NEWSLETTER 9th October 2014
John McPhee |
Peter Pritchard |
John Brown |
Debbie Jerkovic |
Ron Adams |
5/347 Blackburn Road, |
19 Albert Street |
PO Box 4056 |
24 Flowerdale Road |
PO Box 579, |
Doncaster East, 3109 |
East Malvern 3145 |
Burwood East 3151 |
Glen Iris 3146 |
Malvern, 3144 |
Ph 98419535 |
Ph 95719406 |
Ph 98021810 |
Ph 98857276 |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Joan Nathan (Ph.97408001) |
Eamon Veaney (Ph.94212830) |
Neville Pearson (Ph.98020187) |
President John McPhee welcomed 51 members and partners to our luncheon meeting at 34/100 Queen Street including our Guest Speaker Peter Bearsley a member of ANZROC and the present President of Melbourne Rotary Club. Members not seen for some time included Annette and Graeme Baldwin, Neil Dawtrey, Mike Devlin for his first meeting, Jim Dusting, Nev Greenway, Darrell Hodges, Stan Lancaster, Elina Law, Ken Mahar, Geoff Meggs, Glyn Parry-Jones, Geoffrey Sandow and Bill Swan from Dalmeny NSW.
Photos taken at the luncheon by Eamon Veaney are posted on our Website and Facebook pages.
Graeme Ainscough, Clive Bayley, Noel Beanland, Diane Carew, Don Davy, John Duke, Phil Dunstan, Aldo Faella, Nola Forsyth, Norris Gale, Elaine Haw, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins, Sandra Joseph, Graeme King , Ken Lee, Gary Mason, Terry Parks, Graeme Randall, Bruce Tickell, Doug Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods
More details in next month’s newsletter.
MCLEOD R.D. (ROD) 90 YEARS 30/8/2014
John Vanselow said that Rod served in International in ANZ and was Deputy to the late John Holberton.
Kevin Watson learned the sad news that his old mate, and travelling companion, Rod McLeod, had passed away in August. Kevin and Rod had a long association in International Division. They first travelled to India, Pakistan and various Middle Eastern cities between Kuwait and Beirut. Most of them were less attractive in 1964 than they are today. Rod was a knowledgeable International banker. Have many memories of times they had together. Some of these Kevin related to John Vanselow in 1969 when he was with John in the Sub Continent. A good fellow, Dunedin born and proud of his Scottish heritage
Members stood in remembrance of John and Rod for a few moments of silence and our condolences are extended to their families.
Harry Carrodus attended the Celebration of Life service for the late Brian Weeks and said that he noticed ANZROC members Will Bailey, Wendy Black, Bob Challis, Brian Christensen, Steve Cowell, Richard Harding, Fay Horne, Don Mercer, Reg Nicholson, John Ries, Sandra Street, Doug Watson and Jill Witney at the service.
Lawrie Foord and Frank Edwards attended the funeral service for Stan Goulding and advised that at the service it was mentioned that Stan had been a member of Woodlands Golf Club for many years, also a stalwart of the Essendon Football Club and the Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club.
Kevin Coleman is still recovering from surgery after a knee replacement and would welcome calls from his colleagues.
Report received from Pat Gaskin in Bendigo about Bendigo ANZROC members:
Ian Bell has had another few days in Hospital with an infection but is home again.
Ken Chisholm now on the improve and he and wife Di are looking forward to a trip to New Zealand at the end of November.
Norm Gaskin has just had another visit to the hospital but back home recuperating.
The following Honorary members will be enjoying a birthday during OCTOBER and we pass
on Congratulations from our members for your birthdays: Graeme Baldwin (83), David Begg
(85), Fred Campbell (82), Harry Carrodus (86), Ray Dedlefs (84), Len Donohue (81), Ian Fulton
(80), Ken Howell (87), Max McKoy (91), John Moorhouse (89), Jim Nicolson (86), Des Rittman
(85), Thomas Taylor (87), Mike Whitmore (85), Eric Williams (94).
From 1/10/2014
Less than $20,000 1.68%
Greater than $20,000 2.15%
We were fortunate to have Peter Bearsley one of our ANZROC members speaking at our October meeting. Peter joined ANZ as a Research Officer in Economics Dept in Wellington in 1967and after a wide ranging and interesting career was appointed GM Charitable Trusts till retiring in 2001.While in the Charitable Trusts role, he got to know the symbiotic world of philanthropy and the many excellent charitable service agencies helping make Melbourne the World’s Most Livable City. He joined the Rotary Club of Melbourne – the first and largest Rotary Club in Australia - in 1998 and served as Vice-President of the Club in 2006-7 and in 2012-13 before being elected President for 2014-15. Peter outlined the august history of Melbourne Rotary Club and gave a brief rundown of the successes of the club over the 90 years of its existence. The present structure of the club in Melbourne operating within a budget of almost $900,000 annually is complex and as a banker Peter is well placed to oversee the management of the many projects and services provided by Rotary. Peter highlighted the project that over the last three years he has been responsible for… a USD235, 000 project to reduce maternal and infant mortality in East Timor. He ran the Berlin Marathon in 2011 to raise the Rotary Club’s contribution to the funding. The extensive question and answer session that followed completed an interesting luncheon enjoyed by those present.
Mike Aranha emails his thanks to ANZROC (Vic) and the impeccable timing from Kathy Trace. Mike’s birthday card arrived on time as usual, as they do for all other esteemed members. He has just done a two week tour to Cambodia, which was a wonderful experience. The people there are amazingly calm and friendly, considering the troubles they have experienced in recent times. Mike and his wife have already started planning their next trip to Laos. Very good food, fantastic service, and cold beer – all at a very affordable price .Mike would recommend a visit. The culture and history is so diverse, with the Angkor Wat complex and Tonle Sap (lake) being the highlights of the trip. The former is listed as the Seventh Wonder of the World, whilst the latter is 16000 square km in high water season, though only 2700 square km, in the dry season. Eildon is a pup, at 138.5 square km. Mike worked at M394 at the time he celebrated his twenty first and his ‘boss’ was none other than ANZROC Auditor Alan. K. Forrest .It does not seem that long ago! Good to see Alan still has his good accounting and auditing principles on track. They were a good team Frosty!
Dave Brookman writes from Dromana to express his thanks to the Committee and Kathy Trace in particular for the birthday card for his 91st received recently and as usual right on time. The cards are a means of keeping in touch with the members and it is great that the practice has been maintained over the years.
Geoff Burton emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the birthday card which once again arrived on the due date. Geoff has been travelling throughout Eastern Australia for a considerable time this year, chasing the better weather. Geoff regularly sees Gai Stuart (widow of that famously known Hector). She keeps good health and now in her mid eighties. Geoff also has regular contact with Arty Booth, and Geoff feels Arty appears to have not changed one bit since retirement.
Muriel Drummond writes to thank the Committee and members and also Kathy for her recent birthday card- always appreciated. Muriel does enjoy catching up with news of former colleagues in the Newsletter and it is nice to see a familiar name pop up.
Phil Dunstan emails that it is again great to receive the newsy ANZROC Newsletter and to catch up with the various activities of familiar names. Many thanks again to Kathy for her right on the ball Birthday Card - it gives a warm feeling to receive a non-bill in the snail mail. It is an unusual occurrence in these days of emails etc. Although it is now some 32 years since Phil left the Bank, after 26 years service, it is good to remember the work ethics and disciplines which he received as a young teenager - those disciplines have enabled him to achieve good personal goals as well as being involved in community activities. With children in Brisbane, Bendigo, and Norway, they have good reasons to be regularly on the move and to maintain their fitness.
Ken Fitzgerald writes from MacLeod to thank Kathy for her thoughtfulness in remembering his 86th birthday. Life has been rather hectic although no holidays or trips but plenty of aches and pains and feeling older with 6 great grand children. He hopes to see friends and colleagues at the Christmas luncheon.
Bruce Gay emails his thanks to the Committee and Kathy for his Birthday card which was received on the day. Bruce and wife Jean have just returned from a short trip to Darwin and some of the top end and he can thoroughly recommend it. They spent a couple of weeks earlier this year in Vanuatu which was also a great experience. Bruce and Jean are planning another trip for next year.
Elaine Haw our latest committeewoman says she won’t be at the October meeting as she will be travelling in Europe. Elaine says it’s a pity that she will miss the talk by Peter Bearsley as she worked with him at Esanda. He is a very inspirational person.
Louis Hebrard emails his thanks to the club for his birthday card. Louis and wife Ann returned from Europe and he was most pleased to receive the card from ANZROC.
Louis had a great birthday in Paris of all places. It was pretty well an all day celebration ending up with dinner at a beautiful restaurant that had been booked from Melbourne by Chris and Libby Procter, who travelled with them. After a few days in Paris they picked up a hire car and motored to the Loire valley and zigzagged leisurely down the west of France, eventually staying a week in Provence. Then they spent a week each to Barcelona and Lisbon by TGV and plane respectively. It was a really enjoyable holiday. Fortunately Louis is keeping fit, well and well occupied with voluntary work, grandchild minding, golf and many other pursuits.
Jack Helisma emails a big thank you to Kathy for faithfully sending the ROC birthday greeting card. Jack hopes it will be his privilege to receive the greeting again next year when he reaches the big 80. Jack and wife Robin are pleased to have been able to tour most parts of the world during his career and since retirement. They had however never visited New Zealand saying they will do this when they are old!! Hence with decreasing mobility and other health issues it was timely to visit New Zealand during March this year. Jack and Robin chose to drive, rather than go on an organised tour, covering approximately 3,500kms in four weeks over both islands. The scenery was stunning, accommodation excellent and the weather good. New Zealand is certainly a beautiful country and now ranks high in their list of favourites. It was saddening to see the damage to the Cathedral, homes, commercial buildings and roads caused by the severe earthquakes and subsequent floods in and around Christchurch. Restoration is expected to take many years. However it was heartening to note people’s resilience and overall positive outlook.
Jack is grateful for the many happy memories of the 40 years with ANZ and the now 20 years of fulfilling retirement life. He was sad to learn of the passing of Bob Goldsworthy whom he succeeded upon Bob’s retirement, as Regional Executive of Northern Region Commercial Banking VIC in 1987. Bob was highly esteemed by the staff and customers.
June Hoskin writes to thank the Committee for remembering her birthday which she enjoyed with a family dinner at a restaurant in Glenferrie Road, Malvern. The thoughtfulness in sending the card was very much appreciated.
Doug Imrie emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card he received upon return from 4 months up north doing the grey nomad winter excursion. Doug and wife Trish managed to enjoy a dinner at the Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club with Bruce and Glennis Robertson and our “Treasurer” John & Jan Brown, reminiscing over days gone by. Unfortunately, their Pajero blew the engine just north of Taree, so car and caravan are still coming south on the back of a truck.
Gerry Kennedy reports that 2014 since March has been spent recovering from a complete knee reconstruction after surgery, recovery and now respite care but the operation has been a great success. Gerry still enjoys reading the newsletters.
Maria Malicse just wanted to say thanks for the birthday card and greetings from the ANZROC family. As usual, it arrived in time for her “special day”.
Colin McNamara said he did enjoy the September meeting at the Mulgrave Country Club spent with other ANZROC members, chatting about times past, and he looks forward to joining members again at a future gathering.
Fay McPherson emails her thanks for the Birthday Greetings, with an extra special thank you to Kathy for carrying on the great tradition set by Max and John. Fay’s card arrived right on the dot and was much appreciated. She spent the day quietly at home this year. However, she did receive a call from stepson Bruce and his family, who regaled Fay with a rendition of Happy Birthday from across the world in Norway. Its thirty years next month since Gerry and Fay retired – how quickly time passes when you are having fun!
Dick Milnthorpe emails his thanks for the birthday greeting which is much appreciated, Dick and wife Pat will be going out to lunch to celebrate at a place called Dell Quay on Chichester Harbour. Unfortunately Dick and Pat will not be making their customary migration down under this year, first one they have missed since 1992, due to other commitments, and will have to get their overcoats and snowshoes out! Dick remembers years ago in London Office they had a complaint from a recently arrived Aussie staff member that all the trees had died at his Bank house!! Dick and Pat send best wishes to all their many friends in OZ. lest auld acquaintance be......
Ray Murphy noted with sadness the passing of Stan Goulding advised in the September newsletter. Ray’s memories of Stan go back to 1957 when they attended the Scottie Accountants School 90 Bourke St Branch and following the breakup of same he felt a little woozy .Stan said he would look after Ray as they both lived on the Frankston line …Moorabbin for Ray Stan further on. At Malvern he opened the train door and said see you later he was always the Wag. Others attending that school still popup in dispatches include Norm Wood, Frank Edwards and a young man from State Admin Will Bailey. Stan also played Santa at the Scottie Children’s Xmas Party at Chelsea Beach arriving by Motor Launch...a sight to see. Ray recalls the late Brian Weeks (although from the old country) was a great representative of Administration easy to get to know and a joy to meet in the 80’s at Central Highlands Area functions. It’s great to have memories but sadly as we grow older we lose so many friends.
Maggie Murray writing from Mortlake says thanks to Kathy Trace for her birthday card.
Jill Paterson emails her thanks for the kind thoughts on her birthday that were much appreciated. Jill’s Tuesday line-dancers surprised her with a cake which was unexpected but a lovely thought. On the big day, she saw David Suchet in "The Last Confession" and then she was off to Sydney to see The Mavericks (touring from the U.S.) her favorite group - yet another birthday indulgence. Thanks to Kathy for her remarkable organisation of the birthday cards.
Alan Pearce would like to express his thanks for the greetings on the occasion of his recent 79th birthday. Kathy Trace does an excellent job in getting cards out to members on time each year and Alan would like to express his sincere thanks to her for her great effort. It is greatly appreciated.
Dietmar Reichert emails his thanks to Kathy Trace for the timely receipt of his birthday card and best wishes for the 70th!! Reflecting on the years gone by one must acknowledge just how much assistance and co-operation one enjoyed in order to reach the milestones in life. Dietmar made a big point in this regard at the formal celebration of his birthday at the German Club Tivoli in Windsor (Vic). It was great to reflect on the many positives in front of Family and Friends – and in particular the 4 grandchildren. He also recalls fondly the many great times had at ANZ over the years and the support received from many at the time when he needed it! Health and all else is good and Dietmar is still doing some “work” and helping people to stop smoking (and dealing with other issues) if they so desire. Best wishes to all ANZROC members –“value each day”,
Barry Reid emails to thank Kathy Trace for his birthday card and her good wishes for the birthday, which was celebrated with family just prior to heading away in their caravan for a couple of months. They have enjoyed their caravan travels over the past 30 odd years, travelling this year across to Adelaide onto Renmark, spending time at Mildura, Swan Hill and Shepparton with family and friends prior to returning home. Barry and his wife enjoyed having a couple of overseas trips some years ago, and now are hopeful of continuing on with their caravan travels while health permits.
Peter Russell emails that it always amazes him how the ANZROC always arrange for the birthday cards to arrive on exactly the right day! With the many members we now have, this is indeed a great achievement. Thank you for the card and congratulations to all those involved.
The lunch at Mulgrave on 11 September was a great success and enjoyed by all those who attended
Ron Smith emails his thanks for the best wishes received on the occasion of his 86th birthday.
Ron is busy visiting Bunnings to spend Gift Cards, received on the day. He is very fortunate that health is holding up, allowing him to enjoy the good things of life.
John Sudholz emails his thanks to Kathy for the unerring "arrive on the day" ANZROC birthday greeting. He enjoyed a celebratory dinner in Camberwell with family that night and then further celebrations on the following day at the G seeing the Mighty Hawks demolish the Swans.
John and wife Noelene have enjoyed two lovely overseas trips this year. Firstly, three weeks touring Italy and two weeks cruising the Rhone in France from early May. Then, after a quick turnaround, a memorable four weeks in Scandinavia in August. They are so fortunate to be able to undertake such travels.
Peter Treleaven emails his thanks to Kathy for his birthday card which arrived right on the day. Always brings back the memory of having to work back on the Banks annual balance day in the good old days when nearly everything was done manually. Did he say “good” old days!!. Peter says all is well and still playing golf at Latrobe 3 days a week but the group’s numbers are down with the sad loss of John McConnell and Bluey Duguid last year. Peter has been spending a bit of time traveling down memory lane recently spending 2 weeks in Port Vila Vanuatu last year catching up with old friends and their families. Very emotional as it is nearly 40 years since he was Manager there. Peter also sailed on a 35 day cruise around the Pacific visiting islands of Hawaii and Tahiti to places that he went on familiarization trips for ANZ Travel back in the 1960’s. Delightfully not a great deal had changed.
Eamon Veaney had an enjoyable birthday dinner with family and friends at the hot new Collingwood restaurant Le Bon Ton located at the old Glasshouse pub. Great Cajun food and New Orleans blues music.
Doug Watson emails his thanks to Kathy for the birthday card ….the years go round even faster!!. Doug and wife Maureen dashed off to see their daughter and grandsons in Seattle where their son in law has been head hunted by Amazon to work on a quasi bank strategy. They all want to get into the game! Doug and Maureen then fly to London to celebrate Doug’s mother’s 100th birthday. Sad to be at Brian Weeks farewell celebration of life but good to catch up on old memories with some of the old ANZ team
AND Geoff Christensen, Kelvin Dickinson, Aldo Faella, Geoff Horton, Graeme King, Harry Loucas, Peter Marinick, Peter O’Dwyer, Tony Palmer, Peter R Smith.
It’s on again at Rosebud Country Club - 207 Boneo Road, Rosebud 3939
Men’s & Ladies’ Stableford Competitions for members of ANZROC and their partners.
Rosebud Country club is approximately one hour’s easy drive from the City or Eastern suburbs via the Monash, Eastlink and Peninsula Link freeways and is located at the end of the Mornington Peninsula freeway.
The course we have been allocated for the day is the premier North Course, the same as last year. Visit for course layout, dress regulations, etc.
Players without a current Registered or Social Club handicap are most welcome and will be given a handicap for the day. Once again, we are particularly keen to see a good roll-up of lady players.
Entry Fee - $65.00 per person (Members of Rosebud Country Club $30.00)
(Covers Green Fees, Trophies and a table-served barbecued lunch with wine) - Drinks available at normal Club bar prices. Lunch Only - $22 per person. Motorised Cart Hire - $25.00 payable at pro shop.
Entries close - Thursday 20th November.
Hit-off from 8.30am on tees one and ten (Arrive by 8.00 am to get card & draw).
On-course Accommodation available at The Fairways Resort Motel. Telephone number 5950 2111
o Dinner is available seven nights a week in the club’s restaurant.
Enquiries to – Huck Bourke 0411 237 569. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cut off here
ANZROC Rosebud Country Club Golf Day– Friday 28 November. Entries Close – 20thNovember.
ENTRY FORM (Option to email details and direct credit ANZROC account available – see below)
Your Contact details:
Name……………………………….Hcp……… … Name…………………….…………Hcp………….
Total number of entries. …….…@ $65.00 ($30.00 for Rosebud members) = $…………...
Meal only (non-playing partners)............ @22.00 = $__________
Total $__________
Mail entry form and cheque payable to ANZROC to:
Huck Bourke
32 Grandview Terrace,
Mount Martha 3934
EMAIL names and handicaps of players and those non golfers who require a meal only
to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make electronic payment direct to:
ANZROC Bank Account 013350 306451947
(Please make sure your name is included in the payment information)
Subscriptions for ANZROC membership for 2014/2015 are now due and payments can be sent by cheque to our Treasurer John Brown, PO Box 4056, Burwood East 3151, Phone 98021810. (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
or members can make payments electronically to ANZROC account through your internet banking facilities. Details of the ANZROC account are set out in the renewal form and please ensure that personal details in the “payee information” section i.e. Name and Initial are shown so that we can record the receipt as often the funds are received with no details provided…as a failsafe members can send the renewal slip or email to John Brown advising that payment has been made through internet banking.
The separate advice for renewal of subscriptions follows and you will note that the subscriptions remain at $20.00 for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.
Honorary Members please note: – you do not need to pay any subscription
Subscriptions are due and payable to ANZROC Vic and can be posted by cheque to John Brown,
PO Box 4056, Burwood East, Vic 3151, (phone No. 9802 1810 )
Or paid directly into the ANZROC account details of which are:
BSB: 013 350
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3064 51947
The Annual Subscription is $20.00 for Metropolitan Members and for Country and Interstate Members the Annual Subscription is $10.00 and should reach John Brown prior to 31st October 2013
……………………………………………………………… $…………..
(Name of member) Amount enclosed/ or Amount paid to ANZROC account electronically
(Delete whichever category not applicable)
Phone number…………………………………………………
e-mail address…………………………………………………
The Club will again hold the Annual Christmas Luncheon thanks to ANZ Group making this excellent venue available and subsidising the cost of the luncheon. Mike Smith CEO will respond to the toast to ANZ to be given by Dan Kirtley. A number of Senior Executives will also be attending.
The committee has agreed to maintain the cost of the function at $30.00. Refunds will not be paid unless the Secretary or Treasurer receive notice no later than 4 December 2014 as we are required to advise the caterers final numbers on that date.
This year we will arrange for ALL members to be allocated a table.
If you wish to host a table of ten, you will need to nominate a table host and ensure that others in your group record the host name on the “acceptance slip” or email below.
If you do not wish to host a table, but would like to sit with your colleagues please specify who you would like to have on your table and we will ensure that your requirement is met.
If you do not nominate a preference, we will allocate you to a table with comparable colleagues.
The programme is similar to last year:
Admittance for pre-lunch drinks from 11.30am
Admittance to function room from 12.15pm
Luncheon commences at 12.30pm
If you wish to attend, host a table or join a table, don’t forget to send the “acceptance slip” or email advice to Peter Pritchard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Members are encouraged to make payments electronically to ANZROC BSB 013 350 Account Number 3064 51947. Please include your name and initial in the “Payee information” so that we can correctly record your payment.
For those who wish to make payment by cheque, they can be made out to ANZROC and sent to the Secretary 19 Albert Street East Malvern 3145. Please include the “acceptance slip”.
Name of
Amount Enclosed /or Amount paid to ANZROC account. (Delete category not applicable)
I will be hosting a table Y/N. I wish to be on a table with
…………………………………………………….……………… or allocate me to a table.
Return this slip to Peter Pritchard 19 Albert Street, East Malvern 3145
13th NOVEMBER 2014: the 40th ANZROC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in the MELBOURNE ROOM ON 34TH FLOOR ANZ 100 QUEEN STREET at 12 NOON and the Committee has arranged for a wine tasting by renowned family owned King Valley winery Pizzini to present their current vintage for members enjoyment and the opportunity to purchase a wide range of fine wines.
The Agenda for the meeting and Minutes of the 39th AGM are attached .
If you intend to come to this meeting will you let Ron Adams know by Phone 98210444 /0408136100 , e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail on the attached acceptance notice to Ron Adams PO Box 579, Malvern, 3144 by Friday 7th November 2014 to meet ANZ catering requirements and so that a list of attendees can be provided to the ANZ Reception Desk.
A reminder that the luncheon fee of $10.00 will be collected at the door to partially cover the cost of catering
Ron Adams
Newsletter Editor.
PO BOX 579, MALVERN, VIC 3144 Phone 9821 0444 / 0408136100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I/we will be attending the Luncheon function
President John McPhee
Immediate Past President Neville Pearson
Senior Vice President Vacant
Vice President Col Edwards
Secretary Peter Pritchard
Assistant Secretary Joan Nathan
Newsletter Editor Ron Adams
Honorary Treasurer John Brown
Committee Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke,
Con La Fucia, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Kathy Trace, Eamon Veaney,
Co-opted 2013/4 Wolf Damschitz, Elaine Haw,
Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic
Notice is hereby given that the 40th Annual General Meeting of the ANZ Banking Group Retired Officers’ Club (Vic) will be held in the Melbourne Room, 34th Floor 100 Queen Street, Melbourne on Thursday 13th November 2014 at 12.00noon
1. Present and confirm the Minutes of 39th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 14th November 2013
2. Presentation of President’s Report 2013/2014
3. Receive and adopt Annual Financial Report and Statement for the year to 30th September 2014
4. In terms of the Constitution Clause 4 Subscription: It is proposed by John Brown (Treasurer) and seconded by Peter Pritchard (Secretary) that “the subscription for the year from 1st October 2014 be maintained at $20.00 per year for Metropolitan members and $10.00 for Country and Interstate members.
5. In terms of the Constitution Clause 3which states that “Any member who has rendered valuable service to the Club over a period of not less than 10 (ten) years may be elected a Life Member at either an Ordinary Meeting or at an Annual General Meeting”……it is moved by Ron Adams (Newsletter Editor) and seconded by Neville Pearson (Immediate Past President ) that President John McPhee having attained ten years service be nominated for Life Membership”
6. All Positions declared vacant. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for year 2014-2015
7. Appointment of Auditor
8. Incoming President to address the meeting
9. General Business and Closure.
All nominations for Office Bearers and Committee, on the attached printed form should be forwarded to the Secretary by Monday 10th November 2014 to 19 Albert Street Malvern East, Vic 3145.
We …………………………………………….. ………………………………………….
(Print full name) (Signature)
and ……………………………………………… …………………………………………..
(Print full name) (Signature)
being financial members of ANZROC (Vic) hereby nominate
……………………………………for the office of …………………………Or Committeeman
I accept the nomination …………………………………………………………… (Signature)
Meeting held at 34 Floor 100 Queen Street on Thursday the 14th November 2013 at 1.30 pm.
President John McPhee welcomed 45 members to the 39th Annual General Meeting of the Club.
Diane Carew, Lawrence Cox, Mike Devlin, Aldo Faella, Nola Forsyth, Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Roy Harper, Frank Hatfield, John Hawkins , Dorothy Hayes, Bob Heinemann , Bernadette Hulbert, Sandra Joseph, Con La Fauci, Ken Lee, Fay McPherson, Gerry McPherson, Gary Mason, Noelene Noonan, Peter Nyga, Graeme Randall, David Schunke, Bruce Scott, Bruce Tickell, Jackie Waite, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins, David Woods.
Circulated with October Newsletter and accepted by members present. No discussion.
President John McPhee then presented his Presidents report for 2013. The full report was available on each of the tables and subsequently posted on the ANZROC website for members’ information.
The 2013 Financial statement was emailed to members receiving electronic newsletters and hard copies made available at the meeting. Treasurer John Brown presented the statements and as there was no further discussion the statements were received on the motion of John Brown and Peter Pritchard and passed by members present.
Subscription fees for 2013-2014 to remain at $20 for metropolitan members and $10 for country and interstate members. Proposed John Brown seconded Peter Pritchard and passed by members present.
In view of the fact that sufficient nominations were received to fill all positions the following were appointed as Office Bearers and Committee for year 2013-2014.
President John McPhee
Immediate Past President Neville Pearson
Senior Vice President David Knuckey
Vice President Col Edwards
Secretary Peter Pritchard
Assistant Secretary Joan Nathan
Newsletter Editor Ron Adams
Honorary Treasurer John Brown
Committee Noel Beanland, George Cooper, John Duke, Con La Fauci, Gary Mason, Kevin Mitchell, Noelene Noonan, Kathy Trace, and Eamon Veaney
Records Officer Debbie Jerkovic
Member Alan Forrest was nominated and agreed to act as Auditor and was appointed Honorary
Auditor for 2013/2014 by members.
There was no general business.
Meeting concluded at 1.45 pm
Peter Pritchard