence reports, and the diaries and accounts of the combatants, along with his own experience, to create a detailed and compelling narrative. Gallipoli Air War has opened a fascinating new front in the well-known Gallipoli story.


If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams,

PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 by Thursday 6th February 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering.







PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I/we will be attending the Luncheon function






Information and booking form.

Venue: Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield

2 Nights Mon 24 Feb & Tue 25 Feb 2014

(Open to members/ partners and singles).

Accommodation cost for 2 nights & Dinner

Standard Motel 3 Stars, self contained with kitchenette.

Cost: $159.00 P/P Twin Share includes Buffet Dinner

Deluxe Apartment 4 Stars, 2 bedrooms, living room, full kitchen & spa bath

Cost: $ 142.00 P/P Quad Share includes Buffet Dinner


Resort Facilities: Swimming Pool / Sauna / Spa / Tennis Courts / Function Room/Volleyball / Games Room / Table Tennis / Dining Room / BBQ

Golf Course and Pokies Venue 2 km.

Other attractions within easy driving distance. Information available.

Day 1. Mon 24 Feb. Arrive anytime after midday.

Explore Alzburg Resort and Mansfield Township at your leisure.

Social Golf, Tennis or relax around the pool.

6.30pm. BBQ Dinner, BYO food & drink.

Day 2. Tue 25 Feb. Early Morning Golf Competition.

Non Golfers Social Walk, Tennis or other passive activities, or maybe just relax around the pool.

6.15 pm: BYO Pre Dinner drinks and nibbles around pool.

7.00 for 7.30pm: 2 Course, Pizza & Pasta Dinner & Dessert

Resort Dining Room .

Bar facilities available at your own expense. “Music for Dancing”.

Day 3 Wed 26 Feb Check out of unit by 11.00am, but continue to enjoy the facilities at the Alzburg for as long as you like.



ANZROC Mansfield Booking Form for 2014



Phone No:___________________ Email:_____________________

Accommodation (please circle) Motel /Apartment.

If sharing an apartment please indicate who with……………………………


Golf Competition: Name _______________________H’cap_____

Please Note: Booking arrangements, you are requested to pay your accommodation and Dinner in full by Cheque payable to Alzburg Resort, or by Credit Card.

Attached booking cheque for $ payable to Alzburg Resort




Name: ________________________


Card : Visa/MasterCard/Amex No-------/------/------/------


Expiry date ---/---




Please forward this booking form together with full payment by

24 Jan 2014 to Kevin Mitchell Unit 2/29 McLochlan St

Mount Waverley 3149

Phone Kevin on 9807-6201 if you require further information.

Note: there is extra cost involved for Sole Share


newsletter november 2013

NEWSLETTER 14th November 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


President John McPhee welcomed 45 guests well below last year’s meeting when 52 attended the AGM. Carol Whiting was attending our Monthly Meetings for the first time and those not seen for a while included Graeme Ainscough after a bout of ill health, Brian Day now fully retired, Val Goldsworthy back from recent surgery, Wayne Hulbert, Rose Virgona and Jillian Ward. Secretary Peter Pritchard chaired the AGM and President John submitted his Presidents Report. For the AGM refreshments were provided to supplement our lunch and made the meeting a very enjoyable occasion. Copies of the President’s and other reports are available on the web-site


John Brown, Diane Carew, Lawrence Cox, Mike Devlin, Aldo Faella, Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins, Bernadette Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, Gary Mason, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Ron Phillips,  Graeme Randall, David Schunke, Bruce Scott, Bruce Tickell, Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods



Ford                            Keith 32 years ANZ

Kelly                           N.A.    (Ned)               26 years ANZ

Mooney                      Brian                          27 years ANZ

Tough                         R.G.    (Bob)               49 years ANZ

White                          David                          45 years ANZ

Wilson                        P.S.     (Peter)             10 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Keith, Ned, Brian, Bob, David and Peter at one of our meetings.



Bettonvil                     H.J.W. (Herman)       30/10/2013                  76 years

Neville Pearson attended the funeral service of his great friend and strong ANZROC supporter Herman Bettonvil and Neville provided the details of Herman’s career with ANZ from date of joining in 1961 after emigrating from his native Netherlands. After several roles in branches Herman was moved into Melbourne for roles in Data Processing and then Manager Camberwell Proof Centre. After heart problems in 1982 he was appointed Manager Mansfield followed by his appointment to Manager Maintenance at Premises Dept until retrenchment in 1989 as part of a Bank restructure. ANZROC members were in force at the funeral and included Graham Bancroft, John Brown, Brian Christensen, Bob Davis, Dal Crocker, Jock McIntyre, Kevin Mitchell, Gordon Paulett, David Schunke, Lyn Stevens as well as members of the ANZ Premises Dept and ANZ Basketball teams.

King                            B.N.(Bernie)                24/10/2013                  71 years

The attendance of around 150 at the funeral service heard of Bernie ‘s career in ANZ including terms in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea and his commitment to the Scout movement and his love of golf and camping with friends and family  from ANZ colleagues Mike Lawrence and Frank Bain. A strong ANZROC contingent included Ron Adams, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Kevin Chard, Rino Frigo, Barry King, Brian Knowles, Ed Laity and Bob McPherson.


Members stood for a few moments in respect of our late members Herman and Bernie and our condolences are extended to family and friends.


Graeme Drew President of ANZROC Qsld and a colleague for many years in Esanda advised that one of our Esanda colleagues John Venning (71years) died on 20th October. ANZROC Vic member Mark Stankovich reminded me that John came to Esanda AHQ in the early eighties from Adelaide. John lived in Brisbane in recent years (he was not a member the ANZROC club).  John would be remembered by many ANZROC members.



Murray Abraham is experiencing severe back problems and is doing it “hard” so would welcome calls from his friends and colleagues. His phone number is 98851116.

John Duguid is in Epworth Richmond Hospital. He was admitted with respiratory problems and at this stage no phone calls or visits until the infection is controlled.

Past President John Stevens advises that Lloyd Zegenhagen is recuperating following heart surgery in October. He is expected to return home from a Donvale Rehabilitation Centre mid November. John spoke to Lloyd and his rehabilitation is going well and would like his many friends to know of his improving health .



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during OCTOBER and we pass

on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Grace Carruthers, John Carruthers (84),

Brian Christensen (80), Paul Cross (87), Brian Farrell (85), Euan Greenwood (89), Theo Hall

(82), Frank Hatfield (82), John Hobbs (97), Brian Kinna (85), Eric Lean (91), John Mangan (83),

Zelda Martin, Rodney McLeod (90), Gerry McPherson (89), Jim Potter (83), Ray Quirk (91),

Don Ranyard (83), Jack Shelton (83), Arthur Vale (83).


The 39th Annual General Meeting was held at the conclusion of the monthly luncheon and the minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2012 were confirmed. John McPhee presented his President’s Report 2012/2013. The Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2013 were presented and accepted. Policy changes approved were the reduction of the Term of employment from 15 years to 10 years  while  Subscription fees for the year 2013-14 were maintained at current levels of $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members. In view of the fact that sufficient nominations were received to fill all positions the following were appointed as Office Bearers and Committee for year 2013-2014.

President                              John McPhee

Immediate Past President   Neville Pearson

Vice President                    Col Edwards

Secretary                            Peter Pritchard

Assistant Secretary             Joan Nathan

Newsletter Editor               Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer                       John Brown

Committee                         Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke, Con La                                             Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Noelene Noonan,                                                            Kathy Trace, and Eamon Veaney

Records Officer                 Debbie Jerkovic

Alan Forrest was reappointed as Honorary Auditor.

A Copy of the President’s report has been posted on the website.



Lawrence Cox emailed his thanks for the arrival of his Birthday Card. Lawrence subsequently received a late birthday present when his first grandchild Susannah was born three weeks early on the evening of the 11th. All are now doing well and the next phase in Lawrence and his wife’s lives has begun.

Geoff Christensen emails his thanks for the Birthday Card which arrived on time as usual. The last year has been quite fruitful in many ways not to mention the Hawks having saluted again in 2013. This was a real bonus for Geoff and partner Vikki only having arrived back in Australia a matter of days before the Grand Final – friends had organised tickets for them and his kids so they had the pleasure of attending. The other real highlight was their  trip to Europe which included Germany (Munich/Berlin), Poland (Krakow and Auschwitz), Hungary (on a Scenic Cruise Budapest to Amsterdam taking in many other cities along the way including Czech Republic – Cesky Krumlov), France (Paris), Austria (Salzburg), Switzerland (Zurich) and finally Singapore over a period of some 6 weeks duration. A fantastic trip and one of those where there wasn’t one part of it that they did not enjoy thoroughly. Salzburg was the favourite with highlights being The Sound of Music Tour, Eagles Nest Tour and the marriage of partner Vikki’s son Rowan to his German fiancé whilst they were there. On the family front another grandchild arrived safely late last year taking Geoff’s overall tally to 5 comprising 2 girls and 3 boys. Add to that his younger son became engaged and his eldest son is to be married early December. It’s all happening!

Kerry Dodds writing from Warrenheip says thanks for the birthday wishes from Kathy Trace. He has had no trips of note this year but has been very busy preparing for their newly formed “Warrenheip Classic Car Club Inc”. They have started with 10 members and while the planning for their planned trip to “The Picnic at Hanging Rock” in early February 2014 is proving more time consuming than expected the club intends to be there with some level of representation.

Frank Edwards and wife Mavis are just back from cruising around Asia and he was saddened when Mark Stankovich told him of John Venning’s death. Frank had a hand in arranging John’s move in Esanda from Adelaide to Melbourne back in the dim and distant past and last saw him when they caravanned to Lightning Ridge where he was living in the van park and operating a burger van at the opal diggings. He had an interest in a productive claim and took Frank and Mavis below ground.

Lawrie Foord reported that he spent a few days in Jervis Bay, Garden Island and Sydney Harbour in October with a VIP pass to the events held to celebrate the centenary of the Royal Australian Navy. Lawrie’s grandson who is stationed at Jervis Bay in the Naval Base and provided the passes to Lawrie and his daughter, is shortly to join his crew in the “Sussex” based in Perth for another tour protecting merchant shipping from Somalian pirates. Lawrie had a great time inspecting the tall ships and war ships from countries including China, Russia, Japan, USA and India. He was in George Street Sydney watching huge crowds of sightseers heading towards the Harbour and saw 7000 Navy Personnel march as part of the eventful weekend. A highlight was spending time with 7 officers who were Navy psychologists responsible for the mental well being of RAN personnel serving in Australia and overseas and their stories greatly impressed Lawrie.

Eddie Forth writing from Noosa sends greetings to and advises he would welcome calls from friends and colleagues and can be contacted on 0420 282979 .In March this year he and wife Jan towed the caravan to Sydney, Canberra, Merimbula, Lakes Entrance and then to Lake Tyers where they visited Don and Ellen McKenzie on their 20 acre property (Don ex AHQ Personnel and Ringwood Area). Don was undergoing chemotherapy but they were able to reminisce on their good times together, golfing, fishing on Lake Eildon and on the Gippsland Lakes and in adjacent rivers. When in Melbourne in April Eddie visited Henty Masonic Lodge, Mt Waverley where he met a number of retired ANZ colleagues and a former board colleague of the Royal Freemasons’ Homes of Victoria, Windsor on which board he served for some five years. During the year Eddie and Jan have been very sorry to lose their ANZ friends: Gordon Browne ,Cliff Griggs ,Don McKenzie , and Gordon Field. In September, 1956 Eddie worked with Cliff Griggs at Mildura branch where the late Neil Christensen (Brian’s dad) was the Manager. In early 1957 Eddie and Gordon Field worked at Ringwood branch; they were jiu-jitsu partners at the Ringwood Police & Citizens Youth Club and they put on exhibitions in Ringwood Town Hall throwing one another around on thick mats on the stage. In 1962 Eddie was at Bairnsdale when Cliff Griggs was appointed Accountant. Gordon Browne was Manager at Fish Creek when Eddie was Accountant/Teller at Korumburra branch in 1965/67 and they used to meet at Leongatha at functions put on by the then Regional Manager from Melbourne. In 1987 when State Manager, Victoria of Burns Philp Eddie employed Gordon Browne as a Finance Manager mainly for his corporate lending skills. Eddie worked with Don McKenzie in 1967 in ANZ Victoria & Tasmania Division and following the merger with ES&A Bank Limited in 1970 directed a team of 47 auditors and assistants as well as handled the consolidated accounting functions and general administration for Victoria and Tasmania branches. These dear friends are sadly missed. On a lighter note Eddie and Jan each play golf at Tewantin Noosa Golf Club and very much enjoy all that Noosa has to offer.

Ray Gill and wife Dorothy recently travelled via Singapore to Frankfurt, on to Prague and then to Budapest to join the MS Johann Strauss to Amsterdam to cruise the Danube, Main and Rhine Rivers with its 68 locks, quite an experience. They experienced all the wonderful sights that Europe presented although health problems meant that Ray had to forgo the visit to Salzburg but Dorothy was able to enjoy Salzburg and took many photos. They travelled to London via Euro-star particularly enjoyed by Ray as he worked for six years on British Rail in the 1950s. During their stay in England they travelled by train to Southampton, Durham and Yorkshire spending time  in Doncaster visiting former neighbours and friends, old schools and finding Ray’s mother’s grave as this has been his first visit back since leaving in December 1960. They spent a delightful time with Dorothy’s friends travelling around Northumberland and into Scotland. A special time was spent at Barnard Castle with a 1930s childhood girlfriend and her husband. Then onto York, visiting the Minster and the Railway Museum where an exhibition of the six remaining A4 Pacific Locomotives was being held. A great day was spent in Scarborough revisiting familiar places and then it was time to travel back to Heathrow for the long flight home with a stay over for the Grand Prix in Singapore

Bob Grant emails his thanks for the birthday wishes although he spent his birthday at an all day “Safe Church Workshop” dealing with the latest regulations covering working with children and the elderly but the family joined Bob and wife Nell for lunch the following day. Since Bob’s last year’s report he had a toe infection which turned nasty and he finished up losing the toe. Since then all has been well and Bob has recently taken up bike riding to keep the weight off and he remains reasonably fit. Nell had her 70th Birthday in August and they went to the Mogo Zoo near Batemans Bay where they had the privilege of feeding a male white lion which, although done through a wire mesh, was still very close and personal. Life remains very pleasant in Nelson Bay and treasurer’s duties with the Anglican Church and the Woodworkers Club keep Bob busy. It’s good to read the newsletter each month and find out what everyone is doing. He has fond memories of working with Rae Collins, Ron Cashin and John Vanselow. Bob notes also that Dietmar Reichert is a recent correspondent. He was in Marketing Dept at the time of Ron and John and is one of nature’s gentlemen. Bob was hoping to get to the Christmas Lunch this year but recent circumstances prevent this from happening - maybe next year.

Jack Grant acknowledges thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Card received in time for his birthday. It has been an up and down year. In April Jack and wife Robyn’s daughter was married, which was a great occasion, but in July their 41year old son was diagnosed with cancer. He is on an 18 week chemotherapy course and finishes in November with surgery to follow early in the New Year. This has been a devastating blow to all the family but they are coping reasonably well and at this stage hopeful for a total cure. Jack’s feet continue to give problems but at this stage all is well and he is back in shoes again after approx. 12 months in a moon boot. Jack continues to do part time work as a bookkeeper for 2 local businesses, which with looking after their 3 grandchildren on a regular basis keeps Jack and Robyn very busy.

Frank Hatfield sends his sincere thanks for the good wishes on the occasion of his 82nd birthday. Fortunately Frank and wife Joan are keeping reasonably good health. This past year they have had a few trips away to accommodation in towns along the River Murray and to their son’s beach house in Inverloch. Frank is looking forward to meeting up with friends at the Christmas luncheon.

Mike Henry emails that once again Kathy has delivered her Birthday Card on time -many thanks.
2013 has been pretty busy again - what with playing golf twice weekly, volunteer driving elderlies to medical appointments, trivia night organising, grandchild minding, volunteer driving at Kooyong Classic and volunteer scoring at Aust Masters Golf  - where does one find a RDO when you need one? Highlight of the year was a 2 week overseas trip to Augusta, Georgia USA to witness the US Masters Golf - fantastic experience- can recommend highly to any golf nut.

Ken Howell writes to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday card received on the dot and he looks forward to receiving the card as he has a cheeky grandson born on the same date who is now 30.Ken is now 86 and his wife 85 so they now lead a quiet life mainly raising their three daughters and their 8 grandchildren Retiring 26 years ago has let them help raise their grandchildren.

John Mangan writing from Kangaroo Flat sends his thanks for the birthday greetings. Another year has passed with its usual ups and downs with cataracts removed from both eyes recently and the new glasses have not arrived so he has a problem putting pen to paper. He is however hoping that with the new glasses his golf can improve over the coming weeks.

Emilio Moreno sends his thanks for the very kind birthday wishes for his 70th. Emilio spent a wonderful day with family and a few friends. He will catch up with friends at the Christmas luncheon .A wise man once said “If you associate enough with older people who truly enjoy their lives, you will gain the possibility for a full life” Sort of says it all for our wonderful ANZ ROC

Maggie Murray writing from Mortlake sends her thanks for the birthday wishes from Kathy Trace and ANZROC committee and says she has recently returned from overseas after 7 weeks of superb travelling on her annual holidays.

Peter Nyga apologised for missing the AGM as he had just returned from sailing two weeks at Gippsland Lakes, cruising around to various places. They had fifteen boats in the fleet, which was a lot of fun. The wet and windy weather during the week though has been interesting!

Jim Potter emails many thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived in Ballarat on time as usual. It is hard to realise that it is some 28 years since retiring from full service with the Bank and how the years have passed so quickly. Jim is in good health for his age for which he is thankful.

Ray Quirk emails how fortunate he is to be able to send thanks for another birthday greeting, particularly when he notes that the old ANZers in the 90 years plus segment are still increasing in number. They all must have done something good .Ray’s special thanks must always be headed by his wonderful wife of nearly 70 years, Meryl, and a loyal and attentive family. No doubt good genes and a bundle of good luck must help.

Rod Rowe passes on his thanks to Kathy for the Birthday Card which arrived, as always, right on time. And a special thanks to her for the little additional note recognising Rod’s 70th.His wife Kate took him away for the weekend to a secret location (secret to Rod  that is) which turned out to be a great little B & B a short way out of Olinda in the Dandenong’s. The weather was particularly kind and they spent a delightful weekend rediscovering spots where their family had gone for holidays back in the 50s. Rod and Kate recommend William Ricketts Sanctuary and the Alfred Nicholas Gardens in particular. They are now enjoying the weather at Rainbow Bay, at the southern end of the Gold Coast, on the annual pilgrimage at this time of the year. Back to Melbourne in late November to pick up the caravan and journey to Adelaide in early December for a friend's 70th. Then down through south eastern South Australia, staying with friends in Kingston SE before making for home again for Christmas.

Alan Ryan writing from Warragul sends thanks for the birthday card. It is 18 years since Alan retired from Manager Warragul branch. Alan and wife Maureen go away each year if practicable and this year travelled to Vietnam and Cambodia and it was great. No more trips for 18 months but they are contemplating a river cruise in Europe in 2015. They still run cattle, steers and bullocks, and Maureen runs a yoga school which she has operated for 40 years.

AND Tom Bramwell, Ken Crawford, Don Davy, Brian Day, Tony Donohue, Phil Dunstan, Serge Florent, John Flyger, Peter Giasoumi, Val Goldsworthy, Stan Halbish, John Hawkins, Adrian Henning, Graham Holt, Geoff Horton, Doug Imrie, Barry King, Sue McCarthy, Jock McIntyre, Bob Mullen, Anthony Nimmo, Bevyn Ranford, Alan Rutzou, Anthea Santos, Murray Skelton, John Stevens,  John Sudholz, Lynne Stevens, Bill Thorne, Glen Twidale, Kelvin Tyler, Bill Walker, Mike Whitmore, ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




From  1/11/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.63%

Greater than $20,000                             2.09%



We are unable to identify the following subscription deposits that have appeared on the September and October ANZROC bank statements.

16 Sept 2013   $10 Reference 'Subs 13 - 14 “Sarge”

1 Oct 2013    $20 No reference.

15 Oct 2013     $10 Reference 'Agent deposit 1504067'

If you believe that one of these belongs to you, please contact our Treasurer, John Brown Phone 0425 827 540 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The only way you can identify payments made through a branch is for you to include an identifying 'Tran. Code'. Probably the best Tran Code to include is a telephone number (either home or mobile) that we can call if we are unsure of the source of the payment



Don’t forget the forthcoming golf day at the Rosebud Country Club on Friday 29th November 2013 and for full details see attached flyer at the bottom of this newsletter from Huck Bourke.

For more information you can contact Huck on 59883441 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you can send the application to him by email or to Huck at 32 Grandview Terrace, Mount Martha, Vic 3934.



The annual get together is open to all members/ partners and singles and full details are posted on the ANZROC Vic web site or you can contact Kevin on 98076201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 24 Feb & Tue 25 Feb 2014.  Details will be in December Newsletter.





The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Mike Smith CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Ian Peterkin. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.

Our caterers have agreed to again maintain the cost of the function at $30.00. Refunds will not be paid unless the Secretary or Treasurer receive notice no later than 6 December 2013 as we are required to advise the caterers final numbers on that date.

This year we are able to offer members the ability to book a table (seats 10). You will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip”. Alternatively you can send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In addition we have arranged for the function room to be open at 12.10am (for Honorary Members), to select a table and be seated. General admission will be at 12.15am. This should reduce the congestion that we have experienced in previous years.

Admittance for pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am

Admittance to function room for Honorary Members at 12.10pm

Admittance to function room for all members from 12.15pm

Luncheon commences at 12.30pm

Members can make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947.

Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.  If you wish to host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Peter Pritchard.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary 19 Albert Street East Malvern 3145 and include the “acceptance slip”.





Name of


Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)


I will be hosting a table……….Y/N.       I wish to be on a table with………………………………………..


Return this slip to Peter Pritchard 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145




Rosebud Country Club  - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939

Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.

Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.

It comprises two eighteen hole courses which can be reconfigured into four different competition courses. The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.

Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. The organisers are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.

Entry Fee - $60.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club $25.00)

(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $20 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.

Entries close - Thursday 21st November (Numbers are limited, so apply early to secure a place). Those who have already indicated attendance will still need to complete entry form below.

Hit-off from 8.00am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 7.30 am to get card & draw).

On-course accommodation is available at The Fairways Resort Motel.

Telephone number 5950 2111

(Mention ANZROC when booking).

  • King Suite           King Size Bed           $155 per room         1 or 2 guests
  • Twin Suite          2 x Single Beds         $165 per room         2 guests
  • Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or         Alan Lauder  5981 9373. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






Cut off here


ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 29 NovemberEntries Close – 21stNovember.

ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)

Your Contact details: Name………………….Email……………………………..Phone……………..


Name…………………………….Hcp………        Name…………………….…………Hcp………….

Total number of entries. …….…@ $60.00 ($25.00 for Rosebud members)   =        $…………...

Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @20.00                                            =        $__________

Total                           $__________

Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC  to:

Huck Bourke

32 Grandview Terrace,

Mount Martha  3934                                     OR

EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only  to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:

ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947

(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)

newsletter october 2013

NEWSLETTER 10th October 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)

Vice President Col Edwards welcomed 39 members and guest speaker Dr Robert Gribben to the 34th Floor 100 Queen Street for our October luncheon. The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Harry Carrodus, Rino Frigo, Serge McIntyre, Gordon Paulett, Geoff Perdriau and Doug Watson.

Once again the numbers attending were very low for a meeting in 100 Queen Street mainly due to the level of apologies received from members on the sick list or travelling interstate and overseas at this time of year. Committee members however would be interested in receiving ANZROC members’ feedback on the content of meetings, locations and what would make it more attractive for you to attend our Queen Street meetings.



Graeme Ainscough, Noel Beanland, Herman Bettonvil, Diane Carew, Robin Chase, Cedric Coxsedge, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Theo Hall, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Bob Heinemann, Dorothy Hayes, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, David Knuckey, Ken Lee, John McPhee, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Graeme Randall, Bruce Scott, Bruce Tickell, Jackie Waite, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods.


Dempsey                     M.(Mike)                     ANZ    39 years

Devlin                          M.E. (Mike)                ANZ    43 years

Halsall                         L.W. (Bill)                   ANZ    36 years

Omond                                    P.J. (Peter)                  ANZ    19 years

We look forward to seeing Mike, Mike, Bill and Peter at one of our meetings.



Field                            G.J. (Gordon)             2/1/0/2013       74 years

Gordon was a respected and supportive member of ANZROC Vic attending meetings when able. Gary Mason attended the funeral service and reported that Doug Watson read the eulogy. Amongst the bankers present were Graham Joseph, John Duke, Terry Brennan, Tom McCullough, Flav Belli and Alan Panther. Gordon retired as a Senior Manager in Audit, where he was involved in various overseas stints, including India. He was a lay member of the Anglican Synod for many years. Gordon was very well qualified as a Chartered Accountant and the Institute of Secretaries.

He underwent a full heart transplant 12 years ago at the Alfred Hospital and in appreciation of that spent every Wednesday (following his recovery) as a volunteer at the Hospital.

He and wife Edith travelled extensively.

ANZROC member Peter Smith emailed that his wife (Vi) volunteers at The Alfred, helping out with finances. She is actually doing the work that Gordon Field did before he became ill.

Members stood for a few moments in respect of our late member Gordon and our condolences are extended to his family and friends.


John Vanselow has been advised that Robert (Bob) Medhurst passed away in September. Bob was a family friend over 40 years since he visited here from London Office in 1970 and they had maintained contact over the year’s .John last spoke to him in April as their birthdays are on the same date. Bob would be known to ANZ International and other officers who worked at and visited London Office in the period up to Bob's retirement in the 1980's. Over latter years Bob has struggled with ill health and passed away aged 91.




Pat Gaskin reporting from Bendigo says Ian Bell is home recuperating after  undergoing  surgery in mid September  and he still has to have continued treatment for some time to come. Ian would welcome calls from his friends and colleagues from ANZROC.

Brian Christensen reported that John Duguid was in hospital with pneumonia.

Recently in our newsletter we noted that Ed Knight was not well and subsequently our member Tom Phillips recently went to visit Ed at the Kingston Centre Rehab unit so if anyone would like to contact Ed please ring Tom on 9802 7821. Our member Ted Palmer co-ordinates a bi-monthly lunch of around a dozen ANZers of which Ed has been a regular. Ted has visited Ed a few times, he lives within walking distance and can be contacted on 9570 2269 if members want to see Ed. Ted has noted Ed's voice improvement.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during OCTOBER and we pass

on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Graeme Baldwin (82), David Begg

(84), Fred Campbell (81), Harry Carrodus (85), Ray Dedlefs (83), Len Donohue (80), Ken

Howell (86), John Keck (94), Max McKoy (90), John Moorhouse (88), Jim Nicolson (85), Des

Rittman (84), Thomas Taylor (86), Mike Whitmore (84), Eric Williams (93).


From  1/10/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.63%

Greater than $20,000                                       2.09%



Our guest speaker Dr. Robert W. Gribben BA (Melb), MA (Cantab), M. Theol (Melbourne College of Divinity), DD, Professor Emeritus Melbourne University, Fellow of Queen’s College. Robert is regarded as a leading Theologian, liturgist and ecumenist in Australia and spoke to members on the subject  “Changing Trends in Christianity in 2013 ” .It was an enlightening discussion on the movement of Christianity  both Protestant and Catholic faiths from its centre in Northern Europe in 1900 with countries across  Europe and UK facing reducing congregations today, the growth of Christianity in  the Americas in the 1930/50s and more recently tremendous  expansion of Christian beliefs into the emerging powerhouses of China, Korea and Africa and the potential for huge growth in India. The decline of congregations of the traditional faiths compared to the growth of churches such as Hillsong and Crossways in Australia was also debated.

The presentation was well received by members and the many questions raised were dealt with ably by our guest speaker.



The ANZ archives (Safer than Fort Knox) were delighted to receive Charles Rennie memorabilia and history re his time at the helm


CHRISTMAS GET TOGETHER (Sunday 17th November any time after 11.30am)

For several years a group of past ANZ basketballers, tennis players, ANZ retired staff and friends have gathered in November to celebrate the festive season. It is so difficult to keep in touch with everyone individually and this function provides an easy avenue of doing so (Non Bank friends, children, relatives, in fact anyone is most welcome).The picnic/BBQ is held from 11.30am onwards alongside the Yarra River at the end of Boathouse Road which runs off Yarra Boulevard (Located next to the Studley Park Boathouse Café in Kew.)


The setting along the river bank is beautiful and the BBQ area and BBQ facilities spotless and adequate. We endeavour to claim one of the shelters closest to the Boat House Cafe (50 metres from the car park heading towards the river and boat house). There is cover from the sun (and rain) for a group of around 40 or so, as well as some tables and benches. Would be advisable however to have a chair or two in your car, in case we are not successful with our “land claim” where the shelter is erected, or our turn up is larger than anticipated. The Boat House Car Park can be busy and I think a sign in, or near, the car park indicates that parking is allowed on one side of nearby Yarra Boulevard

There is no need to confirm as we all just turn up on the day any time after 11.30am with either food for the park BBQ’s or a picnic lunch

The location can be found at Melways "Map2D E8".



Graeme Ainscough sends his thanks for the card on his 77th birthday. He spent his birthday in hospital with heart trouble which resulted in a stent being inserted. He now has to take time off from his Baseball commitments to recover fully but he is still taking a great deal of interest in the forthcoming Summer Season and his club Cheltenham’s quest for the elusive Summer Pennant. Regrettably their A team lost their semi final in the winter season and will miss the grand final for the first time in 6 years which disappointed Graeme.

Dave Brookman writing from Dromana expressed his thanks for the birthday card received right on the dot and appreciated Kathy Trace’s added remarks to mark the occasion. Dave’s 90th was celebrated at a lunch with family and friends. At present his health is good but mobility is fairly restricted.

Valda Clarke wrote to thank the Club for her birthday card which arrived on time.

Phil Dunstan emails that is again it is great to receive the Newsletter with the updates on Retired Officers' various activities. Phil’s Birthday Card, which is always very much appreciated, arrived spot on the due date. Phil’s life continues to be quite busy with being Treasurer of both the Waverley Woodworkers and the Mercedes Benz Club Vic. This year has also seen a two month trip in his wife Gwen's Toyota HiAce Pop-top Camper Van when they did 15,500kms up through Alice Springs, Katherine, up to Wyndham, down the West Coast and across the Nullabor. Many very enjoyable experiences were had with the likes of Katherine Gorge, Geikie Gorge at Fitzroy Crossing, staying overnight at Mooka Station (2hrs east of Carnarvon), seeing the very significant developments in the Headland Region, and being amazed at the house rentals being asked (minimum $1,400 per week for a very basic home, to $3,500 p.w. for a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home). Snorkelling at Coral Bay amongst the vast array of very wide ranging sizes and colours of fish was quite an experience.

The coastline around Kalbarri is stunning, and Natures Window and Z Bend which are about 25km of extremely corrugated road inland from Kalbarri were really beautiful. Gwen, being vitally interested in Gemmology collected some 90kg of rocks on the trip and had another 190 kg transported back by truck. Phil’s exotic desert timber collections were of significantly lesser weight although it probably occupied more space. Sandalwood, mulga, minirichi, root burls, and many other species have provided him with more than enough to keep him busy. Regular daily bike rides ensure that his fitness is maintained, although it takes a bit of mind over matter on very cold days. Car Club activities have included a rally of 58 "Pagoda" Mercedes to Canberra as part of the centenary celebrations, the annual Concours event in March, and a visit to Canberra for the MBClubACT Concours event in mid September. Life is good and it is great to hear of the many good stories of others with whom he has had the pleasure to work, albeit quite a long time ago!

Warwick Etty writing from Healesville sends his thanks for the birthday card, on time as usual, which was much appreciated .Warwick enjoys the contact via the newsletters and all the news from the members about their escapades.

Ken Fitzgerald writes his thanks for the greetings for his 85th birthday. Ken’s family has increased again with the birth of two further great grand children taking the total to 6.Ken’s only travels this year was a trip to Gympie (Qsld) in March with a family friend. Ken had hoped to visit David and Ann Patterson at Hervey Bay but they were away tavelling. On the return trip they went further west to Eulo to visit the friend’s eldest daughter who lives on a 3000 acre property largely raising goats. Ken hopes to go on another Veterans’ Cricket tour to South Africa next year.

Jack Helisma writes to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes received on the day.

June Hoskin sends her thanks for once again remembering her recent birthday which she enjoyed with a family luncheon. The Club’s thoughtfulness in sending the card was very much appreciated and she wishes ANZROC continued success.

Ian Ince sends his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card for the big day. Ian had a quite day with a meal at a local restaurant with wife June. However there were family celebrations the Sunday before and another gathering the following Saturday at a restaurant. His health continues to be okay, enabling Ian and Jean to have two most enjoyable holiday breaks at Rosebud and Yarrawonga in the autumn and spring.

Larry James emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card which was appreciated. It has been a busy time for Larry with Seniors’ Week. His role at Golden Days Radio was full on as they are a media partner for the festival. So he has  been very busy at firstly Government House for the announcement of Senior of the Year, then the opening at Federation Square and then the lower Melbourne Hub for the week handing out brochures etc together with other volunteers.

Larry is about to go on holidays to Adelaide and Perth on the Overland and Indian Pacific. He is looking forward to that and a break. Larry believes the Indian Pacific is a little faster than Puffing Billy where he is an active volunteer!!

Bruce Kells sends his thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday greetings which he appreciated. He recalls looking forward to becoming an honorary member last year and another year has passed already. Bruce intends to catch up with members at the Christmas luncheon.

Vito Laruccia emailed his appreciation for the birthday greetings he received from Kathy Trace.

Mike Lawrence writes that he is still playing golf with Bernie King and Frank Bain and they enjoy the odd lunch. It’s great to receive the newsletter and hear about all those he worked with over the years.

Maria Malicse emailed her thanks for the Birthday card from Kathy that arrived right on the day. Maria said the card made the day a great one.

Fay McPherson sends her thanks to Kathy and all the committee for the Birthday Greetings. Fay had a most enjoyable day at a luncheon with friends on the day. The years are passing much too quickly now, and she is no longer counting!

Dick Milnthorpe emailing from UK says many thanks for the birthday greeting, always nice to hear from Down Under. Dick and wife Pat will have a pleasant family dinner to celebrate. Although they have now sold their house in Mornington Dick and Pat still intend to visit Melbourne in 2014 and will arrive on the Arcadia at the end of Feb.  They plan to stay at the RACV for ten days and catch up with old friends before flying to Auckland to catch the Queen Victoria for the trip back home.  He was disappointed to see the Kiwis were unsuccessful in their quest for the America’s Cup which Dick and Pat had been watching on TV in UK.

Jim Nicolson sends his thanks for the birthday greetings. Jim says that this year he will be absent from the Christmas lunch for the first time for many years as most of  Jim and wife Hilda’s   family are visiting the other half of their respective families for Christmas and this coincided with an attractive cruise ship offer which was accepted.  So, Jim and wife Hilda  are taking off  in October  and apart from a couple of weeks break in November will be out of the country until early January and he’ll  miss the outing which he  always enjoy immensely.

Peter Nyga reports that he had a most enjoyable and successful trip to the north – west of America. Along with a group of photographers, he travelled through five States: Utah, Idaho, Washington, Montana and Wyoming. Whilst there was beautiful scenery everywhere, the Rockies – Glacier, Yellowstone and Tetons National Parks were simply stunning. His camera had a good workout!

Peter O’Dwyer writing from Yarrawonga says thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings. Peter and wife Joan are still enjoying the gardening and he has not given up trying to master the games of bowls and golf.

Alan Pearce emailed to say thank you for the birthday greetings which as usual arrived on the day. A big thank you to Kathy Trace for her sterling work in ensuring that these greetings always arrive on time. It is a magnificent effort on her part.

Dietmar Reichert emailing from Warranwood sends his thanks for the Birthday Card which got there again on time!!Life is still interesting and consists of assisting people who want to stop smoking etc via the process of Clinical Hypnosis. In addition there is interstate travel from time to time due to Birthdays of close relatives and, sadly, attending a funeral up north of his brother-in-law. Otherwise the 4 grandchildren keep Dietmar “active”.

Ron Smith emails his thanks for the birthday card, which arrived on schedule. The 26 years since his retirement from full time work, have disappeared very quickly. Thankfully, health is good and various activities keep him well occupied.

Ken Stapleton emails a thank you to Kathy Trace for the annual birthday card and best wishes.

It arrived on the due date as usual. As another year rolls past both Ken and wife Robyn are thankful for reasonable health. They have recently returned from four weeks in France, having spent some time in Paris then visited the many Battle sites from World War One and the Normandy Landing sites from WW2, Mont Saint Michel and the Loire Valley. They then enjoyed a cruise down the Rhone River before flying home from Nice. He hopes to catch up with colleagues at the Christmas Lunch.

AND Bob Bell, Helen Bouch, Graeme Cameron, Alan Chapple, David Christie, Lawrence Cox, Ian Crothers, Graeme Croxford, Mike Dempsey, Chris Fieggen, Keith Findlay, John Flyger, Teresa Goldsborough, Tony Grayling, Keith Higgs, Bill Jackson, Erwin Jones, Graham Joseph,  Ian Manley, Emilio Moreno, John Parkes, Keith Remington,  John Saffery, Bob Schofield, Murray Skelton, James Uren, Mike Vallence, Bill Walker, Col Walton, Richard Weekes, John White,  and ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



At the Committee Meeting on 10th October Life Member and Senior Vice President David Knuckey tendered his resignation from the committee after 13 years of dedicated service particularly organising the many suburban and country lunches with Committeeman Noel Beanland and his wife Glen Knuckey and his valuable assistance with the catering both at 100 Queen Street meetings and at the Victorian Arts Centre. David’s resignation was accepted with regret by the committee.



Members and partners are invited to join us at this annual event which is to be held this year at the Rosebud Country Club. The Club is a comfortable drive from Melbourne and also provides the opportunity for ANZROC members in the Mornington Peninsula area to catch up with past workmates and friends.

THE ENTRY FORM IS INCLUDED AS A SEPARATE ATTACHMENT TO THIS NEWSLETTER and will also be available on the website. For any more information you can contact Alan Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .





The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Mike Smith CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Ian Peterkin. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.


Our caterers have agreed to again maintain the cost of the function at $30.00. Refunds will not be paid unless the Secretary or Treasurer receive notice no later than 6 December 2013 as we are required to advise the caterers final numbers on that date.


This year we are able to offer members the ability to book a table (seats 10). You will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip”. Alternatively you can send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In addition we have arranged for the function room to be open at 12.10am (for Honorary Members (80 years and older)), to select a table and be seated. General admission will be at 12.15am. This should reduce the congestion that we have experienced in previous years.


Admittance for pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am

Admittance to function room for Honorary Members at 12.10pm

Admittance to function room for all members from 12.15pm

Luncheon commences at 12.30pm

Members can make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947.

Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.  If you wish to host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Peter Pritchard.

For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary 19 Albert Street East Malvern 3145 and include the “acceptance slip”.


Dress Code:  business attire or smart casual.






Name of


Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)


I will be hosting a table……….Y/N.       I wish to be on a table with………………………………………..


Return this slip to Peter Pritchard 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145





Final reminder of the 60th Anniversary of ANZ Ladies Club on 26th November at 12 noon at ANZ Bank 34th floor, 100 Queen St, Melbourne and the committee would like to see as many present and past members attend this Diamond Jubilee meeting.

Cost is $40.00 inclusive.

If details are required, please contact Jill Witney, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or tel. 9876 1646, or Angela Mercer,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or tel. 9416 3923



A final reminder that subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2013/2014 are due prior to 31st October 2013 and payments can be sent to our Treasurer John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or paid electronically into the ANZROC account .Details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947


Subscriptions for 2013/14 are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted to John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East, and Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810)

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00.



………………………………………………………………      $…………..

(Name of member)      Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address

ANZROC HAS JOINED COTA (Council on the Ageing)

an organisation representing the interests of older Victorians.

COTA offers a range of benefits tailored to the needs of older people including housing, health and well being, general information on legal and financial matters, home maintenance, retirement and maintaining social connections and ageing well. See their website for further information

Ever Wondered Who to Ask?

Seniors Information Victoria offers free information as an independent service, supported by the state government, on a wide range of issues of interest to older Victorians including:

  • Housing options from independent living to residential care
  • Home-based and community services
  • General information on financial and legal issues
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Retirement
  • New learning opportunities, and much more.

Phone 1300 135 090

COTA is open Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm.

- See more



MEETING IN the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ HEAD OFFICE 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON for the 39th Annual General Meeting and any items for the AGM should be sent to the secretary before 4th November 2013.

A copy of the notice of Annual General Meeting and Minutes of 38th Annual General Meeting is attached to this newsletter.

The Notice of meeting, Minutes of AGM meeting in 2012 and financial statements will be available on our website at and are available on request. Hard copies of documentation will be available at the meeting

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams, PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 by Thursday 7th November 2013 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering.







Phone 9821 0444  or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function







President                                                John McPhee

Immediate Past President                  Neville Pearson

Senior Vice President                          David Knuckey

Vice President                                       Col Edwards

Secretary                                               Peter Pritchard

Assistant Secretary                              Joan Nathan

Newsletter Editor                                 Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer                            John Brown

Committee                                            Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke,

Con La Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell,

Noelene Noonan, Kathy Trace, Eamon Veaney

Records Officer                                    Debbie Jerkovic


Notice is hereby given that the 39th Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the Melbourne Room, 34th Floor 100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Thursday 14th November 2013 at 1.00pm


  1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 38th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2012
  2. Presentation of President’s Report 2012/2013
  3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2013
  4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 4 Subscription:
    1. “The subscription shall be such sum as may be decided upon by members at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The Financial year shall commence on 1st October.”
    2. It is proposed by John Brown (Treasurer) and seconded by Peter Pritchard (Secretary) that “the subscription for the year from 1st October 2013 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.”
    3. In terms of the Constitution Clause 3 Membership:
      1. “….eligibility for membership shall vest in former employees ANZ ……and have served for at least 15 years”.
      2. It is proposed by Ron Adams and seconded by Peter Pritchard that the eligibility be reduced to “at least 10 years shall be eligible to join the Club. Any applications from  personnel of less than 10 years will be individually considered by the Committee for approval or otherwise”
      3. All positions declared vacant.
      4. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2013-2014
      5. General Business and Closure

8.      Appointment of Auditor



  • All positions will be declared vacant and nominations are welcome
  • All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed form should be forwarded to the Secretary by Monday 11th November 2013 to 19 Albert Street Malvern East, Vic 3145.



We    ……………………………………………..     ………………………………………….

(Print full name)                                             (Signature)

and   ………………………………………………    …………………………………………..

(Print full name)                                             (Signature)

being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate

……………………………………for the office of …………………………Or Committeeman

I accept the nomination …………………………………………………………… (Signature)

newsletter september 2013

NEWSLETTER 12th September 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


President John McPhee welcomed 40 members and partners to the Olive Tree Hotel in Sunbury. John covered the formal issues quickly and members and partners then enjoyed sharing their stories and experiences in pleasant surroundings over several hours. There were a large number of apologies including several from members who have been spending the past few months in warmer locations. Members not seen for a while included Wolf Damschitz who has just returned from 4 months touring North Africa and Europe, Sandra Joseph, Andrew Kelly, Gerry McPherson and wife Fay after Gerry’s extended stay in hospital and time spent recuperating and Allen Thorp. Thanks go to Joan and Ken Nathan, Sunbury residents, for spotting the Olive Tree Hotel as a suburban venue and David and Glen Knuckey and Noel Beanland for organising the event so efficiently.



Noel Beanland, Herman Bettonvil, John Brown, Diane Carew, Cedric Coxsedge, John Duke, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Don Fraser, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough,  Stan Halbish , Bob Heinemann, Dorothy Hayes, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Ken Lee, Jacqui Luckman, Gary Mason, Noelene Noonan, Ron Phillips, Peter Pritchard, Graeme Randall, David Schunke, John Vanselow, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Abdullah                                 Nedjip (Ned)                           ANZ 42 years

Green                                      S.M.     (Stephen)                     ANZ 27 years

Law                                         Elina                                        ANZ   3 years

We look forward to seeing Ned, Stephen and Elina at one of our meetings.



Horne                                      R.W.J.             (Ron)               88 years          30/8/2013

Ron enlisted in the RAAF in April 1943 and served in New Guinea. On discharge in March 1946 Ron was Leading Aircraftman at AD HQS Townsville.

His banking career started in Townsville and after progressing through the branches, a term in International and a transfer to London, Ron Horne later opened the ANZ Representative Office in Tokyo. He had also spent time in Corporate in Sydney and was appointed State Manager Queensland before retiring as State Manager Victoria.

ANZROC members attending the celebration of Ron’s life included Harry Carrodus, Brian Christensen, John Duguid, John Duke, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Neville Pearson, John Vanselow and their partners.

John Brown holidaying in Queensland sent a note to say “Very sorry to hear that Ron has died. He and Fay have been great supporters of the Retired Officers' Club in many ways including participating in earlier Traralgon and Flinders golf days He was also a great supporter of the Victorian Staff Social Club attending and enjoying a number of the Wagga Trips over the Queens Birthday Weekend. Ron made a point of getting to know younger staff and was quick to greet them by name at the numerous social and sporting events that were part of Bank life at that time.

He was an important part of the ANZ 'Family'.”

Skipper                                    Robert W.       (Bob)              87 years          21/8/2013

Bob Skipper was an ANZ Messenger at 351 Collins St for many years, and a long time stalwart and energetic worker at the Reservoir Lawn Bowls Club.


Members extend their condolences to family and friends of our late members Ron and Bob.


Graham Heenan and Pat Gaskin advised that ex ANZ colleague Selwyn Henning passed away suddenly in Bendigo on 5/8/2013 while in hospital for a knee replacement. Selwyn spent time in Geelong, Fiji and Corporate Banking retiring in Shepparton. Selwyn was 65 and would be known to many ANZROC members.

Lawrie Foord also confirmed that a former ES&A staff member Mike O’Dwyer passed away on 15/8/2013. I worked with Mike for 10 years in Esanda and Gary Mason tells me he played football with Mike – he was a very handy player. Bob Lamb said that Mike remained in the service for over 40 years spending a great deal of his time with Esanda. His Funeral Mass was attended by former staffers Gary Hassett, Bob Lamb and Brian Wills. Many of our ANZROC members would remember Mike.


Alma Barkell advised she was recently knocked over by a car and is in Brunswick Private Hospital for a few weeks then on to rehabilitation for several more weeks.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during September and we pass

on our best wishes  from ANZROC members for your birthdays: Dave Brookman (90), Barbara

Bruce, Valda Clarke, George Cooper (84), Geoff Elliot (85), Bruce Emmett (81), Ian Ewart (82),

Don Fraser (88), Stan Goulding (87), Ralph Howden (89), Alan James (87), David Kennedy (89),

Dick Milnthorpe (81), Ron Smith (85), Colin Walton (80), Tony Wingrave (81), Murray Wood



From  1/9/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.66%

Greater than $20,000                                       2.13%



Approximately  forty members/partners attended a most enjoyable ANZROC luncheon meeting at the Olive Tree hotel in Sunbury on Thursday 12 Sept. Thank you David and Glen Knuckey in particular for organising this train journey/luncheon. David, Glen and Noel Beanland spend a lot of time sourcing and checking out locations and endeavour to spread them across the suburbs and country areas. It is greatly appreciated

Thank you Brian and Chris Henderson and Bruce and Glennis Robertson for your hospitality during our recent caravan trip to the Gold Coast and Hervey Bay Queensland. They all send their best wishes to our members

I am pleased to advise that Charles Rennie’s health is improving and I am hopeful Charles will be able to attend a meeting later this year or early 2014

Thank you also Charles for passing on your Memorabilia files etc. A particular item of interest/significance is a piece of “bedrock” excavated from the lowest level of the excavation for the magnificent 55 Collins Street former Head Office building and presented to Charles on 31 March 1976 (Charles Birthday)


Snapper season is upon us avid fishermen and fisher ladies (to be politically correct)


The “ANZ Ladies Club” will celebrate their 60th Anniversary since formation in 1953 with a luncheon to be held at 100 Queen Street on 26th November 2013


It is AFL Finals time. Go Hawks



David Barr emails his many thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday card which arrived on the day. David and wife Helga have been away often since late May and have had busy time with a 3 week trip to Holland which included visits to Bruges and Maastricht. That was followed by driving around the Lakes District in the UK and then clockwise around Scotland. They had just over 3 weeks there and what marvellous scenery was encountered. Helga went mad with her new digital SLR camera and it is going to be a picnic sorting through the snaps to put into albums.David and Helga returned home for a week before heading off to the Sunshine Coast for another 3 week break from Melbourne’s winter. They caught up with a couple of old bankers in Andrew and Larraine Kelsey who are in fine fettle and continue to enjoy the Noosa lifestyle. They also went down to the Gold Coast and lunched with Peter and Jenny Doyle (ex AHQ Personnel) who have been living in Robina for about 20 years and are both in excellent health.

Angelo Biviano emailed to thank Kathy for the birthday card.  He has not been able to attend meetings since wife Catherine’s heart problems but she is slowly recovering and Angelo hopes to be back attending meetings in the near future.

Barbara Bruce emailed her thanks for the Birthday Card from Kathy which, as usual, arrived on the day. One of Barbara’s classmates when she was in both primary school and at Presbyterian Ladies College invited her  to lunch at her home and also invited 3 other ladies - they have all known each other for over 70 years! And it was very enjoyable.

Geoff Burton emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card which as usual arrived on the due date. Geoff has had a busy 12 months (where does the time go). A couple of trips up north visiting Surfers and the Mid NSW coastal area were very good, as were his visits down south to Western Victoria. Geoff is off again to Portland and then up through the Grampians area. He continues with a regular exercise routine, namely a daily swim and cycling and he enjoys very good health, albeit the loss of a few kilos would be handy. It must have something to do with the odd social drink etc. The monthly newsletter is very much appreciated and helps keep in touch with many we have all worked with.

Ken Chisholm writing from Bendigo passes on his thanks to Kathy and ANZROC for the timely birthday card.

Muriel Drummond writes that as always she was delighted to receive her birthday card from ANZROC committee and members and her thanks for the good wishes. Muriel does enjoy the Newsletter and catching up with news of colleagues who have passed through the CEO’s office over all the years she worked there. How things have changed at ANZ since her retirement.

John Fearnley emailed his thanks for the birthday wishes which he appreciated.

Steve Flowers was eagerly awaiting his Birthday card arriving on the due date and suddenly realised that he had not changed his address when moving into Cherry Tree Grove retirement village. Steve’s wife, Brenda, passed away due to breast cancer in September last year and as a consequence he has sold the house and relocated in the village. Steve traded the caravan for a Motorhome and spent all of winter in Queensland enjoying the warmth with friends. Now back in Melbourne he has entered in the “Ridetoconquercancer” fundraising bike ride for the Peter MacCallum cancer centre together with 3 friends with the major purpose to raise funds in memory of Brenda. Life goes on and he enjoys retired life particularly attempting to play golf with his good friend Bob Irvine.

Alex Fowler emailed to say "thank you" to the President and Kathy for the Birthday Card which of course arrived spot on time. Alex and wife Helen recently arrived home after 6 weeks in Europe, two of which saw them caught up in the biggest floods on the Danube for the past 400 years. Makes for different holiday snaps. Regards to all at ANZROC, and hopefully he will get to a meeting in the near future,

Pat Gaskin wife of our member Norm Gaskin reports that after numerous operations (10) over the past couple of years, they at last feel  that Norm is on the improve. His last surgery was mainly for a hernia operation. He then had an adverse reaction with a further week in hospital on antibiotics. Norm is still doing the accounting for their daughter’s books and looking for that Melbourne Cup winner although he has not had much opportunity to attend many race meetings over the past year or so. Pat and Norm are hoping to have a much needed holiday next year. They look forward to hearing from and about fellow ANZ ers in the newsletters. A very sad loss occurred in Bendigo at the beginning of August. An ex ANZer Selwyn Henning passed away suddenly, while in hospital for a joint replacement. There was no warning of anything wrong and his wife Noela is still in shock. A number of the Bendigo retirees still go out once a fortnight for a meal and a catch up. They all enjoy the get together. The usual bunch is Ian and Carmel Bell, Bill and Carmel O’Donnell, Kerry and Lorraine Moore and Ken and Di Chisholm, as well as Pat and Norm.

Denis Gleeson emails his appreciation for the good wishes he received from Kathy Trace on the day of his birthday.

Louis Hebrard wishes to thank the Club for his birthday card. Louis had a great day with all the family, celebrating not only his birthday on 1st September, but also Father's Day and a glorious start to spring.
Suzanne Hopkins emails her first official correspondence to the committee and she wishes to express her thanks for the best wishes in the form of a card, which arrived the day before her recent birthday. Although it was fairly uneventful, Suzanne celebrated when her husband Rick came home with a large bouquet of flowers and then they attended dinner at a local restaurant with one of their daughters (who had only turned 25 ten days earlier) as their other daughter was at work and unable to attend. The reason Suzanne says 'uneventful' is that at the same time last year she celebrated her birthday in style with a Thames river cruise in London with Rick - which was magical. It would be pretty hard to top that in any particular year! They were there due to a fantastic trip that Rick won as a result of a competition that was run by ANZ Cards in conjunction with Visa. It was a once in a lifetime trip and they were privileged to be able to attend the London Olympics for several sports in the last week of competition. She is so glad now being able to touch base with ANZROC members by reading all about their travels and well being. Lots of names are very familiar to her still (even though it was 25 years ago – Suzanne had left after 12 months maternity leave - unpaid in those days!) and brings back a lot of fond memories.

Suzanne is hopeful she might meet some of her colleagues again in the not too distant future.

Peter Jones conveys his thanks to Kathy for Peter’s birthday greetings for his 81st. Peter had a great day with the family.

Stan Lancaster sends his thanks to the Club for the birthday card which of course arrived on the day. Stan always enjoys reading the Newsletter to catch up with the present whereabouts, health, travels and general goings on of our members.

Cathie MacKiggan sends her thanks for remembering her birthday spot on the day. She spent a pleasant day at a Mornington Peninsula Eatery.

Kevin May writing from Paradise Waters Qsld says he eagerly looks forward to the newsletters being a long way from good old Melbourne but must say its been disturbing over the last year to see the passing of so many former workmates.

Sue McCarthy writes to say thank you very much for the birthday card which of course arrived right on time. She had just arrived home from Mt Hotham, expecting to have a quiet day on her birthday – but it turned out to be not so uneventful! During the night, vandals hurled an old office chair through her front windows! Hence the birthday was spent dealing with the insurance company and waiting for the glazier. All was fixed by sundown. Sue would blame inner suburban living, but she learnt from the glazier that Saturdays are always busy all over Melbourne, because of the window-smashing that takes place on Friday nights. Otherwise, all is going well. She very much enjoyed the special birthday lunch for Charles Rennie’s 100th birthday and hope we’ll be seeing him again at the Christmas lunch.

Serge McIntyre emails that he has just returned from overseas and thanks Kathy for the wishes on his birthday.

Brian Murdoch writes to thank the committee for the birthday card and good wishes which for reasons beyond control eventually reached him via three hospitals, a rehabilitation centre, and the nursing home where he is now settled. Bruce Tickell, John Flyger, Neil Sharman, Alan Forrest and Alan Chapple visit Brian regularly for support and contact.

Reg Nicolson sends his thanks for the birthday wishes and says he is keeping fit playing golf twice a week.

Peter Nielipowiec writing from Strathdale says he was saddened to hear of the passing of our Honorary Member Ken Munro in July. Ken was Peter’s Accountant at Cohuna Branch and they enjoyed some great times. Ken was Accountant at Ormond Branch when Ryan and Walker held up and robbed that branch. It was decided by Head Quarters to transfer Ken to a nice quiet country branch like Cohuna to recover from his traumatic experience.

Ray O’Meara emails his thanks again for the continued supply of the newsletters (and birthday cards). It’s amazing that reading someone’s name in it conjures up memories of where and when you crossed paths.

Bernie O’Reilly emails his thanks for the monthly newsletter; it is always great to learn what is going on and what people are doing. Both the news letter and, in Kathy’s usual excellent timing, Bernie’s birthday card/greetings arrived so it was a somewhat special day. He is now eligible for the Commonwealth Seniors Health care card so this must mean something even if he is just maturing .Bernie and wife Claire have sold their 4x4 vehicle after many happy trips enjoying the best our wonderful country has to offer but the downside this year has been spending a cold winter at home, but never mind the Mighty Hawks are performing well and even the grandson has achieved 50 games now playing under 12’s. Warmest regards to all

Jill Paterson loved the pictures now posted on the web site of the ANZ rowing teams particularly those with Bob Gamon, whom many will remember.  Jill went to BASC Bankers Admin Staff College 1970 (Healesville) as one of the Secretarial staff before the merger when Bob was principal.  They would come down to Melbourne for rowing and one time Bob needed someone to steer the boat for him and Jack Short. So being a “light weight” Jill got the chance to be coxswain and steered them down the Yarra. There was some dredging being undertaken but fortunately her steering was adequate enough to avoid any disasters. Great memories!

Ron Phillips texted to thank Kathy for the birthday wishes and hopes to catch up with members at the October meeting.

Ian Roberts writes  to extend a big thanks to Kathy Trace and the ROC committee for the birthday wishes which lobbed right on the day of course. These cards seem to be arriving at a much faster rate than they did in the past. Ian and his wife have enjoyed a good year and have been able to get to their holiday spot in Yarrawonga quite often. Ian was fortunate to be invited to join an Aussie tennis party to play a tournament in UK in May, which was again a terrific trip.

Bruce Robertson emailed his thanks for the birthday wishes which arrived on time as usual.

A great day was had by Bruce and wife Glennis in the company of Jan and John Brown and Cheryl and Neville Pearson capped of by a rather boisterous banquet at the local Thai to celebrate Bruce and John’s birthdays. Bruce and Glennis took advantage of the high Aussie dollar during the year to visit the grandchildren in Chile, a holiday in Koh Samui (with the Brown’s) and a visit to Hong Kong. The overseas travel bug was curtailed by a bit of surgery to the back to repair a problem disc which fixed the pain but not the confidence to jump back into the pool to resume swimming.  They missed the usual sojourn to Victoria in January to catch up with friends and family due to the floods and bushfires although Glennis flies down every couple of months to visit her Mum.

Mary Ryan writing from Langwarrin sent her thanks for her birthday wishes. It is very much appreciated each year.

Peter Saville emails that the birthday card arrived on the day! - thanks Kathy. Peter shares his birthday with one of their grand daughters and their younger son is two days prior, so they enjoyed a family celebration on the weekend before. On the actual birthday Peter had a convivial lunch with about 15 of his old army mates, the operative word now being old. Had a bit of a health scare in July and ended up in Cabrini Hospital for nine days with a "severe viral illness". Despite just about every test known to man, the medico's could not come up with a diagnosis. At least he knows he has nothing "sinister" and is almost back to 100 per cent now.

Rob Sims emails his thanks for the birthday card which arrived on the day.  Rob was actually home to receive it this year - in-between holidays after a cruise from the Middle East to Rome and a month in a villa in Tuscany and then to  Broome and leaving on a cruise from Broome to Darwin which will take eleven days.   Rob is really enjoying retirement and has now done thirteen cruises and numerous other holidays both within Australia and overseas since retiring.

Mark Stankovich writes to thank Kathy Trace‘s untiring efforts to ensure the his birthday greetings arrived right on time. Mark was fortunate to celebrate the birthday at a dinner party with his family. Apart from a short trip to the Gold Coast and trips within Victoria it has been a quiet year.

Doug Watson emails that he much appreciated the kind wishes for that 20th day in August when he first arrived in this world quite some time ago!Doug and wife Maureen even managed to send some flowers also to Doug’s 99 year old mother who still lives in the family home in London. Doug had just arrived back from saying farewell to Don McGinn, who sadly passed in late August which tended to tone down his own birthday celebrations.


AND Graeme Amor, Sam Bartucelli, John Blampied, Diane Carew, Len Carr, Paul Comport, Leigh Davis, Suzie Green, Stan Halbish, John Harris, Bob Heinemann, Joy MacDonald, Ray O’Meara, John Pearse, Anthea Santos,  Bruce Scott,  John Sudholz, Russell Ward, Ray Watson, ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




The committee has proposed the following program of meetings for year 2014 and bookings have already been confirmed for the meetings at 100 Queen Street.

13th February             100 Queen Street (Committee Meeting)

13th March                  Geelong..Black Sheep Restaurant

10th April                    100 Queen Street, ANZAC meeting

8th May                                   100 Queen Street , Salvation Army meeting, Committee Meeting

12th June                     Greensborough  RSL

10th July                      100 Queen Street

14th August                 100 Queen Street , Committee Meeting

11th September                        Mulgrave Country Club

9th October                 Sandringham Hotel

13th November                        100 Queen Street, AGM

11th December                        Art Centre Melbourne



Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2013/2014 are now due and payments can be sent by cheque to our Treasurer John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


or members can make payments electronically to ANZROC account through your internet banking facilities. Details of the ANZROC account are set out in the renewal form and please ensure that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.


The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note:  – you do not need to pay any subscription

As a matter of interest the  number of members using the internet for newsletters has risen to around 760  and if you have access to email let us know and we will be able to send future communications electronically that will reach you within 7 days of our meetings.




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John  Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )

Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947


The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00 and should reach John Brown  prior to 31st October 2013


………………………………………………………………      $…………..

(Name of member)      Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………


14th NOVEMBER: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 34th Floor/100 Queen Street

29TH NOVEMBER   : GOLF DAY AT ROSEBUD COUNTRY CLUB For details contact Alan                                                Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



CEO Mike Smith has confirmed that he will attend the meeting to speak to members. Ian Peterkin has agreed to present the Toast to the ANZ Bank. The invitations will be included in the October and November newsletters.




To be held on the 34th Floor/100 Queen Street Melbourne at noon to hear guest speaker Dr. Robert W. Gribben BA (Melb), MA (Cantab), M. Theol (Melbourne College of Divinity), DD, Professor Emeritus Melbourne University, Fellow of Queen’s College. Robert is regarded as a leading Theologian, liturgist and ecumenist in Australia and will talk on “Changing faces in today’s Society” and his presentation should generate a great deal of interest for all age groups so the Committee is looking forward to support from ANZROC members.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 0408 136 100 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams, PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 by Thursday 3rd October 2013 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering






Phone 0408 136 100  or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Ron Adams Newsletter Editor

newsletter august 2013

NEWSLETTER 8th August 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


President John McPhee welcomed 43 members and guests Sue Hendy and Brendan O’Dwyer from Cota at the 34th Floor 100 Queen Street for our August luncheon. The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues. Members not seen for some time included Dave Brookman travelling  from Dromana, Cedric Coxsedge returning after recovery from surgery, Tyrone de Silva for his first meeting, Keith Dimond, Aldo Faella, John Hawkins back from his overseas travels, Ian Ince, Larry James, Gerry Kennedy, Ron Phillips, Bill Robinson and Bill Swan from Dalmeny NSW. While the numbers attending were quite low for a meeting in 100 Queen Street the number of apologies received from members travelling interstate and overseas and the increasing number on the sick list at this time of year had some bearing on the turnout.


Herman Bettonvil, John Brown, Diane Carew, John Duke, Jim Dusting, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Barry Gully, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Dorothy Hayes, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Ken Lee, Jacqui Luckman, Frank Mazzeo, Ken McNutt, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Noelene Noonan, Neville Pearson, Graeme Randall, David Schunke, Bruce Scott, John Vanselow, Jackie Waite, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods


Gully                           Barry                          22 years ANZ

Ialuna                          Santo (Sam)                31 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Barry and Sam at one of our meetings.



Baird                           John L.            (John)  88 years          27/7/2013

John joined the Royal Australian Air Force in June 1943 and Bruce Sanderson told me that John served in Europe as a Rear Gunner in the Lancaster bombers. John was discharged in January 1946 as Warrant Officer in the 9th Aircrew Holding Unit. Gerry McPherson also flew in the Lancaster’s over Europe and he told me that although he was not aware of John’s service coincidentally when Gerry was transferred into Administration in 1959 his replacement at Richmond was John Baird.

Chapman                    Ronald H        (Ron)   82 years          30/12/2011

We have been advised of Ron’s passing by the solicitors acting for the Estate.


Munro                         Kenneth W.     (Ken)  82 years          18/7/2013

The funeral service was held in Bega NSW where Ken’s brother is based. Bruce Tickell told me that Ken worked at 351 Collins Street when Ken was in Branch Securities and Bruce was Accountant .Ken subsequently spent time dealing with securities in Legal with Stan Lancaster and Lawton Graham’s daughter Karen.  Ken was a keen athlete who participated in the banks athletic clubs and was a member of the running team.


Members at our meeting stood in remembrance of John, Ron and Ken as a mark of respect for our past member and our condolences are extended to their families and friends.


Brian Reiter a former ANZer passed away on 1/8/2013 aged 70 years.  Brian was a very good golfer and captained Huntingdale Golf Club through 2004/7 and served on the golf club committee 1996/2007. He would be remembered by many ANZROC members.


Betty Reilley informed me that her husband Brian Reilley (ex ES&A) passed away after a very long illness on April 21st 2013.


Ray Galliott our ANZROC associate in WA   advised that their great friend and colleague Arthur Bancroft passed away peacefully on 28/7/2013 after a long period in a nursing home. Arthur will be remembered by many ES&A and Esanda staff as an outstanding gentleman, banker and WWII hero serving on HMAS Perth 1 and was a Japanese POW survivor.



Graham Baldwin has returned to Cabrini Hospital with severe back problems and would welcome calls from members .Members can telephone wife Annette on 98221796 for contact details.


Val Goldsworthy is home recovering after a knee replacement operation.


Gordon Field is housebound and is very ill but welcomes any contact with his banking colleagues. Gordon’s contact details are phone 9877 5667 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Jennifer Knight advises that her father, our member Edward Knight suffered a severe stroke on the 27th May. Unfortunately, it has damaged his cognitive abilities and there has not been much improvement since. He is currently in the Kingston Rehab Centre on Warrigal Road, Moorabbin. Visitors are welcome and he seems to respond well to company.

Gerry McPherson told me that that after 4 bouts in hospital over the past three months he is appreciating being home again and slowly recovering from several surgical procedures.


Committeeman David Knuckey saw Leigh O’Neill in Dromana recently and Leigh told David he has greatly appreciated the many telephone calls and visits from ANZROC members and colleagues.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during August and we pass on

Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Alistair Abernathy (80), Henry Barker

(84), Bruce Campbell (92), Frank Donovan (91), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards (85), Ken

Fitzgerald (85), John Glasson (91), June Hoskin, Ian Ince (80), Peter Jones (81), Bruce Kells (81)

Mike Kennedy (84), Ken Lee (84), Doug Long (89), Brian Murdoch (82), Reg Nicolson

(82), Peter O’Dwyer (81), Alwyn Ward (89), Tony Watt (84).


From  1/8/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.77%

Greater than $20,000                                       2.26%



Past President Neville Pearson currently on holiday in Queensland with wife Cheryl has sent in this poem keeping us up to date with his work as one of our Welfare Officers for ANZROC.

This month I have but little to say
As I sit on the sand in Hervey Bay

The weather is fine but the wind is strong
Got to go fishing so won't keep you long

On the not too well front I am real pleased to say
Herman Bettonvil and Graham Bancroft are improving each day

The day before we departed I called in on Ron Cashin
He passed on his best wishes in a most genuine fashion

That is all for this month and I bid you farewell
And I hope all our members are feeling real well




Our Guest Speaker was Sue Hendy CEO of the Victorian Council of the Ageing (COTA) Victoria. COTA Victoria is part of a strong federated organisation which acts as an advocate for older people at all levels of Government and the community. Sue is also a Board member of the National Ageing Research Institute, the International Federation of Ageing (a recent appointment), member of the Victorian Commissioner of Environmental Sustainability Advisory group, member of Victoria Family Violence Advisory Committee, the Victorian Elder Abuse Reference group and a member of the Uniting Aged Care Victoria & Tasmania Quality Assurance group. She is also International envoy for COTA Australia.

Sue has been involved with, or on behalf of, older people for the last 35 years.

Her presentation focussed on COTA’s endeavour to underpin the concept of an “Aged Friendly Victoria” and the promise of older Victorians living well with dignity and purpose. She discussed topical  issues relating to older drivers and the current unfavourable publicity, the problems with elder abuse, the concerns of age discrimination , common health issues and the challenges in attracting volunteers to be involved in their  areas of interest, and assist in the promotion of their services that include awareness , educational and exercise possibilities.

The feedback from those present was very positive and a number of questions were raised at the meeting. Gary Mason gave the vote of thanks on behalf of members and presented Sue with a small gift.


The COTA website has a great deal of useful information that expands on Sue’s presentation and will be helpful for our Welfare Officers and to members that may be interested.


Ian Bell emails his thanks for the birthday wishes which arrived on time as usual.

Jeffrey Cox sends greetings and thanks for the birthday card – which was, through no fault of the committee, a little late in getting to him. After more than 12 years living north of the Tropic of Capricorn, Jeffrey and wife Alison have bid farewell to the cattle barons of the north, their close relatives the crocodiles and the unwelcome cyclones and migrated south to a delightful little area on the coast just north of Wollongong. Hopefully this will be their last move – they are sick of the packing and unpacking. Jeffrey and Alison have lived in something like 32 different houses over the 45 years of marriage – and in 6 different countries. Their daughter lives in Sydney so it’s great to be nearer to her and hopefully he’ll now be more able to make it to an ANZROC lunch.

When Jeffrey was going through some of his old memorabilia he came across his first salary slip.

Six and nine pence for working from about 8am to 12 noons (if the branch balanced!) on a Saturday does not seem much when compared with salaries of today. But then again, he thinks a beer at Craig’s Hotel was then ten pence halfpenny. Jeffrey’s first job was to cut the wood for the manager’s wife’s fire – in the Manager’s residence  above the Bank on the corner of Sturt & Lydiard Streets Ballarat. The Manager was George Hancock and Jim Borthwick was the accountant. Jeffrey thinks Winton Greave was the advance clerk and Kevin Sharpe the bill clerk. Laurie Holland was later the Manager at Ballarat East branch and he facilitated the getting of Jeffrey’s driver’s licence in his very elegant Morris Marshall. It was a pretty simple test as Jeffrey had been driving since he was eleven.

John Crough and wife Denise report they are currently enjoying the wonderful weather and hospitality in Broome.

Frank Edwards emails his thanks to Kathy for working her usual magic. Right on the button, as always. Frank and wife Mavis usually spend their  joint birthdays on the basis of "let's get-away to somewhere exotic" which came unstuck this year when a medical hiccup arose early in May and they have been grounded ever since. The good bit is that Frank is now well over the hump and they are looking forward to resuming their travels in 2014.

Teresa Goldsbrough emails her sincere thanks to the Committee, members and Kathy Trace for her  birthday card, her first since joining the ANZ Retired Officers' Club [Vic].  At the time of Teresa’s birthday she was walking in the Italian alps, part of a 7 week trip to Europe that also included walking in Switzerland and France, returning home mid July. Whilst overseas Teresa’s father, who lives in Adelaide, passed away so she  will now be spending time in Adelaide over the next couple of months settling her  mother into a retirement home and attending other family matters.  She expects to return to Melbourne for the ANZROC December luncheon.

Phil Goodier emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday greetings on his 69 th!!.....right on time.

Lawton Graham sends his thanks for the good wishes from the President and colleagues in ANZROC on his 84th. The sentiments are much appreciated.

Neville Harvey emailing from Shepparton says he  “retired” from ANZ in the late 1990’s after 27 years. Neville  set up his own business Professional Finance Australia and ran that for 7 years (Ex ANZ’er Robin Soulsby joined him for the last 5 years). In 2008 Neville joined Bankwest Business in Shepparton and then grew that to No1 in Rural and Regional Vic, in conjunction with ex ANZ’er Philip Friedlieb. Now Neville and wife Glenda have recently purchased an ANZ Mobile Lending Franchise in South Geelong/Surf Coast and will be commencing business later this year. So he is again “unretired”!! He enjoys the monthly updates and seeing what the other “old colleagues” are up to. Keep ‘em coming?

Don Hoffmann emails that as usual a birthday card was received on the exact date. The thought is appreciated. Apart from family and bowls not much has happened over the past 12 months but hopefully delayed tours of Tasmania & New Zealand may be scheduled within the next year.

Bill Jackson says Kathy is a wonder as the birthday card lobbed right on the day. Nothing big was planned so Bill managed a quiet celebration with some family and friends at the local RSL - nice food, good company and a few sherbets were very pleasant indeed. Bill passes on his thanks to Kathy she does a great job getting these cards out to all our members

Mike McKernan emails his thanks for his birthday card which arrived on the day. Mike and his wife are enjoying the arrival of two grandchildren this year, one in January and the other recently in June. These delightful new arrivals keep them busy.

Godfrey Mills emails his thanks for the card and the good wishes received. Godfrey’s lapidary and family touring activities are on hold for the moment. A knee reconstruction he had almost 14 years ago now needs replacement and this is scheduled for mid August. Hopefully the ageing carcass will be back to “normal” in 6/8 weeks. In the meantime, all the best to fellow retirees.

Tad Misiewicz thanks Kathy for his birthday card; it arrived right on time. His latest project restoring the old cottage in Croydon he purchased recently to his dream home will take some time. Tad is fine ,except for a bad flu experience 4 weeks ago, which knocked him out a bit, as he has not been sick for years. He finally got a free flu shot which he has been refusing for years. Tad must be getting old.

Peter Nyga says he is leaving for Wyoming USA with a group of photographers for 24 days to photograph the highlights of Yellowstone National Park which is the first national park — not only in the USA but in the world — it has stood  the test of time. The photographers are also visiting  the lesser know Grand Teton National Park where some of the rocks in the park are the oldest found in any U.S. National Park and have been dated at nearly 2.7 billion years It should be an interesting trip.

Graeme Randall emails that he will be overseas through August and September, travelling by train across Russia from Vladivostok to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Then three weeks will be spent in Scandinavian countries, retuning home early October.

Trevor Richards passes on his thanks to Kathy Trace and the Committee of the ANZ Retired Officers Club for the recent birthday card/greetings, on the occasion of his recent 68th birthday

The card arrived on time and without delay and was very much appreciated.

Joseph Romano emails thanks to ANZROC for the birthday card which arrived on the day (of course) and was signed by Kathy Trace. It reminded him of some happy times when he relieved at the old Glenroy Branch when Kathy was Manager. Joseph is still working but at the moment is on holidays and although staying put in Melbourne enjoying the rest very much.

Roy Sloggett sends his sincere thanks for the birthday wishes received for his 81st.

Rob Smith emails his thanks to the committee for his Birthday wishes which Rob celebrated in style with family at Crown and it was a lovely memorable weekend.

Bernie Sowersby writes his thanks for the birthday wishes he received and he says that since retirement he has received 25 cards all on time. At 83 he is still travelling well albeit not too far and continues to visit his specialists regularly to keep him fit.

Harry Trefz writes that he was touched to receive the well wishes of the members of ANZROC and sends his best wishes to members for the future.

Jim Trimble writes his thanks for the birthday wishes sent to him especially to Kathy who does such a grand job. Jim is keeping fairly well considering the age of 85. Family members took Jima and his wife out to dinner that night to the Ringwood Club.

Norm Wood emails his thanks for Kathy's ever-reliable card for his recent birthday. It was Norm’s 87th. Unfortunately Norm has no items of general interest to the membership at large but did enjoy meeting ANZROC friends and members at the July meeting at the East Malvern RSL club.


AND, Wendy Black, Tom Bramwell, Norris Gale, Peter Harney, Bruce Iddles, Peter Jackson, Bob Jeffs, Alan Jones, Kevin Kelly, Alan Lewis, Ian Manley, Susan McCarthy, Beverley McDonald, Brian Murdoch, Janette McNamara, Lesley Orchard, Geoff Osborne, Alan Ryan, Bill Swan, Nik Tsardakis,  Harry Watts,





Final reminder for the ANZ Ladies Club celebration of  its 60th birthday. To mark this auspicious occasion, the Ladies Club is holding a celebratory Lunch, in conjunction with its Annual Christmas Lunch, on Tuesday 26th November, on the 34th Floor of 100 Queen Street.  If you are a former Member or know of one, please will you pass on this information, as the committee would really love to see again as many old friends as possible. There has been a good response and in fact, ladies are coming from every State except Tasmania, and very likely there will be one from NZ and one from UK, quite amazing.


Venue.   34th floor, 100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Tuesday 26th November at 12 noon.

Cost.       $40.00 inclusive.


As they have to liaise with the outside caterers that the Bank now use, and because various security details must be organized, the committee need to have firm numbers well in advance of the date, and are requesting that attendance is confirmed with a cheque by 31st August . This should be sent to Jill Witney, PO Box 2165, Ringwood North, 3134


If further details are required, please contact Jill Witney,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or  tel. 9876 1646, or Angela Mercer,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or tel. 9416 3923



23 Day Yunan & Yangtze

Offer: Fly Free OR Business Class For $2,995* per person.


ANZROC Price $8,856 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $9,495*)

Departs 7 April, 18 August, 1 September & 13 October 2014.

Book 31 October 2013 unless sold out prior


Explore China on this luxury small group journey travelling from Kunming, visiting the amazing Stone Forest, journey north to Beijing followed by the Yangtze River for a 4 night luxury river cruise before your journey ends in cosmopolitan Shanghai.



  • 4 night luxury Yangtze river cruise
  • 8 nights discovering the Yunnan Province
  • International wine, local beer and soft drinks included with all lunches/dinners on cruise
  • 57 meals


For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit


*Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share. Prices are correct as at 4 July 2013 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Prices include ANZ discount and savings. Book by 31 October 2013. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at anytime. A surcharge may apply to payments made with credit card. Deposit of $2,000 per person due within 7 days of booking, full payment due 100 days prior to departure. Prices based on 13 October 2014 (CHYC23 – Cat. E) departure. Fly offers have limited seats on set departures, in economy class with Singapore Airlines or APT’s choice of airlines ex. SYD/MEL/BNE/ADL/PER. FLY FREE: Inclusive of air taxes to the value of $700 on CHYC23. FLY BUSINESS CLASS FOR $2,995 pp: Includes taxes per FLY FREE values. Flights with Singapore Airlines, and are subject to availability of airline and booking class.




OCTOBER 10th 34th Floor/100 Queen Street Dr. Robert W. Gribben BA (Melb), MA (Cantab), M. Theol (Melbourne College of Divinity), DD, Professor Emeritus Melbourne University, Fellow of Queen’s College. Robert is regarded as a leading Theologian, liturgist and ecumenist in Australia.




For details contact Alan Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



CEO Mike Smith has confirmed that he will attend the meeting to speak to members. Ian Peterkin has agreed to present the Toast to the ANZ Bank. The invitations will be included in the October and November newsletters.





Members- shout yourself and your partner to a great day out and enjoy the company of your former colleagues and join us at Olive Tree Hotel in SUNBURY.

The Hotel is situated a very short distance from Sunbury Railway Station and is surrounded by a great shopping centre featuring most of the big retail outlets. We suggest travel on the Suburban train that leaves FLINDERS STREET at 10.59am and arrives in Sunbury 40 minutes later. MYKI ticket is all that is needed and best to travel at the front of the train. After an enjoyable lunch from an extensive Menu there will be time to browse the shopping centre and return to Flinders Street on trains departing 2.20pm, 3.00pm, 3.40pm or later if you wish.

We look forward to a great attendance on the day.

If you are interested in attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice to David or Glen Knuckey PO Box 242, Dingley 3172, or phone 9551 0414 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5th September  2013




I/We will be attending the luncheon…………

Members Name…………………………………………..

Partner’s name…………………………………………...

This information to be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 prior to 5th September  2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________




Ron Adams Newsletter Editor

newsletter july 2013

NEWSLETTER 11th July 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


We had an excellent turnout at our meeting on Thursday 11th July at East Malvern RSL Club.

64 Members and partners were in attendance. President John McPhee opened the meeting and welcomed all. Secretary Peter Pritchard conducted the formalities of the meeting.


Mike Aranha, Herman Bettonvil, Angelo Biviano ,Diane Carew, John Carruthers, Cedric Coxsedge, Jim Dusting,  Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Teresa Goldsbrough, Stan Halbish , John Hawkins, Dorothy Hayes, Ron Horne ,Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Ken Lee, Gary Mason, Wal McGillivray, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Brian Murdoch, Joan Nathan, Noelene Noonan, Geoff Perdriau, Ron Phillips, Alan Podger, Charles Rennie, Bill Robinson , Bruce Sanderson, Jackie Waite, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods.


Wendy Black, Ann Blashki from Shepparton,  Jock Buntain, John Caudry, Rae Collins, Linda Davidson, Don Davy, Alan Forrest, Ray Gill, Jacqui Luckman, Don and Elizabeth Maguire (First Meeting), Geoff Meggs, Peter Nyga, Roy Peake, Ken Stapleton, Andrew and Elizabeth Turner, Doug Westcott, Rosemary Willoughby Murray Wood.


Not seen since last Christmas….Santa but Neville Pearson made a guest appearance as Santa and entertained members with assistance from his lovely elf (Cheryl Pearson). Three members received the lucky door prize of a bottle of wine each. Lunch of Turkey and Ham followed by Christmas pudding was very enjoyable. Several members present were celebrating their birthdays in July. Kathy Trace, Rae Collins, Norris Gale and Kevin O’Neill were surprised with all present singing happy birthday as a cake appeared.

John McPhee closed the meeting at 2.30pm, with many still lingering to enjoy the company of others.

Wendy Black subsequently emailed to Peter Pritchard  “ Just a note to congratulate you and your committee - yesterday's luncheon was a great success - the meal couldn't be faulted and the 'fun' provided by Father Christmas was a great start to a very enjoyable day”  and that in a few words sums up the collective feeling  of those present on the day.


Aranha                        M.J.     (Mike)             ANZ    42 years.

Tonzing                       G.A.    (Gren)             ANZ    25 years

We look forward to seeing Mike and Gren at one of our meetings.



Bool                 John G.                                   11/6/2013                    84 years

John joined the Union Bank at Traralgon in the 40’s and spent time in country Victoria working through the ranks in towns such as Wangaratta, Stawell, Warrnambool until his first management role at Casterton followed by terms in Northcote, Deniliquin, Broken Hill, Parramatta and on retirement was an Area Manager in NSW based in Orange. John was an active member in each community he was transferred to that included Apex, Lions, Probus while he was often called to handle the funds as Treasurer of sporting clubs in places such as Casterton, Stawell and Silver City in Broken Hill .He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge and a staunch supporter of the Anglican Church in Ocean Grove and finally Brunswick. John had retired to Ocean Grove and returned to Melbourne in his later years with late wife Dorothy. Ron Adams, Brian Christensen, Kevin Mitchell, Ken McNutt and Roy Peake represented ANZROC at the funeral service which was attended by around 130 family, friends and colleagues.

Manning          R.P.W. (Phil)                           27/6/2013                    83 years

A private funeral service took place on 2nd July. As reported in ANZROC newsletter in late 2011 Phil started his career in Nigeria in Bank of West Africa where he spent many years of wide and varied experiences before moving to Australia where he worked in FCA the finance company of The Bank of Adelaide before merging with Esanda. Phil had a number of outside interests but had a special love of soccer, playing for 12 years then refereeing for 20 years including refereeing a Cup Final in Lagos in 1959.He also got involved in club management which included finance, accounting and tax matters for the clubs and players and acquired the necessary qualifications to add to his banking and management credentials.


Members at our meeting stood in remembrance of John and Phil as a mark of respect for our past members and our condolences are extended to their families and friends.


Joy MacDonald and Mavis Ryan let me know that Mavis Higgins who worked in ANZ in Melbourne during her career had passed away in Perth sometime in March of this year and many members may remember Mavis.


Laurie Foord also advised that Kevin Whitty who worked in ES&A International Department and played in the ES&A football team for many years passed away in July and Kevin would be well known to many ANZROC members.



Further to our note in last month’s newsletter Pat O’Neill advises that any of Leigh O’Neill’s friends will be made very welcome if you want to talk to him but we suggest you ‘phone Pat on 5987 0797 first.


Welfare Volunteer and Committeewoman Joan Nathan advised that Graeme Baldwin had spent time in hospital recently but is now in rehab in Elsternwick after injuring his back doing exercises at home. Annette Baldwin says Graeme is happy to see friends and her telephone number is 98221796.


Gerry McPherson told me that he is off to hospital again for a week or so for another operation.


Harry Trefz told our welfare volunteer Joan Nathan that he was recently in hospital but is home convalescing and fortunately carers and family are giving him the support needed.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during July and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Marguerite Barnsley, Ron Cashin (80), Rae Collins (93), Eric Dickson (82), Chris Fieggen (82), Lawton Graham (84), Fred Hornsby (82), Terry Humphris (88), Alwynne Kilpatrick (89), Kevin Smyth (82), Bernie Sowersby (83), Keith Taylor (85), Frank Wells (86), Norm Wood (87), John York (82).


From  1/7/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.80%

Greater than $20,000                                       2.31%





Hats off to Peter Pritchard and the committee for organising such an enjoyable luncheon last Thursday at the East Malvern RSL. Was a nice touch that Santa and one of Santa’s Elf’s (Cheryl) came from the North Pole to be the mystery guests in Charles Rennie’s absence due to his hospitalisation. Santa’s chocolates went very well with the coffee and was a nice touch

Charles sends his best wishes and hopes to be home soon and will endeavour to address a future meeting. We all wish Charles and Joy our best wishes for a speedy recovery



There are several of our members who are languishing with illness and age. Privacy policy does not allow us to list details without the OK of the member or families and quite often members prefer to “suffer in silence”

There are on the other hand others who would delight in the company of a visitor to help keep abreast of happenings and while away some time with them.

Graeme Baldwin Ron Cashin and Herman Bettonvil come to mind who would love to hear from past banker mates

We require close friends or family to let us know of such members and we will be happy to provide information and contact details in our monthly ANZROC Newsletter. Where practical a committee member (s) will endeavour to call and brighten up their day



A fine day saw a good roll up of past players and a great time was had by all with Sunday hangovers guaranteed

The match saw a high standard of play and an entertaining game with ALBERT PARK/ANZ senior team being headed in the last minutes after leading for most of the game. A special thanks for all the ANZROC members and partners for attending






Les Ager emails to convey his thanks to the Committee and members for the birthday greetings received to celebrate his 82nd birthday. Les had a very enjoyable time with family.

Ian Anderson writes a big thank you to ANZROC and in particular Kathy Trace for his birthday greetings. It’s hard to believe Ian has been retired for 16 years. Ian and wife Margaret have been blessed this year with the safe arrival of their 4th grandson, making a total of 8 grandchildren. Their efforts when minding some of them seem to be greatly appreciated. Ian and Margaret’s annual holidays in Burleigh Heads, Qsld, now include children and grandchildren with lots of fun filled enjoyment. Ian is still playing golf twice weekly at Box Hill with his handicap still holding up despite the age increase.

New member Mike Aranha emailed his thanks for the last newsletter and said he had been reading ANZROC and associated pages online for quite some time. Mike bumped into Peter Marshall last week who told him about the footy club reunion, the day after that Mike ran into Kev ‘The Secretary’ Mitchell, who lives a few hundred metres away.

Anne Blashki writing from Shepparton sends thanks for the greetings sent for her birthday last month. A huge task done so well.

John Drummond emails thanks to ANZROC, particularly Kathy Trace on behalf of the President, for the card received on the day, for his birthday.

Furio Frank emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card; it was received on the day.

Health good, drought appears over, what else can worry us?

John Hawkins advised he was not able to attend the July meeting as he and wife Helen will be on a 15 day River Boat Cruise in Russia. John hopes to see members next month at the meeting in Queen Street,

Peter Keating emails his appreciation of the birthday card that appeared right on time once again, thank you Kathy. While necessary work restricts Peter and his wife’s  travel just a little, there’s no time like the present for visits to China and India and accessing the ANZROC Newsletter is no harder there than here.

Ken Lee intends to be in Pelican Waters visiting brother Ian (ex ANZ) and his wife in July.

Time away is valuable as it is not a simple thing to plan for with his bowls activities but he will endeavour to make August meeting.

Rod Mann emails his thanks for his birthday card which was appreciated. Rod had a great day. Rod and his wife are travelling to Sri Lanka the end of June for a holiday.

Colin McNamara emails please pass on his thanks to Kathy for her usual promptness with Birthday Greetings to one who has aged another year.

Ken McNutt writes to say he was very pleased to receive birthday wishes from the Committee and members of ANZROC. Ken supposes it is getting above average to reach 86 but unfortunately there can be consequences and for that reason things have to be taken more quietly. However Ken and wife Heather are still able to enjoy most ANZROC events and all concerned are to be congratulated on their efforts. Thanks also to Kathy for her unfailing time keeping with Australia Post.

Sherwin Meerwald emails his thanks for the birthday wishes. It is appreciated.

Sherwin and wife Charmaine celebrated with dinner with friends at the RSL Club in Noble Park on the day and a family lunch at Crown Casino the next day. Sherwin and Charmaine are planning a further visit to Sri Lanka in August and then into Fiji on the way back. Life is good. Still enjoying a part time job in an engineering factory, and keeping busy with the Lions Club of Dandenong Inc. and the Australia Sri Lanka Welfare Guild.

Ray Murphy emailing from Anglesea says thanks for the ANZROC Birthday greetings, his 26th from the club, which was appreciated.

Mike Nickell emailed his thanks for the birthday wishes for his birthday which he greatly appreciated.

Peter Nielipowiec writing from Strathdale says he was sorry to read the sad news of the passing of Cliff Griggs as he had some memorable experiences working with Cliff at Clunes in his younger days. He was also sorry to hear of the passing of the esteemed State Manager of Victoria John McConnell who Peter had dealings with when on the Relieving Staff. Peter also sends congratulations to Wal McGillivray OAM who Peter met when ANZ sponsored the Strathmerton Bowling club.

Coralie O’Donahoo writing from Noosa Heads says thanks to Kathy for the birthday card which arrived on her birthday as usual. Coralie celebrated with friends at a Mooloolaba restaurant which was most enjoyable. Apart from her visit to Sri Lanka last winter she has spent time in Malaysia over Christmas/New Year and has just returned from a trip on the Indian Pacific to Perth with 2 days in Sydney before departure and a week in Perth after the trip.

Neil Sharman writes as usual he is indeed pleased and delighted to receive a birthday card from ANZROC on the occasion of Neil’s 77th birthday.

Lyn Stevens sends her thanks to the club for her birthday card which is much appreciated.

Tom Portelli writes thank you so much for the good wishes on the occasion of his recent birthday. Kind regards to all members of ANZROC.

Keith Taylor writes many thanks for passing on the Club’s best wishes for his 85th birthday. Keith enjoys reading the newsletters for news of the Club’s and members’ activities.

Ern Walton sends his thanks for his recent birthday card and the good wishes. The actual day was celebrated with family at the local golf club and a good time was had by all. Life continues to be kind to Ern and he is still actively playing tennis, golf and lawn bowls. His team won the Grand Final in Div 5 of the Peninsula Bowls area and he shows his winners medal to any interested party. Following many years of having a fear of water he has now had swimming lessons and makes use of the great new pool in the retirement village. Ern also looks forward to the weekly ballroom dances in the Cranbourne area and keenly takes part. Line dancing is a new interest and it’s all good exercise. The only thing he has left to complain about would be the number of candles on his birthday cake for the celebration of his 82nd.

Brian Wills writes thank you for the “Happy Birthday Card” but he does feel that the cards are being sent more frequently but so be it. It was an interesting year for Brian.


AND Alma Barkell, Helen Bouch, Barbara Bruce, Huck Burke, Geoff Burton, Max Butler, Rosemary Callanan, Len Carr, Robin Cates, Kevin Cleary, Trevor Dodds, Ron Downes, Ralph Drummond, Terry Earle, Phil Goodier, Betty Griggs, Charles Griss, Teddy Hanrahan, Martin Hayden, Keith Higgs, Don Huffer, Alister Maitland, David Masters, Kirk McNamara, Angela Mercer, Tad Misiewicz, Serge Nayna, Noelene Noonan, Tom Phillips, Ray Quirk, Dick Sanders,  Jack Shelton, Murray Skelton, Allan Trower, Arie Veenman, David Valentine, Glenda White, John White





23 Day trip to Yunnan & Yangtze

Offer: Fly Free Economy (OR Business Class for $2,995* per person.)


ANZROC Price $8,856 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $9,495*)

Departs: 7 April, 18 August, 1 September & 13 October 2014.

Book by 31 October 2013 unless sold out prior


Explore China on this luxury small group journey travelling from Kunming, visiting the amazing Stone Forest, journey north to Beijing followed by the Yangtze River for a 4 night luxury river cruise before your journey ends in cosmopolitan Shanghai.



  • 4 night luxury Yangtze river cruise
  • 8 nights discovering the Yunnan Province
  • International wine, local beer and soft drinks included with all lunches/dinners on cruise
  • 57 meals


For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit


*Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share. Prices are correct as at 4 July 2013 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Prices include ANZ discount and savings. Book by 31 October 2013. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at anytime. A surcharge may apply to payments made with credit card. Deposit of $2,000 per person due within 7 days of booking, full payment due 100 days prior to departure. Prices based on 13 October 2014 (CHYC23 – Cat. E) Departure. Fly offers have limited seats on set departures, in economy class with Singapore Airlines or APT’s choice of airlines ex. SYD/MEL/BNE/ADL/PER. FLY FREE: Inclusive of air taxes to the value of $700 on CHYC23. FLY BUSINESS CLASS FOR $2,995 pp: Includes taxes per FLY FREE values. Flights with Singapore Airlines, and are subject to availability of airline and booking class.



Just a reminder that this year is the celebration of the ANZ Ladies Club 60th birthday, making it one of the oldest of the Bank's social clubs. To mark the occasion, the Ladies Club is holding a celebratory Lunch, in conjunction with its Annual Christmas Lunch, on Tuesday 26th November, on the 34th Floor of ANZ 100 Queen Street.  As this is a special occasion, we would like to invite all former Members to join us. If you are a former Member or know of one, please will you pass on this information, as we would really love to see again as many old friends as possible.


Venue.   ANZ Bank 34th floor, 100 Queen St Melbourne

Date.      Tuesday 26th November at 12 noon

Cost.       $40.00 inclusive.


As we have to liaise with the outside caterers that the Bank now uses, and because various security details must be organized, we need to have firm numbers well in advance of the date, and are requesting that attendance is confirmed with a cheque by 31st July. This should be sent to Jill Witney, PO Box 2165, Ringwood North, 3134


If further details are required, please contact Jill Witney, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or tel. 9876 1646, or Angela Mercer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or tel. 9416 3923





Chris Harris, a member of ANZROC NSW, is an avid collector of any articles and items large or small of Aussie Olympic stuff and is looking for a 1956 Melbourne Olympics number plate. He can be contacted at 36 Clarey Crescent, Spence ACT 2615 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




  • September 12: visit to Traralgon cancelled –

But we have arranged an alternative venue in Sunbury to bring your partner and join us at Olive Tree Hotel, 111 Evans Street, SUNBURY. It’s a great menu and an enjoyable time with fellow members and the opportunity to browse around a very good shopping centre. The Suburban train leaves FLINDERS STREET at 10.59am.  Trains are returning from Sunbury at 2.20 pm, 3.00 pm, and 3.40 pm arriving at Flinders Street 40 minutes later.

Myki tickets only required and we hope to see some of our Bendigo area members present.

Names please to David/Glen Knuckey, PO Box 242, Dingley, Vic 3172 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Telephone 9551 0414.


  • October 10th : 34th Floor/100 Queen Street Dr. Robert W. Gribben

BA (Melb), MA (Cantab), M. Theol (Melbourne College of Divinity), DD, Professor             Emeritus Melbourne University, Fellow of Queen’s College.

Robert is regarded as a leading Theologian, liturgist and ecumenist.


  • November 14th: 34th Floor/100 Queen Street. Annual General Meeting



  • November 29th: 2013 Golf Day at Rosebud Country Club.

Contact Alan Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.


  • December 12th: Christmas luncheon in ANZ Pavilion, St Kilda Road.




to be held on the 34th Floor, ANZ Bank ,100 Queen Street and our  Guest Speaker will be Sue Hendy.

Sue is Chief Executive Officer of Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria. COTA Victoria is part of a strong federated organisation which acts as an advocate for older people at all levels of Government and the community.

Sue is also a Board member of the National Ageing Research Institute, the International Federation of Ageing (a recent appointment), member of the Victorian Commissioner of Environmental Sustainability Advisory group, member of Victoria Family Violence Advisory Committee, the Victorian Elder Abuse Reference group and a member of the Uniting Aged Care Victoria & Tasmania Quality Assurance group. She is also International Ambassador for COTA Australia. Sue has been involved with, or on behalf of, older people for the last 35 years.


If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 9821 0444 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams, PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 by Thursday 1st August 2013 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering






Phone 9821 0444 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Ron Adams Newsletter Edi

newsletter june 2013

NEWSLETTER 13th June 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)


On Thursday 13th June 2013 President John McPhee welcomed 40 members and partners who gathered at the Moonee Valley Racing Entertainment Centre for our June luncheon. We enjoyed a terrific luncheon at the Centre which was great value for money at a venue overlooking the famous Moonee Valley Racecourse and the city views were spectacular. The formal matters were dealt with by Secretary Peter Pritchard and those present then enjoyed catching up with colleagues and their partners. Robin and Dorothy Chase travelled from Clifton Springs and members not seen for some time were Ian McMullin and Kevin Toohey.


John Brown, Brian Christensen, George Cooper, Cedric Coxsedge, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Norris Gale, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield ,John Hawkins,  Dorothy Hayes, Ken Lee, Jacqui Luckman, Gary Mason, Ken McNutt, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Ron Phillips, Bill Robinson, John Vanselow, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods.


Edwards                      Janice L.         (Jan)               24 years with ANZ

Grigoris                      Nickee 30 years with ANZ

Hopkins                       Suzanne J.       (Suzanne)        10 years with ANZ

Jewell                          Kerry R.         (Kerry)          28 years with ANZ

Koch                           Daryl M.B.      (Daryl)           25 years with ANZ

Whiting                       Carole                                     12 Years with ANZ

We look forward to seeing Jan, Nickee, Suzanne, Kerry, Daryl, and Carole at one of our meetings.



BOOL                                   J.G. (JOHN)                         12/6/2013             84 years

A full report will be in next month’s newsletter. Funeral service to be held 18/6/2013.

GRIGGS                               C.H.(CLIFF)                        6/6/2013                               87 years

Cliff joined The Bank of Australasia before enlisting in the Royal Australian Air Force in September 1943 and on completion of pilot training was posted to the Pacific zone .On discharge in April 1946 he was  Leading Aircraftman at Melbourne Tele Unit.

Cliff spent 44 years with ANZ in a number of roles in country and city branches and retired as Manager Clifton Hill. He became a loyal Geelong Football Club member after spending some years in ANZ Geelong where as a young single man he boarded with several Geelong football legends including Fred Flanagan and Bob Davis and enjoyed the successes of the past and present teams. ANZROC members Brian Christensen, Ken McNutt, Kevin Mitchell, Ray Gaunt and Ron Adams were present in the gathering of 150 family and friends at the funeral service.

McCONNELL                     J.R. (John)                            17/5/2013             73 years

John Duguid, a close friend and colleague of John advised that John moved to Victoria after joining ANZ in Christchurch in NZ and worked in ANZ Headquarters until his appointment as State Manager Victoria followed by senior executive roles in Headquarters reaching Managing Director Corporate and Retail Banking at retirement and after retirement worked with Equity Trustees. He was highly regarded by the Boards of both corporations. John focussed on customer service and staff relationships and was influential in the ANZ’s relationship with the Jewish community in Melbourne. John Duguid said that among the 250 people attending the celebration of John’s life he noticed Solomon Lew and also past Premier of Victoria Jeff Kennett as well as many ANZROC members, friends and fellow golfers that included Don Mercer, John Ries, Jim Nicolson, Richard Harding, George Lawson, Barry Gibson, John Crough, Peter Treleaven and Peter Pritchard.


Members at our meeting stood in remembrance of Cliff and John as a mark of respect for our past members and our condolences are extended to their families and friends.


David Valentine advised that Ron White died 6/5/2013 after many years of ill health. Ron would be remembered by many of our members that served or visited ANZ London.



Pat O’Neill, wife of Past President and Life Member Leigh O’Neill reports that Leigh is not at all well and has just had 3 weeks in respite and is looking forward to coming home. He has lost a lot of weight and now weighs less than 10 stone.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during June and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Les Ager (82), Bill Gardiner (82), Jim Martin (91), Ken McNutt (86), Geoff Meggs (85), Ken Munro (82), Ray Murphy (83), Reg Roberts (85), Bob Skipper (87), Roy Sloggett (81), Barry Theobald (89), James Trimble (85), Ern Walton (82), Roger Watkins (82), Kevin Watson (84), Ray Whitehead (87), John Williams (83), Brian Wills (82).



ANZROC Honorary Member Wal McGillivray was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for his service to the community particularly veterans and their families. Wal said he had spent around 30 years working with RSL serving in most Office Bearing roles in his RSL branch and had raised more than $500,000 selling ANZAC Day badges and the Red Poppies for Remembrance Day. The honour was well deserved.


From 1/6/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.80%

Greater than $20,000                                       2.31%



43 Members attended the lunch to hear Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne who heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan has spoken at our Red Shield Appeal previously and he spoke about the issues that confront the Salvation Army in dealing with the poor and homeless in Melbourne. Brendan's wife Major Sandra Nottle also attended the lunch. Our members appreciated the opportunity to hear first hand of the challenges that Brendan and Sandra deal with every day and many members were moved by the stories. Committeeman Col Edwards gave the vote of thanks to Brendan and presented him with members' donations totalling $5,315.50 for the ongoing work within the Salvation Army and the committee thanks our ANZROC members who so generously continue to support the work of the Salvation Army in Melbourne.



ANZROC member Muriel Williams cut an article from The Age of 25/4/2013 headed “One day on the Western Front and the carnage at Pozieres” from a wartime battlefront diary of the very highly decorated Aubrey Wiltshire who was General Manager of the Bank of Australasia back in the 1940’s / early 1950’s and it is one of several diaries being digitised by the State Library of NSW before the centenary of World War 1. Neville Pearson found it fascinating reading and although there would not be many members who would have worked with Aubrey it is posted on our Website website if you are interested in reading of the hardships of the time. If you do not have access to a computer then Neville will post a copy to members who would like to read it.



Hoping you're all in great health, and eagerly awaiting this year's Past Players Day, which will be held on Saturday 29th June at the ALBERT PARK / ANZ home ground at Oval 20, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park. Our opponents on the day will be St Francis Xavier.

The day will encompass a BBQ, lots of goodies to be raffled, and of course enough cold bevvies to float a cruise ship........well, maybe a small sail boat from the Albert Park Yacht Club......but certainly enough to satisfy everyone’s thirst. PARTNERS MATES AND EVERYONE ARE MOST WELCOME


Ron Adams spent the weekend of his birthday visiting Newmarket races and Cambridge on his most recent trip to England to see his son and daughter in law. With wife Pam they spent several weeks moving the UK family to their new home in Worcester Park but still had time to visit the Chelsea Flower Show in all its glory and have a few days in Belgravia where the house prices brought them back to earth in Malvern. A most enjoyable visit to London.

Dick Barry emailing from Bellerive Tasmania says that he and wife Lynette have been there now for 2 1/2 years, their only move in 48 years! Dick always had a soft spot for Tassie and with their four grandchildren (4, 6, 7 and 8) now living there it wasn’t too difficult a decision to make. Stacks of relations on Lynette’s side also in Tasmania as her father, Geoff Easton, ex-ES&A, was born in Tasmania. Dick and Lynette’s two other children live in Canberra and Darwin. Sadly, Dick has not struck a golf ball in anger for nearly three years, but decided to join a club a few months ago to try to rekindle some enthusiasm. It is called Llanherne out near the Airport. Very flat, only 9 holes but in excellent condition thanks to abundant recycled water. Weather permitting; he might get out for the first round in a week or two.

David Bennie emailed his thanks for the Birthday card which arrived on time as usual. This year was David’s 60th, and he celebrated with wife MaryAnne at their house joined by their many friends, family and co-workers. The past year has been busy, MaryAnne and David travelled to Europe in their summer for 9 weeks, back on Grand Final Day after visiting Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Germany and Holland. Highlight was Varna (Bulgaria) on the Black Sea.

Ann Blashki writing from Shepparton says thanks to the committee and members for a memorable luncheon to celebrate the 100th birthday of Charles Rennie. One of the happiest and best social functions she has ever been to. Well done to all the workers behind the scenes- those members from out of town do appreciate their efforts that benefit all members.

Luigi Bucello writes to thank Kathy for the birthday card which as usual arrived on time. At his Dalmore farm the cold and frosty weather has again changed the colour of the asparagus fern from green to brown which means they now have to get them ready for the spring harvest, processing and packing for the export and domestic market. This means hard work for a couple of week’s preparation then a rest followed by 100 days harvest. Luigi has had a couple of nibbles for the farm, however people are scared of the high Australian $ and Japanese Yen and the labour shortages. Apart from that and Luigi not winning Tattslotto everything is going well.

Alan Chapple emailed his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card received on time as always. Very much appreciated.

Don Davy writes in detail to thank ANZROC for the birthday greetings on the occasion of his 69th birthday. His day was filled with phone calls in the morning, a lunch at work with his work mates, a beautiful chocolate birthday cake and later that night a meal at his daughter’s home and finally had the chance to visit Rae Collins his old manager at General Managers Office who is 93.  Don specifically thanks the welfare committee for their work in assisting older members.

Brian Day sends his thanks to President John, the Committee and Members of ANZROC, for the well timed Birthday greetings for his 76th. It’s always good to know that someone remembers and it’s most appreciated. Amazing how the years fly. Brian recently visited the Kingston Centre to catch up with Brian Murdoch who hears regularly from his ANZ mates, especially Bruce Tickell & John Flyger as well as many others. Brian Murdoch is looking forward to moving on from the Kingston Centre in coming weeks.

Nola Forsyth sends her thanks for the birthday card and says she spent her birthday quietly working in her recycle shop where she works 7 days a week to pay expenses. Nola says porcelain and glass cats, dogs and owls are popular but everyday it’s something different and interesting such as the recent sale of a number of old kitchen wares to a young lad who works at Captain Cooks Cottage in the Fitzroy Gardens. Expenses however are getting too high on Canterbury Road at Canterbury and after many years at the shop closure may be on the horizon.

Graham Heenan reporting in from Belmont to thank the Committee for the recent birthday wishes says not too much excitement during the last twelve months with only local travel to Bright, Broadbeach and Mooloolaba. Graham and wife Pam welcomed their grandchild No. 6 in November 2012 and house renovations have been underway since January 2013. A note that may be of interest to fellow retired bankers is that it will be 20 years since his retirement on 30th November and he has just finished the box of staples that was part of the retirement package.

Graeme Horsburgh thanks ANZROC for his birthday card. It’s good to get something in the post on your birthday. He is also trying to locate Bob Johnson who worked at ANZ. Bob was a classmate at Frankston High School and graduated in 1955. Bob was also a member of the ANZ cricket team. If you can help it would be much appreciated. Let Peter Pritchard know and he will pass on the information to Graeme.

Doug Imrie emails that the newsletter continues to provide great interest and a means of keeping informed about previous work colleagues. Doug and wife Trish  arrived in Cairns at the start of May, after a zigzag journey north west (Lightning Ridge, Winton) from Ocean Grove, just in time for the birth of their 4th grandson (5th grandchild). It has to be one of the very special joys of being Grand Parent. They will start heading south sometime in July and expect to be home by October. Australia is a great Country to explore.

Ailsa Mackie sends her thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday greetings which were lovely to receive. Ailsa enjoys receiving the newsletters and reading about those members who are so mobile, however she realises how lucky she is to still be around and reading about others.

Frank Marzin emails his thanks for the birthday wishes. Frank is heading off to Broadbeach for a well earned holiday. He is still working full time but hoping to retire in the next year or so.  He passes on his best wishes to all past colleagues and hopes to meet up with members soon.

President John McPhee emails thanks Kathy, Collected his mail on Friday and there it was right on time. She has got it done to a tee. Great work.

Peter Nyga advises his birthday card arrived right on time, as usual and thanks Kathy for the excellent service. The day was spent socialising: going out for coffee with some photographer friends in the morning; his brother came over to visit in the afternoon and in the evening Peter’s partner June took him to dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant in Black Rock, where they filled themselves with fine cuisine. (And no, he didn’t play the Beatles song “When I’m 64”).

Peter Nielipowiec writing from Strathdale says he was sorry to learn of the passing of our late member Leigh Astall. Peter worked with Leigh when he was accountant at Horsham, an absolutely champion man. Leigh along with his family and Brian Madden and his family took Peter to his first visit to the Grampians when Peter was on staff in Horsham. Treasured memories.

Alan Podger writes that he has just returned from Adelaide where wife Judith had a reunion with cousins on her mother’s side.  She had not seen some of them for over 50 years so you can imagine there was a fair bit of “face recognition” stuff required, but, after that was achieved there was no holds barred with voices increasing in volume  and photos going way back.  As usual, Alan’s Birthday Greeting Card from ANZ ROC duly signed by Kathy on behalf of the President was waiting for him for which he appreciated.

Barry Rogers emails his thanks for the timely birthday wishes which were appreciated and says that he has entered his 76th year and life is good. Barry and wife Jill are both well and healthy and they have three little grandchildren (girls) that they are very proud of. In August the three families are heading for a week in Port Douglas, sharing a house just out of town. In March, Jill and Barry are spending a fortnight on a tour in Northern India, with Jill really looking forward to her first sighting of the Taj Mahal. He is  still working three days a week while Jill is kept busy with tennis, choir work and currently Naplan marking, and with both attending the gymnasium twice weekly  they do not have much time left over to ever feel sorry for themselves. As he said, life is good.

Terry Stapleton emails his thanks for the birthday card for his 83rd birthday which arrived, as usual, on the day, Another good year has gone by quickly for Terry and wife Maureen and they continue to generally enjoy good health and lead reasonably active lives...not a lot has changed...Terry still enjoys a game of tennis on the week-ends and also lunch at the Wine and Food Society most Tuesdays and he does enjoy being a volunteer for Bush Care which involves helping maintain the bush land in a couple of nearby Reserves. Terry appreciates the webpage and the monthly magazine and the news it brings of old friends with whom he has worked.

Miles Tiller emails his thanks to Kathy for her timely birthday card. Miles celebrated his 75th in a quiet way as wife Betty was laid low with the flu. He did, however receive a number of telephone calls and cards from family and friends. Both Miles and Betty are generally enjoying life and spend time with their grandchildren of 4 boys when ever they can and waiting  patiently for a new arrival in July-which they understand will be a granddaughter. During March Miles and Betty took a most enjoyable cruise for 14 days around New Zealand and next year they are looking forward to a European river cruise.

June Thompson sends her thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes on behalf of ANZROC. June spent an enjoyable day in good company.

Roger Watkins writes to thank members for the birthday wishes for his 82nd.Roger had been hoping to attend the 100th year celebrations of the Royal Australian Navy in Sydney this year but has had to cancel but he says about 50 nations have been invited to send a representative ship and most have accepted the invite so there will be many sailing ships in Sydney Harbour later this year. The Federal Government has agreed to subsidise the cost of the many events in support for the 100 years of our Navy.

Peter Westaway emails many thanks to committee and Kathy for his April birthday card which reached him on time at the new address. No more bushfires in Glenmaggie to be concerned with. The fire in January was the most horrendous and Peter is pleased to now be residing in semi regional Warragul.

Norma Thomas writing from Pialba, Queensland, sends thanks the Committee for their good wishes on the occasion of her birthday which she greatly appreciated.

Past President John Vanselow emails his thanks for his birthday card which arrived on the day. John says his birthday this year was less exciting than last year's 80th but was still enjoyable spent with all the family. John and wife Lois left mid- May for another visit to the Flinders Ranges. Their daughter and son-in-law have recently purchased a 4WD and want to accompany them on their initial inland adventure. After the major problems with their Land Cruiser when travelling in Queensland  last year the 4WD  is now in fine shape and ready to go.

Kevin Watson emailed a note to say thanks for the birthday greetings card which arrived on time. It was very much appreciated. Kevin and wife Susan were just home for the birthday after a cruise from Darwin to Broome exploring the wonders of the rugged and ancient Kimberly region. It is to be recommended to any who might wish to see a vast area of largely unspoilt Australia.

John White writes that Kathy is upholding the ANZ’s reputation for efficiency as the birthday wishes arrived as usual on his birthday. John and wife Debby have survived the trauma of moving house (again) and are looking forward to spending June in Queensland before their next grand child’s birth due in July.

AND, Graeme and Annette Baldwin, Barbara Bruce, Diane Carew , Phil Goodier, John Harris, Andy Herd, Graham Holt, Tessa Hondros, Suzanne Hopkins,  Barry Kilmartin, Daryl Koch, Alan Lauder, Sue McCarthy, Jill Paterson, Jenette Pickering, Geoff Stillman,  John Taylor, Warren Thomas, John Turnbull, Glen Twidale, John Vanselow,





Over the next few days, a reminder email or letter will be sent to those members who are in arrears for the current year to 30 September 2013. A quick response will be appreciated.

Contact John Brown, Hon Treasurer for all enquiries regarding subscriptions -  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 03 9802 1810, mobile 0425827540.


This year the ANZ Ladies Club celebrates its 60th birthday, making it one of the oldest of the Bank's social clubs. To mark this auspicious occasion, the Ladies Club is holding a celebratory Lunch, in conjunction with its Annual Christmas Lunch, on Tuesday 26th November, and the Bank has kindly agreed for it to take place on the 34th Floor of 100 Queen Street.  As this is a special occasion, we would like to invite all former Members to join us. If you are a former Member or know of one, please will you pass on this information, as we would really love to see again as many old friends as possible.



Venue:   34th floor, 100 Queen St, Melbourne


Date:      Tuesday 26th November at 12 noon.


Cost:       $40.00 inclusive.


As we have to liaise with the outside caterers that the Bank now uses, and because various security details must be organized, we need to have firm numbers well in advance of the date, and are requesting that attendance is confirmed with a cheque by 31st July. This should be sent to Jill Witney, PO Box 2165, Ringwood North, 3134

If further details are required, please contact Jill Witney, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or tel. 9876 1646, or Angela Mercer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or tel. 9416 3923



Brief details are as follows:

  • Start time:  8-00am from the first and tenth tees ensuring the full field will have teed off within one hour.
  • Cost: $60 per person covering golf, prizes, barbecue lunch and some wine.
  • Motorised cart hire will be available for $25 per cart for non members.
  • Non-playing partners’ lunch cost is $18
  • Limited to 48 players but may b able to increase if enough notice is given…
  • On-course accommodation is available at The Fairways Resort motel. Details as follows:
    • Telephone number 5950 2111
    • King Suite           King Size Bed           $155 per room         1 or 2 guests
    • Twin Suite          2 x Single Beds         $165 per room         2 guests
    • Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.
    • Being the inaugural event, the organizers (Huck Bourke, Alan Lauder and Barry King) would appreciate an indication of the number of attendees and to that end, it would assist if those intending to play notified Alan Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


  • August 8:                     34th Floor / 100 Queen Street – Guest Speaker Sue Hendy CEO                                              Victorian Council of the Aged at our Luncheon



Our next meeting will be on Thursday 11 July at East Malvern RSL Club. The club is located at Stanley Gros Drive, East Malvern. (Melway 60 A12). There is ample car parking and a lift services the bistro. If members have any difficulty in attending, please contact Peter Pritchard for arrangements to be made for transport options.

This meeting is open to members and their partners. If you have not come to one of our meetings before, then you are more than welcome. We guarantee a great lunch and fellowship.


We have arranged a two course Christmas Lunch for $20 per head. There is also a vegetarian meal option if requested. Drinks are at bar prices. The meeting commences at noon with lunch served at 12.45pm.

Our special guest speaker is Charles Rennie all being well who will talk about his experiences and some of the challenges and events that shaped the Bank during his tenure as Managing Director.

In addition we expect to have the man in red also make appearance.

If you are interested in attending, please let Peter Pritchard (phone 9571 9406) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let him know that you are attending by no later than 8th July 2013.

Payment in advance is requested, by crediting the ANZROC bank account BSB 013350 Account Number 3064 51947 (include your surname on the remittance advice) or post a cheque to 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145.

Christmas in July 11 July 2012. East Malvern RSL.

Yes I will be attending:   The cost is $20 per head. Drinks at bar prices.

Members Name…………………………………………………………………..

Partners Name…………………………………………………………………….

If you require the vegetarian option please indicate………………………..

My cheque for $............ is enclosed. Post to 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145

Ron Adams,

Newsletter Editor

newsletter may 2013


John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




The meeting will be addressed by Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne who heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan has spoken at our Red Shield Appeal previously and he is most knowledgeable about the problems of homelessness and the needy in the city .We also expect Evan Cassidy Divisional Communication and Fundraising Secretary of the Melbourne Central Division of the Salvation Army to attend.



Ron Adams, Diane Carew, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, John Hawkins,  Dorothy Hayes, Ken Lee, Fay McPherson,  Gerry McPherson, Kevin Mitchell, Peter Nyga, Ron Phillips, John Vanselow Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods



Jewell                          K.R. (Kerry)               28 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Kerry at one of our meetings.



Kilfoyle                       J.H. (Jack)                  24/4/2013        88 years

John Harvey (Jack) Kilfoyle enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in April 1943 and on discharge in December 1944 rejoined the bank.

Robert Kilfoyle advised that his father Jack worked in ANZ for some 42 years and his later years were spent in GMO 1963/68 and then seconded to Australian Bankers Association 1969/82 until he retired.

John Duke attended the funeral service representing ANZROC.

Members will stand at the meeting as a mark of respect in remembrance of Jack and our condolences are sent to his family and friends.


Eamon Veaney advised that Alan Barkauskas passed away on 22/4/2013. Alan worked with Eamon when he first came to Australia. There will be members that know Alan from their time in ANZ.



Life Member and long time Treasurer for ANZROC, Gerry McPherson is home from a short stay in hospital recovering from bowel cancer surgery and the surgeon’s reports are very good.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during May and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

John Caudry (85), Norm Dibbin (80), Col Edwards (80), Nola Forsyth, Ian Lamont (93), Neville Lewis (80), Gordon Lyon (92), Joy MacDonald, David Maunder (86), Alan Podger (81), Terry Stapleton (83), Max Wehner (88),


From  1/4/2013


under $20k                1.92%
above $20K                2.45%





A brief summary of Major Brendan Nottle’s presentation updating us about the Salvation Army’s operations in Melbourne will be included in our June newsletter.


Phillip Alleaume emailed his thanks for the birthday card which arrived on the day. Phil has had some health problems which necessitated a stay in hospital but he is now home and almost fully recovered.

Will Bailey emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday greetings. The card arrived on the 28th, one day early. Just as well as Good Friday is not a great time for a Birthday.

Will and wife Dorothy had the birthday celebration on Sunday 7th when they had a terrific party at the Geelong Club. Fifty family and friends joined them for a great day. A number of friends decided to leave Victoria to avoid the fun and games!! Just shows turning 80 is no big deal!! Will was able to join Charles Rennie at the Athenaeum Club to celebrate the March birthday. Charles was the guest of honour for the Senior Members’ monthly luncheon. It is amazing to listen to his anecdotes of his life - a true treasure of Australian business. The opportunity to meet so many colleagues at the Rennie luncheon at 100 Queen Street made Will realise how important was our banking time together. Let’s hope it goes on a lot longer.

Alma Barkell sends her thanks for the birthday wishes which she appreciated very much. She expects to get to one of our luncheon meetings soon as she has missed catching up with her banker friends.

David Beardsley emails his thanks for the birthday card and reports that he has moved house during the past twelve months but decided not to leave the south eastern suburbs.

Bob Bell emails to Kathy Trace and the Committee his thanks for the good wishes on his recent birthday. Bob and wife Carolyn had an enjoyable lunch at one of the local restaurants, and their two young granddaughters were able to be with them for the occasion. Both Carolyn and Bob  continue to enjoy good health and life in general at Mollymook, bowls and golf take up a good deal of time as does his  involvement as Chairman of the Bowling Club. Last year they had a lovely holiday going on a 20 day cruise of the Mediterranean. They also enjoyed a few days in Melbourne before going to the Grand Final to see the Sydney Swans win another premiership, a really great day.

Wendy Bradley emails her thanks for the birthday card. She has been busy with babysitting, and she also enjoyed hosting her cousins visiting from England. Wendy had a very amusing weekend at Walhalla with the cousins as it was raining all night, but the local ghost walk still went ahead for 2 hours. Next morning the kookaburras woke them early laughing like mad. She can only assume they thought the ghost walkers were mad the night before.

Graeme Croxford reports from Harrietville that the bush fires have gone but due to lack of grass on the mountains  they  are seeing herds of 20 plus kangaroos and deer coming down to graze on their  property. Many of the locals would be out there with a gun but Graeme doesn’t have the heart. They are beautiful animals. So he will just have to buy in hay for his cows.

Bryden Davis writes his thanks for the Club’s birthday greetings which duly arrived on the day.

Glynn Evans writes his thanks for the birthday wishes. Glynn was pleased to be able to attend the birthday celebrations for Charles Rennie held in February and says it was a great honour to be Charles personal chauffer for many years. In those years Charles remained as he always is a man with humility and many other attributes.

John Gibb emails his thanks once more for the birthday greetings – may there be many more to come.

Martin Hayden and wife Karen love their high performance cars, and as previously advised, their current vehicle is a 500HP Mercedes Benz AMG C63. Owning such a car enables one to compete in AMG "Drive Days" which Martin did in mid-April at Phillip Island....but not in their car. AMG provide a fleet of 40 VERY powerful cars, and instructors, for the 36 participants who compete in various high speed events on the race-track. Going down the main straight at 220/230ks with the instructor telling you to go faster, is an awesome experience. A Gourmet "fine dining" lunch is then provided. The car is registered in Karen's name, and while she allowed Martin to do the driving for this AMG event she is a certain starter for next year!

Laurie Holland sends his thanks for the card and good wishes to mark the passing of another year. The occasion was marked by an unexpected lunch for his 93rd with the children. While for the most part Laurie and wife Barb are managing well the new problem they have is learning to live like ninety year olds. He still manages to look after his vegetable garden and the children and friends appreciate the efforts. Laurie and Barb celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary during the year and it must have been important as their local member sent a “certificate of achievement” to mark the day but they would have been more impressed if he had signed the certificate.

Noticed in the Tasmanian Newsletter a note from Graham Joseph that he is kept busy with Lawn Bowls, Probus , travelling and family. He also has many lunches and get-togethers with some of his Melbourne Colleagues. Last year he went to Europe on the Rhine River cruise which was great as well as to Queensland to get out of the Melbourne winter. He is currently on a tour of China/Vietnam/Thailand and on return will go on a Coach Tour of New Zealand.

Colin McNamara emails after the lunch at Clayton RSL that it was great to catch up with some people that he had not seen for quite a time. Living in Narre Warren South and still putting in a few days a week working with his son, he finds it much easier to attend the Luncheons in the Suburbs, rather than the City. Clayton RSL was convenient, although parking was a bit short. The Club facilities were fine. Colin was sorry he missed the Waltzing Matilda venue a few months earlier.

Maria Natoli e- mailed her thanks for the good wishes received for her birthday. Maria is enjoying retirement very much and has more time to spend with family and friends and to pursue other interests. She has just returned from a stay in Sydney and in early May is off to Italy for 5 weeks. Apart from travelling through the country north and south she will also be visiting the island of Lipari where her father was born and which he left as a six year old some 87 years ago. This is Maria’s first overseas trip for 13 years so she is really looking forward to it.

Tony Pompilio emails his thanks for the birthday wishes which as usual arrived on the day.

Gregory Scollo emails that it is a pleasure to be remembered by the committee and the members of the ANZ Retired Officers' Club, on the occasion of his 77th birthday and he thanks the Club for the very kind thoughts. As usual, Gregory and wife Maria are still in Townsville for the winter until mid November, when they return to Melbourne for the summer and escape the hot humid weather of the tropics.

Life has been very kind to both of them up to now, and they hope it will last for a long time. They celebrated his birthday quietly with some friend in Townsville at a restaurant, enjoying the warm weather and a few drinks. Apart from that life goes on playing lawn bowls, swimming, and walking the beautiful Townsville Strand along the beach, enjoying an Italian gelato and sipping an espresso coffee at the local gelato/coffee shop. They also like to fit in the occasional ball dancing. Coming mid November they will return to Melbourne to be with their children and grand children for Christmas and Easter Holiday and to attend the ANZ ROC Luncheon in December.

John Simson e-mails his thanks for the birthday card. John and wife Chris have well and truly settled into life in Moama, working at a winery on a casual basis, and he is very involved with the Echuca Lions Club. John is in the process of recovery from a major back operation, and Chris is recovering from a serious illness as well but they are both doing well in recovery.

They are heading off to Europe and the UK for 6 weeks at the end of July so really looking forward to the trip.

Murray Skelton writes his thanks for the kind thoughts and good wishes on his recent birthday. It is great to receive the Birthday Card each year and it is much appreciated. Murray is still playing and enjoying bowls and at times comes across other retired ANZ friends. Then the grand children and great-grandchildren seem to fill in any spare time he has.

Warren Thomas emails his greetings and thanks for all the emails and updates throughout the year, another one gone. Warren’s son is currently preparing a family history  for Warren’s father who is a WW11 Veteran and at 92 has some health issues  .Warren   took great delight viewing the front of the "Argus" of 11th December 1946 in which his  son discovered in the contents a note of  the passing of the paternal great grandfather on 10th December 1946
On the front page is an advertisement tempting the returning lads to join a great financial institution, the ES & A Bank, the one and same that Warren  joined and nervously entered 287 Collins Street  some 22 years later. Warren passes on his best wishes to all the "Scotties", returned soldiers and all ANZ ‘ers.

Mike Vallence emails his thanks to Kathy for the Birthday Greetings they are much appreciated.

Life for Mike and wife Dorothy continues at a hectic pace with immediate and extended family commitments, golf, travel, and their involvement in Agricultural organisations. Dorothy is on the executive of the Australian Sheep Breeders Association which conducts the annual Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo. Mike is the Secretary of the Berwick and District Agricultural and Horticultural Society which conducts the annual Berwick and District Show.

John Vigus reports that he and his wife have recently moved from Strathfieldsaye and have followed the kids and moved to the Gold Coast. The eldest is coaching a Robina football team and his twin brothers are playing so this year John and his wife can watch them all together. In the summer the family watch the boys play basketball so they are kept very active.
Neville Warnest emailed to advise that he is now visiting New York and received the newsletter through the ether.

Keith Westaway emails his thanks for the birthday wishes. Keith is looking for a better year in the health department.

Glenda White has recently had surgery for invasive spinal fusion and unbelievably 14 hours later she was virtually pain free and able to get up out of bed and walk. She started rehab in Sydney for just over a week twice a day and is now home and continuing rehab locally once a week for the next 6 weeks. At the end of that time she should be fighting fit and ready for most things. Well not quite but should be back to walking 7 – 10 km’s per day within 6 months. Glenda is thrilled with the results after suffering years of chronic pain and once rehab is finished and she gets the OK she is looking forward to attending a meeting and saying hello to everyone again.

Peter J.  Williams reports that he and wife Kerrie moved to Healesville a few months ago and they are really enjoying the great aspects of the Yarra Valley.

AND, Rick Dickson, Terry Glover, John Hands, Bruce Holloway, Christine Lane, Jim Nicolson, David Umphelby





Nola Forsyth reports that this years reunion held  Sunday 28th April was less in number than usual but the group enjoyed getting together and despite the smallness of number insisted that the reunion continue again next year. Seen in the group were ANZROC members Frank Donovan down from Kilmore, Glynn Evans, Dennis Humphries and Ken McNutt while Frank Leigh who many members would remember was also in attendance.



On a perfect Melbourne Autumn morning 14 members turned out to take up the challenge of the Eastern Golf Course at Doncaster

The event was very well organized by John Inglis, and his team. This was a golf course of picturesque rolling fairways, sloping greens, great weather and naturally great fellowship.

Winner on the day was Bill Robinson,            36 points off a 31 handicap

2nd Denis Grehan 33 points off a 22 handicap

3rd Alan Lauder 33 points on count back and a handicap of 23

Nobody, it appears, was prepared to remove the presidents name off the nearest the pin markers on the 13th and 17th so at the 19th hole, after a delightful light lunch along with the obligatory refreshments and fellowship , the awards were handed out.

Again thank you to John Inglis for the work he put into ensuring that we enjoyed a great morning, and a reminder that our next event comes up in November at Rosebud which is being organized under the leadership of Alan Lauder. A good response has already been recorded which includes 5 ladies indicating attendance.





Due to declining interest over the past few years, the annual Traralgon tournament is being discontinued. It is being replaced by what is hoped will be an annual event at Rosebud Country Club.

Brief details are as follows:

  • Start time:  8-00am from the first and tenth tees ensuring the full field will have teed off within one hour.
  • Cost: $60 per person covering golf, prizes, barbecue lunch and some wine.
  • Motorised cart hire will be available for $20 per cart.
  • Non-playing partners’ lunch cost is $18

We have witnessed a heavy drop off in the number of ladies competing in recent golf days and would like to see as many lady players as possible (they get a generous start from the red tees).

The Mornington Peninsula is not only one of the finest golfing areas in the country, but is also renowned as a premium wine region with excellent restaurants. Why not take advantage of the opportunity and stay a little longer with your spouse/partner, regardless of whether you are both golfers?

  • On-course accommodation is available at The Fairways Resort motel. Details as follows:
    • Telephone number 5950 2111
    • King Suite           King Size Bed           $155 per room         1 or 2 guests
    • Twin Suite          2 x Single Beds         $165 per room         2 guests
    • Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

Being the inaugural event, the organizers (Huck Bourke, Alan Lauder and Barry King) would appreciate an indication of the number of attendees and to that end, it would assist if those intending to play notified Alan Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .




  • July 11:                       East Malvern RSL – Christmas in July for members and                                         partners. Located on Stanley Gros Drive, East Malvern                                                           (Melways 60 A12) and Peter Pritchard will receive early                                                             acceptances on 9571 9406 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • August 8:                     34th Floor / 100 Queen Street – Guest Speaker Sue Hardy CEO                                              Victorian Council of the Aged at our Luncheon


  • September 12:             Train visit to Traralgon with partners – luncheon at the Grand                                                Junction Hotel conveniently located within easy walking                                            distance from the Railway Station


If you act quickly there is still time to accept for the THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2013   MEETING IN MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON. We are holding our annual luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch. Donations can be made on the day of the meeting. If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Peter Pritchard know by Phone 9571 9406 or e-mail to pritchard_ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 3rd  May 2013 to meet ANZ catering requirements  and  so that a  list of attendees can be  provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering


THURSDAY 13th June 2013 at the Moonee Valley Racing Entertainment Centre the Home of Moonee Valley Legends for members and partners. Located at the Cnr Wilson Street and Thomas Streets Moonee Valley (Melways 28 K7)( Phone 9326 1277

It is proposed that we meet at the Moonee Valley Racing Entertainment Centre at midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The venue provides a Seniors Luncheon and Drinks are at the Club prices. They also provide a broader menu should this be preferred.

If you are interested in attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice to David or Glen Knuckey PO Box 242, Dingley 3172, or phone 9551 0414 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 6th June 2013



I/We will be attending the luncheon…………

Members Name…………………………………………..

Partner’s name…………………………………………...

This information to be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 prior to 6TH June 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Ron Adams,

Newsletter Editor

newsletter april 2013

NEWSLETTER- 11th April 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)




Secretary Peter Pritchard opened our 2013 ANZAC Memorial Luncheon held at the Clayton RSL Club welcoming 45 members and partners as well as our guest speaker Lt Col Terry Beaton Rtd. Members not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Graeme Ainscough, Wendy Black, Helen Bouch, Linda Davidson, Jacqui Luckman, Colin McNamara, Alan Panther, Alan Pearce while Robin Chase and wife Dorothy came from Clifton Springs by train. Peter introduced Terry to the members following the luncheon and President John McPhee passed a vote of thanks and completed the formalities of what was a very pleasant day.


John has asked members to provide the committee with feedback as this meeting was the second of 5 planned meetings held away from our usual home on the 34th Floor, 100 Queen Street in the city, and the committee looks to members to let us know your acceptance/ preference for meeting venues.



Noel Beanland, Diane Carew, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Don Fraser, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough,  Bob Heinemann,  Stan Halbish , Theo Hall, John Hawkins,  Dorothy Hayes, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Ken Lee, Joan Nathan, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Geoff Perdriau, Ron Phillips, Maree Pritchard, Paul Tovey, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods.



Cockburn                                R.L. (Ross)                  42 years ANZ

Perkins                                    N.J. (Neil)                   43 years ANZ

Tribuzio                                  Mario                          39 years ANZ

Willmott                                  E.M. (Elaine)              20 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Ross, Neil, Mario and Elaine at one of our meetings.



No bereavements reported this month



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during April  and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Bill Bowring (81), Max Colwell (81), Bryden Davis (84), Norm Deady (92), Glynn Evans (85), Roy Harper (84), Gordon Kennedy (87), Ailsa Mackie, Leigh O’Neill (83), Eileen Perham, John Read (81), Keith Remington (90), Col Renzow (97), Lindsay Richards (83), Tony Stutterd (86), June Thompson, John Vanselow (81).


From  1/4/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.94%

Greater than $20,000                                       2.48%



President John McPhee summarising  the presentation from Lt Col Terry Beaton Retired says  we were informed and entertained by Terry , who spoke to us on the ‘Factual Story of the Burma Railway “

Terry had a distinguished military career spanning 25 years before retiring in 1996, and after a 3 year term as an adviser to the Royal Thai Army.

From 1999 to 2001 he was the curator of Hellfire Pass and for the past 10 years has been leading ANZAC Pilgrimages to Thailand and Burma.

Terry through his research spoke with authority, to dispel misconceptions created in the film “Bridge on the River Kwai” pertaining to this event .He was also able to provide background history leading up to Japan’s invasion of Malaya on the 8th December 1941, which in fact is the same day as the bombing of Pearl Harbor but, because of the international dateline, records Japan attack on Pearl Harbour as7th December. Terry then told us of the background of the plans made for the construction of a railway between Burma and Siam (Thailand) going back to 1854. The construction of the rail line eventually covered 415 klm’s of mountainous country and required the erection of some 669 bridges in all. Japan’s planning and training for this construction is suggested to have been commenced in 1939.The deaths and hardships which have been widely written about was confirmed and included details of the heavy losses of life of English Australian and Dutch prisoners, plus the fact that some 200 000 locals were forced into the labor camps and it is estimated that 50% would have lost their lives.

Terry’s concern is that little of the history  of the conflict  in this region is known, particularly regarding the war in Burma and the clear  lack of interest in Britain, starting  from VE day and ever since, to the history of their former Empire outposts.

On this our ANZAC commemoration it is most important that we remember all those who have served and died in military operations for their countries wherever that has occurred and is happening today.

Anzac is a commemorative day when we look back, remember and give our thanks but we should learn from that experience and work towards overcoming such conflicts.



Anne Blashki writing from Shepparton to President John sends belated thanks for the memorable luncheon in February to celebrate the forthcoming 100th birthday of Charles Rennie (since celebrated) which was one of the happiest and best social functions she had ever been to. Well done to all the workers behind the scenes – those members from out of town do appreciate these efforts that benefit all members.

Arty Booth emailed his appreciation for the birthday card. Arty’s birthday fell on Good Friday this year and as such, no mail deliveries. However in true banking tradition the card arrived the next business day. Not much to report from Bundaberg. The town is getting back to normal after the recent floods, but one of the large shopping complexes has yet to open and estimates are for late May, early June.

Diane Carew emails her thanks for the Birthday card. Diane had a lovely day. Her children and their families took Diane and husband Geoff to Lady Lavender tea rooms on Princes Highway at Bunyip. What a great place for lunch at reasonable prices.

Jenny Cooke emails her thanks for the recent birthday card. As her friends say, we are “21 and a bit” but the ‘bit’ is getting larger every year. The month after arriving back from visiting family in the US, her house was flooded from a burst hot water pipe. Then Insurance ‘negotiations’ and repairs continued until Jenny departed for Brussels in August .She then took  a cruise from Amsterdam to Basel via Bruges and Antwerp followed by  a  train trip to Lake Garda to stay with a school friend before returning to Milan for the flight home via Doha. On her return, repairs continued until Christmas Day when the dishwasher was finally installed in the kitchen – 7 months to the day later! Golf three times per week and writing articles for the school newsletter plus a couple of committees continue to keep her very busy.

Bob Delahoy writing from Inverloch says to convey to Kathy Trace his grateful thanks for the birthday card. The greetings arrived while Bob was in hospital recovering from a partial knee replacement. Now at home he feels that the card helped in the healing process. Bob had his birthday in the hospital with candles and cake and was known from then on as the Birthday Boy. He particularly enjoyed reading of the proceedings of Charles Rennie’s forthcoming 100th birthday (now celebrated) and left a sense of pride belonging to such an institution led by notable men like Charles. Bob wishes Charles all the best for his 100th.

John Fairbairn emailing from Yarrawonga says another year, another card which is much appreciated. Last year Yarrawonga experienced 50 year rains and this year they saw a tornado

that caused  great damage all around them but it fortunately missed most of the built up area. Nearby suburbs of Mulwala and Bundalong did see some areas badly hit. Denison Caravan Park some 5 or 6 kms out of Mulwala was virtually wiped out. It looks as if a bomb landed on it. Enough of the doom and gloom - life continues very pleasantly in Yarrawonga with a lot of Golf. Maurie Harwood and Peter O'Dwyer are regular cohorts in the Oldies Golf Comps. John  had hoped to attend the Lunch for Charles Rennie but an unfortunate death with a resulting Funeral Service precluded this happening but he  hopes  to attend a gathering later this year.

Lawrie Foord writes his sincere thanks for the card on the occasion of his recent birthday. As usual for Lawrie it was a quiet day and he celebrated with a nice lunch with his daughter Jenny.

Teresa Goldsbrough reports that later in April she will be in Adelaide visiting aged parents then off overseas from late May to mid July walking and touring around Italy, Switzerland and France

Dave Hartwich emails a huge thank you to the ANZROC for the birthday card he received marking yet another year of fun!

Dave Harkin updating his involvement in the “Male Bag Ride” from Perth to Melbourne raising funds for Prostate Cancer research says that before the ride started he had to get a Heavy Rigid truck licence as there were to be 3 truck drivers. However for various reasons Dave became   the solo truck driver as the others never arrived.

After leaving the Perth Mail Centre, on Wednesday April 3rd they travelled to Margaret River and for the first 2 days were followed by a team from the channel 10 “Project” show, with their report due later in April. Then to Albany, Esperance, Balladonia, Eucla, crossing the WA/SA border to Ceduna, and on to Adelaide, where a big fund raising sports night was held.  Following that they  headed  to Mt Gambier ( another sports night) then Lorne and onto Melbourne, with a police escort up Geelong Rd to the MCG where they are due to celebrate the  finish, at half time of the Melbourne  versus  West Coast Eagles game.

The original fundraising target was $100,000 but  they have exceeded $350,000 to go towards research for prostate cancer.



Eddie Hassett writes his thanks for his birthday card which arrived on the dot as usual. Eddie is in the middle of golf pennant season and has taken over the treasurer’s duties for the Mordialloc Football Club. This should keep him off the streets during winter.

Andy Herd emails his thanks for birthday greetings. They seem to come around quickly but he doesn’t mind as long as he keeps having them.

Ron Horne writes to thank Kathy Trace for the kind birthday wishes on his 88th. Like so many of Ron’s colleagues it is always so pleasing to receive these greetings that are a wonderful tradition being maintained.

Rick Kimber sends his thanks to the Club and particularly Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings which arrived punctually as usual. Apart from the passing of yet another year, Rick is unable to report anything of significance.

Christine Lane emails her many thanks for her birthday card and good wishes. The week prior to Christine’s birthday she was holidaying up at Mulwala and got caught up in the tornado which struck several Murray River towns.  At the time of going through the tornado she honestly thought that her time on this earth was limited and she would not see the next birthday! The very strong winds pushed their 4WD up against the lounge room wall, the garage roof lifted, big round hay bales were found in the driveway and Buddy, the kelpie dog, suffered a cut above his right eye. At the end of the day they got off lightly compared to many others not so fortunate.

Ken Lee sending his apologies for the April gathering says he will be in Bendigo from 8 – 17 April for Bowls Victoria Championship week. Bowls still takes up most of his time, at least for one more year. As Chair of the Northern Gateway Region life is never dull.

Peter Nyga says he can’t make the 11th April meeting – he’ll be away again for two weeks of sailing on Gippsland Lakes.

Alan Pearce says he has been heavily involved in the planning of celebrations for the centenary of the City of Plenty north east of Melbourne later this year and as Chairman of the Organising Committee he has had to negotiate with Council, Police, businesses and community groups and entertainers  to make the event appealing to the local residents.

Neville Pearson,  our resident poet arrived back from holidays spent overseas cruising the China Seas and on receipt of the birthday card decided to send his thanks by way of this poem…….




































Ron Pitt sends his thanks for the good wishes for his 90th birthday. Ron had a most enjoyable day which he celebrated with his family and friends.

Barry Reid emails his thanks to the many members who contacted him by email, phone or cards following the article, placed by Pat Gaskin ,Norms wife in the not well section of last months newsletter. Barry was overwhelmed by the number of get well wishes that he received, a number from former past workmates, ex ANZ cricket club members some of whom Barry had lost contact with over the years and a number of retired ANZ bankers who he meets up with regularly each year at ANZROC Christmas luncheon. Barry was very pleased to hear from them all and is recovering well following the operation, unfortunately he picked up an infection in hospital which slowed things down a little however that has now cleared and it was good to get back home again. He is hoping to catch up with everyone again shortly.

Charles Rennie writes to President John to record how much he appreciated the thought, the time and the effort directed into the celebration in advance of his 100th birthday at what was a great gathering of fellow officers- past and present- and many of their partners. The welcome to Charles and wife Joy and all the other guests was a happy experience and Charles was honoured by the presence of ANZ Chairman John Morschel and Senior Executives and was impressed with the Chairman’s recall of history. Charles appreciated the gift of the silver framed photographs covering quite a period of years. John’s introduction of Paul Guest as President of Banks Rowing Club and Paul’s observations on the many years of links and memberships with ANZ Bank and its forbears were very interesting. Charles said the location of the function on 34th Floor/100 Queen Street was a fine choice, great dining with beautifully arranged table decorations. The “Happy Birthday Banner” is quite a gem as it is autographed by many of those present and will be a treasured reminder of the occasion and he closes with his thanks to Past President Neville Pearson for his major participation in the arrangements for the function.

Harry Trefz sends his thanks for the good wishes expressed in his birthday card. Harry like so many others enjoys reading the travelogues of the more adventurous members sharing their holiday trips and journeys with other retirees and he is glad they find additional happiness and new interests overseas.

Julie Wilkins emailed to say thankyou to Kathy for the ANZROC Birthday Card which arrived on the day. Julie and her husband were off to Loch, visit some old mining towns, then hiking, and walks along the beach, then find some antique shops and hope the weather holds for the birthday weekend.

AND Graeme Croxford, George Finniss, Barbara Firth, Bob Lyon, Gordon Lyon, John Simson, John Sudholz, Neville Taylor, Peter Westaway,  John Winbanks,



ANZROC AUTUMN GOLF DAY on Monday April 29, 2013

Golf Club and Course: Eastern Golf Club, 473 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

(NB. Close to Eastern Ring Road).

The ANZROC committee is indebted to John Inglis for taking on the arrangements to enable our golfing members to enjoy an autumn golf competition on a first class golf course.

The cost of $55 per player covers the green fees and finger food after the game.  The tee off time is at 8:00 am (This may vary depending on numbers) and please be ready at the tee 15 minutes prior.

John has asked for the entry forms to be sent to him by 17th April if practicable.





Player Name: …............................     Handicap..........

Cost is $55 per player, which covers game and finger food after the game. This is to be paid on the day in cash.

Please forward this booking form  by April 17, 2013 to John Inglis, 134 Martins Lane, Viewbank, 3084

or via email attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone John on 0416048407 for further information.



ANZ REUNION FOR 2013 FOR 351 and 394 COLLINS STREET PAST STAFF on 28th April 2013

Final notice for this years reunion for Sunday 28th April from 1.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill.  Nola can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. She asks that for the afternoon tea ladies bring a small plate and men make a donation of $5.00 to cover hall hire and sundries.




Brief details are as follows:

  • Start time:  8-00a.m from the first and tenth tees ensuring the full field will have teed off within one hour.
  • Cost: $60 per person covering golf, prizes, barbecue lunch and some wine.
  • Motorised cart hire will be available for $20 per cart.
  • Non-playing partners’ lunch cost is $18

We have witnessed a heavy drop off in the number of ladies competing in recent golf days and would like to see as many lady players as possible (they get a generous start from the red tees).

The Mornington Peninsula is not only one of the finest golfing areas in the country, but is also renowned as a premium wine region with excellent restaurants. Why not take advantage of the opportunity and stay a little longer with your spouse/partner, regardless of whether you are both golfers?

  • On-course accommodation is available at The Fairways Resort motel. Details as follows:
    • Telephone number 5950 2111
    • King Suite           King Size Bed           $155 per room         1 or 2 guests
    • Twin Suite          2 x Single Beds         $165 per room         2 guests
    • Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.

Being the inaugural event, the organizers (Huck Bourke, Alan Lauder and Barry King) would appreciate an indication of the number of attendees and to that end; it would assist if those intending to play notified Alan Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



The NSW News is now available on just click on the URL and  while you are in the blog have a good look around at the material which is being added to all the time.





  • June 13:                      Moonee Valley Racing Entertainment Centre for members and partners. Located at the Cnr Wilson Street and Thomas Streets Moonee Valley (Melways 28 K7) and expressions of interest can now be sent to David or Glen Knuckey Phone 9551 0414 , PO Box 242 Dingley, 3172 or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • July 11:                       East Malvern RSL – Christmas in July for members and partners. Located on Stanley Gros Drive, East Malvern (Melways 60 A12) and Peter Pritchard will receive early acceptances on 9571 9406 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • August 8:                     100 Queen Street – Guest Speaker Sue Hardy CEO Victorian                                                 Council of the Aged at our Luncheon


  • September 12:             Train visit to Traralgon – Grand Junction Hotel


THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2013   MEETING IN MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON We are holding our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch. The meeting will be addressed by Salvation Army executives updating members about the measures being taken to help those in need in Melbourne and we look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear the Salvation Army representative. We raised around $4,600 last year which was an outstanding effort and any support for Salvation Army will be welcomed. We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Peter Pritchard, 19 Albert Street, East Malvern, 3145 to be included in the total of funds raised for the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Peter Pritchard know by Phone 9571 9406 or e-mail to pritchard_ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to  Peter Pritchard,19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145 by Thursday 2nd May 2013 to meet ANZ  catering requirements  and  so that a  list of attendees can be  provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering



To Peter Pritchard

19 Albert Street, East Malvern,3145

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




Ron Adams Newsletter Editor

newsletter march 2013


John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



President John McPhee welcomed the 56 members and partners who joined together for the fourth St Patrick’s Day luncheon and a day of hospitality and fun was enjoyed by all at the Maroondah Club. The attendance was down on previous years but those attending were freely  mixing with the very friendly group at the Club.  President John completed the formalities of the day and then welcomed new member Aldo Faella to his first meeting and noted  a number of members not seen for a while that included Clive Bailey, Herman Bettonvil, Diane Carew, Rino Frigo, Hedley Ham, Bruce Kells, Don Maguire, Bernie Sowersby, Lyn Stevens, Rose Virgona, Jill Ward and Yvonne Whalen.

With the formal part of the luncheon over Kevin Mitchell specially dressed in green for the day presented a variety of Irish tales that were greeted with much laughter and enthusiasm from the audience.

Thanks must go to David and Glen Knuckey for the organisation of the luncheon and Lyn and Les Stevens for the arrangements made with the Club.



John Brown, Col Edwards, Nola Forsyth, Val Goldsworthy, Erika Hayden, Stan Halbish , John Hawkins,  Dorothy Hayes, John Hudgson, Con La Fucia , Harry Loucas, Gary Mason, Noelene Noonan, Neville Pearson, Geoff Perdriau, Ron Phillips, Tom Portelli, Peter Pritchard, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods.



Faella                                      Aldo                            39 years ANZ

Aldo attended our meeting at the Maroondah Club.



No deaths advised for this month.

Charles Rennie however sadly advised that John Oates of the “Banks Rowing Club”, who helped with the Rowing Club presentation at the February meeting celebrating Charles forthcoming 100th birthday, passed away a few days after the luncheon from an unexpected heart attack.




Barry Reid is on the sick list in Ballarat. He is now out of intensive care at Ballarat after having a kidney removed due to cancer in mid February. We were advised by Norm Gaskin’s  wife Pat emailing from Strathdale  that Barry‘s wife Shirley is thrilled to have him home to continue the rehabilitation process after the major surgery but  recovery will be slow .  Barry still has to visit the doctors at least twice a week and would welcome calls from his friends and colleagues and can be contacted on 5334 6281 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during March  and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Lindsay Baglin (84),Will Bailey AO (80),John Baird (88), Doug Carroll (80), Kevin Cleary (82), Bob Delahoy (84), Laurie Holland (93), Ron Horne (88), Tony Middleton (82), Ray Perry (84), Ron Pitt (90), Robin Pleydell (81), Charles Rennie (100), Roy Sharman (81), Kevin Sheather (88), Arthur Sheers (85).


From 1/3/2013

Less than $20,000                                           1.94%

Greater than $20,000                                       2.48%



























Dear Charles I know I speak on behalf of all the ANZ Bank Retirement Club members in wishing you a wonderful Day on 31st March with Joy and the rest of your family.

We sincerely thank you for the pleasure and honour of working beside and knowing, such a modest, loving and caring leader


52 photos from Victoria Kanevsky (Bank Photographer) who took them at the Charles Rennie’s Birthday luncheon have been downloaded on to the website as they contain great pictures of virtually everyone that was in attendance.



John Baird writing from Highton on his 88th sends his thanks for the birthday card that arrived on the day. John says he is struggling healthwise so any outside contact is welcome.

Terry Boocock emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card good wishes. Life continues to be very busy and enjoyable and Terry and wife Lyn are about to head to Sydney to board the Indian Pacific for the trip to Perth. They plan a 31 day break visiting family and also touring down to Esperance and up to Kalgoorlie then back in to Perth for the quick flight home.

Terry is still a very active member of Royal Victorian Aero Club and is in his 27th year of flying. Club activities include air judge for the monthly flying competitions, member of the flying scholarship subcommittee and active pilot with the Young Eagles program. Probus also keeps him busy as the Trips and Tours co-ordinator. Terry enjoys reading the monthly newsletter and was pleased to see in the last edition, news of Bob Kirkland achieving 90 years. Bob was the accountant at 154 Moorabool Street Geelong when Terry  arrived as a fresh faced, full head of hair, junior to start his banking career in February 1961.While attending a Probus member’s 60th wedding anniversary celebration he located amongst the 100 guests Frank and Mary Donovan. Terry hopes Bob Kirkland is as sprightly as Frank and Terry can emulate Frank’s spring as he works through his 69th year and beyond.

Joe Busuttil emails his sincere thanks to Kathy and the Committee for this year’s birthday greetings and well wishes. He is enjoying good health and has traveled to UK, Europe and Vietnam in the past year. Joe is looking forward to more travel in the coming year.

Max Butler writing from Hastings says he has had to undergo surgery and three months rehabilitation at The Bays Hospital in Mornington and is due to have another bout of surgery albeit minor later in March. The time spent in hospital and the ongoing treatment has helped Max and wife Barb to decide to downsize within Hastings and he says one day soon he hopes to be able to get back to golf.

Graeme Croxford emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card and to the committee for their good wishes. At 75 years Graeme still has a brain that thinks he is 50 which is a problem at times. However with wife Beryl they are enjoying retirement on their little hobby farm in Harrietville with a few cows, chooks, dog, cat, kangaroos, deer and a collection of sports cars, (Bentley RL, Chev.Corvette, Jaguar Cougar and XJ6, MG TC, Porsche 928S, Triumph TR3A, Jeep Wrangler Sport, and a little Alfa 156).Throw into the mix 2 Car Clubs, Bright Bowling Club, the Ovens Liberal Party, Harrietville Social Club and a bush fire - life is not dull.

Muriel Drummond Williams wrote to let us know how much she and John Hobbs enjoyed the luncheon for Charles Rennie.
Lawrie Foord has just returned from a memorable 2 weeks staying with his grand daughter and family at Sanctuary Point on the NSW South Coast. They are located near HMAS “Albatross” (Helicopter base) and HMAS”Creswell” (Naval College) and Lawrie’s grandson by marriage is an Officer presently attached to the “Albatross” as  a Qualified Technician for Sikorsky Sea Hawks. The grandson is also a member of the frigate “HMAS Toowoomba” and has already completed 3 tours of duty in the Middle East on pirate duty but  is due to leave for another 6 month tour of the area later in 2013. Lawrie was fortunate to be given wide-ranging tours of both Albatross with its Naval Museum and Creswell and was most impressed with the facilities and the historical value of the Museum. His grand daughter is a long term serving member of the NSW State Emergency Service covering Wollongong to Ulladulla and parts inland and Lawrie now has vastly different point of view of the SES and its services after spending time on site with his grand daughter. He even had time to catch a few fish at Sanctuary Point.

Norm Gaskin received his birthday greeting in time for his birthday, and thanks all members very much for the thought.

Meryl Hallinan emailing for husband John Hallinan sends thanks to Kathy for John’s birthday greetings. John is now confined to a wheelchair but his general health is pretty good. They managed to have a short holiday at the RSL Mulwala where the staff was extremely helpful. Last year Meryl and John were also very pleased to welcome their first great grandchild, Mia Jasmine McConnell.

David Harkin writes that over April he will be taking part as a member of the support team for a group of motor cycle riders fund raising for research for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA).The 26 riders involved are riding ex-Honda “postie” motor bikes from Perth to Melbourne on the The Male Bag Ride 2013 over 10 days and they finish at the MCG in mid April at the Melbourne vs. West Coast football match. If you want any more information about the ride you can contact David on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Brian Henderson emails once again thanks to Kathy Trace for the arrival of the Birthday wishes, right on the knocker. Brian was writing this just after the worst spell of weather in the almost 20 years he has been up in Queensland. Although Brian and wife Christine did not suffer as much as nearby Bundaberg and Maryborough there has been considerable damage in Hervey Bay. Mostly the damage has been to the foreshore with lots of trees down. Naturally with over a metre of rain in two weeks a lot of water is lying about. At one stage Hervey Bay was isolated with water over the roads out of town for several days. During all this time they still had temperatures of around 30 degrees every day and accordingly very high humidity. All is well now and it’s back to clear blue skies. Life for Brian is still quite relaxed with an occasional game of golf, bowls twice a week, as well as two trips to the gym which is enough to keep him reasonably fit. Last year Brian and Christine had a cruise over to UK to catch up with Christine’s son and partner and their new baby daughter at Bath. They travelled on the ‘’Oriana’ via N.Z., Tahiti, Hawaii, San Francisco, Mexico, Curacao, Isla Margarita(Venezuela), Barbados and Madeira to Southampton. Two weeks were spent visiting the family plus some touring around Wiltshire, Devon and Cornwall before returning to Southampton and boarding the Queen Mary 11 for the crossing to New York. A further two weeks visiting friends in Long Island, Lake Michigan, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles before flying back home. They have plans for more travels in 2013 including a trip south which will quite likely enable Brian to get to the May meeting of ANZROC.

Bob Kirkland writing on his 90th says many thanks for the birthday greetings. Bob looks forward to receiving the monthly newsletter although he admits the only names he recognises are in the Honorary Birthday list or the bereavements.

Jack Moyle writes thanks for the birthday card and greetings for his 88th. Jack with wife Audrey and elder son Alan and his family celebrated the birthday in style and then Jack spoke to son Graeme and their granddaughter based in London. Jack says he enjoys the monthly newsletter which keeps him informed of the activities of other retirees. Jack and Audrey are no longer fit enough for long trips so enjoy the adventures of others and many bring back memories of places they visited and enjoyed.

Ray Murphy emails many thanks again for the newsy news letter. A little more on the late Trevor Westerman if Ray recalls correctly he served in the Artillery in Africa. On leaving the services Trevor was ledger keeper at "Scottie" Ballarat East then moved to Teller. The next move was to Manager Mortlake then 9 Lydiard St Ballarat which was a prestige Branch with high profile clients and Trevor and wife Gloria were noted for their entertainment of clients. Trevor finished his ANZ career as Manager Darwin .Hope this helps to fill in a few holes for members. Back to the note from Noel Robinson "The Fireman" in a recent Newsletter where he referred to losing an important account when moving to Manager, Casterton.  The account followed Ray to Hamilton Branch but not at Ray’s request and turned out to be a real headache…… lucky Noel.

Norm Ross writing on his 92nd says thanks to Kathy for the birthday card and that he was able to celebrate his birthday with pleasure in Hobart with their younger daughter and family.

Mavis Ryan writes her thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes on behalf of ANZROC members and appreciates Kathy’s dedication to the delivery of the birthday cards.

Dick Sanders emails thank you so much for the Birthday Card and good wishes, duly arriving on time. Dick and his wife had a sea change-downsize during the year, moving from Glen Waverley where they had lived for 42 years to a much smaller modern house just three years old and ten minutes walk from the beach at Mordialloc. About 2 years ago Dick  was diagnosed with Glaucoma, it being advanced in one eye but, since then, using daily Zalatan drops, he is pleased to say it has been stabilised, which is the best one can hope for. Apart from that all is well. Dick was sorry to read that an old London Office colleague, Richard “Johnny” Walker  had died a few months ago .They played in the same tennis team for the Bank at Catford Bridge, he with Morgan Polton and Dick with Geoff Stevens with whom he was to later work at 394 Collins Street. They had also worked for a while in the same department at 4 Threadneedle Street in Inward Bills. One thing about the Bank was that no matter where you were, there was always someone you knew or who knew of you. Some months back on a visit to the cinema at Elsternwick, Dick and wife  called at a café for cheesecake and coffee, which was excellent as he remarked to the waitress/proprietor  and said he  used to frequent a cake shop run by Mr and  Mrs Mihaly (sic) who made the most fabulous cheesecake. She said Mrs Mihaly still calls in occasionally. Not bad since it is over 40 years since Dick worked there with Yvonne King – another cheesecake lover.

John Tulen reported that he had had an accident just after Christmas in Daylesford and broke his hip. After surgery in Ballarat Hospital he spent weeks recuperating in St John of God, Frankston before moving into his new home in Hastings after many years of living in suburban Melbourne. John said his daughter Christina from NT was visiting for her holidays while he was recovering which was very helpful. John was very proud of Christina who was awarded the Teacher of the Year in Secondary Schools for Northern Territory for 2012 and her school in East Arnhem Land was voted the most innovative school in the Territory.

John Stevens Past President and Life member of ANZROC sent an email to Kathy to thank her for the birthday wishes for his 70th.

Bruce Tickell writing to thank Kathy for the birthday card says he prefers not to dwell on the number of years but rather look to tomorrow while the health situation continues OK. Nevertheless Bruce’s travel aspirations are somewhat limited and he reads with envy the various parts of the world that our members are exploring.

Kevin Watson emailing from Perth sends his congratulations to John McPhee and his support team on the wonderful luncheon held to honour the coming 100th birthday of Charles Rennie. It was very well done indeed. The Bank made an excellent venue available for the event.

Kevin was very pleased to see Charles again after so many years – particularly as he appeared not to have changed to any extent. It was great to see that he remains very active, in good health and still has a driving licence. It is very seldom that Kevin visits Melbourne but he is happy that he did so on this occasion, For Kevin it was a real trip down memory lane as he saw and talked with so many friends of yester year(s). There were too many to name but one who has a special place is Harry Carrodus who befriended a young 21 year old who arrived at GMO of the Bank of Australasia in March 1951. It was a joy to see him and Beryl again. The journey across this wide land was very worthwhile and made possible by Kevin’s old cricketing mate Bruce Tickell who cared for him between flights.

Roly Webster emails his thanks again for birthday card and noted that he has had to officially retire from Gold Prospecting after attaining the age of 80 and he has now been pensioned off.

Maurice Wells writes that once again it was nice to be remembered on his 76th birthday and thanks to Kathy for conveying the Club’s good wishes. Maurice appreciates receiving the monthly newsletter and reading about friends and colleagues.

John Winbanks emails his thanks for the card which as usual arrived on time, as opposed to his acknowledgement for which he apologized.

AND Alma Barkell, Huck Bourke, Gordon Christensen, David Gibb, John Phelan, Sydney Swaby, Warren Taylor, Ron Wilkinson ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




The autumn golf day has been scheduled for Monday April 29, 2013 at Eastern golf club 473 Doncaster Road, Doncaster, Vic 3108. Entry forms etc will follow closer to the date. Anyone requiring further information can contact John Inglis via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Mobile phone 0416048407.



A group of 25 members and partners, including six who were experiencing their first Mansfield trip, gathered at Alzburg Lodge for the annual ANZROC social and sporting trip. The weather was ideal for a long dip in the pool before preparing for the evening outdoor BBQ where many stories were swapped over a drink or two.

On the second day a number of the group explored the town and undertook some retail therapy, while 12 members headed off for golf and braved a couple of heavy showers as the weather changed during the morning. Winners of the golf were Men’s - Dal Crocker, John Inglis and Ron Adams, Ladies - Lois Vanselow, Cheryl Pearson and Irene Bettonvil.

The trip wound up with a most enjoyable dinner and social evening, with Kevin Mitchell's Trivia questions bringing out the competitive spirit between the three teams. It will be on again next year, so if you are doing nothing towards the end of February why not join in.

A number of photos have been posted on the ANZROC web site.


ANZ REUNION FOR 2013 FOR 351 and 394 COLLINS STREET PAST STAFF on 28th April 2013

Our member Nola Forsyth has advised that she has organised this years reunion for Sunday 28th April from 1.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill and she is keen to see as many past members of the two branches again this year to catch up and enjoy swapping banking stories.  Nola would like to hear from those interested and she can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. She asks that for the afternoon tea ladies bring a small plate and men make a donation of $5.00 to cover hall hire and sundries.




Due to declining interest over the past few years, the annual Traralgon tournament is being discontinued. It is being replaced by what is hoped will be an annual event at Rosebud Country Club. Brief details are as follows:

  • Start time:  8-00a.m.from the first and tenth tees ensuring the full field will have teed off within one hour.
  • Cost: $60 per person covering golf, prizes, barbecue lunch and some wine.
  • Motorised cart hire will be available for $20 per cart.
  • Non-playing partners’ lunch cost is $18

We have witnessed a heavy drop off in the number of ladies competing in recent golf days and would like to see as many lady players as possible (they get a generous start from the red tees).


Being the inaugural event, the organizers (Huck Bourke, Alan Lauder and Barry King) would appreciate an indication of the number of attendees and to that end, it would assist if those intending to play notified Alan Lauder by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Mornington Peninsula is not only one of the finest golfing areas in the country, but is also renowned as a premium wine region with excellent restaurants. Why not take advantage of the opportunity and stay a little longer with your spouse/partner, regardless of whether you are both golfers?

  • On-course accommodation is available at The Fairways Resort motel. Details as follows:
    • Telephone number 5950 2111
    • King Suite           King Size Bed           $155 per room         1 or 2 guests
    • Twin Suite          2 x Single Beds         $165 per room         2 guests
    • Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.



15 Day Magnificent Europe

OFFER: Fly Free + Travel at 2013 Prices*

ANZ Price $6,042 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $6,445)

Departs 14 March 2014.

Book by 30 April 2013.

On APT’s inimitable 15 Day Magnificent  Europe cruise, glide from Amsterdam through six countries to Budapest, cruising down the Rhine, Main and Danube rivers, stopping to take in the iconic attractions and charming secrets of Europe’s heartland.


  • 14 night luxury river cruise
  • Explore up to 15 towns, villages and cities with expert local guides
  • Tailor your European discovery with a choice of 33 included experiences
  • All meals with a choice of up to 8 Incredible onboard dining experiences
  • Included – All beverages throughout cruise^
  • 41 delicious meals
  • APT EXCLUSIVE! Visit Wertheim Castle to enjoy a glass of Sekt and lovely views
  • APT EXCLUSIVE! Enjoy a special Medieval Banquet on board
  • APT EXCLUSIVE! Sample wines at one of Germany’s oldest wine cellars
  • APT EXCLUSIVE! Visit Albertina palace in Vienna for a Cocktail Reception and a private concert of classical music
  • APT EXCLUSIVE! Visit the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest for a private tour and a private opera recital


For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit

*Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share. Prices are correct as at 4 March 2013 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Book by 30 April 2013. Prices based on EUMC15: 15 March 2014 (Category E). Prices include ANZ discount. Airfares, taxes, tipping, sundries and port charges excluded. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. 1st non-refundable deposit of $1,000 pp is due within 7 days. 2nd deposit of $2,000 pp is due by 30 September 2013. Final Payment is due 100 days prior to departure. Flights must be booked by APT. Flights are in economy class with Singapore Airlines (or an airline of APT’s choosing). Airfares are valid departing MEL/SYD/BNE/PER and ADL. Subject to availability of airline and booking class. FLY FREE: Includes air taxes to the value of $800 pp. Fly Free offer valid on a selection of cruise/tours departing in 2014. Available all year round on selected departures in suite Category E & D. Available in all other suite categories for departures in March and October to December 2014. 2014 AT 2013 PRICES: Available on all tour codes and upgrades in the 2014 Europe River Cruising Preview Brochure. May be combined with the Fly Free offer. ^Complimentary beverages exclude French Champagne, premium spirits and selected wines.



  • May 9:                         100 Queen Street – Salvation Army – Committee Meeting
  • June 13:                       Moonee Valley Racing  Entertainment Centre



If you have joined ANZROC recently and have not been to one of our luncheons, then now is the time to come along. At the ANZAC Luncheon on 11 April 2013, we will have a special table for the newer members to meet and socialise. This is a great opportunity to meet some recently retired members and renew friendships. Just let Secretary Peter Pritchard know and we will ensure that you are very welcome and have a great time.


THURSDAY 11th APRIL     2013


Our next meeting  FOR MEMBERS AND PARTNERS will be on 11 April 2013, commencing at 12 noon at Clayton RSL Club,163 Carinish Road, Clayton,(Melways 79 D2 ) near the Clayton Railway station.


Our guest speaker will be Lt Col Terry Beaton Retired, who will talk about "Factual Story of the Burma Railway" This should prove to be an interesting talk as Terry speaks to over 100 groups annually and has lead a number of overseas tours to France and Thailand/Burma.

Lt Col Beaton was born at the British Military Hospital in Singapore and immigrated to Australia in 1962. He entered Duntroon in 1971 and graduated as a Lieutenant with B Eng (Civil) in December 1974. He attended the Royal Military College in England, and was Mechanical Engineer Advisor to the Royal Thai Army 1988-1991. He retired from the Australian Army in 1996 with the rank of Lt Colonel. He was the curator of Hellfire Pass from 1999-2001.

Terry departs on 19 April this year to lead his 10th and last ANZAC Pilgrimage to Thailand and Burma. I think you will find Terry very interesting.


It is proposed that we meet at the Clayton RSL Club at midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The RSL Club provides a Seniors Luncheon and Drinks are at the Club prices. They also provide a broader menu should this be preferred.

If you are interested in attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice to David or Glen Knuckey PO Box 242, Dingley 3172, or phone 9551 0414 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 4th April 2013


ANZROC MEMBERS SUBURBAN LUNCHEON AT THE CLAYTON RSL CLUB 163 Carinish Road, Clayton on  Thursday 11th April  2013 from 12 noon….

Members Name…………………………………………..

Partner’s name…………………………………………...

This information to be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 prior to 4th April 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Ron Adams,

Newsletter Editor

newsletter february 2013

NEWSLETTER 14th February 2013

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



120 ANZROC’s members and their partners gathered on the 34th floor of 100 Queen Street to celebrate former ANZ Managing Director Charles Rennie's forthcoming 100th birthday. Charles will turn 100 on 31st March 2013. ANZROC Victoria Secretary Peter Pritchard opened proceedings and welcomed everyone to the lunch. Special mention was made of Kevin Watson who had flown in from Perth for the function and Dick and Pat Milnthorpe who are on holiday visiting from London. Also in attendance were ANZ Chairman John Morschel, Deputy CEO Graham Hodges, ANZ Executives Susie Babani, Malcolm Perry and Paul Edwards and former CEO's Will Bailey and Don Mercer.

ANZROC Victoria President John McPhee hosted the function and introduced a variety of speakers who paid tribute to Charles career with ANZ. Kevin Mitchell opened proceedings with an amusing series of stories relating to Charles and Kevin's time as his chauffeur (not driver) as well as some of his incomparable ageist jokes. John Vanselow who had worked closely with Charles at ANZ related a number of stories of his time at the Bank and painted a picture of a remarkable man. ANZ Chairman John Morschel presented a comprehensive summary of Charles career at ANZ, from entering as a clerk in 1928 to his retirement as MD in 1976. Nearly 50 years service including his involvement in two major mergers and transfer of domicile from London to Melbourne which helped make the Bank what it is today. John then presented Charles with birthday gifts from the Bank.

Paul Guest and Peter Fraser, Executives of the Banks Rowing Club also paid tribute to Charles' long involvement with the club including over 20 years as President. Paul also mentioned that Charles would be the guest of honour to the club's 150th anniversary in 3 years time. Charles promised he would stay around to honour that commitment. Robert Blair also an office bearer of the Banks Rowing Club attended and passed on his best wishes to Charles.

Charles gave an insightful speech of his time at ANZ and was very appreciative of the number of people who turned up to celebrate his big occasion and the many good wishes he had received. Everybody stood to toast Charles and his wife Joy and sang happy birthday and he's a jolly good fellow with gusto.

Finally John McPhee paid recognition to past President Neville Pearson who had played a significant role in planning the function over the past few months.

Initially Charles thought "it was only going to be a get together with a few of the boys", he was surprised and delighted with the outcome and that the Chairman was also able to attend.


Members attending that we had not seen for a while were Geoff Archer, Wendy Black, Anne Blashki from Shepparton, Bob Challis, Cedric Coxsedge looking well after a bout of ill-health, Brian Day, Norm Deady, Frank Donovan from Kilmore East, Muriel Drummond-Williams, Glynn Evans, long time Chauffer for Charles Rennie, Barrie Gibson, Teresa Goldsbrough for her first meeting, Peter Harney from Delacombe, John Hobbs, Ron Horne, Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert, Larry James, David Jones, Andrew Kelly for his first meeting, Alister Maitland, Sue McCarthy, John McMenamin enjoyed his first luncheon, Emilio Moreno, Reg Nicolson, Jeff Pitt, Rupe Thomas, John Winders, Murray Wood and Henry Wynne and it was a pleasure to see the number of partners who attended and enjoyed the festivities.


A selection of photos from the event can be viewed on the ANZROC website. An official ANZ photographer was also present and further pictures will be posted when received from her. John Vanselow’s presentation is also posted on the ANZROC website.



Diane Carew, Ian Davies, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Phil Goodier, John Fairbairn, Charles Griss, Stan Halbish , John Hawkins,  Dorothy Hayes, Phil Manning , Max McKoy, Noelene Noonan, Ron Phillips, John Stevens, Glen Twidale, Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods



Gibson                                     Brent                           10 years ANZ

Kennedy                                  B.D.(Barry)                25 years ANZ

McMenamin                            John                            41 years ANZ.

We look forward to seeing Brent and Barry at one of our meetings. John attended the Rennie luncheon.



Astall                           H.L. (Leigh)                9/1/2013                     83 years

I attended Leigh’s memorial service on behalf of ANZROC with around 100 family and friends at the service. Leigh’s children and grandchildren gave touching eulogies of Leigh as a father and grandfather and spoke of his career with ANZ .Leigh joined the Union Bank in Colac and spent time in country branches including Alexandra where he met and married Margaret. They moved around country Victoria with time spent in Horsham and then into country and city managerial roles including Richmond, Hobart and retiring as an Area Manager in the Toorak/South Yarra area.

Nichol                          R.A. (Bob)                   29/12/2012                  101 years

Bob served in the RAAF enlisting in June 1942 and after training served in New Guinea until discharge in March 1945 when he was a Leading Aircraftman in the 41st Operational Base Unit.

Past President Neville Pearson wrote that the dignity Bob showed and his love for the people in his life was so evident to Neville from his visits to the Retirement Village in Dorking Road and Neville says he will certainly miss these little excursions back in time

Margaret Redman, ,Bob Nichol’s daughter emailed to let us know that Bob died peacefully and he was calm and comfortable and all the family were with him almost to the end of his life's journey. There was a wonderful celebration of his life, with family and friends and the Eulogy given by daughter Janene is posted on the ANZROC website. Margaret says thank you to all from the A.N.Z retired office's club who visited him.

Smith                           R.T.(Reg)                    8/2/2013                     89 years

Reg enlisted in the RAAF in March 1943 and at date of discharge in March 1946 was Warrant Officer in the 14th Aircrew Holding Unit. He was one of the RAAF airmen posted to UK to serve in RAF squadrons and on return to Australia became a member of the famous “Odd bods”. Reg joined the Bank of Australasia at 394 Collins Street and on return from RAAF  spent time mainly in city branches before his first managerial role at Pakenham, then several city branches before taking over South Caulfield and then into Audit Department in Melbourne until retirement. Several years later Reg returned part time to ANZ Trustees for a 5 year term. At the funeral service ANZROC was represented by Reg’s great friends Muriel Drummond, John Hobbs and Jack Moyle.

Taylor                         J.M. (John)                 14/1/2013                    74 years

John joined ANZ in 1955 at 394 Collins Street and in a 40 year career spent time in city branches, Premises Department, South Yarra Processing and finally in the IT Department at South Yarra. John met wife Olive who also started her career at 394 Collins Street and they married in 1961 when she was working in ANZ Cards. Some 20 years ago they retired to Tura Beach in northern NSW close to the golf club and ocean.

Westerman                 T.A. (Trevor)              3/1/2013                      92 years

Trevor enlisted in March 1940 in the Australian Army and on discharge in May 1946 was a corporal in the 2/9 Aust Cav Commando Regiment.

Frank Edwards reported that Trevor Westerman was an old ES&A man. When Frank last knew Trevor he was Manager, Mortlake.

Condolences from ANZROC members are sent to family and friends of our past members Leigh, Bob, Reg, John and Trevor.

During January Frank Edwards noticed a death notice in the Age for Arnold William (Bill) Teague - in his 97th year and Frank also noted the passing of an old ES&A friend Norm Newbold in his 84th year who retired in 1986 after 40 years service. Many Scotty people will remember Bill and Norm from their time in the bank and Esanda (Vic Div).


Our long serving Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic has just been released from hospital after surgery on her foot which will take some months to heal and members wish her well while recuperating. While Debbie is on the sick list for March and April you can send any changes of address to Ron Adams.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during January and February and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Murray Abraham (87), John Bool (84), Ron Breckenridge (83), Alan Briant (81), Jock Buntain (83), Alan Burt OAM (88), Reg Caudry (81), Ron Chapman (84), Cedric Coxsedge (87), Max Fisher (82), Norma Fox, Wyn Greenwood (92), Dick Hellard (83), Mary Henley ,Frank Hickey (88), David Hughes (81),Dennis Humphries (87), Robert Hunter (95).Gerry Kennedy (89), Bob Kirkland (90), Pal Kitchin (90),John Labrum (87), Phil Manning (83), Norm Mattila (91), Jack Moyle (88), Laurie Redfearn, Norm Ross (92), Dawn Routledge , Mavis Ryan , Bruce Scott (87), Graham Spruzen (82), Terry Talbot (84), Bruce Tickell (84), Roly Webster (80), Brian Weeks (81), Barry Weston OAM (81), Norm Wheatley (82), Jim Wood (90).


From  1/1/2013                                                                        From 1/2/2013

Less than $20,000       2.01%                                      1.93%

Greater than $20,000   2.57%                                      2.47%






What a wonderful afternoon for the 120 members, partners and guests who attended our February meeting to celebrate Charles Rennie forthcoming 100th Birthday. I think it fair to say that this was the largest assembly of Bank executive we have had the pleasure of welcoming at a retired Officers function outside the annual Christmas luncheon.

Mike Smith sent his apologies due to an interstate business commitment that could not be rescheduled, however John Morschel (Chairman ANZ Banking Group) filled this void and gave an entertaining address before presenting Charles with a magnificent silver ‘dual picture frame’ featuring a copy of the Charles Rennie Managing Director portrait that hangs in the photo gallery between the Gothic bank chamber and 100 Queen Street and a recent photo of Charles and Mike Smith taken during Charles visit to Docklands organised by ANZROC.

The buffet spread was excellent as was the company, wine and beverages.

Charles phoned to express his and wife Joy’s appreciation of this very special day and the terrific effort by everyone who was involved. From my perspective it was a delight to get to know Charles and appreciate what a wonderfully humble and modest man he is with a great love for the ANZ Bank and the people who gave so much support during his reign.



This is a transcript of John Vanselow’s presentation of his time with his great friend and mentor Charles Rennie:

“Charles joined the Union Bank in Melbourne 20th December 1928.

Very early in his career Charles was singled out by his ability and pleasing manner and moved up through postings in Vic and Tas Branches and extended period in GMO until enlistment in RAAF in 1942. He was a flying officer under the Empire Training Scheme in Canada.  Demobilised in 1945.

In 1953 he was selected to be the first member of ANZ Staff to attend the Administrative Staff College at Henley-on- Thames.

In 1956 he was selected as Manager of the Olympic Village Branch where he had the pleasure of meeting many sporting people from around the world including those associated with his interests in rowing and swimming.

It was during the final months before Sir Roger Darvall’s retirement and following Charles’s appointment Sept 1967, when in a position titled Secretary to GM I had the pleasure of serving two creative, dedicated and personable General Managers. . Their banking abilities were widely recognised throughout the industry and business circles as were their human relations qualities.

I experienced Charles’s friendly easy manner in many ways...

Shortly following Charles’s appointment a small gathering of business customers was held in the ante-room. I had arranged drinks and hors d’oeuvres. On arrival the guests were introduced all round and as usual I returned to my office until conclusion of the function. Soon after Charles came into my office and invited me to join them. After the guests departed I proceeded to gather dishes, glasses etc to wash and put away. Charles came into the kitchen and said “You wash and I wipe. I hate washing.”

Another occasion during a visit by the Chairman Lord Carrington a dinner function was held at the Chevron Hotel St Kilda Road. During the evening Charles came and said “Come with me “. We went to his car and listened to the final rounds of the Lionel Rose, Fighting Harada world title fight being broadcast from Japan. Charles also had a family interest as cousin Jack Rennie was Lionel Rose’s trainer.

Charles was notorious for frantic rushes to the airport. On one occasion following arrival at the Airport his driver Glynn Evans noticed smoke coming from the exhaust. Charles after a quick glance “No flame all’s well”. He prefers cars with grunt and likes driving. Recently he was required to have a new photo taken when he renewed his driver’s license.

Charles’s career achievements.

-  On appointment to New Zealand in1960 Charles succeeded in growing the Bank’s NZ       business through supervision of structural change and policy within the merged Bank. In addition he fostered relationship between executive and staff by his involvement in Staff and Social Club activities. Over many years he retained contact with NZ Retired Officers’ Club. His ongoing interest and support of ANZ Retired Officers’ Club Vic is appreciated by all of us.

-  On appointment as Assistant General Manager 1964 responsibility for the Bank’s                       rapidly expanding International Banking business.

- Direct involvement in discussions with Reserve Bank, Treasury and other major Banks    leading to the introduction of Bankcard . Reserve Bank approval in 1972.

- Planning for the transfer of the Bank’s domicile from London to Melbourne.       Announced 1976.

-  Planned Construction of a new, modern headquarters at 55 Collins Street. Initially it      was a single tower and if I am allowed some liberty this construction was referred         to among staff as “Rennie’s erection”.

-  As General Manager ANZ Bank 1967-1970 and Managing Director ANZ Banking        Group 1973-1976.Charles was directly involved in the planned merger of ANZ            and ES&A. and subsequent implementation from 1970.

Charles your banking skills, friendly personal qualities whether in dealings with government, business, international and bank colleagues, also junior staff, all contributed to your successful career and personal achievements.

On behalf of all present thank you for your outstanding contribution to the Union Bank, ANZ Bank and ANZ Banking Group we wish you a very happy 100th birthday on 31st March.”


Murray Abraham sends his thanks for his birthday card for his 87th. Murray says that as there appears to be such a short time between receiving the greetings it may be appropriate to ask Kathy if she is now sending them out monthly.

Bob and Val Bishop thanks Kathy for once again sending Birthday Wishes to them right on time. They are both well and looking forward to a trip to China next month concluding with 5 days at Mission Hills to play golf with a group from the Sandhurst Club.

Roger Brown writes to acknowledge and thank members for the welcome birthday wishes.

Jock Buntain writes many thanks for his birthday greetings and apart from a bit of back trouble which is keeping him away from golf he can’t complain.

Ian Cann emails his thanks for the Birthday card celebrating his 86th. Nothing exciting has happened to Ian this year, no overseas trips, no big Tattslotto win. Just playing bowls and trying to keep fit.  He enjoys reading about past workmates and their activities.

Len Carr sends thanks to R.O.C and Kathy Trace for his birthday greetings which arrived on the day, even though the birthday is three days after Christmas! The highlight of 2012 for Len and wife Norma was a visit from London of their daughter and two grandsons for a month in August. Len and Norma were able to get all the family consisting of their seven grandchildren to spend a week together on the Gold Coast, away from cold Victoria. A great time was had by all .

Looking forward to Carlton winning the premiership in 2013!!!

Harry Carrodus writing to thank members for his birthday wishes says that he enjoys the Newsletter each month and he knows that members look forward to receiving the latest editions.

Geoff Christmas emails that once again it was great to again receive the Club’s birthday wishes though they seem to arrive earlier and earlier. Geoff and wife Heather’s year started with a bike ride in New Zealand. They rode the bottom end of the North Island and the top of the South Island. Apart from some challenging climbs the ride was wonderful and they enjoyed some great scenery around the Marlborough Sounds and the country north of the Takaka Hill. Geoff and Heather had their usual stint at Coolum Beach for the Southern Winter and a lovely Christmas at Porepunkah with some of the family. This year they are off cycling in France yet again though this time having three one-week stays in some medium to small villages to enjoy the atmosphere and culture. This is the fifth time to France and they really love the country which has lots of history and some beautiful scenery, let alone the wine, food, beer, cheese. Their 4th grandchild is due in around 8 weeks and the time spent with them is most rewarding though the oldest at 3.5 years can definitely teach Geoff and Heather some computer skills.

Once again thanks for the birthday card and the newsletters that bring with them many memories.

John Conn emails his thanks again to the Birthday Card manager. His card arrived on time while John and wife Linda were away for a few days in Echuca. They enjoyed 10 days at Echuca, but had picked the hottest period they could manage. Fortunately the air conditioning was working well in the house they rented. Looking forward to going to Europe in April for three months.

John Duguid emails his thanks for the birthday card which arrived on the day. John wishes he had taken the bets 30 years ago when some people said he would be lucky to see 45. Miracles do happen. John’s still alive, keeping good health, playing golf 3 times a week and not getting any better at it. He is going away to Yarrawonga for the annual golf trip the week before Easter with George Lawson, Peter Treleaven, Bevyn Ranford, Brian Christensen  , John McConnell, John Ries  and John Phelan and a few ex Scottie blokes in Richard Harding , John Maguire, John Crough and John Briggs.

Max Fisher writes to thank Kathy Trace for her kindness in acknowledging his 82nd birthday on behalf of the Club. Max looks forward to another year of good health and wellbeing.

John Flyger sends his thanks for the ANZROC Birthday Card which as usual arrived on time, thanks to Kathy’s good work. He also sends a belated message of thanks to the Committee.

David Gibb writes his thanks to Kathy for the birthday wishes. This year has been very sad for the Gibb family after losing their 45 year old son who lost his battle with stomach cancer.

John Hawkins reports that he will be missing the first three months of 2013 as he and wife Helen will be cruising down the Amazon, a little break in Florida then cruising around South America

Bob Heinemann emails his thanks for the birthday greetings from the club that arrived on the day. Bob received birthday greetings from friends and family, including a call from Bob and wife Heather’s daughter in Argentina where her husband has business and sporting interests.

Bruce Iddles sends his thanks for the birthday wishes and appreciates reading about other members travels in the newsletters. Bruce and wife Faye gave the Gold Coast a miss last year and flew to Broome where they commenced an APT  tour of the Kimberley’s travelling through the heart of the rugged country in a 20 seater 4 wheel drive from Broome to Kununurra and return along the Gibb River road, some 3000 klm’s. Accommodation was very good staying in wilderness lodges and motels. It was a magnificent trip, great scenery and attractions including 2 helicopter flights. Bruce and Faye then spent 4 days at Cable Beach Resort, visiting Cape Leveque and aboriginal communities, Willies Pearl farm and riding the camels at sunset. They don’t know why they waited so long to visit this wonderful part of Australia.

Kevin Kelly sending his thanks for the good wishes on his birthday says he has a fridge magnet which reads “Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest” Enough said.

Bob Lyon passes on his thanks for the emailed birthday card. This is the best way to catch Bob as he and wife Helen seem to be rarely home in Fiji these days. They spent Christmas and January in Melbourne hoping to catch up with friends and family, but ended up meeting many people from the medical profession as they both had several issues to sort out. They arrived home in early February to a better welcome than the  last homecoming two days after Cyclone Evan which devastated the western side of Fiji and hit right on top of the Lyons’ at Denarau. Winds of 285 kph left their mark and it will be some time before the vegetation grows back to previous levels and the big trees will probably never be replaced. As expected there was lots of damage to properties, boats, jetties etc. Bob and Helen were lucky, while the garden was trashed, the house, boat and jetty stood up OK, but many neighbours were not so lucky. They were in Hawaii when it struck and after being delayed for 4 days returned home to a mess with no power or communications, cleaned up a bit and headed to Melbourne after only two days home.  Bob is keeping busy with several boards including a new role as Chairman of a NZ based solar energy company and with rising energy prices they are very busy. They have decided to tick off one of the things on their bucket list and are going to England for the Ashes tour in July and will take in the Nottingham and Lords tests. Helen is really looking forward to ten days of cricket, he thinks.

Phil Manning writing to accept for the February luncheon which falls on his 83rd birthday felt it was important to catch up with colleagues and friends but regrettably a bout of ill health meant he had to miss the event. Phil thoroughly enjoyed his years of banking. He started his career in Nigeria where he spent many years of wide and varied experiences before moving to Australia where he worked in FCA the finance company of The Bank of Adelaide before merging with Esanda. Phil had a number of outside interests but had a special love of soccer, playing for 12 years then refereeing for 20 years including refereeing a Cup Final in Lagos in 1959.He also got involved in club management which included finance, accounting and tax matters for the clubs and players and acquired the necessary qualifications to add to his banking and management credentials.

Kevin May emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greeting. Mostly staying out of mischief on the Gold Coast in 2012,other than an extended holiday in Hawaii which is hands down Kevin and wife Heather’s  home away from home. The other highlight was the Bloods’ gutsy finals effort to make it 2 flags in his lifetime, 2 more than ever realistically expected. They extend best wishes to all members for a happy and healthy 2013

Wal McGillivray has written to thank our President and all members for the birthday greetings for his 90th. Once again Kathy has maintained the ANZ standard of perfect timing. Wal thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas lunch – members so seldom get the opportunity to catch up with old friends. For many members it means that there are familiar faces missing but memories last forever.

Jock McGregor emails his thanks to the Committee, for the electronic birthday card. It was really appreciated. Jock is currently based in Shanghai and working away with Travelex. All good there and enjoying it. Vicki comes and goes as she isn’t keen on staying in Shanghai  full time, and spends her time between Shanghai, Point Lonsdale and St Louis in France (where daughter and granddaughter live – and of course son-in-law!). Not a bad life for some hey? Jock was home in Point Lonsdale for a family Christmas and New Year which was great. He is planning to go to France to see his granddaughter in February (Chinese New Year) so looking forward to that. Son Ross is still in Shanghai, running his own business (Rapid Offshore Group) and helping with their investments in the hospitality game.  They  have a bit of a portfolio now with three (or really 2 and 1/2) Camels (, Sliders Bar ( and the Blarney Stone (it hasn’t a website yet but this is a review site Jock and Ross have only had the Blarney Stone since 1st January and it will change, dramatically from mid February. The existing Blarney Stone business will be moved into a new site and the existing site will be transformed into an Italian restaurant (with a working name DOC Gastronomia Italianna) opening in April. Busy times!! Current plans are to complete his Travelex role in May and will be back in Australia after that, so hopes to catch up.

Bruce Michell emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card. Having retired from the Bank over 20 years ago he always appreciates being remembered.

Alex Pigdon emails his thanks for the good wishes received on the occasion of his 76th birthday.

Neil Robinson writing from Highton says after reading Ray Murphy’s comments in the December newsletter he recalled that on the way to Casterton to take up his first managerial appointment he was instructed to call on Ray at Hamilton who gently told Neil that one of the high profile Casterton graziers had moved his account to Ray as the customer could not stand having to break in another new Bank Manager. Neil mentioned that he was the Accountant at Ballarat East when Gavan Ryan was manager. Gavan was a real character and often smoked his pipe in the office and sometimes the spent match used for lighting the pipe was discarded into the waste paper basket which occasionally burst into flame. Neil at the time was a volunteer fireman and felt that while the action was funny it was a bit dangerous. As for his fire fighting career an Auditor laughed after a fire broke out in a Maryborough bakery and the mixing of flour and water resulted in Neil returning to the office with his clothes covered in “dough”.

Molly Saint writing from Ballarat says thank you all for the birthday greetings and as hers falls on Christmas Day it’s a double celebration. She still appreciates receiving the newsletter although fewer and fewer names mean anything to her now.

Des Schultz says it was another very enjoyable ANZROC Christmas Party – many thanks to all concerned. Kevin Mitchell’s opening with a medley of jokes was a great start to the day.

John Stevens emailing his thanks for his birthday wishes has asked to pass on his thanks to the ANZROC (Vic) Committee for the Life Membership granted to John last year.” It was a privilege for me to have had an opportunity to serve ANZROC with such a generous group of dedicated former colleagues.”

Sandra Street emails that as usual the wonderful Kathy struck right on the dot with the birthday greetings, which were very much appreciated. Sandra and husband Patrick celebrated by going out to dinner at Kenzan in Collins Place. She can remember when that restaurant opened and in all these years has never been until now. It was very good. While they were away on a short cruise holiday recently Sandra renewed acquaintance with a former colleague from Royal Bank Branch over 50 years ago by name of Barry Kennedy. Sandra was successful in marketing the Club to Barry as he is now a member.

Neville Taylor sends is thanks for the good wishes he received for the occasion of his 92nd birthday. Neville is impressed with the work of the organisation as it is obviously very time consuming.

Glen Twidale emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card recognising his advancing years. Glen was reminiscing about his time in Hobart. He started work in the Hobart office in 1949 after two years in Toowoomba. Peter Wilks was on the staff and talked Glen into playing hockey (OHA) and they both made the State side. He wouldn’t know how to play the game now.  It's become so fast and skilful-and they don't seem to have oranges at half time!!

Athol Watkins writing from Clifton Springs says thanks for the reminder as the birthday cards seem to be coming along more quickly each year. Athol and wife Barbara had a very enjoyable trip last year firstly to London then on to Rome and a cruise of the Eastern Mediterranean. Coming back to the wet and cold winter here did nothing for them so their daughter sent them off to her Redcliffe unit for a few weeks. Once back in Clifton Springs it was bowls for Athol and croquet for Barbara. It’s nice to read about old colleagues and their adventures.

Brian Weeks sends his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 81st and passes on his best wishes to his ANZROC friends and colleagues.

Glenda White emails her thanks to all the retired officers for her birthday card which arrived on the day and was a wonderful surprise.

Keith Winckles emails his thanks for the birthday greetings received from Kathy which arrived, as usual, on his birthday. How she can do it Keith does not know because very few others arrive on the day. It is now 15 years since he retired and is just starting to slow down, having developed both knee and hip problems since tearing a hamstring mid year. Keith was still able to enjoy his trip to Iguassu Falls and Galapagos Islands in November, although the travel was tiring; He spent 50 hours in aircraft and another 30 or so waiting around in airports for connections, queuing at immigration or to check in. Travellers may have to expect this when travelling long distances but it’s still frustrating.

Brian Wrigley emails thanks very much for the card. Still fit and well on the big 66.Thought it was time for a bit of sport, so Brian has taken up fencing with the epee. Certainly keeps the heart pumping.

Theo Yardley emailing from St Ives N.S.W. says many thanks to the committee and members for birthday greetings for his 85th. Unfortunately, wife Pat's health does not permit travel these days so the newsletter and cards are even more welcome. Best wishes to all members for 2013.


Sam Bartuccelli, Anne Blashki, Diane Carew, Trevor Cookson, David Crisp, Bob English, Mark Flower, Neil Franklin, Harry Glover, David Harkin, Val Goldsworthy, Alister Maitland, Ian McRobinson, Godfrey Mills, Ray Murphy, Mike Nickell, Reg Nicolson, Greg Payne,  Geoff Perdriau, Bevyn Ranford, Peter Richardson, Brian Sanders, Bruce Sanderson, Norma Thomas , John Turnbull, John White, Garry Williams, Peter John  Williams.





Golfers please note that the autumn golf day has been scheduled for Monday April 29, 2013 at Eastern golf club. Entry forms will follow in the March and April newsletters as well as posted on the website. Anyone requiring information can contact John Inglis via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Mobile phone 0416048407.

ANZ REUNION FOR 2013 FOR 351 and 394 COLLINS STREET PAST STAFF on 28th April 2013

Our member Nola Forsyth has advised that she has organised this years reunion for Sunday 28th April from 1.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill and she is keen to see as many past members of the two branches again this year to catch up and enjoy swapping banking stories.  Nola would like to hear from those interested and she can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. She asks that for the afternoon tea ladies bring a small plate and men make a donation of $5.00 to cover costs of hall hire and sundries.





  • April 11:                      Clayton RSL – ANZAC Meeting  Peter Pritchard has arranged                                                speaker (Burma Railway)
  • May 9:                         100 Queen Street – Salvation Army – Committee Meeting

Note the change of Venue for the June meeting

  • June 13:                       Moonee Valley Racing  Entertainment Centre



12 Day Cooktown & Cape York

OFFER: Save up to $1,630* per couple

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Departs May to September 2013. Book by 28 February 2013

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Hurry offer ends 28 February 2013 unless sold out.


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Included flight between Horn Island and Cairns

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Travel the Bloomfield Track

28 meals

For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit

*Conditions apply. Prices shown are per person, twin share and include savings where applicable and ANZ Staff discount. Prices are correct as at 2 January 2013 for departures in 2013, but may fluctuate due to changes in surcharges, fees, taxes or exchange rates. Offers are not combinable with any other offer, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. Offer valid on CY12 departing May to September 2013. A non-refundable deposit of $200 per person due within 7 days. Final Payment is due 100 days prior to departure. Credit card payments may incur surcharge. See APT’s Cape York and Outback Wilderness Adventures 2013 brochure for full terms and conditions.



ANZROC MEMBERS AND PARTNERS are invited to join us at the MAROONDAH SPORTS CLUB , CORNER MOUNT DANDENONG AND DUBLIN ROADS RINGWOOD EAST (Entrance Mount Dandenong Road) on Thursday 14th March 2013 from 12 noon.

We are greatly appreciative; once again, of the assistance Lyn and Les Stevens and David and Glen Knuckey are giving in bringing this function together.

It is proposed that we meet at the Maroondah Sports Club at midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The Maroondah Club provides a two course Seniors Luncheon for approx $17.00 per head. Drinks are at the Club prices. They also provide a broader menu should this be preferred. To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required


If you are interested in attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice by 5th March 2013



Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance: Yes / No

I would appreciate assistance with transport: Yes / No

This information to be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 prior to Feb 28th ______________________________________________________________________________________

Ron Adams,

Newsletter Editor

newsletter december 2012

NEWSLETTER 13th December 2012

John McPhee Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
5/347 Blackburn Road, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Doncaster East, 3109 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98419535 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187)



MC Kevin Mitchell opened this excellent luncheon with a medley of jokes that kept the audience laughing and he then introduced incoming President John McPhee to members present. John welcomed 271 members and guests to the Annual Christmas Luncheon with a special welcome to ANZ Group Executives, Graham Hodges Deputy CEO ANZ, Philip Chronican ,CEO ANZ Australia, Alex Thursby CEO ANZ Asia Pacific, Europe and America, Susie Babani, GMD Human Resources, Mark Whelan General Manager Commercial Banking Australia and Paul Edwards Group General Manager Corporate Communications.

CEO Mike Smith sent an apology as he was attending a meeting interstate and was unable to be present.

John McPhee was especially pleased to see past ANZ Chief’s Charles Rennie and Don Mercer in attendance and thanked the large number of country members who took the time to travel to Melbourne as well as the large number of newer members attending this year.

In his opening comments John acknowledged ANZROC‘s appreciation for ANZ Bank’s ongoing support through the generous subsidies for annual luncheons in all States and the use of ANZ Pavilion for the ANZROC Vic luncheon. He also formally thanked Past President Neville Pearson for the exceptional job he has done for the past two years in the chair. To complete the formalities President John awarded a Life Membership to John Stevens our Past President in 2008/9 and the prime mover of the ANZROC Welfare Group.


Will Bailey, Clive Bayley, Ron Cashin, Diane Carew, Ian Davies, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Phil Goodier, Jack Grant, Charles Griss, John Hawkins, Dorothy Hayes, John MacFarlane, Ken McNutt, Ron Phillips, Glen Twidale, Glenda White, and Julie Wilkins.



Burgess                                   D.A.(Damian)             ANZ 31 years

Cartwright                              D.J. (David)                ANZ   5 years

Edgar                                      Bob                              ANZ 30 plus years

Gay                                         B.W.(Bruce)                ANZ 48 years

Simpson                                   Philip                           ANZ 29 years

We look forward to seeing Damian, David, Bob and Bruce at one of our meetings. Philip attended the Christmas luncheon.



Evans              R.G. (Reg)                  Mid June 2012                        91 years.

Reg joined the Australian Army in July 1942 and served until January 1946 being discharged with the rank of Sergeant 4th Aust Armoured Brigade Provost Plan AIF. We were advised of Reg’s passing by our member John Mangan in November.

Oldfield           B.G. (Brian)                15/12/2012                  80 years

Brian Oldfield passed away on 15 December 2012 after a long illness, just 10 days after his 80th Birthday. Our member Glenn Fullerton also passed on information regarding the passing of Brian Oldfield "Having sung “Happy Birthday” to Brian for his 80th last Sunday, we were saddened to hear yesterday that he has passed away. Rachael, his daughter has devoted much of her time looking after him – he was in a Nursing Home which provided good care."

Tanner                        A.E. (Ed)                     6/12/2012                    77 years

Ed Tanner passed away in hospital after complications following a back operation.

Ed was originally from Queensland and played an important role in International Division Melbourne for many years. A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Ed was held on Friday Dec 14. A large group of family, friends and ANZ colleagues attended including Ed’s widow Elaine and  Ed's 5 sons Ross, Craig, Paul, Greg and Andrew who did the readings and paid tribute to their Dad. Those in attendance included Bob Wheeler, Pat Munday, Neil Pickering, Neil McMillan, Eamon Veaney, Des Shady, Peter Kariotis, John Winders, Warren Taylor and Henry Carr. More messages of condolence from colleagues have been   posted on the website.


The committee and members send their condolences to the families and friends of Reg, Brian and Ed.


The following letter was received by Past President Neville Pearson from the family of our late member Max Davis expressing their heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the many ANZROC officers and former members of the ANZ Bank Tennis and Football teams who attended the funeral in celebration of Max’s life “Dear Neville, thank you for your expression of sympathy at the time of Max’s passing and for attending his service. If at all possible, please pass on our sincerest thanks and appreciation to the other ANZ people who were at the service, as we have no other ways of contacting them, Julia, Jannine and Conrad”.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during December and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Leigh Astall, (83), Ian Cann (85), Trevor Cookson (82), Kevin Dempster (81), Bob Goldsworthy (81), John Hallinan (87), John Hicks (85), Rod Hill (87), Joan Lamond, Wal McGillivray (89), Noel Robertson (82), Molly Saint, Neville Taylor (92), Bill Thorne (83), Glen Twidale (82), Ron Wells (81), Jack Willoughby (87), Theo Yardley (82), Lloyd Zegenhagen (88).



From  1/12/2012

less than $20,000         2.11%

Greater than $20,000   2.70%



This will be a special event to celebrate Charles Rennie 100th Birthday and we anticipate a large attendance of members and partners so suggest you forward your acceptance early to avoid disappointment


Visited Ron Cashin and Bob Nichol to wish them a merry Christmas and keep them up to date with ANZROC news.

Ron asked I pass on his sincerest apologies that he was unable to make the Christmas Luncheon. Trips into the city are difficult due to current health. Although not as active as he would wish, he is in wonderful spirits and thoroughly enjoys a visit from past colleagues. He passed on his best wishes to all our members and partners for a wonderful Christmas and year to follow

Bob Nichol at 101 years of age is our oldest member closely followed by Charles Rennie.

Bob is slowing down but has a wonderful memory and we had an enjoyable talk about the “Good Old Days”


A problem at hand into which we must delve

Whatever happened to year two thousand and twelve?

I have searched all the cupboards and the internet too

No sign of this year nor an answer for you

So my prayer for you all is that next year will be longer

And our members and loved ones will grow healthy and stronger

So pass on this wish to all that you treasure

That retirement will continue to provide you much pleasure

And to finish this ode I have topped up my beer

And wish all our members “Merry Christmas and a happy new year”

Neville Pearson, Immediate Past President and new Welfare Officer for ANZROC




(Abridged version.. for full report visit our web-site)

Peter went back to his first days in Banking and described the journey taken over his nearly 40 years with ANZ. It was one of change and excitement. On 20th January 1969 he commenced in Sydney at 555 George Street Sydney branch that was initially the Bank of Australasia Southern Branch, which commenced on the site in rented premises in 1879.

In reflecting on the past, he decided to look at the 1969 Annual Report for the Bank and compared it to the 2012 Annual Report. So what has changed?

The 1969 Annual Report was 47 pages. The 2012 Annual Report was some 216 pages

In 1969 the Bank’s Total Assets were $3.4bn; in 2012 they had increased to $642bn.

In 1969 Shareholders’ funds were $122m now $41.2bn.

In 1969 Net Profit was $14.8m now $5.6bn and Dividends paid in 1969 were $6.5m now    $3.9bn.

Shareholders in 1969 numbered some 28,582, today there are over 439,000 shareholders.

People were and will always be an important part of the Bank. In 1969 the makeup of the 18,140 staff was mainly, Anglo Saxon, and based mainly in Australia and New Zealand. Today the 48,239 staff come from all walks and cultural backgrounds and spread across more than 30 countries. Australia accounts for 21,000 staff, New Zealand some 9,000 staff the balance 18,000 is offshore.

In 1979, Peter was Melbourne bound with a transfer to Esanda. Esanda proved to be a different culture to the Bank but his boss Glen Twidale was an excellent mentor. For three years he had leasing in his blood, then he accepted an  opportunity to undertake an overseas study with Ian McRobinson to research factoring .Life always takes sudden turns and a transfer to Vanuatu in 1988 to head up a Trust Company that had previously been jointly owned with HSBC. Returning to Melbourne in 1990, the Australian Banks were experiencing credit issues with some of its larger corporate customers and he joined the Corporate Support team, which later morphed into the Asset Management Group charged with Corporate Workouts. It was an intense period, of long hours, difficult customer conversations and the satisfaction of achieving a turnaround of many customers. He continued in Credit and Risk roles that saw him travel throughout Australia and New Zealand, as well as to numerous countries until retirement in September 2008. Peter worked with many wonderful people and had many interesting experiences as a banker. The Bank has seen incredible change over the past 40 years and no doubt there will be more to come.

ANZ Bank has a proud heritage going back some 177 years to 1835. We have all been part of its history. We can only dream as to the future and wonder what will happen next.




Graham was delighted to be able to catch up with many former colleagues and acknowledged the presence of 2 former CEO’s and many very senior leaders of the Bank. Graham has been amazed at the changes he has seen in his 21 years in the Bank.

He said that CEO Mike Smith asked him to apologise for his absence this year as Mike enjoys the event and how dedicated and loyal our Staff are. Mike wished members a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

In his response Graham touched on three key themes which were:

Highlights in ANZ for 2012

ANZ performed well against most measures with profits passing $6bn for the first time. Total shareholder return was up 35.4% and that included increased dividends for the year. ANZ continues to support the communities in which we operate including the on-going success of the financial literacy programs, indigenous traineeships and an employment program helping migrants in their transition to employment. A $1.5bn “Banking on Australia “program is being progressively introduced.

Update on the Super Regional Strategy 5 years on

The key pillars of our super regional strategy include maintenance of a strong position in Australia and this program is about investing in our domestic business.  Almost 10 years on we have now merged our core systems in New Zealand and moved to one brand. We have merged our Wealth, private banking, and insurance and e-trade businesses into a Global Wealth division to focus on an area where ANZ has consistently been under weight. We have tried to reset the public debate on interest rates and the factors that drive them.  ANZ is now one of the strongest banks in the world with solid earnings, strong capital and liquidity position and a firm AA rating.

Not everything went well of course but overall we have managed our reputation as diligently as our business and go into 2013 in good cheer.

While ANZ had an established presence in Asia in 2007, our country representation was often small and based on limited banking licences. This has required significant investment to build banking capability, introduce new technology, and to obtain regulatory approval for licences to provide a wider range of services to customers.

Some highlights have included increasing our presence in China and staff numbers have now reached 700 compared to 100 in 2007. ANZ has grown to become one of the largest international banks in Indonesia and expanded in the Philippines.

ANZ has locally incorporated in Vietnam, with 750 employees now in 9 outlets as well as re-commencing operations in India with the opening of a branch in Mumbai and continuing to invest in ANZ’s operations and technology centre in Bangalore where we have 5,600 staff compared to around 1,800 in 2007. And just last week we announced the opening next year of a rep office in Myanmar. The end result is that ANZ has built a significant business in Asia Pacific supported by 8,200 employees, and almost 100 branches and points of representation compared to just 30 in 2007. In 2012, some 21% of our revenues were driven by business from outside our home markets.

Looking ahead to 2013,

Overall credit growth in Australia, which is an important engine of revenues, is likely to be lower than the rate of growth over the past two decades. For housing, credit growth is expected to be lower despite housing interest rates being at their lowest level since they were deregulated in April 1986.

So we have been, and will be, focusing on managing our productivity in this environment.

We will have an election and we expect a wide ranging enquiry into the financial sector.


Vic Ansell emails his ‘thank you' for the birthday wishes received via Kathy Trace.  The day itself was pretty quietly spent but there was some 'catch up' with family members before and after the event.  Another great day at the Christmas luncheon and in fact it has been another enjoyable year catching up with friends each month at Roc. The different venues which also allowed partners to come to more luncheons were also a plus in Vic’s opinion. Once again Vic thanks all the members of the committee for making these things happen.

John Carruthers sends sincere thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card celebrating his 83rd birthday. John and wife, our new member Grace, were contemplating a return trip to Canada/Alaska when the discounted APT trip leaving in April 2013 was offered to ANZROC members, but due to his deteriorating health John felt it was wiser to stay at home in his comfort zone particularly as their son will be coming from Perth to spend time with John during that time. Meanwhile Grace and daughter Lynne will take the trip to Canada and Alaska in April 2013. John thanks Peter Pritchard for efficiently arranging membership of ANZROC for Grace and helping with the final details to complete the booking with APT.

Daryl Cramer emails his thanks for the birthday card which arrived on time as usual. Having just completed his first “full” year of retirement, Daryl agrees with those who say it is hectic.

His  family history research and stamp collections have not received the attention that he had intended, but having worked in Hobart since 2003 Daryl found it necessary to spend a considerable amount of  time getting their  garden back into shape and carrying out all the household maintenance he had been neglecting during the time in Hobart.  Daryl and wife Noreen find their six grandchildren keep them  on their  toes getting to their school, sporting and dancing activities however they  have taken the opportunity “in retirement” to do some travelling. A couple of trips to Brisbane to catch up with family and see a granddaughter in a ballet performance and a trip to Ireland and the UK in July including centre court seats at Wimbledon to watch their daughter umpire. This trip also included visits to places associated with the family history and they actually found a farm once owned by Noreen’s ancestors in Kilkenny. The current owner gave them a bumpy tour of the farm on the back of his tractor as it was very wet under foot (yes it rains in Ireland). In October,  to celebrate what would have been Daryl’s  father’s 100th birthday, together with some of his  siblings, they travelled to Swan Hill (his birthplace); Mildura (where his lived his early life); returning via Ouyen, Warracknabeal and Warrnambool (places associated with his family). Daryl and Noreen are flying to the USA in December visiting LA, to watch two granddaughters dance in the Disney parade and will take the opportunity to visit New York and San Francisco. They have also booked trip to Hobart for the 2013 Wooden Boat Festival. Daryl hopes 2013 will not be so hectic and that he can get to an ANZROC meeting or two.

Kerry Dodds writing from Warrenheip says thanks for the birthday greetings. Kerry has worked a few stints with Ray Watson at Gateway Caravans in Geelong. Ray’s old “Crownie Club” days live on at Gateway just like the old 927 Sturt Street days with Ray, Kerry, Phil Pellissier, Graeme Dawes, Ian Halbick and Andy Wilkie. At Gateway Ray’s larger than life approach is much the same, only the members have changed.

Brian Farrell writes to acknowledge the birthday card from Kathy Trace received bang on the correct date. Together with cards received from the family it was greatly appreciated. Brian spent a happy birthday and enjoyed a family luncheon at home with 17 in attendance. The only absentee being a daughter who has worked overseas for the past seven years. Brian enjoys reading of the activities of the other retirees in the monthly newsletter and so many of them seem to partake in international travel these days. Brian and his wife spent an enjoyable 7 weeks away earlier in the year on a Rhine River cruise and tours in Italy and Turkey. He is looking forward to catching up with a few old workmates at the Christmas luncheon.

Jack Grant once again wishes to send his thanks for the Birthday Card received for his recent birthday. Jack and wife Robyn have now been in Berwick over 3 years now and have settled in well. Over the past year Jack has found part time work as a bookkeeper for 2 local businesses and taken on the job as treasurer of the local Anglican Church, so life can be quite hectic. They have also been kept busy with visitors and looking after their 3 grandchildren on a regular basis. Jack continues to have health problems with his feet and this year had another spell in hospital to treat the infection. In August Jack and Robyn went to Sydney for a few days and then visited brother Bob and his wife Nell for a week in Nelson Bay, where they had a most enjoyable time. Unfortunately, Bob also is having foot problems and he is in Newcastle Hospital about to have operation but he expects to be up and about within a week. Unfortunately Jack was unable to attend the Christmas Luncheon this year so missed catching up with many friends and colleagues. He hopes to be there next year.

Theo Hall writing from Mornington sends his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 81st and with wife Margaret welcomed the family armed with food and gifts and they had a happy celebration.

Keith Higgs emails his thanks to the Committee for the birthday greetings which due to Kathy's good work arrived on the day. Keith is looking forward to the Christmas Luncheon and catching up with former workmates

John Hobbs extends his grateful thanks for the birthday card and good wishes for his 96th and it is always appreciated. What brings John down to earth is the fact he was born the year after Gallipoli and also the existence in Melbourne of a tribe of great grandchildren. While he does not have the energy he used to have he continues to keep well which is the main thing. John hopes to make the Christmas luncheon.

Ian Lee reports that he is currently enjoying a well earned rest in Queensland.

John Mangan writing from Kangaroo Flat sends thanks for the card on the occasion of his 82nd birthday. John reported that Reg Evans, an Honorary Member and an enthusiastic correspondent submitting article to the newsletter over the years passed away mid year and our condolences to the family.

Ian Manley reports that he is still doing some contract work for ANZ (2/3 days per week) that commenced back in January much for retirement although he is still too young at 67! That makes almost 52 years with ANZ with some 40 years as a permanent staff member.

Life Member Gerry McPherson sends his thanks for the Birthday Greetings, which arrived right on the dot as usual. Kathy Trace is doing a sterling job. Celebrations have been put on hold for a while until Gerry’s ribs heal, but he said he is feeling a lot better, and is nearly back to his normal routine. The pain has been alleviated by some new medication, which doesn’t upset the stomach, so things are looking up! Gerry and wife Fay enjoyed the Christmas lunch catching up with colleagues and friends.

Ian McRobinson passes on his appreciation and thanks to the ROC Committee members for their kind thoughts and wishes on the occasion of his recent birthday. The message is always welcome. Ian and wife Mel enjoyed two cruise holidays during the year; the first around the Baltic and North Seas and the second around the Mediterranean and Adriatic/Aegean Seas. The cruises which were excellent in every respect took them to seaports and cities in many countries. The places visited included large capital cities, small provincial centres and some island communities. The contrasting lifestyles, languages and cultures were very interesting to observe. Ian and Mel also enjoyed a train trip from Rotterdam to Paris and on to Barcelona. Another trip by rail was from Venice (overnight in Milan) then on to Paris and London before arriving at their destination (Carlisle) on the UK Scottish border, all in one day. They did experience some of the inevitable travellers’ problems including gastro on the Baltic cruise and quite bad chest/bronchial infections on the Med. cruise. Mel’s problems continued upon their return home as the infection flared into pneumonia which has taken some time to shake off. However, she is now on the road to a full recovery.

Ray Murphy certainly enjoys reading the monthly the monthly News Letters, and there were 2 items of particular interest in November which brought back memories. Re the note from Neil Robinson Ray had a similar experience with the then State Manager Frank Davies of "The Scottie" in April 1965, when Frank rang him at home in Moorabbin to advise the appointment to first Branch Management at Derrinallum. Ray thought it was a mate joking and hung up. Staff Manager Ken Lenton called back immediately to confirm and  it turned out well with 7 Branch management appointments  over the next 22 years.

Re Alan Ryan Ray can recall Alan with his brother Michael as schoolboys playing in the passage at "The Scottie" Ballarat East Branch in 1949.Alan's father Gavan was appointed Manager in 1949 and served in that post for near on 20 years a record. Ray started his career at the Branch in 1948 and served in all positions except Manager over 9 years. It then had a staff compliment of 12 hands. Ray returned as Manager in 19 77 until 1981 when it was then the merged Branch with 16 hands and on computer. While in total he spent 13 years in Ballarat Eats he couldn’t match Gavan's record but Gavan was his best Tutor.

John Osborne writes thanks for the birthday card for his 75th. It has been a great year. Recently John and wife Pauline spent a week in Queenstown on the South Island NZ. They were there 5 years ago but only for 2 days so on this trip they cruised on the vintage steamship TSS Earnshaw, highly recommended, great scenery with a large barbecue at an historical homestead, going on a jet-boat and driving around the many beautiful places- unforgettable. Back in Melbourne John’s love of music was well catered for at the Tony Bennett concert and the Glen Miller Show. John and Pauline celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in December.

Geoff Perdriau wishes to thank Kathy for sending good wishes from the club for his recent birthday. He celebrated with a family lunch at the RACV carvery on the day. Geoff and wife Margaret had an interesting trip in August to the top, or the tip as some call it, of Australia. They flew to Cairns and did a six day road camping safari to the top of Cape York Peninsula. It was an unforgettable experience despite the fact that not one crocodile was spotted for the whole journey!

David Phelps emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Greetings for his 77th.

His health is stable at the moment, so that is all one can hope for.

Jim Potter writing from Sebastopol says thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card for his 82nd. Jim has been retired now for 25 years and does not know where the years have gone but he still keeps good health and is as active as possible.

Graeme Randall emails that he was prompted into action to write by one of his ex ANZ colleagues Gunter Strumpf. Graeme and Gunter communicate at about monthly intervals. Graeme and friend Desmond travelled overseas in July this year for their first visit to Paris, then Venice, Florence and Rome. Desmond flew home from there, but Graeme continued on to Milan, Zurich, Landau, Hamburg and Cuxhaven. They hope to travel again next year, but have not made any bookings yet. Graeme would like to go to South Africa, or Alaska, or Moscow/St, Petersburg Recently a German biker friend of Graeme’s who lives in Wasserburg (am Bodensee), was in Sydney for a few days "on business" The trip was part of his duties as a courier of "vital organs" that are moved around the world. Often, at short notice, he delivers organs for transplant from Germany to hospitals, mostly in Europe, U.S.A and Canada. Until July this year, he had never been to Australia. Graeme was in Europe when his friend made his first visit to Australia....Adelaide. In mid November again at very short notice the friend was advised of this trip to Sydney. Graeme arranged for Desmond to meet him and show him some of the sights.

Lloyd Zegenhagen emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the good wishes expressed for his 88th birthday. One always lives in hope for the arrival of a card next year, and as his health remains good he remains hopeful. It was a very eventful year with Lloyd and wife Margot visiting their daughters in USA and UK as well as a side trip to France and the Western Front of WW1. The Anzac Day dawn service at Villers Bretonnaux was memorable. They saw a lot in 2 weeks, including many places where Lloyd’s father fought in various areas. He also had the privilege of laying the wreath at The Menin Gate on behalf of the Australian War Memorial. They then departed for Spain for a very enjoyable and enlightening holiday. After spending a lifetime skiing in many places in the northern hemisphere, this year they have decided to head south. This Christmas and New Year will be very white for them and no doubt cold, as they leave New Zealand in mid- December for an expedition cruise to the Antarctic, (before they get too old). Hopefully Lloyd and Margot will see plenty of birds, seals, icebergs etc, and will visit Mawson’s Hut, and the Commonwealth Bay area. Depending on weather conditions they should have numerous landings from zodiacs .It should be an exciting 3 weeks. He can think of no better way to celebrate 30 years of retirement.


Bruce Avent, Dick Chegwin, Ian Cowley, John Crough, John Fairbairn, Dorothy Hayes, Andy Herd, Keith Higgs, Geoff Horton, David Hughes, Ian James, Warren Jarman, Ed Laity, Eric Lean, Dick Sanders, Kevin Smyth, Wayne Taylor,   ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA





A small but select Group of golfers and supporters turned up for the latest golf day at Traralgon. Twenty men and three ladies competed for the President's trophy. A number of partners chose the other options of shopping, massages and cinema instead. Once again the weather was kind to us, not too hot and dry (apart from when the automatic greens sprinkler system surprised a few players as they were putting), and as usual the dinner and social evening at the Club rounded off a most enjoyable trip. The overall winner with 41 points off a 22 handicap was Barry King with Des Shady as runner-up. The Ladies competition was very close with Joyce Challis scoring 35 points from Kathy Shady and Sandy Bourke. Nearest the pin awards were won by John Inglis, Barry King, Dal Crocker and Joyce Challis. A series of photos of the event are posted on the web site.



The annual get together is open to all members/ partners and singles and full details are attached as well as posted on the ANZROC Vic web site, or you can contact Kevin on 98076201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 25 Feb & Tue 26 Feb 2013. Kevin would like to close bookings by 25th January 2013 and is asking members to let him know if coming by that date.


to be held on THURSDAY 14th MARCH 2013 at the MAROONDAH SPORTS CLUB


(Entrance Mount Dandenong Road), will again be held at the “Maroondah Sports Club. Full details will be included in the February newsletters but you can now send your names to; David & Glen Knuckey PO 242 Dingley 3172. or telephone 9551 0414 or e-mail; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you intend to enjoy the day with friends and colleagues at the Maroondah Club.




We are pleased to advise that the ANZROC February 2013 Luncheon will take the form of a birthday celebration for Charles Rennie who turns 100 on 31st March 2013

The Luncheon will commence midday on 14th February 2013 in the 34th floor conference room, 100 Queen Street Melbourne

Charles wife Joy will accompany Charles  and ANZROC Members and their partners, are most welcome to attend and what better way to enjoy ” Valentines Day”  than at this wonderful location overlooking the heart of  Melbourne

A substantial buffet meal, including beer and wine, will be included.  We are arranging a speaker from the “Banks Rowing Club”, which was a passion of Charles for many years, together with an appropriate speaker to précis Charles Banking Career achievements.

The cost of the luncheon will be $30.00 per head with ANZROC subsidising part of the caterers costs.


To assist members with mobility difficulties, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required

As there is no January ANZROC Newsletter we have provided this information early. If you are attending the luncheon, we would appreciate if you would return the attached acceptance  slip to Ron Adams at PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 with payment prior to 25th January 2013 to meet requirements of Caterers and ANZ Security.

Members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through internet banking facilities making certain that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided if payment is made electronically members should  send the acceptance  slip  to Ron Adams  advising that payment has been made through internet banking so that we can manage  the numbers attending.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:   ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                               (Victoria)

BSB:                                        013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:          3064 51947


Please contact Peter Pritchard 9571 9406, John McPhee 9841 9535, Neville Pearson 9802 0187 or Ron Adams 9821 0444 if you require further information





To be held on the 34TH Floor 100 QUEEN STREET, MELBOURNE, VIC FROM 12 noon.

I/we will be attending the luncheon:               Yes / No

Name:  ………………………………….

Partners Name if attending: ……………………………………………………

PAYMENT                                                                                         $…………..

Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Date of electronic payment…………………………………………………

Phone number …………………………………………………


I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance:  Yes / No

I would appreciate assistance with transport:   Yes / No







Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor (I will be staying in this role for a few more years as the move to Adelaide has been deferred)

newsletter November 2012

NEWSLETTER 9th November 2012

Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

John Stevens (Ph 94396664)


President Neville Pearson welcomed 52 guests well below last year’s meeting when 67 attended the AGM. There was however eight of our lady members present which is the best attendance at our city luncheons for many months. Members attending for the first time at this venue were Wolf Damschitz, Maree Pritchard ,Rose Virgona and  Jillian Ward while those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Keith Dimond, Theo Hall, Dan Kirtley, Keith Remington, Bill Robinson, Bruce Sanderson and Bruce Scott. Secretary Peter Pritchard chaired the AGM and President Neville prepared an “ode” to his Presidents Report which was warmly received by members present. For the AGM refreshments were provided to supplement our lunch and made the meeting a very enjoyable occasion. Copies of the ode and reports are available on the web-site


Angelo Biviano, Wendy Black, Dave Brookman, Diane Carew, Cedric Coxsedge, John Duke, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, David Gibb, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins, Ron Horne, Bernadette Hulbert, Wayne Hulbert,   Doug Imrie, Graeme King, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Gary Mason, Brian Murdoch, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Kevin O’Neill, Ron Phillips, Peter Saville, John Stevens, Warren Taylor, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Roger Watkins, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins.



Bravington                  M.L.    (Marg)            25 years ANZ

Bravington                  R.D.     (Rowan)        38 years ANZ

Carruthers                  G.A.    (Grace)             10 years ANZ

Donohue                      Tony                         25 years ANZ

Goldsbrough               Teresa                         44 years ANZ

Kelly                           A.M.    (Andrew)         43 years ANZ

Pais                             Claude                        12 years ANZ

Reilley                         G.L.     (Geoffrey)        36 years ANZ

Virgona                      R.M.   (Rose) 32 years ANZ

A very  pleasing month for membership with  nine new members joining the club and we look forward to seeing Marg, Rowan, Grace, Tony, Teresa, Andrew , Claude and Geoffrey  at one of our meetings soon while Rose attended our AGM.



None reported for October/November.

Eamon Veaney reported that Timothy Fraser Smith (66) was killed in an accident in the Bahamas on 25/10/2012 during Hurricane Sandy. Tim was previously CEO of Private Wealth at Grindlays and would be known by many ANZROC members.



Life Member Gerry McPherson fell and cracked several ribs last Saturday. As a result he will be house-bound for a couple of weeks. Gerry asked that we make known his circumstances so that his mates can get in touch with him.

Brian Murdoch is recovering well from a recent operation and is now recuperating at home.

Don Davy advises that Rae Collins is now back at his Carnegie address and would welcome visitors.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during November and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays; John Carruthers (83),Paul Cross (86), Brian Farrell (84),Euan Greenwood (88), Theo Hall (81), Frank Hatfield (81), John Hobbs (96), Brian Kinna (84), Eric Lean (90), John Mangan (82), Zelda Martin, Rodney McLeod (89), Gerry McPherson (88), Bob Nichol (101), Jim Potter (82), Ray Quirk (90), Don Ranyard (82), Jack Shelton (82), Arthur Vale (82).




From  1/11/2012

less than $20,000         2.06%

Greater than $20,000   2.64%




For those avid golfers and socialites, I heartily recommend a trip to Merimbula for the “Sapphire Coast Week of Golf” which is held each October and has been run at the magnificent Pambula Merimbula (Relatively flat) Golf Course for the past 32 years .Cheryl and I, together with David and Wendy Woods, Derek and Jan Bartlett, Peter and Jan Harvey and a host of other ANZ retired bankers and friends once more enjoyed golfing, whale watching, relaxing and fishing over the nine days in October. A variety of golf including stroke, 4BBB, Stableford, Mixed Foursomes etc is played and on the final two days a Men’s Open Championship is played. There are choices of other great courses in the vicinity as well, if you prefer a social hit during the stay. You can be assured of great support from the Kangaroos and wild life around the courses .The beautiful beaches and whales (Very active there at this time of year) are a magnificent addition to the atmosphere of the week and the club runs courtesy buses to the nightly entertainment at the golf club

If you would like more information, either contact the Club Captain Bruce Morley (ANZ Bank Retired Officer) on Telephone 02 64951398 or Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Bruce would be delighted to assist, or visit The Club Web Site :


This Twitter is my final communication as ANZROC President and I want to sincerely thank you all for your overwhelming support and interest in the Club during my two year term as President. It has been a pleasure catching up with you (and your partners) at the various events. I am delighted to be continuing as an active committee member with a focus in the area of welfare and communication and look forward to catching up at the future outings and meetings




The 38th Annual General Meeting was held at the conclusion of the normal monthly meeting. The minutes of the 37th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 10th November 2011 were confirmed. Neville Pearson presented his President’s Report 2011/2012 in the form of an amusing ode. The Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2012 were presented and accepted. Neville Pearson presented to David Knuckey and Kathy Trace a certificate of life membership for ten years service to the committee and life membership certificate awarded to John Stevens for his extraordinary contribution to the Club. Subscription fees for the year 2012-13 were maintained at current levels of $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

In view of the fact that sufficient nominations were received to fill all positions the following were appointed as Office Bearers and Committee for year 2012-2013.

President                          John McPhee

Immediate Past President   Neville Pearson

Senior Vice President         David Knuckey

Vice President                  Col Edwards

Secretary                          Peter Pritchard

Assistant Secretary             Joan Nathan

Newsletter Editor               Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer             John Brown

Committee                         Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke, Con La Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Noelene Noonan, Kathy Trace, and Eamon Veaney

Records Officer                 Debbie Jerkovic

Alan Forrest was reappointed as Honorary Auditor.

A special thank you goes to Neville Pearson for his leadership as President for the past two years. The club has benefited significantly from his contributions. Thank you Neville.


Geoff Archer emailing his thanks for the birthday card from ANZROC which arrived exactly on the day says it’s been a challenging year mainly resulting from a patch of ill health for his wife Jenny. It started with a long recovery from successful surgery to reattach tendons to her hip but complicated by a superbug she picked up that was difficult to eradicate – they think she probably picked it up in Canada or Alaska. In September, she had major surgery to reconstruct and fuse her left ankle but has had complications that are taking time to correct. Geoff and Jenny look forward to the next year being more enjoyable.

Dave Brookman writes from Dromana his thanks for the birthday card recently received for his 89th .Dave says that Kathy Trace is doing an excellent job carrying on the established tradition that ensures that members are able to keep in touch with their friends and former workmates.

Geoff Christensen emails many thanks for his Birthday Card which arrived as usual on time. This has been a busy year in many ways what with travel, family (including Geoff’s father’s 90th Birthday celebrations back in March) and Grand Children (another on the way due December taking the tally to 5 Grand Children on his side and 3 for Geoff’s partner Vikki). On the travel front, they enjoyed a very pleasant time in Bali and Lombok earlier in the year, amongst other things, to celebrate a close friends 60th Birthday. They then visited Dick Barry and his wife Lynn in Hobart (great to see Dick so settled in his new environment) and of more recent times enjoyed 4 weeks touring around S.A the highlights being Arkaroola (the Ridge Top Tour was amazing) and Kangaroo Island. They have been home for a short time (the inevitable catch up) before heading off to the Sunshine Coast, then Gold Coast for a couple of weeks. As for next year, Geoff and Vicki have booked a 15 day River Cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam in August 2013 followed by time in Paris, Salzburg (they have always wanted to do the Sound of Music Tour apart from anything else) and Singapore on the return journey. This time they have scheduled the trip so that they return in time for the AFL 2013 Grand Final hoping to see Hawthorn go one better than this year (another flag the Hawks let slip).

Valda Clarke sends her thanks for remembering her birthday and says she enjoys reading the monthly newsletter very much. She shared her birthday with a group of friends from ANZ Travel.

Ken Fitzgerald writes thanks to Kathy Trace for yet another card for his 84th birthday. Ken is enjoying reasonably good health and travelled to Fiji for a few weeks late last year with a group of 23 people and had a great time with perfect weather until the last few days of the trip. Ken’s latest three great grand children have  all turned one year old  earlier in the year and he has been told recently that there are two more on the horizon in early 2013 and that will make six in total. It certainly makes you feel old just talking about it.

Bob Grant emails from Port Nelson his thanks for the birthday card which in time honoured tradition arrived on the due date. All is well in Nelson Bay (Port Stephens for those of you who don’t know where it is) just 50 kms north of Newcastle. They have had a few dramas over recent months when wife Nell had some heart problems. She now has a pacemaker and is going well. They recently went to Canberra during Floriade and apart from the flowers saw the Cross at the Australian War Memorial which is on loan from Vietnam in memory of the Battle of Long Tan. It was important to Bob as he lost a brother in that conflict. Whilst in Canberra they met up with old friends Norm and Marg Toms from Tasmania who may be known to some members as Norm worked in Business Bank in Preston for a few years and originally came from Bendigo. Twin brother Jack and his wife Robyn called into Nelson Bay recently and Bob and Nell visited them in Berwick earlier in the year. That is the extent of their travels this year. Bob’s sorry to hear that Rae Collins is doing it tough at the moment. Bob worked with him when Rae was Manager of the Coff’s Harbour Office .Rae was a great boss and very easy to work with. Bob and Nell hope to make the trek to Melbourne one day in the not too distant future to coincide with the ANZROC Christmas function as it was always one of the highlights of their year.

Charles Griss emailing his thanks for the birthday card says he is a bit concerned that he is actually 71 but as a friend pointed out it is better than the alternative. One way or another life has been hectic (if that is a term a retired person can use). Charles and wife Angela were recently overseas for 5 weeks (APT cruise down the Rhine etc plus some weeks in France). Charles is still doing a bit of work which has kept him busy as well. He hopes however to spend some time next year with his colleagues at the occasional ANZROC meeting.

Frank Hatfield sends his thanks to the committee and members of the club for the greeting card he received on his 81st which was quietly celebrated at home. During the year, Frank and wife Joan had a few short holidays around Victoria the most recent of which was 6 days in the Grampians to enjoy the profusion of wildflowers they found there. Fortunately, they are both keeping good health at present and intend to make the best of the rest of their retirement.

Mike Henry emails his thanks again for the birthday card which arrived on the day (as usual).
Apart from a medical scare at the start of the year 2012 has been spent with grandkids, family, golf and volunteering plus an overseas trip with former school mates to Spain, France and the Greek Isles.

Emilio Moreno emails a special thanks to Kathy Trace for the kind wishes for his birthday.

Emilio will catch up with friends and colleagues at the Christmas luncheon.

Committee woman Joan Nathan would like to thank Kathy for sending the welcome birthday wishes. Joan and husband Ken have had a busy time with Ken recently retiring from Qantas after 48 years service. There has been many retirement celebrations followed by a trip to Broome which they thoroughly enjoyed and then they headed off to a family christening in Brisbane in November, however Joan was back in time for the ANZROC AGM.

Jim Nicolson emails his thanks for the good wishes for his birthday and also for the monthly newsletters which are always full of interest. Jim is looking forward to catching up with colleagues next month at the Christmas lunch.

Peter Nyga reports that he cannot make the November AGM as he will  be doing his job over that period: sailing for a couple of weeks on Gippsland Lakes. He will see members and colleagues at the Christmas lunch.

Ray Quirk emails a sincere thank you to Kathy Trace and all members of ANZROC for the best wishes received on his 90th. It is a pleasure to receive this annual Greeting and of course a good feeling to be able to respond to it personally. Ray retired from the Bank after forty great years with what was, for him and wife Meryl, a family career which resulted in so many lifelong friendships for them. Ray subsequently spent a few years as a Corporate Associate to three companies but now, at the age of 90 he admits that he is well and truly retired. Ray and Meryl are grateful for the blessings they enjoy thanks to a loving extended family and friends. He is not as mobile as he would like but thankfully they both have good general health.

Neil Robinson writing from Highton thanks the club for the card and the good wishes for his 77th, the card arriving efficiently on his birthday as usual. Neil reminiscing about his career says he remembers as a country Branch Manager he and wife Joy were told several times that the Bank has “a change of scenery for you” so he put the pen behind the ear, the carriers came in and they were off to another country town. They were recently invited back to Casterton for a function and he remembered how he got his first appointment. The Victorian ES&A State Manager Frank Davies called Neil into his office and gruffly stated “Congratulations Robinson, Manager Casterton”. At the time he did not know where Casterton was but his term spent there was great as were the other half a dozen country towns they lived in.

Alan Ryan writing from Warragul says thanks for again remembering his birthday. It is 16 years since Alan retired. Alan and wife Maureen travelled to Vietnam and Cambodia this year and have plans for a tour of Europe next year. They have been in Warragul for almost 40 years having been transferred there by ANZ in 1973. Alan still runs cattle, is an Office Bearer for the Warragul Lions Club, and for the past 30 years has been involved with the Warragul Harness Club. Alan is enjoying his retirement.

John Sudholz emails his thanks to the Club and to Kathy for the birthday card and wishes which awaited their return from four weeks in America. John and wife Noelene were in New Orleans on his birthday which was recognised at the famous Preservation Hall when the band played a very jazzy version of “Happy Birthday” - a memorable start to a great evening. After New Orleans, they  joined a small cruise tour starting at Washington DC then visits to Baltimore, New York, Boston, Martha’s Vineyard and Nova Scotia before returning down the East Coast via Newport to the Colonial South including time in Charleston and Savannah. A great trip spoilt only by the Hawks missing out on the AFL flag while they were away!

Bill Swan emailing from Dalmeny NSW sends his thanks for the birthday card which arrived while Bill was in Perth. His life has been somewhat disrupted this year  as his wife Anne recently passed away while they were in Bali to celebrate her 70th birthday. Anne was an ex-ANZ officer for over 15 years, and they met at a staff Christmas party when ANZ and ES&A were merging. Bill hopes to attend the Christmas lunch.

Kelvin Tyler emailing his thanks for the birthday wishes says the birthday cards are coming around too quickly.

Committeeman Eamon Veaney emails thanks to Kathy for the birthday wishes. Eamon spent a relaxing evening with family and friends at a lovely new restaurant in Gertrude Street Fitzroy called Moon under Water. Mid October saw the 30th anniversary of the IBD Golf trip to Rich River. 30 attended this year and to celebrate they ordered 30 dozen oysters to be consumed on a Murray River cruise on the Friday afternoon. Many of the attendees are ANZROC members and worked for many years in the old International Division. Col Ingram and Mike Frowen travelled down from Queensland and John Van Aken (JVA) also made the long trip across from New York to join the team this year. Mike Elliott ably assisted by Dick Chegwin and John Phelan organised the trip to perfection ensuring they brought enough refreshments to get through the weekend. The group had perfect weather for golf and the big winner was Jim Karabatsos who won the David Hastie trophy for the first time after attending the last 28 trips. Other winners were John Ries and Bob Challis for B and C grade, Steve Daley and Paul Clohesy nearest the pin, John Phelan, Richard Harding and Eamon for longest drives. They held a minutes silence for their departed colleagues David Hastie, Gary Minton, David Murray, Jacques Walter, Jeff Clarkin and Frank Stanson who all would have been there in spirit.

Bill Walker emails another year under the bridge which in itself is good. Firstly many thanks to those responsible for the timely birthday wishes. Undoubtedly the highlight of the year was the visit by Bill and wife Maureen and all the family (including grandchildren) to London, Paris and Barcelona to celebrate their eldest son's 50th birthday. He has lived in London for 21 years now, and whilst he comes home for Christmas every second year, and otherwise between times on business, he was absolutely stoked , and a little surprised, that the Aussie contingent were able to be with him to celebrate the occasion. It does not get any better than that.

Mike Whitmore sends his thanks to the committee and members for birthday wishes. Once again an excellent result for Kathy Trace with the card arriving on the day- as it has been each year.


AND Russell Appleton, Raymond Babb, Clive Bayley, Huck Bourke, John Briggs, David Christie, Tessa Hondros, Colin Jones, Vern Knuiksis, Geoff Leslie, Rolf Loebert,  Ian Manley, Serge McIntyre, John McKenzie, Bruce Michell, Anthony Nimmo, John Plunkett, Graeme Worland, David White,  ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



This is the final reminder that members and partners are invited to join members at this popular annual event. The Club is a comfortable drive from Melbourne and also provides the opportunity for ANZROC members in the Gippsland/ Latrobe Valley area to catch up with past workmates and friends. THE ENTRY FORM IS available on the website.


We have been unable to identify the owners of the following subscription payments deposited into the ANZROC bank account.

20 September 2012 $10.00

24 September 2012 $20.00

We think that these deposits would have been made by paying them in at a branch.

If you think these deposits may have been yours, please contact our Treasurer, John Brown. Phone 03 9802 1810 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



15 Day Kimberley Compete

OFFER: Save $1,500 per couple*

ANZ Price $6,645 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $7,145)

Departs April, May September or October 2013.

Book by 31 December 2012

As the trips name implies, the Kimberley Complete offers a thorough exploration of the region. Discover the gorges of the Gibb River Road and the vibrant Aboriginal culture of the Mitchell Plateau. Seats are limited and selling out fast


  • New and Exclusive! Home Valley Station stay
  • Two night stays at APT’s Bell Gorge, Mitchell Falls and Bungle Bungle wilderness lodges
  • Stay at Emma Gorge Resort, El Questro
  • All accommodation is fully ensuited
  • Expert services of the Kimberley’s best Driver-Guides and Operations team
  • Travel in a deluxe 4WD vehicle
  • Guaranteed maximum of 20 passengers
  • All sightseeing, park and cruise fees
  • 35 meals

For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit

*Conditions apply. Book by 31 December 2012. Prices are per person, twin share. Prices are correct as at 2 November 2012 for departures in 2013, but may fluctuate due to changes in surcharges, fees, taxes or exchange rates. Subject to availability. Offers are not combinable with any other offer, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. Offer valid on GKC13 departing April, May, September and October 2013. A non-refundable deposit of $200 per person for GKC13 due within 7 days. Final Payment is due 100 days prior to departure. Credit card payments may incur surcharge. See APT’s Kimberley Wilderness Adventures 2013 brochures for list of itineraries and savings available.





The annual get together is open to all members/ partners and singles and full details are posted on the ANZROC Vic web site or you can contact Kevin on 98076201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .The venue once again is Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield and booking will be made for 2 Nights Mon 25 Feb & Tue 26 Feb 2013.


For your calendars we list the meetings of ANZROC Vic for 2013 :

  • January:                       No Meeting
  • February 14:                100 Queen Street – Charles Rennie 100 Birthday Celebration
  • March 14:                    Maroondah Club:  2013 St Patrick’s Day luncheon.
  • April 11:                      Clayton RSL – ANZAC Meeting  Peter Pritchard to arrange speaker (Burma Railway)
  • May 9:                         100 Queen Street – Salvation Army – Committee Meeting
  • June 13:                       MCG Tour
  • July 11:                        East Malvern RSL – Christmas in July
  • August 8:                     100 Queen Street – Committee Meeting
  • September 12:              Traralgon – Grand Junction Hotel
  • October 10:                  100 Queen Street – Committee Meeting
  • November 14:              100 Queen Street – Committee Meeting and AGM
  • December 12:              Arts Centre Christmas Luncheon.

  • Annual dinner evening for new members: date to be agreed





Our first meeting for 2013 will be held on 14 February 2013 on the 34th Floor /100 Queen Street for Charles Rennie’s 100th Birthday Celebration and partners are invited. Full details will be included in the December Newsletter but if you want to let us know that you would like attend this celebration you can advise  Ron Adams now by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone 9821 0444 or post to PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144. We will be discussing the event with the caterers later this month and it would be useful to have an idea of likely numbers that are interested in this celebration.


to be held on THURSDAY 15th MARCH 2013 at the MAROONDAH SPORTS CLUB


(Entrance Mount Dandenong Road), the St Patrick’s Day luncheon, will again be held at the “Maroondah Sports Club” on the Corner of Mount Dandenong and Dublin Roads Ringwood East on Thursday 14th March 2013 . Full details will be included in the December and February newsletters.





The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday 13th December 2012 at the ANZ Pavilion thanks to the generosity of ANZ Group for making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the Christmas Luncheon. Deputy CEO Graham Hodges will respond to the Toast to ANZ to be given by Secretary Peter Pritchard and a number of Senior Executives will be attending the luncheon as CEO Mike Smith has been called to Sydney for a meeting that day.  We have already received 175 acceptances and we urge you to send your acceptances in early as we are restricted to 300 seats in the Pavilion. The invitation to the luncheon follows and the contribution towards the cost of the function remains at $30.00 as the caterers have agreed to fix the cost at the same level as last year.

For those who wish to attend:

Complete and detach the Invitation “Acceptance Slip” and attach your cheque for $30—and return to Peter Pritchard , 19 Albert Street, East Malvern, Vic 3145 (phone 95719406) as soon as practicable as numbers are limited. Cutoff date for members’ acceptances will be Monday 3rd December, 2012

Refunds will not be paid unless advice is received by the President, Secretary, or Treasurer at least 4 days prior to the function – last minute cancellations are a waste of money as payment is made to the caterers on the numbers provided a week before the function.

Members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through internet banking facilities making certain that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided… if payment is made electronically members should  send the acceptance  slip to be found on the website to Peter Pritchard  advising that payment has been made through internet banking so that we can manage  the numbers attending.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947






To be held at the ANZ Pavilion

Victorian Arts Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne


Admittance                 From               11.30 am

Drinks                         From               11.30 am

Luncheon                    From               12.30 pm

Please retain this portion as your receipt for the luncheon on 13th December 2012



Return this slip to:                  Peter Pritchard

19 Albert Street, East Malvern ,Vic 3145

………………………………………………………………      $30.00

(Name of member)                  Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account


(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone No. or e-mail ………………………………………………………….

newsletter october 2012

NEWSLETTER 13th October 2012

Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

John Stevens (Ph 94396664)


October Luncheon at Waltzing Matilda Hotel Springvale

What a wonderful luncheon this turned out to be. The food and the service were excellent and the private function room completely dispelled the feeling of a pub meal. I settled for the delicious potato and leek soup followed by a very tender/tasty steak and veggies, all for around $12.

I am sure if we return to this venue we will achieve a far larger attendance than the 38 members and partners that enjoyed this meeting. There were around 30 apologies and it is fair to say that this cold and wet winter has taken its toll with so many colds and flu around. Secretary Peter Pritchard completed the formalities of the day welcoming members not seen for a while that included Angelo Biviano, Helen Bouch, Helen Felstead, David Harkin, Serge McIntyre, Brian Murdoch after a bout of sick leave, Bernie O’Reilly and Doug Westcott for his second meeting.

A special thanks to David and Glen Knuckey for their excellent research and organization of this day


Noel Beanland, Herman Bettonvil, Wendy Black, John Brown, Brian Christensen, Cedric Coxsedge, Col Edwards ,Lawrie Foord, Nola Forsyth, Don Fraser, David Gibb, Ray Gill,  Theo Hall, Roy Harper,  Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins,  Ron Horne, John Hudgson, Bernadette Hulbert, Wayne Hulbert,  Doug Imrie, Graeme King, Con La Fauci, Bernadette Lynch, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Joan Nathan, Noelene Noonan, Frank O’Brien, Don Ranyard, Peter Saville, John Stevens, John Vanselow ,Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Roger Watkins, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, David Woods.


Damschitz                   Wolf                            26 years          ANZ

Green                          D.R.(Daryl)                 38.5 years       ANZ

Ward                           Jillian (Jill)                  29.5 years       ANZ

Wynne                         Henry                          35 years          ANZ

We look forward to seeing Daryl, Jill and Henry at one of our meetings. Wolf was our host at the Thermomix evening in August.


Jenkins                        Dorothy                      88 years                      2/10/2012

The service for Dorothy at the Uniting Church in East Doncaster was well attended, with friends from all of her many interest groups - including two of her old school friends in their nineties - paying their respects. The gathering was a fitting tribute to a much loved lady who made the world a better place. The Eulogy outlined Dorothy's life and specific comment was made of her time at ES&A, ANZ and Esanda. Dorothy also enjoyed her association with ANZROC and in later life looked forward to the newsletter. Frank Edwards ,Kevin Mitchell, a jet-lagged Peter Pritchard, Ian McRobinson  and Mark Stankovich  made up the ANZROC contingent and were joined by Don Ranyard who was there as a church member friend of Dorothy's. Another member of the banking fraternity - Dorothy's cousin, John Hines - who served for 20 years in the Scottie before taking up a stockbroking career and would be remembered by many of our members, was also in the congregation.

McAsey                       R.J. (Bob)                   85 years                      24/9/2012

The funeral service was held in the Sunshine Coast.  Graeme Ainscough said he played cricket many years ago with Bob who was then Captain of the ES&A Cricket Club. Bob with Lawrie Foord were key movers in organising many ES&A annual get-togethers around Christmas time and Bob will be missed.


Members at our meeting stood for a few moments as a mark of respect in remembrance of Dorothy and Bob and our condolences are sent to their family and friends.


Moira Oxley emailed that the family has been absolutely overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness, and cannot begin to express how this has helped them all through this sad time after the passing of our ANZROC member Peter Oxley. The cards, messages, were so much appreciated.


Rae Collins recently suffered a broken arm and after hospitalisation and rehabilitation over two months has now returned to Finchley Court Aged Care, 1168 Dandenong Road, Carnegie – telephone 9569 6699. He would welcome visitors.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during October and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Graeme Baldwin (81), David Begg (83), Fred Campbell (80), Harry Carrodus (84), Ray Dedleffs (82), Ken Howell (85), John Keck (93), Max McKoy (89), John Moorhouse (87), Jim Nicolson (84), Des Rittman (83), Thomas Taylor (85), Mike Whitmore (83), Eric Williams (92).


From 1/10/2012

Less than $20,000       2.25%

Greater than $20,000   2.89%


Charles Rennie 100th Birthday celebration on Thursday 14th February 2013

For our 14th Feb meeting we are planning to have a luncheon at 100 Queen St to celebrate Charles 100th Birthday. As we do not publish a January Newsletter we would appreciate if you could lock this date in your diaries. We are proposing to make this a partner’s also luncheon and we will confirm full details in the December newsletter.

A picnic by the Yarra Sunday 11th November 2012

For the last 10 or so years a few mates and myself have run a function where past friends, supporters and players of the ANZ Football and ANZ Basketball clubs and friends etc, gathered to celebrate and remember days gone by. Numbers have regrettably dwindled over the years.

The picnic/BBQ is held from 11.30am onwards, alongside the Yarra River at end of Boathouse Road which runs off Yarra Boulevard. (Located next to the Studley Park Boathouse Cafe in Kew Melways: Map2D E8). If any ANZROC members, family and friends would like to join us simply turn up with your food, chair and drink. Feel welcome to phone or email me for further information (Neville: ph: 98020187, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or simply just turn up on the day. Bring your food, drink and a few good ‘yarns’. If it rains, we either adjourn to the Boat House cafe, a local pub or just stay in bed


It was a disappointing month for us Hawk supporters, however the great advantage of following 4 teams (which includes the Swans) turned into a reasonable result for me, particularly with the “Storm’s” great win as a bonus



Graeme Ainscough sends his thanks for the birthday card for his 76th.He spent the day receiving cards from family and friends, shopping for books and dining at the Chelsea Heights Hotel. Graeme then watched and managed baseball teams all weekend with some wins and losses for his many Cheltenham teams. Several umpiring decisions hurt their senior team and as in most team sports despite the fiery exchanges made no difference to the decisions made. The summer season started on 30th September so the 59th consecutive year involved with baseball starts for Graeme. The club has recruited an Australian pitcher playing for Oakland Athletics who has just finished the 158 game US Major League series at the end of September so expectations are high. As Graeme has Foxtel he can watch the US games on a fairly regular basis.

Peter Bearsley emails thanks to the kind folks who organise the birthday greetings - right on the button again, for his 70th - Peter used to think that was "old" but clearly it's not.

Geoff Burton just returned from Queensland in time to receive his Birthday Card for the 70th from Kathy Trace. Geoff had an excellent trip up north, and then a great week of birthday celebrations. He can remember when 70 was old, it’s not now. Everyone involved is to be congratulated in so far as the Retired Officers’ Club is concerned, it gives all members the chance to keep up with what old work mates are up to.

Rick Dickson emails thanks for the birthday card; it is something one can bank on each year. Rick still lives in Bacchus Marsh, which he enjoys immensely and looks forward to the contents of the monthly newsletter. It is interesting to note just how much traveling EX ANZ/ESANDA people do each year in retirement. Rick supports this way of spending the post bank years and also promotes the idea of a Bucket List of things one must do before it is too late. He went through the 1st Bucket List and has now started on the second.

Alex Fowler emails that once again Birthday Greetings from ANZROC (by courtesy of Kathy) were awaiting his return from holidays.

Barbara Gardiner emails her thanks for the welcome ANZROC birthday greetings that arrived on the day! Apart from her continued involvement with U3A Nunawading her only travel experience this year is a quick trip to Spain for a wedding. Quite unexpected but Barbara is  looking forward to renewing acquaintance with all those interesting galleries in Madrid and especially the Prado before flying down to Malaga for the wedding in Nerja. She loves keeping track of all those familiar names in the ANZROC Newsletter – Barbara sends her best wishes to all who remember her.

Bruce Gillottie emails that he just received the news letter sitting in Cappadocia Turkey and got a buzz out of modern technology and the ability to read the latest news on holidays. Best wishes to all.

Richard Ham emailing from Moama says he does enjoy catching up with news of old friends albeit disturbing to read of those departing. Richard was particularly saddened to read about Max Davis – they were good friends in ANZ London at Cornhill in the seventies when they won the Private Banks tennis comp. at the big sports grounds at Catford. He wonders if it is still there. ANZ won that competition 2 years in a row and they had a photo of the team on the wall in the clubhouse. John Turnbull of Nominees fame was another member of that team. Richard asks when the ANZROC team is coming to Bendigo again.

Trevor Hart emails thanks for the birthday card for his 80th which was welcomed and especially the special note from Kathy Trace which he appreciated. Trevor and wife Louise had just returned from Venice after celebrating both their birthdays with friends.

June Hoskin writes thanks once again for remembering her recent birthday which she enjoyed celebrating with a relative’s 21st birthday party. The sending of the cards was greatly appreciated and she wishes ANZROC continued success.

Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert have to apologise for the next two months as more work intervenes and they are also taking a 4WD tour with a group of friends in Mungo National Park.

Larry James emailed a big thank you to Kathy for sending out his birthday card which as usual arrived on time. Larry had a great night on the Restaurant Tram to celebrate joining the seniors sector and has already used the seniors Myki as part of seniors’ week. “Terrific”.

The year has been busy with many voluntary days at Puffing Billy in the Dandenong’s and of course Golden Days Radio which keeps him very busy. Golden Days Radio now podcasts some of their programs. Larry has just returned from 4 weeks in England and Wales. Glorious sunshine, lots of people and many steams trains in Wales to enjoy. The wines and ales were good too. Best wishes to everyone and he hopes to catch up with colleagues at the Christmas luncheon.

Bruce Kells emails his thanks for the timely card received to mark his entry into the Honorary membership category. The birthday was celebrated quietly with Bruce and wife Audrey’s extended family on the day and was very enjoyable. A later lunch with some close friends was also great fun. These birthdays arrive quicker each year as has been expressed by a number of members of the Club but life continues without fuss for both Bruce and Audrey and their health has been good so no excuses. They both keep busy with outside interests but it does not take much to keep them busy these days. Bruce says he still has a long way to go to catch up to Charlie Rennie but will give it a go. What a marvellous man.

Fay McPherson (Life Member) emails her thanks for her birthday card. She says Kathy Trace is doing a sterling job as did her predecessors. This year she had a quiet afternoon tea at the RSL Club but she was spoilt by all the cards and emails and phone calls she received.

Maggie Murray writing from Mortlake says thanks to Kathy for the birthday wishes which of course arrived on time.

Peter O’Dwyer emailing form Yarrawonga sends his heartfelt thanks for the best wishes on his 80th. He had a “Get Together” at Club Mulwala for 64 members of his immediate family with two grand children playing a few tunes on the piano and cousins, nieces and nephews in attendance. There were only three short speeches and a good time was had by all.

Ken Stapleton emails his thanks for the birthday wishes and said he spent a quiet 68th celebratory dinner with family including 7 grandchildren that was very enjoyable.

Ken has completed 10 years of retirement and is still enjoying the good life including lots of travel and golf.  He missed last years Christmas function due to need for back surgery, but is now returning to golf after some months of rehabilitation. Ken is looking forward to catching up with former workmates in December and is off to Norfolk Island in October for a bit of R&R.

Pete Treleaven emails his thanks for his birthday card which arrived right on time as usual. Pete and wife Else are off to Bali again on 9th of October and will be there for the 10th anniversary of the tragic Bali bombings. In 2002 they flew into Bali one day after the terrible event and have since had a very close affinity with the delightful Balinese people.

Colin Walton emails his thanks for the Birthday Wishes for his 81st which he celebrated with wife Val.

Tony Watt writes his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 83rd although at his stage it is preferable to forget them. Tony and his wife have been for a break in Bali, a very pleasant sojourn.

Tony Wingrave writing from Mooroopna sends his thanks for the birthday wishes from Kathy Trace for his 80th. It was much appreciated and on the day he enjoyed a big street party with all family in attendance. It was a great day had by all. The year did not start well for Tony as he had a heart attack while on holidays but since then life has been good. Tony has had a great retirement with his wife taking trips to see the family, touring a lot of Australia and enjoyed many trips on the large cruise liners. Today their trips are mostly confined to the Upper Murray; Snowy Mountains and Tumut where the country looks terrific.
Murray Wood sends his thanks for the kind birthday wishes conveyed in the birthday card. Murray enjoyed celebrating his 90th with family and friends spread over 4 days. Murray’s doctor says he is still healthy and plenty of batteries for the pacemaker so the future looks good. He will look forward to reading many more of the monthly newsletters and attending the Christmas functions.


AND Kevin Barry, Mal Campbell, Alan Chapple, Graeme Chappell, Frank Edwards, Gordon Field, Terry Glover, Phil Goodier, Bob Irvine, Graham Joseph, Kuni Karpavicius, Ed Knight, Vito Laruccia, Mike Lawrence, Susan McCarthy,  John McKenzie, Ray Murphy, Peter Russell,  Alan Rutzou, Mary Ryan, Lyn Stevens, Rod Wassell, Glenda White.




This is the final reminder that members and partners are invited to join us at this popular annual event. Once again we are organising a Golf Day at the Traralgon Golf Club for members and partners. The Club is a comfortable drive from Melbourne and also provides the opportunity for ANZROC members in the Gippsland/ Latrobe Valley area to catch up with past workmates and friends.




A final reminder that subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2012/2013 are due prior to 31st October 2012 and payments can be sent to our Treasurer John Def Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or paid electronically into the ANZROC account  .Details  are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947


Subscriptions for 2012/13 are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted to John Def Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810)

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00.



………………………………………………………………      $…………..

(Name of member)      Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………



The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday 13th December 2012 at the ANZ Pavilion thanks to the generosity of ANZ Group for making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the Christmas Luncheon. CEO Mike Smith and a number of Senior Executives will be attending and as CEO Mike Smith has agreed to speak to members during the luncheon we urge you to send your acceptances in early as we are restricted to 300 seats in the Pavilion. The invitation to the luncheon follows and the contribution towards the cost of the function remains at $30.00 as the caterers have agreed to fix the cost at the same level as last year.

For those who wish to attend:

Complete and detach the Invitation “Acceptance Slip” and attach your cheque for $30—and return to Peter Pritchard , 19 Albert Street, East Malvern, Vic 3145 (phone 95719406) as soon as practicable as numbers are limited. Cutoff date for members’ acceptances will be Monday 3rd December, 2012

Refunds will not be paid unless advice is received by the President, Secretary, or Treasurer at least 4 days prior to the function – last minute cancellations are a waste of money as payment is made to the caterers on the numbers provided a week before the function.

Members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through internet banking facilities making certain that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided… if payment is made electronically members should  send the acceptance  slip to be found on the website to Peter Pritchard    advising that payment has been made through internet banking so that we can manage  the numbers attending.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947






To be held at the ANZ Pavilion

Victorian Arts Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne


Admittance                 From               11.30 am

Drinks                         From               11.30 am

Luncheon                    From               12.30 pm

Please retain this portion as your receipt for the luncheon on 13th December 2012



Return this slip to:                  Peter Pritchard

19 Albert Street, East Malvern ,Vic 3145

………………………………………………………………      $30.00

(Name of member)                  Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account


(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone No. or e-mail ………………………………………………………….



MEETING IN the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ HEAD OFFICE 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON for the 38th Annual General Meeting and any items for the AGM should be sent to the secretary before 5th November 2012.The Agenda, Minutes of AGM meeting in 2011 are available on our website at and hard copies of documentation will be available at the meeting. A copy of the notice of Annual General Meeting is attached to this newsletter.

Please let Ron Adams  know by Wednesday 31st October  2012  by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone ( 98210444) or return the attached notice to PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 so we can advise ANZ Catering and ANZ Security Desk the names  of members attending.

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor


To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579                                         on 8th November 2012 commencing at 12 noon

Malvern Vic 3144                               .

Phone 9821 0444  or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.









President                                        Neville Pearson

Immediate Past President                  John Stevens

Senior Vice President                        John McPhee

Vice Presidents                                 David Knuckey, Col Edwards

Secretary                                         Peter Pritchard

Assistant Secretary                            Joan Nathan

Newsletter Editor                              Ron Adams

Honorary Treasurer                            John Brown

Committee                                       Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke,

Con La Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell,

Noelene Noonan, Kathy Trace, John Vanselow,                                                                                                                                                                   Eamon Veaney

Records Officer                                  Debbie Jerkovic


Notice is hereby given that the 38th Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the Melbourne Room, 34th Floor 100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Thursday 8th November 2012 at 2.00pm


  1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 37th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 10th November 2011
  2. Presentation of President’s Report 2011/2012
  3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th Sept.2012
  4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 3which states that “Any member who has rendered   valuable service to the Club over a period of not less than 10 (ten) years may be elected a Life Member at either an Ordinary Meeting or at an Annual General Meeting”……it is moved by Ron Adams (Newsletter Editor) and seconded by Neville Pearson (President) that David Knuckey and Kathy Trace having attained ten years service be nominated for Life Membership and that John Stevens for his extraordinary contribution to the Club also be nominated for Life Membership”
  5. In terms of the Constitutional Clause 4 which states that “The subscription shall be such sum as may be decided upon by members at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The Financial year shall commence on 1st October.” … is moved by John Def Brown (Treasurer) and seconded by Peter Pritchard (Secretary) that the subscription for the year from 1st October 2012 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members. All monies received prior to 1st October 2012 in payment of subscriptions for the year 2012-2013 at the increased rates are ratified at the Annual General Meeting.”
  6. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2012-2013
  7. General Business and Closure

7.       Appointment of Auditor



  • All positions will be declared vacant and nominations are welcome
  • All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed form should   be forwarded to the Secretary  by Monday 5th  November 2012  to 19 Albert Street Malvern East, Vic 3145.



We    ……………………………………………..     ………………………………………….

(Print full name)                                                 (Signature)

and   ………………………………………………    …………………………………………..

(Print full name)                                                 (Signature)

being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate

………………………………………………for the office of …………………………………….

Or Committeeman

I accept the nomination ……………………………………………………………………………


newsletter September 2012

NEWSLETTER 13th September 2012

Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

John Stevens (Ph 94396664)



President Neville Pearson welcomed the 61 members and partners who travelled to Ballarat for a wonderful day of feasting and catching up at the splendid George Hotel in Lydiard Street Ballarat. The coolness of the weather was more than compensated by the warmth of the staff, the company and excellent lunch and wines provided. The Melbourne entourage travelled on the “V”Line 10.07am from Southern Cross Station and enjoyed the beautiful country scenery to Ballarat arriving at 11.37am.It was most pleasing that twelve of our country members and partners joined in the festivities, namely: John and Nanette Calnin, Leigh Davis, Dennis Gerdtz, Peter Harney, Arnold Masters and Jan Masters, Barry and Shirley Reid, Noel Robertson and Roly and Joan Webster who drove across from Bendigo. Secretary Peter Pritchard completed the formalities of the day welcoming new member and wife Maree Pritchard to her first meeting. A number of members not seen for a while included Neil Dawtrey, Hedley Ham, Clive Hewett travelling from Warrnambool, John Hudgson. . The train travelers departed Ballarat at 3.08pm arriving Melbourne around 5.00pm

Thanks must go to David and Glen Knuckey for the organisation of the luncheon which went off without a hitch and to David Knuckey and Noel Beanland for discovering the George Hotel which I am sure will be visited again in the future.

Photos of the luncheon are posted on the website.



Noel Beanland, Ian Bell, Herman Bettonvil, Wendy Black, John Brown, George Cooper, Cedric Coxsedge, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Ray Gill, Erica Hayden, John Hawkins, Ron Horne, Doug Imrie, Graeme King, Con La Fauci, Jacqui Luckman, Peter Marriott, Gary Mason, John McPhee, Brian Murdoch, Joan Nathan, Noelene Noonan,  Alan Pearce, Geoff Perdriau, Peter Saville, David Schunke, John Stevens, Bruce Tickell, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Roger Watkins, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins.



Davis                           B.     (Bruce)                           23 years  ANZ

Livingston                   K.G. (Kevin)                           37 years  ANZ

Marriott                      P.R. (Peter)                             19 years ANZ

Pritchard                    M.A (Maree)                             8 years   ANZ

Valastro                      F.B.     (Frank)                          27 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Bruce, Kevin Peter and Frank at one of our meetings. Maree was welcomed at the Ballarat meeting.


Davis                           M.F. (Max)                 71 years          15/8/2012

Neville Pearson attended the funeral of Max Davis on 22nd August at St Stephens Church, Stiggant Street Warrandyte, which is located in a beautiful wooded area beside the Yarra River. There was an attendance of 300 plus mourners which included a significant presence of fellow bankers from far and wide, including a solid roll up of past ANZ Tennis and ANZ Football Club members. The legendary Allambee Avenue boys from the 1960’s ANZ Football Club were well represented.  Bill Stevens who was interstate, advised he was disappointed at not being able to attend given his close involvement with Max within the ANZ and Kooyong Tennis Clubs .

Several tributes covering Max’s involvement in tennis, football, golf and family were given and a beautiful song tribute was sung live from Jane Ling. Max’s banking career starting in West Australia covered a broad spectrum including a term in London, Shipboard Agencies, Administration Branch Banking and area banking in Victoria .Max had a great love of family, sport and his beloved pet dogs. He will be sadly missed


Miles                           H.A.(Hugh)                 82 years          24/8/2012

The funeral of Hugh Miles was held in the Blair Chapel Springvale on 31st August with a large crowd in attendance that overflowed from the Chapel into the reception area. There was a strong contingent of fellow bankers present. Fitting the manner in which Hugh’s life was lived the funeral reception was a truly moving and colourful affair All attendees were gifted a copy of Hugh’s final DVD on arrival in memory of his life. The Chapel vibrated to the music of Hugh singing “Fly Me To The Moon”, “Pennies From Heaven” and “How Little we Know” and the quality of sound was incredible given Hugh was 78 years of age when he made the DVD.

Hugh joined the ES&A and had 42 years service including with ANZ following merger.

Hugh was an avid sportsman playing football in country Victoria and in the bank’s VAFA (Amateurs) team, tennis and later lawn bowls.  With long silver hair and mustache nick names such as “Silver Fox” and “Duke” were bestowed upon him by the family and friends’ .Hugh had a great passion for singing and performed on stage. A highlight was a live appearance on Graham Kennedy’s IMT (In Melbourne Tonight).  Hugh had a very pleasant singing voice, and would team up at the Staff Christmas Party in the Staff Cafeteria at Royal Bank with other staff members namely, Brian Nash (dec) on Piano, Bernie Atkinson Drums, Graeme Galway Trombone, and Noel Matthews on Saxophone. Hugh will be sadly missed, but never forgotten by all his family and friends and fondly remembered as a flamboyant, entertaining and a talented character. (Photos of the musicians provided by Kevin Mitchell have been posted on the ANZROC website)

Dick Sanders who attended the funeral said he was Accountant to Hugh when he arrived at Brandon Park branch, Hugh having taken over from Alan James

Kevin Mitchell said he worked in the ES&A General Managers Dept the same time as Hugh Miles who was attached to The Advances Team.




Oxley                                      P.L.(Peter)                  82 years          10/9/2012

Peter passed away on 10/9/2012 aged 82 years. Peter started his banking career with the E. S. & A Bank in his home town of St. Arnaud as a 16 year old, and continued to progress through the ranks, and the merger with the ANZ, to end his career as Area Manager of the North West Victoria region. Having had a stint as Manager of the ANZ in Mount Gambier, he decided to retire there in 1985, purchased 40 acres of land and began a small farming project. After 18 years of very happy rural living, Peter and wife Moira moved to a Retirement Village in Mount Gambier, before Peter's health forced him into a Nursing Home earlier this year for more intensive care. He is survived by his wife, four children and ten grand-children. Roly Webster mentioned at the Ballarat meeting that he worked with Peter and was very sad to hear of his passing.


The attendees at the Ballarat meeting stood as a mark of respect in remembrance of Max Davis, Hugh Miles and Peter Oxley, our former colleagues, and our condolences are extended  to families and friends,


The service of Thanksgiving for the life of Eric Black was held in the North Balwyn Uniting Church on 14th August and a large crowd was in attendance. There were many ANZ colleagues present at the service and Brian Christensen told  those present about Eric’s career in ANZ  .Eric joined the Union Bank of Australasia in 1933 in Queensland and in 1956 came to Melbourne working in lending in Victorian Administration moving to Corporate Lending and retiring in 1975 as Assistant State Manager Corporate Lending NSW. Eric was very involved in the Staff Social Club, the ANZ Golf Club and was a strong supporter and for several years President of the ANZ Football Club. Wendy Black’s brother told of Eric’s wartime service of firstly a short term in the AIF until 1941 before joining the RAAF where he served as a pilot in Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya and the Philippines including flying the Catalina Flying boats. While there were many ANZ retired officers in attendance several that we had not seen for a while were Jock Buntain who penned an “ode” to Eric that is posted on the website, Brian Farrell ,Rod Hill, John McConnell, Roy Peake a stalwart of  the ANZ football teams and Neville Taylor. John Brown emailing from Queensland said it was very sad to hear of Eric Black’s  death, he was a great supporter of the staff club as well as the footy club and was friend to many of us 'young blokes from the bush' as we moved around in the Bank.  Bob Bell from Mollymook said he had the pleasure of knowing Eric since 1961, and worked for him at the old 394 Collins St, Lending and Corporate AHQ.

Wendy Black writes that she has now had time to settle down and she wants to  thank so many of their ROC friends who supported Wendy by attending Eric's Thanksgiving Service on 14th August.  She couldn’t believe her eyes when entering the Church and seeing so many of their friends.  It was a wonderful tribute to Eric.


ANZ CEO Australia Phil Chronican sent a personal note to President Neville thanking ANZROC members for the card sent following the death of his wife Leanne. Phil very much appreciated the number of friends and work colleagues who have taken their time to extend their support.

Jack Moyle advised that he had learnt that Sheila Burchette had passed away on 16 August 2012 in Kent England. Sheila was the wife of Peter Burchette who predeceased her some years earlier. Peter was with the ES&A in London and worked in Australia during 1962-64 at Admin Victoria and also visited Queensland and Tasmania. A number of older ES&A members might remember Peter and Sheila.


Don Davy advised that our retired member Rae Collins (92) was recently hit by a cyclist  and in falling  he  fractured his shoulder. Rae normally resides at Finchley Court Supported Care at 1168 Dandenong Road Carnegie 3163 but during his convalescence is at the Epworth Rehabilitation Unit at 85 Wilson Street Brighton Tel: 9592 9144.

Don has been visiting Rae and wondered if any of Rae’s former colleagues might like to make contact with him. Long time friend Wal McGillivray also mentioned that Rae would be happy for friends to phone.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during September and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Dave Brookman (89), Barbara Bruce, Valda Clarke, George Cooper (83), Geoff Elliott (84), Bruce Emmett (80), Reg Evans (92), Ian Ewart (81), Don Fraser (87), Stan Goulding (86), Ralph Howden (88), Alan James (86), David Kennedy (88), Dick Milnthorpe (80), Ron Smith (84), Tony Wingrave (80), Murray Wood (90).


From  1/9/2012

less than $20,000         2.30%

Greater than $20,000   2.95%



The ANZ BANK FOOTBALL CLUB (Now playing as Albert Park “Falcons” Football Club) wore Black Armbands for their match against” Old Westbourne” (who play at the school oval in Truganina) as a mark of respect for Eric Black who passed away on 9th August.

The FALCONS newsletter/website read “It saddens us to advise that a former President of the then ANZ Football Club, Mr. Eric G Black passed away on 9th August 2012. Eric was president of our club between 1962 and 1964. On behalf of the entire football club we would like to wish Eric’s family and friends our condolences and as a mark of respect we will be wearing black arm bands on Saturday”. Brian and Noelle Christensen, Bill (Jet) and Bev Jackson, Neville (Birdie) and Cheryl Pearson went along to the game to support the team who battled hard all day without claiming the ultimate victory

OLYMPIC GAMES BASKETBALL: Past Wagga sporting fanatics will fondly remember Arthur Newley’s fantastic performances for ANZ South Australia on the Wagga Basketball court. Arthur was the Victorian Teams nemesis for many years. Arthur seemed always at a loss whether to follow a basketball career or “Wagga style boat racing”. Needless to say the boat racing won. It was wonderful to see that Arthurs’s son Bradley was a member of the Australian Olympic Team in the recent London Olympics and is playing professional basketball overseas.


KERRY AND RODNEY DARK flew down from Queensland to attend John Holberton’s funeral. Unfortunately their time in Melbourne was short and they particularly asked me to pass on their sincerest condolences and best wishes to John Holberton’s family and friends, as well as their own former work mates and friends within ANZ “



David Barr emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card. David and wife Helga are just back from 8 weeks in Northern Australia camping with friends and they managed to cross a lot of things off their Bucket Lists. They drove the Tanami and Oodnadatta Tracks and the Gibb River Road and despite being very rough in parts, they managed to traverse these relatively unscathed. Watched the sunset at Cable Beach and enjoyed some whale spotting at Middle Lagoon which is about 2 hours north of Broome. David and Helga visited most of the gorges in the Kimberley and they took flights to the Buccaneer Archipelago and Horizontal Falls, Mitchell Falls and the Bungle Bungles. Amazing scenery and combined with some beautiful weather, ranging from mid 20’s to mid 30’s, it certainly made for a memorable trip. They will most likely be heading north again next year to escape Melbourne’s winter.

Treasurer John Brown and wife Jan  were on the Gold Coast (Runaway Bay) staying with Bruce and Glennis Robertson for a few days and then moving on to Bribie Island to visit a couple of cousins who live up that way. They will then be heading back into northern NSW for the last couple of weeks before a last minute dash back home towards the end of September. Fish are biting, but unfortunately most are too small to keep.

Barbara Bruce emails that the ANZ birthday greetings arrived on her birthday and many thanks to Kathy Trace for the card. Four friends took Barbara out for an enjoyable lunch on her birthday. She spent 6 weeks in Britain in May/June, the highlights being in London for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations and attending a wedding in Wales.

Ken Chisholm writes thanks for the good wishes that arrived on his birthday which was much appreciated. Ken had an excellent party provided by his wife, children and grandkids for his 70th.

Muriel Drummond sends her thanks for the birthday greetings from Kathy Trace and says it is so nice to be remembered after almost 30 years in retirement.

Frank Edwards emails many thanks for the birthday greetings as another year races by. Frank is happy to report that he is showing just a few signs of wear and tear, but nothing too obvious.

Frank and wife Mavis did the usual thing and spent their birthdays on the move, this time “doing” the cruise up the Mekong from Saigon to Siem Reap in Cambodia, spotting quite a few ANZ Royal branches and ATMs along the way. A fellow passenger told them he went to school in Hobart with an old Esanda colleague Jeff Barnes, so if anyone is still in touch with Jeff, please let him know that David (Courtland) Blakney sends his kind regards.

Gordon Field and wife Edith have recently returned from a bus trip through Poland and river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam. He was impressed with Poland and the number of cruise vessels on the rivers. They visited the Floriade, held every ten years which was a treat as they had visited it 30 years ago in the Netherlands It is quite an event. The APT tour Gordon and Edith were on was well organised and the sites through Austria and Germany magnificent. Entertainment every evening was of a very high standard. The free food and drink on the boat was a bit of a problem in that some overdid it, much to the annoyance of others. Before departing Gordon hurt his knee which was a downer for the trip. Still they took a number of good photo’s which are being sorting through now. At present they are in the wars with his bad knee, replacement not an option with other health issues and Edith who slipped over in the garden and broke her arm. She must have it in a sling as plaster or operation was not an option for her. With Gordon as chief cook and bottle washer, and carer they are like a couple of lame ducks. It would be a humorists delight to see them getting in each other’s way in the kitchen. With the best will in the world sorting out home help is labyrinthine. Some Agencies will do one thing and not another. Still Gordon says they are bedding things down for the 2/3 months it will take the arm to heal.

John Glasson sends his thanks for the card conveying happy 90th birthday wishes together with good health and happiness in the year to come to which he will look forward to with pleasure.

Phil Goodier emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday message which arrived right on time. Retired life for Phil is flat out fishing, diving and that frustrating game of bowls plus plenty of travelling. Bowls is enjoyed with retired officers Ray Pietsch, Ian Davies and David Moffatt who are also in the Beaumaris Bowls Club. The annual fishing trip to WA with ' Capt Bligh’, Peter Bramwell and crew Bob Parsons was again successful this year as it was at Shark Bay where many good fish were caught. A great place when the weather is cooler in Melbourne. Phil and wife Gail also enjoyed a few weeks of R & R in Koh Samui Thailand and trips to Mallacoota and the Snowy River (fishing) somehow fitted in to keep the freezer well stocked. Frequent trips to Yorke Peninsula in Sth Aus are part of life as Phil’s sister is involved in farming near Maitland and Kangaroo Island. The Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron takes up time however it was good to see retired officers Tony Palmer and Max Pleydell and wives dining at the club recently As the Crows are doing well and the finals looming ones' nerves will surely be tested !!

John Hawkins emailed that he is unable to attend the meeting at Ballarat as he and wife Helen will be touring East Coast Canada/USA until 03 Oct.

Louis Hebrard emails that once again he thanks the club for the timely birthday card and good wishes. Fortunately Louis is keeping very well and enjoying the expanding family, golf, working one day a week and many other interests.

Ian Ince writes to thank Kathy for the birthday greetings for his 79th which was greatly appreciated. It has been a quiet year but at least he had two birthday parties as the family could not all be together on the day.

Peter Jones emailing his many thanks for the birthday card which arrived on the day says that to celebrate his 80th he went out to dinner with the family.

Cathie MacKiggan writes her many thanks for remembering her birthday as always arriving on the day. She spent a week in Noosa Heads and enjoyed a spot of warm weather with every day 25/26 degrees but then back to Melbourne to warm clothes and the electric blanket.

Susan McCarthy emails her thanks for the annual birthday card. She arrived home from a week in the snow on her birthday to find the card awaiting her. Susan enjoys retirement, and from the letters published in the ANZROC monthly newsletter, so do most people. There’s such a lot of the world to be explored (and so little time to do the exploring). A highlight of her past year was a terrific trip to Portugal with Australians Studying Abroad. Susan learnt plenty about the Portuguese navigational prowess, and about the English development of the market for Port.

John McConnell sends his thanks for the birthday greetings which again arrived with immaculate timing. He says he finds the quantity and quality of the news distributed to members of great interest.

Keith Moorhouse emailed his thanks for the ANZROC Birthday Wishes for his 66th year. Keith and wife Irene have just returned from a holiday in Cairns where they enjoyed great weather, scenic beauty, wonderful food and a lot of diving. Needless to say they are both in good health and their life is very busy with travelling, hobbies, 10 grandchildren and a great grandson. Keith sends regards to all his past work colleagues

Brian Murdoch sends his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes he received for his 81st.Brian says it is pleasing to catch up with what is news with other retirees. Unfortunately 2012 has not been great health wise for Brian but after stints in hospital, rehabilitation and respite he has now returned home. Visits by Neville and Cheryl Pearson, Bruce Tickell, John Flyger, Neil Sharman and Alan Chapple have helped his recovery.

Reg Nicolson sent a note to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived on the day. Reg says that although managing the birthday cards must be a time consuming and never ending task it is greatly appreciated by the “oldies” and the other cards get fewer and fewer as we age.

Bernard O'Reilly emails thanks for his birthday card. Bernard and wife Claire  have continued with their  4 X 4 travels with a trip to view the Alice Springs /Finke desert race in June however as they  have now visited most places on the  agenda and are looking for some more comfort as opposed to outback bush camping, the vehicle with all camping equipment is now for sale. Bernard and Claire have not been in Melbourne during the winter for some time and must admit the colder weather is not to their liking so will have to plan to be in sunnier/warmer parts next year but in the meantime they will be going to the country music festival in Mildura in early October for a week (hopefully after the mighty Hawks have won another premiership). The newsletter is always a joy to learn what is happening to past colleagues and with some luck Bernard hopes to be able to attend the meeting at The Waltzing Matilda in Springvale.

Alan Pearce would like to thank the members for their birthday wishes on the occasion of his 77th birthday and also sincerely thank Kathy Trace for her great efforts in getting the birthday greetings to members on time. It is very much appreciated.

Mark Stankovich writes thanks for the birthday wishes. He had a great and happy day celebrating his birthday at a dinner party with his whole family. As usual the year passed too quickly and there seems to be less and less time to accomplish all one wants to do.

Doug Watson emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the special greetings on his birthday card.

It only seems just a short time ago that Doug and wife Maureen arrived from ANZ London in 1971 and could not understand why everything was closed....but it was a special race day in November! Recently it was very much into the future  when Alister Maitland and Doug lunched at the Treasury on the corner of Queen Street. Yes the old ANZ 394 Collins Street where many moons ago he was set to work as the new Pom in town on set off points ,Mac Brunckhorst stopped it but today a front line product in the form of creditor set off accounts has been introduced...change goes around and back!!. But the tellers counter still remains as a symbol of the banks past .Today Doug and Maureen now have a great family of 20 and celebrated his special day at the RACV resort at Inverloch which was a nice place to be for a few days, even in the winter. At this time they also reflect on the many friends and support they have had from the ANZ family. And it was good to catch up with Rodney and Kerry Dark and Rosemary and Don McGinn earlier this month. Retirement is not for Doug and after a stint on Swinburne University board and working on  the Bendigo Community Bank Concept they are running a small consulting business from Little Collins Street not far from ANZ Queen Street. This keeps Doug more than occupied but still allows time to visit Europe and the Med and London each year to catch up with friends, London ANZers  and his mother who is now some 97 years of age and still living in the family home near Dulwich in London. Still quite a while to go..... If he follows the gene path!


AND Kevin Barry, John Bloom, Bill Bowring, Geoff Christensen, Brian Day, Saul Eslake, Pierre Farhat, Ian Fulton, Peter Giasoumi, David Gibb, Trevor Hart,  Peter Harvey, Andy Herd, Graeme Horsburgh, Bob Irvine, Erwin Jones, Graham Joseph, Peter Kane, Rob Kirk, Alan Lauder, George Lawson, Phil Manning, Bruce and Nancye Mathrick,  Peter Mitchell, John Pearson, Ron Phillips,  Graeme Plant, Alan Podger, Tom Portelli, Peter Powell, Bevyn Ranford, Barry Reid, Allan Richardson, John Saffery, Kevin Sharp, Graham Spruzen, Rupe Thomas, Russell van Rooyen, Adrian Walsh, John White, ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA


THERMOMIX COOKING CLASS with Wolfgang Damschitz August 23rd at Tooronga Village Shopping Centre

A group of 34 ANZROC members and partners enjoyed a great culinary adventure despite the inclement weather that evening with Hostess Janine Babauskis and Host Wolf Damschitz. Janine and her team of assistants joined Wolf and using only the Thermomix Kitchen appliance presented a degustation menu that was enjoyed by all present. The Thermomix unites the functions of over 10 appliances in one compact unit and Wolf mentioned that these units were successfully introduced to ANZ Bank catering a few years ago when he was in charge of the kitchen. This was our first evening get together for the year and members not seen for a while included Annette and Graham Baldwin, Ken Crawford, Graeme King , David Laing, Andrew and Elizabeth Turner, Doug Watson and Anne Wee and Brian and Noelle Christensen came with daughter Katherine. Our thanks go to Janine and Wolf for such an enjoyable evening.

Doug Watson and wife Maureen said they enjoyed the cooking function so much and it was great to catch up with Wolf again... he well remembered Doug’s black Saab sports and how badly he parked it in the bank garage!! As Doug said at the meeting we should try and get Wolf to run a sub chapter of ANZROC for food and wine appreciation?




The final Staff Reunion Luncheon for all officers who were employed by The English Scottish & Australian Bank Limited is to be held on Wednesday 17th October 2012 at The Bar and Balcony Restaurant, The Strathmore Hotel, 129 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. from 12 noon.

There are a number of members of ANZROC Vic that worked in S.A and are now residing in Victoria who may be interested in attending the get together. You can contact President John Lauder on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for full details or let Ron Adams know and he will send you the invitation.



GOLF DAY - TRARALGON GOLF CLUB - Thursday 22 November 2012

This is a day where ANZROC members and partners can come just for the game, or like most, can check in at a local motel for the night and enjoy a friendly social evening with a great country style three course dinner and a few drinks after the game at the well appointed Traralgon Golf Club. We look forward to catching up with you all at this popular event.

An entry form is attached with this Newsletter and is also be available on the website.



18 Day Canadian Experience and Alaska Cruise

OFFER: Fly Free Including Taxes*

ANZ Price $9,016 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $9,695)

Departs April 2013. Book by 15 October 2012

Discover the amazing beauty of the Canadian Rockies including a two day VIA Rail journey. Embark on a seven night cruise through the famous Inside Passage with Holland America visiting Tracy Arm, Sitka and Ketchikan.


  • Overnight train journey on VIA Rail in Sleeper Touring Class
  • Overnight at The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in Lake View Rooms
  • Two nights in Valleyside or Mountain View rooms at The Fairmont Banff Springs
  • Seven Night Cruise: Holland America Line ship, the ms Oosterdam in a luxurious Verandah Stateroom
  • Fully escorted tour and Alaskan cruise
  • Enjoy a return scenic ferry ride across the pretty Georgia Strait
  • Travel the Icefields Parkway and board an Ice Explorer onto Athabasca Glacier
  • Ride a gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain for spectacular views
  • Be amazed by Moraine Lake
  • Guided tour of the sights of Vancouver
  • Explore Sitka, Ketchikan and Juneau
  • Freedom of Choice Touring & Dining options in selected cities
  • 39 meals

For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit

*Conditions apply. Book and deposit by 15 October 2012. Prices are per person, twin share and includes savings. Prices are correct as at 3 September 2012 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. Fly Free offers are subject to availability of airline and booking class. Once booking class sold out surcharges apply. Flights must be booked by APT. Non-Refundable deposit of $3,000 per person is due within seven days. Final Payment is due 100 days prior to departure. Flights are in economy class with Air Canada (or an airline of APT’s choosing if unavailable). FLY FREE INCLUDING TAXES: Includes air taxes to the value of up to $820 per person. Fly Free offer valid April 2013 departures of UT18VEVS.



Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2012/2013 are now due and payments can be made in favour of ANZROC and sent to our Treasurer John Def Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note:  – you do not need to pay any subscription

Note that members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided .See the website for the  acknowledgement form to email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.


The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947


As a matter of interest the  number of members using the internet for newsletters has stalled at around 690 and if you have access to email let us know and we will be able to send future communications electronically that will reach you within 7 days of our meetings.




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted to John Def Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 ) to reach John Brown  prior to 31st October 2012.

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00.



………………………………………………………………      $…………..

(Name of member)      Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………





November 8th AGM…34th Floor, 100 Queen Street

November 22nd Golf tournament at Traralgon

December 13th Christmas Luncheon at Art Centre St Kilda Road

February 14th 2013 Luncheon to celebrate Charles Rennie’s 100th birthday.

34TH Floor/100 Queen Street





To be held at the WALTZING MATILDA HOTEL 856 HEATHERTON ROAD SPRINGVALE (Cnr Springvale and Heatherton Road)

ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in suburban Melbourne for Members and their partners on Thursday 11th October 2012.  We encourage members and their partners in the nearby suburbs to come and spend time with colleagues and friends.  Members to pay for meals and drinks on the day.

Names can be sent to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or phone through your details on 9551 0414 or post to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172 using the notice attached.


To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required ______________________________________________________________________________



856  Heatherton Road Springvale on Thursday 11th October 2012

Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon:   Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance:  Yes  /  No

I would appreciate assistance with transport:   Yes / No

This information can be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley  3172 or should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414



newsletter August 2012

NEWSLETTER 9th August 2012

Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

John Stevens (Ph 94396664)



President Neville Pearson welcomed 45 guests that included our guest speaker Rob Canty a long time member of the Melbourne Cricket Club and a volunteer guide for the National Sports Museum located in the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Secretary Peter Pritchard then completed the formalities of the day welcoming new members Jack Le Pedjian and Doug Westcott to their first meeting and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Barbara Bruce, Neil Gladstone, Ron Phillips, and Eric Williams visiting from Warrnambool



Vic Ansell, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , Wendy Black, John Brown , Cedric Coxsedge, Col Edwards , Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Ray Gill, John Hawkins,  Ron Horne, Doug Imrie, Gerry Kennedy,  Graeme King, Jacqui Luckman, Brian Murdoch, Bruce Sanderson, Peter Saville, John Stevens, Bruce Tickell, Jackie Waite, Roger Watkins, Doug Watson, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins.



Lepedjian                   Jack                            16 years ANZ

Westcott                     D.S. (Doug)                44 years ANZ

Whitehead                  G.J. (Graham)              23 years ANZ

Both Jack and Doug were welcome guests at our August meeting and we look forward to seeing Graham perhaps at one of our country meetings.


Black                           Eric G (Eric)                           9/8/2012                      94 years

Eric enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in May 1941 and at date of discharge in September 1945 was a Flying Officer in the 20th Squadron. Eric was a member with Gerry McPherson of the Odd Bods (UK) Association. They were ex-RAAF aircrew who had served in the UK on various Royal Air Force squadrons and had no unit organisation as such in this country and included RAAF and Allied Air Force blokes who had served in the UK, Europe and the Middle East on units outside the control of the RAAF.

The Funeral Service to celebrate the life of Eric is to be held at St Aidan’s Balwyn North Uniting Church 17-21 Duggan Road at 2.30pm on 14/8/2012 and we will report further in our September Newsletter..

Cayzer                                    Lindsay Alfred (Lindsay)       3/8/2012                     90 years

Lindsay enlisted in the Australian Army in August 1942 and was a Sergeant in 106 Tank Att Regt on discharge in March 1946. John and Lois Vanselow and John Caudry represented ANZROC at the service.

Holberton                   John Harry L. (John)            5/8/2012                      89 years

John enlisted in the Australian Army in March 1942 and at discharge in June 1946 was a Driver in 2/4 Motor Ambulance Convoy.

The funeral service was held at Holy Trinity High Street Kew on Friday 10th August, at 11am and was attended by a large gathering of family, friends and ex ANZ colleagues. Many ANZROC  members were there to pay their respects including Bob Bell, Barbara Bruce, Henry Carr, Brian and Noelle Christensen, Rodney Dark, Brian Farrell , John Foley , Tess Hondros, David Morgan, Neville Pearson, Robin Pleydell, Charles Rennie, John Ries, Des Shady, Gary and Sue Stanaway, Warren Taylor, Rupe and Helen Thomas, John and Lois Vanselow Eamon Veaney, Doug Watson, John Winders and Pinky Watson whose late husband Bill got a special mention in the eulogy as a good friend of John was also there.

A full report of John’s career is posted on the ANZROC website.

Whitney                          Leslie Thomas (Les)                        30/4/2012        105 years

Les enlisted in the Australian Army in May 1942 and on discharge in October 1945 was a Private in the 18th Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps. We were advised of Les’s passing by his daughter Jillian Burrows in August.

Woolcock                        Harold Lawson (Harold)     6/7/2012          90 years

Harold enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1942 and on discharge in April 1946 was Sergeant 1 ART B/JW.

Harold’s widow Sylvia said that Harold joined the Bank of Australasia in 1938 and his banking career took him to branches in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania before retiring as Manager of Queenscliff Branch .Sylvia and Harold were married for 63 years. She said she knew our member Bruce Iddles was in attendance at the funeral service but others may have attended.


Members stood in remembrance of our past members John, Les and Harold and will remember Eric at the September ANZROC meeting and our condolences are extended to their family and friends.


Margaret Batrouney niece of our late member John Duggan sends  thanks for the email with attachment re notice of John's death .The family did appreciate Neville Pearson and Dick Sanders attending the Requiem Mass. John was very much a part of her  life and the family  will miss him. Also the family do thank ANZROC for keeping in touch with John over so many years.

Lawrie Foord advised that Gary Frater former ES&A/ANZ staff member at 388 Collins Street passed away on 4th July at age of 71. Gary would be remembered by many ANZROC members and condolences are sent to his widow Rita and family.

We have also been advised by Stan Halbish that Jenny Hogan former Manager at 457 Elizabeth Street has passed away this month aged 56 years.


Phil Chronican ,CEO ANZ Australia , who members will recall was our guest speaker at our 833 Collins St meeting has advised the very sad news that his wife, Leanne Chronican, passed away on the weekend of the 28/29 July. Phil and Leanne had just embarked on an overseas holiday when a short illness led to Leanne being hospitalised in Budapest. Our thoughts are with Phil at this time. A condolence card which members signed was circulated and sent to Phil.


Joan Coxsedge has advised that Cedric has been in hospital for the past few weeks and is expected to be in rehab for some time to come. Cedric become ill following return from an overseas holiday. We wish Cedric a speedy recovery.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during August and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays; Henry Barker (83), Bruce Campbell (91), Frank Donovan (90), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards (84), Ken Fitzgerald (84), John Glasson (90), Cliff Griggs (87), June Hoskin, Peter Jones (80), Bruce Kells (80), Mike Kennedy (83), Ken Lee (83), Doug Long (88), Robert McAsey (85), Brian Murdoch (81), Reg Nicolson (81), Peter O’Dwyer (80), Alwyn Ward (88), Tony Watt (83).



From  1/8/2012

less than $20,000         2.29%

Greater than $20,000   2.94%



What a sad month we have experienced with the news that six of our oldest ANZROC members have passed away.

The most recent passing was that of Eric Black 94 years, on Thursday 9th August. I have so many fond memories of playing football with ANZ Football Club during Eric’s reign as President from 1962 to 1964 and the support and friendship over the years to follow

We also regret to advise the passing of John Duggan 105 years,Les Whitney 105 years, Harold Woolcock 90 years, Lindsay Cayzer 90years and John Holberton 89 years.

Our second oldest member Charles Rennie and wife Joy braved the cold weather to attend John Holberton’s funeral at the Holy Trinity Church Kew. This beautiful Church provided a fitting backdrop to this sad occasion with the interior boasting magnificent stained glass windows and wooden vaulted ceiling.

As expected the church was filled, with approx 300 family, friends and fellow ANZROC members

Our oldest member (and only member presently over 100 years old) is Bob Nichol. When I visited Bob at 40 Dorking Road Hostel Box Hill last week I am pleased to say that Bob is still going strong.

I visited Brian Murdoch who is recovering well from major surgery. He is making a good recovery and is now out of hospital

Spent a most enjoyable time at Broughton Lee Village Surrey Hills last week visiting Ron Cashin and enjoyed a great cappuccino and chat. We finished up singing a medley of old, (correction ancient tunes) from the past, much to the enjoyment!! of the other residents who joined in the chorus

Our Treasurer John Brown is currently enjoying warm weather up north for a couple of months. For those who know John’s wife Jan, I am pleased to advise that Jan is recovering well from recent spinal surgery and able to enjoy the warm weather up north with John

I must say that I have found it both pleasurable and rewarding to visit, as time permits, some of our not so well members, who are unable to attend our monthly meetings. They do enjoy it when old work mates drop in for a chat and it is something I would encourage



We were fortunate to have Roger Canty as our guest speaker. Roger has been a member of the Melbourne Cricket Club for 30 years and a MCC Tour Guide for the past 22 years so he should know a lot about the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). Roger is a long suffering Bulldog supporter and has worked as a volunteer for the Commonwealth Games in 2006 and the FINA World Swimming Championships in 2007.

Roger was well placed to talk about his subject: “MCG, the famous events and people associated with the ground”. He gave a interesting and witty talk and recounted many of the events associated with the ground



Ian Bell emailing from Bendigo says thank you again for the Birthday Wishes on his 70th. It is now 15 years since Ian retired and the time has flown quite quickly. Ian and wife Carmel had a cruise to New Zealand earlier this year and would recommend the experience to all. They hope to again hop on a ship in 2013 all being well. Next time they are looking at a cruise around Australia or the Islands.

Gordon Christensen emails many thanks once again to the club for card received on his birthday. Gordon and his wife recently returned from a week in Las Vegas followed by a cruise from New York to Alaska via the Panama Canal. Passing through the canal took 10 hours from arrival at 7.00am. The ship is towed through the two locks at each end of the canal by 8 locomotives with a clearance of only 60cms on each side of the ship. Gordon was told that it costs a large cruise ship around $450,000 U.S. dollars to use the canal for one crossing.

Rae Collins writes as always it’s great to hear from Kathy Trace on the date of his birthday. At 92 he is not too bad as he does plenty of walking on his new pusher of 5/6 miles each day. Rae still visits the East Malvern RSL regularly and often meets up with members Murray Wood and Neil Sharman. The other member of his group Wal McGillivray is in Queensland for the winter. Rae is still attending the senior members’ lunches at Kooyong Tennis Club where he feels he must have played a few thousand sets over the years. Rae has been retired since 1976 and has made good use of the time in the early years travelling extensively overseas. Now he likes to read of the exploits of the members of his old ANZ crew.

Neil Dawtrey e-mails his thanks to the club for unfailingly remembering his birthday and especially Kathy Trace. Coming to the meetings again several times this year has been very enjoyable after being on the long term injured list after falling off a ladder in October 2011,spending nearly six weeks in hospital and a rehab facility and  unable to get about very well for many months after that. Normal life has now resumed and travel can again be possible and the other things we all enjoy doing.

Ray Gill reports that he is unable to attend the August meeting as he is off to Cairns again for the second time in three months.

Geoff Harkin received the ANZROC birthday card for his birthday and the thought was appreciated. After taking a package in Sept 08, Geoff went back in July 10 as a temp for 23 months, working on the Landmark Integration project, where the Bank purchased the Landmark deposit and loan book from the Australian Wheat Board, He was the last temp off the project after 23 months when it was wrapped up on 30th May this year. It was a fantastic experience working with an amazing group of young people.

John Harris emails his thanks to Kathy and the Club for the good wishes for his birthday. John and wife Colleen are both well as is the family and they have just returned from their regular visit to their son, daughter in law and three grandchildren in London. A side trip to Provence entailed two weeks and just over 2,000 Km in a rented car exploring towns and villages with a couple of days in Dubai on the way home.  Support in London for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations was enthusiastic and John and Colleen enjoyed a great vantage point to watch the Procession down the Thames which proved remarkable with the 1,000 boats of all sizes and descriptions required to maintain 4 mph for 7 miles - quite an undertaking for some of the oarsmen. Their daughter, son in law and 2 further grandchildren in Melbourne provided a great welcome home

Terry Heenan emails thanks Kathy for the birthday card which again arrived on time. Terry had a wonderful 74th birthday with all the family present, including daughter Joanne who shares Terry’s birthday date, and on this occasion was half his age. Terry and wife Mary have 5 grandchildren now all under six years of age, which keeps them busy. They still live in Leopold and Terry keeps active by playing bowls and golf regularly.

John Hudgson emails that once again on the day his much appreciated card arrived. Thanks to Kathy and the committee for continuing this fabulous tradition. Another year in retirement and enjoying it immensely .John and wife Ann spent a wonderful week at Boambee Bay (just near Coff’s Harbour) early in the year and enjoyed the meandering drive home through NSW. They also spent a week travelling with the RACV “fly the Flag tour” in their  1971 Rambler Rebel this year travelling out through Hamilton to Mount Gambier and back through the Western District via Ballarat – They have not ventured far since but seem to fill in the time very easily. Their daughter has just left on a 12 month overseas trip commencing through Asia and then onto British Isles and Europe so John and Ann have been involved in the preparation for her trip. Maybe they will have some news on their own travels next year. They both love getting the ANZROC newsletter which helps them keep up with ANZ colleagues and they are looking forward to joining members at the Ballarat luncheon

Doug Imrie emails that it is great to be able to keep up to date with what’s going on via the newsletters while they are travelling through Queensland. He and wife Trish intended to be home by September but had an incident with the caravan. They exited Wyangla Dam National Park via covered exit with “2 metre clearance”. Doug’s van is less than 2 metres high, but the air conditioner is higher. Suffice to say, they now have a six week stop in Cairns awaiting repairs to damaged roof.

Bill Jackson emails his appreciation to Kathy for the timely arrival of the ANZROC birthday card for his 70th. Celebration was to be a simple dinner with close family. Bill was ambushed and conned as it turned out to be a well concealed and planned surprise party luncheon at the local RSL with family, past and present neighbours plus long time friends which included Brian and Noelle Christensen and Neville (Birdie) and Cheryl Pearson. It was a real surprise and wonderful to have all those there share this special milestone with him. Also thanks to those that rang and wished Bill a Happy Birthday.

Alwynne Kilpatrick writing on his 88th says thanks to those responsible for the birthday wishes over the years. We know that all members appreciate the receipt of their cards. Alwynne retired in 1984 at the ripe old age of 60 and now at 88 is not doing too badly. It is always nice to read of the doings of members in the newsletter.

Serge McIntyre writes to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes for his 75th birthday which was celebrated with his family.

Godfrey Mills emails thanks for the card. A few things to report e.g. Lapidary activities still going well and Faceting Course was a great success. Godfrey and wife Nancy are about to head overseas with their two youngest daughters [both ex ANZ Staffers]. They will all be staying for a while at a mutual friend's place just south of Florence in Italy. Then it’s off to Paris, after which Nancy, Godfrey and middle daughter [Jenny] head off to Nancy's birthplace just outside Edinburgh. That completed they head back to London for a few days and then back home via Singapore. Meantime, young Jane leaves them and returns to Italy and then heads to Turkey with her three kids while husband [Darren] goes off to compete in the Berlin Marathon. He should do well and is looking for a top 125/150 finish. About 45,000 are likely to start. He can run circa 2hrs 39 mins plus for the 42.4 kms which makes him probably the top Marathon runner in Victoria in the 40 to 45 age group.

Kevin O'Neil writes thanks for the birthday wishes on the occasion of his 75th birthday

Trevor Richards emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Card on the occasion of his 67th birthday. Trevor is gearing up for his annual trip to Port Douglas via Townsville to attend a wedding. Two weeks of winter sunshine and warmth.

Joe Romano emails his thanks for the birthday card which arrived as usual on the same day as the birthday. Joe will be going to Qsld for a few days just to get away from the cold weather. He needs to keep the trip short as he wants to assist his brother and sister to look after their elderly parents.

Bernie Sowersby writing on his 82nd sends his thanks to Kathy Trace for the good wishes he received in his birthday card that arrived on the day.

Lyn Stevens who has been responsible for the great luncheons we have enjoyed in March at the Maroondah Club for the past three years sends her thanks for the birthday wishes albeit belatedly she says as she hasn’t the time to keep up with her chores.

Neil Sharman sends his sincere thanks for the birthday wishes he received for his 76th birthday. Neil says it’s always a particular pleasure to receive a birthday card from our Retired Officers Club.

Keith Taylor writing on his 84th says thanks for the best wishes for my birthday and he enjoys the newsletters reading of the club’s and members’ activities.

Jim Trimble writing on his 84th says many thanks for the annual birthday greetings and to Kathy for the wonderful job in sending out greetings to arrive on the day. Its 24 years since Jim retired and he often thinks of the last years of his career spent at the Safe Deposit at 351 Collins Street which has since closed and transferred back to 388 Collins Street.

John Turnbull says thanks for the birthday card and he has only 10 years to go before becoming an Honorary Member.

AND, Jim Christie, Lawton Graham, Martin Hayden, Geoff Horton, Ron Pidcock, Tom Portelli, Dick Sanders,  Roy Sloggett, Glenda White,  ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



On Thursday August 23rd at Thermomix Offices in the Tooronga Village Shopping Centre at 1 Centre Way from 6pm.

Members and partners are welcome to our first night meeting of the year. Cost $10.00 pp covers a meal and refreshments for the evening

Parking is in the Coles Supermarket area and plenty of space ………

A final reminder for this event .To date we have 32 people accepted and another 10/15 would be able to be catered for by Wolf and Janine from Thermomix.

Come and see and taste the difference . The Thermomix is great for busy people, keen cooks and the not-so-keen cooks!

Let Ron Adams know by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by phone at 98210444 or mail at PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144 if you are interested in attending.


Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2012/2013 are now due and payments can be made in favour of ANZROC and sent to our Treasurer John Def Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note:  – you do not need to pay any subscription

Note that members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947


As a matter of interest the  number of members using the internet for newsletters has stalled at around 690 and if you have access to email let us know and we will be able to send future communications electronically that will reach you within 7 days of our meetings.




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted to John Def Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 ) to reach John Brown  prior to 31st October 2012.

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00.



………………………………………………………………      $…………..

(Name of member)      Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………


ANZROC  Offer for August

19 Day China Explorer – Yunan Adventure Inspired by Luke Nguyen

OFFER: Fly Free Including Taxes*

ANZ Price $7,621 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $8,195)

Departs March to October 2012

Luke Nguyen hosting 11 March 2013 departure day 1-6 only.

Book by 31 October 2012

Discover China’s highlights with 19 days of touring inspired by Luke Nguyen’s Greater Mekong television adventure. Luke has shaped many features of this special itinerary and will host one departure on the 11th of March 2013.

Meet friendly locals, enjoy delicious cuisine and amazing ancient wonders.

Visiting the fascinating Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and the Great Wall of China.

Yunan Adventure - Inspired by Luke Nguyen’s Greater Mekong television adventure


• 18 nights of outstanding accommodation

• Two night stay at the Songtsam Retreat in Shangri-La

• Join expert local guides in 8 towns, villages and cities

• Visit the Stone Forest in Kunming

• Explore Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

• Tour the fascinating Songzanlin Monastery in Shangri-La

• Get up close to giant Pandas

• Discover the Great Wall of China

• See the Terracotta Army in Xi’an

• Enjoy an acrobatic show in Shanghai

• Freedom of choice sightseeing and dinning at no extra cost

• All flights within China

• 45 meals including a Peking Duck banquet in Beijing

For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit

*Conditions apply. Book and deposit by 31 October 2012. Prices are per person, twin share. Price based on CH19 departing 19 October 2013. Limited seats on set departures. Offers are not combinable and can be withdrawn at any time. New bookings only, subject to availability. Prices correct as of 6 August 2012 but may fluctuate due to changes in surcharges, fees, taxes and availability. Airfare offer subject to booking class availability. Once tickets are issued, airfares are subject to cancellation and amendment fees. Surcharge may apply to variations of airline routings. Airport taxes vary for each departure point and routing of airline. Airline schedules are subject to change without notice. Fuel surcharge is subject to change and additional fuel surcharge may apply. Air must be booked by APT. Flights are in economy class with Cathay Pacific Airways from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide or Perth. A non-refundable deposit of $2,000 pp is due within 7 days. Fly Free including taxes of $500 pp: Available when booking CHL19 departing between March and October 2013. Luke Nguyen hosting 11 March 2013 CHL19 departure day 1-6 only. Australian Pacific Touring Pty Ltd ABN 44 004 684 619 Lic. No. 30112


GOLF DAY  - TRARALGON GOLF CLUB - Thursday 22 November 2012

Please note this date in your diaries.

Once again we are organising a Golf Day at the Traralgon Golf Club for members and partners. The Club is a comfortable drive from Melbourne and also provides the opportunity for ANZROC members in the Gippsland/ Latrobe Valley area to catch up with past workmates and friends.

Note - The date has been shifted to the fourth Thursday in November so that it doesn’t clash with another regular ANZ golf trip to Yarrawonga.

An entry form for this popular sporting and social event will issue with the September and October newsletters and will also be available on the website.




October 11th Waltzing Matilda Hotel 856 Heatherton Road Springvale visit

November 8th AGM…34th Floor, 100 Queen Street

November 22nd Golf tournament at Traralgon

December 13th Christmas Luncheon

February 14th 2013 Luncheon to celebrate Charles Rennie’s 100th birthday.

34th Floor/100 Queen Street




ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in regional Victoria for Members and their partners on Thursday 13th September 2012. We have received 22 acceptances at date of the Newsletter. This luncheon will be our September monthly ANZROC meeting and we encourage members in outlying areas and from Melbourne to attend.  It is recommended that travel to the function be via “V Line” train travel. “V Line” has a service to Ballarat, leaving from the “V Line” Country platforms (Ground level at Spencer Street side of   Southern Cross Railway Station) at 10.07am and arrives in Ballarat at11.37am. We would suggest that you arrive at the station around 9.30  to 9.40am to enable us to travel as a group. For the return journey there is a train departing Ballarat Station at 3.08pm arriving Southern Cross railway Station at 4.49pm Lunch will be at the George Hotel 27 Lydiard St North Ballarat.

Pay for meals and drinks on the day. Names can now be sent to David and Glen Knuckey            at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172 using the notice attached.


To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required We are pleased to be able to find such a fine location for our first meeting in the Ballarat area for some years  and we will greatly appreciate our members supporting our endeavours in this regard






Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon:   Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance:  Yes  /  No

I would appreciate assistance with transport:   Yes / No

This information can be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley  3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 or Neville on  9802 0187



Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor

newsletter july 2012

NEWSLETTER 12th July 2012

Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)

John Stevens (Ph 94396664)


65 ANZROC Members and partners attended a most congenial lunch at a private room in the Greensborough RSL Club on 12th July. This is the first year we have held the event in the northern corridor of Melbourne and members relished the opportunity to catch up with colleagues and their partners and enjoy talking about their time in the bank and their adventures in retirement.  President Neville Pearson warmly welcomed members and partners and thanked our member Dal Crocker who has been Vice President of the Board of the RSL Club for some years for the work he put into arranging the venue and also our Social Subcommittee member David Knuckey and wife Glen for organising the event.  Neville also thanked the RSL Club management and catering staff that were so crucial in ensuring the occasion was such a success.

Secretary Peter Pritchard also welcomed members and partners and then completed the formalities of the day so that the attendees could enjoy meeting and greeting friends and colleagues. Members attending for the first time were Bruce Gillottie, Sandra Joseph and Bob Stamps. Members not seen for a while included Robin Chase back from holiday, Serene Cheong, Dal Crocker, Rino Frigo, Chris Griffiths, Cliff Griggs, Hedley Ham, Laurie Holland, Bill Jackson, Bruce Kells, Don Ranyard, Des Shady, Bernie Sowersby and Allen Thorp


Visit the "ANZROC" Website for a selection of photos of members and partners enjoying the luncheon .The direct link is


Annette and Graeme Baldwin ,Herman Bettonvil, Eric and Wendy Black,  Cedric Coxsedge, John Duke, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale,  David Gibb, Stan Halbish, John Hawkins, Adrian Henning,  Ron Horne, Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert, Doug Imrie, Graeme King, Con La Fauci, John McPhee, Geoff Meggs, Joan Nathan, Peter Saville, John Stevens ,John Vanselow, Jackie Waite, Roger Watkins, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins.


Harrison                     R.E. (Reg)       52 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Reg at one of our meetings.




Duggan                                   J.M.(John)      8th July 2012   105 years

.John passed away peacefully on Sunday 8th July. His funeral Mass was on Friday 13th July at 11.0 am at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Middle Park. The Irish Priest (friend of the family) who conducted the Mass had flown in from Ireland at 7.00am on the morning of the funeral to conduct the service. His Irish wit and sincerity were indicative of the Duggan family’s place within the church. The vocalist (Paul Hughes) and organist filled the church with music befitting a “Phantom of the Opera” production. John had celebrated his 105th Birthday on 18th March 2012

John joined the Bank in 1924, at his first branch at Corner of Elizabeth and Latrobe Streets and    he held a variety of positions over the term of his career. On his retirement John opted to retain the bank pension scheme of that time, following his retirement. A very wise move it would seem. John was remembered for accidently setting alight a waste paper bin within the branch on discarding one of his trade mark ‘roll your own cigarette” butts.


John’s career was interrupted by the Second World War when he enlisted in the Australian Army in June 1941 and was Staff Sergeant 106 Aust Depot Cash Office on his discharge in June 1946.  With his brother Jim, John served in the new radar division in Perth and Darwin surviving the bombing of Darwin.


John resided at Napier St Hostel and would read the ANZROC newsletters right up till the end.

Neville Pearson represented the ANZROC at the mass along with Dick (and Joan) Sanders who worked with John

At our meeting at Greensborough members stood in remembrance of our past member John and      our condolences are extended to family and friends.


Margaret Ewing emailed to thank the committee for on forwarding the June newsletter which included tributes to her late husband and our past member Ian Ewing. Margaret also thanked Neville Pearson and Con La Fauci for their attendance at the funeral. She has been overwhelmed by the number of cards received from Ian’s former work friends and is only sorry she is unable to thank them all personally

Jackie Manning and her family sent a note expressing their appreciation for the kind and comforting expressions received  in their recent sad bereavement of her husband and our late member Bill Manning. She thanked ANZROC members for the kind words in the recent newsletter and the notice in the Herald Sun at the time of Bill’s passing. The attendance of Kevin Mitchell at the service was much appreciated.


Andy Herd advised that another old banker lost recently was Paul Tsang, Paul was ANZ audio visual technician and did the setups for conference and video conferencing .Andy said he was the nicest and most helpful of colleagues.




John Vanselow advised that he visited our member Brian Murdoch at Cabrini Elsternwick .Brian is recovering after an operation and  his rehabilitation programme is now underway.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during July and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays;

Rae Collins (92), Eric Dickson (81), Chris Fieggen (81), Lawton Graham (83), Fred Hornsby (81), Terry Humphris (87), Alwynne Kilpatrick (88), Kevin Smyth (81), Bernie Sowersby (82), Keith Taylor (84), Frank Wells (85), Trevor Westerman (92), Norm Wood (86), John York (81).




From 1/7/2012             less than $20,000         2.30%

Greater than $20,000   2.94%




Approx 50 past players turned up at Oval 20 Albert Park to celebrate the annual past players/supporters day An enjoyable afternoon was had by all and a spirited effort from the Albert Park (ANZ) Football Team resulted in a good win against the Power House Amateur Football Club It was pleasing to catch up with several of the past players from the 1950/1960’s and although their football prowess may have faded somewhat, they were still capable of recalling many past feats, particularly after downing a few stubbies.


It was with great sadness to learn  that John Duggan passed away on the 8th July. What a wonderful achievement to live for 105 years, and to have continued taking an interest in the ongoing welfare of his fellow retirees through the ANZROC Newsletter. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this sad time


With 65 members/partners turning up for this luncheon a great day was always assured, and we were not let down. The facilities and staff of The Club were excellent and a most enjoyable quality lunch was provided at a very reasonable cost .My special thanks go to Dal Crocker who is a vice president of The Greensborough RSL Club and to David and Glen Knuckey for all their work in organising this luncheon. I would also particularly like to thank our members for the strong support given to our first luncheon held in the Northern Suburbs


I must apologise for forgetting to send our Birthday Card organiser Kathy Trace her birthday card with  the thanks of the committee for her sterling work….One of the few times the card did not arrive on time.


Les Ager emailed to thank Kathy for the birthday card which, as always, arrived on the day.

He celebrated his 81st birthday with all the family including two great grandchildren.

Les is happy to say he is still enjoying good health and keeping busy.

Jeffrey Cox emailing from Clifton Beach sends his many thanks to the team for the birthday card. It’s always a nice surprise to receive it. Jeffrey and wife Alison are pleased to report that they are in fine form and enjoying life in the tropical north swimming 1.5km before breakfast each day all year round and try to walk most afternoons in order to maintain body heat and a reasonable pulse.  Since leaving ANZ in 2001, Jeffrey worked for some years with a number of Queensland’s cattle barons and has been doing odd consultancy jobs for them ever since. He is still involved with a number of families in the Rockhampton area and gets down there quite often.

In May Jeffrey and Alison spent a few weeks in Spain. They flew into Madrid where they spent a few days before taking the fast train to Seville. Then onto Cordoba and Granada by train before going into a hotel in the Alpujarra region for a week of walking as they are particularly interested in the Moorish history associated with these cities and the region. Over the last 10 years Jeffrey has had a lot to do with water licences and irrigation so was intrigued with the way the Romans and Moors managed to build aquifers in the rugged hills of the Alpujarra. They walked along some of them – still working to this day.

In going through some old papers Jeffrey  came across a photograph and press release dated 9 October 1968 relating to the opening of….‘a new financial centre in the heart of Melbourne’s Collins Street’. It took 3 years to complete and, with the land, cost $10 million! He’ll send it through to the committee as he has no need for it.

John Drummond emails his thanks to President Neville, the Committee and members of ANZ ROC for the card sent for his 72nd birthday and thanks too to Kathy for organizing the card.

The monthly newsletters are always welcome, interesting and a means of keeping reasonably up to date with fellow members. John and wife Bev are both enjoying good health and keeping their strength up for a planned holiday in Darwin in August. Good health to everyone.

Nev Greenway emails apologies for his late reply as just after his birthday Nev spent a few days in hospital but fortunately he was able to attend a very enjoyable return to Cohuna for the 2nd reunion of the first class at the Cohuna Consolidated Elementary School in early May. The first Reunion was in 2010 on the 60th anniversary of the school opening in April 1950. Thanks once again for the Club's Birthday Greetings which were received promptly on his birthday. Nev and wife Bev’s  year has been highlighted by hosting and then participating in two campervan/motor home exchanges for 10 weeks in Europe followed by 4 weeks in the UK. Their motor home tour in Europe commenced 12 months ago and was a circumnavigation through the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France, Paris, Normandy and the Loire Valley to Mulhouse in the Alsace, Freiberg, Memmingen, Munich, Prague, Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, and then back to Eilde near Groningen. They have many great memories including the sundown service of remembrance of the First World War at the Menin Gate in Ypres and being able to deliver Nev’s grandfather’s photo and service record to the Museum at Fromelles. After an interesting journey back to Carlyle in the UK by seven different trains and an overnight ferry, they were picked up at the station and taken to the Dumfries and Galloway region in Scotland where they collected the exchange motor home for the UK leg of their trip.  Nev and Bev then spent the next four weeks exploring and catching up with friends in the UK before meeting ANZROC member Keith Witney and wife Jill in Edinburgh for the Royal Tattoo. Unfortunately, the weather was very wet and Scottish and they all were well soaked at the Tattoo and after another hour waiting for taxis following the performance. The travellers did all vote that it was well worth it and they enjoyed touring the Edinburgh attractions despite the weather.

John Hawkins emails that he and wife Helen could not make the July meeting as they will be on a Boat Cruise on the Mekong River from Cambodia to Vietnam

Don Hoffmann emails his thanks for the Birthday Card - it is always nice to be remembered. Since moving to Beaconsfield four years ago Don has lost contact with a lot of the old ES&A boys, but did receive a welcome phone call from his old mate Merv Potter in the west. Don and wife Jan haven't had any exciting trips recently - mostly visiting family in the country. He is still active in the great game of Lawn Bowls, but less so during the Melbourne winter.

Frank Marzin emails thanks for the birthday wishes. He spent a week in Broadbeach for his 65th birthday. Frank is still working fulltime, planning to retire in the next couple of years and hoping to catch up with past colleagues in the near future.

Geoff Murrell sends his thanks for the birthday card on the occasion of his 73rd birthday. Geoff is happy to report that all are well in the Murrell household. They had a relatively quiet time in 2011 and 2012 (so far) with wife Mary undergoing two knee replacement operations within 10 months. The surgery was very successful so they are looking forward to some overseas travel in 2013. Best regards to all.

Life Member Ken McNutt writes to acknowledge the birthday greetings for his 85th. The past year has been fairly quiet with only two interstate trips, one of which was regrettably to attend a funeral.  With the above in mind, to have experienced the recent earth tremor could possibly be classified as a significant event.

Ray Murphy emailed his many thanks to Kathy for the Birthday Greetings. This year as was the norm was a happy event spent with family and friends. Birthdays are important but this year will be special with expectant arrival of Ray and wife Glenyce’s first great grandchild later this month. Notice of Harry Glovers' membership of ANZROC  brought back many happy memories of their time spent together at Stawell in 1981/83 .Harry was Ray’s Assistant Manager during that very special year of  the running of the 100th Stawell Gift in 1981.

Coralie O’Donahoo writing from Noosa Heads says thanks for the birthday greetings from Kathy Trace that arrived on her birthday, the day before she returned home from 3 weeks in Sri Lanka which is a most fascinating country. She climbed many stairs, visited lots of temples, went on safaris by jeep, travelled from ocean to mountainous tea plantations and in between a car with a chauffer. It was very civilized. Coralie also had lunch at the famous Cricket Club Café in Colombo which is decorated with cricket memorabilia, much of it from Australia, including framed articles from “The Argus”. She also spent time in the old city at Galle and the Fort as well as the famous cricket ground with its magnificent view.

Miles Tiller sends his thanks for the timely birthday card he received for his 74th birthday. Miles spent an enjoyable day with his family that included four grandsons who are a joy to be with. After his eye operation last year driving of his car is limited to the local area during daylight which restricts his ability to drive interstate or to Victorian scenic spots. Otherwise Miles and his wife enjoy reasonably good health and he enjoys reading the newsletters albeit with a magnifying glass.

Glen Twidale was saddened to read of the death of Ian Ewing. Glen knew him well and had worked with him in Hobart many many years ago.

Roger Watkins writes his thanks for the birthday card that as on most occasions arrived on time. Roger and his wife intend to travel to Canberra later in the year to attend the annual HMAS Shoalhaven reunion. In 2013 the Royal Australian Navy will be celebrating 100 years since its founding and Roger hopes to be at the reunion again this time in Sydney to join in the celebrations. Twenty six nations have been invited to send their Navy ships to Sydney for this event and to date the response has been encouraging.

Bill Willocks emails that the birthday card is most appreciated. He is currently half way through a 6 month trip around Australia in their caravan with wife Sue and they are doing it hard in Broome at present. For those wanting to boost their superfund, a visit to Newman, WA, could help. Bill visited his cousin there who recently got a job driving buses transporting workers to the mines for $120k PA plus. He is 67 years old, not the oldest on staff, and says they value the more mature workers. The hours may also suit ex-bankers with the workday having a mandatory 4 hour lunch. The bad news is the 5.00 AM start and 7.00PM finish with zero alcohol.

Brian Wills writes on his 81st that he is keeping quite reasonable health. He says that reading the newsletters reminds him that the numbers of members he knew and worked with are getting smaller but ageing well and he sees a lot of new names popping up each month.


AND Wendy Black, Helen Bouch, Terry Brennan, John Drummond, Rosemary Callanan, John Conn, Len Donahue, Jim Ebsworthy, John Fairbairn, Cathy Flynn, Norris Gale, Andy Herd, David Hillas, Peter Jones, Harry Loucas,  Bruce Mathrick, Andrew  McGregor, David Phelps, John Ries, Dick Sanders, Ken Swan, John Tulen, Kevin Watson, Glenda White, Peter Williams





On 12th June ANZ’s oldest former leader Charles Rennie spent some time with CEO Mike Smith and other senior ANZ leaders at ANZ Centre, 833 Collins Street Melbourne. Charles who turns 100 next year was ANZ Managing Director from 1969 to 1976. Together with ANZROC members President Neville Pearson, Senior Vice President John McPhee, Secretary Peter Pritchard and Past Presidents Kathy Trace and John Vanselow he met Mike for an afternoon tea and a tour of ANZ Melbourne headquarters. Charles said “it is really interesting to be back in ANZ and see how much the business has grown. The way people work and interact has changed so much. When I was CEO the total number of staff was around 5,000 and women had to get approval from HR before they could marry” Before his retirement on 31/3/1976 Charles achieved a number of milestones for ANZ including vital support for the successful merger which formed ANZ Banking Group Ltd and he was the driving force behind the transfer of ANZ’s global headquarters from London to Melbourne.

CEO Mike Smith thanked Charles for his dedication to ANZ over the years and for the visit to Headquarters. (Taken from ANZ diary entries on ANZ Max site)



The manager of ANZ Group Archive Deborah Lasky-Davison recently received an original Esanda necktie from our member Ken Pattison and she said that they love to receive memorabilia such as the tie and also money boxes, badges as all of it is fascinating and hard to come by. If you have any ANZ memorabilia that you would like to donate to ANZ Archives then it can be posted to Deborah Lasky-Davison, ANZ Group Archive, 182 Forster Road, Mount Waverley, Vic 3149.




On Thursday August 23rd at Thermomix Offices in the Tooronga Village Shopping Centre at 1 Centre Way from 6pm.

Members and partners are welcome to our first night meeting of the year. Cost $10.00 pp covers a meal and refreshments for the evening


Wolf had been Head Chef for ANZ for a number of years before the catering for the Bank was outsourced and continues to be a great supporter of ANZROC Vic over more than the 11 years I have been involved with the Club. Wolf is well known to most committee members and ANZROC members that are regular attendees to our monthly meeting in ANZ premises. He has been concerned for some time that many members as they get older could be missing out on a balanced and healthy diet so he has arranged with Janine Babauskis, Branch Manager of Thermomix to host a cooking class using Thermomix equipment. Wolf has been using the Thermomix equipment for some time cooking for senior management functions in ANZ and will tell us about his experiences on the 23rd.


We also feel this may be the chance to kick  start our ANZROC evening meetings  for 2012/2013 with our partners in attendance and able to enjoy a culinary experience as the venue can cater for up to 60 people.


For a cooking class with a difference, come and see the revolutionary most advanced kitchen appliance on the market with Wolf as the host for the evening. Combining the tradition of home style cooking and using technology of the future, it will amaze you with its versatility, efficiency and quality. The Thermomix is great for busy people, keen cooks and the not-so-keen cooks!


During this fun class Wolf and Janine will whip up some easy and delicious dishes that family and friends will marvel at. You can expect to be refreshed by a fruity sorbet, freshly made crusty bread, a tasty dip, an incredible salad that is ready in the blink of an eye, a divine steamed dish, custard you have to taste to believe, and the best torte Caprese ever. Come and see and taste the difference.

Parking is in the Coles Supermarket area in the Tooronga Village Shopping Centre at the Corner of Toorak and Tooronga Roads ,Tooronga where  there is plenty of space and an easy walk to the Thermomix Offices

If you intend to come to this meeting let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the following acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 16th August 2012 to meet Thermomix catering requirements.


ACCEPTANCE THURSDAY WOLF DAMSCHITZ DINNER  23rd AUGUST   2012 FROM 6 PM at the Thermomix Offices in the Tooronga Village Shopping Centre at 1 Centre Way Tooronga .(Corner Toorak and Tooronga Road)

To Ron Adams

Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by 16th August 2012.

I/we will be attending the Dinner  function






September13th BALLARAT VISIT.

ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in regional Victoria for Members and their partners on Thursday 13th September 2012. This luncheon will be our September monthly ANZROC meeting and we encourage members in outlying areas and from Melbourne to attend.

It is recommended that travel to the function be via “V Line” train travel. “V Line” has a service to Ballarat, leaving from the “V  Line” Country platforms (Ground level at Spencer Street side of Southern Cross Railway Station) at 10.07am and arrives in Ballarat at 11.37am. We would suggest that you arrive at the station around 9.30 to 9.40am to enable us to travel as a group. For the return journey there is a train departing Ballarat Station at 3.08pm arriving Southern Cross railway Station at 4.49pm

Lunch will be at the George Hotel 27 Lydiard St North Ballarat.


Pay for meals and drinks on the day.

Names can now be sent to David and Glen Knuckey  at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at

PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Further information relative to the visit will be advised closer to the  event in the August newsletter.


October 11th Waltzing Matilda Hotel 856 Heatherton Road Springvale visit

November 8th AGM…34th Floor, 100 Queen Street

November 22nd Golf tournament at Traralgon

December 13th Christmas Luncheon

February 14th 2013 Luncheon to celebrate Charles Rennie’s 100th birthday

34th Floor/100 Queen Street




The Guest Speaker for the day will be a representative from the National Sports Museum who will present a talk on “MCG, the famous events and people associated with the ground”.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 2nd August 2012 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams Newsletter Editor



To Ron Adams

Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by 2nd August 2012.

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function




newsletter june 2012

NEWSLETTER 14th June 2012

Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
John Stevens (Ph 94396664)



President Neville Pearson welcomed 61 members and partners and our guest speaker Philip Chronican CEO ANZ Australia and Steve Reeves from ANZ.

Secretary Peter Pritchard advised members of the apologies, bereavements and forthcoming meetings. Our newest  member Bernadette Lynch and  our long time member Terry Talbot who flew in from Evandale, Tasmania were attending their first luncheon meeting and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays included Ian Davies, Neil Dawtrey, Ray Gill, Val Goldsworthy, Phil Goodier, Frank Hatfield, Larry James and Keith Witney .It was a pleasure to welcome  several of  the partners of members attending  and this made for a very sociable   luncheon spent in the ANZ Headquarters at 833 Collins Street with widespread views of the city and Yarra . The catering was first class and several of the attendees were also given a guided tour of part of the premises which was greatly appreciated by those present.


Frank Hatfield advised that he had found and handed in to the Security Desk at 833 Collins Street a women’s gold brooch.  If it was lost by one of the members or partners attending the 833 lunch contact me on 98210444 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Pam Adams, Annette and Graeme Baldwin , Clive and Margaret Bailey, Eric and Wendy Black, Robin Chase, Brian Christensen, Cedric Coxsedge, Col Edwards , George Finnis , Lawrie Foord, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Keith Higgs, Ron Horne, Bernadette Hulbert, Doug Imrie, David Jones,  Graeme King, Con La Fauci, Harry Loucas,  Jacqui Luckman, Margaret McPhee, Geoff Meggs ,Kevin Mitchell, Brian Murdoch,  Noelene Noonan, Gordon Paulett, Alan Pearce, Peter Saville, Des Shady, Ivan St Clair, John Stevens, Eamon Veaney, Jackie Waite, Anne Wee, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, John Winders.


Holt                            Christopher    (Chris)                        23 years ANZ

Frank                          Wolfgang        (Wolf)                         41 years ANZ

Glover                         F.H.                 (Harry)                       39 years ANZ

Harrison                     Paul                 (Paul)                         43 years ANZ

Joseph                       S.A.                (Sandra)                     19 years ANZ

Lynch                         B.A.                (Bernadette)              36 years ANZ

Mazzeo                      Frank              (Frank)                        41 years ANZ

Tunstall                     Garry              (Garry)                         40 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Chris, Wolf, Harry, Paul, Sandra, Frank and Garry at one of our meetings. Bernadette was able to attend our meeting at 833 Collins Street.


Ewing                          I.M.                 (Ian)                            11/6/2012        73 years

After a courageous battle with cancer Ian passed away on 11th June.  Ian worked at ANZ for 37 years.  He joined ES&A Bank in Tasmania and later moved to Melbourne to be part of Retail Banking at Como South Yarra. Ian was an avid sailor and participated in several Melbourne to Hobart yacht racing trips. He was a past Commodore of Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, and held several senior Freemason positions including Master of Sandringham Lodge, Grand Sword Bearer and a long list of other offices.  The funeral was attended by approx 350 people at the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron with Ian’s prized 34ft ‘Dubois’ Yacht  “Spellbound” displayed outside the windows of the room where the service was held, overlooking the Bay and St Kilda Pier. The ANZROC committee was represented by Neville Pearson and Con La Fauci. There were several ANZ yachting friends including his friend and colleague Ian McCormick in attendance. Our sincere condolences are extended to his widow Margaret and family.


Stanson                       D.F.                 (Frank)                          6/6/2012        59 years

After a difficult  and courageous battle with cancer Frank passed away on 6th June. Frank worked at ANZ for nearly 30 years in the Treasury Dealing area and spent many years in the London and Hong Kong dealing rooms.  Frank's funeral at Templestowe Chapel was standing room only with a huge turnout of family and friends including a large contingent of his ANZ colleagues that included Bob Bell, Dick Chegwin, Mike Elliott, Richard Harding, David Jones, Jim Karabatsos, Peter Norman,, Murray O'Dwyer, Gordon Paulett ,John Phelan, John Ries, Des Shady, Bob Smith, Trevor Stephens, Ivan St.Clair, Rupe Thomas, Roger Thompson, Trevor Walker , Bob Wheeler and John Winders. ANZROC committee was represented by Kevin Mitchell and Eamon Veaney. Frank was a larger than life personality and will be sorely missed by his family and friends. Our sincere condolences are extended to his wife Christine and son Daniel.


Members stood in remembrance of our past members Ian and Frank and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.


Chris Baker attended Kevin Flynn’s funeral on 10th May that was noted in our May newsletter. It was a large gathering of family and many friends from the various groups with which Kevin was associated. Kevin is survived by his wife Cathy (ex ES&A) and his son Michael. Michael delivered the eulogy providing many insights into Kevin's life, including his cricketing prowess as an opening bowler in his younger days.

Cathy and Michael Flynn also wrote to thank members for their condolences and the bereavement notice following the sad passing of Kevin.


Jenny Cooke thought members may be interested and saddened to learn of the passing of Alec Kirkland in February. Alec was Manager Suva Branch and Fiji in the late 1970’s, having been appointed there from New Zealand. He was 81 and had many ANZ friends in Australia and NZ.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during June and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Les Ager (81), Bill Gardiner (81), Dorothy Jenkins, Jim Martin (90), Ken McNutt (85), Geoff Meggs (84), Ken Munro (81), Ray Murphy (82), Reg Roberts (84), Bob Skipper (86), Roy Sloggett (80), Barry Theobald (88), James Trimble (84), Ern Walton (81), Roger Watkins (81), Kevin Watson (83), Ray Whitehead (86), John Williams (82), Brian Wills (81).


From  1/6/2012

less than $20,000         2.41%

Greater than $20,000   3.09%

Birdie’s twitter


A final reminder that our next luncheon to be held on 12 July, is at the Greensborough RSL. From experience, I can thoroughly recommend the excellent facilities, service and food and we really hope our members, from all over Melbourne and surrounds, will support our first “ANZROC Northern Suburbs Luncheon”



Charles Rennie and a contingent of ANZROC committee were invited to morning tea in the executive suite at ANZ Centre (Docklands) hosted by Mike Smith. The occasion was to congratulate and wish Charles Rennie good health, in the lead up to Charles 100th Birthday in March 2013.

ANZROC committee was represented by Neville Pearson, Kathy Trace, Peter Pritchard, John McPhee and John Vanselow. John Vanselow worked with Charles Rennie when Charles was Managing Director of ANZ in the 1970’s.

We all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon tea and tour of Mike Smith's office and executive suites. The facilities were very impressive, befitting a bank of ANZ’s standing and very much focused on state of the art communication technology and of course the stunning views



This year’s ANZ Bank Football Club Past Players Day will be held on Saturday 23 June 2012, at our home ground, OVAL 20 ALBERT PARK (Melways: page 2K, G10, Beaurepaire Pavilion).The game is against old rival Powerhouse and although our Club has integrated into the Albert Park Falcons football club, a stroll into the club rooms will indicate that the ANZ Football Club heritage is well entrenched into the club.
As usual the bar will be open from 12.00pm until 2.00pm, whereupon the bar will be closed for the entire senior game according to VAFA rules, but will re-open the very second that the final siren sounds.
We are hoping for a big turnout this year, with a big group of us down there to support the club, and enjoy a few frothies as we catch up with old mates.

Please contact Bill (Jet) Jackson on 9444 6515, Brian Christensen on 9429 9272 or Neville Pearson on 9802 0187 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our guest speaker was Philip Chronican who is Chief Executive Officer, Australia. Philip oversees the Australian geography and is specifically responsible for the bank's retail and commercial business and customers in Australia, as well as leading ANZ’s retail segment on a global basis.

Philip joined ANZ in November 2009. Prior to this, Philip was Group Executive for Westpac Institutional Bank since 2005 and Chief Financial Officer for Westpac Banking Corporation between 2001 and 2005. Philip had a long career with Westpac Banking Corporation dating back to 1982, which included various roles in retail banking, capital markets, treasury, economics and strategy. Philip holds a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours from the University of Otago in New Zealand and a Master of Business Administration with Distinction from the International Management Institute, Geneva.

Philip spoke about the challenges and opportunities facing ANZ in his area of responsibility in Australia. He outlined the scenarios that his team is working through including the concerns they have with the European banking crisis and the ongoing advantages Australia is enjoying through the Bank’s Asian links. Philip stressed the importance of the cohesion in the ANZ executive team and the benefits resulting from this co-operation and detailed some of the strategies now underway including the emphasis on customer service and further moves towards digital banking.

Members and partners were fortunate to hear Philip speak frankly on ANZ’s operations in Australia and he responded to a number of relevant questions raised by the attendees. Gary Mason proposed the vote of thanks on our behalf in his usual inimitable style.



Bruce Avent emails that he was delighted to receive the Club’s best wishes on the occasion of his 75th Birthday. Things are going well for Bruce and his wife; they hope to get up to Japan later in the year to see their son who is the NAB’s Managing Partner in Japan.  Banking runs in the family as Bruce’s wife’s father, Les Barker (dec’d) was also a Manager with ANZ. His name would ring a bell with a number of ANZROC members.

Darryl Bartlett emails his thanks to Kathy for the timely birthday greetings. (A year into the 70’s already!). The year saw Darryl and wife Ronda continue their sweep of Asia in November returning  to Cambodia, travelling from Siem Reap down Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong River on an 8 day cruise on a new boat the “Jahan”. There were only 36 passengers with interesting shore excursions and special dinners featuring Cambodian and Vietnamese menus. They moved on to Saigon for several days then to Hanoi with the highlight being 2 nights spent on Ha Long Bay on the “Violet” which only carried 12 passengers but 20 crew, so they were well pampered. A 4 day stopover in Singapore just prior to Christmas, enabled them to see the spectacular decorations along Orchard Rd. Darryl and Ronda then flew into Brisbane to have Christmas with their daughter and family on the Gold Coast. Now that winter is closing in on Melbourne they will be returning to the Gold Coast over June and July to temper the Arthritis.

David Bennie emails thanks for the birthday card and it’s much appreciated. David shares his birthday with his niece and this year she celebrated her 21st so needless to say David’s took the back seat on this occasion. David and wife Mary Anne had a great night shared with family and friends. It’s been a busy and joyous year with the arrival of their 5th grandchild and 2nd granddaughter in January. During the year Mary Anne had her second book published (From Stuffed to Sorted) which is doing very well much to her delight. In July they are travelling overseas to Europe for 8 weeks.

Wendy Black emailed thanks for the birthday wishes from Kathy Trace for her and husband Eric Black in April and May that were greatly appreciated. She says the Club and its 'helpers' are to be congratulated. They are hoping to catch up with friends and colleagues soon.

Anne Blashki writing from Shepparton says thanks for the birthday greetings and mentioned that she finds the newsletters so interesting as it’s quite amazing to read of the level of activities and amount of travelling that our members including her friends and colleagues are enjoying.

Brian Day emailed his sincere thanks for the birthday wishes on the occasion of his 75th. Wow where did all those years go. Brian had an enjoyable evening celebrating with family and friends. He will catch up with colleagues at one of the forthcoming ANZROC functions.

Lindsay Dell emails his thanks for the birthday card which arrived while he was in Canberra celebrating their youngest grandson's first birthday which just happens to be the day after his own.

Nola Forsyth sends her thanks for the birthday card which was a wonderful surprise. She apologises for being unable to attend meetings as she is committed full time to manage her shop in Camberwell as she says at the moment things are very quiet.

Barrie Gibson emails thank you for the card for his birthday. He is still hard at work on a couple of projects but keeps in touch with a number of the ANZ guys from the Collins Street days for lunch. Barrie adds that these are in the best traditions of the Wong Shong Ki Restaurant {Russell Street} but  he was sad  when told  that his friend and colleague Trevor Williams had passed on {Trevor was part of that group going back to 1997}.

Graeme King was an apology for the June meeting as he and his wife were heading off on a tour of the Kimberly’s with Outback Spirit followed by a trip on the Ghan from Darwin to Adelaide.

Ken Lee reports that after 57 years in Essendon it is time for him to move and he will be settling into a Keilor Retirement Village in late July.

Past President Kevin Mitchell and wife Bernice are back from their wonderful Danube 15 day river cruise, boarding at Amsterdam after spending 3 days in Paris sight seeing. Being the first cruise for the summer season with an all Australian 120 passenger list, they had a great time meeting people from every state.  Evergreen was the tour company and they were fantastic leaving nothing to chance both on the ship and on land for the excursions. The food was excellent and the scenery delightful as they  cruised on the “Amadeus Brilliant” through 66 locks, terminating at Budapest, then travelling to Prague by coach for a 3 night stay. Having a new audience who had never heard any of Kevin’s  corny jokes, he was invited to do a stand up Comedy Routine opening proceedings the night the ship staff were to entertain the passengers.  Kevin was passed of as the ships newest recruit and provided with a kitchen hands hat to wear. By the response it seemed to go over well, as for the remainder of trip he had fellow passengers relating their favourite jokes to add to his extensive collection. Europe was great but they were glad to be home. Kevin is now leaving on another holiday, this time with his 2 sons. They fly to Brisbane then boarding a P&O Ship to spend 7 days cruising the Whitsundays returning mid June. Life is tough.

Mike Nickell emailed to acknowledge and thank Kathy and the Committee for his birthday greeting. Another year passed, thankfully with good health and numerous great experiences for Mike and wife Lyn that included a 4 week safari in Africa, 10 days in Cook Is and they recently returned from 5 weeks in US. 8 days were spent hiking the Canyons of Utah & Arizona also Monument Valley then 14 days cruising from San Diego to Florida via Panama. (The kids’ inheritance is diminishing rapidly!)  Time at home was spent helping prepare and plant out a 1600 hazelnut tree grove for their son at Gembrook. A bit of agricultural labouring helps keep the fitness levels up. November 2011 also saw the culmination of a 10 year family research project in collaboration with a 2nd cousin with the publication and launch of a 470 page book about the family's history spanning 400 years. Keeping in touch with fellow retirees every 2nd month at Mulgrave Country club is a priority for the diary and a day he looks forward to.

Peter Nyga emailed to thank ANZROC for the  birthday card, which arrived with the usual impeccable timing – thanks to the efficiency of ANZROC and Australia Post (unlike Egypt’s postal system: some of his  friends are still waiting for postcards Peter  mailed from there two years ago!). To celebrate the family had a great lunch at his place, with all children and grandchildren present – Peter’s youngest daughter even came over from Perth, where she now lives. Time sure is flying: for his next birthday, the Beatles’ hit When I’m 64 will become a reality – unfortunately, he can remember when they released it. Peter is still doing a lot of sailing and has not put the boat into winter storage yet. In late May Peter took out a disabled fellow (legally blind, as well as horrific facial injuries from an industrial accident). In perfect sailing weather it was very rewarding to watch this fellow thoroughly enjoy himself. It was a most joyful occasion.

Moira Oxley emails her thanks for the most recent Newsletter; it has always been a bright spot in our member Peter Oxley’s day when news of old friends and acquaintances could be carefully read and re-read many times over. Unfortunately after Moira had acute hand surgery late last year Peter is now resident in a nursing home in Mount Gambier as the increasing ravages of getting older have taken their toll and it’s certainly not the best way to celebrate 58 years of marriage.

Alan Podger reports that the “BIG 80” Birthday card arrived on the day duly signed by Kathy – and was greatly appreciated. Alan, wife Judith and the family celebrated at the RACV Club on the Saturday night before (with the Essendon/Richmond scores being relayed frequently throughout the night). Alan says he enjoyed playing bowls last summer with a modicum of success and a pennant promotion to Division 3 with MCC Bowls section. Alan and Judith travelled to Noosa for a break last winter together with some family members who drove down from Gladstone for a spot of “catching up”. It is truly a great life – when you don’t weaken.

Charles Rennie emails he was delighted to receive the Birthday greetings and thank all for the great efforts taken to brighten one’s day. Kathy’s takeover of the cards and delivery on THE day has followed John Vanselow’s skills. Charles feels his birthday acknowledgment is very belated but his days are absolutely full with the essential requirements of Doctors, Physios, Dentists and Home Help etc. taking priority.  Of course it takes a great deal longer to do everything and since Charles and his wife were off-loaded on an escalator about 3 years ago their mobility has slowed and the aids have increased.  However, there others much less fortunate for whom Charles has much sympathy. It is a pity that attendance at the regular ANZROC meetings, at least occasionally, has not been practical but he has not given up hope – one could say “better late than never” but the odds of attendance are diminishing. Charles sends his best regards to all ANZROC members.

Barry Rogers emails his thanks to Kathy and the team for his birthday card and Barry appreciated the contact and the effort that is taken to maintain that contact. He is still working and unable to attend meetings, but looks forward to receiving the newsletter and attending the Christmas luncheon with the opportunity to catch up with former colleagues. Both Barry and wife Jill are well and looking forward to a European holiday in July.

Bob Schofield reports that he’s off on his travels again with wife Eva, firstly a bike ride in the USA that sets off on 27th May from Nashville Tennessee for a three week, one thousand mile (1600 km) bike ride to Washington DC. He and a small group of American cycling buddies will traverse the hills of Kentucky before heading northeast from Cincinnati along the Upper Ohio River, almost as far as Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania. From there they head towards the American capital by way of the venerable Great Allegheny Passage and C&O (Chesapeake & Ohio) Canal trails. He will again be recording his experiences in online journal form, which may be accessed at: Bob has organised all aspects of this trip himself and much background and planning material was uploaded to this site prior to departure from Australia, as a guide to intending riders This may be of interest to anyone seeking an insight into the preparatory aspects of such a ride. He would welcome messages of interest and support from ANZROC (Vic) members and friends by means of the online “Guestbook” accessed by a link at the top of each page of the journal. Then Bob and Eva fly to UK for some touring before visiting families and friends there and in Finland. Some very relaxed R&R in Bangkok is planned for a few days on the way home. Bob is scheduled to return to Australia one day before his birthday and this year will be one of the very few occasions when he can experience first- hand the Club’s famed ability to have a greetings card delivered precisely on the correct date in late July.

Terry Stapleton emails that another good year in Sydney has gone by quickly for him and wife Maureen who are both lucky to enjoy good health and be able to lead generally active lives. Terry is still enjoying tennis once a week with some other older blokes.... and the Wine and Food Society of NSW has his support (feet under the table) for most weekly luncheons. Also during the year Terry joined a Book Discussion Group. He does value the monthly magazine on the web and the news it brings of friends he worked with and their current happenings. Terry sends best wishes to all his fellow members in Victoria.

Sandra Street emails that she was really sorry to hear that Kevin Flynn had died. "Flynny" was a much liked and respected head of International Department at Royal Bank Branch during the glory days in the late 60s/70s. He will be missed by all who knew him.

Norma Thomas writing from Pialba in Queensland says how much she appreciated the good wishes received on the occasion of her birthday.

AND Dick Barry, Diane Carew, Dave Cuddon, Ray Gill, Jack Helisma, Peter Lees, Bernadette Lynch, Susan McCarthy, Graham Morgan, Ray Murphy, David Phelps, Tom Phillips,  Peter Westaway, John White, John Williams, Judy Williams, Peter Williams,




August 23 Cooking Demonstration with Wolf Damschitz at Tooronga Village

September 13 Ballarat visit

October 11 Waltzing Matilda Hotel 856 Heatherton Road Springvale visit

November 8 AGM and farewell for Ron and Pam Adams at East Malvern RSL Club

November 22 Golf tournament at Traralgon




The June/July offer from APT of a tour of Canada and Alaska is outlined below for you to consider

APT Canada & Alaska 2013


22 Day Rockies Odyssey & Alaska cruise


ANZ Price From $10,275* per person, twin share (Normally $10,995)

Guaranteed Inclusions: 14 nights of outstanding accommodation • 2 nights in Whistler, Jasper, Lake Louise & Banff • 2 days in GoldLeaf Service aboard the Rocky Mountaineer Train • 7 night Holland America Line Cruise through Alaska’s Inside Passage, in a Verandah Stateroom • Exclusive Mountain Heritage Guide walk on the shores of Lake Louise • Meet a Mountie in Banff • 43 meals

All inclusive Luxury Journeys

  • Guaranteed maximum of 40 guests per tour
  • All gratuities, personal airport welcome, transfers & port charges
  • Exclusive stays at iconic Fairmont properties
  • Guaranteed upgrade to GoldLeaf Service on the Rocky Mountaineer Train
  • Guaranteed upgrade to Verandah Stateroom on all cruises
  • Over 20 years touring in Canada & Alaska with 99% satisfaction rating
  • All-inclusive Freedom of Choice Sightseeing & Dining
  • Cultural discoveries with Signature Experiences & expert local guides

For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit

Conditions: Prices are per person twin share. Prices are correct as at 4 June 2012 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Book by 15 October 2012. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. Fly Free offers are subject to availability of airline and booking class. Once booking class sold out surcharges apply. Flights must be booked by APT. Non-Refundable deposit of $3,000 per person is due within seven days. Final Payment is due 100 days prior to departure. FLY FREE PAY OWN TAXES: Not inclusive of air taxes to the value of approximately $820 per person. Offer valid on a range of tours departing in April 2013, and on May to September 2013 departures of the UT18VEIS (slight variation to itinerary applies). Flights are in economy class with Air Canada (or an airline of APT’s choosing if unavailable).



Bluey Duguid wins ANZROC  golf comp at Latrobe

The ANZROC golf day at Latrobe attracted 31 players on Monday June 4 and we were extremely lucky to have the best of the weather in the morning. As soon as we completed our round the rain came and poured down steadily all afternoon. Home ground advantage may have played a role but the winner on a count back with 40 points was Latrobe member John Bluey Duguid. The unlucky runner-up was Richard Harding, also a member at Latrobe. Third with 37 points was Jeff Pitt who plays on our neighbouring course at Kew. The two ladies played very well and Noelene Sudholz with 36 points just beat Kathy Trace with 35. Nearest the pins were also won by Bluey, Jeff, Jim Karabatsos and John Graham.

We finished with a very pleasant lunch after an enjoyable game of winter golf.

The report is on the website with photos that would be of interest to all golfers.





To be held on THURSDAY 12th JULY 2012 at the GREENSBOROUGH RSL 111 Main Street Greensborough   Ph:9435 1884

(Melways page 20, K1) Ample parking at rear of RSL and up ramp to level 2

The Greensborough train station is located approx 150 metres East from The Club

The Metropolitan Ring Road finishes two Klm from The RSL Club (at Greensborough Road. Drive South along Greensborough Road and left into Grimshaw Street which runs into the Greensborough shopping centre)

If you are attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice by Tuesday 3rd July 2012:

We are greatly appreciative of Dal Crocker’s (Vice President of Greensborough RSL) assistance in arranging this function together with the support offered by the RSL Club. Having visited this club on several occasions over recent months President Neville can vouch for the quality of the meals, service and friendliness of the staff and believes this is one luncheon you will not want to miss. It is proposed that we meet at the Greensborough RSL around 11.30am to midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The Greensborough Club provides either a Seniors Luncheon for approx $15.00 per head or you can order from their substantial general menu.

To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required We are pleased to be able to find such a fine location for our first meeting in the Northern area of Melbourne suburbia and we will greatly appreciate our members supporting our endeavours in this regard






Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon:   Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance:  Yes  /  No

I would appreciate assistance with transport:   Yes / No

This information can be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley  3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 or Neville on  9802 0187

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor.


newsletter may 2012

NEWSLETTER 12th May 2012

Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
John Stevens (Ph 94396664)


President Neville Pearson welcomed 42 members and our guest speaker Major Brendan Nottle and his two assistants Brad and Lauren from the Salvation Army to our 2012 Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal.

Secretary Peter Pritchard advised members of the apologies, bereavements and forthcoming meetings and also noted an addition to our committee as we have co-opted Noelene Noonan for the remainder of this year in preparation for changes to the committee in 2012/3.

Numbers were down due to members travelling overseas and interstate and a spate of apologies received due to sickness and employment commitments. There were only four of our lady members present. Dan Kirtley and Noelene Noonan were attending their first luncheon meeting and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Gordon Field, Neil Gladstone and Bob Heinemann.


Graeme Ainscough, Annette and Graeme Baldwin,Alma Barkell, Eric and Wendy Black, Robin Chase, Cedric Coxsedge, Alan Forrest, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Val Goldsworthy, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins, Rod Hill, Ron Horne, Wayne and Bernadette Hulbert, Doug Imrie, Con La Fauci, Jacqui Luckman, Ken McNutt, Geoff Meggs, Kevin Mitchell, Peter Nyga, Geoff Perdriau, Don Ranyard, Bill Robinson, Bruce Sanderson,  Peter Saville, David Schunke, Bruce Scott, John Stevens,  Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins



Riley                G.J. (Graeme)                ANZ            35 years

We look forward to seeing Graeme at one of our meetings.


Flynn                           K.J.(Kevin)                 4/5/2012                      84 years

Will Bailey emailed to say it was sad to read that his old "ledger" mate Kevin Flynn had passed away. He was a great guy and will be missed.

Henley                                     R.G. (Reg) 4/3/2012                         87 years.

Reg joined the RAAF in April 1942 in Melbourne and was discharged in Jun 1946 with the rank of Corporal at CSQ Laverton. He is survived by his wife Mary. Reg worked for the bank for 43 years, and met his wife Mary (nee Baker) at Elizabeth Street Branch. Mary also worked in the bank for 28 years.

Williams                      T.A. (Trevor) 21/4/2012                     75 years

Trevor joined ANZ in Launceston in 1955 and in 1962 transferred to Victoria. He went back to Hobart and Devonport in 1964/65 returning to Victoria in 1970 in various roles until his final appointment as Manager Asset Management in Melbourne Retail CBD retiring after 40 years service.


Members stood in remembrance of our past members Kevin, Reg and Trevor and our condolences are extended to family and friends.


Past President Kevin Mitchell representing ANZROC attended Bill Manning’s funeral service at Mt Martha at which there was a huge attendance. Kevin had a bit to do with Bill and his wife Jackie as they for many years in retirement used the Staff Club holiday units at Broadbeach. Bill and Jackie were also members of the McCrea Probus Club enjoying many trips away.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during May and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Eric Black (94), John Caudry (84), Lindsay Cayzer (90), Nola Forsyth, Jack Kilfoyle (88), Ian Lamont (92), Gordon Lyon (91), Joy MacDonald, David Maunder (85), Alan Podger (80), Terry Stapleton (82), Max Wehner (87), and Harold Woolcock (90).


From  1/5/2012                        less than $20,000         2.74%

Greater than $20,000   3.51%


Our Guest Speaker Major Brendan Nottle from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan has spoken at our Red Shield Appeal previously and he is most knowledgeable about the problems of homelessness and the needy in the city .Brendan outlined the remarkable work that he and a team of young volunteers were doing in the city after midnight most nights of the week helping those young people suffering from problems linked to alcohol abuse, drug addiction, loneliness as well as assisting the homeless. This year Brendan introduced two of his young managers who are working with their teams late at night in the city.  Brad is responsible for the Salvation Army bus that operates in the city streets 4 nights a week helping young and old people with support and some sustenance and Lauren who manages a group of street teams that work in the city on Friday and Saturday evening from midnight providing support both emotional and practical for vulnerable young people. They both spoke about their roles and some of their anecdotes were rather unsettling as members were not fully aware of the serious issues faced by the young volunteers in our Melbourne streets.

Brendan also mentioned the support his team receives from BP Australia and Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle in placing unemployed people into part time employment and the co-operation he receives from the Victorian Police in their dealings with the less fortunate citizens.

It was a pleasure to be able to hand Brendan donations totalling $4,615.00 for the ongoing work within the Salvation Army and the committee  thanks our ANZROC members who so generously continue to support the work of the Salvation Army in Melbourne..



Neville was particularly pleased to hear from Ron Horne who apologized that he has not been able to attend our recent meetings. Ron does look forward to receiving the Newsletter which provides an opportunity to keep in touch with how his fellow bankers are getting along these days. We wish both Ron and Fay good health and look forward to seeing them at one of our future functions


Several past champions of the ANZ Basketball Club, ANZ friends and family joined John and Lois Vanselow at their joint 80th birthday celebration in the beautiful function room at Rossdale Golf Club. And what a magnificent afternoon it was, with a resplendent meal and wine selection and a trip down memory lane by the way of a fantastic slide show of family and “X” rated photos from the past. Many great tales from the past (at times a suspicion of embellishment??) were forthcoming and it was a fitting occasion for such a wonderful caring and loving couple who continue to live life to the full


During the month Neville visited Ron Cashin at the Broughton Lee Retirement Village and spent an hour reminiscing and generally enjoying themselves over a cappuccino. It was good to see that Ron had improved the mobility in his left arm through physio and exercise since the last visit in December. Ron passes on his best wishes to the members of ANZROC and enjoys visits from his past working mates


Neville then dropped in at the 40 Dorking Road Box Hill Hostel and spent half an hour chatting with Bob Nichol who was still enjoying the memories of his 100th Birthday last November and the Poem presented from the ANZROC. Bob enjoys visits from past banking friends




Will Bailey was delighted to receive the absolutely "on time" birthday card upon his birthday thanks to Kathy.  It was another "interesting" year which adds to life's experiences. Will and wife Dorothy had a terrific family birthday at the Geelong Club which was a joint celebration with their daughter, Merryn. She worked in travel in London and in 55 Collins Street, Health & Safety part of HR for a short time. Will’s highlight in the year was a new left hip in October - terrific outcome and he should have done it earlier! During the year they have spent many delightful weeks at their place in Noosa and visited Perth following their grandson's wedding in Esperance. In Perth Will and Dorothy were able to lunch with Kevin and Sue Watson and Lloyd and Jan Guthrie. It was great to catch up and relive past times together. It is sad to read of the passing of so many old friends during the past twelve months - we must be all getting older!

Alma Barkell writes to thank Kathy Trace for the kind wishes received on her birthday card and it was appreciated. It was a quiet but happy day. Alma is fortunate to be well again after a couple of falls which hurt her back and will now be able to come to our meetings in the city.

Robert [Bob] Bell emailing from Mollymook sends thanks for the good wishes for his recent birthday. Bob enjoys the monthly newsletter as it keeps him informed of what other retirees are doing. Bob and wife Carolyn continue to enjoy good health and living on the lovely South Coast of N.S.W. He manages a game of golf and 2 or 3 games of bowls each week. Bob is currently in his 8th year as Chairman of the Bowling Club, which can be quite time consuming. Bob and Carolyn are leaving in mid May for a 20 day cruise of the Mediterranean which they are very much looking forward to. They will also be spending a few days in Rome and London.

Wendy Bradley emailed her thanks for the birthday card and said she had a lovely relaxing day.

Luigi Bucello writing from Dalmore sends thanks for the birthday card which as usual arrived on time. Luigi has been busy negotiating with his insurance company following the theft of his car at Cranbourne. The car was not recovered but police believed it was taken for parts and would have been stripped by the time the theft was reported only an hour later. The insurance company is disputing payment of personal items as the loss was more than 100klms from his home. From September to December Luigi will be busy preparing for the next asparagus season and then coordinating the harvesting and processing of the asparagus for domestic and export markets.

Kim Charlton emailing from Cora Lynn sends his thanks for the ANZROC birthday greetings. It was waiting when Kim and wife Joy  got home from a couple of months travelling on the Eyre Peninsula catching heaps of blue swimmer crabs, fish, squid, even a big cuttlefish, although it seems Joy was the most successful angler.  It is a wonderful part of the country. They started at Ceduna and worked around to Port Germein, spending time at Venus Bay, Mt Camel Beach, Elliston, Locks Well, Port Lincoln, Lincoln National Park and Port Neill. Big salmon, at Mt Camel Beach in particular, proved no match for Joy. Their love of fishing and salt water is well served by the beautiful beaches and long jetties for which the Eyre Peninsula is renowned. The wake up call came when they arrived back in beautiful Gippsland to 17 degrees.

Graeme Croxford writing his thanks for the birthday greetings says he and his wife are returning to their little hobby farm in Harrietville as they have been missing the country life. Graeme says shifting his collection of sports cars has been the main hassle but thanks to a few mates they have almost accomplished the move.

Don Davy writes to record his thanks for the birthday card for his 68th.The good wishes were most appreciated. The day started with phone calls from family and close friends followed by lunch with colleagues from Electric Vehicles at a restaurant at Hallam as the guest of his employer. That evening he enjoyed dinner with his elder daughter and family at their home in Endeavour Hills and on the weekend joined his brother for a joint birthday celebration at home in Don’s newly renovated unit at Ferntree Gully.

Glynn Evans writing on his 84th thanked Kathy for the kind birthday  wishes and says he looks  back to 1949 when he was 21 years of age and employed as  Chauffer for the Union Bank of Australasia  351 Collins Street and the almost 40 years of happy days that followed.

Roy Harper reports that he will be travelling for a few weeks to Perth, Broome and Darwin returning to Melbourne in late May.

Graham Heenan emailing from Belmont says once again many thanks for the annual birthday wishes. As  Graham and wife Pam enjoyed good health for the past year  they confidently arranged a 10 week European trip. The major segments were a 15 day tour from Vienna down the Dalmatian Coast and Adriatic Sea to Dubrovnik and then a cruise from Copenhagen around the Baltic Sea (11 nights and 5 kilos!!), including  2 days in St. Petersburg which they  really appreciated. Graham and Pam then met their daughter and her Belgian husband who were living near Bruges, and during four weeks with them visited their son in-laws’ parents in Germany and together with another daughter and family who came across from Australia, went on a Canal boat cruise in the Alsace area in France for 5 nights – a wonderful time for the family. A four day stopover in Hong Kong on the way home made 19 countries in 10 weeks. They booked a lot of the trip on the internet which included train travel and accommodation from Vienna to Prague for 5 days and Copenhagen to Paris for 4 days – however all went well and they had a wonderful 10 weeks.

Laurie Holland sending his thanks for remembering another milestone, his 92nd, says don’t they come around quickly? Laurie and his wife are thankful that to date they are managing quite well in spite of the failings that come with ageing. They are well supported by their children and are thankful for that. Laurie takes interest in the newsletter and the news of former workmates.

Graeme Horsburgh emails that he received the Birthday card on the day and it is always welcomed. Daughter Adele, is still in China, (their second stint of three years), with her 4 sons until school year finishes at the end of June. They will then return to Mt Eliza, to join husband Jeff, who returned to Australia to take up his work appointment for Siemens in February. Last year, their 3rd son Thomas, had the distinction of being the first Australian to win a Table Tennis Gold Medal against 13 other schools in an annual Interschool Competition in the Beijing area. Adele has competed  in the Great Wall run , which includes 3500 steps, and the other boys have also competed in various school sporting events in Shanghai, Hong Kong , Taiwan, and other large Provinces closer to Beijing. They have lived a very active life in China with much improvement to the way of life for the Chinese and for the Expats since their first stay in 1999. In those days, Graeme’s wife Jenny, sent parcels, at a considerable cost, containing items not available in China such as vegemite, custard powder, snack foods and muesli bars. Graeme and Jenny have 5 other grandchildren and looking forward to having all the family together again for the usual celebrations. Once again they have booked in at Peregian Beach for their July/August holidays. It was good to catch up with Senior Vice President John McPhee in Coolum during holidays.

Ray Murphy emailed that it was with regret that he learned of the passing of Bill Manning .They had a very close relationship in the Scottie years particularly 1961 to 1967 when Bill was Agency Officer Broadway attached to Portman St Oakleigh Branch and he later became Bill Clerk when Ray was Accountant. Ray later caught up again with him in Bill’s first branch management appointment to Cressy. Bill was a good friend and an excellent worker and will be sadly missed.

President Neville Pearson emails thanks to  Kathy and members of the committee for the  good wishes on his  Birthday .The last year was planned to be a nice relaxing time at home, spending more time with Neville and wife Cheryl’s  5 grandchildren as well as ANZROC duties and some overdue maintenance around the home. Flicking through their diary to see where the year went brought back some lovely memories. The highlight was a 3 week cruise on the Norwegian Jade around the Mediterranean (East and West) in April 2011 and then a week in magnificent Barcelona. Due to troubles in Egypt, the Egyptian leg was substituted by the cruise company for a cruise to Istanbul and that was a fascinating city. Neville and Cheryl actually sailed from Istanbul on Anzac Day with the ship sailing extremely close to land as they cruised past Anzac Cove and surrounding Beaches of Gallipoli. The New Zealand and Australians on board were given the run of the highest and best viewing Bar on the ship. They had excellent views of the cliff top memorials, beaches and sand dunes of Anzac Cove and surrounding beaches. A short service was given by one of the Aussies and the day was a precious and moving experience .Five weeks caravanning in Tasmania (what absolutely beautiful beaches and forests), several shorter golf and social holiday breaks to Howlong (3 visits, golf and fishing), Mansfield (ANZROC weekend), Rich River golf and another trip to Echuca with relatives from Ireland (took them for lunch on the Echuca paddle steamer ‘Emmy Lou’ as well as the usual sightseeing spots around Vic). Trips to Merimbula (Week of Golf tournament), terrific Jazz Festival Halls Gap (took caravan), Music Festival Mildura (took van) and several trips to Gippsland/Sandy Point/Yarram. Competition squash and Tennis and social Golf and bike riding with Cheryl, all of which Neville enjoys, kept him reasonably fit. He hopes this year will be more restful .Neville sincerely thanks all members for their communications and support they have given ANZROC and him during the year. Greatly appreciated.

Dianne Reardon emailed her many thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which was received on the day. Dianne had a lovely day celebrating with a lunch and a family dinner.

Gregory Scollo emails that it is a great pleasure to be remembered by working colleagues on his birthday, it gives that sense of belonging and be still a part of a team. Gregory received the card on the same day that he arrived in Townsville where he and his wife Maria spend the winter months every year, Although it is still a bit to warm in North Queensland, it is very pleasant and relaxing, enjoying the evening walk on the Strand along the beautiful beach, and to sit al fresco at a coffee bar in front the Ocean sipping an espresso coffee and enjoying an Italian gelato.

Life is very enjoyable at present, and although age is advancing Maria and Gregory are trying to get the best out of it, as long it lasts.

Syd Swaby emailed that he spent his 70th birthday celebrating with family members and some noisy grandchildren. Syd’s birthday card went astray in the post but he was philosophical about it and reported that on recent experiences with Australia Post he was not surprised it is lost. Last week  he received a Christmas card returned “no street". It had been sent to friends in Box Hill Victoria. Examination of return sticker and another number written on envelope indicated it had been to Box Hill Wiltshire England and back.

June Thompson thanked members for the good wishes on her birthday and she enjoyed celebrating the event with friends on the occasion.

Roger Thompson emailed a note of thanks for the birthday card he received that was appreciated. Since joining ANZROC Roger has enjoyed reading the newsletters and catching up with ANZ news and also noting some of the familiar names mentioned. He hopes to get to one of the club functions in the not too distant future and catch up with some old work colleagues. On the schedule this year for Roger and wife Leanne is some overseas travel (Bali in July and Canada in September), more golf lessons and plenty of caravanning.

Past President John Vanselow emails his thanks for his Birthday Card prepared by Kathy which arrived on time for his 80th Birthday. John and wife Lois celebrated their  joint 80th Birthdays at Rossdale Golf Club where he has  been a member for 51 years and Lois 40 years, both playing and committee members. They enjoyed a delicious lunch, music, and a wonderful afternoon with family, extended family and friends with whom they have maintained a continuous relationship for up to 70 years from scouting days, banking, golf and in retirement. Family came from Qld, NSW, ACT and country Victoria. Daughters Debbie and Julie prepared a PowerPoint presentation containing lifelong memories of family, holidays overseas and within Australia, parties, and many photos of their association with the Bank, ANZ Staff, Basketball and Retired Officers' Clubs. This also includes Lois's association with ANZ Ladies Club. Times they cherish and will forever remember. John and Lois thank everyone for all the good times they enjoyed over 43 years service and 21 years as a member of ANZ ROC.

Keith Westaway emailing from Glenmaggie says many thanks for the birthday greetings. The past year has been reasonable on the health front with little to complain about other than the usual aches .Keith and wife Alison recently enjoyed a 14 day cruise to New Zealand on the Dawn Princess and the sea air seemed to do wonders for them.

Harold Woolcock writing from Indented Head on his 90th to thank Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes says he does not know where the last 90 years have gone. The day was celebrated at lunch at the Portarlington Golf Club with 36 family members, 2 great grandchildren and 11 locals. The guests came from interstate and country Victoria to wish Harold a happy 90th.Harold and wife Sylvia had trips to Tasmania and Dandenong Ranges for granddaughters’ weddings during the year. Both weddings were a huge success. Harold’s golfing days are over but he still gets to Probus meetings where he is a Foundation member. Harold and Sylvia like to read the newsletters and look back on their many trips overseas and across Australia and there are still names they recognise in the newsletter.

Brian Wrigley emails that he was very sorry to hear of the passing of Bill Manning. Brian was Acct/Teller at Bayswater with John Caudry then Alf Sadler. When the branches merged he went over the road to work under Bill's leadership. Bill is still remembered by a number of Brian’s Colac Legatee acquaintances’ who live in the Cressy district.


AND Rosemary Callanan, Diane Carew, Alan Chapple, John Gibb, Rod Hill, Gordon Kennedy, Des Kidd, Barry Kilmartin, Dan Kirtley, Ian Manley, Serge McIntyre, Kirk McNamara, Jim Nicolson, Tony Palmer, Max Pleydell, Tony Pompilio, Dennis Rice, Ronald W Smith, Geoff Stillman, Terence Talbot, John C. Taylor, John Winders,





The next golf day for ANZROC members and their partners at Latrobe Golf Club, Farm Road, Alphington is on Monday 4 June with an 8am shotgun start. To date we have received 24 entries and would like to build the numbers to at least 30 golfers. Latrobe is the closest Private golf club to the city, surrounded on two sides by the Yarra River, and with five billabongs, there is plenty of water to appreciate and avoid. The course is built on river flats, so while the course has many subtle undulations, it is not hilly.

The cost will be $66 including green fees and a sit down meal for lunch. Latrobe members will pay $21 for meal only.

The entry form is attached, but for further information you can contact John Brown by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Phone 9802 1810,

or Eamon Veaney by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and Mobile 0411021449.


Golfers please also diarise that the Traralgon tournament this year will be held on 22nd November 2012 and details will be available in September.



A selection of photos have been loaded onto the ANZROC website photo gallery that may be of interest to you.

The most recent additions to the web site are the photos of the luncheon at 100 Queen Street with members of the Salvation Army team


Here also is the link to the latest anz world magazine



The May/June offer from APT of a tour of the Kimberley’s is outlined below for you to consider

13 Day Kimberley Complete

OFFER: Receive $800 per couple Air Credit when you book a 13 day Kimberley Complete 4WD Experience

ANZROC Price $6,878 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $7,395)

For selected departures in June to October 2012

Book by 30 June 2012

Discover the stunning gorges, waterfalls and national parks that make this region one of Australia's most loved. Travel along the Gibb River Road making your way to the impressive Mitchell Plateau. Cruise the Ord River and explore the beehive domes in World Heritage listed Purnululu National Park, home of the Bungle Bungle range

Best 4WD adventure through the Kimberley with more two nights stays


• Exclusive! Stay 6 nights at APT’s 3 Wilderness Lodges

• Guided walk to Mitchell Falls

• Guided walks to view rarely seen

• Bradshaw (Gwion) and Wandjina Aboriginal art

• 2 nights at Drysdale River Station

• Explore Windjana Gorge • Wade through Tunnel Creek

• Cruise Geikie Gorge

• Ord River Wildlife Cruise

• El Questro Wilderness Park

• Hike amongst the Bungle domes

For more information, call 1300 204 588 or visit *Conditions apply. Prices are correct as at 4 May 2012. Prices are per person, twin share and include savings where applicable. Book by 30 June 2012. Offers are not combinable, are available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at anytime. Payments made by credit card may incur a surcharge. See APT’s Kimberley Wilderness Adventures 2012 brochure for full terms, conditions & itineraries. All fares are in Australian currency. Bonus $800 Air Credit offer: Airfare must be booked by APT. Credit cannot be redeemed for cash and is not transferrable. $800 air credit is for per couple. Offer valid until 30 June 2012 subject to availability and cannot be combined with any other offer. A non-refundable $200 per person deposit is due within 7 days to confirm booking.



July 12th Greensborough RSL meeting

August 23rd Cooking Demonstration with Wolf Damschitz at Tooronga Village

September13th Ballarat visit

October 11th Waltzing Matilda Hotel 856 Heatherton Road Springvale visit

November 22nd Golf tournament at Traralgon




Mr. Phil Chronican CEO ANZ Australia will be our guest speaker at 833 Collins Street and he will talk to us about ANZ and  the Australian market.

Please note that members are able to bring their partners to hear Phil Chronican but

we already have bookings for 44 members and partners for this function and the limit for the meeting is 80 people.


I will be contacting those members that in April expressed interest in attending the event   to confirm that they re still able to attend and collect the $20.00 contribution.


If you are interested in attending let Peter Pritchard know and he will arrange for payment and if necessary organise names tags for the day and if there are more than the 80 applicants he will set up a waiting list. Peter’s contact numbers are Phone 95719406 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

ANZ have also agreed to host a tour of part of the building but numbers are restricted .There are a few places available so let Peter know if you wish to take the tour.

For catering and organisation purposes the cut off date is 4th June. .

The details for those that are attending on the day are as follows:



By Tram to Collins Street and catch No. 11 or 48 trams to the end of the line where the        ANZ complex at 833 Collins Street is the last stop.

By Train to Southern Cross Station and then catch No11 or 48 trams in Collins Street            and travel to the end of the line where the ANZ complex at 833 Collins Street is the    last stop.



Members with Photo ID cards should bring along these ID cards to minimize workload at     the Concierge desk and for those who do not have the photo ID cards a name tag will be             prepared.

The registration process would be as follows:

  • a final guest list will be sent to 833 Collins Street to be checked off on the day.
  • there will be no need for guests to Register at Main Reception
  • Guests may proceed directly to Core C Conference Suites Reception
  • if members can wear their ANZROC ID Card  this will suffice
  • a name tag for each guest that has no ID Card will be prepared
  • Kathy Trace and Ron Adams will assist with Registration at the Core C Reception Desk, to check-off guests and issue name tags.



11. 30 am - 12 noon         Registration

12 noon-     1 pm             Lunch served in Conference Suite for all attendees

1pm                                Phil Chronican, CEO ANZ Australia will address  members

1.45pm                            Members listed for tour will depart

Drinks will be available in the Conference Suite

Completion of visit at 2.00pm




Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor

newsletter april 2012


Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
John Stevens (Ph 94396664)




NOTE: members please continue to send responses to cards or members updates including changes of postal address or email address to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., all secretarial issues send to Peter Pritchard at his address 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


President Neville Pearson welcomed to our 2012 ANZAC Memorial Luncheon 49 members and our guest speaker Jim Marett President of the Vietnam Tunnel Rats Association, and special guest Mal Dubock, Kevin Mitchell’s brother in law and a previous guest speaker. There were only four of our lady members present. John Parkes and Peter Story were attending their first luncheon meeting and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Graeme Ainscough, Brian Day, Alan Forrest, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Geoff Meggs, Stan Middleton, John Osborne and Geoff Perdriau.


Annette and Graeme Baldwin ,Eric and Wendy Black, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Theo Hall , Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Rick Kimber,  Jacqui Luckman, Peter Nyga, Bill Robinson , Peter Saville,  Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins.



Maggiore                  J.J. (Joe)                     41 years ANZ

McNamara                 K.J. ( Keith)                39 years ANZ

Plunkett                   J.F. (John)                  41 years ANZ

Thompson                 D.G. (David)               17 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Joe, Keith, John and David at one of our meetings.


Manning                      W.S.(Bill)                    5/4/2012          81 years

Steven                         P.J.(Peter)                  15/6/2011        63 years

Members stood in remembrance of our past members Bill and Peter and our condolences are extended to family and friends.

We were also advised that Charles Comport passed away on the 19th March in UK – He hadn't been enjoying good health for some time He would be known to many ANZROC members.

Mark and Glenda Riddell family of our recently deceased member Jim sent a note thanking John Duke and Jack Helisma who attended Jim’s service on our behalf .They also thanked our members of ANZROC Vic for the notice in the Herald Sun as ANZ was such an important part of Jim’s life.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during April  and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Bill Bowring (80),Max Colwell (80), Bryden Davis (83), Norm Deady (91), Glynn Evans (84), Roy Harper (83), Reg Henley (88), Gordon Kennedy (86), Ailsa Mackie ,Leigh O’Neill (82), Eileen Perham, John Read (80), Keith Remington (89), Col Renzow (96), Lindsay Richards (82), Tony Stutterd (85), June Thompson, John Vanselow (80).



Our ANZROC member Dick Sanders and his wife Joan visited Jack (as we know him) on 17th March – Jack’s 105th birthday is actually 18th. Although in a wheel chair Jack appeared remarkably well, built like a piece of barbed wire as he has always been. Dick and Joan took him a bottle and a card and had a good chat over about half and hour. Jack said he joined the Bank in 1924, at his first branch at Corner of Elizabeth and Latrobe Streets. He clearly recalled the day their good customer Frank Beaurepaire called all excited to announce he had been selected for the Olympic Games. Jack was thrilled to bits with their visit. For 105 Jack was brilliant and recalled some tales of when a young person living at Tarnagulla, west of Bendigo. Dick and Joan left saying they would see him next year, to which he laughed. Well done Jack. Photos of the visit are posted on our ANZROC website.


From  1/4/2012                        less than $20,000         2.79% Greater than $20,000    3.58%



Although the ANZ Bank Football Club no longer plays under the banner of ANZ Bank, the link with the past is proudly maintained following amalgamation with the Albert Park Football Club. An active band of past players maintain the tradition of the ANZ FC within Albert Park FC.

A past players day is run each year and the date will be advised shortly. The Albert Park Football Club website is “ “and news, results and functions are included on this website. You can also register to receive their weekly news by email.

For further information you are welcome to contact Neville Pearson (9802 0187), Brian Christensen (9429 9272) or Bill (Jet) Jackson (9444 6515)


This was our annual ANZAC Memorial meeting and Brian Christensen led the Remembrance Service reciting the Ode with a recording of trumpets playing Reveille in the background.

Past President Kevin Mitchell then introduced his brother in law Mal Dubock who invited our Guest Speaker Jim Marett President of the Vietnam Tunnel Rats Association to speak to members.

The Tunnel Rats did the dirtiest, deadliest and by far the scariest job in the Vietnam War, yet most people today have hardly or never heard of them. They were a small group of specialist Australian (and American) Soldiers. The Australians were the men who served in the Royal Australian Engineers. Firstly in 3 Field Troop, then the expanded 1, 2, and 3 Troops of 1 Field Squadron  For most of the war there were the three Troops of about 40 men, that was for a period of five years plus about 70 in the initial 3 Field Troop for a year before that. Almost 700 in all with 35 paying the supreme sacrifice and 5 awarded the Military Medal. They needed to be small and wiry, cool with icy nerves and immune from panic. They were usually quiet, unassuming and self-contained The Tunnel Rats would go bush with Infantry or Armour for four to six weeks operating as Infantry and carrying out specialist duties mine and booby trap detection; tunnel and bunker searching, detection and demolition; plus bomb disposal. It was not unusual to blow up to 100 bunkers in a single operation. Ultimately every member would go underground.  

It was the Australian 3 Field Troop who first discovered the tunnels and they were the first to venture into them. The Australians revealed, for the first time, the immense military significance of the tunnels which led to the American High Command further discovering the extent of them.

The tunnels of Củ Chi are an immense and complex network of connecting underground tunnels located in the Củ Chi district of Saigon and are part of a much larger network of tunnels that underlie much of the country.  The Củ Chi tunnels were the location of several military campaigns during the Vietnam War, and were the Viet Cong's base of operations for the Tết Offensive in 1968. The Viet Cong War Zone 3 HQ which controlled the whole area was never found.

The tunnels were used by Viet Cong guerrillas as hiding spots during combat, as well as serving as communication and supply routes, hospitals, food and weapon caches and living quarters for numerous guerrilla fighters. The tunnel systems were of great importance to the Viet Cong in their resistance to American forces, and helped achieve ultimate military success. For the Viet Cong, life in the tunnels was difficult. Air, food and water were scarce and the tunnels were infested with ants, poisonous centipedes, scorpions, spiders and vermin.

The Tunnel Rats were confronted by many cunning and unbelievable booby traps down there. Ambush and death was potentially round every corner. Lack of space limited movement and use of weapons. Most of the time, guerrillas would spend the day in the tunnels working or resting and come out only at night to scavenge for supplies, tend their crops or engage the enemy in battle. Sometimes, during periods of heavy bombing or American troop movement, they would be forced to remain underground for many days at a time. Sickness was rampant among the Viet Cong living in the tunnels,

Dug from the early days of the earlier French occupation, by 1965 the Viet Cong were in the unique position of locally being able to control where and when battles would take place. They were a constant source of frustration for the U.S. military in Saigon.

Jim Marett responded to several questions from members and Ron Adams thanked Jim for his quite inspirational presentation which left many members flabbergasted. Jim then stayed on for some time answering members’ enquiries.



Phil Alleaume emails from Drouin his thanks for the very kind wishes for his birthday which he always looks forward to. Phil and wife Ginette are both well and still enjoying the relaxed country air albeit that there is a lot of development occurring in their area. They recently babysat their two grandsons 3 ½ and 2 years old for 9 days while their parents were holidaying in Bali. While Phil and Ginette  enjoyed having them around it also reminded Phil of the “Energiser” batteries commercial on TV. Once awake, they just keep going and going. However, a good glass of red once they were  asleep recharged their own batteries.

Lindsay Baglin phoned in to send his thanks for the best wishes for his 83rd birthday.

Will Bailey emailed to say he worked with the late Bill Manning in the '50s and '60s in the Scottie. Bill was a jolly good bloke. Will had a great lunch with the SA ANZROC Club on the 2nd of April.

John Baird writes from Highton on his 87th to thank members for the birthday wishes that arrived on the day. He says he has no machine to type his letters so he is still committed to writing by hand.

John Blampied sends his thanks for the birthday wishes which are greatly appreciated. John and wife Pamela celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary this year and they now have 6 grandchildren to keep them busy. They have been fortunate to enjoy good health that has enabled them to travel overseas on a regular basis particularly to Europe. John is a member of the Box Hill Golf Club and often sees ANZROC members Ian Anderson, Brian Christensen, Bruce Maisey and Roger Pickering on the course. John reports that Bill Hickford (Black Harry to his football friends) is slowly improving in health after the serious injury sustained in a vicious home invasion some months ago and recorded in earlier newsletters.

Arty Booth emailing from Elliott Heads in Queensland sends   his thanks to the committee for the birthday wishes. No change to report from sunny Queensland, "Good One Day, Flooded the Next" Like most, Arty looks forward to the monthly newsletter, and reading about the antics of those that he has met and worked with in the Bank. It is pleasing to read the Honorary Birthday List and he is constantly surprised at the longevity of our members.

Jenny Cooke emailing Kathy Trace says many thanks for your recent birthday wishes which, as usual, arrived on the day. Whilst Jenny   has not made it to a Retired Officers’ function as yet due to work commitments, she will definitely try to attend this year. In April Jenny will visit the US (California) to visit the host family from her days as an American Field Service exchange student as well as school friends. The past few years have been spent on the golf course or working as the historian at her old school, keeping the ex-student data base and organising annual reunions which has been very interesting. Writing an instruction manual and job description for the school reminded Jenny of her years in ANZ Staff Dept (later Personnel) - practical training which has been used in many jobs over the years. Later in the year, she is off to Europe, taking a cruise and visiting a friend at Lake Garda, Italy. Once again, many thanks for the card and best wishes to everyone for keeping the Retired Officers informed via the newsletter.

John Conn writes thanks for the birthday card which arrived while John and wife Linda were holidaying in Tasmania. They spent a few weeks travelling in the south and then up the west coast to Devonport to catch the ferry back to Melbourne. The year has started off with a heavy emphasis on family social events ranging from the 30th birthday party for their son, a family wedding in Queensland and in March Linda’s fathers 85th birthday. Her family is spread from Brisbane to Melbourne but this birthday was held in Melbourne. John and Linda are off to Broome in July and with his volunteer work, Linda involved in special teaching part time added to family and holidays means they are quite busy.

Thanks to Donald Davy for sending the committee a Easter Card "Thank you to all members of ANZROC (Vic) committee for the continuing wonderful work you do on the best interests of all retired ANZ Banking Group Limited staff”

Bob Delahoy writes to thank the club for the birthday card celebrating his 83rd birthday which was on the 10th March. It is always very much appreciated. Bob recently read an interesting article in the Victorian Probian (a Probus publication) on Bob Nichol celebrating his 100th birthday. It mentioned that Bob joined The Bank of Australasia in February 1929. That was the month before Bob Delahoy was born! He joined The Bank of Australasia on 1st August 1949 which was approx 20 ½ years after Bob Nichol. Bob and his wife have not made any trips this year but are investigating the possibility of travelling either north or west later this year. It is good to read in the newsletters about what the other members are doing in their retirement.

Steven Eu emailing from his iPad and able to get the newsletter from anywhere in the world  says he is currently in Hong Kong for over 5 weeks for a much needed annual pilgrimage of shopping therapy for the latest  electronic gadgets and  to pay respects to his wife’s grandma who passed away 2 years ago at 101, and also to catch up with relatives

John Fairbairn emails that as usual with impeccable timing the card arrived on the actual day. Another year has passed; fortunately John has recovered his health and is   now enjoying Golf once more with former work colleagues, Peter O'Dwyer and Maurie Harwood. Yarrawonga made national news recently with it’s flooding after about 11 inches of rain in 2 or 3 days. Whilst the residents were cut off for a day or two  most escaped without their homes being flooded but most Streets were awash with many closed. Unfortunately John was unable to make any luncheon or dinner Meetings last year but perhaps this year will be different. It is good to see that many former workmates are still enjoying good health.

Lawrie Foord writes his sincere thanks for the birthday card and as usual he had a quiet day although his middle daughter took him to lunch which was most enjoyable. Lawrie has been busy with a number of DIY projects around the house but his youngest daughter and son in law remind him it’s about time for him to return  to their home 30 kilometres out of Brisbane for a visit. Lawrie has also been invited to the Jervis Bay Naval Base where his granddaughter and family are now based. Her husband has just completed his second term of duty on the frigate “Toowoomba” in the Middle East and that included “pirate duty” .He was decorated for his service in the Middle East and is now waiting for his next posting. Lawrie has an open invitation to take a conducted tour of the naval base at Jervis Bay and his eldest daughter is reminding him to do something about it.

Eddie Forth emailed greetings from Noosa and says the weather has been so unpredictable that they can receive rain up to one foot of water one day, sunshine the next. Eddie and wife Jan have certainly had a wet summer and the Tewantin-Noosa Golf Club course has been a very heavy track for most of the summer. Nevertheless they are hoping for a drier winter. In late April Eddie and Jan head off for Livingston in Zambia to see the Victoria Falls and then fly to Johannesburg to drive through the Kruger National Park for 8 days. They are travelling with family. Eddie sends his thanks for the birthday wishes.

Rino Frigo writes thanks for the newsletters and reports that he and his wife have joined the cruising brigade along with other ANZROC members embarking on  a cruise on the “Dawn Princess” to New Zealand. In the adjoining cabin was Ian Bell and wife Carmel and they teamed up for a few trips into New Zealand cities. Rino enjoyed the cruise so much he has signed up for another. Ian Bell said he also met Frank Edwards on the cruise and Frank also recommended the ships services and the fun to be had on the “Dawn Princess”.

Val Goldsworthy writes to inform us about an article in the media dated 17th March 2012 about Jack Duggan from Tarnagulla who she met in Stationery Dept in the early 1950’s. Val says Jack was a lovely man and it was by chance a colleague told me that he and his wife had a severely disabled daughter. You’d never know; Jack was kind, thoughtful and endlessly helpful. Jack was a bit dangerous – a ‘roller’ of cigarettes, he frequently set fire to WPB’s. The text of the article: Tipping to win at 106. One of Victoria’s oldest men turns 105 today. He was born in Tarnagulla, in central Victoria, a year after local miners found the famous Poseidon nugget which weighed 26.6kg. John lives in South Melbourne and says his ambition this year is to win the football competition at the home where he lives, then to repeat the feat next year. “

Eddie Hassett sends his thanks for the birthday wishes and celebrated with a nice seafood dinner with family but finished off with a few ports which he had not done for years. Good Friday was a bit fuzzy. Eddie is still playing golf at Woodlands and is in the middle of the pennant season. He is off to Thailand in July to visit Hoa Hin where the King is resident but Eddie is not expecting to see him.

Dorothy Hayes emails please pass on her many thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday card, which she received on the day. Dorothy had a lovely day and is still working three days a week possibly till next year.

Richard Kimber writes to thank the club and particularly Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings which arrived so punctually. So another year has passed by and still Rick cannot complain given the problems of others.

Vern Knuiksis reports that 2011 was a year of various events having celebrated his 60th birthday, 30th wedding anniversary and coming through successful surgery for prostate cancer. Thank goodness he doesn’t require any further treatment or medication. Vern retired from the banking and finance industry in Dec 2010 and decided to take up a complete career change and build on his part time home handyman business which has become so busy that he is now at it full time. Vern is involved in all aspects of home maintenance ranging from fitting a door lock to larger projects such as complete renovations and other carpentry work and gardening. He  has also recently been involved in adding an extension to their home to provide more room for the family (2 daughters aged 21 & 25 refuse to leave home) They are both full time university students and likely to be for another 3 years at least! He recently travelled to Adelaide to watch the first round of V8 Supercar racing with a group of colleagues that has been a tradition since 1999. An enjoyable 5 days had by all! It was sad to hear of the passing of Frank Budd and Bill Boucher with whom Vern worked in E S& A on his very first day in the Bank back in March 1970!

Christine Lane emails her thanks for her birthday card and greetings.  The day itself was quite busy but nice. Christine commenced the celebration with 9 rounds of golf then later catching up with family and loved ones over lunch. As she no longer adds up the years passing by, it is nonetheless good to look back on life with nice memories!

Bob Maughan emails that he and wife Joan will be relocating to Perth to be near their daughter and also closer to their son and his family who live in Singapore. They still hope to visit Victoria on a regular basis. Bob is sorry he missed the funeral of Ron Marshall. Bob worked for him in the old 351 Collins Stock Exchange branch. A great Manager and one of the nicest people Bob has ever known. Like many others Bob very much looks forward to receiving all the news and the one birthday card he receives each year. The problem with having a birthday so close to Christmas!

Hugh Miles sent a note of thanks for the birthday wishes received on the day for his 82nd which he greatly appreciated.

Ray Murphy emailing regarding the late Ron Marshall says Ron was Accountant at 9 Lydiard St Ballarat in the 1950's whilst Ray was at the Scottie Ballarat East .He was a fine man. Ray and wife Glenyce used to baby sit the girls for him.

Peter Nyga sends his apology for the 12th April meeting as he’ll be away sailing Gippsland Lakes for two weeks over that period.

Ted Palmer emails many thanks to Kathy Trace for the kind Birthday Wishes. It only seems like a couple months since he received the last one.

Peter Saville emails that unfortunately he will not be able to attend the April meeting as Peter and his wife will be travelling through Scotland and Ireland for the entire month of April. The guest speaker sounds particularly interesting.

Murray Skelton emails his thanks for the birthday greeting card received on due date, and he is in good health after surgery late last year. Murray looks forward to receiving the monthly newsletter to follow the news of old workmates.

Harry Trefz sends his thanks for the kind birthday wishes for his good health and happiness for 2012 which as usual arrived on the day.

Mike Watts served under the late Bill Manning in his very early days at ES&A. He was a very nice chap and will be missed at the annual Scottie reunions.

Julie Wilkins emails her thanks to Kathy Trace for her kind birthday wishes which arrived on the day as usual. Julie had a lovely day, better still good weather to enjoy the outdoor adventures.

AND Alistair Abernathy, Chris Baker, Dave Barr, Herman Bettonvil, Eric and Wendy Black, Gordon Blair, Terry Boocock, Wendy Bradley, Len Chitty, Gordon Christensen,  Geoff Christmas, Travis Clark, Bill Collins, Kerry and Rodney Dark, Kevin Dempster,  Tom Doumani, Brian Doyle, Frank Edwards, Serge Florent, John Flyger, Colin Geldart, Jeremy Grant, Nev Greenway, Richard Ham, Richard Harding, Adrian Henning, Pin Pin Ho, Larry James, Graeme King, Brian Knowles, David Laing, Ken Lee, Bill Luscombe, John Maguire, Zelda Martin, Susan McCarthy, John McFarlane, Mike McKernan, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Don Mercer, Emilio Moreno, Ian Nayda, Cheryl Lobo,  Gordon Paulett, David Phelps, Graeme Plant, Max Pleydell, Alan Podger, Tony Pompilio, Peter Richardson, Dietmar Reichert, Bill Robinson, Bob Schofield, Don Schubert, Mark Stankovich, Ken Stapleton, Ed Tanner, John Turnbull, Mick Wallis, Mike Watts, Glenda White, Andy Wilkie ,Peter Williams, Keith Winckles.



ANZ REUNION FOR 2012 FOR 351 and 394 COLLINS STREET PAST STAFF on 29th April 2012

Our member Nola Forsyth has advised that she has organised this years reunion for Sunday 29th April from 1.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill and she is keen to see as many past members of the two branches again this year to catch up and enjoy swapping banking stories.  Nola would like to hear from those interested and she can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. She asks that for the afternoon tea ladies bring a small plate and men make a donation of a gold coin.

On the ANZROC website a photo of 351 Collins Street staff circa 1960 has been posted to serve as a reminder for those members who were at 351 in the early 60’s.


ANZROC Golf Day - Latrobe Golf Club – Monday 4 June 2012

It is planned to hold the next golf day for ANZROC members and their partners at Latrobe Golf Club, Farm Road, Alphington on Monday 4 June with an 8am shotgun start. Latrobe is the closest Private golf club to the city, surrounded on two sides by the Yarra River, and with five billabongs, there is plenty of water to appreciate and avoid. The course is built on river flats, so while the course has many subtle undulations, it is not hilly.

The cost will be $66 including green fees and a sit down meal for lunch. Latrobe members will pay $21 for meal only. We hope all the ANZROC Latrobe members will be available to play and host groups around the course.

Full details and an entry form are attached to  this newsletter, but in order that we can get an early indication of the likely numbers, please advise John Brown by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone 9802 1810, or Eamon Veaney This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mobile 0411021449 if you think you will be able to attend.



We advised members of the Europe River Cruising 2013 tour in the March Newsletter and here is a reminder for you.
Travel in 2013 at 2012 Prices PLUS Fly Free to Europe including taxes* - Save up to $5,700 per couple*15 Day Magnificent Europe Cruise
ANZ Price $5,975 per person, twin share
*. (Normal price from $6,395)

Price based on 15 March 2013.Other departure dates available.
Book by 30 April 2012.   Conditions apply.



For our June meeting this year we have arranged a third luncheon for 80 members at ANZ Centre at 833 Collins Street which will take place on Thursday June 14th. Members will see inside the state of the art building and enjoy an optional brief tour with luncheon provided on site. ANZ Centre is the largest single-tenanted office building in Australia and has strong sustainability credentials, with black water recycling, rainwater harvesting, solar panels, wind turbines and an air-conditioning system that uses cool water from the Yarra River to reduce energy consumption.

We have booked a function room overlooking the river for a maximum number of 80 people and arranged lunch and liquid refreshments but as the costs are a lot higher than we are used to paying at 100 Queen Street it will be necessary to ask for a contribution of $20 per person, similar to last year. We plan to have a guest speaker from the Bank.

Please advise Ron Adams by phone 9821 0444 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to attend this meeting and whether you are interested in a tour of the building which will be restricted to 20 members. Also please advise whether a name tag will be required if you don’t have the ANZROC photo ID and we can start preparing the name tags required. Full details of the program for the day and security requirements will be provided in the May newsletter.


THURSDAY 10TH MAY 2012   MEETING IN MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON We are holding our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch. The meeting will be addressed by Salvation Army executives updating  members about the measures being taken to help those in need in Melbourne and we look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear the Salvation Army representative. We raised around $4,000 last year which was an outstanding effort and any support for Salvation Army will be welcomed. We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send  your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144 to be included in the total of funds raised for the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to  Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 3th May 2012 to meet ANZ  catering requirements  and  so that a  list of attendees can be  provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams Newsletter Editor



To Ron Adams

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function


newsletter april 2012


Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
John Stevens (Ph 94396664)




NOTE: members please continue to send responses to cards or members updates including changes of postal address or email address to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., all secretarial issues send to Peter Pritchard at his address 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


President Neville Pearson welcomed to our 2012 ANZAC Memorial Luncheon 49 members and our guest speaker Jim Marett President of the Vietnam Tunnel Rats Association, and special guest Mal Dubock, Kevin Mitchell’s brother in law and a previous guest speaker. There were only four of our lady members present. John Parkes and Peter Story were attending their first luncheon meeting and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Graeme Ainscough, Brian Day, Alan Forrest, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Geoff Meggs, Stan Middleton, John Osborne and Geoff Perdriau.


Annette and Graeme Baldwin ,Eric and Wendy Black, Nola Forsyth, David Gibb, Theo Hall , Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Rick Kimber,  Jacqui Luckman, Peter Nyga, Bill Robinson , Peter Saville,  Jackie Waite, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins.



Maggiore                  J.J. (Joe)                     41 years ANZ

McNamara                 K.J. ( Keith)                39 years ANZ

Plunkett                   J.F. (John)                  41 years ANZ

Thompson                 D.G. (David)               17 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Joe, Keith, John and David at one of our meetings.


Manning                      W.S.(Bill)                    5/4/2012          81 years

Steven                         P.J.(Peter)                  15/6/2011        63 years

Members stood in remembrance of our past members Bill and Peter and our condolences are extended to family and friends.

We were also advised that Charles Comport passed away on the 19th March in UK – He hadn't been enjoying good health for some time He would be known to many ANZROC members.

Mark and Glenda Riddell family of our recently deceased member Jim sent a note thanking John Duke and Jack Helisma who attended Jim’s service on our behalf .They also thanked our members of ANZROC Vic for the notice in the Herald Sun as ANZ was such an important part of Jim’s life.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during April  and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Bill Bowring (80),Max Colwell (80), Bryden Davis (83), Norm Deady (91), Glynn Evans (84), Roy Harper (83), Reg Henley (88), Gordon Kennedy (86), Ailsa Mackie ,Leigh O’Neill (82), Eileen Perham, John Read (80), Keith Remington (89), Col Renzow (96), Lindsay Richards (82), Tony Stutterd (85), June Thompson, John Vanselow (80).



Our ANZROC member Dick Sanders and his wife Joan visited Jack (as we know him) on 17th March – Jack’s 105th birthday is actually 18th. Although in a wheel chair Jack appeared remarkably well, built like a piece of barbed wire as he has always been. Dick and Joan took him a bottle and a card and had a good chat over about half and hour. Jack said he joined the Bank in 1924, at his first branch at Corner of Elizabeth and Latrobe Streets. He clearly recalled the day their good customer Frank Beaurepaire called all excited to announce he had been selected for the Olympic Games. Jack was thrilled to bits with their visit. For 105 Jack was brilliant and recalled some tales of when a young person living at Tarnagulla, west of Bendigo. Dick and Joan left saying they would see him next year, to which he laughed. Well done Jack. Photos of the visit are posted on our ANZROC website.


From  1/4/2012                        less than $20,000         2.79% Greater than $20,000    3.58%



Although the ANZ Bank Football Club no longer plays under the banner of ANZ Bank, the link with the past is proudly maintained following amalgamation with the Albert Park Football Club. An active band of past players maintain the tradition of the ANZ FC within Albert Park FC.

A past players day is run each year and the date will be advised shortly. The Albert Park Football Club website is “ “and news, results and functions are included on this website. You can also register to receive their weekly news by email.

For further information you are welcome to contact Neville Pearson (9802 0187), Brian Christensen (9429 9272) or Bill (Jet) Jackson (9444 6515)


This was our annual ANZAC Memorial meeting and Brian Christensen led the Remembrance Service reciting the Ode with a recording of trumpets playing Reveille in the background.

Past President Kevin Mitchell then introduced his brother in law Mal Dubock who invited our Guest Speaker Jim Marett President of the Vietnam Tunnel Rats Association to speak to members.

The Tunnel Rats did the dirtiest, deadliest and by far the scariest job in the Vietnam War, yet most people today have hardly or never heard of them. They were a small group of specialist Australian (and American) Soldiers. The Australians were the men who served in the Royal Australian Engineers. Firstly in 3 Field Troop, then the expanded 1, 2, and 3 Troops of 1 Field Squadron  For most of the war there were the three Troops of about 40 men, that was for a period of five years plus about 70 in the initial 3 Field Troop for a year before that. Almost 700 in all with 35 paying the supreme sacrifice and 5 awarded the Military Medal. They needed to be small and wiry, cool with icy nerves and immune from panic. They were usually quiet, unassuming and self-contained The Tunnel Rats would go bush with Infantry or Armour for four to six weeks operating as Infantry and carrying out specialist duties mine and booby trap detection; tunnel and bunker searching, detection and demolition; plus bomb disposal. It was not unusual to blow up to 100 bunkers in a single operation. Ultimately every member would go underground.  

It was the Australian 3 Field Troop who first discovered the tunnels and they were the first to venture into them. The Australians revealed, for the first time, the immense military significance of the tunnels which led to the American High Command further discovering the extent of them.

The tunnels of Củ Chi are an immense and complex network of connecting underground tunnels located in the Củ Chi district of Saigon and are part of a much larger network of tunnels that underlie much of the country.  The Củ Chi tunnels were the location of several military campaigns during the Vietnam War, and were the Viet Cong's base of operations for the Tết Offensive in 1968. The Viet Cong War Zone 3 HQ which controlled the whole area was never found.

The tunnels were used by Viet Cong guerrillas as hiding spots during combat, as well as serving as communication and supply routes, hospitals, food and weapon caches and living quarters for numerous guerrilla fighters. The tunnel systems were of great importance to the Viet Cong in their resistance to American forces, and helped achieve ultimate military success. For the Viet Cong, life in the tunnels was difficult. Air, food and water were scarce and the tunnels were infested with ants, poisonous centipedes, scorpions, spiders and vermin.

The Tunnel Rats were confronted by many cunning and unbelievable booby traps down there. Ambush and death was potentially round every corner. Lack of space limited movement and use of weapons. Most of the time, guerrillas would spend the day in the tunnels working or resting and come out only at night to scavenge for supplies, tend their crops or engage the enemy in battle. Sometimes, during periods of heavy bombing or American troop movement, they would be forced to remain underground for many days at a time. Sickness was rampant among the Viet Cong living in the tunnels,

Dug from the early days of the earlier French occupation, by 1965 the Viet Cong were in the unique position of locally being able to control where and when battles would take place. They were a constant source of frustration for the U.S. military in Saigon.

Jim Marett responded to several questions from members and Ron Adams thanked Jim for his quite inspirational presentation which left many members flabbergasted. Jim then stayed on for some time answering members’ enquiries.



Phil Alleaume emails from Drouin his thanks for the very kind wishes for his birthday which he always looks forward to. Phil and wife Ginette are both well and still enjoying the relaxed country air albeit that there is a lot of development occurring in their area. They recently babysat their two grandsons 3 ½ and 2 years old for 9 days while their parents were holidaying in Bali. While Phil and Ginette  enjoyed having them around it also reminded Phil of the “Energiser” batteries commercial on TV. Once awake, they just keep going and going. However, a good glass of red once they were  asleep recharged their own batteries.

Lindsay Baglin phoned in to send his thanks for the best wishes for his 83rd birthday.

Will Bailey emailed to say he worked with the late Bill Manning in the '50s and '60s in the Scottie. Bill was a jolly good bloke. Will had a great lunch with the SA ANZROC Club on the 2nd of April.

John Baird writes from Highton on his 87th to thank members for the birthday wishes that arrived on the day. He says he has no machine to type his letters so he is still committed to writing by hand.

John Blampied sends his thanks for the birthday wishes which are greatly appreciated. John and wife Pamela celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary this year and they now have 6 grandchildren to keep them busy. They have been fortunate to enjoy good health that has enabled them to travel overseas on a regular basis particularly to Europe. John is a member of the Box Hill Golf Club and often sees ANZROC members Ian Anderson, Brian Christensen, Bruce Maisey and Roger Pickering on the course. John reports that Bill Hickford (Black Harry to his football friends) is slowly improving in health after the serious injury sustained in a vicious home invasion some months ago and recorded in earlier newsletters.

Arty Booth emailing from Elliott Heads in Queensland sends   his thanks to the committee for the birthday wishes. No change to report from sunny Queensland, "Good One Day, Flooded the Next" Like most, Arty looks forward to the monthly newsletter, and reading about the antics of those that he has met and worked with in the Bank. It is pleasing to read the Honorary Birthday List and he is constantly surprised at the longevity of our members.

Jenny Cooke emailing Kathy Trace says many thanks for your recent birthday wishes which, as usual, arrived on the day. Whilst Jenny   has not made it to a Retired Officers’ function as yet due to work commitments, she will definitely try to attend this year. In April Jenny will visit the US (California) to visit the host family from her days as an American Field Service exchange student as well as school friends. The past few years have been spent on the golf course or working as the historian at her old school, keeping the ex-student data base and organising annual reunions which has been very interesting. Writing an instruction manual and job description for the school reminded Jenny of her years in ANZ Staff Dept (later Personnel) - practical training which has been used in many jobs over the years. Later in the year, she is off to Europe, taking a cruise and visiting a friend at Lake Garda, Italy. Once again, many thanks for the card and best wishes to everyone for keeping the Retired Officers informed via the newsletter.

John Conn writes thanks for the birthday card which arrived while John and wife Linda were holidaying in Tasmania. They spent a few weeks travelling in the south and then up the west coast to Devonport to catch the ferry back to Melbourne. The year has started off with a heavy emphasis on family social events ranging from the 30th birthday party for their son, a family wedding in Queensland and in March Linda’s fathers 85th birthday. Her family is spread from Brisbane to Melbourne but this birthday was held in Melbourne. John and Linda are off to Broome in July and with his volunteer work, Linda involved in special teaching part time added to family and holidays means they are quite busy.

Thanks to Donald Davy for sending the committee a Easter Card "Thank you to all members of ANZROC (Vic) committee for the continuing wonderful work you do on the best interests of all retired ANZ Banking Group Limited staff”

Bob Delahoy writes to thank the club for the birthday card celebrating his 83rd birthday which was on the 10th March. It is always very much appreciated. Bob recently read an interesting article in the Victorian Probian (a Probus publication) on Bob Nichol celebrating his 100th birthday. It mentioned that Bob joined The Bank of Australasia in February 1929. That was the month before Bob Delahoy was born! He joined The Bank of Australasia on 1st August 1949 which was approx 20 ½ years after Bob Nichol. Bob and his wife have not made any trips this year but are investigating the possibility of travelling either north or west later this year. It is good to read in the newsletters about what the other members are doing in their retirement.

Steven Eu emailing from his iPad and able to get the newsletter from anywhere in the world  says he is currently in Hong Kong for over 5 weeks for a much needed annual pilgrimage of shopping therapy for the latest  electronic gadgets and  to pay respects to his wife’s grandma who passed away 2 years ago at 101, and also to catch up with relatives

John Fairbairn emails that as usual with impeccable timing the card arrived on the actual day. Another year has passed; fortunately John has recovered his health and is   now enjoying Golf once more with former work colleagues, Peter O'Dwyer and Maurie Harwood. Yarrawonga made national news recently with it’s flooding after about 11 inches of rain in 2 or 3 days. Whilst the residents were cut off for a day or two  most escaped without their homes being flooded but most Streets were awash with many closed. Unfortunately John was unable to make any luncheon or dinner Meetings last year but perhaps this year will be different. It is good to see that many former workmates are still enjoying good health.

Lawrie Foord writes his sincere thanks for the birthday card and as usual he had a quiet day although his middle daughter took him to lunch which was most enjoyable. Lawrie has been busy with a number of DIY projects around the house but his youngest daughter and son in law remind him it’s about time for him to return  to their home 30 kilometres out of Brisbane for a visit. Lawrie has also been invited to the Jervis Bay Naval Base where his granddaughter and family are now based. Her husband has just completed his second term of duty on the frigate “Toowoomba” in the Middle East and that included “pirate duty” .He was decorated for his service in the Middle East and is now waiting for his next posting. Lawrie has an open invitation to take a conducted tour of the naval base at Jervis Bay and his eldest daughter is reminding him to do something about it.

Eddie Forth emailed greetings from Noosa and says the weather has been so unpredictable that they can receive rain up to one foot of water one day, sunshine the next. Eddie and wife Jan have certainly had a wet summer and the Tewantin-Noosa Golf Club course has been a very heavy track for most of the summer. Nevertheless they are hoping for a drier winter. In late April Eddie and Jan head off for Livingston in Zambia to see the Victoria Falls and then fly to Johannesburg to drive through the Kruger National Park for 8 days. They are travelling with family. Eddie sends his thanks for the birthday wishes.

Rino Frigo writes thanks for the newsletters and reports that he and his wife have joined the cruising brigade along with other ANZROC members embarking on  a cruise on the “Dawn Princess” to New Zealand. In the adjoining cabin was Ian Bell and wife Carmel and they teamed up for a few trips into New Zealand cities. Rino enjoyed the cruise so much he has signed up for another. Ian Bell said he also met Frank Edwards on the cruise and Frank also recommended the ships services and the fun to be had on the “Dawn Princess”.

Val Goldsworthy writes to inform us about an article in the media dated 17th March 2012 about Jack Duggan from Tarnagulla who she met in Stationery Dept in the early 1950’s. Val says Jack was a lovely man and it was by chance a colleague told me that he and his wife had a severely disabled daughter. You’d never know; Jack was kind, thoughtful and endlessly helpful. Jack was a bit dangerous – a ‘roller’ of cigarettes, he frequently set fire to WPB’s. The text of the article: Tipping to win at 106. One of Victoria’s oldest men turns 105 today. He was born in Tarnagulla, in central Victoria, a year after local miners found the famous Poseidon nugget which weighed 26.6kg. John lives in South Melbourne and says his ambition this year is to win the football competition at the home where he lives, then to repeat the feat next year. “

Eddie Hassett sends his thanks for the birthday wishes and celebrated with a nice seafood dinner with family but finished off with a few ports which he had not done for years. Good Friday was a bit fuzzy. Eddie is still playing golf at Woodlands and is in the middle of the pennant season. He is off to Thailand in July to visit Hoa Hin where the King is resident but Eddie is not expecting to see him.

Dorothy Hayes emails please pass on her many thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday card, which she received on the day. Dorothy had a lovely day and is still working three days a week possibly till next year.

Richard Kimber writes to thank the club and particularly Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings which arrived so punctually. So another year has passed by and still Rick cannot complain given the problems of others.

Vern Knuiksis reports that 2011 was a year of various events having celebrated his 60th birthday, 30th wedding anniversary and coming through successful surgery for prostate cancer. Thank goodness he doesn’t require any further treatment or medication. Vern retired from the banking and finance industry in Dec 2010 and decided to take up a complete career change and build on his part time home handyman business which has become so busy that he is now at it full time. Vern is involved in all aspects of home maintenance ranging from fitting a door lock to larger projects such as complete renovations and other carpentry work and gardening. He  has also recently been involved in adding an extension to their home to provide more room for the family (2 daughters aged 21 & 25 refuse to leave home) They are both full time university students and likely to be for another 3 years at least! He recently travelled to Adelaide to watch the first round of V8 Supercar racing with a group of colleagues that has been a tradition since 1999. An enjoyable 5 days had by all! It was sad to hear of the passing of Frank Budd and Bill Boucher with whom Vern worked in E S& A on his very first day in the Bank back in March 1970!

Christine Lane emails her thanks for her birthday card and greetings.  The day itself was quite busy but nice. Christine commenced the celebration with 9 rounds of golf then later catching up with family and loved ones over lunch. As she no longer adds up the years passing by, it is nonetheless good to look back on life with nice memories!

Bob Maughan emails that he and wife Joan will be relocating to Perth to be near their daughter and also closer to their son and his family who live in Singapore. They still hope to visit Victoria on a regular basis. Bob is sorry he missed the funeral of Ron Marshall. Bob worked for him in the old 351 Collins Stock Exchange branch. A great Manager and one of the nicest people Bob has ever known. Like many others Bob very much looks forward to receiving all the news and the one birthday card he receives each year. The problem with having a birthday so close to Christmas!

Hugh Miles sent a note of thanks for the birthday wishes received on the day for his 82nd which he greatly appreciated.

Ray Murphy emailing regarding the late Ron Marshall says Ron was Accountant at 9 Lydiard St Ballarat in the 1950's whilst Ray was at the Scottie Ballarat East .He was a fine man. Ray and wife Glenyce used to baby sit the girls for him.

Peter Nyga sends his apology for the 12th April meeting as he’ll be away sailing Gippsland Lakes for two weeks over that period.

Ted Palmer emails many thanks to Kathy Trace for the kind Birthday Wishes. It only seems like a couple months since he received the last one.

Peter Saville emails that unfortunately he will not be able to attend the April meeting as Peter and his wife will be travelling through Scotland and Ireland for the entire month of April. The guest speaker sounds particularly interesting.

Murray Skelton emails his thanks for the birthday greeting card received on due date, and he is in good health after surgery late last year. Murray looks forward to receiving the monthly newsletter to follow the news of old workmates.

Harry Trefz sends his thanks for the kind birthday wishes for his good health and happiness for 2012 which as usual arrived on the day.

Mike Watts served under the late Bill Manning in his very early days at ES&A. He was a very nice chap and will be missed at the annual Scottie reunions.

Julie Wilkins emails her thanks to Kathy Trace for her kind birthday wishes which arrived on the day as usual. Julie had a lovely day, better still good weather to enjoy the outdoor adventures.

AND Alistair Abernathy, Chris Baker, Dave Barr, Herman Bettonvil, Eric and Wendy Black, Gordon Blair, Terry Boocock, Wendy Bradley, Len Chitty, Gordon Christensen,  Geoff Christmas, Travis Clark, Bill Collins, Kerry and Rodney Dark, Kevin Dempster,  Tom Doumani, Brian Doyle, Frank Edwards, Serge Florent, John Flyger, Colin Geldart, Jeremy Grant, Nev Greenway, Richard Ham, Richard Harding, Adrian Henning, Pin Pin Ho, Larry James, Graeme King, Brian Knowles, David Laing, Ken Lee, Bill Luscombe, John Maguire, Zelda Martin, Susan McCarthy, John McFarlane, Mike McKernan, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Don Mercer, Emilio Moreno, Ian Nayda, Cheryl Lobo,  Gordon Paulett, David Phelps, Graeme Plant, Max Pleydell, Alan Podger, Tony Pompilio, Peter Richardson, Dietmar Reichert, Bill Robinson, Bob Schofield, Don Schubert, Mark Stankovich, Ken Stapleton, Ed Tanner, John Turnbull, Mick Wallis, Mike Watts, Glenda White, Andy Wilkie ,Peter Williams, Keith Winckles.



ANZ REUNION FOR 2012 FOR 351 and 394 COLLINS STREET PAST STAFF on 29th April 2012

Our member Nola Forsyth has advised that she has organised this years reunion for Sunday 29th April from 1.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill and she is keen to see as many past members of the two branches again this year to catch up and enjoy swapping banking stories.  Nola would like to hear from those interested and she can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. She asks that for the afternoon tea ladies bring a small plate and men make a donation of a gold coin.

On the ANZROC website a photo of 351 Collins Street staff circa 1960 has been posted to serve as a reminder for those members who were at 351 in the early 60’s.


ANZROC Golf Day - Latrobe Golf Club – Monday 4 June 2012

It is planned to hold the next golf day for ANZROC members and their partners at Latrobe Golf Club, Farm Road, Alphington on Monday 4 June with an 8am shotgun start. Latrobe is the closest Private golf club to the city, surrounded on two sides by the Yarra River, and with five billabongs, there is plenty of water to appreciate and avoid. The course is built on river flats, so while the course has many subtle undulations, it is not hilly.

The cost will be $66 including green fees and a sit down meal for lunch. Latrobe members will pay $21 for meal only. We hope all the ANZROC Latrobe members will be available to play and host groups around the course.

Full details and an entry form are attached to  this newsletter, but in order that we can get an early indication of the likely numbers, please advise John Brown by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone 9802 1810, or Eamon Veaney This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mobile 0411021449 if you think you will be able to attend.



We advised members of the Europe River Cruising 2013 tour in the March Newsletter and here is a reminder for you.
Travel in 2013 at 2012 Prices PLUS Fly Free to Europe including taxes* - Save up to $5,700 per couple*15 Day Magnificent Europe Cruise
ANZ Price $5,975 per person, twin share
*. (Normal price from $6,395)

Price based on 15 March 2013.Other departure dates available.
Book by 30 April 2012.   Conditions apply.



For our June meeting this year we have arranged a third luncheon for 80 members at ANZ Centre at 833 Collins Street which will take place on Thursday June 14th. Members will see inside the state of the art building and enjoy an optional brief tour with luncheon provided on site. ANZ Centre is the largest single-tenanted office building in Australia and has strong sustainability credentials, with black water recycling, rainwater harvesting, solar panels, wind turbines and an air-conditioning system that uses cool water from the Yarra River to reduce energy consumption.

We have booked a function room overlooking the river for a maximum number of 80 people and arranged lunch and liquid refreshments but as the costs are a lot higher than we are used to paying at 100 Queen Street it will be necessary to ask for a contribution of $20 per person, similar to last year. We plan to have a guest speaker from the Bank.

Please advise Ron Adams by phone 9821 0444 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to attend this meeting and whether you are interested in a tour of the building which will be restricted to 20 members. Also please advise whether a name tag will be required if you don’t have the ANZROC photo ID and we can start preparing the name tags required. Full details of the program for the day and security requirements will be provided in the May newsletter.


THURSDAY 10TH MAY 2012   MEETING IN MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON We are holding our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch. The meeting will be addressed by Salvation Army executives updating  members about the measures being taken to help those in need in Melbourne and we look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear the Salvation Army representative. We raised around $4,000 last year which was an outstanding effort and any support for Salvation Army will be welcomed. We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send  your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144 to be included in the total of funds raised for the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to  Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 3th May 2012 to meet ANZ  catering requirements  and  so that a  list of attendees can be  provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.

A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering

Ron Adams Newsletter Editor



To Ron Adams

I/we will be attending the Luncheon function


newsletter march 2012


Neville Pearson Peter Pritchard John Def Brown
Debbie Jerkovic Ron Adams
18 Browning Drive, 19 Albert Street PO Box 4056 24 Flowerdale Road PO Box 579,
Glen Waverley 3150 East Malvern 3145 Burwood East 3151 Glen Iris 3146 Malvern, 3144
Ph 98020187 Ph 95719406 Ph 98021810 Ph 98857276
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gary Mason (Ph.95719575)
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830)
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001)
John Stevens (Ph 94396664)

NOTE: members please continue to send responses to cards or members updates including changes of postal address or email address to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., all secretarial issues send to Peter Pritchard at his address 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



70 ANZROC Members and partners attended a most enjoyable St Patrick’s Day Luncheon at the Maroondah Club on 15 March. This is the third year we have held the event and members and partners relished the opportunity to catch up with colleagues and their partners and reminisce about their years in the bank. The camaraderie of members and partners created a terrific atmosphere and the green serviettes and green attire worn by some of those in attendance, added to the Irish theme. The Maroondah Club generously donated bottles of wine to the members to supplement the ANZROC wine contribution of $200.

Senior Vice President John McPhee warmly welcomed members and partners and thanked Lyn and Les Stevens for the work they put into arranging the venue of the Maroondah club and also our Social Subcommittee member David Knuckey and wife Glen for organising the event.  John also thanked the Maroondah Club management and catering staff that were so crucial in ensuring the occasion was such a success.

With the formal part of the luncheon over, our resident Leprechaun (Kevin Mitchell) firstly presented Gary Mason with an Esanda Football Club tie he had found in his travels and then entertained the assembly telling a large number of Irish tales without notes and much to the enjoyment of all in attendance.

Members not seen for a while included Herman Bettonvil, Wendy Bradley, Keith Diamond, John Flyger, John Goodwin, Hedley Ham, Bruce Kells, Graeme King, Jacqui Luckman, Don Ranyard, Bernie Sowersby and Evon Whalen.


Visit the "ANZROC" Website for a selection of photos of members and partners enjoying the luncheon.



Annette and Graeme Baldwin ,Eric and Wendy Black, Nola Forsyth, Rino Frigo, David and Val Gibb, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert ,Doug Imrie,  Con La Fauci,  Gerry and Fay McPherson, Joan Nathan, Peter Nyga, Neville and Cheryl Pearson, Tom and Nicole Portelli, Bill Robinson , Eamon Veaney, Glenda and Philip White,  Julie Wilkins


Lineham                      J.M. (Julian)               ANZ    37.5 years

We look forward to seeing Julian at one of our meetings.


BOWERS                             L.G.(Lloyd)          5/3/2012                                               89 YEARS

Lloyd enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in October 1941 and saw active service in Britain with the RAF as a fighter pilot flying Hurricanes, Spitfires and Tempests. He was discharged in January 1946 with the rank of Flying Officer in 287 Squadron and rejoined the ES&A Bank. Lloyd spent much of his career in the North Coast of NSW managing branches including Byron Bay and Lismore and finally Port Kembla and Flemington Markets in Sydney before taking a role until retirement as a Financial Planner in Sydney. Lloyd and late wife Jo settled in Kew in early 2000 to be near their family. I was able to represent ANZROC at the funeral service.

MARSHALL                       RON                       10/2/2012                             88 YEARS

Ron enlisted in the Australian Army in December 1942 and trained as a gunnery officer with service on the northern coastline of Australia and on discharge in June 1946 was a Private in the Southern Command Echelon and Records. Ron joined the ES&A Bank in 1937 and on retirement in 1983 was a Chief Manager in Esanda. There was a strong representation from ANZROC at the funeral service that included Murray Abraham, Ron Adams, Eric and Wendy Black, Jock Buntain, Eric Dickson, Frank Edwards, Jack Moyle, Neville Pearson, Peter Pritchard, Bruce Sanderson, Mark Stankovich and Lloyd Zegenhagen,


Members stood in remembrance of our past members Lloyd and Ron and our condolences are extended to family and friends.


Ken Dighton in the ANZROC NSW Newsletter advised of the death of Rick De Nardi aged 71, who passed away on 6/2/12 after a battle with cancer. Many ex Scotty staff as well as ANZ will remember Rick with fond memories during his career with Esanda / ANZ. Rick was working in Esanda while I was a member of the staff in Sydney.




We have lost contact with John, who was formerly living at Fitzroy. It would be appreciated if any members who know of his whereabouts could contact Peter Pritchard. Ph 95719406. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during March  and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Lindsay Baglin (83),John Baird (87), Kevin Cleary (81), Bob Delahoy (83), John Duggan (105), John Holberton (89), Laurie Holland (92), Ron Horne (87), Bill Manning (81), Tony Middleton (81), Ray Perry (83), Ron Pitt (89), Robin Pleydell (80), Charles Rennie (99), Roy Sharman (80), Kevin Sheather (87), Arthur Sheers (84), Reg Smith (89).




From  1/3/2012                        less than $20,000         2.78%

Greater than $20,000   3.56%



Will Bailey emails that he was WA attending his grandson's wedding so sadly he was not able to attend the funeral for Ron Marshall. Will and Ron shared an office in the ES&A administration all those years ago.

John Duguid emails thanks to Kathy for her kind birthday wishes which arrived on the day as usual. All’s well with John and looking forward to the next 69 years. John could have made a lot of money 35 years ago if he had taken bets with some people that he would make it to this age.

George Finniss writes thanks for the warm wishes on his birthday. George reports that he is well but has been caring for family recuperating after surgery that is keeping him busy.

Suzie Green emailing about the photos posted on our website of the 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WAGGA ANZ SPORTING CARNIVAL says she attended the Wagga Weekend for 11 years in a row and was at the 40th. She is sure she won the 5km run at the 40th Anniversary meeting as she won it for 10 years running. The last year Suzie won was the least year the Wagga weekend was held. She had some fantastic times playing sport against NSW and partying with them afterwards. When she attended she also played women’s indoor cricket, and Victoria only ever lost twice in those years. Those were the days...

Martin Hayden emailing says that he has now been retired for 11 time flies. Martin and wife Karen are enjoying the time they have together, particularly with their cars! They’ve been through a few lately...they bought a new HSV 6 litre GTO in 2005, sold it last year. Bought one of only 315 RS Focus's bought into Australia, sold that last year too! Their current "ride" is very special. Martin and Karen have just taken delivery of a VERY special Mercedes Benz AMG C63...6.2 Litre V8, nearly 500h.p! 7 speed auto, 19" wheels and is a special order car built for them in Germany. They’ve just returned from a 1200K drive in the Mallee....absolutely traffic lights! Members might also like to know that Karen (also ex-Esanda) did a month's Missionary work in Tanzania (South Africa) last year.

Gerry Kennedy writes to thank Kathy for the birthday wishes for his 88th and says thankfully he has passed the number 87 much feared by cricketers. Gerry says that although he has slowed down quite a bit over the last few years he is still playing bowls but not as well as he would like. While there are a few things wrong health wise the Department of Veteran Affairs looks after him fairly well.

Bob Kirkland send thanks for the birthday wishes on his 89th and says how he looks forward to receiving the newsletter although after 30 years retirement he finds he knows fewer members each issue. Bob still keeps in touch with friends he made in Fiji in the 70’s while Manager Lautoka and is leaving for Fiji in early March for a holiday to catch up with friends and colleagues.

Jack Moyle writing on his 87th sends thanks for the birthday wishes but says he and wife Audrey while both in good health do not venture far from home these days.

Laurie Redfearn writes thanks to Kathy Trace for the best wishes for her birthday. Kathy and Laurie worked together at Footscray Branch probably around the time Rae Collins was Accountant. The card and wishes brought back memories of the many staff Laurie worked with in her 10 years at the Branch.

Norm Ross sends his thanks for the best wishes received for his 91st.Norm says banking and industry news these days does not make good reading with staff retrenchments common place. Long retired officers were fortunate to have worked in a much more stable environment. Norm, his wife and son had their annual summer holiday in Hobart visiting their younger daughter and family which was most enjoyable.

Dick Sanders emailed that he received the birthday best wishes from old friend Kathy Trace spot on the day as usual. Dick doesn’t know how this is achieved so regularly when mail can take so many different times. He sent a letter to his cousin in UK at beginning of last November – A4 size – which took three weeks. So he took the hint and sent off the Christmas gift to him – guess what - 5 days! You never know. Four couples went to Port Fairy for a few days to celebrate the 75th birthdays of three of them. These were Dick’s old friends who met in a boarding house in Kew in 1959. One became Dick’s best man; another was his groomsman, together with their wives. John deF Brown who was in the same boarding house for a while would perhaps remember them. Suffice to say the friendships have lasted for these many years as have the spouses of all of them. So, there were eight for the birthday bash. They are a mixed group, one Kiwi married an Aussie girl, another an Irishman married a Swiss girl, the third a Swiss married a Dutch girl and Dick who is a Pom married an Aussie. You would wonder how they all got along!! There was to have been a fifth from South Australia but he was unable to attend. This was Peter Bowering from Adelaide former ANZ (for whom Dick was best man in 1963) and his wife.

Apart from that, the year produced another grandson, so each of their sons has themselves two sons. Thanks again for the good wishes and for the newsletters which are always interesting and keep him up to date with old friends.

Sandra Street emails that she has great memories of the days she was working with the late Ron Marshall in Loan Administration. He was such a warm man of great integrity and common sense. As she recalls they were a happy crew under Ron's command and he will be sadly missed by family and friends.

Kevin Toohey emails his thanks for the Birthday Card.  Even though some members don’t contribute too much to the newsletter they still look forward to receiving it and hearing what members have been up to. Just reading all the names brings back a lot of (mostly) good memories.

Beverley Tuxen and Gayle Cheney daughters of our recently deceased member Ron Marshall wrote to thank the many work colleagues who attended the funeral service. It was nice to know that he was remembered and people wanted to celebrate his life and farewell him.

Athol Watkins writing from Clifton Springs on his 75th sends thanks for his birthday card. Athol says it has been a fairly uneventful year with a mid-year break travelling up to Cairns for 7 weeks holiday to enjoy some excellent weather. The country in the mid west was looking great after several wet years. This year he has booked a trip to UK, then to Rome and cruise around the Mediterranean in May. Athol is still playing and enjoying plenty of bowls.

Brian Weeks sends his thanks for the birthday card received in the usual timely fashion. Brian has always believed that the sending of cards adds a great deal to the level of contact between the Committee and members. Life continues at a modest pace at the Weeks’ household and sadly they cannot travel much at present but live in hope that mobility will improve.

Maurice Wells writing on his 75th says thanks for the birthday card together with the newsletter which are greatly appreciated. Maurice and wife Bev continue to be heavily involved with their family’s activities. It is interesting to see the variety of activities that  grandchildren of the 21st century  are involved with which keeps both parents and grandparents busy in their support.

AND Les Ager, John Burke, Fred Campbell, Dave Cuddon, Gordon Field, Neil Franklin, Graham Heenan, Tess Hondros, Bruce Iddles, Julian Lineham, Maria Malicse, Tony Middleton, Ray Murphy, Jenny Pickering, Robin Pleydell, David Robinson, Mavis Ryan, Bill Schouten, Kevin Sharp, Warren Taylor, Kevin Watson, Norm Wheatley, Bill Willocks, Brian Wrigley





It is planned to hold the next golf day for ANZROC members and their partners at Latrobe Golf Club, Farm Road, Alphington on Monday 4 June with an 8am shotgun start. Latrobe is the closest Private golf club to the city, surrounded on two sides by the Yarra River, and with five billabongs, there is plenty of water to appreciate and avoid. The course is built on river flats, so while the course has many subtle undulations, it is not hilly.

The cost will be $66 including green fees and a sit down meal for lunch. Latrobe members will pay $21 for meal only.

Full details and an entry form will be included in the April newsletter, but in order that we can get an early indication of the likely numbers, please advise John Brown by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone 9802 1810, or Eamon Veaney by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mobile 0411021449 if you think you will be able to attend.

We hope all the ANZROC Latrobe members will be available to play and host groups around the course.


Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd February (as reported by President Neville Pearson)

Twenty two retired officers/partners descended on the Mansfield Alzburg Resort for three days of merriment and thrill seeking. The resort has undergone a substantial facelift since the ANZ "Mansfield Madness" days and is now a "four star" facility with terrific spa/pool and tennis court facilities.

Ten participants played 18 holes of golf on the Wednesday in glorious weather on the Mansfield Golf Course which must be one of the most improved golf courses in Victoria. Lush fairways and greens due to ample recycled water facilities added to the enjoyment of the game. Dal Crocker won the men's event with Neville Pearson and John Inglis tying for second.

Pam Hocking won the ladies event with Irene Bettonvil second and Cheryl Pearson and Lesley Cook a close third and fourth respectively.

After a scrumptious dinner in the resort restaurant followed by a hotly contested trivia competition an evening of great fun was had by all

Several of the participants returned to Melbourne via Marysville and had lunch at the Marysville bakery followed by an hour's stroll through "Bruno's Sculpture Garden" which is a must see for anyone contemplating a trip to Marysville. Great value at $5 entry.

The transformation of the town since our trip last year has been truly amazing.


This adventure offers so much for anyone contemplating going next year, whether you are a golfer or just wanting to enjoy a few days relaxing poolside, or sightseeing around the district snow resorts etc. The weather at this time of the year is very consistent with cold and rain a rarity on our trips to date and many of us took advantage with swims in the resort pool


Thanks to Kevin Mitchell and John Brown for all your time and effort in organising the trip that went like clockwork. Hope to see some newcomers next year and I am sure you will not be disappointed



Visit the "ANZROC" Website for a small selection of photos of the substantial Gardens and the Mansfield experience



Europe River Cruising 2013
Travel in 2013 at 2012 Prices PLUS Fly Free to Europe including taxes* - Save up to $5,700 per couple* 15 Day Magnificent Europe Cruise
ANZ Price $5,975 per person, twin share
*. (Normal price from $6,395)

Price based on 15 March 2013.Other departure dates available. Book by 30 April 2012

On APT’s inimitable 15 Day Magnificent Europe cruise. Glide from Amsterdam through five countries to Budapest, cruising down the Rhine, Main and Danube rivers, stopping to take in the iconic attractions and charming secrets of Europe’s heartland.


  • 14 night luxury cruise
  • Visit 19 towns, villages and cities
  • Traverse the Main-Danube Canal
  • Cross Europe’s Continental Divide
  • Cruise through the pretty Wachau Valley
  • Freedom of Choice Touring in Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, Rüdesheim, Wertheim, Würzburg, Nuremberg, Regensburg, Passau and Vienna
  • Visit the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest for a tour, a glass of champagne and a private music recital
  • 41 meals

Ask about our city stays in Paris & Prague

For more information, call 1300 374 405 or visit

*Conditions apply. Prices are per person twin share, land and cruise only & include port charges and ANZ discount, correct as at 8 March. 2012. Offers subject to availability & seasonal surcharge, not combinable with other offers, valid on new bookings only. Credit card payments may incur a surcharge. APT FLY FREE OFFER – Subject to availability of airline & booking class. Once class sold out surcharges apply. Fly Free includes air taxes to the value of $700 per person. Flights are economy class with Singapore Airlines (or Emirates for select itineraries). Prices based on Category E Suites, 15 March 2013 (EUMC15). Book by 30 April 2012. Deposit of $1,000 per person due within 7 days of booking. Further $2,000 per person due 30 Sept. 2012. Full payment due 100 days prior to departure.



Noted in the ANZROC NSW newsletter that Chris Woods National Manager ANZ Staff Club Australia has advised President Mike Cuneen …….” am pleased to advise the alteration of Rule 7(k) was unanimously endorsed at last week's AGM, allowing widows and immediate family of retired officers to maintain the retired officer membership in the ANZ Staff Club in the event of cessation of membership due to death.”



May 10th 2012 34th Floor 100 Queen Street Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal


June 14th 2012 833 Collins Street visit for 2012.




Our guest speaker will be Jim Marett who is currently President of The Tunnel Rats Assoc who served in Vietnam and you can Google a book written by Fredrick Forsyth about Tunnel Rats the cover could give you an insight about what he will be talking about. We look forward to greeting all our Ex Servicemen and Women at the meeting as the guest speaker will have a very interesting story to tell.


Medals may be worn at this meeting.

Please let Ron Adams  know by Wednesday 4th April 2012   by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone ( 98210444) or return the attached notice to PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 so we can advise ANZ Catering of numbers attending within the time frame required by the caterers.

ANZ Security Desk will also be advised the names  of members attending.

Ron Adams

Newsletter Editor



To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579                                         on 12th April 2012commencing at 12 noon

Malvern Vic 3144                               .

Phone 9821 0444  or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

newsletter February 2012

NEWSLETTER 9th February 2012


President Neville Pearson welcomed 47 guests that included our guest speaker Paul Marshall from Note Printing Australia Limited a subsidiary of Reserve Bank Australia to our first meeting for 2012. While numbers attending were identical to the attendance in February last year there were only four of our lady members present. Those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Helen Felsted, Clive Hewett who made the trip from Warrnambool and Ron Phillips.


Eric and Wendy Black, Wendy Bradley, Diane Carew, John Duke, Don Fraser, Norris Gale, Val Goldsworthy, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Erika Hayden, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert ,Con La Fauci, Jacqui Luckman, Brian Murdoch,  Peter Nyga, Bernie O’Reilly, Don Ranyard , Bruce Tickell, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins,



With my proposed move back to South Australia in early 2013 the committee has agreed to the appointment of Peter Pritchard who will take over the secretary’s role for 2012. Peter gave members present at our meeting an interesting thumbnail sketch of his career over 40 years with ANZ.

I will continue to edit the monthly newsletter until the end of the year and as further changes to the committee roles are made you will be kept in the loop.



As we mentioned at the Annual General Meeting in November the committee had been absorbing the increasing costs of the luncheons at 100 Queen Street for 2011 from funds in hand but in 2012 would have to ask members for a contribution towards future luncheons. As costs of catering have continued to rise the committee felt that commencing from our April meeting a contribution of $10.00 is warranted to partially bring into line the costs of catering that is presently $12.00 per head plus a cost of $150.00 for preparation of the Melbourne room.

While David Knuckey and his team are organising more meetings in suburban and country venues to try to engage greater numbers of our members and partners into our regular ANZROC gatherings there will always be important meetings we want to hold in the city for our members that includes the ANZAC Remembrance, Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal and Annual General meetings.


Doumani                     T.M.(Tom)                  40 years ANZ

Horkings                     Gary                           43 years ANZ

Waite                          Jacqueline (Jackie)     10 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Tom, Gary and Jackie at one of our meetings.



Erika Hayden advised me when apologizing for being unable to attend our February meeting that she had broken her leg in a freak accident and is now home recuperating.


Boucher                      W.G.(Bill) 12/12/2011                  84 years

Dalziel                         H.D.(Heather) 14/08/2011                  74 years

I received an email from Dianne Beretta advising that her Aunt and member of ANZROC Heather Dalziel passed away on 14th August 2011. The ANZ Bank was always a topic of conversation with Heather and she loved the years she spent at Royal Branch.

Riddell                         J.W. (Jim) 23/12/2011                  88 years

Jim enlisted in the Australian Army in November 1942 and at discharge in July 1946 was a Sergeant in the 21 Army Equip. Pk Coy. John Duke and Jack Helisma were able to represent ANZROC at the funeral service.

Taylor                         D.F.P (Don) 27/08/2011                  83 years

Williamson                  A.G.  (Alan) 19/01/2011                  81 years

President Neville Pearson attended Alan’s funeral as he had worked with Alan in Yarram. Alan spent time travelling around the countryside in an audit capacity with ANZ. Bruce Kells, Ken McNutt, Kevin Sharp, and Bernie Sowersby also represented ANZROC at the service.


The memorial service for Ted Larkin held on 22nd December at Dromana was well attended by ANZROC members that included Will Bailey, John Duke, David Knuckey, Gerry and Fay McPherson, Kevin Mitchell, Maria Natoli, Mark Stankovich, Ed Tanner and Glen Twidale.


Members stood in remembrance of our past members Bill, Heather, Jim, Don, Alan and Ted and our condolences are extended to family and friends.


We also received advices that past ANZ employees Rod Brown passed away in December 2011 and John Duff passed away on 16/01/2012  at age 76. Many of our ANZROC members would have known Rod and John and our sympathy goes to their family and friends.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during January and February and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Murray Abraham (86),John Bool (83), Ron Breckenridge (82), Alan Briant (80), Jock Buntain (82), Alan Burt OAM (87), Reg Caudry (80), Ron Chapman (83), Cedric Coxsedge (86), Max Fisher (81), Norma Fox, Wyn Greenwood (91),Dick Hellard (82), Mary Henley, Frank Hickey (87), David Hughes (80), Dennis Humphries (86), Robert Hunter (94), Gerry Kennedy (88), Bob Kirkland (89), Paul Kitchin (89), John Labrum (86), Phil Manning (82), Norm Mattila (90), Hugh Miles (82), Jack Moyle (87), Laurie Redfearn, Norm Ross (91), Dawn Routledge,  Mavis Ryan, Bruce Scott (86), Graham Spruzen (81), Terry Talbot (83), Bruce Tickell (83), Brian Weekes (80), Barry Weston OAM (80), Norm Wheatley (81), Jim Wood (89).



From 1/1/2012             less than $20,000         2.81%

Greater than $20,000   3.60%

From 1/2/2012             less than $20,000         2.84%

Greater than $20,000   3.63%



Paul Marshall gave members a short history of the development of the currency used in Australia from settlement to the present note printing operation. The organization established to print banknotes in Australia commenced in 1913 and is now Note Printing Australia Limited and a subsidiary of Reserve Bank of Australia. Paul is a specialist in the Ink Department and explained how the current range of polymer banknotes was introduced in 1988 with the launch of the $10 Commonwealth note. The introduction of the polymer banknote has seen a considerable reduction in counterfeiting and provided benefits in the area of security, quality, cleanliness and cost effectiveness. Over 9 billion polymer banknotes are circulating worldwide and used by 20 countries. Security features unique to the polymer process makes these banknotes amongst the most counterfeit deterrent available on the market. The experience and knowledge gained has enabled Note Printing Australia to diversify into passport and security documents as well as print banknotes for other countries such as New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. The company is now based in Craigieburn in high-tech premises shared with the polymer manufacturing and security departments of Reserve Bank which has increased the efficiency of the process, so much so that Paul said a staff of 1200 some 20 years ago has been reduced to 250 people today. Members present appreciated Paul’s talk and were surprised at the complexities and advantages in producing polymer banknotes in Australia.

Kevin Mitchell moved the vote of thanks and made a small presentation to Paul on behalf of members.



Murray Abraham sends his appreciation for the good wishes for his 86th birthday. He acknowledges 2012 is a leap year but while the past three years were not “leap years” they certainly very quickly took large strides.

Noel Beanland long time committeeman and Life Member emails thanks for the Birthday Card and says last year was another good year with a very enjoyable trip to Malaysia with wife Jeanette. They flew to Penang and then cruised to Thailand calling in to the resorts at Phuket and Krabi. Then back to Penang and on to finish the journey in Kuala Lumpur. They also caravanned to Mildura and Broken Hill during the year and spent the usual 6 weeks holiday at Coolum on the Sunshine Coast.

Jock Buntain writes thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday greetings on his 82nd but as his old mother used to say “old age does not come alone; it brings all the aches and pains with it”. Jock says he is in fairly good health but has had to give the golf away and regrets that he was unable to be with his friends at the Christmas lunch in December.

Joe Busuttil emails his sincere thanks for the birthday greetings. Joe is enjoying his sixth year
in retirement and the ‘sea change' to Inverloch last year has been great.

Brian Christensen writes his thanks for the birthday wishes and was pleased with the Christmas luncheon in December where he met many colleagues.

Geoff Christmas emailing from Leopold says it was great to again receive his birthday wishes. Last year Geoff and wife Heather were on their bikes again in April. They rode around Corsica then from Toulon to the north of France. The WW1 history around Verdun was amazing with many memorials and cemeteries throughout the area. Then on to Luxemburg but sadly Heather’s mother passed away at age 93 and they had to return home missing out on the beautiful scenery along the Mosel River. They now have three grandchildren and really enjoy them. Geoff and Heather enjoy reading the newsletter which brings with them many memories.

Don Davy writes that he was saddened to read of Ted Larkin’s passing. Don said that while he was working on the rationalisation of ANZ bank branches some years ago he dealt with Ted who was Chief Manager Premises in AHQ on many occasions and found him especially helpful and co-operative.

Max Fisher writes thanks for the kind reminder via Kathy Trace that he is a year older. The members at Max’s table at the Christmas luncheon particularly enjoyed the poem written by President Neville for the toast to the Queen. They also were pleased to hear CEO Mike Smith’s update on “matters ANZ” and once again appreciated the opportunity to be with their friends.

Nola Forsyth writes to say that since joining ANZROC she enjoys catching up on the news of members with whom she worked. Nola is presently unable get to luncheon meetings as she is still working 7 days a week in her bric-a-brac, collectibles and curios shop "Glimpses of Yesteryear" at 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury. She hopes that some of her old friends and ANZROC members in the area will find time to call in for a chat.

John Hallinan through wife Meryl emailed thanks for his birthday card which arrived on the due date as usual. 2011 was a year of ups and downs, having a few small trips around Victoria and then travelling to Jakarta in June (the city centre closes once a month for sports) for the wedding of their second grandson. It was a very colourful affair with 10 Australian guests and 680 Indonesians! John and Meryl followed with a week in Bali that was most enjoyable. A week after coming home they flew to Perth to mind daughter Margaret’s house whilst they went to France and Spain. Unfortunately they  were there a little over a week when tragedy struck with their granddaughter Laura, aged 19, being killed in a car accident on July 14th (she was the daughter of their son John who passed away unexpectedly less than three years earlier) This was followed by the passing of their  son-in-law on August 14th. On 27th November John suffered a major stroke and is currently in the Peter James Centre, Burwood East for rehabilitation. His brain and speech are quite good and he is learning to walk (slowly), He has unfortunately lost the use of his left arm but in the scheme of things is very lucky. They can but hope 2012 will be better.

John Hawkins emails his thanks for the Birthday card which arrived on the day just as John and wife Helen were getting ready for their first trip for the year of a cruise around NZ.

Bob Heinemann emails thanks to ANZROC for his birthday card .During his birthday Bob and his wife spent a few weeks on holiday in Euroa.

Brian Henderson emails from Hervey Bay once again to thank Kathy Trace for getting the annual birthday card to him on time. Brian’s wife Chris arranged a small luncheon party for the 75th birthday at home with some friends with “a few" bottles of wine which finished off a great day quite late into the evening. At the end of 2010 Brian retired as convener of the Hervey Bay Prostate Cancer Support Group after 9 years and at the end of 2011 completed his three years as treasurer and member of the Queensland PCFA council and now for the first time in over fifty years he is not involved as an office bearer in some community or sporting organisation. It is therefore time now for a bit more travel and relaxation in the laid back atmosphere of Hervey Bay. Brian and Chris did manage several trips during 2011 with a motoring holiday down to Tasmania early in the year followed by a 46 day cruise around the Indian Ocean mid year on board the "Sun Princess" and Christmas again on the "Sun Princess" on a 14 day cruise around New Zealand. Some plans are in place for more cruising and overseas travel during 2012. Golf membership has become a bit expensive considering the time spent travelling so he is playing more bowls on an intermittent basis. Brian will endeavour to get down to Melbourne and attend a meeting some time during 2012 to catch up.

David Jones emails his thanks for the annual birthday card; it’s marking the start of a new decade of life which he feels is a little daunting to contemplate

Paul Kitchin writes that he appreciated receiving the birthday wishes on his 89th. He says no news of interest this year.

Bob Lyon emailing from Denarau Fiji says thanks for the birthday card for his 65th birthday. There is no doubt that Kathy Trace is maintaining the high standards set by John Vanselow over many years. Despite three cyclones hovering around, it arrived on time. Good, considering it took 2 weeks for a registered letter to reach Bob from Suva recently. Despite a few health issues, Bob and his wife have had a good year with lots of travel. On one trip to the UK, they had lunch with Roger Taylor, with whom Bob worked at Grafton Street and hadn’t seen for 40 years, although it seemed more like 40 weeks. Other trips were to Hong Kong, US, Hawaii and several trips to Australia for board meetings. It was good to catch up with a few old colleagues at his only ANZROC lunch last June.

Noel Matthews emails to express his gratitude at receiving the Club's greeting on his 75th birthday. It found Noel in continuing good health and spirits - long may they continue - and still strongly involved in his  main interests of family (the youngest of 6 grandchildren is now 15 and exactly 60 years his junior) and teaching/writing/performing music. Much more fun than present-day banking!

Kevin May emails his thanks for the birthday greeting. A good year all things considered. Kevin and his wife clocked up their 50th Wedding Anniversary on April Fools day, not too shabby against those odds! They later celebrated with a 4 week road trip to revisit some favourite haunts, including Santa Monica/Los Angeles/San Diego/Palm Springs/Las Vegas and Waikiki. The pressure’s already on to book the next trip to Waikiki for a longer stay. Time flies, now 10 years on the Gold Coast but Kevin still calls himself a Victorian and eagerly looks forward to the newsletter to observe the welfare and activities of former workmates.

Wal McGillivray writes thanks to Kathy and members for the birthday wishes for his 89th which he appreciated. He says it’s been an up and down year when he had a stroke which frightened wife Lorna but after treatment at Box Hill Hospital he has come out of it with little side effects. A holiday on the Gold Coast helped with the recovery. At the Christmas luncheon Wal caught up with President Neville who was of great support when Wal was Bowls Co-ordinator marketing ANZ’s services to the bowling community in Victoria.

Bruce Michell emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which is always welcome and gives cause for reflection on the many working years spent in the A.N.Z. family. Bruce is 76 now and in good health still managing to play golf 3 days a  week at the magnificent 13th Beach Golf Club at Barwon Heads.

Margaret Redman daughter of our centenarian Bob Nichol writes to let us know how much Bob appreciated his 100th birthday celebrations .President Neville, Harry Carrodus and I attended the celebration and Neville produced one of his poems which went down well with all present. On behalf of ANZROC members we also presented a card signed by the committee and a copy of ANZ’s 175th Anniversary book which was greatly appreciated. Bob had a wonderful few weeks of memorable celebrations and has coped very well.

Elaine Schutt emails her thanks for remembering her birthday and the card was much appreciated. In June/July she flew to Las Vegas and visited her daughter and family, then on to UK to visit her sister who had been battling cancer since November 2009. Unfortunately, this has been a difficult Christmas with her sister passing away on December 23 – Elaine had to fly back to the UK at the end of November and was lucky to have three weeks with her. In 2011 Elaine had moved to Maloneys in NSW, a very peaceful place perfect for retirement. She has become involved with the Animal Welfare League as a cat carer - currently, she has 7 kittens and 5 cats in care. It certainly fills in her days. Some days she does miss her workmates at ANZ, as she really did enjoy and get great work satisfaction from her years with the bank.

Bill Thorne sends his thanks for the greetings on the occasion of his 83rd birthday. It was celebrated with lunch with friends at the East Leagues Club in Brisbane. Bill has resided in Queensland for ten years and retired from the bank 27 years ago. He is not very mobile these days – has to use a walker to get around. Bill was on the audit staff for 17 years and travelled throughout Victoria City and suburban branches and met a lot of staff during that period. He regrets not having kept a record of the kilometers travelled during his banking career; it would have taken him a few times around the world.

Roly Webster emails from Bendigo his thanks for the birthday card on his 79th .Not much happening in Bendigo for him -his gold production for the past year has been very poor. Roly still has gold fever but his energy levels and body are weakening!

Glenda White emailed her thanks for the birthday wishes, the card arriving in time for her birthday. Most people forget her birthday as it is so close to Christmas or the cards turn up days later, so it was a real surprise and a pleasure to get the card. Glenda had a great day and got spoilt too.

Gwenda Williams, widow of our recently deceased member Gordon writes to thank members for the condolences we sent to her family. Gordon had enjoyed nearly all of his retirement of 29 years but when he had to give up his golf, garden and trips interstate to see the children and families his life changed and regrettably he was hospitalised for a few months until his passing. Gordon looked forward to receiving the monthly newsletter even though he no longer knew many of the names.

Theo Yardley emails his thanks for the greetings received for his 84th birthday. The whole family (16) were in Sydney for Christmas and Theo and wife Pat had a great time working up to the day of his birthday. The family members have scattered for their respective holidays so Theo and Pat will have a quiet few weeks ahead.

Lloyd Zegenhagen emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card and good wishes. Although now 87 Lloyd is still going along without any real problems. Last year was a relatively quiet one with travel contained within Australia. This year however will be different. Within the next 2 months Lloyd and wife Margot will travel to USA to visit their daughter, then to France to join up with a friend, an Historian from The Australian War Memorial, to tour the Western Front, coinciding with the Dawn Service at Villers-Bretonneux on Anzac Day. This will be marvellous as his friend has also provided Lloyd with the details of the areas that his father served in during the 1st World War, many of which they will visit. Next stop UK for a visit to their second daughter, and then on to Spain for 12 days. Probably exhausted by the time they return to Australia.


AND Clive Bayley, Roger Brown, Ian Cann, Bill and Judy Davies, Eric Dickson, Ralph Drummond, Bob English, Helen Felsted, Barbara Firth, Alan Forrest, David Gibb, Bruce Gillottie,  Clive Hewett, Peter Jones, Peter Kariotis, David Laing, Trevor Mudgway, Ray Murphy, Peter Nyga, Greg Payne,  Alex Pigdon, Geoff Pritchard, John Quirk, Bevyn Ranford, John Read, Peter Richardson, Bruce Scott, Des Shady, Ivan St Clair, Sandra Street, Neville Taylor, Michael Watts, Keith Winckles, Max Zattelman,



I suggest that you take time to look at the ANZROC website as there has been a number of new photos recently posted which includes the following historical records of past sporting teams and photos of group meetings that may jog your memory of times spent with colleagues and friends during your career with ANZ:


A copy of the ANZ Football Club 1969 Reserves Premiership Team has been unearthed, thanks to Bill Stevens, who fortunately had a copy and kindly forwarded it to the Prez for inclusion on the ANZROC Website. This photo is of particular significance as it was the first premiership won by the ANZ Football Club. The match was played against our arch rivals Brunswick. Final scores were ANZ 10 goals 6 behinds, to Brunswick 6 Goals 12 behinds. ANZ best players on the day were Dave King, Bill Stevens and Alan Lawrence

This was the most successful year for the club with the Seniors finishing second in the competition. Peter O’Sullivan was second best and fairest in the competition and also second in the competition goal kicking with 79 goals. A more detailed report on the match is included in the ANZFC History which is on our ANZROC Website. The following year the ANZ Football Club and ES&A Football Club merged.






ANZ REUNION FOR 2012 FOR 351 and 394 COLLINS STREET PAST STAFF on 29th April 2012

Our member Nola Forsyth has advised that she has organised this years reunion for Sunday 29th April from 1.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill and she is keen to see as many past members of the two branches again this year to catch up and enjoy swapping banking stories.  Nola would like to hear from those interested and she can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126. She asks that for the afternoon tea ladies bring a small plate and men make a donation of a gold coin.



Final notice to members of the annual getaway to Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield

2 Nights Mon 20 Feb & Tue 21 Feb 2012 and open to members/ partners and singles.

Currently 22 members and partners are booked in for the getaway and if you are interested

phone Kevin Mitchell on 9807-6201 if you require further information.




22 Day Great Game Parks of Africa and save up to $1,400 per couple*


ANZ Price $13,852 per person, twin share*. (Normal price from $14,895)

Departs May to August 2012. Book by 28 February 2012.


Get up close to wildlife in game reserves and parks including Africa's famous Big Five, on private 4WD game drives. Add luxury camps and stunning hotels to make a unique small group adventure.

  • 21 nights luxury accommodation including stays at exclusive Private Game Lodges
  • Small group 4WD game drives with guide and game tracker
  • All internal flights in Africa
  • All tipping and transfers
  • 50 delicious meals
  • Freedom of Choice Touring in 5 locations
  • Visits to Cape Town and Victoria Falls
  • Kenyan Boys Choir concert

For more information, call 1300 374 405 or visit

To view full itinerary click here.

*Conditions apply. Book by 28 February 2012. Strictly limited offer on set departures. Subject to availability at time of booking. Offers are not combinable and are for new bookings only. Offers can be withdrawn at anytime. Prices correct as at 8 February 2012 but may fluctuate due to changes in surcharges, fees & taxes. Book and pay in full by 28 February 2012. Prices are per person, twin share & include save amounts. Savings apply to May to Aug. 2012 departures. A non refundable deposit of $1,500 per person required in 7 days of booking, and full payment due 100 days prior to departure date.




MIDDAY Thursday 15th MARCH 2012


At this date we have 48 acceptances and please let David and Glen Knuckey know by phone, email or post using the acceptance form below  before the cutoff  date  of 8th March 2012 as we can cater for many more members and partners.

It is proposed that we meet at the Maroondah Sports Club at midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The Maroondah Club provides a two course Seniors Luncheon for approx $15.00 per head. They also provide a broader menu should this be preferred. It is proposed that ANZROC will subsidise the luncheon to the extent of $200.00 towards providing wine for the tables. To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required



Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance: Yes / No

I would appreciate assistance with transport: Yes / No

This information can be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414  prior to March 8th


Ron Adams,

Newsletter Editor

newsletter december 2011




MC Kevin Mitchell opened this excellent luncheon with an array of jokes that kept the audience laughing he then introduced President Neville Pearson to members present. Neville welcomed 283 members (including 26 women members) and guests to the Annual Christmas Luncheon with a special welcome to ANZ Group Executives, Mike Smith CEO, Graham Hodges Deputy CEO, Alistair Currie, Group Chief Operating Officer, Peter Marriott CFO, Susie Babani, GMD Human Resources, and National Manager of ANZ Staff Clubs, Christopher Woods.

ANZ Executives Phil Chronican, Shayne Elliott, Anne Weatherstone, Chris Page, Joyce Phillips, and Paul Edwards were unable to attend and sent their apologies.

Neville Pearson was especially pleased to see past ANZ Chief’s Charles Rennie and Will Bailey in attendance and thanked the large number of country members who took the time to travel to Melbourne this year.  We were also able to welcome Elina Law to the luncheon as Elina is still helping Eamon Veaney with our ANZROC website.

In his opening comments Neville acknowledged ANZROC‘s appreciation for ANZ Bank’s ongoing support through the generous subsidies for annual luncheons in all States and the use of ANZ Pavilion for the ANZROC Vic luncheon.

In proposing the Toast to Queen and Country Neville recited his second ANZROC Christmas Poem:



















Don Davy, John Flyger, Don Fraser,  Rod Hill, John Hobbs, Ian Ince, Peter Jones, Christine Lane, Don Mercer, John McFarlane, Geoff Perdriau, Ken Stapleton, Syd Swaby , Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, Doug Watson , Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins.


Glover                         T.S. (Terry)                 ANZ 40 years

Hayden                       Erika                           ANZ 24 years

Hodgson                     H.W. (Hartley)           ANZ 30 years

St Clair                       I.J. (Ivan)                    ANZ 15 years

Swan                          K.D. (Ken)                  ANZ 28 years

Thompson                  R.G. (Roger)               ANZ 41 years

We look forward to seeing Erika, Hartley and Roger at one of our meetings while Terry, Ken and Ivan attended our Christmas luncheon.


Budd                            Frank                          22/11/2011                  65 years

Frank worked with Esanda for many years in the heavy vehicle financing area in Victorian Division while I was in Esanda HO and on retirement worked in the transport industry with an Esanda colleague.

Larkin                         E.J.(Ted)                     13/11/2011                  87 years

Ted enlisted in the RAAF in November 1942 and on discharge in October 1946 was a Warrant Officer in 1 Operational Training Unit. Ted passed away in Germany while visiting his daughter and a memorial service has been organised for 11am on December 22nd at St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Dromana Cnr. Point Nepean Rd. & O’Donohue St. DROMANA. Ted was a strong supporter of ANZROC.

Morris                         R.J.L. (Ray)                19/11/2011                  82 years

Ray was recruited in UK from Lloyds Bank in 1951 and spent time in Melbourne and Perth before leaving the bank and spending the next two years as a patrol officer in New Guinea. Ray returned to UK for several years during which time he married Lorna. They returned to Australia in 1955 where Ray rejoined ANZ and worked in the city, Geelong and many other branches while on the Relieving Staff and at retirement he was Manager Dandenong. They moved from the city 11 years ago to live in Warragul where sadly Ray passed away.


Members extend their sympathies to families and friends of our deceased members.


Lawrie Foord advised that one of his colleagues from 388 Collins Street days, Russell Eccleston OAM passed away in Adelaide on 25th November. Russell was a keen cricketer and baseballers and would be known to many members.

Lawrie also mentioned that the great Australian cricketer and long time Liberal politician Sam Loxton who passed away on 2nd December was working in ES&A Travel as a young man and Lawrie crossed paths with him at 388 Collins Street.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during December and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Leigh Astall (82), Lloyd Bowers (89), Ian Cann (84), Trevor Cookson (81), Kevin Dempster (80), Bob Goldsworthy (80), John Hallinan (86), John Hicks (84),Rod Hill (86), Joan Lamond, Wal McGillivray (88), Brian Oldfield, Noel Robertson (81), Molly Saint, Neville Taylor (91), Bill Thorne (82), Glen Twidale (81), Ron Wells (80), Alan Williamson (81), Jack Willoughby (86), Theo Yardley (81), Lloyd Zegenhagen (87).




Wendy Black in proposing the toast to ANZ gave members present a thumbnail sketch of her lifetime in ANZ from childhood as the daughter of a Bank of Australasia Manager growing up in country Victoria through her years in ANZ beginning as a junior officer and rising to Executive Assistant to a number of senior executives in ANZ several of whom were in the audience. Wendy spoke fondly of her marriage to Eric Black who at the time was an Executive in the bank and she recounted the changes she experienced over the years she was working within the top levels of ANZ. Undoubtedly the many anecdotes about her life spent in the banking community were from the heart and many members were reminded of their time in the Bank working with colleagues who have become lifelong friends. The toast was acknowledged with enthusiasm.


A copy of Wendy’s notes will posted on the web site shortly



This was CEO Mike Smith’s fifth address to the Retired Officers Christmas Lunch and he was pleased to update members with the year’s results and the strategic direction ANZ is taking into 2012.

Despite the impact of the European crisis across the world Mike said that ANZ’s progress towards the strategic ambition of becoming a leading super regional bank in Asia Pacific is on target. The continuing acquisition of selected Asian assets and integration of other businesses acquired in Asia is ongoing but solid profits are now flowing from this source. Regional expansion continues with approval received for new or expanded banking licences SE Asia including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, the Philippines and now operating in India after an absence of many years. Closer to home profits were at record levels and dividends sharply higher and a strong focus on balance sheet management enables ANZ to maintain its ranking as one of the world’s top credit rated banks. Looking ahead there is still uncertainty in the global environment particularly USA and European economies and higher funding costs are here to stay so some shift in importance to raising local deposits is high on  management’s agenda in 2012. Mike thanked the members present for their ongoing loyalty and support for ANZ and wished all ANZROC members and families all the best for Christmas and a very prosperous new year.

A large number of Photos taken at the luncheon are now on the web site and worth a look.

Notes on Mikes address will be posted on the web site shortly.


From 1/12/2011                       less than $20,000         2.97%

greater than $20,000    3.80%



Birdie’s twitter


  • Visited Ron Cashin at “Broughton Lee“ retirement facility Broughton Road Surrey Hills. Ron was in excellent spirits and enjoys visitations. Ron asked we pass on his best wishes to our members and families for the festive season
  • Visited John Duke who was successfully recovering from surgery in Epworth Eastern and am pleased to say he is progressing well and passes on his best wishes.


It’s a small world:

During the annual “October Merimbula Week of Golf” Cheryl and I ran into swag of past ANZ Tennis Club players who were in Merimbula for a variety of reasons. We were able to organize dinner at the Pambula Merimbula Golf Club talking for some hours about the days when ANZ Tennis Club had around six teams. Present with Cheryl and myself were Peter and Jan Harvey now living in Wolulma approx 10 km from Merimbula, Graeme and Robin Mathieson on a PROBUS trip to Merimbula, Derek and Jan Bartlett playing in the Merimbula tennis tournament and David and Wendy Woods playing golf and holidaying. Bruce Morley is living in Merimbula and heavily involved in the Golf Club. They all asked to pass on their best wishes to members of the ANZROC


A couple of weeks later whilst in Echuca holidaying at Rich River Golf Club with ANZROC members David Schunke, Herman Bettonvil and our wives we ran into Richard and Cheryl Ham. Richard took the opportunity to pay his subs and join us for dinner at the club. Richard passes on his best wishes to all


Christmas Greetings from the Prez:

Cheryl and I would like to take this opportunity to pass on our very best wishes to all the ANZROC members, committee and partners and wish you all have a wonderful festive season and a year to follow full of happiness and good health



Vic Ansell emails thanks for the birthday greetings received via Kathy Trace.  Vic had a quiet birthday this year but enjoyed the day just the same. It is hard to believe another year is almost over and that he has now been out the Bank twelve and a half years.  As in other years, Vic has very much enjoyed the meetings held this year and looks forward to the Christmas luncheon and the events of the coming year.

Geoff Archer emails his thanks for the birthday card from ANZROC. It has been a challenging year for Geoff and wife Jenny mainly regarding Jenny’s health. An operation completed in March last year to reattach the muscle to her right hip failed, necessitating her use of an elbow crutch whilst walking. After discussions with another surgeon, they decided to “roll the dice” and repeat the surgery. The great news is that, as a result of more-robust surgical techniques and an extraordinarily-restrictive recovery regime, including seven weeks of “home detention”, the surgeon is highly confident the operation was successful and Jenny is now progressing well. In between operations they enjoyed a fantastic APT tour to western Canada, including the Rockies, combined with a cruise to the Alaskan Panhandle. The tour organisation was exemplary and the scenery was extraordinary.

Harry Carrodus emailed his thanks to John Vanselow for his recent birthday greetings, which, of course, arrived on due date. Harry enjoys reading the names of past work colleagues which crop up in the news letter from time to time bringing back many happy memories. He looks forward to seeing friends and colleagues at the Christmas lunch.

Valda Clarke writes her thanks to John Vanselow for her special birthday wishes. She had so many celebrations with friends including their ANZ Travel group of eight which has been meeting together for more than 40 years. Valda enjoys reading the newsletter though the folk she knows are getting less and less.

Neil Dawtrey phoned to thank the Club for his birthday card. Neil said he has had a fall of a ladder when working outside the house which has required screws in the spine and slow recovery of some broken ribs and a term in hospital. He is now undergoing rehabilitation and could not make the Christmas luncheon which he regrets as he has attended most since his retirement. Otherwise he is reasonably happy.

Ian Ewing sends his thanks to Kathy Trace for the Birthday Wishes. Ian  had some good luck earlier in the year when the cancer was in remission long enough for him and wife Margaret to go overseas for two months in June and July; although it has come back to haunt him again. However the trip was marvellous, firstly with a 21 day cruise from Bucharest to Amsterdam on APT’s ship Amacello. Some thirty five other Australians were on the ship together with a mixture of Americans, Canadians and English. At the end of the cruise they  had a six day break seeing the sights of Amsterdam and then joined a 10 day Trafalgar Tour of The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium, followed by a 13 day Trafalgar Tour of Scotland, and capped off by visiting some friends in Cornwall for three days. Every day was a new and interesting experience with different scenery and different things to see and do. Ian would recommend the Cruise and Tours to any who are contemplating a trip to Europe.

Brian Farrell sending his thanks for his birthday card on his 83rd says even at his advanced age it is still pleasing to know that someone other than immediate family still remembers and marks the passing of another milestone.

Theo Hall through wife Margaret sends thanks for his card on his 80th and it was a pleasure to receive the good wishes from ANZROC members. Theo had two days of celebrations at home in Mornington  firstly on the day when wife Margaret entertained 33 relatives at home despite the 54mm of rain that fell that day but it was great for the family to be together. Then on to Chopsticks Chinese Restaurant at Mornington with the immediate family and on the following day they entertained 33 local friends. Theo enjoyed it all.

John Hobbs writing on his 95th says the arrival of the birthday card was much appreciated. He had a great celebration with family and friends. He reports that good health continues to favour him and he still leads an active life.

Brian Kinna writes thanks for the birthday card on his 83rd but the year has not been his best having to move house during the year. Brian’s health has stopped him from going to golf.

John Mangan writing from Kangaroo Flat on his 81st sends thanks for the birthday greetings and says he is still able to go to golf but getting more erratic every week.

Phil Manning reporting on his 81st says the newsletters contain every now and then a name that strikes a chord and sends him back in time. There was a time when Phil worked for the Bank of West Africa in Nigeria spending six tours of 18 months each followed by 3 months paid leave and the pleasure of travel anywhere. Banking was learnt by their team from the bottom up and in an effort to keep on top of things Phil completed diplomas in Banking, Chartered Secretaries and Management. He also met his wife who was working in the Bank’s Head Office.  However the working environment changed radically with the discovery of oil in the eastern region of Nigeria coupled with the numerical supremacy of the Islamic faith and the Biafran war ensued. Phil quickly returned to UK with a wife and two children and eventually joined Finance Corporation that became part of ANZ.

Zelda Martin emailing from Bakery Hill send thanks for the birthday wishes which were much appreciated. She enjoys reading about the members travels in the newsletter.

Life Member Gerry McPherson emails that the birthday card from the Committee and Members of the ANZ Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) was received on the due date and was much appreciated. Kathy Trace is already keeping up the good work previously carried out by John Vanselow. Gerry spent most of the day at a Bi-Annual Luncheon held at Caulfield RSL for airmen trained during the Second World War under the Empire Air Training Scheme. There were

63 in attendance (all over 85) and included retired officer Eric Black, who was a Catalina Flying Boat pilot, whose operations included dropping mines from a low level in harbours occupied by the Japanese. Gerry’s wife Fay and Wendy Black also attended the luncheon. Shortly after returning home he received a phone call from his son in Norway. He had emailed photos of Gerry’s ninth great grand child – Isabel McPherson – born in Norway on 7th November.

She is the first great grand child bearing the surname of McPherson.

Ray Murphy commenting on the November newsletter  was pleased to note that Lyn Stevens is still active in helping ANZROC functions ,she was a great help to Ray  in the early 70's when he  was Show Agency Manager. She provided the transport from Nth Melbourne (Marco Polo) in her Morris Minor.

Geoff Perdriau writing his thanks for the birthday card says he and the family celebrated his 75th at a lunch at RACV Club. It will be 10 years since Geoff retired from ANZ.

Dave Phelps emailed a short note to thank Kathy Trace and the committee for his 76th Birthday card, on time as usual. Dave’s health continues to be closely monitored by specialists and is under control at present.

Alan Ryan writing from Warragul says thanks for the birthday wishes and the newsletter which keeps him in touch with colleagues. He noted the passing of Gordon Williams who had been manager of the Drouin Branch of ANZ. Alan and his wife have been travelling over the past 12 months to USA and New Zealand. Their daughter lives in USA and in 2012 they are booked to return to see her as well as touring through Vietnam and Fiji. They will travel while their health is okay. Alan says they have lived in Warragul since 1973 and he still runs a few cows and steers for interest sake.

John Shanahan emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday wishes which were received on due date. John has officially reached retirement age having been out of the bank for ten years. He is enjoying life and good health and is kept busy with bowls and family and six adorable grandchildren.

John Vanselow Life Member, Past President and long time dispatcher of Birthday Cards for the Committee writes on his retirement from the committee his thanks for the gift he received at the AGM for the contribution that John and wife Lois gave to the Club over many years. Lois has supported John throughout his career and his involvement with ANZ Staff Club, ANZ Basketball Club and ANZROC and she is a Past President and Life Member of the ANZ Ladies Club. John and Lois had many wonderful times and happy memories of friends made in the Bank and the clubs which will last them for the rest of their lives.

Ron Wilkinson writes that he has been particularly busy work wise in the Independent Supermarket health foods area. Ron enjoys reading the monthly newsletters and when time permits he looks forward to coming to a meeting .The last meeting he came to was about 8 years ago and he can’t believe where the time has gone.


AND Bernie Atkinson, Ron Boulton, Huck Bourke, Ian Davies, Don Davy, Phil Goodier, Tess Hondros,  Rolf Loebert, Bruce and Nancye Mathrick, Alex Mazur, Serge McIntyre, Maria Natoli, Dick Sanders, Graeme Smith, Sandra Street, Russell van Rooyan, Neville Warnest, Mick Warr,  John Winbanks, John Winders





Don’t forget our meeting at the Maroondah Sports Club on 15th March and let David and Glen Knuckey know that you are coming..

Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance: Yes / No

I would appreciate assistance with transport: Yes / No

This information can be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 or Neville on 9802 0187 prior to Feb 25th (Due to a family wedding invitation commitment in Tasmania in March, Cheryl and Neville will unfortunately be unable to attend this function)


After the success of the getaway in 2011 Kevin Mitchell has organized a booking again for 2012 at the Alzburg Inn Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield for 2 Nights Monday 20th Feb and Tuesday 21st Feb 2012. The get together is open to all members/ partners and singles and for full details you can contact Kevin on 98076201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Venue: Alzburg Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield

2 Nights Mon 20 Feb & Tue 21 Feb 2012

(Open to members/ partners and singles).

Accommodation cost for 2 nights. Unit only.

Standard Motel 3 Stars, self contained with kitchenette.

Cost: $220.00, plus $30 P/P for Buffet Dinner = $

Delux Apartment 4 Stars, 2 bedrooms, living room, full kitchen & spa bath

Cost: $360.00, plus $30  P/P for Buffet Dinner = $

Resort Facilities: Swimming Pool / Sauna / Spa / Tennis Courts / Function Room/Volleyball / Games Room / Table Tennis / Dining Room / BBQ

Golf Course and Pokies Venue 2 km.

Other attractions within easy driving distance. Information available.


Day 1.  Mon  20 Feb.  Arrive anytime after midday.

Explore Alzburg Resort and Mansfield Township at your leisure.

Social Golf, Tennis or relax around the pool.

6.30pm. BBQ Dinner,  BYO food & drink.


Day 2. Tue 21 FebEarly Morning Golf Competition.

Non Golfers Social Walk, Tennis or other passive activities,                                                                 or maybe just relax around the pool.

6.15 pm: BYO Pre Dinner drinks and nibbles around pool.

7.00 for 7.30pm: 2 Course, Pizza & Pasta Dinner & Dessert

Resort Dining Room .  Cost $30.00 Per Person

Bar facilities available at your own expense.  “Music for Dancing”.

Day 3 Wed 22 Feb Check out of unit by 11.00am, but continue to enjoy the facilities at the Alzburg for as long as you like.

___________________________________________________________________Cut here

ANZROC Mansfield Booking Form for 2012


Phone No:___________________ Email:_____________________

Accommodation (please circle) Motel /Apartment.

If sharing an apartment please indicate who with……………………………

Golf  Competition: Name _______________________H’cap_____

Please Note: Booking arrangements, you are requested to pay your accommodation and P&P Dinner in full by cheque payable to Alzburg Resort, or by  Credit Card

Credit Card Authorisation

Company:   Amex/ Visa/ MasterCard

Name on Card : ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________________

Card Number-------/------/------/------   Expiry Date   ---/---




Attached booking cheque for $                payable to Alzburg Resort

Please forward this booking form together with full payment by

23 Jan 2012 to Kevin Mitchell Unit 2/29 McLochlan St

Mount Waverley 3149

Phone Kevin on 9807-6201 if you require further information.



For a change, Traralgon put on a warm summer day for the 42 members and partners attending and competing for the ANZROC President’s Cup trophy.  A few of our regulars could not attend because they were working as volunteers at an event with a similar name being conducted at The Royal Melbourne Golf Club.

Men’s Winner and winner of the ANZROC President’s Cup was Eamon Veaney (41 pts). Runner up was Bob Irvine (39 pts).

Eamon has now won both the Autumn and Spring Golf days this year and the handicapper has indicated that a two stroke penalty will apply at his next start.

Ladies winner was Lesley Cooke, Runner –up Kathy Trace.

Nearest the Pins were won by John Winders and Alan Lauder.

Once again the evening function at the Clubhouse provided everyone with the chance to socialise over the traditional country style roast dinner, with friendships being renewed and many stories swapped over few drinks.

Check out the article and photos from the event on the website.

The date and venue for the 2012 Autumn Golf Day will be advised early next year.



We will be receiving monthly advices of the travel deal of the month from APT and this month is a Red Hot Travel Deal to Africa that will save $3253 per couple


22 Day Great Game Parks of South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania

ANZ Price from $13,968.55* per person, twin share. (Normal price from $15,595 per person)

Departures from May to September 2012

Get up close to wildlife in game reserves and parks including Africa's famous Big Five, on private 4WD game drives. Add luxury camps and stunning hotels to make a unique small group adventure.

Includes: 21 nights of accommodation including an 2 night stay at Mbuzi Mawe Tented Camp in the Serengeti - Enjoy small group 4WD game drives with guide and game tracker for your chance to see the Big Five - the Buffalo, Lion, Elephant, Leopard and Rhinoceros - Enjoy a visit to a Zulu village and village of the Masai - See the Kenyan Boys Choir in Nairobi - Attend a lesson run by one of Africa's best wildlife photographers - View Mt Kilamanjaro at sunset during sundowner drinks - All internal flights within Africa - All tipping and transfers - 50 delicious meals including a special outdoor Boma dinner

For more information, call 1300 374 405

*Conditions apply. Offer includes ANZ Staff Discount. Price based on May to Aug 2012 departures. Offers may be withdrawn at any time, are subject to availability at time of booking and can't be combined with any other offer. Book and deposit by 31 December 2011.

SUBURBAN LUNCH MEETINGS (please note the adjustment to dates )

In my November newsletter I mistakenly said the October meeting in 2012 was the 13th…the correct date for October is

October           11th Waltzing Matilda Hotel  (David Knuckey organising)



­­­­­­­­­­­­­THURSDAY 9TH FEBRUARY 2012


The guest speaker for the day is from the Australian Mint and being our first meeting of the 2012 year we would expect a solid attendance by members to this meeting.

If you intend to come to the meeting please let Ron Adams know by  Thursday 2nd February 2012  by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone ( 98210444) or return the attached notice to PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 so we can advise ANZ Catering and  ANZ Security Desk the names  of members attending.

Ron Adams




To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579                                         on 9th February 2012 commencing at 12 noon

Malvern Vic 3144                               .

Phone 9821 0444  or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



newsletter november 2011



President Neville Pearson welcomed 67 guests that included our guest speaker Alex Thursby, ANZ Chief Executive Officer Asia Pacific, Europe and America, with his Communications Manager Ms Ashlee Faletic. This was the best attended meeting on the 34th Floor this year although there were only five of our lady members present. Members attending for the first time at this venue were Ken Crawford, Serene Cheong, Doug Watson and Anne Wee while those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were John Fogden, Ray Gill, Nev Greenway, Cliff Griggs, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Geoff Meggs, Bernie O’Reilly, John Osborne and Warren Taylor while Bill Swan was visiting from Dalmeny NSW.


Alma Barkell, Clive Bayley, Eric and Wendy Black ,Geoff Burton, John Duke, Diane Costigan, Alan Forrest, Don Fraser, Val Goldsworthy,  John Hawkins, Ron Horne, Doug Imrie, Jacqui Luckman, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Leigh O’Neill, Gordon Paulett, Geoff Perdriau, Bill Robinson, Bruce Sanderson, Bernie Sowersby, Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins


White                           D.M.F. (David)                                    23 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing David at one of our meetings.


Minton Gary 12/10/2011                  58 years

Eamon Veaney represented ANZROC committee and advised that Gary's funeral was well attended and many colleagues from ANZ were there. Brian Stagg did a good summary of Gary's career and a couple of other speakers provided a great insight into Gary's life and times.

Williams                      W.G.(Gordon)                        8/11/2011                    87 years

Gordon’s widow Gwenda (nee Snape and ex Bank of Australasia) told me that Gordon had enlisted in the Australian Army in 1941, trained in Buderim Qsld and served in active duty in the conflict in Papua New Guinea and the islands and was a Sergeant in his Battalion on discharge in 1946 .Gordon retired from 75 Collins Street Branch 28 years ago after serving more than 40 years in branches in Victoria and he and Gwenda settled in Drouin on retirement.

Members stood in remembrance of Gary and Gordon and our sympathies are extended to their families and friends.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during November   and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: John Carruthers(82), Paul Cross(85), Brian Farrell (83),Euan Greenwood (87),Theo Hall (80), Frank Hatfield (80), John Hobbs (95), Brian Kinna (83), Eric Lean (89), John Mangan (81), Rodney McLeod (88), Gerry McPherson (87), Ray Morris (82), Bob Nichol (100), Peter Oxley (82), Jim Potter (81), Ray Quirk (89), Don Ranyard (81), Jack Shelton (81), Arthur Vale (81).


From 1/11/2011                       less than $20,000         3.07%

greater than $20,000    3.93%


Over the past 4 years Alex Thursby CEO for APEA has been responsible for ANZ businesses in 14 Asian Markets and 12 countries in the Pacific as well as Europe, America and the Middle East. He is leading the Group’s strategic expansion into Asia with a strong focus on building ANZ’s franchises in five priority markets in Greater China (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong), India, Indonesia, Greater Mekong (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) and Malaysia along with key regional hubs in Hong Kong, Singapore and ANZ’s Institutional network markets across Asia Pacific, Europe and America. He is also responsible for the Group Strategy and Marketing functions as ANZ pursues its ambition to become a super regional bank in Asia Pacific. Alex was previously in Standard Chartered Bank for 20 years where he held senior wholesaling roles in SE Asia. His presentation was warmly received by members present as he outlined the progress made over the 4 years in growth of specifically targeted clients with an emphasis on deposits, significantly  increased profitability and the higher level of reciprocal business that has been introduced to ANZ in Australia from links formed with overseas customers in these key expansion areas.

A copy of Alex’s presentation has been posted on our website.


A full report of the AGM that followed Alex Thursby’s presentation will be posted on the web site and covered in detail in the December newsletter but we advise that President Neville Pearson was re-elected for a further term while Life Member John Vanselow announced his retirement from the Committee after 15 years that includes a two year term as President and eight years managing the distribution of birthday cards to members. President Neville thanked John for his sterling efforts on the committee and a gift for John and wife Lois was presented at the meeting. Peter Pritchard was elected to the committee and Past President Kathy Trace has agreed to take over the sending of the birthday cards to members.

President Neville’s annual report will be posted on the website this month  and a copy will be included  in the December newsletter..



Russ Appleton emails that he enjoyed receiving the October newsletter after recent hospitalisation and it was good to read the names of those members with whom he spent so many years. In July this year he went to the local doctor to check on a strained muscle and after a short discussion he ended up at Footscray Hospital with a cardiologist, then the Alfred Hospital where he had a triple bypass operation in August. The urgency was due to multiple blockages in his arteries, something that amazed his doctor, cardiologist and surgeon. Russ did not have any pain or obvious symptoms, he just happened to mention to the Doctor that he had a minor ache in his jaw whilst walking to the surgery. Its three months now since the operation (he was lucky to get a top "Professor" due to the apparent emergency) and is feeling pretty good although still a bit sore. It just goes to show even though he still weighs the same as he has for many years and was physically fit from the gardening business, genetics still play an important part in his well being.

David Begg writing from Belmont (Vic) sends sincere thanks for the annual birthday wishes. David could not get to the Geelong luncheon this year but hopes to be able to meet colleagues the next time the ANZROC  meeting is held in Geelong.

Geoff Christensen emails his thanks for the Birthday card at the ripe old age of 61 years.

It has been an interesting year both with the unwelcome volatility in share markets offset by breathtaking holidays in Tahiti earlier in the year and then later during May/June touring Italy and surrounds. Tahiti certainly met expectations, having been high on Geoff’s list for a long time dating back to the days of Adam Troy in the TV series “Adventures in Paradise”. He would love to go back again some day and do more exploring, in particular Bora Bora. Italy was similarly sensational, in particular Venice and Rome. During the time there Geoff and his partner enjoyed two cruises (one out of Venice and the 2nd out of Genoa) with stops in Greece, Spain and France. Whilst it was great, one word of warning to anyone contemplating such cruises is to try and get on board an English speaking cruise and not an Italian Cruise Line cruise line such as MSC where Aussies are at a bare minimum. Land content included a 10 night stay in a Villa in Tuscany, which he would recommend to anyone. It’s just beautiful countryside with spectacular places to visit (let alone the vineyards). Their next trip is late December to Bali and Lombok, amongst other things, to celebrate a close friends 60th Birthday .Geoff’s partner’s son has recently relocated to Germany so it will be on the cards that they will be visiting Berlin at some stage in 2012 – the plan is to start in northern Italy then catch the train through Switzerland on to Berlin. The year has also bought another grandchild (1st Grandson) and another due this month taking the number of grandchildren to four. Geoff says that he has  plenty on the go and there’s never a dull moment.

Kerry Dodds writing from Warrenheip says thanks again for the wishes on his birthday. The card was waiting for him on his return from his annual trout hunt at Dartmouth. Kerry’s wife Margaret was Margaret Ensor who worked at 388 Collins Street circa 1967.They now have 3 grandchildren and enjoy all the fun and very little work that baby sitting entails.

Reg Evans writes from Golden Square his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 91st. Reg lost his wife Thelma after 66 years together in October 2010 .They went to school together but it was in 1944 when Reg was on leave from the war that they married. Reg’s mobility is restricted now and he has trips to hospital and to Peter Mac in the city for treatment but feels well in himself.

Ian Ewart writing his thanks for the birthday greeting on his 80th says he celebrated the big day with dinner at a local restaurant with family and friends. Ian and wife Pat continued the celebrations with a wonderful organised holiday touring from Darwin to Perth and they experienced a magical and spectacular journey in this great country of ours. Ian enjoys reading about the comings and goings of members and fond memories are rekindled when good friends of past times are mentioned.

Kevin Flynn emails his thanks for the recent birthday wishes. Health-wise, it has been a bit of a struggle this year, guess the years are catching up. The monthly news letter is a most welcome publication, especially to those, like Kevin who retired some years' ago.

Bob Grant emails thanks for the Birthday Greetings and it was great to receive John Vanselow’s message in the knowledge that he is again well following his problems during the year.  This year has had its ups and downs for Bob and wife Nell but they  are still enjoying their  time in Nelson Bay and the pleasures that it brings living in this lovely seaside resort with the family close by. Bob has fully recovered from the foot problems experienced last year but can no longer play any active sports so golf and tennis are out for the future. He has been experiencing some chest pains recently but after an angiogram and an ultrasound has been cleared of any heart problems. Bob and Nell visited Albury recently to attend his 5th Year High School Class reunion as it has been 55 years since that final day in 1957. They went on to Melbourne to stay with his brother Jack for a week and enjoyed the time immensely. Apart from babysitting duties, Bob is involved as a warden with the local Anglican Church and the Port Stephens Woodworkers Club where he is the Treasurer and Newsletter editor. This keeps him busy and mentally occupied for the time being.

Doug Grant reports that he has just returned from the annual trip to Cairns for the winter.

Doug looks forward to receiving the news letters as a means of keeping up to date with information  on some of our former work mates. Doug and I worked together in Esanda for some years.

Jack Grant emails his thanks for the recent Birthday Card, which once again was received on the day. It is now over 2 years since Jack and his wife Robyn moved from Albury to Melbourne and they are enjoying living in Berwick and being close to family. Over the past 12 months Jack has had a lot of foot problems, which necessitated a period in hospital to treat a severe ulcer infection. This was followed by an operation to lengthen the Achilles tendon in his right leg and relieve the pressure on the foot. This appears to have been successful and he has had no further problems. Other than that, life is very busy looking after visitors and caring for grandchildren on a regular basis. He is looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues at the Christmas Luncheon.

Charles Griss emails that he appreciated the Birthday Greetings received on the occasion of his 70th!!! Birthday. Time does fly, especially when you are having fun. All being well, Charles and wife Angela are going to Tanzania in January to "do" three game parks. Figured that they were unlikely to have another opportunity to do something as adventurous as that! He has retired from active skiing, so must do something else to keep the adrenalin pumping.

Frank Hatfield writes his thanks for the warm birthday wishes for his 80th birthday which was celebrated at an afternoon tea at is daughter’s home for 50 family and friends. Frank and his wife Joan had also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary a few days before with a family luncheon at a restaurant.

Adrian Henning emails that John’s card was the only one he received for the birthday wishes.

He managed to fall off a ladder during the day which was most embarrassing. No serious harm, only his pride. All is well otherwise.

Mike Henry emails the annual thank you for his Birthday card. It is always much appreciated. Briefly Mike’s busy  retired life covers  a wide range of  activities - volunteer driving, golf playing, adventure walking, Trivia Master quizzing, overseas touring and the most delightful of all is grandchildren minding. Apart from these activities nothing much happens in the idyllic setting of Safety Beach Country Club on the Mornington Peninsula but he would enjoy a Rostered Day Off occasionally.
Wayne Hulbert sends a belated thank you for his Birthday card which Wayne received when he and wife Bernadette returned home from their Cape York trek. Wayne celebrated the Birthday with Bernadette and a group of friends at Chili Beach, Cape York in far North Queensland on their way to the very tip of Australia.

Larry James emails that it is always great to receive the newsletter and see what's been happening. Again, thanks for the birthday card which arrived on time. Life is always busy in his two voluntary roles, either at Puffing Billy in the Dandenong's working as a Station Master or selling souvenirs each month or as  President of Golden Days Radio- the latter keeps Larry extremely busy. In fact they have a new member on the Committee of Management non other than ANZROC committeeman Gary Mason who is giving his management expertise which has greatly enhanced their business skills. Larry is off to Tassie to ride the Wilderness Railway from Strahan to Queenstown with a mate from the UK. They are both interested in railways so this should be good. No doubt they will try some local wines whilst there as well. Oh well, someone has to do it.

Ian McRobinson emails his thanks for again remembering his birthday. It is always a pleasant moment when the ANZROC card arrives and Ian’s thoughts turn more strongly to the ‘good old days’ remembering good friends (past and present), shared special occasions and experiences.

His special day was spent painting the pergola and dinner with family. It was altogether a satisfying day.

Jack Moyle writing his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 86th says that he and wife Audrey are both in good health but they can no longer undertake long holiday’s interstate or offshore but restrict themselves to short trips to local resorts.

Committeewoman Joan Nathan says thank you for her birthday card, which she enjoyed receiving on the day. Joan has had a great year managing to fit in two trips to Noosa with another planned at the end of the month and a trip to Singapore, it’s amazing what you can fit in when you don’t have to plan around work commitments.

John Osborne sends his thanks to Kathy Trace for remembering his birthday. The highlight of John’s year was a Go Wild Co hot air balloon flight over the Yarra Valley with wife Pauline which is highly recommended especially for the photographers in the club. John and Pauline spend a lot of time visiting Loch Sport and he is also involved with the local Probus Club.

Peter Oxley emails from Mount Gambier that once again his Birthday Greetings for his 82nd arrived spot on time. Having made it to this age Peter counts his blessings, and although there is not any travelling these days and very few exciting tales to relate, Peter and his wife Moira are keeping well and are very grateful for that. Their biggest excitement in the near future is the wedding of their grand-daughter in Melbourne early in January. That will be the first of their bunch, but you know how these things seem to escalate. Peter still enjoys the doings of old friends and acquaintances from his days in the Bank.

Ian Peterkin emails thanks for his birthday card that managed to hit the day on the button. Ian has reached the stage of viewing these occasions with mixed feelings but it was a nice surprise on the day. Ian and wife Nan hope to be able to catch up with colleagues at the Traralgon Golf Day - they are keeping fingers crossed for fair weather - his golf is always pretty variable so there should be no surprises there.

Ray Quirk emails that the first mail out of their letterbox on his birthday was the Card from ANZ Retired Officers Club members. It is always appreciated, more so as one enters his 90th year. Ray continues to be thankful for the continuing good fortune that he and wife Meryl enjoy. Ray is not as mobile as he would like, still very aware that he fell and broke his left hip in February. The experts tell him that it can take up to 18 months before the muscles are free of pain. A couple of decades ago a broken hip was almost fatal but fortunately today  surgeons can safely replace the hip with a new one. As the years pass Ray is very conscious of the declining number of old work mates, army mates and friends in the associations which have been so important in the past but he is happy to dwell on the good things of the past and the present.

Doug Ramsay writes how he looks forward to the newsletter and enjoys reading how some of his fellow colleagues are faring and keeping abreast of their travels. Doug says that since retirement in 1996 he and wife Mary have completed many trips both overseas and in Australia which included 3 months travelling around Europe, UK and Egypt, many trips across all States of Australia the highlight of which was the Outback Discovery Darwin to Broome trip camping in the Bungle Bungles , touring the two New Zealand islands and  a tour of Canada, Alaska and Hawaii and most recently a Scenic tour Paris to Prague which included a cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest. On the latest trip Doug and Mary met Keith and Helen Zwar from South Australia. Keith was Manager ANZ Personnel SA when Doug was in Personnel AHQ. It’s a small world. Doug was deeply saddened when he read of Neil Twite’s passing. Doug was part of the team led by Neil in 1971 following the merger of ANZ/ES&A standardising the Principal Banking Offices, State Administration Departments and finally AHQ which took around two years and Neil was pivotal in his role as mentor.

Jan Rizzo daughter of our recently deceased Honorary member Orm McLellan writes that the family appreciated so much that his ANZ friends were able to attend Orm’s service. The strong links he had with ANZ and ANZROC had meant a lot to him.

Bevan Roulston writes thanks for the birthday card which arrived on cue. Bevan retired from his second full time job in January after 12 years but in August secured a local position as a “casual farmer” attending to farm animals and maintaining the farm land and fences. As a boy prior to joining the bank in 1960 he spent time  working on farms and can now apply the knowledge gained in those formative years.

John Sudholz emails that he and wife Noelene returned to Melbourne after a very enjoyable Captain's Choice Tour from Cape Town to Cairo followed by some catch up with friends in Singapore. Amongst the waiting mail was the ANZROC birthday card with greetings from John Vanselow. John and Noelene were able to celebrate the occasion with fellow travellers on the Rovos Rail train from Cape Town to Pretoria, a "stately journey" of 1600 kms with two nights on board.

Eamon Veaney our committeeman and webmaster sent a quick note of thanks for his birthday greetings card which of course arrived on the day. Eamon celebrated with family and friends at a new Richmond restaurant called Noir with excellent food and service. He has also just returned from the 29th annual golf trip to Rich River with 20 other ANZ Colleagues. They were lucky to have great weather all weekend. Bob Bell took out the main prize, the David Hastie trophy with 37 points. Paul Clohesy, Andrew Kelly and Tony Donohue won the Ambrose trophy. Eamon was pleased to get the longest drive and runner-up prizes in the "C grade/ riff raff" category.

Bill Walker emailing thanks for the birthday card says it’s hard to know where the 12 months went but he and wife Maureen are both well and enjoying life.

Eric Williams writing from Warrnambool on his 91st sends thanks for the best wishes expressed on his card. Eric says he is still flying the ANZ flag in the Western Districts 40 years after moving from Melbourne and 31 years of retirement. Eric’s wife Rita has enjoyed good heath over the years but is presently hospitalised in Melbourne and Eric has been regularly visiting the city.

AND Graeme Ainscough, Lindsay Baglin, Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Herman Bettonvil, Bill Bowring, Joe Busuttil, Harry Carrodus, Serene Cheong, Jim Christie, Diane Costigan, Don Davy, Kevin Dynon, Neville Elvish, John Flyger, John Hallinan,  Graham Heenan, Malcolm James, Graeme King, George Menassa, Emilio Moreno, Maggie Murray, Jim Nicolson, Reg Nicolson, Anthony Nimmo, Leigh O’Neill, Julie O’Regan, Rino Orifici, Glyn Parry-Jones, Don Ranyard, Ian Roberts, John Saffery, Bruce Scott, Des Shady, Peter A Smith, Mark Stankovich, Cliff Turner, Glen Twidale, Mike Watts, Richard Weekes, Mike Whitmore, Tony Wingrave, Max Zattelman ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA




to be held on THURSDAY 15th MARCH 2012 at the MAROONDAH SPORTS CLUB


(Entrance Mount Dandenong Road), the St Patrick’s Day luncheon, will again be held at the “Maroondah Sports Club” on the Corner of Mount Dandenong and Dublin Roads Ringwood East on Thursday 15th March 2012

We are greatly appreciative; once again, of the assistance Lyn and Les Stevens and David and Glen Knuckey are giving in bringing this function together.

It is proposed that we meet at the Maroondah Sports Club at midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The Maroondah Club provides a two course Seniors Luncheon for approx $15.00 per head. They also provide a broader menu should this be preferred. It is proposed that ANZROC will subsidise the luncheon to the extent of $200.00 towards providing wine/drinks for the tables. To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required


As there is no January Newsletter we have provided this information early. If you are interested in attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice by 20th February 2012:




Members Name…………………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance: Yes / No

I would appreciate assistance with transport: Yes / No

This information can be emailed to David and Glen Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David and Glen at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172

Should you wish to telephone, please call David on 95510414 or Neville on 9802 0187 prior to Feb 25th (Due to a family wedding invitation commitment in Tasmania in March, Cheryl and Neville will unfortunately be unable to attend this function)


ATTENTION ALL RETIRED OFFICERS - DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD ANZ STAFF UNIFORMS (MALE OR FEMALE)? The ANZ Banking Museum is always on the lookout for old ANZ Staff Uniforms or other memorabilia and artifacts associated with ANZ and its predecessors. If you have any of these and would like to kindly donate them to the ANZ Banking Museum, please contact the Museum for further information. The Museum can be contacted via the following;
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (03) 9541 8056


David Knuckey has finalised the arrangements for meetings in 2012: all meetings from 12 noon…

February          9th 100 Queen Street (Committee meeting)

March              15th Maroondah Club Ringwood (David Knuckey organising)

April                12th ANZAC meeting.. Kevin Mitchell to confirm location but likely 100                                      Queen Street.

May                 10th 100 Queen Street..Salvation Army Red Shield (Committee Meeting)

June                 14th 833 Collins Street (Eamon Veaney to arrange)

July                  12th Greensborough RSL (David Knuckey organising)

August             9th 100 Queen Street (Committee Meeting)

September        13th Ballarat (David Knuckey and Noel Beanland organising)

October            13th MCG or Waltzing Matilda or Oakleigh (David Knuckey organising)

November        8th 100 Queen Street..AGM

December        13th ANZ Pavilion (date flexible depending on Mike Smith’s diary)

A night meeting may be held later in 2012 which will test the level of demand of members for night meetings going forward.





This is the final reminder that the Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon at the ANZ Pavilion. CEO Mike Smith and a number of Senior Executives will be attending and as CEO Mike Smith has agreed to speak to members during the luncheon we urge you to send your acceptances in now as more than 210 members have accepted and we are restricted to 300 seats in the Pavilion. The invitation to the luncheon follows and the contribution towards the cost of the function is $30.00 which is increased to partially meet the higher costs experienced over the past three years which can no longer be supported by existing funds. Members attending will receive a free copy of the impressive book celebrating ANZ’s 175th Anniversary.

For those who wish to attend:

Complete and detach the “Acceptance Slip” and attach your cheque for $30—and return to Ron Adams at PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 as soon as practicable as numbers are limited. Cutoff date for members’ acceptances will be Monday 28th November, 2011

Refunds will not be paid unless advice is received by the President, Secretary, or Treasurer at least 4 days prior to the function –

Members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through internet banking facilities making certain that personal details in the “payee information” section .If payment is made electronically members should  advise  Ron Adams (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone 9821 0444)  or by post that payment has been made through internet banking so that we can monitor  the numbers attending.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947



INVITATION To the ANZ Pavilion Victorian Arts Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne on THURSDAY 8TH DECEMBER, 2011

Admittance from 11.30 am Drinks from 11.30 am and Luncheon from 12.30 pm



Return this slip to:                  Ron Adams

PO Box 579,Malvern, Vic 3144

………………………………………………………………      $30.00

(Name of member)                  Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account


(Delete whichever category not applicable)


newsletter October 2011



President Neville Pearson welcomed 54 guests that included our guest speaker Ellen Gaffy BPsysc (Hons) from the National Ageing Research Institute. There were seven of our lady members present with  new member Neil Gladstone visiting  for the first time while  those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were  Anne Blashki from Shepparton, Diane Costigan, Bryden Davis, John Hawkins (back from another cruise) , Graham Joseph, Jacqui Luckman, Peter Nyga, Glynn Parry-Jones and Bruce Scott.


Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Dave Brookman, Eric and Wendy Black ,Wendy Bradley, Geoff Burton, Brian Christensen (Malaysia), Kerry Crawford ,Col Edwards (Gold Coast), Ray Gill, Roy Harper, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Doug Imrie, Gerry Kennedy,  Joan Nathan  , Brian Murdoch, Bernie O’Neill,  Leigh O’Neill, Bill Robinson, Don Taylor, Bruce Tickell, Roger Watkins, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins


Gladstone                  N.K.                (Neil)                                      ANZ 34 years

MacDonald                 Andrew           (Andrew)                                ANZ 31 years

Noonan                     Noelene          (Noelene)                                ANZ 27 years

Warr                         M.G.               (Mick)                                     ANZ 38 years

Wates                       R.D.               (Ray)                                      ANZ 40 years

We look forward to meeting Andrew, Noelene, Mick and Ray at one of our meetings in the future. Neil attended the October meeting.



Child                           J.B.(Jim)                     1/10/2011                    84 years

Jim joined the RAAF in Melbourne in July 1945 and was discharged in May 1946 as Aircraftman1 at the Ground Training School in Wagga. At the funeral service we heard of Jim’s love of rebuilding a number of vehicles and eventually volunteering for many years as the librarian for the Wolesely Motor Club. Jim was a strong supporter of ANZROC .

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Jim Childs, and also Rod Anstee, Jeff Clarkin, Keith Emmett, and Orm McLellan as our meeting last month was at the restaurant in Geelong and we were unable to formally remember the passing of our members. Our condolences are extended to their families and friends.

I noted in the NSW newsletter of the passing of Neil Twite at Adelaide 17 September. Neil retired from Vic Admin where he held senior positions with the Bank

Lawrie Ford advised me that Eric Tibballs a past ES&A colleague passed away on 6th October and Barbara Grimshaw, who worked with Lawrie in ES&A 388 Collins Street, passed away in October. Tracy Grimshaw the host of A Current Affair is Barbara’s daughter. Many members would remember Neil, Eric and Barbara during their time in the Bank.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during October   and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Graeme Baldwin (80), David Begg (82), Harry Carrodus (83), Ray Dedlefs (81), Kevin Flynn (84), Ken Howell (84), John Keck (92), Ted Larkin (87), Max McKoy (88), John Moorhouse (86), Jim Nicolson (83), Des Rittman (82), Thomas Taylor (84), Mike Whitmore (82), Eric Williams (91).



From 1/10/2011                       less than $20,000         3.07%

greater than $20,000    3.93%


Ms Ellen Gaffy, BPsySc (Hons) Research Assistant, Health Promotion Division, National Ageing Research Institute was our guest speaker. NARI is a not-for-profit, self-funded research institute that since 1977 has been dedicated solely to improving the health and care of older people.  NARI investigates the causes of a range of conditions and develops management and prevention strategies that can positively influence the ageing experience.  We share the knowledge we gain with other researchers, policy makers, carers, health professionals and the broader community.

In 2009 NARI was funded by the Productive Ageing Centre of National Seniors Australia to develop a healthy ageing quiz to help older people, and people approaching older age, evaluate their current lifestyle choices.  The quiz covers nine areas including physical activity, balance and falls, diet, sleep and stimulating your mind.  Each category is brief and concludes with practical lifestyle tips.  The quiz can be completed online at:

NARI conducts a wide range of research within the field of health promotion.  One such study currently looking for volunteers is the Fitness for the Ageing Brain Study II (FABS II), looking into the benefits of exercise for people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD).  Participants need to have a diagnosis of AD, be able to walk unaided, and have a family member or friend who is able to attend three visits to Parkville for assessments with them.  Visit FABS II online at

For more information on supporting NARI’s research into improving the health and care of older people, through volunteering to participate in research or by making a donation, please visit, or phone NARI on (03) 8387 2305.




We are delighted to advise that our ANZROC member Bob Nichol will celebrate his 100th Birthday on Tuesday 15th November 2011

I have visited Bob twice over recent weeks and I am delighted and amazed at how well Bob is and how bright and interesting he is to talk to. Whilst Bob does not get out and about much these days, he is still mobile and has mastered the computer on which he enjoys playing FreeCell

Bob will be having an afternoon tea at the “40 Dorking Road Hostel” on his birthday, which is incidentally at 40 Dorking Road Box Hill I have arranged with the Hostel staff to invite around six ANZ retired officers to attend the Hostel for this occasion

Should any of Bob’s mates, from years gone by, wish to attend this afternoon tea on 15th November, please contact either Ron Adams (Ph.98210444) or Neville Pearson (Ph: 98020187). If unable to attend, I am sure Bob would be delighted to receive a card or note. I have found that between 10.00am and 11.00am or 2.00pm and 4.00pm are good times to visit

We would be appreciative in sharing any interesting stories relative to Bob’s banking and social background. Bob’s art hobby was well known and he was very capable at sketching and drawing cartoons. Please forward any such stories to Ron Adams or Neville Pearson


It is well worth a look at the photos and articles kindly contributed from Frank “Nobby” O’Brien, Mavis Ryan and Rod Smith which Eamon has very skillfully  retouched and loaded onto the ANZROC Website. Go to ANZROC Home page and click on “ANZROC nostalgia – old photos from ROC Members”. Note: If you click on the individual photos they will be enlarged automatically.

A reminder that past Newsletters, copies of “ANZ World Magazine” and notice of bereavements are posted on the website for members’ information and is also worth a look.


Annual St Patrick’s Day Luncheon Thursday 15th March 2012 at Maroondah Club


It would be appreciated if any members become aware of a fellow member who is seriously ill, or sadly passed away, please pass on such information to Ron Adams, Neville Pearson or other committee member to enable us to communicate such information to our member base.



Graeme Ainscough sends his thanks for the welcome birthday wishes for his 75th and said he celebrated with a quite family dinner and with wife June enjoyed “Love Never Dies” at the Regent Theatre.

Clive Bayley said he and wife Margaret will be in the outback between Woomera and Coober Pedy visiting family when we next meet at 100 Queen Street. Clive says life’s tough isn’t it.

Anne Blashki told us at the meeting  that Bill Hickford who had been seriously injured in a home invasion in Shepparton in December as reported in our March Newsletter is home and working again. Bill was a stalwart of the ANZ Football team with President Neville and other ANZROC members.

Bill Boucher writes a few lines to thank John Vanselow for his good wishes on the occasion of Bill’s 84th. A very pleasant day was spent with all the family.

Dave Brookman sending his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 88th says the personal note from John Vanselow was much appreciated.

Geoff Burton emails his thanks for his recent Birthday Card, which arrived on time for the big 69 celebration. Geoff has heard from a sizeable number of past colleagues over the past 12 months, which has been terrific. He had knee replacement surgery 4 months ago, and following a satisfactory report from his Surgeon, headed for Qld. for 6 weeks to recover in better weather. Geoff has a son (Gary) and daughter in law (Tania) who are both in the Bank’s employ. Over the years Geoff and his son Gary both worked at branches in Shepparton, Myrtleford, Wangaratta, Albury, Wodonga, Lavington  and both worked with Esanda. Any father/son quinellas beat that?

George Cooper Life Member and long term committee man knowing our President’s love of poetry decided to express his thanks for the birthday card in prose

On Thursday I received a card

Inside were some lines from the “Bard”

He pointed out what must be true

I’d reached the age of Eighty Two


T’is true that I am not a “Bard”

But I was pleased to get the card

I must extend my thanks to state

The card arrived right on due date


So now I put my pen away

There’s not much more for me to say

But thanks to John must now be due

For sending out the cards on cue

Don Davy writes that he was sorry to read of the passing of our member Keith Emmett and only recently had been at a reunion of ANZ 351 and 394 Collins Street staff with Keith. Don had served in ANZ Bank Clearing Department and at 480 St Kilda Branch in each case where Keith had been manager. He also mentioned he noted that another former ANZ ’er Norm McPhee  passed away recently .In Don’s role in Methods he dealt with Norm as Manager ANZ Berwick several times and he felt that many ANZROC members would remember Norm.

Gordon Field and wife Edith have just returned from a trip to the Greek Island and Black Sea to find John's birthday greeting card. The Captains Choice tour operators’ cruise they went on was excellent. They arranged cabins on a ship called the Silver Seas. The weather was fine and the local tour guides great. The three week cruise went very quickly. Gordon was pleasantly surprised with Greece and the Islands having heard so many adverse reports previously but they found quite the reverse. They were not hindered by protests but then perhaps were just lucky in that respect. Gordon did get the impression that many Greeks think the current crises is an "Athens" problem not that of the Islands although the Islands are feeling the unemployment pressure.

Ken Fitzgerald sends his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 83rd. Ken says this year has been fairly quiet on the holiday and travel front and he has rather envied those whose travels he reads about in the newsletters. The past year has been momentous in the increase in the family by three great grand children making a total of four which makes him feel a little older but life goes on. Ken is looking forward to the Veterans Cricket Festival to be held in Adelaide in 2012.

Alex Fowler sends a belated "Thank you" to ANZROC for Birthday wishes in August. Alex and wife Helen have just returned home from 5 months caravanning around Australia and it was pleasant to open the greetings on return. Alex spent his Birthday in Alice Springs, with dinner at Lasseter’s Casino with a few friends who were also travelling.

Max Guest writes that he appreciates getting the newsletter although he does not attend the regular meetings but the informative comments are all interesting about the exploits of the travellers and just re-reading the names jolts memories of old relationships.

Trevor Hart emails that his birthday card duly arrived and he sends his thanks for the birthday wishes. Trevor and ANZROC member Val Goldsworthy are on the committee of the Camberwell Historical Society and would welcome any new members from ANZROC.

June Hoskin writes thanks for remembering her birthday which is very much appreciated. June celebrated her birthday with a family luncheon in the Dandenong’s.

Doug Imrie emails many thanks for the Birthday card, He enjoyed a quite dinner with wife Trish at the Hervey Bay Boat Club. They arrived home in time to see Collingwood defeated, but are heading off again for a short trip up the Ovens Valley with a Long Luncheon at Boynton's Winery, just out of Bright. On their way home from Cairns, Doug met up with another 30 + year ex work mate Jean-Claude (John) Sammut. He helped set up "Factoring" in Esanda.

Bruce Kells emails that his birthday was celebrated with family. Bruce and his wife Audrey have had an eventful year which involved selling the family home of 46 years and moving into a smaller unit in a Retirement Village. The hardest part was the downsizing and disposing of all the surplus possessions treasured for all of those 46 years. Bruce’s wife’s health was a problem on a steep block and they decided that now was the time while they could still do the packing up.

Bruce looks forward to catching up with many at the Christmas meeting.

Vito Laruccia emails his thanks for the Birthday greetings. Life is still busy for Vito with work still taking a big slice of his time, and spending quality time with family and friends. Had a good birthday celebration, spending a few hours at a winery called Box Stallion (Merricks North) with his wife and immediate family members on the Father's Day weekend celebrating both events. Vito enjoys reading about the ROC members with some of the names in the newsletter bringing back many past work day memories.

Ron Marshall writing his thanks for his 88th says he enjoys reading the newsletters about members’ overseas travels. When he retired 30 years ago he and his wife travelled mainly to UK and Europe and occasionally to USA but now he has to get the world atlas out at times to locate the places to which some of the members are travelling.

Fay McPherson emails thanks for the Birthday Greetings, which as usual arrived right on the day. Fay had a very enjoyable day, receiving a phone call from the family in Norway plus a lovely bouquet of flowers from them as well. Cards and phone calls from many other friends and family members made it a memorable occasion.

Dick Milnthorpe emailing from UK says thanks for the birthday card. Dick can remember someone saying that as you get older you get to know more and more about less and less and end up knowing everything about nothing!  Dick and wife Pat will be doing their usual pilgrimage to Oz arriving 30th December and will be in Mornington until 28th March (when the immigration people start looking for them!)  Dick and Pat always look forward to these visits, meeting up with old friends, and even have just enough time to grow some tomatoes.

Maggie Murray writing from Mortlake says thanks for the birthday card and it’s great to read all the news about her friends and colleagues.

Ray Murphy emails that it was a most enjoyable day at the Geelong meeting and it was great to rub shoulders with some old comrades of past days. Ray gave his copy of "The ANZ Travelling Man" to President Neville and maybe it will make its way to the Banks' Archives in due course.

Peter Nyga advises that he and partner, June, are back in Melbourne after travelling by 4wd for nearly 3 months throughout the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. Everything went well throughout the trip and they loved the northern winter weather, but not coming back to the cold down south. For the statistical minded:

  • Vehicle ok, but has another 17,200 kms on the dial, a cracked windscreen and more paint chips with  driver and crew just fine,
  • Away 81 days  and average distance covered per day – 212 kms
  • Number of photos – 2,200 (since culled to 1,300)
  • Apart from 7 nights staying with friends, slept every night in the vehicle on a purpose built bed with 2 weeks storage underneath,
  • Number of arguments – nil.
  • Are they still together? – yes

Bernard O'Reilly and wife Claire have just returned home after 4 months way and travelling close on 23000 Klm’s visiting both the Cobourg and Gove peninsula’s in Northern territory and also far north Queensland. The variety of landscapes and activities were a joy to visit and of course when the temperatures were higher than Melbourne's then these were the places to be. Having an evening meal at the Sailing Boat Club in Darwin with John (former Relationship Winnellie) and Kath Bayliss at sunset made for a perfect evening and they also had an evening meal with Bev Ellis in Alice Springs.

They were fortunate to experience only 3 wet days in over 4 months and it is a reality check to be back home however Bernard  intends to keep travelling  with further trips planned to Mildura in early October and then to Robe in SA in early November.  4 wheel driving has become their passion and they have been lucky to cover the majority of inland and coastal Australia. The receipt of the regular monthly news letter has been great keeping him in touch with all recent/future happenings. Of course when at home checking the mail there was the regular birthday greetings and Bernard thanks again John for his ongoing commitment to this task.

Alan Pearce reports that he has just arrived home after a great trip to Canada and is trying to catch up with all of those things needing attention. Alan appreciated the good wishes of members on his recent birthday, the card having arrived while Alan and his wife were away.

Dietmar Reichert emails that after his recent overseas trip, visiting the old country and birthplace Heilbronn in Germany as well as catching up with his 81 year old sister for her birthday in Queensland, he received John's birthday card and best wishes-again on the day! Greatly appreciated and received in good health. Maybe still doing some work from the home office in the direction of hypnotherapy helps… certainly feels that way.

Peter Russell and wife Sonia have just returned home from their annual two month pilgrimage to the Gold Coast. It was a delight to receive the birthday card from John Vanselow, as usual, exactly to time. Peter continues to receive and read with great interest, the news on his former workmates and their activities via the "newsletter"

Jack Stewart writing from Whiteheads Creek says thanks for the birthday wishes but it makes him realise that he has been retired for 21 years. Apart from the odd hiccup with arthritis Jack keeps reasonably fit working around the farm. He is another happy Geelong supporter.

Peter Treleaven emails his thanks for his birthday card which as usual arrived on the day on 30th Sept. The date always reminds Peter that in the good old days he had to work back very late for the Banks annual balance. He used to raid the bosses cupboard about midnight when the books were balanced. Peter’s health is now very good and he certainly does not feel 73. Peter and wife Else are off for another cruise on the Diamond Princess in November. That should get him and his colleagues into form for the Christmas festivities.

Roger Watkins writes to advise that he and wife Margaret will be house sitting his sister in laws home in Naremburn NSW while she hosts a tour in Canada. The house is mentioned in records as being once owned by Billy Hughes, a former Prime Minister of Australia in 1915-16.Roger attended the  funeral service of our member Rod Anstee and noted that he first met Rod in 1960 at the ES&A Bank’s Victorian Head Office at 86 Queen Street. Roger is having treatment for deterioration of his left eye but after a few nagging health problems Roger and Margaret’s health is now reasonably stable.

Muriel Williams writes her thanks for the personal greetings from John and Lois Vanselow for her birthday which was most welcome. Muriel and husband Bill celebrate birthdays on the same day and this year they celebrated at the RACV resort at Healesville which they enjoyed. Muriel reflected on the great years she enjoyed with John Vanselow and Col Edwards in the old General Manager’s Office and she never ceases to be amazed at the changes that have taken place. Computers were just being introduced when she retired so it is certainly a different world now.


AND Will Bailey, Helen Bouch, Fergus Darmody, Peter Giasoumi, David Gibb, Teddy Hanrahan, Peter Harvey, Chris James, Erwin Jones, Graham Joseph, Peter Kariotis, Kevin Kelly, Bob Lamb, Mike Lawrence, Peter Lees, Geoff Leslie, Jacqui Luckman , Bill Luscombe, Rod Mann, Kevin May, Serge McIntyre, Mike McKernan, Bruce Michell, Bob Milgate, Keith Moorhouse, Peter O’Dwyer, John Parkes, Jill Paterson, Peter Powell, Bevyn Ranford, Ian Roberts, Les Roberts, David Robinson, Alan Rutzou, Mary Ryan, John Saffery, Bessie Stevens, James Uren, Bill Walker, Colin Walton, Doug Watson, Roly Webster, Keith Witney,




This is a final reminder that members and partners are invited to join us at this popular annual event. We are hopeful that many of those members who have supported this event in the past will return to help make this a day to be remembered and enjoy a relaxing mid-week round of golf and a great social evening amongst friends and past work-mates. Numbers are down at present and John Brown and David Woods would like to hear from golfers.




The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday 8th December 2011at the ANZ Pavilion thanks to the generosity of ANZ Group for making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the Christmas Luncheon. CEO Mike Smith and a number of Senior Executives will be attending and as CEO Mike Smith has agreed to speak to members during the luncheon we urge you to send your acceptances in early as we are restricted to 300 seats in the Pavilion. The invitation to the luncheon follows and the contribution towards the cost of the function is $30.00 which is increased to partially meet the higher costs experienced over the past three years which can no longer be supported by existing funds. Members attending will receive a free copy of the impressive book celebrating ANZ’s 175th Anniversary.

For those who wish to attend:

Complete and detach the Invitation “Acceptance Slip” and attach your cheque for $30—and return to Ron Adams at PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 as soon as practicable as numbers are limited. Cutoff date for members’ acceptances will be Monday 28th November, 2011

Refunds will not be paid unless advice is received by the President, Secretary, or Treasurer at least 4 days prior to the function – last minute cancellations are a waste of money as payment is made to the caterers on the numbers provided a week before the function.

Members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through internet banking facilities making certain that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided… if payment is made electronically members should  send the invitation  slip to Ron Adams    advising that payment has been made through internet banking so that we can control the numbers attending.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947




To be held at the ANZ Pavilion

Victorian Arts Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne


Admittance                        From                     11.30 am

Drinks                                   From                     11.30 am

Luncheon                            From                     12.30 pm

Please retain and present this portion at the door of the Venue on the 8th December 2011



Return this slip to:                          Ron Adams

PO Box 579,Malvern, Vic 3144 $30.00

(Name of member)                        Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account


(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone No. or e-mail



MEETING IN the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ HEAD OFFICE 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON Alex Thursby CEO ANZ Asia Pacific Europe and America has agreed to be the guest speaker for the day and we expect a large number of members would be interested to hear Alex  speak of his role in one of the fastest growing areas of ANZ  throughout SE Asia and the Pacific regions and his comments on the current issues facing European


The Annual General Meeting will follow Alex Thursby’s presentation and any items for the AGM should be sent to the secretary before 3rd November 2011.Agenda, Minutes of meeting in 2010 and financial position are available on our website at and hard copies will be available at the meeting.

Please let Ron Adams  know by Thursday 3rd November  2011  by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone ( 98210444) or return the attached notice to PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 so we can advise ANZ Security Desk the names  of members attending.

Ron Adams



To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579                                         on 10th November 2011 commencing at 12 noon

Malvern Vic 3144                               .

Phone 9821 0444  or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

newsletter september 2011



President Neville Pearson welcomed 62 members and partners to our September meeting held at the “Black Sheep” Restaurant in central Geelong. Those ANZROC  members not seen for while included Will Bailey, Annette Baldwin, Anne Blashki coming from Shepparton, John Calnin, Geoff and Lesley Cook, Gordon Christensen, Andrew Edmunds , Clive Hewett coming from Terang, John Hudgson, Bill Jackson, Andrew McGregor, Paul McVeigh, Ray Murphy, Ken Pattison, Neil Robinson, Mavis Ryan, David Woods and Brian Wrigley. It was a most enjoyable ANZROC meeting and with the participation of members’ partners augurs well for future meetings in suburban and country centres. A full report follows under “Birdies Twitter.”


Vic Ansell (Lakes Entrance), Noel Beanland, Eric and Wendy Black ,John Brown, Geoff Burton, Cedric Coxsedge, Kerry Crawford ,George Cooper, John Duke, Col Edwards, Ian  Fulton, Stan Halbish, Theo Hall ,Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Graeme Heenan,  Bob Heinemann, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert,  Doug Imrie, Peter Jackson, Ken Lee,  Gary Mason, John McPhee, Brian Murdoch, Maggie Murray, Peter Nyga , Leigh O’Neill, Gordon Paulett, Alan Pearce (Canada),John Stevens, Don Taylor, Bruce Tickell (Egypt) , Paul Tovey, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins, Eric Williams,  Harold Woolcock.


Anstee                                     R.C.(Rod) 80 years           9/9/2011

Full details will be in the October newsletter

Clarkin                                    J.D.(Jeff) 67 years           24/8/2011

Jeff joined ANZ in the mid 60's and worked in Queensland branches before taking time out to study for an economics degree as a mature age student. He moved to Head Office in Melbourne and worked in many areas of International Banking Division before moving overseas to run the Chicago branch in 1983. Jeff was appointed Exec Treasurer Capital Markets on the formation of Global Treasury in 1986 then took over as head of the dealing room for Australian Treasury in late 1987 before being appointed Country Head in Korea. Further Executive roles in Head Office running Correspondent Banking and Nominees followed before Jeff's retirement in 2000.

The Requiem Mass for Jeff at Surfers Paradise was a moving service with around 150 people in attendance. During the service there was a reading by Pinky Watson who would be remembered by many members. The wake was held at Southport Yacht Club where our committeeman Eamon Veaney was present and said a few words about Jeff. Jeff’s wife Paula thanked all who attended and the many people who couldn't be there but who had nevertheless provided great support to her and Jeff over the last year. Some of the "broader ANZ family" who attended were Mike Frowen, Denis Grehan, Gary Minton, Geoff Cox, Rod Dark and Chris Murray (the late David Murray's son who knew the family from Chicago days)

Emmett                                   K.F.(Keith) 87 years           27/8/2011

Keith enlisted in the RAAF in October 1942 and at discharge from the forces in December 1945was Warrant Officer, 14 Aircrew Holding Unit. Keith passed pilot training successfully in Australia and Canada and he was promoted to Sergeant and then in England promoted to Warrant Officer as a pilot instructor training pilots for the Battle of Britain and the European conflict. On his return to Australia Keith became a member of the Odd Bods (UK) Association covering RAAF servicemen and women that served in the RAF in UK. Another of our recently deceased members Ken Fastier was also a member of the Odd Bods. Back in Australia, Keith was an avid traveller and spent time in most parts of the world but he favoured New Zealand and tripping across Australia. He met many lifelong friends when he was stationed in NZ for the bank and at the funeral service colleagues included Cedric Coxsedge Stan Halbish, Fay and Gerry McPherson and committee members Neville Pearson, John Duke, Kevin Mitchell and Ron Adams.

McLellan                                 Orm 86 years           7/9/2011

Orm enlisted in the RAAF in September 1943 and when discharged in April 1946 was Leading Aircraftman in the 40 Operational Base Unit. Orm was a great supporter of ANZROC Vic and for many years was responsible for preparing name tags for members and helped the committee at functions on many occasions. Details of Orm’s memorial service on 13/9/2011 will be included in the October newsletter.


Members will remember Rod, Jeff, Keith and Orm at our October meeting and our thoughts are with their friends and families.


Eamon Veaney also advised that Kevin Hanvey died after a car accident at Torquay on 9/9/2011 on his way to work at ANZ. Kevin had worked with Eamon at ANZ some years ago and was back there on a contract and would be remembered by ANZROC members.

Rodney Manser let me know that one of his work mates from the ES&A days Allister Smith aged 62 years old had passed away on the 24/8/2011.Allister would be known to many members.

Alan Lauder advised that a colleague Peter Winter with whom he worked in the Frankston area passed away in August and would be remembered by ANZROC members.


From 1/9/2011             less than $20,000         3.12%

greater than $20,000    4.00%


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during September   and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Bill Boucher (84), Dave Brookman (88), Barbara Bruce, Valda Clarke, George Cooper (82), Geoff Elliott (83), Reg Evans (91), Ian Ewart (80), Don Fraser (86), Stan Goulding (85), Ralph Howden (87), Alan James (85), David Kennedy (87), Ron Marshall (88), Ron Smith (83), Les Whitney (105), Murray Wood (89).




What a wonderful adventure this turned out to be with 62 members and partners turning up to a first class location at the Black Sheep Restaurant in the National Wool Museum building Geelong. Approx 45 members travelled by train and while the trip down was very vibrant, the return trip was more restrained with yours truly availing of a seniors nap. The food was excellent and it was great to see many members that we do not get the opportunity to see very often turning up to this style of function. Will and Dorothy Bailey were able to be there for an hour or so and took the opportunity to mingle freely among the group before heading off for an appointment relative to a hip replacement. We wish Will all the best for a successful operation and hope to see him at future luncheons. A very special ‘thank you’ goes to David and Glen Knuckey for the enormous amount of effort they put into organising such a successful event

The Museum wool shop did a great trade, with many members taking advantage of the quality specials on show

Kevin Mitchell looked a million dollars in his pure wool cap and I am sure it will be well suited to wear at the St Patricks Day luncheon at the Maroondah Club next March.

These Country/Suburban luncheons are proving to be very successful and we are investigating locations such as Ballarat, Castlemaine and Warrigal for future train/luncheon outings. Member feedback would be greatly appreciated



Peter Bearsley emailing his thanks for the birthday wishes says his latest venture is a fund raising exercise for Rotary Club of Melbourne to fund a project in East Timor saving the lives of mothers at risk in childbirth. He plans to run in the Berlin Marathon of 42.195 klm’s later this month at the age of 69 with dodgy knees and is looking for sponsors. He says this will be his 50th and possibly last marathon. We wish him every success.

Terry Boocock received the newsletter while in St Petersburg and emails that  he is on a 5 week trip with the major attraction being the big air show in Moscow. It’s always good to get the newsletter. Terry says you can even pay your annual subs electronically from Russia.

Barbara Bruce sends thanks for the ANZ birthday card which, as usual, arrived on the exact day. She had an enjoyable lunch with 5 friends in the home of one of them. In May/June Barbara spent an enjoyable six weeks on holiday in England and Wales with a 3 night stop-over in Singapore on the way home.

Ken Chisholm writing from Bendigo sends thanks for the birthday wishes which are much appreciated.

Len Chitty emails that since leaving ANZ (Mgr Myrtleford) in 2001 after some 33 years of service, within 12 months of that date, he was re-employed by ANZ in Bendigo and is still enjoying his role and the camaraderie banking provides. Len and his wife (also ex-ANZ) enjoy living in Bendigo and their children have all grown up with youngest daughter (16 Y/O) still at school. Len and his wife always take great pleasure in reading the news letter as it keeps them informed of the exploits of former colleagues.

Ian Crothers emailed his thanks the birthday greetings. This year was the big 70! Hard to believe he has been retired 13 years. Ian looks forward to receiving the Newsletter each month and catch up on the doings of his ‘old colleagues'!!

Chris Fieggen emails his sincere thanks for the kind wishes on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Chris had the pleasure of celebrating his birthday at his eldest son's residence in France. As Chris is now living alone, his son felt that it might be a good idea for him to host the celebration at his place in France. Chris’s eldest daughter and her husband, who at present live in Belgrade, his son’s two children and a niece from Holland, together with her husband and their two children were also present, and so it was that the 80th was quite a family affair. Naturally Chris did not just travel to and back from France, but also managed to spend some time in Holland and Serbia, and on the way home travelled via the USA, where he stayed for some time with his son Bruce and his family in Wayne (N.J.).  So altogether Chris had a very pleasant overseas sojourn, which was a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with many overseas relatives whom he sees too infrequently. All too soon the holiday was over again, and now he is kept busier than ever keeping in touch with everybody. But the pleasant memories will linger for a long time

Barbara Gardiner emails her thanks for those good wishes which arrived so exactly on her birthday! As we all say, the years are getting shorter!! She is still enjoying travelling and has been to the South of France in May and is leaving shortly for Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and Granada. The next stop is London and returning via Singapore where Barbara will stay with friends from ANZ. It's a hard life!! It's great to read of other ANZers busy lives - how did we ever get time to go to work?

John Glasson writes thanks for the best wishes for his 89th birthday. John is concerned that it is becoming more difficult to count the number of years but at least he can still walk with reasonable ability.

Denis Gleeson emailing a short note of thanks for the welcome birthday greetings he received upon his return from Mooloolaba where he and his wife spend two months each year. Denis had a surprise this year when he was informed that he needed a quadruple by-pass. (No symptoms).  Had the operation in February and spent some time with Bernie Sowersby at The Epworth Hospital.  Got through it very well and has been back to golf at Churchill Park and bowls at Mulgrave Country Club.

Louis Hebrard emails his thanks for the birthday card he received. It's a great reminder of the many enjoyable years of ANZ comradeship. Life is good with good health all round in the family. Louis is still enjoying work as financial counsellor 2 days a week at Casey North Community Information & Support Service and hopes to do so for a few more years. Louis and wife Ann have recently come back from touring French Polynesia. They spent a few days in Tahiti and Mora. The highlight was 2 weeks on a working cargo ship, the Aranui 3 that does deliveries and pickups in the Marquesas Islands. Visiting some of the small communities on the islands gave them a new understanding of the word "remote". They are wonderful people, with a very captivating history.

Doug Imrie reports that he and wife Trish recently pulled into a small coastal village called 1770 south of Mackay and settled into the caravan park. Once set up, he was greeted by his neighbour "Hello Doug Imrie". Doug had no idea who he was, or how he knew him! It turned out to be John Sands (Retired District Manager) with whom Doug had worked with in Esanda, 60 Market St some 30 years ago. Suffice to say, they have enjoyed a few happy hours reminiscing.

Ian Ince sent his thanks for the birthday greetings which he celebrated with a night out at a Chinese restaurant. The year has gone very quickly but he still managed two trips to Rosebud and Yarrawonga and one to Bright and Raymond Island. All this local travelling has put an end to the annual visits to the Gold Coast.

Stan Lancaster sending his thanks for the birthday wishes says he had hoped to report on a trip booked for Japan but was thwarted by the earthquake and tsunami. Fortunately they had travel insurance.

Graeme King emailed that he hopes to make a lunch meeting later this year. Graeme and his wife have just taken possession of their new house which has been an 18 month project from start to finish. Next few months will be pretty hectic with family commitments in Qld during September, WA during October and a Probus trip around the Snowy’s in late November.

Sue McCarthy emails that she was pleased to see that John Vanselow is back on signing duty and working the usual miracles with the post office delivery dates. There was nothing particularly remarkable about the way Sue spent her birthday, had dinner with her 92-year-old father; he cooks, she takes a bottle of wine. Sue hopes she has inherited his genes. Meanwhile, there is a lot of the world to see. Sue had a good travel year (UK and France in April) and about to depart to the Outer Hebrides (where she is expecting brisk chill) and then to Portugal to learn something of its history (great colonising empires can decline) and food, which seems to feature largely in most travellers’ descriptions of the country.

Tad Misiewicz emails thanks for the birthday wishes. Keep those newsletters coming as he looks forward to reading them? Tad is enjoying good health and working part time to keep fit and to exercise the grey cells .Besides work, he has moved home twice, both in the St Kilda area, since Dec 2009, looking for the perfect nest to retire in and to recommence his great love of sailing once again. In the process Tad has renovated

( hands on) a Heritage home in Princes St , sold it, and bought another heritage listed place in Alma Rd which he is presently renovating. It is enjoyable work.

Peter O’Dwyer emailing from Yarrawonga says thanks for the birthday greetings for his 79th.

On the day he came second in the local 9 Hole golf competition of forty plus players with 21 Stableford points. ANZROC member John Fairbairn and Maurie Harwood (another ANZer) told Peter his handicap of 18 will suffer. Sounds like "some pain for a little gain".

Peter Pritchard and wife Maree received their newsletter while in Positano enjoying the Italian summer. They had  been away for two weeks and visited Rome and Naples then on  Venice, and Florence before travelling  to Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Paris, London and then finally a few days in Singapore before returning  home at the end of September. It’s good to read the newsletter and keep up to date with ANZROC members.

Trevor Richards emails thanks to John Vanselow and President Neville Pearson for the Birthday Card on the occasion of his 66th birthday. Trevor and wife Christine flew off to Cairns early on the birthday for some R & R, spending time at Palm Cove, Port Douglas and the Atherton Tablelands. On arrival home the card was amongst the three weeks supply of mail waiting for them.

Barry Reid emails that he and wife Shirley and dog Josh have been away for a month in their caravan to Mildura, Swan Hill & Shepparton enjoying somewhat warmer weather. They packed everything with the exception of lap top and more suitable clothing for the warmer weather. Barry is presently endeavouring to reply to some 100 odd e/mails received during his absence.  He is looking forward once again to catching up at the Christmas luncheon.

Jake Remyn emailed his thanks for the birthday greetings which arrived, as everyone else attests, on the day. This is the first time for a number of years that Jake and his wife have been home at this time as they usually head for North Qld. for 3-4 months each winter to escape the cold.

This year they  stayed home to help their  daughter with pick ups etc with her children as her youngest son (10yo) is one of the 5 boys sharing the role of Gustav (son of the Phantom) in Andrew Lloyd Webbers' "Love Never Dies" at the Regent Theatre. Jake has naturally seen the show multiple times having helped with running their grandson in and pick ups after the show when he's on. That's kept them busy enough not to notice the cold too much!!!

Ian Roberts emailed to thank all concerned at ROC for the birthday card on this special 70th birthday, which was waiting at home on the family’s return from a very enjoyable trip through Cambodia and Vietnam. Their journey was to sail the Mekong River through Cambodia with the girls enjoying some retail therapy in Saigon, Hoi an and Hanoi and their travels concluded with an overnight stay on a junk on Haolong Bay. It was a great Asian experience.

It was nice to escape the Melbourne winter for a few weeks and Ian does enjoy reading about the travelling experiences of fellow ROC members.

Bruce Robertson emailed from Runaway Bay  his thanks for the best wishes for his birthday  .It was a dual celebration as Jan and John Brown were visiting and Bruce and wife Glennis had another visitor Julie Shill (Tyers) a great friend of Glennis who many of the retired officers will remember from West Footscray branch. As can be expected on such a grand occasion much red wine and champagne was consumed. The year has flown with several visits to Wollongong to see the grand children who were subsequently transferred by their employer to Chile at the start of the New Year. Bruce and Glennis were also able to spend some time as guests of the Pearson’s at Sandy Point and the Brown’s at Peterborough which was great fun as  it’s always good to catch up. Then they visited the grandchildren in Antofagasta which is in the north of Chile and to be precise the Tropic of Capricorn runs through the town. The whole town (over 300,000) relies on the copper mines which are located inland. Bruce was able to have a look at the largest copper mine in the world, it’s an open cut and he was unable to see the bottom it was so large. The best view he has seen was taken by a satellite photo. To put it in perspective the miners were on strike a few weeks ago and the mine was losing $30 million dollars a day in income!! Bruce and Glennis travelled inland and further north to the Atacama Desert where the “Moon Buggies” were tested before the buggies were shipped to the Moon for research projects. The scenery is fantastic, being in the middle of the desert with the nearby mountains covered in snow! They also were able to visit Argentina and enjoy the vibrant city of Buenos Aires that is well worth a visit. They spent a couple of days at the Iguassu Falls, which Bruce felt is a must see on any tourist’s agenda.  On the way home from Buenos Aires Qantas were most kind and flew the passengers over Antarctica, another excellent experience.

AND Trevor Cookson, John Fearnley, Mike Frowen, Stan Halbish,  John Harris, Jack Helisma, David Jones, Peter Jones, Ian Lee, Karl Mattingly, John McKenzie, Nick Newell, Reg Nicolson, Geoff Pritchard, Peter Suridge, Doug Watson, John Wilson,




ANZ has recently updated the ANZ Staff & Retired Officer Cheque Account - Terms & Conditions booklet. Customers are not disadvantaged with any changes made to the ANZ Staff & Retired Officer Cheque Account - Terms & Conditions.

ANZ felt that due to the high volume of wording changes, listing each change individually was not appropriate and could potentially be confusing and overwhelming for ANZ customers. In summary, the update included changes to exception fees (which you were advised about under separate cover in 2009), and the amendments relating to the aim of simplifying the wording used in the Terms & Conditions booklets. All other changes involved re-wording sections or the removal of sections which are no longer relevant to these products.



Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2011/2012 are now due and payments can be made in favour of ANZROC and sent to our Treasurer John Def Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions have increased to $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members. The increases will be submitted for members’ ratification at our AGM on 10th November 2011 as outlined in our newsletter of 18th August.

Honorary Members please note:  – you do not need to pay any subscription

Note that members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted to John Def Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 ) to reach John Brown  prior to 31st October 2011.

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00.



………………………………………………………………      $…………..

(Name of member)      Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number

e-mail address



We have been advised that Retired Officers who are Staff Club members have access to a number of holiday properties owned by ANZ Staff Club particularly in Queensland and Victoria now available for rental and current rentals are very competitive. You can access the accommodation site on the ANZ Staff Club web site using your Membership Number and password and follow the prompts to arrange the accommodation on the spot.



For Members of ANZ Retired Officer’s Club and their partners the annual golf tournament will be held at the Traralgon Golf Club on Thursday 17 November 2011. Full details and the entry form are  attached.

Enquiries to David Woods (03)9762 1783 or John Brown (03)9802 1810 (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).



Our committee woman Joan Nathan recently joined “Taoist Tai Chi”, so thought she would share with you something about it.

Taoist Tai Chi takes a holistic approach to good health, incorporating the 108- move Tai Chi Set, the ensemble of arts that we practice can bring a wide range of health benefits to the muscular, skeletal and circulatory systems, with a soothing effect to the mind. In the hectic pace of today’s society, that’s a balance that can benefit us all. Interestingly one person mentioned it had helped her golf.

The classes are a mixture of all ages and both sexes. This art is about gentle turning and stretching, and designed to improve health, the significant and impactful degree of turning and stretching in each of the movements with regular practice contributes to better balance and posture, increased strength and flexibility, calmness and peace of mind. Tai chi can be done by most people regardless of handicaps or ailments, some conditions such as poor circulation, high blood pressure, arthritis, back pain, joint mobility, respiratory problems and digestive disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis have been known to improve.

The groups are quite social and meet for lunch etc and many have formed friendships  through Tia Chi.   The “Taoist Tai Chi” is a Not for Profit Tai Chi and you can attend as many classes as you like at different centres. The introduction cost is $111 for four months including joining fee, for seniors. For more information and locations visit

Hope you have enjoyed some insight to Tia Chi, and I have opened another avenue for you to pursue.

Joan Nathan                   (Ph.97408001)



THURSDAY 10TH NOVEMBER 2011: Alex Thursby CEO Asia Pacific Europe and America speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street. Following Alex’s presentation we will be holding the AGM 10TH NOVEMBER 2011 and we remind you that any items for AGM should be sent to the secretary by the October meeting so that items can be circulated with the October Newsletter.



An early reminder that the Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday 8th December 2011 at the ANZ Pavilion thanks to the generosity of the ANZ Executive for making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the Christmas Luncheon. Mike Smith CEO ANZ will again be speaking to members and a number of Executives will be attending with Mike.

The invitation to the luncheon will be included in the OCTOBER newsletter and the contribution towards the cost of the function will be $30—.



Dr Liz Cyarto from the National Ageing Research Institute will present the Healthy Ageing presentation on 34th Floor, ANZ 100 Queen Street which will be an informative meeting of interest to all of us and we look forward to seeing a large attendance on the day.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 6th October 2011 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk and the 34th Floor Reception Area.

Ron Adams





To Ron Adams                                                I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579, Malvern 3144                            on 13th October commencing at 12 noon



newsletter August 2011



President Neville Pearson welcomed 53 guests that included our guest speaker Claire Hausler Head of Estate Planning ANZ Trustees who introduced her colleagues Julie Toop Head of Business Services and Legal and Rabia Javed, Lawyer Estate Planning. There were six of our lady members present and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were  Helen Felsted, John Fogden, Lawton Graham, Hedley Ham, John Hawkins, Dorothy Hayes, Ken Lee, John Osborne,  Allen Thorp, Paul Tovey, Andrew and Elizabeth Turner.


Eric and Wendy Black ,John Brown, Geoff Burton, Diane Costigan, Kerry Crawford , John Duke, Col Edwards, Keith Emmett, Ray Gill, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield,  Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert,  Doug Imrie, Gerry Kennedy, Bob Lamb, Con La Fauci, Jacqui Luckman, Brian Murdoch, Peter Nyga , Leigh O’Neill, Don Taylor, Bruce Tickell, John Vanselow, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins


Fastier                         K.G.J.(Ken) 25/7/2011                    88 years

Ken enlisted in the Australian Army in December 1941 but left in December 1942 to enlist in the Royal Australian Air Force and served in Europe until being discharged as a Warrant Officer in the 14 Aircrew Holding Unit in January 1946.

Robertson                   F.A.S.(Frank) 20/7/2011                    102 years

Frank enlisted in the Australian Army in March 1942 and when discharged in September 1945 was a Private in 7 Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps.

Short                           John J.C.(Jack) 27/7/2011                    99 years

Jack enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1940 and on discharge in September 1945 was a Sergeant in 5 Australian AA Ops Room Type B AIF. Jack served in the Middle East in an Anti Aircraft Unit and then the unit moved to the Pacific and fought in the Battle of Milne Bay. For 40years Jack played a leading role in the Gilbert Sullivan Society in Melbourne. He was also involved with Legacy and a member of his Lodge for 70 years. He quit cycling at 93 and at 97 had to give up the daily walks of between 5-10 kilometres. During his career with ES&A he served in Darwin in the 1950s, managed Mentone and retired as Manager of Ascot Vale and was an active member of ANZROC. He was a member of the Banks Rowing Club for more than eighty years.

Members stood for a few moment silence in remembrance of Ken, Frank and Jack and our condolences are sent to members of family and friends.

18th August 2011 marked the 45th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan and being Vietnam Veterans Day our member Brian Christensen recited the Ode of Remembrance and members stood for a moment’s silence.

During the month Ken Fitzgerald advised me of the death of Maurie Dear who worked in Pensions and Nominees with Ken and Lawrie Foord advised me of the death of Russell Hansen who worked with Lawrie in 388 Collins Street. Maurie and Russell would be remembered by many of our members and our condolences are sent to their family and friends.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during August and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Henry Barker (82),Bruce Campbell (90), Frank Donovan (89), Muriel Drummond, Frank Edwards (83), Ken Fitzgerald (83),  John Glasson (89), Cliff Griggs (86), June Hoskin, Mike Kennedy (82), Ken Lee (82), Doug Long (87),Robert McAsey (84), Orm McLellan (86), Reg Nicolson (80), Alwyn Ward (87), Tony Watt (82).


From 1/8/2011             less than $20,000         3.08%

greater than $20,000    3.95%


Claire Hausler Head of Estate Planning at ANZ Trustees outlined the services offered by ANZ Trustees focussing on estate planning, philanthropic solutions, estate administration and personal trusts and investment management services. Claire outlined what to do about the pieces in the estate planning puzzle which included treatment of wills, family trusts, superannuation, powers of attorney, threats that need to be resolved and the actions required to protect the family estate. For information if you want to contact ANZ Trustees the website is and in the “search for” segment just type “anz trustees” or for help call Ron Adams on 98210444.  Claire also said that ANZ Trustees are represented in all States and have people willing to make similar presentations to interstate members. The session was well received by members and Claire stayed to respond to a list of questions raised. President Neville Pearson always ready with a well crafted poem  summed up the presentation succinctly when he closed the meeting on “where there’s a will there’s a way and the way is ANZ Trustees”.



To date around 55 members and partners have indicated they will be attending the luncheon with the majority travelling by train

Should you wish to utilize the seniors free “V” Line travel option, please remember to organise your ticket in advance. This can be arranged now by taking your Pensioner or Seniors Free “V” Line travel vouchers to a manned railway station, where a return booking for the 10.00am train to Geelong can be made and tickets issued. It is suggested that you book on the return 3.29pm Geelong to Melbourne train at the same time

It is proposed that we meet at the “V” Line Country Platforms at Southern Cross (Spencer Street) Railway Station at around 9.30am/9.40am where we plan to board the 10.00am Melbourne to Geelong Train. “V” line have advised they will reserve an area for us on the 10.00am train and David and Glen Knuckey, Cheryl and myself will be there early .It is advised that widows/widowers are warmly welcome to join us on any of these social club activities as we do appreciate the contribution our partners made to our careers and the friendships made during such times. If any late comers wish to join the group please contact either David Knuckey (ph: 9551 0414) or myself (Neville Pearson 9802 0187)



Due to the demand for copies of the History and thanks to the hard work of Eamon Veaney in placing the information on the ANZ ROC Web Site ( ) the information is there for all to see (providing you have access to a computer facility) .I (hopefully) have photo copied and posted copies to all those members who advised that they did not have a computer facility. If I missed anyone, I do apologise and if you contact me at home on 9802 0187 I will ensure a copy is run off and forwarded. The advantage of the website is that we are continually able to include new photos and the site boasts a copy of the 1954 Inaugural VAFA, ANZ “D Grade” Team



Ian Bell emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card and reports he is still enjoying life in Bendigo. He had a health set back during the year which resulted in a series of visits to Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Bendigo. They were very caring and that meant he did not have to travel to Melbourne for the treatment. He is feeling good again and getting back to normal.

Bruce Campbell sends his thanks for the card he has received on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Bruce still likes reading about the activities of his former colleagues in the Bank as it brings back many happy memories.

Rae Collins writing on his 91st says its 35 years since he retired but he keeps well and is fit for his age. He still meets his mates Wal McGillivray, Neil Sharman and Norm and Betty Wood regularly at his local RSL Club. Rae enjoyed his birthday celebrations with family and friends at the Kooyong Tennis Club where he has been a member for 63 years and while no longer a player still uses the venue socially.

Eric Dickson writes that he appreciates the birthday greetings from Kathy Trace which came with a personal note for his 80th.Eric enjoys keeping up to date with the news of colleagues and he reports that he and wife Jan continue to enjoy good health. They have recently returned after 7 weeks overseas flying to Vienna then on to a bus tour of Eastern Europe that included Prague, Budapest, Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow and other cities which they really enjoyed. They rested for a week in Barcelona and then set off on a cruise from there to Paris where Eric celebrated his 80th. Following breaks in Paris and Dubai they returned home to the cold weather. He can’t wait for the next trip.

Frank Edwards emails that it's marvellous how the birthdays keep on coming around - and long may it continue. Frank and wife Mavis spent their birthdays in Malaysia - a few days each in Penang, Malacca and Singapore, sampling the local culture, transport, grub and beverages. They are back in Melbourne and slowly getting back to normal enjoying the cooler air and lamb chops for dinner.

Dawn Ellis widow of the late Jack Ellis writes that she appreciates reading the monthly newsletter .Since Jack’s passing Dawn has remained in Wodonga and keeps active with occasional game of golf. She sees Geoff Burton from time to time who always has ANZ news.

Keith Emmett emailing thanks for the birthday card which arrived in good time for his 87th birthday, celebrated with friends with dinner at Box Hill R.S.L .Keith and partner Kay have just returned from a trip to the McDonald ranges which they both enjoyed. The gorge was attempted at Katherine, but the walk between had to be abandoned because of trouble with their legs. Three days at the Travelodge at Katherine sitting around the pool was a peaceful finish to the holiday to top it all off, before returning by air through Brisbane.

Margaret Fastier widow of Ken Fastier thanked members for the Retired Officers ' Club notice in the paper .Ken had been very ill for a long time.

Phil Goodier emails his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 67th. This year he was involved with the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron where fishing trips to Orbost and Timboon inlet were organised .The fishing has been very good with King George Whiting fishing mainly in Westernport Bay where he  enjoys fishing in  some of the more isolated parts .Then there is the annual snapper season off Beaumaris which was excellent last summer .A number of ANZROC members  including Ian Davies and Ray Pietsch helped ' the oldies ' by putting on a fish night at the Beaumaris Bowling club and fed approx 140 people . The annual fishing trip to Baird Bay near Streaky Bay in South Australia was a great success with large green sea gar and whiting the main catch. The fishermen didn’t see another boat for the week they were in the Bay! Phil and his wife and four friends made during his term in the ANZ in Darwin in 1969 to 1971, travelled on the MV Trinity Bay, the cargo and limited passenger boat leaving from Cairns with their four wheel drives on the deck and they were able to spend time at Horn Island and Thursday Island finally disembarking at Seise for an extensive tour of Cape Yorke with one of the party who was the Head Ranger for Cape Yorke for many years. During the year they also had several trips to Yorke Peninsula in South Australia that were always enjoyable eating the Cornish pasties and ' polony' from Moonta and then visiting  the Peninsula from his sister's farm near Maitland.  To finish the year’s travels they spent a few weeks in the Philippines where their son David is stationed. Mixing with their son’s friends was not on the normal tourist route. An amazing place which to Phil didn’t show any signs of the GFC??!!

John Hudgson received the most welcome birthday card and he celebrated the day with an enjoyable meal at home with the family. John and wife Ann were in the midst of final planning and inventory checking etc for an APT tour they were joining from Darwin to Broome. They will catch up with his cousin in Darwin so they are really looking forward to the trip. John and Ann are hoping to meet up with ANZROC colleagues on the train and at lunch in Geelong.

Bill Jackson emails thanks to ANZROC for the birthday wishes .Bill thoroughly enjoyed his

Birthday – starting with the ANZROC card followed by his whole family calling at home that

morning with  a cake to celebrate after which he spent the afternoon with their  very good friends

Brian and Noelle Christensen watching and cheering on the Albert Park (ANZ Bank) Football

club boys as  they battled it out on the field. A couple of nice reds with Brian and Noelle after the

game to finish the day off - perfect. Bill hopes to make a meeting soon to catch up with


Ken Lee has been holidaying in Queensland but was able to attend the August meeting in

Melbourne to catch up with members. Life has changed significantly as a result of a change of

job role for Bowls Victoria. With the changed boundaries coming into being, effective 01 July,

Ken was elected to the position of chairman of the Northern Gateway Bowls Region. It’s

different to being secretary of RVBA Group 10.for the past 11 years. At least he can now attend

some lunches.

John McConnell sends thanks for the birthday wishes and says he always enjoys reading the

Newsletter and keeping up with the exploits of former colleagues.

Godfrey Mills reports that our birthday card as ever arrived precisely on due date. For some

obscure reason this prompted Godfrey  to think back to the dreaded old ANZ "List of Irregular

Accounts"  that rarely reached its destination on time. Godfrey’s days in competitive motor

sport have virtually ceased but he still goes on occasional organised club runs in the much-loved

MGB. His consuming passion for some time has been Lapidary. Godfrey joined the Nunawading

club 2 years ago and has completed courses in Cabochon Cutting, Basic Jewellery Making,

Silversmithing and Enamelling. Faceting is the next target. Generally he spends two days a

week at the club but at home the garage has been re-jigged to accommodate grinders, a diamond

cutting wheel and a  variety of polishing wheels and discs. Godfrey and his wife were able to

bring home a fair quantity of “rough stones” after a recent visit to China and Hong Kong.

He looked, with some envy, at a lot of Jade but the price of the good stuff was absolutely

prohibitive. Latest move is to branch out from basic cabochon cutting to creating larger items

that will  be displayed at the local library and elsewhere later this year.

Brian Murdoch sends his appreciation for the birthday greetings delivered by John Vanselow on

the occasion of his 80th.Family, Bank friends, Probus members and golfing mates (75 in all)

celebrated at Yarra Yarra Golf Club. Thanks were  also extended to President Neville Pearson for

his poem “Ode to Brian Murdoch” taken to the celebrations  by John Vanselow.

Coralie O’Donahoo writing from Noosa Heads says thanks for the birthday wishes. She spent the evening with friends at a Mooloolaba restaurant. Coralie also enjoyed a holiday in Hawaii a few months ago.

Barry Reid emails his thanks for the birthday card sent by Kathy Trace who is deputising for John Vanselow. Barry says he is pleased that John’s recovery back to good health has been faster than expected …. You can’t keep a good man down for too long.

Neil Sharman sends thanks for the birthday card on his 75th birthday and says the best wishes he receives each year are always a pleasure to receive.

Kevin Smyth emails sincere thanks to Kathy and the club for the wishes expressed on joining the honorary ranks. The day was celebrated at home with all the family including the boy friends of the granddaughters and the catering was organised by the eldest daughter.

Bernie Sowersby emailing on his 81st says that unfortunately illness has curtailed his activities, however being still able to get about he hopes to attend a meeting in the not too distant future.

Mark Stankovich sent his thanks for the birthday wishes for his recent birthday as usual arriving on time and Mark had a great day celebrating with his whole family.

Keith Taylor writing on his 83rd says he enjoys reading the Newsletter and catching up on the activities and health of his former workmates.

John Vanselow reports that the specialist at Frankston Hospital is very pleased with his progress and has instructed Rehab to remove all precautions. His crutch is now only for crowd control. He may be able to attend ANZROC meetings again in September/October.

Kath Walsh emails thanks for her birthday greeting. She does enjoy receiving the Newsletter and keeping up with what is happening.

Norm Wood emails to express appreciation for the ever-reliable card which once again arrived on the button on his 85th birthday.

AND Will Bailey, Clive Bayley, Kelvin Dickinson, Frank Donovan,  Ray Gill, Lawton Graham,  Steve Kotaidis, Cathie Mackiggan, Ian Marchant, Phil McBean, Orm McLellan, Serge Nayna, Peter Nielipowiec, Kevin O’Neill,  Sudipto Pal, Bill Schouten, Peter Westaway,




Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2011/2012 are now due and payments can be made in favour of ANZROC and sent to our Treasurer John Def Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions have increased to $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members. The increases will be submitted for members’ ratification at our AGM on 10th November 2011 as outlined in our newsletter of 17th February and these comments are repeated again as a reminder to members of the reasons for increasing the subscriptions:


A projected budget outlook covering the 2011 and 2012 budget years has been prepared for the committee. The position is such that at our present rate of expenditure we will have significant budget deficits into the future. Unless action is taken, this will undermine the Club’s strong financial position that has been brought about from past committees under the sound budgetary guidance of Gerry McPherson


The cost of running our 100 Queen Street luncheon meetings, the Christmas Lunch overruns and the cost of compilation and mailing the monthly newsletters have increased markedly and we are considering a range of options such as the possibility of more suburban/country luncheons and greater utilization of the Website

To rectify our budget deficit, the committee has approved in principle, the following recommendations that will be ratified (where necessary) at the Annual General Meeting in November:

  • We increase city membership from $12 per annum to $20 per annum and country membership from $6 per annum to $10 per annum.

Honorary Members please note:  – you do not need to pay any subscription

Note that members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947


As a matter of interest the  number of members using the internet for newsletters has stalled at around 650 and if you have access to email let us know and we will be able to send future communications electronically that will reach you within 7 days of our meetings.



Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted to John Def Brown,

PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 ) to reach John Brown  prior to 31st October 2011.

The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00.



………………………………………………………………      $…………..

(Name of member)      Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………



The current issue of ANZ World is on our web site for your interest.


A new segment has been added to the website “COMMONWEALTH RESPITE AND CARE LINK CENTRES “that are information centres for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia. Our web site has links to these centres.



We have been advised that Retired Officers who are Staff Club members have access to a number of holiday properties owned by ANZ Staff Club particularly in Queensland and Victoria now available for rental and current rentals are very competitive. You can access the accommodation site on the ANZ Staff Club web site using your Membership Number and password and follow the prompts to arrange the accommodation on the spot.




For Members of ANZ Retired Officer’s Club and their partners the annual golf tournament will be held at the Traralgon Golf Club on Thursday 17 November 2011. Full details and the entry form are attached to this newsletter. You should book early to secure accommodation at the Traralgon Motel where most members will be located.




Thursday 13th October 2011: Healthy Ageing by National Ageing Research Institute on 34th Floor, ANZ 100 Queen Street

Thursday 10th November 2011: Alex Thursby CEO Asia Pacific Europe and America speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street




If any late comers wish to join the group please contact either David Knuckey (ph: 9551 0414) or Neville Pearson (9802 0187)

Ron Adams


newsletter July 2011



President Neville Pearson welcomed 49 members and our guest speaker Peter Marriott, CFO of ANZ Group. There were six of our lady members present. Tess Hondros, Ron Phillips, Jeff Pitt and Anne Wee were attending their first luncheon meeting at 100 Queen Street and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Alma Barkell, Angelo Biviano, Roy Harper and Don Ranyard.



Vic Ansell,  Clive Bayley, Herman Bettonvil, Eric and Wendy Black, Geoff Burton, Diane Costigan, Kerry Crawford, George Cooper, Jim Dusting, Ray Gill, Theo Hall, Frank Hatfield, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert,   Doug Imrie, Jacqui Luckman, Orm McLellan,  Joan Nathan, Peter Nyga ,Leigh O’Neill, Geoff Perdriau, Bill Robinson, Bruce Sanderson, John Stevens, Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, John Vanselow, Glenda White,  Julie Wilkins



Kirtley                                     Danny (Dan)               22 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Dan at one of our meetings.


Falkiner                                  Dennis J                      11/6/2011                    65 years

At retirement Dennis was Manager Springvale Branch and was well known to many of our members.

At the meeting members present stood for a few moments of silence in remembrance of Dennis and our condolences are extended to family and friends.



Rod Anstee reports that after a wonderful trip to Western Australia and one to the Flinders Ranges he is currently in Cabrini Malvern due to a severe bout of dehydration caused by a change of medication. When I saw him over the weekend he was reasonably cheerful but not sure when he will be released.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during July and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Jim Child (84), Rae Collins (91), Eric Dickson (80), Keith Emmett (87), Chris Fieggen (80), Lawton Graham (82), Fred Hornsby (80), Terry Humphris (86), Alwynne Kilpatrick (87), Kevin Smyth (80), Bernie Sowersby (81), Keith Taylor (83), Frank Wells (84), Trevor Westerman (91), Norm Wood (85), John York (80).



From 1/7/2011             less than $20,000         3.10%

greater than $20,000    3.97%



Peter Marriott Chief Financial Officer of ANZ Group told members of the issues ANZ faced immediately after the global financial crisis and how the Australian Banks were better able to manage the crisis than the US, UK and European banks. The effects on the Australian banking system trying to manage  the complexities of the massive deficit financing going on in USA and Europe while having to source large wholesale borrowings  from offshore was outlined. The ongoing rating agency downgrades also had an upward impact on interest rates from offshore sources as well as local deposits and the fall out through the unfavourable public reaction to the passing on of the higher costs was discussed.

Another issue that Peter raised was the forthcoming increased capital requirements under the Basel 3 rulings in an attempt to reduce the chance of a repeat of the financial disasters after the GFC. This is being hotly debated as there will be increased costs for funding and capital that will inevitably have to be passed on to customers.

The ANZ strategy of expansion into Asia and the comparisons between the other Australian banks was dealt with by Peter.

This comprehensive coverage of ANZ’s position in Australia and across Asia amplified by a summary of what’s happening in the world with the current funding crises in Europe and USA was well worth hearing and members left the meeting wiser about ANZ’s role in banking worldwide.

Gary Mason who has known and worked with Peter for many years was able to thank Peter on our behalf with an adroit summing-up in his vote of thanks,




Please note that due to the unavailability of the 34th floor function room at 101 Queen St on this date the August meeting will be held on the following Thursday 18th August


Eamon Veaney is looking for photos etc of interest to our members, historically relating to social or sporting events associated with ANZ, ES&A, or previous merged banks.

Please forward any such photos to Eamon’s email address “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “ or by post via Ron Adams or Neville Pearson (18 Browning Drive Glen Waverley 3150). Photos deemed suitable will be included on the ANZROC Website for the interest and enjoyment of our members.


Our Assistant Secretary Joan Nathan has shown interest in forming a Book Club within the ROC structure. Would members who may be interested in such involvement, or require further information, please contact Joan on ph: 9740 8001 or Neville Pearson ph: 9802 0187.


Please note that we need to know final acceptances as soon as possible to ensure adequate space is allocated on the train. To date we have approx 35 acceptances.



An invitation has been extended to the ANZ Ladies Club for their members to join in some of the ANZROC outings such as the Geelong Train/Luncheon trip on Thursday 8th September. We warmly welcome their presence.



In order to preserve the proud history of the ANZ/ES&A Football Clubs, Brian Christensen, Bill (Jet) Jackson, Neville (Birdie) Pearson, Trevor Cookson (ES&A) and Kevin Mitchell spent considerable effort and time in the Amateur Football Association Archives, bars etc researching information. They have produced a 25 page document featuring the history from the establishment in 1954 (ES&A 1932) to 2001. Whilst the Club now plays under the name of Albert Park at oval 20 Albert Park, the ANZ/ES&A is firmly entrenched with a wide range of memorabilia in the club rooms and several current ANZ Bankers represented in the teams.

We have this document in computer format and if any past players/supporters etc desire a copy, please advise your email address to Neville (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and a copy will be forwarded



Les Ager emails his sincere thanks for the birthday card received from the President and members of the Club and his thanks to John for his special good wishes on Les reaching Honorary Membership. Les enjoyed several celebrations with family and friends to mark the occasion and he is happy to report he is in excellent health.

Wendy and Eric Black send thanks for the personal birthday wishes. They celebrated Eric’s 93rd with a dinner at home. Wendy says that they are both looking forward to setting off on a train trip to Darwin in July and will holiday there for a week.  They will return home for a couple of days before driving to the Gold Coast in late July for their annual holiday in the sun over the Melbourne winter.

Heather Dalziel advises she is moving to Terang to live near her family in the country. Heather worked in and then ran the Staff Cafeteria on the 28th floor at Royal Bank Branch for many years before she retired.

Rodney Dark writing from Brisbane says thanks for the birthday wishes for his special birthday which was spent with wife Kerry and Jeff and Alison Cox at Palm Cove for an idyllic 7 days celebration. During dinner on the evening of his birthday he received calls from Kevin Watson in Perth, John Foley and Jeff Clarkin.

John Drummond sends his thanks to President Neville (of past football days) the Committee and members of ANZ ROC for the card sent for his birthday which arrived on the day. Thanks too to his former fellow worker Kathy Trace from their days in the 60’s at Bourke & King for her kind message on the card. John is enjoying good health and keeping his strength up for a 36 day London to Budapest holiday starting later this month.

Mike George was upset at the news of Denis Falkiner’s passing. Dennis was a good golfing mate and a good friend although he moved down to Rye a while ago so they did not see a lot of each other over recent months. However, they did have a game of golf and a post game drink recently.

Apart from that all is well with Mike and with the help of the medical profession he is managing his health and enjoying a bit of work, golf and tennis to keep him occupied.

Bernadette Hulbert reports that she and husband Wayne are in the midst of packing for their trip to Cape York due to leave on 17th July. She sends thanks for the Birthday wishes and it was much appreciated. They are looking forward to their latest 4wd trip which will see them away for about 2 months.

Bill Lanigan emails thanks for the ever reliable birthday wishes. Bill and his wife spent an interesting week in Jordan earlier this year and were to continue on to Egypt but that never happened.

Frank Marzin celebrated his birthday at Beletti Restaurant in Dandenong with family .Great food and excellent service.  Frank is still working full time and looking at 1 -3 years to retirement.

He enjoys reading ANZROC news and the member’s stories of their past experiences and tales of their travels around the globe.

Serge McIntyre reports that he will be spending his birthday in Mauritius, Rodriguez and Reunion Islands for a month of rest and recreation.

Ken McNutt took the opportunity to thank the Club for birthday greetings for his 84th and in particular, for John Vanselow maintaining his exemplary contribution despite his recent accident. Ken hopes his recovery is continuing as expected. The past year has been relatively uneventful but Ken and wife Heather hope to be more adventurous in 2012 with a significant birthday and anniversary on the calendar.

Ray Murphy emails thanks for the Birthday Greetings and his birthday was again a happy occasion spent with wife Glenyce and the family in Anglesea. Birthdays for Ray are a time for reflection and the ANZ R.O.C. card and news of the Retired Officers of his era remind him of good and rewarding times spent in the employment of the Bank. Particularly the friendships made in Melbourne before leaving in 1965 to take up Branch management appointments .Frank Budd (June Newsletter) made mention of the "Scottie King & Lonsdale Sts Branch" now a strip club. Ray had a similar experience to Frank last year on his 80th boasting to his family of being Accountant there in 1957.That Building once housed a number of large accounts including the Sigma Group which to the excitement of the then State Manager Arnold Von Bertouch one day deposited 1 million Pounds. The manager Frank Mulligan was of small stature and wore a bowler hat. Ray can still recall the names of the Staff.

Geoff Murrell emails many thanks for the birthday greetings from the ROC. No. 72 celebrated quietly at home this year with all the family and very enjoyable.

Jeff Pitt emails that he is heading off to Italy to visit his first grandchild in Torino but will be back in Australia in time to listen to Peter Marriott’s presentation.

Tom Portelli sends thanks for the good wishes on the occasion of his recent birthday.

It was good to catch up with so many members at the East Ringwood (Maroondah Club) lunch.

Joe Romano emails thanks for the birthday card that arrived right on time. He will be going to Queensland shortly for recreation leave mainly to get away from the cold weather in Melbourne.

Joe is sure the cold weather will be waiting when he returns, but at least it's a break and hopefully will re-invigorate the old body.

Bruce Sanderson emails his thanks for the birthday card and the wishes contained therein for his "Special" day. Bruce had a most enjoyable celebration. Amongst the happenings he saw Love Never Dies at the Regent Theatre and was enthralled with the production. Its high standard can be taken from Andrew Lloyd Weber's statement that the Melbourne show eclipses the London production. The family took him to Guy Grossi’s Florentino restaurant on the following Saturday evening. To add to the excitement friends from Coffs Harbour who, "just happened to be in Melbourne" joined their table.

Miles Tiller writing on his 73rd says he had an enjoyable day and dined with his family including four grandsons. Miles has been having trouble with his sight over the past four months with a detached retina in his right eye. There is some progress however and a further operation in late June will hopefully allow him to regain sight sufficient to be able to drive again, Miles said he had received several phone calls from colleagues after our Newsletter article and he is very grateful for the calls.

Jim Trimble writes thanks for the reminder that he’s a year older. Its 28 years since he retired from ANZ. Jim says he is on the mend after heart surgery in March.

Chris Van Deur emails thanks for the birthday wishes. He is going through some major family issues with his mother and father both suffering illnesses and living in Sebastopol so trips from Cape Paterson to Sebastopol and back are a long drive in one day.  The Desalination plant surrounds at Wonthaggi are all but flooded out after recent heavy rains. Locals are saying that this is the weather of old doing its 15-20 year cycle and others are asking why we need a desalination plant. There is lots of money in the area though being put to good use and pacifying the locals!! Even the local radio station-3mFM at Inverloch where Chris volunteers has been offered some much needed funding. That's 88.1/ 89.1/ and 89.5 on the FM dial if anyone is visiting the Bass Valley. And streaming at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - what a plug!!

John Vanselow reports that he is now home and progressing very well. John no longer has any pain in his hip and is able to carry out the exercises programmed by the Rehab Hospital and he will be able to visit the centre twice weekly for a more intensive program. John enjoyed the large card signed by those attending the meeting at 833 Collins Street and the nurses and visitors to the hospital were impressed that a club like ours maintains regular contact and communication with members. John will be back on “card duty” from August.
Roger Watkins writing on his 80th to thank the Club for the best wishes says he finds it hard to believe that as of now he and his wife Margaret have 4 adult children, 14 grandchildren and 3 great grand children. Roger is hoping to keep up the family tradition of longevity as his 91 year old brother is still playing table tennis and has other sporting interests. An aunt and an uncle both lived more than 100 years. Margaret has undergone major heart surgery recently and Roger as her carer will find it difficult to attend our Club functions in the future.

Kevin Watson emailing from Perth on his 82nd says thanks for the birthday greetings sent by John and Lois Vanselow. John does a super job and Kevin was pleased that he included news of an old mate from London days. Kevin and his mate played cricket together in the Bank’s team in the London City competition. That of course is now ancient news and, as young people would say “it happened last century”.
AND Helen Bouch, Terry Brennan,  Gordon Christensen, David Craig, Brian Day, Furio Frank, John Gunn, Vern Knuiksis, Jim Martin , Serge Nayna, Peter Norman, Louis Perrone, Mike Reilly, Brian Schafer, Roy Sloggett, Lyn Stevens, Chris Vise, Brian Wills





A further reminder that ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in regional Victoria for Members and their partners on Thursday 8th September 2011. This luncheon will be our September monthly ANZROC meeting and we encourage members in outlying areas and from Melbourne to attend. We have received acceptances from 35 members and partners mostly from the city.  The luncheon will be held at the “Black Sheep” fully licensed restaurant which is located within the “National Wool Museum” building, on the corner of Moorabool Street and Brougham Street Geelong.

It is recommended that travel to the function be via “V Line” train travel, as parking around the Moorabool St/Brougham St area of Geelong is minimal and has a two hour limitation. Cost of such parking is $1.00 per hour

“V Line” have a service to Geelong, that leaves from the “V Line” Country platforms (Ground level at Spencer Street side of  Southern Cross Railway Station) at 10.00am and arrives in Geelong at 10.55am. We would suggest that you arrive at the station around 9.30 to9.40am to enable us to travel as a group. For the return Journey there is a train departing Geelong Station at 3.29pm arriving Southern Cross railway Station at 4.33pm

It is proposed that we meet at the Restaurant around 11.30 am, with the view to ordering lunch at midday The Restaurant is preparing a suitable menu for the function with the cost anticipated within the range of $20 per person. Further information relative to the menu will be advised closer to the event

It would be appreciated if, on this occasion, members who will be undertaking the trip via “V Line” arrange their own train tickets from their local ‘manned’ railway station. Free Seniors/Pensioner train travel vouchers can be utilised for this event, however members are reminded that they need to take their vouchers to their local ‘manned’ railway station to obtain a “V Line” authorised ticket for such travel

To assist members, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the Geelong Station to the luncheon venue for those members who would require such support to enable them to attend the venue. We would appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required

We are required to advise “V” Line 30 days prior to the luncheon date to enable “V Line” to ascertain if an additional carriage will be required. Therefore if you propose to travel by “V Line” please complete and return the following acceptance form to David Knuckey at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172 or by email to   “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ”  by 8th August 2011. If travelling by car etc please complete and return the form by 25th August

The restaurant capacity for the luncheon is approx 70 and therefore allocations will be on a ‘first in’ basis




Partners Name:

I/we will be attending the luncheon:                                                                  Yes/No


(Please remember to arrange your  own rail travel ticket(s) in terms of above advices)

I would appreciate assistance with transport from Geelong Station to & from the luncheon:                                                                                                           Yes / No


I am able to assist with transport to & from Geelong station for members who require assistance:                                                                                                 Yes /  No

This acceptance slip can be emailed to David Knuckey at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “, or posted to  David at:-    PO Box 242   Dingley   Vic  3172.     Should you wish to telephone David, call:  9551 0414



Thursday 10th November 2011: Alex Thursby CEO Asia Pacific Europe and America speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street

Thursday 17th November Traralgon Golf Tournament:

Full details will be sent to members in September but mark your diaries for another great tournament.





Claire Hausler Head of Estate Planning ANZ Trustees will be speaking to us about investments, funds management and ANZ Group estate planning services available to members and their families. This will be an informative meeting of interest to most of us and we look forward to seeing a large attendance on the day.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to  Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 11th August  2011 to meet ANZ  catering requirements  and  so that a  list of attendees can be  provided to the ANZ Reception Desk and the 34th Floor Reception Area.


Ron Adams




To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579, Malvern 3144                on 18th August commencing at 12 noon



newsletter june 2011



President Neville Pearson welcomed 79 guests attending  the second ANZROC luncheon at the award winning eco friendly ANZ Headquarters at 833 Collins Street on Thursday 9th June. Members visiting for the first time or have not been seen for some time included Annette Baldwin, Eric and Wendy Black, Gordon Blair, Huck Bourke, Henry Carr, Serene Cheong ,Diane Costigan, Linda Davidson, Ian Davies, Neil Dawtrey, Norm Dibbin, Phil Dunstan, Keith Emmett, Phil Goodier, Louis Hebrard, Graham Heenan, Clive Hewett, Graham Holt, Jim Karabatsos, Harry Loucas, Bob Lyon visiting from Fiji, Geoff Meggs, Diane Newton, Mike Nickell, Ray O’Meara, Frank O’Brien, Ken Pattison, Roy Peake, Doug Ramsay, Bruce Sanderson, Trevor Smethurst, Peter Smith,  Sandra Street and Doug Watson.

Our thanks go to the ANZ team led by Paul Schmeja, Lauren West and Glenn Lacey for organising the visit and tours of 833 Collins Street and particularly our committee man Eamon Veaney for his efforts in arranging the luncheon.

Members enjoyed catching up with old friends and colleagues as well as being able to tour sections of the building .Many members have subsequently thanked the committee for arranging the visit and the level of their appreciation can be summed up in the email we received from Sandra Street” Just to say I very much enjoyed yesterday’s get-together – what a great excuse to have a day off work and eat party pies. As always it’s good to see old friends. When I get too creaky to keep doing my Melbourne Ambassador Job on the streets no doubt I will come to many monthly meetings. I didn’t envy the worker bees slaving away at their screens. There are just so many people down there it would be impossible to get to know very many even if you actually worked in the building Thanks to all for a good day.”


Geoff Burton, Kerry Crawford , Col Edwards, Norris Gale ,Ray Gill ,Roy Harper,  Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert,  Doug Imrie, Con La Fauci, Bob Maughan, Kevin Mitchell, Brian Murdoch, Peter Nyga ,Leigh O’Neill, Don Ranyard, Bill Robinson, John Stevens, Don Taylor, Bruce Tickell, Paul Tovey, John Vanselow,  Julie Wilkins


Smyth                         Graham George (Graham)              38 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Graham at one of our meetings.


Struve                         Werner F.                   24/5/2011                    87 years

Werner was one of the first foreign workers to join ES&A Bank in the 40’s migrating from Palestine via Cyprus. He retired after more than 30 years in ANZ as a manager in Investments. He was involved for many years in community affairs and the Temple Church in Bentleigh.

Members stood in silence in remembrance of Werner at our June meeting and we pass on our condolences to the family.


Our member Mavis Ryan told me that Carole Milburn who worked with Mavis and the late Lindsay Craddock in Personnel in 55 Collins Street passed away on 7th April and Carole would be remembered by many ANZROC members.

We also advise that Graham Joseph’s wife Lyn passed away on Monday 23 May 2011 following a protracted illness. Lyn’s funeral was held at the Lilydale Crematorium on Friday 27 May at 11.00am and attended by many ANZROC members


John Vanselow is recuperating in Frankston Hospital from a broken hip following a fall.

John and wife Lois were on their way to a function when John slipped on their concrete driveway whilst wearing his leather soled dancing shoes. Lois says that the hip operation went particularly well and that John must be feeling his old self as he is harassing the female nursing staff.  ROC Committee and members wish John a speedy and full recovery back into his dancing shoes.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during June and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Les Ager (80),Bill Gardiner (80), Dorothy Jenkins, Jim Martin (89), Ken McNutt (84), Geoff Meggs (83), Ken Munro (80), Ray Murphy (81), Reg Roberts (83), Bob Skipper (85), Barry Theobald (87),James Trimble (83), Ern Walton (80), Roger Watkins (80), Kevin Watson (82), Ray Whitehead (85), John Williams (81), Brian Wills (80).



From 1/6/2011             less than $20,000         3.08%

greater than $20,000    3.95% 




Alex Morgan (NSW Retired Officers Club) has organised a trip to the Melbourne Cup (Tuesday 1st November) with a group of retired officers from New South Wales. Unfortunately their schedule precludes them joining Victorian members at a separate function, however should anyone be interested in meeting them at Flemington on the day I am sure you would be most welcome. If anyone will be at the cup and like to catch up with the NSW contingent please let Ron or Neville know and we will see if a meeting can be arranged at the course


Eamon has received an electronic copy of the latest ANZ World magazine ahead of print copies being available and has loaded it to the ANZROC Web site. The magazine has a new editor and has been re-vamped following some customer feedback. Have a look and see what you think. It is a great read that shows we are truly A World Bank.


The past players day at oval 20 Albert Park was a success with over 40 past players and supporters turning up to watch the Albert Park Amateurs, the team that amalgamated with ANZ Football Club in 1996. The game was of a particularly high standard against our old arch rivals Elsternwick. Unfortunately, the seniors went down in a close finish. The reserves got up in the last minute to win in a real thriller. An enjoyable day was had by all in attendance


The Albert Park Football Club is seeking a copy of the Photo of the 1969 ANZ Bank Reserves Grand Final Football Team. We wish to display such photo in the Club Rooms, next to the 1974 Premiership Photo. If anyone knows the whereabouts of a copy of such photo, it would be gratefully appreciated if you could contact either: Neville Pearson (9802 0187), Brian Christensen (9429 9272) or Bill “Jet” Jackson (9444 6515)



Alma Barkell writes thanks for her birthday wishes which were appreciated and she celebrated her birthday at “The Old English Hotel” in Heidelberg and it was most enjoyable. Alma enjoys reading the ANZROC news and the tales of the journeys of our members.

Anna Blashki writing from Shepparton says thanks for the personal wishes on her birthday from John Vanselow. She had a lovely day dining out with her family and being thoroughly spoilt.

Darryl Bartlett emails thanks for the good wishes for his 70th birthday which was celebrated at a nice restaurant in Port Douglas. Leaving Port Douglas  Darryl and wife Ronda travelled from Cairns to Brisbane “Queenslander Class” on the Sunlander enjoying fine dining and entertainment on the overnight trip. There is still a huge amount of repair work to be done around the Cardwell area following cyclone Yasi. A further 2 weeks was then spent with their daughter and family on the Gold Coast. Given Melbourne’s current weather Darryl and Ronda are heading back there from June 15th (with Golf Clubs) to house sit while their daughter and family travel overseas.

Maurie Benson emails that as usual his Birthday wishes (It’s best not to think numbers but enjoy “another birthday”.) arrived spot on time while he and his wife were away on Central Coast NSW visiting grandchildren. It was another good trip apart from the B Double that tried to take them out as they were overtaking it. Interesting few moments!! Life continues to be good in the Benson household and they are fortunate to be able to lead an active lifestyle, although a few more hours in the day would help at times. Maurie’s Vietnam Veteran involvements continue to take up a fair amount of time and mixed with the odd travel trip from time to time there is little time to wonder “What will we do today?”.

Frank Budd emails that he has finally turned 65 but still working one day a week which he enjoys. How things have changed, when Frank first joined the ES&A Bank in 1964 he spent the first few years on the relieving staff working all over the place.Later when travelling with the children Frank  would say to them he used to work here and their reply was "big deal". Well recently they  were driving down Lonsdale St with his  20 year old daughter and approaching King Street he said if you look on the left there is a bank that looks like a church where he used to work Instead of "big deal" she said laughingly" did you Dad?"". It was no longer a Bank but a strip club called the Men’s Gallery.

Alan Chapple emails thanks to John Vanselow for the mighty job that he does getting the birthday cards out on time.  As usual his arrived on cue and was much appreciated.  Alan is still working full-time at Department of Human Services and he and wife Pat continue enjoying life and family.

Nola Forsyth our newest member reporting on the annual reunion of 351 and 394 Collins Street staff said the function went well although many from 351 could not make it.  She was however  overrun with staff from 394 who enjoyed the afternoon so much they want the reunion repeated again next year. The venue of the Lions Club at Box Hill was very suitable and hopefully will be available next year.

Val Goldsworthy writes that she was so pleased to have been remembered by the R.O.C. by way of a birthday card. Aussie Post is clearly engaged to ensure the card’s arrival on ‘the Day”. A fine collaboration.


Doug Imrie emails that he will be away for a few months firstly due to surgery in June  and then he and wife  Trish will be heading north with their  caravan via the western back blocks of NSW and  Queensland with final destination Cairns where their  youngest daughter, son in law and grandchild Jake live. Doug and Trish will be returning in early September .

Deric Kennedy emailing thanks for his birthday card for his 59th, reports that he has just resigned from his job as Shift supervisor at Peninsula Private e Hospital and with partner Leisa, is moving to Gold Coast. Deric has taken up a new job helping a former customer in his business there, and looking forward to a new life in Queensland.

Vern Knuiksis recalls that late in 2010 he retired from the banking and finance industry after having spent 40 year in the business. Despite this so called "retirement," he continued to work doing home handyman work, building and carpentry on the occasional basis to keep cash flow going to pay for general living and home expenses. Today banking and finance has changed from the 1970's and 80's when one could form long term friendships with colleagues. Vern  enjoys attending various motor racing events including some interstate venues and when he does  have spare time he works restoring a couple of older cars . Vern hopes to head off overseas (USA) with a friend later in the year to check out some car shows and attend some motor racing events.

Gordon Lyon writing from Wurtulla Qsld appreciated receiving the card and John’s message on his 90th .He has been suffering from Guillin Barre Syndrome for the past 12 months following an infection from a flu injection and is only now showing some improvement. Gordon spent 5 months in hospitals and he is still quite unstable so relies on friends and relatives and Dept of Veterans Affairs for transport requirements. Wife Doreen has done a great job caring for him.

Brian Murdoch reports that he will be away in June playing golf on the Gold Coast with John Flyger and Neil Sharman.

Peter Nyga had a very enjoyable day at home celebrating his birthday with all of his family – all children and grandchildren attended.

Barry Rogers emails thanks for his birthday card received on the day. Barry and wife Jill are both well, and are now the proud grandparents of their first grandchild born in January. They are still getting in as much travel as possible and last year visited Egypt (just before the troubles), Jordan and Dubai. This year they will be  visiting Hong Kong and Malaysia and for next year lining up a cruise covering Scandinavia and St. Petersburg. Barry is still working 3 days a week and while life is full they are enjoying it very much.

Terry Stapleton emails his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 81st birthday. Another good year has gone by quickly for Terry and wife Maureen who are both able to enjoy good health and lead reasonably active lives. In that regard he is still enjoying tennis with some other older blokes every Sunday as well as maintaining a vegetable garden. Terry retired from the Board of the Wine Society at the end of 2010 but is still an active committee member of the Wine and Food Society of New South Wales established in 1939 and which meets every Tuesday for lunch. He does value the monthly magazine from the ROC and reading of the friends he worked with in Victoria.

Bill Swan emailing from Dalmeny NSW says thanks for the newsletters which he and wife Anne (ex ANZ staff) read with great interest. They will be setting off in late May in their Prado and caravan from Dalmeny, firstly to Brisbane to visit their eldest son, his partner and their two grandsons. Then they leave for Hervey Bay for a week before heading to Cairns, expecting to arrive there in mid June. Bill and Anne intend to stay in Cairns for around seven weeks and play plenty of golf, fish and do some sightseeing. Bill and Anne will also be celebrating birthdays on 5th and 6th August somewhere in Qld before returning home towards the middle of August.

Harold Woolcock corresponding from Indented Heads says thanks for the birthday wishes for his 89th. Harold and wife Sylvia have had some medical problems over the past 12 months so any thoughts of travel have not been possible. When Harold thinks back to his golfing days it seems so long ago and now he mostly keeps the garden and lawns in order bur he does get to Probus for their meetings.

AND Harry Carrodus, Dal W. Crocker, Frank Edwards, David Kay, Ian Lamont, Doreen Langmead, Bob Lyon, Bruce Maisey, Jim Martin, Bob Maughan, Peter Nankervis, Doug Ramsay, Geoff Stillman,  John Taylor, Doug Watson, John White





A selection of photos of recent events including the luncheon at 833 Collins Street have been loaded onto the ANZROC  website photo gallery and are well worth a look



Members that may have old photos of staff or events at ANZ branches particularly where you have the names of those in the photo can have the photos loaded onto our website for the interest of all members. You can post these photos to Ron Adams at PO Box 579, Malvern 3144 or email scanned photos direct to Eamon Veaney at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will load the photos onto our site.



ANZROC will hold another luncheon meeting in regional Victoria for Members and their partners on Thursday 8th September 2011. This luncheon will be our September monthly ANZROC meeting and we encourage members in outlying areas and from Melbourne to attend

The luncheon will be held at the “Black Sheep” fully licensed restaurant which is located within the “National Wool Museum” building, on the corner of Moorabool Street and Brougham Street Geelong.

The distance from the Geelong Station to the Restaurant is approx 750metres

The National Wool Museum is shown at ‘H3 on page 401’ of the Melways Street Directory.

“The Ford Discovery Centre” tourist attraction is also located in Brougham Street, between the station and the restaurant

It is recommended that travel to the function be via “V Line” train travel, as parking around the Moorabool St/Brougham St area of Geelong is minimal and has a two hour limitation. Cost of such parking is $1.00 per hour


“V Line” have a service to Geelong, that leaves from the “V Line” Country platforms (Ground level at Spencer Street side of  Southern Cross Railway Station) at 10.00am and arrives in Geelong at 10.55am. We would suggest that you arrive at the station around 9.30 to9.40am to enable us to travel as a group. For the return Journey there is a train departing Geelong Station at 3.29pm arriving Southern Cross railway Station at 4.33pm

It is proposed that we meet at the Restaurant around 11.30 am, with the view to ordering lunch at midday The Restaurant is preparing a suitable menu for the function with the cost anticipated within the range of $20 per person. Further information relative to the menu will be advised closer to the event

It would be appreciated if, on this occasion, members who will be undertaking the trip via “V Line” arrange their own train tickets from their local ‘manned’ railway station. Free Seniors/Pensioner train travel vouchers can be utilised for this event, however members are reminded that they need to take their vouchers to their local ‘manned’ railway station to obtain a “V Line” authorised ticket for such travel

To assist members, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the Geelong Station to the luncheon venue for those members who would require such support to enable them to attend the venue. We would appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required

We are required to advise “V” Line 30 days prior to the luncheon date to enable “V Line” to ascertain if an additional carriage will be required. Therefore if you propose to travel by “V Line” please complete and return the following acceptance form to David Knuckey at PO Box 242 Dingley 3172 or by email to   “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ”  by 8th August 2011. If travelling by car etc please complete and return the form by 25th August

The restaurant capacity for the luncheon is approx 70 and therefore allocations will be on a ‘first in’ basis




Partners Name:

I/we will be attending the luncheon:                                                                  Yes/No


(Please remember to arrange your  own rail travel ticket(s) in terms of above advices)

I would appreciate assistance with transport from Geelong Station to & from the luncheon:                                                                                                           Yes / No


I am able to assist with transport to & from Geelong station for members who require assistance:                                                                                                 Yes /  No

This acceptance slip can be emailed to David Knuckey at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “, or posted to  David at:-    PO Box 242   Dingley   Vic  3172.     Should you wish to telephone David, call:  9551 0414



Our member Kevin Smyth has appealed for any old Lego pieces that may be no longer needed by the grandchildren of members to help some children close to his family where  2 boys aged 5 and 6 that have been diagnosed with ASPERGER SYNDROME related to autism. During diagnosis the parents were told that as part of the children’s treatment playing with Lego could help calm them and also help develop their skills. If any of our members have bits and pieces of unwanted Lego they can contact Kevin by phone 9459 3338 or  post at 16 May Street Macleod 3085.





Thursday 11th August 2011: Claire Hausler Head of Estate Planning ANZ Trustees speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street


Thursday 8th September : ANZROC visit to Geelong outlined above


Thursday 10th November 2011: Alex Thursby CEO Asia Pacific Europe and America speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street

Traralgon Golf Tournament Thursday 17th November



THURSDAY 14th JULY  2011

LUNCHEON MEETING IN MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET commencing 12 NOON for lunch at 12.30pm. Our guest speaker will be Peter Marriott, Chief Financial Officer of ANZ Bank and a long time supporter of ANZROC Vic. Peter’s experiences in ANZ will be of interest to many members and we look forward to seeing a large attendance at this meeting.

if you do intend to come to the meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to  Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 7th July  2011 to meet ANZ  catering requirements  and  so that a  list of attendees can be  provided to the ANZ Reception Desk and the 5th Floor Reception Area.

Ron Adams




To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function at 140                                                               on 14TH July  2011 commencing at 12 noon



newsletter may 2011



President Neville Pearson back from a cruise around the Mediterranean and a short tour of Spain welcomed 48 members and our guest speaker Major Brendan Nottle from Salvation Army to the dining room on the 34th Floor of 100 Queen Street. There were only 5 lady members present. Neville welcomed members not seen for a while that included Graeme Ainscough, Graham Baldwin, Diane Costigan, and Doug Imrie.


Geoff Burton, Robin Chase, Kerry Crawford ,Norris Gale, Roy Harper,   John Hawkins(Vanuatu), Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Harry Loucas, Leigh O’Neill, Geoff Perdriau, Don Ranyard, Bill Robinson, Bruce Scott, John Stevens, Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins



Forsyth                        N.B. (Nola)                             10 years ANZ

Valentine                     D. B. (David)                          38 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Nola and David at one of our meetings.


None recorded for the month


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during May and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Rod Anstee (80), Eric Black (93), John Caudry (83), Lindsay Cayzer (89), Jack Kilfoyle (87),Ian Lamont (91), Gordon Lyon (90), Joy Macdonald, David Maunder (84), Jack Short (99), Terry Stapleton (81), Max Wehner (86), Harold Woolcock (89).



From 1/5/2011             less than $20,000         3.07%

greater than $20,000    3.93%




Our Guest Speaker Major Brendan Nottle is from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne and heads up Salvation Army social operations at the Melbourne 614 Centre in Bourke Street. Brendan had spoken at our Red Shield Appeal a few years ago, and he is most knowledgeable about the problems of homelessness and the needy in the city .He spoke about the impact of the Federal budget announced during the week and how the Salvation Army has a strategy to get disadvantaged people currently on the welfare system back into paid work and related a few personal anecdotes about people they had helped. Brendan mentioned the support they were receiving from BP Australia and Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle in placing people in employment and that they were looking for more corporate support. He gave us an insight into a few case studies that he and his wife also with the Salvation Army were handling. Brendan then outlined the remarkable work that he and a team of young volunteers were doing in the city after midnight most nights of the week helping those young people suffering from problems with alcohol, drugs and loneliness so it was a pleasure to be able to  hand Brendan donations totalling $4,020.00 for the ongoing work within  the Salvation Army.




It’s nice to be home from our Mediterranean cruise. Although I was disappointed at missing our traditional ANZROC Anzac meeting, my thoughts were with you all as we cruised past ANZAC cove in Turkey on Anzac Day. The “Norwegian Jade” cruised along the coast line of Anzac Cove within clear view of the beach, cliff face and the English and Australian memorials from a position that the landing assault would most likely have commenced. A bar (naturally) in the most favourable viewing area on the ship, was made available to the 50 Australian and New Zealand passengers and emotions ran deep as the Ode was recited and silent prayers given to these fallen heroes as we cruised past. Istanbul was a late inclusion to the cruise in lieu of Cairo and Alexandria which were considered too high risk for tourists



Joan Dusting forwarded a lovely thank you in appreciation of the caring and help of members, at and following Trevor’s funeral in February. Joan said that she is slowly coming out of the fog and her friends have been so lovely



The annual ANZ Bank Football Club Past Players Day will be held at Oval 20 Albert Park on Saturday 4th June when the team fronts up against old arch rivals Elsternwick. This game will be a high quality exciting match followed by drinks and nibbles after the game in the Beaurepaire Pavilion.  Hope to see you there, reserves midday and seniors around 2.00pm.



The social sub committee are considering options for a train trip and lunch event on Thursday 8th September. Full details will be announced in the June Newsletter. Please lock this date in your diary as it should be a wonderful outing for members and partners





R.G. [Bob] Bell emailing from Mollymook says thanks for the good wishes on his recent birthday. Bob and wife Carolyn are both in good health and continue to enjoy golf and bowls. The team Bob was in last year made the State playoffs. It was quite an experience. He is in his 7th year as Chairman of the Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club; it’s been quite a challenge coming from a non club state. The Gillard/Wilkie deal if it proceeds is going to make life in the club industry very difficult. In 2/11 they became grandparents again as their daughter had a lovely little boy.

Kerry Crawford advise that he and wife Margaret are about to start a trip around Australia over the next 5 months.

Don Davy writes his appreciation for the birthday card for his 67th. Don had to work on the day where he is now the new Administration Officer at Electric Vehicles but was able to celebrate his birthday with a dinner at a family gathering with his elder daughter and family at Endeavour Hills.

Norm Deady writing from Mornington says thanks for the good wishes for his 90th. Norm celebrated over a couple of days and while it was not a big party they were all dear friends and a good time was had by all.

Norris Gale and wife have arranged to join their Probus club on a trip to Magnetic Island in May and a tour of the USA in June. Norris has had to withdraw from the visit to 833 Collins and the Spring Valley golf day. It’s a shame as he was looking forward to both of these events

Nev Greenway emailing thanks for his birthday wishes reports that celebrations will be special as he and wife Bev are flying to Sydney before departing for UK and Europe on the day. They will be enjoying their part of two camper/motor home exchanges, one in Europe from a Dutch couple for 10 weeks and the other from a couple in Scotland for 4 weeks as well as 2 weeks or so catching up with friends before returning in August. They will have roaming email and phone facilities and hopefully be able to follow the revival of the Bombers from afar as well as the news in the monthly newsletter.

John Harris emailed his thanks for the good wishes for his birthday on Anzac Day. John and wife Colleen continue to enjoy good health although he has a knee that protests about too much tennis and golf. They thoroughly enjoyed Christmas and New Year with son Scott and his family in London and were lucky enough to arrive the evening prior to the snowstorm that closed airports and disrupted train and road traffic. London blanketed in snow is truly spectacular and they enjoyed a snowball fight with the grandchildren in Hyde Park with birdlife walking across the surface of ponds covered in a thin layer of ice. A dog trying to emulate their feat was not so fortunate and fell through the ice prompting a major but successful rescue effort. Among other events, they attended a Carols Performance at The Royal Albert Hall on Christmas Eve,        instruction in Clay Pigeon Shooting at the grounds of Holland and Holland, by train for a day in Paris, visits to various museums, Chelsea playing Aston Villa at Chelsea's home ground, a tour of Wimbledon and golf wearing 5 layers of clothing. Back home John and Colleen have just returned from 10 days at Surfers with daughter Michelle and her family. The eldest grandson decreed John’s birthday present should be a 20 minute helicopter flight with the caveat that he should accompany John and it proved spectacular and a fund of information. John’s involvement with Rotary continues.

Eddie Hassett writes his thanks for the card on his 69th. The only downside that day was the sad news of Bruce Ellis passing away. They had played a lot of golf together and had the occasional beer over some 35 years. Eddie says he has given up golf but taken up bowls and is hopeful of attending a luncheon in the near future.

Graham Heenan writing from Belmont says thanks for the reminder of the ageing process. Graham and wife Pam have had a good year in the health department and are about to leave on a European trip touring the Dalmatian Coast for 14 days and then on to a 15 day cruise of the Baltic Sea.

Bruce Henderson reporting from Hervey Bay says this year he is trying to co-ordinate his family trip to Melbourne to catch up with colleagues at the Christmas luncheon. Bruce says that after selling their caravan last year he and wife Christine are about to set off from Fremantle on a 46 day cruise around the Indian Ocean calling at ports that include Singapore, Mumbai, Maldives, South African cities ,Mauritius and finally returning to Fremantle.

Geoff Horton emails that he has been unable to attend a meeting for a while due to his part time job, and his long time involvement with the Victorian Pistol Association, where he is now the State Team Manager. Geoff is currently in South Australia at the National Pistol Championships, with some 30 team members and is looking forward to a successful competition. He hopes to join members at a meeting in the near future.

Laurie Holland writes his appreciation on receiving birthday greetings for his 81st which reminded him of the passing of another year. Laurie and his wife still manage a quiet life and are both in reasonable health. He says he had cataract surgery last year which resulted in a magic improvement to his vision and it’s a pity similar treatment can not be provided to ears. Laurie noted that in reading the monthly newsletters that he has been retired more years than some of our new members spent working in ANZ.

Gordon Kennedy emailing thanks for the Birthday Wishes on his 85th says that he and wife Pat can still drive and quite often have their few days away, although they now stay within the bounds of Victoria. For a couple of "Oldies" they are keeping reasonably well with the help of good Doctors and Medication. Gordon enjoys receiving ANZROC each month with the news of some of his “old" mates in the Bank.

Des Kidd emailed thanks for yet another birthday card received on the day. Des is beginning to think the birthdays are coming around too fast. Still not enough hours in the day for him with Probus commitments, together with Life Activities Whitehorse, and organising Pie and Soup days for the needy, and he is still coordinator for Eastern Emergency Relief Network.

Barry Kilmartin passes on his thanks to John Vanselow and the Committee for the Birthday Card. Barry is still keeping busy with Blackburn RSL - this will be his 21st year as Secretary. Last May, Barry and wife Judith travelled to Vienna and did a tour of Eastern Europe, had a couple of days in London and then down to Kent and stayed with friends for a week.

Trevor Lewis sends his thanks for the birthday wishes on his 71st and he says it’s always good to receive good wishes each year.

Ailsa Mackie writing thanks for the birthday greetings which are lovely to receive says she hobbles a bit but is still enjoying life.

Mike Nickell emailing his thanks for birthday card received says it’s very much appreciated. Mike and wife Lyn have just returned from a pretty gruelling 28day expedition through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana & Zambia. Quite interesting, very much "outback Australia" but different animals made it worthwhile. They would just focus on the Game Reserves if there's a next time. Too much road travel (5700klm) the way they did it, but can say they have seen most of the highlights of the arid parts. It's good to be home safe and well.

Peter Nyga and his partner, June, will be undertaking a 3 month 4wd trip to the Northern Territory over the winter of 2011, across the Kimberley to Broome, then throughout Western Australia to Perth and home to Melbourne. Plan B (should they decide to shorten their journey), is to leave Broome , return to Alice Springs via the Tanami Track, then home to Melbourne, just in time for Spring and the start of the sailing season.

Ray O’Meara e-mails his thanks for his annual birthday card, which as usual, arrived on the day. Ray always reads the newsletter and remembers some of the names that get mentioned in dispatches and is surprised at some to the ages quoted...but then he turned a meagre 57 in April. So when someone is celebrating their 75th Birthday Ray has to remember it was some 20 or 30 years ago that he met them.  It’s all relative.

Greg Scollo emails that he spent his 75th birthday very quietly in the company of his wife and friends at the Townsville Jupiter Casino, enjoying a good meal and some good wine. They are enjoying a healthy life and a wonderful time in tropical north where they spend all the winter (about seven months of the year). Luckily their home and units did not suffer any damages whatsoever from the Cyclone YASI or any flooding, in truth Townsville did not suffer much damage except for some minor flooding in the low lands close to the beach. The weather is always beautiful during the winter time, with temperature not much over 28 degrees Celsius. The Scollos’ spend their time playing Lawn Bowls, swimming, and visiting the local clubs. Greg has  also taken up the position of honorary secretary of  the Townsville Italy-Australian Sporting Association that will keep him occupied and the clubs activities  include fishing , bocce  and social activities , apart of having poker machines  a liquor bar with some very nice premises and lots of members ,.

Peter Smith emails his thanks for the birthday card which arrived, as always, on the day.

Peter and his wife Vi have just returned from 2 and half weeks in Japan – their third visit to this wonderful country.  After Kyoto and Kanazawa, they went west to Hakata instead of Tokyo as originally planned - transport in Tokyo was experiencing power outages post March 11.

Their admiration of the civility and friendliness of the Japanese was even further enhanced during the stay, particular given the tragedy that occurred in Northern Honshu just prior to arrival in the country.

Norma Thomas writing from Pialba Qsld says the birthday wishes she received from members were greatly appreciated.

June Thompson writes thanks for the birthday greetings from the Retired Officers Club and to John Vanselow for his customary good timing. The day was happily spent in the company of friends in the country

Keith Westaway emails thanks for the birthday greetings. The past year has been good to both Keith and wife Alison, although Alison did cop a dose of Whooping Cough. That is enough to make one sit up and take notice at their age. Short trips to Merimbula & Point Lonsdale have been most enjoyable and they look forward to a good year ahead.  

AND Bryden Davis, Trevor Dodds, Alex Fowler, John Hobbs, Tessa Hondros, Sue McCaughey, Max McKoy, Peter Norman, Frank O’Brien, Tony Pompilio, Doug Ramsay, Les Roberts,  John Shanahan, Ron W Smith, Geoff Stillman, Sandra Street, ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



Committeewoman Joan Nathan has agreed to join our ANZROC Vic welfare committee and she can be contacted on 94396664 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if members have any issues dealing with funding or need help with banking matters or advice about ANZROC.


Joan Nathan has also offered to organise a book club for ANZROC Vic members that have an interest in reading and meeting socially to discuss books chosen by the group so if you are interested in joining a like minded group with a passion for literature then why not give Joan a call on 94396664 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The most recent additions to the web site are the photos of the golf day at Spring Valley


Our outing at Spring Valley Golf Club on Monday 9 May was held in perfect golfing weather on a course that was in excellent condition and provided a good test to our golfers. After the game we enjoyed a light lunch in the very comfortable clubhouse. Many thanks to the President of Spring Valley Golf Club, Bill Robinson (ANZROC Member) and the club staff for their assistance and hospitality.

A full field of 24 (4 ladies and 20 men) enjoyed the challenging course with the heavy rough and the fast greens taking their toll on many.

Eamon Veaney had an outstanding day, winning the men’s event with 40 Stableford points. Runner-up was Des Shady (35 pts) on a count back from Gordon Paulett. The ladies winner was Noelene Sudholz (33 pts), runner-up was Kathy Shady. Men’s Nearest the Pin winners were Gordon Paulett, Mike McKernan, Terry Brennan and Alan Lauder. Noelene Sudholz won two Nearest the Pin prizes for the ladies.

Our next Golf day will again be at the Traralgon Golf Club on Thursday 17 November. Put this date in your diaries now.




Nola Forsyth has advised that she has organised this years reunion for Sunday 22nd May from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill and she is keen to see as many past members of the two branches again this year to catch up and enjoy swapping banking stories.  Nola would like to hear from those interested and she can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126.




Thursday  14th July2011 : Peter Marriott CFO ANZ speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street


Thursday 11th August 2011:         Claire Hausler Head of Estate Planning ANZ Trustees speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street


Thursday 8th September 2011: planned trip for members and partners


Thursday 10th November 2011: Alex Thursby CEO Asia Pacific Europe and America speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street

Thursday 17th November 2011: Golf Day at Traralgon




While this function is already fully booked a number of members have not replied to the invitations I sent out in early May. As  the cut off date is 26th May if you are interested in attending then I will list your names on a waiting list and contact you after 26th May.

For the members that have accepted the invitations the details for the day follow:



By Tram to Collins Street and catch No. 11 or 48 trams to the end of the line where the        ANZ complex at 833 Collins Street is the last stop.

By Train to Southern Cross Station and then catch No11 or 48 trams in Collins Street            and travel to the end of the line where the ANZ complex at 833 Collins Street is the    last stop.


11. 30 am - 12 noon         Registration

12 noon-     12. 30 pm      Lunch served in Conference Suite for all attendees

From 12.30 pm                 tours of building IN GROUPS OF 20 members will

commence and will take around  30 minutes.  ....

12. 30 pm-1pm                 2 groups commence tour of building for 30                                                                            minutes to 1pm

1pm to 1.30 pm                 remaining 2 groups take tour of building for 30                                                                     minutes to 1.30pm

Drinks will be available in the Conference Suite while the groups are on the                        tour.

Completion of visit at 1.30pm



Members with Photo ID cards should bring along these ID cards to minimize workload at     the Concierge desk and for those who do not have the photo ID cards a name tag will be             prepared.

The registration process would be as follows:

  • a final guest list will be sent to 833 Collins Street to be checked off on the day.
  • there will be no need for guests to Register at Main Reception
  • Guests may proceed directly to Core C Conference Suites Reception
  • if members can wear their ANZROC ID Card  this will suffice
  • a name tag for each guest that has no ID Card will be prepared
  • Kathy Trace will assist with Registration at the Core C Reception Desk, to check-off guests and issue name tags.

Ron Adams


newsletter april 2011


Senior Vice President John McPhee welcomed to our 2011 ANZAC Memorial Luncheon 50 members and our guest speaker Major General David McLachlan, President of the RSL in Victoria and special guest Mal Dubock, Kevin Mitchell’s brother in law and a previous guest speaker. There were only three of our lady members present. David Schunke was attending his first luncheon meeting and those not seen for a while or returning from holidays were Harry Carrodus, Orm McLellan. Peter Nyga back after recovery from surgery, Peter Saville, Roger Pickering, Keith Remington, Warren Taylor and Roger Watkins,
Graeme Ainscough, Alma Barkell, Noel Beanland, Geoff Burton, Diane Costigan, Kerry Crawford, Col Edwards, Gordon Field, Don Fraser, Ray Gill, Val Goldsworthy, John Hawkins, Ron Horne, Doug Imrie, Ian Ince, David Knuckey, Con La Fauci, Harry Loucas, Jacqui Luckman, Jim Martin, Norman Mattila, Brian Murdoch, Leigh O’Neill, Neville Pearson, Robin Peatfield, Alan Podger, Don Ranyard, Bruce Scott, Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins
Fiddes Louise 22 years ANZ
We look forward to seeing Louise at one of our meetings.
Ellis Bruce R. 79 years 2/4/2011
Members stood in silence in remembrance of Bruce at our April meeting and we pass on our condolences to the family.
Mark Stankovich let me know that Glynn Stedman has passed away. Glynn, a Queenslander, worked in the ANZ General Managers Department in Melbourne in the fifties/sixties, appointed Sales Manager Esanda in Queensland at the time of the ANZ ES&A merger and then a senior position in Esanda NSW before retiring as Area Manager of one of Sydney's Areas.
Eddie Forth advised that Bruce Nelson died 20 December, 2010 on Gold Coast aged 91 yrs. He retired many years ago as Manager, 94 Young St Frankston Branch and prior to that was Manager, Darwin Branch.
Eddie also said that Bruce McKenzie died 24 March, 2011 aged 68 yrs. He worked for ANZ in 351 Collins Street in 1967/68 with Norm Growse, Brian Bunning, Don McKenzie, Eddie Forth, Keith Findlay, Col Lyons and Bob Dunmore plus others in International Dept.
Miles Tiller is suffering from a detached retina and would welcome calls from ANZROC friends and colleagues.
The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during April and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:
Bryden Davis (82), Norm Deady (90), Glynn Evans (83), Roy Harper (82), Reg Henley (87), Gordon Kennedy (85), Ailsa Mackie, Leigh O’Neill (81), Eileen Perham, Keith Remington (88), Col Renzow (95), Lindsay Richards (81), Frank Robertson, Tony Stutterd (84), June Thompson.
From 1/4/2011 less than $20,000 3.08%
greater than $20,000 3.94%
This was our annual ANZAC Memorial meeting and Brian Christensen led the Remembrance Service reciting the Ode with trumpets playing Reveille in the background.
Past President Kevin Mitchell introduced our Guest speaker Major General David McLachlan.Born in Harden NSW, David graduated from the Officer Cadet School, Portsea in December 1959 .His early service was in regimental and staff postings in Australia, Malaysia and South Vietnam until he went to University of Reading in 1970/71 followed by a series of attachments to UK and USA military units. Then followed a number of senior staff postings, primarily in logistics. He commenced his final three year posting as General Officer Commanding Logistic Command in 1991 which at that time had 10,000 military and civilian personnel an annual budget excluding salaries of $600million and assets of $2.5 billion in 67 locations throughout Australia. Retiring from the army in1994, he became Chairman of the Industry Capability Network Ltd. a corporate advisor to a number listed companies, a director of the Royal Humane Society of Australasia. He was elected President of the Victorian Branch of the RSL in 2002. He is Honorary Colonel of the 4th/19th Prince of Wales Light Horse Regiment. His was made a Member of the Order of Australia – AM in 1989 and promoted to Officer of the Order of Australia – OA in 1993. David spoke on several less publicized battles that took place in World War 1, World War 2 and the Vietnam conflict that boosted the worthy image of Australian servicemen and women serving in combat areas around the world. After questions and observations from members John McPhee passed a vote of thanks for David’s presentation.
Will Bailey emails that John Vanselow‘s birthday greetings from the Club were much appreciated as was the message from Lois and John to Will and wife Dorothy. Life in semi-retirement is supposed to give one more time for relaxing and pursue a "selfish" lifestyle! Somehow Will seems to have got it wrong! He’s not complaining as they seem to have a pretty good life with no major health worries and the family all in good health. They are about to leave for a 6 day car rally in South West Victoria. It's a Bristol Car Club annual rally; Will is President so it will be "full on" for a few days. In September 30 Bristols are heading to WA for a 7000
kilometre run. Train to Perth then a drive north and return via Margaret River Albany Norseman and the Nullabor. All the cars date back to the early '50s. They have a full complement of spares and four leaf clovers for luck. Between the rallies Will and Dorothy will spend time at their home at Noosa Waters. The year ahead looks good.
Arty Booth emailed his appreciation on the timely receipt of a card for his birthday. Living in Bundaberg, he does not get many opportunities to attend meetings, but when visiting Melbourne, Arty will try to include a visit and catch up with colleagues.
Wendy Bradley emailed to say thank you for the great lunch day at Ringwood East it was most enjoyable and not far from home. Thanks to Lyn Stevens and husband for their efforts in making the day so pleasurable.
Jock Buntain writes thanks for the birthday greetings and says he spent his birthday in Sydney. Sydney is okay for a holiday but Jock would not want to live there as although the weather was good the humidity is bad especially for a Scotsman.
Jenny Cooke emailing thanks for the birthday greetings says she was scheduled to depart on a cherry blossom tour in Japan with a few days in Hong Kong a week later but everything was cancelled and no decision yet on a new destination - all happening while hosting a school friend from London. Golf, gardening projects and continuing as historian at her old school are keeping Jenny very busy at present. Jenny is enjoying the monthly newsletter very much and hopes to see members at the Spring Valley golf day in May.
Diane Costigan emails that she will be in South Australia with her 12yo granddaughter in April to visit family while in Adelaide. Diane’s granddaughter has never been on a plane or visited SA so should be a good trip.
Past President and long serving Committeeman Col Edwards emails that he and wife Ethel will be touring the Yorke and Eyre Peninsulas, S.A., for a large portion of April.
John Fairbairn emailing from Yarrawonga says many thanks for the kind thoughts in his birthday greetings. Unfortunately over recent months John’s health has been very indifferent following brain surgery, which he is pleased to say has been successful the second time round. John has now received a clearance to resume normal activities and can again play golf, still badly.

Lawrie Foord sending thanks for his birthday card says that as usual it was a quiet day part of which was spent with one of his daughters. It was an eventful 12 months the most memorable being in Queensland staying with his youngest daughter during the floods and cyclonic storms. They were 30 klm’s north of Brisbane and he saw shipping containers, cars and parts of houses being tossed around like rag dolls and experienced torrential rain falling for days on end with thunder and lightning the likes of which he has not seen. Back home Lawrie was caught in the February storm that damaged one of the rooms in his house but that was promptly repaired by the Insurance Company. Lawrie says life is pretty good as he is still blessed with good health.
Eddie Forth emailing thanks for the birthday wishes says he and wife Jan had returned from a caravan trip around Australia in January after travelling 27,596 kms. There were many highlights of the trip with a visit to Tom Price iron ore mine in operation and a visit one evening to Gin Gin Observatory (about 100kms north of Perth) with a one on one discussion with one of the in-house astronomers. They visited Prince Leonard at Hutt River Province (near Kalbarri) which was created in 1969 after a dispute with the Federal Government so they seceded and declared their independence. Eddie and Jan played the longest golf course in the world, the Nullabor Links of 18 holes over about 1360kms between Kalgoorlie, W.A. and Ceduna, S.A. They had a lot of fun and met a number of golf enthusiasts along the way. They hurried home from northern NSW when the rivers were rising and in fact the Princes Highway at Grafton was closed behind them but despite a two hour hold up with water over the road at Caboolture, Qsld ( ok when the tide dropped) they had no serious weather issues. A trip around Tasmania has been saved for the future.

John Hawkins emails that he was sorry not to make the March meeting as he had to be in
Christchurch for a family funeral, and yes he and wife Helen were there when the earthquake hit. They were lucky to have survived it although the house they were living in escaped with little damage. He bought Tatts tickets but no luck
Doug Imrie emails that he and wife Trish had a wonderful St Patrick's Day and would like to thank all those who helped at the Maroondah Club. Doug and Trish will be camping on the mighty Murray River in the bush for several weeks over April.
Christine Lane emails her thanks for the birthday card and wishes. Although another year older Christine is not too old yet to travel. She has just returned home from two wonderful weeks spent on the other side of the world in Sweden. Her birthday celebrations were spent in Stockholm with long time friends, two of whom share her birthday date.
Harry Loucas reports that he will be overseas in April/May (Abu Dhabi, Cyprus and Crete) and he will be back to attend the function on 9/6/2011 at 833 Collins Street.
Tony Middleton writes to thank John Vanselow for the birthday card on his 80th. John reminded Tony of the memories of fun times of earlier years they shared which dated back to 1950. Tony enjoyed a wonderful celebration with his extended family now all resident in Victoria including 3 great grand children with another on the way. The family is spread from Metung to Rheola west of Bendigo. Tony is keeping well and is still Treasurer of RSL Bentleigh Angling Club and spends a great deal of his time fishing in Gippsland with his son.
Dianne Newton emails her thanks for the birthday wishes, which she enjoys receiving.
Dianne and her husband Ron recently had to go to Qld - Kingaroy, Chinchilla & Toowoomba to revalue some properties. You could certainly tell where the flood levels had been. Speaking to the locals really brought it home and it was hard to comprehend the amount of water that passed through the countryside and townships. It will be sometime before a lot of the businesses will be up and running.
Past President Leigh O’Neill writing from Dromana says that although at 81 he is getting old he is still able to play bowls and at golf has won 9 new golf balls this year bringing his stock up to 69 balls. He doesn’t hit the ball far enough these days so he does not lose any. His aspirations for the coming 12 months are for Richmond to win at least 6 games, still able to afford his daily medicinal drink and trying to stay awake while watching TV.
President Neville Pearson emails his thanks for the Birthday wishes and card which was presented at the Maroondah Club St Patrick’s day ROC luncheon. What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday with over 100 ROC members and partners in attendance. Neville is enjoying being president of our club and although it has its challenges at times, the support of the committee and members is very much appreciated. Neville and wife Cheryl had a great time travelling within the east side of Australia last May/June travelling to Mildura, Mungo, Broken Hill, White Cliffs, Longreach while working their way up to Magnetic Island. They stayed on the island for a few days with a mate who owns a holiday house overlooking the ocean on the Island (since had doors and windows replaced following the Cyclone this year, but nothing too serious). Travelled back via Carnarvon Gorge which was thoroughly enjoyable although a lot of long walks tested them at times and finally they spent a few days relaxing on the Gold Coast with Bruce and Glennis Robertson who pass on their best wishes to all members.
Paul Perri emails his thanks once again for the birthday wishes. Paul really enjoys reading the Newsletter and always looks forward to seeing the names of colleagues that he remembers, especially the old ANZ Nominees people that he last worked with. Paul is still working full time and is waiting for his super to catch up to the pre 2007 crash so that he can look at working less hours or even early retirement in the near future.
Louis Perrone writes on his 75th that since his note last year when he was incapacitated by a severe stroke and assessed as having little chance of any major improvement he has now been assessed as a Low Care resident at the Nursing Home in Clayton and is able to venture out . In April Louis is travelling to the Gold Coast to visit his daughter and her family. His next objective is to join colleagues at the traditional Christmas Lunch at the end of the year.
David Rome passes on to the ANZROC committee his appreciation of the efforts in once again acknowledging his birthday. Unfortunately they seem to come around too quickly.
Trevor Smethurst emails thanks for the birthday wishes on his 66th birthday. After many years at his previous address Trevor has shifted into a new address at Wangaratta with his daughter and son-in-law together with 2 grandchildren. Trevor’s health has not been good over the past few years and a change after spending many years on his own can only be beneficial. He has not played any bowls since Christmas but is looking forward to playing again next season. Trevor hopes to see many former workmates at the June meeting and spending a great day at the Christmas lunch.
Terry Talbot emailing from Evandale Tas. says thanks for the birthday card. Terry awoke 38,000ft over the Pacific on the day of his birthday on the way home from Los Angeles after a cruise on the Queen Elizabeth from Southampton to L. A. via the Panama Canal.
Peter Westaway emailing that he was in Palm Cove Far North Queensland enjoying a magnificent 71st birthday treat under a cloudless blue sky, despite the Bureau forecasts. He appreciated the birthday wishes and extends thanks to all concerned.
Glenda White emails that she and husband Patrick will be somewhere between Melbourne and Bangkok at the time of the ANZROC meeting in May but will be back in time for the visit to 833 Collins Street. The St Pats day lunch was fantastic, a great group of people and partners, most enjoyable, and Patrick also enjoyed it very much. The entertainment was good fun and the Maroondah Sports Club did a great job of the food and service.
Julie Wilkins emails thanks for the birthday wishes, which was celebrated on the Melbourne Tramcar Restaurant then a walk along Yarra River, and the weather was so good. Julie enjoys reading the Monthly Newsletter and agrees the website that Eamon got up and running is splendid.
And Geoff Archer, David Brown, Neil Dawtrey, Joan Dusting, Frank Edwards, David Gibb, John Gibb, Jeremy Grant, Dorothy Hayes, Graham Holt, Ron Horne, Graeme Horsburgh, Bill Lanigan, Vito Laruccia, Ian McCormick, John McKenzie, Tad Misiewicz, Frank O’Brien, Ken Parry, Robin Pleydell, Tony Pompilio, Geoff Pritchard, Doug Ramsay, Brian Sanders, Dick Sanders, Bruce Scott, Geoff Stillman, Syd Swaby, Wayne Taylor, Harry Trefz, Doug Watson.



Apologies for missing the April ANZAC meeting. As it happens Cheryl and I will be on our way to Istanbul Turkey on 25th April. This is a last minute inclusion to our 21 day Mediterranean cruise due to the Cairo cruising leg being withdrawn for safety reasons. I am not sure if we will actually sail pass Anzac Cove.
Health and Welfare
I visited Ron Cashin at Broughtonlea Nursing Home in Surrey Hills and I am very pleased to report that Ron was in good spirits. Ron is improving and can now walk with the aid of a walking stick. He was most thankful for the visit and passed on his best wishes to the ROC members. He particularly enjoys reading the ROC Newsletters during his stay at Broughtonlea


For our June meeting this year we have arranged a second luncheon for 80 members at ANZ Centre at 833 Collins Street which will take place on Thursday June 9th .Members will see inside the new state of the art building and enjoy a brief tour of the building with luncheon provided on site. ANZ Centre is the largest single-tenanted office building in Australia and has strong sustainability credentials, with black water recycling, rainwater harvesting, solar panels,
wind turbines and an air-conditioning system that uses cool water from the Yarra River to reduce energy consumption.
We have booked a function room overlooking the river for the maximum number of 80 people and arranged lunch and refreshments but as the costs are a lot higher than we are used to paying at 100 Queen Street it will be necessary on this occasion to ask for a contribution of $20 per person for the lunch and refreshments. We have already received expressions of interest from just over 60 members and I will be sending out the acceptances to those that expressed their interest in attending and will collect the $20.00 contribution during May.
Please advise Ron Adams by phone 9821 0444 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to attend this meeting as the remaining spaces will fill quickly.
I will also create a waiting list for cancellations in case those already listed find they cannot make the luncheon. Members can let me know if they want to be added to the waiting list.
Full details of the program for the day and security requirements will be provided in the May newsletter.

Nola Forsyth has advised that she has organised this years reunion for Sunday 22nd May from 2.30 pm to 4.30pm for past Staff of 351 and 394 Collins Street Branches at the Lions Club, Corner of Riversdale Road and Station Street, Box Hill and she is keen to see as many past members of the two branches again this year to catch up and enjoy swapping banking stories. Nola would like to hear from those interested and she can be contacted on 9830 4501 or by post to 102 Canterbury Road, Canterbury 3126.

As advised in previous newsletters our 2011 Autumn Golf Day will be held at the challenging Spring Valley sand belt course in Clayton on Monday 9 May 2011. Spring Valley is hosting the Victorian Championships in January next year and we are very fortunate to be invited to play on this quality course. We only have 14 entries to date, a bit slower than expected, but hopefully this will build to 30/40 and the entry form is attached to this newsletter…. A must for our golfing enthusiasts.


Brooke Findlay has listed a hot last minute travel deal for ANZROC members to consider: Angkor, Mekong and Ho Chi Minh City Save $2010 per couple 13 Days from $3,389.85* per person, twin share. Travel on 10 June & 19 August 2011. Book by 31 May 2011 Includes: Accommodation in Siem Reap & Hon Chi Minh City, 7 night luxury river cruise along the Mekong, the services of an APT Tour Director, Freedom of Choice Touring at no extra cost in Siem Reap and Ho Chi Minh City, Dine Around Dinners at no extra cost in Siem Reap and Ho Chi Minh City, APT Signature Experiences - in select locations, enjoy exclusive or unique activities featured specifically for APT guests, Port charges and tipping included - saving you up to A$680 per couple, Airport transfers, excursions and entertainment included - valued at up to A$2250 per couple, Soft drink, local beer and spirits included at all times throughout your river cruise. For more information, call 1300 204 588 *Conditions apply. Offer includes ANZ Staff Discount. Valid for travel on 10 June & 19 August 2011. Strictly limited offer on set departures. Offers may be withdrawn at any time, are subject to
availability at time of booking and can't be combined with any other offer. Book and pay in full by 31 May 2011.

In April several sections of the email alphabetical list of members receiving electronic newsletters did not receive newsletters until very late in the month as my Norton Internet Security system rejected the newsletters and in resending these sections the computer malfunctioned but eventually all members received their newsletters. I suggest in future however that if you have not received your electronic newsletter 7 days after the meeting dates you access the above web site as a copy should be available on that site.

A selection of photos from the St Patrick’s Day luncheon held on 17th March at the Maroondah Club have been loaded onto the ANZROC website photo gallery and is now available for viewing on the website at .

As a matter of interest ANZROC United Kingdom have now got a website up and functioning and if interested you can access at

Thursday 14th July2011 : Peter Marriott CFO ANZ speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street
Thursday 11th August 2011: Claire Hausler Head of Estate Planning ANZ Trustees speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street
Thursday 10th November 2011: Alex Thursby CEO Asia Pacific Europe and America speaking on 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street

THURSDAY 12TH MAY 2011 MEETING IN MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON we are holding our annual SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch at 12.30pm. The meeting will be addressed by Salvation Army executives who will be able to inform members about the proactive measures being taken to help those in need in Melbourne and we look forward to seeing many members at the luncheon to hear the Salvation Army representative . We raised around $4,750 last year which was an outstanding effort and any support for Salvation Army will be welcomed. We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting but if unable to attend you can send your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144 to be included in the total of funds raised for the day. The Salvation Army will issue official receipts to donors from their office.
if you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Thursday 5th May 2011 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk and the 5th Floor Reception Area.
To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function at 100 Queen St on 12th MAY 2011 commencing at 12 noon
Autumn Golf Day - Monday 9 May 2011
(Men’s & Ladies Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners)
Spring Valley Golf Club Near the corner of Westall and Heatherton Roads, Clayton South. Melways 79 E10 (Entry from Heatherton Rd.- Meet near the practice putting area at the front of the Clubhouse)
Spring Valley Golf Club is rated in the top ten courses in Victoria and hosted the 2011 Victorian Open Golf Championships. Visit for course tour, dress regulations, etc.
Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day.
Entry Fee - $65.00 per person (Members of Spring Valley Golf Club $5.00)
(Covers Green Fees and Trophies) - Food and Drinks available at normal Club bar prices
Entries close - Thursday 5 May 2011 (Early entry helps us with the arrangements)
Hit-off from 8.00am (Arrive by 7.30 am to get card & draw)
Enquiries to John Brown (03) 9802 1810 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cut off here Spring Valley Golf Day– Monday 9 May 2011 - Please lodge your entries as early as possible
ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)
Your Contact details: Name …………………………… Entries Close – Thursday 5 May 2011
Email address…………………………………………or Phone No……………………………..
Name…………………………Hcp…………. Name…………………….……Hcp………….
Total number of entries. ……@ $65.00 = $……..
Forward entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to - John Brown PO Box 4056 Burwood East 3151
Email names and handicaps to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to ANZROC bank account 013350 306451947 making sure your name is included in the payment information.
Ron Adams

newsletter march 2011




101 ANZROC Members and partners attended a most enjoyable St Patrick’s Day Luncheon at the Maroondah Club on 17 March. This event is fast becoming a tradition and members and partners relished the opportunity to catch up with workmates and their partners from years gone by

The combination of members and partners created a great party atmosphere and the green serviettes and green attire worn by many in attendance, added to the Irish theme. The Club generously donated bottles of wine to the members to supplement the ROC wine contribution of $200

President Neville Pearson in green Guinness Irish hat warmly welcomed everyone and advised that apologies had been received from:

Graeme Ainscough, , John and Pat Bloom ,Geoff Burton, Geoff Christensen, Col and Ethel Edwards, Lawrie Foord, Norris Gale(in Cambodia),, Ray Gill, Frank and Joan Hatfield ,Keith Higgs, Bruce and Audrey Kells, Geoff Meggs, Joan Nathan, Leigh and Pat O’Neill, Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, Eamon Veaney, Bill Walker, Julie Wilkins,

Neville thanked Lyn and Les Stevens for the work they put into organizing the event with the Maroondah club and for our Social Subcommittee member David Knuckey and wife Glen for their help and support.  Special mention was also made of the support the Maroondah Club management and staff had given and for the catering staff in particular, who were so obliging and professional in ensuring the occasion was such a success

With the formal part of the luncheon over, our resident Leprechaun (Kevin Mitchell) entertained the assembly with a wide rendition of Irish stories (all true I am told) much to the merriment of all in attendance. When yours truly departed from the club, several of our members were endeavoring to empty the pokies, with some success I hope

Members not seen for a while included Wendy Bradley, Roger Brown, Jock Buntain, John Flyger, Barbara Gardiner, David Gibb, John Goodwin, Hedley Ham, Jack Helisma, Doug Imrie, Colin McNamara, Roy Peake, Tom Portelli, John Sanderson, Allen Thorp, David Schunke, Evon Whalen, Glenda White, Roy Willoughby and David Woods.


Craddock        L.C. (Lindsay)                        24/2/2011                    87 years

Lindsay enlisted in the Australian Army in December 1941 at Geelong and was discharged in September 1942 as a Private in the 32nd Battalion. The very next day he enlisted I the RAAF where he served until April 1946 and had been promoted to Flight Lieutenant in the 34th Squadron. In his retirement Lindsay was very interested in choral singing and sang in several choirs. John Duke and Andy Herd represented ANZROC at the Remembrance Service.

Esdale             K.A. (Keith)                16/2/2011                    90 years

Keith enlisted in the Australian Army in June 1940 in Rockhampton and on discharge in October 1945 he had been promoted to Lieutenant 2/1 Motor Ambulance Convoy. A strong representation from ANZROC committee and members was at the Remembrance Service.

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Lindsay and Keith and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during March and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays:

Lindsay Baglin (82), John Baird (86), Kevin Cleary (80), Bob Delahoy (82), John Duggan (104), John Holberton (88), Laurie Holland (91), Ron Horne (86), Bill Manning (80), Tony Middleton (80), Ray Perry (82), Ron Pitt (88), Charles Rennie (98), Jim Riddell (88), Kevin Sheather (86), Arthur Sheers (83), Reg Smith (88).


From 1/3/2011                         less than $20,000         3.07%

greater than $20,000    3.94%


John Baird writing from Geelong on his 86th sends thanks for the birthday wishes and says he hopes to scratch up some news by next March but he enjoys reading the newsletter.

John Bloom and wife Pat report that their trip to Lyon for a family wedding and to Lubeck to catch up with their sons in-laws passed quickly and was most enjoyable. As well, they thought they would fly via Beijing and perhaps take a walk along the Great Wall. So with Visas organised off they went but the return to Europe of volcanic ash threw their travel plans into chaos and as they had landed in Beijing, due to the disruptions, the subsequent re- entry to Beijing was rejected and they were not allowed to stay. They feel they may have flown over the Wall and will now enjoy the views on Chinese documentaries. The family has grown with three new grandchildren born during the year making six granddaughters and one grandson all under six which keeps them very busy and another granddaughter is due in April.

Bob Delahoy writes from Inverloch on his 82nd that he greatly appreciated receiving the birthday card with a personal note from John Vanselow. Bob and wife Judy travelled on an organised tour along the west coast from Darwin to Perth with the highlight being a flight over and hiking through the Bungle Bungle Ranges. The gorges and rivers and many towns they visited made the trip a memorable experience. During September their fourth granddaughter arrived and is giving Bob and Judy a lot of enjoyment. Bob has also been busy travelling around South Gippsland playing bowls so in all they have had a busy and fruitful year.

Phil Dunstan emailing says it is always good to receive the Newsletter and he very much enjoys reading of the activities of the many former work colleagues. Phil is continuing to enjoy his retirement activities doing woodworking (Treasurer of the local Club), part time chauffeuring which keeps him in touch with people from around the world, and visits to Brisbane and Bendigo to keep in touch with children and grandchildren. Phil’s passion for classic sporting cars continues and active involvement in the Mercedes Benz Club of Vic. provides a good platform to satisfy this need.

Peter Harney emailing from Ballarat says he enjoys reading the monthly newsletter. He is currently home recovering from a bout of surgery but with wife Kay they continue to operate their carpet cleaning business which has been going for almost 18 years since leaving ANZ. Peter and Kay are off to Scotland in June for son Christopher's wedding and are looking forward to the break, including a tour of Ireland and a trip on the Glacial Express.

Graham Joseph reports that wife Lyn has recently arrived home after a long spell in hospital but she still has a fair way to go to get back to really good health.

Bob Kirkland writing on his 88th says he is now finding it hard to locate anyone mentioned in the Newsletter that he was associated with during his career. Bob lost his wife Mae who passed away in November after 61 years together and Bob feels that she would be remembered by many members as she had plenty of entertaining to do when he was a manager in Fiji. He had to smile when he saw in the last Newsletter that his old school mate Paul Kitchin was still following him in alphabetical order on the birthday list as he did at school in 1937.The late Ern Thomas sat in front of Bob at school with Paul sitting behind him. On leaving school Ern and Bob joined the Bank of Australasia and Paul the E.S. &A. They caught up again at merger and here they are again still together after 73 years.

Bob Lyon and wife Helen arrived home after two weeks in Hawaii followed by a business trip to Canberra and a week or so in Melbourne catching up on some medical issues to find his ANZROC birthday card signed by John Vanselow waiting. He bumped into Eamon Veaney in a pub while in Melbourne. Back in Fiji Bob is ready for a bit of work and hopefully a few rounds of golf. He has been appointed Chairman of the Fiji Development Bank, a fair challenge and has had Garry Tunstall, recently retired from ANZ, over to help out with a study of the bank. He was asked by the Reserve bank of Fiji to step down from the advisory board role with ANZ Fiji. Bob’s main interest is his role as Chairman with the Foundation for Development Cooperation (FDC) following former ANZ director Brian Scott .With offices in Brisbane, Singapore and Suva, it keeps him busy. Among many things that FDC does to help improve the lives of poor people throughout the region, is running  an organization called Banking with the Poor (BWTP) for the past  20 years and it serves about 50 million people mostly in South Asia. Perhaps if he can coordinate a visit to Melbourne at the same time as a Retired Officers function it might be a subject that members are interested in.

Bill Manning writing from Mount Martha on his 80th says he celebrated the big day with family at Manningham Golf Club and for the record he has been retired for 24 years.

Hugh Miles writes thanks for the birthday card on his 81st and John Vanselow’s personal note was greatly appreciated. Hugh says while his travelling days are now over he enjoys reading about the exploits of members who are travelling overseas. At times he feels he is the only one left in Australia.

Ron Pitt writes on his 88th that 2010 was a good year for him. Ron visited the UK for the ninth time since retiring and the highlights were visiting London, Derbyshire and Cambridge and his old Bomber Squadron 514 at Waterbeach.

David Robinson emails from Battery Point Tasmania that he received his 17th card since retirement.

Norm Ross writing on his 90th says this year he was treated to two celebrations. Firstly travelling with his wife and son to Hobart a few days before the big day to party with his younger daughter and family and then the travellers returned to Melbourne to celebrate with his elder daughter and family. Norm says he and his wife keep reasonably good health although the years certainly slow one up and it seems ages since they both worked at 394 Collins Street (1946/47).

Mavis Ryan writing from Belmont sends her thanks for the birthday card and particularly the kind message from John Vanselow.

Joan Sadler said the family appreciated the large number of ANZROC members that attended the late Alf Sadler’s funeral service.

Dick Sanders emails his thanks to the club for the birthday card. He was in Bright for three days but the greetings were at home awaiting his return. Bright was lovely, not many people this time of year. The Ovens River was flowing swiftly and notices about NO SWIMMING as there must be all sorts of debris in the river, evidenced by a largish tree trunk jammed under the weir.

Bruce Scott writes his appreciation for the kind wishes for his 85th which he celebrated in style with wife Mary. Bruce says a few creaks and groans but otherwise going along fairly well.

Athol Watkins writing from Clifton Springs says thanks for the birthday wishes. Athol and his wife were lucky enough to get away for the annual holiday break in winter, heading north through Bourke, Longreach, Normanton and called on friends at Karumba on the Gulf. They then travelled across to Cairns where they spent 3 weeks R&R. Then home to watch the AFL Grand Final which went the right way. It’s great to read in the newsletters about so many of his old workmates still enjoying life.

Brian Wrigley emailing thanks for the birthday card says he and wife Jan are keeping well with eight grandchildren keeping them on their toes. When Brian’s not in his role as "Pa" he’s busy with Legacy at the national level and walking “would be detector dogs” for the Dept of Customs and Border Protection.


And Tom Bloodworth, Len Donohue, Len Chitty, Jeff Clarkin,  Max Colwell, Ian Crothers, John Duguid, Joan Dusting, George Finniss, Stan Goulding, Doug Grant, Andy Herd, Bruce Iddles, Bill Jackson, Rodney Manser, Bob Maughan, Sudipto Pal,  Jill Paterson, Anthea Santos, Sandra Street, Warren Taylor, Wayne Taylor, Paul Tovey, John Turnbull, Maurice Wells.






Eamon Veaney has done a wonderful job in getting the ANZROC website up and running and in doing so, has provided us with a wonderful medium for obtaining information relative to our club. This includes information on future and recent events including photos, members’ illnesses, or sadly bereavements, the Newsletter, Constitution, Committee members and contact numbers, and the list goes on.

We encourage members with computer facilities to make use of it and I am sure any feedback to our secretary Ron Adams would be most welcome

ANZ Bank Football Club Past Players Day *   4th June 2011:

Whilst the name may have changed, the memory and tradition is preserved in the name of Albert Park Amateur Football Club. The Club has a sprinkling of present day staff playing and a happy band of retired officer supporters.  ANZ Premiership Flags, photos and trophies grace the clubrooms which are located at the Beaurepaire Pavilion Oval 20 Albert Park. Past Players, would be supporters, or anyone who would like to see how far amateur football has progressed over recent years is most welcome to attend. The Club is playing VAFA Grade 3 Division 3.

The Annual ANZ Bank Football Club Past Players Day will be held at Oval 20 Albert Park on Saturday 4th June when the team fronts up against old arch rivals Elsternwick. This game will be a high quality exciting match followed by drinks and nibbles after the game in the Beaurepaire Pavilion.  Hope to see you there, reserves midday and seniors around 2.00pm.

Note: Past ANZFC champion Rod Halcombe and wife Margie visited Melbourne on 9th Feb from WA to share his 70th Birthday celebration with past players at the RACV Club. Rod particularly asked to pass on his best wishes to all past players of the 60s. Rod was renowned for his fearless play and a habit of turning up to football in a dinner suit, following a night out on the town!!

Past ANZ banker and ANZFC player Bill “Black Harry” Hickford, who last December was attacked in his home by an assailant and stabbed 15 times, has written to me asking me to thank everyone for their support and concern and that he is on the improve and now back at work


25 intrepid travelers arrived at Alzburg Lodge in sunny Mansfield for three days of merriment and golf.

The Monday night BBQ around the pool was a wonderful starter to the golfing tournament. The 12 golfing enthusiasts among the group arrived, in slightly second hand condition, at the beautifully lush green Mansfield course next morning, eagerly awaiting the days challenge. At the end of four hours of grueling golf in perfect weather, Pam Hocking and Lesley Cook emerged as winner and runner up respectively of the ladies event with scores Karrie Webb would be proud of. The men’s event saw Gordon Paulett hang on in a nail biting finish to win the coveted trophy (two golf balls) from Geoff Cook.  The shots described at the 19th hole over post match drinks would have had Tiger Woods drooling in disbelief.

The Tuesday night function is always a wonderful evening, with food and drink of a particularly high standard. (In the interests of professional journalism, yours truly tasted every item displayed in the buffet as well as the sweets)

Eating gave way to dancing and the presentation of best Australian Icon, dress up award. It was obvious to all, that Ginger Meggs (Kevin Mitchell), Sadie (Sonia Paulett) and Clown (John) Brown were the front runners, however I am embarrassed and ashamed, to say that a little bit of graft and corruption to the impartial and delightful waitress judges, (and luck as they were fanatical Lleyton Hewitt fans and even knew it was his birthday that week) saw our President Neville Pearson snatch the extravaganza award (bag of lollies)

The annual Trivia competition is always a highlight of the Tuesday function with John Brown’s table winning the competition for the second year in a row. Kevin “Ginger Meggs” Mitchell is to be congratulated for the fun and spirit generated in his running of this popular event

The holiday was nicely rounded off on the return journey, by a visit and lunch at Marysville, which is looking beautiful once more after such bush fire tragedy

A special thanks to Kevin Mitchell, John Brown and David Woods for organising such an enjoyable and highly recommended event to golfer and non golfer alike.

We eagerly look forward to next year.


Neville (Birdie) Pearson


Following the horrific earthquake in Christchurch we sent a message of support to our New Zealand colleagues in Christchurch on behalf of the members of ANZROC Vic.



Five members wrote and expressed their concern about the death notices only being printed in the Herald Sun and put on the ANZROC web site. The costs are quite expensive for these notices so we have subsequently organised an email list for those that read the Age and will send out a note automatically when advised of a bereavement. The members that wrote were satisfied with that arrangement so if you want to have your name added to the electronic list send the details of your email address to Ron Adams This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .





NIB has extended the discount to widows/widowers of retired ANZ employees under the ANZROC plan.  This is applicable as long as they were ANZROC members at that point in time.  Should an ANZROC member be with another health fund and the widow/widower decides to transfer to nib, again as long as they are ANZROC members, nib will extend the same courtesy.

In summation, for all ANZROC members nib will extend the discount to widows/widowers;

  • For all current nib policy holders who are “paid” members of ANZROC
  • For all “paid” members of ANZROC who decide to transfer their cover to nib from another heath fund.

To get more information about the ANZROC Health Plan nib has provided us with the following points of contact:


  • Nib Customer Care – phone 1800 13 14 63 (and use option 3).
  • Email – you can email any questions you have to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Visit the nib website at www.anzroc .  Nib Customer Care consultants will give you a detailed quote on the cover that best suits you.

NOTE: Don’t forget to tell nib that you are an ANZROC member



2011 Autumn Golf Day will be held at the challenging Spring Valley sand belt course in Clayton on Monday 9 May 2011. Entry form attached to this newsletter.


Visit 833 Collins Street Thursday 9th June2011 for lunch and tour of building. Restricted to 80 members and advices will be in April newsletter…. we have 11 names already and let Ron Adams know if you are interested. Full details and costs will be included in the April Newsletter.


Peter Marriott CFO ANZ speaking Thursday  14th July2011 /34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street


Claire Hausler Head of Estate Planning ANZ Trustees speaking on Thursday 11th August/ 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street




This is the annual ANZAC Remembrance meeting and Kevin Mitchell has been able to arrange for Major General David J McLachlan, President of the Victorian Branch of RSL to speak to members . This meeting will be very interesting and who better than the Victorian President of RSL to talk to us on “The Spirit of ANZAC” and we look forward to seeing many of our people at the meeting.

Medals may be worn at this meeting.

Will you let Ron Adams   know by Friday 8th April 2011(morning)  by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , phone ( 9821 0444) or return the attached notice to PO Box 579 Malvern, Vic 3144  so we can advise ANZ Catering and ANZ Security Desk the names  of members attending.

Ron Adams



To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579 on 14th April 2011 commencing at 12 noon

Malvern, Vic 3144.

Phone 9821 0444        or       email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Autumn Golf Day

For members of ANZROC and their partners

Monday 9 May 2011


Entry from Heatherton Rd. Clayton South (Melways 79 E 10 )



Spring Valley Golf Club is rated in the top ten courses in Victoria and hosted the 2011 Victorian Open Golf Championship

Men’s & Ladies Stableford Competitions

Players without a current registered or Social Club Handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day.


Entry Fee - $65.00 per person (Members of Spring Valley Golf Club $5.00)

(Covers Green Fees and Trophies)


Lunch and Drinks- Menu Lunch or standard bar food and drinks will be available at normal club prices.


Entries close - Monday 2 May 2011 (Early entry helps us with the arrangements)


Hit-off from 8.00am (Check in by 7.30 am to get card & draw)

Enquiries to:                         John Brown (03) 9802 1810

Cut off here

Spring Valley Golf Day– Monday 9 May 2011


ENTRY FORM (please copy/amend this form if you are entering more than two people)


Your Contact details: Name ……………………………


Entries Close – Monday 2 May 2011

Email address………………………………….and  Phone No………………..


Entrant 1                                                         Entrant 2


Name…………………………Hcp………….      Name…………………….……Hcp………….


Total number of entries. …………@ $65      =              $……………


Please forward entries and cheques payable to ANZROC for the total cost


To: -       John Brown Important

PO Box 4056 Please lodge entries as early as possible


newsletter February 2011



President Neville Pearson welcomed 47 members and our guest speaker for the day Michael O’Brien MP and his Senior Adviser Sarah Leslie to our first meeting for 2011 held on 34th Floor at 100Queen Street.  Neville welcomed Harry Loucas to his first meeting of ANZROC and members not seen for a while were Anne Blashki from Shepparton, Harry Carrodus and Jim Martin. The members present thoroughly enjoyed hearing Michael O’Brien’s presentation on his new role as a Minister in the Baillieu Government.



Graeme Ainscough, Herman Bettonvil, Geoff Burton, Eric and Wendy Black, Robin Chase, Diane Costigan, Col Edwards,  Ray Gill, Val Goldsworthy, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Doug Imrie, Ian Ince, Con La Fauci, Orm McLellan,  John McPhee, John Parkes (for December),David Schunke,  Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, John Vanselow,  Glenda White, Julie Wilkins



Busuttil                       Mr.J. (Joe)                               41 years ANZ

Cheong                      Ms Serene                               15 years ANZ

Newell                        Mr. N.J.  (Nick)                       10 years ANZ

Parks                           Ms. H.T. (Terry)                      23 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Joe, Serene, Nick and Terry at one of our meetings.



Dusting                        Trevor J         6/2/2011                     77 years

Trevor had been ill over recent months with a very aggressive form of cancer. Trevor was ANZ Staff Club secretary for some time and held various positions within ANZ including Data Processing in the early years of this innovation Joan Dusting wishes to thank the multitude of ANZ retired officers that attended Trevor’s funeral and offered condolences and support since Trevor’s passing on Sunday 6th February

Heyen                          L.J.(Bert)        11/2/2011                    71 years

Bert retired as a Manager after 40 years of service starting in ES&A in Kerang and he had been ill since 2006 after contracting Hepatitis B which finally attacked his liver. At his memorial service family and friends talked of his passion for ANZ and his role in Basketball and the time spent refereeing and training young people for umpiring duties. A number of ex-ANZers attended.

Rushford                     Madeleine C    24/1/2011

President Neville Pearson with Ken Fitzgerald Mike Kennedy and Noreen Cramer represented ANZROC at the funeral Service.

Sadler                          Alf                   26/12/2010                  82 years

Alf served in the British Army from 1944 mostly in occupied Germany. He migrated to Australia in the early 50’s and joined ANZ where he worked for 35 years retiring in a management role. Alf was a keen sportsman and played competitive bowls and table tennis for many years. Members that joined the funeral service included Ian Ince, Bruce Kells and Bernie Sowersby and several committee members were in attendance.

Alf was a strong supporter of ANZROC and was a regular at our monthly meetings and had enjoyed the Christmas luncheon with colleagues on 9/12/2010.

Seamons                      Bruce              18/12/2010                  87 years

Bruce was a Life Member of ANZROC and a Past President serving on the committee for more than 20 years. He enlisted in the Royal Australian Navy in November 1941 serving in Darwin and New Guinea campaigns discharging in June 1946 as Leading Seaman at HMAS Lonsdale. A good number of his ANZ/Esanda colleagues including Doug Grant, Adrian Henning, Andy Herd, Orm McLellan, Col Renzow, Mark Stankovich and members of ANZROC Committee attended the funeral service.

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Trevor, Bert, Madeleine, Alf and Bruce and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.


ANZROC member Jill Paterson let me know that ex ANZ staffer Judy Donkin passed away on 10/1/2011. Judy worked in Group Executive for many years as PA/Executive Secretary to Flav Belli  and would be well known to members.

Neville Stafford a past member of ANZROC and well known to ES&A and Esanda colleagues passed away on 15/1/2011 and a number of  our members were present at the funeral service.

Our condolences are extended to families and friends of Judy and Neville.



Ron Cashin is currently in care in Broughtonon Lee Nursing Home, Broughton Road, Surrey Hills (phone 98560999) as wife Lorraine had a fall and is hospitalized. Our member Harry Kerwin and several ANZROC colleagues are keeping Ron active but members that have known Ron can call him at the Nursing Home and he is up to visits from friends and colleagues.

Gerry Lucas saw John Duguid in January and said that he had a stroke some 6 months ago. Whilst he is going along fine now he would be pleased to hear from any of his old mates. Gerry’s phone number is 9859 5591.


Members involved with the ANZ Football Club in the 1960’s will remember Bill “Black Harry” Hickford who was involved with the club for some years and was also an ANZ employee who spent time as an assistant auditor around ANZ Island branches such as Vila etc

 Bill was seriously injured mid December, after being disturbed during the night, by a knife wielding intruder. The attacker had a 30cm knife and wounded Bill multiple times. He was in intensive care at the Alfred Hospital in for some weeks and whilst he is home at present he is not up to visitors at this stage of his recovery We are devastated that such a thing can happen in one’s own home and the prayers and thoughts of all of us  who knew Bill, will be with him for a speedy recovery from this tragedy.




The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during January/February and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Murray Abraham (850,John Bool (82), Ron Breckenridge (81), Jock Buntain (81), Alan Burt OAM (86), Ron Chapman (82), Cedric Coxsedge (85), Max Fisher (80), Norma Fox, Wyn Greenwood (90), Dick Hellard (81), Mary Henley, Frank Hickey (86), Dennis Humphries (85), Robert Hunter (93), Gerry Kennedy (87), Bob Kirkland (88), Paul Kitchin (88), John Labrum (85), Phil Manning (81), Norm Mattila (89), Hugh Miles (81), Jack Moyle (86), Laurie Redfearn, Norm Ross (90), Dawn Routledge, Mavis Ryan, Bruce Scott (85), Graham Spruzen (80), Werner Struve (87), Terry Talbot (82), Don Taylor (83), Bruce Tickell (82), Norm Wheatley (80), Jim Wood (88).



From 1/1/2011             less than $20,000         3.08%   From 1/2/2011                        3.08%

                                    greater than $20,000    3.94%                                      3.95%



Michael O’Brien the Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for Consumer Affairs and Minister for Gaming in the Baillieu Government spoke briefly of his responsibilities since his party took  Government in Victoria in November 2010 .Michael covered wide ranging issues such as combating  alcohol fuelled violence in Melbourne and the plan to appeal to citizens to take individual responsibility for alcohol consumption, the resistance to installation of  smart meters for electricity and the fact that property owners pay whether the meter is installed or not, and  the plans to deal with problem gambling. Michael recognises he has a large job ahead handling such diverse portfolios’ over the next four years and members present asked many questions about the new Government’s strategy for Victoria which he handled capably.  A most informative presentation expressed in lay man’s terms and easily understood.





Eighty members and partners have accepted to attend this luncheon. Members please wear your name tags. We will make stick on tags for partners. Email or telephone David Knuckey (9551 0414) or Neville Pearson (9802 0187) if you have not responded and wish to attend



Whilst the rest of the nation were relaxing during  the Christmas break, your committee was hard at work on some issues that we need to bring to the members for consideration and hopefully support. John Brown is to be commended for the work he has put into producing a projected budget outlook covering the 2011 and 2012 budget years. The position is such however, that at our present rate of expenditure we will have significant budget deficits into the future.

Unless action is taken, this will undermine The Club’s strong financial position that has been brought about from past committees under the sound budgetary guidance of Gerry McPherson


The cost of running our 100 Queen Street luncheon meetings, the Christmas Lunch and the cost of compilation and mailing the monthly newsletters have increased markedly and we are considering a range of options such as the possibility of more suburban/country luncheons and greater utilization of the Website


We are appreciative of our Club’s constitutional objective of “fostering fellowship and harmony among members” together with member feedback as to the benefits of membership.

Overwhelmingly our members see the Newsletter as a major priority as it provides an opportunity to keep in touch with how past work mates are progressing.  Our regular luncheon meetings, in particular the Christmas Luncheon, which gains so much support from our members and the ANZ senior executives, are also a very high priority. The introduction of members and partners luncheons and occasional country adventures have also proven popular

To rectify our budget deficit, the committee has approved in principle, the following recommendations that will be ratified (where necessary) at the Annual General Meeting in November:

  • We increase city membership from $12 per annum to $20 per annum and country membership from $6 per annum to $10 per annum.
  • The December Christmas Luncheon admission be increased to $30
  • We would appreciate that any members who have an email address, but may be receiving their newsletter by mail, consider utilising their Email address. Simply advise your email address to Ron Adams to effect this change.
  • That we utilise the ANZROC Web Site for publication of Obituary notices together with continuance of our customary notice in the ‘Herald Sun’ and ANZROC monthly newsletter. The Herald Sun is considered, by far, the most utilized newspaper for such notices and we believe the above mediums will cover the majority of our members at considerably cost saving. Please note that  this recommendation will commence from 1st March 2011.


There is confusion among some members as to when Subscriptions are due and we remind members that the Financial Year for Subscriptions commences on the 1st October

Any feedback relative to our proposals will be most welcome.  The increase in Subs, as required under the constitution, will put to the 2011 AGM for ratification



It is unfortunate that the 34th Floor 100 Queen Street venue for our meetings, does not easily lend itself to our customary after meeting social drink. Until we can come up with some resolution to this we suggest that the ‘MITRE Tavern’ in Bank Place is an optional watering hole to ensure the risk of dehydration on the way home is minimised.


Welcome to the New Year and from your committee we wish you all a year full of good health and happiness


Neville “Birdie” Pearson



We appreciate that several ROC members may not have received a response to their emails and/or letters to the ANZ Staff Club relative to such benefits. The Staff Club have been overwhelmed by the number of advices, which has been exacerbated by the extreme work load placed on their resources with pre Christmas shopping sales and service from the Staff Club shops and the Christmas break. Working with our ANZ contacts we are addressing the situation and we thank you for your patience whilst we work to get this matter under control”

To help Retired Officers understand the new processes  an amended  copy of the Privilege Package is attached updated  (in red type) to cover many of the issues raised by members  particularly the policy dealing with credit cards, ANZ Term Deposits and the process for accessing the benefits is clearly outlined on the last page of the package.





Murray Abraham writes his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 85th. Murray says that it appears something is certainly burning up our years.

Russ Appleton emailing thanks for the birthday wishes, on time as always, says whilst he has  yet to attend a meeting since he  left the Bank he does  look forward to reading the names of so many people he  had the good fortune to meet. Russ and wife Bev have slowed down a fair bit. The last time he wrote they had commenced a lawn and garden business that went way beyond expectations, so they have scaled back to just 8 jobs that they get a lot of satisfaction from, considering they had built to 130 plus regulars. Bev suggested the lawn and garden business which was the best thing they could have done after leaving ANZ and it has been very good to them.

Leigh Astall sends his thanks for the birthday greetings for his 81st and the family helped him celebrate.

Len Carr emailing thanks for the birthday card says 2010 passed quickly which was highlighted by another trip to England with wife Norma, during which they celebrated the 50th birthday of their eldest daughter Jenny.

Geoff Christmas emails that the years tick by this being his 65th .Geoff is in good health and still riding a bicycle which he enjoys.

Bill Collins emails that he is keeping well now that he has been given the all clear after successful treatment since contracting colon cancer – Bill and wife Dearne keep themselves occupied with the family of seven grandchildren two of whom turn 18 this year. As an ex Queenslander Bill is thinking of all his family friends and colleagues who may have moved to the Sunshine State and are enduring the hardships from the natural disasters up there.

Trevor Cookson emails special thanks for the 80th Birthday wishes and the Birthday was spent with wife Shirley, family members and long-time friends at their daughter’s/son-in-law's home at Elwood where  a great time was had by all. Trevor says they must be slowing down but they achieved a week in the Grampians in October.   He is still playing golf once or twice a week.

Bob English emailed a note to confirm that, despite the extra load on the postal services during the Christmas period, his ANZROC birthday card arrived, as promised, on time on the 20th Dec.

Max Fisher writes his thanks for the best wishes for his 80th and reports his health is good again after heart surgery in December 2009. The birthday was celebrated with the family at a waterside venue and has been ongoing.

Bob Flinn emails that the receipt of his birthday card was much appreciated. To celebrate, the evening was spent with family and grand children at the local hotel for dinner. George Lawson's Toast to the ANZ at the Christmas luncheon reminded Bob of the first end of year trip he went on with the ANZ football club to Loch hotel in Gippsland. Weather report was rain, rain and more rain. In fact the team was rained in for the weekend. It was obvious the opening page of S/R mentioned by George had either not been read, not understood or disregarded. He said that Peter Treleaven Bill Gardiner and him were to be driven by Alan McKay to Loch. However the weekend before, Alan’s car was stolen by one William John O’Meally the day he escaped from Pentridge Prison. As a consequence they went in Bill’s car. Just a little bit of history.

Norma Fox sends from Foster her thanks for the best wishes from ANZROC for her birthday which she spent with family and friends.

Ray Gill emails that he received his Birthday card on the day when he and his wife sailed to Devonport to see the Mooralla International Tennis Tournament in Hobart. The rain put quite a dampener on the weeks Tennis but eventually all matches were finished. Alicia Molik didn’t do too well, Jarmila Groth winning the final. Since the Bank Christmas function Ray has taken on the position of Hon Secretary of the Sir Edward Dunlop Medical Research Foundation, which currently donates around $75,000 a year to Medical Research. Ray will be missing a number of meetings this year over Feb and June (will be in Canada and Alaska).

Annie Glenn emailed thanks for her 1st Retired Officers’ birthday card but when it arrived Annie and husband Robert were away visiting friends in northern NSW. Annie looks forward to receiving many more.

Tony Grayling writes his birthday was celebrated at the new Croydon Golf Club with all the immediate family and to top it off they won a substantial jackpot at the Kilsyth Club. He says its 13 years since Waverley Lending was re-structured and “Dads Army” took the Retirement Package. Tony and wife Marion have had some great trips visiting their daughter Meg in London twice with tours of Europe and Ireland on the side. Of all their holidays they felt the trip Darwin to Broome was the highlight.  Apart from some great times they have both suffered health issues with cancer and the after effects in the recovery process. The bi-monthly lunch at the Mulgrave Club is still well supported and enjoyed by at least 20 retirees.

John Hawkins emailed that he and wife Helen were away when the Birthday Card arrived as they were doing a land tour of South America Machu Pichu, Iguassu Falls, Rio de Janiero and then Buenos Aires then sailed for Antarctica Absolutely fantastic.

 Bob Heinemann emailed thanks for the birthday greetings for his 71st. He says that having a daughter who has lived in Paris for 25 years has occasioned regular travel, usually via Canada to see her. More recently travel abroad has taken a back seat, and Bob and wife Heather enjoy getting up to their weekender at Euroa. Bob would like to do another Cunard (Queen Elizabeth/Mary 2) trip in due course, and see NZ in detail, but they’ll enjoy the anticipation for now. Bob plays bowls and tennis regularly, and Heather enjoys her choir work. They both work part-time for enjoyment, and to keep the grey matter ticking over. He enjoyed listening to speeches to the monthly ANZROC meeting recently by Saul Eslake and the ANZ's former Chairman Charles Goode.

Brian Henderson emails that he  still enjoying the life up in Hervey Bay and thankfully they have managed to avoid the floods and cyclones in recent weeks although the Bruce Highway was cut at Gympie and also at Maryborough so supplies at the supermarkets and petrol were almost non existent for a few days. Currently Brian is playing more bowls than golf and has given up the role of Convener of the local Prostate Cancer Support Group at the end of last year but continues as Treasurer for the Queensland Chapter Council of PCFA. They had only one big trip in the caravan last year and that was down south but as the caravan and 4WD have been sold their travels in future will be by other means. Brian hopes to get down for the Christmas luncheon.

 Rod Hill emailing says his 85th birthday was the day of the ANZROC Christmas lunch.

He was met at the top of the stairs by John Vanselow who wished Rod a happy birthday and gave him the birthday card.   John then joined the "workers" at the check-in desk in singing "happy Birthday" It was really something and very much appreciated The whole luncheon outing was also great - Rod could not have had a better way to celebrate.

David Jones emailing thanks for the customary birthday card says it’s always appreciated albeit it marks yet another year has passed in what seems a whisker of time.

Kevin May emailing from Pacific Fair in Queensland says no major news from him regarding 2010, just to wish all members’ good health and  a stronger performance from the ASX in 2011(that will add happiness).

Bob McAsey reports that he has moved to Queensland to be closer to family and says his old football knees have finally caught up with him which has not helped his mobility.

Wal McGillivray writing on his 87th sends thanks for the best wishes and says he enjoys reading the letters in the newsletter and at times he envies those who are still travelling to so many exotic places. These days Wal and his wife confine themselves to the Gold Coast and Merimbula but fortunately both are still mobile and able to enjoy life together. He enjoyed the Christmas luncheon as its good to catch up with some of the older brigade and for 2011 he will be reasonably busy working around the East Malvern RSL Club and the occasional social game of bowls.

John Quirk emails that his and wife Roselyn’s second granddaughter was born the day before his birthday which was   pretty hard to top as a birthday gift for Grandpa.

Joan Sadler widow of our late member Alf Sadler wrote to thank the members who attended the funeral service and says it was nice to see so many people come. She was also appreciative of the notices in the local newspapers which informed so many of Alf’s passing. Joan said the Alf had really enjoyed the monthly meetings and lunches with club members.

Trevor Stevens emailed to thank the Club for its wishes on the occasion of his 60th which was spent with family and friends in Adelaide. Trevor says that since retirement in 2007 he has been kept busy with his beef cattle farm at Murrindindi (which he has had since 1996).  He spends about half of his time there and half in Croydon. There is always something to do........this year two sheds were wrecked by a storm in September and he is in the process of rebuilding another one. Trevor has also continued his involvement in Retrieving Trial competitions and this takes him interstate regularly to compete and for judging appointments. He and his wife have also managed to fit in a couple of overseas trips to UK and Europe.

Sandra Street emails that her old school friend and former E.S. &A. staff member Denise Flute (nee Juliff) was visiting from London the week of her birthday so it was an extra treat to have her in Melbourne for the celebrations.  Sandra had lots of greetings from former ANZers, including Pam Thomson who is now working for Senator Nick Xenophon.

Neville Taylor writes his thanks for the good wishes for his 90th which has marked a milestone in life for Neville. Abraham Lincoln once said “it’s not the years in your life that count...its the life in your years” For Neville how true is the last line as his activities  are  being enjoyed more these days but  the golf course is getting longer and longer.

Wayne Taylor reports that although his eye problems remain in decline overall health is quite good, must be the walking the dog trick. Last year saw a short trip to Kangaroo Island which was both interesting and relaxing.

Glen Twidale says it’s turned out to be a special year. Not only has he joined that select OBE group but Glen finds he is now classed as a "Super Veteran" at the bowling club. You can't get much better than that!! Glen and his family celebrated the occasion (which was on New Year's Eve) in great style. His youngest daughter Lynn hosted the birthday party and he had all his children and grandchildren (except Charlie who is working in London) with him on the night. Glen decided to honour the landmark by demolishing (with some eager assistance) his last two bottles of Grange!! One 1965 the other 1973.

Roly Webster emailing from Bendigo says thanks once more for Birthday wishes but not much news up there-Gold Nuggets pretty scarce but hopefully with plenty of water to pan there “are better days coming!”

Gordon Williams writing from Drouin on his 87th sends thanks for the best wishes on his birthday. He says nothing much has happened during the past 12 months due to a bit of deterioration in the health of Gordon and wife Gwenda mainly due to increasing age. They don’t venture far these days with the family all interstate. The district around Drouin is still getting back to normal after the disastrous fires in February 2009 with more clearing up to do. Gordon said the main threat to Drouin was the fire that jumped the freeway at Longwarry that stopped just short of the golf club. Residents could watch the fire progress with tree bursting into fire balls and for the past 12 months the birdlife had virtually disappeared and only now returning to normal.

Keith Winckles emails he as been retired 13 years now and finding it difficult to do some of the things he used to do so it has been a fairly quiet year

Theo Yardley emailing from St Ives says it was a quieter Christmas in Sydney this year as their Melbourne family are delaying their visit until Theo and his wife’s 60th wedding anniversary in January. An interesting few weeks lies ahead of them.

Lloyd Zegenhagen emails that at 86 his birthdays are coming around too rapidly. It is hard to know where the last year has gone. Firstly Lloyd and wife Margot recently spent 3 months overseas visiting their daughters in USA and England, and made the most of their time seeing additional localities in both these countries, visiting friends in Germany, and then spending time touring France. Immediately upon coming home they moved from Templestowe to Lilydale where they settled into a lovely pleasant and scenic area. Magnificent views from every window.

And from Bruce Avent, Clive Bayley, Bob Bell, Roger Brown, Ron Chapman, Kim Charlton, Jeff Cox, Graeme Croxford, Bill and Judy Davies, Don Davy, Norm Deady, Bob Delahoy, Lawrie Foord. Neil Franklin, David Gibb, Bob Grant, Max Guest, John Hallinan, Deric Kennedy, Barry Kilmartin, Serge McIntyre, Orm McLellan, Gary Minton, Phi Nguyen, Bob Nichol, Glynn Parry-Jones, Geoff Perdriau, Louis Perrone, Tom Phillips, Alex Pigdon, Bevyn Ranford, Bruce Sanderson, Gary Stanaway, Wayne Taylor, John Tulen, Neil Warne, Michael Watts, Norm Wheatley, John White, Glenda White, Bill Willocks, Norm Wood ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



Kimberley complete—an exquisite Kimberley adventure for members Free Return Airfare*

13 Days from $6,272.85* per person, twin share.

Travel from Broome on our most popular small group 4WD adventure through the Kimberley, return to Broome.

Includes: Exclusive! Stay 6 nights at APT’s Wilderness Lodges • 2 nights at Bungle Bungle Wilderness Lodge • Mitchell Falls Wilderness Lodge and Bell Gorge Wilderness Lodge • Stay El Questro Station and Emma Gorge Resort • Geikie Gorge Cultural Cruise • Hike and swim at Bell Gorge • Swim at Galvan’s and Barnett River Gorges • Explore Windjana Gorge • 35 meals included.*Conditions Apply. Prices are per person twin share and include ANZ 7% staff discount. Offer: Fly Free offer is available on selected departures from 25 Apr –30 June 2011. This offer has limited availability and cannot be combined with any other offers. Flights based on Qantas class N. Includes taxes up to $130 per person. If air class is unavailable a surcharge may apply. A non refundable deposit of $1500 per person is due within 7 days. Additional accommodation may be needed at own expense. For more information, call 1300 204 588








(Entrance Mount Dandenong Road) the St Patrick’s Day luncheon, Email or telephone David Knuckey (9551 0414) or Neville Pearson (9802 0187) if you have not responded and wish to attend


Ron Adams Secretary





newsletter december 2010





MC Kevin Mitchell opened this excellent luncheon with a range of jokes that kept the audience laughing he then introduced incoming President Neville Pearson to members present. Neville welcomed around 280 members (including 22 women members) and guests to the Annual Christmas Luncheon with a special welcome to ANZ Group Executives, Mike Smith CEO, Graham Hodges Deputy CEO, Alex Thursby CEO Asia Pacific Europe and America, David Cartwright COO, Peter Marriott CFO, Stephen Ries from Corporate Communications, Gaye Haug Global Head Remuneration and Reward Services and National Manager of ANZ Staff Clubs, Christopher Woods.

ANZ Executives Phil Chronican, Shayne Elliott, Jenny Fagg (passes on best wishes to ANZROC members) David Hisco, Anne Weatherstone, Chris Page, Joyce Phillips, Susie Babani, Paul Edwards and Gerard Brown were unable to attend and sent their apologies.

Neville Pearson was especially pleased to see past ANZ Chief Charles Rennie in attendance again this year. We were also able to welcome Elina Law to the luncheon as Elina has been working closely with Eamon Veaney and they have been instrumental in developing and establishing our new ANZROC website.

In his opening comments Neville acknowledged ANZROC‘s appreciation for ANZ Bank’s ongoing support through the generous subsidies for annual luncheons in all States and the use of ANZ Pavilion for the ANZROC Vic luncheon. Neville confirmed the progress made this year on aspects of welfare for our members in discussions with Chris Woods at ANZ and the finalization of the Privilege Package which is attached to this newsletter.

In proposing the Toast to Queen and Country Neville recited his inaugural ANZROC Christmas Poem:

”Although the place has changed somewhat some things will never alter

For all of you who came today the friendships never falter

Helping each other in tough times, but also having fun

Because that‘s what our club is all about, not being number one

And whilst memories are important, we daren’t forget the past

But most of all its friendship, that is what we want to last

So many friends we have all made, banking runs true in our blood

I thank you for the privilege of being president of your club

Our families are important and I want to make this clear

From all committee members, merry Christmas and good cheer

And in closing one tradition we respect and keep alive

From ANZ’s proud history, reaching back to eighteen thirty five

To recognise this heritage please stand with glass in hand

And toast to queen and country, Australia aint she grand………”



John Crough, Frank Edwards, Ian Ewing, David Harkin, Frank Hatfield, Louis Hebrard, Jim Martin, Norman Mattila, John McFarlane , Jim Nicolson, Reg Nicolson, Don Ranyard, Bruce Seamons, Frank Stanson, Sandra Street, Don Taylor, Paul Tovey, Russell van Rouyen, Glenda White.



Beard J.H.(Jeff) 17 years ANZ

Jarman Warren 22 years ANZ

Norman P W.(Peter) 40 years ANZ

Schunke D C.(David) 37 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Jeff, Warren Peter and at one of our meetings. David joined us for the Christmas luncheon.



Hamlin M.C.(Mike) 72 years March 2010

Walter J.P.(Jacques) 66 years December 2010

Jacques spent 2 years as a teacher in Mauritius before migrating to Australia in November 1967. Shortly afterwards he joined ANZ at Glenferrie branch from which he moved to International HQ with a 2 year stint in New Hebrides (Vanuatu). He came back to Melbourne in 1969. He subsequently worked in Controller's department and Esanda before retiring from ANZ after 33 years. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends and will be remembered with affection by his golfing colleagues at the annual trip to Rich River, many of whom attended his funeral.

Members send their condolences to family and friends of Mike and Jacques.


Two non members of ANZROC who would have been well known to many members passed away during December. Trevor Dalziel passed away suddenly of a heart attack on 12/11/2010 Trevor completed a long career around 40 years spending an extended time in Tasmania - where he was on holiday at the time of his death . Ron W.G. Turner passed away on 13/12/2010 after a long illness and he was known to many in Victoria and NSW. Our sympathies are extended to the families and friends of Trevor and Ron.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during December and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Leigh Astall (81),Lloyd Bowers (88), Ian Cann (83), Trevor Cookson (80), Ken Fastier (88), John Hallinan (85), John Hicks (83), Rod Hill (85), Joan Lamond, Wal McGillivray (87), Brian Oldfield ,Noel Robertson (80), Molly Saint,

Neville Taylor (90), Bill Thorne (81), Glen Twidale (80), Alan Williamson (80), Jack Willoughby (85), Theo Yardley (80), Lloyd Zegenhagen (86).



From 1/12/2010 less than $20,000 3.08%

greater than $20,000 3.95%





Photos of the Christmas luncheon are now available for members to access on our website and we ask you to take the opportunity to look at our site and let us have any comments and suggestions for the Committee’s consideration as we refine the site. Contact Ron Adams on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144.



George Lawson proposed the toast to ANZ and here are his comments to members present:

‘Firstly it is a pleasure to be asked to propose this toast to the bank and to be able to express on behalf of all retired officers a big thank you to the bank for the interest and support it provides to ANZROC and its members.

Likewise it is appropriate at the same time to acknowledge the great work of the ANZROC committee for the effort they go to with the organization of this lunch and other events. Waiting for the Ron Adams newsletter each month is like it used to be waiting for the Sporting Globe on a Saturday night all those years ago, except we now look to see how many of us have made that grand score of 80, rather than hope that Collingwood have lost by 80.

When considering what to talk about when you have an audience of retired people I was influenced by advice given to me by the late Geoff McComas ( of 3DB fame) at an ANZ training course many years ago, and have used many times over the years.. He said “prior to preparing your presentation always profile your audience” Well I Googled, twittered and Facebooked this for an audience of around 300 predominately white male retirees with an average age of 70. The results although interesting were probably predictable:-

40% won’t remember George Lawson, 20% won’t be able to hear me, 20% won’t be able to see me and the other 20% will probably have a prostate problem and need to go to the bathroom half way through the speech. Then of that 100% ten minutes after I have finished 65% will ask someone nearby what I spoke about.

So here goes. It all began at Tallangatta on the 21st Dec 1959 – 51 years ago and what a journey it has been. For those who don’t know where Tallangatta is – it is a north east Victorian country town situated in the centre of Tangambalanga, Yackandanda, Koetong and Walwa.

The first day I was given this blue book to read – the S/R and I was asked to digest the opening page – it was there that I learned about confidentiality and that I had to be of sober habits and couldn’t gamble and even had to get the bank’s permission if I wanted to get married. Here I was, shortly to turn 16, just had my first shave and with two hairs growing on my chest and I find drinking, gambling and fornicating are frowned upon. On transferring to the city just before I turned 18 I recall my mother ringing to check how I was settling in. I told her that everything was good – I was working with and playing footy with some good people but I didn’t think many of them had an opportunity to read that blue book I had to read at Tallangatta.

How everything has changed since 1959 – who would have dreamed that 50 years on how important the mobile phone or I Pad would become - that today we send an email rather than write a letter – we withdraw from an ATM rather than annoy a teller – we pay our bills by plastic or bpay rather than write a cheque – and the internet, hasn’t that changed things. But whilst the

technological development has been absolutely incredible in my mind the single biggest change has been the growth of the female employee in the industry. They no longer sit in the ledger room or the typing pool. They are now playing extremely significant roles as managers, senior executives, CEO’s, board directors, chairpersons and even prime ministers.

Let us talk about prime ministers and politicians for a moment. They would not be among the favourite people of a bank CEO. Treasurer Swan and Prime Minister Gillard have promised to fix the banking system but do they realize it’s not broken.

The ANZ Staff Social Club and its affiliated sporting clubs played a very important part in our lives as young bankers, particularly those of us who came down from the bush. I played with the tennis club, the golf club and the football club and not knowing much about Melbourne when I arrived from Tallangatta, Allan Thynne and Brian Christensen, the coaches of the bank footy team decided I should have a buddy to show me around town. They gave the job to Bluey Duguid – 50 years on he is still showing me around. As well as being my personal chauffer at times he also acts as my medical and theological advisor as well as golf coach. Of all of the sporting events that were high on one’s agenda was the annual visit to Wagga Wagga – the rivalry between Victoria and NSW was extreme with even State Managers becoming fiercely competitive. From a career perspective ANZ did a lot for me – I didn’t stay in one job for long enough to get into any trouble and it was pretty fast moving. I will never forget the attitude ANZ had to the training and development of its people and who could forget some of those live in courses – Sydney – Ormond College – the Old Ambulance Centre in Queens Road.

After 30 years with ANZ I moved to Bank of Melbourne – why? a doubling of my salary package, a wallet full of share options and the opportunity to stay in Melbourne.

I retired in 1999 at age 55 after running the retail part of Bank of Melbourne for 10 years. Isn’t retirement great – no more customer financial affairs to care for, only our own –grandkids to look after – doctor visits to be diarised – pills to be lined up in order ––and golf – why is golf a retirement necessity. Someone once said golf can be best described as an endless series of disasters obscured by an occasional miracle. I play at Latrobe 3 days a week with a group of fellow ANZROC members. My wife plays at her club the other two so most of the week at home is harmonious. The major golf event of the year for me is pre Easter at Yarrawonga (the 15th year in 2011). All participants are ANZROC members and include names like Ries, Ranford, McConnell, Christensen, Crough, Phelan, Harding, Duguid, Maguire, Treleaven, Woods and Briggs. Talking about getting old – last week I was invited to a seminar on estate planning – the opening page on the presentation sheets was headed –“plan the future –don’t leave it too long”

In conclusion I have to say that ANZ taught me a significant amount and similar to all of us in this room has had a big influence on my life and the friendships which we hold so dear.

ANZ as we know is one of the great banking institutions of not only Australia but of the world and we all congratulate you Mike and your team on the progress the bank continues to make. As retirees we all look to high interest rates for our deposits, growing profits, growing share values and rising dividends.”



Mike Smith, Chief Executive Officer said it was his fourth address to the Retired Officers Christmas Lunch and he then updated members with the year’s results and the strategic direction ANZ is taking into 2011.

Despite the ongoing impact of the Global Financial Crisis across the world Mike said that ANZ is delivering on the promises made to shareholders, customers and the community with progress towards the strategic ambition to become a leading super regional bank in Asia Pacific. The acquisition of selected Asian assets of RBS and integration of other businesses acquired in Asia is completed and profits are flowing from this source. Regional expansion continues with approval received for new or expanded banking licences in China, Singapore, the Philippines and in principle approval for a foreign bank licence in India. Closer to home profits and dividends were

sharply higher and balance sheet management is well placed to meet new capital standards being developed in Australia. During the year ANZ completed the purchase of the remaining 51% of ANZ-ING wealth management and life insurance ventures which has boosted the wealth management segment of ANZ. The purchase of the Landmark financial services loan and deposit books from AWB has taken ANZ’s regional commercial business to No 2 in market share position in agri-business. ANZ was assessed as the leading sustainable bank globally by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourth consecutive year and named Bank of the Year by the Institute of Finance Professionals in Australia.

Looking ahead there is still uncertainty in the global environment particularly USA and European economies and higher funding costs are here to stay while new capital and liquidity requirements creates further challenges for management and staff. The result is that these changes require changes to how ANZ does business at the same time customers want simplicity and convenience at a fair price. Then there is the need to testify at the current Senate enquiry into Banking in Australia which is taking a great deal of executive time and the potential outcomes are difficult to gauge but after weathering the global financial crisis in 2008 and 2009 ANZ is well placed to meet these new challenges. Mike thanked the members present for their ongoing support for ANZ and asked members to be prepared to counter the current widespread criticism of the banking industry. He wished all ANZROC members and families all the best for Christmas and a very prosperous new year.




Vic Ansell sent a brief note to say thanks for the birthday greetings via John Vanselow. Much appreciated. Vic and his wife had been holidaying in Mildura and Mansfield so he was away when the greetings arrived. They had a good few weeks away but Vic did run into a few locust swarms when travelling, but not enough to be a real problem. The locust activity has increased since they returned home. He has enjoyed the meetings this year as with other years and very much appreciates the work the committee members continue to put in.

Annette Baldwin sends thanks for her birthday card. She and husband Graeme have just returned from time in Cairns where they ran a business some time ago but they found the business climate in North Queensland has changed for small business since their time in the city.

Kerry Bateson tells me he looks forward to hearing what is happening in the newsletters with all the 'old' ones he used to work with. He still meets with some of the current employees for lunch and spent a very informative lunchtime with Dot Hayes catching up on things and reminiscing about the good old days. Kerry is still working full time but when he finally retires will attend the ANZROC lunches and functions.

Jeff Beard a new member this month writes that he was a player for the ANZ Football team for many years although President Neville Pearson says he did not play very well. Jeff was also President of ANZ Angling Club. He has close friends that are members of ANZROC including Peter and Stella Smith and Graham and Carol Bancroft.

Gordon Blair sent a short note to thank ROC for, once again, remembering his birthday (the 65th as it happened).He had a quiet day and enjoyed a very nice evening meal with his son, Cameron, and daughter, Lindsey, at a restaurant in East Burwood. Once again, many thanks for the Club's timely and much appreciated good wishes.

Geoff Christensen emailed to thank the Club for the Birthday Card, which as usual arrived on the day. He has reached the ripe old age of 60 years. Retired now going on 3 years albeit seems a lot longer and very much enjoying the easy life. Travelled to the US earlier this year and fulfilled one of life’s ambitions of visiting Memphis and of course Graceland. It was a very moving experience but alas no sign of the King. Geoff and his wife also took in New Orleans, Nashville and along the way many other Deep South places of interest. They had a hire car for just over 3

weeks out of New Orleans and concluding in Nashville. The food and music were just sensational and is highly recommended. Next year Geoff and his wife are off to Tahiti in March closely followed by Italy in May (doing two 7 night cruises out of Venice and then Genoa then driving for the next fortnight staying initially in a Villa in Tuscany and touring the wineries etc then Rome). Geoff will miss a number of Hawks games but then can’t do everything.

Ian Ewing emailing his thanks for the birthday wishes says that at present his life is so hectic and the pressure does not seem to ease up. This year Ian and wife Margaret celebrated their 50th Wedding anniversary and for some years Margaret has said that she would like to be in New York for that event. Accordingly they set out to on an Insight tour which commenced in Toronto Canada and finished in Boston USA. Time was spent on a bus exploring Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec and Montreal. They then boarded the MS Maasdam to return to Quebec, then up the St Lawrence River, around Nova Scotia, where they called at Charlottetown, Sydney and Halifax and then on to Bar Harbor and finishing in Boston. Ian and Margaret celebrated the anniversary on the last night before coming into Boston. Not quite New York but pretty close. After staying in Boston for a few days they boarded the Amtrak service to New York and then on to Washington when it was time to say farewell to the USA and they set off for home arriving in early October. Highlights of the trip included the Niagara Falls out of Toronto, the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, the magnificent buildings of the old city of Quebec, and again the magnificent buildings of Montreal, Anne of Green Gables memorabilia at Charlottetown, the harbour at Sydney, the Citadel at Halifax, the harbour at Bar Harbor and the wonderful history surrounding Boston and its buildings. New York of course has the colourful Times Square and the Statue of Liberty and Washington has its Museums and the Capitol Building.

Brian Farrell writing thanks for the birthday wishes says as usual his old friend John Vanselow was right on the button. All available family members gathered at Brian and wife Maralyn’s home to help him celebrate with a barbecue luncheon and they spent an enjoyable afternoon together. Brian and Maralyn recently attended the funeral service for their long time friend Betty McLeod who was the wife of Rod McLeod, ex South Melbourne Area Manager. Betty will be sadly missed by family and friends.

John Flyger emailed his thanks for the birthday recognition. The card arrived on the day in question, thanks of course to John Vanselow who once again shows his mastery with our postal system! He is now looking forward to the Christmas Luncheon meeting on the 9th and catching up with former workmates.

Theo Hall writing from Mornington says thanks for the good wishes for his birthday. Theo had a family celebration which is the last one for his seventies. Only days before Theo and his wife celebrated their son’s marriage held by Lake Wendouree in Ballarat which has water in it after many years of drought. It was a happy occasion.

Keith Higgs emailing his thanks to the Committee for the birthday greetings with special mention to John Vanselow reports that the card arrived on the day. The major highlight of Keith and his wife’s year happened on their wedding anniversary. Sarah, one of their granddaughters gave birth to their first great grandchild, a perfect little girl named Charlotte, now seven months old and crawling. That's one birthday that Keith should find easy to remember but it makes you realise how fast the years are flying by.

John Hobbs writing on his 94th sends thanks for his birthday card which is the 34th card he has received. John is fortunate to continue to enjoy good health and remain active in all his interest even if the energy application is not what it was. This year has been relatively quiet with just 10 days away with family in the south west of WA where they produce some pretty good wines.

Brian Kinna writing thanks for the birthday wishes says health problems have restricted the movements of both Brian and his wife but he still enjoys reading of the exploits of many of his former fellow workers who did such a good job in getting ANZ to such a sound position that it now enjoys.

John Mangan writing from Kangaroo Flat on his 80th appreciated the good wishes from members. He has had a few health problems recently but was able to have a couple of small parties. John hopes to see his friends and colleagues at the Christmas luncheon on 9th December.

Life Member Fay McPherson sending thanks for her birthday card, which as usual arrived right on time said she had a most enjoyable day at daughter Patricia’s home for a Sunday Roast lunch and then in the evening had a phone call (which lasted about an hour) from son Bruce and his family in Norway, which capped off a very happy birthday indeed.

Geoff Perdriau sends thanks for his birthday card. He also received best wishes from his cousin Joan Watson, widow of our Past President Alan Watson. Joan was delighted to receive a visit recently from newly elected Vice President David Knuckey at her retirement village home in Mount Martha.

Alan Ryan writing from Warragul says thanks for the birthday wishes and how he appreciates the newsletter as it keeps him up to date with the undertakings of old friends. He is presently laid up with a broken ankle but when fit still gets involved in local affairs and runs his cattle which are a great interest. Alan has lived in Warragul for 37 years and retired for 15 years. Where has the time gone? Alan and his wife travel overseas each year and it was to California this year to visit their daughter who is living there.

Glenda White emails that she and her husband Peter have just got back from China where they saw the Wall and the Warriors, a great trip and so interesting, the history is amazing as is the climb on the wall with no two steps the same height. A highlight also was taking the Maglev from Shanghai City to the airport and back (just for the fun of it) got up to a breezy 301kph and not a seatbelt in sight, people were just walking around the train truly amazing. Glenda will be going to the suburban luncheon in March.

And from Marguerite Barnsley, Mike Cooper, Paul Cross, Don Davy, Ken Fitzgerald, Neil Franklin, Deric Kennedy, Ed Laity, Rolf Loebert, Beverley MacDonald, Bruce Mathrick, Karl Mattingly, Jim Nicolson, Coralie O’Donahoo, Graeme Randall, John Ries, Norma Thomas, Julie Wilkins,







(Entrance Mount Dandenong Road)

In continuance of what is now becoming a tradition, the St Patrick’s Day luncheon, will again be held at the “Maroondah Sports Club” on the Corner of Mount Dandenong and Dublin Roads Ringwood East on Thursday 17th March 2011

We are greatly appreciative; once again, of the assistance Lyn and Les Stevens are giving in bringing this function together. They are looking forward to the opportunity of catching up again with as many ROC members and partners as possible.

It is proposed that we meet at the Maroondah Sports Club at midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The Maroondah Club provides a two course Seniors Luncheon for approx $15.00 per head. They also provide a broader menu should this be preferred. It is proposed that the ROC will subsidise the luncheon to the extent of $200.00 towards providing wine/drinks for the tables

To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required

As there is no January Newsletter we have provided this information early. If you are interested in attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice by 10 February 2011:






Members Name…………………………………………..


Partners Name……………………………………………


I/we will be attending the luncheon: Yes / No


I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance: Yes / No


I would appreciate assistance with transport: Yes / No

This information can be emailed to Neville Pearson at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “, or posted to Neville Pearson at 18 Browning Drive Glen Waverley 3150

Should you wish to telephone Neville, call 9802 0187





Forty seven members and partners travelled to Traralgon for the 10th Jim Coffey Memorial Golf Day. Showery weather made playing difficult at times; however some good scores were recorded.

Men’s Winner and winner of the Jim Coffey Memorial Trophy was John Winders (38 pts).

Men’s runner up was John Inglis (36 pts)

Ladies winner was Kath Shady (32 pts) on a count back from Lesley Cook.

Nearest the Pins were won by John McPhee, Des Shady and Hugh Bourke.

Kathy Trace was the star of the day after having a very exciting Hole-in-One on the par 3, 15th hole.

Once again the evening function at the Clubhouse provided everyone with the chance to socialise over the traditional country style roast dinner, with friendships being renewed and many stories swapped over a few drinks. Check out the article and photos from the Traralgon on the website

Diary Date – Our 2011 Autumn Golf Day will be held at the challenging Spring Valley sand belt course in Clayton on Monday 9 May 2011. Spring Valley is hosting the Victorian Championships in January next year and we are very fortunate to be invited to play on this quality course. Put the date in your diaries now!



We have been unable to apply the following subscription payments that were deposited direct to the ANZROC bank account on the dates shown below.

Deposit $12 22 Jul 2010

Deposit $12 13 Sep 2010

Agent Deposit 258150 $12 23 Sep 2010

If you think that any of these deposits may have been banked by you, please contact our Treasurer John Brown by either telephone 03 9802 1810 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Chris Woods, National Manager of ANZ Staff Clubs and our ANZROC contact for ANZ matters, reports that they are now finalising the process for eligible retired officers with 30+ years to access staff banking benefits. As discussed with our ANZROC committee, they have hit a hurdle with retired officers accessing lending benefits via ANZ branch network, and as such have devised an alternative (and simpler) method for retired officers to access these, and all staff banking benefits. ANZ has created an email address for retired officers - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. and also a postal mailbox - ANZ Retired Officers, Level 4 ANZ Centre, 833 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008.

Quite simply, any retired officer with 30+ years who wish to avail themselves of a particular staff banking benefit can contact ANZ via either of the above two options, providing the following details:

* Name

* Address

* Years of ANZ service

* Nominate the product they wish to receive a benefit on.

* Advise whether this is an existing product they hold and simply want the benefit applied (benefits cannot be applied retrospectively) or whether it is a new application.

For existing products, the benefit will be applied shortly thereafter. For new applications, the retired officer will be advised of the exact process to receive the benefit.

Given this process has been established for lending benefits, ANZ has elected to adopt this process for all Staff Banking benefits. This eliminates any complications a retired officer may experience by attempting to have these benefits applied at branch level and expedites the process.

Due to the adoption of this direct process, it is unnecessary to provide eligible retired officers with a branch eligibility certificate. Upon contacting ANZ via email or post, the retired officer can be verified at that point in time. This will also eliminate any pain inadvertently caused to families by sending a certificate to a retired officer who may have passed away.

Attached to this newsletter are the December 2010 Staff Banking benefits available to eligible retired officers. As discussed with ANZROC Committee our retired officer members will be able to determine whether they wish to take up a benefit, and if so how to proceed. As Staff Banking benefits alter Chris Woods will provide ANZROC with an updated list. If you have any problems with the new process contact Ron Adams (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144 phone 9821 0444 ) or Neville Pearson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to 18 Browning Drive Glen Waverley 3150 phone 9802 0187).







After the success of the getaway in 2010 Kevin Mitchell has organized a booking again for 2011 at the Alzburg Inn Resort 39 Malcolm St Mansfield for 2 Nights Monday 21st Feb and Tuesday 22nd Feb 2010. The get together is open to all members/ partners and singles and for full details you can contact Kevin on 98076201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ACCOMMODATION cost for 2 nights. Unit only.

Standard Motel 3 Stars, self contained with kitchenette.

Cost: $220.00, plus $30 P/P for Buffet Dinner = $

Deluxe Apartment 4 Stars, 2 bedrooms, living room, full kitchen & spa bath

Cost: $352.00, plus $30 P/P for Buffet Dinner = $

Resort Facilities: Swimming Pool / Sauna / Spa / Tennis Courts / Function Room/Volleyball / Games Room / Table Tennis / Dining Room / BBQ

Golf Course and Pokies Venue 2 km.

Other attractions within easy driving distance. Information available.



Day 1. Mon 21 Feb. Arrive anytime after midday.

Explore Alzburg Resort and Mansfield Township at your leisure.

Social Golf, Tennis or relax around the pool.

6.30pm. BBQ Dinner, BYO food & drink.


Day 2. Tue 22 Feb. Early Morning Golf Competition.

Non Golfers Social Walk, Tennis or other passive activities, or maybe just relax around the pool.

6.15 pm: BYO Pre Dinner drinks and nibbles around pool.

7.00 for 7.30pm: 2 Course, Pizza & Pasta Dinner & Dessert

Resort Dining Room . Cost $30.00 Per Person

Bar facilities available at your own expense. “Music for Dancing”.


Day 3 Wed 23 Feb Check out of unit by 11.00am, but continue to enjoy the facilities at the Alzburg for as long as you like.

Please Note: Booking arrangements, you are requested to pay your accommodation and P&P Dinner in full by cheque payable to Alzburg Resort, or by Credit Card.



ANZROC Mansfield Booking Form for 2011



Phone No:___________________ Email:_____________________


Accommodation (please circle) Motel /Apartment.

If sharing an apartment please indicate who with……………………………


Golf Competition: Name _______________________H’cap_____


Attached booking cheque for $ payable to Alzburg Resort

Please forward this booking form together with full payment by

31 Jan 2011 to Kevin Mitchell Unit 2/29 McLochlan St

Mount Waverley 3149

Phone Kevin on 9807-6201 if you require further information.


APT Travel has a close association with the ANZ Bank through the discount offer to Staff and Retired Officers on their travel tours

A suggestion has been put forward during our communications with APT, that ROC members may appreciate the opportunity of an ANZ ROC Group Tour specifically organised by APT exclusively for ANZ Bank Retired Officers within Australia or overseas

We have scheduled a meeting with APT early in the new year to discuss this matter in more detail and prior to such meeting we would appreciate members suggestions as to location (Australia or overseas) and the likely interest in such a proposal. We would welcome members’ comments on this suggestion and would appreciate if any members who may be interested please complete and return the following questionnaire. This questionnaire is nonbinding in any way and will be only used to gauge our members’ interest prior to our meeting with APT:-





NAME ………………………………………………………………….


I would suggest that any such tour be of approx ………………. days duration and places that may be of interest me within Australia or overseas would be:








I am relatively flexible as to timing YES/NO (please delete as applicable)


If “NO” what timing is preferred ………………………………………………………………………….

I understand that this questionnaire is nonbinding in any way


DATE …./…./……..


The Secretary

ANZ Retired Officers Club Vic,

PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144.



The dates already confirmed for 34th Floor 100 Queen Street are Thursdays February 17th, April 14th (Kevin Mitchell to arrange for our ANZAC Remembrance ) and May 12th (Salvation Army).....all lunchtime meetings

17th March is off site at Maroondah Club and June 9th is tentatively 833 Collins Street......


For the second half of the year the dates proposed are luncheon meetings on Thursdays 14th July, August 11th, October 13th and November 10th (AGM) and have been pencilled in at 34th Floor 100 Queen Street

September is offsite at either a country or suburban daytime luncheon and a night meeting offsite and the dates to be advised closer to September

December luncheon at the ANZ Pavilion is proposed for 8th December.....





The guest speaker for the day is still to confirm acceptance and details will be posted on our website closer to the date but being the first meeting of the year we would expect a strong attendance as members welcome in the New Year and catch up with friend s and colleagues.

Please let Ron Adams know by Friday 11h February 2011 by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone ( 98210444) or return the attached notice to PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 so we can advise ANZ Security Desk the names of members attending.


Ron Adams







To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579 on 17th February 2011 commencing at 12 noon

Malvern Vic 3144 . Phone 9821 0444 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






newsletter november 2010



President John Stevens welcomed 60 members and our guest speaker for the day Charles Goode, to the ANZROC Annual General Meeting held on 34th Floor at 100Queen Street.  Members not seen for a while were Gordon Field, our Auditor Alan Forrest, Doug Imrie, Ian Ince, Bruce Scott and Warren Taylor. The members present thoroughly enjoyed hearing Charles Goode’s presentation on his years as Chairman of ANZ Board of Directors.


Graeme Ainscough, Geoff Burton, Brian Christensen, John Duke, Barbara Griffen , Charles Griss, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Louis Hebrard, Rick Kimber, Con La Fauci, Ian Lamont, Jock McGregor, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson,  Jim Martin, Brian Murdoch , Peter Nyga , Bernie O’Reilly, Rino Orifici, Gordon Paulett, Bob Schofield, Bruce Seamons, Don Taylor, Bruce Tickell, Paul Tovey, John Vanselow, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins



Jones                           Frank                           87 years                         2/11/2010

Andrew Jones, son of Frank told me Frank had enlisted in the RAAF in April 1942 and was attached to US Air Force covering the Pacific zone including combat on Manus Island. Frank specialised in the communications and radio services while in the RAAF and left the service in April 1946. Frank joined the bank at Cressy and promotions followed with appointments to management including Lang Lang and Kangaroo Flat retiring as Manager Glenroy. Frank was a strong supporter of ANZROC often attending meetings when he was able.

Laing                           N.K. (Ken)                   86 years                       24/7/2010

Rich Lang, son of Ken let me know that Ken passed away in July. Rich said that Ken’s career included a management appointment at the age of 21 for the ES&A Bank and he eventually left the bank to purchase a news agency in 1970.Ken was 86 when he died and Rich said he loved to read the editions of the monthly newsletter.

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Frank and Ken and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.


Our meeting was held on Remembrance Day this year and it was fitting that day’s edition of the Age Newspaper included a Remembrance Day Supplement and in the segment titled “Voices from the Front for World War 11” our Life Member Gerald McPherson was quoted at the age of 20 commenting about a night time sortie over Kiel the main German naval base. “The Lancaster bomber in which he was rear gunner was caught in the spotlights and the pilot had to throw the plane around to escape the relentless gunfire and at one stage during the attack they were flying upside down. On the way back the plane was  descending to 7000 feet over the North Sea  when  the pilot suddenly turned up again and Gerry saw another Lancaster below them which they missed by five or six feet. The image of that was forever planted in Gerry’s mind” Gerry flew 37 such missions over Germany and occupied territories before returning to Australia.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during November  and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: John Carruthers (81), Lindsay Craddock (87), Paul Cross (84), Brian Farrell (82), Euan Greenwood (86), John Hobbs (94), Brian Kinna (82), Eric Lean (88), John Mangan (80), Rodney McLeod (87), Gerry McPherson (86), Ray Morris (81), Bob Nichol (99), Peter Oxley (81), Jim Potter (80), Ray Quirk (88), Don Ranyard (80), Jack Shelton (80), Arthur Vale (80), Gordon Williams (87).



From 1/11/2010                                   less than $20,000                                             2.96%

greater than $20,000                                        3.79%


Charles Goode AC was Chairman of the Board of ANZ for just under 20 years and he told us about his experiences over the term that included dealing with credit crises, overseeing  capital raisings, coping with complex financial derivatives and managing  the threats inherent in global financial crisis but  . In that time he worked with three CEO’s, Don Mercer, John McFarlane and Mike Smith and each brought a set of skills to the company appropriate for that moment in time. The growth of ANZ in size, increased capital adequacy and higher share price and dividends during his term as Chairman has resulted in the current strong credit rating and happy shareholders and like most members he is surprised at the current spate of bank bashing. After many questions from members Gary Mason passed a vote of thanks reminiscing about the time he was presenting credit problems to Charles who was then a member of the Credit Review Board. Charles thanked members for the opportunity to talk about his experiences … a most interesting and informative meeting



Graeme Ainscough reports that he and wife June have taken off to the Gold Coast for a well earned holiday although he had a fall shortly before the trip which meant a stay in hospital and some problems with his back that need to be addressed on return from Gold Coast. He’s also keen to return to see his Cheltenham baseball teams continue to progress through the long summer season but all teams are well placed at this early stage of the season to play in the finals early next year.

Geoff Archer emailing thanks for the birthday card from ANZROC signed by John Vanselow says that since his "retirement" in May, he has been busy acting as housekeeper for wife Jenny and their three adult children and progressively tackling home and garden maintenance issues.  Jenny had major hip surgery in March with a more protracted recovery than envisaged.  They are looking forward to an APT tour of the Canadian Rockies and Alaskan cruise in 2011.

Graeme Baldwin emailing that he enjoyed receiving his birthday remembrance commented that Saul Eslake our speaker at the October meeting was excellent, and he is sure that all present enjoyed listening while the questions asked were also very pertinent.

Peter Bearsley emailing thanks  for the birthday greetings - as usual, perfectly timed says  he has recently returned from a week in East Timor, looking at a number of projects his  Rotary Club (RC of Melbourne) has going on up there and initiating a new three-year project to reduce maternal and infant mortality.   It's estimated that mothers in East Timor have a 1:35 lifetime chance of dying in/around childbirth or from pregnancy-related causes (1:13,300 in Australia) and infants have about a 1:10 chance of not making it to age five. Peter is confident that the new project will make a real difference - all he has to do is raise about USD240, 000, preferably sooner rather than later! And, regrettably, he’ll have to be an apology for the Golf Day at Traralgon as he’ll be trekking across the Wangapeka and Heaphy Tracks at the top of the South Island of NZ, hoping there won't be any bad earthquakes around there at that time.

David Begg writing from Belmont says thanks for the birthday wishes and that this birthday while a little less exciting than his 80th last year was still enjoyed to the fullest. David really appreciates the annual birthday cards and the regular supply of newsletters.

Brian Christensen reports that he and wife Noelle will be looking at Lake Eyre in flood. on the date of our AGM .

Lawrence Cox emailing his thanks for the newsletter and for the birthday card says they are much appreciated. Unfortunately Lawrence has not been able to make any meeting this year and will not be able to make this year's Christmas party as he will be with the family visiting relatives in the UK. Life has been quite busy since last year's Christmas Party as he is still undertaking full time Risk Management consulting to the Department of Transport and is currently overseeing the Risk Management process across about 40 transport projects totalling close to $5b. The Department is currently trying to fill a new full time Public Service Risk Manager Role to spend more time with the individual projects. Lawrence has also been very fortunate to have been invited by the Federal Government to be an inaugural member of their Resilience Expert Advisory Panel.

Don Davy writes that he appreciates the birthday greetings and receipt of the newsletters which keeps him up to date with the news of his colleagues. He is currently Marketing Project Manager for Electric Vehicles at Knoxfield which provides mobility scooters for the infirm and he is now dealing with 50 retirement villages, Aged Care facilities and hospitals. Don says he is always available to help members with advice on mobility. Don recently met Max Butler and his wife at a function and they told him they had taken up golf and Max intended to play at the ANZROC tournament in Traralgon.

Ray Dedlefs emailing his thanks for the greetings and good wishes for his 80th birthday on 31st October says they were much appreciated. The family celebrated the occasion with a dinner party at their home in Diamond Creek. The highlight of the night was the assistance he received from his 2 1/2 year old great grand daughter in blowing out the candles on the birthday cake. As to being 80 years old Ray can say he is very glad to have made it although along the way in recent years there have been some medical hurdles which he has scrambled over. As ANZROC member Murray Abraham mentioned about himself earlier in the year Ray doesn’t mind getting old so long as he keeps getting older. He enjoys the news of members' activities in the monthly news letter. Since retiring from the Bank Ray has played a lot of golf mainly at Heidelberg Golf Club but recently playing golf has tapered off with the wet and cold weather and other overriding claims on his time.

Kerry Dodds writes from Warrenheip that his birthday card was waiting for him on return from the annual trout hunt at Dartmouth Dam and Mitta Mitta River but not many trout were hunted out. It was a busy year with his son and family relocating from Sydney back to Ballarat to commence “Dodds Plumbing”. Kerry’s job is to look after his two grandchildren. The plumbing and the settling in of the grandchildren are so far both going well. He hopes to make the Christmas luncheon this year.

Warwick Etty writes from Healesville to thank the Club for the birthday wishes on his 70th accepting that he is now an old man. His health is good but back and left leg cause some bother. Warwick and his wife spent some time recently in the Channel Country to witness the flooded rivers and rejuvenated surrounding country around Quilpie, Eulo and Toompine with the experience of crossing rivers at .4 metres over the roads. Unfortunately their holiday soured after an altercation with a b-double on the way home. No one was injured just a rather sad looking caravan waiting for repairs.

Patricia Goss daughter of our late member Phil Carne wrote to thank members for their thoughts and condolences on the death of her father .She said the family was comforted that John and Lois Vanselow shared in the celebration of Phil’s life especially as ANZ Bank and ANZROC had been such a big part of it. It was wonderful to reflect on the happy memories which have helped to ease the sadness at this time.

Bob Grant emailing from Nelson Bay says he knows he’s running late but has been away since the birthday and didn’t get a chance to acknowledge Birthday Greetings before this.  The year has been a mixed one for Bob as he has had some foot problems necessitating an operation in March. It was officially called a “bumpectomy” .Fortunately, health wise, all is now well. Bob is scheduled to have a similar operation on his other foot in November but as yet haven’t been given an exact date. Apart for that, all is well in Nelson Bay and Bob and wife Nell are enjoying very much the move from Albury 2 years go. He is involved with the local woodworking Club and Nell is into craft activities and babysitting so they are kept occupied.

Jack Grant now well settled in Berwick writes thanks for the birthday wishes and he and wife Robyn are enjoying the closer relationship with their two children and three grandchildren. Late September they went north to Nelson Bay to spend time with twin-brother Bob and his wife Nell and they had a most enjoyable time. Jack has started to get into bowls again and they have joined a local Probus Club so are getting involved in the community. He enjoys reading about colleagues in the newsletter and is looking forward to catching up with friends at the Christmas luncheon.

Mike Henry emailing  his  thanks once again for the punctual Birthday card says that apart from golf, tennis , travelling, grandchild minding and volunteer driving nothing much is happening - the only real disappointment these days in living the retired life is that you don’t get a rostered day  off. Mike would like to also thank David Knuckey for his excellent organisation of the Rosebud Luncheon for ROC members - a terrific day.

Ian Ince thanking John and Kathy for his birthday wishes says it has been a busy year with a stay in hospital followed by leisure time in Yarrawonga and Rosebud. He was due to head off to Queensland in August but rushed into hospital and a stent placed in an artery. Ian is fit and well at home now and looking forward to trips to Yarrawonga, Rosebud and Bright over the coming months.

Larry James emails his thanks for the birthday wishes which arrived on time again. He says its amazing how this can de done with Australia Post. Life is busy as usual either with Golden Days Radio or Puffing Billy both of which are a delight to be involved with. Larry recently had a friend over from the UK and they did a lot of day trips and some overnights as well. They paid a visit to Walhalla during October which is a delightful place to stay. It has a population of around 10 people with no TV or mobile phones. So if you want to get away from the busy life Walhalla is the place to stay. Great accommodation (Star Hotel) and great food. There's also a narrow gauge railway there as well hence the connection. Bumped into David Knuckey at a "Thomas" Day at Puffing Billy recently and caught up with old times, which was good. He will try and get to a meeting or two next year.

Doreen Langmead widow of our late member Harold Langmead writes to thank members for their thoughts and condolences when Harold passed away. She says that after Harold served 6 years in the Indian Army they came to Australia in 1949 to begin 32 years with the then Union Bank serving many years at 351 Collins Street. His era was with Frank Donovan and Keith Crellier eventually taking up management roles in the suburbs and city until retirement as Manager William Street Branch. Harold always enjoyed the newsletter and was interested in the news.

Phil Manning emails that he regularly reads every Newsletter, and is pleased to note the odd name that he is familiar with pop up from time to time! Phil is  now in his eightieth year and although there’s  a few creaks and groans mainly from a knee replacement he  still tries  to keep himself occupied - but it makes it difficult to get to meetings !.Phil’s qualifications-which included accountant and tax agent etc- were interesting and profitable in the past but he is now winding up a small but interesting business and everything collected over many years. Phil and his wife visited their younger son and grandchildren in North Queensland a few weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed the temperatures in the lower thirties and the upper twenties. This son manages the airport at Horn Island (between Australia and Papua New Guinea) but he seems a bit remote. They are having the grandchildren visit after Christmas - something to look forward to!

Jim Martin apologising for missing the AGM tells me he will be cruising on the Dawn Princess circumnavigating the Australian coastline.

Emilio Moreno emailed his thanks for the very kind wishes for his birthday. Emilio spent a wonderful day with the family and it was great having the five grandchildren help him celebrate.

Look forward to seeing colleagues at the Christmas lunch

Bob Nichol turning 99 on 15th November was pleased to announce a little baby great grandson was born recently. His name is Robert (BOB) Redman, so the name Bob will not be lost

Rino Orifici one of our newest members emails that he has  booked for the Christmas  meeting, but is  unable to attend the November meeting as he and his wife  are flying to Hawaii for a cruise.

John Osborne writing his thanks for the birthday wishes says he was born on Melbourne Cup day in 1937 and has always enjoyed the Cup. This year he again had a great birthday with the family and also won on the Cup. Since retiring John has enjoyed the comradeship of Probus and he and his wife are heading off shortly on their first Probus trip to Echuca and expect to experience the rich history of the area. They go their holiday home in Loch Sport as often as practicable where they catch up with their daughter and son in law from Traralgon.  It’s a lovely quiet area and they return relaxed and refreshed. John is still studying music and guitar and having the time and patience in retirement makes it easier.

Peter Oxley emailing from Mount Gambier sends thanks for the good wishes on the occasion of his 81st Birthday.  It does not seem possible that it is 25 years since he retired.   After living in a Retirement Estate for the past seven years, Peter and wife Moira have settled well into the different lifestyle, where they have the availability of a secure and caring environment, and the fellowship of many folk of their own age group.  They haven’t been able to manage any overseas travel for the past couple of years, but they do hope to see a bit more of Australia in the near future, something a little closer to home and a little less stressful.

Jim Potter writing from Sebastopol on his 80th says thanks for the good wishes and it is hard to imagine it is some 25 years since he retired from ANZ. They have recently moved to Sebastopol to be near family and while the temperature is a little different from Ferntree Gully, it has not taken long to settle into their new surroundings.

Ray Quirk sending thanks to the Club for the Birthday Card received right on his 88th says as usual a special thanks to John Vanselow for his efforts and personal note.  Ray and wife Meryl are still in good health, doing some travel within Australia and associating regularly with old ANZ friends at lunches.

Dietmar Reichert emails that he has just returned from several weeks overseas attending his   primary school class reunion in Southern Germany. He was a pupil at the school in the late 1950’s. It seems not all that long ago. In addition Dietmar and his wife visited family and friends and did a fair bit of "walking in the black forest" which was very nice - and the weather was very warm. To travel is still generally enjoyable - but flying is nowadays very trying!!

Don Taylor writes that since February when  he settled into his new residence in Toorak he has been  keeping busy  setting up his office  to cope with the volume of paperwork that has accumulated over the past eight months. He is reasonably healthy and enjoys keeping up with news of colleagues through the newsletter.

John Taylor emailing from Tura Beach says thanks for the birthday wishes, as usual the card arrived exactly on the date. It has been a year of mixed fortunes, however hoping for the best now. In April John was diagnosed with cancer that resulted in an operation and six days at National Capital Hospital Canberra. This was followed up with weeks of extensive Radiation, and Chemo at the Canberra Public Hospital. This was a 550 Klm round trip home each weekend to Tura Beach. Upon completion of treatment John and his wife flew up to Port Douglas for a month staying their daughter’s apartment. While in Port Douglas they met up with Sylvia Lovett (nee Hercules) who John worked with at ANZ Fitzroy in the early 1960’s, Sylvia is still working, as a receptionist for a construction company in Cairns.  They also had visits from their daughter her husband and their three grand children who live in Brisbane. Also visiting were Gertie Braini and her husband Boris; John worked with Gertie when he was manager Data Processing Vic., and Gertie was a leading Shift Supervisor. They had a pleasant week reminiscing about the old times back in the early 80’s at the banks computer headquarters at South Yarra. Back home again in Tura Beach John had to go back to the Specialist in Canberra, for a 3month check up and was given a positive report with 3 monthly check ups ahead for the time being. John stresses the importance of having yearly blood tests.

Bill Walker emails thanks for the kind birthday wishes. As for the day itself, it was spent in the company of all his family which made it something special. Not a lot to report over the past year which is probably a good thing. He must say however that like most responders he does enjoy reading about their various exploits

Eric Williams writing from Warrnambool on his 90th says that John Vanselow hit the jackpot again in dispatching his card to arrive spot on the day. Eric’s wife has recovered from a serious operation and they are both looking forward to 2011. Eric will again be attending the Christmas luncheon.

And from  Sam Bartuccelli, Joan Biddlecombe, Geoff Christensen, Susie Green, Charles Griss, Dave Harkin, Adrian Henning, Bob Irvine, Peter Kariotis, Bill Kidd, Peter Lees, Gerry and Fay McPherson,  Jim Nicolson, Barry Reid, Bevan Roulston, Guy Sanders, Frank Stanson, Kelvin Tyler, Ray Watson,





The site is now available for members to access and you are invited to let us have any comments and suggestions for the Committee’s consideration as we refine the site. Send comments to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The results of the election of Office Bearers for ANZROC Vic for 2010/2011 held at our AGM were:

President                                  Neville Pearson

Immediate Past President         John Stevens

Senior Vice President               John McPhee

Vice Presidents                                    David Knuckey, Col Edwards

Secretary/Newsletter Editor      Ron Adams

Assistant Secretary                   Joan Nathan

Honorary Treasurer                 John Brown

Committee                               Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke, Con La                                                               Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Kathy Trace, John                                                                      Vanselow, Eamon Veaney

Outgoing Present John Stevens was thanked for his efforts on behalf of members and the strengthening of our relationship with ANZ during his two year term as President.



As you may be aware, ANZ Staff Club VIC held a Special General Meeting on 23 August 2010, where members voted on a range of special general resolutions including change of name, rules of association and membership criteria/eligibility.  These resolutions were carried, and have since received regulatory approval; therefore the changes have now been enacted. One of the changes was to the retired officer membership category.  Eligibility was altered from the applicant being required to have had 15 or more years of service at ANZ and membership of ANZROC VIC to the applicant being required to have had 30 or more years of continuous service at ANZ.  The annual membership fee has been reduced to $13.00 per annum (payable in advance).

Please note:  All existing ANZ Staff Club VIC retired officer members are entitled to maintain their membership and continue to receive all benefits for the life of their membership.  The new eligibility criteria only apply to new applicants.

Please also note the club is now officially called 'ANZ Staff Club Australia', with no reference to the term "social".



Members have made a couple of bookings with APT recently. Bookings have been for a Canada & Alaska tour/cruise in October and a Kimberley Cruising booking in September.

The latest offer from APT is a tour to Vietnam and the details are as follows:

Fly Free to Vietnam including air taxes

Departing 18 June & 16 July 2011

12 Day Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong & Angkor

Price from $3901.35* per person, twin share

Includes: 4 nights’ accommodation in 5 star and first class hotels including the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi and Le Meridien Angkor, Siem Reap - 8 Day Luxury Mekong River Cruise - Freedom of Choice Touring and Dine Around Dinners in select locations - Port charges and tipping - Airport transfers, excursions and entertainment - 29 meals including local beer and spirits at all times on your cruise - Explore the magnificent temple of Angkor Wat - APT Signature Experiences.

Call1300 204 588 to enquire about this tour

*Conditions apply. Prices are per person, twin share and include the ANZ Discount of 7%, all taxes and port charges. Available on new bookings only. Payments made by credit card may incur a surcharge. Book & deposit $2000 per person by31 December 2010. Strictly limited offer on set departures. Offers may be withdrawn at any time, are subject to availability at time of booking and cannot be combined with any other offer. Fly Free to Vietnam including taxes of $400 pp. valid on Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong and Angkor (VEMR12) departing 18 June and 16 July 2011 and Angkor, Mekong & Ho Chi Minh City (VEM13) departing 19 August 2011. All other departures Fly Free, just pay taxes from $400 per person. Air must be booked by APT. No refund on tickets once issued. Once deposit received, APT reserves the right to ticket airfares.



Kevin Mitchell has booked the Alzburg Resort at Mansfield and has locked in dates 21-23 February 2011. For members and partners interested in visiting Mansfield next year  the booking forms and costings will follow in the December newsletter.





(Entrance Mount Dandenong Road)

In continuance of what is now becoming a tradition, the St Patrick’s Day luncheon, will again be held at the “Maroondah Sports Club” on the Corner of Mount Dandenong and Dublin Roads Ringwood East on Thursday 17th March 2011

We are greatly appreciative; once again, of the assistance Lyn and Les Stevens are giving in bringing this function together. They are looking forward to the opportunity of catching up again with as many ROC members and partners as possible.

It is proposed that we meet at the Maroondah Sports Club at midday with the view to ordering lunch around 12.30 pm. The Maroondah Club provides a two course Seniors Luncheon for approx $15.00 per head. They also provide a broader menu should this be preferred. It is proposed that the ROC will subsidise the luncheon to the extent of $200.00 towards providing wine/drinks for the tables

To assist members and partners, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members/partners who do have mobility difficulties. We would also appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required

As there is no January Newsletter we have provided this information early. If you are interested in attending this luncheon, we would appreciate if could return the following notice by 10 February 2011:



Members Name:  ……………………………………..

Partners Name……………………………………………

I/we will be attending the luncheon:   Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport for members who require assistance:  Yes  /  No

I would appreciate assistance with transport:   Yes / No

This information can be emailed to Neville Pearson at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “, or posted to  Neville Pearson  at 18 Browning Drive  Glen Waverley  3150

Should you wish to telephone Neville , call    9802 0187




As advised in the last two newsletters the Annual Christmas Luncheon will be held on Thursday 9th December 2010 at the ANZ Pavilion of the Christmas Luncheon. CEO Mike Smith and a number of Senior Executives will be attending.

We urge those that have not sent their acceptance to do so quickly as we have already received 255 acceptances. As you know we are restricted to 300 seats in the Pavilion and if necessary we will set up a waiting list. The invitation to the luncheon is attached to this newsletter and the contribution towards the cost of the function has again been capped at $20---.

For those who wish to attend: Complete and detach the Invitation “Acceptance Slip” and attach your cheque for $20—and return to Ron Adams at PO Box 579,Malvern Vic 3144.  (NOTE THE CHANGE)

Cutoff date for members’ acceptances will be Monday 29th November, 2010


Keep the top half of the “Invitation” for presentation at the door of the venue on Thursday 9th December 2010. Refunds will not be paid unless advice is received by the President, Secretary, or Treasurer at least 4 days prior to the function – last minute cancellations are a waste of money as payment is made to the caterers on the numbers provided a week before the function.

This year members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members should send the invitation  slip to Ron Adams   advising that payment has been made through internet banking.


The ANZROC account details are as follows:

ACCOUNT NAME:           ANZ BANKING GROUP RETIRED OFFICERS’ CLUB                                                                                        (Victoria)

BSB:                                      013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER:     3064 51947



To be held at the ANZ Pavilion

Victorian Arts Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne


Admittance                        From                     11.30 am

Drinks                                   From                     11.30 am

Luncheon                            From                     12.30 pm

Please retain and present this portion at the door of the

Venue on the 9th December 2010



Thursday 9th December 2010

Return this slip to:                          Ron Adams

PO Box 579,

Malvern, Vic 3144

With your contribution of           :               $20.00

NAME ……………………………………………….. (please print)

Phone No. or e-mail ………………………………………………………….

newsletter october 2010




President John Stevens welcomed 61 guests and our guest speaker for the day Saul Eslake attending the ANZROC luncheon held on 34th Floor at 100QSM. Members not seen for a while were Graeme Baldwin, Alma Barkell, Neville Greenway, Cliff Griggs, Bob Heinemann, Clive Hewett, Wayne Hulbert, Harry Loucas, and Geoff Meggs. The strong representation of members present thoroughly enjoyed hearing Saul’s presentation on the international economy.


Ron Adams, Noel Beanland, Geoff Burton, John Duke, Col Edwards, Laurie Foord, Charles Griss, Frank Hatfield, Bernadette Hulbert Jim Martin, Norman Mattila, Gerry & Fay McPherson, Brian Murdoch, Peter Nyga, Bruce Seamons, Bernie Sowersby, Don Taylor, John Vanselow, Roger Watkins, Julie Wilkins, Glenda White,



Eslake Saul (Saul) 14 years ANZ

McGregor Andrew J. (Andrew) 41 years ANZ

Orifici Cirino (Rino) 41 years ANZ

Thorp Allen J. (Allen) 44 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Andrew Rino and Allen at one of our future meetings and as reported Saul was our guest speaker for the October meeting.


Carne P.S. (Phil) 28/9/2010 91 years

Phil began his banking career with the Horsham Branch of Bank of Australasia in 1934. He saw war service with the Australian Army during World War II serving mainly in the Army Audit unit in the Middle East, The Northern Territory and PNG reaching the rank of Lieutenant. Post-war he worked for ANZ until his retirement in 1984 working mostly in lending, reaching the position of Senior Manager Lending for Victoria.

Hogarth John, past MD of Esanda. 15/10/2010 84 years.

John enlisted in RAAF in 1944 in Perth and on discharge in August 1945 was Leading Aircraftman in 7th Aircraft Depot, Tocumwal. Joining ES&A Bank in WA and serving in Tasmania and Victoria he retired as Managing Director of Esanda in 1986. He enjoyed hobby farming in Koonomoo near Cobram for some years before returning to Melbourne. A large number of ES&A colleagues attended the funeral service.

Mann Barbara 11/9/2010

Barbara was one of the stalwarts working in the office at 394 Collins Street for an extended period which included the World War 2 years.

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of our past members and on behalf of all members we extend our sympathies to family and friends.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during October and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Ray Dedleffs (80), David Begg (81), Harry Carrodus (82), Kevin Flynn (83), Ken Howell (83), John Keck (91), Ted Larkin (86), Max McKoy (87), John Moorhouse (85), Jim Nicolson (82), Des Rittman (81), Thomas Taylor (83), Mike Whitmore (81), Eric Williams (90).


From 1/10/2010 less than $20,000 2.93%

greater than $20,000 3.75%


Our guest speaker was Saul Eslake of the Grattan Institute, who is acknowledged as one of the foremost economists in Australia and for 14 years was Chief Economist for ANZ Bank.

Saul spoke of his recruitment to the Bank and his time as Chief Economist, and his decision not to follow some of his predecessors by moving into general management. His move to the Grattan Institute was in part to do with young family commitments and reducing travel.

Saul explained that the Grattan Institute was formed in November 2008 responding to the desire for an independent public policy think-tank focused on Australian domestic public policy. The Board comprises a cross-section of business, academia and government. The research programs are supported by a public policy committee and reference groups from across the community.

Saul occupies the position of Program Director – Productivity Growth. Reference

Saul spoke on the international economy focusing of the affects of the weaker U.S and European on the world scene and the growing international strength of the Chinese and Indian economies. Australia has come through the financial crisis much better placed than other western economies predominantly because of its links with China.

The meeting was fortunate to have had Saul Eslake as our guest speaker and Gary Mason of the Committee proposed a vote of thanks and presented Saul with a small gift


Bill Boucher thanking Kathy Trace for the birthday wishes said the day was spent with the family and it feels good to be remembered. While not as mobile as he used to be Bill continues to participate in local affairs and he keeps actively involved with his hobby of constructing model aircraft and his attention to his extensive philatelic collection.

Geoff Burton emailing his thanks for his birthday greetings says it is terrific to hear of the activities of the many retired officers with whom he worked or came across in his banking days. The last two and a half years have unfortunately had many low points, particularly with the passing of wife Loraine, who was known to many, in July after a long battle with cancer. Geoff has been quite overwhelmed by the number of former work-mates who have contacted him. He is now looking forward to getting his life back on track and continuing on with his travel plans to see more of Australia.

Gordon Field emailed a short note to thank the team for his birthday card. Gordon and wife Edith are grappling with their several ailments, much the same way as many of his former colleagues are no doubt doing. This year has been a particularly bad year for Edith but now they see light at the end of the tunnel. The specialist said it would take a year to get over her infection and it looks like he is right. The many appointments just seem to clash with meeting days but Gordon has November 12th booked in and it is looking OK.

Ken Fitzgerald writing on his 82nd to thank Kathy Trace for her kind remarks says he was overseas on his birthday travelling in Ireland after spending some time in Harrogate, Yorkshire for a Veterans Cricket Festival in which 58 teams and over 1000 veterans participated. It was a great time renewing friendships from previous festivals and the highlight was a picnic day at Lord Eagleby’s Castle where they were entertained with medieval displays of jousting. After the festival Ken was joined by son Ross and daughter in law Pamela touring Scotland where they enjoyed the Edinburgh Tattoo, Lake Windermere and visiting other areas in the highlands before heading off over the Irish Sea on the largest ferry in Europe to Dublin where they visited the Irish National Stud Farm, the Ring of Kerry and Waterford Crystal. Ken then set off to try and trace ancestors in Londonderry in Northern Ireland. He travelled over 1500 klm’s on his search a lot of which was on extremely narrow roads but nevertheless the speed limit was still 100klm per hour. Ken would challenge a rally driver to consistently drive at that speed on those roads. His trip home was too long without a stopover from Dublin/London/Singapore/Melbourne which was more than 24 hours on an aeroplane and he had jet lag and a stiff neck for three weeks but is back to normal now.

Glenn Fullerton emailed a short note to say thanks for his birthday card which arrived on the day, as usual. Glenn and his wife have just returned from seven weeks in the UK. They took a 22 day tour through England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, the highlights being the Edinburgh Tattoo, visiting the Orkney Islands, the Isle of Skye and everything Irish. They enjoyed eight days in London doing the usual tourist things, but also had a one day tour of Paris being picked up from their London hotel at 6 am, onto the Eurostar train, bus tour of Paris with lunch in the Eifel Tower, a boat trip on the Seine, a quick visit to the Louvre and back to the Eurostar arriving back at their hotel in London at about 10 pm. Tiring but most enjoyable. Glenn then arranged an 11 day tour of the castles and gardens of England, again returning to Edinburgh, but on this occasion the Pope and the Queen were there, so they missed out on seeing Holyrood Palace, but instead enjoyed a great tour of the 'Britannia’.

Phil Goodier reports that it has been a hectic year with trips with wife Gail, fishing trips, frustrating bowling days and enjoying life by the sea at Beaumaris. The event of the year was the very recent trip to the Kimberley’s with two old Willys Whippet motor cars. One was a 1927 and the other a 1929. Both have corrugated iron roofs and no sides but do have doors. Ray Pietsch invited Phil to go on this trip with a crew from the Clare South Australia district .The trip was to raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation. Whilst they have only just returned, the funds raised should approach $25,000! They were away for over a month mainly camping in the bush in their swags but had two support vehicles and trailers with tucker and grog. The trip was up the main south road to Alice Springs, to Dumarra then left along the Buchanan Highway ( track ) to Timber Creek to Kununurra then on to the Gibb River Road ( horrific ). Visiting many scenic spots including Mitchell Falls, Horizontal Falls (they also had a Cessna 182 with them from Kununurra to Halls Creek). They received quite a surprise at Drysdale River where the trailer springs were replaced when John and Lois Vanselow bumped into their group ...from the Gibb river road to Drysdale River took 5 hours for the 50 kms! On to Derby then down to Broome where a well earned R & R was enjoyed then on to Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek then to the unforgettable Tanami Desert track.... incredibly hard but the wildflowers were beautiful. After the long trip down to Alice Springs they featured in the large truck parade which was absolutely great fun .Back to Clare completing over 7000 KM for the journey…...a lot of stories and good fun was had as well as earning a lot of money for a good cause. So now it’s preparing for the annual snapper run!

Trevor Hart says he has read the ROC newsletters with much interest since he joined a few months ago.  Trevor sees the names of members whom he knows well, and others not so well, telling of their escapades in retirement. But, what really intrigued Trevor is the system in place for sending birthday greetings to members on their birthdays. It must be an enormous task to keep up with everyone. And, of course he was delighted to see how well the system works. Thanks to Kathy and members very much for the best wishes for his birthday. Trevor and wife Louise celebrated with lunch at the restaurant, and the purchase of innumerable plants at the nursery, both associated with the beautiful garden of “Cloudehill’ at Olinda where they had a very pleasant and extended wander. (Rain threatened but held off.)

Jack Helisma emails that on the 13th September he celebrated his 75th birthday - WOW! On that day the ROC birthday card arrived, sent by Kathy in John's absence. The monthly newsletters are always read with interest and greatly appreciated. Whilst his walking is somewhat restricted nowadays particularly as a result of back fusion, knee replacements etc., Jack and wife Robin leased a car in Paris in May for 50 days driving 8,000 kms through France, Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. From Helsinki they car ferried down the Baltic Sea to Rostock, Germany and thence to Friesland, Belgium, Paris and home. A deciding factor to make the trip this year was attending the Oberammergau Passion Play, held every 10 years. Overall they had a wonderful time. How time flies and they are thankful for all their blessings, family and friends.

Dick Hellard says he always had difficulties in getting his returns in by the required date and unfortunately that problem has stuck with him in retirement but belated thanks for the birthday card. He is keeping well and has the best garden in the street having retired from golf. To keep fit however Dick has a special walk of about 3 klm’s each morning and to date he has not lost one ball.

Doug Imrie reports that he and wife Trish have just arrived home after 4 months on the road caravanning up through the centre and across to Broome, down WA coast and home. They met up with John and Jan Brown whilst in Broome and enjoyed a dinner and drink. Many thanks for the birthday card and he hopes to get to another meeting soon.

Bruce Kells emailing thanks to Kathy Trace for the usual on time birthday greetings on behalf of Retired Officers says this year was celebrated quietly with family at their house so the red wine could be enjoyed without fear of driving.

Cathie MacKiggan sending thanks for her birthday card says she spent her birthday this year on the Isle of Barra in the Western Hebrides, Scotland. Cathie and her brother have just returned after one month of touring “Bonnie Scotland”.

Sue McCarthy emailing thanks for the birthday greeting which arrived right on time says the year has passed with yet more travelling. She feels as if there is so much to see and not nearly enough time to see it. Sue has been away twice this year, once to Spain and Cyprus, and once to Scotland.  The Scottish trip included a couple of days in Glasgow, because she’s such a fan of TV’s Taggart series.  It’s a very interesting place – like Melbourne, it was a great Victorian city at the end of the nineteenth century.  Many of its Victorian buildings survived and are now being recycled.

Fay McPherson , Life Member and long time committee woman sent a quick note of thanks for the Birthday card, which as always, arrived right on the dot. Fay had a most enjoyable luncheon on her birthday with family and friends. Fay said how much she and husband Gerald enjoyed the ANZROC luncheon at the ANZ Centre. It is a very impressive building in a superb setting and the lunch was delicious. She feels that members were very spoilt!

Ian McRobinson sends thanks to all concerned for their kind wishes on his recent birthday. It was a perfect day; wonderful weather and all of Ian’s family shared in their birthday luncheon.

Special thanks to John Vanselow and his diary system.

Brian Murdoch sends thanks for his birthday card signed off by Kathy Trace. Brian says that celebrations had to be put on hold for a few weeks due to medical problems but he eventually caught up with everyone. Brian could only manage a trip to Perth this year but next winter will be spent in warmer places.

Jill Paterson emailing thanks for her birthday card says she was in Hobart with a friend who she acts as "unofficial/unpaid" carer for. Lots of snow on Mt Wellington but it toughens you up for Melbourne weather. Jill says she worked hard for the Libs for the Federal Election and is now gearing up for the State version.

Alan Pearce emails many thanks for the members’ good wishes on the occasion of his recent birthday and he appreciates the efforts of Kathy Trace in completing these good wishes to members. It is good to see the Club prospering so well and with new activities being planned for the future, this prosperity should continue in the years to come. Alan always look forward to the monthly meetings and comes along as often as he can and to meet up with colleagues of the past and the Club meetings provide a good opportunity to do so.

Ron Smith writing on his 82nd says its 23 years since retirement and he still keeps a keen interest in the fortunes of the ANZ which has been a major part of his life. There was a time when he always seemed to be the youngest in a group but things have changed and he now seems to be the oldest. Fortunately health is good and he looks forward to renewing friendships at the Christmas luncheon.
Peter Treleaven emailing his thanks to Kathy Trace for his birthday card which as usual arrived on the day said he had a great lunch with a group of fellow retired officers at Di Palmas restaurant East Kew where some great reds were consumed. 2010 has been a great year so far following a shocker in 2009. Peter’s health is now 100% and playing golf 3days a week at Latrobe. Peter and wife Else are off to their second home in Bali for a few weeks. They should be able to thaw out after the recent global cooling in Melbourne.

And from, Diane Costigan, Steve Duke, John Fairbairn, Chris Griffiths, Martin Hayden, Bob Hesketh, Maurie McGrath, Maggie Murray, Bob Nichol, Jim Potter, Doug Ramsay, John Sudholz, Colin Walton, Mike Whitmore





With around 650 of our members now with internet access, your committee is very pleased to announce the release of this new website which will give members immediate access to up to date club information, breaking news items, details of social/sporting events, member welfare/lifestyle items and a series of links to other ANZROC sites such as SA/WA and London. Links to existing ANZ Bank sites have also been included and more links will be added as they become available.

We would like to thank Eamon Veaney, who has led this project over the last few months. He has worked closely with Elina Law, who provided professional guidance and assistance with the design and structure of the site. We would also like to acknowledge the framework designed by the London Pensioners Association which was used as the base for the site.

We intend to keep the site current with newsletters, reports and photos of ANZROC events as they become available.

Member suggestions for improvement will be most welcome and can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


While the 80 members who attended last month’s luncheon agreed the luncheon was a resounding success, many commented it would have been nice to have had a tour of the building. Eamon Veaney has discussed this prospect with the Service Operations Manager and a tour next year is to be planned.


Brooke Findlay has sent us a new travel opportunity for members to consider:


Save $433 per couple

Travel April to October 2011

Price $2,878 per person, twin share

Sightseeing Highlights:

· Take a scenic flight over Lake Eyre for an unforgettable experience

· Enjoy a 4WD tour to the edge of the stunning lake

· Take in the sights of the Flinders Ranges, including breathtaking Wilpena Pound

· Discover outback Australia and beautiful Clare Valley

· View the itinerary for Lake Eyre & Flinders Ranges

Call 1300 204 588 to enquire about this tour or visit

*Conditions: Price is inclusive of the ANZ 7% Discount



57 members and partners met at the Rosebud RSL situated 117 Eastbourne Road Rosebud (near the corner of Jetty and Eastbourne Roads.) on Wednesday 29th September 2010. The cool day did not entice any members into a pre luncheon dip in the ocean, however, the genuine warmth shown by everyone, in catching up with so many friends that for various reasons are unable to attend our city luncheon meetings, more than compensated for the weather

The President John Stevens forwarded his apology for being unable to attend and the Vice President Neville Pearson gave words of appreciation to the fifty seven members for their attendance.  Particular mention was made to our committeeman David Knuckey and his wife Glen for their considerable time and effort that went into organizing the function, arranging the decorations in ANZ colours and the door prizes, all of which added to the atmosphere on the day.

The staff of the Rosebud RSL was also thanked for their excellent service, catering and the venue. From the feedback received from the members present, this location is highly recommended for a further luncheon in the future.


There are already 29 golfers and 8 supporters that have accepted to play golf at Traralgon and we are inviting more members and partners to join us at this popular annual event.

This may not be our last Golf Day at the Traralgon Club, but after 10 years it will be the final Jim Coffey Memorial Golf day and we are hopeful that many of those members who have supported this event in the past will return to help make this 10th and final anniversary a day to be remembered.

Talk to your ANZROC friends and come as a group to enjoy a relaxing mid-week round of golf and a great social evening amongst friends and past work-mates. Details are contained in the entry form attached to this newsletter,




Already 210 members have accepted for the Annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday 9th December 2010 at the ANZ Pavilion and we urge you to send your acceptances in early as we are restricted to 300 seats in the Pavilion.

CEO Mike Smith and a number of Senior Executives will be attending .The invitation to the luncheon follows and the contribution towards the cost of the function has again been capped at $20---.

For those who wish to attend:

Complete and detach the Invitation “Acceptance Slip” and attach your cheque for $20—and return to John Duke AT PO BOX 253,MONTROSE, VIC 3765 as soon as practicable as numbers are limited so you’ll need to get a move on if you haven’t booked Cutoff date for members’ acceptances will be Monday 29th November, 2010

Keep the top half of the “Invitation” for presentation at the door of the venue on Thursday 9th December 2010. Refunds will not be paid unless advice is received by the President, Secretary, or Treasurer at least 4 days prior to the function – last minute cancellations are a waste of money as payment is made to the caterers on the numbers provided 4 days before the function.

This year members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members should send the invitation slip to John Duke advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947



To be held at the ANZ Pavilion

Victorian Arts Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne


Admittance From 11.30 am

Drinks From 11.30 am

Luncheon From 12.30 pm

Please retain and present this portion at the door of the

Venue on the 9th December 2010




Thursday 9th December 2010

Return this slip to: John Duke

PO Box 253, MONTROSE,Vic 3765

……………………………………………………………… $20.00

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone No. or e-mail ………………………………………………………….




Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2010/2011 are due and the separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows. The subscriptions remain unchanged at $12.00 for Metropolitan members and $6.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note: – you do not pay any subscription

This year members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947

Members’ can now receive newsletters electronically within a few days of our meetings. If you want to receive the newsletters promptly then include your e-mail address on the subscription renewal form below:




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and posted to John Brown PO Box 4056, Burwood East , 3151

The Annual Subscription is $12.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $6.00. HONORARY MEMBERS – NIL

……………………………………………………………… $…………..

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Email address…………………………………………………………….

Phone number…………………………………………………………….


­­­­­­­­­­­­­AGM THURSDAY 11TH NOVEMBER 2010


We are very fortunate that Mr. Charles Goode Past Chairman of ANZ Bank has agreed to be the guest speaker for the day and we expect a large number of members would be interested to attend to hear him speak of his experiences as the Chairman of the Bank.

The AGM will follow Mr. Goode’s presentation and any items for the AGM should be sent to the secretary before 8th November 2010.

Please let Ron Adams know by Friday 5th November 2010 by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone ( 98210444) or return the attached notice to PO Box 579, Malvern Vic 3144 so we can advise ANZ Security Desk the names of members attending.

Ron Adams




To Ron Adams I/we will be attending the Luncheon function

PO Box 579 on 11th November 2010 commencing at 12 noon

Malvern Vic 3144 .

Phone 9821 0444 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Newsletter September 2010

NEWSLETTER 9th September 2010


President John Stevens is expecting to welcome 80 guests who have accepted to attend the first ANZROC luncheon at the award winning eco friendly new ANZ Headquarters at 833 Collins Street on Thursday 9th December. Members who have accepted and have not been seen for some time include Christine Baker, Eric and Wendy Black back from their annual Queensland holiday, Anne Blashki from Shepparton, Barbara Bruce, Ken Crawford, Linda Davidson, new member Helen Felstead for the first time, Barb Gardiner, Ron Horne, Erwin Jones, Peter Keating, Ian McCormick, Dennis Murphy, Maria Natoli, Reg Nicolson, Ian Peterkin, Jeff Pitt, Sandra Street, Warren Taylor and June Thompson.

Ms Aggie Aitken, Program Director, Global Services & Operations, ANZ, has agreed to speak briefly at the meeting. She was very highly involved in the development and delivery of the ANZ Centre project, and will have some very interesting things to talk about.


Noel Beanland, Dave Brookman, John Brown, Geoff Burton, Rae Collins, Barbara Griffen , Charles Griss, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins, Louis Hebrard, Tess Hondros, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Ian Ince, Jim Martin, John McPhee, Maggie Murray, Diane Newton, Peter Nyga, Robin Peatfield, Bill Robinson, Bruce Seamons, Don Taylor, Julie Wilkins, Glenda White, Murray Wood


Bailey D.N. (Derek) 18 years ANZ

Bramwell T.M.C. (Tom) 39 years ANZ

Loucas H.T. (Harry) 44 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Dean Tom and Harry at one of our meetings.


Biddlecombe G.W. Guy 23/8/2010 100 years

Guy enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1940 and was promoted to Captain and then Major of 14/32 Australian Infantry Battalion when discharged in April 1947

Lee B.R. Brian 8/7/2010 90 years

Brian enlisted in the Australian Army in Townsville in January 1942 and on his discharge in May 1946 had been promoted to Lieutenant of 2nd NG Infantry Battalion.

Our sympathies are extended to family and friends.



The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during September and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Bill Boucher (83), Dave Brookman (87), Barbara Bruce, Valda Clarke, George Cooper (81), Geoff Elliott (82), Reg Evans (90), Don Fraser (85), Stan Goulding (84), John Hogarth (84), Ralph Howden (86), Alan James (84), David Kennedy (86), Ron Marshall (87), Ron Smith (82), Les Whitney (104), Murray Wood (88),



From 1/9/2010 less than $20,000 2.95%

greater than $20,000 3.78%


Graeme Ainscough sending his thanks for the birthday greetings says like most members the year was a mixture of highs and lows. The birthday celebrations had to be deferred due to family illnesses with one daughter having to spend a week in hospital recovering from a serious infection. However he was able to see his beloved North Melbourne footballers winning at MCG and watch his Cheltenham baseball team get into the Grand Final for the 4th consecutive year. Graeme and wife June are off to the Voyager Resort on the Gold Coast for a few weeks to catch up with their old neighbours from Glen Waverley and also Jim O’Sullivan who would be known to keen racegoers as a long time trainer who has now settled in the Gold Coast. Their move to Patterson Lakes has been a great success after the trauma of settling/moving out and moving into the new home in one day. They will be busy in 2011 with their daughter’s wedding planned for September.

David Barr told me he has just returned from caravanning in far Northern Queensland after 9 weeks away from the Victorian winter.

Clive Bayley writes that he has just returned from 3 months in UK and is still wading through the mail but he and wife Margaret had a great holiday.

Huck Bourke recently returned from a trip to Scotland and Ireland to find John Vanselow’s Birthday card amongst six weeks of mail. Huck’s a bit late in his reply but he was a lot later last year when John gave him a personal note for the 60th but Huck didn’t get around to replying due to the pressures of retirement! He hopes to catch up at the next ANZROC golf day. On the subject of golf, Huck and wife Sandy’s recent trip included a privately arranged tour of several of the past British Open courses which were quite a challenge, particularly as his game had gone backwards after taking lessons shortly before departure. First lesson in golf – don’t get a lesson!

Sandy played to her normal high standard which gets a bit demoralising – his golf got a lot better in Ireland and the courses were more spectacular – they will be back there in the future.

Barbara Bruce emailed her thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which arrived right on time. Barbara celebrated with 9 other ANZ Bank friends at the RACV Club which was most enjoyable. It is great to keep in touch with friends and to celebrate each other's birthdays.

John Fearnley emailed a short message to thank Kathy for the birthday card sent on behalf of the Club. John looks forward to the monthly newsletter and often reflects upon the names of the "birthday boys and girls" mentioned therein and of his association with many of them during his career in the bank.

Barbara Gardiner emailed thanks to Kathy for sending out those birthday greetings on time! She has had another busy year with U3A Nunawading activities as well as a trip to London and another to Singapore during the year. Barbara is looking forward to lunch at Docklands as it should be a great day especially for the camera enthusiasts.

John Glasson writing his thanks for the birthday wishes for his 88th says his health is fine which is a good thing and says it is his 29th year of retirement.

Denis Gleeson emails that the birthday wishes were waiting for him when he returned from the winter holidays in Queensland.

Charles Griss says yet again he is an apology for the September meeting and any activities between 3rd September and 3rd October. This time it is not “business” but the fact that Charles and wife Angela are heading to the UK-Scotland, Lake District and Cornwall, half of the time with friends and the other half driving around themselves. Looking forward (but not to the bill!) to a night out at Rick Stein’s Restaurant in Padstow in Cornwall. He hopes to make a few lunches next year if not earlier.

John Hawkins emails that he and wife Helen returned from New Zealand just before the earthquake struck in Christchurch. He is an apology for Thursday’s meeting as its Helen’s birthday.

Louis Hebrard emails once again he received birthday wishes from the Club, signed by Kathy. The card was a welcomed addition to a happy day with the family. Louis is keeping very well fortunately and life is great.
June Hoskin writes thanks for remembering her birthday which she enjoyed with a family luncheon. The receipt of her card was very much appreciated.

Ian James emailed his thanks to the committee for the birthday card for his 70th and especially to John Vanselow for his personal good wishes. Ian and wife Anne recently caravanned up the Centre and east to the Queensland coast. Looks like they may have passed John and Lois on the way! They made a "diversion" from Alice Springs by flying to Darwin and took a cruise by small ship to Broome. It was a wonderful way to explore the coast and see the rugged, colourful remote Kimberley’s, aboriginal art and wildlife. A real adventure. Ian and Anne are now spending a few weeks on the Sunshine Coast then back to Albury at the end of September.

Frank Jones writing on his 87th says he is handicapped mainly in the legs and with heart problems but he is still on the planet. Frank is in good hands however as he tells me that his 6 children are all involved in medicine which includes 6 children and grandchildren in nursing, three grandchildren undergoing nursing training, one studying medicine, and others in clinical work and a grandson is an ambulance officer while two other grandsons are structural engineers… not bad for a bank clerk. Frank enjoys reading the monthly newsletters.

Bruce and Nancy Mathrick let me know that they are heading off to China on 8th September for a few weeks of relaxation and exploration.

John McConnell emails many thanks for the kind birthday greetings. They are always greatly appreciated. John also wanted to pass on his best wishes to all on the excellent role played by the Committee.

Dick Milnthorpe emailing his thanks for the birthday greetings says it’s always nice to hear the news from 'down under' and he appreciates the newsletters. Dick says he thinks it was about two years ago when he wrote about the trip he and wife Pat had to the Canadian Rockies and Alaska, the following year they took a Cruise Liner (Oriana) through the Panama Canal and on to Auckland via San Francisco and Hawaii, which was very interesting - particularly the passage through the Panama Canal. They can now say they have been across the States by land, sea and air! This last year they left Melbourne on the Aurora and returned to UK via Fremantle (Dick tells his Aussie friends that the trip to Fremantle by sea from Melbourne is more scenic than the overland route!) and thence home via Phuket, Singapore, Mauritius, Durban and Cape Town. They had a great close up view of Krakatau on the way, and of course enjoyed a ride up Table Mountain. Dick and Pat will be back in Mornington again this year, staying until the end of March (gives their tomato plants a chance!), but will give the ship a miss this time and travel both ways by air. Hopefully, England will make a decent show of it in the Ashes series.

Peter O'Dwyer emails his thanks for the Birthday Greetings. Peter and wife Joan thankfully continue to enjoy life in Yarrawonga, after 18 years of retirement, which in his case was preceded by 43 years, 6 months and 17 days of service with ANZ and Bank of Australasia.

Lesley Orchard one of my colleagues during the Esanda days was wishing me a good trip to UK and said she doesn’t get back to UK too often these days , mainly just to visit friends as she is now hooked on cruises with 4 already booked for the next 12 months. So relaxing.

Les Roberts writing from Portland on his 73rd says he still looks back with great pleasure being with John Vanselow at the “Coffs” Christmas barbecues. Les says that Portland now seems to be the “Blue fin Tuna” capital of Victoria. He is still inviting any travellers to have a meal with him on a stopover.

Bruce Robertson emails his thanks for the Birthday Greetings from Kathy Trace that was awaiting Bruce and wife Glennis on their return from Fiji where they spent time with their family to celebrate the event. Must say that it was most enjoyable, the people are so friendly and helpful especially with the young children. The year has flown by with numerous trips from their home in Runaway Bay Qsld. to Wollongong to look after the grand children and several trips to Melbourne the last being to help Glennis's Mum celebrate her 90th birthday. They are on call for a further trip to Wollongong to again baby sit the grand children whilst their son David and his wife Maree fly to Chile to check on housing and schools prior to taking up a role in Antofagasta. Looks like holidays will be in Chile for the next few years!

Jack Stewart writing from Whiteheads Creek thanking Kathy Trace for the best wishes on his 75th says the drought has broken there and the yearly rainfall at the end of July was 459 mm some 223mm more than at the same time in 2009. Jack says he has been out of ANZ for 20 years.

John Vanselow’s final report on his and wife Lois’s trip for 2010 begins at their departure from Mt Isa on 4th August for Barkly Homestead, then on to Daly Waters, Katherine and Kununurra where they spent 5 days. At Kununurra they took a Sling Air flight at 9am over the Ord River Irrigation area, Lower Ord River, Wyndham, Cambridge Gulf and Adolphus Island before reaching the Coast. Then some low level flying over Berkeley River Gorge, King George Falls to Kulumburu and on across Port Warrender and Crystal Head followed by sweeping orbits of the Mitchell Falls before touching down at Mitchell Falls for refuelling. Then they took off for lunch at Drysdale Station with the return flight via El Questro, Emma Gorge, and views of the setting sun on the western Walls of Cockburn Gorge. A fantastic day arriving back at 5pm. They left the Caravan at Zebra Rock Gallery and departed on the planned Camping trip into the Bungle Bungles and El Questro Station. 5 nights were spent in Bungle Bungles with walks into Cathedral Gorge, Domes Walk, Piccaninny Gorge and Echidna Chasm. Interesting camping spot with toilet available and they were able to use their new sola shower. The trip in and out was very rough taking 2 hours for the 53Klm. On to El Questro for 5 nights with a tour into Explosion and Chamberlain Gorges finishing with champagne and nibbles at Branco’s lookout. Roughest road they have ever been on and glad it was in an El Questro vehicle. Other locations visited were Zebedee Springs, Jackeroos Waterhole, Moonshine and El Questro Gorges. Weather very hot between 35/40 degrees. Back to Kununurra to collect Caravan and vote. Even worse they had to stand in a queue for 2 hours in 40 degree heat to cast their votes. Heat continued from Kununurra to Katherine until they reached Tennant Creek and as Alice Springs was booked out for a Truck Convention they passed through to Stuart Wells Roadhouse. They should arrive in Melbourne around 4th September in time for John to join members at Docklands for lunch. They are both well in the cooler Victoria and the Landcruiser was running beautifully on the return trip.

Glenda White reports that she is off to Hong Kong again in October and November.


Terry Boocock, Geoff Burton, Bob Challis, Geoff Christensen, Geoff Christmas, Justin Clezy, Rob Goldsworthy, John Gunn, Stan Halbish, Trevor Hart, Peter Harvey, Eddie Hassett, Andy Herd, David Hughes, Kevin Kelly, Vito Laruccia, Don Maguire, Max McKoy, Tony Nimmo, Glynn Parry-Jones, David Phelps, Tom Phillips, Alan Potter, Barry Reid, Wayne Taylor, Warren Thomas, Mike Watts, Maurice Wells, Merv Williams




Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2010/2011 are now due and the separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows. The subscriptions remain unchanged at $12.00 for Metropolitan members and $6.00 for Country and Interstate members.


Honorary Members please note: – you do not pay any subscription

This year members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip to Ron Adams advising that payment has been made through internet banking.


The ANZROC account details are as follows:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947

Members’ can now receive newsletters electronically within a few days of our meetings. If you want to receive the newsletters promptly then include your e-mail address on the subscription renewal form below:




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and posted to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, (phone No. 9821 0444) to reach Ron Adams prior to 31st October 2010.


The Annual Subscription is $12.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $6.00.



……………………………………………………………… $…………..

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………


e-mail address…………………………………………………

Cut off here


A reminder that the bi-yearly "Scottie Bank" Reunion Luncheon is to be held this year on Wednesday 20th October 2010 in Adelaide to commemorate 40 years since the merger with ANZ, and could possibly be the last one. The organiser of the reunion John Lauder can be contacted on 08 8381 7545 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details. The Guest of Honour this year will be Will Bailey who is making the trip across for the luncheon.



Eric Wolske sent a brief update of progress with the take up of the “nib” products by our ANZROC members across all States. To date 29 ANZROC members have taken up the plan. Of these the majority are Victorian members, with 5 from NSW and 2 from Queensland. This has been a very good response in such a short period of time.

For those members, who have not considered the ANZROC plan and the benefits this can provide, Eric certainly encourages members to contact “nib” so they can provide a general comparison with your current fund and/ or quotation with no obligation.

Members can visit the ANZROC website at for more detailed information about the plan. Alternatively, ANZROC members can speak directly with a “nib” consultant on 1800 13 14 63.


Wednesday 29 September 2010

Last chance to join members and partners at the Rosebud RSL situated 117 Eastbourne Road Rosebud (near the corner of Jetty and Eastbourne Roads.) on Wednesday 29th September 2010.

A private room and bar has been made available for the function and it is proposed to meet at the Rosebud RSL around 12noon. The RSL Club provides a two course Seniors Luncheon (option of soup and main or main and sweets) and there is a range of selections for the seniors’ meal. There are more than 50 members and partners already booked in with David but there is room for more to enjoy a day on the Mornington Peninsula at the reasonable cost of $20 per head.

Please note that if you have not already done so, David or Neville would appreciate final acceptances for the Rosebud Luncheon by 17 September.

Contact David Knuckey: Ph 9551 0414, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or Neville Pearson: Ph: 9802 0187, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Once again we are inviting members and partners to join us at this popular annual event.

This may not be our last Golf Day at the Traralgon Club, but after 10 years it will be the final Jim Coffey Memorial Golf day and we are hopeful that many of those members who have supported this event in the past will return to help make this 10th and final anniversary a day to be remembered.

Talk to your ANZROC friends and come as a group to enjoy a relaxing mid-week round of golf and a great social evening amongst friends and past work-mates. Details are contained in the entry form attached to this newsletter,





The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday 9th December 2010 at the ANZ Pavilion thanks to the generosity of ANZ Group for making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the Christmas Luncheon. CEO Mike Smith and a number of Senior Executives will be attending and as CEO Mike Smith has agreed to speak to members during the luncheon we urge you to send your acceptances in early as we are restricted to 300 seats in the Pavilion. The invitation to the luncheon follows and the contribution towards the cost of the function has again been capped at $20---.

For those who wish to attend:

Complete and detach the Invitation “Acceptance Slip” and attach your cheque for $20—and return to John Duke AT PO BOX 253,MONTROSE, VIC 3765 as soon as practicable as numbers are limited. Cutoff date for members’ acceptances will be Monday 29th November, 2010

Keep the top half of the “Invitation” for presentation at the door of the venue on Thursday 9th December 2010. Refunds will not be paid unless advice is received by the President, Secretary, or Treasurer at least 4 days prior to the function – last minute cancellations are a waste of money as payment is made to the caterers on the numbers provided a week before the function.


This year members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members should send the invitation slip to John Duke advising that payment has been made through internet banking.


The ANZROC account details are as follows:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947




To be held at the ANZ Pavilion

Victorian Arts Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne


Admittance From 11.30 am

Drinks From 11.30 am

Luncheon From 12.30 pm

Please retain and present this portion at the door of the

Venue on the 9th December 2010




Thursday 9th December 2010

Return this slip to: John Duke

PO Box 253, MONTROSE,Vic 3765

……………………………………………………………… $20.00

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone No. or e-mail ………………………………………………………….



A reminder that the AGM is on 11th November and any items for the AGM should be sent to the secretary before 8th November 2010.

Mr Charles Goode Past Chairman of ANZ Bank will be the guest speaker for the day.




Our guest speaker for the October meeting is Saul Eslake of the Grattan Institute and previously Saul was Chief Economist for ANZ Bank. We expect that members would be interested in this discussion on current outlook on the economy from one of the foremost economists in Australia and we look forward to a sizeable attendance at this meeting.

Will you let John Stevens know by Friday 7thOctober2010 by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) , phone ( 9439 6664) or return the attached notice to 140 Allendale Road, Eltham, 3095 so we can advise ANZ Security Desk the names of members attending.

Ron Adams



To John Stevens I/we will be attending the Luncheon function at 140 Allendale Road on 14th October 2010 commencing at 12 noon

Eltham Vic 3095 .

Phone 9439 6664 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



newsletter august 2010


President John Stevens welcomed 59 members that included 7 of our lady members to our August meeting. Our guest speakers’ for the day were Brooke Findlay Strategic Relationship Manager and Susan Haberle National Sales Manager of Australia Pacific Touring.

newsletter July 2010




President John Stevens back from six weeks in sunny Queensland welcomed 44 members that included 3 of our lady members and our guest speaker, Hugh Hodges Chief Investment Officer Australia Private Bank and Trustees, to our July meeting. The numbers were much lower than normal even allowing for the inclement weather and the annual exodus of members to warmer climates. Visiting for the first time were Bill Kidd and Peter Suridge while members not seen for a while included Graeme Ainscough looking fit and well , Helen Bouch, Jim Dusting back from USA, John Fogden, Don Ranyard and Bruce Scott,


Alma Barkell, John Brown, Geoff Burton, Harry Carrodus, Brian Christensen, Diane Costigan, John Duke, Col Edwards, Helen Felsted(overseas) , Gordon Field, Ray Gill, Charles Griss, Frank Hatfield, Bob Heinemann, Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, Jacqui Luckman, Jim Martin, Kevin Mitchell, Brian Murdoch, Joan Nathan, Peter Nyga, Alan Pearce (Hong Kong),Neville Pearson, Alan Podger, Barry Rogers, Bill Robinson, Bruce Seamons, Bernie Sowersby, Don Taylor, Bruce Tickell, John Vanselow, Glenda White, Charlie Wierzbowski, Julie Wilkins


Archer Geoffrey J. (Geoff) ANZ 35 years

Hart Trevor J. (Trevor) ANZ 41years (Group Archivist 15 years)

Glenn Anne (Annie) ANZ 38 years

Kidd William (Bill) ANZ 25 years

Mattingly Karl R. (Karl) ANZ 25 years

We look forward to seeing Geoff, Trevor Annie and Karl at one of our meetings. Bill was in attendance at the July luncheon.


Laird Ms. Lesley 28/6/2010

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Lesley and our sympathies are extended to family and friends. Lesley until recently had been a strong supporter of the ANZROC luncheons over many years.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during July and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Jim Child (83), Rae Collins (90), Keith Emmett (86), Lawton Graham (81), Terry Humphris (85), Alwynne Kilpatrick (86), Bruce Seamons (87), Bernie Sowersby (80), Keith Taylor (82), Frank Wells (83), Trevor Westerman (90), and Norm Wood (84).


From 1/7/2010 less than $20,000 3.01%

greater than $20,000 3.86%


Hugh Hodges, ANZ Chief Investment Officer Australia Private Bank and Trustees presented an outline of the structure of the investment teams handling high net worth groups in ANZ Private Bank and the large philanthropic groups managed by ANZ Trustees. He then explained the planning processes introduced to cover short term, mid term and longer term investment strategies and the lengths to which the team goes to plan for the 10 to 15 year periods. Hugh felt that the roller coast ride that investors have faced for the past couple of years is not over and could go on for some time with peaks and troughs to be expected .His advice was to pick investment opportunities in companies with strong boards, experienced management and long term evidence of strong dividend payments but not necessarily restricted to Australian companies only. Hugh spoke without notes and held the attention of the audience so much so that question time had to be curtailed … a most informative and enjoyable presentation from one of our own ANZ executives.


Anne Blashki writing from Shepparton her thanks for the birthday greetings says that reading the newsletter each month reminds her we have some very busy members in the Retired Officers’ Club.

John Brown our hardworking Treasurer sends greetings from cloudy and cold - 9 degrees at midday – Longreach in Queensland. John and wife Jan travelling in a convoy of two caravans with John and Lois Vanselow arrived at their sites at the Caravan Park Office and were immediately ankle deep in red, sticky mud. There had been quite a bit of rain overnight and water was lying around everywhere. Roads (bitumen) are OK, but the sides are very soft and lots of the main dirt roads have been closed. They will be in Longreach for a few days and then will be moving on to Mt Isa, before crossing into the Territory and eventually on to Kunanurra in mid July where they then leave the Vanselow’s, who will be camping out and visiting the various tourist attractions North of the Gibb River Road. John and Jan will continue on to Broome, stopping off at the various attractions on the way. Hopefully this spell of unseasonal cold weather will pass over quickly. Both vehicles are travelling well, apart from a leaking valve stem on one of the caravan tyres that had to be repaired, but luckily the tyre wasn't damaged. About 97% of the traffic on the roads is caravans, camping trailers and motor homes going both North and South. The caravan parks are full every night and the intrepid travellers found that they have had to book ahead. Hopefully once they pass Mt Isa things will be much quieter on the roads. It is school holiday time in Vic, NSW and QLD at the moment, but it is mainly the grey nomads who make up the holiday traffic.

Kerry and Rodney Dark emailed from Chapel Hill Qsld to thank John Vanselow for the birthday wishes from ANZROC for Rodney’s birthday on 3 June. They have just returned from an extensive visit around the country towns of western Queensland where ANZ maintained branches in the heyday of its country branch network.  Their trip embraced a visit to the tourist attractions located at Longreach where they were delighted to have a chance meeting with Neville and Cheryl Pearson who were also visiting the area at the same time.   It has been many years since their paths have crossed so there was much catching up to do.

Ron Downes reports that he read with interest June's newsletter from a place called Herepian in the south of France. After many years of dreaming of spending a lengthy time living in Europe in particular France, Ron and wife Carolyn flew into Paris on the 2nd May 2010 for the start of a six month holiday. So far they have spent some time in the south of France, Tuscany, Umbria and the Italian Lakes and touched into Switzerland. Ron and Carolyn are now based in a small village in the south of France not far from Montpellier which is in the Languedoc region, one of France's largest wine producing areas. Needless to say, they are sampling some of the local reds and whites at the end of the day together with some of the other excellent local produce. In October they plan to travel to central France followed by a trip into the Champagne area and a week in Paris before flying home. The weather has been a little on the damp side so far but it is picking up now.

John Drummond sending thanks for the birthday card on his 70th says thanks too to John Vanselow for the work he does sending them out. John is staying home this year but hopes to get overseas next year.

John Hudgson is another heading off overseas for seven weeks to escape the winter in Victoria.

Rod Mann emailing his thanks for the birthday card says he is enjoying retirement very much and passes on his best wishes to members.

Frank Marzin emails his thanks for the birthday card. At 63 he is still going strong and working full time. Reading through the newsletter he noticed names like Con La Fauci, Robin Chase, Col Edwards and Bruce Seamons to name a few, which bring back many memories of his past years in the Bank, Frank is hopeful he will be joining members at the monthly functions in the near future.

Ken McNutt sending thanks for the good wishes received for his 83rd birthday says that the personal comments from John Vanselow and his good timing were most appreciated. The past year has been more leisurely than others in the past probably due to advancing years but Ken and wife Heather are both fit and well.

Tad Misiewicz emails that he has moved back to his favourite location, St Kilda and into a100+ year’s old place, so he finds himself very busy, as he is trying to restore the home to its original Victorian/Federation look. It is hard work but enjoyable. Tad is still in the work force, part time, to keep the grey cells going and to pay for the renovations. Tad enjoys the newsletters to keep up with the news, even though he is not able to participate in any of the activities, but on retirement he may join in.

Ray Murphy emailing from Anglesea his thanks for the Birthday Greetings on the occasion of his 80th says it was also pleasing to be elevated to Honorary Membership. To celebrate the birthday Ray and wife Glenyce spent four very enjoyable and happy days in Melbourne with their Adelaide and Melbourne based family. Saturday Night at the Etihad Stadium was good even though Essendon lost. Ray will always be a little hoarse after watching Essendon until the players learn to kick the ball. It was nice to note Ray Whitehead and Geoff Meggs in the Honorary Members for June; it brought back many good memories of Ray’s "Scottie Days" spent in Melbourne (1957-1964).

Bill Robinson emailed to tell me he and wife Jill are off to USA for a month to escape the winter in Melbourne.

Joseph Romano emailing his thanks for the birthday card says it was in his mail box on Sunday afternoon. It is always very nice to receive birthday cards, even though one is reminded of their age. Luckily Joseph feels he is reasonably fit and healthy

Frank Stanson emailing says he is up in Queensland for the Wintersun Classic Car and Rockabilly festival. It’s an over 50's thing.

Keith Taylor writing his thanks for the birthday card for his 82nd says he looks forward to reading the news and activities of his former workmates in the Newsletter.

Jim Trimble sending his thanks for the best wishes on his 82nd says it doesn’t feel like 22 years since he retired. He and wife Mona are keeping well health wise.

John Turnbull emails that the birthday greeting card arrived on cue. One of his major achievements in the 2009/10 year was to retire "again” from the ANZ Group. It was his 3 rd retirement...

John Vanselow Past President and Birthday Card Controller says he and wife Lois travelling with the Browns’ had reached Barcaldine having travelled through Hay, Cobar, Bourke and Charleville. So far all is going well except the weather which was cold and overcast with a lot of rain over recent times. Their happy hours together extend from 5PM to 8PM to combat the effects of the cold weather. While all caravan parks are currently fully occupied it does not worry them because they can go off road into the bush if necessary. Wireless internet has been available at all points mentioned along the way.

Kevin Watson says another year has sped by and he received the usual birthday card courtesy of his old mate John Vanselow. JV does a great job in sending birthday greetings to the members. Kevin would have written earlier but went to Sydney to visit his son, daughter and families for his 81st. Kevin also caught up with some banking mates as he had two periods of service in that city. He has been leading a fairly quiet life and has not travelled since June of last year when he visited Viet Nam.

Charlie Wierzbowski emailing says it is terrific to see so many names in the newsletter that he worked with. Charlie can’t make the next meeting, as he had an ankle operation recently and mobility is an issue.

And Les Ager, Helen Bouch, Kelvin Dickinson, Suzie Green, Geoff Harkin, Neville Harvey, Neil Harnwell, Trevor Hart, Bert Heaney, Bob Heinemann, Christine Lane, Cheryl Lobo, John Mackenzie, Maria Malicse, Graeme Mancer, Phil McBean, Jill Paterson, Tom Portelli, Geoff Pritchard, Neil Sharman, Roy Sloggett, Neville Warnest, Julie Wilkins, Ron Wilkinson.




Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2010/2011 are now due and payments can be made to ANZROC through the Secretary Ron Adams at the latest by 9th September 2010 as our Treasurer John Brown is travelling interstate until early October and I will be leaving for London on 9th September. The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain unchanged at $12.00 for Metropolitan members and $6.00 for Country and Interstate members.

Honorary Members please note: – you do not pay any subscription

Note that this year members can make payments electronically to ANZROC through your internet banking facilities making certain that your personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip to me advising that payment has been made through internet banking.

The ANZROC account details are as follows:


BSB: 013 350

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947

Just a reminder to let you know that we have been able to collect around 650 e-mail addresses from members and they now receive newsletters electronically within a few days of our meetings. If you want to receive the newsletters promptly then include your e-mail address on the subscription renewal form below:




Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and posted to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, (phone No. 9821 0444) to reach Ron Adams prior to 9th September 2010.

The Annual Subscription is $12.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $6.00.


……………………………………………………………… $…………..

(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically

(Delete whichever category not applicable)

Phone number…………………………………………………

e-mail address…………………………………………………

Cut off here


Brooke Findlay from Australian Pacific Touring has some really hot last minute travel deals for Retired Officers to consider:

2 for 1 offer

8 Day Europe’s Heartland River Cruise

Trier to Nuremberg

Departing June to September 2010

1st Person from $3,085*, includes port charges of $190, based on Cat E Suite

2nd Person only pays port charges of $190

2 for 1 offer

8 Day Black Sea Voyage River Cruise

Budapest to Rousses

Departing June to September 2010

1st Person from $2945*, includes port charges of $190, based on Cat E Suite

2nd Person only pays port charges of $190

Call 1300 204 588 to book this offer.

* Conditions apply. New Bookings only as at 17 June 2010.  Airfares are additional. Offer strictly limited. Subject to availability. No further discounts apply. Offer also available in cabin upgrades. Full payment of cruise made within 7 days of booking.


Travel April to September 2011

21 Day Majestic Rockies & Alaska Cruise

Price from $8679* per person, twin share.

Departing 27 April 2011, including return economy airfare.

Book by 15 October 2010

Includes: 11 night’s world-class accommodation • 7 night Alaskan Inside Passage cruise in a Verandah Stateroom • 39 fine meals, including Freedom of Choice Dining • Tipping for land & cruise staff • Freedom of Choice Touring • Overnight VIA Rail train journey in Sleeper Touring Class.

Call 1300 204 588 to enquire about this special offer or visit

*Conditions apply. Strictly limited offer on set departures. Subject to availability at time of booking. Offers can be withdrawn at anytime. Price includes 7% member discount. Fly Offers are based on economy class airfares and flights must be booked with APT. Subject to availability of airline class, once class sold out surcharges may apply. Deposit of $3000 per person required for Fly Free offer.


ANZROC members who are members of the ANZ Staff and Social Club are able to enjoy the use of several holiday properties in Victoria and Queensland subject to availability with the latest details of vacancies provided by Emma McGregor as at 24/6/2010:

Apollo Bay for week commencing 20th August at $420 per week; Cowes for weeks through 30th July to 3rd September at $420 per week and 1st October, 5th and 26th November at $495 per week; Rye weeks commencing 30th July, 27th August at $420 per week and 1st and 8th October at $495 per week; Anglesea for weeks commencing 30th July, 6th August and 20th August through 10th September at $320 per week and 15th,22nd October and 12th,19th,26th November for $360 per week and finally Gold Coast for weeks commencing 22nd October and 17th December for $520 per week .

If interested contact EMMA MACGREGOR l Events Co-ordinator | ANZ Staff Club Vic
ANZ | ANZ Centre Level 4B, 833 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008, AUSTRALIA
 : +61 3 9273 4335 (Option 4)|  : +61 402 467 585  : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For ANZROC members who are members of the ANZ Staff and Social Club a letter or email for renewal of membership would have been sent to you on May 31 advising subscriptions of $13.30 were due.  If you did not receive the communication it could be due to address or email change since originally registering your membership with Staff Club.  ANZ Staff and Social need to be notified of any such changes.

Therefore if existing members of ANZ Staff and Social Club did not get a renewal notice or if any other ANZROC members wish to join the ANZ Staff and Social Club it is timely that we have attached a renewal notice for completion and posting to the address listed on the renewal slip with your subscription of $13.30 at the bottom of this Newsletter. There are many benefits of membership including the ability to rent the properties listed above and if you want to enjoy these concessions and many more then now is the time to join. If you need more information then contact EMMA MACGREGOR l Events Co-ordinator | ANZ Staff Club Vic ,ANZ | ANZ Centre Level 4B, 833 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008, AUSTRALIA  : +61 3 9273 4335 (Option 4)|  : +61 402 467 585 |  : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .




A reminder to members of this luncheon, to be held at the Rosebud RSL situated 117 Eastbourne Road Rosebud (near the corner of Jetty and Eastbourne Roads.) on Wednesday 29th September 2010 and I can advise that 24 members and partners have already notified David Knuckey of their acceptance. A private room and bar has been made available for the function and it is proposed that members meet at the Rosebud RSL around 12noon. It is proposed that attendees pay $20 per head at the door and any surplus funds will be added to the customary $200.00 donation from the Retired Officers Club towards providing wines, beer and soft drink to the tables.

RSL members should also note that they can also enjoy extra drinks at concessional prices if they present their membership cards at the bar.

To assist members, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members who do have mobility/transport difficulties. We would appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required

An acceptance slip is attached to this newsletter and can be emailed to David Knuckey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or posted to David at:- PO Box 242 Dingley Vic 3172.

Should you wish to telephone David, call: 9551 0414 or Neville Pearson: Ph: 9802 0187, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



A reminder that the function is now fully booked and I will be sending out the acceptances to those that expressed their interest in attending and will collect the $15.00 contribution this month. In view of the interest shown by members however we will organise another visit to 833 Collins Street for the first half of 2011.


ON Thursday 12th August from 12 noon our Guest Speakers will be Brooke Findlay and Susan Haberle from ATP in the Melbourne Room - Level 34/100 Queen St Melbourne where they will let us know more about the Australia Pacific Touring Company and their experiences in travelling the world

Please note the change of venue. We are restricted to hosting 60 members and to be fair to members as the electronic notices are in members hands a week or so ahead of the recipients of the hard copies I will initially accept 45 members from our electronic data base and 15 from the hard copy list but will set up a waiting list to ensure that the 60 seats are filled. Cut off date for your acceptances is Sunday 8th August.

Our normal meeting rooms on the 5th Floor of 100 Queen Street are now being renovated and will not be available for future meetings. We now have to arrange alternative meeting rooms but for August we have been fortunate to be offered the Melbourne Room on the 34th Level of 100 Queen Street. Security requirements for access to this level will be higher than normal so the cut off date of Sunday August 8th will allow me to provide Security and Catering with the lists of attendees. You will need your Photo ID’s or suitable identification to gain access on the day.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Sunday 8th August 2010 so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk and the Executive Reception Area.


MELBOURNE ROOM 34th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street, Melbourne.


I/We will be attending the luncheon function at MELBOURNE ROOM Level 34/100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Thursday 12TH AUGUST 2010.

Other contact methods phone 9821 0444, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






Forthcoming speakers include past Chief Economist of ANZ Saul Eslake on 14th October and Retired Chairman of ANZ Charles Goode on 11th November… an interesting few months ahead. Then there is the golf in November at Traralgon on 18th November.

Ron Adams






Or emailed to David Knuckey at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “, or telephone David, at 9551 0414

I/we will be attending the luncheon:

Name: …………………………………………………………………

Partners Name: ……………………………………………………….

I would appreciate assistance with transport to the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport to and from Rosebud for members who require assistance: Yes / No

………………………………………................................................................................................IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU WOULD ADVISE ACCEPTANCE BY 17th SEPTEMBER 2010.

ANZ Staff Social Club of Vic Inc

4/100 Queen Street, Melbourne

Phone: 03 9273 4335 Fax: 03 9273 4339

ABN: 16 498 610 285


Application to join the Staff Social Club

Please complete by printing neatly, then return to the above address

DATE: / /

Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss ____________________ _________________

Surname First Names

Home Address __________________________________________

________________________________ Postcode _____________

Home Phone: ___________________ Mobile: _________________

Email Address: _________________________

I hereby apply for membership of the ANZ Staff Social Club of Victoria Inc.

I am current financial member of the Retired Officers Club Association.

Annual Membership is payable on the 1st of July annually. Non payment by the due date results in immediate cancellation of membership and entitlements.

Annual Membership for 2010 / 2011 is $13.30 (GST Inclusive) per annum. This levy may be subject to change from 1st July each year, at the discretion of the ANZ Staff Social Club of Victoria’s Committee.

A pro rata amount is payable at other times, that will also include GST, with all renewals processed as at 1st July.

I hereby acknowledge and accept the conditions stipulated above.

I authorise the ANZ Staff Social Club of Victoria Inc to deduct my fees from my credit card.

/ / / __ ___ / __ ___________


newsletter june 2010




President John Stevens welcomed 26 members to the June evening meeting. The attendance was less than last year’s June meeting due no doubt to the colder weather and travelling at night in Melbourne but the evening was again a most enjoyable get-together. Those not seen for a while included Steven Eu, Ray Gill, Hedley Ham and Graham James.


John Brown, Geoff Burton. Robin Chase , John Duke, Jim Dusting, Col Edwards, Helen Felsted(overseas) ,Charles Griss, John Hawkins , Bernadette and Wayne Hulbert, David Knuckey, Peter Nyga, Neville Pearson, Peter Pritchard, Barry Rogers, Bill Robinson, Peter Saville, Bruce Scott, Bruce Seamons, Don Taylor, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins


Drummond Ralph M. 32 years ANZ

Felstead Helen 20 years ANZ

Green Suzanne (Suzie) 19 years ANZ

Trower Allan P 42 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing Ralph, Helen Suzie and Allan at one of our meetings.


Backholer A.O.(Arthur) 90 years 5/6/2010

Arthur enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in December 1940 and on discharge in January 1946 was Sergeant at 1 Personnel Depot. Arthur was a strong supporter of ANZROC Vic and served as Honorary Auditor for some years.

ANZers present at the funeral service included Harry Carrodus, Frank Donovan, Bob Kirkland, Fay and Gerry McPherson, Brian Murdoch, Bruce Tickell and Dick Sanders.

Carter I.M. (Ian) 89 years 29/5/2010

Ian enlisted in the Australian Army in July 1942 and on discharge in January 1946 was Lieutenant 63 Australian Infantry Battalion.

Members stood for a few moments in remembrance of Arthur and Ian and our sympathies are extended to family and friends.

We were also advised during the month of the death of Chris Fieggen's wife Dinie and our condolences are extended to Chris and his family. At our meeting the passing of Sam Lacey who would be known to many members was mentioned and our sympathies are extended to the Lacey family.


Des Macauley phoned to advise that he dropped in on Graeme “Titch” Maley in Sale and advised that Titch’s health is not too good and he has difficulty walking. Has Diabetes. Graeme’s friends may want to contact and wish him well at 46 Guthridge Parade Sale 3850, or phone: 5143 2464


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during June and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Dorothy Jenkins, Harold Langmead (86), Jim Martin (88), Ken McNutt (83), Geoff Meggs (82), Ray Murphy (80), Reg Roberts (82), Bob Skipper (84), Barry Theobald (86), James Trimble (82), Kevin Watson (81), Ray Whitehead (84), and John Williams (80).


From 1/6/2010 less than $20,000 3.00%

greater than $20,000 3.84%


Bruce Avent emailing thanks for the kind thoughts and good wishes on the occasion of his recent birthday sends his warm regards to all members and as we get older, good health to all.

Darryl Bartlett emails his thanks for the birthday greetings which were awaiting him on return from Darryl and wife Ronda’s overseas trip. The special day was partly spent flying business class from Kuala Lumpur to home, therefore French Champagne & Margaret River reds were on offer. Darryl and Ronda travelled to Phuket for some rest and recreation first then on to Bangkok, Siem Reap Cambodia, Penang and finally Kuala Lumpur. Highlights of the trip were seeing the River Kwai and canals around Bangkok (also helicopters’ and gunfire!) and the Angkor Wat Temples and floating village at Siem Reap in Cambodia. The country is struggling to get on its feet following Pol Pot regime and now the GFC. They also enjoyed a personal guided trip around Penang Island which included a traditional "Haka" Chinese meal cooked in a private home. It was nice to return to cooler climes after the constant 35/42c heat in SE Asia.

Brian Day emailing his thanks for the good wishes on the occasion of his 73rd birthday says Wow!  Where do the years go? It is now 20 years since Brian retired from ANZ. Still working as Mortgage Manager for a First Mortgage Fund but, will no doubt consider cutting back on hours within the next year or so. Brian and wife Julie celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with family and friends last November – only seems like yesterday when they first met at the Royal Melbourne Show when Brian worked at the ANZ Agency there in 1957. Julie was also Ticket Secretary (Staff Club) for the ANZ Ball (St Kilda Town Hall) in that year. Julie worked in G/M/O Overseas Department but, when they married she was required to leave the Bank. They are still enjoying travelling to Skilled Stadium in Geelong to watch all the Cats home games. Son Peter plus two grandsons have seats next to them in the Reg. Hickey stand which provides the Days’ with many enjoyable hours especially in view of the continuing winning home ground “streak” the Cats are having. Unfortunately, Son Peter suffered a bad cycling accident on Nepean Highway, Carrum recently which resulted in Peter spending 2 days in Frankston Hospital and a week in Epworth, Box Hill. Broke vertebrae in his neck and several ribs but his injuries could have been much worse. He is now back at work for a half-day each week and should be back full time soon. Hopefully that will be the end of his cycling efforts.

Val Goldsworthy writes thanks for the nicely worded birthday card and the best wishes. Although Val feels she’s ageing gracefully there are times when she feels that times have overtaken her.

Reg Henley writing from Rosebud on his 86th says thanks for the good wishes and he finds the newsletters very interesting reading of the happenings of members with whom he worked and still know quite well.

Trevor Lewis writing thanks for the good wishes of members on his 70th birthday says he looks forward to keeping in contact with old ANZ friends through the monthly newsletters and the Christmas luncheon.

Bernadette Hulbert emailed her thanks for her Birthday wishes. Bernadette and husband Wayne are heading off to the Simpson Desert in August and are looking forward to this very much.  Just need the rain to stop up there and the roads to be reopened.  After doing the Canning Stock Route last year, they are both really looking forward to this challenge. Planning for this trip and looking after the grandchildren (4 in all) makes for a very busy and enjoyable retirement.

Gordon Lyon writing from Wurtulla Qsld said thanks to John Vanselow for the personal message on the card for his 89th birthday. Gordon says he is not the best as he suffers from a lung disease developed many years ago following an operation and his breathing has been gradually deteriorating over time and now he is for the most part restricted to his Retirement Village.

Gavin Nailer sends a belated 'Thank You' for his birthday card. It was the seventh time that Gavin had celebrated a birthday with a 'zero'. Gavin was in Surfers for the event where it turned on its wonderful weather - rained solidly for two days during his four day visit. The last year has seen Gavin busier than ever and the arrival of his fifth grandchild has resulted in increased baby sitting duties - not that he complains. In July he will be heading to Canada with an Alaskan cruise thrown in. It’s his first time to that part of the world and he is really looking forward to it. Hope there’s no volcanos in the vicinity.

Bob Nichol still emailing at 98 says while his mobility is restricted due to an accident to his left leg he can still get out with family members or participate in the excursions run from time to time by the hostel staff. Bob appreciates the newsletters as he is reminded of the few surviving members with whom he worked or were his friends.

Peter Nyga says he had completely forgotten about the birthday cards from ANZROC, so he was delighted when he received a card signed by John Vanselow. The card arrived right on time.

The day was celebrated with a small family gathering at Peter’s place, unfortunately with one member missing – his mother who was not well enough to attend.

Alan Podger responding to the Birthday Greetings says he and wife Judy were on the Gold Coast on the actual day. Alan spent time playing bowls at Tweed Heads and also Coolangatta (with very mediocre results) and, more importantly, they caught up with their daughter and three grandchildren who had ventured down from Gladstone for a few days.

Jake Remyn writes that while he has been unable to attend a meeting for some time now he does enjoy the newsletters to see what is happening to the lives of people he used to work with and knows so well.

Allan Richardson writing from Kyabram sends thanks to John Vanselow for the birthday wishes on his 70th. The newsletter keeps Allan and wife Maureen up to date with friends and colleagues. They enjoyed the meeting held in Bendigo last year and look forward to a repeat function at some time in the near future. They both enjoy caravanning and have just completed a trip to Mount Gambier, Robe, Adelaide and the Yorke Peninsula returning home through Mildura. They will continue to keep travelling as long as their health allows. Allan still manages a few games of golf and plenty of fishing and he is so busy he has to take an RDO to mow the lawn.

Barry Rogers emailing his thanks for the good wishes for his birthday says the card arrived on the day and was much appreciated. Barry and wife Jill celebrated with an evening gathering of family and friends at home. It was great! Barry is still working three days a week bookkeeping for his solicitor and it fits in very well with their lifestyle and he intends to keep it up as long as he can. Barry and Jill are both well, apart from the usual run of aches and pains that seem to go with the increasing years, but they manage to get overseas each year – last year it was a European river cruise - this year a trip down the Nile and a visit to Petra, photos of which have intrigued Barry since the age of about nine. They are really looking forward to it.

Terry Stapleton was very pleased to receive the birthday card and best wishes for his 80th birthday. Terry never thought he’d be an “Honorary” but now won’t have to worry about whether or not he has sent the annual cheque for membership. Terry has had another good year during which he completed and self published his autobiography, titled “A Bundanoon Boy, How Lucky Can You Be”. Of course the book, which was written for his family, has a lot about a career, which he very much enjoyed, with the ANZ. Terry sends best wishes to all the members in Victoria.

Norma Thomas writing from Pialba Qsld says she greatly appreciated the good wishes she received from members on the occasion of her birthday.

Syd Swaby emailed that he and wife Margaret had arrived back on 2nd May from UK and Ireland and fortunately were not affected by Iceland Ash.

Maurice Wells writes that on his birthday wife Bev was about to undergo a hip operation which meant that Maurice was chief cook and bottle washer that kept him busy for a couple of months plus the added involvement of occasionally caring for their two grandchildren all of which was a pleasure. Otherwise all is well in the Wells household.

John White reports that the birthday card with good wishes was waiting for him on his return from a holiday in Adelaide.


Ed Collins, Trevor Cookson, Bruce Ellis, Glynn Evans, John Evans, David Hartwich, Tess Hondros, Ian Lamont, Bruce Maisey, Ian McCormick, Sudipto Pal, Peter Powell, Kevin Quigley, Denis Rice, Dick Sanders, Wendy Simmons, John Taylor, Bob Waldron, Harry Watts, Julie Wilkins, ANZROC QSLD, NSW, SA, TAS, WA



Wednesday 29 September 2010

Following the success of the Bendigo Luncheon last year, it has been decided to conduct another luncheon outside the Melbourne city boundary and this time we have chosen the Mornington Peninsula for ANZROC members and their partners. David Knuckey and his wife Glen have enthusiastically offered to assist run this luncheon, to be held at the Rosebud RSL situated 117 Eastbourne Road Rosebud (near the corner of Jetty and Eastbourne Roads.) on Wednesday 29th September 2010.

A private room and bar has been made available for the function and it is proposed that we meet at the Rosebud RSL around 12noon. The RSL Club provides a two course Seniors Luncheon (option of soup and main or main and sweets) and there is a range of selections for the seniors’ meal.

The Rosebud RSL club has asked if we would collect the luncheon costs at the door to assist them handle the volume of meals etc. It is proposed that attendees pay $20 per head at the door and any surplus funds will be added to the customary $200.00 donation from the Retired Officers Club towards providing wines, beer and soft drink to the tables

To assist members, we will endeavour to provide transport to and from the venue for those members who do have mobility/transport difficulties. We would appreciate any assistance members can give in provision of transport should such be required

An acceptance slip is attached to this newsletter and can be emailed to David Knuckey at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “, or posted to David at:- PO Box 242 Dingley Vic 3172.

Should you wish to telephone David, call: 9551 0414



A reminder that the function is now fully booked and I will be sending out the acceptances to those that expressed their interest in attending and will collect the $15.00 contribution next month. The waiting list for cancellations in case those already listed find they cannot make the luncheon has been set up so members can let me know if they want to be added to the waiting list.

In view of the interest shown by members however we will organise another visit to 833 Collins Street for the first half of 2011.


Committee member Eamon Veaney is currently planning a website for ANZROC Vic which has been approved by the Committee. Eamon is now recruiting members who would be interested in participating in an implementation team to finalise the site design and then setup the site .Team members would be asked to train volunteers responsible for providing the content and making regular updates to the site and ultimately take on the role of webmaster for ANZROC Vic. If you are interested in participating contact Eamon on 9421 2830 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Excellent golfing weather, good company and the hospitality of the Churchill Park Club ensured another successful event at this venue.

Sandy Bourke won the Ladies event (30 points) from Kathy Shady and Wendy Woods.

The men’s winner was Alan Lauder (35 points), runner-up Des Shady (33) and then Con La Fauci, Bill Robinson and Jim Karabatsos all in the 30s.

Ladies nearest the pin winner was Wendy Woods, and for the Men, winners were Jim Lee, Jim Karabatsos and Gordon Paulett.

Please note your diaries now for our next event, the 10th anniversary of the Jim Coffey Memorial Golf Day to be held again at the Traralgon course on Thursday 18 November 2010.


Brooke Findlay has sent us APT’s latest offer which is outlined below for members:



15 Day Magnificent Europe River Cruise. Price from $6201.80* per person twin share and available on Category D & E Suites

Includes: 14 nights aboard one of APT’s luxury river ships, Airport Transfers on first and last day, tipping, Services of an APT Cruise Director, Freedom of Choice Touring in 5 locations, All meals and local wine with dinner, APT’s Signature Experiences in select locations

Conditions Apply: Prices are correct as of 19 May 2010 but may fluctuate due to changes in surcharges, fees & taxes. Limited offer subject to availability. Book by 30 Sept 2010.Price includes 7% member discount and port charges & based on Cat D suite. Price valid on EUMC15 departing 20 March 2011. Free return airfare to Europe based on economy class with Malaysia Airlines & includes air taxes up to $700 pp. Air must be booked by APT. Subject to availability of airline & booking class. Once class sold out surcharges apply. Available on D & E suites. Deposit of $3000 pp due within 7 days of booking.

In order to receive the discount members must call the Travel Hotline on 1300 204 588.


Forthcoming speakers are Brooke Findlay and Susan Haberle from ATP on 12thAugust , past Chief Economist of ANZ Saul Eslake on 14th October and Retired Chairman of ANZ Charles Goode on 11th November… an interesting few months ahead. Then there is the golf in November at Traralgon on 18th November.


A final reminder that ANZROC members can now enjoy even better value from nib’s range of health covers. Nib will increase our exclusive health insurance discount from 8% to 9%, which will take effect from 01 July 2010. If you have already joined the nib corporate health plan you don’t need to do anything. You’ll automatically enjoy lower premiums from 01 July 2010.

Keep an eye out for your nib letter for more information.

Please note that the ANZROC exclusive discount applies to all products detailed on the website and includes the nib Young at Heart cover designed for those over 55 years of age! For more information visit the ANZROC website or speak with one of nib’s consultants on 1800 13 14 63 (don’t forget to tell them you are an ANZROC member)


Retired Officer member’s of the ANZ Staff Social Club of Victoria, should have received their advice to renew membership for the next financial year. The cost of a retired officer membership is $13.30 (incl. GST). 2010/11 memberships will run from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011.  If you have not received the advice or would like to join the ANZ Staff Social Club of Victoria contact Ron Adams (details above).

The Staff Social Club offers members fantastic discounts on products and services and regular updates are sent to keep you up-to-date with what’s new.


ON Thursday 8th July in the 5th FLOOR MEETING ROOMS ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET we meet for our monthly luncheon commencing at 12 noon for lunch at 12.30pm. Our guest speaker for the day will be Hugh Hodges, ANZ Chief Investment Officer Australian Private Bank and Trustees, and in view of the members interest in how to manage the roller coaster ride of the share market and superannuation in recent times it is timely that Hugh has accepted our invitation to speak at our meeting and we look forward to a large turnout of members to hear Hugh. If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Monday 5th July 2010 so that a list of attendees is provided to the ANZ Reception Desk and the 5th Floor Reception Area.

Ron Adams



5th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street, Melbourne.


I/We will be attending the luncheon function at 5/100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Thursday 8th JULY 2010.

Other contact methods phone 9821 0444, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.









Or emailed to David Knuckey at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “, or telephone David, at 9551 0414

I/we will be attending the luncheon:

Name: …………………………………………………………………

Partners Name: ……………………………………………………….

I would appreciate assistance with transport to the luncheon: Yes / No

I am able to assist with transport to and from Rosebud for members who require assistance: Yes / No





newsletter May 2010


NEWSLETTER 13th MAY 2010……


Vice President Neville Pearson welcomed 48 members and our guest speaker Anthony McEvoy with Evan Cassidy from Salvation Army. There were 6 lady members present. Neville welcomed Val Goldsworthy who was attending her first luncheon meeting , Angelo Biviano not seen for a while and John Hawkins back from his overseas travels.


Christine Baker, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Eric and Wendy Black, Helen Bouch, Geoff Burton, Robin Chase ,Brian Christensen, Diane Costigan, Bryden Davis, John Duke, Jim Dusting (Austin Texas), Phil Dunstan, Gordon Field, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, Rod Hill, Graham Joseph, Ken Lee, Jacqui Luckman, Rod Macaulay, Jim Martin, Orm McLellan, Alan Pearce, Alan Podger, Peter Pritchard, Bruce Scott, Bruce Seamons, Don Taylor, John Stevens, Bruce Tickell, Roger Watkins, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins


Barr D.R.(David) 15 years ANZ

Lobo C.A (Cheryl) 12 years ANZ

We look forward to seeing David and Cheryl at one of our meetings.


Ron Cashin is improving slowly and wife Lorraine reported that he is now at home.


The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during May and we pass on congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Eric Black (92), John Caudry ((82), Lindsay Cayzer (88 ), Jack Kilfoyle (86 ), Ian Lamont(90), Gordon Lyon (89), Joy Macdonald, David Maunder (83 ), Jack Short (98) ,Terry Stapleton (80), Max Wehner ( 85), Harold Woolcock (88),


From 1/5/2010 less than $20,000 2.83%

greater than $20,000 3.62%


Our Guest Speaker Anthony McEvoy is from the Salvation Army team in Melbourne and manages their “24/7 Melbourne’s Road Home Project”. The program commenced in September 2009 after the Federal Government’s white paper on Homelessness. The program provides high quality, effective, and responsive services to address each individual’s homelessness situation. Anthony told us about the current crisis in this area and the proactive measures being taken to help those in need. The Road Home project is made up of a 24/7 Community Response Team capable of providing both a mobile and centre based response to homeless crisis situations in the CBD and surrounding suburbs. The service provides support for homeless people with one on one support to meet a person’s particular needs and Anthony gave us an insight into a few case studies that he was handling. The team in Melbourne of 10 handles a case load of around 100 homeless people and works with other Melbourne based services including Melbourne City Mission and the St Kilda Crisis centre. The success of the Road Home project is linked to the level of support available from the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and Salvation Army Project 164 and the community as a whole working together to assist those experiencing homelessness.

Once again the generosity of ANZROC members was to the fore with donations totalling $4,779.35 handed to Anthony and Evan for their ongoing work within the Salvation Army.



Our September evening meeting this year will be a luncheon on Thursday September 9th to visit the ANZ Centre at 833 Collins Street   We have booked a function room overlooking the river but due to the restrictions imposed of room size and the necessity to run a sit down sandwich lunch the function is now fully booked and I will be sending out the acceptances to those that expressed their interest in attending and will collect the $15.00 contribution in July/August. I will also create a waiting list for cancellations in case those already listed find they cannot make the luncheon so members can let me know if they want to be added to the waiting list.

In view of the interest shown by members however we will organise another visit to 833 Collins Street for the first half of 2011.


From time to time ANZ Staff and Social Club have vacancies in their properties available to ANZROC Vic members that are members of the ANZ Staff Club. The properties are in

Apollo Bay, Blairgowrie, Cowes, Rye, Anglesea, Lakes Entrance, Rose Court, Broadbeach Qsld. and the vacancies are listed on the attached schedule

Emma Macgregor the Events Co-ordinator for ANZ Staff Club Vic keeps us up to date with the latest accommodation listing for Staff Club properties and as you can see the prices are very competitive so give Emma a call if you are interested in making a booking. EMMA MACGREGOR ,Events Co-ordinator , ANZ Staff Club Vic , ANZ Centre Level 4B, 833 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008, Phone 03 9273 4335 (Option 4)


Past players and supporters are invited to attend the annual ANZ/Albert Park Football Club past players and supporters afternoon to be held at the Beaurepaire Pavilion, Oval 20 Albert Park (Melways Reference: Map 2K G10). The match will be against our old traditional rivals Elsternwick. The reserves match commences 11.40am and seniors 2.00pm

The teams are performing well in the higher grade after last year’s successful season (runners up) and playing exciting football. Come along and offer your support to the team at the same time viewing ANZ memorabilia and catching up with old mates from the ANZ/ES&A footy days

Bar will be open from noon until 2.00pm, when it will close for the duration of the seniors match, following which, it will reopen. Food etc will be available from the canteen throughout the day

For further information contact Brian Christensen 9429 9272 or Bill “Jet” Jackson  9444 6515 ”


A reminder that the bi-yearly "Scottie Bank" Reunion Luncheon is to be held this year on Wednesday 20th October 2010 in Adelaide to commemorate 40 years since the merger with ANZ, and could possibly be the last one. The organiser of the reunion John Lauder can be contacted on 08 8381 7545 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details.


ANZROC members can now enjoy even better value from nib’s range of health covers. nib will increase our exclusive health insurance discount from 8% to 9%, which will take effect from 01 July 2010. If you have already joined the nib corporate health plan you don’t need to do anything. You’ll automatically enjoy lower premiums from 01 July 2010.

Keep an eye out for your nib letter for more information.

Please note that the ANZROC exclusive discount applies to all products detailed on our website and includes the nib Young at Heart cover designed for those over 55 years of age!

Don’t have nib health cover?

If you’re thinking about transferring your health cover, there’s never been a better time to switch to nib. Not only is switching to nib simple, but you too can enjoy the new corporate discount (and lower premiums) from 01 July 2010.

If you don’t currently have any health cover, remember,  nib will waive the usual 2 and 6 month waiting periods to claim for extras like general dental, optical and physio. Simply choose any combined hospital and extras package and you can claim straight away on most extras (longer waiting periods apply for some services including oral surgery and major dental).

For more information visit the ANZROC website or speak with one of nib’s consultants on 1800 13 14 63 (don’t forget to tell them you are an ANZROC member)

It’s worth it


ANZROC members of the ANZ Staff Club are reminded that AFL tickets are available from only $29.95 per ticket and excellent seats are available in the members’ area of MCG and Etihad Stadium. Tickets from some of the forthcoming “Blockbuster games” may still be available and you can contact Emma McGregor Events Co-ordinator | ANZ Staff Club Vic
ANZ | Level 4, 100 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, phone 9273 6242 or email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Retirees who have maintained an account based pension with ANZ Super may consider arranging a binding nomination, which in the event of death expedites beneficiary payouts.


THE SECOND EVENING MEETING FOR 2010 IS ON FRIDAY 11th June from 5pm in the Meeting Rooms, 5th Floor, 100 Queen Street Melbourne.

If you intend to come to this meeting will you let me know by Phone 98210444 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic 3144, by Monday 7th June 2010 so that a list of attendees is provided to the ANZ Reception Desk and the 5th Floor Reception Area.

Ron Adams,




5th Floor ANZ 100 Queen Street, Melbourne.


I/We will be attending the evening function at 5/100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Friday 11th June 2010.


